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101 Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

Use your words to sway the reader.

Persuasive Essay Topics: Should we allow little kids to play competitive sports?

Persuasive writing is one of those skills that can help students succeed in real life.  Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative , but they rely less on facts and more on emotion to sway the reader. It’s important to know your audience so you can anticipate any counterarguments they might make and try to overcome them. Try reading some mentor texts to show kids great examples of opinion writing. Then use these persuasive essay topics for practice.

School and Education Persuasive Essay Topics

Life and ethics persuasive essay topics, science and technology persuasive essay topics, sports and entertainment persuasive essay topics, just for fun persuasive essay topics.


  • Do you think homework should be required, optional, or not given at all?

Persuasive Essay Topics: Do you think homework should be required, optional, or not given at all?

  • Students should/should not be able to use their phones during the school day.
  • Should schools have dress codes?
  • If I could change one school rule, it would be …
  • Is year-round school a good idea?
  • Should we stop giving final exams?
  • Is it better to be good at academics or good at sports?

Is it better to be good at academics or good at sports?

  • Which is better, private schools or public schools?
  • Should every student have to participate in athletics?
  • Do you think schools should ban junk food from their cafeterias?
  • Should students be required to volunteer in their communities?
  • What is the most important school subject?
  • Are letter grades helpful, or should we replace them with something else?

Persuasive Essay Topics: Are letter grades helpful, or should we replace them with something else?

  • Is it ever OK to cheat on homework or a test?
  • Should students get to grade their teachers?
  • Do you think college should be free for anyone who wants to attend?
  • Should schools be allowed to ban some books from their libraries?
  • Which is better, book smarts or street smarts?

Which is better, book smarts or street smarts?

  • Should all students have to learn a foreign language?
  • Are single-gender schools better or worse for students?
  • Is it OK to eat animals?
  • What animal makes the best pet?
  • Visit an animal shelter, choose an animal that needs a home, and write an essay persuading someone to adopt that animal.
  • If you find money on the ground, should you try to find the person who lost it, or is it yours to keep?

If you find money on the ground, should you try to find the person who lost it, or is it yours to keep?

  • Who faces more peer pressure, girls or boys?
  • Should all Americans be required to vote?
  • Is it better to be kind or truthful?
  • Which is better, giving or receiving?
  • Is it OK to keep animals in zoos?
  • Should we change the minimum driving age in the United States?

Should we change the minimum driving age in the United States?

  • Which is more important, happiness or success?
  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is social media helpful or harmful?
  • Should parents be punished for their children’s mistakes or crimes?
  • Should kids have set bedtimes or just go to bed when they’re sleepy?
  • Do you think the government should find a way to provide free health care for everyone?

Do you think the government should find a way to provide free health care for everyone?

  • Is it better to save your allowance or spend it?
  • Should we ban plastic bags and bottles?
  • Which is better, living in the city or in the country?
  • If I could make a new law, it would be …
  • Is Pluto a planet?
  • Should human cloning be legal?
  • Should vaccines be mandatory?
  • Is it right for countries to still maintain nuclear weapon arsenals?

Is it right for countries to still maintain nuclear weapon arsenals?

  • Should testing on animals be made illegal?
  • Will expanded use of artificial intelligence be good for humanity?
  • Should all people have free Internet access in their homes?
  • Is there intelligent life on other planets?
  • Does technology create more jobs than it eliminates?
  • Should parents use their children’s cell phones to track where they are?
  • Should scientists try to develop a way for people to live forever?

Should scientists try to develop a way for people to live forever?

  • What’s the best type of smartphone: Android or iPhone?
  • Which is better, Macs or PCs?
  • Do people rely too much on technology in the modern world?
  • Should cryptocurrencies replace cash?
  • Should there be a minimum age requirement to own a smartphone?
  • Is it important to keep spending money on space exploration, or should we use the money for other things?

Is it important to keep spending money on space exploration, or should we use the money for other things?

  • Should kids under 13 be allowed to use social media sites?
  • Should we ban cigarette smoking and vaping entirely?
  • Is it better to be an animal that lives in the water or on land?
  • Should kids be allowed to watch TV on school nights?
  • Which is better, paper books or e-books?
  • Is the current movie rating system (G, PG, PG-13, etc.) effective?
  • Are video games better than board games?
  • Should we allow little kids to play competitive sports?

Should we allow little kids to play competitive sports?

  • Which is better, reading books or watching TV?
  • Does playing violent video games make people more violent in real life?
  • Are graphic novels just as valuable as traditional fictional books?
  • Should everyone play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender?
  • Choose a book that’s been made into a movie. Which was better, the movie or the book?

Choose a book that's been made into a movie. Which was better, the movie or the book?

  • Who is the world’s best athlete, present or past?
  • Are professional athletes/musicians/actors overpaid?
  • Which is better, fiction or nonfiction?
  • The best music genre is …
  • What is one book that everyone should read?
  • What new sport should be added to the Olympics?

What new sport should be added to the Olympics?

  • What’s the best video game system?
  • Does playing video games make you smarter?
  • Does reality TV actually depict real life?
  • Should all neighborhoods have free parks and playgrounds?
  • What’s the best holiday?
  • The very best food of all time is …
  • Which is better, artificial Christmas trees or real ones?

Which is better, artificial Christmas trees or real ones?

  • What’s the best season of the year?
  • Should you put ketchup on a hot dog?
  • Is a taco a sandwich?
  • Does fruit count as dessert?
  • Should people have to go to school or work on their birthday?
  • Are clowns scary or funny?
  • Which is more dangerous, werewolves or vampires?

Which is more dangerous, werewolves or vampires?

  • The best pizza topping is …
  • What would be the best superpower to have?
  • Should everyone make their bed every day?
  • Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • Should you put pineapple on a pizza?
  • Should you eat macaroni and cheese with a spoon or a fork?

Should you eat macaroni and cheese with a spoon or a fork?

  • Describe the world’s best ice cream sundae.
  • Is Monday the worst day of the week?
  • Would you rather travel back in time or forward in time?
  • Is it better to be too hot or too cold?
  • Are there aliens living among us here on Earth?

What are your favorite persuasive essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school (120+ ideas) ..

Need some ideas for practicing persuasive writing skills? These persuasive essay topics provide lots of scope for students of all ages.

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100 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Persuasive essays are a bit like argument essays , but they tend to be a little kinder and gentler. Argument essays require you to discuss and attack an alternate view, while persuasive essays attempt to convince the reader that you have a believable argument. In other words, you are an advocate, not an adversary.

Writing a compelling persuasive essay requires you to select a topic that ideally stirs your readers' emotions. Before settling on a subject, explore some options to find one that helps craft the strongest and most engaging argument.

Below is a list of potential persuasive essay topics to spark your brainstorming process. You can choose a topic from this list or use it as inspiration to develop an idea of your own.

Main Components of a Persuasive Essay

  • Introduction : This is the opening paragraph of your essay. It contains the hook , which is used to grab the reader's attention, and the thesis , or argument, which you'll explain in the next section.
  • Body : This is the heart of your essay, usually three to five paragraphs in length. Each paragraph examines one theme or issue used to support your thesis.
  • Conclusion : This is the final paragraph of your essay. In it, you'll sum up the main points of the body and connect them to your thesis. Persuasive essays often use the conclusion as a final appeal to the audience.

Learning how to write a persuasive essay is an essential skill people use every day in fields from business to law to media and entertainment. English students can begin writing a persuasive essay at any skill level. You'll surely find a sample topic or two from the list of 100 persuasive essays below, sorted by degree of difficulty.

Watch Now: 12 Ideas for Great Persuasive Essay Topics

Beginner topics.

  • Kids should get paid for good grades.
  • Students should have less homework.
  • Snow days are great for family time.
  • Penmanship is important.
  • Short hair is better than long hair.
  • We should all grow our own vegetables.
  • We need more holidays.
  • Aliens probably exist.
  • Gym class is more important than music class.
  • Kids should be able to vote.
  • Kids should get paid for extra activities like sports.
  • School should take place in the evenings.
  • Country life is better than city life.
  • City life is better than country life.
  • We can change the world.
  • Skateboard helmets should be mandatory.
  • We should provide food for the poor.
  • Children should be paid for doing chores.
  • We should populate the moon .
  • Dogs make better pets than cats.

Intermediate Topics

  • The government should impose household trash limits.
  • Nuclear weapons are an effective deterrent against foreign attack.
  • Teens should be required to take parenting classes.
  • We should teach etiquette in schools.
  • School uniform laws are unconstitutional.
  • All students should wear uniforms.
  • Too much money is a bad thing.
  • High schools should offer specialized degrees in arts or sciences.
  • Magazine advertisements send unhealthy signals to young women.
  • Robocalling should be outlawed.
  • Age 12 is too young to babysit.
  • Children should be required to read more.
  • All students should be allowed to study abroad.
  • Yearly driving tests should be mandatory past age 65.
  • Cell phones should never be used while driving.
  • All schools should implement bullying awareness programs.
  • Bullies should be kicked out of school.
  • Parents of bullies should have to pay a fine.
  • The school year should be longer.
  • School days should start later.
  • Teens should be able to choose their bedtime.
  • There should be a mandatory entrance exam for high school.
  • Public transit should be privatized.
  • We should allow pets in school.
  • The voting age should be lowered to 16.
  • Beauty contests are bad for body image.
  • Every American should learn to speak Spanish.
  • Every immigrant should learn to speak English.
  • Video games can be educational.
  • College athletes should be paid for their services.
  • We need a military draft .
  • Professional sports should eliminate cheerleaders.
  • Teens should be able to start driving at 14 instead of 16.
  • Year-round school is a bad idea.
  • High school campuses should be guarded by police officers.
  • The legal drinking age should be lowered to 19.
  • Kids under 15 shouldn't have Facebook pages.
  • Standardized testing should be eliminated.
  • Teachers should be paid more.
  • There should be one world currency.

Advanced Topics

  • Domestic surveillance without a warrant should be legal.
  • Letter grades should be replaced with a pass or fail.
  • Every family should have a natural disaster survival plan.
  • Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age.
  • Racial slurs should be illegal.
  • Gun ownership should be tightly regulated.
  • Puerto Rico should be granted statehood.
  • People should go to jail when they abandon their pets.
  • Free speech should have limitations.
  • Members of Congress should be subject to term limits.
  • Recycling should be mandatory for everyone.
  • High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility.
  • Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.
  • Recreational marijuana should be made legal nationwide.
  • Legal marijuana should be taxed and regulated like tobacco or alcohol.
  • Child support dodgers should go to jail.
  • Students should be allowed to pray in school.
  • All Americans have a constitutional right to health care.
  • Internet access should be free for everyone.
  • Social Security should be privatized.
  • Pregnant couples should receive parenting lessons.
  • We shouldn't use products made from animals.
  • Celebrities should have more privacy rights.
  • Professional football is too violent and should be banned.
  • We need better sex education in schools.
  • School testing is not effective.
  • The United States should build a border wall with Mexico and Canada.
  • Life is better than it was 50 years ago.
  • Eating meat is unethical.
  • A vegan diet is the only diet people should follow.
  • Medical testing on animals should be illegal.
  • The Electoral College is outdated.
  • Medical testing on animals is necessary.
  • Public safety is more important than an individual's right to privacy.
  • Single-sex colleges provide a better education.
  • Books should never be banned.
  • Violent video games can cause people to act violently in real life.
  • Freedom of religion has limitations.
  • Nuclear power should be illegal.
  • Climate change should be the president's primary political concern.

Key Takeaways

  • Persuasive essays aim to convince rather than confront, effectively making you advocate for a position or idea.
  • Choosing a compelling topic that evokes emotions is crucial for crafting a strong persuasive essay.
  • The main parts of a persuasive essay are the introduction (with a hook and thesis), body paragraphs (explaining themes supporting the thesis), and conclusion (summarizing main points and making a final appeal).

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Summer Boarding Courses

100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18


Being able to state your ideas and offer evidence for your arguments is an excellent skill to have! If you can convince people that you are right, you will be able to achieve so much more within your job, with your friends and new people that you meet.

Persuasive writing is about trying to get the reader to agree with your opinion or ideas. To be able to express what you want and what you believe to be true, we at Summer Boarding Courses have put together these 100 persuasive writing prompts to help you exercise your tactics!

Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers

We have 25 fun writing prompts for each age group below that we teach at Summer Boarding Courses in the UK.

Present your arguments like a pro, build upon your critical thinking skills and communicate seamlessly through your writing with these opinion writing prompts.

But first, before you begin to write, you must consider the following…

Which audience are you trying to persuade?

Who are your trying to persuade? Is it your friends, your teachers, the manager of a company or the whole community that you live within? Different groups of people have different wishes, ideas, needs and wants. Think carefully about what appeals to the group you are trying to convince.

For example, if you are student arguing that school break times should be longer to your student friends, they may be easier to persuade than the teachers!

Students love to hang out with their friends, go outside, do sport and eat delicious food.

However, if you are trying to convince the teachers at your school that break times should be longer, they may feel stressed and unsure about this. They have lessons that they need to deliver to you, work goals to meet, and your education and learning is at the forefront of their minds.

If you can convince them that you can complete your learning is less time, they might just agree that longer break times are a good idea!

Always try and appeal to each person’s perspective so that you can convince as best as you can.


Be kind and respectful

We can all have different ideas about what is right, wrong, correct and unusual. Be respectful and kind when arguing in your speech or writing about what you are standing for. We are all entitled to our opinion, and for many issues, there are pros and cons for each side that we take.

Here are some key phrases that you can use to help yourself get your point across clearly and politely:

‘In my opinion…’

‘I feel that…’

‘Others must agree that…’

‘It seems to me that…’

‘Some people believe that…’

‘For this reason…’

‘I agree that…’

‘On the other hand…’



Introduce your argument in the first paragraph

Start your piece with an introductory paragraph that states your argument. This paragraph will clearly tell the reader what your opinion is and what you are standing for.

Support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence

Most people will not be convinced of your ideas unless you can show them evidence. This evidence can be qualitative or quantitative.

Qualitative evidence

Qualitative evidence is descriptive information that can come from a personal story, an interview, a drawing or a photograph. You can find this information from personally talking to people about their experiences.

Quantitative evidence

Quantitative evidence is about numbers, statistics and concrete data. This information can come from surveys, official records and experiments which carefully follow methods to try and ensure accurate information. Many people prefer to see quantitative evidence, as personal stories collected for qualitative evidence can sometimes be inaccurate.

Show that you understand the different sides to your argument

A clear and coherent writer who is putting their argument forward will have taken the time to consider other points of view different to their own. Show the reader that you understand and can see what else people may argue. Try and have a good answer back to these thoughts.

If you have evidence to support your counterargument, even better!

Ask questions

Ask your reader questions to get them to think about what you are arguing. This way, you can challenge their point of view.

They will start thinking about other perspectives that they may not have considered before.

If you’re stuck: think about a time where you did convince someone

Has there been a time in the past where you did successfully manage to persuade someone to see your point of view? Think about this time carefully.

How did you manage to convince the person? What strategies and language did you use?

Has there been a time where you were persuaded by someone?

Channel these techniques into your writing to put forward the best argument you can.


Finish your argument with a strong closing statement

Summarise your ideas and reinforce your argument so that readers are reminded about why your argument is valid. This is your last chance to sway their opinion!

Find below our 100 essay writing prompts to help you practice your persuasive skills.

25 Persuasive Young Kids Writing Prompts

Are you looking for 4th grade and 5th grade writing prompts? Or prompts for ages a little younger or older for kids? Here are our 20 writing persuasive prompts for students aged 8 to 12!

I should be able to go to bed when I want.

All classrooms should have a class pet.

There needs to a be a non-school uniform day every week.

You can only eat apples or oranges for the next week. Which one will you eat? Why?

I should be allowed to stay home alone.

There should be no homework at school.

Break times at school should be longer.

People should be fined for dropping litter.

I should be allowed to eat ice cream every day.

All students should learn how to cook.

Persuade your family to let you open a birthday present the day before your birthday.

Persuade your family to give you twice as much pocket money.

If you could have any pet, what would it be? Convince your family why you should care for it.

Convince your friend to swap their packed lunch with yours.

Students should be allowed to pick their own seats in class.

Persuade your family to watch the film you want to watch.

Dogs are better than cats.

School holidays should be longer.

Imagine in the future, you can live on land or underwater. Which one would you choose? Why?

You have to live in another country. Which one do you choose? Why?

Convince your family to let you watch your favourite TV programme.

Students should be allowed to choose their teacher.

Students should have 3-day weekends.

You can only play one sport for the next month. What is it? Why?

Students who are late to school should do a chore for their class.

You can choose one superhero power to help others: fly or stop time. Which one do you choose? Why?

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25 Prompts for Persuasive Writing for Older Kids

Here are 25 writing persuasive prompts for students aged 11 to 15. If you’re looking for 7th grade and 8th grade writing prompts particularly, these are for you!

Mobile phones should be allowed to be used in the classroom.

It should be made mandatory to eat vegetables every day at school.

The school day should start later and end later in the day.

There should be a computer game room at school.

All students should learn at least 2 languages in school.

Students should be able to wear whatever they want at school.

Students should be taught only how to type; not write with pen and paper.

The first lesson of school every day should be exercise.

Facebook states that you must be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook account. Is this fair?

Persuade your brother/sister to do your house chores for one week.

Smoking should be banned in all public areas.

Teachers must wear a uniform to school. What is the uniform? Why?

Family should only give pocket money if chores are completed.

Persuade your teacher to let you eat your favourite snacks in class.

We should all learn how to grow our own fruit and vegetables.

Persuade your family to take you on holiday to a destination you want to go to.

Persuade your friend who doesn’t like sports to play your favourite sport with you.

Fast food like chips and pizza should be served everyday in the school canteen. Yes or no?

Persuade your family to let you stay at your friend’s house.

Teachers should not be allowed to have their cell phone in the classroom.

There should be one day per week where the whole nation must be vegetarian.

Fizzy drinks should be banned from school.

Students should be paid for getting good grades.

Is it better to have enough money, or too much money?

I should decide what time my bedtime is.


25 Ideas for Argumentative Writing Prompts for Teenagers

These writing prompts are great for students aged 13 to 16!

Teenagers should not do any chores at home.

All students should teach one lesson to their class each term.

Students should be allowed to use their mobile phones at any time in school.

All students should volunteer in their community once every week.

Persuade your friend to help you with your homework.

Imagine you can create a new class to be taught in your school. What subject would it be? Why should it be taught?

Students who commit cyber-bullying should be suspended from school. Yes or no? Why?

The voting age should be lowered to age 13.

Persuade your teacher to have their lessons outside in the Summer.

Persuade your family to let you redecorate your bedroom.

Imagine that you have been granted a ticket to live on Mars. If you go, you are not allowed to come back to Earth. Would you go? Why?

Textbooks should be replaced by tablets or e-readers.

Persuade your teacher to end their class 10 minutes early.

Persuade your teacher to let your class have a party.

Imagine that you are given 1 million pounds to improve your neighbourhood. What would you do with the money? Why are your ideas the right thing to do?

Persuade your teacher to not set your class homework for the next month.

Everyone under the age of 17 should have to stay in after 9pm.

People should only be allowed to drive their cars 4 days a week to minimise pollution.

Country life is better than city life.

All students should be allowed to study abroad once per year.

Teenagers under the age of 15 should not be allowed to have a Facebook page.

The internet should be free for everyone.

Everyone should eat vegan food one day per week.

All school classes should be outdoors in the forest.

25 Young Adult Persuasive Essay Prompts

These quick writing prompts for students aged 15 to 17 will have you scribbling away to get your point across!

All students should learn how to make YouTube videos.

People should pay extra tax when they buy drinks in plastic bottles.

Humans are living longer, to the point where we may become immortal in the future. Would living forever be a good? Argue your point of view.

Students should be allowed to listen to their own music on headphones when working in class. Argue your viewpoint.

Teenagers around the world should not be allowed to drive until they are 18.

You have been given money to hold a major event in your hometown. What would the event be about or for? Why should people come?

Imagine you want to be the next president of your country. Why should people vote for you?

Convince your friend to lend you something special of theirs.

Persuade your family to let you study overseas at a Summer School next year.

Imagine that you have been given the chance to interview for your dream job. Convince the boss that you are the person they should choose.

Persuade your family to watch a movie on Netflix that you want to watch.

You have just started a new business making a phone better than the iPhone. Explain what features your phone has, that makes it much better than Apple’s.

Persuade a friend to come to a new activity group with you that they are feeling anxious about.

Aliens exist. True or false? Argue your point of view.

All young adults should be required by law to volunteer in their community once every week. Yes or no?

Mathematics class is more important than music class. Yes or no? Why?

City life is better than country life.

Driving tests should be mandatory every year after you are 65 years old.

Students who bully others should be suspended from school.

There should be one currency for the whole world.

Recycling should be a legal requirement for every household.

Life is better than it was 10 years ago.

Girls and boys should study separately in school.

You can choose to put one celebrity on your country’s highest-value banknote. Who is the celebrity? Why should they be placed on the note?

Life is better without a computer.

Are you ready to improve your persuasive writing?

We hope you have enjoyed these free writing prompts! This is your chance to change the world in which we live through your thoughts!

If you want to work on your writing in English, try and aim to make these your daily writing prompts! We also recommend using pictures as writing prompts. Looking at pictures with writing prompts, rather than just seeing a sentence, can help you create your arguments and ideas if you are a  visual learner .

Want more inspiration for your next writing tasks? If so, explore our rundown of the best books for essay writing.

Or, if you are ready to fully immerse yourself in a thriving and educational setting, come and study with us this Summer!

At Summer Boarding Courses, we run many courses for all international students aged 8 to 17 years old and would love for you to join us. We can help you improve your ESL writing as well as your English speaking, listening and reading skills with many other nationalities.

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How to teach persuasive writing

How do you teach students to write a great persuasive text.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that all persuasive writing sounds the same – that formulaic five-paragraph essay that most of us learned at school – but it’s so much more than that!

With the right techniques, a persuasive text can hook the reader and engage their emotions, surprise them or make them laugh, and leave them feeling inspired to take action or change their opinion.

Teaching your students to write a persuasive piece involves training them on the skills and techniques authors and writers use. You’ll need to help them understand what great persuasive writing looks like and the skills writers use to create the biggest impact.

The Seven Steps chunking and skilled-based approach will help any new learner to improve and become masters of persuasion.

Free Persuasive Writing Resources

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Writing samples and exemplars

See the difference the Seven Steps can make with student samples and discover how professionals use the Seven Steps techniques in persuasive texts.

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Planning for persuasive writing

Explore ready-made lesson plans, activities and planning exemplars to discover how to teach the key concepts behind each Step.

Each lesson plan includes relevant links to the Australian Curriculum and NAPLAN marking criteria, plus a learning intention and success criteria to assist with planning and assessment.

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Persuasive picture writing prompts

Fun and quick writing practice to develop your students’ writing and to get students’ creative juices flowing.

Use them daily or weekly to build students’ confidence in their persuasive writing and as a fun way to practise one Step at a time.

View writing prompts >

Comprehensive step-by-step resources.

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Persuasive Writing Manual

Packed with practical, time-saving classroom resources, this manual makes planning and implementing the Seven Steps just as fun as learning it!

Includes a user-friendly digital file, plus a photocopy and intranet licence for your entire school.

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Teacher Hub: Persuasive Writing Course

Step-by-Step teaching modules to guide your implementation process. The Persuasive Writing Course in Teacher Hub gives you a clear pathway to learn, teach, apply and assess persuasive writing.

Discover how to get the creative juices flowing in your writing lessons and create unique persuasive texts.

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Teaching tips for Persuasive writing

Explore more! Make persuasive writing fun with tips and expert insights.

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Thank you so much. This has truly helped me in my exams and throughout the beneficial journey of my school year.

Ellen Davis

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Sandra Conner

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your work with us. As teachers, we are always in need of fresh material. I teach college level creative writing classes, and your worksheets help my students. Sometimes I change the essay topics to fit their particular age group or interest, but having these examples laid out for us and made available for use in our classrooms is wonderful.

Lifesaver! Thank you for the great ideas and guidance. I am a new teacher, and finding this site has made a true turn around in my instruction. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Thank you for these great step by step resources

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Thanks for sharing! Best.

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I give your comment 0 stars because your position lacks support or evidence of any kind. Complete some of these worksheets and begin your argument again.

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I wrote them.

I did not see any activities that required the student to write an entire essay.


Lamar Mohamed

Thank you for this information! They helped me in my exam so much!

These are fantastic resources! Thank you so much for sharing them. I only wish I had found them earlier in the school year!

There’s always next year…

Thank you so much for all you do for teachers. I love an use practically everything on your Website!

That’s awesome. Thanks for visiting my website.

I really like this website

Shenard McDougal

How can a teacher get the answers to the worksheets?

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23 Persuasive writing Topics for High School students

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Persuasive Writing Topics for High School Students

Writing a persuasive essay can be difficult for teachers and students if you don’t have a great idea to help get those creative juices flowing.  These prompts cover a range of issues and topics that are pertinent to middle school and high school students and can be easily adapted to work with a topic you have been teaching in your own class.

Students really enjoy the opportunity to try and change the world in which they live, and hopefully, these prompts might be a great starting point.

Remember that if you are looking for more excellent free resources and structured guides to teach all aspects of English, especially writing, be sure to visit literacyideas.com and check out our vast collection of prompts here.

Year Long Inference Based Writing Activities

Visual Writing Prompts

Tap into the power of imagery in your classroom to master INFERENCE as AUTHORS and CRITICAL THINKERS .

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (26 Reviews)

This YEAR-LONG 500+ PAGE unit is packed with robust opportunities for your students to develop the critical skill of inference through fun imagery, powerful thinking tools, and graphic organizers.


  • Some parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their behavior because they believe an allowance teaches children to be financially responsible. Other parents only give children an allowance as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what you think parents should do and why.
  • Many schools now require teenagers to spend a certain number of hours each term doing volunteer work or community service. Some people believe this is an excellent idea as it promotes good citizenship and cultivates compassion. Others feel that forced volunteerism is not volunteering at all. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • Some parts of the world allow people to get a driver’s license at age sixteen. Many feel this age is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
  • What is your all-time favorite book or movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film or read this book.
  • Have you ever made a life changing action that has had a positive effect on you or the lives of others? Write an essay that convinces readers to make a change for the better.
  • You have been asked to write a letter that would convince a organizers of a major event to be hosted in your hometown. Write an essay that convinces these delegates that your town would be great host.
  • Top professional athletes often have salaries and bonuses in the tens of millions of dollars. Do you think these athletes deserve this type of income? Why or why not? Explain your position and use specific reasons and examples.
  • Humans have always wondered about the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists? Write an essay persuading others to share your point of view .
  • If someone discovered the ‘Elixir of life’ that would enable us to live forever, would it be a blessing or a curse? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • If you have you ever traveled to a place that you found very meaningful and rewarding? Write an essay that persuades others to visit this important place.
  • Nearly all private schools require students to wear uniforms. Should public school students wear uniforms too? Argue for or against school uniforms for public school students. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • You are to select one item from the twenty-first century to place in a time capsule for future generations, what would you choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice, explaining both the item’s significance and the reasons why it embodies the culture of the early twenty-first century.
  • What would improve your town or city? Write an essay convincing officials to make a change that would improve your neighborhood.
  • Some studies have shown students often perform better on exams if music is played softly in the background. However, some students may find the music distracting. Should schools play classical music during exams and/or allow students to listen to headphones whilst working? Take a position and explain your answer.
  • Should parents be a child’s disciplinarian, or their best friend?
  • Take a position and explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  • Millions of people visit zoos around the world. But some people believe that zoos are inhumane and that animals should not be kept in captivity. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • In most countries people pay taxes based upon how much they earn: the higher their income, the higher the percentage of that income they must pay in taxes. Many people argue that a flat tax, in which everyone pays the same rate regardless of income, would be a more equitable and desirable tax system. Which of these two tax systems do you think is best, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Is it wise to devote time and money to building a space station on the moon or Mars? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  • An ancient Greek proverb states, “All things good to know are difficult to learn.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  • Imagine that you know someone who is unfamiliar with computers and has never been on the Internet. Write an essay convincing this relative to get a computer and get online.
  • Imagine that you have made it to the final round of interviews for your dream job. Convince your prospective employers that you are the one who most deserves the position.
  • Is there something that you believe is truly worth fighting for? Write an essay persuading others that this cause is worth a fight.

If you have any other great ideas for persuasive prompts please post them in the comments section below. 


Persuasive Writing Topics, essay, essay writing, prompts | opinion writing unit 1 | 23 Persuasive writing Topics for High School students | literacyideas.com

Teach your students to produce writing that  PERSUADES  and  INFLUENCES  thinking with this  HUGE  writing guide bundle covering: ⭐ Persuasive Texts / Essays ⭐ Expository Essays⭐ Argumentative Essays⭐ Discussions.

A complete 140 PAGE unit of work on persuasive texts for teachers and students. No preparation is required.

Free Printable Persuasive Writing Worksheets for 7th Year

Persuasive Writing worksheets for Year 7 Reading & Writing teachers! Discover a variety of free printable resources to help students develop strong arguments and improve their persuasive writing skills.


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Explore printable Persuasive Writing worksheets for 7th Year

Persuasive Writing worksheets for Year 7 are an essential tool for teachers looking to enhance their students' reading and writing skills. These worksheets provide a structured approach to teaching persuasive writing, focusing on the key elements of argumentation, evidence, and organization. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can help Year 7 students develop a strong foundation in nonfiction writing, preparing them for more advanced coursework in high school and beyond. With a variety of engaging topics and exercises, these Persuasive Writing worksheets for Year 7 are designed to spark students' interest and creativity while reinforcing critical thinking and communication skills.

Quizizz, a popular online platform for interactive learning, offers a wide range of resources for teachers, including Persuasive Writing worksheets for Year 7. In addition to these worksheets, Quizizz provides a variety of other offerings such as quizzes, flashcards, and interactive games, all designed to support and enhance students' reading and writing abilities. By incorporating Quizizz into their lesson plans, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promotes active participation and collaboration among Year 7 students. The platform's user-friendly interface and customizable features make it easy for teachers to tailor their instruction to meet the diverse needs of their students, ensuring that every learner has the opportunity to develop and refine their persuasive writing skills.

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Persuasive Writing Year 7

Persuasive Writing Year 7

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

1 October 2019

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Lesson on Persuasive Writing Year 7

Brief overview for students

How to write persuasively

What connectives to use

How to analyse an issue

A quick brainstorm for students

How to evaluate a speech - marking criteria for students

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50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

  • 5-minute read
  • 19th January 2023

Welcome to your ultimate guide to persuasive essay topics! 

In this post, we’ll provide a list of 50 persuasive essay topics to help you get started on your next assignment. 

We’ll also include some tips for writing a persuasive essay to help you craft a strong and effective argument. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, these persuasive essay topics are sure to inspire and challenge you.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essays are a type of argumentative essay that encourage the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action.

They typically open with a question, followed by a series of arguments intended to persuade the reader to take the same side as the author.

In a persuasive essay, the author will usually appeal to the readers’ emotions in order to prove that their opinion is the correct one. But this doesn’t mean that persuasive essays ignore evidence , facts, and figures; an effective persuasive essay makes use of a combination of logical argument and emotive language to sway the audience.

A persuasive essay can cover just about anything from pop culture to politics. With that in mind, we’ve put together this list of 50 persuasive essay topics to inspire your next assignment!

Top 50 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Should the government censor the internet?
  • Should the government regulate the sale of violent video games?
  • Should self-driving cars be banned?
  • Is facial recognition software unethical?
  • Should mental health apps collect users’ personal data?
  • Should children under 13 have cell phones?
  • Should internet access be treated as a human right?
  • Should all paperwork be digitized?

Science and the Environment

  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Should genetically modified organisms be labeled?
  • Should we clone human beings?
  • Should animal testing be allowed?
  • Should the government fund space exploration?
  • Should the government regulate the use of pesticides in farming?
  • Should the government regulate the use of antibiotics in livestock?
  • Should the government fine people who drive gas-powered vehicles?
  • Should climate change be declared a national emergency?

Crime and Politics

  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should all American citizens have to serve a year of community service?
  • Should the US voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Should the government adopt a tougher immigration policy?
  • Should the government cut its military spending?
  • Should the government introduce a national living wage?
  • Should politicians be banned from social media?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?

Health and Fitness

  • Should the government provide universal healthcare?
  • Should the government ban the use of certain chemicals in cosmetics?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the gender of their unborn child?
  • Should physical exercise be mandatory at work?
  • Should employees have to disclose health conditions to their employers?
  • Should fast food commercials be banned?
  • Should herbal medicines be better regulated?
  • Should regular mental health checkups be mandatory?
  • Should schools offer fast food options like McDonald’s or Taco Bell?
  • Should students be required to wear uniforms?
  • Should the government provide free college education?
  • Should schools offer comprehensive sex education?
  • Are high school students given too much homework?
  • Should humanities and arts subjects receive more funding?
  • Should military recruiters be allowed on school grounds?
  • Is the school day too long?
  • Should every US citizen be required to learn another language?

Lifestyle and Culture

Find this useful.

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  • Should the drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • Should the use of tobacco be banned?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should all museums and art galleries be free?
  • Should kids be encouraged to read more?
  • Should public spaces provide unisex bathrooms?
  • Is pet ownership a human right?
  • Should extreme sports be banned?

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to start writing your persuasive essay. Here are our tips:

Choose a Side

When you’ve picked the question you’re going to address in your essay, you also need to choose one side – or answer – that you’re going to write in favor of.

It helps if you’re passionate about the topic, as this will enable you to write from an emotional perspective.

Do Your Research

In order to write persuasively , you need to understand the topic you’re writing about. 

Make sure you know the details of your subject matter, and can provide facts and figures to back up your appeal to your readers’ emotions.

You should also read up about different points of view on the topic, so that you can bring them up in the form of counterarguments and rebuttals .

Keep Your Audience in Mind

When you’re writing your essay, think about who it is you’re trying to persuade. The way you speak to a student, for example, will be different to how you address a parent.

Consider what your potential audience will value, and how you can reach them on an emotional level. 

Outline Your Essay

Now you’ve got all the information you need, it’s time to plan and write your essay.

You should break it down into the follow sections:

  • An introduction, which sets up the question you’re going to answer and what side of the argument you are aiming to persuade the reader of.
  • The body of the essay, with a paragraph for each of the points you want to make.
  • A conclusion, where you summarize your points and main arguments.

Get It Proofread

As with any essay, your finished persuasive essay will need proofreading to make sure it’s the best it can be.

Our academic proofreading team here at Proofed can help with that. You can even get your first 500 words proofread for free !

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Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 in Queensland

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  • Year 7: Persuasive speech

Year 7 English sample assessment - Persuasive speech

persuasive essays for year 7

Image source: Microphone by Juan_Alvaro / CC BY 2.0

This sample assessment is based on previous versions of the Australian Curriculum.

Persuasive speech


Students are able to develop an awareness of how everyday texts seek to position them. Applying this awareness to their own writing and speaking will help students evaluate how best to position readers or listeners. Continued practice of writing and speaking formally in a familiar context will encourage students to feel more confident and interact successfully in different situations.

  • plan and draft a persuasive speech where they attempt to convince their class to agree with their point of view
  • analyse their persuasive speech
  • present their persuasive speech.

Spoken/signed: Persuasive text

Year 7 English – Persuasive speech (PDF, 633  kB )

  • Teacher guidelines (includes cover page)
  • Student booklet
  • Task-specific standards: Continua
  • Task-specific standards: Matrix
  • Assessment resource: Sample response
  • Assessment resource: Persuasive devices
  • Assessment resource: Note-taking and cue cards
  • Assessment resource: Presentation feedback

Download the full assessment (contains the documents as Word files):

Year 7 English – Persuasive speech (ZIP, 9386  kB )

Australian Curriculum sample assessments

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  • Year 6: Making the headlines
  • Year 6: Your place (2012 QCAT)
  • Year 8: Unlocking the power in poetry
  • Year 9: Navigating celebrity
  • Year 9: The Wahs of Wonder (2012 QCAT)
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Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.

A photomontage illustration of Donald Trump.

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When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then–House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked . One of Trump’s sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted false claims that Paul Pelosi had somehow brought the onslaught upon himself through a sexual misadventure.

After authorities apprehended a right-wing-extremist plot to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Trump belittled the threat at a rally. He disparaged Whitmer as a political enemy. His supporters chanted “Lock her up.” Trump laughed and replied , “Lock them all up.”

Fascism feasts on violence. In the years since his own supporters attacked the Capitol to overturn the 2020 election—many of them threatening harm to Speaker Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence—Trump has championed the invaders, would-be kidnappers, and would-be murderers as martyrs and hostages. He has vowed to pardon them if returned to office. His own staffers have testified to the glee with which Trump watched the mayhem on television.

Now the bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well. The attempted murder of Trump—and the killing of a person nearby—is a horror and an outrage. More will be learned about the man who committed this appalling act, and who was killed by the Secret Service. Whatever his mania or motive, the only important thing about him is the law-enforcement mistake that allowed him to bring a deadly weapon so close to a campaign event and gain a sight line of the presidential candidate. His name should otherwise be erased and forgotten.

It is sadly incorrect to say, as so many have, that political violence “has no place” in American society. Assassinations, lynchings, riots, and pogroms have stained every page of American political history. That has remained true to the present day. In 2016 , and even more in 2020, Trump supporters brought weapons to intimidate opponents and vote-counters. Trump and his supporters envision a new place for violence as their defining political message in the 2024 election. Fascist movements are secular religions. Like all religions, they offer martyrs as their proof of truth. The Mussolini movement in Italy built imposing monuments to its fallen comrades. The Trump movement now improves on that: The leader himself will be the martyr in chief, his own blood the basis for his bid for power and vengeance.

Christopher R. Browning: A new kind of fascism

The 2024 election was already shaping up as a symbolic contest between an elderly and weakening liberalism too frail and uncertain to protect itself and an authoritarian, reactionary movement ready to burst every barrier and trash every institution. To date, Trump has led only a minority of U.S. voters, but that minority’s passion and audacity have offset what it lacks in numbers. After the shooting, Trump and his backers hope to use the iconography of a bloody ear and face, raised fist, and call to “Fight!” to summon waverers to their cause of installing Trump as an anti-constitutional ruler, exempted from ordinary law by his allies on the Supreme Court.

Other societies have backslid to authoritarianism because of some extraordinary crisis: economic depression, hyperinflation, military defeat, civil strife. In 2024, U.S. troops are nowhere at war. The American economy is booming, providing spectacular and widely shared prosperity. A brief spasm of mild post-pandemic inflation has been overcome. Indicators of social health have abruptly turned positive since Trump left office after years of deterioration during his term. Crime and fatal drug overdoses are declining in 2024; marriages and births are rising. Even the country’s problems indirectly confirm the country’s success: Migrants are crossing the border in the hundreds of thousands, because they know, even if Americans don’t, that the U.S. job market is among the hottest on Earth.

Yet despite all of this success, Americans are considering a form of self-harm that in other countries has typically followed the darkest national failures: letting the author of a failed coup d’état return to office to try again.

One reason this self-harm is nearing consummation is that American society is poorly prepared to understand and respond to radical challenges, once those challenges gain a certain mass. For nearly a century, “radical” in U.S. politics has usually meant “fringe”: Communists, Ku Kluxers, Black Panthers, Branch Davidians, Islamist jihadists. Radicals could be marginalized by the weight of the great American consensus that stretches from social democrats to business conservatives. Sometimes, a Joe McCarthy or a George Wallace would throw a scare into that mighty consensus, but in the past such challengers rarely formed stable coalitions with accepted stakeholders in society. Never gaining an enduring grip on the institutions of state, they flared up and burned out.

Trump is different. His abuses have been ratified by powerful constituencies. He has conquered and colonized one of the two major parties. He has defeated—or is on the way to defeating—every impeachment and prosecution to hold him to account for his frauds and crimes. He has assembled a mass following that is larger, more permanent, and more national in reach than any previous American demagogue. He has dominated the scene for nine years already, and he and his supporters hope they can use yesterday’s appalling event to extend the Trump era to the end of his life and beyond.

The American political and social system cannot treat such a person as an alien. It inevitably accommodates and naturalizes him. His counselors, even the thugs and felons, join the point-counterpoint dialogue at the summit of the American elite. President Joe Biden nearly wrecked his campaign because he felt obliged to meet Trump in debate. How could Biden have done otherwise? Trump is the three-time nominee of the Republican Party; it’s awkward and strange to treat him as an insurrectionist against the American state—though that’s what Trump was and is.

David Frum: Biden’s heartbreaking press conference

The despicable shooting at Trump, which also caused death and injury to others, now secures his undeserved position as a partner in the protective rituals of the democracy he despises. The appropriate expressions of dismay and condemnation from every prominent voice in American life have the additional effect of habituating Americans to Trump’s legitimacy. In the face of such an outrage, the familiar and proper practice is to stress unity, to proclaim that Americans have more things in common than that divide them. Those soothing words, true in the past, are less true now.

Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic in American life.

The Republican National Convention, which opens this week, will welcome to its stage apologists for Vladimir Putin’s Russia and its aggression against U.S. allies. Trump’s own infatuation with Russia and other dictatorships has not dimmed even slightly with age or experience. Yet all of these urgent and necessary truths must now be subordinated to the ritual invocation of “thoughts and prayers” for someone who never gave a thought or uttered a prayer for any of the victims of his own many incitements to bloodshed. The president who used his office to champion the rights of dangerous people to own military-type weapons says he was grazed by a bullet from one such assault rifle.

Conventional phrases and polite hypocrisy fill a useful function in social life. We say “Thank you for your service” both to the decorated hero and to the veteran who barely escaped dishonorable discharge. It’s easier than deciphering which was which. We wish “Happy New Year!” even when we dread the months ahead.

Adrienne LaFrance: Thoughts, prayers, and Facebook rants aren’t enough

But conventional phrases don’t go unheard. They carry meanings, meanings no less powerful for being rote and reflexive. In rightly denouncing violence, we are extending an implicit pardon to the most violent person in contemporary U.S. politics. In asserting unity, we are absolving a man who seeks power through the humiliation and subordination of disdained others.

Those conventional phrases are inscribing Trump into a place in American life that he should have forfeited beyond redemption on January 6, 2021. All decent people welcome the sparing of his life. Trump’s reckoning should be with the orderly process of law, not with the bloodshed he rejoiced in when it befell others. He and his allies will exploit a gunman’s vicious criminality as their path to exonerate past crimes and empower new ones. Those who stand against Trump and his allies must find the will and the language to explain why these crimes, past and planned, are all wrong, all intolerable—and how the gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy.

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Reporting by Nathan Layne, Gabriella Borter and Soren Larson in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania; Additional reporting by Katharine Jackson, Sarah N. Lynch, Richard Cowan, Caitlin Webber, Nandita Bose, Ismail Shakil, Joseph Ax, Andrew Hay and Kanishka Singh; Writing by Frank McGurty, Scott Malone and Michelle Nichols; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Howard Goller and Lincoln Feast.

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Washington-based correspondent covering campaigns and Congress. Previously posted in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Santiago, Chile, and has reported extensively throughout Latin America. Co-winner of the 2021 Reuters Journalist of the Year Award in the business coverage category for a series on corruption and fraud in the oil industry. He was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard College.

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Helen Coster is a U.S. Presidential Election Correspondent at Reuters, where she writes a mix of spot news, enterprise and analysis stories, with a focus on the Republican Party and conservative media. Prior to 2024 she covered the media industry for Reuters, and was also a Senior Editor on Reuters’ Commentary team. A graduate of Princeton University, she has reported from six countries, including Pakistan, India, and Greece.

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Critic’s Notebook

After 12 Years of Reviewing Restaurants, I’m Leaving the Table

Pete Wells is moving on from his role as the Times restaurant critic, a job with many rewards and maybe too many courses.

A hand tacks up a sheet of paper showing a photo of Pete Wells and others. It reads, “NYC Restaurant Critics. Alert Management.”

By Pete Wells

Early this year, I went for my first physical in longer than I’d care to admit. At the time, I was about halfway through a list of 140 or so restaurants I planned to visit before I wrote the 2024 edition of “The 100 Best Restaurants in New York City.” It was a fair bet that I wasn’t in the best shape of my life.

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My scores were bad across the board; my cholesterol, blood sugar and hypertension were worse than I’d expected even in my doomiest moments. The terms pre-diabetes, fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome were thrown around. I was technically obese.

OK, not just technically.

I knew I needed to change my life. I promised I’d start just as soon as I’d eaten in the other 70 restaurants on my spreadsheet.

But a funny thing happened when I got to the end of all that eating: I realized I wasn’t hungry. And I’m still not, at least not the way I used to be. And so, after 12 years as restaurant critic for The New York Times, I’ve decided to bow out as gracefully as my state of technical obesity will allow.

Not that I’m leaving the newsroom. I have a couple more restaurant reviews in my back pocket that will appear over the next few weeks, and I plan to stick around at The Times long after that. But I can’t hack the week-to-week reviewing life anymore.

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