new year resolution essay ideas

The new year means new beginnings — and new resolutions. Whether your students hope to become stronger readers or aim to be more compassionate toward one another, the new year is the perfect time to help them reflect upon what they need to do to achieve their goals.

These 31 new year writing prompts will inspire your students to reflect on the past year, set realistic goals and resolutions, and look ahead to a bright future to make 2024 even more successful!

1. What are your resolutions for this new year?

2. Why is it important to make new year’s resolutions?

3. What was the best thing that happened to you this past year?

4. What are you most looking forward to this new year?

5. This year will be a year of…

6. In what ways were your kind to your friends, family, and teachers this past year?

7. What can you do this new year to be a good friend?

8. What can you do this new year to show gratitude for your friends, family, and teachers?

9. This new year, I’m grateful for…

10. This new year, I can’t wait to…

11. What new adventures would you like to go on this year?

12. Can you describe your most memorable new year?

13. Why is the new year important to you?

14. Have you made a new year’s resolution before? What was it?

15. Does your family have any new year’s traditions? What are they?

16.  What can you do to make this new year even more special than last?

17.  Before this year ends, I will…

18.  The best book I read last year was ________ because…

19.  The book I’m most looking forward to reading this year is ________ because…

20.  This new year, I can’t wait to learn about…

21.  This new year, I hope I’m able to…

22.  What will you need to do to achieve your goals and keep your resolutions in the new year?

23.  What can we do as a class this new year to be more kind to one another?

24.  How can your classmates and teachers help you achieve your goals and resolutions?

25.  How can you help your classmates and teachers achieve their goals and resolutions?

26.  In what ways can you practice empathy this year?

27.  Describe a time when you helped a classmate or teacher. How did you feel afterward?

28. What was the most fun part of the year in class for you?

29. What are you most excited to do in class next year?

30. What can you do next year to be helpful at home and at school?

31. What was the most interesting thing you’ve learned this year?

Combining daily writing exercises with extended class or small-group discussion will help your students set realistic, yet meaningful, goals to make the new year even more successful than the last. By encouraging your students to really reflect on the new year and what it means to make and keep resolutions, they’ll be prepared to overcome any challenge they may encounter along the way — and help their friends and classmates do the same!

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: New Year Resolution

Writing a New Year’s resolution essay provides an excellent opportunity for self-reflection, goal-setting, and personal growth. As the calendar turns and a new year begins, many individuals embrace the tradition of making resolutions, which are promises or commitments to improve oneself or achieve specific goals. Crafting an essay about New Year’s resolutions allows us to delve deeper into our aspirations, motivations, and plans for the future. It prompts us to evaluate our past experiences, identify areas for improvement, and outline concrete steps towards personal development.

Table of Contents

New Year Resolution Essay Tips

Reflect on the past year: Begin by reflecting on the experiences, achievements, and challenges you encountered in the previous year. Consider what you learned, what you would like to improve, and what goals you want to set for the upcoming year.

Set specific and realistic goals: Choose resolutions that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Avoid vague or overly ambitious resolutions that may be difficult to achieve. Instead, focus on specific actions or behaviors that can be realistically implemented in your life.

Prioritize your resolutions: Identify the most important resolutions that align with your values, aspirations, and personal growth. It’s better to focus on a few meaningful goals rather than overwhelming yourself with an extensive list.

Provide context and personal anecdotes: Share personal stories or anecdotes that illustrate why each resolution is important to you. This will add depth and authenticity to your essay, allowing the reader to connect with your experiences and motivations.

Outline your action plan: For each resolution, outline the steps or strategies you plan to take to achieve it. Break down your goals into manageable tasks and establish a timeline or milestones to track your progress. This demonstrates your commitment and shows that you have thoughtfully considered the path to achieving your resolutions.

Discuss potential challenges and solutions: Acknowledge potential obstacles or challenges you may face while pursuing your resolutions. Address how you plan to overcome them and develop strategies to stay motivated and resilient in the face of setbacks.

Emphasize personal growth and self-reflection: Discuss how your resolutions contribute to your personal growth, well-being, and overall happiness. Reflect on the positive changes you anticipate in your life as a result of achieving these goals.

Be honest and authentic: Your essay should reflect your genuine aspirations and beliefs. Avoid writing what you think others want to hear and instead express your true intentions and values.

Edit and revise: Once you have written your essay, review it for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Edit out any unnecessary details or repetition, ensuring that your ideas flow logically.

Conclusion: Conclude your essay by summarizing your resolutions and reaffirming your commitment to achieving them. End on a positive note, expressing optimism and excitement for the new year.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #1

As the calendar turns and a new year dawns upon us, it is a time of reflection, renewal, and the opportunity for personal growth. New Year’s resolutions have long been a tradition, allowing individuals to set intentions and goals for the coming year. For me, this tradition is not just a fleeting promise but a chance to embark on a journey of self-improvement.

One of my resolutions for the upcoming year is to prioritize my physical and mental well-being. In the fast-paced world we live in, it is easy to neglect self-care amidst the demands of daily life. By making a conscious effort to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and practice mindfulness, I aim to cultivate a healthier lifestyle. Taking care of my physical and mental health will not only enhance my overall well-being but also provide me with the energy and resilience necessary to tackle life’s challenges.

Another resolution I have is to expand my knowledge and broaden my horizons. Learning should be a lifelong endeavor, and I believe that continuous education is key to personal growth. Whether it’s through reading books, attending seminars, or taking up new hobbies, I aspire to constantly seek knowledge, explore diverse perspectives, and embrace new opportunities for intellectual development. By doing so, I hope to nurture my curiosity, deepen my understanding of the world, and become a more well-rounded individual.

Additionally, I resolve to foster stronger connections with loved ones and build meaningful relationships. In today’s digital age, it is easy to get caught up in a virtual world, often overlooking the importance of genuine human connection. I want to invest time and effort in nurturing my relationships, engaging in meaningful conversations, and creating lasting memories with family and friends. By being present and actively listening, I hope to strengthen the bonds that enrich my life and bring joy to those around me.

In conclusion, the start of a new year holds immense potential for growth and positive change. Through my resolutions to prioritize my well-being, expand my knowledge, and foster stronger connections, I am committed to embracing personal development and striving for a more fulfilling life. While resolutions may not always be easy to achieve, I am determined to approach them with dedication, perseverance, and a mindset open to learning from both successes and setbacks. As I embark on this journey of self-improvement, I am excited about the possibilities that the new year holds and the person I can become through embracing growth and positive change.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #2

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, a sense of possibility fills the air. It’s a time when we bid farewell to the old and eagerly embrace the new, armed with resolutions that promise personal growth and positive change. This year, I am determined to embark on a transformative journey through my New Year’s resolutions.

First and foremost, I resolve to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity. In a world often defined by negativity and challenges, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings that surround us. Each day, I will strive to find something to be grateful for, whether it’s a simple pleasure or a significant achievement. By shifting my perspective to one of gratitude, I hope to nurture a positive outlook that permeates every aspect of my life.

Additionally, I am committed to prioritizing self-care and well-being. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to neglect our own needs. However, I believe that taking care of ourselves is not a luxury but a necessity. I will make a conscious effort to engage in activities that nourish my body, mind, and soul. This may include regular exercise, meditation, pursuing hobbies, or simply allowing myself time to rest and rejuvenate. By prioritizing self-care, I aim to create a solid foundation for overall well-being and resilience.

Furthermore, I aspire to embrace personal growth by stepping out of my comfort zone. Growth often occurs when we challenge ourselves and push beyond familiar boundaries. I will seek opportunities to learn and develop new skills, whether it’s taking on a new project at work, enrolling in a course, or engaging in meaningful conversations with people who possess different perspectives. By embracing discomfort and embracing the unknown, I believe I can unlock my full potential and continue evolving as an individual.

Lastly, I resolve to make a positive impact in the world around me. Small acts of kindness can create ripples of change that extend far beyond our immediate sphere. I will strive to contribute to my community through volunteering, supporting causes I care about, and spreading kindness wherever I go. By recognizing the power of my actions, no matter how small, I can be part of a collective effort to create a more compassionate and harmonious world.

In conclusion, New Year’s resolutions offer a pathway to personal transformation. Through cultivating gratitude, prioritizing self-care, embracing growth, and making a positive impact, I am committed to embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. While the road may be challenging at times, I am determined to stay focused, resilient, and open to the opportunities that lie ahead. As the New Year unfolds, I am excited to see the person I can become and the positive changes I can bring to my own life and the world around me.

New Year Resolution Essay Example #3

As the New Year unfolds, I find myself reflecting on the past and envisioning a future filled with growth and self-improvement. This year, I am determined to prioritize balance and mindfulness in every aspect of my life through my New Year’s resolutions.

First and foremost, I resolve to achieve a healthier work-life balance. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become consumed by professional responsibilities, leaving little time for personal pursuits and relationships. I will set clear boundaries, carve out dedicated time for self-care, and strive to be fully present in my personal life. By nurturing a harmonious balance between work and leisure, I aim to enhance my overall well-being and cultivate stronger connections with loved ones.

Moreover, I am committed to practicing mindfulness in my daily life. Mindfulness is the art of being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment. I will incorporate mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindful eating into my routine. By cultivating a heightened sense of awareness and living in the present, I hope to reduce stress, increase focus, and find greater joy in the simple pleasures of life.

In addition, I resolve to prioritize self-reflection and personal growth. Regular self-reflection allows us to gain insights into our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, enabling us to make intentional choices. I will dedicate time for introspection, journaling, and setting personal goals. By embracing self-reflection, I can identify areas for improvement, celebrate achievements, and chart a course for personal growth and development.

Furthermore, I aspire to embrace sustainability and contribute to a healthier planet. I will adopt eco-friendly practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable initiatives. By making conscious choices that minimize my ecological footprint, I can contribute to the preservation of our environment and inspire others to do the same.

Lastly, I resolve to foster a spirit of gratitude and kindness. Each day, I will make an effort to express gratitude for the blessings in my life and extend acts of kindness to others. Whether it’s through a simple smile, a heartfelt thank-you, or a charitable act, I believe that small gestures can have a profound impact on both the giver and the recipient.

In conclusion, my New Year’s resolutions revolve around embracing balance and mindfulness in all aspects of my life. By prioritizing work-life balance, practicing mindfulness, engaging in self-reflection, embracing sustainability, and fostering gratitude and kindness, I am committed to nurturing my well-being, personal growth, and contributing to a better world. As the New Year begins, I am excited to embark on this transformative journey, knowing that each step I take brings me closer to the balanced, mindful, and fulfilled life I aspire to lead.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

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My New Year Resolution Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

A new year brings in fresh beginnings with a heart full of memories from the previous year. The beginning of a new year exhibits hope and a sense of positivity, allowing us to start again with everything we believed we missed or did incorrectly the year before. Here are a few sample essays on "My New Year Resolution". You can choose from 100, 200 and 500 words best new year's resolutions for 2024 essay. It will also help you know "how do I write my New Year resolution?' check out.

100 Words Essay on My New Year Resolution

200 words essay on my new year resolution, 500 words essay on my new year resolution.

My New Year Resolution Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

People celebrate the beginning of a new year to give a fresh start to their lives. They take new year resolutions because everyone made mistakes in the previous year that they want to avoid in the future or to do something new in the next year. Resolutions assist us in staying focused on our choices.

When this year began, I resolved to focus on areas where I am weak or lack confidence. This covered my weak subject areas, my extreme engagement in watching web series, my inability to manage time for other activities etc. I made a timetable which I reviewed and modified every week, such that I accommodated all my activities and devoted adequate time to them. At the end of the year, I could feel positive results and felt proud of myself for sticking to my new year resolutions.

The New year reminds us that time is not permanent. It moves silently and stops for no one. A single goal or a list of goals one wants to accomplish or get rid of might form a new year's resolution. They give us a new chance to achieve something in our life, whether it is related to our personal life, professional life or academic life. For a resolution to work in our lives, we must be a person with strong determination.

Importance of Resolutions | New year resolutions are important for various reasons, some of them being:-

All activities that waste time and result in nothing are eliminated and replaced with new ones that never waste time and result in positive changes.

Someone who does not make any resolutions for the new year is similar to someone walking somewhere without knowing the way.

No matter how big or little a resolution is, it is important to consider its purpose and the results it will produce when put into practice in our daily lives.

My Resolutions | I have also made resolutions previously, but like everyone else, I break them. But this time, I will keep my resolutions and put more effort into changing myself. I made a list of resolutions that I plan to begin following next year. They consist of sticking to a set schedule for time management, avoiding junk food and putting a priority on healthy food for better health, and, most importantly, completing courses before exams.

A New year is not only about parties and celebrations or spending money lavishly, but it is also an excellent opportunity to start over and make changes in our life. Having a new year's resolution is a thing to be proud of and to share with others. It is what we promised to do at the end of the year. Making a new year's resolution is crucial because I need a goal or purpose to live.

Different People, Different Resolutions

Before moving forward, it is important to keep in mind that the changes must be fair and respectable. A resolution for the coming year is an idea that better defines and represents you. A new year's resolution is different for every person. Some may believe that resolutions work, while others may feel that they do nothing. A mature man will have the resolution to avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. For students, it may include exercising daily, going to bed early, eating healthy food etc. Having a new year resolution sounds as easy as ABC but applying it throughout the year is a big task as the world is full of distractions.

Also Read - Essay on New Year for Students

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Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Geotechnical engineer

The role of geotechnical engineer starts with reviewing the projects needed to define the required material properties. The work responsibilities are followed by a site investigation of rock, soil, fault distribution and bedrock properties on and below an area of interest. The investigation is aimed to improve the ground engineering design and determine their engineering properties that include how they will interact with, on or in a proposed construction. 

The role of geotechnical engineer in mining includes designing and determining the type of foundations, earthworks, and or pavement subgrades required for the intended man-made structures to be made. Geotechnical engineering jobs are involved in earthen and concrete dam construction projects, working under a range of normal and extreme loading conditions. 


How fascinating it is to represent the whole world on just a piece of paper or a sphere. With the help of maps, we are able to represent the real world on a much smaller scale. Individuals who opt for a career as a cartographer are those who make maps. But, cartography is not just limited to maps, it is about a mixture of art , science , and technology. As a cartographer, not only you will create maps but use various geodetic surveys and remote sensing systems to measure, analyse, and create different maps for political, cultural or educational purposes.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.

Product Manager

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Operations manager.

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Bank Probationary Officer (PO)

Investment director.

An investment director is a person who helps corporations and individuals manage their finances. They can help them develop a strategy to achieve their goals, including paying off debts and investing in the future. In addition, he or she can help individuals make informed decisions.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

An expert in plumbing is aware of building regulations and safety standards and works to make sure these standards are upheld. Testing pipes for leakage using air pressure and other gauges, and also the ability to construct new pipe systems by cutting, fitting, measuring and threading pipes are some of the other more involved aspects of plumbing. Individuals in the plumber career path are self-employed or work for a small business employing less than ten people, though some might find working for larger entities or the government more desirable.

Construction Manager

Individuals who opt for a career as construction managers have a senior-level management role offered in construction firms. Responsibilities in the construction management career path are assigning tasks to workers, inspecting their work, and coordinating with other professionals including architects, subcontractors, and building services engineers.

Urban Planner

Urban Planning careers revolve around the idea of developing a plan to use the land optimally, without affecting the environment. Urban planning jobs are offered to those candidates who are skilled in making the right use of land to distribute the growing population, to create various communities. 

Urban planning careers come with the opportunity to make changes to the existing cities and towns. They identify various community needs and make short and long-term plans accordingly.

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Naval Architect

A Naval Architect is a professional who designs, produces and repairs safe and sea-worthy surfaces or underwater structures. A Naval Architect stays involved in creating and designing ships, ferries, submarines and yachts with implementation of various principles such as gravity, ideal hull form, buoyancy and stability. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.

Veterinary Doctor


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Speech Therapist


Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

Hospital Administrator

The hospital Administrator is in charge of organising and supervising the daily operations of medical services and facilities. This organising includes managing of organisation’s staff and its members in service, budgets, service reports, departmental reporting and taking reminders of patient care and services.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.


Multimedia specialist.

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Linguistic meaning is related to language or Linguistics which is the study of languages. A career as a linguistic meaning, a profession that is based on the scientific study of language, and it's a very broad field with many specialities. Famous linguists work in academia, researching and teaching different areas of language, such as phonetics (sounds), syntax (word order) and semantics (meaning). 

Other researchers focus on specialities like computational linguistics, which seeks to better match human and computer language capacities, or applied linguistics, which is concerned with improving language education. Still, others work as language experts for the government, advertising companies, dictionary publishers and various other private enterprises. Some might work from home as freelance linguists. Philologist, phonologist, and dialectician are some of Linguist synonym. Linguists can study French , German , Italian . 

Public Relation Executive

Travel journalist.

The career of a travel journalist is full of passion, excitement and responsibility. Journalism as a career could be challenging at times, but if you're someone who has been genuinely enthusiastic about all this, then it is the best decision for you. Travel journalism jobs are all about insightful, artfully written, informative narratives designed to cover the travel industry. Travel Journalist is someone who explores, gathers and presents information as a news article.

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager


A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Metallurgical Engineer

A metallurgical engineer is a professional who studies and produces materials that bring power to our world. He or she extracts metals from ores and rocks and transforms them into alloys, high-purity metals and other materials used in developing infrastructure, transportation and healthcare equipment. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

ITSM Manager

Information security manager.

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

Business Intelligence Developer

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200 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Career, Work, and Personal Growth

A New Year’s Resolution is a Filipino tradition. Or at least, that’s how Filipino students deemed it. Every January of each year, on the first day of class, students from elementary, high school, and college declare their New Year’s resolutions.

When I was in high school, I wrote my New Year’s Resolution essays (as it was often required) during Christmas breaks. It is still cool to write resolutions these days for fun.

I do Impact Goals, Quarterly Goals, and Monthly Projects, which are better than most New Year’s Resolutions. I will share these with you later if you are interested. An excellent support to your New Year’s resolutions is  3 Words . Find out how to do it.

I am publishing this three days before the New Year. So you will have plenty of time to write your New Year’s Resolution or do the alternatives.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Typically, people get a pen and a piece of paper to write one, two, three, or even ten New Year’s resolutions. They write down whatever comes to mind.

A few get post-it notes and Sharpie pens. They write on each note one resolution. They may come up with dozens. Then, they pick the top ten they want to do next year.

I separate my New Year’s resolutions for family and work.

I use a mind map when I make resolutions. It is creative. I write the year, then encircle it. I think of three words. For work, my three words for 2023 are transformation, experience, and dollars. Then, I will generate more ideas from each word.

Another exercise that I do, which I can do any month of the year, is Stop, Continue, and Start.

Most people consider the brainstorming session as the only step to writing a resolution. This is why most of the resolutions don’t have staying power. Later, I will show you ways to make your resolutions compelling.

If you are looking for New Year’s Resolution ideas, these will help you. Open each accordion pane to find resolutions that may inspire you

More than half of those who do New Year’s Resolution pay attention to physical well-being. Probably, because our physical health is most obvious among the many things that need change.

You will find below more than 50 ideas to consider for your resolutions.

Physical Health

Eat healthy foods to stay healthy.

  • Lose weight.
  • Increase 10 pounds.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Build muscles.
  • Go to the gym each week.
  • Get 20 drops of Cell Mineral Drop each day.
  • Do brisk walking each morning.
  • Eat nutritious food.
  • Less sugar, no coffee, more tea.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables.
  • Start a vegan diet.
  • Cook my own meals.
  • Eat on time.
  • Eat fresh foods, less fast foods.
  • Plant fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat when I am hungry.
  • Drink milk each day.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water.
  • Take care of teeth.
  • Stop smoking. It is now or never.
  • Cut back on alcohol.
  • Sleep eight hours a day.
  • Sleep before 10 in the evening.
  • Do power naps.
  • Wake up before 5 in the morning.
  • Sit less, move more.
  • Do jumping jacks each morning.
  • Cut grass every day.
  • Wash the dishes at once.
  • Do bungee jumping.
  • Learn scuba diving.
  • Ride a bike to work.
  • Go mountain hiking each month.
  • Train for a marathon.
  • Join a bike club.
  • Take dancing lessons.
  • Join a Zumba class.
  • Study martial arts.
  • Swim for 30 minutes each week.
  • Do ten push-ups after I wake up.
  • Limit screen time. Stop Facebook and do less Netflix.
  • Travel more often.
  • Walk when the destination is less than 1 kilometer.
  • Take monthly vacations.
  • Do a three-month vacation.
  • Start a no-phone zone and time.

Financial Wellness

Financial well-being is an ever-green aspiration. Though people are not comfortable sharing their money resolutions, it is one that they think about most of the time.

Here are some examples to help you brainstorm your money resolutions for the next year.

Financial freedom.

  • Reduce expenses.
  • Save more money.
  • Pay all my debts.
  • Create a new stream of income .
  • Start a personal budget.
  • Pay my credit card on time.
  • Stop using my credit card.
  • Not open any more credit cards.
  • Find a financial advisor.
  • Get an insurance plan.
  • Join a paluwagan.
  • Invest in the stock market.
  • Take financial literacy course.
  • Start a side hustle.
  • Start a new business.
  • Do online courses and webinars.
  • Invest in Modified Pag-ibig II (MP2) Savings.
  • Market other people’s products.
  • Earn 10 million.
  • Cook meals and eat less in restaurants to save money.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual growth is something worth considering in crafting New Year’s Resolutions. It does not matter how old you are; we continue learning for life.

I read three to ten books each month. Frankly, I don’t need to remember everything I read. But when I need to write something or answer questions, I find them useful. Answers magically appear.

The last book I read is Building the Second Brain by Tiago Forte. It helps me organize the information I need. When I need to develop modules on leadership training, I can easily access ideas, tools, and insights that are already mine.

Improve your thinking skills.

May the following inspire you to grow intellectually.

  • Learn how to learn.
  • Learn how to make quality decisions.
  • Learn how to think creatively.
  • Do action research.
  • Read personal development books.
  • Apply lateral thinking in problem-solving.
  • Listen to podcasts instead of watching TV.
  • Study mind mapping.
  • Use gamestorming in solving problems.
  • Learn five new words each day.
  • Practice time management skills.
  • Learn from mistakes.
  • Read leadership books.
  • Watch documentaries.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Master some coding skills.
  • Study innovation tools.
  • Study strategic planning.
  • Brainstorm new products each day.
  • Use Design Thinking tools.
  • Learn how to tell stories.
  • Keep a discovery journal.
  • Master memory techniques.
  • Practice sketchnoting.
  • Read history books.
  • Study science books.
  • Do DIY projects.

Spiritual Wellness

Filipinos are spiritual, if not very religious, people. We want to stay centered and grounded. But there are times we find ourselves losing control. And we look back and find ourselves away from what we used to do every Sunday.

Consider your spiritual well-being too.

new year resolution essay ideas

May the following resolutions inspire you to examine your spiritual growth.

  • Pray every morning.
  • Go to church on Sundays.
  • Meditate in the evening.
  • Attend a religion class.
  • Start a gratitude journal.
  • Join a prayer group.
  • Do evangelistic work.
  • Use a spiritual journal.
  • Read the Bible daily.
  • Attend a spiritual retreat.
  • Do a weekly “Commune with God”.
  • Do gardening.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Pay forward.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Practice Tai Chi.
  • Travel as much as possible.
  • Find the positive in things.

Career Development

Consider career development in your New Year’s resolutions. Think of ways to find the best vehicle that will help you climb the ladder of success. 

Depending on where you are today, you may use some of these ideas to advance your career.

  • Build a personal brand.
  • Enroll in a career development course.
  • Read about career leap.
  • Shift career.
  • Start a business.
  • Write a book.
  • Start a podcast.
  • Publish a vlog.
  • Do a radio program.
  • Get certified.
  • Do keynote speaking.
  • Join professional associations.
  • Start a professional association.
  • Enroll in post-graduate courses.
  • Learn marketing.
  • Enroll in a public speaking course.
  • Enroll in an image-building course.
  • Get a driver’s license.
  • Do volunteer work.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Learn social dancing.
  • Do more networking.
  • Join a Rotary club.
  • Join a Toastmasters club .
  • Join a theater group.
  • Interview VIPs.
  • Hold an event for my industry.

There are many things that we can do about work. People who are more intentional about how to improve work are more likely to succeed. A New Year’s Resolution is like a seed that will grow if you will tend to it. 

Here are examples of New Year’s Resolution ideas that may inspire you to work better in 2023.

  • Develop my leadership skills.
  • Improve my ability to delegate.
  • Study how to manage people.
  • Enroll for an MBA Degree.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • Benchmark with other leaders.
  • Improve creative thinking skills.
  • Improve decision-making skills.
  • Stop procrastinating.
  • Find ways to improve the work process.
  • Build business acumen.
  • Build positive relationships.
  • Work to get a promotion.
  • Work on a “Future Resume”.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • Improve work-life balance.
  • Build my personal brand.
  • Give credit where credit is due.
  • Expand my network.
  • Use a second brain to store my knowledge.
  • Quit complaining.
  • Stay out of office politics.
  • Work on my professional development plan.
  • Set personal goals.
  • Embark on personal ventures.
  • Work on time management.
  • Become a public speaker.
  • Write a book about my profession.
  • Start a podcast to serve my industry.
  • Improve business writing skills.
  • Improve presentation skills.
  • Create new products for clients.
  • Improve services for clients.
  • Be more understanding.

New Year's Resolution is a Fresh Start

What is a New Year’s Resolution?

A New Year’s Resolution is a declaration of what a person intends or resolves to do at the beginning of the year. Typically, people decide to stop doing undesirable traits or behaviors, continue doing good practices, and start working on personal goals or improving behaviors.

When you ask Filipinos, more than half will say they have New Year’s Resolution. About 1/3 say that they have written resolutions. You will find 100 examples of New Year’s Resolutions below.

Nearly half of those who don’t make New Year’s Resolution say it does not work.

Importance of New Year’s Resolution

Most people think that they need to do more these past years. The Covid-19 pandemic, for two years, made us anxious about the future. I remember that the New Year of 2021 was the first time most people stayed home. In January 2022, we recorded the highest number of Covid-19 infections.

But 2023 promises a better year. And once again, people talk about New Year’s Resolutions. And that’s good news.

There are mixed opinions as to the importance of resolutions. And I understand why.

Some people failed to continue what they started. Or they missed many opportunities of doing what they believed they should have done many New Year’s resolutions ago.

In 1996, Carlo declared that he would enroll again to finish his Master of Arts in Teaching. It was always a part of his New Year’s Resolutions. This year, he decided that pursuing it was of no use. The 30 units he earned will no longer be credited. He procrastinated. And procrastination sealed his fate, he believed.

A friend made a New Year’s Resolution to start jogging five years ago. So on January 4 last year, she started jogging around our neighborhood. She continued doing it for 15 more days. Then, she decided to pause for a week because of an important assignment. The one week became months. Yesterday, she said that she’d start again.

Thirty years ago, I “resolved” to write a book. I began with full enthusiasm, then eventually stopped. In Filipino, we call this habit Ningas Kugon. However, a friend commissioned me two years ago to write a book. I wrote that book in 16 days. I am confident I can write at least one book in 2023.

All New Year’s resolutions are aspirations for personal growth and development. And though you don’t have to wait for January 1 to start thinking about choosing the right things to do, a New Year’s resolution, as a tradition, reminds us about second chances, and the simple act of declaring our intentions helps us think deeply about the future.

new year resolution essay ideas

Panata sa Bagong Taon

For Filipinos, a new year is a promise of a new life. It is more than just a day after December 31.

It is a fresh start.

In Filipino, New Year’s Resolution means panata sa bagong taon. It is not just an aspiration or a wish. It is a vow.

It is a fresh start. Whatever happened last year and the years before that have no hold on our future. We can choose to live the life we want.

Most New Year’s Resolutions aren’t fulfilled because of misunderstandings. But we will start behaving differently when we fully embrace that a new year is a fresh start and a resolution is a vow.

new year resolution essay ideas

Why Some New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

I have already given you three reasons why New Resolutions don’t work. And I have also given you an idea of why it works. So allow me to expound and expand.


The lack of willpower makes us delay. Procrastination is a silent killer. It murders our dreams without our notice.

People think that there is always tomorrow. We only have today; tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

If something is significant, it must be done today.

A resolution is a vow; it is not just a wish. A wish is something that may happen someday. A vow is your business today.

Ningas Kugon

Have you noticed that lifetime gym memberships are sold for a 50 percent discount during December and January? That’s because many people overestimate themselves.

A lifetime gym membership often gets used in three months.

If you are in Quezon Memorial Circle in the early mornings, you will see thousands of joggers. Some of them start at 5 am. But, during the first six weeks of the year, you’ll notice that the numbers are five times more than usual.

Ningas kugon is a lot better than procrastination. Starting something is already tricky. But success is measured by how we finished, not by how we started our games.

Ningas Kugon is often the result of a lack of commitment, discipline, and momentum.

Lack of Commitment

A committed person dedicates his time to a cause that truly matters to him. Those who cannot commit fail again and again.

A committed person displays patience, persistence, and perseverance. You can only be that person when you believe you can make things happen. Without that belief, there is no urgency. Without that belief, you will allow your fear to delay or stop you as soon as you face your first challenge.

Consider that a resolution is a vow to your future self.

Lack of Discipline

I see that even the most motivated people need to honor their resolutions. They can start, but they need to learn how to finish.

They work on many things but only sometimes on the most important thing.

A person with discipline does what they value most every day. They don’t allow their circumstances to dictate their actions.

New Year’s resolutions are good for us. They are part of the solution. Unfortunately, they don’t work when people don’t have the discipline to execute them.

Lack of Momentum

People need more momentum to finish what they start. There needs to be more than just doing the first step to walking a thousand miles. You need to follow the first with another step, and you need to keep moving until you reach a thousand miles.

Followthrough makes a breakthrough.

To create momentum, you need focus, consistency, and action.

By telling you why resolutions often do not work, can you tell how to make them work?

new year resolution essay ideas

People often write these New Year’s Resolution ideas. As I have mentioned, I used different methods to come up with my list, and brainstorming is just the first stage. If you will only copy any of these resolutions, it is more likely that you’ll do a ningas kugon.

Resolutions that get done are clear and compelling.

I will show you different ways to write clear and compelling New Year’s Resolutions.

Personal Transformation

A Journey to Personal Transformation


Overachievement: 3 Steps to Help Others Achieve Their Goals Faster

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Start with Your Big Goals


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Personal development plan

Personal Development Plan: The 4DX Framework (2024)

farm, flow, fly.

My 3 Words for 2023

new year resolution essay ideas

Daig ng Maagap ang Masipag: Be A Proactive Hard Worker

These are the frequently asked questions that seldom get answers. If you want to get a better appreciation of these answers, you can read the whole article (if you have not yet done that).

Becoming a good person, working harder, and being more health conscious are Filipinos’ top 3 New Year’s resolutions. Becoming a good person is the most common topic in students’ New Year’s Resolution Essays. Working harder is our solution to having a good life. And being more health conscious may mean eating fruits and vegetables, losing weight, or gaining weight.

New Year’s Resolutions fail because of procrastination, ningas kugon, lack of clarity, lack of commitment, lack of discipline, and lack of momentum. Unfortunately, these are the same reasons my many goals fail too. Declaring what you resolve to stop, start, and continue doing is not enough; you need to follow through. A resolution, by definition, is a vow to do what you want to do no matter what.

The Tagalog for New Year’s Resolution is Panata sa Bagong Taon. A panata is a vow. For Filipinos, a new year celebration represents a fresh start. We vow to work harder to enjoy abundant lives.

Many people have changed their lives because they stick to their New Year’s resolutions. They kept their eyes on their aspirations and stuck to them. Though most who made New Year’s Resolutions stop working on them after six weeks, the problem is not in the resolutions but in the resolution of the person to make them happen. The intention to make change happen is the first step, which is a significant step to making change happen.

New Year’s Resolution Essay (Example)

As I have said, when I was in school, we were required to write our New Year’s Resolution essays in 200 words. I typically write more than that.

One way to write an essay is by using CONTINUE, STOP, and START. It is a very simple format that you anyone can follow.

The Year 2023 is a promise of a fresh start and bouncing forward. The last two years have been difficult because I could not go out. I was afraid, physically and psychologically.

The pandemic scare is not yet over. New variants of the virus appear. But for most of us vaccinated, there is confidence that we can finally fight the unknown.

There are things I know that I can change. And there are things that I must continue doing. My New Year’s Resolution is a manifesto, a declaration of what I want to continue, stop, and start doing in 2023.

CONTINUE I will continue to improve my skills in public speaking. Though I have been speaking for many years and earning money from it, there are many things that I need to learn. Public speaking turned my life around. And though there are many other opportunities to grow my business, I will continue speaking to inspire people and grow my business.

STOP I will stop spending time on Facebook, debating political issues with strangers, diehard supporters, and trolls. As much as I wanted to educate people and share with them what I know as a student of politics, I was doing it wrong.

Debating with strangers will not help. Adding my voice to a thousand who do not want to listen to each other won’t add value. I am not a follower. I am not a watcher.

I am a leader. And my platform is on the stage. I speak to lead, not just to add my voice.

I will expand my network to bring my message to many people. I will speak in schools to share my message with students and educators. I will talk at associations, conferences, and in company assemblies.

I will share a message of hope in my team-building programs, leadership training, and public seminars.

I will start speaking to change the world.

Mission Possible 2023

Your mission is to write your own New Year’s Resolution. Keep in mind that it is not just a wish. It is a panata , a vow that you have to your future self.

I recommend that you make your resolution visual. Take it seriously. Convert it into a personal development plan. Execute it. Then, teach others how to do it well.

About The Author

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Jef Menguin

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Mrs. Beers Language Arts Classroom

A middle school ELA teacher blog featuring language arts activities, classroom ideas, and teacher resources for grades 4-8.

New Year’s Resolution Essay Writing (MADE EASY!) for Middle School

new years resolution essay ideas for middle school language arts

Happy New Year! The return from winter break in January offers the perfect backdrop to get students thinking about their academic and personal goals for the year. I love to take the time to challenge my students to think about their work so far and where they hope to be by the end of the school year. I like to begin the year with a New Year’s resolution essay writing unit where we work on goal-setting and resolve to do things that will help us to be an even better version of ourselves.

There are plenty of unique ways to teach essay writing, but I have found success with the BING BANG BONGO essay template. The concept is easy for students to understand. Here is an overview of the steps:

  • Identify your topic, and brainstorm the three main points or ideas you will use to craft your essay.
  • Introduction with a Topic Sentence . What is your piece about? What three pieces of information do you want to share with the reader based on the topic of your piece?
  • BING Paragraph 1 : What is the first idea you shared in your topic sentence? Your first sentence should introduce that first idea. Follow this with two or three supporting sentences, and close the paragraph with a concluding sentence.
  • BANG Paragraph 2 : What is the second idea you shared in your topic sentence? Two or three supporting sentences should follow the opening sentence in introducing that second idea. Close the paragraph with a concluding sentence.
  • BONGO Paragraph 3 : What is the third idea you shared in your topic sentence? Again, clearly state the third idea in your opening sentence and write two or three supporting sentences. Close the paragraph with a concluding sentence.
  • Conclusion: Concluding Sentence: Bring your piece to a close. Restate the purpose of the essay, but do not add any new information. Make sure you complete your thoughts so the reader walks away with a full understanding of your points.

If you are interested in a complete essay writing resource that is based on the BING, BANG, BONGO strategy, check out my New Year’s Resolution Essay Writing Toolkit , which can be used as a printable unit or integrated in Google Classroom.

New Year's Resolution Essay Writing Toolkit

To kick off the brainstorming process for this lesson plan, I start by discussing commercials students have noticed on TV. Typically, they will confirm they have seen lots of commercials for gym memberships and weight-loss companies. I ask them why they think these are so prominent during January, and they respond that people are often setting goals at the beginning of a new year.

From there, we create a brainstorm cloud where students list ways they could improve themselves. Some examples are: practicing harder, putting more effort into school work, listening more to a parent, being more responsible, etc. Depending on the suggestions you receive, it can also be helpful to explain the difference between setting a goal and achieving a dream.

Next, I have the students decide on the three goals they want to work on. Those get added to their brainstorm organizer, and we then move on to writing.

resolution brainstorm organizer

Next, we move on to creating our topic sentences. Sometimes it is best for teachers to share examples of their own topic sentences first, so students understand how to begin organizing their writing. I usually model my own resolutions in front of the class so we can go through the thought process together. My three goals for this project were: saving more money, being less quick-tempered, and saying only respectful things about others.

Once you establish topic sentences, show students how your BING paragraph (in my case) would be all about saving money, my BANG paragraph would be all about being less quick-tempered, and my BONGO paragraph would be all about saying only respectful things about others.

Students always LOVE to hear the stories behind my resolutions, and you’ll never face a shortage of suggestions to help you achieve your resolutions!

BING BANG BONGO essay writing paragraphs

In addition to having three strategies, I require each paragraph to include an opening sentence introducing the resolution and a concluding sentence bringing the paragraph to a close.

On the second day, I like to review our previous instructions and get to work on our introductions and conclusions. Some teachers may find this strategy backwards, but I have found it can be tricky for students to find a place to begin. With each of their body paragraphs completed, students have a better grasp of how they need to grab the reader’s attention and then bring the work to a close.

I often use the example of crime and drama shows when discussing the introductory paragraph. Often, the writers open the show with a shocking image or event to grab the audience’s attention and keep them glued to the show. This is the same type of statement we want to make with the first sentences in our resolution essay.

For the conclusions, I share how we are bringing the piece to a close and sending the reader on their way. This is NOT the time to share new information, but instead to give the reader the chance to reflect on what we have shared. At this point, the students will have completed their organizers and are ready for the first draft of their resolution essay.

As part of the review process, I typically have a writing conference with each student. The focus here is: mechanics-CUPS-capitalization, usage/grammar, punctuation, and spelling. We also discuss organization and the use of transitions in their sentences. Here is an example editing chart, which is included in the Resolution Essay Writing Toolkit from above.

CUPS Editing Chart - capitalization, usage/grammar, punctuation, and spelling

After all edits are in place, students rewrite their final drafts and publish them on their Chromebooks or display them in the classroom. Not everyone will be interested in sharing their resolutions, so choose which format makes the most sense for your group.

Essay writing is a skill that students can learn in the middle grades and will carry with them through college. Sadly, this wasn’t a skill I learned until high school, but with common core standards, writing extensive or elaborate pieces is now a requirement for our students at all levels, specifically in the middle grades.

For this reason, I created the Resolutions Made Easy writing resource. I wanted to help my students construct a thorough essay that required them to write 5-paragraphs effectively and successfully. It provides all the materials you need to walk students through the brainstorming, drafting, editing, and publishing stages.

new year resolution essay ideas

It takes my students about five class periods to complete the entire process, depending on how quickly they are able to type their papers. It may take your students more or less time.

If you are looking for more writing activities and resources, be sure to check out my ELA resources for a variety of inexpensive, print-and-go ideas. If you are considering my essay writing toolkit, be sure to check out my January ELA Bundle which includes the writing toolkit and three additional units that you might like to try during this first month back from break. The New Year is the perfect time to refresh your classroom and experiment with new lesson formats to keep your students engaged.

new year resolution essay ideas

New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions

Learn how to write about your New Year's resolutions.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.



Write about your New Year's resolutions for the coming year. Before you start, plan what you are going to include and think about who is going to read it.

My New Year's resolutions

I like to start every year with my New Year's resolutions. Then I read them next 1 January and see how well I did!

Here are my resolutions this year.

1. Get fit!!

I say this every year but I hope writing it in public will make it more real. I'm aiming for three runs a week – I think I can do it! I think a fitness tracking app might help me achieve it. Or I could find a running partner. If anyone who's reading this wants to be my partner, let me know!

2. Save 10 per cent of my salary a month

Having no savings is starting to worry me and 10 per cent is realistic. It's not too much, but it's not too little that I won't see it add up. I'll put the money into a special bank account that will make it grow … Actually, I don't know much about that so maybe my next resolution should be to find out how to invest money!!

3. Cook more

I'd like to start inviting friends for dinner and cooking for them. I think once a month is a good plan. By the end of the year I want to have five dishes I can cook really well so people will say, 'Have you ever had Darren's delicious cooking?' Who wants to be my first guest?

  • Before you start a writing task, make a plan. First, write down lots of ideas you could include. Then choose the best and most interesting ones.
  • Don't write all your ideas in one section. Make one section for each idea. Write a heading for each section to show the reader what it's about.
  • Think about who is going to read the text and choose the style accordingly. For your classmates, use an informal and clear style.
  • Keep your reader interested by talking directly to them, e.g. by asking a question.
  • When you have finished your writing, read it and check it for mistakes.

Do you make New Year's resolutions? What will next year's be?

Language level

My New Year's resolutions*. This year my resolutions are focused on personal growth, health and creativity. 1. To lead a healthy lifestyle: This is a classic resolution, but it's also one that I'm really committed to. My goal is to incorporate more movement into my daily routine. Whether it's a brisk walk or taking the stairs instead of the lift. I also plan to make healthier food choices, focusing on whole grains, fruit and vegetables. 2) Travelling the world I have always had a thirst for adventure and a love of exploring new places. This year, I've decided to travel more, whether it's for a weekend trip to a nearby city or a long trip to distant lands. 3) Read more books Reading books is a great way to broaden your horizons, learn new things about the world and yourself, and develop your imagination and creativity. It can also be just a pleasant pastime and a way to relax. These are just a few of my New Year's resolutions for the coming year. I know they will not be easy to achieve, but I am determined to stay focused, motivated and celebrate my successes along the way. I believe that by setting these goals and working towards them, I can make this year one of the best of my life.

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My New Year Resolutions By Ensiye I want to write out my resolutions which I decided to do at the beginning of the year.

1- Make more specialist in my job I planned to study for my job every day. I'm a React developer. I prepared a list of technologies that I have to learn. I'm starting to learn them based on their priorities.

2- More flexible! Thank God I'm so fit but I have made up my mind to be more flexible. I have found an app with the name "Split in 30 days". It's so cool and has a lot of workouts. I'm planning to practice five days a week at home. Since flexibility workouts must be done in a short time (maximum 35 min) but steadily, I'm supposed to do it by the end of the year.

3- Get advanced in speaking English I would like to practice my speaking English for about one to two hours a day. Because, the stronger I am in speaking, the more likely I will be better at listening.

In my country, we are in the middle of the year, It means I'm doing these plans right now. let me tell you what has happened by now!!

* Make more specialist in my job I have done as my plan by now and I am so determined to continue that. The deeper knowledge I gain, the more confident I get.

** More flexible! I have been practicing split for the last six months. It seems as if I get addicted to doing it because it makes all my muscles and tendons stretch and release tension in them. It really makes my day having practice with music.

*** Get advanced in speaking English That's great, Besides of speaking, I was led to practice writing here and I realized that writing would stabilize the structure of the grammar in our mind. I'm happy for that.

I haven't written about my new year's resolutions before, but now in July, I'll do it because I'm able to fill my dreams. 1.- I'm gonna improve my english level because I must find a good job before the year ends. Being that I'm studying international affairs and in my major its necessary know many languages. 2.- I've been struggling with food since three years ago, as a goal I'll go with a nutrition specialist to receive recovery, I need gain weight and recover my life. 3.-I wanna be happier, for me and my family, practicing english everyday helped me to feel more busy. Finally, I'll have a source of income for doing to contribute my family costs is for that, that I need to find a good job and be happy, I really deserve this.

This is Esraa. I hope you doing great. I didn't write any resolution for this year, but usually I think about it in my mind. after reading this text I decide to write it down my year's resolution starting from next year. For this year my priority is improve my English and keep practicing to be influent in English. Second, having a new job in the Autism field.

I hope your dreams come true soon. (:

I’ve never written New Year Resolutions before. I’m writing them for the first time. Here they are. 1. Be better in Maths. My first resolution is to improve my results in Maths. I m going to practice more ,be active on lessons and attend extra classes regularly. I believe I can do it. 2. Take up boxing. My second goal is to keep fit. I m sure boxing can help me to reach this goal. I m going to join a Boxing club. Do you want to by my boxing partner? 3. Read more. I’d like to read at least 1 book a mouth. I want to borrow books from our public library. Would you like to join me? I promise I’ll do my best!!!

Hi everybody I'm Camila from Ecuador my New Year's Resolutions are about languages, health and habits.

In this year, I'm going to study english 5 days per week, I will use my cell phone for watch and listen english videos. Also, I want to excercise all days, for example life more weight. Finally I hope to read 1 book per month, but I will need money for buy new books about Tourism

I used to make New year's resolution when I was young, Now that I'm older I've got so much going on with my life, I never bother to make any resolutions. What a wonderful coincidence to come across with this topic. I feel motivated to make new resolutions and keep track of my progress.

My New Year's Resolution by Grace

I want to start a new chapter with full of optimism and gratitude, I will make a new year's resolution and keep a track of my progress by the end of the year. Here's my resolution

1. Have a healthy Lifestyle I've lost count on how many times I promised myself to stay fit and eat healthy food, I'm aiming to eat a lot of vegies and fruits, limit eating out and do 50 squats and 20 mins brisk walking everyday. I think a fitness tracking app might help me to achieve it! I can do this nothing is impossible, Who's ready for a new challenge?

2. Learn English I want to improve my speaking skills speaks with clarity and confidence, I think taking notes and practice will certainly help. I'm aiming to record myself while I express my opinion and thoughts about any interesting topic everyday. I'm also up for a study buddy. If anyone's reading this wants to be my study partner. Let me know!

3. Start-up a business. I'm actually thinking to set up a small business, I'm aiming to save atleast 40% of my allowance for business capital, A good business plan will definitely help. By the end of the year I will make this dream into reality.

I was reading your new year's resolution and I think I could be your buddy, if you want. Let me know!

Hi! Just a reminder that we warmly welcome users to write comments to each other here on the website, but I'm afraid exchanging personal details (e.g. email addresses) for private communication isn't allowed in our house rules .

Best of luck with all your resolutions for 2023 :)

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Life Kit

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What do you want to accomplish in 2023? This New Year's resolution guide can help

Connie Hanzhang Jin

Malaka Gharib headshot

Malaka Gharib

Becky Harlan headshot

Becky Harlan

Life Kit's Resolution Planner: 40 ideas and tips to start your New Year

What do you want to accomplish this year? Scroll through Life Kit's expert guides for practical and inspiring ways to grow in 2023.

Ah, the new year. It's a time to sketch out your goals and think about the roadmap to get there.

Life Kit has curated a list of some of our best episodes to help set you up for success in 2023. They include practical guidance (like how to pick a birth control or ask for a raise ), forward-thinking advice (like how to save for retirement or freeze your eggs ) and tips on how to live more mindfully (like how to reduce food waste or set boundaries ).

It might feel hard to start a new habit, but as BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford and author of Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything , told Life Kit in a 2020 interview , "it's easier to create habits and change than most people think, and it's faster than most people think. It can even be fun if you do it in the right way."

The key is to understand how behavior change happens. You've got to have the motivation, the ability to do the behavior and a prompt, says Fogg. "And the prompt is anything that reminds you to do this behavior now. And when those three things come together at the same moment, a behavior happens."

So go on, pick a resolution that's achievable — but also bold and aspirational. We've got 40+ ideas for you to choose from. Here's to a stronger, more confident you in 2023.

  • How to change careers
  • How to return to college
  • How to find a mentor
  • How to ask for a raise
  • How to futureproof your body
  • How to start an exercise habit
  • How to get into strength training
  • How to drink less alcohol
  • How to pick a birth control
  • How to create a better bedtime routine
  • How to approach weight loss differently
  • How to clear your clutter
  • How to split household chores
  • How to reduce food waste
  • How to keep your house clean
  • How to stay on top of 'life admin'
  • How to train your dog

Mental health

  • How to be less indecisive
  • How to deal with uncertainty
  • How to draw boundaries
  • How to start therapy
  • Find your purpose


  • How to navigate the coming out convo
  • How to travel with friends
  • How to make new friends
  • How to show your friends you love them
  • How to break up
  • How to create a relationship contract
  • How to be OK with being single
  • How to fall in love
  • How to learn your heritage language
  • How to pack for a trip
  • How to start a creative habit

Personal finance

  • How to write a will
  • How to plan a budget
  • How to budget for a baby
  • How to save for retirement
  • How to decide if you want a baby
  • How to freeze your eggs
  • How to get your kid to listen better
  • How to win back time as a working parent

Goal setting

  • How to avoid cognitive bias
  • How to examine your regrets
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • How to make a better to-do list

The episodes were created by Life Kit. Design, development and illustrations by Connie Hanzhang Jin. Production, editing and art direction by Malaka Gharib and Beck Harlan with additional support by Julia Carney. Special thanks to Life Kit supervising editor Meghan Keane, growth editor Arielle Retting, senior digital analyst Brittany Cheng and engagement editor Dylan Scott.

We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823 , or email us at [email protected] .

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40 New Year’s resolutions you can actually stick to in 2024

It's a new year and—if you so choose—a new you.

However you plan to kick off 2024, you may have a few ideas in mind on how you'd like reinvent yourself in the coming months. Perhaps it's a commitment to being less stressed with your job or deciding to incorporate a new fitness routine into your life.

In fact, there are about as many New Year's Resolutions as you want there to be, including a resolution to not make any new resolutions , and that's perfectly fine.

After all, grandiose plans like a new diet or exercise plan can sometimes be hard to maintain especially once Blue Monday rolls around in January . Which is why setting attainable goal s is especially important when considering New Year's Resolutions.

“Pick something that resonates with you and aligns with your values so that you can stay motivated,” Nathan Brandon, Psy.D , tells “Research shows that having a plan and setting achievable goals can increase the likelihood of success."

If you've had trouble sticking to resolutions in the past, you're far from alone.

“Even though many set resolutions, some research has suggested that under 10% of those setting resolutions feel they are successful by year’s end,” Dr. Ray W. Christner, Psy.D., licensed psychologist, CEO of Cognitive Health Solutions, LLC and co-host of the “ Psyched to Practice Podcast ," tells

To help set yourself up for success, Christner says you should opt for "simple goals that can be done easily and that will have quick results."

Need some motivation ? If so, we've got plenty of ideas including expert suggestions from registered dietitians, licensed psychologists and personal trainers to help you create a manageable list of New Year's resolution ideas.

Whether you’re seeking to manage your finances better, change your outlook on life or simply feel better in the new year, we've got the inspiration you need to get started.

Start a photo journal

Keeping a regular journal is one way to manage stress, channel feelings and keep track of life's most memorable moments. However, setting aside time to write or jot down thoughts can be time-consuming and, depending on your commitments, overwhelming.

A much easier way to remember your day is to snap one or more pictures when the mood strikes you or something catches your eye. Add the photos to a designated folder on your phone or device so that at the end of the year, you can reflect on all the moments you captured.

Do one thing each day you don't want to

Everyone procrastinates. Whatever the reason, there's something (or a host of things) that we put off because either they stress us out or, quite simply, we don't want to do them.

Rather than making a pledge to conquer all the have-to's in your life, which, frankly, is almost impossible to maintain, commit instead to doing one small act each day. Whether it's spending 30 seconds responding to emails before moving on to another task or finding time to read even a single page in the book sitting on your nightstand, it's considered progress. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were your goals.

Pause on purpose daily

Each and every day, take a moment to reflect and breathe. “Taking time to engage in small pauses throughout the day can benefit our mental health and wellness, and it can actually help us be productive," Christner says. "Many of us are in the bad habit of working intensely for long periods of time, yet in actuality we will likely perform best and be more relaxed by interspersing periods of intense work with intermittent periods to pause on purpose."

Christner recommends setting aside two or three minutes every couple of hours. “This might involve taking a few deep breaths, standing up and stretching, reading over a favorite quote, or stepping outside,” he says, adding that each person may figure out their own way to reset and recharge.

Focus on why you're eating

This resolution can be helpful for those that are trying to step out of a diet culture mentality, according to Melissa Macher, RD . “We can get caught up in the ‘what’ in nutrition and completely forget about the ‘why’ behind it. For example, why do I feel the need to snack in the middle of the night? Why do I feel out of control with ___ food? Where is this feeling coming from?” she asks.

Choose a “word of the year”

Embrace a word that resonates with you and make it your guiding mantra for the year ahead.

Lynn R. Zakeri, LCSW , tells that she implemented this after her sister-in-law died on New Year’s Day. “That day held more meaning and it struck me that I wanted to commit to something, for my own good, for a theme of the upcoming year. I have continued to do so,” she says.

When coming up with her word, Zakeri asks herself the following questions: "What is in my way and what do I need to continue to do? What do you want to do better for your own best interest?” 

Focus on your financial health

“Financial well-being is a key component of overall health and can have a profound effect on our experiences, goals, and relationships,” Brandon tells “Taking the time to focus on developing good money habits such as creating and sticking to budgets, setting savings goals, or paying off debt can help us achieve greater peace of mind when it comes to our finances."

Maybe 2024 is the year you finally seek the advice of a financial planner. Or perhaps, you build up an emergency fund for extra reassurance.

This isn't just about the money, though. “Studies have shown that having a strong financial foundation can lead to improved mental health, better stress management and increased overall satisfaction," he adds.

Happy african woman with mobile phone and credit card shopping or taking out a loan online. Business and bank concept

Find one thing you like about yourself

For many people, it's hard to not to focus on our perceived personal flaws. Though surmounting self doubt entirely isn't easy, finding something you like about yourself is. Take time to identify the things you feel good about, whether they are part of your physical appearance, like your hair or smile, or your own special skills or talents, remind yourself daily of those positives. Like an affirmation, focusing on the good can go a long way in improving your overall mood and mental health.

Eat mindfully

Yes, your food should be savored and not slurped up in a few seconds. “Mindfulness can be applied to eating and is associated with positive health benefits. When we appreciate our food, eat with enjoyment and tune into our appetites, we tend to feel better, and we often lose weight as a result,” Lisa Young , PhD, RDN, and author of "Finally Full, Finally Slim," tells

She points to a study by researchers from McGill University , which "found that mindfulness-based interventions helped with weight loss while also limiting emotional eating, binge-eating, and anxiety."

If this is a new practice for you, Young says it's important to make sure you always sit down to eat. "Fill up a plate thoughtfully, sit down to eat, and savor each bite so you can be present and enjoy the experience.” 

Forgive yourself

Throughout the year, you extend forgiveness to loved ones and strangers — but what about yourself?

“Nothing good comes from holding onto your regrets. Recognize and accept your past behaviors so that you can move toward a place of healing,” Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, MD, psychiatrist and founder of Within Health , a virtual eating disorder treatment provider, tells

Take meaningful risks  

Are you risk-averse? That’s totally OK. Though one reason you may be hesitant to take bold moves is because you’re not honing in what would truly make a difference in the quality of your life.

"Taking risks can lead to personal growth and development; it may also open up new opportunities or possibilities that you hadn’t considered before,” Jeanette Lorandini, LCSW, the owner and director of Suffolk DBT , tells “As daunting as it may be, taking manageable risks can be beneficial in many ways.”

Some examples: Signing up for a leisure sports club that you may be nervous about joining; putting yourself back out there by joining an online dating site or attending an open house for a grad school program.

Rekindle a long-lost hobby

If you once loved collecting stamps, hiking, painting or other hobby, but life somehow managed to get in the way and you stopped, consider taking it up once again. Even if it's just thinking about what it would mean to return to your long-lost activity, that's a solid start.

Make a plan to incorporate your hobby back into your life but with no expectations or repercussions if you don't follow through. Perhaps without any pressure, you'll find it easier to pick it back up.

Let go of the toxic people in your life

If you someone is causing more harm than good, then it's time to cut ties. “Allowing toxic people and their behaviors to remain in your life can prevent you from reaching your full potential, so it is important to let those relationships go in order to create space for healthier ones," Lorandini says.

Plan your meals each week

“Spending 30 minutes planning your meals each week pays dividends toward better health,” Kim Yawitz , RD, a registered dietitian and gym owner in St. Louis, Missouri, tells

The proof is in the numbers: A 2017 study found that adults who planned their meals had better diet quality and a lower risk of obesity than those who improvised.

“You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every week. I always tell my clients to rotate between two to three options at breakfast and lunch and to repeat dinner menus every few weeks,” she adds.

Sign up for workout classes on Sunday

Instead of simply squeezing in workouts when you find some time, make them a part of your weekly schedule. Whitney Berger, owner WhitFit NYC and a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer, likes plotting out her week of workouts on Sunday nights while sipping on a "nice cup of tea."

"Monday is a great day to start something and you’ll already have your schedule in place to motivate you to get going," she says.

Recognize what you can and cannot control  

You’ve heard it before but this is a powerful statement to guide your way into the new year. “Let go of things beyond your control and focus on what you can, such as how you react to stressors, negative emotions or relapses,” Oliver-Pyatt says.

Talking to a trusted friend, therapist, or family member may help you decipher what's what.

Create a self-care 'menu'

“When we are in times of stress, we can’t always come up with these ideas, and choosing from a ‘menu’ can help with that,” Macher says.

At the start of the year, create a "menu" with different self-care activities for any (and every) stressful situation. For each activity, list out two options so you can tailor it to your mood that day. "Sleep is a good self-care option, but you don’t always have the ability to commit to an afternoon nap. So, your two options could be 1) turn off overhead lights, set a timer and do some deep breathing, and 2) take a 30-minute nap."

Cook more at home

Not only is eating at home a great way to save money, but Young points out that it can "save you lots of calories, sodium, and added sugar."

“Eating at home enables you to use ingredients you want like whole grains or brown rice instead of white rice and white pasta," she adds. Along the way, you'll also "learn about portion sizes" and how much food you can realistically eat in one sitting.

If you are a novice in the kitchen, Young suggests starting with something simple like grilled fish, your favorite vegetable, and a healthy starch like sweet potatoes or quinoa. Aim to cook two or three dinners a week, then go from there.

R espond to hunger and fullness cues

Let your body guide you instead of your plate.

Macher suggests using a hunger fullness scale when you eat: 1 means you're starving, 5 means you're feeling neutral and 10 means you're uncomfortable, unbutton-your-pants full.

“Take note of your rating before and after eating. Focus first on the hunger side of things — don’t let yourself get below a 3 on the scale,” Macher says. “After you feel you are responding to your hunger cues consistently, then move on to focusing on not going beyond a 7."

It works in reverse: "Learning to stop eating when you are comfortably full is 10x easier when you’ve learned how to respond to hunger first."

Happy businesswoman eating salad on sunny day

Write in a daily gratitude journal

Head to Target and buy a gratitude journal, folks. Or use your phone, if you must.

“Rather than trying to accomplish these big resolutions, doing something as simple as ending our days by focusing on the positive can have a great impact on us," Christner says.

Zoom in on three things you are most grateful for at the end of each day. “The goal is not looking at the ‘big events’ but rather to focus on the little things that we sometimes easily miss."

Apologize less (or more)

Some people find themselves chronically apologizing for anything and everything. If you're among them, try to reserve your sorrys for when they are truly warranted. Hard stop. When you catch yourself about to apologize to someone, pause and reflect on whether or not your act of contrition is genuinely necessary in the moment.

On the other hand, if you're a person who struggles to say they're sorry to others, think about doing so more in the new year. Sometimes a simple, "I'm sorry" goes a long way in repairing fractured relationships and creating goodwill among friends, family, coworkers and others.

Do one daily act of kindness

Paying it forward does more than just make someone else happy — it also helps reduce our stress and improve our overall well-being.

"Some of the best acts are those that are simple, such as complimenting someone, holding the door for a stranger, letting someone in line ahead of you, paying for someone’s cup of coffee, smiling, giving a nice greeting, or even just being patient," Christner says.

Commit to the three basics: sleep, nutrition and exercise

Yep, the big three matter. “It is cliché, but truly ... it all comes back to that. Have you ever met someone you didn’t care for who had all three of these in their daily practice," Zakeri asks. Aim for eight hours of sleep, healthy food choices and regular exercise every single day.

"This keeps us focused on what we can control, it is something for ourselves, it gives us confidence in our health and longevity," Zakeri says.

Find a healthy work-life balance

Working from home has made it even more difficult to take a break from the "office." Still, it’s worth committing to as a New Year’s resolution (or any time of year, for that matter): “Balancing our professional and personal life can be difficult, but it’s essential to maintaining our physical, mental and emotional well-being," Brandon says.

In addition to creating boundaries between work and home, Brandon recommends "taking regular breaks throughout the day" to rest and recharge. It'll pay off in the long-run: Brandon adds that studies have shown that a healthy work-life balance can lead to improved job satisfaction, increased productivity and enhanced quality of life.

Cut yourself some slack

Extend the kindness that you show others to yourself in 2024. “Simply put, speak nicely to yourself, treat yourself with respect and don’t be too hard on yourself.  Remind yourself every day: ‘I’m a fallible human. I might make mistakes, but if I do, I’ll figure it out and it’ll be OK,’” Christner says.

Christner recommends starting your day with that very reminder — a positive affirmation, if you will. “Using this self-talk as a mantra of sorts is a good way to keep it at the forefront of our thoughts.” If you do mess up, take a deep breath and repeat the quote a few more times," he adds.

Understand the urgency of things

Remember: It's probably not that important.

"Everything is right now, stress is high, and urgency is applied to emails, calls, and texts, and patience is gone," Zakeri says. To combat this sense of urgency, ask yourself, "Is this critical?" If not, "take a breath and pause," and know "it’s OK if it's done tomorrow.” 

Set boundaries  

Consider this the corollary of the resolution above. “It’s important to set boundaries for yourself and for others to ensure that your emotional needs are being met,” Lorandini says. Doing so will help prevent relationships in your life from becoming too intense, potentially veering into toxic territory. 

“This may include setting limitations on how much you’re willing to give of your time and energy to others, as well as saying ‘no’ when needed," Lorandini says. "Setting boundaries will allow you to be more intentional about how you’re spending your time and energy.”

Create a list of coping statements

This practical piece of advice from Oliver-Pyatt will serve you well in the new year whenever you face a tough experience. “Compile a list of coping statements for radical acceptance that you can turn to whenever you are struggling,” Oliver-Pyatt says. “Having these on hand can help you react to painful situations in a mindful way.”

Eat more plant proteins

It's "Veganuary,” after all.

Even if you don’t go fully plant-based, include more plant-based proteins in your everyday diet. “Replacing meat with plant proteins is a good way to improve health. Research found that eating more plants is associated with a reduced rate of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers," Young says.

It's easier than it sounds: Substitute red meat for chickpeas, lentils, nuts, and seeds a few times a week.

Ease into it and try to eat three plant-based meals each week. Set yourself up for success by stocking your pantry with cans of chickpeas or black beans. Then implement quick fixes like Young's go-to: "Sprinkle nuts and seeds on your salad instead of adding meat or cheese."

Focus more on one-on-one relationships

Make 2024 the year you cultivate deep, trusted friendships. “Sure, a group of friends is fun for memories and events and good times and shared experiences, but on a daily basis, it is the individual relationships that matter more,” Zakeri says.

Be intentional with your time and energy, making sure you invest in people who are also willing — and happy — to invest in you.

Clean up your social media  

Now's a good time to evaluate your relationship with social media and how it impacts your mental health — and make changes as needed.

“Stop following people who you don’t know, don’t add anything to your growth and make you feel badly about yourself,” Zakeri says. “And on that note, decide how many minutes per day is too many to be scrolling." Set time limits on your phone to keep you accountable.

Find clothes that fit your current body

While many buy new clothes in a smaller size in an effort to incentivize weight loss, Macher urges people to steer clear of this practice. “Your body now is just as worthy of comfortable clothes as your ‘ideal’ body. Having clothes and even underwear that don’t fit properly can be sabotaging," she says.

Keep learning

Rather than trying to change a bad habit, you can use New Year’s resolutions as a way to feed your need for growth.

“We have many mediums to learn new things from reading a book to subscribing to a learning platform like MasterClass," Christner says. “Learning new skills can motivate us, prevent boredom, boost confidence, keep our minds flexible, and improve our happiness.” 

When you're at peace everything falls into place

Have a year of ‘action not reaction’

It's easy to get caught up in reacting to things that happen throughout the day rather than focusing on how you can make a change. “Working to focus on how we act versus react can help us stay focused and keep calm in stressful situations," Christner says.

Trade negative self-talk for action-oriented questions. Christner recommends asking yourself the following questions to be proactive, not reactive:

  • Is this something that I really need to do something about?
  • Does this require my action?
  • Is there anything I could say or do  that would make the situation better?
  • If I wait, will this even still be an issue later?

Eat five or six prunes

Looking for a low-effort healthy eating resolution for 2024? Try this tip from Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, an inclusive plant-based dietitian in Stamford, CT and owner of Plant Based with Amy . “This is one of the easiest ways to benefit your bone health. Research shows that eating this number of prunes daily may help prevent bone loss."

Prunes, which are slightly sweeter than a plum, are incredibly versatile. "You can eat prunes as a snack, blend them into a smoothie , or add them to a salad .”  

Stop monitoring your workouts

This might sound like a counterintuitive piece of advice, but it's a necessary one for those who have become a little too obsessed with their fitness trackers.

“In some cases people can become obsessed with counting calories, steps or calories burned,” Berger says. “So many times I see people in my classes checking their Apple Watches or other wrist devices during class. Leave it home and stay present.”

Of course, if you find that your fitness tracker motivates you in a healthy way, then this resolution isn't for you.

Hit the weight room at least twice each week

If you want to feel stronger and healthier in the year ahead, Yawitz emphasizes the many benefits of spending more time in the “weight room,” whether it's at an actual gym or your living room.

“Lifting weights can help strengthen your bones , decrease your risk of injuries , lower your risk of diabetes , and improve your mood . Strength training also increases metabolism, so it’s a great addition to your routine if you hope to shed a few pounds,” she says.

New to weightlifting? “A few sessions with a personal trainer can help you make the most of your time in the gym and ensure you’re moving with proper form. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups and lunges are great alternatives if you prefer to work out at home.”

  Power down at least an hour before bedtime

A good night's rest is key. “If you often struggle with falling or staying asleep, powering down your devices in the evening is a great place to start,” Yawitz says.

Phones, tablets, TVs and other devices emit blue light, which suppresses the production of melatonin and makes it more difficult to fall asleep. That’s why Yawitz suggests setting a timer to turn off devices and dim your lights at least one hour before bedtime. “You can read during that time, do a craft, stretch, take a bath or visit with family — as long as you keep the lights low.”

Have a plank competition with yourself

Looking for a New Year’s resolution you can do in a few minutes a day? “Every day or each week, add on 10 to 30 more seconds to holding your plank. This is so good for physical strength but also mental strength," Berger says.

To add some more structure to this goal, consider doing a plank in the morning when you wake up and right before bed. "Even if it’s just for a minute, this is a great routine to get into,” Berger says. “Planks are a full-body exercise, great for building core strength but they’re also amazing for focusing and centering.”

Slow it down with a restorative yoga class

Ready to say “om”? Take a restorative yoga class every week. “While we think of fitness as going hard, or challenging workouts, it’s also about maximizing our workouts and focusing on overall goals,” Berger says. “We forget to slow it down and allow our bodies to recover, which is important for muscle building.”

Make balance a priority

We’re saving this succinct New Year’s resolution for last: “Balance. Do what you need to do, then do what you want to do, and then, and only then, do what you should do,” Zakeri says. Easier said than done, but a valuable principle to hold close as we enter 2024. 

Start the year off right

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Perri is a New York City-born-and-based writer. She holds a B.A. in psychology from Columbia University and is also a culinary school graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute. She's probably seen Dave Matthews Band in your hometown, and she'll never turn down a bloody mary. Follow her on Twitter  @66PerriStreet  or learn more at

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Development — Importance Of New Year Resolutions


Importance of New Year Resolutions

  • Categories: Development

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Words: 530 |

Published: Mar 13, 2024

Words: 530 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Self-reflection and goal-setting, motivation and inspiration, impact on overall well-being, references:.

  • Norcross, J. C., & Vangarelli, D. J. (1988). The resolution solution: Longitudinal examination of New Year's change attempts. Journal of Substance Abuse, 1(2), 127-134.
  • Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey. American Psychologist, 57(9), 705-717.
  • Sheldon, K. M., & Elliot, A. J. (1999). Goal striving, need satisfaction, and longitudinal well-being: The self-concordance model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(3), 482-497.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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How to Write a New Year Resolution Essay - A Comprehensive Guide

"New year, new you!" is a phrase that begins to appear on your screens during the New Year period. However, it only stays there for a while, and people tend to forget about their resolutions as time passes. Nonetheless, there is a solution – the New Year Resolution Essay, a compilation of goals or aspirations through which individuals can genuinely witness positive changes in themselves! So let's delve into this time-honored practice, symbolizing hope, renewal, and the pursuit of self-improvement, enhance our grasp, and learn how to write the perfect New Year Resolution Essay for you!

Easy Steps to Write a New Year Resolution Essay

Alright, let's go. In this section, we will learn how to write a New Year Resolution essay. There might not be a direct format for this, but we will try to break down the process into 9 simple steps to ensure that the end result is a better version of you.

Step 1: Choose Your Writing Partner

While you can initiate the essay-writing process with paper and pencil, there's a risk of losing your work. That's why we recommend utilizing writing software. Our choice is WPS Office for crafting our New Year Resolution essay. Why, you ask? It offers a comprehensive package - WPS Writer serves as our canvas for compiling the essay, WPS Presentation aids in jotting down ideas and creating flowcharts to generate new thoughts. Additionally, WPS Cloud ensures the safety of our New Year Resolution, allowing us to save it securely and access it whenever and wherever needed!

WPS Office

Step 2: Reflect on the Challenge

Now that we have our writing partner, the next step is to determine the purpose and the question we aim to answer in our essay. This is a crucial part, as a New Year Resolution essay centers around what you aspire to achieve through your goals. Let's formulate a New Year Resolution question to proceed.

 Example New Year Resolution Essay question

Step 3: Define Your Vision

Now, let's strategize on how to address our question. What are our intended achievements? In crafting our objectives, keep in mind that this plan spans the entire year. Therefore, diversify your goals across professional, educational, health, or personal domains. Consider listing out specific goals for the year.

 Set up New Year Goals

Pro Tip : Optimal goal-setting involves using the SMART criteria. This simple tool ensures that our goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, leading to more effective results.

S.M.A.R.T goals for New Year Resolution

Step 4: Prepare a concise Thesis Statement

Now, we will create a thesis statement—a brief statement that answers our main question from Step 2. This thesis statement will encompass all the goals and objectives we listed, aiming to provide a succinct response to our question. Incorporate this thesis statement into your introductory paragraph.

New Year Resolution Thesis Statement

Step 5: Start your introduction

The next step is to write your introductory paragraph; remember, the introduction helps your readers understand what they are going to be reading about as they move forward in your essay. So, in this introduction, we can incorporate a hook - something that will engage the reader and help them understand the goals you're selecting and why you're selecting them. A great example of a hook for your New Year's resolution essay could be:

"New Year's magic whispers promises of growth. This essay is my map to a year brimming with purpose and triumphs."

Pro tip: Begin your introductory paragraph with a motivational quote to make the introduction more compelling and engaging.

Step 6: Create your Topic Sentences

Once we have our thesis statement, it's crucial to write clear topic sentences as openers for each goal. These sentences should briefly introduce and discuss each objective. Remember, at this point, our main tasks are to ensure our goals are noted down and well-understood. This step is pivotal, taking up a significant portion of the initial writing process for the New Year Resolution essay.

New Year Resolution Essay’s topic sentences

Step 7: Write Body Paragraphs

Now that we have our entire plan – the question we are addressing, our statement, and our goals – it's time to craft body paragraphs for each goal. In these paragraphs, we'll outline the action plan we've decided upon. For instance, if your goal is to read a book every month, you should have a clear set of instructions, such as the genre you're interested in, the number of pages you aim to read, and what to do if you miss a day.

New Year Resolution Body paragraphs

Pro Tip : It's always beneficial to include your motivation for achieving each goal. This way, if you ever feel lost, a quick review of your essay can provide guidance and get you back

Step 8: Conclude

Now that we are at the end of our essay, it is important to conclude it thoroughly. How can we do this effectively? Reconnect with the hook that we started in the introduction. Discuss how the journey outlined in your essay leads back to the promises of growth mentioned in the hook. Then, reflect on how you envision yourself if you successfully achieve all your New Year's resolutions.

Step 9: Revise and Edit

Take a careful look at your essay and make it shine. Check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Make sure every word is clear and makes sense. When you pay attention to these details, your writing will look more professional. Think of it as adding a touch of literary stardust to your work, making it sparkle and stand out.

Step 10 : Finalize the Format

Imagine your essay as a well-crafted outfit. Dress it in the right formatting style, whether it's the classic MLA or the modern APA. Pay close attention to the details like font, spacing, and citation style, ensuring your creation is presented flawlessly. This final touch will elevate your essay, making it stand out as a polished work of art.

So, these are the steps, and by following them, users can ensure they can effortlessly compose their own New Year's resolution essay. Make sure to employ tips for crafting an effective New Year's resolution essay. Reflect, brainstorm ideas, unleash your creativity, and discover the best New Year's resolution ideas that truly propels long-term improvement for yourself.

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Navigating through WPS AI

To access WPS AI, the first step is to download WPS Office on your system. The steps are straightforward, and once completed, users can launch WPS Office to write their own New Year's resolution essay.

Step 1: On the WPS Office dashboard, click on "New" located on the sidebar to create a new blank document.

WPS Office

Step 2: Next, head back to the sidebar and click on "Docs", followed by "Blank", to create a fresh document where WPS AI can be utilized to craft your New Year's resolution essay.

 WPS Office New blank document

Step 3 : To activate WPS AI, simply click on the document and then type "@AI" and press enter.

WPS Office activate WPS AI assistant

Step 4: With WPS AI activated, users can give prompts to WPS AI for ideas for their New Year's resolution goal, ask for help in creating topic sentences for their essay, or even request WPS AI to write the New Year's resolution essay.

WPS Office enter prompt

Step 5: WPS AI will respond based on the prompt. You can instruct WPS AI to continue writing, request a rewrite of the entire response, or choose to accept or discard the provided response as needed.

 WPS AI edit response

Step 6: Users can then revise and edit their essay, save their New Year's resolution essay on WPS Cloud, or share it with others, all while staying within the WPS Office application.

WPS Office edit and share document

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Choose Your Best Writing Tool - WPS Writer

Documenting your resolution journey is crucial for tracking progress. WPS Office is an excellent choice for this purpose. Initially perceived as a simple documentation tool, WPS Office reveals itself as a powerful and cost-effective solution. Compatible with major office suites like Microsoft Office, Linux, Windows, and Mac, it offers versatility. Its growing AI capabilities further streamline your work, making it a valuable asset in achieving your New Year's resolutions.

WPS Office Writer

How to Write an Essay in WPS Writer?

WPS Writer is an extremely user-friendly software, offering advanced tools for formatting, editing, and creating documents from scratch. Let's explore some of the main features that can be utilized while writing a New Year Resolution essay:

Step 1: With the New Year's resolution essay open in WPS Writer, changes to the font size can be made in the Home tab. Ensure to select the text using your mouse to modify the font.

WPS Writer change font size

Step 2: Similarly, you can change the font, font style, alignments, or add bullets in the Home tab.

WPS Writer change font style and other Home tab options

Step 3: Users can insert pictures in their New Year resolution essay by going to the Insert tab and clicking on Picture. Select where you want to insert the picture from.

 WPS Writer insert picture

Step 4: WPS Office's built-in grammar checker allows users to revise and check for any mistakes. Spelling errors are highlighted with a red dotted line. Simply click and correct any mistakes using the suggestions.

WPS Writer grammar check

Alternatively, users can run a spell check on their documents by visiting the Review tab and clicking on "Spell check" to find mistakes throughout the document.

WPS Writer spell check tool

Step 5: Save your work! WPS Office allows users to save their files in multiple formats. Click on the "Menu" at the top left of the screen and from the drop-down, select the "Save as" option. Users can choose different file formats to save their work.

WPS Writer save documents

Step 6: WPS Writer also enables users to share their work directly with others. Simply click on the Share button at the top right of the screen. Users can opt to share their work via email, link, and other options.

 WPS Writer share work with others

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Q1. How can I maintain motivation throughout the year to achieve my resolutions?

Sustaining motivation requires a strategic approach. Begin by setting realistic goals, ensuring they align with your capabilities and aspirations. Next, actively track your progress, celebrating each small victory along the way. This not only provides a tangible sense of achievement but also serves as a constant reminder of your journey, fueling the motivation to persist throughout the year.

Q2. What New Year's resolution holds the most value for students?

Top 8 New Year’s Resolutions for Students:

Explore a New Academic Interest.

Cultivate Mindfulness in Daily Activities.

Expand Social Connections within the University.

Develop a Time-Management System.

Volunteer for Community Service.

Enhance Digital Literacy Skills.

Set Clear Career Goals.

Establish a Consistent Exercise Routine.

Q3. Which questions make the best resolutions for the new year?

What steps will I take to enhance myself? Outline the habits, strategies, or plans to address your chosen areas of focus. Determine the time needed for each goal and assess your current availability to dedicate towards these objectives.

Empower Your Resolutions: Crafting Essays with WPS Office

New Year's resolutions essay stand as a potent instrument, empowering them to articulate their personal goals, fostering self-awareness and motivation. WPS Office, acclaimed for its user-friendly features, significantly enhances the essay writing process by providing a seamless platform for students endeavoring to compose their New Year Resolution essay. Moreover, WPS Office offers a wealth of templates—a true companion for students. Download WPS Office today for an efficient and distraction-free writing experience.

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Essays About New Year: 5 Examples and Prompts

The new year marks a new beginning for everyone. If you are writing essays about new year, you can start by reading some essay examples. 

On new year’s day, everything resets. The calendar returns to January, the year’s first month, and the year starts anew. In the same way, most people see the start of a new year as the start of something better for themselves.

They want to improve themselves in specific ways by picking up good traits, being kinder, and trying to get out of bad habits and mannerisms; they set new year’s resolutions to attempt to break these habits. New year’s eve and new year’s day are undoubtedly some of the most important days of the year.

If you are writing an essay about new year, start by reading these examples. 

Are you looking for more? Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays

1. The New Year: A Time for Reflection and a Time to Move Forward by Susanne Carlson

2. my new year’s resolution by francisco sáez, 3. my lonely new year’s eve party will consist of sadness, hope, and life-changing gratitude by dawn bevier, 4. the psychology of new years eve reflection by ben farrell, 5. why is new year’s eve so depressing by leila ettachfini, 1. what is the importance of new year’s resolutions, 2. different new year celebrations, 3. is new year a new beginning, 4. why some people find new year’s celebrations depressing, 5. are new year’s resolutions a waste of time.

“With reflection and attention to positive change, taking note of what we have learned on our journey up until now, can give us the opportunity to apply it to the future, to take with us what is helpful and to leave behind what is not.”

Carlson writes about the importance of reflection and learning from one’s mistakes for the new year ahead. She sees the new year as a time for new beginnings; she wants it to be the start of positive change for others, just as it has been for her. Reflection is essential, as it allows us to see what we can improve on and do better in the coming year. 

“According to Goleman, the link between attention and excellence is behind almost all our achievements. Attention is needed not only to understand, learn or remember, but also to read the emotions of others, generate empathy and build good relationships. It is an asset that, despite being little known and despised, has great relevance in how we face life.”

Sáez briefly explains his new year’s resolution: to be more attentive. He wants to improve his attention and focus on forming better relationships with others, healthily using technology, and better his mental health. By reading the book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence , he hopes to hone his attention for the new year and do better in the future. You might also be interested in these essays about celebration .

“And yes, I know this pandemic is not done with its destruction, but I also know we’re fighting back like hell and making progress. And that long-awaited day of celebration is now coming sooner rather than later. And when that day comes, I can’t help but believe that the world will be a better place. I know I will be a better person and millions of you will be as well.”

In this solemn piece, Bevier laments new year’s celebrations during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed millions. She is sad for those she has lost and the loss of the pre-pandemic life she loved. However, she hopes the next new year will not be like the last, and she has learned to be grateful for the more minor things in life. The pandemic has taught her a lot, but most importantly, to be optimistic for the future and to look ahead to the new year with hope, kindness, and gratitude. 

“In reality, new years eve is no different to any other night of the year yet; we can’t help but assign some special meaning to the 31st of December. The psychological significance of the night can be a good thing, but it can also create tremendous anxiety for us.”

Farrell explains the psychological pressure of New Year’s Eve. This one night is no different from any other, but since it is the last one of the year, people feel the need to reflect not only on the day but the entire year. The imagery of big parties and “new beginnings” further add to the pressure, as people feel the need to have the “picture-perfect” new year. He says that while it can be helpful to use the beginning of the year as the start of positive change, it is more important to learn from one’s mistakes, no matter what time of the year. 

“‘Anytime you let social convention dictate what you do rather than doing what feels best for you, you run the risk of anxiety, depression, and so on,’ says Dr. Kubiak. New Year’s Eve leaves this group with a tough choice: go out even though you really don’t want to or deal with the uncomfortable task of telling your friends that you’re going to sit this one out.”

Ettachfini explains new year’s eve from the perspective of those who get anxious or depressed during this time. Failure during the year, social anxiety, and the feeling of having to say goodbye to the year are all contributing factors. She cites information from Dr. Larry Kubiak, who says that depression and anxiety are normal, but it is essential to talk about them with a loved one to prevent their consuming of your life. 

Top 5 Prompts on Essays about New Year

Essays about New Year: What is the importance of new year’s resolutions?

What is the importance of setting a new year’s resolution? In this essay, explore why people create new year resolutions and what a resolution aims to achieve. You can include your reasoning, interview others, or use online sources. Perhaps you can argue whether new years resolutions are helpful or not in achieving goals. Think about the resolutions you have set, and whether or not it has helped you achieve a goal. 

Different cultures and religions celebrate the new year differently, sometimes even having different dates. Write about how the new year is celebrated in different parts of the world, including dates, activities, and any local traditions. Use research to support your findings, this can be found in history books, interviews, statistical data or news articles online. 

Many think of the new year as a “rebirth” of some sort; however, it can be argued that the new year would be better used as an instrument of continuity, particularly that of the good things that happened in the previous year. You might also be interested in these essays about Christmas .

Some see new year as something to be sad about. In your essay, you can discuss the darker side of new year and write about anxiety and depression during this time, similar to Ettachfini’s essay. In your essay, include the reasons for, behaviors displayed, and possible remedies to sadness during the new year’s holidays.

Some say that it is unrealistic to make new year’s resolutions. Discuss if you believe new year’s resolutions are a waste of time or not. Create a compelling argumentative essay by stating your position and providing research, statistics, or interview data to back up your arguments.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing ?

new year resolution essay ideas

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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52 New Year’s resolutions ideas for 2024


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New Year, new you… right? Making resolutions and setting goals for the upcoming year is one of our most time-honored annual traditions — and yet, it’s not the magic of the season that inspires us to keep them. 

So what makes the difference, and what does it really take to make this year different than last year? Here are the most popular goals people set each year, some New Year’s resolution ideas you may not have thought of, and tips on how to keep them.

What are New Year’s resolutions?

New Year’s resolutions are the determinations that we set ceremoniously at the beginning of every year. The New Year traditionally represents a fresh start, giving each person the opportunity to leave old habits behind and redetermine how we want things to go moving forward. 

Resolutions aren't quite the same as a to-do list — although many people feel that New Year's is the perfect time to tackle lingering tasks or embrace a new mindset . It's more like a "to-be" list. Even if your list of resolutions includes specific goals for the new year or tasks to cross off, they tend to be more centered around self-improvement and personal growth.

The practice of New Year’s resolutions might be one of our longest-running traditions. History credits the Babylonians with making the first annual resolutions each year as a part of a twelve-day ceremony. If they kept to their word (often, a promise to honor the new ruler and pay off their debts) they would be rewarded with good favor.

Four thousand years later, many of us are still resolving to make this year the one that we get out of debt, quit bad habits, and change our lives for the better. Unfortunately, failing to keep our New Year’s resolutions is almost as much of a tradition as making them. A study of holiday goal-setters reveals that just 19% of people keep even some of their resolutions, and only 7% keep all of them . Most people have given up or even forgotten their goals by February.

Do New Year's resolutions work?

So if most people don’t even keep New Year’s resolutions, why bother making them? What’s kept people resolving to change for the last four thousand years? The fact is, life would be pretty sad and boring if we didn’t hope for anything new. Making goals is part of what keeps things interesting. And even when we don’t accomplish everything on the list, making goals is beneficial for you even when you don’t reach them . In fact, sometimes what we think of as failure actually teaches us resilience and helps us to grow in unexpected ways.

So yes, New Year’s resolutions work — even when you don’t keep them all. As the saying goes, “If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.” Goal setting tends to help you build momentum and keep you more focused as you pursue personal growth .

What are the most common New Year’s resolutions?

According to a survey done by Statista, more than half of Americans make goals related to weight loss or eating habits each year . Another large percentage of respondents set career or financial goals. And another group focused on personal goals, like renovating their homes, spending more time with their loved ones, or cutting back on social media .

As you can see, there’s a wide range of New Year’s resolutions out there, but they all have one thing in common — they have to be personally meaningful. A good New Year's resolution is one that resonates with what you want for your life. It will keep you motivated to work towards them , even when you don’t feel like it.

man in field smiling in blue jacket

52 New Year’s resolution ideas for 2023

No matter what area you’re working on (or how many times you tried to tackle it in the past), you can make progress on your goals this year. And part of that means taking care of your best, most valuable asset — you. Here are some New Year’s resolution ideas that will help you grow personally, professionally, and everything in between.

New Year’s resolution ideas for self-care

1. drink more water.

What we eat and drink has an impact on everything, from our energy levels to our concentration and our sleep patterns . Many symptoms of dehydration mimic anxiety, so it’s crucial for your well-being and mood to drink enough water .

2. Talk to a sleep coach

Need to fix your sleep schedule ? In addition to professional development, BetterUp offers specialist coaching for sleep, nutrition, working parents, and more. Sleep is one of the most important investments you can make in both your physical wellness and performance at work .

3. Find a fitness program that you love

Exercise is proven to impact our mood, focus, and creativity. All movement is good movement, so choose something that excites you. It could be walking every day , a high-intensity workout, or even a virtual yoga class .

4. Try a digital detox

Between work, leisure, and social media, most of us get more screen time than we’d like. Try giving your brain (and your eyes) a rest by taking some analog time. This could be a whole day off-line, but even short breaks throughout the day have health benefits.

5. Make time to see your loved ones

Social connection is important for our mental and emotional health. Make time at least once a week to connect with a friend or family member just to say hi.

New Year’s resolution ideas to support Inner Work®

6. start a mindfulness practice.

Meditation has numerous (evidence-backed!) benefits, but it’s okay if that’s not your thing. You can try breathwork , walking meditation, or even movement practices like yoga. Even coloring is a great way to practice staying present.

7. Figure out what fills your cup

A big part of Inner Work® is learning what reignites your passion and excitement. Think about the kinds of activities you loved as a child. What would you do for fun? What makes you feel more energized?

8. Prioritize your mental fitness

Just as health is about more than just “not being sick,” mental fitness is more than the absence of mental illness. Take time to build your mental fitness . Take care of your well-being. Engage in activities like reading and learning something new. And be proactive about managing burnout and your mental health.

9. Take an Inner Work® day

Create time to engage in the internal work that makes you better and builds mental fitness — it’s an important part of sustaining the external work that gets you paid. Consider dedicating at least a couple of hours a week (and at least one day a quarter) to your Inner Work®.

10. Get a coach

After over a million coaching sessions , we learned that the foundation skill for all personal development is self-reflection. Fortunately, that’s the first skill you build when working with a coach. Coaching can make a huge difference in your professional life , but it can also provide the feedback and support you need to grow personally.

New year’s resolutions for professional growth

11. take a class.

Most industries require continuing education — and for good reason. Learning something new (even if it’s in a field that you’re very familiar with) is great for your cognitive agility and can even help reinvigorate your passion.

12. Create a 5-year plan

As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” The new year can be a great time to create your 5-year plan — or update an existing one. If you’re stuck on creating this year’s goals, working backward from where you’d like to be in five years can give you a clearer picture.

13. Ask for feedback

To grow and improve, you have to know what to work on. Unfortunately, many of us are uncomfortable asking for — and receiving — feedback . Learning to handle feedback effectively can catapult you years ahead in your professional development.

14. Re-evaluate your goals

Do you have a vision statement , list of goals, or planner from last year? Take it out and blow the dust off of it. Ask yourself, “Are these goals important to the person you are becoming?” Many times, we chase goals that were important to us at some point in our lives, only to realize that we’re no longer interested in pursuing them.

15. Go somewhere new

If you’re looking to challenge yourself professionally, you don’t have to create a new role or change where you work to change where you work. Travel can be a personally and professionally invigorating experience . Apply for an international transfer, take a business trip, or try out a week as a digital nomad.

New year’s resolutions for productivity

16. take a break.

It may sound counterintuitive, but taking time away from your work can actually make you more productive . Your brain actually does quite a bit of important work while at rest . Try using the Pomodoro method (working for 25 minutes with five-minute breaks).

17. Block your time

Time blocking can reduce the cognitive load of switching from task to task — because, as it turns out, multitasking doesn’t really work. Try shifting your most intensive or creative work to early in the day, and keep meetings to specific times or days of the week.

18. Cancel a meeting

For many of us, meetings can feel draining — and that’s especially true when they’re all online. Could that upcoming appointment actually fit into an email? If so, and your colleagues agree, give everyone some time back by canceling a meeting altogether (read: cancel, don’t reschedule).

19. Clear off your desk

Clutter tends to make us anxious , even if we’re not aware of its effect. And not being able to find what you need when you need it is just plain frustrating. Invest in your future productivity by clearing off and organizing your workspace . Your digital desktop might benefit from some decluttering too.

20. Exercise

Stuck on a challenge or project? Get moving. Physical activity can help us be more creative , energized, and motivated at work. Try turning one of your meetings or brainstorming sessions into a walking meeting.

New Year’s resolution ideas that give back

21. make one small change.

Is there something you want to do or change, but you’re not ready to tackle all at once? Take a small step instead. For example, if you’re concerned about the environment, try swapping out plastic straws for reusable, metal ones.

22. Pledge 1% 

Companies across the world ( including BetterUp ) are committing to social impact by donating 1% of their equity, staff time, product, or profit to their communities. Even if you don’t own a business, you can pledge to spend 1% of your time, money, or other resources in support of a cause that matters to you.

23. Give something away

New Year’s Day marks the end of the winter holiday season, which is traditionally marked with lots of food and gifts. Make the most of this goodwill and share what you can with someone who would appreciate a gift. Often, the most valuable contributions you can make don’t cost anything at all.

24. Become a mentor

Whether you volunteer for a mentorship organization or informally take a new colleague under your wing, becoming a mentor is often a rewarding experience for both parties. You’ll get to support someone else in their career, and might even impress yourself with how much you know.

25. Random acts of kindness

Want to rewire your brain for gratitude? Create a kindness habit. Take on a kindness challenge and do something for others every day. You might find that this becomes the easiest resolution to keep.

New Year’s resolutions for healthy eating

26. cook more at home.

Embrace home cooking as a New Year's resolution to foster a healthier relationship with food and make mindful choices in meal preparation. Consider trying out new recipes and sharing your culinary creations on social media.

27. Embrace plant-based meals

Explore the benefits of incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet as part of your New Year's resolution. This not only promotes well-being and environmental sustainability but also allows you to share your delicious plant-based creations with loved ones.

28. Practice mindful eating

Cultivate mindfulness in your eating habits in the new year, savoring each bite and paying attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Consider starting a gratitude journal for your meals to appreciate the little things.

29. Reduce added sugar intake

Consciously decrease your consumption of added sugars by making informed choices and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods.

30. Plan and prep meals

Simplify your daily eating routine by planning and preparing meals ahead, ensuring a balance of nutrition and convenience. 

31. Try a new cooking technique

Expand your culinary skills by trying a new cooking technique or experimenting with ingredients you've never used before. Since cooking can promote relaxation , you'll be surprised at what you can create while winding down from the day.

32. Explore diverse cuisines

Broaden your culinary horizons by exploring and cooking dishes from diverse cuisines around the world. Share your cultural cooking adventures on social media to celebrate diversity and inspire others.

33. Create a weekly meal plan

Streamline your eating habits by creating a weekly meal plan that includes a variety of nutritious and satisfying meals. This can help streamline your grocery shopping trips too.

34. Host a healthy dinner party

Elevate your social gatherings by hosting and enjoying quality time with a healthy dinner party for friends or family. It might be daunting at first so keep the menu simple or encourage guests to bring their favorite dish, pot-luck style.

New Year’s resolutions for relationship building

35. practice active listening.

Strengthen connections through active listening as a new year's resolution, giving your full attention to others and fostering deeper understanding. Consider starting a podcast together with loved ones to share your conversations with a broader audience.

36. Express appreciation regularly

Cultivate gratitude by regularly expressing appreciation for the efforts and kindness of those around you. Create a gratitude journal to capture the moments and store them for a later date.

37. Schedule quality time

Prioritize meaningful connections by scheduling regular quality time with loved ones as part of your New Year’s resolution, fostering stronger bonds. Plan a road trip or a DIY project together to create lasting memories.

38. Set relationship goals

Reflect on relationships and set goals for improvement in the new year, creating a roadmap for growth and connection. You can communicate these aspirations with your friends and loved ones or keep them as personal resolutions.

39. Learn a partner's love language

Deepen romantic connections by understanding and aligning with your partner's love language for more meaningful expressions of love. Consider creating a collaborative project together that incorporates both of your love languages.

40. Attend relationship workshops or therapy

Invest in the growth of your relationships by attending relationship workshops or therapy sessions. If you and your cohort feel up for it, you could your experiences and insights on social media to reduce the stigma around seeking professional support for relationship development.

41. Write love letters

Bring back the timeless tradition of writing love letters to express your feelings to your significant other. Though often romantic, you can also write letters to friends and family members to express how much you care about them.

42. Create a relationship bucket list

Develop a relationship bucket list with your loved ones, filled with shared goals and experiences you want to accomplish together. 

43. Host a virtual game night

Strengthen connections with friends and family by hosting virtual game nights. This is especially helpful for loved ones who live far apart from one another.

New Year’s resolutions for stress management

44. practice deep breathing.

Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your routine as a New Year's resolution to manage stress and promote relaxation throughout the day. Share your favorite relaxation techniques on social media to spread calm vibes.

45. Establish a self-care routine

Create a personalized self-care routine as part of your New Year's resolution, dedicating time to activities that bring joy and contribute to overall well-being. Document your self-care journey to track how different activities impact your mental and emotional well-being.

46. Delegate responsibilities

Proactively delegate tasks to reduce stress, enhance productivity, and maintain a healthier work-life balance. 

47. Set realistic expectations

Manage stress by setting realistic expectations, avoiding perfectionism, and recognizing the value of self-compassion.

48. Create a stress-busting playlist

Curate a playlist of your favorite stress-busting tunes to turn to during challenging moments. Be sure to add the most relaxing song in the world to your playlist.

49. Prioritize "me time"

Make "me time" a priority in your schedule to recharge and relax. This time can be filled with self-care rituals or simply taking some quiet time or reconnecting with your values.

50. Join a stress management group

Seek support by joining a stress management or mindfulness group, whether in-person or online. 

51. Create a stress-relief corner

Designate a stress-relief corner in your home with calming elements like candles, cushions, or plants. Use this space when you’re feeling overwhelmed or need a break.

52. Find a life coach

Big or small changes can be difficult to cultivate on our own. Try speaking with a life coach to build out an action plan for the year ahead and help you stay accountable to your resolutions.


What makes change happen?

Psychologists James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente developed the transtheoretical model of behavior change while studying addictive behaviors. Published in the 1980s, the model identifies six stages of change a person goes through to successfully start a new habit (or break an old one). The steps include precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination or relapse.

1. Precontemplation

At this point, you haven’t even considered making a change. You’re happy with how things are, or at least comfortable enough that you’re not interested in the effort change would take.

2. Contemplation

In the second stage, you start thinking about what it would take to change. You might identify what’s standing in the way or go back and forth about whether change is worth it.

3. Preparation

During preparation, you begin to educate yourself and start “flirting” with change. You might buy a book , read blogs, or research professional support (for example, coaches, doctors, or classes).

Action is what it sounds like — taking concrete, intentional steps in line with the change you want to make. Interestingly enough, this is where most unsuccessful changes start. Without spending enough time in the previous stages, resolutions fail. People tend to lack the foundation needed to maintain the new behavior .

5. Maintenance

In stage five, you learn how to continue your behavior for the long haul. As the new change takes root, people develop confidence in their ability to continue the new behavior and resist temptation. 

6. Termination or Relapse

The original model called the sixth stage termination, which is when the new behavior is solidified and there’s no desire to return to the previous state. The habit is easier to maintain than it is to break. In relapse, however, people “fall off the wagon,” so to speak. They can re-establish the new behavior as long as they don’t get discouraged by the temporary setback.

According to this model, the most important phase is everything that leads up to taking action. If you have a solid plan for moving forward , anchored by intrinsic motivation to change, you’re likely to be successful.

5 tips to keep your New Year’s resolutions

So what makes New Year’s resolutions successful — and how do you choose the right ones? Here are some ideas to start your resolutions on the right track:

1. Start small

Sweeping changes can be overwhelming and hard to keep track of. And big, vague goals tend to be less motivating. Your goals for the new year should be specific and measurable . When you pick a few small, meaningful goals that are in line with your bigger commitments, you tend to make more progress — and feel more energized in the process.

2. Recruit a friend

Most of the resolutions people set for the new year tend to fall into one of three categories: physical health, finances, or lifestyle changes (like journaling or watching less TV). That means that you probably already know someone who’s creating a new habit in the same area. Ask them to partner with you to keep you accountable and motivated.

3. Create a strategy

Of the stages leading up to taking action, preparation might have the biggest impact on how well your new habits stick . Determine what you’ll need to keep to your new habits. You might also want to consider where you’re the most likely to get off-track and create contingency plans just in case you do.

4. Don’t make perfection the goal

Nobody’s perfect, and when it comes to changes, progress is better than perfection . It's hard to start doing something perfectly 100% of the time when you start something new. Aim for a gradual increase. For example, instead of deciding to meditate every day when you’ve never tried it, start with three days a week for ten minutes each time.

5. Write it down

Science says that writing down your goals is key to making them happen — and for good reason. Not only are you more likely to remember them, but your brain is also more likely to flag the information as important. That’s key since it’s going to be a lot harder to accomplish (and celebrate) a milestone you don’t remember. Once it's written down, you can check in on your progress (and, best of all, cross things off when they're done!)

Building good habits in the new year

Above all else, there are two things you need to remember when setting your New Year’s resolutions. The first is that you don’t have to tackle everything at once. Even if it feels like you have a lot to work on, chances are good that you’ve accomplished a lot already — and if nothing else changed, you’d still be pretty great. Pick one thing that empowers you and make progress on it — not because you have to, but because you want to.

The second is that you don’t have to do it alone. Friends, therapists, family, coaches , and mentors are all excellent sources of inspiration and support. If you’re ready for professional insight and accountability, reach out to BetterUp to schedule a coaching session . No matter what your resolution — or what time of year it is — we can help you gain clarity and achieve sustainable results.

Allaya Cooks-Campbell

With over 15 years of content experience, Allaya Cooks Campbell has written for outlets such as ScaryMommy, HRzone, and HuffPost. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Allaya is passionate about whole-person wellness, yoga, and mental health.

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Student Opinion

Have You Made Any New Year’s Resolutions?

Do you find it easy or difficult to set goals and achieve them?

By Shannon Doyne

Are you using the New Year as a starting point for any changes you’d like to make to your life, routines or attitudes? If so, how will you motivate yourself to keep your resolutions? How do you expect your efforts to go this year?

In the Opinion essay “ One Resolution You Might Just Keep ,” Garret Keizer, a poet, memoirist and editor, contemplates the whole point of making annual resolutions in light of his own 70th birthday. The essay begins:

If resolution makers wanted a patron saint, they could do worse than Samuel Johnson (1709-84), a lifelong resolver and by his own admission a lifelong failure at keeping his resolutions. Reading his diaries, we may sigh in recognition as time after time — at the New Year, at Easter and on his birthday — Johnson renews his intentions to rise early, to be more studious, to be more moderate in his intake of food and drink, and laments his neglect of those same intentions in the year past. “I have now spent 55 years in resolving,” he wrote on his birthday in 1764, “having from the earliest time almost that I can remember been forming schemes of a better life. I have done nothing; the need of doing therefore is pressing, since the time of doing is short.” I have these words in mind as I greet a New Year that will mark my 70th birthday by yet again resolving, as Johnson did, to rise earlier, resist hurtful thoughts and keep a journal. I’ll also resolve to check my email less compulsively and my blood pressure more often. To reduce the amount of sodium in my diet. To be a more faithful friend and a more attentive parent and spouse. To listen more than I talk. Over the years Johnson made readjustments to his program, especially to his rising time, a perennial challenge for someone prone to indolence, chronic depression and late hours. “I have, all my life long, been lying till noon,” he remarked to a dinner host, “yet I tell all young men, and tell them with great sincerity, that nobody who does not rise early will ever do any good.” Those young men (and women too, several of whom he helped toward publication) must have laughed among themselves at all that their habitually late-sleeping mentor had managed to accomplish in spite of his own advice. They would have cited his elegant Rambler essays, his groundbreaking edition of Shakespeare’s plays and his monumental “A Dictionary of the English Language,” remnants of which survive in any dictionary you’re likely to pick up today. It’s now commonplace in English literature courses to speak of the mid-to-late 18th century as “the age of Johnson.” His contemporaries would not have been surprised. For Johnson, however, the critical question was not whether he’d accomplished great things but whether he’d accomplished them in proportion to his talents and his limited time. He was hyperconscious of mortality — on his watch was engraved “The night cometh, when no man can work” — and painfully frustrated by his seeming inability to keep the simplest promise to himself. Like almost everyone I know, he felt he should be accomplishing much more than he did.

Students, read the entire article, then tell us:

Were you reminded of anyone you know as you read about Samuel Johnson’s concern for how he used his time and potential, as well as his tendency to give advice he himself didn’t follow? Were you reminded of yourself?

Mr. Keizer says of Johnson, “Like almost everyone I know, he felt he should be accomplishing much more than he did.” How does that statement make you feel? Do you think most people, even the most accomplished among us, feel like they have not done enough or that there are changes they need to make to improve their lives?

What are some of your short- and long-term goals? Which of your habits will help you reach them? What do you think you might have to change about your life to make your dreams come true?

Do you wait for significant events — the New Year, birthdays or the beginning of the school year — to set new goals? Or do you prefer to make small and incremental changes throughout the year?

What advice would you give someone who is frustrated by their slow progress in reaching their goals, or who struggles to keep their resolutions? Why?

In a related Opinion essay , Tish Harrison Warren, an Anglican priest, writes:

The point of resolutions shouldn’t be to add another task to our busy lives or another brick on the crushing and cruel burden to ‘do better.’ The point is that renewal is always possible, and with a large dollop of grace we can freely try new things; we can continue to grow and change.

What do you think about these ideas? Does making resolutions remind you that you can always change and grow? You might also read the suggestions the author has compiled from people who offer ways one might cultivate spiritual changes at this time of year. Which piece of advice most speaks to you?

Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.

Find more Student Opinion questions here. Teachers, check out this guide to learn how you can incorporate these prompts into your classroom.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Students

happy new year

What is a better time to set new goals than the beginning of a year? Surely, it’s time to celebrate and have fun but it’s also the time to make plans for the year, get excited and inspired by new ideas, and obviously make resolutions! Here is the list that might inspire you to make resolutions a tradition! Let’s get started!

Resolution 1. Study Better

Becoming better at studying is not something that could happen like magic. But still many students around the world would love to get better grades and study like a pro. If you want to add this resolution to your list, you need to understand that it takes some effort to make this dream come to life.

Although, there is nothing impossible. All you need is a good plan and great self-discipline. The rest we can help you with. And if you want to write your tests more effortlessly or memorize things quicker, you will surely find a lot of great tips for that in our blog. 

So, this is a great resolution – a motivating and inspiring one. Add it to your list and do your best to achieve your goal. We will help!

Resolution 2. Have More Sleep

If you constantly feel like you lack energy and there is an issue that you would love to solve in the new year, you might try making a resolution to have something done about that. We have actually already covered the topic of sleep hygiene and how to make your sleep better , so you might find those tips very useful when making your resolution come to life. 

There are a lot of people who promise themselves to fix their sleep schedule and still don’t make enough effort to do that. Making it your New Year’s resolution might motivate you and help you get to the problem that you were putting aside for a long time. So, don’t miss your chance.

Resolution 3. Find Study-Life Balance

Having different spheres of your life being on your mind all the time is difficult. And the majority of students try to juggle more than just study and social life – there often is also work, sports, hobbies, relationships, family, and many other things that you need to find time for daily,

Finding the balance between study and social life or between work and study is not that easy. However, it is possible. And if you would like to add this resolution to your list, make sure to think of it as a positive change that you will need to work on but a really good one for your mental health and productivity.

Resolution 4. Stop Being Focused on Grades

When it comes to education, we often seem to be more focused on our grades than on the learning process itself. And it’s completely understandable, given the educational system that we are all involved in. Think of it – if there were no grades, would you be more motivated to study or less?

When you are focused on the quality of the knowledge you get and the practical use of what you have learned, it’s much easier to memorize these things and later be more successful at your job. It’s also much less stressful when you know that grades don’t define you as a person – they barely make sense when it comes to measuring how much you know. So, when you are making a resolution to be more focused on the learning process, you make your choice to be less dependent on the grades and be less traumatized by the grade that doesn’t meet your expectations.

Resolution 5. Meet New People

Socializing and communicating are important for healthy and vibrant personality development. If you are a shy person and face difficulties while communicating with new people, it might be a challenge for you. But it really might be helpful for your future career and social life.

This resolution can surely change your college experience. If you spend more time studying and not communicating much, try out a few of our tips on how to make friends and thus have a better social life while still being devoted to studying. 

Meeting new people is amazing – you never know how useful some of the connections you build while in college might become later in your life. Some people owe their career to befriending the right people yearly in life. So why not try something new this year?

Resolution 6. Eat Healthy Meals

When you are a student, sometimes you don’t have the time or skill to eat healthy meals often. Many students live off instant noodles and chips. But it might really affect your health and even your productivity as a student – a deficiency of important elements and vitamins limits the abilities of your brain. 

Eating healthy when you live on campus might be a little challenging. But it should not stop you from doing a good thing for your health. There are various easy healthy recipes and some useful cooking gadgets that will ease the meal preparation process. 

Wrapping Up

New Year’s resolutions are a special kind of promise. They might be more personal or quite general instead. But they still are an expression of what you wish for yourself and other people. You are able to change for the best and we hope that the ideas above will be helpful. Happy New Year!

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65 Achievable New Year's Resolutions for Building a Healthy, Happy Life

Make 2024 your year with these goals that will help you look and feel your best.

preview for 10 Attainable Ideas for New Year’s Resolutions

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Starting small could look like making an effort to reset your sleep schedule and prioritizing having a bedtime. Or it may start with your home , beginning to organize one room at a time, first focusing on your closet and later getting to your kitchen. Still, it could be as simple as taking control of your thoughts and incorporating inspiring quotes and daily affirmations into your morning routine. In any case, t he achievable resolutions below aim to relieve stress, minimize anxiety (not add to it) and improve your overall well-being.

Even if the path to reinventing yourself starts off a little rocky, you can always get back on track at any time throughout the year. So, take the time to scroll through the options below, maybe pick your top five to focus on and remember 2024 is your year, so treat yourself like it!

Start a gratitude journal.

close up of handwritten text i am grateful for in foreground with notebook, pen, cup of tea, flowers and oil burner in soft focus

Keeping track of things, people and events that you're grateful for throughout the year can help you to improve your mental and physical wellness . "It literally breathes new life into us. It recharges and it rejuvenates," Dr. Robert Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and founder of a research lab that studies the effects of grateful living, told ABC News . And it doesn't have to take up much time. Just a few minutes a day can make all the difference.

Make time for family.

a family sitting on a couch together

With the busyness of our daily lives, it can be difficult to prioritize spending time with loved ones, especially if they live far away or have hectic schedules themselves. But this year, make a conscious effort to carve out that one-on-one time, whether it's by planning monthly family dinners or simply FaceTiming once a week to check in.

Build a better budget.

new years resolutions close up of piggy bank on white background

If there's one New Year's resolution that will help you the most in the long run, it's making a vow to save more money.

Before you head back to the office in January, outline a rough budget that works for you — and make a plan for how you'll stick to it. Budgeting apps can help you do this as painlessly as possible. And supercharge your shopping habits by rethinking when and how you buy things for your home and family; often, there are savings you're leaving on the table.

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Practice mindfulness.

best new year's resolutions practicing active mindfulness

Anxiety can nag at anyone during any season, in all parts of life — and it can be easy to let the idea of the future or past experiences inform your reality of the present. Practicing mindfulness means doing everything you can to be grateful for what you have in the moment, where you are in life, and who you are right now , shared Sabrina Romanoff, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in New York City and Yeshiva University professor. Romanoff and other leading psychological experts say committing to mindfulness can help you become a better person in less than a year's time.

Cook something new each week.

new years resolutions   cook something new

Everyone wants to eat healthier in the new year, but you should also try to eat more diverse foods. After all, variety is the spice of life. This year, choose an easy dinner recipe you've never tried before at least once a week.

Read more books.

new years resolution ideas   read more books

January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a new book. To keep yourself accountable all year long, why not link up with friends and peers to connect over the best pages you've read? Our Good Housekeeping Book Club can help you get started on this and, together, you'll have a clear snapshot of how many books you'll end up finishing before the year's out.

TRENDING NOW: Life-Changing Books You Should Read at Least Once

Create a cleaning schedule you'll stick to.

new year's resolutions   cleaning schedules

Keeping your home tidy without doing what feels like a deep clean every week can feel like a big ask. It's true that you may be under cleaning some tricky spots, but it's also true that you may be overdoing it elsewhere.

Carolyn Forté , executive director of the Good Housekeeping Institute 's Home Appliances & Cleaning Products Lab, created a printable checklist to make sure keeping the house neat doesn't suck up endless hours of time on weekends anymore.

Drink less alcohol.

new years resolutions   fresh citrus cocktail or ice tea

You already know you don't need to drink to have fun — so why not make this year the one you cut back and join the sober curious movement ? Doing so can help to improve your mood, sleep, skin and your immune system. Plus, it'll also help you save money in the long run.

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Good Housekeeping Make dinner easier.

Make dinner easier.

Stop asking yourself if you have the time to cook — and rather focus on the kinds of recipes you can set and forget ! While some are more indulgent than others, these handy recipes and quick-thinking culinary ideas developed by the Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen are designed to make your kitchen routine so much easier. You'll embrace your oven, Instant Pot and slow cooker to create kitchen magic in half the time.

Commit to a healthier sleep routine.

best new year's resolution ideas  fix your sleep routine

So many issues can be traced back to a poor night's sleep. And yet, there is so much more that we can aim to improve beyond a reasonable bedtime . Creating a plan to improve your sleep hygiene — the habits you maintain to get good sleep every night — may look different for everyone , as it depends on when you need to be active and working throughout the day. Your brain actually relies on cues to regulate your internal circadian rhythm , and the choices you make throughout the day can interfere with these. Start taking charge of your sleep by mastering these 10 to-dos as the year progresses.

Join a club.

nye resolutions

Starting a new hobby is one thing, but joining a club will help you meet new people in the process. Sites like Meetup can help you find a group of people with similar interests, and you can work on creating meetups with new friends in the process.

Creative clubs can also be a boon in helping you stick to mastering a new craft.

Quit smoking.

best new year's resolutions   stop smoking

Cigarettes are extremely harmful for your health, particularly your lungs — but tobacco products in general ( including vapes! ) pose a serious threat. There are so many resources to help you get a jumpstart on ditching tobacco: Many are touted by officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . If you've tried before but need a bit more help, experts at the American Cancer Society outline a few tools that you can turn to this year.

Learn to love vegetables.

achievable new year's resolutions

Whether you're working on weight management or towards a balanced diet, vegetables are your friends, says Stefani Sassos M.S., R.D.N., C.S.O., C.D.N., NASM-CPT , director of the Good Housekeeping Institute 's Nutrition Lab.

Fiber-rich vegetables are especially crucial for healthy hearts and strong veins: "A heart-healthy diet emphasizes produce, balanced by fiber-rich whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes, and lean proteins," she says. The healthiest vegetables that you should try to eat daily often double down on gut-healthy fiber.

Prioritize annual health screenings.

achievable new year's resolutions

Open your calendar app ( or planner! ) and make your appointments for the year in one sitting — not only will you get the anxiety-inducing nuisance over with, but exams will be less likely to get squeezed out as life gets bonkers. Start with your primary care provider, and ask which screenings (e.g., mammogram, colonoscopy) you're due for. Slot those in, then move on to the dentist's office and head over to your ophthalmologist, too.

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Prevention Exercise your brain.

Exercise your brain.

Scientists are always learning more about how humans work to stave off cognitive decline — and while data may be divided, if one thing is sure, games can indeed play a role here. Researchers at Duke University studied participants’ brain activity while they completed simple math problems and found that solving them feels like a reward, helping to curb negative feelings.

Playing the mind-boosting games featured in this Prevention special can help manage stress and anxiety, as well as boost happiness endorphins at the same time.

Become a plant owner.

succulent plants

Swing by the garden center after brunch this weekend. Just the presence of indoor plants can lower human stress levels, research shows , and one study found that actively caring for plants calmed the autonomic nervous system and lowered blood pressure.

And when people work near plants, they report greater concentration, satisfaction, and perceived air quality.

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Take the stairs.

running up stairs

Take 10 minutes to run up the stairs in your office, home or nearby park. A published study in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that tired women who climbed stairs for 10 minutes got a bigger energy boost than those who had the caffeine equivalent of a can of soda or half a cup of coffee (and burned calories too!).

Start doing yoga with your partner.

best new years resolutions couple yoga health

A Sunday morning couples' class could make Sunday afternoon much more fun. Experts at Loyola's Sexual Wellness Clinic believe partner yoga helps couples get more comfortable with each other's bodies, supporting richer intimacy. Solo yoga can increase enjoyment as well, affecting arousal, desire, and satisfaction — the practice helps relax your mind and strengthen pelvic muscles.

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Plan a vacation.


Women who vacation at least twice a year have a lower heart attack risk than those who do so rarely. And researchers have found that even thinking about an upcoming trip can boost happiness for weeks.

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Head to a day spa.

best new year's resolution ideas spend the day at a spa

It's time to treat yourself — and for good reason. Research indicates that spa services, particularly intensive massages, are effective in managing stress-related cortisol levels while boosting your serotonin, empowering individuals to regulate feelings of anxiety or sadness. A spa service can fulfill the need for human contact, especially under the guise of a licensed, qualified spa technician or massage therapist.

A day at the spa doesn't require you to jet on an otherwise expensive vacation; in fact, there are numerous leading day spas likely awaiting you just a road trip away. Visitors to The Spa at The Breakers can opt for a multitude of restorative services and work on practicing mindfulness for the rest of the day in their common spaces, which include saunas and a tranquil outdoor respite. Treating yourself to a day spa experience may be the key to stress relief you simply can't achieve at home.

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Headshot of Zee Krstic

Zee Krstic is a content strategy manager for Hearst Magazines, focusing on SEO optimization and other editorial strategies for four brands, including Country Living, House Beautiful, ELLE Decor and VERANDA. He previously served as Health Editor for Good Housekeeping between 2019 and 2023, covering health news, diet and fitness trends as well as executing wellness product reviews in conjunction with the Good Housekeeping Institute. Prior to joining Hearst, Zee fostered a strong background in women's lifestyle media with eight plus years of editorial experience, including as a site-wide editor at Martha Stewart Living after developing a nutrition background as an assistant editor at Cooking Light . Zee produces service-based health coverage, as well as design and travel content, for Hearst brands on a contributor basis; he has written about food and dining for Time, among other publications.

Headshot of Cameron Jenkins

Cameron (she/her) is a staff writer for Good Housekeeping , where she covers everything from holidays to food. She is a graduate of Syracuse University, where she received a B.A. in magazine journalism. In her spare-time she can be found scrolling TikTok for the latest cleaning hacks and restaurant openings, binge-watching seasons of Project Runway or online shopping.

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4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them, According to Experts

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Explore resolutions that boost health and wellness for mind and body.

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them

With the turn of the new year, many embark on healthy lifestyle changes with New Year’s resolutions. Looking for some inspiration? Consider goals that center on mindfulness, movement, rest, and healthy eating. No matter the resolution, small changes can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Often the most challenging part of New Year’s resolutions isn’t creating them — it’s sticking to them. According to a study found in a 2021 issue of The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , few people make it a full month before giving up on their New Year’s resolutions.

Below, check out these four expert-vetted New Year's resolution ideas — and tips to stick with them.

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas Recommended by Experts

1. incorporate mindfulness breaks.

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them

For many, it’s always go-go-go. Adding short mindfulness breaks into your day is a good New Year’s resolution, said Haley Perlus, Ph.D. in sports psychology.

Taking five-minute mindfulness breaks can include taking a short walk, Perlus said, with the goal to focus your attention on the present moment and observe your surroundings. She also suggested taking time to think about something that brings you joy.

“Research found that [taking mindfulness breaks] helps decrease stress levels, helps with fatigue, and enhances concentration,” she said. For instance, a 2020 review found mindfulness practices such as meditation were associated with a significant reduction in blood pressure for participants with hypertension, cancer, or diabetes.

For a boost in mindful movement, the Nike Run Club app teamed up with Headspace to create a collection of guided mindfulness runs . Explore these recovery runs designed to help you relax and feel present.

2. Focus on Movement That Makes You Happy

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them

The key to adding a sustainable fitness-focused resolution, according to Chiheb Soumer, EXOS Performance Specialist , C.P.T., is to implement workouts that excite you and won’t leave you exhausted.

"Your workouts should be challenging enough, but should not drain you," he said. Incorporating more light movements in the day, such as walking or stretching, can positively impact your health, he said — especially for those who work at a desk.

Soumer added that New Year's resolutions should be realistic and relatively easy to maintain.

“The goal is to find the healthy medium between intensity and sustainability,” he said. For example, if resolving to do daily HIIT workouts doesn’t appeal to you, focus on a workout routine that you look forward to — such as strength training, yoga, going on nature walks, or engaging in light cardio.

(Related: The Beginner’s Guide To Start Running, According to People Who Have Done It )

3. Practice Intuitive Eating

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them

Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D.N. and author of “The Superfood Swap,” recommended practicing intuitive and mindful eating as New Year’s resolutions.

“Intuitive eating is an eating style where food is not judged as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ and the emphasis is on listening to your own body's internal cues instead of external diet culture rules,” she said. “Mindful eating [is] the act of slowing down, tasting and enjoying food, and listening to your body’s cues.”

To do so, Blatner suggested making a New Year's resolution to eliminate distractions while eating when possible. "This helps you slow down to mindfully enjoy your meals and digest your food properly," she said.

Here’s why: Research has indicated that not taking enough time to thoroughly chew your food can lead to overconsumption and feeling uncomfortably full. For example, a study in a 2009 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that participants who chewed smaller bites of food ate their meals slower and ultimately ate less than those who took larger bites.

As a bonus, Blatner explained that chewing your food into small bits prevents large pieces of food from fermenting by bacteria in the intestinal tract , which can then lead to gas and bloating .

4. Be Intentional About Rest and Recovery

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them

While exercising consistently and eating well often top the list for New Year’s resolutions, rest and recovery are equally essential. Soumer recommended a resolution to take one to two days off between workouts to give your body time to rest. Taking rest days are vital to recovery because when you do a hard workout, muscle tissue becomes damaged . In order for muscle growth and increased strength to occur, it’s imperative to allow time for it to properly repair.

He suggested a couple other important practices to support recovery: incorporate active recovery movements on off days like walking or stretching , and make adequate sleep a priority, as sleep is also vital for recovery. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults ages 18-60 should get at least seven hours of sleep daily to maintain good health.

Words by Jessica Estrada

4 New Year's Resolution Ideas — And How to Stick to Them

Move Daily with Nike Training Club

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Originally published: December 20, 2022

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    Secondly, my new year's resolution is to read more books. Reading is very important. reading books will take me to a new world and helps me deal with my daily worries. Reading refreshed my soul and I will have a healthy mindset. Reading books stimulates my muscles of the brain and keeps my brain healthy and strong.

  3. Short Essay: New Year Resolution

    New Year Resolution Essay Example #1. As the calendar turns and a new year dawns upon us, it is a time of reflection, renewal, and the opportunity for personal growth. New Year's resolutions have long been a tradition, allowing individuals to set intentions and goals for the coming year. For me, this tradition is not just a fleeting promise ...

  4. How To Write A New Year's Resolution: A Simple Guide With Examples

    New Year Resolution Examples. Here are some example New Year resolutions. Don't forget to check yours with the help of a grammar checker like Grammarly. Write 500 Words Daily For 365 Days: Commit to writing 500 words daily, focusing on quality over quantity.

  5. My New Year Resolution Essay

    My New Year Resolution Essay - Read and learn about the essay on my new year resolution essay for students in English 100, 200 and 500 words is shared by subject expert on

  6. 200 New Year's Resolution Ideas for Work and Personal Growth

    A New Year's Resolution is a declaration of what a person vows to do at the beginning of the year. Here are 200 New Year Resolutions ideas for 2023. ... Becoming a good person is the most common topic in students' New Year's Resolution Essays. Working harder is our solution to having a good life. And being more health conscious may mean ...

  7. 50 Great New Year Writing Prompts »

    These 50 New Year writing prompts invite students to think about their New Year's resolutions and their happiest memories of the past year. They'll consider short-term and long-term goals and think about the paths they can take to make their dreams come true. Journaling allows students to reflect and consider their own ideas in a format ...

  8. New Year's Resolution Essay Writing (MADE EASY!) for Middle School

    New Year's Resolution Essay Writing (MADE EASY!) for Middle School. December 26, 2023 by Erin Beers. Happy New Year! The return from winter break in January offers the perfect backdrop to get students thinking about their academic and personal goals for the year. I love to take the time to challenge my students to think about their work so ...

  9. How to Write New Year's Resolution or Goal Essay (8 Simple Steps)

    In this video, I explain an 8-step process to writing an essay about your New Year's resolutions. I will guide you through every step of the way. From writin...

  10. New Year's resolutions

    Here are my resolutions this year. 1. Get fit!! I say this every year but I hope writing it in public will make it more real. I'm aiming for three runs a week - I think I can do it! I think a fitness tracking app might help me achieve it. Or I could find a running partner. If anyone who's reading this wants to be my partner, let me know!

  11. How To Write a New Year's Resolution in Four Simple Steps

    Microsoft Word. Open Office. Libre Office. 1. Choose one goal 2. Divide your resolution into smaller goals 3. Brainstorm which specific actions you will need to take 4. Set a schedule.

  12. 40+ achievable New Year's Resolution ideas for a better 2023

    40+ achievable New Year's Resolution ideas for a better 2023 Whether it's changing careers, making a budget, drinking less alcohol, tapping into your creativity, or starting an exercise routine ...

  13. 18 ideas for New Year's resolutions (and how to stick to them)

    18 New Year's resolutions ideas. The key to creating a more fulfilling, balanced, and joyful year ahead is consistency, so take these ideas as suggestions and adapt them to fit your unique lifestyle and preferences. 1. Focus on your passions. Dedicate a specific time each week to engage in an activity you love, whether it's painting ...

  14. 40 Best New Year's Resolutions and Ideas For 2024

    Focus more on one-on-one relationships. Make 2024 the year you cultivate deep, trusted friendships. "Sure, a group of friends is fun for memories and events and good times and shared experiences ...

  15. 13 New Year's Resolutions for Students

    The start of a new year can be an ideal time to set self-improvement goals. According to one 2021 survey, half of participants who made New Year's resolutions aimed to improve their fitness, while 44% aimed to save money and 39% hoped to improve their diet.. Good New Year's resolutions offer realistic strategies to help people kickstart constructive habits.

  16. New Year's Journal Writing Resolution »

    Once you decide on a New Year's resolution, keep a journal to track your progress. Write down your successes and failures each day in order to hold yourself accountable. More New Year Resources & Prompts. 50 New Year's Writing Ideas; 16 New Year's Writing Activities for Students; Making New Year Resolutions with Your Child

  17. Importance Of New Year Resolutions: [Essay Example], 530 words

    Conclusion. In conclusion, New Year resolutions hold significant importance in promoting personal growth, motivation, and overall well-being. By taking the time to reflect on their lives and set goals for the future, individuals can work towards becoming the best versions of themselves. As we embark on a new year, let us embrace the tradition ...

  18. How to Write a New Year Resolution Essay

    The steps are straightforward, and once completed, users can launch WPS Office to write their own New Year's resolution essay. Step 1: On the WPS Office dashboard, click on "New" located on the sidebar to create a new blank document. WPS Office. Step 2: Next, head back to the sidebar and click on "Docs", followed by "Blank", to create a fresh ...

  19. Essays About New Year: 5 Examples And Prompts

    By reading the book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, he hopes to hone his attention for the new year and do better in the future. You might also be interested in these essays about celebration. 3. My Lonely New Year's Eve Party Will Consist of Sadness, Hope, and Life-changing Gratitude by Dawn Bevier.

  20. 52 New Year's resolutions ideas for 2024

    New Year's resolution ideas for self-care. 1. Drink more water. What we eat and drink has an impact on everything, from our energy levels to our concentration and our sleep patterns. Many symptoms of dehydration mimic anxiety, so it's crucial for your well-being and mood to drink enough water.

  21. Have You Made Any New Year's Resolutions?

    The essay begins: If resolution makers wanted a patron saint, they could do worse than Samuel Johnson (1709-84), a lifelong resolver and by his own admission a lifelong failure at keeping his ...

  22. New Year's Resolution Ideas for Students

    So, when you are making a resolution to be more focused on the learning process, you make your choice to be less dependent on the grades and be less traumatized by the grade that doesn't meet your expectations. Resolution 5. Meet New People. Socializing and communicating are important for healthy and vibrant personality development.

  23. 65 Best New Year's Resolutions for 2024

    And while New Year resolutions may get a bad rap for encouraging unrealistic goals or placing pressure on us, ... New Year's Eve Ideas 2024. How to Watch the 2024 New Year's Eve Ball Drop.

  24. 4 New Year's Resolution Ideas

    4 New Year's Resolution Ideas Recommended by Experts. 1. Incorporate Mindfulness Breaks. For many, it's always go-go-go. Adding short mindfulness breaks into your day is a good New Year's resolution, said Haley Perlus, Ph.D. in sports psychology. Taking five-minute mindfulness breaks can include taking a short walk, Perlus said, with the ...