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How to Write Resume Job Descriptions (With Examples)

what to write in description in resume

How to Write Resume Job Descriptions

Focus on skills and achievements, include keywords, be selective about what you include.

  • Prioritize Job Descriptions

Quantify Your Achievements

  • Emphasize Accomplishments

Make Your Jobs Sound Better

When you think about job descriptions, it's likely that job ads posted by employers first spring to mind. But the most important job descriptions may be the ones you create yourself when you’re describing past positions on your resume.

These job descriptions show prospective employers what you have accomplished in the positions you've held. They also provide a synopsis of your experience and skills.

Well-written descriptions for each job you have held will help get your resume noticed and selected for interviews.

Here’s advice on writing job descriptions for your resume, what to include, how to quantify and prioritize your accomplishments, and examples.

What's the best way to write attention-grabbing job descriptions? Before you start adding job descriptions to your resume, you may want to make a list of accomplishments at each of your jobs. This will prepare you for writing your resume.

After you have written a job description, look for ways to make your explanation more concise:

  • Craft effective impact statements.
  • Highlight skills and achievements, providing only enough detail to support your premises.
  • Edit out pronouns and articles.
  • Begin phrases or sentences with verbs.
  • Choose strong words— resume action words  like “initiated” and “supervised” are powerful and show that you’ve made an impact on your team.
  • Having short descriptions that focus on the most powerful aspects of your role will help recruiters and hiring managers quickly take in and assess your experience. 

If you are submitting resumes to organizations that add them into  applicant tracking systems  (ATS), include as many industry and job-specific " keywords " as possible. When searching databases for potential candidates, employers seek resumes with the greatest number of "hits" on keywords.

Keywords are most often nouns, e.g., “customer service” or “computer skills.” To use keywords most effectively, be specific, use as many as possible, and sprinkle them throughout your resume. 

Your resume isn’t your entire  work history , and you don’t need to include every duty for each role. Determine the most relevant information by putting yourself in your potential employer's position: Will this information help convince the employer that you are a worthwhile candidate to interview?

You do not have to include every responsibility you ever had. Group together similar tasks. For instance, rather than listing "Answered phones" and "Responded to customer emails" in two bullet points, you can combine and say, "Resolved customer issues through phone, email, and chat conversations."

Prioritize Your Qualifications

Next, think about prioritizing the information you provide in each description. Present details that are of the greatest interest to potential employers first. 

Highlight your most relevant qualifications for the job by listing them first in the job description.

For example, consider a candidate seeking a job in interior design. The resume might reflect a retail experience in which 75% of the candidate's time was spent on the sales floor, and 25% was spent designing window and floor displays. Since the design of window and floor displays is most meaningful to an interior design employer, this should be listed before sales. 

Job Description Example

Sales Associate , Retail USA, New York, NY October 2021 - Present

  • Designed all large windows using color as the primary focus.
  • Created engaging point-of-purchase displays for slow-moving small items; increased sales of these items by 30%.
  • Organized floor displays to maximize space and call attention to the latest merchandise.
  • Utilized strong interpersonal and communications skills to serve customers; received employee of the month award twice.

Quantify as much information as you can (numbers, dollar signs, and percentages can all help to make your case). 

For instance, a bullet point that reads "Grew traffic 35% year-over-year" is more impressive—and informative—than one that reads simply "Improved traffic."

Employers like numbers. It's much easier to look at signs and symbols than it is to read words.

Nearly any description, for any job, can be  enhanced through the use of numbers . A waitress might start out with the description, "Took customer orders and delivered food." But a quantified description saying, "Served customers in an upscale 100-seat restaurant," provides much more insight.

Waitress, Maxill's Restaurant,  New York, NY January 2022 - Present

  • Provided dining service for patrons at an upscale 100-seat fine dining establishment.
  • Served meals, cleared tables, monitored five tables, and provided exceptional customer service to up to 30 customers.
  • Trained new waitstaff on POS system, guest services, and restaurant policies and procedures.

Emphasize Accomplishments Over Responsibilities

It's important for employees to know you have the necessary experience to do the work required in the position. Still, many candidates will have this relevant experience.

To stand out, emphasize how you added value. Focus on accomplishments, rather than responsibilities.

As seen above, numbers can be your friend when it comes to  highlighting your accomplishments in your resume . As well, numbers provide context. For instance, you might say, "Increased revenue by 5%, after several years of decreasing sales."

Or, rather than saying, "Answered phone calls and dealt with customer concerns," you can say, "Resolved customer concerns, answering approximately 10 calls per hour. Became go-to person on the team for dealing with the toughest phone calls and most challenging complaints."

Employers want to know what you accomplished. Make it easy for them to see what you've done by using numbers and percentages.

While it is important to keep descriptions short, adding details and context can help show employers why you'd be a good match for the position. 

Customer Service Associate,  ABD Company March 2020 - August 2021

  • Resolved customer concerns efficiently and expeditiously, answering approximately 300 calls per week.
  • Achieved 100% of call performance goals for accuracy, speed, volume, resolution of issues, and customer satisfaction.
  • Nominated for employee-of-the-month four times for excellent attitude and exemplary customer service skills.

There are easy ways to jazz up your resume job descriptions to  make your jobs sound super impressive . A few simple tweaks here and there can make your resume much better.

Key Takeaways

  • Spend some time writing the job descriptions on your resume, since potential employers will read them carefully. 
  • Focus on relevant skills and accomplishments—be choosy about the information you include, and place the most relevant information at the top of the job description. 
  • Rather than simply listing out tasks, focus on what you've accomplished in each role, incorporating attention-grabbing numbers and percentages. 

Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application

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In This Guide:

What is a resume job description, responsibilities vs accomplishments: how to enhance your resume job description, how to write your resume job description with achievements if you’re a newly grad, how do i tailor a resume to a job description effectively, looking for a resume job description example.

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Getting your resume done is one of the most unnerving parts of the job application process.

Do I have enough experience? Which positions should I list? Can I mention my volunteer work history? Should I or should I not include a photo on my resume ?

These are just some of the questions that ran through my mind when I was preparing my resume.

I spent days researching the best resume practices out there, trying to craft the perfect document that was sure to land me the job.

I wanted my resume to stand out. To make an impact on the hiring managers. I wanted it to work.

And you know what? I made it work.

Surprisingly, all I did was tweak one part that hadn’t crossed my mind before – the job description .

So, stick around and let me tell you the story of how one section can make or break your application.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • What a resume job description is and why it’s important;
  • How to make sure you write a job description that blows all the other candidates out of the water;
  • How to tailor your job description to the specific position you’re applying for.

Enhancv Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application


Now, let’s start with the question on everyone’s minds.

To put it short, a job description section on your resume shows the prospective employers your past work experience (paid, internship, and volunteer), as well as your key skills and accomplishments demonstrated at a specific job.

It’s one of the most important resume sections .

It shows a hiring manager what you’ve achieved, what you’ve learned, and how that can be applied to the position they’re offering.

What a well-written resume job description does is highlight the fact that your skills and accomplishments are not only relevant to the job at hand – they’re exactly what the company needs.

When writing about your work history, don’t just list your duties at a past job – that’s boring and, to be honest, recruiters don’t really care.

What’s important to them is that you have the necessary experience, skills, and drive to manage and excel at the task you’ll need to handle.

Hopefully, you now know what a job description section is.

So, to make sure you write one that gets your resume noticed, I’m going to give you some hot tips, coming straight from the experts.

Let’s get right to it!

Focus on your skills and achievements

As I said, recruiters don’t really care about all the daily duties and responsibilities you’ve had before, even if your past job is relevant to the one you’re applying for.

I guarantee, every other applicant that’s held a similar position will have had similar duties. Your job title itself lets the recruiter know what they are.

It doesn’t matter what you did, but how you succeeded at it.

So, what you need to do is highlight your accomplishments and skills while you outline your duties. This shows the hiring manager that you can bring value to the company.

You don’t need to go into too much detail – a simple statement, such as “Created a custom client dashboard that reduced support tickets by 50%” is enough to show what you’ve brought to the table.

However, you can’t just throw any old achievement in there. You need to curate your content. So…

Vet your experience and select the most relevant information

You don’t have to list your entire work history when you write your resume job description, just as you don’t have to list every single responsibility.

What helps is to pinpoint which part of your experience will be the most important to the recruiter and focus on that.

Prioritize the information you include in your job descriptions. You may have achieved tons of things at your past job – but which one is the most relevant? Find out and put it first.

Try and put yourself in the employer’s shoes.

Will a recruiter looking for a web developer be impressed by how you increased Walmart’s Pepper Jack sales by 30% in a week?

Probably not, unless it’s his favorite cheese.

So, research the company, the position, and what is most important to them, and then match it to your skills and accomplishments.

Let the numbers speak for you

Take any achievement of yours. Can the information be represented by symbols and numbers? If yes, then do just that.

People find reading concrete symbols and signs easier than reading words.

Let’s go back to our cheese example from before. Which of the following statements is more impressive:

“Increased cheese sales” or “Increased Pepper Jack sales by 30% in 1 week by leading a successful marketing campaign”?

Even something as ordinary as cheese can sound fancy when you throw in raw data like that.

Be very specific when talking about your achievements and quantify as much as possible.

Make attention-grabbing section headers

Your work experience section is perhaps the most important part of that document. So, make it stand out .

You don’t have to name the section anything specific – Work Experience, Work History, Experience, Employment History – all of these are fine.

Just make sure it’s clearly visible. Go for all-caps, or bold, or add an accent, contrasting color.

The Enhancv resume builder lets you give all your sections custom names, so you can let your personality shine through and better reflect your expertise.

Put your work experience in a visible spot

I’ll say it again – your work experience is one of the most important sections of your resume.

Most recruiters will say that the resume job description is their main source of information on whether the potential employee will do well at a certain job.

So, it makes sense to put it somewhere where it can’t be missed.

Add this section right after your resume summary and before any others, such as Education , Languages , and Skills .

List your resume job descriptions in a reverse-chronological order

This is a very popular and quite useful tactic, and it’s perfect for most resumes, with minimal exceptions.

Start with your current or last job . Move on to the position before that, then the one before that , you get it.

By doing this, you guarantee that the hiring manager sees the best of you and your abilities.

Use between 3 to 5 bullet points for each job

The easiest way for a recruiter to scan through your work experience section is if you use bullet points to list your achievements, skills, and duties.

For each position, use from 3 to 5 bullets. The more recent the job is, the more bullet points you can use. The farther back you go, the fewer you need, and you can only list the most relevant information.

You don’t need a bullet for every single achievement and skill, either. You may have succeeded in a lot of different areas, but not all of them will be important in all cases.

Customize your resume and tailor the information to the job description.

Start each bullet point with an action verb

Eliminate any unnecessary words wherever possible. Hiring managers don’t need all the fluff, and no one wants to read through a 3-page essay about your previous work experience.

Keep it short and sweet.

Start each bullet with an action verb to make it clearer and more powerful.

Another helpful tip is to begin with the successful result of your actions, followed by the action itself.

“Increased Pepper Jack sales by 30% in 1 week by leading a successful marketing campaign”, remember?

Recruiters are more likely to remember the result than the process.

Include the benefit your actions and results had on the company goals

As I mentioned before, you need to decide on what will be most important to the company.

Not only do they want to know that you can succeed at the job, but they also want to know what you can bring to the table, what value you can add.

Give the hiring manager context, too. Show them how your skills can be used in practice.

I understand that it’s easier to write a resume when you have experience. It can be difficult for those straight out of college to figure out what kind of experience they can include.

I’ve been in that position, too.

Just because you don’t have any actual paid work experience doesn’t mean you’ll have to leave that section blank, though.

If you’ve only just graduated and you don’t have that much relevant experience, you can place the education section first, focus on your academic achievements, and put the resume job description after.

In the actual work experience section, you can highlight any other relevant experiences, for example – unpaid internships, volunteer work , student organizations, etc, up to 4 or 5 positions.

For your resume to really succeed, it’s important that you tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for.

You shouldn’t send the same resume with every application, just as you wouldn’t send the same cover letter.

But how do you tailor a resume to a job description ?

Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds!

One of the first things you should do is read the job description that came with the job offer. Read it once, then read it twice, then read it three times.

What you’re trying to do here is identify what’s most important to the company and what they’re looking for in an employee for this particular position. They want to know what you can bring to the table.

Match the content of your resume to the job description. If you’re applying for an engineering job , don’t talk about your time as a cheese salesman, unless parts of what you learned and achieved are really relevant.

A helpful trick is to pay attention to the keywords. Go over the job description and the position requirements and highlight any key ones.

Think of stuff like “detail-oriented”, “resourceful”, and “communication skills”.

Then make a list of all your skills and achievements.

Match those skills to the keywords. The more matches you make, the better your chances of writing a resume that lands you that coveted interview.

Sprinkle those words around your resume, and especially in your work experience section. This will help you pass the automatic sorting system, as well as catch the eye of the recruiter that scans resumes for keywords.

So, follow all the tips from above and you’ll be well on your way to crafting a stellar resume that gets you hired!

I know this can all seem daunting.

So, to help you out, I’ll give you some of our best examples of a great resume job description. And if you want more full resume examples to guide you, I’ve got you covered.

Take a look at this accounting analyst resume.

Enhancv Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application

Now take a look at the following bullet:

“Participated in implementing automated accounting processes that reduced errors of accounting items by 55%”.

It has everything – it starts with an action verb, it quantifies the achievement – overall, I’d say it’s not half bad, wouldn’t you?

Now, let’s switch it up and examine this baker’s resume:

Enhancv Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application

Let’s start with the placement – this resume doesn’t put that much emphasis on the work experience section.

Personally, I’d give some more thought to whether my experience or my education is more important in this case. However, work experience definitely beats the way I spend my time, so surely it should come before it.

Let’s look at the resume job description. Which one of the following do you think is more impressive:

“Ensured all prepared items are appropriately labeled, covered, and rotated” or “Resolved conflicts between kitchen staff which increased the efficiency of the kitchen by 50%”?

Probably the second one, right? So, they probably should have put it first on the list.

Overall, there’s room for improvement here.

And last, but not least, let’s shift the focus to this teacher’s resume:

Enhancv Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application

Here, they’ve got the placement right – experience is important for a teacher, after all.

The bullets following their most recent position highlight their skills and achievements, and they’ve kept in mind what would be important for this job.

I probably would have started with “Contributed to raising retention rate from 75% – 89%”, but other than that – a fine example.

So, there you have it – you now know what a resume job description is, why you need one, and how to write one that skyrockets your chances of success.

To summarise, here are the most important things to keep in mind:

  • A job description section on your resume shows the prospective employers your past work experience, as well as your skills and accomplishments.
  • When writing a work experience section, focus on your skills and achievements, rather than your duties and responsibilities.
  • Keep the information relevant to the position at hand.
  • Quantify your achievements – employers like numbers.
  • Make your job description section visible, make sure it stands out.
  • Use bullet points and start each with an action verb.
  • Tailor your resume to the company’s needs and requirements, but keep it truthful.

I hope this post was useful to you. Do you have any other questions? Do you have any experience you want to share? You can do so in the comments!

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Writing A Resume Description: What To Include And What To Avoid

Are you tired of submitting resumes that never get noticed? It’s time to take a closer look at your resume description. This is your chance to showcase your skills and experience in a way that stands out from the competition.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of writing a resume description that will grab the attention of hiring managers and land you your dream job.

First, we’ll start with the basics. Your resume description should include a strong summary statement that immediately communicates your value proposition to potential employers. From there, we’ll dive into the details of how to showcase your relevant skills and experience, tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for.

We’ll also explore common mistakes to avoid, such as using cliches or including irrelevant information. And finally, we’ll discuss the importance of proofreading and editing your resume to ensure that it’s polished and professional.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a resume description that will help you stand out in a crowded job market.

Key Takeaways

  • A brief summary statement highlighting relevant skills and experiences should be included.
  • Industry-specific keywords should be used throughout the resume and achievements should be highlighted with quantitative data.
  • Cliches and irrelevant information should be avoided and bullet points and clear headings should be used.
  • Proofreading and editing the resume for errors and consistency is crucial and seeking expert guidance can improve the quality of the resume.

Start with a Strong Summary Statement

Start with a strong summary statement.

You’ll want to begin your resume with a strong summary statement that captures your skills and experiences in a concise and compelling way. Crafting a compelling introduction requires you to highlight your most relevant qualifications and achievements.

This summary should be brief, usually no more than two or three sentences, but it should pack a punch. Tips for standing out include using keywords that are relevant to the job you’re applying for and showcasing your unique skills and experiences.

You should also be sure to tailor your summary statement to the specific job you’re applying for. This will show the employer that you’ve taken the time to research the company and position, and that you’re truly interested in the job.

Remember, your summary statement is the first thing a potential employer will see, so make sure it’s attention-grabbing and highlights your strengths.

Showcase Your Relevant Skills and Experience

Highlight your achievements and emphasize your industry-specific skills to show potential employers how you can contribute to their company’s success. Start by identifying the most relevant skills and experiences that you’ve acquired throughout your career.

These may include technical abilities, communication skills, leadership qualities, or any other trait that’s valuable to the position you’re applying for.

Once you’ve identified your key skills, highlight specific examples of how you’ve used them to achieve positive results in your previous roles. Use quantitative data whenever possible to demonstrate the impact of your work.

For example, if you’re applying for a sales position, you might mention that you increased sales by 20% in your last role by implementing a new sales strategy. By showcasing your expertise and past accomplishments, you can demonstrate your value as a candidate and increase your chances of landing the job.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description

Crafting a tailored resume that speaks directly to the job requirements will give you an edge over other applicants and make a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

One of the most effective ways to tailor your resume is by including industry-specific keywords. These keywords will not only make your resume stand out but also show that you have a good understanding of the job requirements.

To find industry-specific keywords, carefully review the job description and highlight any important words or phrases. Be sure to incorporate these keywords throughout your resume, including in your summary, work experience, and skills sections.

However, be careful not to overuse them, as this may come across as unnatural and forced. Customization tips also include changing the order of your bullet points to match the job requirements and using action verbs that are relevant to the job.

A tailored resume will not only help you get noticed by employers but also show that you are a good fit for the position.

Avoid Common Mistakes

Don’t make the mistake of using a generic resume description, as this will make your application blend in with the rest. Instead, focus on highlighting your skills and achievements that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. This means tailoring your resume to include specific keywords that match the job description and formatting it in a way that’s easy to read and visually appealing.

When it comes to formatting tips, make sure to use bullet points and clear headings to break up text and make it easier to skim. Use a consistent font and size throughout the document and make sure it’s free of any spelling or grammatical errors.

Additionally, be mindful of the length of your resume – keep it concise and relevant, avoiding any unnecessary information that doesn’t add value. By following these formatting and keyword tips, you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers and ultimately landing your dream job.

Proofread and Edit Your Resume

When proofreading and editing your resume, you should focus on three key areas:

  • Check for spelling and grammar errors. Make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that the grammar is flawless throughout your resume.
  • Use a consistent format and font. This helps to give your resume a polished and professional appearance.
  • Have someone else review your resume for feedback. Asking someone else to review your resume can give you valuable feedback and help you make any necessary improvements.

It’s important to ensure that your resume is error-free and visually appealing. By following these tips, you can create a resume that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.

Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors

Ensuring that your resume is free of spelling and grammar errors is crucial. It presents you as a professional and detail-oriented candidate to potential employers. A single error can make a big difference in how your resume is perceived. It could be the difference between getting a callback or not. Therefore, it’s important to take the time to carefully proofread and edit your resume before submitting it.

There are several tools available to help you detect errors in your resume. Spell check is a great tool to help you catch any spelling mistakes, but it’s not foolproof. It’s important to also read your resume carefully and aloud to catch any grammatical errors that may have been missed. Having someone else review your resume can also be incredibly helpful in catching errors that you may have overlooked.

By taking the time to properly proofread and edit your resume, you can ensure that it presents you in the best light possible to potential employers.

Use a Consistent Format and Font

Maintaining a consistent format and font throughout your resume is like creating a cohesive visual brand for yourself as a job applicant. It can help you stand out from the competition. Using the same font and formatting style throughout your resume not only makes it easier to read, but it also creates a professional and polished look.

Avoid using too many different font styles or sizes, as this can make your resume appear cluttered and unprofessional.

When it comes to choosing a font, stick with easy-to-read options such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. Using color in your resume can also be a great way to add visual interest and make certain sections stand out, but be cautious not to overdo it. Stick with a simple color scheme that complements your font choices and is easy on the eye.

Additionally, choosing the right paper for printing can also make a difference in how your resume is perceived. Opt for a high-quality, heavier-weight paper to create a lasting impression.

Have Someone Else Review Your Resume for Feedback

Now that you’ve taken the time to format your resume consistently and in a readable font, it’s time to get some objective opinions on your work.

Having someone else review your resume for feedback is an essential step in the job application process. It’s easy to overlook small mistakes or miss opportunities to optimize your personal branding without a fresh set of eyes to help you analyze your work.

When seeking feedback, it’s important to gather multiple perspectives. Ask a few different people to review your resume, including friends, family, and colleagues.

Constructive criticism is key to improving your resume, so be open to any suggestions for improvement. Peer review can be incredibly helpful, but don’t hesitate to seek expert consultation as well.

A career counselor or resume writing service may be able to offer valuable insights and guidance on how to optimize your resume for success. By incorporating feedback analysis and buzzword optimization, you can create a standout resume that truly showcases your skills and experience.

By incorporating a strong summary statement, showcasing your relevant skills and experience, and tailoring your resume to the job description, you’ve given yourself the best chance of standing out to potential employers.

Remember to avoid common mistakes such as including irrelevant information and using cliches. Take the time to proofread and edit your resume to ensure it’s error-free and presents you in the best possible light.

As the saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”Your resume is often the first impression a potential employer will have of you, so make sure it’s detailed, professional, and organized.

With these tips and your hard work, you’re sure to catch the attention of any employer and land the job you desire.

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How to Write Resume Job Description [+ Examples]

  • April 18, 2024
  • In Resumes & Cover Letters

How To Write A Resume Job Description

A well-written resume job description goes far beyond a dull list of jobs and duties. In fact, a strong presentation of your knowledge and achievements can increase your chances of landing the job. Primarily, your resume job description should offer insight into your value as an employee. With these 7 tips, you will learn how to write compelling job descriptions that grab the recruiter’s attention and open doors to new career opportunities.

Why is a job description important to an employer

A resume job description is incredibly important for several reasons:

  • Establishing Credibility : A well-written job description in your resume establishes your credibility with prospective employers. It showcases what you bring to the table and why you are the perfect match for the job.
  • Demonstrating Readiness for the Role : A strong job description shows recruiters and prospective employers that you can immediately start contributing without much hand-holding or training. It conveys that you have the necessary skills and experience to hit the ground running.
  • Optimizing for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) : Tailoring your resume job description to the specific job you are applying for is crucial. Many companies use ATS to scan and rank resumes based on keywords and skills. By optimizing your job description with specific skills and keywords, you increase your chances of getting noticed by the system and advancing in the hiring process.
  • Standing Out from Other Candidates : A well-crafted job description that aligns with the requirements of the position can help you stand out from other candidates. By highlighting your achievements and showcasing how your skills match the job description, you can make a strong impression on hiring managers.

In summary, a resume job description is essential for establishing credibility, showcasing your abilities, demonstrating readiness for the role, optimizing for ATS, and standing out from other candidates. By tailoring your job description to the specific job you are applying for and highlighting your achievements, you increase your chances of securing an interview and landing the job.

How to write an effective resume job description

Writing effective job descriptions in your resume is crucial for showcasing your skills, experiences, and accomplishments to potential employers. Here are some tips on how to write a resume job description:

Step 1: Include relevant information

Start the job description section at the top half of the first page of your resume. Include the job title, company name, location, dates of employment, and a brief overview of your responsibilities and achievements.

Step 2: Highlight accomplishments

 Instead of simply listing your job duties, focus on your measurable accomplishments and the impact you made in each role. Use specific examples and quantify your achievements whenever possible. This helps employers understand the value you can bring to their organization.

Step 3: Use concise language

 Craft impactful statements by using strong action verbs and removing unnecessary pronouns and articles. Begin phrases or sentences with verbs to make your descriptions more engaging and dynamic. Choose words that demonstrate your skills and show that you have made a positive impact in your previous roles.

Step 4: Tailor descriptions to the job

 Customize your job descriptions to align with the requirements and responsibilities of the position you are applying for. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that directly relate to the job you are seeking.

Step 5: Follow a reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent or current job and work backward in time. This format is commonly used and helps employers easily understand your career progression.

Step 6: Always use bullet points

Use bullet points to showcase the responsibilities and achievements for each previous job. Bullet points should be concise and to the point. They do not require long sentences or punctuation.

Including relevant keywords in resume job descriptions

Including relevant keywords in resume job descriptions is crucial for catching the attention of hiring managers and applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan resumes.

  • Review the job posting : Carefully analyze the job posting or job description of the position you are applying for. Identify keywords and phrases that are frequently mentioned and align with the requirements of the role.
  • Identify core skills and qualifications : Identify the core skills, qualifications, and experience necessary for the job. These could include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, certifications, or soft skills. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your job descriptions.
  • Quantify achievements : Whenever possible, quantify your achievements and provide specific results or metrics. This not only makes your resume more impactful but also helps incorporate keywords. 
  • Avoid keyword stuffing : While it’s important to include keywords, avoid overloading your resume with them. Use keywords naturally and in context, ensuring that your descriptions flow smoothly and remain focused on your accomplishments and responsibilities.

By including the right keywords, you increase the chances of your resume standing out and passing through ATS screenings.

Resume job description examples

Resume job descriptions are an essential part of your resume, as they provide specific details about your previous jobs and experiences. Including accurate and well-written job descriptions can help highlight your skills, achievements, and qualifications to potential employers. Here are some examples of resume job descriptions:

#1. Customer Service Job Description Example

Customer Service Associate, Timmy’s Retail, Columbus, Ohio January 2011 – March 2016

  • Emphasized customer satisfaction by resolving circa 170 customer queries every week.
  • Spearheaded weekly strategy meetings and suggested a new ticketing system that decreased response time by 23%.
  • Named employee of the month 24 times for proactive attitude and high customer satisfaction.

#2. Executive Assistant Job Description Sample

Executive Assistant, BrightWay Inc., Boston, Massachusetts September 2017 – November 2020

  • Developed and implemented a new filing system that increased productivity and saved up to 1 hour’s work daily.
  • Realized $2800 in monthly savings by reducing unneeded expenses and finding better deals for office supplies.

#3. Front Office Job Description Sample

Front Office Receptionist, Lilly & Co, New York , New York May 2018 – November 2023

  • Implemented a new appointment scheduling system, resulting in a 23% increase in efficiency and a cost savings of $7,500 per year.
  • Providing support with various administrative tasks, which may include organizing files, entering data, and preparing documents.
  • Providing general information to visitors and clients.
  • Assisting with event planning and coordination.

#4. Project Manager Job Description Sample

Project Manager, Nordisk, Columbus, Ohio Jun 2019 – November 2023

  • Designed an accelerated program roadmap, saving 25% on expenditures and delivering completed implementation three months ahead of schedule
  • Directed a $2M corporate headquarters relocation project, delivering target outcomes on time and under budget
  • Coordinating internal resources and third-party vendors to ensure the seamless completion of projects.

#5. Sales Manager  Job Description Sample

Sales Manager, Blue Hill Holdings, New York, New York July 2015 – December 2020

  • Trained and onboarded 13 sales agents, 11 of whom are still a part of the company
  • Increased annual sales revenue by 18% through the usage of a new sales system
  • Utilized strong negotiation and communication skills to sign new clients, exceeding monthly sales goals by 34%

#6.  Supervisor Job Description Sample

Supervisor, Honeywell Gropup, New York , New York September 2017 – November 2023

  • Led a team that successfully completed a project three weeks ahead of schedule, resulting in cost savings of $87,000.
  • Successfully completed specialized projects, such as implementing a new customer service system that resulted in a 27% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Coach, resolve issues, and provide guidance and support for individual development needs.

#7. Teacher Job Description Example

Teacher, Manhattan Upper School September 2017 – November 2020

  • Developed and implemented lesson plans based on curriculum guidelines.
  • Delivered engaging and interactive lessons to students.
  • Assessed student performance and provided feedback and grades.
  • Communicated with parents/guardians regarding student progress and behavior.

A strong resume job description aims to demonstrate the value and expertise that make you the perfect fit for the job. By following the tips above, you will create an impactful job description that will impress the recruiter and help you stand out.

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Resume Job Description Samples – 8 Tips to Follow

resume example showing how to write job description for resume

Natasha Serafimovska

Career Coach, Professional Resume Writer, Freelance Writer

When  looking for a job , your resume becomes a crucial element. From making a great first impression to showcasing all your achievements and potential, your resume has to portray your professional story in minutes.

Research has found that recruiters spend about  seven seconds  analyzing a resume before deciding a candidate’s fate. They spend most of that time scanning your resume’s job descriptions for any essential experiences and skills. From there, they determine if you’d be a good match for the job. 

That’s why giving your job descriptions the attention they deserve is vital. If you’re unsure of how to write a job description for a resume, you’ve come to the right place. Here we look at why your job descriptions matter. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to showcase your past achievements.

Table of Contents

What is a Resume Job Description?

what to write in description in resume

Job descriptions are a crucial part of any resume. They contain information on past work experience, achievements, and any key benefits your work has brought to your employer. In essence, it’s a summary of all your duties and responsibilities. It can also include projects where you’ve gone above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, met harsh deadlines, or helped a team member. 

Why Having a Job Description is Important?

Job descriptions are usually the first place recruiters look to get an idea of whether or not you have the required experience. Your work experience is the main part of any resume. It showcases your personality, skills, and key qualities as an employee. Additionally, an applicant tracking system (ATS) often scans resumes for specific keywords. So, your job description is the perfect place to add those keywords.

Important Components of Resume Job Description

Knowing how to write a job description for a resume begins with accepting the fact that writing a job description is about engaging your reader. Job descriptions that are vague, long-winded, or poorly formatted make hiring managers lose interest. In worst-case scenarios, employers may even get the wrong impression of who you are as an employee.

Instead, keep your job description neat and to the point. The essential elements to include are:

what to write in description in resume

  • Name of employer
  • Dates of employment
  • Key results and achievements by relevance to the job ad you’re applying for
  • Specific problems you’ve solved and how you’ve achieved that
  • Specific projects you’ve led or you’ve been part of and the outcomes of those projects

Ensure you use consistent formatting throughout your resume and tailor your job descriptions to each new job .

Likewise, if you’re applying for a job in another city or state, make sure it’s clearly stated in your resume that you’re prepared to move for the job .

How to Write an Effective Resume Job Description

When beginning to write a job description for a resume, getting caught up in all the formalities can be easy. But in actuality, you only need to follow these eight tips to create an engaging job description.

how to write job description for resume tip

Start with Basic Details about the Job

You can offer a one-line description of your primary focus in each role before going into more specific details about your accomplishments and key outcomes. 

Focus on Your Skills and Achievements

Hiring managers love reading what you’ve done for your past employers as that can give them an instant idea of what they can expect to get from you if they hire you. Instead of talking in general terms about your responsibilities, frame them in the context of specific results and achievements. 

Give Priority to Your Qualifications

Qualifications are particularly important if you’re straight out of university or don’t have much work experience. If that’s the case, they should go at the top of your resume. On the other hand, if you’re a mid-senior professional with years of professional experience, your qualifications should go at the bottom of the resume.

That said, don’t forget to include additional certifications and accreditations you’ve received post-university. Even if they’re not the most relevant qualifications for the job, they can demonstrate your desire to learn and grow, and that’s always a desirable quality.

Mention Relevant Experience

You may love gardening or writing Harry Potter fan fiction, but the hiring manager doesn’t care about that. Instead, write your job descriptions so that they speak directly to the requirements and job responsibilities outlined in the job ad. If they’re asking for someone who’s results-oriented and not afraid of taking initiative, write down specific examples that demonstrate these qualities in you. 

Emphasize Your Responsibilities

It’s important to talk about YOUR specific responsibilities and duties rather than the team at large. If you’ve worked on a bigger project with multiple stakeholders, narrow down your job description to your specific contributions to that project. Questions to ask yourself to target specific, noteworthy information are

  • What were my responsibilities?
  • What tasks did I complete?
  • What soft and hard skills did I have to utilize?
  • What was the result?
  • What did I learn?

Include Keywords

Seventy-five percent of recruiters today use ATS software to sift through hundreds of resumes. These systems scan the resumes for specific keywords from the job ad. So, read carefully through the job specification and see what keywords repeat across the text. Then weave them through your job descriptions.

Add and Optimize Bullet Points

You don’t want the recruiter or hiring manager to struggle reading your resume. Make their job easy by clearly organizing your thoughts and adding bullet points where appropriate. 

You may be asked to elaborate on various points in your resume during an interview. So, there’s no point in lying about your achievements. Instead, try to be strategic about what aspects of your achievements you highlight and how you position them in the job description.

Resume Job Description Example

Global Director of Sales – Cisco  

January 2020 – Present

Chicago, IL  

  • Manage a team of seven account executives and exceed sales targets through pro-active outbound sales and an active land and expand strategy;
  • Exceeded sales targets by 15% in 2021 by delivering new sales training and incorporating a new strategy for identifying and qualifying leads;
  • Shortened the sales cycle by 30% by updating the pitch deck and delivering more tailored client demos; 
  • Liaised with product development to improve the functionality of a new product line and spearheaded its launch to market, resulting in 40% market penetration in the first six months

Frequently Asked Questions on Resume Job Description

What should you write in a job description.

Job descriptions should contain key information on the previous jobs you’ve had including

  • Time of employment
  • Specific accomplishments and results

How Much Job Experience Should I List on Resume Description

It depends on how long you’ve worked there. If you’ve only worked at a company for a couple of months, it doesn’t make sense to list half a page of tasks and responsibilities. Even if you’ve worked at a company for longer, you want to keep your descriptions to the point and not have your resume exceed two pages (three pages are acceptable for senior professionals with over ten years of work experience). So only include your best tasks and achievements, which should be condensed into 4-5 bullet points.

Why is a Job Description Important for a New Employee?

From an employer’s perspective, their job descriptions can help new employees understand their responsibilities better and uncover any skills gaps and needs for additional training. 

In today’s labor market where a single job ad can attract hundreds of applicants, it can be difficult to make yourself stand out. However, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of getting noticed and landing that coveted job. 

Besides an impeccable and error-free cover letter, you also need a professional resume that speaks directly to the job ad you’re applying for. Your job descriptions, in this context, are your gold. They offer you plenty of space to highlight your achievements, skills, and willingness to go the extra mile. Put all these things together and you can rest assured that your diligence won’t go unnoticed.

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How to Describe Yourself on a Resume (With Examples)

8 min read · Updated on January 23, 2024

Ronda Suder

It doesn't have to feel like nails on a chalkboard when trying to describe yourself on a resume!

How you describe yourself on your resume directly impacts whether you land that interview you so eagerly want. It's essential to describe your qualifications and experience in such a way as to grab the employer's attention without hesitation. 

How do you do that, exactly? By incorporating self-descriptive words on your resume that stand out to hiring teams and showcase that you're the best fit for the job. 

In this post, we start off with tips for developing self-descriptive words for your resume, followed by examples of descriptive words to use and avoid. 

Tips for developing self-descriptive words for your resume

It's not uncommon for individuals to struggle with talking about their accomplishments and strengths. We tend to share about another's skills and abilities easily, but when it comes to describing ourselves, we fall short. Fortunately, below are some steps you can take to boost your creative juices and find the words for your resume to help you stand out from the competition. 

Ask friends and peers for help

One way to come up with ways to describe yourself is to ask your peers, friends, and managers for input. For a comprehensive perspective, ask for feedback from those in your personal and professional lives. Here are some questions you can ask to receive the information you need:

What are three adjectives you would use to describe me?

How would you describe me to a coworker or friend?

If you could sum up my personality in one word, what would it be, and why?

Consider past performance reviews

Another way to develop self-descriptive words for a resume is to reflect on past performance reviews. What did supervisors have to say about you? What about coworkers who provided input? What were some of the strengths and achievements emphasized?

Make a list of your past accomplishments and strengths

Brainstorm to come up with a list of all your strengths, so you can more easily refer to them when describing yourself on a resume. Do this by first listing some of your key achievements and considering what strengths allowed you to achieve them. 

For example, suppose you implemented a new customer service rating system two weeks ahead of schedule, which led to a 10% increase in customer feedback. In that case, you might describe yourself as efficient and productive. 

Refer to the job description

If you're struggling to come up with the best self-descriptive words for your resume, refer to the job description. Highlight any skills, knowledge, and requirements you possess that align with the job. By incorporating these keywords into your resume, you're not only emphasizing that you meet the job qualifications but are also improving your resume's chances of getting past an employer's  applicant tracking system , or ATS.

Think positive

It's good to be humble and clear on your strengths and weaknesses. However, when it comes to self-descriptive words for a resume, you want to focus on the positives only - your strengths. 

Save sharing your weaknesses for the interview, when you'll likely be asked about them. During an interview, you can - and should - give your weaknesses a positive spin with context, which is challenging to do on a resume.

As you develop your list of strengths and how you'd describe yourself, work to develop some unique adjectives to use that are specific to your qualifications. Refer to the list of strengths you've developed, and look up synonyms for those words that could help you to stand out from other applicants. 

For example, instead of incorporating the commonly used term “creative,” you might use words like inventive or prolific. A word of caution is to avoid words that come across as boastful or exaggerating your qualifications.    

Review example resumes

An excellent resource to refer to when you're attempting to craft your own resume is to look at  resume examples  online. The resume examples you review don't need to be specific to your field, since self-descriptive adjectives and descriptive verbs aren't industry-specific, as shown in the examples below. This approach not only helps to generate ideas for self-descriptive words for your resume but also provides guidance on  how to write your resume  as a whole.

Self-descriptive words for a resume - examples

When it comes to self-descriptive words for a resume, technically, we're referring to adjectives, since adjectives describe a noun. However, two additional categories of words are essential to fully describe your abilities and work history: descriptive verbs and skills.  

Powerful adjectives for a resume

Here are only a few of the many adjectives you could use on your resume, with examples of how you might include them in a sentence. 

Adaptable:  Adaptable professional with ability to move from project to project within different departments. 

Compassionate:  Compassionate caretaker with 10 years of experience, working with hospices and providing end-of-life services. 

Knowledgeable:  Knowledgeable mechanic with 3 excellence awards for superb service and quality, earned in less than 6 months. 

Perceptive:  Perceptive speaker with ability to navigate an audience to know where to direct attention to garner the best outcome. 

Tech-savvy:   Tech-savvy Visual Artist with ability to bring together ideas and people to produce valuable and thought-provoking content, including images, videos, and graphics. 

Top tip: For an extensive list of 100 power adjectives, refer to “ 100 Powerful Resume Adjectives that Can Make Your Resume More Compelling .” 

Descriptive verbs for a resume

Action verbs  are vital in really making your work section stand out. Each bullet point you include for the jobs you list should begin with a power verb that emphasizes your role in the activity or achievement. Power verbs are also used in the resume summary to highlight accomplishments. 

Skills for a resume

Skills on your resume  should include a combination of soft and hard skills. In many instances, hard skills are spelled out and soft skills are inferred based on our past achievements. 

Unusual words to describe yourself on a resume

As mentioned, be creative and specific when selecting self-descriptive words for your resume, to help set you apart. A great way to do this is to use a thesaurus to gather synonyms for the list of self-descriptive adjectives you come up with. Some interesting choices that aren't used as often yet can still sound good on a resume include:


Self-descriptive words for a resume: what NOT to use

Yes, there are some words to leave off your list of self-descriptive words for your  resume. These words tend to be overused, generic, highly subjective, or boastful. Here are a few examples:

You might think you're likable, but likability is in the eye of the beholder. Instead of using likable, consider adjectives that refer to being likable, yet add value, such as team player, compassionate, and energetic. 


Don't flat-out state you're intelligent, at risk of coming across as overly confident. Also, it should be inferred that you're intelligent by the other adjectives and proof you provide to back them up on your resume. Words like big-picture thinker, agile, and quick learner are better word choices.

Saying you're successful is very broad. Instead, you want to narrow your successes to specific skills and strengths with qualifiers and quantifiable data. 

Here are a few more self-promotional adjectives to leave off your resume. 


Outside the box thinker

Instead of using these types of adjectives, come up with alternatives where you can show results linked to them. A good place to begin is by asking yourself, "What have I achieved that shows I'm a go-getter, the best, and so on?"

Where to incorporate self-descriptive words on a resume

Now that you've seen some examples of self-descriptive words, where do they belong on your resume? There are three main areas to place them:

Resume summary. Your  resume summary  falls just below your contact information and is the main area where you'll incorporate self-descriptive adjectives, with a few skills and power verbs. 

Competencies and skills list. Your  core competencies or skills list  should include the soft and hard skills required for the job, based on the job description. 

Work experience section. The  work experience section  is where you'll include the power verbs that describe what you did on the job, as well as some of the skills that supported you in doing so. You might also include some adjectives in this section, though generally, the adjectives are inferred. For example:

“Motivated team of 10 to implement an enhanced customer booking log project on time, resulting in an 8% increase in positive customer experience ratings”

From this achievement, one can infer that the person is motivational, a leader, and efficient. 

Apply a variety of self-descriptive words on your resume

Now you have some tips to help you discover the best self-descriptive words for your resume, with examples. You also know where to include them. As a final tip, when you incorporate your descriptive words, be sure to use a variety of adjectives and power verbs so your resume doesn't sound redundant. Good luck! 

If you're wondering if you're using the right self-descriptive words throughout your resume, why not submit it for a  free resume review ? Our  TopResume team of experts  will help to ensure your resume describes you in a way that lands you interview after interview!

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How To Write a Resume Profile in Five Steps

Jacob Meade

Profiles vs. Objective Statements

The five steps to a profile, tying it all together, frequently asked questions about writing a resume profile.

The resume profile (or summary) describes your main credentials for your target job. Appearing at the top of the resume, it’s the first section hiring managers read and strongly influences whether they call you for an interview .

You may feel lost when developing your profile, especially if you’re just starting your resume. But it’s best to work on the profile after you’ve already drafted your professional experience, education, training, and other relevant areas. Then, you can develop your profile with a broader understanding of your career so far.

For a long time, the standard resume intro was an objective statement that would appear above or in place of the profile. Rather than describing an applicant’s key qualifications, the objective would state their end goal for their job search. An example is “Seeking a sales role where I can work on building win-win relationships with clients.” In recent years, the objective has fallen out of favor since it speaks to the job seeker’s needs rather than the hiring manager’s. So avoid using an objective and instead begin your resume with a profile summary of what you offer.

When you’re ready to start your profile, follow these steps:

Step 1. Write a simple statement of your job title and years of experience

For example, say you’re a sales manager who has risen through the ranks over 10 years. Start your profile with a line like:

Resourceful sales manager with over 10 years of advancement and experience.

But if you’re changing careers, use a more general intro statement that still relates to your goals and reflects your background. For instance, say you’d like to stay in sales but no longer in a leadership capacity. Use a broader line like “Resourceful sales professional with over 10 years of experience” to position yourself for the switch back to direct sales.

Step 2. Pinpoint and develop a common theme

Look over all your other resume sections and select three to five details that strike you as especially impressive or relevant. Then, review them all together. Does a common work theme or strength emerge? Write one or two profile sentences on that theme. For instance, if your highlights point to your expertise in engaging and collaborating with clients, that’s a great area to write about further.

Step 3. Avoid clichés by way of action verbs

At this stage, you may run into the problem of profile clichés. For instance (continuing the above example), you might describe your collaborative streak as “Excellent communication and collaboration skills.” But terms like this are overused and won’t add much value to your profile.

To avoid clichés and liven up your profile language, use complete sentences with action verbs. Think about what you actually do at work – the actions (or verbs) you take to generate results. This approach can turn a static word like “collaboration” into a specific, verb-powered phrase like “Collaborate with clients to find win-win product solutions.”

Step 4. Cite a specific achievement

If one or more of your highlights is a quantified achievement from your work history, you can repeat it in your profile to make the description more compelling and specific to you. Say one of your highlights is “Surpassed quota by 10% in 2013, 18% in 2014, 20% in 2015, and 22% in 2016 and 2017.” Consider adapting it to your profile with a phrase like “Achievements include surpassing quota by over 18% on average for five consecutive years.”

Putting together the steps so far, we have the basis for a strong profile:

Resourceful sales professional with over 10 years of experience. Collaborate with clients to find win-win product solutions, driving consistent revenue and profit growth. Achievements include surpassing quota by over 18% on average for five consecutive years.

Step 5. Plug in other key credentials

You can then round out your profile with one or two more statements on your other top qualifications. If one of your other highlights is an advanced degree or certification, that can give your summary a strong outro. Also, note that foreign language ability is often viewed as a key asset by employers, so if you have it, feature it in your profile.

After following these five steps, you should have a viable resume profile of your own, something on par with this finished example:

Resourceful sales professional with over 10 years of experience. Collaborate with clients to find win-win product solutions, driving consistent revenue and profit growth. Achievements include surpassing quota by over 18% on average for five consecutive years. Offer well-rounded business acumen and expertise, drawing on a recently finished MBA degree. Bilingual: fluent in English and French.

But then consider: Are you missing anything important? Have you left out a work highlight or skill area that’s key to your next job? If yes, add a sentence or two on those missing areas and take heart that you’re gaining an ear for the type of information a winning profile calls for.

Do I need a profile summary on my resume? -

Yes. Virtually any job seeker can improve their resume by adding a profile. A strong profile section catches a hiring manager’s attention by giving the key reasons you’ll thrive at their organization. In seconds, it assures the reader that you’re a strong candidate whose application is worth a closer look.

How long should my profile be? -

Many resume experts give strict parameters for profile length; three or four lines of text is the standard order. But profiles are more flexible than that. Don’t worry if your own profile comes in shorter or longer, given you’ve followed this process. And never add fancy language to your summary for its own sake.

What experience areas should I cite in my profile? -

Any, as long as they help present you as a strong candidate for your target job. Most job seekers will derive at least some profile content from their work experience. But you could also use details from your education, volunteer experience, or any other section of your resume.

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Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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Management Resume Summary: 15 Examples to Help You Write Your Own

Getty Images

As the first section recruiters see, your resume summary should highlight your top accomplishments and skills, tailored to the specific position you’re applying for. This is especially important for management roles, where a standout management resume summary can help you get noticed in a competitive job market.

Let’s break down what a manager's summary should include and give you templates and resume summary examples to help you create a standout one for various roles.

What is a resume summary?

A resume summary is a concise section at the top of your resume that offers a snapshot of your professional profile. Unlike a detailed resume experience section , a good summary for a resume provides a high-level overview of your most significant accomplishments , skills , and qualifications.

The goal is to capture the attention of hiring managers and recruiters by highlighting your key strengths and achievements in a few sentences or bullet points. It acts as a quick pitch to persuade employers to continue reading and consider you for the role.

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Resume summary for management: how is it different?

A manager resume summary is a focused version of a resume summary that highlights qualifications and experiences specific to management positions. It emphasizes your leadership skills , strategic thinking, and ability to deliver results in areas like project management, office management, operations, general management, or retail management.

How to write a management resume summary

Your resume summary should not only showcase your qualifications but also set the stage for the rest of your resume, demonstrating to potential employers why you are the ideal candidate for their management position.

Follow these tips when writing your management resume summary:

1. Keep it brief

A resume summary usually has three to five sentences or a few bullet points. It helps hiring managers quickly see if you’re a good fit for the job without having to dig through your whole resume.

2. Highlight your leadership skills

Emphasize your experience in leading teams, managing people, and overseeing projects or operations. This could include examples of how you motivated your team, resolved conflicts, or achieved team goals.

3. Emphasize strategic planning and execution

Highlight your ability to develop and execute strategies that contribute to organizational success. Mention specific strategic initiatives you’ve led or contributed to, and how they impacted the company’s bottom line.

4. Demonstrate operational management skills

Showcase your expertise in managing day-to-day operations, optimizing processes, and ensuring efficient workflow. This could involve experience with budgeting, resource allocation, or process improvements.

5. Include quantifiable achievements

Include quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your effectiveness as a manager. For instance, if you're writing a project manager summary for your resume, you might mention increases in productivity, revenue growth, or successful project completions.

(Here's how to quantify your resume bullets —even if you don't work with numbers.)

6. Personalize industry-specific knowledge

Tailor your resume summary to reflect the industry you’re applying for. This can include specific industry-related skills, certifications, or knowledge of best practices. It should also include keywords and skills relevant to the job description, making it easier for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs) to identify your resume as a match.

Resume summary template

Here’s a general resume summary template you can use:

[Adjective] and [adjective] management professional with [number] years of experience in [industry]. Proven ability to [relevant skill] and [relevant skill] to achieve [specific result]. Adept at [specific management activity], with a strong focus on [key area of expertise]. Looking to leverage my expertise in [desired role] at [company name].

15 resume summary examples for management roles

Need more inspiration? Check out these 15 well-crafted management resume summary examples for different types of managers—one of them might be exactly what you're looking for.

Example #1: Project manager resume summary

Detail-oriented and strategic project manager with 10 years of experience in IT and software development. Proven ability to lead cross-functional teams and manage multimillion-dollar projects to successful completion. Adept at risk management and resource allocation, with a strong focus on meeting project deadlines and budget requirements. Looking to leverage my expertise in agile methodologies at XYZ Tech.

Find project manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #2: Office manager resume summary

Organized and proactive office manager with over 7 years of experience in administrative support and office operations. Demonstrated success in streamlining office procedures, improving communication, and enhancing overall efficiency. Skilled in team management and office software, looking to bring my strong organizational skills to ABC Corp.

Find office manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #3: Operations manager resume summary

Results-driven operations manager with 12 years of experience in manufacturing and logistics. Expertise in optimizing production processes, reducing costs, and improving quality control. Proven track record of leading teams to exceed performance targets and implement continuous improvement initiatives. Seeking to apply my operational leadership skills at DEF Manufacturing.

Find operations manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #4: General manager resume summary

Visionary and dynamic general manager with 15 years of experience in retail and hospitality. Known for driving business growth and enhancing customer satisfaction through strategic planning and team development. Skilled in financial management and operational efficiency, eager to lead the expansion of GHI Retail.

Find general manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #: Retail manager resume summary

Customer-focused retail manager with 8 years of experience in high-end fashion retail. Proven ability to increase sales through exceptional customer service and staff training. Strong background in inventory management and merchandising. Looking to bring my retail expertise to JKL Fashion Store.

Find retail manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #6: Assistant project manager resume summary

Efficient and supportive assistant project manager with 5 years of experience in construction. Known for assisting in the successful completion of projects by managing schedules, coordinating teams, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Seeking to contribute to the ongoing success of MNO Construction.

Find assistant project manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #7: Marketing manager resume summary

Innovative and strategic marketing manager with 9 years of experience in digital marketing and brand management. Proven track record of developing and executing marketing campaigns that increase brand awareness and drive sales. Skilled in data analysis and customer segmentation, looking to bring my marketing expertise to PQR Marketing Agency.

Find marketing manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #8: Sales manager resume summary

Ambitious and results-oriented sales manager with 10 years of experience in B2B sales. Demonstrated success in driving revenue growth, developing sales strategies, and leading high-performing sales teams. Adept at relationship building and market analysis, seeking to leverage my sales expertise at STU Corporation.

Find sales manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #9: Human resources manager resume summary

Compassionate and strategic human resources manager with 12 years of experience in employee relations and talent acquisition. Proven ability to develop and implement HR policies that improve employee satisfaction and retention. Skilled in conflict resolution and performance management, eager to join the HR team at VWX Enterprises.

Find human resources manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #10: Financial manager resume summary

Detail-oriented and analytical financial manager with 10 years of experience in corporate finance and accounting. Expertise in budgeting, financial planning, and risk management. Proven ability to optimize financial performance and provide strategic insights. Looking to bring my financial expertise to YZ Finance Group.

Find financial manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #11: Product manager resume summary

Innovative and customer-centric product manager with 8 years of experience in product development and lifecycle management. Proven track record of launching successful products and driving market penetration. Skilled in market research and cross-functional collaboration, seeking to apply my product management skills at ABC Tech.

Find product manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #12: Hospitality manager resume summary

Guest-focused and organized hospitality manager with 10 years of experience in hotel management and customer service. Proven ability to enhance guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. Skilled in staff training and event planning, looking to bring my hospitality expertise to DEF Hotels.

Find hospitality manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #13: Logistics manager resume summary

Proactive and efficient logistics manager with 7 years of experience in supply chain management and distribution. Proven ability to optimize logistics operations, reduce costs, and improve delivery times. Skilled in inventory management and vendor relations, eager to join the logistics team at GHI Logistics.

Find logistics manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #14: IT manager resume summary

Tech-savvy and strategic IT manager with 9 years of experience in IT infrastructure and project management. Proven ability to lead IT teams, manage budgets, and implement technology solutions that drive business growth. Skilled in cybersecurity and network management, looking to bring my IT expertise to JKL Tech Solutions.

Find IT manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #15: Customer service manager resume summary

Empathetic and results-driven customer service manager with 8 years of experience in customer support and team leadership. Proven ability to improve customer satisfaction and reduce response times through effective training and process improvements. Skilled in CRM software and conflict resolution, seeking to join the customer service team at MNO Services.

Find customer service manager jobs here on The Muse

Key takeaways

Your resume summary is a critical component of your management resume, serving as your first impression to potential employers. Use the examples and template provided in this guide to craft a compelling resume summary that showcases your management expertise and sets you apart from the competition.

what to write in description in resume

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  • How to Make a Resume

Creating a standout resume might seem daunting, but it’s your key to landing that dream job. Your resume is more than just a list of jobs; it’s your personal marketing tool that highlights your skills, experiences, and achievements in a way that attracts potential employers. Nowadays it’s everyone’s concern how to make a resume that is ATS friendly and reflects your skills and knowledge.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to build a resume that gets noticed by hiring managers and recruiters. We’ll cover resume templates , effective resume formats , and tips for writing powerful resume bullet points. Building your resume is crucial for different job applications, how to highlight your professional experience and the best ways to list your education and certifications.


Table of Content

What is a Resume

Why a resume is important.

Before, moving on to how to write a resume even if you’re a fresher and have no experience, let us understand what is resume and why it is important.

A resume is a concise document that summarizes your skills , experiences , and achievements to showcase your qualifications for a job. Understanding resume writing how to is essential for creating a compelling resume that stands out. When learning how a resume is written, it’s important to focus on formatting, clarity, and relevance. Effective resume writing involves choosing the right structure, highlighting your most significant accomplishments , and tailoring the content to the job you’re applying for. By mastering how to write a resume, you can create a powerful tool that captures the attention of potential employers and helps you advance in your career.

If you want paychecks, you’ve to sell yourself first and a resume is that one tool or document that lists out your features and USPs that will help you to sell yourself in the job market. Within one or two pages, a resume convinces recruiters if they want to call you for a job interview or not. (That much power your resume holds)

So, if you want to bag your first interview or want to interview at your dream company or for a dream job role , it’s very important for you to write a strong and power-packed resume with correct keywords and relevant skills that will persuade recruiters to hit “I want to interview you” button. 

How to Make a Resume (Full Guide)

Choose your desired resume format.

  • Reverse chronological resume format
  • Functional or Skilled Focused resume format
  • Hybrid Format
  • Dos and Don’ts of Resume Layout 
  • What resume format is best for ATS

Most people have two options when it comes to getting an interview call – A++ top-tier level resume or an “I know someone here” referral. No matter which group you belong to, it’s important to up your resume game and understands the strategies that are used to land an interview from your dream company within a week, if not days. Before you dive into the resume-building process, you have to decide on the right resume format that will take you up the ladder. If you’ve already decided to write your resume on a text editor like MS Word, it’s highly recommended you should keep your HANDS OFF from them. 

Formatting your resume on a basic text editor will not waste your time but also your effort. We recommend that you should use a resume builder tool like GeeksforGeeks Online Resume Builde r – Free. Our resume builder is fast, simple, and free to use. Moving onto resume formats that you can use to format your resume. 

There are three types of resume formats: reverse chronological, functional or skills-based, and hybrid. You should choose the format that suits the type of job you are applying for and your level of experience.

Types of Resume Formats

1) Reverse chronological Resume Format – This highlights your career advancement and emphasizes the relevant job experience. It’s an absolute fan favorite of recruiters. However, it doesn’t show your skills much so if you’re someone with highly relevant job experience, you can opt for this resume format.


Reverse chronological Resume Format

2) Functional/skills-based Resume Format – Are you a fresher with no job experience? Opt for a functional or skill-based resume format if you have skills to brag about but no relevant work experience. 


Functional/skills-based Resume Format

3) Hybrid Resume Format – Now, this resume format is preferred by most recruiters and loved by job seekers with diverse skillsets and job experience. It combines the best elements of both reverse chronological and functional resume format and provides space for the right keyword. 

If you’re wondering which resume format is best for ATS, go for the reverse chronological resume format. When it comes to resume layout, you need to mind these tips while formatting your resumes:

  • Page Count: Keep your resume to one page. Max 2 if you’ve 7+ of experience and it’s relevant to your job role. Recruiters get 1000+ resumes every day and it gets tough to go through resumes with more than 2 pages. 
  • Heading Tag: If you’re choosing an H1 tag or an H2 tag to write your headlines in your resume, then ensure that all headlines have the same tag.
  • White space: Keep enough white space in your resume. Negative space is needed to make your resume look professional.
  • PDF or Word: Download your resume as a PDF document as it can be read by most ATS. If the job description mentions that you need to send the doc file as a .doc, then send your resume like that as old ATS can’t read PDF files.

 Add your contact information

The most important and overlooked section of your resume is the contact information section which is right under your name. Even if you write everything correctly but haven’t provided your contact details, HRs can’t reach out to you even if they want to contact you. Ensure that everything on your contact information is up to date and triple-check the details if needed. 

Things that you should include are: 

  • First Name / Last Name – Mention the name that is provided on your social security card or if you’re in India, it should match the name that’s provided on your PAN card or Aadhaar card.
  • Phone Number – Only provide the phone number that is reachable.
  • Email Address – Don’t provide an unprotected email address. Your email address should be like this: “[email protected]”. Avoid providing email addresses like [email protected], [email protected]
  • Location – Your residential address should be the same as the one where you stay or relocated.
  • Social Media URLs – If you’re a software developer, mention your Github profile. If you’re a designer, then Behance profile and if you’re a writer, provide your personal blog that showcases your abilities. Don’t forget to include your LinkedIn account as most recruiters go through LinkedIn to see your online presence. 

Write a Resume Headline that Can Stand You Out From the Crowd

A resume headline is a short, one-line statement that conveys who you are as a candidate. It is important to write a headline that grabs the recruiter’s attention and encourages them to read your qualifications in more depth. Your resume headline is often the first thing recruiters read so impress them within seconds by writing a short and concise headline. Keep it relevant to your job skills and make sure that you put the right keywords that are relevant to the job posting .

Some resume headlines examples for you to check out:

  • Goal-Oriented Senior Accountant with 6+ Years of Accounting Experience in XYZ Company.
  • Successful Manager of Dozens of Online Marketing Campaigns
  • Award-Winning Video Editor Skilled in Web Design and Video Editing
  • Detail-Oriented History Student with Curatorial Experience

Include a professional summary

The first impression is your last impression. This phrase stands true to date. An effective resume introduction can make or break you no matter what type of job you’re applying for. Your summary or objective can give the opportunity to impress the recruiter so carefully write your resume summary/objective. Don’t know where to write a resume summary or objective? We got you covered.

A resume summary is a 2-3 sentence summary of your working experience. Unless you’re a recent college grad or changing careers, you should use a resume summary in almost any scenario.

On the other hand, a resume objective implies the goal of your resume. It conveys why you want to work in that particular field and the motivation behind it. When writing a resume summary, include an objective of 2-3 lines. If you’re changing your career or have no significant work experience, make sure to write a resume objective.

Add your work experience

  • If you’re a fresher, keep the education section at the top, and if you’re an experienced person or did work in FAANG companies or big coming, then put work experience at the top.
  • If you’re a backend intern, make sure you’re writing the designation as a software engineering intern. 
  • Make sure you’re covering up your tasks in 2-3 points.

Now we’re down to the most important part of the resume – work experience . If an add sells a product with just a few words, your resume does the same with you by selling you on the basis of your past work experience and achievements. Learning to write this section is a bit tough but once you master writing the perfect work experience section, 80% work is done here and after this you will know how to write and resume. So, let’s see how to list your work experience: Your work experience should be written in reverse chronological order as ATS can scan reverse chronological resume format easily.

It should be something like this:

Job title | Company Name | Date of employment 

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Job title: Keep it on top of your resume so that recruiters can easily see what position you’re applying for.
  • Company name: Mention the company you are working in or working for.
  • Date of employment: Mention the timeframe of your employment in all the companies you worked for. Ensure that format is like this – dd/mm/yyyy. It is important to mention as ATS parses it only then.
  • Accomplishments and achievements: This is where you mention your core achievements that will in turn bag you – your dream job. List your achievements or responsibilities according to your job role.
  • If you’re a fresher, keep the education section at the top and if you’re an intern or worked in FAANG companies or big companies, then make sure to put the work experience section at the top.
  • If you’re a backend intern, instead of writing your job title as “Backend Intern”, write it as a “Software Engineering Intern”. You should always write the job title mentioned in the job description.
  • Don’t write 10-15 points covering your job responsibilities. Recruiters don’t have the time to go through all of the responsibilities. Keep it to 2-3 points max.
  • Mention achievements in terms of how exactly you helped the company grow, reach quarterly quotas, and so on. Numbers play a big role when it comes to convincing your future employers what exactly you achieved.

Mention your Soft and Hard Skills

Now that you mastered writing your work experience section, it’s time to dive into your skills section. There’re 2 types of skills:

  • Soft Skills: These are your personal skills like social skills, communication skills, personal traits, career attributes, leadership, critical thinking, and management.
  • Hard/Technical Skills: Hard Skills are measurable skills that you can measure like how proficient you’re in that particular skill. The use of technical skills frequently requires specialized tools and the technologies needed to use them.

A good resume should cover both. However, it’s highly advisable that you should mention those skills in which you’re fluent and not just at a beginner level. To know more about how to list your key technical skills, read our article 7 Key Technical Skills to List on Your Resume in 2022 .

Once you list your hard skills with your experience level, double-check your skills section and remove any skill you feel you’re not confident in and don’t LIE even if your life depends on it. Lying about skills can get you in serious trouble later on and can get you blacklisted too.

Include your education

The next section is all about your educational background, achievements, and projects. We’ll keep it short and concise for you. List your educational background in this way:

  • Program Name. E.g.: “MBA in Marketing”
  • University Name. E.g.: “Mumbai University”
  • Years Attended. E.g.: “06/2019-05/2021”
  • (Optional) CGPA. E.g.: “CGPA: 8”
  • (Optional) Academic achievements. If you have written any interesting papers or excelled in any courses, do describe them.

Let’s move on to some tips that will help you perfect your educational background, achievement, and project section:

  • Only keep the last 2 educational qualifications or examinations you’ve given.
  • Only add those projects which are relevant to your job opening – projects which have more number of features.
  • Projects to list- API-based projects, Portfolio-based projects, and Full-stack projects.
  • Add as many numbers as you can while listing achievements – add your highest ranking in CP or the highest number of problems you solved on GeeksforGeeks or XYZ. 
  • Don’t add intra-college achievements as it put forth a negative impression on recruiters.
  • Don’t add “President of the xxx club” if you’re applying for tech roles. 

Mention Other Sections (Optional)

All the sections we’ve covered are must-haves but there are a few more sections that are optional and don’t hold much significance. These are like booster sections that can give you an extra wow effect.

The following sections can be added to your resume:

  • Languages – If you’re multilingual and can be handy with different languages, do mention that in your resume. However, avoid mentioning language that you’re not proficient in as it can get you in trouble later on if you’re not able to help your colleagues when they require your help with the said language.
  • Hobbies and Interests – Have extra space in your resume? Add up your hobbies and interests. It shows how you’re as an individual.
  • Volunteering Experiences – Some studies show that volunteering has a greater impact on hiring. It shows that you’re an empathetic person by nature and can be loyal to the company. 
  • Courses, Certifications, and Awards – Do you have any certifications or awards that can show you off and is relevant to the job position you applied for? Note them down in the resume as it shows your expertise in the said field.

Customize Your Resume According to the Job Posting

We’re almost at the end of the article. It’s time to format your resume in such a way that ATS can scan your resume smoothly. To understand the term ATS better , you should know ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System . It is software used to manage the entire application process for employers. This system compiles, scans, and ranks all of the applications.

According to a survey done, 98% of Fortune companies are using ATS to scan their resumes. ATS segments resume into various sections: Work Experience , Education, Skills , etc. Next, it looks for precise keywords and qualifications to see if you fit the job description. So it’s important to tailor your resume as per the job description and for how to resume writing. Resumes that don’t comply with the basic requirements are automatically discarded. A job candidate’s resume is ranked based on its relevance (the best resume appears at the top of the recruiter’s pipeline).

Proofread Your Resume With Correct Formatting

Now that you’re done with your resume writing task, it’s time to do the most important task – Proofread your resume. Here’s the checklist we’ve for you:

  • Resume fonts – Stick to Ubuntu, Roboto, Overpass, or traditional fonts like Helvetica, Garamond, or Georgia. Your font should be 10-11 and don’t ever go with Comic Sans (only if you want to look like a joker)
  • Check tenses – Describe the current work you are doing in the present tense, and use the past tense to describe jobs from the past.
  • Resume action words – Use resume action words like “Chaired”, “Controlled”, “Executed”
Also Read: Free Online Resume Builder By GeeksforGeeks – Create Your Resume Now! 10 steps to write an Effective Resume Resume Building – Resources and Tips

In conclusion, learning how to write a resume resume is a crucial step in advancing your career and landing your desired job. Start by selecting a clean and professional format , then focus on highlighting your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Tailor each section to the job you’re applying for, ensuring that your qualifications align with the employer’s needs. Building your resume is very beneficial for you so remember to use clear and concise language, and proofread your resume to eliminate any errors. By following these steps, you can create a resume that effectively showcases your strengths and sets you apart from other candidates, increasing your chances of success in the job market.

How to Build a Resume – FAQs

How can i write resume.

You can write your resume by following the methods given above or you can also use any resume templates that will help you a lot.

How to Resume Writing?

Resume writing can be done by some of the points given below: Choose the Right Format Start with a Strong Header Craft a Compelling Summary or Objective Detail Your Work Experience

How can I write a simple resume?

To write a simple resume, use a clean format with clear headings. Include your contact information, a brief summary, your work experience, education, and relevant skills. Keep it concise and focused on your most important qualifications.

How to write a resume for a job?

To write a resume for a job, tailor it to the specific position by highlighting relevant experience and skills. Start with your contact details, followed by a strong summary, detailed work history, education, and a skills section. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements where possible.

What are the 7 basic steps to writing a resume?

Here are the basic steps: Choose the Right Format Start with a Strong Header Write a Compelling Summary Detail Your Work Experience Highlight Your Skills Include Your Education Proofread and Edit

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