subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

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Solving Subtraction Problems KS1 Reasoning Test Practice

These questions have been taken from the 2016 Reasoning Test KS1 Paper to help your children practise specific question types.

National Curriculum Objectives Year 1 -  (1C4) Solve one step problems involving subtraction Year 2 - (2C4) Solve problems with subtraction Year 2 - (2C1) Recall and use subtraction facts to 20 and related facts to 100. Year 2 -  (2C2b) Subtract a two digit and ones, a two-digit and tens and two two-digit numbers.​​


Beginner Taking away a 1-digit number from a 1-digit number including number bonds to 10.  Aimed at Year 1 Developing.

Easy Taking away a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number (including number bonds to 20) using numbers up to 30.  Aimed at Year 1 secure/Year 2 Emerging.

Tricky Taking away a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number and some 2-digit numbers from a 2-digit number using multiples of 10.  Aimed at Year 2 Developing.

Expert Taking away 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers.  Aimed at Year 2 Secure.

Worksheets include answers.

Solving Subtraction Problems - Beginner (Worksheet)

subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

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Solving Subtraction Problems - Easy (Worksheet)

subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

Solving Subtraction Problems - Tricky (Worksheet)

subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

Solving Subtraction Problems - Expert (Worksheet)

subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

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subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1


subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

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subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

Visual maths worksheets, each maths worksheet is differentiated and visual.

Year 1 Subtraction Worksheets

Year 1 Maths Worksheets / Year 1 Subtraction Worksheets

Our Year 1 subtraction worksheets will help your students easily understand the concept of subtraction and how to apply it to solving problems. Our PDF subtracting worksheets are developed by professional educators and will be fun and engaging for your students, while providing them with the subtraction skills practice they need. These resources cover important year 2 topics such as one and two digit subtraction, number bonds, number lines, and much more. Cazoom Maths Worksheets will save hours of lesson planning time and come with detailed answer sheets to help in tracking the progress of your students and home learners. Our subtraction worksheets are easy to understand and can be used in the classroom or for homework, practice, and as an assessment.

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Year levels.

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Expected level of development

Australian Curriculum Mathematics V9 :  AC9M1N04

Numeracy Progression : Additive strategies: P6, Number and place value: P3

At this level, students build upon the foundations of additive thinking. They draw upon part-part-whole understanding of numbers to 10 as they explore addition and subtraction within 20.

Use physical and virtual materials (such as leaves, pebbles, twigs, counters and blocks) to model addition and subtraction problems involving collections up to 10, then 20. Include tens frames and number lines as useful tools when modelling additive situations.

Make it clear that there can be multiple ways to solve a given problem. Encourage students to choose solution paths that make the most sense to them and have them provide explanations about how a particular solution works. Model curiosity around mistakes and help students see them as opportunities to learn. Give plenty of thinking time to solve problems.

Help students understand and connect key language to mathematical symbols. For instance, ‘three more than five is eight’ can be described and written as ‘3 and 5 is 8’ and ‘8 is 3 and 5’. It can also be written as 3 + 5 is 8 and 5 + 3 is 8 as well as 3 + 5 = 8 and 8 = 5 + 3. Be explicit about the job of the equals sign (=) which is there to tell us that the quantities on either side of it are the same; they are equal. Include interactions with equations such as 4 + 3 = 2 + 5.

Provide novel contexts, such as games and challenging tasks, to apply and consolidate addition and subtraction. Story problems involving addition and subtraction can emerge as a result of recent classroom experiences, discussions or stories read. Be sure to include stories, dance and games from different cultures that involve additive situations.

Teaching and learning summary:

  • Explore addition and subtraction with materials, stories, role-play, games, challenging tasks and regular classroom talks.
  • Ensure a playful culture of learning where mistakes and struggle are seen as valuable to learning.
  • Include opportunities to solve worded problems in different ways.

subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

  • model and describe addition and subtraction in different ways using part-part-whole knowledge
  • solve and model story problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers to 20
  • choose reliable strategies to solve addition and subtraction, for example, they use counting-up and counting-down along with known number facts to support computation
  • recognise and use the + and − symbols and the equals sign (=) to represent addition and subtraction.

Some students may:

  • think of the equals sign (=) as ‘here comes the answer’ instead of seeing it as a balance between equivalent statements. To address this, regularly present addition and subtraction problems in different ways. For example: 7 − 5 = ▢ can also be written as ▢ = 7 − 5 and 2 = 7 − ▢.
  • not understand the commutative property in addition; that the order of the addends can be changed and it will not affect the answer and so draw on this when solving additive problems. To address this, use physical materials to model the property and provide opportunities to explore, test and think about whether this property always works.
  • not understand the associative property in addition; that it doesn’t matter which order you add numbers when adding three numbers or more. To address this, explicitly teach this idea and how useful it is to make solving problems easier. In 3 + 6 + 7, for instance, adding the 3 and 7 to make 10, and then adding 6 to make 16 can be considered an easier path. Include a focus on these kinds of addition problems during regular classroom talks to support fluency with this idea.
  • think that adding zero (e.g. 5 + 0) will result in a larger number because they have learned that ‘adding makes numbers larger’. Similarly, when subtracting zero (e.g. 5 − 0) they think the answer will be smaller than the minuend. To address this, provide repeated opportunities to explore problems that add and subtract zero.

The Learning from home activities are designed to be used flexibly by teachers, parents and carers, as well as the students themselves. They can be used in a number of ways including to consolidate and extend learning done at school or for home schooling.

Learning intention

  • We are learning to solve addition and subtraction problems.

Why are we learning about this?

  • We use addition and subtraction in everyday life.

What to do:

When engaged in creative play, notice situations involving addition and subtraction. Model curiosity and pose questions such as:

  • You’ve some green blocks there and some red blocks. How many of each? How many blocks altogether?
  • There are 4 wheels on the truck and another 4 wheels on the car. How many wheels altogether? How do you know for sure?
  • How many gumnuts have you there? What if I took these two, how many would be left?

Read storybooks and discuss situations involving addition and subtraction. Model curiosity and pose questions such as:

  • There are 5 lemons here … and 2 more lemons here. How many altogether?
  • Dog is joined by his friends. How many animals are there now?
  • Oh, the goat just ate another apple! There were 5 apples. How many are left now?

Link addition and subtraction to everyday situations. For example:

  • Provide opportunities to play with, sort and add up money.
  • When shopping, or when playing shops, talk about the total number of items in the basket. For example: There are 4 apples, 5 bananas and 2 oranges. How many pieces of fruit altogether?
  • When drawing pictures, notice and describe additive aspects such as the number of legs on two dogs (4 and 4) and the number of legs on the person (2) makes a total of 10 legs.
  • When making money calculations use whole dollars. For example: The milk costs $3 and the bread costs $3. So altogether, how much do we need to pay? If we pay with a $10 note, how much change will we get?

Play games involving additive thinking. For example:

  • Play Concentration (also known as Memory) where two sets of cards are numbered 0 to 10. In this variation, the aim is to collect the most pairs of cards as possible that make 10.

Think about and discuss different ways of solving addition and subtraction. For example, To solve 7 + 6 you might decide to:

  • Count up from 7, 6 times (...8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
  • Break the 6 up into 3 and 3 to ‘make a friendly 10’: 7 + 3 = 10; 10 + 3 = 13
  • Start with a known doubles fact of 6 + 6 = 12. Then add 1 more to get 13.

Know that mistakes are a normal part of building mathematical understanding. Be curious about mistakes and see them as opportunities to learn. Take plenty of time to solve problems.

Success criteria

  • use language like ‘____ and _____ makes _____’ and ‘____ plus ____ equals’ to describe addition
  • use language like ‘_____ take away ______ leaves’ and ‘____ minus ____ equals’ to describe subtraction
  • use strategies such as ‘counting up’, ‘breaking numbers apart’ and ‘using known facts’ to help solve addition and subtraction problems.

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Teaching strategies.

A collection of evidence-based teaching strategies applicable to this topic. Note we have not included an exhaustive list and acknowledge that some strategies such as differentiation apply to all topics. The selected teaching strategies are suggested as particularly relevant, however you may decide to include other strategies as well. 

Concrete, Representational, Abstract (CRA model) Image

Concrete, Representational, Abstract (CRA model)

The CRA model is a three-phased approach where students move from concrete or virtual manipulatives, to making visual representations and on to using symbolic notation.

Culturally responsive pedagogy Image

Culturally responsive pedagogy

Mathematics is not an exclusive western construct. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge and demonstrate the mathematics to be found in all cultures.

Multiple exposures Image

Multiple exposures

Providing students with multiple opportunities within different contexts to practise skills and apply concepts allows them to consolidate and deepen their understanding.

Questioning Image


A culture of questioning should be encouraged and students should be comfortable to ask for clarification when they do not understand.

Classroom talks Image

Classroom talks

Classroom talks enable students to develop language, build mathematical thinking skills and create mathematical meaning through collaborative conversations.

Collaborative learning Image

Collaborative learning

For group work to be effective students need to be taught explicitly how to work together in different settings, such as pairs or larger groups, and they need to practise these skills.

Teaching resources

A range of resources to support you to build your student's understanding of these concepts, their skills and procedures. The resources incorporate a variety of teaching strategies.

Recording data in a game of Kolap: Part 1 Image

Recording data in a game of Kolap: Part 1

In this first of two lessons, students investigate and play a First Nations Australian children’s instructive game of throwing skill called Kolap.

Visualising data for a game of Kolap: Part 2 Image

Visualising data for a game of Kolap: Part 2

Students create a visual representation of the data collected and recorded while playing a First Nations Australian children’s instructive game of throwing skill called Kolap.

Put them together Image

Put them together

Use these language-based activities to understand commutativity by exploring addition problems.

Classroom Talk Prompts – Year 1 Number_Addition and Subtraction Image

Classroom Talk Prompts – Year 1 Number_Addition and Subtraction

Use this slide deck to launch classroom talks that explore additive thinking.

Dot Card Talk 1 Image

Dot Card Talk 1

Use this visual lesson to connect addition and subtraction to numbers when thinking of them in terms of parts.

Eggs in a basket Image

Eggs in a basket

This task presents an open-ended problem without an obvious answer. Solutions emerge through reasoning, and trial and error.

Heads and feet Image

Heads and feet

This activity presents an open-ended problem without an obvious answer. Solutions emerge through reasoning, and trial and error.

Number round up Image

Number round up

These puzzles provide an authentic context for using trial and error, and the reasoning required when working on tricky problems.

Part-whole triangles Image

Part-whole triangles

Players attempt to make part-whole triangles from cards they have been dealt.

Number lines and bead strings  Image

Number lines and bead strings

Students use additive strategies to solve problems.

Relevant assessment tasks and advice related to this topic.

By the end of Year 1, students can/should be able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of numbers to 20.

Number Check Image

Number Check

Use this diagnostic interview to gauge students’ number knowledge.

Assessment task: How many? Representing sharing and grouping Image

Assessment task: How many? Representing sharing and grouping

Use this task to assess students’ knowledge and use of additive thinking.

Mathematics Year 1: ACARA Image

Mathematics Year 1: ACARA

Refer to Year 1 work sample 6, Number: I dropped my counters. Students are given a handful of counters and use drawings and numbers to represent their thinking.

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Reasoning and Problem Solving Questions Collection - KS1 and KS2

Reasoning and Problem Solving Questions Collection - KS1 and KS2

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

White Rose Education's Shop

Last updated

10 March 2023

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subtraction reasoning and problem solving year 1

These booklets each contain over 40 reasoning and problem solving questions suitable for KS1, KS2 and KS3 classes. These are the questions that we have been putting out each day in March 2016 on Twitter in the run up to SATS.

The answers are provided with some simple notes at the back of the booklet and for some problems supplementary questions and variation has been provided.

As always we welcome any feedback on the work we are doing and the materials that we are releasing. Thank you for taking an interest in our work. The White Rose Maths Hub Team

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A very good and engaging way to teach mastery of maths. Thank you for sharing

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Problem solving: addition and subtraction (1)

A first look at word problems needing addition or subtraction to solve.

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I See Reasoning - KS1

The ebook i see reasoning - ks1 gives 281 thought-provoking images and questions linked to all areas of the ks1 maths curriculum. tasks help to build children's conceptual understanding, promoting non-counting calculation and providing opportunities for reasoning and talk. there are rich tasks for deepening learning every day.

I See Reasoning - KS1 Addition  is a free sample section from the resource. Visual prompts help children to see likely mistakes, notice similarities between questions and develop new strategies for calculating. Techniques such as  Read the Pictures, Explain the Mistakes  and  Which Answer?  draw attention to key learning points and help to generate focused talk. For order enquiries, please read the Frequently Asked Questions .

I See Reasoning - KS1

There are prompts that open up mathematical investigations, for example the  Different Ways  tasks.  True or False? questions draw children's attention to key differences between correct and incorrect responses. There are also different question types that are specific to particular areas of the curriculum, like the  Missing Hand questions in the time section. There are answers too!

True or false 2

I See Reasoning - KS1 Addition  gives a free copy of one of the sections from the resource. Please use and share it!

The 281 tasks of  I See Reasoning - KS1  cover all areas of the Year 1&2 mathematics curriculum. There are many other question types that display maths concepts visually, including the use of bar models. All of the tasks encourage meaningful mathematical talk and challenge children to apply their understanding flexibly. This helps pupils to develop mastery in KS1 mathematics.

I See Reasoning - KS1  corresponds to US grade levels K and grade 1, and Australian school years 1&2. The sale price is  £15  When ordered, the PDF file is emailed direct to your inbox for your use. To purchase, click on the link below:


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    I See Reasoning - KS1 Addition gives a free copy of one of the sections from the resource. Please use and share it! The 281 tasks of I See Reasoning - KS1 cover all areas of the Year 1&2 mathematics curriculum. There are many other question types that display maths concepts visually, including the use of bar models.