150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples

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Social justice essays are an excellent tool for demonstrating your awareness of the current issues in society.

Inequality in society should be addressed, and social justice advocates are at the forefront of such initiatives. Everyone should be able to achieve their goals and dreams if they put in the effort, assuming of course that reaching that target is at all possible.

To that end, you should ask various social justice essay questions and investigate different situations, particularly those that surround marginalized communities.

While the civil rights movement has succeeded in eliminating discriminatory policies and gender segregation, people should remain vigilant so that inequality again.

There are many topics you can discuss in your essay, but is better to focus on something specific and conduct a detailed investigation. It is easy to take some examples of data that shows a situation that seems unequal and declare that the system is flawed.

However, the data may be inaccurate, and the causes may be different from what you initially perceive them to be. Many fields will be too small for statistic laws to apply, and so there will be a temporary prevalence of people with a specific trait.

Declarations of premature conclusions and calls to action based on these conjectures are not productive and will generally lead to harm.

Be sure to consider evidence from both sides when discussing the topic of injustice, especially in its sensitive applications.

The case of police officers and the racial disparity in arrests is a prominent example, as there is significant disagreement, and neither side can be considered entirely correct.

At other times, unequal treatments may be explained by racial and gender differences without the application of discriminatory practices, particularly with regards to cultural practices.

The importance of justice is above debate, but it is not always about declaring one side correct while the other is wrong and at fault. Humanity operates best when it is unified and follows the same purpose of fairness.

Lastly, try to avoid confusing equality with equity, as the two social justice essay topics are significantly different. The former involves similar starting conditions and opportunities for all people, though they will likely achieve varying successes in life.

The latter means equality of outcomes, meaning that the unsuccessful receive support, which logically has to come at the expense of those who succeed.

You may support either position, with equality being a more traditional concept that seems logical to many people and equity being considered effective at improving the conditions of marginalized communities. However, make your position clear, as the difference is critical and informs your personal concept of social justice.

Here are some additional tips for your paper:

  • Separate the points you make in your essay with social justice essay titles. These titles will help the reader navigate the paper and understand your main claims.
  • Try to introduce original ideas instead of contributing to ongoing debates. An essay does not allow enough space to let you add something that will change the situation to such discussions.
  • The topic of social justice is inherently political, as most suggestions will involve policy-level changes. However, you should try to distance yourself from politics and work with factual information.

Visit IvyPanda to find more social justice essay examples and other useful paper samples to boost your creative process!

  • Unemployment.
  • Global Warming.
  • School Shooting.
  • Income Inequality.
  • Global Pandemic.
  • Social Security.
  • Racial & LGBTQ Discrimination.
  • Mental Health Stigma.
  • Famine and Starvation.
  • Discrimination in Voting.
  • Social Justice in Education With a clear distinction between justice taught in class and justice allowed to thrive in the school environments, teachers can be able to observe how their students perceive and response to social injustices in the […]
  • Advocating for Social Justice in Healthcare However, health care is also often related to the idea of social justice a term that describes the allocation of resources and benefits to people according to their needs and abilities.
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  • Social Justice: The Catholic’s Social Teachings on Justice The church also seeks to instill value in the prisoners’ lives through teachings and practices that accept prisoners as people who deserve to be treated with dignity.
  • Social Justice From the Biblical Point of View Furthermore, all oppressed and poor people are considered to be “righteous” in the Bible because it “is a reflection of God’s faithful love in action and his desire for justice and righteousness in this world”.
  • Promoting Social Justice Through Serving God Therefore, serving God in action correlates with the promotion of social justice and reflects the importance of Christian teachings about kindness towards others.
  • Freedom and Social Justice Through Technology These two remarkable minds have made significant contributions to the debates on technology and how it relates to liberty and social justice.
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  • Social Justice in the Modern World The main link in social relations is a measure of social justice, a derivative of the equality of people’s opportunities to realize their potential.
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  • Social Justice: Philosophy of Employment The philosophy of empowerment supports dignity and self-worth; as such, value to all people, regardless of their status or race is an important rule of empowerment.
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  • Social Justice Group Work for Homeless Young Mothers The group discussed in the article was started for the purpose of assisting residents address the problem of homelessness especially in aspects of parenting and during pregnancy periods.
  • Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An Anthology In that way, the authors noted that racial and ethnic differences tend to produce impact on lives of communities in the entirety of their aspects, and thus can aggravate other social justice issues.
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  • Ethics and Social Justice in Education Policies The real-life problem that contributes to those controversies is the multicultural genuineness of the community that was exposed to the federal and state standard reforms that transpired throughout the last ten years.
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  • David Miller’s Theory of Desert in Social Justice The dependence of rewards on the variety of external and conditional factors makes the public and scholars question the idea of the desert and its use for justice.
  • Ethics Issues: Social Justice In other words, it is observed that an individual has a duty of ensuring that the law is followed while the government is expected to provide the basic rights and freedoms.
  • Education and Social Justice The society should also reduce the gap between the poor and the rich. The current level of inequality explains why “every school should reinvent itself in order to deal with social injustice”.
  • Social justice and the black – white achievement gap From a national perspective, the achievement gap between the Black and White is reported to have narrowed down in 2007 as compared to the same gap in 1990.
  • Setting an Agenda for Social Justice According to Wilkinson, Brundrett is a professor of Educational Research in the Faculty of Education, Community, and Leisure and the head of the Centre for Research and Evaluation, in the Liverpool John Moores University.
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  • Is Social Justice the Same Thing as Political Egalitarianism? An Analysis from a Theory of Justice Perspective This is the question that is likely to arise when one is analyzing social justice in the context of political developments in the society.
  • Social Justice and Gay Rights This perception of gays was radically reformed thanks to the efforts of gay rights movements which trace their roots to the 1960s and the Stonewall Riots of 1969 which marked the birth of the gay […]
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  • Multicultural Counseling Social Justice and Advocacy Reaction
  • The Paradox of Dominate Ideologies in The Fight of Social Justice
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail’ by Martin Luther King Jr. and Social Justice
  • Richard Spencer and the Issues of Social Justice and White Nationalism
  • The Moving Beyond Pity and Inspiration: Disability as a social Justice Issue by Eli Clare
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  • Social Justice: The Role of Higher Education, Criminality and Race
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  • Paulo Freire’s Social Justice Idea
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-justice-essay-examples/

"150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-justice-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-justice-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-justice-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "150 Social Justice Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-justice-essay-examples/.


Essay on Social Justice

Students are often asked to write an essay on Social Justice in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Social Justice

Understanding social justice.

Social justice is the fair treatment of all people in society. It’s about making sure everyone has equal opportunities, irrespective of their background or status.

Importance of Social Justice

Social justice is important because it promotes equality. It helps to reduce disparities in wealth, access to resources, and social privileges.

Role of Individuals

Every person can contribute to social justice. By treating others fairly, respecting diversity, and standing against discrimination, we can promote social justice.

In conclusion, social justice is vital for a balanced society. It ensures everyone has a fair chance to succeed in life.

Also check:

  • Paragraph on Social Justice

250 Words Essay on Social Justice

Social justice, a multifaceted concept, is the fair distribution of opportunities, privileges, and resources within a society. It encompasses dimensions like economic parity, gender equality, environmental justice, and human rights. The core of social justice is the belief that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social opportunities irrespective of race, gender, or religion.

The Importance of Social Justice

Social justice is pivotal in fostering a harmonious society. It ensures that everyone has access to the basic necessities of life and can exercise their rights without discrimination. It is the cornerstone of peace and stability in any society. Without social justice, the divide between different socio-economic classes widens, leading to social unrest.

Challenges to Social Justice

Despite its importance, achieving social justice is fraught with challenges. Systemic issues like discrimination, poverty, and lack of access to quality education and healthcare are significant roadblocks. These challenges are deeply ingrained in societal structures and require collective efforts to overcome.

The Role of Individuals in Promoting Social Justice

Every individual plays a crucial role in promoting social justice. Through conscious efforts like advocating for equal rights, supporting policies that promote equality, and standing against discrimination, individuals can contribute to building a just society.

In conclusion, social justice is a fundamental principle for peaceful coexistence within societies. Despite the challenges, each individual’s conscious effort can contribute significantly to achieving this noble goal. The journey towards social justice is long and arduous, but it is a path worth treading for the betterment of humanity.

500 Words Essay on Social Justice

Introduction to social justice.

Social justice, a multifaceted concept, is often described as the fair and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, where outside factors that categorize people into social strata are irrelevant. It encompasses the idea that all individuals should have equal access to wealth, health, well-being, justice, privileges, and opportunity irrespective of their legal, political, economic, or other circumstances.

Origins and Evolution of Social Justice

The concept of social justice emerged during the Industrial Revolution and subsequent civil revolutions as a counter to the vast disparities in wealth and social capital. It was a call for societal and structural changes, aiming to minimize socio-economic differences. The term was first used by Jesuit priest Luigi Taparelli in the mid-19th century, influenced by the teachings of Thomas Aquinas. Since then, the concept has evolved and expanded, encompassing issues like environmental justice, health equity, and human rights.

The Pillars of Social Justice

Social justice rests on four essential pillars: human rights, access, participation, and equity. Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled. Access involves equal opportunities in terms of resources, rights, goods, and services. Participation emphasizes the importance of all individuals contributing to and benefiting from economic, social, political, and cultural life. Equity ensures the fair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Social Justice in Today’s World

In the 21st century, social justice takes many forms and intersects with various areas such as race, gender, sexuality, and class. It is increasingly associated with the fight against systemic issues like racism, sexism, and classism. The Black Lives Matter movement, for instance, is a social justice movement fighting against systemic racism and violence towards black people. Similarly, the #MeToo movement is a fight for gender justice, aiming to end sexual harassment and assault.

Despite the progress, numerous challenges to social justice persist. Systemic and structural discrimination, political disenfranchisement, economic inequality, and social stratification are just a few. Moreover, the rise of populism and nationalism worldwide has further complicated the fight for social justice, as these ideologies often thrive on division and inequality.

Promoting social justice requires collective action. Individuals can contribute by becoming more aware of the injustices around them, advocating for policies that promote equity, and standing up against discrimination. Education plays a crucial role in this process, as it can foster a deeper understanding of social justice issues and equip individuals with the tools to effect change.

In conclusion, social justice is a powerful concept that advocates for a fairer, more equitable society. While significant strides have been made, numerous challenges remain, necessitating a continued commitment to promoting social justice. Through education and advocacy, individuals can play a crucial role in this ongoing effort. The pursuit of social justice, therefore, is not just a societal or institutional responsibility, but an individual one as well.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Justice
  • Essay on Journalism
  • Essay on Job Experience

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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social justice paper essays

Social Justice - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Essays could explore the various theories of social justice, historical and contemporary social justice movements, and the ongoing challenges in achieving social justice globally. They might also discuss the role of individuals, communities, and nations in promoting social justice and addressing systemic inequalities. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Social Justice you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

How to Achieve Social Justice

We are all one in this world. There is no race, sexual orientation, gender, rich or poor, or even prejudice against all. But that would give the world a utopian atmosphere, and quite frankly, we are not there yet. This would be best defined as social justice. Social Justice is a concept of a society in which every human being is treated fair and equal, without any form of discrimination. It is in my belief, that how the system is […]

Catholic Social Justice Community Service Reflection

Catholic Social Justice is the call to help one another as well as the world in general. It is a commitment that arises from experiencing Christ in the Eucharist. These catholic social justices that we all must commit to are as follows: life and dignity of the human person, call to family, community, and participation, rights and responsibilities, option for the poor and vulnerable, the dignity of work and the right of workers, solidarity, and care for God’s creation. All […]

The Era of Social Injustice

"Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children" (King 1). Back during the Civil Rights Movement African Americans were penalized due to their skin color and were not offered the same rights as people with white skin. African Americans were treated with no respect and were given the impression that they had no place […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Social Justice System

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Understanding of the Social Justice

When people hear social justice, they may not really understand what the term means and may assume it is just a form of freedom and our rights. According to the Oxford dictionary, Social Justice is justice regarding the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. However, I do not believe that definition is completely correct. What it fails to acknowledge is that the distribution should be equal among individuals of a society. If it is not equal for […]

Michael Walzer’s Theory of Justice

Promp: Michael Walzer's theory of justice provides us with the means of greatly reducing domination within, as well as between, the spheres of life upon which he focuses? Michael Walzer is a prominent American political theorist and a pioneer of moral philosophy. He has written many influential essays and books on which are all-encompassing to many prevalent issues. His questions are centered around the ethics of distributive justice within particular frames of social reference. Most notably, his book Spheres of Justice […]

A Problem of Social Justice in World

Multiple people are discriminated for their race, their religion, or their sexuality. The idea of entitlement has been an issue in the United States for centuries. Even before the United States became a country in 1776, racial prejudice existed. At first it was the Native Americans' who were looked down on and forced to do the new white settlers dirty work. Then it became African Americans. Whites have been seen to be superior to African Americans for many years, more […]

Social Justice for African American Women

Are African American women not being treated fairly? Are Black women being discriminated against more without holding a high school diploma or some degree? Does slavery play a part in how Black women are treated today? Racial discrimination plays a part in the crime and social justice of gender inequality on African American women. Since slavery is over, African American women have the same rights as White people. However, discrimination still takes place today. Authors such as Areva Martin, Guest […]

A Social Workers in the United States

On February 14th 2011, twins Nubia and Victor Barahona fell victim to their abusive father. The children were found locked in their father’s truck in West Palm Beach, Florida. Nubia was dead and Victor has severe chemical burns all over his tiny body. An anonymous tip was called into the child abuse hotline but the social worker Andrea Fleary was so backlogged with cases that it took her 4 days to conduct a welfare check. That was precious time taken […]

Mental Illness and Social Justice

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Crime and Social Justice on Gender Inequality

I'm using these five sources to talk about crime and social justice on gender inequality. Gender inequality is more of a social injustice because gender inequality is an unfair practice between men and women being carried out in the society. Within discussing this topic, I talk about racism and sexism. My topic is towards African Americans and women in the workplace. How come African American women or women, in general, are not seen as an equal to men? Cheeks, Maura. […]

A Problem of Social Injustices

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How to Write an Essay About Social Justice

Understanding social justice.

Before you start writing an essay about social justice, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what social justice entails. Social justice refers to the fair and just relation between the individual and society, measured by the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity, and social privileges. It involves a focus on the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. Begin your essay by defining social justice and its importance in modern society. Discuss the various dimensions of social justice, which may include issues like racial equality, gender equity, economic fairness, LGBTQ rights, and more.

Developing a Thesis Statement

Your essay on social justice should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about social justice. For instance, you might explore the effectiveness of current social justice movements, analyze historical social justice issues and their resolution, or argue the need for a specific approach to achieve social justice in a particular context. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from a range of sources, including academic research, case studies, historical examples, or current events. This might include data on social inequality, examples of successful social justice initiatives, or testimonies from individuals or groups affected by social injustice. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. It's important to consider different perspectives and address potential counterarguments to your thesis.

Analyzing Social Justice Issues

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing specific social justice issues. Discuss the causes and impacts of these issues, the challenges in addressing them, and the strategies employed to overcome these challenges. Consider both the successes and the ongoing struggles in the realm of social justice. This analysis will help illustrate the complexities involved in achieving social justice and the various factors that influence it.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the importance of striving for social justice. You might also want to reflect on the broader implications of your findings or suggest future directions for social justice activism or policy.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, take time to review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, educators, or experts in social justice to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on social justice will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but also your ability to engage critically with complex ethical and societal issues.

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125 Social Justice Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Social justice is a crucial aspect of our society that addresses issues of equality and fairness in various aspects of life, including education, employment, healthcare, and criminal justice. Writing an essay on social justice can be a powerful way to raise awareness about these important issues and spark meaningful discussions.

If you're struggling to come up with a topic for your social justice essay, we've got you covered. Here are 125 social justice essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started:

The impact of systemic racism on communities of color

Gender inequality in the workplace

The criminalization of poverty

LGBTQ+ rights and discrimination

Access to healthcare for marginalized communities

Police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement

Environmental justice and climate change

Disability rights and accessibility

Income inequality and the wealth gap

Indigenous rights and land sovereignty

Immigration and refugee rights

Mental health stigma and access to care

Education equity and the school-to-prison pipeline

Reproductive rights and access to healthcare

The impact of colonialism on global social justice issues

Human trafficking and modern slavery

Workers' rights and fair labor practices

Access to clean water and sanitation

Disability rights in the workplace

The criminal justice system and mass incarceration

LGBTQ+ rights in the military

Access to affordable housing and homelessness

Food insecurity and poverty

Gender-based violence and domestic abuse

The impact of globalization on social justice issues

Disability rights in education

Indigenous rights in the criminal justice system

LGBTQ+ rights in sports

Access to mental health care for marginalized communities

The intersection of race and gender in social justice issues

The impact of social media on social justice movements

Disability rights and technology accessibility

Environmental racism and pollution in marginalized communities

Gender inequality in STEM fields

The impact of gentrification on low-income communities

LGBTQ+ rights in healthcare

Access to reproductive healthcare for marginalized communities

The impact of colonialism on indigenous communities

Disability rights and transportation accessibility

The criminalization of homelessness

Gender inequality in the arts and entertainment industry

The impact of climate change on marginalized communities

LGBTQ+ rights in the workplace

Access to affordable childcare for working families

Disability rights and voting accessibility

The impact of racism on mental health outcomes

Gender-based violence in the military

The intersection of race and class in social justice issues

Access to affordable higher education for low-income students

Disability rights in the criminal justice system

The impact of ableism on healthcare accessibility

Gender inequality in political representation

The criminalization of drug addiction

LGBTQ+ rights in the legal system

Access to clean energy for marginalized communities

Disability rights and inclusive recreation

Economic inequality and social mobility

Indigenous rights in the education system

LGBTQ+ rights in the foster care system

Access to mental health care for veterans

The impact of poverty on educational outcomes

Disability rights and employment discrimination

Gender inequality in the tech industry

The criminalization of sex work

LGBTQ+ rights in the criminal justice system

Access to affordable public transportation for low-income communities

Environmental justice and urban planning

Disability rights and independent living

Gender-based violence in the workplace

The impact of racism on healthcare disparities

LGBTQ+ rights in the education system

Access to affordable childcare for single parents

Disability rights and emergency preparedness

Indigenous rights in the healthcare system

The criminalization of mental illness

Gender inequality in the legal system

The impact of ableism on social inclusion

Access to affordable housing for seniors

Disability rights and social security benefits

The impact of sexism on reproductive rights

Gender inequality in the criminal justice system

Access to affordable healthcare for undocumented immigrants

Disability rights and inclusive education

Economic inequality and access to financial resources

Indigenous rights in the legal system

These are just a few examples of social justice topics that you can explore in your essay. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that aligns with your values and beliefs. Social justice essays have the power to educate, inspire, and create positive change in our society, so don't be afraid to dive in and start writing. Good luck!

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Human Rights Careers

8 Tips For Writing A Social Justice Essay

Social justice covers a variety of issues involving race, gender, age, sexual orientation, income equality and much more. How do you write an essay on a social justice issue that’s engaging, informative and memorable? Here are eight tips you should take to heart when writing:

When writing a social justice essay, you should brainstorm for ideas, sharpen your focus, identify your purpose, find a story, use a variety of sources, define your terms, provide specific evidence and acknowledge opposing views.

#1. Brainstorm creatively

Before you start writing your social justice essay, you need a topic. Don’t hesitate to look far and wide for inspiration. Read other social justice essays, look at recent news stories, watch movies and talk to people who are also interested in social justice. At this stage, don’t worry about the “trendiness” of your idea or whether a lot of people are already writing about it. Your topic will evolve in response to your research and the arguments you develop. At the brainstorming stage, you’re focused on generating as many ideas as possible, thinking outside the box and identifying what interests you the most. Take a free online course to get a better understanding of social justice.

You can take a creative brainstorming approach! A blog on Hubspot offers 15 creative ideas such as storyboarding, which involves laying out ideas in a narrative form with terms, images and other elements. You can also try freewriting, which is when you choose something you’re interested in. Next, write down everything you already know, what you need to know but don’t already, why the topic matters and anything else that comes to mind. Freewriting is a good exercise because it helps you decide if there’s any substance to a topic or if it’s clear there’s not enough material for a full essay.

#2. Sharpen your topic’s focus

The best essays narrow on a specific social justice topic and sharpen its focus, so it says something meaningful and interesting. This is often challenging, but wrestling with what exactly you want your essay to say is worth the effort. Why? An essay with a narrow, sharp focus has a clearer message. You’re also able to dig deeper into your topic and provide better analysis. If your topic is too broad, you’re forced to skim the surface, which produces a less interesting essay.

How do you sharpen your essay’s focus? Grace Fleming provides several tips on ThoughtCatalog . First, you can tell your topic is too broad if it can be summarized in just 1-2 words. As an example, “health inequity” is way too broad. Fleming suggests applying the questions, “Who, what, where, when, why and how,” to your topic to narrow it down. So, instead of just “health inequity,” you might end up with something like “The impact of health inequity in maternal healthcare systems on Indigenous women.” Your topic’s focus may shift or narrow even further depending on the research you find.

Writing a human rights topic research paper? Here are five of the most useful tips .

#3. Identify your purpose

As you unearth your topic and narrow its focus, it’s important to think about what you want your essay to accomplish. If you’re only thinking about your essay as an assignment, you’ll most likely end up with a product that’s unfocused or unclear. Vague sentiments like “Everyone is writing about social justice” and “Social justice is important” are also not going to produce an essay with a clear purpose. Why are you writing this essay? Are you wanting to raise awareness of a topic that’s been historically ignored? Or do you want to inspire people to take action and change something by giving them concrete how-to strategies? Identifying your purpose as soon as possible directs your research, your essay structure and how you style your writing.

If you’re not sure how to find your purpose, think about who you’re writing for. An essay written for a university class has a different audience than an essay written for a social justice organization’s social media page. If there are specific instructions for your essay (professors often have requirements they’re looking for), always follow them closely. Once you’ve identified your purpose, keep it at the front of your mind. You’ll produce an essay that’s clear, focused and effective.

#4. Find a human story

The best social justice essays don’t only provide compelling arguments and accurate statistics; they show your topic’s real-world impact. Harvard’s Kennedy School’s communications program describes this process as “finding a character.” It’s especially useful when you’re writing something persuasive. Whatever your topic, try to find the human stories behind the ideas and the data. How you do that depends on the nature of your essay. As an example, if you’re writing something more academic, focusing too much on the emotional side of a story may not be appropriate. However, if you’re writing an essay for an NGO’s fundraising campaign, focusing on a few people’s stories helps your reader connect to the topic more deeply.

How do you choose what stories to feature? Harvard suggests choosing someone you have access to either through your research or as an interview subject. If you get the opportunity to interview people, make sure you ask interesting questions that dig beneath the surface. Your subject has a unique perspective; you want to find the information and stories only they can provide.

#5. Rely on a variety of sources

Depending on your essay’s purpose and audience, there might be certain sources you’re required to use. In a piece for Inside Higher Ed, Stephanie Y. Evans describes how her students must use at least 10 source types in their final paper assignment. Most of the time, you’ll have a lot of freedom when it comes to research and choosing your sources. For best results, you want to use a wide variety. There are a few reasons why. The first is that a variety of sources gives you more material for your essay. You’ll access different perspectives you wouldn’t have found if you stuck to just a few books or papers. Reading more sources also helps you ensure your information is accurate; you’re fact-checking sources against one another. Expanding your research helps you address bias, as well. If you rely only on sources that reflect your existing views, your essay will be much less interesting.

While we’re talking about sources, let’s touch on citations. If you’re writing an essay for school, your teacher will most likely tell you what citation method they want you to use. There are several depending on the discipline. As an example, in the United States, social science disciplines like sociology and education tend to use the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Some places are very rigid about citation styles, while others are more relaxed. If you’re writing an essay where your citation won’t be checked, you still need to give credit to any ideas, thoughts, or research that’s not yours. Proper citation builds trust with your reader and boosts your credibility.

Here are more tips on writing a human rights essay!

#6. Define your key terms

To make your essay as clear and effective as possible, you want every reader on the same page right at the beginning. Defining your key terms is an important step. As Ian Johnston writes, creating an effective argument requires “the establishment of clear, precise, and effective definitions for key terms in the arguments.” You may have to adapt an existing definition or write your own. Johnston offers principles such as adjusting a definition based on the knowledge of who you’re writing for, focusing on what a term is and not just on its effects, and expanding a definition so it covers everything a reader needs to know.

How do you decide which terms are important in your essay? First, never assume a reader understands a term because it’s “obvious.” The most obvious terms are often the ones that need the clearest definitions. If your reader doesn’t know exactly what you’re talking about when you use a term like “health equity,” your essay won’t be as effective. In general, you want to define any terms relevant to your topic, terms that are used frequently and terms with distinct meanings in the context of your essay.

#7. Provide specific evidence and examples

Social justice issues are grounded in reality, so an essay should reflect that. Don’t spend your whole paper being philosophical or hypothetical. As an example, let’s say you’re writing an essay about desertification in Mali. Don’t discuss desertification as an abstract concept. Include real statistics and case studies on desertification in Mali, who it’s affecting the most and what is being done about it. For every argument you make, present supporting evidence and examples.

The strength of your evidence determines the strength of your arguments. How do you find strong evidence? Cite This For Me lists a handful of examples , such as studies, statistics, quotes from subject matter experts and/or reports, and case studies. Good evidence also needs to be accurate and in support of your argument. Depending on your essay topic, how current a piece of evidence is also matters. If you’re not relying on the most current evidence available, it can weaken your overall argument. Evidence should also be as specific as possible to your topic. Referring back to our desertification in Mali essay, that means locating examples of how desertification affects people in Mali , not in Chad or Russia.

Academic essay writing requires specific skills. Here’s an online introductory course on academic writing .

#8. Acknowledge your critics

Not every social justice essay requires an acknowledgment of opposing viewpoints, but addressing critics can strengthen your essay. How? It lets you confront your critics head-on and refute their arguments. It also shows you’ve researched your topic from every angle and you’re willing to be open-minded. Some people worry that introducing counterarguments will weaken the essay, but when you do the work to truly dissect your critic’s views and reaffirm your own, it makes your essay stronger.

The University of Pittsburgh offers a four-step strategy for refuting an argument. First, you need to identify the claim you’re responding to. This is often the trickiest part. Some writers misrepresent the claims of their critics to make them easier to refute, but that’s an intellectually dishonest method. Do your best to understand what exactly the opposing argument is claiming. Next, make your claim. You might need to provide specific evidence, which you may or may not have already included in your essay. Depending on the claim, your own thoughts may be a strong enough argument. Lastly, summarize what your claim implies about your critics, so your reader is left with a clear understanding of why your argument is the stronger one.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

D istinctive

social justice paper essays

  • October 17, 2021
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Nora Lessersohn, A.M.

In the past few years, social, political, environmental, financial, and medical crises have made it abundantly clear that one’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or disability status directly affect/s their health, finances, work, education, and ability to live life itself. In response, colleges have started to ask their applicants to reflect on how they themselves have contributed to creating equitable and just outcomes for all. The following three prompts are exemplary:

Villanova : St. Augustine states that well-being is “not concerned with myself alone, but with my neighbor’s good as well.” How have you advocated for equity and justice in your communities?

Princeton : Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects (or will intersect) with these ideals.

University of Richmond : Please share one idea for actions or policies that you think would begin to address an issue of racial or social injustice.

Such prompts may feel difficult for students who don’t consider themselves “political” (or those who simply understand how massive these problems are). But working towards equity and justice doesn’t begin and end with a protest or a social media post. In fact, you’ve probably worked towards these goals without even realizing it! Here are three questions to ask yourself to help you write a social justice essay.

1) How and when have I tried to be inclusive of others? Inclusion is an important element of working towards equitable social outcomes, whether it happens at a policy level, or at school with your peers. Have you made an effort to incorporate people from different backgrounds into an activity or conversation, whether in a sport, a club, or a social setting? This act could form the basis of a solid social justice essay in which you talk about the value of inclusion to your community.

2) How and when have I tried to help others? While not all assistance relates to issues of equity and justice, thinking about the times you have worked to help people will help you reflect on how your actions may have contributed to these goals. Have you worked as a tutor or mentor? Have you volunteered at a hospital? Have you organized a food drive? While you may not have thought about the macro effects of your service at the time, thinking now through the lens of equity and justice, how do you understand the work that you did? Is there something you could have done better (and will do in the future)?

3) How and when have I tried to ask difficult questions? For many, the first step in working for equity and justice is developing the awareness that there is systemic and racial inequality everywhere we look. When have you been most aware of these issues in society, and what questions did this awareness prompt you to ask? Who did you ask, or did you keep those questions to yourself (and why)? Reflecting on your own process of understanding could be a powerful way to engage with the topic of social justice, and a jumping off point for discussing how you would work towards a more equitable social world in college and beyond.

Hopefully, asking yourself these questions will help you realize that, even if you’ve never protested, posted, or even just “talked politics,” you may still have made an important effort to make the world a better place to live. 

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  • Producing and Practicing Social Justice in Education
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  • What Does Social Justice Mean?
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  • Does Social Justice Highlight the Relationship Between Social Welfare and Crime Control?
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  • How Does Social Justice Impact Society?
  • What Is the Role of Social Justice in Social Work?
  • Is Inclusion a Part of Social Justice?
  • How Can We Promote Social Justice in the Community?
  • Who Is Responsible for Social Justice and Why?
  • How Can Social Justice Be Maintained in the Society?
  • What Would Happen to the World Without Social Justice?
  • Does Social Justice Apply to Everyone?
  • What Is the Golden Rule of Social Justice?
  • Are Human Rights Based on the Concept of Social Justice?

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StudyCorgi . "116 Social Justice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-justice-essay-topics/.

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25 Interesting Social Justice Research Paper Topics

Through a social justice research paper, you get to demonstrate your awareness as per the current or trending issues in society. Through these research papers, you get to address issues such as inequalities in society while acting as an advocate of social justice. With that in mind, you have to choose an appropriate topic for your research paper, one that will bring you out as a great advocate of social justice. However, with the vastness of social justice, choosing a topic for your research paper can be challenging. But you do not have to worry about that anymore. In this article, we shall outline 25 of the best social justice paper topics in the 21 st century. They are well researched and grouped into categories for ease of selection and comparison. So when your professor asks, are you ready to write your research paper on social justice? You will be prepared because we have got you covered.

What is a social justice research paper?

A social justice research paper is whereby the writer discusses the human thoughts that people should receive equal access to privileges and opportunities within their society. It is a tricky paper but one that is exciting to handle.

List of 25 research topics for paper on social justice

Best social justice research paper topics.

Well, the topics under this “best” category are great topics to use for your research paper. They have excellent research sources, they are current and trending issues in society, and they are fun to venture into. These topics include:

  • Gay rights and social justice

Under this topic, you can focus on:

  • The history of gay people
  • The history of the gay rights movement
  • How the perception of gays was reformed radically due to the efforts of the gay rights movements
  • Is political Egalitarianism the same as social justice

If you like analyzing social justice in a societies’ political development context, this topic can be thrilling.

  • The indigenous people of Australia and social justice relationship

The commission of social justice was formed to provide indigenous people of Australia with a choice. A choice to stand up and push for their rights.

  • Criminal and social justice responses to the act of sex working

Criminalization and the negative attitude shown to the sex working community has made sex workers susceptible and vulnerable to physical assault by:

  • Men when in streets
  • Even policemen
  • Catholic teaching on social justice

Churches also want to instill some values in prisoners’ lives via practices and teachings. These teachings lead up to the acceptance of prisoners as individuals who should be treated with dignity.

Interesting topics for a social justice research paper

Now let us look at some interesting topics that you can utilize to broaden your imagination.

Interesting civil rights topics for a research paper on social justice

  • The voting right act
  • The act representing individuals with disabilities in America
  • The BLM(Black lives matter) movement
  • Affirmative action

Interesting criminal justice and law enforcement topics for a research paper about social justice

  • Mandatory minimums
  • Mass incarceration
  • Wrongful conviction
  • Police brutality

Immigration topics for a college paper about social justice

  • Deportation
  • Immigration labor
  • Border security
  • Migrant workers

These interesting topics are bound to develop a pretty thrilling and exciting research paper. Through these topics, you experience social justice and its importance in a whole new way.

Good social justice paper topics on gender minority, cultural, ethnic, and other issues

Under this category, we shall go through some topics that are trending in the world. They are exciting topics and great options to have:

  • Cultural appropriation
  • Unequal government representation
  • Portrayal in popular cultures and media
  • Targeted assaults, for example, hate crimes

As per social justice research paper examples, you can find them on the internet by simply searching for the best social justice research paper example. You can then use these examples to master the art of writing a perfect social justice research paper.

The social justice sector is of great importance to society, considering all the injustices that occur every day. We hope this article has helped you choose the perfect social justice research paper topic to express your understanding of society.

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Roosevelt Review (Archives, 2014-2018)

Archives of roosevelt review: the roosevelt university alumni magazine, faculty essay: what is social justice.

May 14, 2015 by Susan Torres-Harding, associate professor of psychology 2 Comments

Susan Torres-Harding is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology. Her research interests include understanding the impact of sociocultural factors on physical and psychological health and assessing the development of social justice attitudes and social activism. She earned her PhD in Clinical Child Psychology from DePaul University in 2001.

Social justice has always been an important value to me and a foundation for my career aspirations. Therefore, in 2006, I was pleased to join the faculty at Roosevelt University, a university founded on inclusivity and one with a strong focus on social justice and social action. I quickly realized that this was a friendly “home” where I could continue to discuss the impact of societal inequalities and discrimination in health care, my own area of research.

At the same time, I was intrigued by the reactions of friends and colleagues when I told them that I was now at Roosevelt. Invariably, I would meet people who had been at Roosevelt in those early years, and they would tell me stories about what a special place Roosevelt is. They described Roosevelt as a school where people of all races came together—a college unlike others. The pictures hanging on the walls of the Auditorium Building from those early years are visual reminders of this truly unique integration of people from diverse racial groups at a time when racial segregation was the norm. Today Roosevelt continues to be ethnically and racially diverse, but the world has changed since Roosevelt came into being in 1945. In addition to racial injustice, which regrettably remains prevalent in our society, we now truly confront other forms of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, social class and disability status.

As a Roosevelt psychology professor, I often talked in my classes about social justice as a key value for the Roosevelt community, but I found students grappled with the meaning of social justice. What is social justice? Whom is it for? Many students talked about social justice as if it were a high-minded ideal, unrealistic or impractical to do in real life. While we often discussed the need to use our knowledge and skills to work for a more fair and just society, I wondered if students had become overwhelmed with the amount of injustice in society and whether they believed they could actually make a difference in the world.

This led me to ask myself, what do students think social justice is all about? More importantly, I wanted to know what I could do to empower them to take action and strive to make a difference while at Roosevelt and after.

In response to these questions, I started a series of studies to investigate how students understood social justice and how, if at all, they were learning about our social justice message and integrating it into their own lives. What did all of this talk of social justice mean to the students? And, how could we, as educators, facilitate the goals of students who had the sincere desire to promote social justice, but who also had the notion that it was too hard, impractical, unrealistic or idealistic? As an educator, I had a personal stake in these questions. I wanted to know if integrating social justice concerns into my classes was actually making a difference in how students viewed themselves, their communities, and their own personal and professional actions. In other words, were we living up to the Roosevelt University mission of educating “socially conscious citizens”? Does talking about social justice make a difference, or is it all a lot of feel-good talk that is disconnected from reality?

Students Define Social Justice

To begin answering some of these questions, my research team and I embarked on a study to first understand how students defined social justice. In textbooks, researchers and educators define social justice as “involving the recognition of the existence of social injustices based upon being a member of a non-dominant or marginalized social group.” These marginalized social groups can include people who live in poverty, women, people who are LGBTQ, people who are disabled, people from racial and cultural minority groups, and people who have severe mental illness or have a substance abuse disorder. Researchers also defined social justice as “a value or desire to increase access of power, privileges and socioeconomic resources to people from socially marginalized groups.”

But is this how students thought about social justice? I believed it unlikely that most students would think about social justice in such abstract terms. So we conducted a study with Roosevelt students simply asking how they defined social justice. We found that students were relatively consistent in their definitions. They tended to describe social justice as addressing injustices in equality and promoting opportunity, rights, fairness and acceptance of everyone, including people from diverse backgrounds. Interestingly, a significant proportion (44 percent) of the students said they engaged in some activity that promoted social justice.

Additionally, we asked students to describe what they were actually doing to promote social justice. In most academic papers, social activism is defined as political activism: marching in protests, attending rallies, writing legislators or voting in order to promote policy or legal changes.

They tended to describe social justice as addressing injustices in equality and promoting opportunity, rights, fairness and acceptance of everyone, including people from diverse backgrounds.

Interestingly, there was a tremendous range of responses to our question. In addition to political activism, we identified many different categories of social justice activities, including conducting social-justice-related research, being a member of or volunteering for an organization that focused on social activism, seeking out educational opportunities to learn more about social justice, engaging in advocacy on behalf of people from disadvantaged or marginalized groups, and talking to family and friends about social justice.

What was most impressive to me was the creativity displayed by students as they sought to promote social justice, as well as the diversity of issues addressed by their actions. Many students reported participating in marches, protests and other direct social actions for economic or racial change. One participant was working to promote social justice by acting in a short film that aimed to foster acceptance of LGBTQ youth during the coming out process. Some students were using a social justice approach when providing clinical services to children with developmental disabilities. A few reported that they were engaged in youth mentoring or were working on behalf of youth within the juvenile justice system. Others were working to promote racial justice, women’s empowerment and awareness around diversity-related justice. Still others described being LGBTQ allies or serving as advocates for women who have endured domestic and sexual violence. We also had students who volunteered at community or religious organizations to help individuals around issues of poverty and food security.

A significant number of students indicated that they spoke with family or friends about these issues. I think that these kinds of actions are more quiet forms of activism. Discussing issues of social justice with significant others might have the impact of changing attitudes or gaining support from them. In turn, this might ultimately increase awareness of social issues and might influence others to take action in some way in their own lives.

Many of the students’ efforts involved using resources available at Roosevelt University. These included engaging in social-justice related research, attending lectures, being part of student groups and organizations that promoted social justice such as RU PROUD (a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and ally organization) and Students for a Sensible Drug Policy , engaging in social justice as part of their professional clinical training and volunteering as part of service learning. Although less than half of the students we surveyed reported engaging in activism, those who were active appeared to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available at Roosevelt, and many sought to integrate these experiences with their academic studies.

Connecting With The Mission

The second study that my research team and I conducted focused on the role of the University mission in promoting positive attitudes toward social justice. I wanted to understand whether students who felt more involved at the University and agreed with its mission were in fact more likely to engage in social activism. Interestingly, I found that students who reported having a high sense of community—that is, feeling as if they belonged to the “Roosevelt family”—said they valued the social justice mission more.

Students who respected the social justice mission were much more likely to state that they intended to work for social justice in the future and felt that they possessed the skills to effect positive change. These students were also more likely to report having engaged in social activism, talk about social justice issues with family and friends and personally identify as social activists. It seems that Roosevelt’s social justice mission influenced students by impacting both positive attitudes toward social justice and facilitating the integration of social justice concerns into their personal and professional lives. Feeling a part of the Roosevelt community mattered because it allowed them to share in this core community value.

Thus, the mission and values of Roosevelt University are having an impact on our students’ actions. We are currently conducting additional studies where we hope to follow undergraduate students over time to see how their ideas and views of social justice might change as they move from freshman to senior year. We are also interviewing student activists to learn from their unique experiences, motivations and perceptions of their own work.

Indeed, it has been a pleasure to be able to assess and document the amazingly diverse and creative activism that is going on at Roosevelt. In addition to the examples listed above, Roosevelt students have participated in walk-outs and rallies in Grant Park, lobbied at the state capital, made videos to help educate others about traditionally marginalized groups, conducted interventions to promote health and wellness in our communities, and organized programs that give our students and people in the community a voice. We have so much to learn from our students!

An important part of social justice education is to trust that students are able to evaluate the information we provide and use it in a way that is valid, realistic and relevant to their own lives. Because students are able to come up with so many unique and creative ways to address injustices in their interpersonal and professional lives, professors should not provide answers, but rather should pose questions to help students recognize the real challenges in our society. We can encourage them to critically evaluate their own views and the views of others and provide them with a range of interventions and interpersonal skills that they can then use to confront a range of social problems and issues in their own ways. We also need to recognize that this is hard, risky work.

An important part of social justice education is to trust that students are able to evaluate the information we provide and use it in a way that is valid, realistic and relevant to their own lives.

Working for social justice is, by its nature, “radical” because it focuses on changing the status quo, challenging existing policies and can involve breaking rules. As educators, it is important that we not only talk about social justice but provide students with the skills they need to take action and be effective. Promoting favorable attitudes and teaching interpersonal intervention and activism skills will have a positive impact on students and help them fulfill the Roosevelt mission of creating “socially conscious citizens” who change the world.

Contact Susan Torres-Harding at [email protected]

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November 23, 2018 at 10:53 am

extremely nice one……..

[…] Faculty Essay: What is social justice? – Roosevelt Review – Faculty Essay; Scholarship Spotlight; Issue. Fall 2015; Spring 2015; Fall 2014; Faculty Essay: What is social justice … assessing the development of social justice … […]

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Rectifying Injustice: Empowering Native American Communities

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Historical injustices and their ongoing impact, economic disparities and employment challenges, cultural preservation and sovereignty.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Guest Essay

Ketanji Brown Jackson Points to a Way Forward for the Court

A black-and-white photo showing the Supreme Court building in the background and a silhouette of a person with a hat in the foreground.

By Linda Greenhouse

Ms. Greenhouse, the recipient of a 1998 Pulitzer Prize, reported on the Supreme Court for The Times from 1978 to 2008 and was a contributing Opinion writer from 2009 to 2021.

The Supreme Court’s recent rescue of an important federal agency from the hands of a hostile lower court was an exercise in the evolving definition of originalism.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for all seven members of a surprisingly lopsided majority, excavated precedents deep in the country’s colonial history for the funding mechanism that Congress chose for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A mechanism that the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit deemed unconstitutional was clearly known to and accepted by the Constitution’s framers, Justice Thomas concluded.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote a concurring opinion to say that while the old history was enlightening and adequate to support the agency’s constitutionality, modern practice supported it as well. “All the flexibility and diversity evident in the founding period,” she wrote, has “continued unabated” when it comes to financing government operations.

Notably, two of the court’s conservatives, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, in addition to Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined Justice Kagan’s endorsement of the significance of later, even contemporary, practice when interpreting the Constitution. A true “originalist” would reject such evidence as irrelevant, insisting that all that matters is what the framers did and how people at the time understood their actions. (The two dissenters were Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch.)

It was a fascinating development, highly significant if it turns out to mean that the pure originalism invented in conservative think tanks during the 1970s and embraced by judges like Robert Bork and Antonin Scalia is no longer the only interpretive game that a conservative judge can play. The originalist theme was the focus of much of the commentary on the decision, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America.

However, it is another opinion in the case, one that did not deal with originalism at all, that interests me the most. It was by the court’s junior justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and it is a mere five paragraphs long.

A bit of background is necessary in order to understand Justice Jackson’s move. While most federal agencies rely on an annual appropriation, Congress set up the C.F.P.B. differently in order to insulate it from political pressure. Up to a specified cap, the bureau draws its spending money directly from the Federal Reserve system without relying on Congress to grant an annual budget request. In the Fifth Circuit decision that the Supreme Court overturned, a panel of three Trump-appointed judges declared that the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause didn’t permit Congress “to cede its power of the purse” in this way. According to the panel, the bureau’s funding mechanism violated the constitutional separation of powers.

Rejecting this analysis, Justice Thomas wrote that the country’s “pre-founding history supports the conclusion that an identified source and purpose are all that is required for a valid appropriation.” He noted that “under the Appropriations Clause, an appropriation is simply a law that authorizes expenditures from a specified source of public money for designated purposes.”

According to Justice Jackson, that simple definition sufficed to resolve the case. “In my view, nothing more is needed,” she wrote. She then turned to the deeper question of whether federal courts should even involve themselves in disputes of this kind, writing that “an essential aspect of the Constitution’s endurance is that it empowers the political branches to address new challenges by enacting new laws and policies — without undue interference by courts.”

The separation of powers argument actually cuts in the opposite direction, Justice Jackson continued. The trade groups representing payday lenders that challenged the bureau’s constitutionality “would have us undercut the considered judgments of a coordinate branch about how to respond to a pressing national concern.”

Her short opinion is worthy of more attention than it has received. What Justice Jackson is calling for, as a liberal, is what conservatives once said they wanted: judicial restraint. The case is one of several challenges to the modern operation of government that the justices will decide before the end of the current term. One such case asks the court to repudiate a 40-year-old doctrine known as Chevron deference , which requires judges to defer to an administrative agency’s policy choices as long as the choice is plausibly within the boundaries of the agency’s statutory authority. Chevron deference is basically a policy of judicial restraint, even of judicial humility. Even though the doctrine was once embraced by conservatives on and off the court, incumbent conservative justices are impatient for its demise, eager to untie judges’ hands to confront the administrative state.

In her opinion, Justice Jackson quoted from a 90-year-old decision, Nebbia v. New York , upholding a New York law that regulated minimum retail prices for milk. The majority opinion by Justice Owen Roberts was an encomium to judicial modesty. “With the wisdom of the policy adopted, with the adequacy or practicability of the law enacted to forward it, the courts are both incompetent and unauthorized to deal,” he wrote in the passage Justice Jackson quoted. The vote was 5 to 4, with the outcome in favor of economic regulation anomalous for a conservative court that would soon be at war with regulatory aspects of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.

There are many more familiar expressions of judicial restraint that Justice Jackson might have selected. Without presuming to know why she chose this one, I like to think she shares my concern about the collapse of the settlement that emerged from the struggle between Roosevelt and the Supreme Court. The justices, having stared down the president’s “court-packing” plan and newly amenable to upholding New Deal legislation, made a bargain with the American people. It went something like this: We will back off from second-guessing the choices the political branches make about the country’s basic economic arrangements, and we will reserve our strictest judicial scrutiny for legislation that impinges on the welfare of members of “discrete and insular minorities,” to quote a famous footnote in a 1938 decision, United States v. Carolene Products Company .

That approach, having held for half a century, yielded to political reality as courts filled up with anti-regulatory judges and as a societal consensus over which group constitutes a minority in need of special judicial protection evaporated. Is that group defined as straight, white Christian men? Some people, even some justices, may think so.

While concurring with Justice Thomas’s majority opinion, Justice Jackson wrote only for herself. I understand why: Judicial restraint was not a subject the other members of the majority were drawn to at this time. But I take her opinion, modest in its brevity and measured in its tone, as a call to think deeply not only about the lessons of the past but also about the needs of the present.

Linda Greenhouse, the recipient of a 1998 Pulitzer Prize, reported on the Supreme Court for The Times from 1978 to 2008 and was a contributing Opinion writer from 2009 to 2021.

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