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How To Write a Resume Objective For a Career Change

Not sure if an objective still belongs on your resume? Here are recruiter-backed tips on how to write an effective resume objective in 2024, with specific advice for career changers.

2 years ago   •   8 min read

Job hunting is never easy, but it’s even harder when you’re changing careers. That’s where a modern resume objective comes in. It’s a concise statement at the top of your resume that contextualizes your past experience, signals your intent to change careers, and highlights relevant skills or achievements.

If your first question is, “aren’t resume objectives outdated?” then the answer is yes, but they don’t have to be. Here’s how to write a modern, recruiter-friendly resume objective , with specific advice for people aiming to change careers in 2024 .

Resume objectives vs resume summaries

First, before we go any further, let’s address the elephant in the room: Yes, traditional resume objectives are outdated and do not belong on a modern resume.

There are many reasons why, but it basically boils down to the fact that hiring managers want to know what you can do for them, and resume objectives typically focus on what a company can do for you.

But, while traditional resume objectives might be outdated, a modernized version can be a powerful tool for those looking to change careers. This new and improved version, often called a 'resume summary,' can showcase your professional highlights, relevant skills, and your intention to shift careers.

In short, resume objectives are out, and resume summaries are in. So, for the rest of this article, when we’re talking about your resume objective, we’re really talking about your new and improved resume summary.

Do I need a resume objective for a career change resume?

If we're talking about a traditional resume objective, then No. It’s better to remove it and take advantage of the extra space to include more relevant work experience and hard skills.

But if we’re talking about a resume summary, then Yes!

When you’re changing careers, it’s important to include your new/proposed job title somewhere on your resume to get past ATS , and a resume summary is a great place to do that. A summary objective can also help explain to hiring managers why you’re applying for a position that doesn’t directly align with your experience and helps highlight relevant qualifications or recent training.

How to write a career change resume objective

  • Put your objective at the top of your resume, just below your contact information, under the optional title of ‘ Summary .’
  • Include the title of the job you’re applying for and the company name.
  • Mention any relevant skills or experience you can bring to the role, including any impressive accomplishments you want to highlight.
  • Keep it brief — a resume objective can be as short as a single line.
  • Tailor your objective to the job you’re applying for by mentioning relevant transferable skills.
  • Check whether you’ve hit the mark with our free Targeted Resume tool.

Now let's delve into more details about what your resume objective should (and shouldn’t) include, with examples you can use to create your own career change resume objective.

Examples of resume objectives for a career change

A resume objective doesn’t need to be complicated. A single line explaining what role you’re applying for can be enough to bypass ATS and indicate your intent to a hiring manager. For example:

To become a graphic designer at Kool Grafix, Inc.

When changing careers, it can be useful to highlight any similar experience or transferable skills upfront. For example:

To bring my two years of volunteer experience to the events coordinator role at Inner City Events.

A longer summary-style objective is ideal for career changers who want a little more space to contextualize past experience and highlight any standout accomplishments:

Ex-Sales Associate transitioning into an Administrative Assistant role. Diverse experience resolving customer inquiries, opening accounts and managing schedules. Over 3 years of experience managing teams of 5-15 people. Exceeded sales target by 95% in 2022, winning the Business Store Award.

Follow these examples to write your own objective, or try out our Resume Summary Generator to help get you started.

Do’s and don’ts of writing a resume objective

Let’s start by taking a look at what (and what not) to do when writing a resume objective for a career change.

Don’t: Write a traditional resume objective

Here’s an example of a fairly typical resume objective that recruiters don’t want to see:

To use my excellent people skills to obtain a position that will allow me to grow professionally and reach my fullest potential.

Recruiters don’t care about what you want from them, so don’t focus on that, and avoid buzzwords and vague long-term career aspirations.

Instead, focus on your acomplishments and what you bring to the table. To be effective, your resume objective should highlight relevant experience, quantifiable achievements, and transferable skills. To find out if your resume does just that, upload it to the tool below — it’ll give you a detailed analysis of your career change resume objective and suggestions for improvements.

Do: Be concise and specific

A good resume objective should focus on your specific, short-term professional goals. It should include:

  • The specific position and company you’re applying for
  • The key skills or experience you will bring to the role

That’s it! There’s no need to dive into who you are as a person, why you need a job right now, or what you want out of life.

Here’s an example of a brief but effective resume objective:

To become a sales representative at Elite Motors.

If you want to use your resume objective to highlight transferable skills, you can add more to it — but not too much. For example:

To bring my 5 years of experience in project management to the operations manager role at West Coast Pipeline.

The key is to focus on what rather than why — what job you’re seeking, what company you’re applying to, and what makes you stand out from the rest.

Do: Emphasize metrics and quantifiable achievements

Use metrics and quantifiable achievements to enhance your new resume objective. This approach is particularly effective for career changers as it provides concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments.

For example, instead of simply stating your previous role, mention specific achievements such as “Increased sales by 30% over two years” or “Led a team that successfully completed a major project under budget and ahead of schedule.”

Do: Include a summary of your key qualifications

A summary-style resume objective should:

  • Briefly outline your past experience
  • State any new or relevant qualifications
  • Highlight a few transferable skills or notable accomplishments

Here’s a basic resume summary format you can adapt to fit your situation:

Ex-[Current Job Title] transitioning into an [Future Job Title] role after [completing X relevant certification] and [relevant accomplishment]. Diverse experience [doing X transferrable skill in new job], [Y transferable skill in new job] and [Z transferable skill in new job]. Over 5 years of experience managing global teams of 5-20 people and working with C-Suite executives. [Describe one significant accomplishment in the format of Action Verb + Accomplishment + Metric].

Do: Research and incorporate current industry trends

When crafting your resume objective, demonstrate your up-to-date knowledge and commitment to your new field by researching current trends in your target industry, and incorporating these into your statement.

For example, if you are transitioning to a tech role, mention your familiarity with emerging technologies and new software.

For example:

Ex-project manager transitioning to a software development role with a keen focus on emerging technologies in cloud computing and machine learning. Recently completed a specialized course in AI-driven development.

Do: Keep your resume objective updated and current

As you progress through your career change, it's crucial to keep your resume objective updated, so it accurately represents your current capabilities. Regular updates show your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth, which is particularly important for career changers actively acquiring new skills and qualifications.

In this example, the candidate demonstrates how they have actively worked to bridge the gap between their past experience and their new career path:

Ex-project manager recently certified in SEO and digital marketing, with a background in sales management, now seeking to leverage my combined expertise in an online marketing strategist role.

How to identify and highlight transferable skills in your resume objective

As a career changer, one of your most powerful tools is the ability to showcase transferable skills. Transferable skills are competencies that are relevant to a variety of different industries and can include things like leadership, project management, communication, and analytical abilities.

By mentioning transferable skills in your resume objective, you can show potential employers why your seemingly unrelated past experience makes you a great fit for this new role.

To showcase transferable skills in your resume objective:

  • Look at the job description for your desired position and compare the skills to those you've developed in previous jobs, even if they seem unrelated. For instance, project management skills in an IT role can be relevant in a managerial position in another sector.
  • Showcase those skills in a way that explains their relevance to the new industry by changing the terminology to match your desired field or focusing on one particular aspect of a larger role.
  • Highlight your experience with these skills using quantifiable metrics. For example, if your leadership in a previous job led to a 20% increase in team efficiency, mention it.

Here is an example of a resume objective that highlights transferable skills:

Ex-Sales Manager transitioning into an HR Manager role after completing HR CIPD Level 5 certificate. Over 5 years of experience managing global teams of 5-20 people and working with C-Suite executives.

The benefits of including a resume objective when changing careers

Wondering why you should bother including a resume objective at all? Here are a few good reasons:

To confirm that you’re deliberately aiming for a career change

If you’re changing careers, sometimes the first hurdle can be explaining that, yes, you do want this job as a software developer, and no, you didn’t apply by accident. Even a one-line resume objective can help with this — putting the title of the job you’re applying for in your objective can help your resume get past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and signal a deliberate intent to change careers.

To address a gap in your resume

You can use your resume objective to address a gap in your resume and negate any potential recruiter concerns regarding your time away from work. Focus on the skills and experiences you gained during the time away by highlighting any training or qualifications you gained, and discuss how the period contributed positively to your career goals.

For example, a marketing professional transitioning to user experience design might mention completing a UX certification and engaging in freelance projects during a career break. This approach demonstrates a proactive attitude and readiness for new challenges, showing potential employers that the gap was a valuable investment in your future career.

To replace (or accompany) a cover letter

Not all positions ask for (or require) a cover letter . Even if you did write one, including a quick line at the top of your resume clearly stating the role you’re applying for can help ensure that your resume ends up in the right place.

To quickly outline your key skills and experience

Recruiters tend to briefly skim resumes rather than carefully reading each section. That means that you’ll want to put the most important information at the top of your resume where it’s more likely to stand out. Use your resume objective to pull out a few key accomplishments from your resume that you don’t want the hiring manager to miss.

Try to include skills that are relevant to the career you want to move into. if you're not sure what skills those are, search for your target role or industry in the tool below.

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how to write career change resume objective

How To Write A Resume Objective Statement (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

objective for resume

By Mike Simpson

UPDATED 5/18/2022

Resumes. We all know what they are. We all know how important having a good one is…and how much a bad one can hurt your ability to get your dream job. That’s why reviewing different resume objective examples is essential, ensuring you can create well-crafted, carefully targeted resumes for hiring managers.

So, how do you make sure your resume objective – and entire application – stands out? We’ll tell you. Come with us as we explore some resume objective statement examples, as well as tips on how to ensure yours shines.

What is a Resume Objective?

how to write career change resume objective

“My objective? Well, that’s easy. My objective is to get the job.”

Absolutely, we couldn’t agree more. But an objective on your resume is so much more than just writing, “Hey, hire me. I’m super awesome.”

So, what is an objective for a resume?

Well, according to the Marquette University College of Business Administration , “an objective statement is a concise, position-centered statement describing the value you can add and the needs you can fulfill.”

Our friends over at take it a step further, saying: “A well-written resume objective statement can be customized for the job you’re applying for and add value to your resume that sets it apart from other applicants.”

Essentially, a resume objective is a targeted snippet that clearly outlines your career direction while simultaneously positioning you as someone who fits what the employer is looking for exactly.

Sounds pretty ingenious, right? So why don’t more people have them on their resumes?

Resume objectives can be a bit controversial. Some people think they can make you look amateurish…which, if you don’t do it correctly, is absolutely true. But that can be said for any section of your resume.

Other schools of thought think that the objectives should be taken out entirely and replaced with the more popular “ resume summary statement .”

You may be wondering, “What if I use a resume objective and the hiring manager looks at it and laughs? Are they going to throw out my resume…or worse, put it on the wall of shame?”

Now, nobody is going to laugh at your resume objective as long as you use the right approach. Additionally, if your career is moving in certain directions, using a resume objective makes more sense than the alternatives.

When Should You Use a Resume Objective?

Are you relatively new to the job search market or lack work experience?

Are you changing industries?

Are you targeting a specific job or position?

If you answered “YES” to any of these above questions, then the resume objective is potentially perfect. If you answered “NO” to all of the above questions, you might be better off with a “Resume Summary Statement.”

For those of you in the middle of a career change or who might just be starting out, a resume objective statement allows you to define your goal to a potential employer…something that your work history might not otherwise be able to do for you.

Imagine how confused a hiring manager would be if they were looking for candidates to fill an office coordinator position and you sent in a resume with ten years of experience in marketing. Without an objective statement, the hiring manager might just assume your resume has been accidentally sent to them and simply discard it.

With an objective statement, you can not only let the hiring manager know that your resume IS in the right spot but also explain that you’re making the switch and show that your skill set does align with this new career path.

If you’re targeting a specific job or position, a resume objective statement can help reinforce that idea that you know EXACTLY what you’re after. That can work in your favor, too.

Overall, and most importantly, the biggest reason to put an objective on your resume is…it’s better than having nothing. Remember, your goal is to catch the hiring manager’s eye and stand out from the rest of the paper in that pile.

Common Mistakes

There are several common mistakes job seekers can make when writing their statement with the number one being using the same objective for every job application.

1) Using the Same Objective For Every Job Application

To obtain a job within my chosen field that will challenge me and allow me to use my education, skills and past experiences in a way that is mutually beneficial to both myself and my employer and allow for future growth and advancement.

Your goal is to be the ideal candidate and that means making sure you’re exactly what the hiring manager is looking for…and unless you’re applying to a cookie cutter factory in a cookie cutter job town where every job every employer is listing is exactly the same then I guarantee you 100% that your statement will NOT be a “one size fits all” statement.

2) Making It All About You

This is a trap that many job seekers fall into, as they can’t resist to use the objective to list off all of the things that they want to get out of the position.

Hi, I’m Joe Jobseeker and I really want a job in a company where I make a ton of money doing as little as possible. Oh, and a corner office. A company car would be nice too. While we’re at it, let’s talk benefits, retirement…and the company vacation policy.

Yes, we’re being over the top with this one, but we need you to look at this and laugh…because even a slightly toned down one where you list only what YOU want is going to come off just as ridiculous to the hiring manager as the one we’ve blown out of proportion.

3) Being Too Vague

Mistake number three is being vague. Like we said, this isn’t a one size fits all so by being ambiguous in the hopes of somewhat fitting what they’re looking for is going to get your resume sent directly to the circular file. (In case you don’t know, the circular file is the trash can. It just sounds fancier but the end result is the same…no job.)

Looking for a long term full time job where I can apply my extensive skills and knowledge to the position for which I am hired.

Blah. Who is this person? All we know by reading this statement is that they have skills and knowledge…but other than that, not much else. What skills do they have? Do they really apply to the job? And what knowledge can they draw from that will benefit the company? See what we mean? It’s so generic you could literally fit anything into those blanks…it’s like Resume Mad Libs!

4) Going On… And On… And On… And On… and zzzzzzzzzzzzz….

Mistake number four is being too long. This isn’t a novel. It’s a quick little blurb to catch their attention so they can bring you in for an interview…then you can get into more detail!

Not going to put one here. Why? Because the example we were going to do was going to be so long and ridiculous that you and everyone else reading this post would just get bored and move onto another article. Just remember, it’s all about short and sweet. Anything over a sentence or two is TOO LONG. Remember that.

5) Adding Absolutely No Value

Mistake number five is probably the worst…and the easiest to fall into (outside of mistake number two, the “all about me” statement.) Mistake number five is writing a statement that basically fills space but doesn’t tell the hiring manager anything about the value you bring to the table. This can also be confused with the too vague statement…

To obtain a position within my chosen field where I can utilize my skills as a hard-working, well-educated employee in exchange for a steady market-fair paycheck.

Congratulations. You’re educated and you’re hard working and you want to make money. So what? So are 90% of the people you’re going up against. Why are YOU the ideal candidate? What makes the hiring manager want to bring YOU in over everyone else? See what we mean?


How are you going to fulfill the needs of the company?

When writing your resume objective, you should always have the intention of answering this question.

How To Write An Effective Resume Objective

So how do you write a GOOD resume objective?

One thing every one of these bad examples has in common is the fact that not a single one of them is tailored to the position you’re looking for. Any hiring manager who looks at a resume with objectives like those is going to immediately move on to the next candidate.

Because whoever those potential hires are, they’re not ideal candidates. You need to not only catch the hiring manager’s eye; you must make sure that they look at your statement and say, “Here’s the perfect fit!”

So, how do you make it happen? Well, a really good place to start is by looking at the job description. According to , “…when you include an objective that’s specific to the job role, the recruiter is more likely to dig deeper and learn more details about your professional experience.”

After that, make sure it’s tailored to not only the position but the company as well. By incorporating a few tidbits that speak to the company’s mission and values, you can take that quick statement up a notch.

Nice, right?

Additionally, focus on how you’re a benefit to the company, not how the company can benefit you. Showcase value, ensuring you point out what you bring to the table.

Keep it short and sweet, too. Skip overblown adjectives in favor of action verbs, which will help “raise the energy levels” of your objective and ensure that it is more dynamic and interesting.

If you’re someone who is changing careers, demonstrate how your past experiences relate to your future tasks. The same goes for those who are just starting out or who are relatively inexperienced.

Resume Objective Examples

In some cases, nothing makes the points above clearer quite like a few resume objective examples. Here are a handful of samples, each targeting different situations.

New to Workforce, No High School Diploma

“Diligent, dedicated individual looking to apply communication and collaboration skills in a fast-paced customer service role. A self-motivated team player with an outgoing personality who’s ready to learn the ins and outs of a new industry and provide ample value to a retail employer.”

New to Workforce, No College

“Well-organized high school honor graduate with exceptional problem-solving and collaboration skills seeking opportunities in the office administration field where strong communication, time management, and research skills can provide excellent value to an employer.”

College Student, Aspiring Intern

“Current accounting student with an emphasis on accounts payable and accounts receivable seeking developmental opportunities with a local firm. Diligent, focused, and tech-savvy, looking to provide value to a skilled team.”

Recent College Graduate

“Hard-working business administration graduate with proven leadership and organizational skills. Looking to leverage knowledge or operational processes, emerging commercial trends, and supply machine management to increase efficiency and support broader productivity goals.”

Recent College Graduate with Internship Experience

“Honor graduate with a Bachelor’s in Human Resources and one year of experience at a leading staffing firm looking to leverage a deep understanding of leading ATS solutions, modern interview techniques, and conflict resolution strategies to support the goals of an enterprise-level HR department.”

Career Change

“Ambitious professional looking to leverage 5+ years of customer service experience and exceptional communication skills in the fast-paced field of real estate. Proven ability to build lasting, long-term relationships, understand client needs, and find solutions designed to ensure customer satisfaction.”

Career Change with New Education

“Experienced accounting professional and recent college graduate with a Bachelor’s in IT looking to leverage mathematical and analytical capabilities in a data analyst role with an enterprise-level employer. Impeccable attention to detail and organizational skills, as well as strong desire to learn and grow on the job.”

Targeting Specific Role

“Skilled software developer with 7+ years of experience with Java, Python, and C++ seeking out opportunities in team-oriented environments that prioritize Agile methodologies, Lean strategies, and DevOps principles to accelerate timelines and achieve challenging goals.”

Speaking of specific roles, we thought that it might be prudent to dig deeper into a couple careers that we get the most questions about (in terms of resume objectives). Here are our deep-dive articles into Teacher Resume Objectives , Customer Service Resume Objectives and Nursing Resume Objectives . Enjoy!

Putting It All Together

So, there you have it. We’ve covered what a resume objective statement is, who should use one, and how to properly execute it. Plus, there are some handy resume objective examples that can serve as inspiration.

While some people might claim that the objective statement for a resume is outdated, if done properly, it can make a difference. Use all of the information above to your advantage. That way, you’ll be one step closer to your dream job.

FREE : Resume Objective PDF Cheat Sheet

Ok the next thing you should do is get our handy Resume Objective Cheat Sheet PDF .

In it you'll get word-for-word sample resume objectives covering a variety of scenarios you can use right away .


how to write career change resume objective

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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How to Write a Career Change Resume [With Template]

Young woman writing resume on laptop

Starting a career in a new field is exciting, but getting your foot in the door often presents a challenge. If you’re worried about your application being overshadowed by candidates with more experience than you, don’t underestimate the role that a well-written resume can play in the hiring process. Even if you don’t have the work experience an employer is looking for, your resume can effectively convey why you’d be a great fit for the job. 

According to iHire’s 2020 Talent Retention Report , 66% of survey respondents have recently considered changing careers. The report also found that not knowing how to write a career change resume was a commonly cited roadblock for would-be career switchers. 

In this guide, we explain what a career change resume is and how to write one. We’ve also included a free template, so you can get to work on crafting a resume for your dream role.

How to Write a Resume for a Career Change

In general, most best practices for writing a resume also apply to career change resumes. However, there are a few areas you’ll want to be sure to emphasize when writing a resume for a new career path. While a traditional resume focuses heavily on work experience, career change resumes focus more on transferable skills.

In terms of how your resume is structured, a combination resume format may be the way to go. This type of resume places an equal emphasis on both skills and experience. Instead of starting the resume with your work experience, combination resume templates typically begin with an objective and a summary of relevant skills. 

The steps listed below can help you adapt your existing resume into one that is tailored for career switching. 

1. Craft a resume objective  

A resume objective is a short summary of your professional experience, skills, accomplishments, and career goals. 

Resume objectives and summaries are often considered optional, especially if you are trying to save room on your resume, but this section is crucial for those looking to change careers. The hiring manager may not make an immediate connection between your experience and the role you’re applying for, so your resume objective is essential for helping convey why you’re interested in this industry. 

Your objective should be no longer than a couple sentences. If it takes up more than two or three lines on your resume, try to shorten it.

2. Include a skills summary 

If you’re in the midst of changing careers, you’ll want to feature your skills prominently on your resume. In fact, we recommend listing them above your work experience. 

In the skills summary section, list a few skills you want to highlight, and add bullet points underneath each skill that provide examples of when you’ve used this skill. 

Not sure what type of skills to include in this section? Scan the job description for the position you’re applying for and use some of the required skills as your starting point. Some soft skills—such as leadership skills —are applicable for almost any job. Including some of the same keywords as the job description can help ensure that your resume makes it past automatic review filters.

In some situations, you might also choose to make a separate section for “Technical Skills.” In this section, you can briefly list your proficiency with various industry tools or software. This can be a great way to capture additional keywords from the job description, without having to list full examples of when you’ve used each tool. 

3. Focus on the most relevant work experience 

For a career change resume, the work experience section is all about transferable skills. You don’t necessarily need to list all of the responsibilities you had at your old job. Instead, focus on the responsibilities that are the most relevant for the new position you’re applying for. For example, if you’re a customer service representative hoping to land a job in digital marketing, you may choose to narrow in on your ability to find creative solutions for your customers. 

Here are a few tips for describing your work experience:

  • Connect your work experience back to the skills listed in your skills summary section
  • Focus on achievements, providing numbers and data whenever possible
  • Tailor your descriptions to each job you apply for, working in keywords from the job description

If you’re running out of space on your resume, keep in mind that you don’t need to list every job you’ve ever had. Stick to your most recent two or three jobs, and leave older, irrelevant jobs behind. 

Related: How to Successfully Navigate a Midlife Career Change and Avoid a Crisis

4. Highlight your education (including certificates) 

Whether or not your education is directly related to the job you’re applying for, it’s still important to include this section on your resume. If you have limited professional experience, you can bolster your resume with some descriptions of your academic achievements, such as your GPA or relevant coursework you’ve completed. 

For example, imagine you have an undergraduate degree in history and are applying for a role as a business analyst. If you took any courses in business or analytics during college, be sure to mention them. They might not have been a part of your degree, but they show that you’ve had an ongoing interest in understanding how businesses operate. 

If you’ve earned any certificates outside of a degree program, be sure to list these, too. Online programs and certificates offer a way to expand your knowledge in a specific subject area, without the time commitment of a full degree program. They can show employers that you are serious about your professional development and would like to gain more experience in a particular industry. 

Related: Top 10 Most In-Demand Online Courses from Wharton Online Right Now

5. Add in notable projects and accomplishments 

Dedicating a section of your resume to projects and accomplishments isn’t always necessary, but if you’re changing careers or do not have much work experience, this can be a valuable way to round out your resume. You can use this space to highlight any personal achievements that are not directly related to work or school—for example, personal projects, volunteer work, or involvement in industry-related clubs or organizations. 

If you choose to include a section for projects or accomplishments, make sure that everything you list ties back to a key skill or characteristic that is relevant for your desired career path.

Career Change Resume Example 

Now that we’ve covered some tips for creating a resume tailored to a career change, let’s explore an example. We crafted this resume for a customer service representative who is applying for a digital marketing specialist position. 

Name and Contact Information 

Abigail Jacobs 

Philadelphia, PA

267-555-0176 | [email protected]

Driven and hardworking professional with a proven track record of increasing customer satisfaction levels. Looking to leverage my problem-solving skills and build upon my 3+ years of customer service experience by transitioning into the digital marketing space.

Professional Skills 

Problem Solving

  • Developed creative solutions for unsatisfied customers at Platinum Auto Insurance and Accelerate Call Center
  • Lead brainstorming sessions with team members to improve customer satisfaction metrics


  • 3+ years of experience in customer services roles, frequently communicating with customers both on the phone and over email 
  • Completed a B.A. in Communications and was an active member of the Public Speaking Club while in college 


  • Used Excel to organize and track customer service metrics, and compiled these metrics into weekly reports for management 

Technical Skills 

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Suite 
  • Google Analytics 
  • Google Search Console 

Work Experience

Senior Customer Service Advisor

Platinum Auto Insurance | Sept 2019 – Present

  • Resolved over 100 customer complaints per week, communicating with customers via phone and email 
  • Tracked KPIs for each ticket and delivered weekly customer satisfaction reports for management, consistently exceeding target satisfaction ratings by 5-10%
  • Collaborated with team members to identify creative solutions for customers

Customer Service Representative 

Accelerate Call Center | Jul 2018 – Sept 2019 

  • Responded to 50+ calls per day, answering questions from customers and redirecting to other departments as needed 
  • Demonstrated written communication skills by revamping customer service phone scripts, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings 

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

University of Pennsylvania | Jun 2018

  • Completed courses in advertising and social media

Digital Marketing Certificate 

Wharton Online | Mar 2022

  • Completed a six-week program from The Wharton School
  • Learned about topics such as marketing analytics, customer relationships, social media, and e-commerce marketing 

Personal Projects

Marketing Assistant for Public Speaking Club 

2017 – 2018

  • As a member of the Public Speaking Club at University of Pennsylvania, assisted the club with creating a monthly newsletter
  • Managed social media accounts for the club, consistently posting content and engaging with followers 

Marketing Consultant 

2020 – Present 

  • Assisted a friend with the creation and management of photography business website
  • Used Google Analytics and Google Search Console to measure the performance of website content 

Career Change Resume Template

We’ve adapted this example into three different template formats, with the hope that it can serve as a jumping off point for your own career change resume. Click on the links below to download the template:

  • Microsoft Word .DOCX
  • Google Docs (click on “File > Make a copy” to save to your own Google Docs folder)

Screenshot of an example career change resume

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How to Write a Career Change Resume (Guide, Templates, & Examples)

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Quitting your job and switching careers can be one of the most unsettling moments of your life. It is scary, intimidating, and sometimes overwhelming. 

But changing careers could also be one of the bravest and most fulfilling things you can do if you are willing to put in the work. A critical asset in your big move is a career change resume that focuses on all the right things.

In this guide, we will help you craft your career change resume and gain more confidence as you take that next big step in your career.

Table of Contents

  • How to write a career change resume
  • Career change resume templates
  • Career change resume examples

Key Takeaways

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Career Change

Need help in deciding whether to do a career pivot? Try our career change tool today!

How to craft a resume for your career change

Doing a career pivot means you are starting over. With this, you need to convince recruiters and hiring managers that you have what it takes to do the new job well. And one way to prove your value to recruiters is by creating a career change resume that will grab their attention. Here’s how you write one.

1. Study the job description to match up your transferable skills

First things first, you need to carefully read the job posting and understand how your past achievements and transferable skills can help you succeed in your desired new role.

Transferable skills are any skills that you can take with you from one job, field, or industry to another.

For example: A job seeker with a background in journalism might recognize the keyword “writing” in the job description for an advertising position. While this job seeker doesn’t have advertising experience, they do have expert-level writing skills that would make them a great candidate for the new role.

Writing, in this example, is a transferable skill. Transferable skills include both hard skills and soft skills , like leadership , time management , multi-tasking, communication , organization, emotional intelligence , listening, research, and many more.

Pro Tip: Include these skills in your work experience section, focusing less on duties and more on the skills you have developed, as these will be of the most interest to the hiring manager. 

2. Choose a career change resume format that highlights a logical connection in your career change

Oftentimes, job seekers choose a functional resume for career change job searches. A functional resume can be appealing because it turns the focus away from work history and toward skills and accomplishments. However, it can make it look like the job seeker has something to hide. 

A better option for most job applicants making a career change is the hybrid resume (also called a “combination resume”), which still showcases skills and accomplishments but includes a traditional work history in the second half of the document.

Here’s the bottom line when it comes to resume format when changing careers: if you’re staying within the same industry, a hybrid resume will work great for you. If you’re changing careers and industries, you can consider a functional resume format, though the hybrid resume is likely still a better choice.

Steps to write career change resume

3. Write a resume objective or summary that frames your career change as a strength

Your resume objective or resume summary sections are a great way to convince recruiters that your past experience sets you up as the perfect candidate for the new role. These statements tie in your experience and skills with what your new career demands.

When writing your resume objective, focus on the skills that you’ve picked up throughout your current career and other previous roles and explain how you plan to use them in this new industry. 

For example:

Accounting professional with over 10 years of experience looking to transfer my skills to the finance industry. My proven mathematical and money management skills make me an ideal fit for the Finance Assistant position.

Passionate sales representative with over 5 years of experience working with customers and selling software. Looking to leverage my proven skills in seeing our customers’ pain points and providing solutions to whatever I write as an aspiring Content Manager.

Kerianne Burke , a tech recruiter at Segment in San Francisco, recommends that job seekers provide recruiters with insights into how they have gained knowledge about this new category and role. “Have they taken classes? Completed extensive independent research? Be very specific here!” 

Second, Burke said that job seekers need to show that they would be able to make an impact in the role they are applying for.

4. Use keywords

Resume keywords prove to recruiters that you have what it takes to succeed in the new role. These keywords also help you get noticed by recruiters who use search functions in their applicant tracking system (ATS) to filter candidates by what’s on their resume.

You can find relevant keywords in the job description or job posting. Take stock of these keywords and incorporate them into your career change resume when possible.

Tailoring is key to a career change resume

Even in a field that is brand new to you, you can find keywords that relate to your past experience. As Burke explains, “Look closely at the qualifications in the job description and tailor some of your first few bullets on your resume to highlight that applicable experience. It’s always great to tie your impact to data when possible!”

Read our full guide: How to Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description

Jobscan makes it easy to identify the most important keywords in the job description, so you know what to focus on. Try it below:

5. Add training and certifications to your career change resume

Adding training and certifications to your resume is another way to show off relevant skills during a career change. List down all the relevant training, courses, and certifications under your belt and show recruiters how these could help you in the new role or career.

A word of encouragement here: You don’t have to go back to school and take extensive training in order to make a career change. In many cases, the skills you’ve honed over your career will be enough!

As Monica Fochtman , a career coach who specializes in career changes put it: “Going back to school is the last thing that I suggest to people. Especially now, with so much on-demand learning like LinkedIn and Coursera and Teachable…there’s no shortage of places to get on-demand training. There are other ways to get those skills and demonstrate that you have those skills without going back to school.”

You don’t need the certification; you need to demonstrate that you have what the certification represents – the knowledge. The important thing is to choose a career that fits your already developed skills. That doesn’t mean your duties will be the same. It just means you’ll be able to use the same skills.

Learn more: Read our full guide on how to make a career change , with tips and insights from Monica Fochtman, PhD.

Career Change Resume Templates

1. hybrid resume.

The hybrid resume or combination resume is ideal when changing careers as this format highlights your skills and accomplishments while still detailing a chronological format of your career trajectory.

Here’s an example:

how to write career change resume objective

The hybrid format draws attention to your most important skills, accomplishments, and values and so recruiters and hiring managers can see what you bring to the table quickly.

2. Functional Resume

When you are switching to a career in a different industry where you have limited or zero experience, you can use a functional resume. It puts the spotlight on your transferable skills while downplaying your limited work experience.

Here’s what a functional career change resume looks like:

how to write career change resume objective

You can find more sample career change resume templates on Jobscan’s Resume Templates page, which you can use for free.

Career Change Resume Examples and Ideas

Here are career change resume examples to get your resume writing juices flowing:

1. From project management to a job in sales

how to write career change resume objective

This career change resume highlights Mindy’s robust experience in Project Management under her work experience section. In her resume summary, she relates how she can use her project management skills in her new role in sales and proves to the hiring manager that she has the necessary skills and experience to excel and succeed as a Sales Manager.

2. From administrative work to writing

how to write career change resume objective

In his resume, James mentioned in his resume objective statement that he is passionate about solving customer problems. Having worked in various fields, his empathy and problem-solving skills make him an effective content writer who can relate to the readers’ struggles but is also able to share tips and insights that work. He also mentioned writing as one of his skills.

3. From accounting to a project management role

how to write career change resume objective

In this career change resume example, although the job seeker is an accountant by profession, she showed that she had relevant experience in leading teams and managing projects which makes her a good candidate for the new job. The resume summary also states her desire to use her skills as an accountant to run projects effectively and see them through to completion.

You can check more resumes for any job to help you with your career change resume in our Resume Examples Page.

Pro Tip: To supplement your career change resume, include a cover letter to provide context for your past achievements and build a strong case as to how your accomplishments and skills can help you with the new position.

Read our full guide: The Career Change Cover Letter: How to Get it Right

Changing careers can feel scary and intimidating. But it is also a great opportunity for you to discover more about yourself and grow into the best person you can be.

Here are some key takeaways to help you with your career change:

  • Craft a powerful career change resume that will prove to recruiters that even when you are jumping into a completely different career, you have what it takes to do the job and do it well.
  • Use the hybrid resume (combination resume) format when creating your career change resume. It highlights your top skills while detailing your work experience and career trajectory.
  • Proactively seek opportunities to upgrade your skills and pursue professional development through training, courses, and mentorship.

Save your time and get more career change insights with Jobscan’s career changer tool !

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are 5 questions to consider before making a career change: 1. Why do you want to switch careers? 2. Why are you dissatisfied with your current role? What do you hate about your job? 3. What are your career goals? What is your dream job? Is your current career aligned with your passions, skills, or interests? 4. How much does it pay? Can you live on it comfortably? If not, are you willing to take the risk? 5. What type of company do you want to work for?

Here’s how. 1. Choose the best format for your resume. 2. Write a resume objective or resume summary explaining how your previous roles will help you succeed in the new role. 3. Include relevant keywords (especially those found in the job description.) 4. Tailor your resume for career change to each job you are applying for. 5. Showcase transferable skills and include certifications and relevant training when possible.

A resume objective for career change bridges the gap between your previous role and your new role. A good objective would clearly and briefly provide your relevant experience and explain how this will help you succeed in your new career. For example, an accountant wanting to land a job in sales would write: “ Certified Public Accountant with 10 years of experience writing accurate and timely financial reports, reducing costs, and improving overall efficiency. Looking to leverage my analytical skills and attention to detail in crafting sales systems that will streamline all sales processes and increase profitability. “

Here’s how you share about your career transition: 1. Provide a brief description of yourself: who you are, what you value, and what you want to achieve. 2. Share about your most recent and significant work experience. 3. Explain how your skills and experiences make you the best fit for the new job. 4. Stress why you want to do a career change and the value you can add to the company.

Focus on showing recruiters and hiring managers what you bring to the table, even as someone who is switching careers. Here’s an example of a career change resume summary. For example: “ Customer-focused cashier with 5+ years of experience serving different customers and creating a warm and friendly store environment. Has raised sales by 5% through strong communication and interpersonal skills. Looking to bring my leadership and organizational skills to an executive assistant position. “

Transferable skills are critical when you are switching careers because these show recruiters, hiring managers, and potential employers that you have the skills that they need for the new job position. To showcase these on your career change resume: 1. Include them in your resume summary or resume objective. 2. Add skills to your work experience section. 3. Clearly write transferable skills in your skills summary section. Pro tip: Check the job description for specific skills and work those skills into your resume for career change.

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Career Change Resume: Examples and Tips from Experts

By Biron Clark

Published: November 8, 2023

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

If you want to change careers, you’re going to need a great resume to show employers why they should take a chance on you.

You need to convince them that you’ll succeed in their role, even if you’ve done different work in the past.

And while you can do some of this convincing in the job interview, you aren’t going to get interviews if your resume or CV isn’t great , too, so it all starts here!

Don’t worry if this sounds intimidating – this article has everything you need to write an effective resume for career change…

I spoke to multiple professional resume writers, coaches, and other experts and put together this list of resume tips for career changers, as well as real-life examples of resumes that got interviews.

Here’s what you need to know…

Career Change Resume/CV Format

The best resume format for a career change is the chronological resume (also known as “reverse chronological resume”). With this format, your resume or CV lists your work experience in the order it happened, starting with your most recent or current position at the top.

This is what most hiring managers and recruiters are used to seeing and prefer to see, so it’s the best format to use when switching careers (or in any job search, for that matter).

So the first thing to do with your resume is to make sure you’re using this format. Put your most recent position at the top of your “Work Experience” section , and then go backward from there. You’ll see examples of this coming up – don’t worry.

The bottom line is: You aren’t going to hide something or “sneak” through the process by using a less-common (and more confusing) resume format like a functional resume.

This will just confuse and frustrate the hiring manager or recruiter .

So rather than trying to hide gaps in your experience, you should tailor your experience to be as relevant as possible for the job you’re applying to. That’s how to approach resume formatting as a career changer.

Career Change Resume Objective (And Why NOT To Include This)

You should not include a resume objective when changing careers (or on any resume, in fact). A resume objective is an outdated section that should be replaced with a resume summary section – a brief intro summarizing your experience, skills, accomplishments, and anything else you’d like to share.

Coming up next, we’ll look at examples of how to write this “summary” section as a career changer.

Writing Your Resume Summary for Career Change

Rather than a resume objective, you should include a brief Summary section to show employers what you’ve accomplished and how you can help them in their role.

I asked multiple experts for tips and examples of how to write a resume summary for a career change, so here are some tips from coaches, resume writers, and other experts.

Career Change Resume Example: Switching Careers from Business Development at a Skilled Nursing Facility to Medical Device Sales 

This section is contributed by: Virginia Franco – Executive Resume Writer at Virginia Franco Resumes

When writing a summary section for a career change, think about what you bring to the table that aligns with the role you seek, and what makes you less of a hiring risk for the hiring manager or interviewer.

vfr sample resume summary for career change

In the example above, my client wanted to pivot from a business development role at a skilled nursing facility into medical device sales. In writing his summary, I:

  • Chose a headline that contained some keywords related to the role he currently held AND the role he was targeting.
  • Created a tagline that spoke to his success in Skilled Nursing using language that was industry-neutral.
  • Identified a few differentiators that would make him appealing to a hiring manager and help outweigh the fact that he was new to the role and industry.

In this case, the fact that he:

  • Knew lots of key players meant he could hit the ground running and build a sales funnel fast
  • Was multilingual but raised in the U.S. meant he could interface well with many cultures – important in the area where he lived, and in working with surgeons that are often from other countries.
  • Kept abreast of the industry and trends meant he was passionate about the industry and that he embraced continual learning.
  • Established trust by working to overcome obstacles in a creative fashion meant that he was a problem solver – a trait that would make him attractive to a hiring manager.

In other words, I worked to make him seem like a candidate that was a risk worth taking!

Career Change Resume Example: Changing Careers from Medical Device Sales to Advertising & Technology

This section is contributed by: Austin Belcak – Founder at Cultivated Culture

When your changing careers, one of the biggest resume challenges is getting visibility on the transferable and relevant experience that you have.

Maybe you worked on a relevant project two jobs ago, maybe you took a course that’s buried in your education section, or maybe you’ve been working on a side hustle but are worried about leading with that vs. your current job.

Using resume objectives is a good way to combat this issue.

Resume objectives allow you to cherry-pick the most relevant work experience from your career, education, and side projects and feature it right at the top of your resume. This gives you the chance to lead with the most relevant transferable experience so you make sure it’s seen instead of getting lost in the mix.

This is the exact tactic I used when I was switching careers from medical device sales into advertising/tech.

My day job was in healthcare, it didn’t offer much in the way of traditional skills, but I had been spending nights and weekends learning digital marketing. I took courses, got certified, and even started doing a bit of freelancing. I wanted that to show at the top of my resume so I used an objective to highlight that ahead of my current role:

example of how to write a resume summary for career change

Tip: Target Everything for the Role You Want

This section is contributed by: Sarah Johnston – Former Recruiter, Executive Resume Writer, and Job Search Coach at

When writing a resume for a career change, it’s important to target your resume for the role that you want. I recommend finding a few job descriptions that interest you and scanning for keywords and themes. Use the target job title or skill set in the header to frame the resume.

The Ladders did an eye tracking study that found that recruiters and hiring managers only spend 7.4 seconds scanning a resume before deciding to pass or read more. The heat map showed that better-performing resumes have keywords at the top to immediately draw the eye.

Attached is the top of a career changer sample resume. This hypothetical job seeker is wanting to transition from an account manager role to being an executive assistant . The resume plays up her transferable skills and includes a header that references the job that she wants.

Sample Career Changer resume

As a former corporate recruiter, I am not a fan of functional resumes. Recruiters are taught to scan resumes chronologically. When you take the experience out of context or “order,” it often gives the recruiter the impression you are trying to hide or fudge experience.

Tip: Use Bullets to Stand Out

This section is contributed by: Madeline Mann – Human Resources Leader & Career Coach, Creator of Self Made Millennial

Consider writing your resume intro or summary in bullet format, as this makes it easier for people to quickly scan it.

The first couple of bullet points should emphasize the most important keywords from the job description.

Get creative with how you integrate these terms into your summary. For example, use phrases like “experience with” and “knowledge of” to indicate tasks that you have become familiar with inside or outside of your job.

Personal projects, volunteering, and education should all contribute to what you describe here. If the most prominent keywords in the job description are tasks and concepts that you are unfamiliar with, that is a sign that you need to build those skills on your own time. Here is a video on how to build these important skills without getting hired.

The next couple of bullet points should focus on the most relevant accomplishments to the role you are pursuing, which may not be from your most recent role.

This is where the magic of the summary section comes into play. Pull in early-career achievements, side projects, and unpaid work where you did tasks that are more closely aligned with your new career. For example, if you are a Psychology Lab Assistant, and you want to be a Building Manager, many of your lab tasks won’t translate.

But, five years ago you were the treasurer of your sorority (budgeting is a keyword), and you handled many contractors to ensure the house was renovated and maintained (knowledge of the trades is a keyword). While that experience may be buried due to it being 5 years ago and not a paid position, it can hop to the top of your career change resume as a highly relevant accomplishment in the summary.

The summary section is an opportunity for you to truly spell it out for the hiring manager where your transferable skills will be too well-matched to ignore!

Editor’s note: Bullets are also a great way to make your resume work history section stand out. This article explains how to do this with 22 resume bullet examples. 

Career Change Resume Work History Section: Samples and Tips

After a brief summary or intro paragraph, you’ll need a powerful employment history section to continue to impress the recruiter or hiring manager. Use the tips below to help you write yours.

Write Your Resume by Working Backward from the Job Description

This section is contributed by: Kyle Elliott – Career & Life Coach and Resume Writer at

The key to a successful career change resume is to work backward from the job posting. I encourage clients to literally pull language from the posting of the job they are targeting, then massage it until it truthfully reflects their experience. You really want to speak the language of the industry you are moving into.

In the example below, my client was targeting sales roles. However, she has several years of impressive experience from working in higher education that we wanted to include on her resume. So we repositioned her earlier experience as a “customer experience manager” role, pulling language directly from the job postings she was targeting.

career change resume - example of work history

Add Keywords to Get Past the ATS

This section is contributed by: Susan P. Joyce – Publisher of

When your goal is a career change, be sure that your resume contains the relevant keywords for the career you want. Without these keywords, your resume will not be found in a recruiter’s search of the applications and resumes stored in the applicant tracking system (ATS).

Analyze the job description and pay attention to the job’s requirements as well as the nice-to-have skills. Make a list of the skills and other job requirements you meet. Those terms are typically the terms that will be used most often when the employer is searching for qualified job candidates.

If you have acquired skills or experience outside of work, don’t be afraid to include them, too. These include skills you have acquired while volunteering or participating in other non-work activities, especially if those skills are required for this job (and, thus, important keywords).

One of the best places to start including keywords on your career change resume is your “Skills” section.

The Skills section provides a quick way to show employers that you have the skills they’ve listed on their job description.

For example: Assume the job requires hard skills like QuickBooks or SQL, and you have experience with them or have certifications from training you have taken. Include the appropriate term in your Skills section, like “QuickBooks” or “QuickBooks Certified”.

Then, in the “Experience” section of your resume , include those skills in the descriptions of your past jobs (or volunteering) where you acquired and/or used those skills. This will show the employer when and where you demonstrated your skills, which they always want to see!

Repetition of keywords is usually a good thing when the repetition is natural, relevant, and appropriate. So, having these important terms in both the Skills and Experience sections of your resume will help your resume be found.

However, simply repeating keywords at the bottom of your resume is not smart or useful.

Career Change Resume Templates

You should now have a general idea of how to format and write your resume or CV for a career change.

If you need a great starting point and don’t want to create your resume from scratch (or if your existing resume is outdated and doesn’t look great) then this job search resources page has multiple free resume templates that are great for changing careers.

After clicking the link above, scroll down to the section titled: “ATS-Compliant Resume Templates.” All of the templates on that page are free to use and download.

Recap: How to Write a Resume for Career Change

If you’re planning on switching careers, you should write your resume to make your experience seem as relevant as possible for the job you want next.

Always think of the employer’s perspective when deciding what to put on your resume and what to leave off.

Write your career change CV or resume based on the employer’s job description and you’ll be much more likely to win the interview.

That’s how to get a new job in a new field. Employers want candidates who can step into a role, learn the position quickly, and succeed. They want low risk.  The more you can show similarities between what you’ve done and what the employer needs for this job, the better!

To summarize: Your CV or resume for a career change will be most successful if you start with the employer’s needs in mind, work backward, and think carefully about how to position your own experiences – both professional and personal – to make yourself seem capable of stepping into their job and being a success!

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

Read our Resume Essentials Guides

10 best free resume builders, what to put on a resume: 9 things to include, sample list of accomplishments for resume (35+ examples), top 14 resume skills to add on your resume + examples, does a resume need an objective, resume summary with no experience: examples for students and fresh graduates, resume keywords: 80+ verbs and power words to use, previous work experience examples for a resume, 24 resume summary examples that get interviews.

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Career Change Resume Objective Examples

A career change resume objective should highlight your transferable skills and competencies as they relate directly to the new job opportunity.

There are a number of job skills and behaviors that are necessary for successful job performance in a range of different career fields. Focus on these in your resume objective.

Blue illustration of white rocket taking off with text "how to write a career change resume objective"

In your objective statement demonstrate what you can contribute to the new position and the company and why you are a good fit for your new career.

How to write a persuasive objective for your career change resume

Focus on Transferable Skills

There are certain core skills and competencies that can be applied to several different careers. These include:

  • planning, organizing and prioritizing
  • verbal and written communication skills
  • problem analysis and problem solving
  • decision-making and judgment

12 Core Competencies for job success

List of Job Skills

Your resume objective statement should articulate your skills in such a way that their relevancy to the new job you are applying for is immediately clear to the employer.

Highlight Personal Qualities

You will also want to include personal qualities that will benefit a new employer. Highlight the relevant behaviors that employers look for, including:

  • reliability
  • flexibility
  • hard working

List of employee strengths

Use Relevant Keywords

Keywords are essential to getting your resume found and noticed by potential employers. This can be a challenge for a career changer as your experience may not include the necessary keywords for the new job.

The best way to get around this is to carefully study the job description and similar job postings and find the keywords that do match up to your skills, experience and strengths.

Include these keywords in your career change resume objective statement. You may be surprised at how many matching and relevant skills you find.

Resume Keywords

Career change resume objective examples

Here we look at the transferable skills and strengths required in different career fields

"To leverage over ten years experience in a deadline-driven office environment to quickly learn and grow in a sales career. Strong communication skills combined with the proven ability to build robust relationships and effectively manage competing demands result in the achievement of challenging goals. A highly motivated self-starter who is fully committed to proving herself in a new career."

Build a persuasive, personal objective statement using these phrases.

  • ability to effectively communicate at all levels
  • results-driven self starter with high energy levels
  • proven planning and organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple priorities effectively
  • ability to develop and present winning presentations
  • able to effectively analyze data to determine appropriate actions
  • well developed listening and negotiation skills

Customer Service Jobs

"Capable and professional administrator seeking a customer service position that will utilize a strong background in efficiently managing multiple priorities and successfully meeting client demands. Hard working and committed career changer who is eager to make a positive contribution to your company's customer experience."

Create your own personal objective statement using these phrases.

  • high degree of accuracy and close attention to detail
  • proven ability to efficiently handle multiple responsibilities
  • excellent organizational and planning skills
  • proven track record of maintaining composure and professionalism in a fast-paced environment
  • able to problem-solve and make sound decisions in a high energy environment
  • clear and effective verbal and written communication skills
  • ability to work independently and as a team member

Hospitality Jobs

"Seeking a hospitality position that will effectively maximize X years experience in meeting the demands of a fast-paced work environment.  Strong organizational and communication skills, the ability to effectively multitask and demonstrated success in building positive working relationships at all levels. A high-energy individual eager for a career in the hospitality industry."

Develop your own personal career change resume objective using these phrases.

  • able to work well under pressure and balance competing demands
  • intense focus on creating an outstanding customer experience
  • demonstrated ability to make independent decisions based on sound judgment
  • consistently achieved high work standards and company objectives

well developed communication and listening skills

  • ability to interact effectively with a diverse customer base

Career Change for T eachers

One of the most common career changes is from teaching into a variety of jobs including human resources, administration, sales and marketing. Teachers have a wide range of in-demand skills and competencies that can be successfully transferred to another career. These include:

  • analysis, evaluation and problem-solving
  • able to quickly adapt to changing situations and diverse individuals
  • communication skills, active listening and the ability to convey information in a clear and concise manner
  • judgment and decision-making
  • planning and organizing
  • persuading and influencing

Graphic showing steps to writing a career change resume objective in text

How to highlight being a fast learner in your resume objective

When changing careers the willingness and ability to quickly master and apply new skills is key to your success. Good phrases to use to highlight this, include:

"Able to assimilate new information quickly and efficiently"

"Able to quickly and effectively adapt to new situations"

"Able to quickly and successfully react to changing demands"

"Adept at learning and applying new skills"

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Career Change Cover Letter Sample

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Write a Career Change Cover Letter

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Powerful resume objectives to upgrade your application (+ 50 Examples)

Paul Drury

Objective examples for career change

Resume objective examples after a career gap (maternity, etc), resume objective examples to boost your career, resume objectives for a new industry move, resume objective examples for part-time work, resume objectives for remote roles, objective examples for freelancers, career objectives for multiple jobs, resume objectives for freshers, resume objectives for no experience, objectives examples for a start-up position, objective examples for an international move, resume objectives for volunteering, career objectives for students, objective examples for further education.

A powerful and memorable resume objective is one of the defining instruments of any job search. This is your way of effectively explaining your goals, usefulness, and transferable skills during a career change . 

When a career transition is imminent, this should be expressed clearly in a candidate’s resume objective, in black and white at the top of their resume, because potential employers definitely need to understand it too.

Is the candidate's career trajectory going to fit with the demands of the role? Getting the resume objective example right is a top priority. This guide will show you:

  • The definition of a resume objective and how it differs from a summary
  • When to use a resume objective example to stand out from other candidates
  • Four-part recipe for a clear and compelling resume objective
  • Writing tips for making an impression in the first five seconds
  • 15 situations when it is essential to include a resume objective (with 50 examples)

What can I put on my resume instead of an objective?

  • Why a resume objective example is important in 2024

The resume objective may be just a couple of sentences, but it might be the most important piece of resume writing that you do during your job search. Think it through carefully.

What is a resume objective? 

Professional summary

The majority of resumes contain a paragraph at the top to highlight the key aspects of a candidate’s application. This is commonly called a summary or a personal statement. 

It offers personal insights into a candidate, the experience they possess, the achievements that they can boast and sometimes information about where they are going.

The section of the summary that defines your career direction and goals is called a resume objective. This does not replace the other details in the summary, and it is not always required, but when someone is at a transitional point in their career, or if their role is changing, the resume objective details the specifics of the nature of the change.

The resume objective is not the same as the summary . It may simply be part of it.

50 resume objective examples

As previously mentioned, a resume objective is set apart from a resume summary or personal statement. It is nearly always deployed as part of the summary and it is normally the only forward-looking part.

The objective is most powerful when it is time for a change in direction, so here are the 15 most common scenarios when this might be the case. A strong resume objective to guide the job search narrative in these cases is essential.

When it is time for a change in career, while you might include the details in a cover letter , a clear resume objective at the top of the document is critical to lay out the new direction. It might not be entirely clear that you are looking for a career change, so the resume objective will leave a hiring manager with no doubt.

Client-oriented hospitality professional aiming to utilize exceptional customer service skills and adaptability in a retail environment. Passion for creating memorable shopping experiences within a successful retail team. 

More : Store manager resume example

Dynamic marketing professional transitioning into sales, leveraging expertise in customer engagement and market analysis to drive revenue growth and build lasting client relationships in a results-oriented sales environment.

More : Sales resume sample

Calculating retail professional seeking a move into logistics, with five years of indirect experience in freight forwarding and international shipping. A sourcing expert who will always find the most efficient route.

More : Logistics resume sample

Not everyone wants to pick up where they left off after a career gap (for whatever reason), so a resume objective can clarify how they would like to reboot their work prospects. Transparency is important at the start of a job search. Hiring managers will appreciate your honesty.

Compassionate professional re-entering the workforce after a hiatus spent providing care for a sick parent, bringing strong empathy and organizational skills, seeking to contribute and grow within a team environment.

Motivated professional returning to the workforce after a career gap, armed with a fresh Master's degree. Eager to apply my new knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the team and excel in a challenging new role.

Climate activist geography teacher returning after a four-year maternity leave, aiming to nurture and inspire in and out of the classroom. An innovative educator who will adopt the latest technologies to bring any geography lesson to life.

More : High school teacher resume sample

How long should your objective be on your resume? 

Ideally, the objective should only be part of the summary section at the top of a resume. Any candidate should have some accomplishments to put in the initial elevator pitch, however inexperienced that may be. If this section is "all" objective, you risk being seen as a dreamer rather than a doer. The objective should be a maximum of two sentences.

Your next employers may not immediately sense that you are ready for a move up the career ladder, so a resume objective can be utilized as your statement of ambition. You don't have to justify that you are worthy of the move. 

Stating your ambition is enough at this stage. You will have plenty of opportunities to make your case at the interview.

Leading Fintech marketing professional seeking to make a move up to Marketing Director after eight years of award-winning campaigns. MBA-educated social marketeer who will deliver triple-digit audience growth and double-digit sales increases.

More : Marketing manager resume sample

Seasoned Office Manager aspiring to elevate to Operations Director, leveraging extensive managerial experience, strategic planning abilities, and a proven track record in optimizing workflows to drive operational excellence.

More : Medical office manager resume sample

Marketing assistant seeking to progress to Marketing Manager, equipped with innovative strategies and a creative mindset. Eager to lead campaigns, drive brand growth, and contribute to team success.

More : Marketing associate resume sample

People are moving industries at unprecedented rates at the moment, so for someone who has worked in multiple industries, a resume objective serves to signal your affiliation. Moving to a new industry does not need to signal a risk. The hiring manager will be on the lookout for your transferable skills .

Customer-centric realtor looking to start a career in B2B sales, having deployed a deep understanding of customer psychology to top state-wide sales charts and buyer satisfaction surveys. Advanced sales techniques will create a pipeline for customer growth.

Experienced banking professional eager to transition into the financial services industry, leveraging a strong foundation in financial analysis, customer service, and risk management. Aiming to contribute to innovative solutions and drive success in a dynamic new environment.

More : Personal banker resume sample   

Skilled educator seeking to transition from school to university teaching, bringing a passion for fostering academic growth, a commitment to innovative teaching methods, and a proven track record in curriculum development.

More : Teacher resume sample

If you are moving from a full-time occupation to part-time (or vice versa), it is important for the reader of your resume to see you in the desired light—make your preferences clear in your resume objective. When someone has had a mix of full-time and part-time positions, a resume objective can make it clear what they are looking for next.

Versatile professional seeking part-time work in the construction industry, offering hands-on experience, a strong work ethic, and a commitment to safety and quality.

More : Construction resume sample

Certified public accountant with seven years of experience in Financial Services seeking to transition to a part-time role due to family commitments. Proficient user of remote accounting software who will provide a reliable resource for your team.

More : Accounting and finance resume sample

Dedicated retail professional seeking to transition from a part-time to a full-time role, bringing proven customer service excellence, sales proficiency, and a passion for retail management. Eager to grow within a dynamic retail environment.

More : Retail cashier resume sample

With flexible working becoming increasingly commonplace, there is no shame in stating that you are looking for a remote role, so the resume objective is the perfect place to state your case for a remote role. It is important to filter out unsuitable roles at the earliest moment, but be clear about your desire for a WFH position .

Seeking a remote work-from-home role that offers flexibility to balance professional responsibilities with caring for a young family. Bring dedication, multitasking skills, and a commitment to excellence in everything.

More : Applying for jobs remotely: Is it any different?

Telecoms professional seeking a remote work-from-home role within the telecommunications industry, leveraging strong communication skills, technical proficiency, and a customer-centric approach to drive service excellence.

More : Telemarketer resume sample

Cost-obsessed procurement consultant, having saved over $90m in indirect and direct spend for 4 employers across 20 countries, now looking for a remote role to support a global purchasing team. Having been on the ground for eight years brings unique cultural understanding and commercial acumen.

More : Consulting resume example

Many people now have a mix of freelance and permanent roles in their employment history , so make sure to back up your resume objective with suitable skills and examples. Freelancers are often multi-skilled. Be clear as to the direction that you wish your career to take.

Dynamic professional seeking freelance roles in the consulting industry, bringing analytical prowess, strategic problem-solving, and a track record of delivering actionable insights. Eager to help clients to navigate challenges and optimize operations.

More : Freelancer resume example

Professional graphic designer and branding expert seeking to collaborate with marketing agencies on a contractual basis. Confident in creating brands from the ground up, delivering branding strategies, creating innovative marketing materials, and adapting to industry changes.

More : Graphic designer cover letter example

Award-winning software developer in the gaming industry, having worked on three of the biggest MMORPG titles in the last decade, seeking a second freelance role alongside current work with Trackvision. Offers knowledge of 8 languages and all major design software, code editors and testing tools.

More : Python developer resume example

Creative professional seeking freelance opportunities in the social media industry, offering expertise in content creation, audience engagement, and platform analytics. Aims to leverage innovative strategies to enhance brand presence and foster community growth in a dynamic digital landscape.

Some roles may demand 100% of your time, but when it is possible to do your job in two days a week, you need to explain your ability to successfully juggle multiple roles in your resume objective. Show that you have what it takes to multitask—otherwise, you risk seeming like you want to take on too much.

Motivated part-time Delivery Driver seeking a warehousing role to utilize strong organizational skills, familiarity with logistics operations, and a commitment to efficiency and safety. Aiming to contribute to seamless warehouse operations and enhance inventory management processes.

More : Truck driver resume example

Ambitious part-time Sales Executive seeking a secondary role in marketing, eager to leverage extensive sales experience to enhance marketing strategies, drive brand awareness, and contribute to revenue growth.

More : Business marketing manager resume example

Reliable delivery driver with a 99% customer satisfaction rating and six years in the industry, keen on taking on a complementary role as a food service courier. Ability to multitask and encyclopedic knowledge of New York traffic guarantees satisfied customers.

Experienced copywriter specializing in the beauty and wellness sector, seeking agency-based remote writing role. Experience working in a fast-paced environment, creating copy that elevates brand awareness, and working to tight deadlines. 

More : Writer resume example

What is a good objective? A good resume objective should aim just slightly higher than you think you can make it. Your future employer has to sense that your ambition will push you to the limits of your ability. We all smile when a child says that they want to be an astronaut. Tone down the ambition slightly.

The world is your oyster for a fresher, so at this time of transition, you need your resume objective to explain where you would like to begin your career and what motivates you to take this direction. Most university graduates are not this clear-eyed. Stand out in your vision for your future.

Eager newcomer seeking an apprenticeship role within automotive manufacturing, armed with foundational knowledge in engineering principles and a strong interest in automotive technologies.

More : Mechanic resume example

Aspiring journalist fresh from university, eager to embark on a career in the journalism industry. Brings a passion for storytelling, keen research skills, and a commitment to ethical reporting. Aiming to contribute fresh perspectives and impactful stories to a dynamic media outlet.

English undergraduate keen to start a career in journalism with an internship in the Miller Post’s editorial team. Having contributed over 80 articles to the university website and edited 400+, I hope to bring a sharp eye and critical attitude to the position.

For someone with no work experience , a resume objective is an ideal tool. There is nothing more powerful than to be specific about where you want your career to move and what traits, skills, and qualities you will apply towards that goal. An attitude of “I’ll do anything” won’t impress anyone.

Motivated graduate with a strong academic record and a deep commitment to education, seeking an entry-level role within a school. Eager to support teachers and administrators, enhance the learning environment, and grow as a dedicated contributor to the educational community.

More : Early childhood educator resume example

Dedicated student with a profound passion for literature and information seeking an entry-level role in a library. Eager to contribute organizational skills, a commitment to knowledge dissemination, and a love for books.

More : Student resume example

Curious history student keen on a part-time position in the town museum, with previous weekend work in a book shop offering an understanding of how to deal with customers. Contagious enthusiasm will help history to come alive for your visitors.

Working in a start-up is a unique challenge, but people move to smaller firms from corporate roles all the time. 

State your case in your resume objective and make it clear you have what it takes to work in a fast-moving start-up. Share a part of your "why" if this is your first time in an entrepreneurial setting.

Visionary director with a proven track record in established firms, now seeking a startup role within the software industry. Bringing strategic leadership, innovation, and a drive to disrupt the market, aiming to build and scale software ventures.

Public sector mechanical engineer looking to move to a start-up operation in the renewable energy sector, combining a wealth of large-scale infrastructure experience with a passion for the environment. Will bring 10 years of energy sector expertise to the team.

Innovative professional with a passion for AI, eager to join a startup in the AI industry. Offering technical expertise, a creative mindset, and a drive for cutting-edge solutions. Aiming to contribute to groundbreaking AI projects.

Enthusiastic web developer with experience working on app, website, and software creation seeking to collaborate with an innovative tech startup. Confident in working with a diverse team of creators to produce user-focused applications that deliver high-level results. 

More : Full Stack Developer Resume Example

International hires are some of the riskiest for any employer. There is so much more involved in accepting a new job abroad, so your absolute dedication, versatility, and knowledge need to shine through in your resume objective.

In this case, the objective section should be longer than usual. After all, a move abroad is a big undertaking and you need to dedicate significant resume space to what it means for you.

The most important consideration in a resume objective for moving abroad is your ability to manage change. You will come across lots of new situations and have to amend how you go about your work in ways that you cannot anticipate in advance. 

Your core reason for moving abroad should be strong as you will need the motivation to overcome different hardships and upheavals. Moving abroad can be incredibly rewarding, but it is not for the faint-hearted.

Target-driven sales professional with 10+ years of experience in the tech sector, looking to add value to a dynamic and innovative organization in Europe. Passionate about adapting to European business practices, I aim to bring a diverse perspective and innovative solutions to the Foundry in Spain, a country I have previously resided in for two years. Eager to utilize my high-level proficiency in Spanish while driving international sales success. 

More : Sales manager resume example

Seeking a move from Mexico to Madrid to further my finance career. Possessing diverse financial services experience and deep cultural awareness. Aiming to foster cross-border collaboration.

More : Finance manager resume example

Ambitious individual pursuing an international transition from Portugal to the US. Fluent English-speaker, equipped with a strong academic background in logistics, a drive for innovation, and a commitment to global collaboration.

Corporate attorney relocating to Australia, seeking a position in a family law firm in Sydney. Experienced in all aspects of commercial law, dispute resolution, and litigation. Average client retention of 6 years—investing in trusting relationships that endure.

More : Attorney resume example

How do you write an objective?

Working out what you really want out of a future career move is one of the hardest things to do in a job search. Write down every single possibility that you can think of and whittle them down to a list of 3-4 in terms of which could make you happiest. Distill the common traits from those roles and you have something resembling an objective. You should definitely keep an open mind, so try not to be too specific.

Volunteering is a noble pursuit, but any reputable organization that takes on volunteers still needs to understand that their people are in it for the right reasons and for the long run. Your objective should showcase the relevant qualities for such a role. Volunteering always involves a deeper motive—start to tell the employer about it.

Compassionate individual eager to volunteer in the charity sector. Bringing dedication, empathy, and a commitment to making a positive impact on vulnerable communities. Aiming to contribute time and skills to support meaningful causes and drive positive change.

More : How to list volunteer work on your resume

Reliable caregiver and part-time nurse would like to volunteer as a charity collector during the summer events season. Dementia is a disease close to my heart, and I would relish the opportunity to make any sort of difference, however small.

More : ICU Nurse resume example

Passionate event enthusiast seeking volunteer opportunities within the events industry. Bringing creativity, organizational prowess, and a love for creating memorable experiences. Eager to support event planning and execution, learn, and contribute to successful gatherings and celebrations.

More : Event coordinator resume sample

Enthusiastic and flexible retail worker seeking part-time voluntary position in Oxfam charity store. Specializing in creating eye-catching window displays to drive sales, stock-taking, cash register work, and itemizing new donations to the charity. 

More : The most competitive job markets in the world

Many companies will be happy to take on students for work experience, so starting with a clear resume objective example will mean your resume is far less likely to be put on the reject pile. Employers will receive hundreds of student resumes; be clear about what values lie in store if they hire you.

College student seeking work experience in the publishing industry. Passionate about storytelling, literature, and editorial excellence. Eager to learn and contribute to the creation of engaging content and gain insights into the publishing process.

More : College student resume sample

Energetic student pursuing summer work in hospitality. Eager to gain hands-on experience, deliver exceptional guest service, and contribute to a vibrant team.

Recent college leaver and keen amateur gardener looking for work experience in a professional landscaping company with a view to securing a part-time weekend role during university years. Green fingers and an unstoppable work ethic, come rain or shine.

More : Graduate school resume example

When you apply for a postgraduate qualification, an academic resume is essential. Be clear about what the next step in your education entails and why you should be considered. Make it clear that the next step in your academic career is a logical one.

Passionate student with a deep fascination for linguistics, dedicated to pursuing a master's degree. Eager to explore the intricacies of language, conduct linguistic research, and contribute to the evolving field of linguistic analysis and communication studies.

Psychology masters graduate seeking to move to an institution to continue their studies towards a PhD. My dissertation on the impact of social media on the socio-psychological development of adolescents will form the basis for further research.

More : Counselor resume example

High-performing student with a passion for biomedical sciences, aspiring to pursue a doctorate. Committed to groundbreaking research, innovation, and contributing to medical advancements.

English Literature Master’s graduate with a wealth of knowledge of Shakespearean motifs and themes, looking to undertake a taught doctorate in the impact of Shakespeare’s tragedies on modern script writing. Proficient in independent research, ideating new literature concepts, and collaborating with co-authors on papers. 

Does my resume need an objective? Not always

The resume objective is very important if you are at a crossroads in your career, or if you want your career to change track. Then, a section that describes your new direction of movement and transferable skills and qualities becomes incredibly important to describe in the first words of any resume. 

There isn’t always a requirement for a career objective. If you have a solid marketing manager resume and want to continue as a marketing manager, there is little point in spending vital resume real estate on explaining your goals and career trajectory. 

When does a resume objective example look bad?

It is fine to say that you are looking for a change or change of direction in your resume objective, but if the rest of your resume does not demonstrate that you have what it takes to make the change, your ambitions fall short. 

Having a dream is great, but you have to believe that you can make it happen. If you do not, how can you expect a potential employer to back you? No one wants to interview someone who is an unrealistic dreamer.

What is the structure of an effective objective for a resume? 

Based on recruiter and HR experience, the optimal resume objective structure should contain the following elements:

  • Professional traits
  • Title (or future title)
  • Skills & experience
  • Promise (of your career trajectory/goals)

While the majority of a resume is factual, the resume objective addresses the future of your career, your transition, transferable skills, and employer-oriented goals (meaning goals that bring value to your new employer). It, therefore, needs to present a credible vision of what might be. Employers need to believe you.

When outlining your objective, “I want to become a senior analyst” is entirely inadequate. 

You need to enrich it with a sense of personality and justify it with your most relevant skills and experience while making a promise to your future employer. It is not just your objective; it should be a statement that equally fits their needs. Put yourself in their shoes. What objective would they like to read from their ideal candidate?

Let’s take a look at each of the elements in turn:

  • Traits . Cover your main talents and traits. When you are telling the story of your career in your resume, the adjectives that you choose will supplement the narrative.
  • Title (or future title) . The second part of an objective often includes the title of the role that you wish to secure. In the cases where the role is different to previous titles, you might choose to make it more general such as “marketing professional.”
  • Skills & experience . While your resume is all about your past achievements, choosing the most relevant aspects of your skills and experience is a great way of showing your future employer that you have chosen a worthy path.
  • Promise/goals . Simply stated, when you sign on the dotted line of your next employment contract, this is who you are going to be and what you are going to deliver. This will be why you will get up to go to work every morning, for years to come. Think about it carefully as this is what they will expect from you if you get the job.

The resume objective example should ideally follow the structure we already outlined (Traits, Title, Skills & Experience, Promise/Goals), but the main thing is that it is written in the third person with a professional tone. 

Imagine that you are a hiring manager describing the candidate to their CEO . That is the sort of language that you should be aiming for—a two-sentence professional elevator presentation . Describe yourself from the outside looking in.

The objective should be as relevant as possible to the role. It is always a good idea to mirror the language of the job description and company careers page. Talking like your future employers is a great way of considering a common future from the same perspective.

Most importantly of all, the resume objective should be a personal mission statement that a candidate is intensely passionate about and proud to pursue. Making any sort of transition in a job search is hard enough, so it simply must resonate at the deepest level. Aim high, don’t settle for second best. The sky's the limit.

The traditional resume summary centers more around achievements, experience, personality, and cultural fit with the role. If you are a marketing manager who is moving to a marketing manager role, for example, it makes sense to focus on the hard-hitting facts about your marketing experience rather than wasting a sentence around how you just want to keep on keeping on. That will not leave a powerful first impression.

We have written a couple of guides around creating the perfect resume summary and also some tips on crafting impactful personal statements. They are well worth a read in our resume examples section.

Be prepared to defend your objective at the interview.

When you put yourself out there and say "I want to do this" - there will be plenty of interviewers who would like to see how you react when they challenge your ability to make it happen. 

The main thing is not to get too defensive. You don't know for a fact that things will work out the way you planned, so argue your case with a hopeful and humble attitude, backed by examples and logic.

How to write a resume headline with 25+ examples

A resume headline can be your ticket to the interview you desire. But what exactly is a resume headline and how do you best take advantage of it? This blog will show you everything you need to know.

Should I put an objective on my resume in 2024?

The short answer is: yes, but only if you’re expecting any sort of change in your career (an industry change, a role change, a promotion, a fresh start, etc.). 

Giving a future employer clarity in terms of your ambitions, including a resume objective, has never been more important. 2024 will be a turbulent time for many in terms of career change. 

Many industries are experiencing seismic shifts in demand and technology continues to change the fabric of our workplaces. People are more often working remotely, portfolio careers are increasing, and freelancing is the norm for many. 

If you are keen on a remote role, mention it in the objective. If you are looking for part-time work, be clear about it upfront. If you are looking for an industry move, let them know that their industry is for you. We have discussed various other situations above—do not hesitate to spell out exactly how you see your next role working out.

Key Takeaways

When it is time to change, the resume objective is the most important couple of lines in your whole resume. When you set the tone for your resume in the first few lines, potential future employers will read your resume with the mindset that you intend. Yes, the role might be a little different to what you have done before, but you’ve got what it takes to succeed.

Best resume for your career

how to write career change resume objective

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how to write career change resume objective

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11 Career Change Resume Examples Designed for 2024

Stephen Greet

Career Change to Administrative Assistant

Best for candidates with 3+ years of experience.

With your job experience and a stunning resume layout, recruiters will be ready to give your application the official stamp of approval.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Career Change Resumes
  • Changing Careers To Resumes
  • Changing Careers From Resumes
  • Career Change Resumes for Teachers

Noah breathed a sigh of relief as he found a few accounting job descriptions that intrigued him. After spending years in various financial roles and racking up some impressive creds as a financial analyst, he felt confident in this career switch. But was he as prepared to  make a resume as he was for his career change?

Noah’s confidence went up when he found our library of career change resume examples and time-tested hints. Plus, he knew he’d be able to expand upon his career objective and add even more value by making a cover letter ! The notes he took while preparing his application materials even helped him navigate a victorious interview.

Whether you’re looking to change careers in accounting, teaching, or any other profession, check out our handy resources to build your own success story like Noah did!

Career Change Resume

or download as PDF

Career change resume example with 14 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • A summary merges your background with the opportunities you’re seeking. In other words, a summary demonstrates how your experience has prepared you for your new field. However, you should only use a summary if you’ve had  at least 10 years of experience.
  • Choosing a  professional resume template  and  resume format  can help make your resume look professional and cohesive without much effort.

Multiple Career Resume

Multiple career resume example with 13 years of experience

  • The keywords you include will help tie your expertise together and prove that you have the right abilities for the job. 
  • Start by listing hard skills (aka technical, learned skills) listed in the job description. If you don’t have a lot, then simply use soft skills like “analytical” and collaboration.”
  • Whatever jobs you’ve held, find a common thread between them and the new job, then sew that thread into every job experience. It’ll be a subtle but powerful tool to increase credibility despite multiple career changes. 

Career Change To Accounting Resume

Career change to accounting resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • If you’re applying to be an accountant but it wasn’t your most recent role, be sure to add a certifications section highlighting that you are a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Career Change To Administrative Assistant Resume

Career change to administrative assistant resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Enhance your career change to administrative assistant resume with a short summary that shows recruiters where to draw parallels between your past experience and target title.

Marketing Manager Career Change Resume

Marketing manager career change resume example with 12 years of experience

  • There are numbers everywhere; look for percentages relating to your skills, like how you boosted efficiency or increased sales from last quarter. The sky’s the limit!
  • If you can’t find (or don’t have access to) percentages, then use plain numbers relating to how many team members you worked with, how many clients you took on, or how many referrals you gained.
  • Things like only using active verbs and avoiding personal pronouns might seem minor, but they make reading your resume easier, which is huge for recruiters and hiring managers.
  • And speaking of details, always  double-check your resume  for proper grammar, punctuation, and overall flow.

RN Career Change Resume

RN career change resume example with 17 years of experience

  • An objective is only two to three sentences, so make sure each word packs a verbal punch by showing off your years of experience, skills, and desire for the role you’re seeking.
  • For example, mentioning your adherence to HIPPA guidelines can demonstrate to hiring managers that you will stick to the rules. On the flip side, explaining how you used active listening to assist patients will show your compassion and customer service skills.

Journalist Career Change Resume

Journalist career change resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Start by keeping your resume to a single page. Otherwise, you’ll overwhelm hiring managers (who will likely toss your resume into the recycling).
  • It’s best to use reverse-chronological formatting on your resume to keep your most relevant job history at the top. While other formats are necessarily wrong, they aren’t standard, and they’re harder for hiring managers (and the ATS) to read.
  • In your contact header, include your email address (make sure it’s a professional email), your phone number, and your location. 
  • Consider adding a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile if you have a LinkedIn account.

Mechanical Engineer Career Change Resume

Mechanical engineer career change resume example with 17 years of experience

  • Consider asking a friend, relative, or even a career advisor from your alma mater to scan your resume for errors and discrepancies.
  • Nothing tells a recruiter you’re not the right person for the job like saying you’re great at “time management.” 
  • Put color in your section headers (or company titles) and your contact header. This will add visual interest without being overwhelming.
  • If you’re applying to work at a conservative financial firm, you may want to stick to traditional colors rather than pastel pink or lavender.

Teacher Career Change Resume

Teacher career change resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Look for ways to connect your previous duties to the responsibilities listed in the job description.
  • Many skills  indirectly  transfer from one job to another. Consider your collaboration skills: your ability to work well with fellow teachers will help you work on team projects at your next job.
  • Of course, if you have any skills, projects, or experience in your new field, include them, and explain how you’ve mastered them in your career change cover letter .
  • Using a  resume template  is invaluable here, as you can easily scooch sections to the side, adjust your margins, and fix your font type to give you some extra wiggle room.

Teacher to Project Manager Resume

Teacher to project manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • The work experience bullet points to occupy the largest share of your CV—no more than four bullets for each role. As for your contact info, education, skills, hobbies, and certifications, a side column will do the trick. The cherry on top is restricting the entire resume to one page.

Teacher to Human Resources Resume

Teacher to human resources resume example with counseling experience

  • But more importantly, mention the relevant transferable skills you bring to this entry-level role, a requirement Elijah executes well in his teacher to human resources resume. Better yet, let your bullet points show how you used these proficiencies in previous teaching roles.

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  • Engineering

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75+ Real-Life Resume Objective Examples [+How-to Guide]

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You’re looking to enter the workforce and find the perfect first job in your chosen field. As you’re scrolling through job boards, mindlessly browsing through countless irrelevant ads, you come across an interesting posting.

There it is—the perfect job!

This is what you’ve been looking for all along.

It’s the job that will ease your student loans, cover your crippling debt, help you figure out the meaning of life, and even get your crush to notice you. 

There’s just one small problem, though.

You’re not sure how to convince the hiring manager that you’re a good fit for the job.

This is where the resume objective comes in.

Done right, a resume objective can win over the hiring manager and show them that you make up for your lack of relevant experience with passion and enthusiasm.

In this article, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about resume objectives, including:

  • What a Resume Objective Is (And Why It Matters!)
  • How to Write the Perfect Resume Objective
  • Real-Life Resume Objective Examples for Every Field

Let’s dive right in.

This guide is part of our larger resume series. If you want to start at the beginning, take a look at our comprehensive guide on how to make a resume .

What is a Resume Objective?

A resume objective is an eye-catching statement of your career intent that’s placed at the top of your resume. Its goal is to pique the hiring manager’s curiosity and get them to read the rest of your application.

The resume objective provides a two to three-sentence snapshot of your professional experience, skills, and achievements and aims to explain why they make you the right candidate for the job.

Here’s an example:

resume objective

When Should You Use a Resume Objective?

Resume objectives aren’t that common. If you’re an experienced professional, you’re much better off sticking to a resume summary to describe your top skills and experiences.

That said, there are a few cases when you should stick to a resume objective instead, including:

  • Searching for your first job. Whether you’re a fresh graduate looking for your very first job or a student signing up for your first internship, a resume objective will show the hiring manager that you have the drive to develop your skill set and grow within the company.
  • Making a career change. If you worked as an engineer in an app development company for the past three years and you’re now applying for a marketing job in a start-up, a resume summary just won’t do. A well-written resume objective, on the other hand, can highlight how your current skills are relevant to the position and how enthusiastic you are for this next step in your career.

career masterclass

How to Write a Convincing Resume Objective

Your resume objective can tip the scales in your favor during your job search .

Resume objectives are structured in three main parts:

  • Who you are. You can mention what your level of experience is and why it’s relevant. (E.g.: Recent Finance graduate, looking to kickstart my career in accounting. )
  • What you offer the company. This is where you can highlight skills that would make you a good fit for the job. (E.g.: Proficient in MS Excel, Word, and Mathematics. )
  • How you’ll help the company accomplish its goals. Mention what your goal within the company is. (E .g.: Eager to contribute to Business X’s growth by reducing costs. )

Not too hard, right?

To make things even easier, you can just follow our tried-and-tested resume objective template:

In a nutshell, a resume objective is a great way to draw attention away from your lack of relevant work experience and, instead, show the hiring manager what essential skills and other experiences you have and how they can help you succeed in the company.


In practice, it looks something like this:

  • CPA-certified forensic accountant with demonstrated experience in financial record examination. Looking to apply my 3 years of experience at Company X to help the team at ABC Inc. improve their activity-based accounting techniques in the role of a managerial accountant.

So, basically,  a badly written resume objective is overly generic and doesn’t say anything new about the candidate. But when done right, a resume objective can help your application stand out.

5 Tips for Writing an Awesome Resume Objective

If you follow the formatting we laid out for you, then you’re already 90% ready with your resume objective.

Now, all you have to do is take it to the next level by following these tips:

#1. Tailor Your Resume Objective to the Job

Make sure to tailor your resume objective to the specific position or organization you are applying to. After all, a vague “ engineer looking for an engineering job ” doesn’t impress anyone.

A tailored resume objective shows the employer that you've taken the time to research the company and the position and that you've carefully thought about how your goals align with the company.

Start by thoroughly reading the job description and picking out the key skills, work experience , and qualifications that the employer is looking for. You can also check their website to learn more about their mission statement or company culture. Then, think about how your background makes you a good match for them.

For example, if you're applying for a marketing position at a company that promotes sustainability, your objective might be:

  • Aspiring Marketing Coordinator seeking a role at EcoTextile Innovations. Strong foundation in communication and ethical business practices, aimed at promoting fair-trade textiles. Ready to drive innovative marketing strategies in a dynamic team environment with a deep commitment to sustainability.

When you match your resume objective to the employer’s needs, it shows you're not just looking for any job—you want this job. As such, tailoring your resume objective like this can make a strong impression and convey your genuine interest in the role.

#2. Include Relevant Skills

Your resume objective should include skills, knowledge, and abilities that you know will help the company achieve its goals.

This paragraph isn’t just about yourself or your career—it’s about how you’re going to help the company, which is what the hiring manager is looking to find out.

So, even when you’re professionally inexperienced, you might have skills that you’ve acquired in other ways, such as through internships, volunteer work, or any relevant coursework . What you need to do is focus on listing those in your resume objective instead of traditional work experience, and show that you’re prepared to add value from day one. Just go through the job description and reflect on what your transferable skills are and how you match the job requirements.

Always be specific and use concrete examples of where you gained those skills. For example, if you are applying for a human resources position, your resume objective could be:

  • Psychology graduate seeking an entry-level Human Resources Assistant role at Bright Futures Inc. Eager to apply strong organizational and communication skills honed through academic projects and volunteer work. Aimed at contributing to team management and enhancing employee satisfaction within a dynamic corporate environment.

This shows that you have plenty of the knowledge and soft skills that the job needs and that you can bring value to the team.

#3. Stick to the Facts

It might be tempting to use grand statements to impress your potential employer, but bragging and vague language have no place in your resume objective.

So, instead of making yourself sound cool with vast words and declarations, use as many facts and numbers as possible to back up your experience. Say, for example, that you’re going from Marketing to Advertising. It’s one thing to say “Expert at Advertising” and another to say “Experienced in managing 5-figure advertising spend from my previous position as a Facebook Marketer.”

Sticking to the facts gives you a lot more credibility. When you back up your skills and experiences with hard data, you're not just telling the employer what you can do; you're proving it.

So, how do you put this into practice? Just dig into your professional and academic history. Think about when and how you made a difference.

Did you increase sales, cut costs, or improve efficiency? Maybe you did something during an internship, any of your courses, or while working a part-time job? Quantify any of those impressive achievements you want to add to your resume objective, and you’re good to go.

Focusing on the facts shows that you know your stuff, and it demonstrates a level of professionalism and attention to detail that employers love. It’s exactly those details that can tell your story and make your resume stand out from the crowd.

#4. Relate Your Goals to the Company

If you have a resume with no work experience , you can include a career goal in your resume objective. Just make sure it’s something related to the company you’re applying to. 

Your focus should always be on showing the hiring manager how your goals support the company’s needs. For example, if you’re applying for a customer support representative position, your resume objective should relate to customer service excellence, not your dream to eventually become a professor.

For example, if you’re applying to a tech firm for a customer support role, here’s what your resume objective can be:

  • IT graduate Looking to join Company XYZ as a Customer Support Representative. Eager to use my interpersonal skills and understanding of technology to improve customer satisfaction and contribute to the company’s tech advancements.

Framing your career goals to reflect the company’s objectives shows the hiring manager that you understand the role and that you’re ready to contribute right from the start.

#5. Keep It Simple

There’s no need to use complex words in your resume objective.

Using complicated language and words to make yourself sound smart usually leaves a bad impression and makes you come off as arrogant.

For example, instead of "contemplate,” just say "think." Instead of using "undertake,” use "do.” They both mean the same thing anyway, and you want your achievements to speak louder than the fancy words you use.

This makes your resume objective much more straightforward to understand and serves as a subtle hint that shows you can communicate clearly . After all, your resume objective aims to make you shine as a candidate, not show off your vocabulary.

Good Example VS Bad Example

Let’s drive the point home by showing you the difference between a resume objective that follows our tips and one that doesn’t.

XYZ Inc. is looking for a sales representative manager for its German branch . Minimum of 3 years of working experience in management. Daily duties: planning, directing, and overseeing the sales representative team.

And here is a no-no kind of resume objective:

  • I am looking to appertain my exceptional skills in management by being part of a groundbreaking and innovative company for a few years, then eventually switching to a job in AI.

This is what makes the above a bad resume objective:

  • “Exceptional” is subjective. The hiring manager has no way of knowing whether this bold statement is true. 
  • The language needs to be simplified. Why use “appertain” when you can just say “apply”? 
  • Giving the company empty flattery doesn’t leave a great impression. Most companies think of themselves as “groundbreaking” or "innovative," so you’re not showing the company why you’re interested in them.
  • The entire resume objective sounds more focused on you than on the company, and yet it doesn’t tell them anything relevant about you as a candidate.
  • Your career goal tells them you won’t be sticking with them for too long. That’s a major red flag for any employer, so you’re not getting a call.

On the other hand, here is a great resume objective: 

  • Sales manager trained in Berlin. Looking to apply my BA in Business Management and acquired skills at XYZ Inc. by making sure the sales representative team is staffed and follows quality standards, helping XYZ increase revenue and market share in the process.

Here’s why this resume objective is good:

  • The professional experience is summarized and backed up with concrete facts.
  • It mentions abilities that make you stand out and match the job requirements, like being trained in Germany.
  • The resume objective shows that you understand the role and responsibilities the position requires, and you describe how you’ll do them successfully.
  • It also includes the skills and experience relevant to the management position.
  • The overall language is simple, down-to-earth, and objective, and it’s tailored to show that you genuinely care about the overall goals of the company.

3 Most Common Cases for a Resume Objective

By now, you have all the information you need to write an amazing resume objective.

So, let’s look at the three most common cases when you’ll need to write one.

#1. Recent Graduate Resume Objective

The most common situation where you’d need a resume objective is when you don’t have any work experience and need a way to stand out from the rest of the applicants.

So, if you’re a recent graduate looking for a job , your resume objective should focus more on your education, internships, and extracurricular activities , if applicable. Here’s an example:

  • Motivated Liberal Arts graduate eager to join ABC Inc. as a junior graphic designer. Looking forward to applying skills in Photoshop and Canva to create eye-catching visuals that captivate audiences.

You can also write an eye-catching resume objective that will grab the hiring manager’s attention, even if you’re a job-seeker without a relevant degree in the field. You just have to focus on your best personal traits, skills, and motivation instead of work experience or education.

  • Organized and hard-working professional looking to join XYZ Inc. as a marketing assistant. Looking to take advantage of my copywriting and editing skills to help XYZ Inc. with their marketing efforts.

#2. Internship Resume Objective

If you’re looking to land an internship, writing a great resume objective can be just as beneficial.

It’s your best bet at piquing the hiring manager’s attention, getting them to read the rest of your resume, and getting that internship .

In this case, you want to focus on:

  • Your educational background and achievements
  • Your most relevant hard and soft skills
  • Any other relevant experience, such as personal projects or volunteering experience

And here’s a practical example:

  • Recent graduate with a B.A. in Business Administration, looking to start a career in Finance through an internship at XYZ Inc. Experienced in analyzing financial statements and annual reports for several university projects. Seeking to further develop my theoretical know-how with strong mentorship at XYZ Inc.

#3. Career Change Resume Objective

The next most common situation where you’d use a resume objective is if you’re going for a career change . 

A resume objective helps the hiring manager understand how your skillset from a previous field helps translate into the job you’re applying for.

Here, you can mention:

  • Relevant skills for the job you’re applying for
  • Previous work experience
  • How your background will help you excel at the job

Here’s how this looks in practice:

  • Customer Support Representative with 3+ years of experience in over-the-phone technical support looking to leverage communication skills as a Sales Representative at XYZ Inc. Excellent track record in delivering quality support service, having maintained a 4.6+ star “Helpful” rating over the past 2 years.

75+ Resume Objective Examples

Now, you’re ready to write your resume objective!

But before you get started, though, you might need some inspiration.

So let’s go through our list of 75+ resume objective examples for different professions!

Sales and Customer Service Resume Objective Examples

#1. sales associate resume objective.

“Charismatic, communicative worker seeking an entry-level sales job at XYX Inc. Tech-savvy, who can pick up product knowledge quickly. Previous experience as a Sales Clerk at Random Retail Store X.”

Read the full sales associate resume example here.

#2. Account Manager Resume Objective

“Diligent graduate with a B.A. in Business Management at University Y seeking to provide excellent client service at XYZ Inc. as an Account Manager. Strong communication skills from my job as a Sales Manager at Company X. Outstanding project management skills, having worked on over a dozen business projects in university.”

#3. Technical Support Specialist Resume Objective

“IT student seeking a part-time role as a Technical Support Specialist at XYZ Inc. Experienced using help desks and CRM systems. Skilled in written communication with intermediate knowledge in the IT-sphere.”

#4. Customer Service Representative Resume Objective

“Multi-lingual communicator looking to help XYZ Inc. provide stellar customer experience. Strong communication skills. Fluent in English, French, and Russian. Basic knowledge of CRM systems.”

Read the full customer service resume example here.

#5. Cashier Resume Objective

“Enthusiastic, courteous waiter seeking the role of a Cashier at XYZ Inc. Currently working part-time at Restaurant ABC, looking to fill up the rest of my time. Strong communication skills and a genuine love for working with people. Good at carrying out mathematical calculations.”

Read the full cashier resume example here.

#6. Retail Manager Resume Objective

“Experienced retail worker looking for a job as a Retail Manager at XYZ Inc. Skilled in inventory management, having worked as a warehouse manager in two separate organizations. Dependable math skills from working as a cashier at Company X.”

Read the full retail manager resume example here.

#7. Barista Resume Objective

“Customer-focused individual with a passion for creating delightful coffee experiences, looking for a position as a barista at Coffee House X. Strong communication and teamwork skills, dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction, and a positive attitude.”

Read the full barista resume example here.

#8. Server Resume Objective

"Aspiring Server with years of restaurant experience as an expo and host. Demonstrated ability to maintain a clean and efficient dining environment, combined with a strong commitment to exceptional customer service. Eager to leverage my restaurant expertise to enhance the dining experience at Fine Dining Bistro."

Read the full server resume example here.

#9. Waiter Resume Objective

“Experienced service industry worker seeking to apply for the position of Waiter at XYZ Restaurant. Experience includes working as a bartender, busser, and line cook. Thrives in a fast-paced, high-stress environment.”

Read the full waiter resume example here.

#10. Front Desk Agent Resume Objective

“3rd-year Medical Student looking for a summer job as a Front Desk Agent at XYZ Hotel. Experience in working face-to-face with customers, having worked part-time jobs as a cashier and waitress. Social, positive, and hard-working.”

#11. Housekeeper Resume Objective

“Seasonal worker seeking a housekeeping job at XYZ Hotel. Diligent and organized, having spent the past 3 summers working in Nantucket. Previous roles include bussing at Restaurant Y and prep cooking at Local Restaurant X.”

#12. Line Cook Resume Objective

“Recent graduate from Houston Culinary Arts School seeking a position as a line cook at Fancy Restaurant XYZ. Looking to further develop cooking skills learned at school. Previous experience working in a high-stress environment as a part-time Sandwich Maker at Fast Food Place X.”

#13. Food and Beverage Management Resume Objective

“Seasoned Server with 10+ years of hospitality industry experience looking to help Restaurant XYZ take its business to the next level. During my time as a server, I helped 3+ restaurants with hiring and training new staff, as well as coming up with promotional strategies for specific foods and drinks.”

Read the full bar manager resume example here.

Administrative and HR Resume Objective Examples

#14. receptionist resume objective.

"Friendly and efficient multitasker with a knack for creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, seeking a role as a Receptionist at ABC Office Solutions. Strong organizational and communication skills and dedication to providing exceptional service in a professional setting."

Read the full receptionist resume example here.

#15. Recruiter Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources, equipped with a solid academic foundation and a passion for connecting talent with opportunities. Hands-on experience in conducting interviews, strong communication skills, and a commitment to finding the best candidates. Eager to launch a career as a Recruiter at XYZ Talent Solutions, where I can contribute to building exceptional teams."

Read the full recruiter resume example here.

#16. Human Resources Specialist Resume Objective

“Psychology graduate looking for a position as a Human Resources Specialist at XYZ Inc. Completed an internship at Company X. Looking to further develop my experience in the field and help XYZ Inc. go above and beyond with satisfying their employees’ needs.”

Read the full human resources resume example here.

#17. Office Manager Resume Objective

“Experienced Office Manager seeking to help XYZ Inc. provide a stellar customer experience and take the Portsmouth branch to the next level. Experienced in managing teams of 15+ in several different restaurants, such as Restaurant A and Restaurant B. Handled every aspect of the business, from hiring new staff to managing marketing initiatives.”

Read the full office manager resume example here.

#18. Secretary Resume Objective

“Recent Communications graduate looking to apply for the role of Secretary at XYZ Inc. Extremely organized with good writing and multitasking skills. Practical experience in management gained through several university projects, which involves coordinating tasks between different team members and ensuring that everyone was in sync with the latest information.”

#19. Executive Assistant Resume Objective

“Freelance Virtual Assistant looking to switch to the position of an Executive Assistant. Worked with 5+ online businesses, helping with everything from data entry to customer support. Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills. Proficient in Excel, and Photoshop. Intermediate copywriting skills.”

Read the full executive assistant resume example here.

#20. Administrative Assistant Resume Objective

“Organized and hardworking professional looking to work at XYZ Inc. as an Administrative Assistant. Previous experience in several related fields, such as working as a Secretary for 3 years, in addition to being an Executive Assistant for 1 year. Strong organizational skills, as well as a keen eye for detail.”

Read the full administrative assistant resume example here.

#21. Data Entry Resume Objective

“Meticulous graduate with a B.A. in Business Administration looking to fill the Data Entry Clerk position at company XYZ Inc. Skilful typer with an average typing speed of 85 WPM. Possessing 2+ years of experience using typing tools such as MS Word and MS Excel for task tracking and automation.”

Read the full data entry resume example here.

Finance Resume Objective Examples

#22. accountant resume objective.

“Graduate with an M.A. in Accounting and Finance seeking the position of a Junior Accountant at XYZ Inc. Highest grades in relevant courses, including Intermediate Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Advanced Finance, and more.”

Read the full accountant resume example here.

#23. Financial Analyst Resume Objective

“Finance student with 3.92 GPA seeking an entry-level Financial Analyst position at XYZ Inc. Skilled in financial data analysis, reading financial sheets, with excellent knowledge of accounting and tax legislation.”

Read the full financial analyst resume example here.

#24. Bank Teller Resume Objective

“Customer Support Representative with 2+ years working client-facing roles seeking a job as a Bank Teller at XYZ Inc. Experienced in working with customers over the phone as well as by email. Excellent math skills, having graduated high school with a specialization in mathematics.”

Read the full bank teller resume example here.

#25. Banker Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Finance, equipped with strong analytical and mathematical skills. Eager to launch my career in banking at XYZ Bank, where I can apply my knowledge gained through coursework and internships to help clients achieve their financial goals."

Read the full banker resume example here.

Business Resume Objective Examples

#26. business analyst resume objective.

“Business Student at University X seeking a summer internship as a Business Analyst at XYZ Inc. Strong business know-how, with a focus on analyzing and interpreting data. Completed 10+ real-life business consulting case studies as university projects. Skilled in financial and managerial accounting.”

Read the full business analyst resume example here.

#27. Business Development Manager Resume Objective

"Experienced Project Manager skilled in overseeing complex initiatives and achieving project goals. Seeking a role as a Business Development Manager to utilize my expertise in project planning, client relations, and market analysis for driving growth and expansion at XYZ Company.”

Read the full business development manager resume example here.

#28. Project Manager Resume Objective

“Detail-oriented software engineer with 5+ years of experience in Node.js and React looking to transition into the role of an IT-focused Project Manager. Practical experience conducting daily scrum meetings and following agile project management methodologies.”

Read the full project manager resume example here.

Marketing and Advertising Resume Objective Examples

#29. marketing executive resume objective.

"Experienced Sales Lead with a background in driving revenue growth and customer engagement. Looking to put my skills into a Marketing Executive role at XYZ Inc. Proven success in building and managing teams and a solid understanding of consumer behavior to help craft effective marketing strategies."

Read the full marketing executive resume example here.

#30. Marketing Manager Resume Objective

“Recent graduate with an M.A. in Marketing Strategy looking to further my career in advertising at XYZ Inc. Strong skills in copywriting and graphic design, coupled with a creative mind. Practical experience in creating social media ads (Facebook, Instagram) as a marketing intern.”

Read the full marketing manager resume example here.

#31. Social Media Marketing Manager Resume Objective

“Enthusiastic Marketing graduate with a passion for all things digital seeking a Social Media Marketing position at Digital XYZ Inc. Skilled in copywriting and basic graphic design. Personally started and grew a Facebook page to 5,000+ likes, and an Instagram page to 8,000+ followers. Looking to help Digital XYZ’s clients improve their social media marketing and establish an online presence.”

#32. Content Creator Resume Objective

“Articulate graduate with a B.A. in Media and Mass Communication seeking a Content Creator position at XYZ Startup. Experienced in writing articles for local newspapers and online magazines. Hoping to apply my journalistic writing abilities to improve XYZ Startup’s blog on ABC Industry/Category.”

#33. SEO Specialist Resume Objective

“Detail-oriented graduate with a B.A. in Business Administration looking to apply for a Junior SEO Specialist position at Digital XYZ Inc. Theoretical knowledge of SEO, including some practical experience in using Google Analytics. Seeking to further develop my online marketing skills as part of the Digital XYZ team.”

Read the full digital marketing resume here.

#34. PPC Specialist Resume Objective

“Result-driven SEO specialist with 3+ years of experience designing and implementing SEO campaigns for e-commerce companies. Looking for a PPC Specialist position at XYZ Agency to leverage strong knack for web analytics and SEM to drive traffic and increase sales.”

IT and Software Development Resume Objective Examples

#35. it specialist resume objective.

“Competent Support Specialist with 3+ years of experience in AWS storage cloud services. Maintained a constant customer satisfaction rate of 98% while working at XYZ Agency. Currently looking for a position as an IT Specialist with a focus on cloud services at ABC Inc.”

Read the full IT resume example here.

#36. Software Engineer Resume Objective

“Result-oriented QA Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the banking and finance sector looking for a Junior Software Engineer job at XYZ Bank. Strong understanding of software engineering paradigms and testing frameworks for C++, Java, .NET (C#).”

Read the full software engineer resume example here.

#37. Cyber Security Resume Objective

"Computer Science student with an interest in cyber security, seeking an internship at XYZ Tech. Strong analytical skills and a foundational understanding of network security, gained through academic coursework and personal projects. Committed to skills in a practical setting and contributing to XYZ Tech's cyber security initiatives while gaining hands-on experience in the field."

#38. Web Developer Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a Bachelor's in Computer Science, focusing on web development. Engaged in university projects and freelance work, developing proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. Excited to bring technical skills and creative problem-solving to ABC Web Solutions."

Read the full web developer resume example here.

#39. Computer Scientist Resume Objective

“Graduate with an M.Sc. in Computer Science and Information Systems seeking a position as a Research Assistant in the computer science department of XYZ University. 2+ years of experience in designing and implementing deep convolutional neural networks with TensorFlow and Scala. Enthusiastic about furthering research conducted on the study of artificial intelligence.”

Read the full computer scientist resume example here.

#40. Data Scientist Resume Objective

“Diligent Computer Science and Mathematics student with a 3.98 GPA looking for an internship at XYZ Inc. as a Junior Data Scientist. Specialized in statistical analysis, experienced with packages such as R, SQL, STATA, and Python.”

Read the full data scientist resume example here.

#41. Data Analyst Resume Objective

“Enthusiastic recent graduate with a B.A. in Business Administration and Mathematics seeking a Data Analyst position at Company XYZ. Competent in mathematical statistics and possessing a certification in business analysis from ABC Institute. Hoping to apply my extensive knowledge of SQL databases and SQL as a querying language to help Data Analysis Co. fulfill its goals.”

Read the full data analyst resume example here.

#42. DevOps Engineer Resume Objective

"Experienced IT professional looking for a DevOps Engineer role. Proven expertise in software development and system administration, including skills in automation, continuous integration, and cloud technologies. Looking to bring a comprehensive technical background to XYZ Company's DevOps team, driving efficiency and innovation."

Read the full DevOps engineer resume example here.

#43. AI Engineer Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a Master's in IT and a minor in Artificial Intelligence. Solid foundation in machine learning, neural networks, and data analysis through academic projects and research. Eager to apply this knowledge at ABC Tech Company and contribute to cutting-edge AI solutions and advancements."

Read the full AI engineer resume example here.

#44. Java Developer Resume Objective

"BA Software Engineering student seeking an internship at XYZ Company. Hands-on experience with Java-based projects and collaborative coding initiatives, now eager to enhance real-world development skills and contribute to Java-based solutions."

Read the full Java developer resume example here.

Health and Medicine Resume Objective Examples

#45. nurse resume objective.

“Recent RN graduate seeking to help Hospital XYZ provide an excellent level of patient care. Experienced in working in high-stress environments. An excellent team player who thrives under pressure. Passionate about helping people and making an impact.”

Read the full nurse resume example here.

#46. Medical Assistant Resume Objective

“Certified, energetic medical professional with volunteer experience for XYZ Hospital looking for a position as a Medical Assistant at ABC Clinic. Dedicated team player with the ability to work both day and night shifts.”

Read the full medical assistant resume example here.

#47. Dental Assistant Resume Objective

“Licensed and enthusiastic dental practitioner with 1+ years of experience working at a private Dental Practice ABC seeking a Dental Assistant position at XYZ Dental Inc. Highly meticulous at carrying out dental procedures and assisting during surgeries.”

#48. Dentist Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, skilled in various dental procedures and patient care. Participated in multiple clinical rotations, gaining hands-on experience in preventive and restorative dentistry. Keen to apply this expertise at ABC Dental Clinic, delivering quality dental care and contributing to patient wellness."

Read the full dentist resume example here.

#49. Pharmacist Resume Objective

"Pharmacy student in the final year of study, with a focus on clinical pharmacology and patient care. Engaged in practical training through internships and university-led clinics, developing skills in medication management and patient counseling. Seeking a position at XYZ Pharmacy to further enhance practical knowledge and community healthcare."

Read the full pharmacist resume example here.

Creative Resume Objective Examples

#50. graphic designer resume objective.

"Fine Art student with a focus on graphic arts, skilled in Adobe Creative Suite and digital illustration. Proven skills through various class projects and freelance assignments. Seeking an internship at XYZ Design Agency to contribute to innovative design projects and gain professional experience."

Read the full graphic designer resume example here.

#51. Game Designer Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a degree in Game Design, equipped with knowledge of in-game mechanics and storytelling. Collaborated on university-led game projects, showcasing creativity and teamwork. Eager to join XYZ Game Studio to create engaging player experiences."

Read the full game designer resume example here.

#52. Animator Resume Objective

"Experienced Concept Artist moving towards an Animator role. Solid background in storyboarding and character design, with recent training in animation techniques. Looking to apply a unique artistic perspective and animation skills at XYZ Animations."

Read the full animator resume example here.

#53. Illustrator Resume Objective

"Aspiring Illustrator with a portfolio of freelance and personal projects. Proficient in various illustration techniques and mediums, both traditional and digital. Committed to bringing creative ideas to life at XYZ Company."

Read the full illustrator resume example here.

#54. Photographer Resume Objective

"Former model with a keen eye for composition and detail, shifting focus to professional photography. Hands-on experience behind the camera in various freelance projects. Ready to capture unique perspectives and contribute to the team at Photography Agency ABC."

Read the full photographer resume example here.

#55. Actor Resume Objective

"Drama and Theater Arts graduate, with a strong stage presence and versatility in various roles. Participated in several university theater productions, honing acting and improvisation skills. Excited to bring dramatic flair and dedication to the ensemble at XYZ Theater."

Read the full actor resume example here.

#56. Writer Resume Objective

"Aspiring Writer with a talent for storytelling and content creation honed through personal blogs and freelance assignments. Skilled in research, editing, and creative writing. Aiming to bring fresh ideas and narrative skills to the content team at XYZ Company."

Read the full writer resume here.

#57. Editor Resume Objective

"English Literature student with a minor in Translation Studies, with a passion for languages and a keen eye for detail. Experienced in proofreading and editing university publications, which further honed my understanding of grammar, style, and text clarity. Seeking an internship at XYZ Publishing to refine editing skills and contribute to high-quality publications."

Read the full editor resume example here.

Education Resume Objective Examples

#58. professor resume objective.

"Best-selling author with a rich background in contemporary literature, now aspiring to educate and inspire as a Professor of English Literature. Deep understanding of literary analysis and creative writing, eager to share knowledge and foster a love for literature at ABC University."

Read the full academic CV example here.

#59. Teacher Resume Objective

“B.Sc. in Education from University XYZ with a concentration in Chemistry seeking to start my career as a teacher at XYZ High School. Passionate about teaching, both in and out of the classroom.” 

Read the full teacher resume example here.

#60. Tutor Resume Objective

“Skilled Mathematics graduate looking to apply for the position of Math Tutor at XYZ School. Worked as a part-time Linear Algebra tutor during my time at University X. Strong knowledge of Advanced Linear Algebra, Calculus I-IV, Mathematical Statistics, and Trigonometry.”

#61. College Student Resume Objective

"College Freshman majoring in Sociology, seeking an internship to apply academic learning in a practical environment. Strong analytical skills and a passion for social research and mutual aid, aiming to contribute to meaningful projects at XYZ Nonprofit Organization."

Read the full college freshman resume example here.

#62. High School Student Resume Objective

"High school student with excellent time-management and navigational skills, looking for a part-time position as a pizza delivery driver at Delicious Pizzeria X. Responsible, reliable, and committed to providing prompt, friendly service."

Read the full high school resume example here.

Other Resume Objective Examples

#63. architect resume objective.

"Recent Architecture graduate with a strong portfolio of academic and personal design projects. Skilled in CAD software and sustainable design principles, ready to contribute innovative ideas to XYZ Architecture Firm."

Read the full architect resume example here.

#64. Electrical Engineer Resume Resume Objective

"Engineering student with a focus on mechanical and electrical systems, seeking an internship at Company X. Practical experience from university labs and team projects, aiming to apply technical skills in a professional engineering setting."

Read the full electrical engineer resume example here.

#65. Interior Designer Resume Objective

"Interior Designer with a Bachelor's in Design and a successful Instagram page showcasing personal projects. Innovative, trend-aware, and skilled in client-focused design solutions, eager to bring a unique aesthetic to Design Studio Q."

Read the full interior designer resume example here.

#67. Construction Project Manager Resume Objective

"Experienced Logistics Manager now aiming to apply organizational and leadership skills as a Construction Project Manager. Proven ability in managing resources and coordinating complex projects, ready to ensure efficiency and quality at MNO Construction."

Read the full construction project manager resume example here.

#68. Operations Manager Resume Objective

"MBA student with a focus on operations management, seeking an internship at XYZ Corp. Strong background in business analytics and process optimization, looking to apply and enhance these skills in a real-world business environment."

Read the full operations manager resume example here.

#69. Event Planner Resume Objective

"Experienced professional seeking to leverage my extensive professional background in logistics and project management to excel in the field of event planning. Proven track record of coordinating complex projects and ensuring smooth operations. Excited to contribute my skills to the dynamic world of event management at DEF Event Solutions, where precision and creativity intersect to deliver extraordinary events."

Read the full event planner resume example here.

#70. Warehouse Worker Resume Objective

“Retail worker seeking the position of a Warehouse Worker at XYZ Supermarket. Previous experience doing several retail jobs, including working as a stocker for produce and groceries at XYZ Family Market. Skilled in stocking, inventory replenishment, tracking and processing relevant paperwork, and using pallet jacks.”

Read the full warehouse worker resume example here.

#71. Welder Resume Objective

"Diligent individual skilled in various welding techniques, seeking a position as a Welder at ABC Metalworks. Proven ability in MIG and TIG welding from personal projects and vocational training. Committed to safety, precision, and high-quality craftsmanship."

Read the full welder resume example here.

#72. Real Estate Agent Resume Objective

"Former Sales Professional now pursuing a career as a Real Estate Agent. Extensive experience in client relations, negotiation, and market analysis. Ready to leverage these skills at XYZ Realty to deliver exceptional service and successful property transactions."

Read the full real estate agent resume example here.

#73. Flight Attendant Resume Objective

"Hospitality graduate with a passion for travel and customer service, aspiring to be a Flight Attendant at AirGlobal. Trained in emergency procedures and customer care, enthusiastic about ensuring passenger comfort and safety."

Read the full flight attendant resume example here.

#74. Paralegal Resume Objective

"Law student with a strong foundation in legal research and documentation, seeking a paralegal internship at XYZ Law Firm. Experience in drafting legal documents and assisting in case preparation through academic projects and volunteer work."

Read the full paralegal resume example here.

#75. Social Worker Resume Objective

"Recent graduate with a Master's in Childhood Development and Psychology, equipped with knowledge in case management, counseling, and community resources. Internship experience in child and family services, eager to contribute to the team at ABC Community Services."

Read the full social worker resume example here.

Key Takeaways

That’s a wrap on resume objectives!

We’re sure you’re ready to conquer that new career on the horizon.

But before you go, let’s go over what we mentioned so far:

  • Resume objectives are a great choice for candidates who are switching careers or don’t have enough work experience to write a resume summary.
  • The three most common cases when you’d need a resume objective are at the very beginning of your career when you have no work experience, when applying for an internship, or during a career change.
  • A good resume objective can sway the hiring manager to give you a chance if you do it right. Start by tailoring it to the job description, matching your career goals with the company’s, and focusing on your most relevant skills.
  • If you’re having trouble thinking up a resume objective, you can just scroll back up for some inspiration! Check out the examples we gave for different professions and get inspired.

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How To Write a Resume Objective For a Career Change: Your Ultimate Guide

How To Write a Resume Objective For a Career Change: Your Ultimate Guide

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How To Write a Resume Objective For a Career Change Your Ultimate Guide

In the quest for a career change, your resume is your primary ticket to landing that interview and ultimately, the job. However, among the many elements that comprise a robust resume, the career objective statement plays a significant role, especially when you’re embarking on a new career path.

Master the art of writing a resume objective for a career change with our detailed guide, which includes essential components, step-by-step crafting process, pitfalls to avoid, and illustrative examples.

Understanding the Concept of a Resume Objective

The significance of a career-change resume objective, clear intent and direction, transferable skills, relevant achievements, identification of transferable skills, thorough research of the target job, crafting the resume objective, review and refinement, resume objective examples for career changers, common mistakes to avoid, key takeaways, final thoughts, frequently asked questions.

Often positioned at the top of the resume, right after your personal details, the resume objective is your first chance to leave an impression on the hiring manager. This is your platform to introduce yourself, articulate your professional goals, and indicate what you bring to the table in terms of skills and qualifications. Essentially, it’s your elevator pitch – a succinct and compelling overview of who you are as a professional.

While resume objectives are optional, they are particularly crucial for career changers. They provide an opportunity to explain your career pivot and connect your past experiences with the job you’re seeking.

The dynamics of hiring are fundamentally different when it comes to career changers. Unlike candidates who are advancing along the same career path, career changers carry a unique blend of experiences from diverse fields. Hence, their resumes need to highlight their transferable skills and demonstrate how these skills can be beneficial in the new job role.

A well-crafted resume objective can help achieve this. It allows you to direct the hiring manager’s attention to your relevant skills, despite not having direct experience in the new field. You get to articulate how your past roles have equipped you with the capabilities to excel in the new job. Essentially, your resume objective is your tool to bridge the gap between your past and future careers.

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Essential Components of a Career-Change Resume Objective

A strong career-change resume objective is often the product of careful thought and planning. While the content is specific to each individual, a few common elements form the backbone of an effective resume objective:

Avoid ambiguity at all costs. Clearly state the job title, industry, or specific role you’re seeking. By doing so, you not only demonstrate your awareness of the new field but also show that you’re serious about the career change.

As a career changer, your strongest asset is your transferable skills. These are skills that you’ve acquired through your past roles and can be applied across various industries or job functions. They could range from hard skills like project management and data analysis to soft skills like leadership, communication, and problem-solving.

If you can back your claims with quantifiable achievements, it lends credibility to your resume objective. It shows that you’re not only capable of doing what you say but you have a proven track record of success.

Components of a Successful Resume Objective for a Career Change

Crafting a career-change resume objective isn’t an overnight task. It requires introspection, research, and a good understanding of your new career field. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write an effective resume objective:

The first step is to identify the skills you possess that are relevant to the new job. Reflect on your past roles, the tasks you’ve handled, and the projects you’ve been part of. This will help you recognize the skills that are applicable to your new career path.

The next step is to understand the job requirements of the new field. Study job descriptions, industry trends, and talk to professionals already in the field. This will give you an idea of the specific skills and qualifications employers are looking for.

Once you have a list of your transferable skills and a good understanding of the job requirements, you can start writing your resume objective. Connect your career aspirations, skills, and qualifications to show how you’re a suitable candidate for the job.

Your first draft might not be perfect, and that’s okay. Take time to review your resume objective. Check for clarity, grammatical errors, and relevance. Seek feedback from mentors, professionals in the field, or career counselors. Revise and refine until your objective is concise, clear, and compelling.

To help you visualize, here are the examples of resume objectives for career changers:

“Award-winning journalist with over a decade of experience in the media industry, seeking to leverage my storytelling skills, knack for research, and a strong network of industry contacts in a Public Relations role.”

“Experienced project manager looking to transition to the field of Human Resources. Offers proven skills in people management, team leadership, and performance optimization.”

“Enthusiastic elementary school teacher with a decade of experience in curriculum development, looking to transition into instructional design. Armed with a Master’s degree in Education and a passion for technology integration in classrooms, aiming to create engaging e-learning materials.”

“Accomplished sales manager with a proven track record in developing new territories and boosting revenue, seeking a transition into real estate. Bring deep customer relationship skills and an extensive network of potential investors.”

“Successful event coordinator with over 5 years of experience in managing large-scale corporate events, aiming to leverage my organizational and planning skills in a project management role. Certified in Agile project management with a strong emphasis on team coordination and client satisfaction.”

“Highly driven financial analyst with excellent statistical modeling skills, looking to apply my quantitative and analytical abilities in a data science role. Certified in Python and R, with a strong understanding of machine learning algorithms.”

“Detail-oriented administrative assistant with exceptional multitasking and organizational abilities, seeking to leverage these skills in a Human Resources role. Equipped with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and experience in conflict resolution and employee management.”

“Certified public accountant with a strong understanding of financial laws and compliance, looking to transition into a role in corporate law. Currently pursuing a part-time law degree, with a focus on commercial and corporate law.”

“Software developer with experience in coding, testing, and debugging, seeking a career change to technical writing. Known for my strong attention to detail and ability to translate complex concepts into understandable terms. Experienced in writing technical documentation and guides.”

“Experienced marketing manager with a knack for branding and digital campaigns, looking to transition into a career in UX/UI Design. Completed a bootcamp in UX/UI Design, with hands-on experience in user research, prototyping, and usability testing.”

“Energetic retail store manager with a decade of experience in inventory management and customer service, seeking to pivot into supply chain management. Armed with strong vendor management skills and a deep understanding of logistics and warehousing.”

“Creative content writer with an extensive portfolio in SEO-friendly articles and blogs, looking to switch careers to Public Relations. Holds a deep understanding of media strategy, crisis management, and have strong relationships with a broad network of media contacts.”

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There are a few common mistakes you should avoid when writing your career-change resume objective:

  • Avoid Being Vague : Employers don’t have the time to guess what you’re seeking. Be specific about the role you’re targeting.
  • Don’t Ignore Transferable Skills : Your transferable skills are your selling points. Make sure you highlight them.
  • Avoid Generic Objectives : Each job application is unique, and so should be your resume objective. Tailor your objective to match the specific job you’re applying for.

Here are the key takeaways from our detailed guide on “How To Write a Resume Objective For a Career Change”:

  • Resume objectives can play a crucial role during career transitions, as they allow you to connect your past experiences with your future career goals.
  • Clear intent and direction are crucial components of a resume objective. Be specific about the role you’re targeting to show your seriousness about the career change.
  • Transferable skills are your greatest assets when changing careers. Identify and highlight skills that can be applied across different industries or job functions.
  • Backing your claims with quantifiable achievements adds credibility to your resume objective.
  • Drafting an effective resume objective involves identifying your transferable skills, thoroughly researching your target job, and crafting and refining your objective accordingly.
  • Tailoring your resume objective to each unique job application is important to show relevance and understanding of the specific role.
  • Avoiding common pitfalls such as vagueness, ignoring transferable skills, and generic objectives can help in making your resume objective more effective.
  • Crafting compelling and relevant resume objectives can be a strategic move in making a successful career transition.

Switching careers is a significant decision that requires strategic planning and execution. Your resume, particularly your career objective, plays an integral role in facilitating this transition. It enables you to showcase your potential, market your transferable skills, and express your enthusiasm for the new career path. With the comprehensive guidance provided above, you’re now equipped to write a compelling resume objective that paves the way for a successful career change.

The purpose of a career-change resume objective is to clearly convey your career goals, skills, and qualifications relevant to the new job you’re seeking. It’s an opportunity to explain your career transition and demonstrate how your past experiences make you an ideal fit for the new role.

A resume objective should include a clear statement of your career goal, a summary of your relevant transferable skills, and if possible, quantifiable achievements that support your skills.

You can identify your transferable skills by reflecting on your past roles and responsibilities. Consider the skills you’ve acquired and used across different tasks and how they can be applied to the new job.

To tailor your resume objective, study the job description of each role you’re applying for. Identify the specific skills and qualifications the employer seeks and incorporate them into your resume objective.

In a career change, a resume objective plays a significant role as it helps you highlight your transferable skills, align your past experiences with the new job’s requirements, and portray how your career pivot can be beneficial to the potential employer.

how to write career change resume objective

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Recommended Reading:

  • Hobbies and Interests to put on a CV
  • CV personal qualities and skills
  • Skills to include on a CV
  • How to write references on a CV
  • How to write achievements on a CV
  • Personal details on a CV
  • How to start a cover letter
  • LinkedIn Background Photo

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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Resume Objective Examples

Written by Kristen Scatton

Updated: July 24, 2024

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When writing a resume, the key component job-seekers tend to focus on is their employment history. However, it’s also important to craft a compelling introduction for yourself. One way to do this is with a resume objective that details your goals and what value you bring to potential employers.

This article will review when to include an objective in your resume, break down the components of a compelling resume objective, and provide specific examples of resume objectives for various situations.

What is a Resume Objective?

A resume objective is a brief statement at the beginning of a resume that details the applicant’s career goals and why they are applying for a specific job.

Objective statements are typically one to two sentences long. If you are including a resume objective, it should be the first item on your resume, below the header with your name and contact information. Because this is the first section of your resume prospective employers will read, think of it as a chance to make a first impression on them. What must hiring managers know about you that will make them want you for a particular role?

Depending on the situation, some job applicants may include a resume summary instead of a resume objective. Although the two have similarities, they have slight differences. A resume objective focuses on goals and intentions, while a summary reflects an applicant’s professional accomplishments and skills.

Individuals seeking promotions within a single industry may find a resume summary more beneficial, as it’s a convenient way to summarize their achievements and make a case for advancement.

Key Elements of a Resume Objective Statement

While a strong resume objective is brief, it should touch on a few important points to be most effective.

  • Career goal: A resume objective is so-called because it focuses on the job applicant’s career objective and goals. Clearly state your specific goal related to the position for which you’re applying, so the hiring manager understands why you’re interested in the position.
  • Contribution or value proposition: If the career goal addresses why you want the position, this element demonstrates why the company should want you. Briefly review the unique skills and qualities that make you an ideal candidate for the role.
  • Relevant skills, experiences, or accomplishments: Even if you are changing careers or entering the workforce, there’s likely an experience or accomplishment that connects to the job you seek. Highlighting this information here can engage the hiring manager and encourage them to keep reading.
  • Alignment with the job: It’s important to always be as specific as possible with a resume objective, as potential employers want to know that applicants have researched and understand the job they’re applying for.

How to Write a Resume Objective Statement

When writing a resume objective statement, there are a few instructions to remember.

Be concise and specific

Objective statements are brief, at most two sentences, so you don’t want to waste space and your audience’s attention on unnecessary words and information. It may take a few tries to get your statement as short and specific as possible, but don’t get discouraged. It’s okay to write a longer version and cut or replace words and phrases as needed.

Tailor the statement to each specific position

This elevates your resume by showing you are detail-oriented, attentive, and understand the specifics of the position you’re seeking. Reading the job description is the best way to find relevant details for tailoring your objective, but you can also visit the company’s website or social media for information.

Highlight a key attribute, skill, or accomplishment

This is an opportunity to tell potential employers upfront what makes you special and an ideal fit for the position. It’s okay to be selective — your full resume will detail all of your skills, achievements, and experiences. For your objective statement, home in on one or two relevant, unique points to showcase.

Note relevant professional credentials

It also helps catch a hiring manager’s eye to include any relevant professional credentials in your objective statement. This quickly demonstrates that you have any mandatory or optional credentials for your field, which can encourage the hiring manager to keep reading.

When to Include an Objective Statement on Your Resume (With Examples)

The following are common scenarios in which including an objective statement in your resume can be beneficial.

Recent college or high school graduates

At the start of your career, you’ll want to focus on demonstrating to potential employers how a particular job opening aligns with your professional goals. This includes an objective that addresses why you’re a good fit for a position based on your existing knowledge and projected career path.

Examples: “Reliable, friendly high school senior seeking part-time server position to gain hospitality and food service experience for a future career as a chef.” “Driven and detail-oriented recent college graduate with a BS in electrical engineering and experience installing circuit breakers and transformers in residential and commercial buildings seeking apprenticeship opportunities to support master electricians and further develop engineering and customer service skills.” “Motivated recent MBA graduate and student government president seeking a full-time position in economics to apply expertise in policy development to support organization’s mission of bridging economic gaps in the U.S.”

Professionals with employment gaps

Employment gaps are common for many reasons, including medical issues, family commitments, education, and more. Individuals returning to the workforce after a significant break (typically six months or more) can use a resume objective to address the gap and review their goals for rejoining the workforce.

Examples: “Enthusiastic, collaborative graphic designer with eight years of experience seeking full-time employment after a brief hiatus to care for elderly parents. I look forward to sharing ideas and expertise to help clients develop brand identities in print and digital formats.” “Compassionate and dedicated social worker seeking an administrative position working with children and adolescents. Re-entering the workforce after a volunteer experience that strengthened my leadership, cultural sensitivity, and communication skills.”

Career changers

A resume objective is a helpful tool for individuals switching to a new field, an increasingly common phenomenon. In this case, job-seekers can use the resume objective to explain their pivot and illustrate how the skills and knowledge they have from their previous career are transferable.

Examples: “Dynamic copywriter seeking to leverage exceptional writing, critical thinking, and storytelling skills in the classroom as an English and creative writing teacher. Committed to providing middle and high school students a supportive and engaging educational environment.” “Accounting professional with over a decade of experience and proven track record of managing finances for small and mid-size businesses seeking the opportunity to serve the state government as a budget analyst.”

Job-seekers with diverse backgrounds and skills

If your experience spans different industries or areas of expertise, an objective statement is an opportunity to tell a story about how those pieces fit together to make you an ideal candidate.

Examples: “Detail-oriented and collaborative writer seeking an opportunity to write for a higher education-focused website. I combine writing and editing expertise with 10 years of experience in higher education to provide well-researched, accessible content regarding college preparation.” “Experienced theater director seeking the opportunity to apply leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills to a project management position with a tech start-up.”

Seeking advancement or a leadership role

A resume objective can efficiently demonstrate your qualifications for and interest in an advanced role within your current company or field. Use this statement to articulate how this promotion or leadership role extends your experience and education.

Examples: “Reliable and organized nursing unit clerk seeking shift coordinator role. I bring five years of experience, strong communication and problem-solving skills, expertise in effective health care operations and management, and a commitment to compassionate care for patients and staff members.” “Experienced elementary school teacher and recent M.Ed graduate seeking the opportunity to serve as elementary/middle school principal. Proven track record of leadership, innovation, and student success.”

Candidates for non-traditional roles

Perhaps you’re seeking part-time or freelance work. You can use a resume objective to provide more details on your availability and interest in this particular kind of work.

Examples: “Highly motivated and creative copywriter seeking opportunities to contribute to a popular lifestyle website as a freelance writer. I bring seven years of freelancing experience, a collaborative work ethic, and a passion for punctuation. Available for 2-3 weekly assignments.” “Reliable, driven college freshman with strong organizational and time management skills seeking a part-time position as a sales associate at a local department store. Available for evening and weekend shifts.”

If you are applying for a new role in anticipation of moving to a new geographic area, an objective is useful in explaining to hiring managers why you’re seeking employment in a different city or state, so your resume isn’t disqualified.

Examples: “Highly-motivated and detail-oriented RHIT relocating to Austin in September, seeking employment in a private practice setting.” “Experienced kitchen manager at Michelin-starred restaurant relocating to San Francisco in April. I am seeking a sous chef position at an established institution to further develop culinary skills and support a fine-dining experience.”

Learn More About Writing Resumes

  • How To Make A Resume With Examples
  • How To Write A Cover Letter
  • Best Resume Skills
  • Best Communication Skills for Resumes

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What Are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

13 min read · Updated on October 17, 2023

Ken Chase

To make the most of your career, you need to focus on the right skills

Without skills, very few people would ever come close to meeting their career goals. Whether you're looking for a job, or you're already employed and trying to keep up with your duties and responsibilities, the skills you possess are vital for success. Unfortunately, many people never really take the time to sit down and think about their skill set and the value that those skills can offer to prospective employers. More to the point, what are skills - and how do you develop and improve them?

In this post, we'll examine those questions in detail and provide some examples of the best skills to put on a resume. We'll also consider some of the best tips you can use to develop your skill set by improving the hard and soft skills you'll need to make a great impression and advance your career.

What are skills?

Skills get a lot of attention from job seekers, especially when they're preparing resumes or practicing for job interviews. But to truly make the most of your job skills, you need to understand them at a more basic level. So, what are skills? Put simply, your skills include all those abilities, competencies, and areas of expertise that you use to perform your duties. They encompass a broad range of abilities and knowledge and can include different types of competencies that help you to add value to your job role.

Skills can also be categorized into two main types: hard skills, that include all those abilities you learn through formal education, on-the-job training, or other avenues of instruction; and soft skills, that you can obtain and enhance over time, through continuous use. Hard skills range from specific job-related competencies to more generic technical abilities like computer expertise. Soft skills encompass everything from the way you think and process information to interpersonal  talents that you use as you interact with others.

Resume skills: examples

If you want to fully understand your skills and how they can help you to land a job, or even identify abilities that you need to improve, it's helpful to first understand the different categories of skills that employers may look for in job candidates. To help you in that process, we've identified five broad categories of skills and a host of abilities that fall under each category.

Thinking skills

There are many ways of processing information and making sense of the world. Thinking skills are soft abilities that define how you analyze information, process data and facts, apply reason, and solve problems. We've included several of the most common thinking styles below for your consideration:

Analytical thinking

Critical thinking

Creative thinking

Deductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning

Logical thinking

Problem solving

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are incredibly important in business, since employers are always looking for candidates who can communicate and interact with others in a positive way. If your resume qualifications are comparable to another candidate, then soft skills such as these are often the key factor determining who gets the job. Interpersonal skills include a broad array of traits and abilities that help you navigate complex human interactions, function within a team setting, and fit within a company's culture. They include:

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Teamwork and collaboration

Emotional intelligence

Active listening

Conflict resolution


Technical skills

Technical skills include all those abilities involving the use of physical or digital tools. Your specific technical abilities may differ significantly from workers in other industries, due to those industries' distinct needs. In general, however, these are skills that often require at least basic knowledge of mathematics, mechanics, information technology, computer science, and similar technical aptitude. Some examples of technical skills to list on a resume can include:

Programming expertise

Software proficiency

Data analysis

Technical writing

Digital media


Logistics management

Familiarity with POS systems

Graphic design

Leadership skills

Leadership abilities include all of those traits and talents that you use to effectively lead and manage other people. Some are acquired through formal education, while others are learned through practice or developed over the course of a lifetime. These essential skills often help to determine the quality of any company's leadership and its ability to enjoy sustained success in the marketplace. Some examples of common leadership skills include:


The ability to inspire others

Team building

Strategic planning

Business acumen

Effective delegation


Life skills

Employers also prize useful life skills, since these often help to define a candidate's character and resilience as an employee. Life skills help you to meet challenges in a professional, rational way. Employees with poor life skills often react to events rather than managing problems and overcoming difficulties. Job candidates who possess strong life skills can provide reliable value to any company and may be better positioned to rise to management and leadership positions. These skills can include:


Time management


The ability to provide or handle feedback



Tips to help you improve your skills

Career advancement rarely happens by accident. Instead, any serious effort to meet your broader career goals will require a commitment to learning and developing the skills you need to obtain your objectives. Of course, you'll need to have a sound strategy and plan to get the skills you need. To help you with that effort, we've compiled some of the best tips you can use to identify, obtain, and develop abilities that can help you reach your goals.

1.     Take stock of your strengths and weaknesses

Anyone who is serious about their career must be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. After all, without that self-awareness it's almost impossible to know what you need to do to improve your abilities and advance your career. Take the time to sit down and take stock of your skills. What are your strengths? Do you have weaknesses that need to be improved? Are some of your abilities failing to keep pace with changes in your industry?

2.     Identify the skills needed for your career goals

Once you've conducted an analysis of your own abilities, it's time to identify the skills you'll need to achieve your career objectives. One way to do this is to start by reviewing the job description of the position you want to obtain. Take note of any skills that the employer lists as requirements, then compare them to a list of your current abilities. If you see areas that you need to improve, that's where your skill development efforts will need to be focused.

3.     Research your skill development options

Once you've identified which skills you need to learn or improve, the next step is to figure out how you can develop those abilities. Some skills may require you to further your education, either in real-world educational settings or via online learning. Other skills can be improved by participating in workshops, engaging in self-instruction, or by attending seminars and conferences. Many interpersonal and leadership abilities can be cultivated by finding a mentor who can guide you in those areas of development.

4.     Commit to the investment

Make no mistake; developing your skills will require an investment in either time or financial resources - and sometimes both. You'll need to weigh those costs and ensure that you're fully prepared to make that investment in your future. If you're not fully committed before you embark on a mission to bolster your skills, there's a good chance that you'll give up and abandon your broader career goals. You can avoid this by taking the time to compare the costs and potential benefits of skill development before you start that journey. Consider:

How much will your skill development cost you in terms of money and time?

Will your career goals - including a better job - provide the return you need on that investment?

Do you have the family support you need to justify the initial sacrifice of money and time?

How much better will your life be once you've acquired these skills and advanced your career?

By asking and answering these types of questions, you can ensure that you're ready for the sacrifices you'll need to make to reach that next level of career success. Be sure to consult with your loved ones too, since they will also be impacted by any decision you make to invest time and money in your own personal skill development.

5.     Create a plan of action

After doing that preliminary work, your next step will be to create a concrete plan of action to develop your needed skills. This plan should include your main goals, short-term objectives that will help you to achieve those broader goals, and detailed strategies for time management, financing, and balancing of your other responsibilities. Oh, and set firm deadlines too. A plan without deadlines is nothing more than a suggested course of action. Deadlines help to keep you focused and on track to achieving your goals.

6.     Monitor your progress and adjust your strategy as needed

The final element of any plan involves continual monitoring and assessment to ensure that the strategy remains on the right track. You may want to schedule regular check-ins to review your progress, identify unexpected challenges, and adjust whenever the circumstances call for a deviation from the plan. The aim here should be to ensure that you continue to make consistent progress toward your goals.

Finally, it's important to note the important role that priorities play in all of this. For example, if you identify three specific skills that you need to learn to reach your career destination, you may need to focus on them one at a time. To prioritize skill development, you will need to decide which skills you need to learn first to keep your career moving forward. 

By adopting a progressive, step-by-step approach to your career advancement and skill development, you can better ensure that you continue to move toward your long-range goals. Remember, your career is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time and follow your plan. That approach will help you to maintain focus on your broader career vision.

How to effectively showcase skills on your resume

Naturally, there's more to landing a great job than just developing the right abilities and knowing which skills to put on a resume. After all, even if you have the right qualifications, they won't do you any good if you don't know how to properly present them to prospective employers. That's because every employer will be reviewing your resume to see if your abilities satisfy the core qualifications for their open position and align with their company's needs.

With that fact in mind, you need to learn how to effectively showcase your talents and abilities on your resume. The following tips can help you ensure that your resume properly conveys all your relevant qualifications to any prospective employer.

Tailor your resume to the job

First, recognize that you will need to modify your base resume for every job you seek. You should never send your resume to an employer without first tailoring it to that company and position. That may require you to remove some skills and substitute more relevant abilities, alter your resume summary to highlight core qualifications for the job, or adjust your work experience and achievements to align with the company's stated needs.

Identify keywords from the job posting and use those terms in the resume

As you're tailoring your resume, make sure that you pay attention to the relevant keywords in the job posting and description. Use the exact terms you find in that posting to describe your qualifications - including relevant skills - in the resume. That will help to ensure that employers can quickly see that you have the right qualifications. Even more importantly, using those keywords will help your resume to be selected by any applicant tracking system that the employer might be using to screen for qualifications.

Focus on a balanced mix of 9-12 relevant skills

When you're listing your skills and core competencies, choose between nine and twelve of the most relevant abilities needed for the job. Again, refer to the job posting and any job description that you can find. As we noted earlier, you should use the terminology you find in the posting as you list your skills. Don't forget to include both hard technical skills and vital soft skills in that skill section. List them in bullet point form to ensure that you optimize your use of resume space.

Include key skills in your work history achievements and summary

Of course, you shouldn't limit your mention of skills to just the core competency section of your resume. Those skills can also feature prominently in your summary and work history sections too. As you create your summary section, make sure that you include one or two of your most relevant skills as you describe the type of positive impact you've had at previous employers. Do the same thing for the bullet point achievements you include with the company listings in your work history section.

Don't be afraid to express confidence in your abilities

If your natural tendency is to avoid tooting your own horn, get over it. Your resume is no place for modesty and you can rest assured that your competition will be going out of their way to boast about their skills and achievements. Remember, your resume is more than just a bland document listing your history and abilities. It is a marketing piece with one main purpose: to sell you as the best candidate for a given job. You don't sell products by downplaying their benefits. That same principle is true for your resume and job search too.

The right skills are vital for meeting your career goals

In any career journey, your ability to move forward will always depend on you having the right skills for any job you seek. That's why it is so important to understand the different types of skills that you need for success, the best way to gain and improve those abilities, and how to include them in your resume. By learning and applying the advice and tips in this post, you should be able to manage your own skill development more effectively so that you can land more interviews, receive the job offers you need, and continue to enjoy ever-greater career success.

Are you struggling to find the best way to highlight your job skills on your resume? Get a free resume review from our team of experts today to ensure that your resume makes the right impression on every prospective employer.

Recommended reading:

9 Soft Skills Employers Want in 2023

10 Best Places to Learn New Skills in 2022

Key Differences Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills

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