Essay Competition FULL PARTICIPANT GUIDE | 2022 - Immerse ...

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Essay Competition FULL PARTICIPANT GUIDE | 2022 - Immerse ...

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The CFGL International Research Competition 2022

CDFGL International Research Competition

About the Contest

The CFGL International Research Competition is an research essay competition in which students outside the USA receive the opportunity to showcase their analytical, research, and writing skills in the form of a multi-page, persuasive research paper.

Write a persuasive research paper falling within the categories of:

Social Psychology

Abnormal Behavior

Cognitive Science

Developmental Psychology



Chemical Engineering

Economics & Finance

Financial Market

Economic Policy

Economic Politics


Other Subjects

Environmental Science

Computer Science

The essay will be judged based on:

The strength and clarity of the thesis statement;

The use of relevant examples and informations to support the paper’s claims;

The level of critical thinking and analysis regarding the supporting evidence;

Fluency and organization; and

The paper’s overall effectiveness

Rules & Guidelines

Length Essay submissions should be 2,000 to 3,000 words.

Citations Students should use in-text citations following MLA format, and an annotated bibliography should be submitted as the last page of the document. 3 sources minimum, Wikipedia is not allowed.

Format All pages are to be double-spaced, and the text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font. Margins should be 1-inch left, right, top, and bottom. Submissions may be submitted as either a .pdf or .doc file.

Submission Students must submit their entries via the online submission form .

Winners In each category (Humanities, STEM, Economics & Finance), submissions will be selected for recognition by region. In addition to the regional award recipients, three overall winners will be selected for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the entirety of the competition.

Winners will be announced by September 30, 2022. Individual winners will be notified via email. Winning submissions may be published on and on our partner organizations' websites (e.g. ).

The competition opens on June 7, 2022. Final submissions are due no later than August 31, 2022.

Who Is Eligible

Students from the following region in grades 9-12 as of the 2021-22 academic year.

Asia Pacific

North America excluding USA (Canada, Mexico)

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computer science essay competition 2022

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computer science essay competition 2022

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A Comprehensive Guide to the Cambridge College Essay Competitions

Cambridge college essay competitions, thinking of applying to oxbridge but need new ways to get ahead of the game with your application what plenty of students aren’t aware of is the fact that many of the cambridge colleges hold essay prizes for students in year 12 focusing on various subjects, allowing prospective applicants to get a taste of what uni-level essay writing might be like, as well as giving you something great to put on your cv. below is a comprehensive list of the essay competitions help by the various cambridge colleges, listed by subject. if any of them take your fancy, be sure to head over to the college website to get more details about how to enter and when the deadlines are we’ve also included past and present questions to give you a bit of an idea about what each competition is likely to entail., multi-disciplinary/humanities robinson college essay prize the robinson college essay prize is open to all students in year 12 (lower sixth, or equivalent) at a uk school during the 2020-21 academic year. it is designed to give students the opportunity to develop and showcase their independent study and writing skills. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions given, which should be no longer than 2,000 words (including footnotes and captions). the questions may be discussed with reference to any academic discipline or area of interest. up to three entries may be submitted per school, so please discuss your application with your school prior to entry. 2021 questions: 1. "a person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury." (js mill). do you agree 2. 'creativity should be the highest goal of education.' discuss. 3. "in policy making, there is no such thing as 'the data', and therefore no such thing as 'acting on the data'." do you agree 4. "the translated text must add up to the original... [translation] is like a problem in math—using different numbers, the answer must be the same, different numbers must add up to the same answer." (lydia davis). discuss. 5. watch this video featuring the poet kamau braithwaite and discuss the significance of 'archives of freedom'. girton college humanities writing competition this annual competition is an opportunity for year 12 students to research and write beyond the curriculum, using one or more of the lawrence room museum objects, as their focus. essays or creative responses (such as dramatic monologues or short stories) are equally welcome. the judges are looking for the ability to connect different areas of knowledge, to think about details and to communicate clearly. archaeology fitzwilliam college archaeology essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. what can responses to climate in the past teach us today 2. in what ways does the study of archaeology remain political 3. how is construction and building in the past symptomatic of imminent social collapse architecture fitzwilliam college architecture design competition 2022 brief: you are challenged to design a new building somewhere on the fitzwilliam college site. this building will serve as a hub for interaction between teaching staff and students, where they can share and explore ideas. during the design process, you will need to think about what programmes or activities need to be accommodated in the new building. for instance, you can consider including spaces for social interaction such as a new cafe, as well as spaces to have quieter conversations in groups of different sizes. you must also consider possible locations for the new building within the college site, taking into consideration the other college buildings in your design, as well as the landscaped areas preserving mature trees as much as possible. this should be seen as an opportunity to create an interesting relationship between the interior and exterior spaces. you are required to submit: - project title that best describes your design intention and final design solution - design narrative of 500 words that concisely explains your design inspiration, design objective, and final design strategy developed to meet your design objective - drawings that show the following: 1) floor plan(s) of your building at 1:200 scale 2) one elevation and one section of the building that best describes main features of the design solution 3) one site plan that indicates the location of the building in relation to existing buildings in the college site. a detailed site plan showing the ground floor plans of the individual buildings is available on the essay competition website for reference, but you should produce a new drawing for the competition submission. 4) one perspective drawing of your building that highlights your design intention and shows the placement of a new building in relation to existing college buildings nearby. classics fitzwilliam college ancient world and classics essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. do ancient audiences / readers / listeners matter to our interpretations of ancient texts discuss with reference to any text or texts of your choice. 2. why do we need new translations of ancient texts discuss with reference to any text or texts of your choice. 3. “the ancient world was more concerned with controlling nature than conserving it.” discuss with reference to any area or period of your choice. 4. when does childhood end in the ancient world discuss with reference to any area or period of your choice. 5. why does aristotle say that people are ‘political animals’ was he right 6. how important was trade with the near east and / or egypt in any period of your choice english trinity college gould prize for essays in english literature trinity college launched the gould prize for essays in english literature in 2013. this is an annual competition for year 12 or lower 6th students. the prize has been established from a bequest made by dr dennis gould in 2004 for the furtherance of education in english literature. candidates are invited each year to submit an essay of between 1,500 and 2,500 words on a topic to be chosen from the list of questions. newnham college the woolf essay prize n 1928, virginia woolf addressed the newnham arts society on the subject of ‘women and fiction’, and from this talk emerged her seminal text, a room of one’s own. a room of one’s own raises a number of questions surrounding the place of women in society and culture, and the competition allows students to contemplate these themes and ideas while developing the independent research and writing skills essential to university-level study. 2021-22 questions: 1. ‘only the fellows and scholars are allowed here; the gravel is the place for me.’ how have female writers been inspired by limitations placed on their educational experiences you may discuss historical or modern-day examples. 2. ‘a woman might write letters while she was sitting by her father’s sick-bed. she might write them by the fire whilst the men talked without disturbing them’. how might letters add to our understanding of female writers and their work you may discuss the letters of any female author, poet or playwright. 3. ‘anonymity runs in their blood. […] they are not even now as concerned about the health of their fame as men are, and speaking generally, will pass a tombstone or a signpost without feeling an irresistible desire to cut their names into it’. should the women of the past be commemorated in a different manner to their male counterparts explain. queen’s college the estelle prize for english queens' college invites submissions for the english prize 2021, which will be awarded to the best essay submitted by a year 12 (lower sixth form) student. essays must be less that 2500 words., fitzwilliam college history essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 brief: fitzwilliam college traces its origins to 1869, when the university of cambridge launched an initiative to facilitate access to higher education for the many students who could not afford the costs of college membership. the initiative was part of the broader transformation of education in britain, as the changes wrought by industrialisation and urbanisation created a need to cater for a growing, increasingly diverse and literate population. earlier decades had already witnessed the establishment of king’s college london, durham university, and the university of london, for instance, and colleges for women were beginning to open in cambridge and oxford. these radical social and economic changes were themselves connected to the intensification of globalisation in the second half of the nineteenth century, which placed britain at the heart of an ever-tighter web of economic relations between the world’s continents. but the same year also witnessed the birth of mohandas – later mahatma – gandhi, who would come to challenge britain’s colonial rule and lead india on the path to independence; the death of alphonse de lamartine, the poet and politician who had proudly proclaimed france’s second republic in 1848, but whose final years were lived under the more authoritarian second empire; the marriage of emperor meiji, which consolidated japan’s monarchy as the country began a new process of industrialisation; and the establishment by susan b. anthony and elizabeth cady stanton of the national woman suffrage association in a united states still recovering from the civil war. in 1869, as throughout history, old and new worlds collided. we invite applicants to examine, in their essays, a topic of their choice, connected to the changes taking place in or around the year 1869. essays may focus on a particular event, a person, a political movement, or even a process of social, economic or cultural change, but they should consider the interaction of ‘old’ and ‘new’ forces which the chosen topic illuminates. fitzwilliam college rosemary horrox medieval world essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. how can the study of dead languages help us understand medieval cultures 2. what qualities made heroes heroic and villains villainous in medieval literature 3. how far do medieval texts give us any cause for optimism in their presentation of gender 4. did the european middle ages witness the “invention of race” 5. were war and/or rebellion the defining features of medieval society 6. “medieval europe cannot be studied in isolation from the rest of the world”. do you agree trinity college robson history prize the robson history prize is an annual competition for year 12 or lower 6th students. the prize was established in 2007 in memory of the historian robert robson, who was for many years a fellow and tutor at trinity. the aims of the robson prize are twofold: firstly, to encourage ambitious and talented year 12 or lower sixth students considering applying to university to read history or a related discipline; and secondly, to recognize the achievements both of high-calibre students and of those who teach them. 2022 questions: the robson history prize for 2022 had 94 questions in the categories of british history, european history, world history, and historiography, so head to the website for the full list. newnham college history essay prize the newnham history essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at uk state school. essays should be between 1500 and 2500 words. 2021-22 questions: 1. ‘historians shouldn’t be political pundits’. discuss 2. can the history of clothing tell us about anything other than changes in fashion 3. is historical change driven by great individuals, land economy fitzwilliam college land economy essay competition this essay competition is for students in year 21 or equivalent; limit of 2500 words. 2022 questions: 1. do you believe that environmentalist civil society organisations, such as extinction rebellion and greenpeace, can be effective at pushing governments to adopt environmental policies aimed at addressing the climate and ecological crises 2. ‘territorial inequality between different parts of the uk is extremely high. this undermines the principle of equality of opportunities, because individuals’ life chances crucially depend on where one happens to be born and raised.’ discuss, possibly drawing on examples from your own area of residence. 3. some argue that the covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the fate of inner cities and, in the future, expensive, commuter-driven urban cores will decline in favour of less compact/dense areas such as towns and the countryside. do you agree, law trinity college robert walker prize for essays in law the prize is named after an honorary fellow of the college, lord walker of gestingthorpe, a retired justice of the supreme court and former law student at trinity. essays can be of any length up to 2,000 words (including footnotes). 2022 question: ‘what responsibilities in connection with the environment and sustainability, if any, should the law assign to owners and to occupiers of land’, linguistics trinity college linguistics essay prize this annual essay competition aims to raise awareness of the systematic study of language as an interesting and multifaceted subject in and of itself. the competition is open to all students with an interest in how language works regardless of the specific subjects they are currently studying at a-level (or similar qualification). for example, it may be of interest to students taking a-levels in modern languages, english language or classics, but also to students taking psychology or mathematics. 2022 topic: ‘people who speak two or more languages or dialects sometimes switch between them within the same conversation, and even within the same sentence. what reasons make people switch languages (or dialects) why is this interesting for linguists should linguists prescribe if switching is good or bad’, philosophy trinity college philosophy essay prize the philosophy essay prize is open to year 12 or lower 6th students. the aim of the prize is to encourage able sixth formers to pursue their interest in philosophy, with the hope that they will be encouraged to read this or related subjects at university. 2022 questions: - which philosophical insight that you have come across in your life so far has been the most important one for you - what is the difference between knowledge and understanding - is truth a human invention newnham college philosophy essay prize the newnham philosophy essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. it is designed to give students the opportunity to think and write about philosophy and philosophical matters in the broadest sense, while developing their independent study and writing skills. through exposure to the type of work they might be expected to do at cambridge, newnham hope to encourage philosophy applicants to the university – and hopefully to newnham, where women’s history and educational excellence are, of course, central. 2021-22 question: ‘sentences such as “a good oak tree has deep roots” can be true, and true irrespective of anybody’s opinion. in other words, such sentences can be objectively true. now, the word “good” doesn’t change its meaning just because it’s being applied to members of one species rather than another. so, sentences such as “a good human being is kind” can be objectively true as well.’ should we be convinced by this kind of argument for the objectivity of ethical judgements, politics trinity college r.a. butler politics prize the objectives of the r.a. butler prize are twofold. firstly, it aims to encourage students with an interest in modern politics and world affairs to think about undertaking university studies in politics, international studies or a related discipline; it is not limited to those already studying these subjects or indeed other social sciences. secondly, its intention is to recognise the achievements both of high-calibre students and of those who teach them. essays can be up to 3,000 words, including all footnotes and references but excluding the bibliography. 2022 questions: - whom do elected representatives, in practice, represent - are the police institutionally discriminatory -  is it ever legitimate for one country to invade another - should countries be punished for the actions of their leaders - do international regional organisations offer the best prospects for cooperation between states in the contemporary world - are international organisations biased towards the interests of wealthy countries - what should the uk be doing to help refugees - should every family own its own home - what statues should come down, and which (if any) should stay up - what policies should the uk government be implementing to ensure it meets its commitments made at the un climate change conferences, maths newnham college philippa fawcett mathematics essay prize the philippa fawcett mathematics prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying mathematics, statistics or further mathematics but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions below. submissions should comply with the following: • 4-6 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography • 12 point font minimum • 2 cm margins minimum • 2500 words max. 2021-22 questions: 1. how does mathematics protect your privacy online 2. what are the most fascinating aspects behind the mathematics of music discuss how mathematics is related to the theory of musical structures and/or instruments. 3. mathematics and climate change: what role do you think mathematics can play in guiding policy makers and in helping public understanding, medicine newnham college medicine prize the newnham college medicine prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a maintained sector uk school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying biology and chemistry, but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions below. submissions should comply with the following: • 6 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography • 12 point font minimum • 2 cm margins minimum • 1500-2500 words total (including footnotes and figure captions, but excluding bibliography) 2021-22 questions: 1. how realistic is it to develop a small molecule therapy for covid-19 could such a therapy be rolled out in a timeframe that it could have an impact on the current pandemic 2. sleep deprivation in clinical health settings. does it matter 3. looking to the future. will stem cell therapies be outpaced by machine-brain interfaces for the treatment of retinal disease, music newnham college music essay prize the newnham music essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a maintained sector uk school. it is designed to give students the opportunity to think and write about music in its broadest context, while developing their independent study and writing skills. 2021-22 questions: 1) how have improvements in transport and communications infrastructure affected the history of music – and in what ways might they do so in future 2) evaluate the challenges and opportunities presented to musical culture in a time of global pandemic. 3) in some ways music can be thought of as the ultimate interdisciplinary subject, but it is also highly specialised in other respects. examine this paradox in the context of the debate about music’s role in primary and secondary education., sciences newnham college engineering essay prize the newnham engineering prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying physics, mathematics, further mathematics, chemistry, biology, design and technology or economics, but they welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. 2021-22 questions: 1. what can engineers do to mitigate climate change - atmospheric levels of co2 are increasing and the world is waking up to the problem of climate change brought about by human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. as engineers, we have the skills and expertise to make a difference, providing technological solutions to reduce global carbon emissions. all engineering disciplines have a role to play and some areas are suggested below. (a) electric power generation and consumption. what are ‘renewable sources’ of electric power generation how do they work and what are their strengths and limitations are there any new sources being researched and developed that might provide solutions for the future could the uk generate all its electricity from renewable sources - how can we reduce our demand for electric power so that we don’t need to generate so much - there may be opportunities in both domestic and commercial/industrial consumption, e.g. energy efficient homes, energy-efficient manufacturing, low power consumer electronics. (b) transport. modern lifestyles involve a lot of transport, of people as well as goods. how energy-efficient are different modes of transport, and what is the potential for reducing their carbon footprint (c) construction. this sector is one of the biggest emitters of carbon globally. the carbon emissions arise from many sources, especially the huge amount of concrete used in construction projects but also including the energy to power machines. do we have any alternatives for materials or technology strategies to reduce these emissions (d) other engineering areas. technological solutions can be found in all engineering disciplines. you are encouraged to choose for the topic of your essay an example that interests you. 2. data and information engineering data and information engineering is being used everywhere around us. our life increasingly relies on data analysis, from the recent developments in the automotive sector to social media, from machine assisted surgery to law forensics. the data deluge provided by recent technological advances has made automation in data analysis necessary to identify hidden patterns of information within the considered datasets. it is also true that a fully automated world could bring new risks and dangers that did not exist even just a few years ago (e.g., the ethical dilemmas of self driving cars). write an essay on the major aspects of social awareness in ai development, and how this could impact: a) the health sector. b) government, democracy and policing. c) sustainable development. d) another major topic of your interest. you are encouraged to think about the engineering considerations related to some of these topics as well as the ethical considerations. what makes an algorithm particularly helpful or harmful newnham college biological sciences essay prize the newnham college biological sciences prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a uk state school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying biology, chemistry, physics, or mathematics, but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the titles overleaf. submissions should comply with the following: - 5 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography - 12 point font minimum - 2 cm margins minimum - 2500 words max. 2021-22 questions: 1. is biology in a reproducibility crisis 2. assess the contribution of artificial intelligence (ai) to recent scientific advances. 3. past and present: how has infection shaped the human genome newnham college computer science essay prize the computer science essay prize is open to all female students currently in year 12 (lower sixth) at a maintained sector uk school. the prize may be of particular interest to those studying computer science, mathematics, physics, or chemistry, but we welcome entries from interested students studying any combination of subjects. entrants are invited to submit a response to any one of the questions overleaf. submissions should comply with the following: - 4-6 a4 sides maximum including all figures, diagrams, tables and bibliography - 12 point font minimum - 2 cm margins minimum - 2500 words maximum 2021-22 questions: 1. is there a fundamental difference between self-driving cars and a "slaughter army" of killer drones 2. mobile phone apps are generally written by commercial entities for private gain. if you had the same resources to design one mobile phone app that would make the world better, what would it be and how would it work, get in touch.

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The Scientific Teen

Stem by the youth, for the youth.

computer science essay competition 2022

Win a microscope, cash prizes and more!

The scientific teen is an organization dedicated to stem education and opportunity, and we are delighted to continue this mission with our  inaugural stem essay contest.

computer science essay competition 2022

We are proudly sponsored by Crimson Education, Evident, GT Vision, StickerGiant  and   Taskade


Open for entries: 1 4th March  2023

Submission deadline: 1st May 2023

Winners announced:  Start of June  at our prize-w inning event!

Technology category

Microsco pe sponsored by GT Vision

$150 sponsored by Crimson Education

Lifetime Taskade Unlimited sponsored by Taskade

Scientific Teen merch sponsored by StickerGiant


$100 sponsored by Crimson Education

Lifetime Taskade Unlimited sponsored by Taskade 


$50 sponsored by Crimson Education

Science category

Microsc ope sponsored by Evident

computer science essay competition 2022

All entrants will be offered 5-year upgrades to Taskade Unlimited on Taskade!

computer science essay competition 2022

Essay questions

Technology category :

Which piece of technology will have the greatest impact in the near future and why?

computer science essay competition 2022

Science category :

Describe a recent scientific breakthrough you consider important.

Rules and guidelines  

Essays must be between 750 and 1000 words

References must be in the APA referencing style.

Include a bibliography (the bibliography will not be included in the word count)

Essays must be written in English

You must be between the ages of 13 and 18 on the date of submission (14th March 2023)

Students may submit only one entry per subj ect category, but may enter both categories

Submit essays as a PDF, Microsoft Word document or a Google Doc

Essays must be submitted by 5pm EST on May 1st

Any submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be  discounted 

We will judge entries based on the following criteria:

Clar ity : how well the essay explains the chosen topic: any reader should be able to understand the scientific research.

Research : whether the essay has used valid and relevant sources; whether an appropriate bibliography has been created.

Analysis : whether the essay addresses why the topic matters in the wider context of the world and justifies the research as it relates to the question.

Language : how engaging the essay is; whether it uses an appropriate style and tone;  whether it uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Judging Criteria

If you do not have a  gmail account, please email your submission as a pdf and all your details to [email protected], no data will be  shared with third parties  .

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The Scientific Teen STEM Essay contest  is proudly sponsored by Crimson Education.

Crimson Education is the world's leading US/UK university admissions consultancy. They have a personalised data-driven approach that has helped thousands of students gain admission into the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and other top universities. 

Crimson was founded in 2013 with a vision to equalise the university admissions playing field, serving as the launching pad that equips students across the globe to overcome barriers of geography and legacy to compete on the world stage. It was founded by three students, including CEO Jamie Beaton who had just been accepted to 25 of the world's best universities including Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and Cambridge.

Crimson now has 28 offices around the world, with over 2,400 mentors supporting students on their journey to their dream university.  

computer science essay competition 2022

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You can find them with the handle “@StickerGiant” on social media sites.


At Evident, we are guided by the scientific spirit—innovation and exploration are at the heart of what we do. Committed to making people’s lives healthier, safer, and more fulfilling, we support our customers with solutions that solve their challenges and advance their work; whether it’s researching medical breakthroughs, inspecting infrastructure, or exposing hidden toxins in consumer products.

Evident Life Science empowers scientists and researchers through collaboration and cutting edge life science solutions. Dedicated to meeting the challenges and supporting the evolving needs of its customers, Evident Life Science advances a comprehensive range of microscopes for pathology, hematology, IVF, and other clinical applications as well as for research and education. 

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GT Vision Ltd. is an independent microscope supplier founded in the UK by microscopy enthusiasts in 2003.  Our friendly team offer expert, unbiased advice about which microscopes best match your requirements and jointly have 50+ years of experience in working with educational sectors. We supply multiple brands including Leica, Olympus, Meiji, Motic, Euromex, Dino-Lite and our own brand GX Microscopes, plus many more.

We are thrilled to have been invited by The Scientific Teen to contribute a prize for the STEM Essay Writing Competition and in doing so, helping to raise scientific awareness and education for our next generation.

Find GT Vision at:

Twitter:  @gtvisionUK

Facebook:  @GTVisionUK

Ins tagram:  @gtvision.microscopy



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Four boys working on a wood-construction project together.

TSA offers 40 high school competitions. The eligibility chart provides the eligibility requirements for each competition and is applicable to the national TSA conference. (State delegations may choose to alter their events for local conferences. Click on your state to preview the requirements pertaining to your regional and/or state conferences.)

  • All High School Competitions (40)
  • Architecture and Construction Technology (5)
  • Communications Technology (5)
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (7)
  • Leadership (5)
  • Manufacturing and Transportation Technology (7)
  • STEM (General) (3)
  • STEM and the Arts (7)
  • Technology and Research (3)


Architectural design, audio podcasting, biotechnology design, board game design, chapter team.

TSA offers 36 middle school competitions. The eligibility chart provides the eligibility requirements for each competition and is applicable to the national TSA conference. (State delegations may choose to alter their events for local conferences. Click on your state to preview the requirements pertaining to your regional and/or state conferences.)

  • All Middle School Competitions (36)
  • Architecture and Construction Technology (3)
  • Communications Technology (6)
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (5)
  • Manufacturing and Transportation Technology (5)
  • STEM (General) (6)
  • STEM and the Arts (2)
  • Technology and Research (4)


To address the annual theme, participants select a contemporary biotechnology issue and demonstrate understanding of the topic through their documented research and an original display. Semifinalists participate in an interview.

Career Prep

Based on the annual theme, participants conduct research on a technology-related career, prepare a letter of introduction to a potential employer, and develop a job-specific resume. Semifinalists participate in a mock job interview.

Challenging Technology Issues

Participants take a parliamentary procedure test to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists conduct an opening ceremony, items of business, parliamentary actions, and a closing ceremony.

Children’s Stories

National tsa conference competition information.

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The 10 Best Computer Science Competitions for Teens

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Are you a coder or computer science lover and want to show off your skills? Computer science competitions are a great way to do that! We've gathered information on 10 of the best computer science and coding competitions high school students can participate in. Look over the descriptions that seem most interesting to you, then keep reading to learn everything you need to do to make participating in these competitions stand out on your college applications.

The Best Computer Science Competitions for High Schoolers

Below are overviews of 10 of the best computer science and coding competitions for students. For each competition, we  give a brief description, along with who is eligible and what the prizes are. All the competitions below have a focus on computer science. For competitions that are more about STEM generally (and could include computer science), check out our guides to the best math competitions and science competitions for high school students .

Imagine Cup

The Imagine Cup is one of the best-known tech competitions for high schoolers. While this competition isn't strictly focused on computer science, the Imagine Cup helps students grow their " coding, collaboration, and competition skills."  Microsoft runs the competition, and each year, students around the world compete in it. Students work in teams of up to three members to design a tech solution to a social, environmental, or health problem. The project must include a Microsoft Azure component and "take into consideration diversity, inclusion, and accessibility."

Eligibility requirements: Must be 16 or older

Congressional App Challenge

This computer science competition is designed to both encourage more students to study STEM and coding as well as connect them to their congressional representatives. Individual students or groups of up to four design an app. The app can be created using any programming language and platform, and it can be on any theme or topic. Each app is judged by congressional district, and the winners are judged nationally. New coders are encouraged to participate, and roughly 44% of competitors described themselves as beginning coders.

Eligibility requirements: Must be a middle or high school student in a participating congressional district .

CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Program

The US Air Force created CyberPatriot to inspire students to pursue careers in cybersecurity or other STEM fields. The National Youth Cyber Defense Program gives teams of 2-6 students assignments similar to those new IT professionals would receive. Teams work through online competition rounds where they must find and fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Top teams receive an all-expense-paid trip to the in-person National Finals Competition in Maryland where they compete for scholarship money.

Eligibility requirements: Middle school students, high school students, and students in JROTC programs each have their own division.

American Computer Science League

ACSL hosts one of the oldest computer science competitions in the world. To compete, your school has to have registered and paid the registration fee. Before the competition, the coach teaches coding with a focus on ACSL exam categories . Then, students work in teams of 3 or 5 students to complete four tests. Students can code in Python 3, Java 8, or C++ as defined on the programming platform. Top-scoring teams advance to regional, statewide, and eventually global competitions.

Eligibility requirements: Elementary, middle, and high school students (worldwide) whose schools have registered for the competition.

Prizes: Winners of the ACSL All-Star Contest receive prizes (amount not disclosed).


International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)

One of the world's most prestigious computer science competitions, IOI is open to secondary school students around the world. Each country sends a group of four students (who compete individually)  to the two-day international competition. American students must win the USACO competition (see below) to be chosen to participate. IOI participants must know how to program (particularly in C++), be able to understand and implement algorithms, and have strong problem solving skills.

Eligibility requirements: Secondary school students who win their national competition.

USA Computing Olympiad (USACO)

This well-known and well-regarded competition tests skills in areas such as algorithmic programming problems that can be solved using various programming languages. Students compete in three online contests, plus a national "US Open" competition. From these results, the top 24 or so scorers are invited to a training camp in the early summer, hosted at Clemson University. At the end of the camp, the top four participants are invited to attend the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

Eligibility requirements: Must be a middle school or high school student in the US

Prizes: Top four participants go on to compete at IOI (see above).

RoboRAVE is a computer science competition for students interested in both programming and robotics. Teams of two to four players (plus a coach) design, build, and program a robot capable of completing different tasks such as extinguishing candles, placing flags atop a steep incline, and traversing an elevated maze. RoboRAVE prides itself on being an open competition , and teams can compete from anywhere while using any kind of robot (that they built) and any type of programming software. It's a great option for students who are interested in robotics but don't yet have a ton of skills in the area, as they emphasize building computer science and robotics programming skills.

Eligibility requirements: High school division is for students 14-18 years old, although there are other age group divisions available as well. 

Technovation Challenge

The Technovation Challenge is designed to get more girls interested in coding and computer science. Girls work in teams of 1-5 and with volunteer mentors to use technology to design an app that helps solve real world problems such as climate change, bullying, and hunger. Both novices and girls with strong backgrounds in computer science can participate, as the competition is designed to help girls build their tech skills.

Eligibility requirements: Must identify as female and be between 10 and 18 years old. 

Bebras is a computing competition where participants get 45 minutes to answer 15 multiple-choice questions on computational and logical thinking. Students complete the challenge at school, and they can track how their computer science skills grow over time.

Eligibility requirements: Any teacher can sign their students up for the competition.

First Robotics Competition

There are a lot of robotics competitions out there, but First Robotics is one of the most prestigious , and, as such, requires a significant commitment (of both time and funding). Students work in teams of at least 10 (along with 2 adult mentors) to design and build an industrial-sized robot (about 150 pounds). They then must program the robot to compete in a sophisticated field game at competitions.  Annual team registration fees are usually about $5,000, although fundraising guidance is given.

Eligibility requirements: High school students in the US

Prizes: Various scholarships and cash prizes for top scorers, as well as those voted to have most team spirit, resilience, etc.


What Makes a Competition Good for Computer Science Students?  

But there's more to computer science than writing killer code. As a working computer scientists, you'll have to work with others to implement your ideas. Competitions that combine programming with other skills, like collaboration, can help you prepare for college and beyond. 

And since computer scientists work in many different fields—including tech!—competitions that focus on larger technology, science, or robotics topics can help you grow your skills and showcase them on your college applications. 

What to Look for in Computer Science Competitions

The above list includes many of the best-known computer science competitions for high schoolers, but it definitely doesn't include every one of these competitions. In particular, we didn't include smaller, regional competitions in order to create a list applicable to the greatest number of students. If you're interested in other computer science competitions, you may want to do some research on your own.  However, use judgement when considering unknown competitions, especially if they are new or you can't find much information about them beyond a website or their social media. Also be wary of competitions that charge large fees to participate.

Quality computer science competitions will have a clear and detailed website that explains what the competition is, who is eligible, how you can participate, and who you can contact to learn more. It's not required for them to be backed by a government entity or well-known corporation, but having some name recognition can help solidify their legitimacy. Additionally, older competitions, and those that are national (rather than just local or regional) typically are better known and can stand out more on college applications.

While some competitions offer significant prize money, just because a certain competition has smaller/no prizes doesn't mean they're not worth your time. Winners may receive other benefits, such as mentorship or invitations to conferences where they can network.

If you're ever unsure about particular computer science or coding competitions for students, ask a teacher or guidance counselor about it; they often know a lot about these things and can advise you if you should participate or focus your efforts elsewhere.

How to Include Computer Science Competitions in Your College Applications

Participating in a computer science or coding competition can be a strong asset to your college applications, especially if you plan on majoring in computer science, engineering, or a related field. Colleges love to see applicants who are passionate about and committed to their future field of study, and competing in a computer science competition shows schools you have both the skills and motivation to pursue computer science outside of the classroom. To make your participation as impressive to college admissions teams as possible, follow these four tips:

#1: Make Clear Your Time Commitment

The more time you commit to something, the stronger it looks to colleges because commitment shows dedication and a strong work ethic. So, instead of just listing the computer science competitions you participated in, be sure to include how long you prepared for the competition and what you were doing. Use numbers whenever possible, for example: "Took online coding classes on C++ and Python for 5-10 hours a week for four semesters" or "spent 25 researching how to build a robot, 50 building robot, 60 hours designing and testing programming codes" The more specific and detailed you are, the more colleges will understand how much work you've put into your competitions.

#2: Highlight Initiative You Took

Colleges love it when applicants show initiative because it indicates leadership qualities, aptitude, and motivation. Be sure to make clear any initiative you took with the project. This could include setting up a team, getting your school to participate in a competition it previously didn't have a program for, contacting mentors, designing research protocols, etc. If you came up with the idea on your own and followed through, make sure it shows up on your application!

#3: Connect the Competition to Your Spike

Your " spike " is what we call your overarching passion/interest/career goal. For example, your spike might be being a great basketball player, creating a blog with thousands of followers, conducting engineering research, etc. The stronger your spike, the more impressive you are to colleges because you'll show talent, dedication, and passion that will likely continue in college.

If your spike at all relates to STEM, then you want to connect these competitions to it however you can. Even if you don't want to be a computer programmer, think of ways your dream career relates to computer science and requires programming/coding skills.

For example, you could want to be a public health analyst and have a goal of designing an app that makes it easier for people without insurance to get connected to a low-income doctor. Then you'd tie that into your computer science experience and the competitions you participated in. You want to connect as much of the information in your college applications back to your spike as you can, and computer science competitions are a great thing to include.

#4: Don't Feel Like You Had to Win for It to Count

Many computer science and coding competitions for students have thousands of competitors, and only a tiny fraction of those participants will end up winning a prize. Additionally, many are meant for students to build their computer science skills, so improvement is valued more highly than an initial high score. This means that you don't need to take home a gold medal for your competition experience to matter.

Preparing for a computer science competition takes time, skill, and a strong work ethic, all qualities that colleges appreciate. So if you work hard to prepare for a competition, be sure to still include it on your applications, even if you don't end up placing.


What's Next?

Interested in math competitions, too? Check out our article on the 12 best math competitions for high school students . 

If you're skilled in non-computer science as well, check out our list of the 11 best science competitions for high schoolers .

Want to study IT in college? Learn the best schools for information technology by reading our guide.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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The science competitions your students can enter this year

By Emma Molloy

Discover STEM-themed competitions for you and your students to enter in this academic year

A digital artwork showing an atom next to a trophy

Source: © Shutterstock

Learn about the fantastic array of science competitions your students can enter – so you can sign up as soon as possible

There is a great range of science competitions out there that your students can enter. Competitions come in all shapes and sizes, including essay writing, photography and video competitions, and can be local or national events.

Besides the array of downloadable materials you can make use of in your lessons, as homework or part of a science club, the benefits of taking part include learning how to work in a team, grasping how lessons apply to real-world problems, and there could even be some extra cash to bag!

You can jump straight to the lists of science-writing competitions , or more arty competitions (such as photography and drawing prizes), or simply read on to discover what’s open to you and your students this academic year.

These competitions have been ordered by closing date. Listing a competition does not serve as an endorsement by the RSC.  Last updated: 16 May 2024.

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge

Age: 19 or younger

Registration opens: now

Closes:  1 June 2024

This competition — aimed at Year 12 students but available to younger students — is designed to stretch and challenge students beyond the curriculum interested in chemistry and is excellent experience for anyone considering chemistry for further study.

Students sit a 90-minute written paper under exam conditions in school, which is sent out to schools in advance. Mark schemes are available to teachers, and for schools submitting more than five scripts, these should be marked by the teacher. Scripts of students scoring over 50% are then submitted. Students who perform well receive a certificate and the best performers are invited to join a residential camp at the University of Cambridge at the end of August

The website contains lots of past papers and mark schemes, which are a valuable resource for teachers. Full details are on the  website .

Science meets art

If you have some students who would be hooked by the artistic side of science, check out these competitions:

  • RSB Photography competition (open to all ages; opens March 2024; £500 top prize for under 18s)
  • RSB Nancy Rothwell Award for specimen drawing (ages 7–18; open March–July 2024; prizes include set of drawing pencils and small cash prizes for students and schools)
  • Science Without Borders challenge is an artwork competition with a focus on ocean conservation. The 2024 theme is ‘hidden wonders of the deep’ (ages 11–19; closes 4 March 2024; maximum prize of $500)
  • British Science Week poster competition ; this year’s theme will be ‘time’ (ages 3–14; closes March 2024)
  • RPS Woman Science Photographer of the Year is open to women of all ages and backgrounds (open and under 18s; closing date TBC but expected March 2024)
  • Minds Underground Competitions ; Minds Underground run a number of essay competitions each year covering a variety of STEM and other topics (all ages; closing dates vary but 2024 questions will be released January 2024, see website for full details)

UKBC Intermediate Biology Olympiad

Age: Students in first year of 16+ education

Registration opens: now open

Competition dates: 5–12 June 2024

This international, annual competition is open to students in the first year of post-16 education in the UK. The competition consists of a one-hour multiple choice paper that is taken online under formal exam conditions. Questions cover topics students will be familiar with alongside some new concepts to test their problem-solving skills and understanding of core principals.

Practice papers are available to print to help students prepare. The competition is free to enter for UK schools and participants receive an e-certificate that recognises their level of achievement.

Find more information, including registering your school to take part, on the  UKBC website .

Science writing competitions

Numerous essays competitions run each year covering all aspects and areas of STEM. Below is just a selection of some of the competitions out there. Entries into science writing competitions make great additions to UCAS applications, and they get students thinking about science, too.

  • The  Oxford Scientist  Schools’ Science Writing Competition  (700-word essay that teachers submit; ages 15–18; deadline 10 July 2024; prize includes being published in the magazine and feedback).
  • Newnham College, Camb ridge (2000-word academic essay; age 16–18 women at state school only; deadline 8 July 2024; winners receive up to £400 to split with their school). Teachers can sign up to mailing lists now to hear more about this essay competition and other events from the college.

IET Faraday Challenge

Registration opens: January 2024 for the 2024–2025 season

Closes: July 2024

Faraday Challenges  are cross-curricular STEM activity days for UK schools run by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. This annual competition draws on students’ practical science and engineering skills, asking them to work in teams to solve real-world engineering problems and think creatively. Schools can host Challenge Days and invite teams from local schools to join them or apply to join a day at another school. Planning for these events starts early, so plenty of time to get organised for the day.

Teams should be made up of six students aged 12–13 years old (England and Wales Year 8, Scotland S1/S2, Northern Ireland Year 9). Schools may host a challenge day themselves or attend one hosted at another school.

Students win prizes for themselves and a trophy for their school. There is also a national league table and the top teams from across the UK go through to the national final, with the chance to win a cash prize of up to £1000 for their school. Plus, by taking part students will also meet the criteria for achieving a CREST Discovery Award.

If you are not able to enter into the main competition, there is also the opportunity for students to take part in the  Virtual Faraday Challenge  open to anyone aged 7–15.

Local to Newcastle?

Newcastle Secondary School SciFair  is a university-run secondary school science fair for students from state schools across Newcastle. Sci-Fair is a whole day event that will take place during British Science Week. Students can get the opportunity to present their models, posters or PowerPoint presentations about a scientific topic of their choosing. SciFair is open to ages 11–16. There are multiple prizes to be won on the day to recognise student’s efforts. Spaces are limited capacity, so students should wait for their projects to be approved before starting work.

EMBL Art and Science Project

Age: 14–18 Participation deadline: 31 August 2024

Discover the world of proteins with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and create an artwork inspired by what you’ve learned. Cash prizes of up to €100.

Visit the website to find out more. 

Deadlines passed:

Stockholm uk junior water prize.

Submissions open: 29 Feb 2024

Submission deadline: 13 May 2024

This prize challenges young people in STEM to develop innovative yet practical solutions to the global water crisis. Entrants decide on a topic or problem that they want to investigate and undertake background research and experimental work before submitting a full written report.

Students whose reports are shortlisted get to present their work virtually to the judges. The winning UK entry receives £1,000 cash prize and a fully funded trip to represent the UK and their school at the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition in Sweden in August and be in with a chance to win the international grand prize of US$15,000!

Learn more on the  website .

UKBC Biology Challenge

Competition dates: 1–17 May 2024

The Biology Challenge is a fun, annual competition open to students aged 13–15 in the UK. The challenge compromises of two, 25-minute, multiple-choice papers, and students need to complete both papers to be considered for an award category.

The questions set cover the school curriculum, but also caters to budding biologists whose knowledge has been enhanced by reading books and magazines, watching natural history programmes and taking a keen interest in all things biology.

Practice papers are available to help students prepare. The competition is free to enter for UK schools and participants receive an e-certificate that recognises their category of achievement.

Find more information and register your school to take part on the  Biology Challenge website .

BIEA Youth STEAM Competition

Registration opens:  October 2023

Closes: April 2024 for first-round submissions

The  BIEA Youth STEAM Competition  asks students to use their creativity to come up with ideas for a more sustainable future based on a specific theme. The theme for 2024 has yet to be announced, but the theme for 2023 was “developing solutions for sustainable cities”. Students research, design and present their solution, including a written report.

Students can enter as individuals or in teams of up to five members and schools can enter more than one team. There are lots of competition categories to cover all age groups. Submissions are expected to be accepted from January 2024 and the international final to be in July 2024. Learn more on the competition  website .

Royal College of Science Union (RCSU) Science Challenge

Registration opens:  1 March 2024

Closes: 26 April 2024

Imperial College London’s RCSU Science Challenge is all about science communication – requiring students to demonstrate their skills in debate and reasoning and teach the public about science and its consequences. Questions on a given theme are set by eminent scientists – who even read the shortlisted entries, so there’s a real chance students’ work will be seen by world-leading academics. This year’s theme is Hidden depth.

Students can answer one of the questions in either written or video form of up to 1000 words or three minutes, 30 seconds, respectively. Winners receive cash prizes, plus there are non-cash prizes for the runners up.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the grand final on 21 June 2024 at the Royal Institution, where they will deliver a short presentation. Find more information about taking part on the  challenge website .

Unsung Heroes of Science video competition

Close s: 30 April 2024

The International  Unsung Heroes of Science video competition   from Hertford College, University of Oxford is open to all 16–18 students. Entrants are tasked with making a two-minute video sharing the story of a scientist whose contributions were overlooked. Entries can be submitted by individuals or in teams of up to three.

The competition website also has lesson plans and links to videos of previous unsung heros, which are great resources for teachers to inspire their students.

British Science Week poster competition

Age: 3–14 Registration opened: January 2024 Closes: March 2024

British Science Week will run from 8–17 March. Alongside numerous activities and events across the country, there will be a themed poster competition – and this year’s theme will is ‘time’.

Entrants can explore a wide range of ideas covered by the broad theme. Judges are on the look out for an innovative angle or creative interpretation of the theme; clear, accurate and informative content; and effective, engaging communication. This competition is a great way for students to practise their communication skills. There are numerous prizes up for grabs that cover all age categories.

Entrants can be teams or individuals from any organisation, although schools are limited to five entries. Find out more on the  website , including activity packs and other resources to make the most of British Science Week.

Big Bang Young Scientists and Engineers Competition

Age: 11–18 Registration opens:  October 2023 Closes: 27 March 2024

The Big Bang Competition  is open to young people aged 11 to 18 in state-funded education or who are home educated or who enter as part of a community group. Private school participants can get involved as part of a collaboration with state-school peers.

Participants complete project-based work, focusing on investigation, discovery and use of scientific methods. Students choose their own STEM topic and work to submit their project as a written report or short video. The possibilities are endless!

Students can include their involvement in the competition in their extracurricular activities on UCAS forms and personal statements and have a chance of winning a range of awards and cash prizes.

Find out how to get started and get inspired with past projects on the  Big Bang website .

MathWorks Math Modeling challenge

Age: 16–19 (England and Wales only) Registration opens:  November 2023 Closes: 24 February 2024

The  M3 Challenge  is an internet-based applied maths competition that inspires participants to pursue STEM education and careers. Working in teams of three to five students, participants have 14 consecutive hours to solve an open-ended maths-modelling problem based around a real issue during the challenge weekend, 1–4 March 2024.

The problem typically has a socially conscious theme – equity, the environment, conservation or recycling, energy use, health, and other topics that young people care about. The challenge gives students the opportunity to use maths modelling processes to represent, analyse, make predictions and otherwise provide insight into real-world phenomena. For example, 2023’s problem centred around modelling the impacts of e-bikes to better understand if they are likely to become part of a global, more sustainable energy plan.

Numerous free  resources , including modelling and coding handbooks, videos and sample problems are available to help teams prepare for the event.

The competition’s final presentation and awards ceremony event is held in New York City in late April – an all-expense paid experience for the finalist teams. These top teams will be awarded scholarships toward the pursuit of higher education, with members of the overall winning team receiving $20,000 (»£16,000).

For rules, resources and to register, visit the competition  website .

The Cambridge Upper Secondary Science Competition

Age: 16–18 Registration opens: now Closes:  30 September 2023 and 31 March 2024

The  Cambridge Upper Secondary Science Competition , run by Cambridge Assessment, is an exciting extra-curricular activity for teams of aspiring scientists who are studying with the Cambridge IGCSE or O Level science programmes.

Teams of three to six students choose a topic and work on a scientific investigation over 20–25 hours. The competition encourages investigations with some practical or community relevance and an eye on sustainability.

Projects may involve laboratory work and should include creative and collaborative working, critical thinking and reflection. Students should be given the opportunity to present their results to a wider audience, perhaps at a science fair or other school event.

Teachers provide initial project evaluations and the best are put forward for consideration by a panel of experts. The winning team receives a certificate and is featured on the competition website. The competition runs twice a year, so keep abreast of all the dates  on the website .

TeenTech Awards 

Age: 11–16 Registration opens: now Closes:  March 2024 for first-round submissions

The  TeenTech Awards  encourage students to see how they might apply science and technology to real-world problems across several different categories, from food and retail through the future of transport to wearable technology. Students identify an opportunity or a problem, suggest a solution and research the market.

Students can work in teams of up to three people and there are lots of award categories. All submitted projects receive feedback and a bronze, silver or gold award. The event is well supported with training sessions for teachers and students, so everyone knows what to expect and what the judges will be looking for!

The best projects go forward to the TeenTech Awards Final for judging and the winning school in each category will receive a cash prize. The final is expected to take place in London in June 2024.

Schools’ Analyst

Age: 16–17 Registration opens: soon Closes: 23 February 2024

The  Schools’ Analyst Competition  is returning to schools in 2024. Run collaboratively by the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund and the Royal Society of Chemistry, this event allows students to expand their chemistry knowledge and skills through practical analytical experiments. Students must be in Year 12 (England, Wales, NI)/S5 (Scotland)/5th Year (Ireland).

Schools and colleges register their interest to host a heat and, if randomly selected, can now enter up to 25 teams of three students to compete to be crowned the overall school winner. Each winning school team will then compete within their region to find regional winners. Regional winners receive a cash prize for themselves and their school.

Register your school  to take part by 23 February 2024. To take part, students only need access to standard school laboratory equipment and some consumables (a bursary is available for those who need it).

Equipment boxes are sent to 400 entrants, selected at random, and delivered in advance of the event. Results must be submitted by 17 May in Ireland (to ensure schools have the chance to award winners before the summer holidays) and 14 June elsewhere.

Slingshot Challenge

Age: 13–18 Registration opens: now Closes: 1 February 2024

The  Slingshot Challenge  is run by National Geographic and is an exciting opportunity for students to get involved with the global programme. Students can enter in teams of up to six. Individual entries are welcomed although all entries are expected to involve collaboration with peers, stakeholders, and/or marginalized communities.

Students work to prepare a short, 1-minute video, from topics with an environmental focus. Training sessions for teachers and resource/tool kits are available from the website and the providers can offer feedback and technical support ahead of official submissions.

Videos are expected to put forward compelling, evidence-based information and be engaging for the audience. A small number of motivating prizes are awarded each year to the student of up to $10,000.

For full details see the  Slingshot Challenge website .

UK Chemistry Olympiad 

Age: 16–18 (recommended) Registration opens: September 2023 Closes: January 2024

Run by the RSC, the  UK Chemistry Olympiad  is designed to challenge and inspire older secondary-school students, by encouraging them to push themselves, boost their critical problem-solving skills and test their knowledge in real-world situations.  Explore past papers  to get an idea of the types of questions involved.

There are three rounds that culminate with the prestigious  International Chemistry Olympiad , which will take place this year in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Round 1, a written test taken in your school, is scheduled to take place on 25 January 2024. Students then receive bronze, silver or gold certificates depending on their scores. Up to 30 students will then be selected to move on to the second round – a training weekend at the University of Nottingham. Four students will then be chosen to represent the UK in the international competition from 21–30 July 2024.

To get started, register your school or college. Do this and find out more information about preparing on the  Olympiad homepage .

Top of the Bench

Age: 14–16 Registration opens: soon Closes: January 2024

Top of the Bench  (TOTB) is an annual practical chemistry competition that has been running for over 20 years. It’s a long-standing favourite for students and teachers, and provides an opportunity for students to put their teamwork and practical skills to the test.

Regional heats are led by  RSC local sections  between October and January. The winning team from each heat progresses to the national final, held in the spring at a UK university (where there is also a session for teachers to explore resources and classroom ideas with one of the RSC’s education coordinators).

First prize is awarded to the best overall school performance, with five teams receiving runners up prizes. The Jacqui Clee Award is also awarded each year to the student who makes an outstanding individual contribution.

Teams must consist of four students: two from year 9/S2; one from year 10/S3; one from year 11/S4.

Find more information including past papers and how to apply on the  TOTB homepage .

Imperial College Science & Innovation Competition

Age:  4–adult Registration opens:  September  2023 Closes:  15 December 2023

The  Science & Innovation Competition , run by the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Imperial College, aims to motivate primary and secondary-aged children to engage with science, to encourage them to work as part of a team and engage in fun activities. Adults are also welcome to enter.

Teams of two to four people are asked to develop a new and innovative scientific solution to help achieve one of the  United Nation’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development . To enter, teams need to create a five-minute film that describes the science behind their idea. Finalists are invited to take part in an event during spring 2024 at Imperial College, London (date to be confirmed). Learn more on the  website .

Global essay competition: Young voices in the chemical sciences for sustainability

Age: 35 and under  Registration opens: now Closes: 31 March 2023

An  annual essay competition  on the role of the chemical sciences in sustainability, organised by the International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD) in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). The competition is open globally to entrants under 35 years of age. The theme for the 2023 competition is: How can the chemical sciences lead the stewardship of the Earth’s element resources?

Essays will be grouped into seven regions for shortlisting and selection of winners, based on the entrant’s country of normal residence. Each regional winner will receive a prize of US$500 and their entries will be published in  RSC Sustainability . The shortlisted essays will be collected in an annual compendium,  Young voices in the chemical sciences for sustainability , available on the IOCD’s website. Individual shortlisted entries will also be featured from time to time on IOCD’s website.

Essays will be judged on how well they highlight the importance of scientific approaches grounded in the chemical sciences for solving sustainability challenges. Entrants should take a broad, global perspective, and reflect on the intersection of science, society and policy aspects, rather than describing a particular scientific advance in great technical detail. Essays must not exceed 1500 words of body copy.

Cambridge Chemistry Race

Age: 16–18 Registration opens: Mon 5 December 2022 Closes: February 2023

In the  Cambridge Chemistry Race , teams of 3–5 students solve as many theoretical problems as they can over the course of two hours – ranging from easy riddles to tasks of A-level difficulty and complex chemical problems.

Once a team has solved a question, the examiner verifies their answer and hands them the next question. Points are awarded based on the number of successful attempts. Whoever gets the most points wins!

Students are allowed to use a calculator, books, notes, and printed literature. The challenge aims to test problem-solving skills and chemical understanding rather than knowledge. Explore past questions and solutions  here  to get an idea of what’s in store.

Schools may only enter one team each and places are first come first served.

The competition is run in collaboration with the University of Cambridge’s Department of Chemistry. This year, it is joined by the University of Oxford too, so students may compete in either city. The competition will take place on Saturday 4 February 2023. Learn more on the  competition website .

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The 2022 Lasker Essay Contest

Congratulations to the six co-winners of the 2022 lasker essay contest.

Solving complex questions often calls for expertise in many fields. How do we approach such challenges? In this year’s Lasker Essay Contest, we asked medical, research, and public health trainees to describe how multidisciplinary collaborations and approaches, or future opportunities for them, have impacted or will impact their training, research, or career. We received a record number of essays, including responses from 128 different institutions in 27 countries. There were many wonderful essays about medicine as a team sport, learning to communicate effectively when collaborating with experts in other fields, and combining medicine, research, and advocacy to address health issues. Choosing only six essays was quite a challenge!

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From top left: Avik Ray, Azmina Karukappadath, Hussain Lalani, Kirti Nath, Rutvij Merchant, Kaelyn Cummins

We are delighted to introduce the 2022 winners: Avik Ray, Azmina Karukappadath, Hussain Lalani, Kaelyn Cummins, Kirti Nath, and Rutvij Merchant. Join us in congratulating them! Read all of the winning essays, below.

computer science essay competition 2022

Kaelyn Cummins, Baylor College of Medicine

Kaelyn was born and raised in Maryland and knew from a young age that she wanted to be a surgeon. She attended Harvard College, where she studied Molecular and Cellular Biology and minored in Astrophysics. While at Harvard, she gained a passion for research, working at the National Institutes of Health and at multiple biomedical research institutes in Boston. She attended Baylor College of Medicine, where she completed Baylor’s Space Medicine elective pathway in conjunction with the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH). She received her MD from Baylor in May 2022 and has just started General Surgery residency at University of Virginia. She is interested in trauma surgery and plans to make both teaching and research part of her future career.

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Azmina Karukappadath, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Azmina was born in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and grew up in the suburbs of Boston, MA. She graduated from Tufts University in 2018 with a BS in Computer Science and a minor in Dance. She worked as a software engineer at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for two years, where she helped develop an online computational biology platform to support researchers in analyzing biomedical data in the cloud. She began medical school at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 2020 and dreams of developing innovative healthcare technology on multidisciplinary teams. In her free time, Azmina enjoys exploring Baltimore with friends, practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with her team, and reading science fiction novels with her two cats.

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Hussain Lalani, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Hussain is a General Internal Medicine Fellow at the Program on Regulation, Therapeutics, and Law (PORTAL) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He is the co-founder of This Is Our Shot and VacunateYa , a national grassroots social media effort to elevate the voices of medical professionals to build healthier communities, share accurate health information, and combat health misinformation. His research interests include understanding the challenges and inequities patients face in accessing affordable prescription drugs and evaluating the impact of health policies and interventions. He is a first-generation American from Dallas, TX. He earned his MD from Duke University, his MPH from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and trained in Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center. His hobbies include traveling, playing volleyball, and hiking.

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Rutvij Merchant, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Rutvij is a medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai with interests in internal medicine, psychiatry, and healthcare delivery. He was born in India and raised between the cities of Mumbai, India and Dubai, UAE. Rutvij earned an MPH from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a BA in Political Science from Northwestern University. Rutvij’s research interests involve studying health systems in low-and middle-income countries with a focus on improving primary care delivery. He is also interested in investigating questions that address the treatment gap for mental disorders. Outside of medicine and public health, Rutvij enjoys playing cricket, visiting national parks, and reading about South Asian history.

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Kirti Nath, Harvard Medical School and MIT

Kirti is a second year student in the Harvard-MIT MD-PhD program, studying for her MD in the Health Sciences & Technology Program. She grew up on Long Island, NY, and as an undergraduate, Kirti studied molecular biology, statistics, and economics at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interest lies in understanding how subtle deviations in peripheral and lymphoid tissue can lead to breaks in or the development of immune tolerance. In the future, she hopes to combine the different parts of her training from economics and finance to basic biology and clinical care as a physician-scientist.  Outside of the lab and class, Kirti is an avid runner and coffee-enthusiast!

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Avik Ray, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Avik is a Master of Science candidate in Epidemiology with pharmacoepidemiology as the concentration track at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. He is a physician and has completed his medical school as well as residency in clinical pharmacology in India. He has worked with the WHO as a clinical research assistant and with the Indian Council of Medical Research on multiple public health projects before starting his master’s. His research interests include methods for causal inference, especially in the setting of sparse data, and computational health economics and policy evaluation. He has received scholarships for his studies at Harvard and is a recipient of the prestigious Rose Traveling Fellowship in Chronic Disease Epidemiology. When Avik is free, he likes to play ukulele and piano. He was a member of a musical band in India where he used to be a full-time guitarist and a part-time drummer. He loves road trips with friends and taking part in marathons!

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The George Watt Essay Contest 2022

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives is an organization dedicated to preserving the legacy of the American volunteers who fought in the Spanish Civil War. We have an annual essay contest, The Watt Prize, named in honor of Lincoln Brigade volunteer George Watt, a writer, and lifelong activist central to the creation of ALBA, which is now accepting submissions. Students from anywhere in the world are invited to submit an essay or thesis chapter about any aspect of the Spanish Civil War, the global political or cultural struggles against fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, or the lifetime histories and contributions of the international volunteers who fought in support of the Spanish Republic from 1936 to 1938.

The contest offers cash prizes and accepts submissions in Graduate and Undergraduate categories. The deadline for submission is  July 5, 2022 , and all submissions should be emailed to  [email protected]

More information about the essay contest and a detailed look at the contest requirements and judging criteria are located  here on our website . The essay requirements and deadline are noted below

Undergraduate Award ( Up to $500)

  • Essays must be between 2,000 and 10,500 words.
  • Submissions may be in Spanish or English.
  • Submissions must have been produced to fulfill an undergraduate course or degree requirement (please specify course, degree, and institution; for thesis chapters, please add a thesis abstract).
  • Winners are expected to make a statement/presentation to the selection committee prior to award disbursement.
  • Any work produced since August 1, 2021 is eligible for the competition.
  • One essay will be awarded up to $500
  • Deadline: July 5, 2022

Email Submissions to Dennis Meaney at  [email protected]

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2022 Essay Competition Winner – Janice Xin L

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Take a look at one of this year’s winning entries to the Immerse Education Essay Competition from the Chemistry category. Congratulations to all participants and in particular to those who have won 100% scholarships!

How does plastic packaging affect the environment?

by Janice Xin L

Different pollutants caused by human behaviour have harmed the environment drastically. We do not realize how badly we are hurting and damaging the world that we live in. One awful environmental pollutant, in particular, caused by humans is plastic. Plastic is used so often that we can’t even dispose of it properly, which can be a deadly threat to our valuable environment.

The reason we use it regularly is because of how easily moldable and cheap it is to manufacture and produce. The production of plastic packaging has increased rapidly. In 1950, there were 2.3 million tons of plastic and 448 million tons in 2015. Researchers have estimated that the numbers would be twice as such in 2050. However plastic does have good qualities because it is lightweight but also strong. In addition, it is good for storing liquid-based products due to being water resistant. Plastic can come in many forms, like Tupperware, bottles, buckets, cutleries, and plastic bags as they are convenient for businesses and other users who use plastic often.

Since plastic is a worldwide product, it can be found anywhere, and people tend to throw them everywhere causing pollutants that harm the environment. One such example, people throw plastic into the sea which causes the sea to be abundant with plastic and sea creatures such as sea turtles eat them thinking it’s jellyfish and end up suffocating themselves. About 700 species of animals are killed by plastic in the form of consumption or suffocation. Some others get entangled by fishing hooks and fishing lines. Animals often eat anything that comes their way. Some fishermen have reportedly found fish stomachs packed with plastic. This causes the fish to have a low appetite as their stomachs are already full. Plastic can be broken down once in contact with the sunlight, sea, wind, and wave action into small particles called microplastics.

Microplastic is dangerous as it is microscopic plastic and can be found in the air that we are breathing. Just imagine breathing chemicals instead of clean, fresh air. Equally, the sea is filled with microplastic, that can’t be seen with our naked eye. Fish and other marine creatures are also consuming lots of it which can potentially kill them. It can basically be found in every nook and cranny of the world.

To reduce plastic pollution, we could use the 3R’s which are recycling, reducing, and reusing. Using this method can improve the environment drastically. Small contributions like picking up a piece of plastic can make a big difference. If each person contributes to saving the environment, we would be able to clear about 7 million of the earth’s plastic each day. Even changing the type of product to biodegradable would improve our world. It does not take lots of effort to pick up one plastic per day. Changing the habit of using plastic bags while shopping for goods to a recyclable bag assists in saving the planet.


Laura Parker, ‘The world’s plastic pollution crisis explained’, published June 7, 2019 [Plastic pollution facts and information (]

Why Apply To The Immerse Education Essay Competition? 

Are you a highly motivated student aged 13-18? Have you ever wanted to experience studying at Cambridge or Oxford? 

The Immerse Education essay competition allows you the chance to submit an essay for the chance to be awarded a scholarship to the award-winning Cambridge summer school . 

How To Apply To The Immerse Education Essay Competition? 

The Immerse Education annual essay competition is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win a scholarship to a Cambridge or Oxford summer school . 

If you’re aged 13-18 and you’re interested in applying to the Immerse Education essay competition then please visit our essay competition page for more details.

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