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55 Personal Mission Statement Examples

55 Personal Mission Statement Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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personal mission statement examples and definition, explained below

A personal mission statement defines your purpose. It explains what you want to achieve in your life, career, personal relationships, and so on.

It differs from a career or educational mission statement because it’s more holistic: it’s not just about your job or school. It’s about what you want to achieve with your life overall. and what your personal philosophy is in life .

Here is my personal mission statement:

“I will be generous with my time both with family and strangers. I will consciously and intentionally spend quality time with my parents, my wife, and my children. I will pass-on love of life and self-belief to my children by living as a positive example. I will commit my career to working on projects that are meaningful to me. And I will be responsible with my health and finances for the longevity of my life and to ensure I can care for my family for many years to come.”

When I was asked to write a personal mission statement for applying for my job as a teacher, I tweaked it to focus more on my career:

“My personal mission statement as a teacher is to inspire and support my students, help them see their own potential, and build them up each and every day. I will commit my time to letting each student know they are capable of success, and I will help show them the path to personal and academic success.”

Below is a range of ideas for a personal mission statement. As the mission statement is personal, I recommend using these ideas as inspiration, but make sure you pick and choose the sentiments that are meaningful to you, and write your own.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

The following examples can be used as stimuli for you to think about what you want to include in your own mission statement. But, as the word suggests, a personal mission statement should be personal and unique to you . So, pick and choose key ideas from below, while coming up with your own mission statement that reflects your uniqueness.

  • Live a life that aligns with my core values : “I will strive to live a life that is consistent with my own values and ethics. To achieve this, I will ensure I reflect every day on how my daily actions and interactions with others will reflect upon me, and whether they’re consistent with who I strive to be.”
  • Seek to be a catalyst for change: “I will dedicate my life to being a catalyst for change in my world. The change I want to see is change toward greater social equality, fairness, and prosperity. To achieve this, I will advocate for the disadvantaged, seek career opportunities for supporting the underprivileged, and donate generously to causes I care about.”
  • Commit to a journey of self-discovery: “My daily mission is to embark on an ongoing journey of self-improvement and self-discovery, always on track to find my deeper purpose in life.”
  • Empower myself and others: “I will always strive to empower myself and others through positive affirmation, constructive feedback, and making smart choices. I will remove barriers to self-determination and always respect people’s choices in life.”
  • Seek opportunities to give back to the community: “I am grateful first and foremost to my community for their support and nourishment, and my personal mission from here on out is to find opportunities where I can give back to my community in both my career and volunteerism.”
  • Strive for excellence in all endeavors: “ My credo is to always hold myself to a high standard. To me, this means always putting in maximum effort and trying to be the best I can be each and every day.”
  • Always have a growth mindset: “My core mission is to always maintain a growth mindset each and every day. For me, this means embracing challenges rather than shying away from them, having persistence and resilience when I face setbacks, and viewing effort as a pathway to mastery. “


  • Aim to leave a meaningful legacy: “At the end of my life, I want to be able to look back and know that I’ve left a legacy for the world and my family. To achieve this, my mission will be to always give more to the world than I take, so I leave the world better off. I will leave a legacy of kindness and a spirit of service and community.”
  • Continually redefine personal goals and aspirations: “I believe that a person is most successful when they self-reflect to achieve ongoing improvement. So, in my personal mission, I am committed to the ongoing process of personal evolution that will help me continue to refine myself over time. “
  • Seek the silver lining: “The silver lining is the positive that we can extract out of every situation, even our failures. With this in mind, my mission is to cultivate optimism and to focus on what can be learned from every situation. This approach will both enhance my personal resilience and inspire others to adopt a similar perspective.”
  • Develop resilience, adaptability, and grit in the face of adversity: “My mission is to develop and embody qualities of resilience, adaptability, and grit. I am determined to approach adversity as an opportunity for growth, learning to navigate through challenges with grace and tenacity. In doing so, I will become stronger and more capable.”
  • To be generous with my time: “I will be generous with my time because I believe my time is the greatest gift I can give to others. This means I will commit to quality time with my friends and family and make sure I maintain a work-life balance so I can commit my time to the people who deserve it.”
  • Empowering people around me: “My mission is to empower the people around me, including my colleagues at work, my friends, and my family. By empowering others, I can bring out the best in my community, and leave my community a better place.”
  • Living with gratitude: “I will commit to expressing gratitude each and every day of my life. To do this, I will commit to meditating, reflecting on what I have, and being grateful for my health, wealth, and family.”
  • Develop wisdom : “My mission is to continue to develop wisdom. To me, wisdom is knowledge, intelligence, and insight developed through experience and humbly listening to people who have knowledge and experiences beyond mine.”
  • Seek authentic self-expression: “My mission is to express myself authentically , reflecting every day on how my words, actions, and creations align with my core values. This journey towards authenticity is ongoing and evolving, helping me understand and articulate who I truly am.”
  • Change what’s in my control: “I pledge to focus my energies on what I can control in my life. I will strive to change my circumstances when possible, and adapt my attitude when it isn’t. By understanding and accepting this distinction, I will bring about the most positive outcomes for myself and those around me.”
  • Creating harmony between mind-body-soul: “I am committed to fostering harmony between my mind, body, and soul. This means balancing mental challenges with physical exercise and spiritual nourishment, nurturing every part of my being, and achieving a healthier and more balanced life.”
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence : “I am committed to nurturing my emotional intelligence. This involves understanding my own emotions, demonstrating empathy, and adapting my attitude when necessary, leading to stronger and more effective personal and professional relationships.”
  • Foster innovative thinking: “My mission is to foster innovative thinking. I will strive to always question, explore, and reimagine the world around me, aiming to leave a legacy of creativity and change.”
  • Live sustainably and promote environmental consciousness: “I pledge to live sustainably, focusing my energies on what I can control to reduce my environmental impact. Moreover, I will advocate for environmental consciousness within my community, contributing to a healthier planet.”
  • Encourage diversity and inclusivity in my surroundings: “My mission is to promote diversity and inclusivity. I will strive to empower all voices and create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued, thereby fostering a sense of community and belonging.”
  • Be a mentor and guide to others: “I will dedicate my time to mentoring and guiding others. By sharing my wisdom and experiences, I can help others navigate their own journeys, leaving a legacy of kindness and service.”
  • Lead with integrity and honesty: “I am committed to leading with integrity and honesty in all endeavors. I will hold myself to a high standard, aligning my actions with my core values and striving for transparency in every interaction.”
  • Cultivate a balanced and peaceful lifestyle: “My mission is to cultivate a lifestyle that is peaceful and balanced. I will practice mindfulness, express gratitude for my blessings, and strive to find harmony between my personal, professional, and spiritual life.”
  • Maintain physical fitness and promote healthy living: “I pledge to maintain my physical fitness and promote healthy living in my community. I will strive to make smart choices regarding diet, exercise, and self-care, thereby embodying and promoting a vision of holistic health.”
  • A lifelong learning mindset: “With a commitment to growth and a spirit of exploration, I will always seek to broaden my knowledge and perspectives. Embracing challenges and viewing effort as a pathway to mastery, I believe learning is an ongoing journey, not a destination.”
  • Advocate for social justice and equality: “I am committed to advocating for social justice and equality. I will dedicate myself to being a catalyst for change, promoting fairness, and empowering the disadvantaged, contributing to a more equitable society.”
  • Practice mindfulness and presence in daily life: “My mission is to cultivate mindfulness and presence in my daily life. By committing to this practice, I will enhance my emotional intelligence, develop resilience, and foster a deeper connection to the world around me.”
  • Enhance personal and professional relationships: “I pledge to improve and deepen my personal and professional relationships. By demonstrating empathy, respect, and honesty, I will foster meaningful connections and contribute to a vibrant, supportive community.”
  • Invest in self-care and well-being: “My mission is to invest time and energy in self-care and well-being. Through this practice, I will ensure a balanced life, promote a positive mindset, and prepare myself to better serve others.”
  • Strive for financial independence and stability: “I am dedicated to achieving financial independence and stability. By making smart and informed decisions, I aim to create a secure foundation that enables personal growth , adventure, and service to my community.”
  • Foster a spirit of exploration and adventure: “I commit to embracing a spirit of exploration and adventure. By welcoming new experiences and fostering curiosity, I will maintain a lifelong learning mindset, and continually evolve as an individual.”
  • Practice empathy towards all: “My mission is to cultivate empathy in all my interactions. By striving to understand others’ perspectives, I will empower those around me and contribute to a community rooted in kindness and mutual understanding.”
  • Embrace change and maintain flexibility: “I am dedicated to embracing change and demonstrating flexibility. I see change as an opportunity for growth, and I will cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude in the face of evolving circumstances.”
  • Nurture a positive and optimistic mindset: “My mission is to cultivate a positive and optimistic mindset. By seeking the silver lining in every situation, I aim to inspire myself and those around me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.”
  • Advocate for the welfare and rights of animals: “My mission is to advocate for the welfare and rights of animals. I will use my voice and actions to promote humane treatment of animals, contributing to a more compassionate and ethical world.”
  • Make informed and responsible choices: “I pledge to make informed and responsible choices that align with my values and the greater good. I am committed to reflecting on the implications of my decisions and acting in a way that contributes positively to my community and the environment.”
  • Create meaningful connections with people: “I strive to create meaningful connections with people. Through empathy, open-mindedness, and genuine engagement, I aim to nurture relationships that enrich my life and the lives of others.”
  • Develop and demonstrate leadership skills : “My mission is to develop and demonstrate effective leadership skills. I strive to lead with integrity, empathy, and resilience, inspiring others to achieve their best and fostering a spirit of teamwork and mutual respect.”
  • Seek to understand and respect differing perspectives: “I pledge to understand and respect differing perspectives. I believe that diversity of thought enriches our society, and I strive to promote inclusivity and mutual respect in all my interactions.”
  • Foster creativity in myself and others: “My mission is to cultivate creativity in myself and others. I will continually explore new ideas, foster an environment that encourages innovation, and inspire those around me to express their unique perspectives and talents.”
  • Commit to the pursuit of knowledge: “I commit to the continuous pursuit of knowledge. By maintaining a curious and open mind, I strive to learn from every experience, deepen my understanding, and contribute to my personal and professional growth.”
  • Seek to find joy in the everyday : “My mission is to find joy in everyday moments. I commit to practicing mindfulness, expressing gratitude for the simple things, and cherishing each day as a unique gift.”
  • Be a source of encouragement and positivity: “I strive to be a source of encouragement and positivity for those around me. By uplifting others, celebrating their achievements, and offering supportive words, I aim to foster a more compassionate and optimistic community.”
  • Pursue a path of continuous learning and development: “I am dedicated to pursuing a path of continuous learning and development. By always seeking to improve, learn, and grow, I aim to better myself and contribute more effectively to my community and the world at large.”
  • Prioritize balance in all aspects of life: “I commit to prioritizing balance in all aspects of life. This includes fostering harmony between work and personal time, mental and physical health, and personal desires and community responsibilities, to cultivate a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle.”
  • Strive to be a good listener and communicator: “I aim to be a good listener and communicator. By practicing active listening and clear, empathetic communication, I will strengthen my relationships and foster mutual understanding and respect.”
  • Cultivate and express artistic talents: “My mission is to cultivate and express my artistic talents. Through this creative exploration, I aim to express my unique perspectives, contribute to the cultural richness of my community, and inspire others to express their creativity.”
  • Strive to make a positive impact on the environment: “I am committed to making a positive impact on the environment. By living sustainably, advocating for environmental consciousness, and influencing positive change, I hope to leave a meaningful environmental legacy.”
  • Seek simplicity and contentment: “My mission is to seek simplicity and contentment in life. By valuing the essential, expressing gratitude for what I have, and finding joy in simple pleasures, I aim to cultivate a lifestyle of peace and fulfillment.”
  • Develop and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship: “I am dedicated to fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship. By embracing innovation, taking informed risks, and learning from both success and failure, I aim to contribute to economic growth and social impact.”
  • Strive for integrity in actions and communication: “I strive to uphold integrity in my actions and communication. By aligning my actions with my values, being transparent, and communicating honestly, I aim to build trust and respect in my personal and professional relationships.”
  • Embrace new technologies and innovation: “My mission is to embrace new technologies and innovation. By staying informed about technological advances and integrating them into my work and life, I aim to enhance productivity, creativity, and the quality of life for myself and my community.”
  • Cultivate and foster peace and harmony in relationships: “I am committed to fostering peace and harmony in my relationships. By promoting understanding, showing empathy, and resolving conflicts with grace, I aim to create strong, fulfilling, and respectful relationships.”
  • Advocate for responsible consumerism: “I pledge to advocate for responsible consumerism. By making informed choices, promoting sustainability, and encouraging others to do the same, I aim to contribute to a healthier planet and a more equitable economy.”
  • Care and provide for my family: “My mission is to care for and provide for my family. By being present, offering support, and ensuring their needs are met, I aim to create a nurturing and secure environment for my loved ones.”
  • Cultivate self-discipline and good habits: “I commit to cultivating self-discipline and good habits . By maintaining focus, setting realistic goals, and consistently pursuing them, I aim to achieve personal and professional growth.”
  • Influence others by my deeds: “I strive to influence others positively through my deeds. By acting with kindness, integrity, and respect, I aim to inspire others to do the same and contribute to a more compassionate and respectful community.”

See Also: How to Write a Values Statement

A personal mission statement for a resume needs to be personalized to you and your unique values and moral, goals, and life circumstances. You may also want to adjust it depending on the context in which you’re using it – i.e. if you’re asked to make a personal mission for work, then it’d likely incorporate elements of your job into it.

Also note that you’re always free to adjust your personal mission statement over time, so create one that’s true to you right now, but be willing to adjust it every few months.


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20 Inspiring Examples: How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

By Editorial Team on May 3, 2023 — 6 minutes to read

A personal mission statement is a declaration of your guiding principles, goals, and aspirations in life. It helps you articulate your purpose, clarify your values, and make better decisions, both personally and professionally.

Having a personal mission statement is important for staying grounded and focused, especially when faced with difficult choices or setbacks in your life. By clearly defining your mission, you can:

  • Gain a sense of direction
  • Set priorities
  • Align actions with core values
  • Improve decision-making
  • Motivate yourself
  • Enhance personal growth and development

Key Components

In order to craft an effective personal mission statement, it’s important to consider three key components:

  • Purpose: Reflect on your passions, what motivates you, and what you believe you were meant to do in this world.
  • Core values: What are the principles that govern your behavior and decision-making? Think about the qualities you value most, such as integrity, kindness, or perseverance. Learn more: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values
  • Goals: What do you hope to achieve in life, both personally and professionally? Determine what kind of impact you want to make in the world and set specific, measurable objectives that will help you reach that goal.

As you work on these components, be honest with yourself and choose elements that truly resonate with you, rather than adopting someone else’s beliefs or expectations. If your mission statement reflects your authentic self, it will be a far more effective tool for personal growth and fulfillment.

Creating Your Personal Mission Statement

Identifying your values.

Understanding your core values is essential in creating a personal mission statement. These values should reflect what is most important to you, and they will be the foundation of your mission statement. To help you identify your values, consider the following steps:

  • Reflect on your past experiences and the values that were demonstrated in those situations.
  • Ask yourself what values you hold most dear and which ones guide your decisions.

Learn more: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values

Once you have a list of potential values, narrow it down to the top 3-5 that resonate with you the most. These will serve as the basis for your personal mission statement.

Setting Your Goals

Now that you have identified your values, it’s time to set your personal and professional goals. These goals should align with your values and form the framework of your mission statement. Here are some steps to assist you in setting your goals:

  • Break your life into categories (such as career, relationships, and personal growth).
  • Consider both short-term and long-term goals within each category.
  • Be specific and realistic about what you want to achieve.

With clearly defined goals, you will be better equipped to create a mission statement that is focused and actionable.

Writing Your Statement

Now that you have defined your values and goals, you can begin crafting your personal mission statement. Keep the following tips in mind while writing your statement:

  • Begin with a powerful opening sentence that encapsulates your values and aspirations.
  • Be clear in expressing your goals and how they align with your values.
  • Write in the present tense and use positive language to project confidence.

Your personal mission statement should be a reflection of who you are and what you hope to achieve. Revise and refine your statement until you feel it accurately represents your values, goals, and aspirations.

Examples of Personal Mission Statements

In this section, you’ll find a variety of personal mission statement examples tailored to different roles, lifestyles, and aspirations. Take inspiration from these examples and use them as a starting point for your own unique mission statement.

Example 1: Student

As a student, your mission might be to excel academically and develop meaningful relationships. Example: “To achieve academic excellence, cultivate lifelong friendships, and make a positive impact on my university community.”

Example 2: Career Professional

Your mission as a career professional could be to advance in your industry, exemplify integrity, and balance work and personal life. Example: “To grow professionally, maintain a high level of integrity, and achieve a healthy work-life balance.”

Example 3: Parent

As a parent, your mission could be to nurture, teach, and support your children, preparing them for the future. Example: “To provide a loving, enriching environment for my children, empowering them with the tools to succeed and grow.”

Example 4: Retiree

Your mission as a retiree can be to enjoy your golden years, staying healthy, and remaining active in your community. Example: “To maintain my health, engage in fulfilling hobbies, and contribute positively to my community.”

Example 5: Entrepreneur

“To create innovative solutions and provide exceptional value to my customers and my community.”

Example 6: Freelancer

“To deliver outstanding work to my clients while maintaining flexibility and work-life balance.”

Example 7: Community Volunteer

“To dedicate my time and skills to causes that make a meaningful impact in my community.”

Example 8: Environmentalist

“To contribute to a sustainable future through conscious choices and meaningful actions.”

Example 9: Artist

“To express my creativity, tell compelling stories, and touch the lives of others through my art.”

Example 10: Innovator

“To think critically, explore new possibilities, and develop groundbreaking solutions for the future.”

Top-20 Examples of Personal Mission Statements:

  • To live a life of purpose and make a positive impact on the world around me.
  • To constantly learn and grow, both personally and professionally, and inspire others to do the same.
  • To be a compassionate and empathetic listener, and provide support to those who need it.
  • To live a life of integrity and honesty, and always act with kindness and respect towards others.
  • To use my creativity and innovation to solve problems and bring new ideas to the table.
  • To make a difference in my community and give back to those in need.
  • To be a role model for others, especially young people, and inspire them to pursue their dreams.
  • To live a life of balance, and prioritize my relationships, hobbies, and passions alongside my work.
  • To be a leader who empowers others and helps them reach their full potential.
  • To embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • To live a life of mindfulness and presence, and appreciate the beauty of the world around me.
  • To be a responsible and ethical citizen, and contribute to the betterment of society.
  • To be a lifelong advocate for social justice and equality.
  • To be a positive force in the lives of those around me, and spread joy and positivity wherever I go.
  • To be a lifelong learner and teacher, sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.
  • To be a steward of the environment, and work towards a more sustainable and equitable future.
  • To be a supportive and loving partner, parent, and friend.
  • To prioritize my physical and mental health, and encourage others to do the same.
  • To be a lifelong learner and seeker of truth, always questioning and challenging my own beliefs.
  • To be a champion for diversity and inclusion, and celebrate the unique qualities of every individual.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and reflection, it’s important to remember that a great mission statement should resonate deeply within you and help to shape your decisions and actions. Keep in mind these key points when crafting your statement:

  • Be genuine and authentic
  • Keep it concise and focused
  • Reflect your core values and purpose
  • Use clear and inspiring language

As you work on your statement, be open to revising it over time. Your life experiences and evolving goals may call for adjustments, so ensure that it remains a relevant reflection of your aspirations. With your personal mission statement in hand, you can now approach your life and decisions with a sense of purpose and direction.

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Tchiki Davis, Ph.D.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Tips for writing a declaration of your unique direction or purpose..

Posted June 23, 2021 | Reviewed by Chloe Williams

  • A personal mission statement makes clear what one wants to do and how to do it, which can provide clarity on how to live a fulfilling life.
  • To gain clarity on their mission, people can ask themselves questions, such as what impact they want to have and what makes them feel alive.
  • People can also reflect on the values that drive them and their goals in the shorter and longer term, which should align with their mission.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

A personal mission statement is a written declaration of our unique direction or purpose. This statement makes it clear not just what you intend to do in this world, but how you intend to do it. It's sometimes just one sentence, but it can be as long as you want.

Each of us has our own unique core values , purpose, and desired direction, but often we don’t know exactly what they are. That’s why we can benefit from having a mission statement—something that gives us clarity about how we want to live our lives and ultimately achieve personal fulfillment and well-being. Writing a mission statement can help us get clear on our values and better understand whether we are spending our time in the best ways. It can also provide a sense of inner stability during times of change (Searight & Searight, 2011).

What’s Your Personal Mission?

Many of us have spent little time thinking about our personal mission in life. We're too busy dealing with immediate, urgent tasks to think about what we want to do in this life and where we want to end up. As a result, we might feel this low level of discontent—we know the way we are living our lives is not making us happy, but we’re not sure why. Thinking about our mission can be one way to begin to resolve this discontent.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to explore your mission:

  • What impact do you want to have in the world?
  • How do you want to make an impact?
  • Who do you want to have an impact on?
  • What makes you feel most happy and alive?

Answering these questions can help you gain more clarity on your life’s mission. ​

Tip: Think of the End and Work Backward

Another way to gain more clarity on what you want to do in life is to think about the end of your life and what you hope to have accomplished. Then, work backward. Some people have suggested that we could imagine attending our own funeral. Think about what would be said in the eulogy and whether it reflects your values and personal goals (Searight & Searight, 2011). If you find that the eulogy of today's version of you isn't what you really want, clarify for yourself what you do want and consider how your mission statement may guide you to that end goal.

What Are Your Values?

Next, ask yourself, what are your values? That is, what are the underlying personality traits , beliefs, or experiences that drive you and make you feel like you?

Some values might be love, freedom, creativity , kindness , adventure, loyalty, etc...

Make sure that your mission reflects these values so that you don’t end up pursuing a goal in ways that are not a good fit for your values. This way, you'll have a better chance of feeling more fulfilled as you strive to achieve your mission.

What Are Your Goals?

In addition to your values, it can be helpful to get even more clear on your goals. It can be easy to focus on short-term goals, but thinking about medium-term and long-term goals can help you make sure your short-term goals don’t lead you astray.

Ask yourself a few quick questions about your goals:

  • What do you want to have accomplished in one year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
  • Where do you want to be in one year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
  • How do you want to be spending your time in one year? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years?

Take a moment to think about your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals like a pathway. Ask yourself, how will your current goals lead to medium-term goals, and how will those lead to your longer-term goals?

Write Your Personal Mission Statement

Sometimes a personal mission statement is just one sentence. In that case, it could be:

To do [X Action] for [Y group of people] to [have Z impact] with [optional: other details].

It’s okay to revise, rewrite, or make it longer. For most of us, creating a personal mission statement takes some work. This process doesn't have to be a "one and done." In fact, it is quite common for personal mission statements to change and evolve over time, just as we do (Li, Frohna, & Bostwick, 2017).

Adapted from an article published by The Berkeley Well-Being Institute .

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D.

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. , is a consultant, writer, and expert on well-being technology.

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what is your mission statement essay

How to Write a Mission Statement: Your Complete Guide

what is your mission statement essay

Did you know that 80% of consumers are more likely to trust and engage with brands that have a clear mission? This statistic highlights the immense impact a well-defined mission statement can have on your business. It’s not just a collection of words; it is a powerful tool that communicates your business's purpose, values, and aspirations. When crafted thoughtfully, it establishes an emotional connection with your target audience, showcasing your commitment to making a difference in their lives. By expressing your company's core beliefs and goals, writing a mission statement creates a sense of trust and loyalty among customers. It sets you apart from competitors and resonates deeply with individuals who align with your values, fostering long-term relationships.

How to Write a Mission Statement: Short Description

In this article, we will delve into the importance of how to create a mission statement that captivates your audience, inspires your team, and propels your business toward success. Not only will you gain valuable insights into the importance of a well-defined mission, but you'll also discover a sample mission statement and expert tips to help you craft your own. Prepare to witness the transformative power of a well-crafted piece as we unlock its potential together.

What Is a Mission Statement: Unraveling the Meaning and Purpose

A mission statement is a concise yet powerful statement that captures the essence of what an organization aims to achieve. Think of it as the heart and soul of a company, outlining its purpose and direction in a meaningful way. A well-crafted statement not only serves as a beacon for the organization's actions and decisions but also communicates its values and aspirations to its stakeholders.

Compared to a vision statement that outlines the company's future aspirations and long-term goals, a business's mission statement answers the fundamental question, 'Why does this organization exist?' It goes beyond the mere pursuit of profit and delves into the deeper impact the organization wants to make in the world. It reflects the organization's unique identity, its target audience, and the value it seeks to provide. Whether it's a multinational corporation, a non-profit organization, or a small start-up, this statement defines its identity and shapes its strategic choices.

As our essay writing service suggests, an effective mission statement is memorable and inspiring. It should resonate with both employees and customers, creating a sense of purpose and unity. When employees understand and believe in the mission, they become more engaged and motivated, working towards a common goal. For customers and stakeholders, a compelling statement establishes trust and loyalty, as they can align themselves with the organization's values and aspirations.

Why is Mission Statement Important: Illuminating the Value

One key reason why writing a mission statement is important is that it establishes a strong sense of purpose. It goes beyond the surface-level goals and objectives and delves into the deeper meaning behind the organization's existence. A well-crafted statement communicates the organization's core values, its unique contribution to society, and the positive impact it aims to make. This sense of purpose fosters a greater sense of motivation and dedication among employees, as they can connect their individual roles to the larger mission.

Furthermore, it serves as a unifying force within the organization. It brings together individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skills under a common vision. By aligning everyone towards a shared goal, it promotes collaboration, teamwork, and a sense of belonging. Employees understand the organization's mission and values, which helps create a cohesive culture that drives performance and success.

According to our paper writing service online , such statements also play a crucial role in building trust and loyalty among customers and stakeholders. In today's competitive landscape, consumers are increasingly seeking out organizations that align with their own values and beliefs. A clear and authentic mission statement allows customers to connect with the organization on a deeper level, fostering trust and loyalty. Stakeholders, such as investors and partners, are also more likely to engage with organizations that have a well-defined mission, as it demonstrates a clear direction and purpose.

Lastly, this piece provides a framework for decision-making. When faced with strategic choices, organizations can refer back to their mission statement to ensure their actions align with their core values and long-term objectives. It acts as a guiding principle, helping organizations stay focused and make informed decisions that are in line with their overall mission.

Sample Mission Statement

Here, we have prepared a sample mission statement to showcase what a proper and impactful piece looks like.

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How to Write a Mission Statement: Simple Guide

Crafting a company's mission statement is a crucial step in defining its purpose and direction, so we've put together a simple guide to help you navigate the process. Experts from our dissertation writing services will walk you through the key elements to consider, from capturing your unique identity to creating a concise yet compelling statement.

How to Write a Mission Statement:

  • Discover Your Company's Purpose and Services

To create a meaningful mission statement, take the time to delve deep into your organization's purpose. Reflect on the core values and beliefs that drive your company. Consider the services or products you offer and the impact they have on customers. What sets your organization apart? By understanding your purpose and services, you can articulate a statement that captures the essence of your business and resonates with your target audience.

  • Unveil the Company's Winning Methods for Achieving Its Goals

Identify the unique approaches and strategies that contribute to your organization's success. These winning methods can be related to your company's operations, marketing, customer service, or any other aspect that sets you apart from competitors. It could be your commitment to innovation, your focus on customer satisfaction or your dedication to continuous improvement. By highlighting these winning methods, you showcase your organization's strengths and reinforce your commitment to achieving your goals.

  • Explain How Your Business Serves Its Customers

When crafting your mission statement, it is essential to focus on how to write a mission statement that clearly communicates how your business serves its customers. Highlight the value you provide and the specific problems you help solve for your target audience. Emphasize the benefits customers can expect from your products or services, showcasing how your organization goes above and beyond to understand and meet their needs. By effectively articulating how you serve your customers, you demonstrate your dedication to their success, which ultimately builds trust and fosters long-term loyalty. Additionally, exploring various business essay topics can provide valuable inspiration and insights for refining your statement and enhancing your overall business strategy.

  • Explain How Your Business Serves Its Employees

In addition to customers, the statement can address how your business serves its employees. Highlight the company culture and values that shape your organization. Consider the support, opportunities, and benefits you provide to your team members. Showcase your commitment to their growth, well-being, and job satisfaction. By recognizing and valuing your employees, you create a positive work environment, foster loyalty, and attract top talent.

  • Revise the Mission Statement for Improved Impact

Once you have a draft of the statement for your assignment on business management , take the time to review and revise it for improved impact. Ensure that it is concise, clear, and easy to understand. Remove any unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may alienate or confuse readers, keeping in mind that your audience may not be familiar with industry-specific language. Aim for simplicity and clarity to make your mission statement accessible to all. Seek feedback from key stakeholders, such as employees and customers, to gain different perspectives and make necessary revisions.

Tips for Writing a Mission Statement

By following the unique tips below, you can create a mission statement that captures the essence of your organization and resonates with your audience, setting the stage for success.

How to Write a Mission Statement:

  • Be Authentic : Craft a statement that reflects the true essence of your organization. Focus on your unique strengths, values, and purpose rather than trying to imitate others.
  • Think Long-Term : Consider the long-term vision of your organization when writing your mission statement. Look beyond immediate goals and aim to capture the enduring impact and legacy you aspire to create.
  • Involve Stakeholders : Seek input from key stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, to gain diverse perspectives and ensure your statement resonates with those it impacts.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language : Aim for clarity and simplicity in your mission statement. Use language that is easily understood by a wide audience and avoid unnecessary jargon or complex terms.
  • Focus on the 'Why' : Articulate the core purpose and driving force as to why your business exists. Explain why you do what you do and the positive impact you aim to make in the world.
  • Highlight Your Unique Value Proposition : Clearly communicate what sets your organization apart from others in your industry. Showcase the unique value and benefits you provide to customers or stakeholders.
  • Make It Action-Oriented : Use dynamic and action-oriented language in your mission statement. Convey a sense of determination and commitment to achieving your goals and making a difference.
  • Inspire Emotion : Craft a statement that evokes emotion and resonates with your target audience. Appeal to their aspirations, values, and desires, making them feel connected to your organization's purpose.
  • Consider Visual and Verbal Branding : Align it with your brand identity. Consider incorporating visual and verbal elements that reflect your brand, making it instantly recognizable and memorable.
  • Continuously Evaluate and Evolve : For writing a good mission statement, regularly review and assess it to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with your organization's growth and changing circumstances. Adapt it as needed to reflect new goals, values, or market trends.

Mission Statement Examples

Here are the short introductions and examples of mission statements for additional companies:

  • Amazon 'To be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.'

Amazon's statement highlights its dedication to customer satisfaction. They strive to provide a wide selection of products and a seamless online shopping experience, with a strong focus on meeting customer needs and preferences.

  • Google 'To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.'

Google's statement emphasizes its commitment to organizing and providing access to information globally. They aim to make information universally available and useful to users worldwide through their search engines and other digital services.

  • Nike 'To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. (*If you have a body, you are an athlete.)'

Nike's statement emphasizes its dedication to inspiring and innovating in the realm of athletics. They strive to encourage everyone, regardless of their abilities, to embrace a sporting mindset and achieve their full potential.

  • Patagonia 'Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.'

Patagonia's statement highlights its commitment to producing high-quality products while minimizing its environmental impact. They aim to leverage their business to not only inspire change but also actively contribute to finding solutions for environmental challenges.

  • Microsoft 'To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.'

Microsoft places its mission statement focus on empowerment through technology. They aim to provide individuals and organizations with the tools and resources they need to accomplish their goals and unlock their full potential.

Personal Mission Statement: Paving the Way for Effective Leadership

Creating a personal mission statement goes beyond mere goal-setting. It delves into the deeper motivations behind your aspirations, answering fundamental questions such as 'Who am I?', 'What do I stand for?' and 'What impact do I want to make in the world?'. It encapsulates your unique identity and vision, offering a sense of purpose and meaning to guide your journey.

Writing a personal mission statement involves self-reflection and introspection. It requires an introspective exploration of your values, strengths, and long-term goals. By examining your passions, talents, and the positive contributions you want to make, you can articulate a statement that resonates with your authentic self.

A well-crafted personal statement serves several purposes. It provides clarity and focus, reminding you of your priorities and guiding your choices. It acts as a source of motivation and inspiration, fueling your drive and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. It also serves as a tool for self-accountability, helping you stay true to your values and principles.

While a personal mission statement is highly personal and unique to each individual, it can evolve over time as you gain new experiences, insights, and perspectives. Regularly revisiting and refining your piece ensures that it remains aligned with your evolving self and continues to guide your growth and fulfillment.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: Effortless Steps

In this section, we will walk you through the effortless steps on how to write a personal essay with a mission statement that resonates with your true self and propels you towards a life of fulfillment and achievement, even amidst the demands of tackling economics essay topics .

How to Write a Mission Statement:

  • Reflect on your life purpose : Start creating a personal mission statement reflecting on your life purpose and what gives your everyday life meaning. Consider the overarching reason for your existence and the impact you want to make in the world. Explore the values and principles that guide your choices and actions, and identify how you can align your personal mission with your life purpose.
  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses : Take an inventory of your strengths, talents, and skills. Identify the areas where you excel and the unique qualities that set you apart. Similarly, acknowledge your weaknesses and areas for improvement. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses helps you create a statement that leverages your strengths and addresses areas that need growth.
  • Clarify your long-term vision : Envision your ideal future and the person you want to become. Define your long-term goals and aspirations across various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, personal growth, and contribution to society. Your personal statement should align with this long-term vision and guide you toward its realization.
  • Consider your passions and interests : Explore your passions, hobbies, and areas of genuine interest. Identify the activities or causes that truly ignite your enthusiasm and bring you joy. Integrating your passions into your piece ensures that you lead a purposeful and fulfilling life driven by activities that align with your authentic self. ‍
  • Identify your core values : Reflect on the values that are most important to you. These are the principles that shape your decisions, behaviors, and interactions. Determine the values that define who you are and that you want to embody in your personal mission. Your statement should reflect your commitment to living a life in alignment with your core values. ‍
  • Define your unique contribution : Consider how you can make a unique contribution to the world. Identify the specific ways in which you can utilize your strengths, passions, and values to create a positive impact. Think about how your skills and interests can be harnessed to help others or make a difference in your community or industry. ‍
  • Write your mission statement : With the above steps in mind, start writing your personal mission statement. Craft a concise, clear, and inspiring statement that encompasses your purpose, values, strengths, passions, and desired impact. Keep it authentic and true to yourself, expressing your unique aspirations and goals. Revise and refine your statement until it feels genuine and resonates deeply with you. ‍
  • Live your mission statement : Once you have finalized writing a personal mission statement, use it as a guiding compass for your daily life. Refer to it regularly to stay focused, make decisions aligned with your values, and pursue actions that contribute to your mission. Continually strive to live in accordance with your mission statement, embracing personal growth and making a positive impact in the world.

By embracing the power of purpose, businesses can set a clear direction, inspire their team members, and engage their customers on a deeper level. Remember, a great mission statement goes beyond a mere string of words; it becomes the guiding force that shapes every decision and action. So, take the time to dig deep, articulate your core values, and envision the impact you want to make in the world. With well-crafted mission statement examples, you have the opportunity to transform your organization into a purpose-driven powerhouse.

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Don't wait another moment! Order your personalized mission statement today, and let's sprinkle some purposeful pizzazz into your life!

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

what is your mission statement essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (With Examples)

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Summary. To write a personal mission statement should first identify your core values and goals and brainstorm on your work and life missions. Be sure to mention professional and personal skills that can be used to achieve your goals. Your personal mission statement should be brief and concise in a single sentence.

Like corporate mission statements, personal mission statements are short overviews of why you do what you do, and they can be effective ways of helping coworkers or potential employers get to know you. They can also focus your work and decision-making, so it’s important to spend some time thinking through your personal mission statement.

In this article, we’ll go over how to write a personal mission statement, some examples of these statements, and how having a personal mission statement can help you at work.

Key Takeaways

A personal mission statement should be one sentence long.

Your personal mission statement communicates the “why” behind your work.

Having a personal mission statement will help you decide what to prioritize and will help you introduce yourself and your values to employers.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Personal mission statement template and examples, tips for writing your personal mission statement, what is a personal mission statement, why is it important to have a personal mission statement, where can you use a personal mission statement, personal mission statement faq.

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If you’re having trouble coming up with a personal mission statement, you’re not alone. Though it seems like a simple sentence, personal mission statements contain a lifetime of experience, knowledge, and even soul-searching when done correctly.

Once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that crafting your own personal mission statement can be not only fun but illuminating. It can help you to identify and clarify the values that have been driving your working life. Here are some steps you can take to write a great personal mission statement:

Brainstorm on your work and life missions. As we’ve discussed, personal mission statements are deceptively compact, and these short statements contain a ton of information on how you navigate the working world.

For many people, we’ve never actually taken the time to think through our views on work and on life in general, or how these views intersect. Take the time to think this through and write down whatever comes up.

Identify your core values and goals. Read through your brainstorm journals, and highlight anything that sticks out to you as one of your key motivating values . This could be anything that drives you to do what you do in this world.

Perhaps you want to help people live safely and comfortably. Maybe you want to expand human knowledge or artistic possibilities. Perhaps you want to make people, or just one person, smile. The possibilities are endless, and it’s all your decision based upon what particular thing you feel called to do in this lifetime.

Recognize the skills you’ll use to enact your values. Each of us has special skills , both professional and personal, that we can use to achieve our goals. Mentioning these skills in your personal mission statement not only gives you an extra chance to show off your strengths but demonstrates that you are determined to use this skill proactively.

Edit for maximum impact. They say the key to excellent writing is packing as much information into as few words as possible, which holds true for a great personal mission statement. Your personal mission statement should be short, sweet, and to the point for maximum effectiveness.

Discuss with peers and mentors. Finally, if you’re still not sure how to write a mission statement acceptable for your contextual purposes, discuss it with your colleagues or professional mentors . You can ask about their personal mission statements, or just for a second pair of eyes on yours.

Personal Mission Statement Template

Your personal mission statement will have to be modified for grammar and syntax based on where and how it is used, but a great personal mission statement will address all of the following points in a single sentence:

What action(s) will you take to affect change?

What skills will you use?

What community or group of people will be affected?

What change do you wish to affect/ what result do you want to have?

It could look something like this:

“To use [skill] to [verb describing your work] [community affected by your work] [desired result of your work]”

However, please keep in mind that this is entirely personal and contextual. If it ends up sounding awkward, you can always rephrase out and take out any parts you like. You can even simplify it to only your desired impact or result.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

To use my creative talents to teach inner-city high schoolers about the ways that art can uplift their spirit and change their perspective.

To bring joy to those around me.

To write stories that remind us of our humanity.

To use my writing skills to increase nonprofit funding and create a more equitable world.

To create a new era of marketing focused on ethics, sustainability, and transparency.

To engineer commercial products that make our lives easier and better.

To bring comfort and attentive care to patients at the end of their lives.

To be happy, healthy, and do no harm.

To create innovative technology that changes the way we live our lives.

To help women of color find success in corporate positions through one-on-one, intersectional consultations.

To never stop learning.

To create software that enhances user security with a streamlined process.

To inform policies that will tackle the climate crisis head-on and save the planet.

To give my clients beautiful, easy-to-use web pages that will help them expand their online businesses.

To use my talents to invest in my community.

To serve as a mentor , apply my values to every decision, and make a difference in people’s lives.

To fight until every child has a free and fair chance at education.

To use my unique gifts.

To keep people informed on global issues and create a more connected world.

To foster a more accessible world with disability-conscious designs.

To create and record beautiful wedding memories for my clients.

To help those around me grow in their talents and use them to better the world.

To provide excellent care to every patient every day.

To bring beauty to the world around me.

To make every child feel like the most important person in the room.

To help my clients live the fullest, healthiest lives possible.

Here are some final tips for crafting your perfect personal mission statement:

Be brief. Keep it as concise as you can in a single, straightforward sentence. It should be easy to remember and immediately clear. If you’d like, you can even narrow it down to three words representing the essence of your statement and sparsely add in words for clarity.

Be honest. The worst way to write a personal mission statement is to say what you think others want to hear, regardless of whether you believe it. Your statement should be a genuine reflection of you, and if it isn’t, it doesn’t serve much of a purpose.

Be open. If you are cynical, be open to the process. It’s okay if this doesn’t turn out to be the best way for you to express yourself, but it can still help figure out what drives you on your deepest level.

Being vulnerable about our deepest drives, motivations, and values can be scary. This is because we’ve been told so often in our lives – both directly and indirectly – that the things we want and value are wrong, or they don’t matter.

Be teachable. Your mission statement can feel highly personal, so it can be difficult to ask for feedback on it. However, you need to have someone you trust read it to check it for errors and to make sure you’re communicating clearly and effectively.

When they do give you feedback, take it graciously and remember that it isn’t a personal attack — they’re just trying to help you.

A personal mission statement, sometimes called a vision statement, outlines your deepest purpose for working. It gives a quick synopsis of your goals and values in your working life, and it can help you make decisions that align with your purpose.

Personal mission statements are typically in the format of a single sentence or short phrase that shows how you define yourself as a person and a member of an organization. It shows, quickly, how and why you work.

Personal mission statements can be used in a variety of ways, both for your own personal benefit and as a way of helping others get to know you. They can be used on resumes , college applications, professional social media profiles, and more.

Even just keeping this statement in mind can help radically shift the choices you make in your work life. This is because personal mission statements also act as a guide for our behavior. Figuring out the right choice in any area of life can be a difficult and time-consuming task, but with your mission statement in mind, the right choice might be a little bit clearer.

Personal mission statements are important because they can help with the enormous task of figuring out your deepest purpose for your work life and choices.

We get it; you may be thinking, “my deepest purpose for working is to make money and survive,” and that’s perfectly fair. You do need to make money to survive in this world, and we aren’t discounting the strong influence that can have on the career decisions you make.

However, the point of a personal mission statement is to, in a small way, carve out the life you want for yourself and the world you want to create. Your personal mission statement isn’t about what you do to put food on the table; it’s about what you would do with your life if money were no object.

For these reasons, a personal mission statement can be incredibly powerful. It’s a short, quippy line that you can easily remember and call upon for big and small choices. It can help you recognize which opportunities and choices will help you achieve your aims and which ones won’t. This is invaluable for creating career boundaries and long-term plans.

Your statement can help you assess anything from whether you fit into a given corporate culture to which projects you can take on, and more.

Successful people are clear on their goals and values, and they have the empowering belief that they can and will create a life for themselves that honors these goals and values. A mission statement is a signifier to those who may work with you that you are determined and clear and won’t settle for lesser choices.

Personal mission statements have several possible applications, whether you’re introducing yourself to someone, making important decisions, or just going about your day-to-day work life. Here are some examples of how to use a personal mission statement in your life:

Starting a new project. Before starting on a new task or project at work, start with your mission. Figuring out the bottom line of why you are about to engage in something helps you complete it more successfully and with a renewed passion. It also helps you to avoid rote ways of doing something in favor of results-focused innovation .

Daily tasks and choices. Even small decisions can be approached more effectively if the “why” is kept in mind from the start. Keeping your statement in mind during work, or even keeping it framed and in sight at your office, helps you feel more fulfilled in your work life and with the tasks you take on. They all have a larger purpose.

Scheduling. Your mission statement can be a wonderful guide for how you spend your day. Keep track of the tasks you do daily and how they contribute to your larger goals. There may be areas where you’re over-exerting time and energy on a task that doesn’t mean that much in the grand scheme of things (or, you may be experiencing the opposite).

Job-hunting. If you’re currently searching for new opportunities, your mission statement can be one of your most powerful guides in deciding what jobs to apply for and take on. Take time to research the company and see if its mission is compatible with yours.

In your resume, cover letter, or portfolio . Your personal mission statement can be worked into your application materials in a few ways. You could include it in your resume summary or objective statement , in the first paragraph of your cover letter , or even in the header of your website.

During interviews. Introducing yourself professionally can be a bit of a task, but a mission statement makes it easy. Using your statement to inform your answers to interview questions helps the interviewer see that you have strong values and integrity .

What is the purpose of a personal mission statement?

The purpose of a personal mission statement is to clearly define your goals and helps outline your purpose for working. A personal mission statement is a short statement that shows how you define yourself as a person and a member of an organization. A personal mission statement should be similar to how a company shares their mission statement.

What should be included in a personal mission statement?

A personal mission statement should include what you want to accomplish and contribute and it should include what you want to be. You want to figure out what your personal and professional goals are first. This will help you determine what your statement will be and what you need to do to accomplish it.

How long should a personal mission statement be?

A personal mission statement should be one sentence. You should not have more than 50 words in your mission statement. Personal mission statements should be kept short and to the point.

James Madison University – Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

5 Min Read | Dec 27, 2023

Ken Coleman

You’ve probably seen mission statements everywhere, like walls in company lobbies and inside promotional brochures.

Mission statements define a business or organization’s identity and purpose, and they can go a long way to help a company create a vision for the future.

But did you know you can have a mission statement too? This is called a  personal mission statement , and it could be exactly what you need to identify your goals and find the motivation to accomplish them.

If you don’t already have a personal mission statement, there’s no time like the present to write one. Let’s dive into learning why it’s important and how to write a personal mission statement.

What Is a Personal Mission Statement?

A personal mission statement defines who you are as a person (or as a team member where you work) and identifies your purpose—whether that’s on the job or simply in life. It explains where you see yourself in the future, how you plan to pursue that purpose , and why it matters so much to you.

People fail at what they hope to achieve because they lack clear goals and focus. They get distracted and lose sight of their purpose and who they were made to be. In other words, they ignore their personal mission statement. But a successful person will have a rock-solid vision spelled out in their personal mission statement.

Author and career coach Dan Miller says a good mission statement should include three things:

  • Your skills and abilities (what you like to do)
  • Your personality traits (how you operate)
  • Your values, dreams and passions (why you want to excel)

That’s it! It should be just one or two sentences long and say—in simple terms—exactly what you’re all about without any lofty principles tacked on.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, store manager, college student, business executive or truck driver, crafting a personal mission statement will serve you well in life. Everyone should have one. 

Why a Personal Mission Statement Is Useful

A personal mission statement is important because it helps you focus on your character and figure out  how to meet your long-term goals . It’s like a guidepost for where you want to go in life and who you want to be.

A personal mission statement keeps you from wandering off track. For example, if a decision you’re considering doesn’t fit in the picture of your personal mission statement, you shouldn’t follow through with it. Something may be a cool idea or interesting opportunity, but that doesn’t mean you need to commit to it or even bring it into your life. On the other hand, having a personal mission statement can help you know when it’s time to make a change or take that leap.

I love a good sports visual, so think of it this way: A good mission statement marks what’s in bounds or out of bounds. If your passion is teaching, is it really in the bounds to work a job that doesn’t involve sharing information with people? Be realistic here, and don’t set yourself up for failure.

Writing a personal mission statement seems pretty straightforward. But to do it well, it actually requires a lot of effort and thoughtfulness to create. So take some time to think about and write down how each of Miller’s three areas apply to you. That lays a good foundation for crafting your mission statement.

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Think about your life principles and goals . Why did you set these goals? How do your goals make you a better person or help you improve your career ? The personal mission statement should answer these questions in 50 words or less, so try to get to the heart of who you are and leave out unnecessary details. Don’t worry if your statement doesn’t mirror someone else’s—every statement should be unique because no two people are the same.

Putting Your Personal Mission Statement to Use

Once you have a written mission statement, start using it. Frame it and put a copy in your home or office so you see it often. You want to surround yourself with your own positive attitude.

Not only should you live according to your personal mission statement, but it’s also important that others know about it. You want people to know you’ll live up to what you wrote, so spread the news. Accountability from those closest to you will help you stick to it.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

Speaking of letting people know, our mission statement here at Ramsey Solutions is posted throughout the building, and every team member is required to know it like the back of their hand. It’s why we exist. It goes like this:

“We provide biblically based, commonsense education and empowerment that give HOPE to everyone in every walk of life.”

But that’s a business mission statement. Personal mission statement examples will look a little bit different. Here are a few examples of personal mission statements from successful CEOs in business:

  • “I want to be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes.” — Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group
  • “To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net-worth of women around the world.” — Amanda Steinberg, founder of DailyWorth

And here are a few other mission statements from some well-known nonprofits:

  • “Inspiring hope and promoting health through integrated clinical practice, education and research.” — Mayo Clinic
  • “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.” — Habitat for Humanity
  • “PBS empowers individuals to achieve their potential and strengthen the social, democratic, and cultural health of the U.S.” — Public Broadcasting System (PBS)

Take the Next Steps in Writing Your Personal Mission Statement

Ready to start working on your own personal mission statement? Having your purpose written down will add value and productivity to your life, so get started today.

  • Then, let the mission statement writing begin. Brainstorm your values and goals to get started. Don’t worry if your first drafts are a little messy!
  • Ask people who know you best for their input. Are your values and goals true for you? Having someone proofread your mission statement can make it even better.
  • Check out my Get Clear Career Assessment. It’s all done online, so you can take the test and get your results instantly.

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Ken Coleman

About the author

Ken Coleman

Ken Coleman is the author of the national bestselling book From Paycheck to Purpose and the #1 national bestseller The Proximity Principle. He hosts The Ken Coleman Show, a caller-driven show that helps listeners find the work they’re wired to do. Ken also co-hosts The Ramsey Show, the second-largest talk radio show in America, and makes regular appearances on Fox News and Fox Business. Through his speaking, broadcasting and syndicated columns, Ken gives people expert advice, providing strategic steps to get clear on their unique purpose and grow professionally. Learn More.

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Mission statements, what is a mission statement.

Your mission clearly states why your organization exists. A company’s mission statement helps clearly articulate your core purpose. It is the summation of your organization’s core reason for being, answering the question, “Why are we here?” A mission needs to boldly state why you exist, and what impact you hope your organization has on the world. The best mission statements clearly express these things to your customers in a way that resonates and engages with them.

When developing your strategic plan, it is important to not overlook the foundation of your plan, including your mission statement. Every organization should have one! Crafting a mission statement may be challenging at first, but with the help of our guide, you’ll be well on your way to making your own great mission statement!

Free Canvas & Guide to Creating a Mission Statement

Whether you’re writing a new mission statement or revisiting your old one as part of a strategic planning process, we’ve created a canvas you can use to create a mission statement that inspires your team. Get started on creating your mission statement today, and download our guide for free!

Why Are Mission Statements Important in Strategic Planning?

A good mission statement is a foundational element in any strategic plan because it helps define your organization’s core purpose, serving as a vantage point from which to look down the road. Combined with your vision statement , it helps define why your organization exists and what you stand for.

Mission statements are sometimes confused and grouped with different kinds of foundational statements or forgotten about entirely. Some of the common planning elements that mission statements get mixed up with are vision statements and value statements.

All three are closely linked but serve entirely different functions and roles in your strategic framework. Below, we explain how the vision and values elements compare against a mission statement, and how they can all be used together to complement your mission statement for a strong foundation to your strategic plan.

Mission Statements Versus Vision Statements – The Differences

While a company’s future vision statement describes the organization’s future state, the mission directly relates to the vision by articulating the greater reason why that vision matters. A powerful mission keeps the organization on track and rallies around the direction the organization is headed. Learn how to write your mission statement here .

Mission Statement – Why You Exist

  • States why your organization exists and articulates your core purpose.
  • Written in the present tense.
  • Helps define the area where you play.

Vision Statement – Where You’re Going

  • States your organization’s bold vision for the future and why that is important.
  • Written in a future tense.
  • Helps create the roadmap for the future.
Pro Tip: Language Matters. We always recommend mission statements be written in present tense using concrete language. Writing in present tense allows your mission to be easily deciphered from your vision statement, which is written in future tense . Solid language leaves little room for interpretation of what exactly your mission statement means.

How Your Vision and Mission Statement Informs & Creates Strategy

Mission and vision statements are really two sides of the same coin. Your mission statement tells them where you are and why you exist, while your vision statement describes your desired future state or aspirational impact.

These two elements combine to inform and create your strategy, which is your plan for how to overcome your current and potential future competitors. The mission and vision are essentially your corporate aspirations, and your strategy is your meticulous plan for achieving it. Because these two statements used in tandem define why you exist now and what you aspire to offer in the future, this can make it easier to pinpoint your unique value proposition within the market.

A vision statement also helps you outline the actions and steps you need to take to make your vision a reality. If you can anchor your plan to your mission and vision, you’ll never lose your direction, even if you must pivot your strategy periodically to respond to different market or environmental conditions and customer feedback.

Mission Statement Versus Core Values Statement

As we’ve stated earlier, a business’s mission statement is all about defining the company’s purpose and objectives. It’s a concise statement that outlines what the business is trying to achieve and how it aims to achieve it.

A value statement , on the other hand, is focused on the core values and beliefs that are central to the organization’s culture. While these statements may serve different purposes, they are not in opposition of one another. Ideally, mission and values statements should be created in tandem, as they complement each other quite well.

For example, an organization’s mission statement may be focused on growth and expansion, while its values might include ideals such as honesty and fairness. By combining these two statements, you get a clear picture of what the organization hopes to achieve and how it aims to do so, while also highlighting the values it holds dear.

Mission Statements – Why You Exist

  • Are usually written in the present tense.

Values Statements – How You’ll Live Out Your Mission

  • Clarifies what your organization stands for, what it believes in, and how you expect your team to behave.
  • Are typically written in present tense.

How Your Mission and Value Statements Complement Each Other

Value statements are the guiding principles your organization has chosen to live by, which give direction to the company culture and behaviors. Core values help businesses remain true to their mission and purpose by providing a framework for decision-making and actions.

A mission statement provides a sense of direction, whereas values give employees a sense of pride and purpose in working to achieve that mission. So, while your mission statement helps to guide the direction of your company, your value statement creates the behaviors that keep you in line with your mission.

Together, these statements complement one another and form a solid foundation for any successful organization. The mission statement outlines the company’s primary objectives, while the core values ensure that the company is meeting its goals the right way. By aligning a organization’s mission statement with its core values, everyone involved in the company, from the management down to the customers, can easily understand its objectives and what it stands for.

Mistakes to Avoid When Drafting Your Mission Statement

Crafting the perfect mission statement can be challenging and potentially lead to pitfalls when not approached carefully. Here are some mistakes to avoid when creating a mission statement:

Being Too Vague or Generic

It’s important to make sure you’re writing a mission statement that is unique to your organization and sets you apart from your competitors. Avoid generic and bland statements like “highest standards” or “quality customer service delivered.” Instead, explain what those statements would mean in the context of your organization.

Pro Tip: You may also want to avoid phrases that feel particularly jargon-y or industry specific. Your mission statement is meant to be public-facing, so ensure that your mission statement is understandable to the general public.

Focusing Solely on Profits

We get it. Of course, we all want to make money and ensure that our business or organization is successful and turning a profit. But is that really what your mission is? Your mission should, ideally, be impact driven. Think about the needs you identified that needed to be fulfilled that inspired you to start your organization in the first place. That’s what your mission statement should stem from.

Forgetting to Consider Stakeholder Input

Unless you’re running a one-person operation, your team and stakeholders should have input in the mission. Interview or conduct surveys with your employees to gain their insight and opinions. You can then elect a smaller, more central committee to come together and find consensus on common themes and craft your mission statement from there.

Neglecting to Update the Mission Statement as the Organization Evolves

Your mission statement needs to reflect your organization’s purpose, above all else. Although you wouldn’t change your mission statement yearly or even bi-yearly, don’t be afraid to update or make tweaks on your mission statement. If your organization grows or changes to the point where your original mission statement doesn’t quite fit anymore, don’t be afraid to update!

Not Reflecting Your Company’s Values

This should go without saying, but a mission statement should clearly express and reflect your organization’s values and purpose in a way that resonates with your team and your customers. Make sure your mission statement describes and accurately reflects your company’s identity.

By being mindful of these potential missteps, your organization can create a mission statement that accurately reflects your values and goals while inspiring your team and community.

What Makes Mission Statements Powerful?

Mission statements help your entire organization clearly understand its core purpose and why you do what you do. As a leader, it’s important to have clarity and a cohesive understanding of why your organization exists. Great leadership requires connecting your organization’s core purpose and vision of the future to your team’s day-to-day activities.

As leaders, we are put under a lot of undue stress to generate a perfect, short, sing-songy mission statement. The result is meaningless drivel, leaving everyone irritated and underwhelmed. The goal is to bring inspiration and innovation to the company for the long term. Don’t let being pragmatic get in the way of this important stage of building a strong foundation of consensus for the organization.

Mission Statement

Video Transcript – Video Title XYZ

Hi, my name is Erica Olsen.

Today’s whiteboard session is on how to write a mission statement. Mission statements are foundational to any strategic plan. You normally build one after you develop your SWOT. And before you go into the rest of your planning process, it’s foundational because it answers the question, “Why do we exist.”

It clearly explains the space that we play in what’s in and what’s out of what we do. And it’s not where we’re going, which is vision. So, let’s break it down.

We’ll use this example to explain the components of a mission statement. We’ll use this checklist to talk about what makes a good mission statement. And we’ll walk through a simple process to create yours.

So let’s jump in.

The example we have up here is Google’s. And we love using Google’s Google’s examples because they’re, they’re great. And why not borrow from the best.

So, starting with our mission, I like to start with our mission, because it gives us a place to go and keeps us thinking about mission, you might get rid of it later, but start it there. It has a verb with present tense to organize. We explain what we do organize the world’s information for whom, in this case, the world?

And what’s the benefit to us existing, what’s the benefit to the world to make information universally accessible, and useful? Really straightforward. We know mission statements are not that easy to write. So, here’s a checklist to make sure that yours is great.

Starting with, it needs to be original. This is really clearly original to Google; they didn’t rip it off from somebody else. It doesn’t sound like anybody else’s mission statement. It sounds like Google’s mission statement. So, make sure yours is original.

Connect with staff, a great mission statement. And you know, yours is great when every single staff member wakes up in the morning and knows that their purpose and the reason, they come to work every day is expressed in your mission statement.

And to do that, it needs to be memorable. Memorable means short and concise. And of course, that’s the balance to strike with a great mission statement. So, here’s your litmus test. It needs to fit on a t shirt, and your staff would wear it that achieves those two goals, you know, you’ve got a great mission statement.

So how do you write one, sometimes it can be hard. So it’s great to get input or ideas from your organization. So, gather staff input, if you’d like via survey, or maybe focus groups, take all that information, synthesize it down and create a couple of versions, you can do it yourself or use one of those folks in your organization who loves to copyright and have them write a couple of different versions.

Take those versions and either have your planning team pick one or put them out to your organization and have people vote on them. So that simple process will help you not go in all kinds of different directions and spend forever doing mission statement development.

With that, I hope this helps you write yours. Thanks for tuning in.

If time isn’t dedicated to articulating your mission on the front-end before developing strategy, the result will likely be goals and objectives without a crystal-clear strategic direction.

A Good Mission Statement the Following Elements:

  • Label: We like to start with “Our mission…”
  • Verb: Use an action verb in the present tense.
  • For Whom: Describe who you do it for.
  • Result: What is the result or benefit of your work?
  • What You Do: Briefly state what you do and how.

Mission Statements Answer At least One of These Core Questions

What is our organization’s reason for existing.

A mission helps clearly articulate your organization’s reason for existing. At the absolute minimum, your mission statement should answer this question above all else: What’s your core purpose?

Example: “LinkedIn – To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”

Why Is It Special to Work for This Organization?

The best way to answer this question is to connect to the heart of your employees, customers, or the population you serve. Be compelling, and let people understand and connect with your core purpose. How does your reason for existing impact people in a special way, or why do your employees show up to work every day?

Example: “Tesla – To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

What Is Our Business and What Are We Trying to Accomplish on Behalf of Whom?

Some mission statements benefit from clearly stating who benefits from your business, or what you’re setting out to accomplish on behalf of whom. Who does your purpose impact the most and why?

Example: “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

More mission statement examples can be found here.

Checklist for Good Mission Statements

When evaluating the quality of your current or newly drafted mission statement, it’s important your company’s mission statement meets these four simple criteria:

  • Your Mission Must Be Foundational: It clearly states why your organization or business exists.
  • It’s Original: It’s unique to your organization. If you were to read the mission statements of all the organizations in your industry, yours would be different than your competition.
  • It’s Memorable: Memorable = motivating to employees, prospective employees and customers.
  • It Fits on a T-Shirt: Peter Drucker famously advised that your mission statement should be short and compelling enough to fit on a t-shirt your staff would actually wear.

Other Mission Statement Tips

If you are refreshing your mission statement, complete your swot first.

Mission statements should be developed after completing the SWOT analysis , and before going into the rest of the planning process. This allows your team to be grounded and in alignment with where your organization is today and what the organization’s strengths and contributions are.

The mission statement motivates and inspires staff. Every single staff member knows that their purpose is defined in the mission statement. (e.g. Starbucks’ mission: To inspire and nurture the human spirit — one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.)

A Great Mission Statement Can Be Easily Recited at a Party

Develop the mission statement on a “party level”—it can quickly and briefly be understood by people at a party or on an airplane. The statement gives a profoundly simple focus for everything the team does as an organization. (e.g. Marine Stewardship Council’s mission: To safeguard the world’s seafood supply by promoting the best environmental choices.)

Now that you’ve finished your mission statement, writing your core values and vision is up next.

Get Started on Creating Your Mission Statement

Mission Statement FAQs

What questions do you need to answer to create a mission statement?

Answering these three questions will help create a mission statement:

  • What is our organization’s reason for existing?
  • Why is it special to work for this organization?
  • What is our business and what are we trying to accomplish on behalf of whom?

What are the 5 elements of a mission statement?

The five parts of a mission statement are Label + Verb in Present Tense + Who You Serve + Result You Wish to Achieve or Reason for Existing + What You Do

What is a mission statement?

The definition of a mission statement is a concise description of your organization’s core purpose, answering the question, “why do we exist?”. A mission needs to boldly state why you exist, and why you do what you do. The best mission statements express your core purpose and why you exist with clarity.

How are mission statements and vision statements different?

A mission statement defines why your organization exists. A vision statement expresses where your organization is going in the future. They work together to express your reason for existing and how you’re setting out to change the world.

How do you know if you have a good mission statement?

Patrick Lencioni said that a mission statement should be able to fit on a t-shirt, and that your staff would want to wear that t-shirt.

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Live Bold and Bloom

15 Personal Vision Statement Examples

Now that you recognize it's time to approach your life proactively, you need to create a personal vision statement .

Clearly defining the vision you have for your life requires more than just thinking about it. You need to write it down.

The act of writing something down and then reading it daily reinforces the message and makes it more real.

Even better, print out your personal vision statement and post it where you can see it frequently.

This reminder will increase your motivation and foster the self-growth you desire.

What Is a Personal Vision Statement?

How to write a personal vision statement, final thoughts.

A personal vision statement is a clear, concise summary of your personal goals and dreams for the future . It serves as an anchor when life pulls you in different directions.

It is also a guide for making decisions based on your values, and it helps you stay focused on the goals you want to achieve.

The process of writing one compels you to think about the purpose of your life and how to achieve that.

You'll identify your most important guiding principles and describe how you intend to apply them to your life.

Your statement also introduces you to the power of setting concrete goals. Research by psychologist Gail Matthews found that people who wrote down their goals succeeded 33% more often than people who only thought about their goals.

If you want to live the life you envision, you need to avoid the trap of abandoning your dreams in the realm of the abstract. Writing down your vision is the best way to actualize it.

To get started, you can study personal vision statement examples to get ideas about how to write yours.

Writing a personal vision statement begins with free writing. At this point, you simply ask yourself questions and write down whatever comes to mind. Don't impose any judgments at this point because you want to uncover your hopes and dreams for the future.

  • List your personal strengths .
  • List your personal weaknesses.
  • Write down your core values .
  • Think about how your values should guide interactions with family, at work, and within your community.
  • Consider the best uses for your life energy based on your inner compass and values.
  • Identify some specific goals that you want to pursue.
  • Imagine the legacy of your purpose, goals, and actions.
  • Examine your notes to see what jumps out as most important.
  • Compose a paragraph that summarizes your priorities in the form of a vision statement.

It's important to keep your vision statement as a single paragraph. This way, you'll be able to read it easily and frequently.

If you want to write more paragraphs to address specific goals, that's fine, but these would be supplemental to your main vision statement.

Here are several vision statement examples you can use to help you brainstorm your own. There are no strict rules here related to the words you choose and the concepts you include.

man sitting at desk with computer personal vision statements

But if any of the statements in these examples resonate with you, feel free to make them your own and rewrite them to suit your goals and dreams.

I want to be a source of stability and inspiration for my family. I commit myself to succeed in my career while balancing my emotional needs with those of family members. I want my actions to promote harmony and increase everyone's chance for future happiness. When stress threatens to overtake me, I consciously take time to calm down to prevent acting with hostility or annoyance toward others. I also express my needs and seek support from others instead of letting my problems stew inside me as I've been prone to do in the past.
My life's work has a greater purpose beyond my own material needs. I identify a problem in my community and take responsibility for contributing to its solution. My purpose is to serve others in a way that best matches my skills and values, and I am committed to making choices in my personal and professional life that furthers that purpose.
My personal vision recognizes that I am a small part of a living Earth. I want to live in a way that represents authentic participation in a sustainable ecosystem. My guiding principle is reducing my negative impact on the environment. I direct my spare time toward regenerative practices that nurture the soil, such as gardening and tree planting. I control my consumption by choosing a modestly-sized home and reducing my production of plastic waste through conscious consumer choices and actions. I become an example to others for the purpose of spreading a greater appreciation for green living.
My vital role in the lives of my children automatically means that I have a great purpose in life. Instead of dreaming about the world seeing my value, I strive every day to be the hero of my family. My job as a parent is to mindfully raise my children in an environment of acceptance, love, and affirmation.
Advancing my career is important for me at this point in life. If I achieve my career goals, I'll have greater financial stability and peace of mind. To make these things happen, I intend to set certain standards for my professional life and only make strategic compromises. I want to keep myself accountable for my career instead of falling back into the habit of blaming others for my disappointments. I cannot control everything that influences my career, but I can persist after setbacks and focus on what I can do to improve my skills and increase my value. This means that I should seek continuing education and make time for networking with colleagues. I must put myself out there to connect with opportunities.
My rough childhood has inspired me to choose a career in teaching. I accept the challenges of this occupation with grace because children need positive adults in their lives. For some children, a caring adult within their community can give them hope when things aren't good at home. I believe that this purpose helps me be content with my life and heal the wounds from my past.

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Upon much reflection and consultation with those who know me best, I accept that my stubbornness is both my greatest strength and weakness. To take advantage of it as a strength, I intend to volunteer with my local legal aid office, where my experience as a paralegal can benefit people who lack resources to cope with legal challenges. Legal issues often require patience and persistence, and these two traits are reflected in my stubborn nature.
Although I value my introverted nature, I intend to experience more human connections in my life. I recognize the value of stretching myself and interacting with more people. To this end, I am setting the goals of joining a book club and hosting dinner parties twice a year.

woman smiling outdoors personal vision statement

My whole life I imagined myself with children, and the time has come for me to make family a priority. I plan to devote more time to dating in the hopes of finding lasting love and building a happy, healthy family life in the next five years.
My personal vision statement places faith at its center. Attending religious activities gives me a deep sense of spiritual connection with others. I want to learn more about my religion and provide comfort to people in their times of need. As a result, I intend to join a place of worship, attend services, and participate in at least one outreach program.
I see now that I could be in much better financial shape if I had been thoughtful earlier in life. My mission now is to value financial responsibility above impulsive purchases. I make money decisions related to how they benefit me instead of how they provide short-term gratification. This helps me alleviate financial stress and improve my well-being.
My lifetime goal is to master the art of non-judgment. Seeing the best in every living thing and viewing situations gracefully and compassionately is essential. Part of the journey is acknowledging my faults and learning to love myself – flaws and all. I choose to let kindness light my path and appoint empathy as my faultless guide. Spreading joy and understanding is my mission and something I can control. I pray my efforts lighten others’ emotional loads.
Learning to be a mentally healthy, admiringly responsible, financially independent adult will be a journey filled with peaks and valleys. But I can reach the summit by being mindful of my budget and living at or below my means. Not internalizing cultural messages and comparing myself to others on social media is vital to my success. A happy, healthy, stress-reduced life awaits if I adopt these guiding principles and learn to love what I have instead of coveting what I don’t.
Growing up, my parents, teachers, and other kids told me I wasn’t smart enough. But now I realize my learning style didn't mesh with my school's tactics. With dedication and patience, I can conquer any academic goal I set. I will no longer listen to the naysayers. Instead, I’ll take things one step at a time and make progress at my own pace. If I learn to control my thoughts and develop a solid work ethic, my horizons will expand, my reading and writing skills will improve, and from there, I’ll be able to develop fresh and exciting ideas.
I acknowledge that psychological issues, unaddressed toxic trauma, and fraught family dynamics caused me to behave poorly and act selfishly in the past. But it’s a new day, and I give myself permission to move on from the past and treat people better. Nobody is perfect; I will falter at times. But I know if I’m mindful, generous of spirit, and never take advantage of others, my relationships will flourish, and I’ll find happiness rooted in kindness, compassion, and mutual respect.

Are you ready to write your personal vision statement?

Philosophers may argue about the existence of a free will, but the truth is that you have plenty of control over the direction of your life.

The time that you invest in crafting a personal vision statement will keep you grounded amid the endless distractions of life.

As you can see in the personal vision statement examples presented here, your vision doesn't have to follow any particular direction.

Let your heart define your purpose and values, and then use your mind to pursue your values-based goals.

Mission and Vision Statements Informative Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Criteria for designing an appropriate mission statement, criteria for designing an appropriate vision statement, similarities in criteria for designing appropriate mission and vision statements, differences between criteria for designing mission and vision statements.

A vision statement outlines the market position that an organization anticipates to acquire in the future. It is often short, concise and offers directions that should be followed by the organization. However, it does not give details of how organizational goals should be achieved.

It helps employees to be focused and also motivates them. A mission statement on the other hand is general and focuses on the overall reason behind the existence of an organization. It states why an organization engages in its current activities and strives to maintain certain qualities that define the organization.

Therefore, it is important for an organization to follow certain criteria as it designs its mission and vision statements in order to portray the true value of the organization .

An appropriate mission statement justifies the existence of an organization. It highlights current activities that the organization carries out and needs of customers it endeavors to meet in future. It also defines the customers and goods and services required to satisfy their needs.

The following are the criteria that an organization should follow in order to design an appropriate mission statement.

  • An appropriate mission statement should be straightforward, brief and must have a sharp focus. This is because a mission statement that is stated in generic terms makes it difficult for people to understand it.
  • An appropriate mission statement should focus on the market and needs of customers. It should give a clear explanation of how an organization plans to meet the needs of its clients.
  • An appropriate mission statement should show the prevailing market environment. This implies that it should not contain information that does not relate to the prevailing market environment because this makes it unpopular.
  • An appropriate mission statement should inspire and motivate employees by making them feel valued and respected.
  • An appropriate mission statement should be derived from the competitive advantage of an organization. This emanates from good knowledge of outstanding resources and skills of the organization, which cannot be implemented by other organizations.

The above criteria are important in the design of a mission statement because they enable an organization to understand its customers and look for ways of ensuring that the customers are satisfied.

A mission statement designed on the basis of the criteria described above helps an organization to adopt the prevailing market trends. It also assists an organization to reinforce its organizational strengths in order to achieve competitive advantage in the market.

These criteria ensure that organizational activities are clearly outlined in the mission statement, customers are defined and a justification for the existence of the organization is provided. As a result, this increases the focus and commitment of employees .

A mission statement is restricted to an organization’s current activities while a vision statement paints a picture of the future of the organization. A vision statement addresses future customers, markets, competitiveness and performance of the organization.

The Designing of an appropriate vision statement follows the criteria below.

  • An appropriate vision statement should exhibit the boldness of an organization in achieving goals that might seem difficult to achieve. It should make employees feel that they own the organization.
  • An appropriate vision statement should capture the future by providing a clear picture of where an organization should be in the future. It should outline future plans of the organization and the customer’s needs it intends to address.
  • An appropriate vision statement should motivate employees by clarifying the focus of customers as well as the market. It should also identify capabilities that an organization should pursue.
  • An appropriate vision statement should inspire employees by portraying an image that excites them. It should also make them enthusiastic and expose them to challenges that make them more committed to organizational activities.
  • An appropriate vision statement should be guided by the purpose of an organization. This implies that it should be designed in a manner that portrays employees as the most important assets of the organization, rather than insignificant parties .

The above criteria are important in formulating a vision statement because they strengthen the abilities and competencies of an organization. In addition, they motivate employees to concentrate on increasing their efficiency, which in turn enhances organizational commitment level and initiates positive change among them.

Appropriate criteria enable organizations to design a meaningful vision statement, which facilitates implementation of strategic plans by assessing products, alternatives and services.

The criteria outlined above create a vision statement that increases the competitiveness of an organization after a specified period of time. The vision directs employees and shapes the organization’s overall destination.

Both mission and vision statements are designed on the basis of market analysis and concentrate on satisfying the needs of customers, as well as ensuring that an organization does not lose its competitiveness in the market.

Furthermore, the criteria for designing a vision statement puts emphasis on the fact that motivation is important for employees since it increases their productivity and enables an organization to attain competitive advantage.

The criteria for designing a good mission statement put emphasis on the present needs that an organization should address. These include satisfaction of customer’s needs, analysis of products and services and strategies of sustaining competitive advantage.

On the other hand, the main focus of a vision statement is the future of an organization, which directs the management with regard to the most important decisions that should be made for the organization to realize its goals.

Furthermore, a mission statement is designed on the basis of the prevailing competitive advantage of an organization, special competencies and resources. On the other hand, a vision statement endeavors to excite employees and trigger their emotions. This encourages them to fully participate in all organizational activities.

Appropriate vision and mission statements enable an organization to attain competitiveness in the market. This implies that mission and vision statements of an organization should be designed following the right criteria for the organization to succeed.

They should focus on the needs of customers and the market since satisfaction of customer’s needs is a critical issue that an organization should focus on. They should motivate employees and treat them as important individuals who contribute towards organizational success.

In addition, mission and vision statements should assist the management to make critical decisions, which play an important role towards achievement of organizational goals.

Healthfield, S. (2009). Build a strategic framework: mission statement, vision, values . Web.

McNamara, C. (2012). Basics of developing mission, vision and values statements . Web.

The business vision and company mission statement . (2007). Web.

Welch, S., & Welch, J. (2008). State Your Business . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 2). Mission and Vision Statements.

"Mission and Vision Statements." IvyPanda , 2 July 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Mission and Vision Statements'. 2 July.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Mission and Vision Statements." July 2, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Mission and Vision Statements." July 2, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Mission and Vision Statements." July 2, 2019.

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To Become Happy: My Personal Mission Statement

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Published: Dec 12, 2018

Words: 546 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

What I Consider My Mission: Personal Statement

Works cited.

  • Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., & Sachs, J. D. (2019). World Happiness Report 2019. Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
  • Lyubomirsky, S. (2007). The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Penguin Books.
  • Seligman, M. E. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. Free Press.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2008). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
  • Duckworth, A. L. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Scribner.
  • Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Ballantine Books.
  • Pink, D. H. (2009). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Riverhead Books.
  • Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company.
  • Covey, S. R. (2004). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Free Press.
  • Grant, A. M. (2013). Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success. Penguin Books.

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Thesis Statement for Personal Essay

Thesis statement generator for personal essay.

what is your mission statement essay

Personal essays are intimate reflections, weaving together narratives and insights to deliver profound messages. Central to these essays is the thesis statement — a guiding beacon that directs the narrative and offers clarity to readers. Crafting a resonant thesis for a personal essay requires introspection and a deep understanding of one’s own journey. This guide will illuminate the path to writing compelling thesis statements for personal essays, complete with examples and expert tips.

What is a Personal Essay Thesis Statement? – Definition:

A personal essay thesis statement is a concise expression of the central theme or primary insight of the essay. Unlike thesis statements in more formal academic papers, a personal essay’s thesis often captures an emotion, lesson learned, or a core truth about the writer’s experience. It provides readers with a glimpse into the essence of the writer’s story and sets the stage for the unfolding narrative.

What is the Best Thesis Statement Example for Personal Essay?

While the “best” thesis statement for a personal essay would depend on the specific topic and the individual’s experience, here’s a general example:

“Through the winding journey of self-discovery amidst challenges, I realized that embracing vulnerability is not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to the strength of the human spirit.”

This final thesis statement encapsulates a personal insight while hinting at a narrative of challenges and self-discovery, drawing readers into the essay’s deeper exploration of the topic.

100 Thesis Statement Examples for Personal Essay

Thesis Statement Examples for Personal Essay

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Personal essays are windows into the author’s soul, glimpses of moments, lessons, and reflections that have shaped their journey. The good thesis statement in these essays is more than just a mere statement; it’s the heartbeat of the narrative, encapsulating the essence of the tale and the wisdom gleaned from it. Let’s explore a collection of thesis statements, each weaving its unique tapestry of human experience.

  • “The echoes of my grandmother’s stories taught me the power of legacy and the importance of preserving memory.”
  • “Navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence, I discovered the anchoring power of self-acceptance.”
  • “In the silent corridors of grief, I unearthed the profound strength that lies in vulnerability.”
  • “The tapestry of my multicultural upbringing illustrated the beauty of diversity and the bridges it can build.”
  • “Amid the cacophony of urban life, the serenity of nature became my sanctuary and muse.”
  • “Love, in its many shades, revealed to me that it is more about giving than receiving.”
  • “Facing the monolith of failure, I realized it’s but a stepping stone to success.”
  • “The journey from solitude to loneliness taught me the invaluable nature of genuine connections.”
  • “Chasing dreams on the canvas of a starlit sky, I learned that ambition has its roots in passion, not just success.”
  • “The silent conversations with my reflection taught me the transformative power of self-love.”
  • “In the crossroads of life’s decisions, I discovered that intuition often holds the compass to our true north.”
  • “The rhythms of dance became my language, translating emotions words often couldn’t capture.”
  • “Wandering through foreign lands, I understood that home isn’t a place but a feeling.”
  • “The unraveling of old beliefs led me to the mosaic of perspectives that color the world.”
  • “In the realm of dreams, I grasped the significance of perseverance and the magic of belief.”
  • “As seasons changed, so did my understanding of the impermanence of life and the beauty it holds.”
  • “The melodies of my mother’s lullabies became the soundtrack of my resilience and hope.”
  • “In the pages of forgotten diaries, I retraced the evolution of my thoughts and the depth of my growth.”
  • “The culinary adventures in my grandmother’s kitchen were lessons in love, tradition, and the art of giving.”
  • “Amidst life’s cacophony, the whispering pages of books became my escape and my anchor.”
  • “Through the lens of my camera, I captured the transient nature of moments and the eternity they hold.”
  • “The mosaic of friendships over the years showcased the fluidity of human connections and their timeless essence.”
  • “Under the shade of ancient trees, I learned patience, growth, and the cycles of life.”
  • “The footprints on sandy shores traced my journey of introspection and the tides of change.”
  • “In the embrace of twilight, I unraveled the beauty of endings and the promises they carry.”
  • “From handwritten letters, I unearthed the magic of words and the bridges they create across distances.”
  • “The undulating paths of mountain hikes mirrored life’s ups and downs, teaching me resilience and wonder.”
  • “Within the hallowed halls of museums, I discovered humanity’s quest for expression and the stories etched in time.”
  • “The serendipities of chance encounters taught me the universe’s uncanny ability to weave tales of connection.”
  • “In the garden’s bloom and wither, I saw life’s ephemeral nature and the rebirth that follows decay”
  • “The tapestry of city sounds became my symphony, teaching me to find harmony in chaos.”
  • “Between the pages of my journal, I discovered the transformative power of reflection and the stories we tell ourselves.”
  • “In the heartbeats of quiet moments, I recognized the profound value of stillness in a world constantly in motion.”
  • “Through the myriad hues of sunsets, I learned that endings can be beautiful beginnings in disguise.”
  • “The labyrinth of memories illuminated the idea that our past shapes us, but doesn’t define us.”
  • “The first brush strokes on a blank canvas taught me the courage to start and the potential of the unknown.”
  • “In the aroma of rain-kissed earth, I found the connection between nature’s simplicity and life’s profound moments.”
  • “The gentle tug of ocean waves mirrored the ebb and flow of emotions and the healing power of letting go.”
  • “Amidst the ruins of ancient civilizations, I grasped the timeless human desire to leave a mark and be remembered.”
  • “The resonance of old songs brought back memories, revealing how art transcends time, reminding us of who we were.”
  • “In the mirror of my parents’ aging faces, I saw the passage of time and the stories etched in every wrinkle.”
  • “The spontaneity of impromptu road trips unveiled the joy of unplanned adventures and the paths less traveled.”
  • “The aroma of childhood meals evoked memories, teaching me that senses can be portals to the past.”
  • “From the heights of skydiving, I felt the exhilarating blend of fear, freedom, and the joy of being alive.”
  • “In the cadence of poetry, I learned the power of words to heal, inspire, and transport to different realms.”
  • “The play of shadows and light during an eclipse taught me about life’s dualities and the balance they bring.”
  • “The laughter and tears shared with friends showcased the depth of human connection and the shared threads of our stories.”
  • “Amidst the solitude of silent retreats, I discovered the voice within and the wisdom it holds.”
  • “Through the changing vistas of train journeys, I realized life is less about destinations and more about the journey.”
  • “The cycles of the moon became my reflection on the phases of life and the beauty in its transitions.
  • “In the silent flight of a butterfly, I witnessed the delicate dance of change and the beauty of metamorphosis.”
  • “The melodies of street musicians became my muse, illustrating the universal language of passion and art.”
  • “Within the pages of fairy tales, I unraveled deeper truths about hope, bravery, and the magic within us all.”
  • “The fragility of a snowflake mirrored the fleeting moments of life, urging me to cherish each one.”
  • “Through the lens of history, I understood the cyclical nature of time and the lessons it persistently offers.”
  • “Amid the vastness of deserts, I felt the weight of solitude and the freedom it silently gifts.”
  • “In the embrace of night’s silence, I learned to listen to my inner voice, undistracted by the day’s clamor.”
  • “The ritual of morning coffee became a meditation, teaching me to find joy in simple routines and moments.”
  • “The constellation of stars in the night sky showed me the beauty of small lights in vast darkness.”
  • “In the hustle of marketplaces, I perceived the intricate dance of life, commerce, and shared human experience.”
  • “The whispers of old trees carried tales of time, resilience, and the secrets of unwavering growth.”
  • “From the peaks of mountains, I felt the world’s vastness and my tiny yet significant place within it.”
  • “The riddles of childhood games taught me the joys of curiosity and the journey of seeking answers.”
  • “The seasons’ rhythmic dance became my muse, reflecting life’s constant change and the beauty in every phase.”
  • “In the flicker of candle flames, I felt the warmth of hope and the luminescence of undying spirit.”
  • “The ever-expanding universe became a metaphor for boundless possibilities and the mysteries yet to be unraveled.”
  • “The resonance of church bells reminded me of the call to introspect and find solace within.”
  • “The chorus of chirping birds at dawn became an ode to new beginnings and the melodies of nature.”
  • “In the winding paths of forests, I discovered life’s unexpected turns and the revelations they bring.”
  • “The myriad hues of a painter’s palette echoed the diversity of human emotions and the art of expressing them.
  • “Beneath the veil of city lights, I discerned the contrast between loneliness in crowds and solace in solitude.”
  • “In the ripples of a serene pond, I realized that even the smallest of actions can have far-reaching effects.”
  • “The ballet of autumn leaves taught me about graceful endings and the promise of rebirth.”
  • “From the labyrinths of ancient libraries, I uncovered the timelessness of knowledge and human quest for understanding.”
  • “Through the whispers of midnight winds, I felt the comforting presence of the unseen and the mysteries of the night.”
  • “In the patchwork quilt passed down generations, I recognized the warmth of stories and the fabric of shared memories.”
  • “The ascent and descent of tides taught me about life’s cyclical nature and the inevitability of change.”
  • “Amidst the aroma of old bookstores, I discovered portals to different worlds and the eternal allure of stories.”
  • “In the footprints on a snowy path, I saw the transient nature of moments and the lasting impressions they leave.”
  • “The harmonies of a choir became an emblem of unity, diversity, and the beauty of voices coming together.”
  • “The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly illuminated the wonders of change and the potential within us all.”
  • “From the symphony of city streets, I deduced that every individual has a story, waiting to be told.”
  • “The unfurling of a rosebud spoke of patience, time, and the elegance in gradual blooming.”
  • “In the dance of shadows during twilight, I grasped the interplay between light and dark in our lives.”
  • “The handwritten notes in the margins of used books unveiled strangers’ thoughts and the universality of human reflections.”
  • “Amidst the patterns of falling rain, I perceived nature’s rhythm and the cleansing it offers.”
  • “The voyage across seas showed me the vastness of the world and the adventure of discovering uncharted territories.”
  • “The warmth of a fireplace in winter became a symbol of comfort, home, and the gentle embrace of memories.”
  • “Through the kaleidoscope of festivals, I appreciated the richness of traditions and the unity they foster.”
  • “The arcs of rainbows painted the sky with hope, reminding me of the beauty after storms and the treasures of optimism.
  • “In the tapestry of a spider’s web, I witnessed the marvel of intricate designs and the beauty in nature’s craftsmanship.”
  • “Through the rhythms of folk dances, I felt the heartbeat of cultures and the stories they carry through generations.”
  • “In the embrace of a mother’s lullaby, I rediscovered the profound connection of roots and the safety of unconditional love.”
  • “The alchemy of turning clay into pottery taught me about the transformative power of touch and the art of creation.”
  • “Amid the grandeur of cathedrals, I sensed the union of devotion, art, and the timeless quest for meaning.”
  • “In the migrations of birds, I observed the marvels of nature, the journey of seasons, and the allure of homecomings.”
  • “The flavors of grandmother’s recipes held the essence of traditions, stories, and the magic of hands that tell tales.”
  • “Through the reflections in a tranquil lake, I grasped the duality of reality and the depths beneath calm surfaces.”
  • “In the footsteps across deserts, I felt the perseverance of souls and the vastness of life’s journeys.”
  • “The fluttering pages of an old diary brought me back to past selves, the continuum of growth, and the chapters yet unwritten.”

Every one of these thesis statements serves as a unique prism, refracting the singular experiences of life into universally relatable insights. They beckon readers to delve deeper, to embark on introspective voyages, and to resonate with the emotions, memories, and discoveries that are so innately human. Personal essays anchored by such profound statements become more than mere stories; they evolve into shared chronicles of the human spirit, its challenges, joys, and ever-evolving wisdom.  You should also take a look at our  concise thesis statement .

How do you write a thesis statement for a personal essay? – Step by Step Guide

  • Understand the Topic (if given): Before you begin, thoroughly read and understand the essay topic, if provided. This will guide your reflection and thought process.
  • Reflect on Your Subject: Think deeply about your experiences, feelings, and insights. Identify what story or perspective you want to share.
  • Pinpoint the Central Theme: Decide on the main idea or lesson from your reflection. What message or insight do you want your readers to take away?
  • Be Specific: Instead of being broad or general, delve into a particular incident, emotion, or realization that epitomizes the theme.
  • Draft a Statement: Begin writing your thesis. This should be a concise sentence that encapsulates the essence of your essay.
  • Revisit and Refine: As you progress in your essay, revisit your thesis. Ensure it aligns with your narrative and make any necessary refinements.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your thesis with peers or mentors. Fresh perspectives can offer invaluable insights or suggestions.

Is there a thesis in a personal essay?

Yes, there typically is a thesis in a personal essay, but it might not be as direct or argumentative as in other types of essays. Instead, the thesis in a personal essay is a central idea or theme that the writer intends to convey. It serves as an anchor, guiding the narrative and ensuring that readers understand the core message or insight of the piece.

How do you start a personal thesis statement?

  • Begin with a Bang: Start with a striking statement or a profound realization that encapsulates your story.
  • Use Vivid Imagery: Paint a picture with words to immediately engage your readers.
  • Pose a Question: Starting with a reflective or rhetorical question can provoke thought and pull readers in.
  • Relate to a Universal Theme: Touch on a theme that many can resonate with, such as love, loss, growth, or transformation.

Tips for Writing a Personal Essay Thesis Statement

  • Stay Authentic: Your personal essay is your story. Ensure your thesis reflects your genuine emotions, experiences, and insights.
  • Keep it Concise: A thesis should be clear and succinct, capturing the essence of your narrative in one or two sentences.
  • Avoid Clichés: Steer clear of overused phrases or generalizations. Your thesis should be unique to your story and perspective.
  • Maintain Coherence: As you draft your essay, ensure every part of your narrative aligns with and supports your thesis.
  • Engage Emotionally: While a thesis should be clear and direct, it should also evoke emotion or curiosity, compelling readers to explore the rest of your essay.
  • Revise: As with any part of writing, don’t hesitate to revise your thesis as you refine your essay, ensuring it remains the best reflection of your narrative.

Remember, the thesis of your personal essay is the heart of your narrative. It’s the essence of your story and the message you want to share with the world. Crafting it with care will set the tone for the entire essay and guide your readers on the journey you wish to take them on


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PBS News and PolitiFact Announce Partnership Through 2024 Election Cycle

Arlington, VA (July 12, 2024) — PBS News and PolitiFact, the political fact-checking website operated by the nonprofit Poynter Institute, today announced a partnership that will run through the 2024 election cycle, including for next week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

As the rise of misinformation and disinformation continues, fact-based and impartial journalism is more important than ever during this historic election. Together, PBS News and PolitiFact share a mission of equipping their audiences with the information they need to discern fact from fiction and hold elected officials accountable.

Through this partnership, PolitiFact will share content and resources with PBS News, including PolitiFact’s award-winning Truth-O-Meter, which rates the accuracy of individual statements made by elected officials and others. PolitiFact’s fact-checking reporting and research will appear across PBS News programming and digital platforms during major political events such as the Republican National Convention, the Democratic National Convention and all upcoming presidential and vice presidential debates. The news organizations will also explore opportunities to co-produce content. 

“We’re excited to have PBS News as a national television and online partner. Their engaged audience is a natural fit for PolitiFact’s thoroughly researched reports and fact-checking,” said Katie Sanders , editor-in-chief of PolitiFact. “Working with a trusted brand like PBS News will expand the reach of our work at a time when voters are seeking out factual information to help them make decisions.”  

“Trust and accuracy are the coin of the realm in journalism. Efforts to erode that trust and cast doubt on media accuracy does profound damage to our democracy and we in the media are duty bound to protect and build that trust up,” said Sara Just , senior executive producer of NewsHour Productions and WETA senior vice president. “By working with PolitiFact, PBS News broadcasts and our online journalism will provide transparency to the audience to appreciate how facts are assessed and evaluated by journalists, especially during our heated election season. I’m delighted that our partners at PolitiFact will help PBS News platforms reinforce the reasons to have faith in the news we provide in the public interest.”

About PolitiFact

PolitiFact, a Pulitzer Prize-winning website, started in 2007 as an election-year project of the Tampa Bay Times (then the St. Petersburg Times). Since 2018, PolitiFact has been part of the Poynter Institute, a global leader in journalism that is also home to the International Fact-Checking Network, the Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership and the MediaWise digital media literacy project. Learn more at

About PBS News

PBS News is the consolidator news brand within NewsHour Productions LLC, a wholly-owned non-profit subsidiary of WETA Washington, D.C. Major corporate funding is provided by BDO, BNSF, Consumer Cellular, and Raymond James, with additional support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the National Science Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, Friends of the News Hour and others. More information on PBS News is available at . You can watch and find PBS News programming on YouTube , Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram . News Hour Productions produces PBS News Hour, PBS News Weekend and Washington Week with The Atlantic .

Media Contact: Ella Richardson , [email protected]

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James Carville’s Plan B for a Democratic Nominee

Readers discuss his idea for picking an alternative to President Biden and offer suggestions of their own.

A cutout of a Democratic donkey logo on a red-white-and-blue-decorated table with food and beverages.

To the Editor:

Re “ Biden Won’t Win. Democrats Must Have a Plan. Here’s One ,” by James Carville (Opinion guest essay, July 11):

Mr. Carville has given us a good option for the Democratic Party presidential selection process, with former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama selecting eight potential candidates and then hosting four regional “auditions.” A refinement: At the convention in Chicago, winnow the field like the N.C.A.A.’s March Madness championship process.

Using the Elite Eight, the Final Four and then the championship game format, in three nights of the convention have votes to lop off first the bottom four, then the bottom two, and then the last two would be voted on. The winner would emerge as a consensus choice; the runner-up could be offered the veep position. Talk about riveting TV!

Lamont Wiltsee Carmel Valley, Calif.

James Carville makes one structural mistake in his piece calling for four town halls around the country. President Biden should be invited to be one of the participants and compete on an even footing with the other candidates. Let Mr. Biden keep running, but make him prove he’s the one.

Keith Liggett Silverton, British Columbia

James Carville has been a stalwart for Democrats, so it is sad to see him jumping ship just when the best president since Franklin D. Roosevelt needs his support most. His proposed nominee plan is a waste of campaign time better used to hammer away at the defects and danger of a Donald Trump presidency.

History shows that voters returned Roosevelt to a fourth term to continue the war effort despite known health issues. The battle to save democracy is on the ballot, and President Biden is the proven commander. So, James, get back in the boat and row in unison.

Richard Sigal New York

James Carville’s plan for a post-Biden Democratic campaign gave me hope for the first time since the disastrous debate. Those who suggest that Kamala Harris must be President Biden’s replacement ignore her low poll numbers, voters’ unfamiliarity with her and a sense that she hasn’t done anything as vice president. Mr. Carville’s plan would give all of us a chance to get to know her better as well as to explore the broader Democratic bench.

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    Now that you recognize it's time to approach your life proactively, you need to create a personal vision statement.

  18. Personal Mission Statement Essay

    Personal Mission Statement Essay. I dedicate myself to being the best son, brother and friend that I can possibly be. I will live my life responsibly and take charge of every aspect of my life and I will strive to be socially, physically and emotionally fit. Whatever I set my mind to, I will go about it with passion and determination and when I ...

  19. Personal Mission Statement Essay

    Personal Mission Statement. I see myself progressing in my field as well as in my education. I find my education challenging and motivating. I can see many challenges ahead and therefore I am willing to invest my time learning all the skills and knowledge of my field towards professional advancement. I hoped to be offered in a management role ...

  20. Mission Statement Essay

    Vision Statements and Mission Statements are the inspiring words chosen by successful leaders to clearly and concisely convey the direction of the organization. By crafting a clear mission statement and vision statement, you can powerfully communicate your intentions and motivate your team or organization to realize an attractive and inspiring common vision of the future.

  21. Mission and Vision Statements

    A vision statement outlines the market position that an organization anticipates to acquire in the future. It is often short, concise and offers directions that should be followed by the organization. However, it does not give details of how organizational goals should be achieved. Get a custom essay on Mission and Vision Statements.

  22. To Become Happy: My Personal Mission Statement

    To Become Happy: My Personal Mission Statement. To be a successful person in life so that can generate happiness on the work you have accomplished in your life it requires some efforts. I will do this by determining what I want to achieve in my life. I will make no changes of what am and what value I have. I will also consider remaining in the ...

  23. How to Write a Personal Statement

    When applying to a university, you'll likely be required to include a personal statement with your application materials. A personal statement is an essay that allows you to share who you are and why you'd like to study at this particular university—details the selection committee won't find in your resume or transcript.

  24. Thesis Statement for Personal Essay

    This guide will illuminate the path to writing compelling thesis statements for personal essays, complete with examples and expert tips. What is a Personal Essay Thesis Statement? - Definition: A personal essay thesis statement is a concise expression of the central theme or primary insight of the essay.

  25. Donald Trump Is Unfit for a Second Term

    whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom. Next week, for the third time in eight years, Donald Trump will be ...

  26. George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee

    I saw Biden three weeks ago at my fund-raiser for him. It's devastating to say it, but he is not the same man he was, and he won't win this fall.

  27. PBS News and PolitiFact Announce Partnership Through 2024 Election

    Through this partnership, PolitiFact will share content and resources with PBS News, including PolitiFact's award-winning Truth-O-Meter, which rates the accuracy of individual statements made by ...

  28. Following Trump's Lead, Republicans Adopt Platform That Softens Stance

    The document reflects the former president's ideological grip on his party, outlining the same nationalistic priorities that his campaign website does.

  29. Opinion

    The president is a classic aging case playing out for the country to watch.

  30. Opinion

    To the Editor: Re "Biden Won't Win.Democrats Must Have a Plan. Here's One," by James Carville (Opinion guest essay, July 11):. Mr. Carville has given us a good option for the Democratic ...