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How to Write a Wedding Toast: Examples, Tips, and Advice

Make sure your moment in the spotlight is memorable—in a good way!

Jaimie Mackey was the real weddings editor at Brides from 2013 to 2015. She also worked as a luxury wedding planner and produced over 100 high-end weddings and events in Colorado

Photo by Olivia & Dan Photography

In This Article

Figuring out how to write a wedding toast can be an incredibly intimidating and nerve-inducing task. Wedding toasts can go one of two ways: They’re either hilarious, memorable, and totally sweet, or a train wreck waiting to happen. Every couple hopes the speeches at the reception fall into the first category, but there’s no guarantee—until now.

To combat those awful speeches, Marisa Polansky and Kristine Keller founded Speech Tank , offering completely custom, one-of-a-kind toasts for any occasion. And what better reason to turn to the experts than for your best friend’s wedding? We sat down with Polansky and Keller to get the inside scoop on writing a totally killer speech . With their help, your audience will be begging for an encore!

Meet the Expert

  • Marisa Polansky is a book editor, author, and co-founder of Speech Tank, a collaborative speech-writing service for any occasion.
  • Kristine Keller is a writer and the co-founder of Speech Tank.

Wedding Toast Template

Your wedding toast should be meaningful, but not drawn out. Make sure to have a beginning, middle, and end.

While everyone's speech will be unique to them and their relationship with the couple, we put together a general outline to help you get started.

  • Congratulate the couple. Express how happy you are that the two of them are getting married and what it means to you to witness it.
  • Introduce yourself. Not everyone will know you met the bride or groom at the fourth-grade space camp, so be sure to let guests know about your relationship with the couple before you dive into your speech.
  • Tell a (curated) story. When you’re writing your speech, “Choose anecdotes that all fit a theme and support your argument,” Keller says. The theme will help tie it together, making your toast feel intentional instead of random.
  • Address both partners. You may not know them both well, but you shouldn’t focus all of your attention on your friend and ignore their new spouse. “Even if you’ve only met your friend’s partner once or twice before, find a way to include him or her in your toast,” Polansky says. “Tell the story of their engagement or share something your friend told you about them that proves what a great partner he or she is.”
  • Go for the crowd-pleasers. “Anything that’s an inside joke may have been funny at the time, but no one else will understand what you’re talking about,” Keller says. “Run your stories and jokes by a neutral audience to see if they are as funny as you think.” And remember, a little humor is fine, but this is a toast, not a roast!
  • Raise your glass for a toast. To wrap up your speech, invite everyone to raise their glass to the couple, or to love, etc., then cheers glasses together and take a sip.

Don’t count on your phone, which may lock or turn off mid-speech. Instead, print out your toast or put it on note cards for reference. “It’s your moment to have the floor, so don’t risk forgetting your point!” Keller says.

Wedding Toast Tips

Here are Polansky and Keller's best tips for writing and delivering your wedding toast.

  • Just get started. It’s your big moment, but figuring out where to start can be tough. “When we work with our clients, we always start with a stream of consciousness,” Keller says. “We ask them to just start telling us stories. You might not think every anecdote is important, but all of a sudden you’ll land on a real gem.”
  • Start writing things down. When you’re doing this at home on your own, Polansky says to just start writing stuff down. “Put it all down on paper. Don’t worry about editing as you’re writing, just get it out and then go back and pick and choose details when you’re done.” This will help you identify a theme, which is what you’ll need to make your toast really memorable.
  • Use examples. “If you’re trying to make a point about the bride or groom's personality—say, that she or he's particularly loyal—don’t just say that and move on. Pick a specific moment that proves your point. Have something to back it up!” Polansky says. Including some proof will make sure your listeners really buy what you’re saying about the couple.
  • Make it quick. “The best length for a toast is about three minutes,” Polansky says. “It’s enough time to say what you need to say, but short enough that you’ll still have everyone’s attention when you ask them to raise their glasses to toast the happy couple.”
  • Practice. Think you know what three minutes feels like? Think again. “Practice reading your speech out loud (not in your head!) and time yourself,” Polansky says. “Don’t wing it, especially if you’re nervous,” Polansky continues. “Give yourself time to prepare. Practice with an audience to check your timing, and give yourself time to make edits.”
  • Don't overstuff your speech. “If you’re a fast talker, try to slow yourself down so everyone will understand you,” Polansky says. Better to cut a few lines than to try to fit a 10-minute toast into a three-minute time frame!
  • Keep it clean-ish. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to know your audience. “Cursing and stories about exes are totally off-limits,” Keller says.
  • Don't embarrass the couple. “Ask yourself how each story will present the couple. If it sheds any negative light on either person, avoid it.” Continues Polansky, “Think about how close you are with the family as well as who you know will be there. Will it make the bride or groom's great aunt uncomfortable?”

Every time you feel nervous, tell yourself you're excited instead.

Get Brainstorming!

Now that you know the basics, here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you get started writing that killer wedding toast.

  • What is your first memory of the bride/groom?
  • What is your favorite memory of the bride/groom?
  • What did they say when they first told you about their partner?
  • How did you know they were meant to be?
  • What has the bride/groom or the couple as a whole taught you?
  • What qualities do you admire in them?
  • When are times that they displayed these qualities?

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 1/3: Do’s

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 2/3: Don’ts

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

  • best man speech
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  • how to write a wedding speech
  • wedding planning
  • wedding speech

how to write a wedding speech dos

how to write a wedding speech dos

Someone you love is getting married, and you’ve just been asked to give a speech at the wedding. What an honor! But also, if you’re not used to giving speeches, what a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary , which is why many people prefer to avoid it. But when your bestie asks you to make a speech at his or her wedding, it’s time to rally. But now you’re wondering if you even know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others cringy and fall flat? We’ve got you. We’ve put together the ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech, focusing on things you definitely should do, things you definitely should NOT do, and then how to deliver your killer wedding speech like a pro.

If you’re wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few “Do’s” to keep in mind.

  • Start planning early
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom
  • Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple
  • Make it personal
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories
  • Talk about the couple
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Consider your audience
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

1. Start planning early

If you don’t know how to write a wedding speech but the bride just asked you to give one, this is not a time to procrastinate. Public speaking is one of the number one fears many people have, so it’s likely you’ve avoided giving too many public speeches before this. And unless you’re a performer or a veteran improv comedian, you might not do too well winging this one. If you get nervous in front of an audience (as most of us do), the best defense against freezing up when you take the mic is being prepared. 

As soon as you know you’ve been asked to give a speech at the wedding, begin jotting down notes immediately. Whenever you’re inspired by a thought of the couple or remember an anecdote that might be worth retelling, make note of it. This will help to give you a pool of ideas to draw from when you start writing down the speech.

Begin gathering ideas and writing the speech a couple of weeks to a month before the wedding. You’ll need time to edit, fine-tune it, and make it concise. And as wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and other wedding festivities begin, you might find there are entertaining stories from these events you want to add as well. If you want to write it all at once, you can do that too. However, make sure to sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes. You don’t want just “okay,” you want your speech to be heartfelt and meaningful.

You will also want to begin early to give yourself time to practice and rehearse your speech plenty of times.

2. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom

No matter how large or small the wedding is, it’s likely you will not be familiar with many of the guests on one or both sides. And they won’t be familiar with you either. So don’t leave them guessing! 

Make sure when you start to write a wedding speech to introduce yourself and mention how you know the couple. This will help them understand the context of your speech, which will also help it to be more well-received. 

3. Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple

It’s also courteous to take this time to thank the hosts and other members of the wedding party for all the hard work that went into the event, and to thank guests for being there to support the newlyweds, especially those who had to travel far. 

It’s also a good time to officially congratulate the newlyweds and offer them your personal well-wishes for their future. It is imperative that you don’t forget this part, because they are the whole reason you’re there and giving a speech!

4. Make it personal

Whether you are the maid of honor, the best man, father of the bride, or just a friend, you were asked to give a speech because of your close connection and relationship with either the bride or groom (or both). 

And since you know your friend as well as you do, you probably have plenty of stories to share; so the next tip for how to write a wedding speech is don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those stories! This will also help guests get to know the other half of the couple they might not know as well or are just meeting for the first time. And those guests who do know them will love hearing some entertaining stories they might not have heard yet.

5. Think of 3 traits with 3 stories

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with anything, a useful approach for how to write a wedding speech is to think of 3 positive defining traits or qualities of the bride or groom and recount three stories or examples that illuminate a time they exhibited these traits. These stories could be comedic, heartwarming, or both. Just make sure they are relevant and entertaining!

6. Talk about the couple

If you’re the maid of honor and have been chatting up the bride for the whole speech, part of how to write a wedding speech is to make sure at some point it circles around to the groom, too, and to the two of them as a couple.  

Recount the time you met him, or how you remember talking about him with the bride in the beginning stages of their relationship. If you don’t know the groom all that well, talk about how good they are as a couple and about how happy he makes her. 

And If you’re not a fan of the groom, this is not the time to air your grievances. Always keep it positive. 

7. Have a beginning, middle, and end

All good speeches have a good flow and take the audience along with it. 

Don’t let your speech fall flat or jumble together in a haphazard confusion of disconnected anecdotes. Give it the structure of an overarching theme, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. 

We are not talking about a novel here, just make sure there is a direction to where the speech is going, and that the destination, end, or sentiment is achieved. It doesn’t need to be Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator, but a three-act structure does help keep you grounded. Most people also follow a story easier when there is a clear direction for a story or speech. 

8. Consider your audience

The next thing to keep in mind when considering how to write a wedding speech is to make sure you consider who your audience is. 

This is not the bachelor or bachelorette party. There will be a wide range of people present from children to the elderly, and from close friends of the bride and groom to casual acquaintances and coworkers. Make sure your speech is free of any crudeness that might not be fit for such a varied audience. Also, this isn’t the time to take a shot at any of the religious cermonies.

Be considerate and keep it positive and use language everyone can relate to. 

9. Keep it short and sweet

You want your speech to be meaningful and memorable; but the wedding is not about you, and yours is not the only speech. 

No one ever complains about a speech being too short, but they do begin to grumble if it runs on too long. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when figuring out how to write a wedding speech is to keep your speech between 2-5 minutes long. Any longer than 5 minutes and you’ll lose everyone to thoughts of cake and whether or not to Cupid Shuffle later. 

10. Add humor

Don’t be afraid to be funny! Another tip for how to write a wedding speech is that if you’ve got a lighthearted, creative, joking side, use it and add humor to your speech! Everyone likes to be entertained. 

This doesn’t mean you should scour the internet for generic wedding-themed jokes, but if you’ve got some good original material to use that helps relate a story about the bride or groom in a comedic way, do it. As long as you’re not making fun of the couple but having fun with them, jokes are great. Or you can even poke fun at yourself to illuminate a higher quality in your bestie. It’s all about making the newlyweds shine. 

If you’re creative and have other talents, use them! If you are musical, bust out your instrument and/or vocal cords and make the speech in the form of a song! Use props, and get the other guests involved! The newlyweds will feel special because you created something for them, and the guests will love joining in the fun.

11. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

If entertaining isn’t your thing, that’s okay! Don’t force it – just be yourself. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful with your speech. Always keep in mind when you go to write a wedding speech that what’s important is that you are genuine and speak from the heart.

Hopefully, you found these tips for how to write a wedding speech helpful, and can start writing today! And stay tuned to our blog for the next part in this ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech where we highlight a few things you should definitely avoid.

Love this content and want more? Read more about weddings on our blog ! Involved in the wedding planning process and the bride is still looking for a venue ? Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the perfect place!

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Free Wedding Speech Examples to Celebrate the Big Day

These wedding speech examples will help your write a memorable wedding toast for the big day.

If someone has asked you to make a speech at a wedding, then you probably know the wedding couple pretty well. And since you know and love them, you'll want to make that speech personal, meaningful, engaging, and maybe even a little charming. Don't worry - we've got your back with free wedding speech examples you can use as guides. Use any of these sample wedding speeches as a jumping off point to help you speak from the heart. You've got this.

Best Man's Wedding Speech

The best man's speech is usually upbeat and lighthearted. He may tell some stories about the couple, and if he has known one or both of them since childhood, he may add a few tales from that period, too.

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Lighthearted & Amusing Best Man Speech Example

(Name) has asked me to talk today about what a great guy he is, and so I can honestly say that he's handsome, brilliant, funny and perrr.... (TURN TO GROOM) ... (Groom's name), I can't read your writing. What's this last word? Since we met, I have seen his transformation from an awkward youth to a slightly less awkward adult, and it is my great pleasure to speak on this important occasion.

Of course, we wouldn't be here today without (partner's name) and his/her/their ability to get shy old (groom's name) to propose. (Partner's name), I'm sure it was worth the wait. I often think that (partner's name) makes (groom's name) look good. Mainly by standing next to him. He/she/they is/are full of warmth, humor, and initiative.

Marriage is a serious matter which shouldn't be entered into without careful consideration and since (groom's name) took his sweet time proposing, I think it's safe to say he's thought about this for a long time. (Add humorous story about his commitment issues here).

In conclusion, these two married today for better and for worse. (Groom's name) couldn't have done better and (partner's name) couldn't have done….. (look down at notes and pause) better either. I'd like to thank the attendants on behalf of the couple. They all look wonderful, and I'm sure you'll all agree they have performed their role splendidly. And finally, on behalf of everyone here, I can truly say we wish nothing but the best for your future. You are a unique and perfectly matched couple, and we hope that all your dreams come true, and you have a magical life together. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in a toast............. To (couple's names).

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Groom's Wedding Speech

The groom's speech should be one that primarily expresses his appreciation for the love and support of his friends and family. He should also express his devotion to his new spouse.

Heartfelt Groom's Speech Example

I would just like to thank everybody for coming today, especially those that have traveled quite a ways to celebrate this day with us. Ever since I first started dating (spouse's name), his/her/their family has made me feel welcome and, well, like a member of the family. Now, I am officially part of that wonderful family, and I'm very grateful.

I would like to thank both sets of parents since neither (spouse's name) nor I would be here today if it weren't for them. I would also like to thank you for all your love and support over the years, and for all the advice you have given us. If we can raise a family half as wonderful, then we will be very happy.

I must also thank my new in-laws for bringing up such a compassionate and intelligent son/daughter/child. And, to my husband/wife/partner, you look absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for everything you've done. You know everything about me and love me just the same. I have my faults, yet you still agreed to marry me. I am extremely lucky today to be the one to marry you, and I know this is the start of many happy years together. I would like to thank (best man's name) for agreeing to be my best man and all the attendants for their help and support. Here's a toast to you all.

Bride's Wedding Speech

The bride's speech is very similar to the groom's speech. She should also express her appreciation to her family and friends and express her love for her new spouse.

Elegant Bride Speech Example

(Spouse's name) and I feel privileged to be sharing our day with all our friends and family who have been so important to us throughout our lives. Many of you traveled for quite a long distance. Thanks to all of you for the efforts and sacrifices you have made to be with us today.

I also want to thank the most wonderful parents a child could ever have. Not only for the love, support and guidance over the years, but also for everything you've done to help make this day perfect. We would have never managed without you both, and today would not have been possible or so special. Thank you to both sets of our parents from the bottom of our hearts.

Now it's time to thank my beautiful bridesmaids for everything they've done and for being the greatest friends ever. To my maid of honor, (maid of honor's name), you have been a lifesaver. You truly are the definition of a best friend and sister. Thank you for always being there for me.

(Spouse's name), I want to thank you for making my life complete. I am so lucky to be your wife, and I look forward to our life together. Finally, we would like to thank each one of you for being here with us on this special day.

Groom's or Bride's Father Speech

The groom's or bride's father should give a speech that welcomes the bride or groom into the family. He should also mention the joining of the two families and express well wishes and thoughts of happiness for the newly married couple's future.

Thoughtful Welcome Speech Example

Good afternoon everyone. First of all, on behalf of my wife and I, I would like to welcome (groom's or bride's parents) into the family. I'd also like to welcome relatives and friends of both families and thank you all for being here, especially those of you who have traveled a long way to make this special occasion so memorable. (Bride and groom's names) have obviously worked really hard on this beautiful wedding, and I'm sure everyone here agrees that the ceremony was wonderful.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else involved in making the day so special. At this point, I would like to formally welcome (bride or groom) into the family, even though you have been part of it for a good while now. Without sounding too corny, (bride or groom's name), you are a great person who clearly loves our (son/daughter/child) and obviously makes him/her/them very happy. I think you have been with (groom or bride's name) long enough now to know what you are getting yourself into by joining our family, so, to be honest, I don't have any sympathy for you. Seriously though (groom or bride's name), we are glad that you are part of our family, and I am proud to have you as a (son-in-law or daughter-in-law).

Sticking with tradition, I'd like to leave the new couple with some words of advice as they enter into this next stage of their lives together. As a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right is married. All that remains is for me to ask that you all join me in a toast to the happy couple. May you both live as long as you like and have all that you need for as long as you live. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you (bride and groom's names).

Maid of Honor's Speech

The maid of honor's speech might give thanks to the bride for being chosen as the honored attendant. She might also give a little history as to how the bride and groom met, as well as when she first noticed that they had fallen in love. The bride's maid of honor could also relate some humorous, though not embarrassing, stories about the bride or the newly married couple.

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Gracious Maid of Honor Speech Example

When (bride's name) asked me to be her maid of honor, I started wondering where the custom of having a bridesmaid originated from. My research led me to the interesting origins of many of our wedding customs, and everything is done to protect the bride from misfortune on her wedding day.

In the old days, sometimes marriage was by capture, and a maiden was guarded by her family to prevent seizure. The bridesmaids would often act as decoys by wearing dresses similar to the bride's to confuse the kidnappers and to keep evil spirits away. Today, I have done my best to keep the evil spirits away, but at least the family wasn't a problem!

Both of you have found your other half. Thank you (bride's name) for being such a wonderful best friend. I'm glad you have found (spouse's name), and I know that he/she/they will always love you. Always love and respect each other. Remember that a married couple are indeed best friends, and good friendships are built not with time, but with trust! May you grow old together on one pillow, and may your life be filled with happiness and joy! My love to the both of you!

Craft Your Perfect Wedding Speech

Giving a wedding toast or speech doesn't have to be complicated or difficult. Base your speech ideas on your history with the couple, your friendship, and their love. With these examples to follow, you can craft a wedding speech that honors the newlywed couple and expresses your gratitude for being a part of their special day. Remember, the most important part of your wedding day speech is to speak from the heart.

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Brides speech: what to say, how to say it and examples

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You’re getting married! So, surely you’ve got something to say about that? Traditionally, you’d expect to hear speeches from the groom, father of the bride and the best man. But we’re totally here for the tradition breakers. It’s becoming increasingly popular for brides to make a speech at their wedding. And we’re here to answer the big questions:

  • So, as a bride, should you make a speech to your bride or groom? Spoiler - HELL YEAH (but only if you actually want to of course).
  • Should it include references to friends and family or just your spouse?

How long should a bride’s speech be?

  • What should it say?
  • Should it be long or short, light and funny or heartfelt and emotional?
  • When during the wedding day should it come?

If you want to know the above and much more, well, you’ve come to the right place!

wedding bride speech

When should brides start planning their speech?

There’s no harm in starting early, just to give you plenty of time to write, edit and practise your speech. As we’ll touch upon later, practice really does make perfect so it’s important not to rush this part! Generally we would suggest you start no later than a month before the big day.

The pros suggest practising your speech before bed, apparently your brain is in the best state to absorb information at this point in the day. Nifty!

What should a bride include in her speech?

The great thing about making a bridal speech is that there are no expectations and no template, however there’s a few things you might like to include. Generally, it’s stories, humour and meaningful tributes. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to thank your bridal party and family but also drop a few love bombs. While you’re at it, throw a few compliments at your spouse, as well. They’re probably not too bad, after all.

If you’re both making a separate speech or even a joint bride and groom speech, discuss who will cover what with your spouse to be and check who will thank who so that you don’t end up covering the same ground. You may even like to chat with the best man and father of the bride too. Don’t forget to stake your claim on the best stories! And above all else, avoid the cliches. Even in your darkest writing block moments, avoid the temptation of recycling jokes from the internet. The genuine and original anecdotes are the ones that’ll have your guests roaring with laughter. If you’re not comfortable landing jokes, keep things sincere and heartfelt.

If you’re struggling to get started, a good formula to follow is:

  • Welcome and thank your lovely guests
  • Thank your bridal party and family
  • Chuck in a hilarious anecdote or story, don’t forget to relate it to your wedding day
  • Finish off with a toast

Start planning early and brainstorm ideas without pressure - think of the highpoints in your relationship, ask yourself why you think your relationship works so well, and find humour where it doesn’t!

bride wedding speech

Should you include a theme to your bridal speech?

For sure - some of the most entertaining wedding speeches are based on a theme. If you’re both in the medical profession, base it around a humorous diagnosis, if one of you is a musician, include song lyrics. If you’ve travelled together, link your stories back to places you have visited. Consider using props or even an instrument (please… no recorders, unless it’s ironic of course). If you decide to use props, practise your timing so that you nail the delivery.

When does the bride make her speech?

The great thing about a bridal speech is that there are no traditions or expectations. So, you can choose when you give your speech. You might like to get in early, before the other wedding toasts so that you can be first to thank your wedding party and your new spouse (aww). And, let’s face it, guests may be a little bored of speeches by the last one!

If you’re feeling nervous, remember that you’re about to speak to the easiest audience of your life- they’re all there for YOU and are rooting you on. So, take a deep breath and enjoy it.

Keep it punchy, after you’ve written your wedding speech, look to edit and cut back any unnecessary bits (nobody likes a waffler). An ideal length is 900 words, this is the equivalent of 6 minutes speaking time. Any jokes that you’re slightly on the fence about? Have a trustworthy friend sense check and if in doubt, leave it out. Don’t forget, practice makes perfect - run through your speech plenty of times before the big day so you’re totally familiar with it.

When it comes to delivering your speech, fake it ‘till you make it with a smile and don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s no secret that speeches delivered with a smile come across with more warmth and sincerity than a deadpan delivery!

Looking for some more inspiration? Check out some cracking bride’s speech examples.

bride wedding speech

So, I know that a bride’s speech isn’t exactly traditional… but if you know me at all, you’ll know that today of all days, I wasn’t about to let the guys have all the limelight!

First, on behalf of MY HUSBAND and myself (pause for applause) I want to say a massive thank you to all of you for being here today. We were fully ready for today to be amazing, but I don’t think anything can really prepare you for how surreal & overwhelming it is to have all your friends and family, from all the different parts of your life, together in one room. The sheer volume of love here today has blown us away & we are SO grateful.

I know that my wonderful husband (LOVE saying that!) is doing all the proper thank yous in his speech, so I’ll leave those to him. But I do just want to thank my amazing team of bridesmaids… you ladies have made this whole process so much fun – getting me hyped when I needed to be hyped & keeping me calm when I needed to be calm. The impromptu dance party this morning was EXACTLY what I needed to burn off the pre-ceremony nerves!

So, since there are no real rules for a Bride’s speech, I thought it might be nice to tell you the story of how we met. There’s an old saying that a man decides to marry when he feels it’s the right time, while a woman chooses to marry when she feels it’s the right man. Well, I’d argue that the same could be said for online dating.

I had been stuck in an endless cycle of swiping, matching, texting, meeting & (I’m ashamed to say…) ghosting a parade of Mr Wrongs… for YEARS. This guy on the other hand… decides one day to join a dating app, matches with me on his first afternoon of swiping, sets up a date for the next day, meets me. Falls head over heels & the rest is history! … I mean, what can I say… He’s a lucky guy!

Seriously though, I’m the lucky one. This man is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best person I’ve ever met. I mean, sorry guys – you’re all fantastic & I love you…. But I love him the most.

My love, I love your big laugh & your even bigger heart. I love the life we’ve built together – our beautiful home & our gorgeous fur babies. I love the way you can always make me laugh, even when I’m upset & crying… especially when I’m upset & crying! And most of all, I love that even from that very first date, being with you felt like home.

So, everyone, can I ask you please to raise a glass… to love, home & happily ever after!

bride and groom dinner cheers

Ok, so I know it’s not strictly traditional for the bride to give a speech, but I couldn’t let the guys have all the fun now, could I?!

I think between them, they’ve already taken care of all the formal thank yous and shout outs… excellent work guys – smashed it! So, I won’t bore you with more of those.

But, if you’re all sitting comfortably, I thought I’d tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, not too far from here, there was a little girl. She didn’t dream about handsome princes & big white weddings. She was too busy playing with her dinosaurs and splashing in muddy puddles to think about boys, thank you very much!

Around the same time, in a kingdom far away, across the water, there was a little boy. Playing with his dinosaurs & splashing in muddy puddles.

Over the years, these two little people grew up into slightly bigger people, but they kept their love of dinosaurs & muddy puddles. So, when the time came to choose a uni course… Earth Sciences (with a healthy dose of palaeontology) was the only option.

And so it was that come September, the girl from London & the boy from Amsterdam rocked up at Bristol University, young, fresh-faced & single… but not for long.

Their eyes met across the lecture theatre, there was a moment, a little spark. A friend request was sent (hey, it was 2008!) and the rest, as they say… is history.

I will be forever grateful that those two crazy, outdoorsy, dinosaur-loving kids, grew up & followed their dreams. Because if they hadn’t, they would never have met. Never have fallen in love. And they wouldn’t now be spending their days together, splashing in muddy puddles with their dinosaur-replacement dogs – and by the way, can I get a cheer for the world’s greatest ring bearers, Dino & T-rex!

My love, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you. And I can’t wait to keep on loving you, every day for the rest of my life.

So, lovely people, will you please join me in raising a glass, to following your dreams & falling in love!

newlyweds first dance celebration

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Wise words indeed, written by a very wise woman.

But what, I wonder, about a single WOMAN, in possession of an equally respectable fortune?... It’s an entirely different kettle of fish if you ask me.

In fact, as many of you will know, If you’d have asked this particular woman about her views on marriage, not even 2 years ago… well… she’d have chewed your ear off.

“I’ll never get married. Are you joking? I love my life! I can go where I like, I’m free to travel, financially independent. I don’t need no man. I’m happy by myself!”

And I was. I really, truly was.

BUT. You never know what the universe has in store for you. And for me, it had the most amazing surprise.

Enter stage left… this guy… the actual man of my dreams.

Tall, dark & handsome, kind, funny, adventurous, spontaneous.

It takes a special kind of crazy person to agree to a tandem skydive as a 2nd date… but that just about sums it up really, doesn’t it? I’ve found my person. My adventure buddy, my partner in crime, a match for my particular kind of crazy. And I’m not gonna lie, it feels f***ing amazing.

I get to wake up next to this phenomenal human every day, for the rest of my life. And wherever in the world we are, I know I’ll be home, as long as you’re there with me.

That’s what I believe marriage is all about – and honestly, I can’t f***ing wait.

So please, join me in a toast – to getting married!


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In This Article

  • 3 Ways How To Start A Speech
  • Tips On How To Start A Speech
  • Things to Avoid

Important Questions To Answer Before You Start

  • Examples To Find Inspiration
  • Wedding Party & Reception

How to Start a Wedding Speech: Captivating Openings

Natalia Bayeva

nagi.graphy via Instagram

If you’re not used to public speaking it would be easy to get stuck on how to start a wedding speech. However, the good thing is once you start, once you get out that door, you are on a roll. So, as long as you can get that part out of the way, you can be sure to hit your home run.


Giving wedding speeches can be nerve-wracking sometimes, and if you find yourself fussed about your opening or closing lines. Or even a tad worried about the speech, we’re here to guide you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What goes first in a wedding speech.

The common opening line for wedding speeches is a greeting and introduction. So, something like, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m (name) and delighted to welcome you all here tonight.”

Who speaks first in wedding speeches?

In the traditional wedding speech order, the father of the bride speaks first, followed by the groom, and then the best man before others.

3 Ways How To Start A Speech For A Wedding

how to start wedding speech groom

If you are thinking about how to start a speech for a wedding, well, it’s important to keep the type of event in mind. There are several factors that can determine the way you start your speech, the type of speech that you give, and how you close it. This would include:

  • The general mood of the event (formal, informal, relaxed, etc).
  • The time of the wedding event.
  • The location.
  • And, your part in the wedding.

Start With An Introduction Of Yourself In A Usual Manner

Although how to start a wedding speech for father of the bride would be different from if you’re the best man. It is always great to start with an introduction. And so, no matter your part in the wedding, introducing yourself would be the polite way to start.

Smile as you do it and make a bit of a joke if you feel tense, or reference how important the day is if you don’t feel like joking.

Start With A Joke

Start with a quote.

Whether you’re thinking about how to start a wedding speech for a sister or a friend, you cannot go wrong with a good quote. If you have a sentimental quote about love, or a favorite quote you both share, this will always be a good idea. And whether you choose to give a quote or a joke, always remember to smile.

Tips On How To Start A Speech At A Wedding

how to start wedding speech bride

With the right tips on hand, you wouldn’t need to worry much about how to start a speech at a wedding. Use this guide to get your nerves in check. Start strong, and finish well. With the right guidance you’ll do well whether you’re making a speech for a friend, your child or the love of your life.

  • Get ready beforehand: If you are worried about how to start a wedding speech as a maid of honor or best man, the last thing you want to do is wing it. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail, so be sure to get ready well ahead of time.
  • Don’t think you need to know your whole speech off by heart: While you might have a good memory, do not rely completely on it. Prepare your speech and write it out in handy notes. You don’t need to write all of it, you could just make cue cards to help with each point.
  • Practice in advance including reading aloud: Whether you’re figuring out how to start a speech of best man at wedding or a bridesmaid, you need to rehearse. Practice as much as you can in advance.
  • Record yourself to listen how you sound: Recording yourself in audio or videotape will help as well. While it might be a tad uncomfortable, you will get a better idea of any improvements you’d need to make as you practice more.
  • When giving your speech – always make eye contact: When you’re wondering how to start a wedding speech for a brother or friend, remember about eye contact. Eye contact connects you to the audience.
  • Be yourself: Try to relax, don’t fret and share your perspective on the couple. Just be yourself and the message will be passed across easily. If you are anxious, the guests will feel it too.
  • Emotions are ok: It is okay to tell a story that means something to you, and if it does, it is also okay to show emotion. Be it tears or laughter, emotions add feeling to your words.
  • Tears are ok: A wedding is a celebration of love, and happy tears are always welcome. So, don’t feel the need to hide those emotions if they rise to the surface.
  • Improvisation is ok: You might consider improvising if your nerves threaten to get the best of you. In the end there is no hard and fast rule for giving your speech.

Things to Avoid When Starting Your Wedding Speech

how to start a wedding speech guests table setting

tweedcoastweddings via Instagram

  • Rambling or Going Off on Tangents: It’s important to stay focused and concise when delivering your wedding speech. Avoid rambling or going off on unrelated tangents that could lose the attention of your audience.
  • Prolonged Stories or Anecdotes: While sharing a brief and meaningful story can enhance your speech, be cautious not to go into excessive detail or share prolonged anecdotes. Keep your speech engaging and to the point, ensuring that it doesn’t drag on for too long.
  • Mentioning Past Relationships or Exes: It’s best to avoid bringing up past relationships or mentioning exes in your wedding speech. Focus on celebrating the love and joy of the couple’s present relationship, rather than delving into the past.
  • Overindulging in Alcohol before the Speech: It’s essential to maintain a clear and coherent delivery during your wedding speech. Avoid overindulging in alcohol before your speech to ensure that you speak confidently and coherently.
  • Insults or Negative Remarks: Steer clear of making any negative or insulting remarks during your wedding speech. It’s a time to celebrate and uplift the couple, so focus on expressing your love, support, and well wishes for their future.

Remember, a well-crafted and heartfelt wedding speech will be appreciated by the couple and their guests, so it’s important to avoid these common pitfalls to ensure a memorable and positive experience for everyone involved.

how to start wedding speech newlyweds

sirpillasoirees via Instagram

Knowing the answers to a few questions can be helpful if you’re struggling with how to start a wedding speech for a groom or bride. The answers to these simple questions could as well help you create your speech. For instance:

  • Who will speak before you? This could influence the content of your speech or toast. You might want to pick up where they left off, say a few words about them, or thank them for introducing you.
  • When will you speak? The timing of your speech could also decide the type of speech that you give. If it’s early in the day, you might consider something more formal and quick. If it’s late in the day during dinner, a more relaxed, fun and cheerful speech would be nice.
  • Is there a memory the couple would want to share? If there is anything specific the couple would like you to mention, it would be a good idea to find that out beforehand and include it in your speech.
  • How much time do you have? Most speeches don’t go above 5 mins. Being aware of how much time you have to speak, will also help you in drafting your speech and deciding what should be said and what should be left out.

How To Start A Wedding Speech: Examples To Find Inspiration

How to start a wedding speech for mother.

There are several ways to start your wedding speech as the mother of the bride or groom. If you are worried about how to start a wedding speech for your daughter or son, the examples below can inspire you.

Hi everybody! I am the mother of our wonderful bride. I am very happy that so many people joined the celebration of our special day today!
Good evening! Who does not know me yet, I am the mother of the bride, _. It’s hard for me to hide my emotions on this wonderful day and I would like to thank all our guests for being with us today!
My name is _. Who does not know – I am the mother of the groom. I am glad to welcome you all here tonight.

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Father Of The Bride

A wedding celebration is not just about the couple, but also about their loved ones. As father of the bride or groom, you would be feeling a lot of emotions on such a big day. You can start your wedding speech by introducing yourself, expressing those emotions, and telling everyone how much this day means to you.

You should probably all know who I am, and if you don’t – I _, the bride’s dad. Welcome to our celebration!
The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage. And today we are all here to congratulate our beautiful newlyweds.
Wedding is the most important day in every girl’s life, welcome to my beautiful daughter’s wedding. If someone does not know me, I am the father of the bride, _.

How To Start A Wedding Speech Maid Of Honor

As maid of honor you would have lots of material for a wedding speech. Just deciding how to start your wedding speech and how to organize all of the words can get you on your way.

Hi all! I am _, a bridesmaid. I am so happy that _ got married today. It is such a joyous event for all of us.
You probably know me as a bridesmaid, _. But today you will also recognize me as the queen of the dance floor, because the bride warned that there would be dancing until the morning! Jo, I’m just kidding!
Today is a special day and we are here to celebrate with our newlyweds! We have been preparing for a long year and now this day has come!

How To Start A Speech Of Best Man At Wedding

Whether you have a joke, a quote, or a story to share, as the best man everyone would be interested in what you have to say. So, try to be yourself and read out the words as you have planned and rehearsed.

My dear, _! I’m so happy that you found the girl of your dreams and today is your wedding, but I’m so sad that now you will stop hanging out with me like we did at the university. Okay, I’m kidding! I’m still very happy!
Hi everybody! I’m best man, my name is _, and who doesn’t know I’m a single – this is information for the table where the bridesmaids are. I would like to congratulate our dear newlyweds on this wonderful day!
Good evening everyone! When I was preparing this speech, I was thinking how I can fit my attitude towards _ and our 20 years of friendship into 7 minutes. But, I found a way out – we have the whole night ahead!

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Sister

As the sister of the groom or bride, you won’t need to worry about how to start a bride’s wedding speech. There are many paths to follow. After introducing yourself you could tell a joke about your sibling, tell a story about the couple, or talk about your joy at seeing them hitched finally.

My dear sister! You are so beautiful today! I am so glad that there are so many people here today, and we all gathered to congratulate you and _ on such a special day!
Hi everybody! I am the groom’s sister, _. I would like to say a few words about my brother and welcome his new wife to our family.
I’m _, the groom’s younger sister! All my life I wanted to have not only a brother, but also a sister. How happy I am that now my dreams have come true! _, welcome to our family.

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Brother

Sometimes you feel as if you cannot find the right words, or your nerves get the best of you. However, with preparation, there are more than enough words to express your joy for your brother on his wedding day.

As the brother of the groom, I would like to say a few words about him. I remember when I was 9 and he was 7, we promised each other never to mess with girls. And today we are at his wedding!
Today our family has become bigger! And I’m incredibly happy for these two so happy! I have always been protective of my little sister and only wanted her to date a nice guy. And it happened just like that!
Hello everyone, I’m _. According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. And I totally agree. So sorry, but I’ll be brief.

How to Start a Wedding Speech for a Best Friend

Starting a wedding speech for your best friend requires a heartfelt and personal approach. Here’s an example of how you could begin:

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, my name is [Your Name], and I have the incredible honor and privilege of standing here today as [Best Friend’s Name]’s best friend. First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to [Couple’s Names] for allowing me to share in this joyous celebration of their love. Today is not only a celebration of their union but also a testament to the unbreakable bond of friendship that [Best Friend’s Name] and I have shared throughout the years.

How To Start A Bride’s Wedding Speech

As a bride, you wouldn’t need to start your wedding speech with an introduction since everyone attending would no doubt know who you are. Your speech would mostly be one of thanks to your guests, love for your partner a story or two if you like, and an overall expression of joy for such a special day.

I’m so happy to welcome all of you here today to celebrate our wedding and thank you for choosing to spend the day with us!
I want to thank everyone who is with us today – thanks to you this day has become even more special. It will be such a pleasure to see all the photos and videos from our holiday as soon as possible, I’m sure they will be amazing!
I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston created just the best song. And I will always love you too, my dear husband.

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Groom

Just like the bride, the groom would not need any introduction. The groom’s speech could begin with supporting the words of the bride or be totally different.

I would like to join all the words of my wife! Thank you for being with us today on this special day.
If someone does not know me, I _, groom. Or already a husband. Haha, I’m kidding. Today was just the best day, I did not even imagine that everything would be like this.
Hi all! I‘d like to add a few words to my wife’s speech. Like most men, I don’t like attention, photo shooting, etc. But today it wasn’t stressful, it was so relaxed and easy-going thanks to everyone who was with us!

It’s quite common to fret about how to start a wedding speech. However, with some inspirational examples, banging tips and a strong start, you can tackle any wedding speech successfully whether you are the best man, groom, or even mother of the bride.

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Wedding Speeches: How to Write and Deliver a Memorable Toast

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

Wedding speeches are an important tradition that adds a personal touch to the wedding celebration. They allow loved ones to share their feelings and memories, express gratitude, and wish the newlyweds a lifetime of happiness. However, with the rising trend of online marriages due to the ongoing pandemic, wedding speeches have taken on a new form. Online marriages refer to weddings that take place virtually, with the couple and their guests participating from different locations through video conferencing platforms. 

In this post, we will discuss how to write and deliver a memorable toast, both for in-person and virtual weddings.

Who gives speeches at a wedding?

At a traditional wedding, certain people are expected to give speeches. These people include the father of the bride, the best man, and the maid of honor. 

Here is a breakdown of the traditional roles of speech givers at a wedding:

  • Father of the Bride: This speech is typically the first one given, and it sets the tone for the rest of the speeches. The father of the bride welcomes the guests, thanks them for coming, and talks about his daughter and his relationship with her. He will usually end the speech by toasting the newlyweds.
  • Groom: The groom will usually give a speech after the father of the bride. He thanks everyone for coming, talks about his bride and their relationship, and thanks her parents for their support. He will usually end the speech by toasting his bride.
  • Best Man: The best man is responsible for giving the final speech of the night. He will typically start by thanking the groom for choosing him as his best man. He will then share stories about the groom, including some embarrassing ones, and end by toasting the newlyweds.
  • Maid of Honor: The maid of honor will typically give a speech after the groom. She will thank the bride for choosing her as her maid of honor, share stories about the bride, and offer advice for a happy marriage. She will also usually end by toasting the newlyweds.

However, more modern variations have emerged over the years, and other people may give speeches at a wedding as well. These could include the mother of the bride, the bride herself, the groom's parents, or close friends of the couple. It's important to keep in mind the wishes of the couple and to ensure that all speeches are appropriate and in good taste.

Tips for Writing a great wedding speech

Here are some tips to help you write a great wedding speech:

  • Prepare and Practice: Don't wait until the last minute to start writing your speech. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare and practice. Write down your thoughts and ideas, and then organize them into a logical structure. Practice delivering your speech several times, either by yourself or in front of a trusted friend or family member.
  • Structure Your Speech: A great wedding speech typically follows a basic structure. Start with an attention-grabbing opening that will capture the audience's attention. Then, move on to the body of your speech, where you will share your thoughts, stories, and advice. Finally, end with a memorable conclusion and a toast to the newlyweds.
  • Keep it Positive: A wedding is a joyous occasion, so keep your speech positive and uplifting. Share stories that celebrate the love and happiness of the couple, and offer words of encouragement and support.
  • Use Humor Wisely: Humor can be a great way to connect with the audience and lighten the mood, but be careful not to go overboard. Avoid jokes that are inappropriate or offensive, and keep in mind that what may be funny to you may not be funny to everyone.
  • Share Personal Anecdotes: Personal anecdotes are a great way to personalize your speech and connect with the couple and the audience. Share stories that highlight the couple's strengths and unique qualities, and that demonstrate the love and support they have for each other.
  • Avoid Sensitive Topics: Avoid topics that may be sensitive or controversial, such as politics, religion, or past relationships. Stick to positive and uplifting messages that celebrate the love and happiness of the couple.

Tips for delivering a great wedding speech

Here are some tips to help you deliver a memorable speech with confidence:

  • Manage Your Nerves: It's normal to feel nervous before giving a speech, but there are techniques you can use to manage your nerves. Take some deep breaths, visualize a positive outcome, and remind yourself that the audience is there to support you.
  • Project Your Voice: Make sure you speak clearly and project your voice so that everyone in the audience can hear you. Take your time, speak at a moderate pace, and avoid rushing through your speech.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with the audience to help build a connection with them. Look around the room and make eye contact with different people, but avoid staring at one person for too long.
  • Use Pauses: Using pauses can help you emphasize key points and give the audience time to digest what you're saying. Don't be afraid to take a moment to gather your thoughts and take a breath before continuing.
  • Vary Your Tone: Varying your tone can help you keep the audience engaged and prevent your speech from sounding monotonous. Use inflection to emphasize key points, and adjust your tone to match the mood of the moment.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice your speech, the more confident you'll feel on the day of the wedding. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself or give your speech to a trusted friend or family member for feedback.

Examples of great wedding speeches

Here are some examples of great wedding speeches to inspire you:

  • Father of the Bride Speech: This father of the bride speech is both touching and humorous. He speaks from the heart and uses personal anecdotes to illustrate his love for his daughter and his joy at seeing her marry the man she loves.
  • Best Man Speech: This best man speech is funny, charming, and heartfelt. He tells stories about the groom that show both his good qualities and his quirks, and he ends with a touching message of support for the newlyweds.
  • Maid of Honor Speech: This maid of honor speech is both heartfelt and inspiring. She talks about the bride's strengths and qualities and offers a message of love and support to the happy couple.
  • Bride's Speech: This bride's speech is touching and emotional. She speaks about her love for her new husband and her gratitude for the support of her family and friends.

What makes these speeches effective is that they all have a clear structure, with an opening that captures the audience's attention, a body that tells personal stories or expresses heartfelt sentiments, and a conclusion that offers words of wisdom or congratulations to the happy couple.

For more inspiration, there are many online resources that offer examples of great wedding speeches, including Hitched , Wedding Forward , and LoveToKnow Weddings . 

Additionally, In the spirit of embracing new experiences, you may want to craft a heartfelt and personalized wedding speech by using Provenance , which has a number of modern online tools, including a Ceremony Builder, Vow Builder, and Toast Builder, as well as more in-depth services like professional speechwriting and public speaking services.

Wedding speeches are an important part of any wedding ceremony, as they provide an opportunity for loved ones to express their feelings and support for the happy couple. Whether you are the father of the bride, the maid of honor, or any other speech giver, there are certain tips and techniques you can use to write and deliver a great wedding speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Remember, a great wedding speech can have a profound impact on the newlyweds and their guests, and can create cherished memories that last a lifetime. So, if you have a wedding coming up, start preparing your speech early, and use the tips and resources we've discussed to create a memorable and meaningful tribute to the happy couple.

Common questions

What is the best time during the wedding for speeches?

Traditionally, speeches are given after the meal and before the cutting of the cake. This allows everyone to enjoy their food and drinks before the speeches begin and also ensures that the speeches do not run too late into the night. However, some couples may choose to have speeches earlier in the evening or during the reception, depending on their personal preference.

How long should a wedding speech be?

The length of a wedding speech can vary, but generally, it should be no longer than 5-7 minutes. This allows enough time to deliver a heartfelt message or share a few humorous anecdotes without losing the attention of the audience.

Is it okay to use humor in a wedding speech?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to use humor in a wedding speech, as long as it is appropriate and not at the expense of anyone present. However, it's important to balance humor with sincere sentiments, so that the speech doesn't become too light-hearted or frivolous.

What should I do if I forget my speech during delivery?

If you forget your speech during delivery, take a deep breath and try to remain calm. You can take a moment to gather your thoughts, look down at your notes (if you have them), or ask someone to prompt you with a question. If all else fails, you can simply speak from the heart and express your feelings in your own words.

How can I involve the audience in my speech?

One way to involve the audience in your speech is to ask them a question or invite them to participate in a brief activity. For example, you could ask them to raise their glasses for a toast or have them shout out a particular phrase or response at certain points in your speech.

How do I end a wedding speech?

A good way to end a wedding speech is to offer a message of congratulations or well wishes to the happy couple. You can also thank them for the opportunity to speak and express your gratitude to those who helped make the wedding day special. Finally, you can invite everyone to join you in raising a glass for a final toast to the newlyweds.

Online Marriage with Courtly

In recent years, online marriage has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional in-person weddings. Online marriage allows couples to legally tie the knot without the need for physical presence in a courthouse or a place of worship. One platform that has garnered a lot of attention for its online marriage services is Courtly. We offer customizable ceremonies, licensed officiants, and a virtual marriage license, making the entire process streamlined and efficient. 

Couples can choose from a range of ceremony options, including secular, religious, and interfaith ceremonies. Furthermore, we offer additional services such as wedding planning, premarital counseling, and online resources to help couples prepare for their big day.

One of the key benefits of online marriage with Courtly is convenience. Couples can get married from the comfort of their own home, without the need for travel or extensive planning. This can be particularly appealing for those who have busy schedules, are unable to travel, or simply prefer a more intimate ceremony. Additionally, the online marriage option may be more affordable than a traditional wedding, as it eliminates many of the expenses associated with a physical ceremony.

However, it is important to note that online marriage is not without its drawbacks. Some may argue that an online ceremony lacks the personal touch and emotional impact of a physical wedding. Some countries may not recognize online marriage as a legally valid option, which can be a barrier for couples looking to obtain legal recognition of their union. It is important to do thorough research and ensure that online marriage is a legally valid option in your location before making any decisions.

Let us handle the paperwork.

Getting married is complicated. Courtly simplifies the process and provides everything necessary to get married online, including providing a licensed officiant who can perform a remote ceremony.

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Getting married is complicated. Courtly simplifies the process and provides everything necessary to get married online.

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Struggling to Write a Wedding Speech? It’s All in the Details.

If you’ve been charged with saying a few words about the newlyweds, here are some tips to help ease your anxiety and inspire you to speak from the heart.

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

By Dina Gachman

Massive parties with 10-piece bands and champagne fountains gave way to backyard microweddings and Zoom celebrations during the pandemic. But one tradition has stayed strong, and even thrived, over the last year: the wedding speech.

Love them or hate them, “a speech gives people something to talk about, and it’s an amazing bonding juice,” says Heidi Ellert-McDermott, the founder of Speechy , a British company that creates bespoke speeches for weddings around the world. “It can really kick-start a party.”

Public speaking, whether it’s in front of 10 people or 100, can be intimidating, and if you’ve ever sat through a lengthy, cliché-riddled wedding speech, you know it’s not so easy to pull off a memorable toast.

“We’re all so acutely aware that no one has any idea what tomorrow will bring,” said Marisa Polansky, a founder of the Brooklyn-based speech writing service Speech Tank with Kristine Keller. “The fact that two people want to tackle that tomorrow together feels especially noteworthy. As such, there’s more pressure on speeches to bring a weightiness or gravitas to the event, I think. But it’s an opportunity, too.”

If you’ve been charged with saying a few words about the couple, there are a few things to remember that will help you ease your anxiety and inspire you to speak from the heart.

Ask Yourself ‘Why Me?’

If you’re staring at a blank page, take a step back and think about your relationship to the couple. “Start by asking yourself why you’re giving the speech,” said Tess Barker , 38, a Los Angeles-based comedian who has a “deep résumé as a bridesmaid.” Thinking about your relationship to the couple can help you focus on memories you share, and remind you that you’re not giving a State of the Union address — you’re simply speaking to someone you care about.

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how to write a wedding speech for the bride

  • How to Write A Killer Bride or Groom Wedding Speech

Writing a wedding speech can be a daunting task, especially if you’re nervous about speaking in front of a group. But it’s an awesome opportunity to let your nearest and dearest know how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them celebrating the start of your marriage with you.

Traditionally, brides don’t give speeches. They sit quietly and listen while their dad, the best man and the groom give speeches. Brides were to be seen and not heard. But we’ve had enough of that. If you’re a bride who wants to speak at your own wedding – more power to you! We 100% support a bride being heard on her own wedding day.

Getting ready to write your bride or groom wedding speech? Awesome! We’ve got all the steps you need to write a killer wedding speech that will leave the room laughing, crying and applauding wildly by the time you drop the mic.

Decide on the logistics

Before you get to the nitty-gritty of speech writing, figure out some of the big picture issues. Who is going to be giving the speech? Are you speaking together or separately? If you’re giving two separate speeches, who is going first? When in the night are you giving the speech? How long will the speech be? What’s the tone going to be?

Start your wedding speech with some thank yous

This one is easy! You start your speech by giving a round of thank yous. Thank all of your guests for coming, thank your wedding party for supporting you, thank out-of-towners for making the trek, thank your parents for all their love, thank your new spouse’s parents for welcoming you into the family, thank special people who made the day possible, thank vendors, THANK THEM ALL! Or, y’know, thank who you want to thank.

giving a wedding speech at their wedding reception

Mention those who couldn’t be there

This step is optional, but if you’d like, it’s a great time to pay tribute to people who couldn’t be at your wedding. This could be important people who couldn’t physically make it, maybe they are unable to travel or sick. Or this could be people who have passed on that you want to honour on your special day.

Add a short & sweet anecdote to your wedding speech

Here’s the fun part: now you get to gush about your boo! Include a short story about how you met, when you knew you were in love or a funny tidbit from wedding planning. The idea here is that you want to share a cute story, nothing embarrassing. And you’ll want to keep it short, especially if you and your spouse are both sharing little stories. You’ll also want to double check with anyone else giving speeches that you’re not all re-telling the same story.

bride and groom wedding thank you speech at their wedding reception

End with your partner

You made it! You’re at the end of your speech. Now all you have to do is address your partner and cue the waterworks. This is where you let your brand new husband or wife know how happy you are to be married to them, how much today has meant to you or anything you weren’t able to fit into your vows.

Practice makes perfect

Especially if you’re nervous, rehearse your speech. Stand in front of the mirror, ask someone in your wedding party to lend an ear or recite your speech to your dog. And if you’re planning on doing the speech together and splitting up the different sections, you’ll definitely want to practice with your partner. If there are parts of the speech you want to keep as a surprise for the big day, that’s totally fine. Just rehearse the rest together so you know who says what when.

bride and groom wedding speech at their wedding reception, tips for writing your wedding speech

You know what we say – your wedding, your way! So if you’re really nervous about giving your speech in front of so many people, maybe you can give a speech at your rehearsal dinner in front of a smaller audience instead. If you’re scared you’ll be all teary by the end of the speeches, forget the tradition of the couple speaking last and do your speech first. And if the idea of a speech totally terrifies you, skip it all together! You can give out cards to your loved ones or talk to them one on one and let them know how much you appreciate them making your wedding day magical.

Last minute dos & don’ts for writing the best wedding speech ever!

  • DO: write it down and don’t try to wing it. Have a paper copy so you’re not frantically trying to find your phone only for it to die when you’re halfway done your speech.
  • DON’T: wait until you’re too drunk to give your speech. If you think you’ll be sloshed by 8:00pm, give your speech by 7:00pm.
  • DO: feel free to respond to other speeches. If you go last, you can totally improvise a bit and thank you dad for his sweet words or try to defend yourself in the story your best man just told.
  • DON’T: hog the mic. If you and your partner are giving the speech together, divide it up so you can both speak equally.
  • DO: be courteous of your guests’ time. Especially if you have a lot of speeches planned, try to keep yours short and to the point.
  • DON’T: share anything too embarrassing, too intimate or too inside joke-y. Trust us, you’ll regret it when your nana comes up to you later and asks you to explain that story from the time you had a pregnancy scare in Vegas.


  • 4 Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Samples
  • Father of the Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Mother of the Bride
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Father of the Bride
  • How to Write an Incredible Best Man Speech
  • 5 Maid of Honor Speech Examples
  • 12 Tips for Wedding Readers
  • The Ultimate Wedding Toast Guide

Are you planning to give a speech at your wedding?  For more wedding planning advice, visit our blog . And to learn more about our team of wedding officiants and book an officiant for your wedding, get in touch! 

written by Riana Ang-Canning

Father of the Bride Speech Template (Fill in the Blanks)

Father of the Bride Speech Template (Fill in the Blanks)

If you’re feeling at all daunted by the prospect of putting together your speech, the good news is that a solid structure will help keep you on track.

The exact structure you use will depend on whether you want to give a super short speech that only covers the bare essentials, or a slightly longer speech that covers all the traditional points.

But for a comprehensive speech, that covers all the expected topics you can use the following handy template.

Creating a perfectly structured speech is simply a case of painting by numbers when you use my comprehensive eight-part template.

1) Opening words (Icebreaker)

The opening words of any speech are important, and this is particularly true for the first speaker.

It’s often recommended to start with an “icebreaker” to start your speech on a high note.

So briefly introduce yourself and then follow up with a few words designed to grab people’s attention and signal the start of your speech. You could say something funny or a little surprising. The main purpose is to shift the guests’ focus from each other to you.

Even if you’re not naturally funny, it’s worth spending some time crafting a few words likely to raise a smile.

But try to avoid any cliches or wedding speech jokes borrowed from elsewhere.

2) Thank the guests for coming

Most guests will have travelled at least a short distance to the wedding and incurred some expense so it’s important to express your appreciation on behalf of the couple.

Try to keep things general here – you don’t want to thank individual attendees since that’s more often done by the Groom in his speech and you don’t want your speech to run too long.

You could say something simple like: “Thanks to all of you for being here. I know it means a lot to Richard and Debbie for you to share their special day.”

3) Mention other important people

Say a quick thank you to the key people who helped pull everything together behind the scenes in the lead-up to the wedding.

Typically, you’d mention your wife or partner for their help and support during the preparations and also thank the Groom’s parents and welcome them into the family.

Traditionally, you’d also mention people who weren’t able to make it to the wedding.

For instance, if someone close to the couple has passed away you could say something like: “I know Debbie’s Nana would have been so proud to see her today looking so amazing in her dress.”

4) Say something complimentary about the event

It’s good to say something briefly about the day itself. Doing this helps the speech feel less scripted since it’s not something that you could easily prepare weeks in advance.

You could mention the weather (good or bad) or say something about the venue or the ceremony or just refer to something notable that happened or made it particularly memorable for you.

Obviously you can’t script this upfront (that’s the whole point!) but you can leave a place for it in your speech and decide what to say on the day.

5) Tell stories about the Bride

Next you should shift your attentions to your daughter, the Bride.

This is really the core of your speech – talking about the Bride from your perspective as her father. In fact, I recommend spending around half of the total length of your speech on this section.

Stories from your daughter’s childhood are a reliable source of material. Try to pick stories that are memorable and reflective of her character, particularly her most positive traits.

There are a few different ways of structuring your stories:

  • Life stages : pick stories from distinct phases of her life, e.g., her as a small girl, her as a teen, and her as a young woman.
  • Life roles : pick stories that illuminative her various roles as a person, e.g., daughter, sportswoman, student.
  • Personal qualities : pick stories that highlight certain specific qualities, e.g., loyalty, tenacity, adventurousness.

Whatever you choose to say, try to leave the guests feeling that they know the Bride a little better by the time you finish.

Who knows, the Groom may even learn a thing or too about his new wife he didn’t know before!

6) Mention the Groom

While the primary focus of your speech should always be the Bride, you’d be neglecting someone very important if you didn’t at least briefly mention her new husband.

You needn’t spend long talking about the Groom and you have a few easy options here:

  • Talk about your first impressions on meeting the Groom (assuming they were positive or at least potentially amusing!)
  • Praise the Groom’s qualities and/or achievements – why he’s a worthy person to marry your daughter.
  • Mention the positive impact he’s on your daughter’s life, e.g., how supportive he is or how happy he makes her.
  • Talk about how he complements your daughter’s personality and why they make such a great couple.

Remember, there would be no wedding without the Groom, so spend at least a little of your speech talking about him. And be sure to wrap up by welcoming him to your family!

7) Share words of wisdom

By this point you’re on the home straight and it’s time for some closing words before the final toast.

It’s traditional for you to offer some words of wisdom for the newlyweds. You’ll be able to find some ideas online but a more personal approach is to draw from your own life experience.

Is there some genuine advice from your own relationship with your partner you could pass on to your daughter and her new husband?

You should also wish them health and happiness for the future.

8) Finish by toasting the happy couple!

You’re almost done!

It’s time to wrap things up by raising a toast to the Bride and Groom. This signals the end of your speech and energises the guests by getting them to stand (and drink!)

You could say something like:

“Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to Debbie and Richard – the Bride and Groom!”

Copy This Template and Get Writing!

Use my Father of the Bride speech template and you can be confident you’re building your speech on solid ground.

Go heading by heading and start writing each essential part of your speech.

Before you know it, you’ll have a well-structured speech that includes all the essential information and flows smoothly from beginning to end.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get going!

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If this site has helped you with your Father of the Bride Speech why not say thanks by buying me a (virtual) beer?

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Not in the slightest! Our platform is designed with simplicity in mind, requiring zero technical know-how. You'll find it a breeze to navigate through our user-friendly process to compose your speech.

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How to Write the Perfect Maid of Honor Speech

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

As the maid of honor at your sister’s or friend’s wedding, one of your most important maid of honor duties will be to deliver a speech at the wedding reception. 

Some MOHs prepare their speeches months in advance. But some procrastinate because they don’t know how to begin to write a speech, what to include, or how long it should be.  

We've got you covered if you’re getting ready to write your speech! And you don’t have to be an expert in speech writing to nail the delivery on your bestie’s special day!

Here’s how to write a maid of honor speech, plus tips on how to deliver your speech on the big day: 

Write an Introduction

Begin your speech by saying good evening (or good afternoon), introducing yourself, and describing yourself in relation to the bride and to the couple. 

Wedding guests that don’t know you will want to know if the bride is your:

Once you’ve explained who you are, wrap up your introduction. Thank the mother and father of the bride, her partner, and any other family members who had a role in hosting or paying for the wedding.  

Shop our collection of modern bridesmaids’ dresses now!

Talk About Your Personal Relationship with the Bride

After your introduction, give some details and personal anecdotes about your relationship with the bride. 

You can do so by:

In this portion of the speech, it’s okay to show your sense of humor, be sentimental, or both! Don’t pressure yourself into writing the funniest speech ever or writing a speech that will have every guest in tears. The key is to keep it lighthearted and heartfelt.

This is not the moment to spill lifelong secrets or attempt to embarrass the bride or her new spouse. So steer clear of certain topics, such as drunken girls’ nights out, bachelorette party antics , sex, and ex-relationships or previous marriages. 

It’s not the time to tell inside jokes, either. No one in the room will understand what you’re talking about, and you could lose the crowd's attention. 

Talk About Your Relationship With the Bride’s New Spouse

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

Photo: Bella Bridesmaids Philadelphia | Derek Kerzner

You don’t have to go into lengthy detail about your relationship with the bride’s new spouse, but it’s nice to include a sentence or two about them. You could mention how you first met the bride’s partner or when you realized they were her perfect match!

Talk About the Couple as a Pair

Towards the end of your speech, show support for the newlyweds and their relationship by talking about them as a couple. 

You can talk about things like:

Finish Your Speech With a Wedding Toast

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

Photo: Bella Bridesmaids Birmingham | Brittany Driver Anderson

Finally, wrap up your amazing speech with a toast to the happy couple! You should literally raise a glass and cheers, encouraging all the wedding guests to follow suit. 

More Speech Tips for Writing an Amazing Maid of Honor Speech

When writing a speech, timing is everything! 

Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind when putting together your MOH speech:

Keep It Short and Sweet 

The ideal length for a wedding speech is about 2-5 minutes. Anything longer than that, and you could start losing the crowd. Plus, the longer your speech, the less time you’ll have for partying and dancing!

No matter how long your history with the bride is, don’t overcomplicate things or tell endless stories in your speech. All you need is one good one.

Practice Ahead of Time 

Practice delivering your speech to a fellow member of the wedding party or your own partner and ask for feedback. 

If you want your speech to surprise everyone , practice it with anyone not invited to the wedding that you trust to give honest feedback. This could be your mom or even a coworker.

Even if you’re 100% confident in the words you’ve penned, it’s a good idea to at least practice it in front of a mirror. When practicing aloud, set a timer. If the speech is too long, make some edits to keep it under five minutes.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute 

Writing your speech at least a few weeks before the wedding is best. That’ll give you plenty of time to practice it and make changes as needed. 

It’s also important to know that there’s no such thing as a perfect maid of honor speech. Just be yourself, and write the best speech you can!

Related: Matron of Honor vs Maid of Honor: What's the Difference?

Tips for Delivering a Great Maid of Honor Speech

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

Photo: Bella Bridesmaids Charleston | Source

Nervous about public speaking? 

Don’t worry — a lot of people are! Here’s a tip to get you through the moment. And no, it doesn’t require you to imagine everyone in the room in their underwear.

Instead of speaking to the crowd, speak directly to the couple. Focusing solely on the couple can help ease your nerves and make it easier to deliver your words.

One final tip for all you MOHs out there:

Don’t drink too much alcohol before your speech!

It’s best to wait until you finish your speech to start serious partying. Consuming too many drinks beforehand may make you slur your speech, speak too fast, or appear lethargic. 

You want to appear energized and happy… not under the influence. 

Writing a maid of honor speech can be a fun experience, and delivering it on the wedding day should be an even greater one! The bride has already honored you by asking you to be her MOH. 

Your wedding speech is the time to honor her in return with kind, heartfelt words and well wishes for a long and happy marriage. It’ll be a moment the two of you will never forget.   

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Bride Refuses to Pay Friend for Anniversary Wedding Portrait After She Says She Was ‘Sexualized’ in Sketch

“My husband looked great, but I looked completely different," the bride noted of the sketch

A woman is refusing to pay her friend for a wedding portrait she commissioned after she said her friend “sexualized” her in the painting.

The bride shared in a post on Reddit’s popular "Am I The A------" forum that she decided to have her painter friend do a sketch of her and her husband in their “wedding outfits” as a gift to her husband to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.

The user noted, "I have seen her work and she can do [a] realist painting of people."

She said she gave her friend some "reference" photos from the wedding in order to create the painting. She also shared that she put down a $300 deposit, and that the two "agreed on a total of $700."

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However, the woman said that the portrait that she received was a far cry from what she had expected, writing, "My husband looked great but I looked completely different. In short she sexualized me and I find it so gross."

"The painting has me with huge boobs," the woman shared, adding that she has smaller breasts. She continued, "My wedding dress is showing much more skin. She even added a split to my dress to show off more leg."

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The Reddit user said she didn’t think that she looked "like that in any of my photos I gave her." She added that she told her friend she “will not be paying her” and “she needs to fix it or she can keep it.”

This ultimately caused an "argument" between the two as the bride wrote "she thinks I am a jerk for not paying" and for "pointing out" the changes from her figure to the painting.

"It is going around with my friends, some think I am being petty and others are standing by me," the former bride noted before asking the internet on whether or not she was right for refusing to pay.

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Some people questioned why the woman’s friend did not send her "progress photos" of her sketches to ensure that it was what the bride wanted, to which the bride said that her friend was "going off the one picture I gave her."

One person commented, “As an artist myself I check in about those kinds of modifications along the way, to make sure the client is happy with the progress."

Others also backed up the bride’s decision to not pay the full $700 for the portrait if it wasn’t to her standards. One artist commented that as someone who paints commissions, it’s often an artist’s job to “stick to the request of the client.”

"Part of her job is listening to the client's response and adjusting her painting accordingly," the commenter said. "It makes no sense for her to get [paid] for a job poorly done. This was not a favor from her, you are paying her to do a job which she did not do and is continuing to refuse to do. I’d take the deposit as a loss and stand your ground."

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Groom’s Mom Insists That She Slow Dance with Son to 'I Will Always Love You' at His Wedding Reception

A wedding guest shared the interaction on Reddit adding "I'm pretty sure all the guests wanted to fade into the bushes, Homer Simpson meme style"

how to write a wedding speech for the bride

One mother-of-the-groom made a strong statement with her song choice for her mother/son dance at his wedding.

According to a recent Reddit post , "I was at a wedding and the mother of the groom requested 'I Will Always Love You' as the song for the mother/son dance," the user explained. "The couple felt too guilty to tell her no, because the groom’s parents had financially contributed to the wedding, so the couple agreed."

Doubling down by again referring to the moment as the "worst, most awkward wedding moment I’ve ever witnessed," the user went on the explain that the interaction became increasingly more awkward as the dance went on.

"When the song came on, I didn’t think it could get worse but it did. The mother of the groom ended up staring into the groom’s eyes throughout the whole song either on the verge of crying or actually crying," they shared.

As for others in attendance, the user noted "I'm pretty sure all the guests wanted to fade into the bushes, Homer Simpson meme style 😂"

Plenty of commenters underneath the original post agreed with the user, sharing their thoughts on the awkward wedding moment.

"Eww, as a boy mother ( also one girl ) I cannot imagine being that creepy," wrote one Redditor.

Others who experienced similar situations with overbearing mother-in-laws recalled their own stories in the comments.

"My MIL wore a "I loved him first" shirt with his birthday to our wedding day (10/23/95-7/18/23). Very awkward," shared one Redditor, who amended their post with, "Edit: she wore it to the rehearsal dinner, not the actual wedding. I would have told her to leave. Lol."

Another recalled how "My MIL sobbed and clung her son the entire song and literally every picture of their dance is her clinging to him with an ugly twisted up sobbing face. I had numerous people approach me to mention how uncomfortable it was. Big ick."

Another Redditor chose to share their experience with their own mother at their wedding, echoing yet another similar sentiment.

One user described her own situation as mother-of-the-bride. "Picking the song for the mother son dance at my son's wedding was so weirdly hard," they write. "I googled a few suggestion lists and they were all the cringiest thing I have ever seen. I actually picked the song with my dil. We had a great time making fun of all the suggestions."

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For years, sun-times readers kept up with the progress of my older son. time for an update..

Taylor and Ross Sneak Peek

Ross Steinberg, son of Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg, whose life has been chronicled in the pages of the paper since he was an infant, wed Taylor Ackerman on the beach in Charlevoix, Michigan, on July 13.

Courtesy of Kay Marie Photography

Taylor Ann Ackerman and Ross Edward Steinberg were married Saturday, July 13, 2024, on the beach at the Village Suites Bay Harbor in Northern Michigan. Taylor wore a white, rose-patterned lace dress with a parasol, veil, and pearl necklace, and Ross wore a custom black tuxedo with a pocket boutonnière.

I don’t usually take requests from readers. I’m not a hotel lounge pianist; particularly not wedding stories. Once you start, there’d be no end to it. But a certain cherished couple asked me to write an announcement. I’m complying because, well, as their wedding approached, and not wanting to be a source of trouble, as so often happens, I came up with my Three Wedding Rules, which I will share now because they were so helpful: 1) None of this is about me. 2) Do whatever the bride wants. 3) Don’t argue with anybody about anything.

The wedding party was barefoot on the sand. They wore tan suits and eucalyptus dresses. The florals were muted roses and orchids. The weather was perfect. The bride’s brother Brennan officiated the interfaith ceremony. Ross’ brother, Kent, was best man, and Taylor’s sister, Ellie, was maid of honor. Our dog, Kitty, and Taylor’s family dog, Rosie, were the flower girls.

Every wedding is news. The marriage rate in the United States is plummeting — 1 in 4 Americans over 40 has never been married. This couple bucked the trend because, well, love. Every speech at the wedding circled back to it.

At the reception, the couple danced their first dance under a tent to “Say Yes to Heaven” by Lana Del Rey. The centerpieces included their favorite books. Their tables were named after board games, and the signature cocktails were named after their childhood pets — including an NA cocktail, which the groom’s father appreciated. The couple did the hora held aloft in chairs, in the Jewish fashion. As darkness fell, much of the wedding party, including the bride and groom, ended up celebrating in the lake, a very Gatsby touch.

Sun-Times readers have been reading about Ross all his life. He and Taylor first met at a board game club hosted by New York University School of Law on a Friday evening during the fall of 2019. The two played Wingspan in the basement of NYU Law’s D’Agostino Hall.

The groom, 28, of Northbrook, Illinois, is a 2018 graduate of Pomona College and a 2021 graduate of NYU Law. Following law school, he worked as a litigation associate at a New York City law firm and then as a law clerk on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco before joining the Federal Trade Commission’s Washington, D.C., office as an antitrust attorney.

During the COVID-19 spring of 2020, NYU Law began hosting classes online, depositing Ross onto our sofa. He spent multiple hours every day talking on the phone and playing online board games. My wife knew something special was occurring by the way his tone changed.

“He’s FLIRTING with someone,” she told me, infusing that verb with surprise and delight. “I can hear it in his voice.” For a while the mystery woman was “T” — my boy jealously guards information, perhaps to keep it from ending up in the newspaper.

The bride, 29, of Charlevoix, Michigan, is a graduate of Central Michigan University. In 2018 she received a master’s degree in global affairs with a concentration in international law and human rights from NYU and graduated from NYU Law in 2022. She works doing tenant defense for a non-profit in the Bronx.

By the time 2021 rolled around, Taylor had a name, and Ross was visiting at her parents’ house in Michigan. In the spirit of fairness, the couple came here and stayed with us for seven weeks. A great way to get to know a person — over coffee in the kitchen, or driving to Springfield for the first vaccination.

“She is a very polite and thoughtful young lady who obviously thinks the world of Ross,” I jotted in my journal. My wife viewed her simply as “joyous.” Taylor’s father is a businessman — she grew up all over the world: South Korea, Germany, Singapore. I knew my wife and I were all in when Easter rolled around and we asked what was needed to celebrate the holiday: daffodils and a cake shaped like a lamb. They gave each other baskets.

The glow from the wedding has lasted a month, so far, and I’m starting to believe it will last forever. The adjective my wife uses to describe the wedding is “magical,” though I prefer “perfect.”

  • READ: More columns by Neil Steinberg in the Sun-Times


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Bride reads out fiancé's affair texts instead of their vows at wedding

  • Bride reads out fiancé's affair texts instead of their vows at wedding

The bride decided to turn a nightmare scenario into a 'celebration of honesty' on her wedding day

Gerrard Kaonga

Gerrard Kaonga

Your wedding day is meant to be one of the happiest days of your life, so most don’t expect they are going to be getting the ultimate dose of revenge on their partner at the ceremony.

While the wedding day didn't turn out exactly how she planned, it will definitely be a memorable day.

The unfortunate bride explained that she and her long-term boyfriend had been in a relationship for several years.

So, you can only imagine the joy she was feeling ahead of marrying who she thought was soul mate.

Things took quite the sour turn only hours before the ceremony, however.

The bride received a devastating text just hours before her wedding. (tonefotografia/Getty)

Casey, who used a fake name for herself and her fiancé Alex, was with her bridesmaids when she got a text to her phone that would really make your heart drop and crumble.

The night before she got a message from an unknown number showing screenshotted messages of her husband speaking to this mystery woman.

Alongside the grabs, the unidentified person wrote: "I wouldn’t marry him. Will you?"

The messages were very incriminating for Alex, who had evidently been having an affair with another woman in the months running up to his wedding to Casey.

"This weekend. You and I. It is on, hot stuff. Bring your A game," one racy message read.

"Your body is f**king incredible. And s**t do you know how to use it. I wish my GF had half the skills you do," read another.

A third text went on: "I miss you so much. I can’t stop thinking about L, S, F’ing you. I’ve never had this kind of connection before."

"I burst into shamed and broken tears," Casey wrote in an essay for Body+Soul. "My girls were threatening all manner of violence against him. They insisted I call him immediately and call the wedding off."

She continued to write: "But I loved Alex. I wanted to marry Alex tomorrow. I was too shocked and sad to be angry. I didn’t call him.

"Eventually, we tried to go to bed. I didn’t sleep a wink and when dawn finally broke I awoke the girls and told them my decision - I was going to go ahead with the wedding as expected, and ‘out’ him in front of our friends and family."

The woman got her own back by outing her cheating partner to the whole wedding party. (Peter Dazeley/Getty)

As a way of 'outing' her then-husband-to-be, Casey proceeded to read out the text messages to all their wedding guests instead of her vows.

"It seems Alex is not who I thought he was," said the jilted bride. "I love all of you and as horrible as this is I’m glad you all are here.

"There will not be a wedding reception today, but instead, there will be a celebration of honesty, finding true love and following your heart even when it hurts."

Color left the groom's face as his private messages were read out loud, and he eventually 'stalked out of the church with his best man trailing behind him'.

Casey concluded the essay: "It was certainly not the wedding day I had planned but to our credit, it was one hell of a party."

I'm sure many, many tequila shots were consumed that night.

Topics:  News , Sex and Relationships , Life

Gerrard is a Journalist at UNILAD and has dived headfirst into covering everything from breaking global stories to trending entertainment news. He has a bachelors in English Literature from Brunel University and has written across a number of different national and international publications. Most notably the Financial Times, Daily Express, Evening Standard and Newsweek.

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Here's a tell that it's time for the Trump campaign to 'start worrying': reporter

Brad Reed

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Before joining raw story, brad reed spent eight years writing about technology at bgr.com and network world. prior to that, he wrote freelance stories for political publications such as alternet and the american prospect. he has a master's degree in business and economics journalism from boston university..

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump and his campaign last month believed that they were cruising to victory against President Joe Biden .

Since Biden dropped out of the race, however, Vice President Kamala Harris has erased Trump's lead, and campaign reporter Jake LaHut believes that the former president is offering a telltale sign that his campaign is in real trouble.

Writing on X, LaHut points to recent frantic Truth Social posts from the former president angrily ranting about polls showing him losing to Harris.

"The NYT/Siena Poll has way over sampled [sic] Democrat voters, and way under sampled people who voted for me in 2020," wrote Trump in one post, referring to an election that he lost by more than 7 million votes in the popular vote nationwide. "The Fake News York Times insisted they do this so that it would look as bad as possible in comparison to their last poll, which was very good for me, way up, and made the very biased Times look 'stupid,' just like in 2016."

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Of course, the last Times poll that showed Trump leading was when he was being polled against Biden rather than Harris.

All of this reminded LaHut of a quote he got from a Trump ally about the state of the race back in April: "Until we get to the point where we start telling you these polls are all wrong, that’s when you start worrying.”

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Do you think vice president kamala harris should be the next president, trump's 'doddering old man' attacks casting cloud over his re-election hopes: report.

Donald Trump's decision to make President Joe Biden's age a centerpiece of his re-election bid has now come back to haunt him after Biden gracefully stepped aside for much younger Vice President Kamala Harris to take her spot at the top of the Democratic ticket. According to a report from Politico's Megan Messerly and Myah Ward, the former president went to great pains to portray Biden as a "doddering old man" and, with the 59-year-old Harris running an upbeat and energetic campaign, the former president's latest public efforts have led to his earlier age attacks to bounce back and attach themselves on him . As the report notes, the Harris campaign has focused on talking about the future and, combined with rally chants of "We're not going back," Trump increasingly looks like a relic of "a past that the country can’t afford to return to."

ALSO READ: Donald Trump deep in debt while foreign money keeps coming: disclosure "Some Democrats are relishing the fact that they can finally make an attack based on age after months of being forced to defend a historically old nominee. Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz , 60, veered into overt attacks on Trump’s age at a fundraiser in Newport Beach, California , this week. He called Trump 'low energy,' 'tired' and the 'guy that needs to get a little rest on the weekend,'" Politico is reporting. According to one Democratic pollster, Trump's age is the "cherry on top" for the Harris campaign. “You already thematically want to go to the future, but now you’re able to also point to a very real thing, which is how much confidence do you have in this guy’s mental acuity, energy, overall health?” Paul Maslin suggested. “Yeah, he can still play a decent game of golf. Okay, we’ll give him that. Is that enough?” You can read more here .

'Really bad idea': Why critics are coming out against Jared Kushner’s resort in Albania

Former President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is planning to build a luxury resort in Albania. But the proposed development has been attacked by critics in both the Balkan country and the U.S.

Kushner — who launched his private equity firm Affinity Partners after Trump was voted out of office — has been working with Richard Grenell , who was Trump's acting Director of National Intelligence, on plans to develop in both Albania and Serbia. According to a new Washington Post report , the two have been working closely with Albania's "very transactional" prime minister, Edi Rama on plans to develop a section of protected land in the southern European nation.

However, environmentalists say Kushner's plans to raze protected acreage in the coastal area of Zvernec could prove to be dangerous to rare flora and fauna and tip the ecosystem out of balance. This includes Patagonia CEO Ryan Zellert, who told the Post he has "huge concerns" about the development.

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"It is a stunning area, unique across the Mediterranean," he said. "And the idea of them developing this, particularly in the absence of a master plan, is a really bad idea."

Albania's minister of tourism and the environment, Mirela Kumbaro, told the outlet that "all of Albania is open for potential development." She dismissed concerns from environmentalists, saying that they want the government to "abandon the region forever and to have only the birds. She added that Albania couldn't afford to sacrifice economic progress and leave protected land untouched, particularly as the acreage under environmental protection makes up roughly 21% of Albania's total area.

But ornithologist Joni Vorpsi suggested the ecosystem could be significantly harmed by the development, as the vegetation would suck the area dry without birds to feed on it. He reminded the publication that Kushner's resort would require access roads and additional infrastructure throughout the construction process, and all the traffic that comes with it.

“It can’t coexist,” he said. “Even if you try to be cautious, there is just so much disturbance.”

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Aside from the concerns raised by environmentalists, anti-corruption activists are also sounding the alarm about the development. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) accused Kusher — who is married to Trump's eldest daughter, Ivanka — of trading on his relationship to the former president in order to fuel his own business interests.

In a June letter , Wyden asked an Affinity official to shed light on the ex-president's son-in-law, writing that he had concerns about the high percentage of Kushner's business coming from foreign sources. He added that it "creates an appearance that Affinity’s investors are motivated not by commercial interests of seeking a return on investment, but rather by strategic considerations of foreign nationals seeking to funnel money to U.S. individuals with personal connections to former President Trump ."

Kushner has countered that nothing about what he's done is illegal under statutes in both the U.S. and the Balkan nations he does business with, and that soliciting foreign investment isn't inherently corrupt.

"A lot of people [leave the public sector and] they kind of sell their services, you know, based on their relationships," Kushner told the Post . I" didn’t want to do that. I’ve always been an investor.”

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Unnerved and exposed, Trump struggles to regain campaign mojo

Donald Trump has never lacked for self-confidence, but his presidential campaign has been sent into a tailspin by the extraordinary events of the past month, and suddenly he appears older, more awkward and grasping for direction.

An assassination attempt, the shock withdrawal of Joe Biden from the White House race and replacement by his younger, high-energy vice president, Kamala Harris , all seem to have taken a toll on a candidate who -- until recently -- had seemed well on course for victory in November.

President Biden's exit has been particularly impactful, removing a rival whose 81 years, faltering speech and physical frailties had largely shielded Trump from scrutiny of his own age and weaknesses.

Now it is Trump, 78, who is the oldest presidential nominee in history, and the point of comparison is a 59-year-old former prosecutor who has come out fast and swinging.

Trump is "very upset" as he huddles with aides searching for a new campaign narrative, said Anthony Scaramucci, who served briefly as Trump's White House communications director in 2017 before the two had a falling out.

"He's now frightened, he's now cornered, and he's very angry," Scaramucci told MSNBC .

- 'Quit whining' -

Trump's campaign managers are reportedly desperate to have their candidate focus on issues that play with his base like immigration and inflation.

And while Trump does address those subjects at length during his long and often rambling public appearances, he repeatedly pivots to personal insults, questioning Harris's intelligence, attacking her racial identity and branding her a "communist."

Republicans including Nikki Haley , who Trump vanquished in the primaries but who has since endorsed him, say such attacks play badly with the undecided voters Trump needs to win.

"Quit whining about her," Haley said on Fox News , while also urging Trump to stop obsessing over who draws the most people to their campaign rallies.

"The campaign is not gonna win talking about crowd sizes," she said.

But Trump's long list of grievances has only grown -- "they're not being nice to me," he complained recently -- as the momentum has shifted to Harris, erasing the poll leads Trump had in the swing states likely to decide the November election.

Sensing an opportunity, the Harris campaign has sought to amplify the image of Trump as withdrawn, angry and embittered.

"Donald Trump To Ramble Incoherently," it said in a mock promotion for a Trump campaign event on Thursday that promised "another self-obsessed rant full of his own personal grievances."

The Thursday event had been billed as a press conference focused on Trump's economic agenda.

Standing in front of tables loaded with supermarket goods aimed at illustrating the household cost of inflation, Trump stayed on message at first -- head down, reading out examples of product price rises that were listed in a binder.

But then he repeatedly veered off topic, talking about wind turbines that killed birds, going over crowd sizes again and peppering it all with derogatory personal remarks about Harris.

While politics of resentment can play well with his base, "it is less clear how Trump's personal attacks against Harris will play with undecided swing voters," political science professor Elizabeth Bennion of Indiana University told AFP.

"Some observers wondered whether Trump might exercise restraint when facing a multi-racial female candidate," Bennion added. "The answer is clearly no."

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