Daily Lesson Plans
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Day 1. Share research experiences and knowledge.
Day 2. Explain the importance of research in daily life .
Day 3. Describe characteristics, processes, and ethics of research .
Day 4. Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research .
Day 5. Provide examples of research in areas of interest.
Day 6. Describe characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research .
Day 7. Illustrate the importance of qualitative research across fields
Day 8. Design a research project related to daily life
Day 9. Write a research title
Day 10. Describe the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
Day 11. State research questions
Day 12. Indicate the scope and delimitation of the research
Day 13. Cite benefits and beneficiaries of research
Day 14. Present a written statement of the problem
Day 15. Select relevant literature
Day 16. Cite related literature using standard style (APA, MLA or Chicago Manual of Style )
Day 17. Synthesizes information from relevant literature
Day 18. Write a coherent review of the literature
Day 19. Follow ethical standards in writing-related literature
Day 20. Present a written review of the literature
Day 21. Chooses appropriate qualitative research design
Day 22. Describe the sampling procedure and sample
Day 23. Plan data collection and analysis procedures
Day 24 Present written research methodology
Day 25. Utilize materials and techniques to produce creative work
Day 26. Collect data through observation and interviews
Day 27. Inferd and explain patterns and themes from data
Day 28. Relate the findings with pertinent literature
Day 29. Conclude patterns and themes
Day 30. Formulate recommendations based on conclusions
Day 31. List references
Day 32. Present a written research report
Day 33. Finalize and present the best design
Day 34. Write a short description and present the best design
Week 1, Day 1
Week 1, Day 2
Week 1, Day 3
Week 1, Day 4
Week 1, Day 5
Week 2, Day 1
Week 2, Day 2
Week 2, Day 3
Week 2, Day 4
Week 3, Day 1
Week 3, Day 2
Week 3, Day 3
Week 3 Day 4
Week 4, Day 1
Week 4, Day 2
Week 4, Day 3
Week 5, Day 1
Week 5, Day 2
Week 5, Day 3
Week 5, Day 4
Week 6, Days 1-4
Week 7 Day 1
Week 7 Day 2
Week 7 Day 3
Week 7 Day 4
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A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to, Shares research experiences and knowledge, CS_RS11-IIIa-explains the importance of research in daily life, CS_RS11-IIIa-describes characteristics of research CS_RS11-IIIa- II. SUBJECT MATTER A. TOPIC Nature and Inquiry of ...
This document contains a detailed lesson plan for teaching research methods. The lesson plan covers sampling and observation methods. It lists six learning objectives for students to understand key terms, differentiate sampling methods, identify appropriate sampling techniques, compare observation types, and recognize the importance of observation in research. The plan outlines teaching ...
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Lesson Plan in Practical Research 1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This lesson plan aims to teach students the difference between quantitative and qualitative research. The lesson begins with an activity to review the nature of research and inquiry. Students will then analyze sample research reports and sort topics as ...
A. Research B. Action Plan C. Thesis D. Case Study 2. It is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social ... 5 CO_Q1_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 1 Lesson 2 FORMULATING RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON CONCLUSIONS What's In In the previous lesson, you have learned about the meaning and importance of research ...
LESSON 4: Writing your research methodology LESSON 5: Gathering your data After reading this module, you will be able to do the following: • Choose a relevant qualitative research design, CS_RS11-IVa-c-1 • Describe a sample and know the process of sampling, CS_RS11-IVa-c-2 • Plan on how to collect data, CS_RS11-IVa-c-3
The objectives are for students to learn how to cite related literature using standard style, differentiate between APA and MLA styles, and understand the lesson. The topic is in-text citations using APA and MLA from the Practical Research 1 textbook. Procedures include daily routines, reviewing related literature, discussing plagiarism, establishing the lesson purpose, presenting on in-text ...
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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Practical Research 1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This lesson plan introduces students to research through defining it, outlining the basic steps, and emphasizing its significance. The plan includes introductory activities to engage students, a presentation on defining and types of research, and ...
In research a systematic and well-planned procedure is required to meet the need in. order that information is acquired and evaluate its accuracy and effectiveness. 4. It is a process of inquiring1. II. Nature of Inquiry. (Lichman,G.,2013) 1. Inquiry is defined as "a seeking for truth, information or knowledge".
Describe characteristics, processes, and ethics of research. Day 4. Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research. Day 5. Provide examples of research in areas of interest. Day 6. Describe characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research. Day 7. Illustrate the importance of qualitative research across fields.
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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education GADU NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL - NANGALISAN EXTENSION Nangalisan, Solana, Cagayan Grade and Section: Date: Time: LESSON PLAN IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 CONTENT: CONTENT STANDARD: PERFORMANCE STANDARD: LEARNING COMPETENCIES: CODE: INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS/ REFERENCES: Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature The learner demonstrates ...
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Lesson Plan in Practical Research 1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This lesson plan aims to increase students' awareness of the value of research and develop their critical thinking skills. The teacher will explain the importance of research in daily life and share research ...
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1. Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual's speculation with reality. 2. Solutions to problems must be based on knowledge not on mere beliefs, guesses or theories. 3.
1 CO_Q 2_SHS Practical Research 1_Module 4 What I need to know Introduction In the previous module, you have learned about the definition of research, its purpose, its types, and its significance. You have also learned how to write a rationale, research questions, scope and limitation, and significance of the study.
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1) The daily lesson plan describes conducting research on quantitative and qualitative methods. Students will compare and contrast the two approaches through an activity and chart. 2) Activities include determining the accuracy of statements about research, formulating questions from pictures, and evaluating research samples to identify their methods and outcomes. 3) Students will complete a ...