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Sample law school personal statement essays, get accepted speak with an admissions expert today.

  • Sample Essays

You are a thoughtful, intelligent, and unique individual. You already know that—now you just need to convince top law school adcoms that you're a cut above the rest. To do so you need to write a powerful personal statement for law school. Let's first discuss what that personal statement should be and then examine examples and what made them powerful.

A law school personal statement tells the part of your story that reveals your motivation for attending law school and the reasons you will make a great lawyer (or whatever career you want to pursue after law school). 

By reading the sample law school essays provided below, you should get a clear idea of how to translate your qualifications, passions, and individual experiences into words. You will see that the samples here employ a creative voice, use detailed examples, and draw the reader in with a clear writing style. Most importantly, these personal statements are compelling—each one does a fine job of convincing you that the author of the essay is a human being worth getting to know, or better yet, worth having in your next top law school class.

These sample law school personal statement essays are here to stimulate your writing juices, not to shut them down or persuade you to think that these essays represent templates that you must follow. The writers of these essays, who were all once law school applicants just like you, sat down, thought about their stories, and crafted these essays. However, their first step, significant self-reflection and thought, you can’t see. They didn’t use a template or try to shoehorn their story into someone else’s story. You shouldn’t either. But you should take the same first step that they took: Think about your life, the influences upon it, and why you want to obtain a legal education. 

Your story will be different from these author’s stories, but as you review all four of the sample essays you will see commonalities among them, which are highlighted below. You will also see that they are very different essays written by individuals reflecting their different life experiences and dreams. The authors of each of these essays were all accepted to law school, in some cases to elite U.S. law schools. 

Now let’s explore what you can learn from each of these outstanding sample law school essays.

Lessons from Law School Sample Essay #1: The Archaeologist Enthusiast  

  • Attention-grabbing opening - The author of the essay immediately grabs the readers’ attention by placing them in the midst of the scene and vividly conveying what the author felt and saw as well as the excitement she felt. 
  • Vivid, visual opening and consistent use of opening imagery - You can practically feel the dripping sweat and the heat at the opening of this essay because the applicant used vivid, sensory language that we can all relate to. She also quickly develops a metaphor comparing archaeological excavation with research in general and legal research specifically. She uses the imagery of archaeology (“finding the shard of glass,” “reconstructing the pot”) consistently throughout the personal statement to convey not only the unusual experiences she’s had in the past, but to show her love of research and analysis. 
  • A clear theme that ties the essay together-  Her essay has a clear theme, which she states at the end of the first paragraph and in her conclusion. (You may not need to state it twice; that depends on your essay.) The applicant also relates every experience in the essay to her theme of research, analysis, and discovery. 
  • Solid structure - Because her theme is so strong, the essay is easy to follow even though she has diverse experiences that aren’t obviously related to each other – archaeology in Spain, research on Colombian environmental policy, working for an online real estate company considering entry into the art market, and her travels.
  • Good use of transitions - Transitions help your reader move from one topic to the next as you connect the topic in the preceding paragraph to the topic in the next. They can consist of a few words or a phrase or simply repetition of the topic by name as opposed to using a pronoun. The first paragraph in this sample essay ends with “research and analysis” and the next paragraph begins with “The challenge of researching and analyzing an unknown subject” as she turns from her introduction to her enjoyment of academic life and the research she had done in college. 

While one could argue that perhaps she has too many subtopics in this essay, because of the strong theme and excellent use of transitions, the essay holds together and highlights her diversity of experience, curiosity, and sense of adventure. 

Most importantly this law school personal statement earned its author a seat at an elite T10 law school.

Click here to read the essay >>  

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Lessons from Law School Sample Essay #2: Returning to School 

This sample law school personal statement is about half the length of Essay 1 and concentrates on the author’s post-college work experience. In its brevity and focus it’s the mirror image of Law School Essay 1. The contrast between the two highlights the diversity that can work in law school essays.

This applicant writes about the impact of his work experience on his law school goals – with no discussion of extracurricular activities, hobbies, or travels. He had a tight word limit on his personal statement and simply had to be concise. Regardless of the narrower focus and shorter length, this essay also shares certain elements with Essay 1 and in both cases it leads to an engaging personal statement and acceptance. Let’s review them:

  • Engaging, vivid opening that grabs attention - The applicant plops the reader right into his story and challenge: how to persuade the tired, grouchy doctors that the product he’s selling is better than the one they have been prescribing.
  • A detailed story of his developing interest in law and relevant experience - Using just enough details, he tells his story starting with research that led to evidence-based persuasion. He also highlights his success, which led him to be named Rookie of the Year. He then goes on to explain that he now seeks new, more-lasting intellectual challenge than he currently has as a pharmaceutical sales rep because the industry, or at least his segment of it, changes slowly.
  • Direction within law - Based on his background in science and his work in Big Pharma, he has direction in law. He clearly states that he wants to go into medical law. Given his background and work experience, that goal builds logically on his past, and is distinctive. 
  • Ties the essay back to the opening - At the end of his essay, he references “his grumpy physicians” and “staring at his professor…” Sometimes applicants will start an essay with a catchy opening that grabs attention, but has little or nothing to do with the rest of the essay. When reading that kind of essay, the opening feels like a tease or a gimmick. In this essay, the applicant paints a picture of what he faces on a typical workday at the beginning, refers back to the opening scene in his conclusion, and contrasts that experience with what he hopes to face when in law school. It’s not a gimmick. It unifies the story.

This applicant was accepted at several T14 law schools.

Click here to read the essay >>

Law School Sample Essay #3: The Twilight Zone

There is a story behind this law school personal statement. This applicant, a very early Accepted client, during her first meeting said that she wanted to write about a trip to Country X. When asked about the trip, she said, “Oh, I’ve never been to Country X, but I know many people who have visited, and I haven’t done anything interesting.” 

Surprised at this unexpected approach, her consultant asked if she had any creative writing experience. The client said she didn’t. The consultant said that she too lacked creative writing experience and suggested they discuss what the client had done as opposed to what she hadn’t. This essay is the result of that (and other) conversations. It is an oldie but goodie.

Let’s take a look at the lessons in this sample law school essay:

  • Don’t ever feel you don’t have a story to tell. Every single one of us has a story, and you don’t have to make one up or borrow someone else’s. Tell yours proudly and authentically.
  • Launch with a vivid, engaging opening.  While her opening is a more frightening than the other openings, it definitely grips the reader’s attention and starts her story.
  • Always have a clear theme.  Everything in this essay relates to the impact of the earthquake on her and specifically her decision to become a public interest lawyer. 
  • Tell a story.  This personal statement tells the story of the earthquake’s impact on the applicant. In telling her story, she highlights her community service, her internship, and the evolution of her goals. 
  • Use effective transitions.  As she moves from topic to topic, the author effectively carries the reader along. Look at the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next one throughout the essay. You’ll see that in every case, there is either a word, phrase, or concept that ties one to the other. 
  • Write a conclusion that really brings the essay to a close and contributes to the sense of unity while still looking forward. The applicant repeats her thesis that her career direction was shaped by the earthquake and its aftermath. She touches on key experiences (and achievements) that she wants the reader to remember, looks briefly forward, and ties back to the Twilight Zone opening.

This client was accepted to her top choice law school.

Lessons from Law School Sample Essay #4: Change 

This essay takes a different approach than the other three essays. The theme opens the essay followed by images and sounds that make the change she is experienced something the reader can also experience or at least imagine because the applicant uses sensory language. The writer also takes a chronological approach to tell her story of change and how it shaped her. 

The author in this essay chooses not to directly address her reasons for wanting to attend law school. However, the essay still works. The essay highlights her communications skills, research, international exposure, bilingual language skills, and initiative.

However here, too, there are lessons to be learned and some may sound familiar.

  • Clear theme - Yes, this takeaway is in this essay as well as the preceding three. In fact, for any effective essay, you need a clear theme.
  • Effective use of specifics and anecdote - Whether referencing the “bleak Wisconsin winter,” the fact her mother added “barbecued brisket” to her menu in Texas, or the cultural challenges she faced in Bolivia, she effectively illustrates her ability to deal with change and adapt throughout her life. 
  • A conclusion that shows her evolution and growth - She subtly, but clearly reveals an evolution in her adaptability from complete adoption of the mores of her surroundings in New Jersey to more nuanced adaptability where she chooses what she wants to adopt and reject as she deals with change as an adult. Finally, while change is something she has to deal with throughout most of the essay by the conclusion she views it as an opportunity for growth.

Takeaways from These Law School Statement Samples

  • There are an infinite number of ways to write a law school personal statement that will help you get accepted. 
  • Begin your essay with an opening that grabs your reader’s attention. In today’s age of short attention spans and very busy people, there should be no long, slow warm ups. Put your reader in the scene as soon as they start reading.
  • Use sensory language to engage your reader and help them imagine experiencing what you were going through. Reference scenes, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes as appropriate.
  • Have a clear theme. Unless you are James Joyce, a stream of consciousness will not work. Know the core idea you want your essay to convey and ruthlessly ensure that every subtopic supports that idea. If it doesn’t, either make the connection clear or delete.
  • Use transitions to take your reader with you through your story.
  • Use specifics and anecdotes to support your theme in a distinctive way while highlighting your achievements.
  • Write a conclusion that contributes to the unity of your essay. Highlight key points in your conclusion. While you can take your theme into the future in your conclusion, it still must relate to your core idea and build on what preceded it. If you can tie your ending back to your opening, your essay will have a stronger sense of coherence. 

How would I like to see these essays improved? I would like to see them, with the exception of Essay 2, address why they are applying to a given school. Essay 2 didn’t have room for that. 

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Do you need guidance ensuring that your law school personal statement essay reflects you authentically and incorporates the lessons from these sample law school essays? Work one-on-one with an Accepted  law school admissions consultant  with years of experience in law school admissions. Your advisor looks forward to  helping you tell your compelling story .  

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Tips For Law School Personal Statements: Examples, Resources And More

Brandon Galarita

Updated: Mar 22, 2024, 4:48pm

Tips For Law School Personal Statements: Examples, Resources And More

Tens of thousands of undergraduates pursue law school every year, and the competition for admission is fierce.

When it comes to admissions, your law school personal statement is not as impactful as your LSAT scores or undergraduate GPA. Still, a personal statement can be the deciding factor when competing with other applicants.

In this article, we discuss how to write a law school personal statement that demonstrates why you belong in a Juris Doctor (J.D.) program.

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What Is a Law School Personal Statement?

A law school personal statement is a multi-paragraph essay or narrative highlighting the reason you are pursuing a J.D. degree . This essay is an opportunity to share your identity with an admissions committee—beyond just transcripts and test scores.

Personal statements are typically two to four pages long. Most law schools do not provide specific prompts for applicants’ statements, but some do. Either way, the content of your statement should leave a strong impression.

Why Do Law Schools Ask for Personal Statements?

Law schools receive a high volume of applications and typically do not contact applicants for interviews until after reviewing their applications. As a result, personal statements largely act as a substitute for the applicant interview process.

Your personal statement serves as a writing sample that shows your ability to communicate ideas effectively. In addition to demonstrating your ability to write well, a personal statement can give an admissions committee a clear picture of your motivations for attending law school and indicate how well you might fit into their program.

If you’re wondering how to become a lawyer , law school is the first step—and your personal statement is important to the law school application process.

How To Write a Law School Personal Statement

Writing a law school personal statement can be a challenging part of the application process, involving hours of planning and drafting. However, with solid brainstorming and prewriting strategies, you can craft an effective personal statement that illustrates how you are a strong candidate for law school.

Picking What to Write About

If your prospective school does not provide a prompt, choosing what to write about can be frustrating and time-consuming.

Start with a serious brainstorming session to get your ideas on paper. Give yourself the license to explore every experience or idea before deciding on your final topic.

Consider spending time jotting down every idea that falls into the following categories:

  • Life events or experiences that motivated you or changed your perspective
  • A meaningful personal achievement and what you learned from it
  • How you became interested in the law
  • Your passions and how they contributed to your individual goals

Structuring Your Law School Personal Statement

The structure and method you use to craft your statement is important. It might be tempting to follow a rigid formula and write a personal statement that methodically unpacks your reason for attending law school, your qualifications and the relevance of your extracurricular engagements. However, some of the most effective personal statements are crafted through a narrative approach.

Well-written narratives are engaging and illustrate why law school would benefit your career path. Your essay should exhibit your dedication and passion for the law and highlight the relationship between your values and your target law school. By creating a narrative with a common theme woven throughout, you can captivate your reader while informing them of your qualifications and goals.

Rather than overtly telling the reader why you should be accepted into law school, a narrative allows its audience to make connections and engage at a personal level. Your anecdotes and specific examples should reveal the traits you want the admissions committee to see and appreciate.

What Makes a ‘Good’ Law School Personal Statement?

Law school admissions teams read hundreds, even thousands of personal statements, so it’s important to write one that stands out. Ultimately, a good law school personal statement engages the reader, provides a unique perspective and demonstrates why you would make a good candidate for law school.

Choose a Unique Topic

A personal statement is exactly that: personal. Crafting a memorable narrative is paramount and dependent on your story and unique life experiences, especially since reviewers read so many personal statements with similar stories and themes.

Unfortunately, certain topics can come across as cliche. This is not to say that your lived experience of overcoming adversity or your time spent volunteering to help those in need is undervalued. However, those narratives have motivated thousands of aspiring attorneys to pursue law—meaning they have appeared in thousands of law school personal statements.

Give Specific Examples

Once you’ve selected a topic, take time to unpack the examples you plan to share and how they tie into the “why” behind your pursuit of law school. General statements are not only boring to read but lack the depth of meaning required to make an impact. Specific examples are critical to creating interest and highlighting the uniqueness of your personal experience.

According to law school admissions consultant and founder of PreLawPro, Ben Cooper, “It is always great to have a story that speaks for you. A story that demonstrates certain qualities or a key lesson learned is always more compelling than simply saying, ‘I am dedicated, responsible etc.’ ”

Be Personal and Reflective

Law schools want to see critical thinking skills and deep reflection in applicants’ personal essays. Before you write, consider a few questions. Is your story unique to you? What was the primary conflict in your story? How did you develop over time? How does this story reflect who you are now and how law school suits you? Take time to ponder what challenges you’ve overcome and what events and experiences have shaped your worldview.

Common Pitfalls for a Law School Personal Statement

Before you invest hours writing an essay just for it to fall flat, make sure you’re aware of the most common pitfalls for law school personal statements.

Failing To Follow Instructions

Law schools set specific formatting and length guidelines. Reading comprehension and attention to detail are key skills for law school success, so failing to meet these expectations could count against your application or even result in an automatic rejection.

Length and formatting requirements vary among law schools. For example, if a school expects no more than two pages, 11-point font, 1-inch margins and double spacing, make sure to format your personal statement precisely according to those specifications. We advise tailoring your personal statement to each individual school to avoid violating any formatting requirements.

If a law school asks you to answer a specific prompt or write multiple essays, make sure to follow those instructions as well.

Not Revising And Proofreading

Nothing screams a lack of effort, interest and commitment like an unpolished personal statement. Admissions teams will quickly notice if you skip proofreads and revisions, even if the content of your essay is exceptional.

This step entails much more than running a spelling and grammar check. You must ensure that the order of information is purposeful and logical. Each word you use should be intentional and add value to the story you are trying to tell.

Revising an essay is not a one-person job. Have others provide feedback, too. Your peers and mentors are a great place to start, as long as they give objective feedback.

Also ask people you do not know to provide feedback. You might start with your university’s writing center . Writing centers employ trained writing tutors who are skilled in providing feedback across disciplines. A writing center tutor will not proofread your essay, but they assist in making it reach its full potential.

Using Flowery Or Overly Academic Language

The voice and tone of your personal statement should flow naturally and reflect who you are. This doesn’t require flowery or overly academic language, which can make your essay sound more obtuse and less personal.

As we stated earlier, your personal statement should use specific examples and stories to generate interest and reveal why you want to attend law school and become a lawyer.

Likewise, you should avoid using excessive legal language or famous quotes in your statement. Admissions reviewers are academics, so if you use a term improperly, they will catch it. Use language that you feel comfortable with, without being too informal, and allow your narrative to convey your intended themes and ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Law School Personal Statements

What is a good personal statement for law school.

A good personal statement for law school is original, engaging, truthful and well-structured. When composing your personal statement, take time to reflect on your life experiences and how they led you to pursue a legal career. Follow each school’s required format, make sure to proofread carefully and use natural-sounding language.

How much does a law school personal statement matter?

Law school admissions committees typically place more emphasis on your LSAT performance and undergraduate academic record—including your GPA and the rigor of your course of study—but a personal statement can still have a powerful impact on the success of your application. A strong essay can help you stand out from the crowd, and conversely, a clichéd, poorly written or incorrectly formatted essay can hurt your chances.

Do law schools fact-check personal statements?

Assume that law school admissions officers may fact-check any verifiable information in your personal statement. They may not know if you are presenting your motivations for applying or your career plans honestly, but they can—and will—check whether, for example, you participated in a particular student organization or attended a specific conference.

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Brandon Galarita is a freelance writer and K-12 educator in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is passionate about technology in education, college and career readiness and school improvement through data-driven practices.

Brenna Swanston is an education-focused editor and writer with a particular interest in education equity and alternative educational paths. As a newswriter in her early career, Brenna's education reporting earned national awards and state-level accolades in California and North Carolina. Since 2018, she has worked in the higher-education web content space, where she aims to help current and prospective students of all backgrounds find effective, accessible pathways to rewarding careers.

Ben Cooper the founder and CEO of PreLawPro, a law school admissions and career consulting firm. He is a former international lawyer who spent much of his legal career as a litigator in London’ financial district. After leaving private practice he oversaw the Pre-Law program at Baylor University, where he taught college classes on the legal profession, law school admissions, careers, and academic success. He has also helped students explore careers in diplomacy, intelligence and national security. After almost a decade of working with college students and young professionals, Ben has helped hundreds of law school applicants gain admission to law schools all over the country. Ben also coaches and mentors college students and young professionals (across a broad range of industries) as they navigate their education and careers.

“Why This Law School?” Essay Example

Plus, an expert “why this law school” interview answer.

Why this law school

“Why this law school?” is a common law school optional essay prompt and law school interview question you must prepare for. This question is particularly intimidating because you need to do a bit of homework before you can compose a strong response to this question. How do you do this? In our article, we go over sample answers to this question, as well as explain the rationale behind it and provide you with the most comprehensive guide on how to compose your answer. Let’s dive in!

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Important note on the “why this law school” prompt.

Firstly, you should know that this law school essay prompt can be worded in many, many ways. It is not guaranteed that your chosen law schools in Canada and the US will present you with the exact prompt “Why are you choosing our school?”. But you must read between the lines. Some schools will ask you questions like:

“How do your goals and values match Penn Carey Law’s core strengths?” (University of Pennsylvania)

“what do you want to experience at stanford” (stanford university).

What are these prompts really asking you? They are asking why you are pursuing UPenn and Stanford specifically – in other words, “why this law school?”.

After you read this blog, you will have a strong strategy for writing this type of essay or answering this law school interview question and therefore will be able to compose a great narrative for any school you pursue. The key is not to miss identifying this common prompt among the prompts you encounter during the application or interview. So, it’s important to be on the lookout for this question even if it is not worded exactly the same way in every school.

Since we already mentioned a prompt from Stanford Law School , let’s review a sample essay for their prompt. And before we jump in, this is what Stanford Law School has to say about its culture:

“At SLS, we are driven by a passion for new ideas and a commitment to transformative solutions. True to our roots in Silicon Valley and our Stanford heritage, we focus on the future — not the past. Experimentation, exploration, the translation of new knowledge into entrepreneurial solutions: All are in our DNA.”

So, how can this inspire your essay? Here’s an example:

Prompt: “What do you want to experience at Stanford?" (100- to 250-word max)

Stanford Law School is always at the frontlines of innovation, and I want to experience and, more importantly, contribute to the transformations that will be taking place in our country's legal and social systems with the help of Stanford Law School, its faculty, and alumni. My background and achievements clearly demonstrate my dedication to innovation and progress. As the president of my college’s Law and Business Society, I have had the privilege of organizing and hosting our annual conference “Innovations in Digital Law” for three consecutive years. These colloquiums were a great chance to collaborate with and learn from my peers all over the United States and Canada. With over 2000 people in attendance, we were able to team up with many other college law societies to publish a small student journal “Law Innovations Today” that included 10 of the brightest works presented at the conference. The success of our conference led to an invitation to the Global Legal Innovations Summit in 20xx, which I attended as a speaker. Not only was I able to showcase my research and findings on global laws regarding terrorism, but I was able to meet with Stanford Law School faculty member Dr. ABC, whose course on Biomedical Innovation Law and Policy I look forward to taking at Stanford. (213 words)

By the way, try not to repeat yourself too much in your application. So if you already shared an experience with the admissions committee via your law school personal statement , then you should avoid telling the same story in your “why this law school?” essay. However, you can try to highlight different aspects of the same story in different application components. For example, your Stanford Law School personal statement can emphasize your leadership and logistical skills demonstrated in the Law and Business Society, but your “why this law school?” essay can emphasize your public speaking skills and dedication to innovation (as per the prompt). But keep in mind that we strongly encourage you to showcase different strengths and experiences in different parts of your application – so using different stories is best.

“Why This Law School?” Interview Answer

The last hurdle before the admissions committee makes its decision is the interview, which has a great effect on law school acceptance rates . This means that every one of your answers will impact your admissions chances.

You should also be expecting the "why our law school?" question in an interview. Along with “tell me about yourself” and “ why do you want to study law ?”, this is one of the most common questions in law school admissions. A verbal answer is a little more difficult to deliver, but a strong strategy and practice in mock law school interviews will lead to strong results. And remember that if you are asked the question “why this law school” both via application and interview, you should not provide the same answer. Use this as an opportunity to express other aspects of your candidacy to showcase further what a perfect candidate you are. To find more inspiration, check out the law school’s mission statement, research projects, faculty, and other academic and social goals. For example, here's a part of Stanford’s mission statement:

“[to] Bring legal services to those groups that would otherwise lack access to adequate legal representation.”

If we stick with Stanford Law School, here's a verbal interview answer you could provide for the question “What do you want to experience at Stanford?”:

Growing up, I did not know what it means to have a right to legal representation. I did not know that every citizen has the right to a lawyer. I might have heard of this in movies or TV shows, but I thought this never applied to me or anyone like me. Attorneys and the rule of law were something from a different life, not the one I was living.

But as our country went through social changes and upheavals like the Ferguson uprising, I became obsessed with learning about our legal system and the rule of law. It was disturbing to realize that while the law was used against certain groups of citizens, these groups could not use the law to defend themselves. I was about to start high school when the Ferguson uprisings began, and when I began grade 9, I formed a small legal club in my high school. There were just 3 of us at first, the other two being my best friends and neighbors since we were 6. But our spirits were not diminished due to our small size – we organized an assembly on racial disparities in criminal justice before a basketball game. While most students were bored and couldn’t wait for the game to start, we did get 2 new members after the assembly. This is how our club grew, and eventually, we started having assemblies before every sports game to educate our peers on their legal rights and opportunities. At Stanford, I want to be a part of the change that promotes awareness and knowledge of every citizen’s legal rights. As an institution that is dedicated to diversity, I hope that it will help me become an educational and helpful voice in my community.

Note that this essay would have also been a wonderful submission for the law school diversity statement , but it works really well here too because the speaker addresses the school’s prompt, as well as its values and goals. This just goes to show that you can speak to a variety of experiences and qualities in your application – use these opportunities to demonstrate your strengths and suitability for your chosen schools!

Best Step-by-Step Strategy for “Why This Law School?” Question

Here's why the "why this law school?" question is tricky: while the question is asking you why a certain school attracted you over others, it’s also asking you why you would be a good fit for it. So, you cannot and should not leave your answer one-sided. In other words, you cannot focus only on what the school can give you – you must also showcase what the school will gain by admitting you. And this is the balance you must keep in your essay or interview answer.

Note the two responses we include above. Why were they strong? Here’s why:

They use the tactic of \u201cshow, don\u2019t tell\u201d and express their suitability with strong and vivid stories of accomplishments that showcase why Stanford should want them to be a part of their upcoming cohort. "}]">

So, your number one strategy for the "why our law school?” question should be to identify which experiences and qualities make you a suitable applicant for the school you’re applying to and to demonstrate this suitability via an example of an experience that reveals that you share values and goals with your school.

Easier said than done, right? Here’re the steps you can take to accomplish just that:

  • Thoroughly research the school you’re applying to/interviewing with. Find out everything you can about its culture, mission, goals, faculty, projects, course curriculum, diversity efforts, history, campus life, and so on.
  • Write down the aspects of the school that most interest you and the ones you resonate with the most. For example, if you are a strong advocate for diversity, you may be drawn by the diversity programs of the school; or maybe there is a course that you are particularly interested in, or maybe there is an internship opportunity only this school provides.
  • Brainstorm which of your experiences, events, and skills align with the most attractive part of the school for you. Essentially, you need to showcase what you can add to this already existing aspect of the school and improve it further. So, if it’s diversity, maybe you are an immigrant with experience advocating diversity in the legal profession. If it’s curriculum, you can demonstrate how you prepared for it via undergrad courses, work experiences, law school extracurriculars , and so on, and how your classmates will benefit from you being there.

Take your time to reflect on this. Your answer may change and morph over time. This is why it is so important to browse and brainstorm law school essay topics and learn how to prepare for a law school interview in advance. Once you narrow down what you want to say, follow this structure to formulate your answer:

  • Give a brief statement about which aspect of the school attracts you most. It can be a couple of things, but stick to 1 or 2 at most.
  • Use an event or experience from your life that demonstrates why you are interested in this aspect of the school and what would make you a valuable member of the law school community.  
  • Finish with what you hope to accomplish at your law school with regard to its most attractive quality.

Follow this structure, and you will be sure to ace any “why this law school?” question variations.

If it’s an essay, make sure to keep it within the required length. Do not go over the word/character limit. However, you can keep it under the maximum length. If you can create a strong narrative under the word limit, that’s wonderful. Strong, succinct answers are always best.

If it’s an interview, try to keep your answer no longer than 2 minutes. Brief, but complete answers will be valued more than long and rambling ones.

Address the prompt

Remember what we said at the beginning: this question can be posed in many different ways. The intent of this prompt stays the same no matter how it is worded, but its wording may affect what qualities and experiences you highlight. For example, we referred to a prompt from the UPenn Law School earlier in the article and here it is again:

“How do your goals and values match Penn Carey Law’s core strengths?”

The prompt is very clear that you have to refer to a specific aspect of Penn Carey Law’s values and mission, so do not dismiss this and write about something else.

Keep it structured

There may be dozens of reasons you want to go to a specific law school, but for the best and most effective answer, you should choose no more than 1 or 2. This will help you keep your answer to the point and make sure you stick to answering the question. If it’s an interview, you do not want to ramble on; if it’s an essay, you do not want to submit an unstructured, confusing answer. Follow the structure we outline above and keep it sweet and short.

Show, don’t tell

We encourage our students to follow this rule for all essays and interview questions. It just makes for a better answer if you paint a picture by sharing an experience or a story that highlights your suitability. No number of claims that you possess a quality will replace a story that truly showcases that you possess it.

Get professional help

If you are struggling with your applications and interview prep, get some professional help. Many law school applicants find it difficult to talk about their accomplishments, their unique qualities, and their suitability. In fact, one of the most challenging aspects of the law school application is the supplemental essays. Most students struggle with the law school diversity statement thinking that they have nothing to write about, or they really want to avoid speaking about their setbacks in prompts that ask for any gaps in their academic background. But all you need is a good strategy and even the setbacks will be seen as strengths! Professionals can help you get into law school with a low GPA , low LSAT, and other common setbacks. If you are not sure about your application or interview strategy, we strongly recommend getting the help of law school admissions consulting experts. 

The law schools want to see whether you are a good candidate for their schools and whether you are being selective or applying to any school. Demonstrating knowledge of the school’s mission and values will showcase that you have done your homework and selected a specific school where you will excel. 

In some way or another, most law schools will ask you this question in the supplemental application or the interview.

Yes, they are different. Whether explicit or not, your law school personal statement should answer a more general question “why do you want to be a lawyer?”. 

Some schools make supplemental applications a requirement that you must complete. Others make them optional. In the latter case, we advise you to submit optional essays because they are a great way for you to further demonstrate your suitability. 

Start by providing a brief explanation about why this school interested you so much. Then talk about an experience that would contribute to this aspect of the law school you’re pursuing.   

Make sure to follow the word/character limits provided. If they are not indicated in the instructions, try reaching out to the admissions office.

Keep your answer to 1 or 2 minutes long.

Law school supplemental essay prompts can include questions that ask you to discuss gaps and setbacks in your journey to law school, what you can contribute to the incoming class and campus, and what steps prepared you for the study of law. While these are the most common, you should be prepared for quirky and unexpected questions as well.

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why i want to go to law school essay

Explaining Why You’re Applying to Their Law School (The "Why X" Essay)

Among the many optional essays law schools may ask you to write, one of the most common is the "Why X" essay—essentially, an essay in which you describe to the law school why you are interested in attending that school in particular.

On a cursory level, it may seem very easy to write this type of essay. You write one template, drop in the proper nouns related to the specific institutions, and you’re ready to submit. This method can produce a very generic essay, though, and one that likely won't help your chances of admission. If it feels like fluff, it most likely is a bit superficial, and admissions committees will quickly make the same determination—they have seen this all before.

What’s the best approach, then, to craft a “Why X” essay that truly makes a positive impact on your application and is distinct for each school?

The University of Pennsylvania Law School, for example, asks the “Why Penn” question in a unique manner that is designed to get you to a deeper level. Essentially, Penn asks you to identify how your interests, goals, and values connect to Penn Law’s core values. This concept is a great direction for any Why X Law School essay. Figure out what motivates you, find those opportunities at each law school that requires a “Why X” essay, and then highlight those activities in your essay. Don’t just list them—instead, connect them to what motivates you.

“I’m an EMT and a Health Science major, and I’ve seen America’s health crisis from both the academic and practical level on the ground. I want to get involved in Princeton Law School’s Rural Health Clinic because too many people do not know how to navigate the system.”

“I’m an engineer, and Dartmouth Law’s Journal of Science and Technology would be an ideal way for me to take a leadership role in researching and recommending federal and state regulations that are necessary for the safe and orderly institution of artificial intelligence technology.”

Both of these statements specifically connect the applicant's background and experience to one of the school’s opportunities, rather than just saying "I'm very interested in X clinic" or "Y Journal really appeals to me." By personalizing why the school’s opportunities have motivated you to apply, you will help the school better understand how you fit with their institution, and it may also convince them that you are more likely to enroll than the next applicant (the core goal of submitting a Why X).

"Why X" Essay Dos and Don'ts

  • DO check to see if the school has any specific formatting or length requirements or guidelines in their instructions, before you start drafting. If not, we generally advise applicants keep their "Why X" essay to about one page, at 1’’ margins and 11- or 12-point font.
  • DON'T write a "Why X" essay for every school you apply to. Some schools don’t want them. Some schools ask for them specifically, which is a clear indication that you should write one. Alternatively, at other schools, a “Why” essay is not requested but has still been shown to be strategically advantageous to submit. So, read the application instructions and do your research to figure out for which schools you should be writing this type of essay, and which schools do not welcome them.
  • DO lead with the personal . Start with a personal connection if you can. Have you ever visited the school? Do you know someone who attends and have you heard good things from that perspective? What was your introduction to the school? These are often the strongest and most differentiating components of a “Why X” essay, if they apply to you.
  • DON'T rely on templates. Some templating is natural for "Why X" essays, but spend time personalizing the essay to the school beyond just dropping in relevant info. And be incredibly careful to avoid leaving in references that do not apply to a specific school (e.g. “I like the feel of a college town” when the school is in a big city).
  • DO research. The ideal "Why X" essay doesn't start and end with information that can be found on the law school's website, but you should still spend some time there. In addition to learning about the school's areas of strength, clinics, professors, journals, etc., check out the news/updates sections of the website or watch a student video; perhaps there will be something that resonates and relates to your interests and goals, and you can comment on it in your statement. Outside of the law school's substantive offerings, you can also mention things like class size, location, and atmosphere (but make sure that you give a reason “why” that also tells the reader about yourself).
  • DON'T make it all about them. The "Why X" essay should tell the school more about you than it does about themselves. They already know about their programs and the information provided on their website, so it's not about listing the programs or courses and saying that you would be interested in them—it's more about why you are interested in them and how that relates to your goals, interests, learning styles, and preferences.
  • DO incorporate the law school's "brand" into your essay, if applicable. Reviewing the law school's website, if it is well-executed, will teach you how the law school likes to talk about itself. Do they focus on “breadth and depth” or “an intimate seminar-style environment” or “close attention from faculty”? These can be useful concepts to use in a "Why X" essay, especially if you can connect them to your personal background, values, and goals.
  • DON'T write anything that conflicts with your other application components. Your "Why X" essay, like every other component of your application, will not be read or evaluated in a vacuum. If you write your whole personal statement about your background working in public service and how you want to be a public interest lawyer, your "Why X" essay shouldn't center on the school's corporate law offerings. The more cohesive your "Why X" essay is with the rest of your application, the more authentic it will read. For example, talking about your focus on health law and how you are interested in a school’s Health Law Clinic is more powerful if you can back it up with extracurriculars, jobs, and/or other experiences in the healthcare system that show up in other components of your application.
  • DO visit the law school, attend a recruiting event, or otherwise personally engage with the admissions office if you can. A well-written "Why X" essay can pack even more of a punch if it's backed up by records of real engagement with that law school, whether through a visit to campus, stopping by their table at an LSAC forum, or even attending a webinar from the admissions office. Then talk about your experience and what you learned in your "Why X" essay! Be sure to give specifics.

These are just a few suggestions that can help you write a strong "Why X" essay, but we also recommend having someone else read your essay before you submit. It is essential to make sure that the essay comes across as well-written and sincere (and the more personal connections you can make to the school, the more genuine you will seem).

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How to write a law school personal statement + examples.

why i want to go to law school essay

Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 3/18/24

Law school personal statements help show admissions committees why you’re an excellent candidate. Read on to learn how to write a personal statement for law school!

Writing a law school personal statement requires time, effort, and a lot of revision. Law school statement prompts and purposes can vary slightly depending on the school. 

Their purpose could be to show your personality, describe your motivation for attending law school, explain why you want to go to a particular law school, or a mix of all three and more. This guide will help you perfect your writing with tips and examples.

The Best Law School Personal Statement Format

Unfortunately, there’s no universal format for a law school personal statement. Every law school has a preference (or lack thereof) on how your personal statement should be structured. We recommend always checking for personal statement directions for every school you want to apply to. 

However, many law schools ask for similar elements when it comes to personal statement formats. These are some standard formatting elements to keep in mind if your school doesn’t provide specific instructions: 

  • Typically two pages or less in length 
  • Double-spaced 
  • Use a basic, readable font style and size (11-point is the smallest you should do, although some schools may request 12-point) 
  • Margins shouldn’t be less than 1 inch unless otherwise specified 
  • Left-aligned 
  • Indent new paragraphs 
  • Don’t return twice to begin a new paragraph 
  • Law schools typically ask for a header, typically including your full name, page number, LSAC number, and the words “Personal Statement” (although there can be variations to this) 

How you format your header may be up to you; sometimes, law schools won't specify whether the header should be one line across the top or three lines. 

Personal statement format A

This is how your header may look if you decide to keep it as one line. If you want a three-line header, it should look like this on the top-right of the page: 

Personal statement format B

 Remember, the best law school personal statement format is the one in the application instructions. Ensure you follow all formatting requirements!

How to Title a Personal Statement (Law) 

You may be tempted to give your law school statement a punchy title, just like you would for an academic essay. However, the general rule is that you shouldn’t give your law school personal statement a title. 

The University of Washington states, “DON’T use quotes or give a title to your statement.” Many other schools echo this advice. The bottom line is that although you're writing your story, your law school statement doesn't require a title. Don't add one unless the school requests it.

How to Start a Personal Statement for Law School 

Acing the beginning of your personal statement is essential for your narrative’s success. The introduction is your chance to captivate the admissions committee and immerse them in your story. As such, you want your writing to be interesting enough to grab their attention without purposefully going for shock value.

So, how do you write a personal statement introduction that will garner the attention it deserves? The simplest way to get the reader involved in your story is to start with a relevant anecdote that ties in with your narrative. 

Consider the opening paragraph from Harvard Law graduate Cameron Clark’s law school personal statement : 

“At the intersection of 21st and Speedway, I lay on the open road. My leg grazed the shoulder of a young woman lying on the ground next to me. Next to her, a man on his stomach slowed his breathing to appear as still as possible. A wide circle of onlookers formed around the dozens of us on the street. We were silent and motionless, but the black-and-white signs affirmed our existence through their decree: BLACK LIVES MATTER.”

The beginning lines of this personal statement immediately draw the reader in. Why was the writer lying on the road? Why were other people there with him, and why was a man trying to slow his breathing? We're automatically inspired to keep reading to find out more information. 

That desire to keep reading is the hallmark of a masterful personal statement introduction. However, you don’t want to leave your reader hanging for too long. By the end of this introduction, we’re left with a partial understanding of what’s happening. 

There are other ways to start a personal statement that doesn't drop the reader in the middle of the action. Some writers may begin their law personal statement in other ways: 

  • Referencing a distant memory, thought, feeling, or perspective
  • Setting the scene for the opening anecdote before jumping in 
  • Providing more context on the time, place, or background 

Many openings can blend some of these with detailed, vivid imagery. Here's a law school personal statement opening that worked at the UChicago Law : 

“I fell in love for the first time when I was four. That was the year my mother signed me up for piano lessons. I can still remember touching those bright, ivory keys with reverence, feeling happy and excited that soon I would be playing those tinkling, familiar melodies (which my mother played every day on our boombox) myself.”

This opening references a distant memory and feeling, mixed with vivid imagery that paints a picture in the reader's head. Keep in mind that different openers can work better than others, depending on the law school prompt. 

To recap, consider these elements as you write your law school personal statement’s introduction: 

  • Aim for an attention-grabbing hook 
  • Don’t purposefully aim for shock value: it can sometimes seem unauthentic 
  • Use adjectives and imagery to paint a scene for your reader 
  • Identify which opening method works best for the law school prompt and your story
  • Don’t leave the reader hanging for too long to find out what your narrative is about
  • Be concise 

Writing a law school personal statement introduction can be difficult, but these examples and tips can help you get the attention your writing deserves.

How to Write a Law School Personal Statement

Now that you’re equipped with great advice and tips to start your law school statement, it’s time to tackle the body of your essay. These tips will show you how to write a personal statement for law school to captivate the admissions committee. 

Tips for writing a law school personal statement

Understand the Prompt

While many law schools have similar personal statement prompts, you should carefully examine what's being asked of you before diving in. Consider these top law school personal statement prompts to see what we mean: 

  • Yale Law School : “The personal statement should help us learn about the personal, professional, and/or academic qualities an applicant would bring to the Law School community. Applicants often submit the personal statement they have prepared for other law school applications.”
  • University of Chicago Law : “Our application does not provide a specific topic or question for the personal statement because you are the best judge of what you should write. Write about something personal, relevant, and completely individual to you.”
  • NYU Law : “Because people and their interests vary, we leave the content and length of your statement to your discretion. You may wish to complete or clarify your responses to items on the application form, bring to our attention additional information you feel should be considered, describe important or unusual aspects of yourself not otherwise apparent in your application, or tell us what led you to apply to NYU School of Law.”

Like all law personal statements, these three prompts are pretty open-ended. However, your Yale personal statement should focus on how you’d contribute to a law school community through professional and academic experience and qualities. 

For UChicago Law, you don’t even need to write about a law-related topic if you don’t want to. However, when it comes to a school like NYU Law , you probably want to mix your qualities, experiences, and what led you to apply. 

Differing prompts are the reason you’ll need to create multiple copies of your personal statement! 

Follow Formatting Directions 

Pay extra attention to each school's formatting directions. While we've discussed basic guidelines for law school personal statement formats, it's essential to check if there is anything different you need to do. 

While working on your rough drafts, copy and paste the prompt and directions at the top of the page so you don't forget. 

Brainstorm Narratives/Anecdotes Based on the Prompt

You may have more wiggle room with some prompts than others regarding content. However, asking yourself these questions can generally help you direct your personal statement for any law school:

  • What major personal challenges or recent hardships have you faced? 
  • What was one transformative event that impacted your life’s course or perspective? 
  • What are your hobbies or special interests? 
  • What achievements are you most proud of that aren’t stated in your application? 
  • What experience or event changed your values or way of thinking? 
  • What’s something you’re passionate about that you got involved in? What was the result of your passion? 
  • How did your distinct upbringing, background, or culture put you on the path to law school? 
  • What personal or professional experiences show who you are? 

Keep in mind that this isn't an exhaustive list. Consider your personal and professional experiences that have brought you to this point, and determine which answers would make the most compelling story. 

Pettit College of Law recommends you "go through your transcripts, application, and resume. Are there any gaps or missing details that your personal statement could cover?” If you've listed something on your resume that isn't further discussed, it could make a potential personal statement topic. 

Do More Than Recount: Reflect

Recounting an event in a summarized way is only one piece of your law school personal statement. Even if you’re telling an outlandish or objectively interesting story, stopping there doesn’t show admissions committees what they need to know to judge your candidacy. 

The University of Washington suggests that “describing the event should only be about 1/3 of your essay. The rest should be a reflection on how it changed you and how it shaped the person you are today.” Don’t get stuck in the tangible details of your anecdote; show what the experience meant to you. 

Beth O'Neil , Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at UC Berkeley School of Law , said, "Applicants also tend to state and not evaluate. They give a recitation of their experience but no evaluation of what effect that particular experience had on them, no assessment of what certain experiences or honors meant." 

Consider What Qualities You Want to Show

No matter what direction you want to take your law school personal statement, you should consider which qualities your narrative puts on display. Weaving your good character into your essay can be difficult. Outwardly claiming, "I'm a great leader!" doesn't add much value. 

However, telling a story about a time you rose to the occasion to lead a group successfully toward a common goal shows strong leadership. "Show, don't tell" may be an overused statement, but it's a popular sentiment for a reason. 

Of course, leadership ability isn't the only quality admissions committees seek. Consider the qualities you possess and those you'd expect to find in a great lawyer and check to see the overlap. Some qualities you could show include: 

  • Intelligence 
  • Persuasiveness 
  • Compassion 
  • Professionalism 

Evaluate the anecdotes you chose after your brainstorming session and see if any of these qualities or others align with your narrative. 

Keep Your Writing Concise

Learning how to write a personal statement for law school means understanding how to write for concision. Most prompts won't have a word limit but ask you to cap your story at two pages, double-spaced. Unfortunately, that's not a lot of space to work with. 

Although your writing should be compelling and vibrant, do your best to avoid flowery language and long, complicated sentences where they’re not needed. Writing for concision means eliminating unnecessary words, cutting down sentences, and getting the point quickly.  

Georgetown University’s take on law school personal statements is to “Keep it simple and brief. Big words do not denote big minds, just big egos.” A straightforward narrative means your reader is much less likely to be confused or get lost in your story (in the wrong way). 

Decide the Depth and Scope of Your Statement 

Since you only have two (or even three) pages to get your point across, you must consider the depth and scope of your narrative. While you don’t want to provide too little information, remember that you don’t have the room to summarize your entire life story (and you don’t have to do that anyway). 

UChicago Law’s advice is to “Use your discretion - we know you have to make a choice and have limited space. Attempting to cover too much material can result in an unfocused and scattered personal statement.” Keep the depth and scope of your narrative manageable. 

Ensure It’s Personal Enough 

UChicago Law states, "If someone else could write your personal statement, it probably is not personal enough." This doesn't mean that you must pick the most grandiose, shocking narrative to make an impact or that you can't write about something many others have probably experienced. 

Getting personal means only you can write that statement; other people may be able to relate to an experience, but your reflection, thoughts, feelings, and reactions are your own. UChicago Law sees applicants fall into this pitfall by writing about a social issue or area of law, so tread these topics carefully.

Mix the Past and Present, Present and Future, Or All Three 

Harvard Law School’s Associate Director Nefyn Meissner said your personal statement should “tell us something about who you are, where you’ve been, and where you want to go.” 

Echoing this, Jon Perdue , Yale Law School's Director of Recruiting and Diversity Initiatives, states that the three most common approaches to the Yale Law School personal statement are focusing on: 

  • The past: discussing your identity and background 
  • The present: focusing on your current work, activities, and interests 
  • The future: the type of law you want to pursue and your ideal career path 

Perdue said that truly stellar personal statements have a sense of “movement” and touch on all or two of these topics. What does this mean for you? While writing your law school personal statement, don’t be afraid to touch on your past, present, and future. However, remember not to take on too much content! 

Keep the Focus On You 

This is a common pitfall that students fall into while writing a law school personal statement . UChicago Law cites that this is a common mistake applicants make when they write at length about: 

  • A family member who inspired them or their family history 
  • Stories about others 
  • Social or legal issues 

Even if someone like your grandmother had a profound impact on your decision to pursue law, remember that you’re the star of the show. Meissner said , “Should you talk about your grandmother? Only if doing so helps make the case for us to admit you. Otherwise, we might end up wanting to admit your grandmother.” Don’t let historical figures, your family, or anyone else steal your spotlight. 

Decide If You Need to Answer: Why Law? 

Writing about why you want to attend law school in general or a school in particular depends on the prompt. Some schools welcome the insight, while others (like Harvard Law) don't. Meissner said, “Should you mention you want to come to HLS? We already assume that if you’re applying.”

However, Perdue said your law school personal statement for Yale should answer three questions: 

  • Why law school?

Some schools may invite you to discuss your motivation to apply to law school or what particular elements of the school inspired you to apply. 

Don’t List Qualifications or Rehash Your Resume 

Your personal statement should flow like a story, with an identifiable beginning, middle, and end. Simply firing off your honors and awards, or summarizing the experiences on your resume, doesn’t tell the admissions committee anything new about you. 

Your personal statement is your opportunity to show how your unique experiences shaped you, your qualities, and the person you are behind your LSAT scores and GPA. Think about how you can show who you are at your core. 

Avoid Legalese, Jargon, And Sophisticated Terms 

The best law school personal statements are written in straightforward English and don't use overly academic, technical, or literary words. UChicago Law recommends avoiding legalese or 

Latin terms since the "risk you are incorrectly using them is just too high." 

Weaving together intricate sentence structures with words you pulled out of a thesaurus won’t make your personal statement a one-way ticket to acceptance. Be clear, straightforward, and to the point. 

Don’t Put Famous Quotes In Your Writing 

Beginning your law school personal statement with a quote is not only cliche but takes the focus off of you. It also eats up precious space you could fill with your voice. 

Revise, Revise, Revise 

Even the most talented writers never submit a perfect first draft. You'll need to do a lot of revisions before your personal statement is ready for submission. This is especially true because you'll write different versions for different law schools; these iterations must be edited to perfection. 

Ensure you have enough time to make all the edits and improvements you need before you plan to submit your application. Although most law schools have rolling admissions, submitting a perfected application as soon as possible is always in your best interest. 

Have an Admission Consultant Review Your Hard Work 

Reviewing so many personal statements by yourself is a lot of work, and most writing can always benefit from a fresh perspective. Consider seeking a law school admissions consultant’s help to edit your personal statements to perfection and maximize your chances of acceptance at your dream school!

How to End Your Personal Statement for Law School 

Law school personal statement conclusions are just as open-ended as your introductions. There are a few options for ending a personal statement depending on the prompt you’re writing for:

Law School Conclusion Strategy Description
Motivation to Attend Law School You can end by explaining how the experiences you outlined in your personal statement inspired you to take the next steps to become a lawyer.
Motivation to Attend a Particular Law School If the school doesn’t outwardly suggest not explaining why you applied, you can align your personality, passions, and values with the school’s mission or highlight particular offerings that excite you.
Your Future Career Path Some candidates may want to tie their narrative to the type of law they want to pursue or their main career goal.
State Your Mission Without being cliche and saying you want to “save the world” (although it sounds noble), you can talk about your personal mission and how a law education will help you get there. Do you want to make real progress for people who face discrimination? Be specific.
Reiterate How Your Acceptance Would Add Value Reiterate how you would add value: If you’ve written extensively about any facet of your background and identity, you can share how your acceptance would contribute to the school’s culture and class.
Focusing on Skills/Qualities Focusing on qualities is more common in personal statements than in those explicitly about law. These statements show how the writer’s experiences helped them gain the necessary skills or qualities to become a great lawyer.

Some of these methods can overlap with each other. However, there are two more things you should always consider when you're ready to wrap up your story: the tone you're leaving on and how you can make your writing fit with your narrative's common thread. 

You should never want to leave your reader on a low note, even if you wrote about something that isn’t necessarily happy. You should strive to end your personal statement with a tone that’s hopeful, happy, confident, or some other positive feeling. 

Your last sentences should also give the impression of finality; your reader should understand that you’re wrapping up and not be left wondering where the rest of your statement is. 

So, what's the common thread? This just means that your narrative sticks to the overarching theme or event you portrayed at the beginning of your writing. Bringing your writing full circle makes a more satisfying conclusion.

Personal Statement for Law School Conclusion Examples

Evaluating law school personal statement conclusions can help you see what direction authors decided to take with their writing. Let’s circle back to the sample personal statement openings for law school and examine their respective conclusions. The first example explains the applicant’s motivation to attend Harvard Law. 

Sample Personal Statement for Law School Conclusion #1

“…Attorneys and legal scholars have paved the way for some of the greatest civil rights victories for women, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, and (people living with disabilities). At Harvard Law School, I will prepare to join their ranks by studying with the nation's leading legal scholars. 
For the past months, I have followed Harvard Law School student responses to the events in Ferguson and New York City. I am eager to join a law school community that shares my passion for using the law to achieve real progress for victims of discrimination. With an extensive history of advocacy for society's most marginalized groups, I believe Harvard Law School will thoroughly train me to support and empower communities in need. 
Our act of civil disobedience that December day ended when the Tower’s bells rang out in two bars, hearkening half-past noon. As we stood up and gathered our belongings, we broke our silence to remind everyone of a most basic truth: Black lives matter.” 

What Makes This Conclusion Effective 

Although Harvard Law School states there's no need to explain why you want to apply, this law school statement is from an HLS graduate, and we can assume this was written before the advice changed. 

In his conclusion, he relates and aligns his values with Harvard Law School and how joining the community will help him fulfill his mission to empower communities in need. The last paragraph circles back to the anecdote described in his introduction, neatly wrapping up the event and signaling a natural end to his story. 

This author used these strategies: the motivation to attend a specific law school, stating his mission, and subtly reiterating what his acceptance would bring to the school. The next example conclusion worked at UChicago Law: 

Sample Personal Statement for Law School Conclusion #2

“Songs can be rewritten and reinterpreted as situation permits, but missteps are obvious because the fundamental laws of music and harmony do not change.
Although my formal music education ended when I entered college, the lessons I have learned over the years have remained close and relevant to my life. I have acquired a lifestyle of discipline and internalized the drive for self-improvement. I have gained an appreciation for the complexities and the subtleties of interpretation. 
I understand the importance of having both a sound foundation and a dedication to constant study. I understand that to possess a passion and personal interest in something, to think for myself is just as important.”

What Made This Conclusion Effective

This law school personal statement was successful at UChicago Law. Although the writing has seemingly nothing to do with law or the author's capability to become a great lawyer, the author has effectively used the "show, don't tell" advice. 

The last paragraph implements the focus on qualities or skills strategy. Although related to music, the qualities they describe that a formal music education taught her mesh with the qualities of a successful lawyer: 

  • A drive for self-improvement 
  • The ability to interpret information 
  • The ability to learn consistently 
  • The ability to think for herself 

Overall, this essay does an excellent job of uncovering her personality and relating to the opening paragraph, where she describes how she fell in love with music.

2 Law School Personal Statement Examples From Admitted Students

These are two law school personal statement examples that worked. We'll review the excerpts below and describe what made them effective and if there's room for improvement. 

Law School Personal Statement Example #1

This is an excerpt of a law personal statement that worked at UChicago Law : 

“The turning point of my college football career came early in my third year. At the end of the second practice of the season, in ninety-five-degree heat, our head coach decided to condition the entire team. Sharp, excruciating pain shot down my legs as he summoned us repeatedly to the line to run wind sprints. 
I collapsed as I turned the corner on the final sprint. Muscle spasms spread throughout my body, and I briefly passed out. Severely dehydrated, I was rushed to the hospital and quickly given more than three liters of fluids intravenously. As I rested in a hospital recovery room, I realized my collapse on the field symbolized broader frustrations I felt playing college football.
I was mentally and physically defeated. In South Dakota, I was a dominant football player in high school, but at the Division I level, my talent was less conspicuous. In my first three years, I was convinced that obsessively training my body to run faster and be stronger would earn me a starting position. The conditioning drill that afternoon revealed the futility of my approach. I had thrust my energies into becoming a player I could never be. As a result, I lost confidence in my identity.
I considered other aspects of my life where my intellect, work ethic, and determination had produced positive results. I chose to study economics and English because processing abstract concepts and ideas in diverse disciplines were intuitively rewarding…Gathering data, reviewing previous literature, and ultimately offering my own contribution to economic knowledge was exhilarating. Indeed, undergraduate research affirmed my desire to attend law school, where I could more thoroughly satisfy my intellectual curiosity…My efforts generated high marks and praise from professors, but this success made my disappointment with football more pronounced.
The challenge of collegiate athletics felt insurmountable. However, I reminded myself that at the Division I level, I was able to compete with and against some of the best players in the country…After the hospital visit, my football position coach—sensing my mounting frustrations—offered some advice. Instead of devoting my energies almost exclusively to physical preparation, he said, I should approach college football with the same mental focus I brought to my academic studies. I began to devour scouting reports and to analyze the complex reasoning behind defensive philosophies and schemes. I studied film and discovered ways to anticipate plays from the offense and become a more effective player. Armed with renewed confidence, I finally earned a starting position in the beginning of my fourth year…
‍I had received the highest grade on the team. After three years of A’s in the classroom, I finally earned my first ‘A’ in football. I used mental preparation to maintain my competitive edge for the rest of the season. Through a combination of film study and will power, I led my team and conference in tackles…The most rewarding part of the season, though, was what I learned about myself in the process. When I finally stopped struggling to become the player I thought I needed to be, I developed self-awareness and confidence in the person I was.
The image of me writhing in pain on the practice field sometimes slips back into my thoughts as I decide where to apply to law school. College football taught me to recognize my weaknesses and look for ways to overcome them. I will enter law school a much stronger person and student because of my experiences on the football field and in the classroom. My decision where to attend law school mirrors my decision where to play college football. I want to study law at the University of Chicago Law School because it provides the best combination of professors, students, and resources in the country. In Division I college football, I succeeded when I took advantage of my opportunities. I hope the University of Chicago will give me an opportunity to succeed again.”

Why This Personal Statement Example Worked

The beginning of this personal statement includes vivid imagery and sets up a relevant anecdote for the reader: the writer’s injury while playing football. At the end of the introduction, he sets up a fantastic transition about his broader frustrations, compelling us to keep reading. 

The essay's body shows the writer's vulnerability, making it even more personal; it can be challenging to talk about feelings, like losing your confidence, but it can help us relate to him. 

The author sets up a transition to writing more about his academic ability, his eventual leadership role on the team, and developing the necessary qualities of a well-rounded lawyer: self-awareness and confidence. 

Finally, the author rounds out his statement by circling back to his opening anecdote and showing the progress he’s made from there. He also describes why UChicago Law is the right school for him. To summarize, the author expertly handled: 

  • Opening with a descriptive anecdote that doesn’t leave the reader hanging for too long 
  • Being vulnerable in such a way that no one else could have written this statement 
  • Doing more than recounting an event but reflecting on it 
  • Although he introduced his coach's advice, he kept himself the focal point of the story 
  • He picked a focused event; the writer didn’t try to tackle too much content 
  • His conclusion references his introduction, signalling the natural end of the story 
  • The ending also reaffirms his passion for pursuing law, particularly at UChicago Law 

Law School Personal Statement Example #2 

This law school personal statement excerpt led to acceptance at Boston University Law. 

“She sat opposite me at my desk to fill out a few forms. Fumbling her hands and laughing uncomfortably, it was obvious that she was nervous. Sandra was eighteen, and her knowledge of English was limited to “yes” and “hello.” While translating the initial meeting between Sandra and her attorney, I learned of her reasons for leaving El Salvador. She had been in an abusive relationship, and though she wasn’t ready to go into detail just yet, it was clear from the conversation that her boyfriend had terrorized her and that the El Salvadoran police were of no help…Eventually, Sandra was given a credible fear interview. The interviewer believed that she had a real fear of returning to El Salvador, and Sandra was released from detention with an Immigration Court hearing notice in her hand. She had just retained our office to present her asylum case to the Immigration Judge.
I tried to imagine myself in Sandra’s shoes. She hadn’t finished high school, was in a completely new environment, and had almost no understanding of how things worked in the US. Even the harsh New England winter must have seemed unnatural to her. Having lived abroad for a couple of years, I could relate on some level; however, the circumstances of my stay overseas were completely different. I went to Spain after graduating from college to work in an elementary school, improve my Spanish skills, and see a bit of the world…I had to ask hundreds of questions and usually make a few attempts before actually accomplishing my goal. Frustrating though it was, I didn’t have so much riding on each of these endeavors. If I didn’t have all the necessary paperwork to open a bank account one day, I could just try again the next day. Sandra won’t be afforded the same flexibility in her immigration process, where so much depends on the ability to abide by inflexible deadlines and procedures. Without someone to guide her through the process, ensuring that all requirements are met, and presenting her case as persuasively as possible, Sandra will have little chance of achieving legal status in the United States…
Before starting at my current position at Joyce & Associates, an immigration law firm in Boston, I had long considered a career in law. Growing up, I was engaged by family and school debates about public policy and government. In college, I found my constitutional law courses challenging and exciting. Nonetheless, it wasn’t until I began working with clients like Sandra that I became convinced that a career in law is the right choice for me. Playing my part as a legal assistant in various immigration cases, I have been able to witness how a career in immigration advocacy is both intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling. I have seen the importance of well-articulated arguments and even creativity in arguing a client’s eligibility for an immigration benefit. I have learned that I excel in critical thinking and in examining detail, as I continually consider the consistency and possible implications of any documents that clients provide in support of their application. But most importantly, I have realized how deserving many of these immigrants are. Many of the clients I work with are among the most hardworking and patriotic people I have encountered…
‍I am equally confident that I would thrive as a student at Boston University, where I would be sure to take full advantage of the many opportunities available. The school’s Asylum and Human Rights Clinic and Immigration Detention Clinic would offer me invaluable experiences in various immigration settings…Given my experiences in an immigration firm, I know that I would have much to offer while participating in these programs, but even more to learn. And while I find BU’s immigration programs to be especially appealing, I am equally drawn to the Boston University experience as a whole…I hope to have the opportunity to face those challenges and to contribute my own experiences and drive to the Boston University community.”

This statement makes excellent use of opening with an experience that sets the writer's motivation to attend law school in motion. We're introduced to another person in the story in the introduction before the author swivels and transitions to how she'd imagine herself in Sandra's shoes. 

This transition shows empathy, and although the author could relate to her client's struggles on a more superficial level, she understood the gravity of her situation and the hardships that awaited her. 

The author backpedals to show how she's cultivated an interest in law in college and explored this interest to know it's the right choice for her. The conclusion does an excellent job of referencing exactly how BU Law will help her achieve her mission. To recap, this personal statement was effective because: 

  • She started her personal statement with a story 
  • Although the writer focuses on an event with another person, she moves the focus back to her 
  • The author’s statement shows qualities like empathy, compassion, and critical thinking without explicitly stating it 
  • She connects her experiences to her motivation to attend law school 
  • This statement has movement: it references the author’s past, present, and future 
  • She ends her statement by explaining in detail why BU Law is the right school for her 

Although this personal statement worked, circling back to the opening anecdote in the conclusion, even with a brief sentence, would have made the conclusion more impactful and fortified the common thread of her narrative.

How to Write Personal Statement For Law School: FAQs

Do you still have questions about how to write a personal statement for law school? Read on to learn more. 

1. What Makes a Good Personal Statement for Law School? 

Generally, an excellent personal statement tells a relevant story, showcases your best qualities, is personal, and creatively answers the prompt. Depending on the prompt, a good personal statement may describe your motivation to attend law school or why a school, in particular, is perfect for you. 

2. Should I Write a Separate Personal Statement for Each School? 

Depending on the prompts, you may be able to submit the same or similar personal statements to different schools. However, you’ll likely need more than one version of your statement to apply to different schools. Generally, students will write a few versions of their statements to meet personal statement instructions. 

3. How Long Should My Personal Statement Be? 

Personal statement length requirements vary by school, but you can generally expect to write approximately two pages, double-spaced. 

4. What Should You Not Put In a Law School Personal Statement? 

Your personal statement shouldn’t include famous quotes, overly sophisticated language, statements that may offend others, and unhelpful or inappropriate information about yourself. 

5. What Do I Write My Law School Personal Statement About? 

The answer depends on the prompt you need to answer. Consider your experiences and decide which are impactful, uncover your personality, show your motivation to attend law school, or show your impressive character traits. 

6. Does the Personal Statement Really Matter for Law School? 

Top LSAT scores and high GPAs may not be enough, especially at the T-14 law schools. Due to the high level of competition, you should take advantage of your personal statement to show why you’re an excellent candidate. So yes, they do matter.

Writing A Law School Personal Statement is Easy With Juris

Writing a personal statement can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. Juris Education is committed to helping you learn how to write a law school personal statement with ease. We help future law school students develop their narratives, evaluate writing to ensure it’s in line with what law schools expect, and edit statements to perfection. 

A stellar personal statement helps you stand out and can help you take that last step to attending the law school of your dreams.

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How to Answer the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

Are you struggling with the "Why Law School?" essay question? This article provides expert tips and strategies to help you craft a compelling answer that showcases your passion for the law and your unique qualifications.

Posted May 12, 2023

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If you are considering applying to law school, you will need to write a "Why Law School?" essay. This essay is an opportunity for you to explain why you want to pursue a legal education and why you are a strong candidate for admission to a particular law school. The essay is an important part of the application process and can ultimately make or break your chances of being accepted. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to answer the "Why Law School?" essay question.

The Importance of Addressing the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

The "Why Law School?" essay question is an opportunity for you to showcase your motivation, passion, and qualifications for pursuing a legal education. The essay allows admissions officers to understand your goals and aspirations, as well as your fit with a particular law school. It is important to address the essay question explicitly and thoughtfully as it can significantly impact your application's success.

One way to approach the "Why Law School?" essay question is to research the law school and its programs thoroughly. This will allow you to tailor your essay to the specific school and demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the institution. Additionally, you can use the essay to highlight any unique experiences or skills that make you a strong candidate for law school. Remember, the essay is not just about explaining why you want to go to law school, but also about showcasing why you are a good fit for the school and the legal profession.

Understanding the Purpose of the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

The "Why Law School?" essay question is designed to help admissions officers understand your motivations, goals, and fit with a particular law school. The question is intended to be open-ended, allowing you to provide a unique and personal response. Your essay should demonstrate your understanding of the legal field and showcase your qualifications and interests.

It is important to note that the "Why Law School?" essay question is not just about explaining why you want to attend law school, but also why you want to attend that specific law school. Admissions officers want to see that you have done your research and have a genuine interest in their institution. This can include discussing specific programs, clinics, or professors that align with your career goals. Additionally, your essay should highlight how you can contribute to the law school community and what unique perspectives or experiences you can bring to the table.

Researching Law Schools Before Writing the Essay

Before writing the "Why Law School?" essay, you should research the law schools you are interested in attending. This research will help you understand the school's academic programs, faculty, resources, and culture. It is important to identify how the school aligns with your personal and professional goals, and emphasize this connection in your essay.

One important aspect to consider when researching law schools is their location. Some law schools are located in urban areas, while others are in more rural settings. This can impact your overall experience as a student, as well as your opportunities for internships and networking. Additionally, you should research the school's alumni network and job placement rates to get a sense of the career opportunities available to graduates.

Another factor to consider is the school's approach to teaching and learning. Some law schools emphasize a more theoretical approach, while others focus on practical skills and experiential learning. Understanding the school's teaching philosophy can help you determine if it is a good fit for your learning style and career goals.

Highlighting Your Personal Motivations for Attending Law School

Your "Why Law School?" essay should highlight your personal motivations for attending law school. This can include your interests in law, social justice, advocacy, or any other relevant experiences. Your essay should showcase your passion and enthusiasm for the legal field.

Additionally, it is important to explain how attending law school aligns with your long-term career goals. This can include specific legal fields you are interested in pursuing, such as environmental law or intellectual property law. You can also discuss how a law degree will help you achieve your career aspirations, whether it be working in a law firm, government agency, or non-profit organization. By demonstrating a clear understanding of your career goals and how law school fits into them, you can further emphasize your commitment to pursuing a legal education.

Demonstrating Your Knowledge of the Legal Field

Your "Why Law School?" essay should demonstrate your knowledge of the legal field. This knowledge can come from previous experiences, such as internships or work experience, or through academic coursework. A deep understanding of the legal field will show admissions officers that you are prepared for the rigors of law school and committed to pursuing a legal education.

Additionally, you can also demonstrate your knowledge of the legal field by discussing current events and issues within the industry. This shows that you are not only knowledgeable about the past and present of the legal field, but also aware of its future direction and potential challenges. Including examples of how you have stayed up-to-date with legal news and developments can further strengthen your essay and showcase your passion for the field.

Showcasing Your Career Goals and Aspirations

Your "Why Law School?" essay should showcase your career goals and aspirations. This can include identifying the type of law you want to practice or explaining how a legal education will contribute to your long-term career aspirations. It is important to be specific in your goals and demonstrate how attending law school aligns with your overall career plan.

Additionally, you may want to consider discussing any relevant experiences or skills that have prepared you for a career in law. This could include internships, volunteer work, or previous jobs that have given you exposure to the legal field. By highlighting these experiences, you can demonstrate your commitment to pursuing a career in law and show admissions committees that you have a strong foundation to build upon in law school.

Incorporating Your Background and Life Experiences into the Essay

Your "Why Law School?" essay should incorporate your background and life experiences into your response. This can include explaining how your personal or professional experiences have led you to pursue a legal education. It is important to showcase how your unique perspective and experiences will enrich the law school community.

For example, if you have worked in a non-profit organization, you can discuss how this experience has given you a deeper understanding of the legal system and how it affects marginalized communities. Alternatively, if you have a background in science or engineering, you can explain how this has given you a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and the law.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Writing the "Why Law School?" Essay

When writing the "Why Law School?" essay, it is important to avoid common mistakes. These can include being too generic in your response, not demonstrating your fit with a particular school, or not being specific enough in your career goals or motivations. It is important to carefully read and follow the essay prompt and align your response with the law school's mission and values.

Another common mistake to avoid when writing the "Why Law School?" essay is focusing too much on your academic achievements and not enough on your personal experiences and qualities. Admissions committees want to see that you have a genuine passion for the law and a clear understanding of how pursuing a legal education will help you achieve your goals. Therefore, it is important to showcase your unique perspective and experiences, and how they have shaped your desire to attend law school.

Emphasizing Your Fit with the Law School's Culture and Curriculum

Your "Why Law School?" essay should emphasize your fit with the law school's culture and curriculum. This can include highlighting the school's unique academic programs, extracurricular activities, or faculty. Your essay should showcase why the law school is the best fit for you and how you will contribute to the school's community.

Additionally, it is important to research the law school's mission statement and values to ensure that your essay aligns with their goals. You can also mention any relevant experiences or skills that make you a strong candidate for the school. Remember to be specific and provide examples to support your claims. By demonstrating your fit with the law school's culture and curriculum, you increase your chances of being accepted and thriving in the program.

Using Specific Examples to Support Your Arguments

Your "Why Law School?" essay should use specific examples to support your arguments. This can include citing specific academic programs or faculty at the law school or discussing particular experiences or achievements that demonstrate your fit with the school. It is important to provide evidence to support your claims and demonstrate your unique qualifications.

Crafting a Convincing and Cohesive Narrative in Your Essay

Your "Why Law School?" essay should tell a convincing and cohesive narrative. This means that you should create a clear and logical structure for your essay, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Your essay should have a strong, central theme that ties together your arguments and demonstrates your overall fit with a particular law school.

Polishing and Editing Your "Why Law School?" Essay to Perfection

Before submitting your "Why Law School?" essay, it is important to polish and edit your writing to perfection. This means carefully proofreading your essay for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It also means ensuring that your essay follows the correct word count and formatting guidelines. A polished and well-written essay will make a strong impression on admissions officers.

Tips from Admissions Officers on Writing an Effective "Why Law School?" Essay

Admissions officers recommend that you take the time to carefully read and follow the essay prompt, research the law school thoroughly, and write a unique and personal response. It is important to showcase your passion for the legal field and align your response with the law school's values and mission. A strong and effective essay will make a memorable and positive impression on admissions officers.

Conclusion: Key Takeaways for Writing a Compelling "Why Law School?" Essay

The "Why Law School?" essay question is an important part of the law school application process. To write a compelling essay, it is important to research the law school, demonstrate your knowledge and passion for the legal field, identify your personal motivations and career goals, and showcase your fit with a particular law school. By following these key steps and tips, you can write a successful "Why Law School?" essay that will help you stand out from other applicants and secure your place in your dream law school.

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How To Write A "Why This Law School?" Essay

Why  this  law school?

It’s a good question, and you should already be answering it, at least in part, in your personal statement by tailoring that essay to each school you apply to (or at least your top choices). That tailoring consists mostly of doing research on schools and finding coursework and extracurricular activities that match your talents, interests, and experience. In your personal statement, you should say which you plan to participate in and how your experience shows that you’ll be a valuable and successful participant.

Nonetheless, some schools invite applicants to submit, along with a personal statement, an essay explaining why the applicant decided to apply to that particular school.

What Not To Do

A lot of people treat these essays as an opportunity to regurgitate the school’s Wikipedia entry and gush about all of the amazing things the school and its alumni have done. While it can be appropriate to name-check impressive alumni as inspiration, you should do so only if you can connect it with your goals in law school and as a lawyer.

So, for instance, if there’s an alum that’s a free speech attorney that you really admire, it would make sense to name that alum as an inspiration if you plan on focusing on First Amendment Law as a law student and lawyer. But if you’re really into Environmental Law, then talking about that alum would be a mistake because it doesn’t really matter to your choice of school.

How To Write A Good One

  • Tell them your application strategy (if it’s smart).

I happen to think that these essays operate on two levels. The first is explicit: They want to gauge the actual compatibility between the applicant and the school. The second is to see if you made your application choices strategically.

For instance, if you were to tell them in your essay that your strategy was to apply to the top ten law schools in the US News & World Report rankings and that you chose this school because it was #8, that would show you didn’t have a real strategy when it comes to applying. And lawyers are strategists, especially those who go to court. This would cast doubt on your suitability for law school. 

On the other hand, if you told them that you had always had a sense of environmental justice and that you interviewed an environmental attorney in your city who talked you through her knowledge of the various environmental law programs at a number of law schools, that she mentioned the school specifically, and then you went and did more research to really understand what environmental law offerings the school has, that looks strategic. It makes you look like a lawyer already because you’ve identified some goals and created a rational, long-term strategy to achieve them. 

  • Add any applicable experience that’s not elsewhere in your application

It’s helpful to have an interesting fact or story about yourself to anchor one of these which doesn’t appear elsewhere in your application package. If you left anything on the cutting room floor of your personal statement, it might be useful to consider if it can be used here. 

If you don’t have any relevant experience beyond what was in your personal statement, you can refer quickly to experience that’s described more fully in your personal statement if it makes sense, but you shouldn’t repeat large tracts of material that’s in your personal statement or other essays, even if you reword it.

In short, these essays want to know  what experience you will bring that matches the interests and culture of the law school . 

  • Talk about specific programs, how your experience matters, and what you plan to do.

It’s helpful to have a career vision so you can talk about what programs at the school prepare lawyers for the career you envision. For example, if you are interested in being a Family & Divorce Law attorney, it would be good to find out if there are child custody litigation clinics or a Family Law journal at the school. You may not have experience with child custody law, but if you’ve done a mock trial, that would be quite relevant to the clinic.

Here’s one that works:

Admissions Committee:

I have had my sights set on attending [LAW SCHOOL] ever since I joined [UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL]’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and began to learn about how the law does and does not protect animals.

We had an attorney from the national ASPCA speak to our group, and he told us about how the lawyers in the organization work not only to stop perpetrators of animal abuse in our country but also to work with government agencies to draft legislation and regulations to protect animals from mistreatment.

I was eager to learn more, and when I researched the practice of animal law, I found a treasure trove of recent news articles about Kathy Raines, a New York-based animal law attorney who graduated from [LAW SCHOOL] fifteen years ago and had successes ranging from shutting down a chain of puppy mills in North Carolina to stopping the smuggling of exotic animals into Florida.

Knowing that Ms. Raines was trained at [LAW SCHOOL], I did my own research and met with my career counselor to learn more about the school and animal law programs around the nation. I quickly came to understand that [LAW SCHOOL] was the leading light in the nation in this area of law and that it was no accident that someone like Ms. Raines was trained there.

Once I learned of [LAW SCHOOL]’s animal law-related offerings, like a regional chapter of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and a ten-year record of placing in the National Animal Law Competition, I knew that I had found the right place to bring my enthusiasm for animal rights as well as my growing experience in standing up for those rights.

As a dedicated participant with the SPCA over the past three years, first as a member and then as an executive, I’ve organized adoption drives for abandoned pets, assembled a peaceful protest at city hall encouraging officials to decline donations from corporations that sponsor animal abuse, and worked to raise funds for the national SPCA.

I did not do those things on my own, of course, and my ability to collaborate with others and help resolve conflict at the moment makes me certain that I can find success – and help others find success – as a student at [LAW SCHOOL] starting this fall.

Branden Frankel, Esq.

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Do you remember why you decided to apply and enroll in law school?

Raising The Bar in Bar Prep

Raising The Bar in Bar Prep

If you’re currently attending law school, do you need an inspirational reminder of why you sacrificed three years of your life to such intense study? If you’re an attorney, are you leveraging your degree in the ways in which you had hoped for at this point in time?

Today, BARBRI Law Preview announced the Top 10 Finalists for its 4th annual One Lawyer Can Change the World Scholarship . The $10,000 scholarship competition challenged students from across the country to submit a 500-word essay in response to the prompt:

“How you hope to use your law degree to change our world and how would $10,000 towards your 1L tuition change your world?” 

The following are excerpts from the 10 Finalists who will be attending Berkeley, Brooklyn, Georgetown, George Washington, Harvard, Loyola-Chicago, University of Chicago, UMass Dartmouth, University of Michigan and Washington University law schools in the fall:

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I hope to continue fighting for survivors of domestic and sexual violence after graduating from law school. I am inspired the lawyers from my home country, like Asma Jahangir, who used their legal knowledge to support victims in the face of oppressors. My current position is pivotal, but after working with hundreds of survivors, I feel I can be an even better advocate as an attorney. I want my impact to go beyond protective order hearings, support groups, and evidence collection exams. These things are imperative, but I believe I can have a greater impact as an attorney. The law will provide me with the tools I need to continue my work. I would like to transition into legislative work and advocate for change on a national level. — Shiza Arshad , Rising 1L at Georgetown University Law Center
My main goal and objective, above all else, is to help others. This is especially true when it comes to marginalized populations; populations like the addicts and alcoholics who are not bad people, who have made mistakes, who have a disease, and who can do better with some guidance. I want to be a voice for those whose message may sometimes get lost; overshadowed by stigma. I hope to offer not only legal counsel to these individuals, but hope for a better life and long-lasting recovery. — Daniel Buck , Rising 1L at Umass Dartmouth
Essentially, I could give poor, rural kids hope that they too could grow up to be lawyers or whatever they dream of. There is a severe shortage of role models like this in poor, rural communities. If anyone does ever accomplish anything, they leave and never look back. That’s not my intention at all. One of the main reasons I want to attend Michigan Law is to still be close enough to be present in my hometown. I think this more proactive way of giving kids hope will help them break a cycle of deplorable conditions. — Thomas Cribbins , Rising 1L at University of Michigan Law School
[I]n my junior year of college one lawyer changed my world. Former President Barack Obama created a new policy called DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), and my life changed overnight. DACA grants undocumented individuals who come to the U.S. as children temporary stays of deportation and U.S. work authorization. When I received my DACA, I felt free. I felt as though someone finally heard me screaming and came to my rescue. I was so grateful for DACA that I became motivated to advocate for others who felt voiceless…. I hope to use my law degree to change the world of people who feel forgotten by society.  I aim to continue to empower and lead marginalized communities toward legal and social equality and to defend others silenced by the severity of their circumstances. — Zainab Ilumoka , Rising 1L at George Washington University Law School
I dream of one day being in a position to influence the law to make patent thickets illegal without sacrificing patent protection. I hope the law can be changed to encourage pharmaceutical competition and innovation instead of smothering it. Every person in the US is affected by pharmaceutical pricing and the steadily rising healthcare costs. Even the Senate committee hearing on drug pricing last month probed sharply into Humira’s patent protections as part of its questioning. Surging drug prices are sure to become a key issue in the 2020 Presidential race. — Yiwei Jiang , Rising 1L at University of Chicago Law School
I promised myself that I would forge my own path and devote my life to becoming an advocate for marginalized people. The promise of this possibility — of living this mission and life — was my only comfort as I coped with my own circumstances as a low-income, first-generation immigrant. I held on to the hope that I, a girl from a village in Pakistan, will impact policy makers and create positive change in society. I will dedicate my career to representing women abused in the name of honor, children trapped in arranged marriages, victims of discrimination, and anyone whose unalienable rights are breached. A legal education will empower me with the skills and training needed to take action against these human rights violations. — Zara Khan (Pseudonym), Rising 1L at Washington University School of Law
When the world shakes around me, I move to make a difference. This is the discrepancy I hope to leverage my legal education and practice to solve. I want to be an international human rights lawyer and spokesman who champions the humanity of all humans. I aspire to one day be Secretary of State of the US and introduce global human policy to the national agenda. America first rhetoric is appealing in a jingoistic framework, but it is inherently unethical when a country has the power to change the course of human events. I want to be a steward in changing that course and ensuring that all human lives are valued, and that all human deaths are treated with the same urgency internationally. — Irfan Mahmud , Rising 1L at Harvard Law School
My fifteen years of experience with refugee populations in the United States, Turkey and Jordan exposed me to the geopolitical conflicts causing forced migration; religion, international politics and economic power seemed to drive the people with whom I worked from their homes…. I intend to contribute to a more just immigration system in the United States. In a career in law, I see the possibility of creating change not only for families and individuals but also for generations of people who come to the United States as immigrants. I see a career as an immigration lawyer to be the most effective way of contributing to a more just country. — Erin Martin , Rising 1L at Loyola University Chicago School of Law
When my sister tested positive for the mutation, a passion was ignited deep within me and clarity was given to my lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer. This was my community, the millions of people who suffer from preexisting conditions and spend too much of their time worrying about what will happen if there are not laws in place to protect them. I intend to use my law degree to interact with this community and address these legitimate fears. I believe that the law enables us to create a society in which we can and do choose to take care of those with preexisting health conditions. — Grace Tepley , Rising 1L at University of California, Berkeley, School of Law
Many veterans live in NYCHA, growing up I had a friend whose uncle was a veteran of the Vietnam War, his PTSD was so pronounced that he would practice military drills every morning in front of his building – his apartment would go days at a time without heat or hot water. Recently, PIX11 profiled a veteran living in NYCHA who had raw sewage spewing out of his sink for a month. The experience of living in a NYCHA development inflicts a perpetual denial of dignity. It is unconscionable that men and women who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country in foreign lands are not given decent places to live when they return home, I want to have a role in changing this. — William White , Rising 1L at Brooklyn Law School

On behalf of everybody here at Above the Law, I want to wish all you rising 1Ls good luck on your law school journey!

Renwei  Chung  is the Diversity Columnist at Above the Law. You can contact  Renwei  by email at  [email protected] , follow him on Twitter ( @renweichung ), or connect with him on  LinkedIn .

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BARBRI , Law Schools , Pre-laws , Prospective Law Students , Renwei Chung

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Why do you want to be a lawyer? Best sample answers

Studying law is no walk in a park . You’ll have to sacrifice a lot , and you will typically pay a lot for your degree–for a mere chance of obtaining it. What’s more, the demand for the places in the study program is incredibly high at any decent university offering law degrees . You will compete with many other people in the admission interviews, and unless you convince the committee of your motivation, they will choose someone else, and you will have to try your luck elsewhere, or wait one more year. So, why law ? Why did you choose law as a career?

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to the question. I tried to include in my selection a variety of answers, referring to different reasons, including some unconventional answers . Read them slowly, one after one, and consider whether any of them conveys the message you want to convey in your interviews, while trying to impress the admission committee members. Once done, do not forget to check also my notes below the answers, for additional hints on how to stand out and make sure they will remember you once the interviews end, and they decide about the successful applicants.

7 sample answers to “Why are you interested in studying law?” interview question

  • I see a lot of injustice in the world . And now I do not talk only about poor countries and inequality we can observe over there. When you have your eyes open, you will see things aren’t much better in the US . Especially in the corporate world, but also in the families. And I’d like to play my part in making things better . I consider specializing either in family law or environmental law , because these two fields are really close to my heart and I consider them incredibly important at the moment , and I also believe there is a lot of room for new quality lawyers, people who can make some difference . I find it fascinating to imagine that I represent interests of people in front of a court one day. And though the road ahead is long, I am motivated and ready to try my best.
  • I want to be completely honest with you: money is my main driving force. Let’s look at things as they are. I am lucky enough to belong to the brightest students in my city, and I also enjoy studying and working hard on my skills. With my grades and resume, I could get to almost any college , and study any subject. Because I know I would manage it, and I know they would accept me. So why not to try going for the pinnacle? Lawyers and other legal professionals earn excellent salaries and enjoy a lot of respect in their circles. And I would love to find myself in the same position one day, because I do not dream of earning an average wage. I want to make it big in my career, and provide for my family.
  • I find law and excellent match for my personality and strengths . To start with, I have a great memory , excellent communication and argumentation skills. I am also extremely ambitious, but have strong moral codex  at the same time, which I believe is a good combination for any lawyer. And I enjoy talking to people, especially from the business world. That’s why I’d love to specialize in corporate law, and perhaps one day have my own legal office . This is why I want to be a lawyer, and not a doctor for example.
  • I see law as a degree which offers one almost unlimited options on the employment market. Sure, the competition is huge. But nowadays, each organization, public or private, need someone with legal knowledge , someone who makes sure they adhere to the laws and regulations and avoid fines, someone who represents them in confrontations with various regulatory bodies. I believe that once I have a degree from your university, I will have many doors open. To sum it up, I see this degree as the best possible start to my professional career .
  • Three reasons. First one, love for the field . It fascinates me how a skilled lawyer can save a business millions of dollars, or save an individual from years in prison. Second reason is financial stability . Lawyers do not struggle with monthly bills. And the third, equally important reason, is job security . People and companies will always go to court, needing assistance of legal professionals. Once you establish yourself on the market and get some clientele, you do not have to worry about having little work , or about losing your job…
  • I honestly believe that law is such an important part of our life , and basically omnipresent, that each lawyer can make a positive difference in the individual lives of people they work with, and represent in front of the court of justice. The idea of helping people, and at the same time getting excellent compensation for my work , truly fascinates me. I believe you cannot find any other job field with similar characteristics. On the top of that, I am a great student, and have no doubts that I will manage to pass the exams and eventually get my degree. Law is a hard field, but I feel ready to make a great career in the field.
  • I’ve always felt this need to help underprivileged people protect their rights. Maybe the main reason is that I also come from an underprivileged family , and I know how hard it was to get some justice, when we needed it the most. What’s more, I just love thinking out of the box , putting things together , and I have great attention to detail. I believe that job of attorney is a perfect choice from someone like me, considering my strengths, career goals, and everything else. And I cannot wait to start.

Special Tip : What if I told you that you can practice your answers to all tricky law school interview questions, getting an immediate feedback from a life-like AI interview coach ? And that you can start doing it for free , and it is a lot of fun too? 🙂 Check out this page on our partner website , Real Mock Interviews, pick a question, enter your email, and start practicing for free , either on your mobile phone or on your computer. Check it out now and see for yourself!

Try to be specific in your answer

I know it is hard to think about your future once you are in your early twenties. You have your entire life in front of you. So many options, but also many challenges this generation faces. Anyway, try to think about your future for a few minutes before going to your law school interview.

What field of law would you prefer to specialize in later on? Criminal, civil rights, family, immigration, or even international law? Once you choose the field, think about the position you’d like to have in it, in ten years from now . Maybe you want to work for a particular company, or on a particular case.

why i want to go to law school essay

Perhaps you want to represent a particular group of people , or help members of a specific community. And maybe you’d like to start your own legal practice eventually, working for yourself, instead of for someone else. And while your goals may change several times until you earn your degree (if you manage to earn it at all, the average dropout rate at law school is over 20% ), it is still good to have a specific vision for your future , a vision which motivates you, and will help you to handle the heavy workload at school, as well as other challenges. The more specific you are in your answer, the better your chances to succeed. I wish you good luck!

Ready to answer this question? Great! But do not forget to check also other tricky questions you may face in your school admission interview:

  • Does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
  • How do you handle success?
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“Do I Have to Explain Why I Want to Be a Lawyer?” and Other Questions

1. Do I have to explain why I want to be a lawyer?

You should probably explain why you want to be a lawyer in the following circumstances:

  • If you're switching careers
  • If you're coming from an atypical liberal arts major (e.g. music) and have no extracurricular activities that indicate your legal interest
  • If the personal statement prompt tells you to (obviously)

Read each application's instructions carefully. Some schools leave the essay wide open; others ask you to explain your professional goals or motivations. The majority suggest mostly personal topics, but mention your professional motivation as one possibility.

If a school asks why you want to study law, your task is to tell a story about your motivation. Show the committee the whole arc of your decision. What set you on this path, and how did you arrive at this moment?

Most students write something that’s both personal and professional, telling a story that either culminates in their decision to study law or arrives at an epiphany which will help them succeed as a lawyer. Pivoting to law at the end of the essay is a reliable way to add a sense of closure and purpose.

2. Do I have to say why I want to go to a given school?

You don’t have to explain why you want to go to a given school unless the school asks, but it’s never a bad idea to show some school-specific love at the end of your essay, provided that you sound informed and genuine.

Don’t bother mentioning a school’s ranking or reputation. Dig deeper—and do your homework. If you say you want to work with a certain professor, for example, then make sure that professor is really on the faculty (and not, say, passingly related to a center).

If a school gives you the option of writing a “why X” essay, write the essay, and keep your personal statement personal.

See also  How to Research a “Why X” Essay.

3. Do I have to write a different personal statement for each school?

You can usually write one statement and tweak it for different schools. Again, though, you have to read the directions. If your essay doesn’t answer the question, you’ll have to change it or write a new one.

4. How long should my essay be?

Read the directions. (Have you noticed a pattern in these answers?) Essays of two or three double-spaced pages, or about 600-850 words, tend to hit the sweet spot.

More questions? See also  Law School Admissions FAQ .

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Law School "Why X" Essays

What is the best strategy for a good "why x" essay for law school? I haven't started on mine yet, but I want to write an essay that's more than just "X school is in a nice location and has good employment opportunities post-grad." I want to write an essay that really focuses on the strengths of the school and why it's a good fit for me, and why I'd be a good fit for the school, but I'm not sure how. Does anyone have helpful advice for a strong "why X" essay?


Trump Says He Would Give Green Cards to All Foreign College Students at Graduation

Mr. Trump’s promise to Silicon Valley investors was a sharp departure from immigration curbs he enacted during his presidency. His campaign walked it back soon after.

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Donald J. Trump is speaking into a microphone at a lectern.

By Chris Cameron

  • June 20, 2024

Donald J. Trump said he would push for a program that would automatically give green cards to all foreign college students in America after they graduate, a reversal from restrictions he enacted as president on immigration by high-skilled workers and students to the United States.

But hours after Mr. Trump’s remarks aired, his campaign’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, walked back the former president’s comments, saying in a statement that there would be an “aggressive vetting process” that would “exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges ” and that the policy would apply only to the “most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to America.”

Appearing with the host David Sacks, a Silicon Valley investor who backs the former president’s 2024 campaign , on a podcast that aired Thursday afternoon, Mr. Trump had repeated his frequent criticism of high levels of immigration as an “invasion of our country.” But he was then pressed by Jason Calacanis, another investor who hosts the podcast, to “promise us you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest around the world to America.”

“I do promise, but I happen to agree,” Mr. Trump said, adding “what I will do is — you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country, and that includes junior colleges.”

It would have been a sweeping change that would have opened a vast path to American citizenship for foreigners. The State Department estimated that the United States hosted roughly one million international students in the academic year that ended in 2022 — a majority of whom came from China and India. The United States granted lawful permanent residence to roughly one million people during the year that ended in September 2022, so such a policy change would significantly increase the number of green cards issued.

Mr. Trump suggested on the podcast that he had wanted to enact such a policy while in office but “then we had to solve the Covid problem.” The Trump administration invoked the pandemic to enact many of the immigration restrictions that officials had wanted to put in place earlier in Mr. Trump’s term .

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Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

The Associated Press

Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday. Above, workers repaint a Ten Commandments billboard off of Interstate 71 near Chenoweth, Ohio, on Nov. 7, 2023.

Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday. Above, workers repaint a Ten Commandments billboard off of Interstate 71 near Chenoweth, Ohio, on Nov. 7, 2023. Carolyn Kaster/AP hide caption

BATON ROUGE, La. — Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom, the latest move from a GOP-dominated Legislature pushing a conservative agenda under a new governor.

The legislation that Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law on Wednesday requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.

Opponents questioned the law’s constitutionality and vowed to challenge it in court . Proponents said the the measure is not solely religious, but that it has historical significance. In the language of the law, the Ten Commandments are “foundational documents of our state and national government.”

WWNO: Louisiana will face lawsuit over Ten Commandments school displays

The posters, which will be paired with a four-paragraph “context statement” describing how the Ten Commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries,” must be in place in classrooms by the start of 2025.

Under the law, state funds will not be used to implement the mandate. The posters would be paid for through donations.

The law also “authorizes” but does not require the display of other items in K-12 public schools, including: The Mayflower Compact, which was signed by religious pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620 and is often referred to as America’s “First Constitution"; the Declaration of Independence; and the Northwest Ordinance, which established a government in the Northwest Territory — in the present day Midwest — and created a pathway for admitting new states to the Union.

Not long after the governor signed the bill into law at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Lafayette on Wednesday, civil rights groups and organizations that want to keep religion out of government promised to file a lawsuit challenging it.

The law prevents students from getting an equal education and will keep children who have different beliefs from feeling safe at school, the American Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation said in a joint statement Wednesday afternoon.

“Even among those who may believe in some version of the Ten Commandments, the particular text that they adhere to can differ by religious denomination or tradition. The government should not be taking sides in this theological debate,” the groups said.

The controversial law, in a state ensconced in the Bible Belt, comes during a new era of conservative leadership in Louisiana under Landry, who replaced two-term Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards in January. The GOP holds a supermajority in the Legislature, and Republicans hold every statewide elected position, paving the way for lawmakers to push through a conservative agenda.

Similar bills requiring the Ten Commandments be displayed in classrooms have been proposed in other states including Texas, Oklahoma and Utah. However, with threats of legal battles over the constitutionality of such measures, no state besides Louisiana has succeeded in making the bills law.

Legal battles over the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms are not new.

In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a similar Kentucky law was unconstitutional and violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution, which says Congress can “make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” The high court found that the law had no secular purpose but rather served a plainly religious purpose.

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FACT SHEET: President   Biden Announces New Actions to Keep Families   Together

Since his first day in office, President Biden has called on Congress to secure our border and address our broken immigration system. As Congressional Republicans have continued to put partisan politics ahead of national security – twice voting against the toughest and fairest set of reforms in decades – the President and his Administration have taken actions to secure the border, including:

  • Implementing executive actions to bar migrants who cross our Southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum when encounters are high;
  • Deploying record numbers of law enforcement personnel, infrastructure, and technology to the Southern border;
  • Seizing record amounts of fentanyl at our ports of entry;
  • Revoking the visas of CEOs and government officials outside the U.S. who profit from migrants coming to the U.S. unlawfully; and
  • Expanding efforts to dismantle human smuggling networks and prosecuting individuals who violate immigration laws.

President Biden believes that securing the border is essential. He also believes in expanding lawful pathways and keeping families together, and that immigrants who have been in the United States for decades, paying taxes and contributing to their communities, are part of the social fabric of our country. The Day One immigration reform plan that the President sent to Congress reflects both the need for a secure border and protections for the long-term undocumented. While Congress has failed to act on these reforms, the Biden-Harris Administration has worked to strengthen our lawful immigration system. In addition to vigorously defending the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals) policy, the Administration has extended Affordable Care Act coverage to DACA recipients and streamlined, expanded, and instituted new reunification programs so that families can stay together while they complete the immigration process.  Still, there is more that we can do to bring peace of mind and stability to Americans living in mixed-status families as well as young people educated in this country, including Dreamers. That is why today, President Biden announced new actions for people who have been here many years to keep American families together and allow more young people to contribute to our economy.   Keeping American Families Together

  • Today, President Biden is announcing that the Department of Homeland Security will take action to ensure that U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children can keep their families together.
  • This new process will help certain noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence – status that they are already eligible for – without leaving the country.
  • These actions will promote family unity and strengthen our economy, providing a significant benefit to the country and helping U.S. citizens and their noncitizen family members stay together.
  • In order to be eligible, noncitizens must – as of June 17, 2024 – have resided in the United States for 10 or more years and be legally married to a U.S. citizen, while satisfying all applicable legal requirements. On average, those who are eligible for this process have resided in the U.S. for 23 years.
  • Those who are approved after DHS’s case-by-case assessment of their application will be afforded a three-year period to apply for permanent residency. They will be allowed to remain with their families in the United States and be eligible for work authorization for up to three years. This will apply to all married couples who are eligible.  
  • This action will protect approximately half a million spouses of U.S. citizens, and approximately 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to a U.S. citizen.

Easing the Visa Process for U.S. College Graduates, Including Dreamers

  • President Obama and then-Vice President Biden established the DACA policy to allow young people who were brought here as children to come out of the shadows and contribute to our country in significant ways. Twelve years later, DACA recipients who started as high school and college students are now building successful careers and establishing families of their own.
  • Today’s announcement will allow individuals, including DACA recipients and other Dreamers, who have earned a degree at an accredited U.S. institution of higher education in the United States, and who have received an offer of employment from a U.S. employer in a field related to their degree, to more quickly receive work visas.
  • Recognizing that it is in our national interest to ensure that individuals who are educated in the U.S. are able to use their skills and education to benefit our country, the Administration is taking action to facilitate the employment visa process for those who have graduated from college and have a high-skilled job offer, including DACA recipients and other Dreamers. 

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  1. Why I want to attend law school Personal Statement

    why i want to go to law school essay

  2. PPT

    why i want to go to law school essay

  3. How to Write a 'Why This Law School' Essay

    why i want to go to law school essay

  4. Law School Essay

    why i want to go to law school essay

  5. How to Write a Why Law School Essay Example

    why i want to go to law school essay

  6. Law school statement of purpose example

    why i want to go to law school essay


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  3. Uni vlog🫧:Can you survive law school?|Law essays|Orals|Church|Pulling an all nighter

  4. reading my law school essays that got me into top law schools




  1. How to Write a 'Why This Law School' Essay With Examples

    For instance, if the law school has a special program where you can work directly with clients, and this lines up with your goal of getting hands-on legal experience, make sure to highlight this. The goal is to show a sincere and careful tie to the institution. 3. Create a Logical Flow.

  2. Law School Personal Statement: The Ultimate Guide (Examples Included)

    A quality personal statement—a short essay in which you articulate who you are and why you want to go to law school—allows an admissions officer to understand your motivation to attend law school, and the reasons why you want to attend their school, specifically. ... a strong set of law school essays demonstrates that you aren't just ...

  3. How to Write a 'Why This Law School' Essay

    The School of Law at the University of California—Irvine has a mandatory essay of up to 750 words about why you are interested in their school. Other schools may ask applicants to address this ...

  4. 18 Law School Personal Statement Examples That Got Accepted!

    Law School Personal Statement Example #1. When I was a child, my neighbors, who had arrived in America from Nepal, often seemed stressed. They argued a lot, struggled for money, and seemed to work all hours of the day. One day, I woke early in the morning to a commotion outside my apartment.

  5. Sample Law School Personal Statement Essays

    This sample law school personal statement is about half the length of Essay 1 and concentrates on the author's post-college work experience. In its brevity and focus it's the mirror image of Law School Essay 1. The contrast between the two highlights the diversity that can work in law school essays.

  6. Tips For Law School Personal Statements: Examples, Resources ...

    A law school personal statement is a multi-paragraph essay or narrative highlighting the reason you are pursuing a J.D. degree. This essay is an opportunity to share your identity with an ...

  7. "Why This Law School?" Essay Example

    Since we already mentioned a prompt from Stanford Law School, let's review a sample essay for their prompt. And before we jump in, this is what Stanford Law School has to say about its culture: "At SLS, we are driven by a passion for new ideas and a commitment to transformative solutions. True to our roots in Silicon Valley and our Stanford ...

  8. Explaining Why You're Applying to Their Law School (The "Why X" Essay

    If not, we generally advise applicants keep their "Why X" essay to about one page, at 1'' margins and 11- or 12-point font. DON'T write a "Why X" essay for every school you apply to. Some schools don't want them. Some schools ask for them specifically, which is a clear indication that you should write one.

  9. 2 Law School Personal Statements That Succeeded

    Pishko says these two personal statements demonstrate the necessity of sincerity in an admissions essay. "It has to be sincere, and it has to be you and what you want to write about and why you ...

  10. How to Write a Law School Personal Statement + Examples

    Law school statement prompts and purposes can vary slightly depending on the school. Their purpose could be to show your personality, describe your motivation for attending law school, explain why you want to go to a particular law school, or a mix of all three and more. This guide will help you perfect your writing with tips and examples.

  11. 4 Law School Personal Statement Examples

    The middle of the essay talks about a challenge faced, a lesson the writer learned, and then why a particular law school is suited for the writer's goals. And then the writer ends the essay by saying that the whole reason the writer wants to go to law school is to help those prisoners flickering their lights on the night of that protest.

  12. How to Answer the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

    essay question is designed to help admissions officers understand your motivations, goals, and fit with a particular law school. The question is intended to be open-ended, allowing you to provide a unique and personal response. Your essay should demonstrate your understanding of the legal field and showcase your qualifications and interests.

  13. How to Write a "Why X" Essay

    Formatting and Length. If a school doesn't specify, aim for about one double-spaced page, or roughly 250-350 words. Format your "why school X" the same way you format your personal statement, but write "Interest in School X" in the header, unless the application refers to the essay differently (e.g. "Supplemental Essay One").

  14. How To Write A "Why This Law School" Essay

    The first is explicit: They want to gauge the actual compatibility between the applicant and the school. The second is to see if you made your application choices strategically. For instance, if you were to tell them in your essay that your strategy was to apply to the top ten law schools in the US News & World Report rankings and that you ...

  15. 10 Reasons To Attend Law School From Rising 1L Students Throughout

    That's not my intention at all. One of the main reasons I want to attend Michigan Law is to still be close enough to be present in my hometown. I think this more proactive way of giving kids ...

  16. Why are you interested in law? 7 sample answers + more

    Three reasons. First one, love for the field. It fascinates me how a skilled lawyer can save a business millions of dollars, or save an individual from years in prison. Second reason is financial stability. Lawyers do not struggle with monthly bills. And the third, equally important reason, is job security.

  17. How to Begin Why X Law School Essay : r/lawschooladmissions

    As long as you're sincere and write well, your Why X essay will be well received. Straight forward, honest essays will always be welcomed in professional/grad school admissions. Gone are the days where we need flowery, verbose narrative focused essays, like we did for undergrad. Unless you are truly ground breaking with your reasoning, you ...

  18. Personal statement "why this law school" question

    If it is about the latter, it misses the core principle of a personal statement and should be revised. My rough outline for a personal statement is. Tell a compelling vignette about an important moment in my life. Talk about how it impacted me and what I learned from it. Talk about how and why (2) would make me a good law student/legal practioner.

  19. Law School Optional Essays: What to Know

    A few schools, like Stanford University Law School in California and Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., have offbeat essay prompts that tend to vary from year to year.

  20. Why did you go to law school? : r/LawSchool

    People write a lot of crap on admission essays about why law school. A lot of times it has to do with picking a career to fight for justice or because you were good at arguing as a kid. What are some of the real reasons you went to law school. You have no one to impress in an anonymous forum so let's be forthcoming.

  21. "Do I Have to Explain Why I Want to Be a Lawyer?" and Other ...

    You should probably explain why you want to be a lawyer in the following circumstances: Read each application's instructions carefully. Some schools leave the essay wide open; others ask you to explain your professional goals or motivations. The majority suggest mostly personal topics, but mention your professional motivation as one possibility.

  22. Should You Go to Law School? A List of Pros vs. Cons

    Law school boosts your credibility. Law school helps build research, speaking, writing, and analytical reasoning skills—all qualities that are looked favorably upon in a wide scope of industries. Many employers assume that someone with a law degree has, at the very least, proven themselves to be adept at many vital skillsets.

  23. Teaching & Learning

    As part of its broad-based teaching mission, the AHA develops and shares resources for educators and students. From regional teaching conferences and online programs to pathbreaking research projects, AHA initiatives foster a community grounded in our shared commitment to understanding the past. We support and convene people who share a love of ...

  24. Recent High School Grads: Tell Us Why You Decided to Go to College or

    Students across America are asking whether college is worth it. We want to know why you decided that it was — or wasn't — a good choice to attend. The Class of 2024 at Newtown High School in ...

  25. Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to

    "What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country," the ...

  26. America's Top Doctor on Why He Wants Warning Labels on Social Media

    A rising tide of mental health problems among teenagers has sent parents, teachers and doctors searching for answers. This week, the U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, offered one: social ...

  27. Law School "Why X" Essays : r/lawschooladmissions

    I haven't started on mine yet, but I want to write an essay that's more than just "X school is in a nice location and has good employment opportunities post-grad." I want to write an essay that really focuses on the strengths of the school and why it's a good fit for me, and why I'd be a good fit for the school, but I'm not sure how.

  28. Trump Says He Would Give Green Cards to Foreign College Students After

    Trump Says He Would Give Green Cards to All Foreign College Students at Graduation. Mr. Trump's promise to Silicon Valley investors was a sharp departure from immigration curbs he enacted during ...

  29. Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every ...

    The Associated Press. Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Jeff ...

  30. FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces New Actions to Keep Families

    Today, President Biden is announcing that the Department of Homeland Security will take action to ensure that U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children can keep their families together ...