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What Do You Do in Robotics Club? Exploring Benefits and Activities

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By Happy Sharer

robotics club develops problem solving skills using


Robotics clubs are becoming increasingly popular in schools, universities and other educational settings. They provide an opportunity for students to explore the world of robotics and learn more about the technology. But what exactly do you do in a robotics club?

Robotics clubs typically involve the use of robots or robotic systems to complete tasks. The activities offered in robotics clubs vary depending on the level of experience of the members. For example, beginner clubs may focus on basic programming and design while more advanced clubs may work on more complex projects such as autonomous vehicles or artificial intelligence.

Benefits of Joining a Robotics Club

Benefits of Joining a Robotics Club

Joining a robotics club can be a great way to learn new skills, develop problem-solving abilities, enhance creativity and gain teamwork experience. Here’s a closer look at some of the benefits of joining a robotics club:

Learning Technical Skills

One of the main benefits of joining a robotics club is the chance to learn technical skills. Students have the opportunity to learn programming languages, understand how to build and program robots, and explore different technologies. According to a study by the National Science Foundation, robotics clubs “give students the opportunity to develop skills that are useful in a variety of fields.”

Developing Problem-Solving Abilities

Robotics clubs also provide an excellent opportunity for students to work on their problem-solving abilities. As they work on projects in the club, they must think critically and come up with solutions to any issues they encounter. This helps them to become better problem solvers and prepares them for real-world challenges.

Enhancing Creativity

In addition to learning technical skills and developing problem-solving abilities, robotics clubs can help students to explore their creativity. As they work on projects and experiments, students must use their imagination and come up with inventive solutions. This can help to foster a creative mindset and encourage students to think outside the box.

Gaining Teamwork Experience

Finally, joining a robotics club provides an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable teamwork experience. Working in a team to complete a project or experiment can teach students how to collaborate and communicate effectively, which are essential skills in many professions. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, working in teams can also help to boost motivation and performance.

Inside Look at Robotics Club

To get a better understanding of what goes on in a robotics club, we spoke to a student who is involved in one. Sarah is a senior in high school and has been a member of her school’s robotics club for the past two years. Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

“I’ve really enjoyed being part of the robotics club. We do a lot of interesting projects, from building robots to programming them. We also work on lots of experiments and try to figure out ways to make our robots more efficient. It’s been a great learning experience and I’ve made a lot of new friends.”

Sarah’s experience is typical of many robotics clubs. Members often work together on projects and experiments, trying to find new ways to solve problems and create innovative solutions. This type of hands-on learning can be incredibly rewarding and inspiring.

Role of Robotics in Society

Role of Robotics in Society

Robotics is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society. From self-driving cars to medical robots, robotics technology has had a huge impact on our lives. In addition to making tasks easier and more efficient, robotics can also provide assistance to those with disabilities and help to improve healthcare outcomes.

Robotics also has implications for future generations. As technology advances, it is likely that robotics will become even more integrated into our lives. This could lead to a range of opportunities for people, from new jobs to improved quality of life.

Impact of Robotics Education

Robotics education can have a major impact on students. Being involved in a robotics club can help to improve academic performance, as it encourages students to think critically and work collaboratively. It can also give students the opportunity to explore career options and gain valuable experience in the field of robotics.

Robotics education can also open up opportunities for students to pursue higher education. According to a study by the University of California, Berkeley, robotics courses can “help prepare students for college and provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in a competitive job market.”

Robotics clubs provide an excellent opportunity for students to explore the world of robotics and develop a range of skills. From learning technical skills to gaining teamwork experience, joining a robotics club can have a positive impact on students’ lives. Robotics education can also help to improve academic performance and open up new career opportunities.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Kids' Coding Corner | Create & Learn

STEM Robotics

Create & Learn Team

Are you interested in robotics or considering enrolling your child in a robotics course? Today we're going to share insight into what STEM robotics is, why it’s important, and where it falls in a STEM education. We'll also reveal some great robotics programs, kits, and competitions so you can jump right into the fun!

To begin learning robotics, join award-winning online robotics camps for kids led live by experts, and designed by professionals from Google, Stanford, and MIT.

Discover STEM Robotics

Explore the exciting world of STEM robotics and see how it fits into the broader STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) landscape.

Is robotics included in STEM?

Absolutely! Robotics is a key component of STEM . It’s a hands-on way to dive into these subjects and make learning interactive and fun. By working with robots, students can actively engage with science, technology, engineering, and math in a practical and exciting way.

What is STEM robotics?

STEM robotics combines science, engineering, and technology in a unique and engaging way. It’s all about building and programming robots, which helps students understand and apply STEM concepts. Robotics involves designing, constructing, and operating robots, making it a fantastic tool for exploring these essential fields. Through robotics, students learn about computer systems, engineering principles, and much more, all while having fun!

The Five Major Fields of Robotics: An Overview

Robotics is an ever-evolving field, and it can be broken down into five core areas that make up the foundation of almost all robotics systems. Understanding these areas is key for students who want to dive into robotics and parents looking to support their child’s interest in STEM.

  • Operator Interface (Human-Robot Interaction): This is all about communication between humans and robots. How do you tell a robot what to do? The operator interface is the bridge that connects people and machines, enabling smooth, intuitive control. This can include anything from a joystick to more advanced systems like voice commands or even virtual reality setups. As robotics technology advances, this interface is becoming more user-friendly, allowing anyone from a child to an expert to operate complex machines with ease.
  • Mobility and Locomotion: This field covers how robots move. Whether it's a robot with wheels, legs, tracks, or even drones in the air, mobility is essential for robots to interact with the world. There are several types of locomotion, including walking, rolling, climbing, and swimming. This is a fascinating area for students interested in both biology and engineering, as many robotic movements are inspired by animals.
  • Mechanical Components and Structure: The physical makeup of a robot – its parts and components – determines what it can do. Just as the skeleton and muscles allow humans to move and lift, the gears, motors, and actuators are the "muscles" of a robot. Each component must work seamlessly together to perform tasks like gripping, lifting, or even doing fine motor tasks like threading a needle. Understanding how these components interact is crucial for those interested in mechanical engineering.
  • Programming and Control Systems: How do robots know what to do? This involves the "brains" of the robot – its programming. From basic commands to complex AI algorithms, control systems govern a robot’s actions based on input from sensors and predefined instructions. Today, there are hundreds of programming languages and tools available for coding robots, ranging from beginner-friendly platforms like Scratch to more advanced languages like Python and C++ . This area offers a creative challenge for those who love coding, logic, and problem solving.
  • Sensing and Perception: Robots need to "see" and "feel" the world around them, which is where sensors come in. These include cameras, touch sensors, microphones, and even radar. The information gathered by these sensors allows the robot to perceive its environment, make decisions, and react in real-time. Whether it’s avoiding obstacles, recognizing faces, or detecting changes in temperature, sensing and perception are essential for creating responsive and autonomous robots.

Why Learning STEM Robotics Matters

STEM robotics education goes beyond just learning how robots work. It’s about giving students the tools to think critically, solve real-world problems, and collaborate with others. When kids build or program a robot, they’re not just learning abstract concepts; they’re applying knowledge from science, math, and technology in a way that’s hands-on and memorable.

Robotics also fosters essential skills for the future, including creativity, leadership, decision-making, and teamwork. As students tackle challenges in robotics, they learn how to break down complex problems, experiment with solutions, and persevere through trial and error. These are all key elements of what educators call "21st-century skills," which include not just technical abilities but also communication, adaptability, and initiative.

In a world where technology is increasingly important, giving children the opportunity to explore robotics sets them up for success – whether they pursue a career in engineering, software development, or any other field. Plus, the experience of working with robots is fun and engaging, making it a fantastic gateway to lifelong learning and curiosity.

Real-World Applications of STEM Robotics for Kids

STEM robotics isn't just a classroom activity—it’s a gateway to real-world careers that make an impact in everything from manufacturing to healthcare and even space exploration. Here’s a breakdown of some exciting roles within robotics and how they’re shaping the world around us.

  • Robotics Engineer: These are the masterminds behind robot design, testing, and construction. They combine principles from mechanical, electrical, and software engineering to build robots that solve real-world problems. Think about self-driving cars, automated factories, or even rescue robots that work in dangerous environments.
  • Robotics Technician: The hands-on experts who bring robots to life and keep them running. Technicians handle everything from installing and testing robots to maintaining and repairing them. Without skilled technicians, high-tech robots in industries like manufacturing, logistics, and medical fields wouldn’t function as efficiently as they do.
  • Robotics Software Engineer: Robots need brains too! Software engineers in robotics create the programs that control a robot’s movements, actions, and decisions. Whether it's enabling a drone to fly autonomously or programming robotic arms to perform precise surgeries, these engineers are writing the code that powers our future.
  • Robotics Operator: Even in the age of automation, robots still require human guidance. Robotics operators ensure everything runs smoothly by monitoring and managing robotic systems. They’re essential in industries like agriculture, where automated harvesters or drones need consistent oversight to operate effectively.

Beyond these specific careers, robotics is playing a pivotal role in many industries, driving innovation and creating new opportunities. For instance, robots are now used in search-and-rescue missions, assisting in disaster recovery, and even in space exploration, where they help humans safely explore uncharted territories. Drones used in agriculture help farmers monitor crops, spot pests, and optimize water usage, leading to better yields. In healthcare, robots assist in elder care, rehabilitation, and even delivering supplies in hospitals. Here are some of the top companies that build or use robots today.

robotics club develops problem solving skills using

Engaging and Educational STEM Robotics Programs for Kids

STEM robotics is more than just an extracurricular activity—it’s an opportunity for kids to build confidence, creativity, and resilience while exploring how technology shapes our world. STEM robotics programs for kids are designed to spark curiosity, build essential life skills, and encourage creative problem solving while providing hands-on fun. Kids dive into the exciting world of robotics by brainstorming, building, and programming their own creations using various robotics kits, from beginner-friendly models to advanced programmable systems and even virtual robots.

1. Create & Learn Robotics

Create & Learn's robotics classes for kids provide the unique opportunity to learn from experts in the comfort of your own home. Our live online robotics courses are designed by experts from MIT, Stanford, and more. And are taught by premier instructors who’ve undergone rigorous training. Our curriculum is designed to fuel creativity and make real-life connections across industries so your child can explore the latest technologies and have fun! Start with Junior Robotics or Robot Adventures . Your child might also enjoy creating Smart Devices .

2. Bricks4Kidz

Using LEGO® bricks and kid-friendly software, children learn to build and program robots while developing problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking skills. This program’s structured, engaging lessons allow kids to explore real-world applications of robotics in a playful setting, making complex ideas approachable and enjoyable. Bricks4Kidz stands out because it combines imaginative play with foundational coding and engineering principles in a lively in-person setting, setting young learners up for future success in STEM fields.

3. Snapology Robotics

Snapology provides several interactive robotics classes and coding programs for children ages 3-14 using LEGO bricks. Students in their robotics programs learn pseudo-coding, coding, robotics and engineering principles. Using fun topics and themes, such as animals, games, space and battle machines, they offer classes that embrace children’s interest and curiosity to guide them through robotics and engineering principles.

STEM Robotics Toys

STEM robotics toys such as LEGO Boost, Sphero, and Ozobot help prepare children for future careers while fostering creativity and critical thinking. Whether they’re building a robot from scratch or programming a device to follow commands, these hands-on experiences make complex concepts accessible and enjoyable for kids of all ages.

1. LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander

Kids will learn to code and develop creative problem-solving skills as they play with this interactive educational toy featuring 3 brick-built LEGO Star Wars droids and over 40 interactive missions and buildable props.

An Educator's Pick for Best of STEM 2023, Sphero is an innovative robotics toy that turns coding into an adventure. With its round, durable design, Sphero robots can be programmed to move, light up, and even navigate obstacle courses, making it a versatile and engaging tool for kids. Through the Sphero Edu app, kids can learn to code using drag-and-drop blocks, JavaScript, or even draw their own paths. This flexibility allows children of all skill levels to explore robotics and programming at their own pace.

An EdTech Breakthrough Award 2023 winner, Ozobot is a fantastic introduction to robotics that brings coding to life in a fun and tangible way. These small, colorful robots can follow lines, detect colors, and even respond to simple codes drawn on paper, making them an excellent choice for hands-on learning. Kids can use markers to draw paths and control Ozobot's movements or program it using the Ozobot Bit or Evo apps. The real magic happens when children see their drawings come to life, watching Ozobot navigate mazes or perform tricks based on their coded instructionsapps for endless hours of fun.

STEM Robotics Competitions

STEM robotics competitions are exciting events where students get to showcase their creativity and technical skills by building and programming robots to tackle specific challenges. These competitions are more than just a chance to test out their robots; they’re designed to spark a love for STEM by providing a hands-on way to solve real-world problems. Whether working individually or as part of a team, kids learn to collaborate, think critically, and innovate as they design robots that can complete tasks or overcome obstacles.

1. VEX Robotics Competition

The VEX Robotics Competition, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, is the largest and fastest growing middle school and high school robotics program globally with more than 20,000 teams from 50 countries playing in over 1,700 competitions worldwide. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game. Students, with guidance from their teachers and mentors, build innovative robots and compete year-round.

2. World Robot Olympiad

This is a robot competitions platform that is dedicated to Science,Technology and Education. The mission of WRO is to help young people to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills in an engaging and fun-filled manner. WRO is an independent non-profit organization. All the revenue collected will be invested in support of their mission called STEM education worldwide to support robotics.

3. Best Robotics Competition

Best Robotics is is a national six-week robotics competition that was designed to generate interest in possible engineering careers. This is a 2-3 day event open to middle or high schools. Same rules apply to everyone, the same kit is provided, and the same schedule.

Explore even more fun robotics competitions and STEM competitions .

Best STEM Robotics Kits

A STEM robotics kit is like a treasure chest for budding engineers and scientists, packed with everything kids need to explore the basics of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These kits are designed to bring robotics to life, allowing students to build and customize their own robots, especially those that can move and act on their own. Inside each kit, you’ll find a mix of structural pieces, mechanical components, motors, and sensors, all working together with a controller board to manage the robot’s actions.

1. Tin Can Edge Detector

The 4M Tin Can Edge Detector Science Kit: Part of the Eco-Engineering/Green Science Series Fun science project is an edge detecting robot. This robot kit allows kids to be creative on the cheap. This kit is great because it introduces the basics of robotics and renewable materials in a fun, hands-on way. Have fun while exploring the exciting worlds of robotics and green science with the 4M Green Science Tin Can Edge Detector Robot Kit. Assemble the robot using a recycled soda can for a body and turn it loose to roam around a table. Sensors in the robot's base detect the table and turn it aside every time.

2. Makeblock mBot Robot Kit

This robot is an entry-level coding robot for beginners. Designed for learning electronics, robotics and programming in a simple and fun way. From Scratch to Arduino, it helps kids to learn programming step by step via interactive software and rich tutorials.

3. ChampBot Kit

This kit invites kids to take their STEM education skills to the court by programming robots like ChampBot, BasketBot, and ScoreBot to shoot and score points – with precision. With three servo motors, two DC motors, and an IR sensor, this kit is designed to bring fans to the STEM field with competitive fun and learning.The JIMU Robot app connects with ChampBot Kit seamlessly and makes it easy to build, program, and bring to life every JIMU Robot kit creation. There’s also a Pose-Record-Play tool that lets students easily program motors to create their own actions. Flexible functionality lets students imagine and design their own models.

Start Your Child's STEM Robotics Learning Adventure

Now that you've learned all about STEM robotics, check our robotics for kids classes. The best place for your child to begin is our Junior Robotics class , with a curriculum designed by Google and Stanford experts. Up next, read more about robotics and coding .

Written by Create & Learn instructor Sharmain Henderson. Starting at an early age, Sharmain developed a passion for STEM, and currently holds a bachelor's degree in physics. She has been in the field of teaching for six years and has taught various subjects and students of all ages. Teaching effectively, and communicating complex information in a simple manner, is something she is passionate about.

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10 Essential Skills That All Good Roboticists Should Have

Alex Owen-Hill

Just like any career, robotics demands a unique set of hard and soft skills.

You might be good at electronics, but do you have a head for "systems thinking"?

Can you make informed decisions in a wide range of different disciplines?

Are you an active learner who can communicate ideas effectively?

Good roboticists have a range of skills, which support our wide technical knowledge across different engineering disciplines.

You might just be at the beginning of your career in robotics and looking for how to get started . Or you might have worked with robots for a long time. Whichever stage you're at, you should realize that roboticists are a unique type of engineer. The path to a career in robotics exposes you to various engineering disciplines.

Unlike other types of engineering, you have to be reasonably proficient in a variety of technical areas, even though you don't have to be an expert in all of them. To be effective in such a diverse range of disciplines, good roboticists support their technical knowledge with various hard and soft skills.

What type of person works in robotics?

As specialists, we are skilled in the fine details of our specialisms. As generalists, we can see "the big picture" — something our broad knowledge base allows us to do.

This combination can give us roboticists a great advantage. As author David Epstein says in his recent book Range "generalists triumph in a specialized world." And roboticists are a type of specialized generalist. 

Every career requires a different balance of skills. One system of categorizing careers, used by vocational psychologists, is the Holland Codes . These present people's vocational choices based on their personality types and skill-sets.

According to the Holland Code theory, robotic engineers fall largely into the Thinking (Investigative) and Doing (Realistic) categories. This means that roboticists need to be a good mix between two opposing working styles. On one hand, "Investigative" people generally like to solve problems by thinking, reading and studying. On the other hand, "Realistic" people are highly practical — they like to solve problems by "getting their hands dirty".  

Robotics is a delicate balance between hard study and "fiddling about" (as I like to call it), i.e. working on physical things.

You can find out your own Holland Codes by doing a quiz ( like this one ) which will ask you some questions and give you a rating for the different categories. Note that your ratings can change over time so even if you don't perfectly match a robotics engineer, you could still have the right skills to work in robotics. For example, in the past, my score matched a robotics engineer quite closely. More recently, my job has become more creative and human-centered, so my score has changed. 

10 Essential Skills All Good Roboticists Have

To be effective as both specialists and generalists — whilst also being both practical and investigative — roboticists need a good set of supporting skills.

In this list, we've taken 25 career skills that are required for robotics engineers and are often looked for by hiring managers . We've then grouped these into 10 essential skills for roboticists.

1. Systems Thinking

A project manager once told me that many people with robotics degrees turn out to be project managers or systems engineers. This makes a lot of sense. Robots are very complicated systems and working with them requires knowledge in a varied set of disciplines. We have to be good at mechanics, electronics, electrics, programming, sensing, and even psychology and cognition. 

A good roboticist is able to understand how all of these different systems work together and is comfortable with the theory behind all of them. This is what makes us good project managers and systems engineers.

A mechanical engineer could reasonably say: "that's a programming or an electrical problem, it's not my job". An electrical engineer could say: "that's a mechanical problem, it's not my job." A roboticist, on the other hand, must be well versed in all of the different specialisms.

Therefore, skills like Systems Analysis and Systems Evaluation are key to being a great roboticist.

2. The Programming Mindset

Programming is an essential skill for robotics. It doesn't matter if you're involved in low-level control systems — e.g. using MATLAB to design controllers — or if you're a computer scientist designing high-level cognitive systems. Robotic engineers can be involved at any stage of the programming abstraction. The main difference between robotics and other programming disciplines is that robotic programming interacts with hardware, electronics, and the (messy) real world.

There are over 1500 programming languages in the world. Although you don't need to learn all of them, a good roboticist will have 'The Programming Mindset'. They will be comfortable learning any new language if and when it is required. Here's a list of the top programming languages for robotics to get you started.

Which leads us nicely onto…

3. Active Learning

There are so many topics within robotics that it is impossible to learn all of them before you need them for a project. Even after a 5-year undergraduate degree in robotics and a 3-year PhD, I had only scratched the surface of the topics in robotics. Every time I began a new project, I needed to learn one or two new skills. 

Being good at Active Learning is an essential skill throughout your whole career. Therefore, having a good level of Reading Comprehension and a grasp of the Learning Strategies that work for you personally will help you to learn new things quickly and easily when the need arises.

4. Mathematics

There are not many "core" skills in robotics (i.e. topics that can't be learned as you go along). One of these core skills is Mathematics .

You would probably find it challenging to succeed in robotics without a good grasp of at least algebra, calculus, and geometry. This is because, at a basic level, robotics relies on being able to understand and manipulate abstract concepts, often representing those concepts as functions or equations.

A good grasp of Geometry is particularly important for understanding topics like kinematics and technical drawing (which you're likely to use a lot of in your career, even if it's only sketching a system on the back of a napkin).

5. Science or other Applied Mathematics

There are some people (pure mathematicians for example) who only need to handle mathematics without applying the concepts to the real world. This is certainly not the case in robotics. 

Skills in Science and other Applied Mathematics are important for robotics because the real world is never as exact as mathematics. A roboticist needs to have the ability to decide when the result of a calculation is "good enough to actually work."

Which leads us neatly to…

6. Judgment and Decision Making

Being a good roboticist means continually making engineering decisions. For example:

What method should you use to program your robot?

How many fingers should you give your robot?

Which sensors should you use?

Robotics is full of choices and there is almost never one correct solution.

Thanks to their wide knowledge base, as a roboticist you might find yourself in a better position to weigh up certain problems than engineers from more specialized disciplines.

Judgment and Decision Making are essential to make the most of your position. Skills in Analytical Thinking will allow you to analyze the problem from various angles while Critical Thinking skills will help you to use logic and reasoning to balance the strengths and weaknesses of each solution.

7. Good Communication

As a roboticist, your generalist knowledge will mean that you often have to explain concepts to non-specialists. For example, you might have to explain a high-level programming issue to a mechanical engineer or a structural mechanics problem to a computer scientist.

Good roboticists are a channel of communication between the different disciplines. Therefore, Communication skills are vital. Being able to use your Speaking and Writing skills effectively is important. Also, if you have good Instructing skills this is a big bonus.

8. Technology Design

Being proficient at Technology Design means being able to design systems that actually work, which is obviously important when you're building a robotic system. It also means being able to figure out why something isn't working properly and come up with possible solutions, requiring skills in Repairing . These are both vital skills for a roboticist. 

Robotics involves a wide range of technologies so skills in technology design mean you can effectively isolate the source of problems and propose effective solutions. Truly great roboticists have an almost magical ability to "get it working" (whatever it is and however it is broken).

9. Complex Problem Solving

There's an old Laotian proverb (i.e. from the country Laos) that says: "If you like things to be easy, you will have difficulties. If you like problems, you will succeed."

This is certainly true with robotics.  As we've seen from the previous skills, a lot of robotics is about using your Complex Problem Solving skills. If you enjoy solving problems, you will enjoy robotics!

Problem solving requires skills like Foreseeing Problems , to fix the problems before they've even arisen, and Troubleshooting them if they do arise.

10. Persistence

Finally, given the complex nature of robotics, Persistence is an essential skill. It might be persistence in trying to find the solution to a particularly difficult problem or persistence in trying to explain a complex topic to others. 

Good roboticists will also support their persistence with Dependability , proving themselves to be as knowledgeable and adaptable as robotics requires them to be. 

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Which of the key skills do you most, or least, identify with? Are there any other skills you think are important for roboticists? How have any of these skills helped you in a particular situation? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn , Twitter or Facebook .

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FIRST   ® Tech Challenge Way More Than Building Robots


2024-2025 INTO THE DEEP SM presented by RTX

Dive robots into the depths of the ocean to explore the unknown and reveal its wonders in a new challenge launching September 7.

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Code, Design, and Compete with Robots!

FIRST  Tech Challenge students learn to think like engineers. Teams design, build, and code robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams. Robots are built from a reusable platform, powered by Android technology, and can be coded using a variety of levels of Java-based programming.

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Proven, Verifiable Impact!

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98% Problem Solving Skills Increase

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The really cool thing about  FIRST  Tech Challenge is...all skill levels are welcomed and needed, technical or non-technical. Student and adult team members are encouraged to bring any skills they already have, like coding, electronics, metalworking, graphic design, web creation, public speaking, videography, and more. Adult coaches guide students as they gain skills and confidence in a supportive, inclusive environment.

Individual Team:  Guide a team of up to 15 students as they work together to design, build, and program a robot by exploring advanced engineering concepts, brainstorming innovative ideas, and developing career-ready practices. Participants have access to over $80 million in scholarships to colleges, universities, and technical programs.  Learn more about individual teams  

Class Pack:   A larger, flexible curricular option for up to 24 students in the classroom or after-school programming. Students will create a robot and utilize tools for self-growth in technical skill development and engineering design. Each semester of the course culminates in an event where students present what they've learned and use their robot to compete in a class mini-game. Learn more about Class Pack

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How to Start a Robotics Club at your Elementary School

How to Start a Robotics Club at your Elementary School

Every day there seems to be a new AI platform or company that graces the news. Whether it’s ChatGPT, Tesla’s self-driving cars, or Amazon Go – AI, and robotics, are everywhere. Children spend their days learning about English, basic math, geography, and history which are all important and foundational, but there are more skills young children need to learn to be successful later in life. 

What if we told you there was a way your student could learn critical STEM skills to work for these companies we see on the news daily – the companies that are changing the scope of the workforce? You’d probably ask us to share more details. 

Well, the good news is that there is a way you can help your students learn these skills and the answer is by starting a robotics club for kids. 

Why should you start a robotics club? 

Starting an elementary robotics club will have lasting effects on the critical skills students develop and use at a later age. 

Not only will this introduce them at a young age to STEM as a potential career path, but it will help to build their confidence in STEM and will teach them at an early age how to work in teams. 

The best part about these clubs is that they are fun! Children get to participate in hands-on activities that tackle real-world problems, rather than sitting at a desk to learn. 

Steps for starting an elementary robotics club

If you’re ready to actually launch a robotics club for your young students, we’ve got some tips to get you started. 

Know your school district’s requirements (and generate interest)

Some school districts have a minimum student interest requirement for new clubs to be established. Before moving forward with the following steps, it’s important to get a sense of the interest in your area for an elementary robotics club. 

You’ll want to document the information of these students and/or parents so that once the club is established, students can formally join. This will also help you build your case about why a robotics club for your elementary school is so essential. 

As you talk with students and parents, ensure you ask questions related to what they would be looking for in a robotics club, what they want to participate in, and what they want to accomplish. Are they looking for robotics kits, robotics classes, learning experiences, or something else? This will help you create a framework to help guide the remainder of the steps.

Determine any funding you may need and what your robotics club’s budget will be

Depending on the scope of your robotics club, you’ll begin to get a sense of what funding you may need. 

For example, if you plan to participate in robotics competitions as a robotics team, you might not only need to fund the machinery for building robots, but also you might need to fund the travel to competitions. 

As you put together your budget, keep reminding yourself of the story you want to tell with each of these financial and robotics club choices. When in doubt, keep focusing on how these robotics skills are crucial STEM experiences and skills each student can build.

Schedule a time to meet with your school’s administrator

Once you’ve gauged the interest in robotics in your community, now it’s time to share that with your school’s administrator and/or the school board so you can receive formal approval to move forward. 

This is where you’ll also want to discuss any funding you would need from the district. The school administrator will likely ask to see a budget, so you’ll want to share what you compiled in the second step.

Work through the logistics of your elementary robotics club

All school clubs need a sponsor to oversee the club, and robotics clubs for elementary schools are no exception. A logical choice would be you, as the person starting the club, or a fellow teacher in the science department or another department in the STEM realm. 

Once you find an adult sponsor, this supervisor will be a resource to you and will likely be present for meetings and will attend any competitions and trips. 

Beyond solidifying an adult sponsor, you’ll also need to find a meeting location. Use your sponsor as a resource to help look at classrooms and poll your initial members to determine the frequency of your meetings.

Solidify what your robotics club will do

From your initial conversations with students, you already got a sense of what was of interest to your peers, and from meeting with your school’s administrator, you have a sense of what funding you might receive. Now it is time to finalize what activities your elementary robotics club will partake in. 

Robotics club activities are wide-ranging, and we’ll highlight some of these curriculum ideas below.

Finding curriculum for your robotics club

Here’s a few robotics club curriculum options to consider as you start your robotics club. 

Script tutorials

There are countless digital languages engineers use for robotics. These range from Scratch to JavaScript to Python. Some young students may want to learn an entirely new language to build and program, and others may want to further develop the skills they already have. 

This is a low-cost club activity as these platforms are affordable to install and various students can use one account.

Robotics classes

If you want to offer robotics classes for your robotics club, connect with potential teachers to lead these courses or look for online courses, which are both affordable options. 

These classes can teach students how to build and program and so much more. 

Robotics competitions

Competitions are fun for students that like a deadline and like to show off their hard work. 

This can remain affordable if you want to host a competition simply within your club (where you would only have to purchase the supplies). If you have a larger budget, your club could work together to travel to a robotics competition to compete together as a robotics team.

Robotic kits

A beginner robotics club curriculum idea is related to robotics kits. Countless robotics kits on the market allow students to receive an introduction to robotics. This idea is best for elementary students that haven’t had much exposure to robotics yet. 

Robotics kits vary by age and interest and if your club consists of true robotic beginners, you could also purchase robotics books for self-learning.

SAM Labs can help you launch your robotics club

As you get started establishing a robotics club at your elementary school, you may not know where to begin – but that’s where  SAM Labs  can help. 

Sam Labs is a valuable resource that will help you launch your club by providing you with the materials you need to teach STEAM subjects in a fun and innovative way. Sam Labs curriculum is all you need to see lightbulb moment after lightbulb moment with your students.

To get started with Sam Labs, sign up for a  free demo  to get all your questions answered. In the meantime, take a look at our  STEAM Solution  and after-school program options to see how you can build the foundation of robotics skills in your elementary and middle school students.

Shaunda Douglas

Shaunda Douglas is a former educator with over 15 years of experience in all levels of education. In her free time, she reads, plays with her dogs, watches baseball, and loves a good nap.

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Project-based stem learning using educational robotics as the development of student problem-solving competence.

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1. Introduction

1.1. stem and educational robotics, 1.2. project-based learning and key competences, 2. materials and methods, 2.1. research objectives and hypotheses, 2.2. testing student competences, 2.3. description of the research sample and its selection.

  • Territorial delimitation;
  • Elementary school has a second grade;
  • The elementary school has suitable spaces and equipment for teaching with robotic kits;
  • Only for second grade students.

2.4. Implementation of Teaching Programming Using Robotic Kits in the Experimental and Control Groups

  • Work with the control unit;
  • Programming the movement of the robot;
  • Use of cycles in robot movement;
  • Use of branching and sensors in robot movement;
  • Solving complex tasks using a robot.

2.5. Differences in Teaching of Experimental and Control Groups

2.6. statistical processing of the obtained data, 3.1. pre-test and post-test, 3.2. testing of research hypothesis 1, 3.3. testing of research hypothesis 2, 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Coufal, P. Project-Based STEM Learning Using Educational Robotics as the Development of Student Problem-Solving Competence. Mathematics 2022 , 10 , 4618.

Coufal P. Project-Based STEM Learning Using Educational Robotics as the Development of Student Problem-Solving Competence. Mathematics . 2022; 10(23):4618.

Coufal, Petr. 2022. "Project-Based STEM Learning Using Educational Robotics as the Development of Student Problem-Solving Competence" Mathematics 10, no. 23: 4618.

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How to Start a Robotics Club in School

How to Start a Robotics Club in School

Starting an after-school robotics club is a great way to unite students and spark interest in STEM. But, if you’ve never started a club, you may not know how to get the ball rolling or what activities to offer. Sphero is here to help. In this article, we’ll explore how to start a robotics club as well as a few fun activities to keep kids engaged. Let’s dive in! 

Why is Robotics Important? 

Some students are intimidated by subjects like math and science that are notoriously “scary topics.”Introducing a robotics club to your school can help change this narrative. Students will learn through robotics that although STEM topics can be challenging, they’re also exciting. And like many other extracurriculars, robotics clubs foster a variety of skills and interests. These skills can be used to help students succeed in a STEM career or any vocational path they choose. 

Examples of these life skills and how they are developed include: using team building activities, like designing and testing robots, and teaching students how to communicate and problem-solve with their peers. Working in a team teaches students critical life skills like leadership, listening, and creative problem-solving. And successfully navigating a team environment can improve confidence and make students more likely to accept challenges enthusiastically. 

How to Actually Start a Robotics Club

Gauge student interest .

Most schools require a minimum number of students to express interest in a club before they allow it to become an official after-school activity. So before you bring the topic up with administration, poll your classroom to see how many students are interested. 

If no one is eager to sign up, bring robotics into your classroom to spark student interest. One way to engage students is by letting them design their own robots . Younger children may enjoy designing robots with craft materials, while older students may want to try an educational robotics kit . 

Find a Leader 

So you’ve discovered that plenty of students are interested in the robotics club! That’s great news, now it’s time to decide which teacher will be the club’s sponsor. If your school already offers robotics classes, that teacher would be a good choice. If not, reach out to other STEM teachers and see if they would be interested in helping out with the club. 

Some robotics projects may require additional adult supervision. In that case, it may be helpful for parents to volunteer from time to time. Sending flyers home with students that provide information about the club and asking for parent volunteers is a good way to gather the help you need. You may also be surprised at how many parents are excited to participate in their kids’ after-school activities! 

Establish Club Objectives & Club Norms

Without set objectives, your club may be at risk of becoming an after-school recess. Before your first meeting, ask students what they want to achieve by participating in the club. Potential goals could include learning coding skills, practicing mechanical designs, or competing in robotic competitions.  

After establishing the club’s goals, have the students write a mission statement. A manifesto helps create a strong foundation for your organization and will serve as a guide when the club makes decisions. When crafting their robotics club mission statement, ask students to consider what the club does, how the club does it, and why the club exists.  Next, have students create a list of norms that they all agree to in the robotics club. Examples can include trying again after failures, sharing time with robots, etc.

Robotics Club Activities  

Now you know the steps to take to start your school’s robotics club. But what activities should the club participate in once it’s started? Outlined below are our favorite robotics club activities to keep students engaged. 


Many students find a little healthy competition fun and motivating. When students compete, they often strive to go beyond what is asked of them to win. This helps develop a strong work ethic and resilience to try again in times when they fail. 

To help facilitate competition, schools can host internal contests that showcase students’ hard work. Students interested in competing on an international scale can participate in Sphero’s Global Challenge . For this challenge, Sphero provides teams with a mission brief, lessons, and team meeting agendas for each event. The top-performing teams then compete virtually at the Sphero World Championship. 

Robotics Kits 

Research suggests that students learn best when actively participating in enjoyable activities. So rather than preparing a lecture about robotics, why not have students learn about robotics in a fun way? Ready-to-code robotics kits help students bring robotics to life in a way that feels like play. 

When choosing your kits, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to choose the correct kit for the correct age group. If a kit is too easy, students will get bored, but if it’s too challenging, they may get discouraged. It’s also important to consider how many children will work on each kit. Some kits are designed to be completed individually while others are designed to be completed as a team. 

Robotics Books 

Cross-curricular instruction is a way of teaching that incorporates more than one subject into a lesson. This teaching style can be incorporated into your after-school robotics club as well. Choosing a new book about robotics for students to read each month helps them experience the topic in a new format and entices bookworms to join the club.  

Here are a few of our favorite books to get students excited about robotics.

The Robot Book

Robots, robots everywhere, welcome to your awesome robot , house of robots  , start your robotics club today.

robotics club develops problem solving skills using

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