help for toddler speech delay

10 Best Books to Help Your Toddler With Speech Delay

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Touchy-Feely Books

The best books to help with toddler speech delay (our favorites), 1. my toddler talks: strategies and activities to promote your child’s language development by kimberly scanlon., 2.the speech teacher’s handbook: a parent’s guide to speech and language by molly dresner., 3. counting kisses by karen katz., 4. the pigeon has feelings too by mo willems., 5. if you give a mouse a cookie by laura numeroff., 6. that’s not my puppy by fiona watt., 7. first 100 words board book box set by roger priddy., 8. hickory dickory dock and other favorite nursery rhymes illustrated by sanja rescek., 9. barnyard dance by sandra boynton., 10. the napping house by audrey and don wood..

By Lori Ennis, M.S. Ed.

books toddler speech delay

If your toddler has a speech delay , you’ve most likely found yourself googling, best books to help with toddler speech delay , in hopes of helping your child develop his or her speech. We know that reading makes a difference in the language and vocabulary acquisition of all children.

In fact, a recent study found that reading to our children every day gives them exposure to nearly 1.4 million more words by the time they enter kindergarten as compared to their peers who are not read to consistently. Other studies have found that reading to your children gives a better predicted reading success rates. In his research , Dr. Dominic Massaro found that while talking to your children definitely gives them better vocabulary, reading to them is even more effective.

It’s particularly important to find books to help toddlers with speech delay because reading those to them can go a long way in helping them develop word mastery. Dr. Massaro studies language acquisition and literacy and found that when it comes to looking for books to help toddlers with speech delay, picture books are two to three times as likely to expose your child to new words and pronunciations.

books toddler speech delay

What To Look For In Books To Help Toddlers With Speech Delay

When it comes to finding the best books to help with toddler speech delay, you’ll want to pay attention to several things. Toddlers love details and will scan picture books for things they recognize, are unfamiliar and things about which they are curious. The best books to help toddlers with speech delay will have clear and colorful illustrations and/or drawings. Toddlers love photographic images as well, and love to find the similarities to their own lives in them. It’s important, though, that the illustrations are not too busy and distracting because sometimes they’ll focus more on what they see over what you’re saying. Point out words to describe the images for a better connection.

As well, when looking for the best books to help toddlers with speech delay, remember that toddlers love the neat little facets of books that keep their interest. They love to touch and feel, so books that pop-up or have lift-the-flaps or things that they can rub for sensory input are great to keep them interested and listening. 

When it comes to content for books, remember that when choosing books to help toddlers with speech delay, you’re not necessarily looking for big concepts or to teach them something new. There are plenty of great books out there that they’d love and you can read to them that will do that, but when looking for toddler books to help with their speech delay, you want to find books that pay particular attention to every-day vocabulary.

Toddlers love to make connections, so books about animals and environments with which they’re familiar are always winners. As are books about families and friends, food and playthings. When you’re reading, make connections with them; “Yes, you have a raincoat just like the one she is wearing!” Those connections help solidify basic vocabulary concepts as you’re reading.

books toddler speech delay

And while you may find lots of books with tactile opportunities for toddlers, you still may find you’ll want books that will grab and keep their attention. Those books tend to be ones that have rhyming patterns, lots of opportunity for inflection and intonation. Books with alliteration and onomatopoeia are always hits and especially when caregivers have fun in the reading, so don’t shy away from sound effects!

There are so many authors and books that we adore to help your toddler’s speech develop, so this is by no means an exhaustive list. We also know that there are tons of books to read to your child, but also some you might want to read for yourself and we’ll throw those in too.

Comparison Chart


My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child’s Language Development

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

The Speech Teacher’s Handbook: A Parent’s Guide to Speech & Language

515BGmfO EL

Counting Kisses

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The Pigeon Has feelings, too!

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

A Mouse Cookie First Library (If You Give…)

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Thats Not My puppy


First 100 Board Book Box Set (3 books)


Hickory, Dickory, Dock: and other favorite nursery rhymes (Padded Nursery Rhyme Board Books)

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Barnyard Dance! (Boynton on Board)


The Napping House board book


This is a great resource for parents and caregivers who believe their toddlers may have a speech delay. Scanlon is also the author of Learning To Read Is A Ball, and knows the connection between developing language and reading skills in later school. She gives parents and caregivers fun and practical ways to help facilitate language development and advice parents can use that doesn’t frustrate them or their children. The book also offers various play routines (because children learn best through connected play) that will help develop speech and language skills, and step-by-step directions for caregivers and parents who are first working with toddlers who have speech delays .

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Dresner is a Speech-Language Therapist and Feeding therapist who believes that helping your child develop speech and language skills should be fun, whether you have a toddler with speech delay or not. She incorporates fun and functional tips and activities that you can use with your child to boost their language development, and she does so with your child’s daily routines in mind. She offers milestone information and fun activities to help your child meet them, and it’s another great parent reference for working with toddlers who have speech delays.

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Author and illustrator Karen Katz use this delightful book with colorful imagery to engage toddlers as they’re read to by parents, grandparents, and caregivers. She uses functional daily words but also adds vivid adjectives to give your toddler the exposure. It gives repetition in counting kisses, as well as simple sentences you and your toddler can say together and repeat with each other.

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Iconic children’s author Mo Willems offers toddlers little doses of his famous pigeon in this book that gives children exposure to feeling words as well as the opportunity for listening to and learning appropriate inflection and pragmatic reflection. His books are wildly popular with kids of all ages, but with their very basic wording and engaging images, toddlers with speech delays will feel comfortable listening to and repeating pigeons strong feelings and emotions

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

We love all of Numeroff’s Circle stories but have a special place in our hearts for the one where we first met Mouse. Toddlers LOVE the antics of Mouse and the repeated characters with minimal text on the pages make it perfect for allowing your toddler to take in the scenes and the words. There’s lots of opportunity for conversation. “Is Mouse silly? Yes, Mouse is SILLY!” and this collection has not only If You Give A Mouse A Cookie but If You Take A Mouse To School in board book form, perfect for toddlers.

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Any of the Usborne’s “That’s Not My…” series books are perfect books for toddlers with speech delay because they offer so much tactile opportunity. The repeated text is perfect for toddlers to giggle with anticipation over, and to mimic in their own daily routines with practical wording. They introduce basic vocabulary with some enriched adjectives but with minimal phrasing, so toddlers are not overwhelmed as they feel the different features of the puppy. You can’t have enough of these books!


This is a must-have set of board books (also makes a GREAT baby shower gift!) for any parent of a toddler but definitely for parents of toddlers with speech delays. His colorful pictures with literally nothing but the object word allow toddlers to hear you say the word and to have an understanding of what they’ve heard (with the help of the picture). This is pivotal to their language acquisition as toddlers with speech delay will learn best by hearing the word and having a connected understanding of the word for reference. We love that they’re real pictures as toddlers will be able to make real-world connections.


Books based on classic nursery rhymes with sing-songy tempo are perfect for toddlers, particularly if they show interest in music anyway. The repeated text is a great listening and learning tool for toddlers and the timeless words can be put to music. Sometimes toddlers with speech delays will be able to ‘sing’ or ‘hum’ when they can’t otherwise ‘speak,’ so giving them a repertoire of rhymes with pictures to make a connection is a great way to build vocabulary.

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Sandra Boynton’s books are fabulous resources for toddlers with speech delays because they have plenty of repeated text, colorful imagery, and fun antics that keep toddlers engaged and participating in the story! Toddlers love dancing and stomping with the barn animals, and that added sensory input as they’re hearing and processing what they hear helps bring the words to them in a more concrete way. We love the verbs she gives toddlers with each animal’s activities and there’s minimal text on the pages for better interest in illustrations while listening.


Another toddler favorite, it’s especially great for toddlers with speech delay because it uses repeated speech for a connected story from plot to resolution. It has been enhanced with beautiful imagery and attention to detail that toddlers will happily enjoy. There’s plenty of opportunity for authentic conversation with your toddler, “What’s going on here? Where what’s the dog doing? Where’d HE come from?” and it’s a story they’ll want to hear over and over. And that’s exactly what you’re looking to have happened!

These are but just ten of our picks for the best books to help with toddler speech delay. Any book with colorful images, minimal and/or repeated text and authentic conversation opportunity can make a difference and be a best book for toddlers, but the most important thing is the vocal exposure.

Happy reading!

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Best Books for Speech Therapy for Toddlers


In my week of making lists, I wanted to add a post with recommendations for the best books for speech therapy for toddlers.

If you need specific therapy ideas, I’ve devoted 3 entire podcasts to this topic and you can find those here:

Making Books Better Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3

Here’s the list of books — along with potential goals to help you plan how to use the books to target language skills in toddlers with language delays.

Please keep in mind that many of the books I’m including are picture books meaning there’s no storyline, but the pictures are engaging and perfect for building a busy toddler’s attention, sharing an experience together (to target joint attention), learning how to link meaning with words, and finally, naming pictures. Some books are listed under multiple goals — which is even better! I’ve included a few more books that I love and use mostly for “just reading” to help a child learn to listen to a whole story at the bottom of the list.

This information is discussed in detail in podcast #415 .

Demonstrate awareness and enjoyment of books measured by attending/listening with joint attention, not mouthing book immediately, righting the picture, and turning pages.

Little Blue Truck

See Touch Feel Books by Roger Priddy

Point at pictures for awareness (not accuracy – that’s coming up!)

Bright Baby Board Books by Roger Priddy

To teach pointing…

Introduce sliding books for kids who need practice isolating their index fingers to point. 

For more specific strategies for helping children learn to point, watch this video.

Slide and Find

Cheerios books – to target pincer grasp

Complete simple actions with books.

Watch the show for more specific ideas, but in this phase, you’re modeling an action for a child to imitate such as kissing a baby, patting a puppy, knocking on a door, etc.

Roger Priddy Bright Baby

Follow the directions in the book for imitating actions: 

Pat the Bunny

Repeat One Action for the Entire Book

Never Feed a Shark

Modify Books like Moo Baa La La La

Song-Themed Books

5 Little Monkeys

To teach a child to imitate using Peer Modeling:

Shake a Leg

Identify familiar pictures on request.

(We’ll do much more about targeting receptive language with books in the next developmental range in show #416!)

Bright Baby Board Books

In my podcast #416 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays Part Two, I demonstrated strategies for the following goals with specific books for speech therapy sessions and recommend to parents. Here’s that list for you. For detailed instructions for using these books to meet the following 6 early literacy goals for kids with language delays who are in the 18 to 36 month developmental period, please watch show #416 !

Goal #1… Identify familiar pictures on request.

A child will point to the picture you name as you say, “Show me the ___,” “Where’s the ____?” “Find the ____.” or “I see the ___. You find the ____.”

Begin with simple picture books and when a child is ready, increase your complexity. (more about that in show #417!)

Roger Priddy Books

Here’s the book I use for making “sets” of objects to match with pictures. See details in show # 416 .

Not the same book sound book as I used in the podcast, but very similar:

Goal 2: Match pictures to objects

Select a book with familiar objects and find an object (try for one per page) so that the child can match the object to the picture.

Goal 1: Child will imitate play sounds and exclamatory words while reading books.

Goal 2: Child will imitate familiar words during verbal routines using books.

Goal 6: Child will name pictures.

Select counting books with familiar words and instead of counting the objects name them sequentially. For example, on a page of 3 dogs, you’ll say, “Dog. Dog… (expectant waiting for the child to fill in “dog.”)

In my podcast #417 Making Books Better for Late Talking Toddlers (18 to 36 months), I demonstrated strategies for the following goals with specific books I use in therapy sessions and recommend to parents. Here’s that list for you. For detailed instructions for using these books to meet the following 6 early literacy goals for kids with language delays who are in the 18 to 36 month developmental period, please watch show #417.

Previous books lists for 415 (part 1 of this series) and 416 (part 2 of this series)

  • Identify pictures of familiar actions or verbs.

Open the Barn Door

Mrs. Wishy Washy

Maisy Goes to Preschool

What Are They Doing?

First 100 Words

2. Identify pictures of first location words or prepositions.

3. Find 2 pictures on request as a prequisite for following two-part commands. 

Troubleshooting Ideas:

ACTIVE BOOK – younger – Eric Carle

Make any book active just by giving a job on every page

Design activities around personal preferences to help with attention/participation/and general listening.

4. Identify objects by function. 

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

5. Answer yes/no questions

6. Teach negation “not”


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"Hello Miss Laura, First, I would like to thank you for all you do for us moms who are lacking support in the autism community, and thank you for providing tons of information and resources to help our bright children. I myself benefited so much from watching your videos and reading your daily emails. I cannot stress enough how much all this information helped my toddler. Of course, getting an autism diagnosis for your child is extremely scary (she was diagnosed at 2 years old) and I was depressed and did not know what autism was, how it affected children, and how to teach children struggling with this condition. However, your videos helped me to find light in my child and now I am your biggest fan! I rewatch your videos over and over again to make sure I didn't miss anything that can help my daughter. I even purchase two books- Autism workbook and Teach me to Play. My toddler was completely non-verbal, she didn't know how to imitate, no eye contact, no pointing.. you name it she didn't have any skills and I didn't know how to teach her! And that is until I discover ed You- my toddlers (Fairy: smiling_face_with_3_hearts:)!

Now she is little sweet 2.5 years old and she says "mama" (I cried when she said that magic word), she waves bye bye or hi, she points, she gives "high 5", her joint attention is great and overall she is doing so much better! And that's all because I have been doing everything you described in your books and videos! I. My mind I always play "repetition, repetition and repetition", teaching her everything through play that she so much enjoys!!! I can write forever explaining how much I taught her through yr videos and books! And the most amazing thing is that her speech therapist is a big fan of yours as well so it worked out perfectly since we understand each other and work based on your teachings! The therapist even owns the same books I own ...I am so grateful that my toddler has such an amazing therapist; especially the one that understands autism and is ready for a real challenge! God bless you for all you do and I cannot wait for my toddler blossom.. you gave me hope and lit the light inside me. And I'm determined to work with my girl :)"

"Dear Laura Mize and Team,

Thank you so much for all your hard work and publishing books! Our 17-month-old toddler suddenly exploded into speaking and imitating everybody's gestures and sounds, just a week or two after we 'completed' all activities that are listed under 11 pre-linguistic skills! Your method really works!"

Grateful customer.

I absolutely LOVE all of your workbooks, especially your Autism Workbook. Starting with Social Games has been a game changer for many of my littles with ASD and their families. It's been the best way for them to finally connect and sustain shared attention and engagement, leading to longer social interactions, through play!"

Jodie, Dev, Therapist

"Hi Ms. Laura,

Thank you so much for the videos you have posted on your youtube channel. They are so direct, informative, and helpful. Thank you for being a resource for me to become a better therapist."

"Hi Laura - I just wanted to say I received my copies of the Apraxia workbooks yesterday and I LOVED workbook 1 (not ready for 2). I'm on chapter 8 and going through the questions carefully so I'm prepared to help my son. I knew it was a great book when you acknowledged the fact that sometimes therapists and doctors don't bring a positive and supportive vibe when diagnosing. I remember being terrified at the mention of apraxia and ASD by both because they had these very concerned looks and made it seem like it was a death sentence. I know now (in LARGE PART, THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR VIDEOS) that it doesn't have to be!! I see a future for him now. You SINGLE-HANDEDLY, through your books and videos have empowered me to help my son after the doctors and therapists have gone home. You've given me strategies, play ideas, plans on how to keep moving forward. I don't always do things right, but I know I'm on the right track and I love that I can reference, and re-reference your books to help me keep going. As I was reading the book, I was so proud of myself because I've used strategies from your previous books and it felt good because I could check off a lot of the skills that you discuss. So, thank you for all your previous books as well!!"

"Gosh, I love all of your emails/podcast/website, just everything!! I work in early intervention as a behavior analyst and am learning so much from you!"

I love your work! I am a professor of early childhood special education and a speech language pathologist! I have worked to help children learn to communicate and I know how valuable the information you share is for both early interventionists and pediatric speech language pathologists!

Thank you for systematically organizing and explaining essential steps for young children to learn and develop. You are having a great impact on our profession, the ECE profession and families!"

"Thank you. If this is Laura herself reading this email let me take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have put forth for us professionals. I own every manual (except the autism manual) and have watched every course on DVD. I have listened to countless podcasts. All of what I’ve come to be as an Early Intervention speech therapist was absolutely to your credit. With your resources at my side I have never needed to scramble for answers and strategies and above all the clear language I use when communicating with parents. My fun, animated affect and key phrases I use have been learned through watching your example. So….thank you! May you be blessed." Chaya

"I just wanted to thank you so much for your incredible help! You are so kind and lovely and every time I implement something you've taught in your manuals or videos it is always a success, I cannot thank you enough. I really appreciate how specific you are in giving us examples of wording to use and how to use a toy in therapy with your videos, it is exactly what I need to properly help my little students. I also really appreciate your list of books of list of toys. I have seen my little students make significant progress thanks to you. I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos, taking more of your CEU's, and reading more of your materials. From the bottom of my heart: thank you so much again!!"

"Dear Laura,

What an inspiration!

Thank you for helping me be a better Developmental Therapist. I often listen to your podcasts which help me help families.

Your enthusiasm, professionalism and the sheer volume of information is so great.

You are part of my team.

I just wanted you to know I appreciate you."

Thank you for your generosity in sharing so much knowledge in such a clear and enthusiastic way.

As a retired audiologist with a fabulous and language delayed grandson, I used your podcasts and outstanding publication, The Autism Workbook, to inspire and guide me over the past year.

It works!! He went from barely verbal, no gestures, didn't respond to his name etc etc to a verbal, social, curious, ready to imitate anything, fill in the blanks on familiar "set" speech, generate his own totally appropriate and mostly understandable sentences...not just short phrases anymore... full little paragraphs...about imaginary things, what he did during the day, what he wants. True communication!

You make a powerful difference in this world! ❤"

"Laura Mize, you are a Godsend. I don’t know how one human can have so many helpful things to say in a beautifully organized way, so often. Always amazes me when another super helpful email comes from you, and for free. With free YouTube videos and cheap CEUs. THANK YOU!!!"

Sheila, Canada

"I purchased the book on autism and have watched the #400s series podcasts. Laura Mize has been more effective in teaching autistic tendencies, than many professors, shadowing professions, and the 100s of books, articles and classes or videos, or live workshop speakers, have been at teaching effective practices for a child with ASD. Some of the many lessons she has taught, which I will now use, to be a more effective Interventionist, include but are not limited to: red flags, typical behaviors, self-stimulating behaviors, not taking away toys, rather showing child to play with toy appropriately. She gives examples of child's actions, "inappropriate," explains the reason for: why the child is engaging in these behaviors and how they can be replaced with more appropriate, effective fuctional and age-appropriate skills."

"I’m sure Laura gets these messages all the time, but I thought I’d share. I stumbled across Laura‘s "Autism or Speech Delay?" YouTube video when I really needed it. This video finally listed and explained some of the red flags my son was showing for autism. I share the link anytime a parent is questioning in my FB autism group. This mother I don’t even know said Laura's video changed her life. I know exactly how she feels because It changed families too. Thank you to everyone at Teach Me To Talk."

"Good Morning Laura, I received your book (The Autism Workbook) yesterday and it is absolutely amazing! As I evaluate young children (0-3) for developmental delays and write plans for them with their parents, there are a ton of ideas that are ready to use. Others that reinforce what I have been doing, and saying, all along. Thank you so, so much for writing this incredible book and pulling everything together in one place!"


"Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, and guidance. I’m a parent who bought the autism workbook and it’s the only clear resource I found to make a change in my son. I’m really thankful to Ms. Laura for helping out people like us all over the world."

"Laura Mize, all I have to say is that ALL YOUR STRATEGIES WORK."

ANNE, YouTube viewer

"We have 7 SLPs in our preschool (public) program for special needs children (ages 3-5) and we use your courses, books, and techniques every day! :-) We have seen our preschoolers make such great gains!"

"I just received Teach Me to Play With You, and it is ALREADY WORKING! WOW!

Girl…my son is 3 years old, and he NEVER asks for something using words. We were playing “Get Your Belly” (from Teach Me to Play WITH You), and after several times, he laughed and screamed "BEWIEEE!!!"  It was a hoot. And I can't believe he said it! I have played with him like this before, but this time I took your advice and acted CRAZY!! I will act like a total lunatic if it will get him to talk to me!  Now I can give him "the look" from across the room, and he will say it. That manual is so amazingly practical, and it is a GODSEND right now! Thank you SO MUCH!”

" I wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you. I started watching your videos/podcasts about 4 months ago. My son has gone from losing words he previously used, only having about 7 words at his 2 year check up in August (assessed at a blended 10 month language level) -- to now having so many words, increased social engagement, following commands, spontaneously requesting things, and naming letters & numbers (not in order) as well as colors. We had our monthly meeting with our SLP through the state infants & toddlers program and it felt like we were just bragging the whole time, but I knew in the back of my head it was because I have been using strategies you taught me. We still have so much work to do with our sweet boy, but I know in my heart he would not have succeeded without the education you provided. I will continue to read your emails & watch videos as we go along this journey and face challenges, but credit is due to you, Laura. Thank you so much, endlessly."

"I just want to tell how fortunate I feel to have found your website and you!! I became a special instructor in EI almost a year ago and I started with hardly any applicable training. I felt so lost and confused as how to help the kids I work with learn how to use words and play. Honestly, I didn't even understand the importance of play, although I always played with my kids. But, once I started to watch your podcasts and get some of your manuals I felt a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that I could finally teach these kids and their families something of value from a real therapist and based on research!. Thank you so much for seeing the need to help other EI service providers and providing a forum to share your knowledge and years of valuable experience. I'm sure you get a lot of these emails every week if not every day, but I wanted to make I could add to those notes of gratitude!! THANK YOU again!!"

"Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for these emails and your books, I have them all and they have seriously saved and improved my sessions with my kiddos. Huge thank you."

"I was very frustrated with how speech therapy was going for my child. I would take him and drop him off and not hear much of anything from his therapist and teachers other than, "He had a good (or a bad!) day." Your materials were invaluable for us because I learned how to work with him on his speech. I learned how to teach him to talk and play. I learned how to pay attention to his cues and work with him to teach him to communicate. Without it, I have no doubt he still wouldn’t talk."

"Hi! I just wanted to say (from an SLT perspective) how incredibly useful I am finding absolutely all of your articles, blogs and resources - I only discovered your site last month and have just received all your books which I feel I am learning more than on my entire university training course!! But also the way in which you give specific, realistic, fun, encouraging ideas for working with parents is really just fantastic, I only wish I have your site sooner! Thanks so much from the UK! Kind regards."

"I just wanted to reach out to say thank you for making things a little easier to manage for me this year. I made the transition from school SLP to private therapist about a year ago. While the change was welcome, it was a lot, and I was just getting my footing in the clinic when I began teletherapy full time. Your website has been a huge lifeline in helping me work with late talkers and coach their parents in an accessible but effective way, even remotely. I look forward to getting your emails each week. I am floored by the amount of valuable, free information that your website provides, and I’m looking forward to investing in your workbooks soon. A sincere thank you for all you do!"

"You are an inspiration! I am truly grateful for the way you put into words and writing how to do what we do as SLPs. At this time in my 13 years of practicing, I find your encouragement keeps me going. As a single mom, I find it a stretch to buy materials these days and I am so thankful for the freebies you so generously share that help me teach my families. I don’t have much time to put together lists or quick references for parents!! Much gratitude!!"

Laura thank you so much. Btw, you have transformed my therapy- I have become such a competent and strong therapist after watching probably like 350 of your videos and podcasts over the past few years. And I am a seasoned therapist with almost 25 years experience. (Yes prob 350 episodes ha!) But there was still a lot I learned from you. I have such a thorough understanding of birth to 3 development and how to properly incorporate appropriate therapeutic goals, techniques and strategies now, thanks to you. Kelly

Hi Laura, I want to thank you so much for the resources you provide, my daughter has delayed speech and though she qualifies for CDS. Honestly the most progress she has made in her speech/language development has been after I implemented your 5 top strategies for delayed talkers! She is now almost 2.5 and her vocabulary is well over 75 (I haven’t counted recently, could be over 100) words when at 2 she barely had four words. Honestly the last few months have been a transformation for her.

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

10 Books That Get Toddlers Talking

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

September 29, 2022

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

As a speech therapist specializing in working with toddlers, books are a go-to activity for me!  Here are a few that have become all time favorites over the years:

My First Learn to Talk Book:

We typically hear little ones imitate fun sounds before they imitate words. This book, written by a Speech Pathologist, is full of these sounds. You can model sounds and gestures to encourage your little one to imitate. It also has a wonderful close-up pictures of toddlers saying the sounds!

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Brown Bear :

I love to sing this one to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle.” Add the animal sounds in to encourage imitation. Pause on wait before saying, “me” and model gesturing to yourself

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Dada/ Everything Mama:

I love the repetition of these books. You can incorporate pausing and waiting to encourage your little one to imitate, “Mama” or “Dada”

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Who Says Peek-a-Boo?

I love this whole series! Encourage imitation of animal sounds throughout the book.” There is a mirror at the end you can encourage your little one to watch your mouth as you say, “Boo!”

best books for 2 year old with speech delay


This book is so fun and I love that it rhymes. It also encourages lip rounding, which we need for the vowels o like “no” and oo such as in “two”

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

My First Noisy Books :

The sounds in this book are perfect for encouraging your little one to imitate. You can also target a word like “push” or “help” throughout

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Oh No, Poo Poo/Pee Pee:

This silly book was written by a Speech Pathologist. Practice telling the dinosaur and puppy, “No, no” or encourage your little one to imitate “eww” if they are beginning to imitate sounds Link here (not available on Amazon): Bjorem Speech Books | Speech Therapy | OH NO Poo-Poo – Bjorem Speech®

Lift the flap books are great because they add an interactive component. Use this book to model animal noises. You can also model knocking on the boxes to encourage imitation of gestures and signing/saying open before you open each box

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

All Better!:

For beginning talkers, I ignore the text and simplify the language such as, “Puppy went boom!” You can model gesture such as blowing a kiss and words like boo-boo and ouch!”

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Goodnight Moon:

This classic book is great for imitation of the gesture and/or sound “shhhh!” If your little one is beginning to use more words, they might enjoy saying, “Night Night” to all the animals

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

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    As a speech therapist specializing in working with toddlers, books are a go-to activity for me!  Here are a few that have become all time favorites over the years:   My First Learn to Talk Book: We typically hear little ones imitate fun sounds before they imitate words. This book, written by a […]

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The 10 best Children’s Picture Books for Speech Delay

The best books for speech delay are books that are both visually engaging and feature short, repeatable sounds that are developmentally appropriate.

For the 2-4 year old toddler crowd we want to be focused on achievable sounds. Words with consonant sounds of /p,m,h,n,w,b/ (ex: bye, bye, moo, hi) and even /k,g,d,t,ng/ (ex: cat, bang, dog) are going to be great targets to work on because we’re going to see more accuracy and faster success when working with these sounds.

See the chart below for your child’s age group. Keep in mind the chart is referring to the range in which 90% of children’s same aged peers have developed these sounds. If your child is 3 and hasn’t mastered /k/ yet, that sound would still not be considered delayed until they are 4.

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Below are our top 10 favorite kids books for speech delay which encourage and entice speech production during readings.

#1 Tiggy the Turtle : A Speech Delay Story

B. Daugherty MS SLP & My Speech Pals Book Series

Best Bedtime Story

Yes we may be bias because it’s written by an MS-SLP (speech and language pathologist) but they really know what to target and it shows in this book.

In the book there are numerous opportunities for short repeatable sounds which are actually achievable & appropriate targets for the 2-4 age range (ta-da, go, etc.). The sounds are done in a sing-song way which makes it feel as if it’s a song and not really speech work. Musical kiddos will love this book.

We love this book not only for its beautiful illustrations but also for the representation of speech delay in a main character, themes of friendship, acceptance, and family.

#2 Quack! Moo! Oink!: Listen to Animals Around the Farm – 10-Button Children’s Sound Book, Ages 2-7 

Parragon Books

Best Interactive Book

What we love about this book is the use of animal sounds and interactive buttons ! Board books for this age group are going to last a long time and make early literacy skills of turning pages easy and manageable. While Tiggy would be a perfect bedtime story, this book is the perfect daytime activity because the buttons may be too exciting for a pre-bed activity.

What is great about using animal sounds for early speech is they’re not only engaging, but they’re also very repeatable. What we hope to see for this book is kids using the buttons before reading, during reading and after reading to stock up on those repetitions.

#3 Boom Chicka Boom

Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault

Best Song and Counting Book

This is one of our favorite hands down children’s book. While the word “Chicka” may trip up some young speakers the repeatable “Boom” is a perfect target for early speakers. If you haven’t seen the YouTube video it’s important to watch that first as you’ll learn the song and rhythm of how the book should be read. This book is excellent for counting skills as well.

#4 The Icky Sticky Frog

Salina Yoon

Best Verb Carryover Book

This book has communication temptation all over it. The book comes with a long sticky icky tongue which kids will love to pull and play with but won’t get lost. We love the amount of repetition, rhyming, and use of fun short achievable words. This sing-song rhyming story is perfect for young kids to play finish the sentence with you as they repeat this book. This book will have your kid saying icky all day long which we love!

#5 Tic Tak the Doggie Dog

B. Daugherty MS SLP, My Speech Pals

Best Simple Word Book

Yes we can’t get enough of My Speech Pals. Tic Tak is actually a sing-a-long book and goes to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” This book is a serious earworm which will make it popular with the kids and hopefully help them to continue singing throughout the day. This book is great for its short words, many of which are in the /t,d,k,g/ realm (2-4 y.o range) making it easy for kids to be successful and accurate with these sounds.

#6 Beyond Words

Best for School Aged Children

#7 Aiden goes to speech

Lisa Mortansen

Best Speech Therapy Book

Many kids with speech delays will end up going to speech therapy at some point to work on their words. This book is a fun story about Aiden who is nervous about going to speech therapy but finds friends and fun in the sessions. This is another “must have” for teachers as certain children are being pulled to go to speech.

#8 A Ball for Daisy

Chris Raschika

Best (nearly) Wordless Book

This New York times bestseller is not a speech book but the easy story line and fun characters make this the perfect speech book… in the right hands. Working on simple words such as “doggie, ball, uh-oh, oh-no, bad dog” you can create a book that caters to the speech sounds you’re looking to produce for your young kiddos. As they progress in speech you can expand your vocabulary to include more complex sounds and word combinations.

#9 The Dinosaur who could not roar: The tale of a speech delayed t-rex

Stephanie Kneisler

Best Dinosaur book

While the use of the word “roar” is not an achievable target for a toddler (we’d be looking for a “waw” from this age) we still love this book for a great speech delay story! This book will be engaging for toddlers who love dinosaurs and we love the use of a main character with speech delay, and the themes of friendship, and courage .

#10 It Takes Two to Talk: A practical guide for parents of children with language delay

Elaine Weitzman

Best for Parents & Increasing Overall Language Exposure

This is a great book to coach parents on how to include more language exposure and opportunities for speech production in the house. This book provides the foundation of how to set up your child for success and build in habits that will last as your child continues to develop as a speaker. What we love about this book is it does not look to change entire routines or ask parents to block out 30 minutes a day to work on speech. Instead this book looks at how to optimize the moments where speech is already there in a supportive way which parents will appreciate.

Honorable Mention

Baby Sign Language made easy: 101 signs to start communicating with your child now

Lane Rebelo

Best for Sign Language

When you go into speech therapy with a non-verbal or limitedly verbal kiddo one of the first things many SLPs will work on is including some basic hand signs into requests. Evidence is still limited but parental reports has supported that inclusion of signs can help better understand toddler requests and reduce frustration in pre-lingual stages.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day what we’re looking for is engagement and interest in any activity that elicits speech production. While these books are great, make sure to look in your own library as well for books you already have which use simple repeatable words.

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5 Must-Have Toddler Books Recommended by an SLP

best books for 2 year old with speech delay

Jamie Lacroix

Toddler books: the building blocks for literacy and learning.

Did you know that reading books with your toddler is a great way to boost their language and literacy skills ?  In addition to setting a strong foundation for future learning, shared reading can also strengthen your bond with your child and nurture a love for books as they grow older. We can’t recommend it enough! On this blog, NAPA SLP Jamie shares her top 5 toddler books to add to your child’s library. Happy reading!

5 Board Books for Toddlers Chosen by an SLP

1. “where’s spot” by eric hill.

Find 5 toddler books recommended by a speech therapist in this blog post!

This interactive lift-the-flap book is very engaging for toddlers. It provides simple language and introduces prepositions. Here are some ideas you can target while reading the book:

  • Vocabulary: identify words like ‘door’ and ‘dog’
  • Yes/no questions while searching for Spot (Is that Spot?)
  • Prepositions: ‘in,’ ‘under,’ ‘behind.’
  • Questions: Where is Spot? Can you find him?
  • Following directions: encourage your child to point to Spot.

2. “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle

Find 5 board books for toddlers recommended by a speech therapist in this blog post!

This book introduces colors and animals and is highly repetitive – making learning fun and predictable!  Here are some ideas you can target while reading the book:

  • Engage your child by pausing on pages with the words ‘I,’ ‘see,’ and ‘me,’ providing opportunities for them to participate by filling in the word.
  • Use the book as a tool to expand your child’s language. For instance, if they say ‘bird, you can model ‘red bird.’
  • Discuss the sounds the animals make.

3. “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” by Eileen Christelow

Find 5 toddler books recommended by a speech therapist in this blog post!

This engaging story is great for learning about body parts, counting, and acting out actions. Here are some ideas you can target while reading the book:

  • Use your fingers to count from one to five.
  • Act out action words like ‘phone’ by mimicking a phone call and bringing your hand to your ear, and use one finger to motion ‘no, no.’
  • Touch your head when the monkey in the story bumps its own head.
  • Introduce rhyming words like ‘head’ and ‘bed.’

4. “Pop up Peek a Boo” by Dawn Sirett

Find 5 board books for toddlers recommended by a speech therapist in this blog post!

This series of pop-up books are full of so many choices!  Animals, body parts, and vehicles are just a few of the developmentally appropriate topics to introduce to your toddler!  Here are some ideas you can target while reading the book:

  • During the repetitive phrase ‘peek a boo,’ pause after saying ‘peek-a’ giving your child the opportunity to produce ‘boo’
  • Highlight the words ‘up’ and ‘down’ as each page opens and closes, reinforcing the concept of movement
  • Encourage your child to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ to the pop-up picture on each page.

5. Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell

Find 5 toddler books recommended by a speech therapist in this blog post!

This fun lift-the-flap book is a great way to develop your child’s language, listening skills, attention, and more.  It’s filled with repetitive phrases, zoo animals, and describing words that will continue to build their vocabulary.  Here are some ideas you can target while reading the book:

  • Engage in role-play to act out various descriptive words such as ‘scary,’ ‘grumpy,’ and ‘tall.’
  • Explore prepositions like ‘in,’ and ‘back.’
  • Expand vocabulary by discussing sizes (big, small, tall) and attributes (grumpy, jumpy)

Inspire a Lifelong Love of Reading With These Toddler Books

Early exposure to reading sets the stage for future academic success and provides a solid foundation for lifelong learning. It sparks imagination, promotes cognitive development, and introduces them to a world of knowledge, as well as cherished moments between you and your child.

Find Additional Resources in the NAPA Blog:

  • 5 Easy Tips to Encourage Your Toddler’s Speech Development
  • The Difference Between Receptive and Expressive Language
  • 5 Great Language Development Activities
  • 3 Activities to Promote Oral Language Development

About the Author

While researching different ways to help her children, both of whom needed speech services, Jamie discovered a love for the world of speech and language. Like many moms, she relies on and appreciates how her kid’s speech therapists have transformed her family’s life and overall wellbeing. Jamie insists, “There is no better feeling than working with a child and seeing them grow with their speech, language, and communication.”

About NAPA Center

NAPA offers speech therapy to children of all ages to address delays and disorders in expressive/receptive language, articulation, oral motor dysfunction, apraxia of speech, social language, fluency, feeding and swallowing, and cognitive skills.

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My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child's Language Development

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Kimberly Scanlon

My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child's Language Development Paperback – November 6, 2012

  • Print length 113 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date November 6, 2012
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 0.29 x 11 inches
  • ISBN-10 1477693548
  • ISBN-13 978-1477693544
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

From the author, about the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; First Edition (November 6, 2012)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 113 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1477693548
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1477693544
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 10.9 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.29 x 11 inches
  • #146 in Communicative Disorders in Special Ed. (Books)
  • #427 in Parenting & Family Reference
  • #766 in Baby & Toddler Parenting

About the author

Kimberly scanlon.

Kimberly is a New Jersey-licensed speech pathologist and is nationally certified by the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA). She is also the Top Selling author of "My Toddler Talks", the critically acclaimed interactive picture book, "Learning to Read is a Ball", and her latest book, "My Toddler's First Words". Kimberly is a creative thinker and a passionate therapist who believes that children should have fun in therapy. Kimberly has had the opportunity to hone her skills by working in various settings serving all ages, populations, and disorders. She is a four time recipient of ASHA's award for continuing education (ACE). She graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science and earned her Master of Arts in Communication Disorders from Montclair State University.

In addition to writing books and blog posts, Kimberly is busy running her private practice, Scanlon Speech Therapy. Kimberly lives in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

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Customers say

Customers find the book useful for teaching parents how to talk with their toddlers. They say it provides a great guide for working with their son in the house. Readers also mention the book is easy to explain and follow, with step-by-step tips and simple ideas. They appreciate the fun activities and find them engaging.

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Customers find the book useful for teaching parents how to talk with their toddlers. They say it provides a great guide for working with their sons in the house. Readers also mention the book gives specific advice in a progressive format.

"...This book is extremely engaging and I've seen great results with my toddler . Give it a whirll. Can't sing praises enough." Read more

"...The book is impressive and incredibly helpful for children in speech or special education services or parents looking to do work on their own...." Read more

"...I found the instructional part helpful , but the activities seemed pretty basic and I would have had to purchase additional supplies for most of the..." Read more

" Great guide for parents and toddlers Love the simple activities easy to follow and do. Great advises for parents :)" Read more

Customers find the book easy to explain and follow. They appreciate the step-by-step tips, simple ideas, and specifics on how to play with kids. Readers also mention the book is structured well with detailed descriptions and provides many practical ideas.

" about this book for your toddlers is that it's more than just a speech book - it's a hands on, deep learning activity in almost all cases...." Read more

"...The author is knowelgeble and her expertise is presented in a fun way. I highly recommend this to all parents of toddlers regardless of need." Read more

"...Love the simple activities easy to follow and do . Great advises for parents :)" Read more

" Structured well with detailed descriptions , many practical ideas...." Read more

Customers find the book's activities fun and engaging. They say it shares lots of ideas about play activities that will help them be proactive with their sons' speech. Readers also mention the book does a great job of keeping everyone busy and entertained. In addition, they appreciate the practical and fun ideas to help toddlers with their speech.

"...This book is extremely engaging and I've seen great results with my toddler. Give it a whirll. Can't sing praises enough." Read more

"...The author is knowelgeble and her expertise is presented in a fun way . I highly recommend this to all parents of toddlers regardless of need." Read more

"...Pleasantly surprised that it is not a dry book and that everything in the book is actionable and useful right away." Read more

"...The activities are practical and hands on and I love that the author has so much experience in the field of speech pathology and toddler development...." Read more

Customers find the book repetitive and not exhaustive.

"Pretty much what I expected. Some of the things are repetitive , but all in all very clear concise ideas for speech therapy." Read more

"...The information is good, but not exhaustive ...." Read more

"Just not that helpful, and very repetitious to make the book longer ." Read more

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best books for 2 year old with speech delay


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  1. 10 Best Books to Help Your Toddler With Speech Delay

    1. My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities To Promote Your Child’s Language Development by Kimberly Scanlon. 2.The Speech Teacher’s Handbook: A Parent’s Guide to Speech and Language by Molly Dresner. 3. Counting Kisses by Karen Katz. 4. The Pigeon Has Feelings Too! By Mo Willems. 5. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Numeroff. 6.

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    Before I share my list of GREAT Books for Toddlers, let me pass on my BEST tidbits of wisdom I’ve discovered during my 20+ year career for using books with toddlers with speech-language delays. The first recommendation is critical: If a young child HATES books, don’t force him to read!

  3. Books that Encourage Speech Development in Toddlers — My ...

    These are some of my favorite books to read with toddlers to encourage speech and language development. I share some specifics for why I like each book, but a commonality for all is that every book is cute, repetitive, lyrical, and relatively short, making them perfect for toddlers.

  4. Best Books for Speech Therapy for Toddlers -

    In my podcast #416 Making Books Better for Toddlers with Language Delays Part Two, I demonstrated strategies for the following goals with specific books for speech therapy sessions and recommend to parents. Here’s that list for you.

  5. 10 Books That Get Toddlers Talking - The Speech Dynamic

    As a speech therapist specializing in working with toddlers, books are a go-to activity for me! Here are a few that have become all time favorites over the years: My First Learn to Talk Book: We typically hear little ones imitate fun sounds before they imitate words. This book, written by a Speech Pathologist, is full of these sounds.

  6. The 10 best Children’s Picture Books for Speech Delay

    The best books for speech delay are books that are both visually engaging and feature short, repeatable sounds that are developmentally appropriate. For the 2-4 year old toddler crowd we want to be focused on achievable sounds.

  7. 5 Must-Have Toddler Books Recommended by an SLP - NAPA

    Speech therapist shares 5 toddler books to help boost language, literacy, and learning. Includes interactive board books. Happy reading!

  8. Our Favorite Books to Help Toddlers Talk - Wee Talkers

    Books can easily be adapted to meet your toddler’s skill level. Depending on their level and their needs, you can simplify a book or make it more language-rich simply by choosing which words and sentences you say or don’t say out loud as you read.

  9. My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your ...

    Textbook theory and evidenced-based speech therapy techniques are applied in an enjoyable and user-friendly way. Whether you're a parent or a professional, Kimberly shows you how to engage your toddler with play routines that stimulate speech while having fun.

  10. 5 Great Toddler Speech Delay Books -

    When you watch your child struggling to talk, you look for help and we have come up with 5 Great Toddler Speech Delay Books. These books outline tips for making your kids vocabulary larger in easy ways.