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  • Prof. Haynes Miller
  • Dr. Nat Stapleton
  • Saul Glasman


  • Mathematics

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Learning resource types, project laboratory in mathematics.

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In this section, Prof. Haynes Miller and Susan Ruff describe the criteria for good mathematical writing and the components of the writing workshop .

A central goal of the course is to teach students how to write effective, journal-style mathematics papers. Papers are a key way in which mathematicians share research findings and learn about others’ work. For each research project, each student group writes and revises a paper in the style of a professional mathematics journal paper. These research projects are perfect for helping students to learn to write as mathematicians because the students write about the new mathematics that they discover. They own it, they are committed to it, and they put a lot of effort into writing well.

Criteria for Good Writing

In the course, we help students learn to write papers that communicate clearly, follow the conventions of mathematics papers, and are mathematically engaging.

Communicating clearly is challenging for students because doing so requires writing precisely and correctly as well as anticipating readers’ needs. Although students have read textbooks and watched lectures that are worded precisely, they are often unaware of the care with which each word or piece of notation was chosen. So when students must choose the words and notation themselves, the task can be surprisingly challenging. Writing precisely is even more challenging when students write about insights they’re still developing. Even students who do a good job of writing precisely may have a different difficulty: providing sufficient groundwork for readers. When students are deeply focused on the details of their research, it can be hard for them to imagine what the reading experience may be like for someone new to that research. We can help students to communicate clearly by pointing out places within the draft at which readers may be confused by imprecise wording or by missing context.

For most students, the conventions of mathematics papers are unfamiliar because they have not read—much less written—mathematics journal papers before. The students’ first drafts often build upon their knowledge of more familiar genres: humanities papers and mathematics textbooks and lecture notes. So the text is often more verbose or explanatory than a typical paper in a mathematics journal. To help students learn the conventions of journal papers, including appropriate concision, we provide samples and individualized feedback.

Finally, a common student preconception is that mathematical writing is dry and formal, so we encourage students to write in a way that is mathematically engaging. In Spring 2013, for example, one student had to be persuaded that he did not have to use the passive voice. In reality, effective mathematics writing should be efficient and correct, but it should also provide motivation, communicate intuition, and stimulate interest.

To summarize, instruction and feedback in the course address many different aspects of successful writing:

  • Precision and correctness: e.g., mathematical terminology and notation should be used correctly.
  • Audience awareness: e.g., ideas should be introduced with appropriate preparation and motivation.
  • Genre conventions: e.g., in most mathematics papers, the paper’s conclusion is stated in the introduction rather than in a final section titled “Conclusion.”
  • Style: e.g., writing should stimulate interest.
  • Other aspects of effective writing, as needed.

To help students learn to write effective mathematics papers, we provide various resources, a writing workshop, and individualized feedback on drafts.

Writing Resources

Various resources are provided to help students learn effective mathematical writing.

The following prize-winning journal article was annotated to point out various conventions and strategies of mathematical writing. (Courtesy of Mathematical Association of America. Courtesy of a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.)

An Annotated Journal Article (PDF)

This document introduces the structure of a paper and provides a miscellany of common mistakes to avoid.

Notes on Writing Mathematics (PDF)

LaTeX Resources

The following PDF, TeX, and Beamer samples guide students to present their work using LaTeX, a high-quality typesetting system designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. The content in the PDF and TeX documents highlights the structure of a generic student paper.

Sample PDF Document created by pdfLaTeX (PDF)

Sample TeX Document (TEX)

Beamer template (TEX)

The following resources are provided to help students learn and use LaTeX.

LaTeX-Project. “ Obtaining LaTeX .” August 28, 2009.

Downes, Michael. “Short Math Guide for LaTeX.” (PDF) American Mathematical Society . Version 1.09. March 22, 2002.

Oetiker, Tobias, Hubert Partl, et al. “The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX 2ε.” (PDF) Version 5.01. April 06, 2011.

Reckdahl, Keith. “Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX and pdfLaTeX.” (PDF) Version 3.0.1. January 12, 2006.

Writing Workshop

Each semester there is a writing workshop, led by the lead instructor, which features examples to stimulate discussion about how to write well. In Spring 2013, Haynes ran this workshop during the third class session and used the following slide deck, which was developed by Prof. Paul Seidel and modified with the help of Prof. Tom Mrowka and Prof. Richard Stanley.

The 18.821 Project Report (PDF)

This workshop was held before students had begun to think about the writing component of the course, and it seemed as if the students had to be reminded of the lessons of the workshop when they actually wrote their papers. In future semesters, we plan to offer the writing workshop closer to the time that students are drafting their first paper. We may also focus the examples used in the workshop on the few most important points rather than a broad coverage.

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This video features the writing workshop from Spring 2013 and includes instruction from Haynes as well as excerpts of the class discussion.

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In this section, Prof. Haynes Miller and Susan Ruff describe how students receive feedback on their writing and what is expected from students during the revision process.

Feedback and revision are critical to students’ development as mathematical writers in the course. For each project, each student team is required to write a first draft, meet with course instructors for a debriefing meeting, make revisions, and submit a final draft. This process provides an opportunity for a mid-project check-in about the students’ writing as well as their research, and it pushes them to produce a stronger final draft than what most could have managed on their own.

In the best situations, a team’s first draft represents the students’ best efforts but is still somewhat rough; we give them lots of feedback for reworking their paper, and their final draft is substantially clearer and more rigorous, well-motivated, and technically precise. In our experience, each subsequent paper is typically better than the one before.

Instructor Feedback on Writing

After a team submits its first draft, the team’s mentor for that project, and sometimes Haynes and sometimes Susan, reads the paper and crafts feedback. First drafts typically have plenty of room for improvement. We try not to overwhelm students with a huge number of comments; commenting on everything often leads to students getting lost in the details and unable to distinguish the most important points from more trivial points. Instead, we draw attention to the most important things for the students to improve. We try to craft constructive comments so that, rather than being discouraged, students will be inspired to revise. Sometimes a second round of revision is necessary. This whole process is quite like the refereeing process for journal articles.

Debriefing Meetings

Students receive feedback on their draft at a team debriefing meeting, which usually occurs several days after the first draft is submitted. Sharing feedback via the debriefing meeting provides two key advantages:

  • Clarity and emphasis via discussion. Speaking face-to-face allows us to emphasize the most important feedback; to ask students questions and understand the intentions behind their writing; and to have some back-and-forth to make sure that students understand the feedback.
  • Efficiency. Reading papers and commenting on papers takes a long time. The debriefings allow us to convey some of the feedback efficiently in person rather than on paper.

Most students take the debriefing sessions very seriously. They do not see our feedback on their work beforehand, and they are naturally curious and may be somewhat anxious, especially the first time. The face-to-face interaction always helps to frame suggestions in a constructive manner, and students almost never respond defensively. They generally listen attentively and make a sincere effort to respond to our critiques.

Immediately after the debriefings, we scan the marked-up papers and send an electronic copy to the team members. The final draft is typically due a week after the debriefing, giving students time to think about research extensions of their work and to improve their writing.

Self- and Peer-Editing

One of the things we look for in papers for the course is consistency of voice and notation among sections written by different team members. We encourage the students to help each other revise.

« Previous: Revision and Feedback

To illustrate the writing and revision process for the student papers, two sample projects are presented below.

Sample Paper 1: The Dynamics of Successive Differences Over ℤ and ℝ

This project developed from the project description for Number Squares (PDF) . To view the practice presentation and final presentation from this team of students, see the Sample Student Presentations page.

The student work is courtesy of Yida Gao, Matt Redmond, and Zach Steward. Used with permission.

  • First Draft of Sample Paper 1 (PDF)
  • First Draft of Sample Paper 1 with Comments from Susan Ruff (PDF - 2.5MB)
  • First Draft of Sample Paper 1 with Comments from Prof. Haynes Miller (PDF - 3.6MB)
  • Additional Comments on Sample Paper 1 from Prof. Haynes Miller (PDF)
  • Final Version of Sample Paper 1 (PDF)

Debriefing for First Draft of Sample Paper 1

This video features the debriefing meeting for the first draft of Sample Paper 1. The student team first presents their findings, and then the course instructors offer feedback and discuss the mathematics and the writing for the project.

Sample Paper 2: Tossing a Coin

This project developed from the project description for Tossing a Coin (PDF) .

The student work is courtesy of Jean Manuel Nater, Peter Wear, and Michael Cohen. Used with permission.

  • First Draft of Sample Paper 2 (PDF)
  • First Draft of Sample Paper 2 with Comments from Susan Ruff (PDF - 1.7MB)
  • First Draft of Sample Paper 2 with Comments from Prof. Haynes Miller (PDF - 2.7MB)
  • Additional Comments on Sample Paper 2 from Prof. Haynes Miller (PDF)
  • Final Version of Sample Paper 2 (PDF)


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," which provided much of the substance of this essay. I will reference many direct quotations, especially from the section written by Paul Halmos, but I suspect that nearly everything idea in this paper has it origin in my reading of the booklet. It is available from the American Mathematical Society, and serious students of mathematical writing should consult this booklet themselves. Most of the other ideas originated in my own frustrations with bad mathematical writing. Although studying mathematics from bad mathematical writing is not the best way to learn good writing, it can provide excellent examples of procedures to be avoided. Thus, one activity of the active mathematical reader is to note the places at which a sample of written mathematics becomes unclear, and to avoid making the same mistakes his own writing.


or structure consisting of definitions, theorems, and proofs, and the complementary or material consisting of motivations, analogies, examples, and metamathematical explanations. This division of the material should be conspicuously maintained in any mathematical presentation, because the nature of the subject requires above all else that the logical structure be clear." (p.1) These two types of material work in parallel to enable your reader to understand your work both logically and cognitively (which are often quite different--how many of you believed that integrals could be calculated using antiderivatives before you could prove the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus?) "Since the formal structure does not depend on the informal, the author can write up the former in complete detail before adding any of the latter." (p. 2)

in the language of logic, very few actually in the language of logic (although we do think logically), and so to understand your work, they will be immensely aided by subtle demonstration of something is true, and how you came to prove such a theorem. Outlining, before you write, what you hope to communicate in these informal sections will, most likely, lead to more effective communication.

by a machine (as opposed to by a human being), and it has the dubious advantage that something at the end comes out to be less than e. The way to make the human reader's task less demanding is obvious: write the proof forward. Start, as the author always starts, by putting something less than e, and then do what needs to be done--multiply by 3M2 + 7 at the right time and divide by 24 later, etc., etc.--till you end up with what you end up with. Neither arrangement is elegant, but the forward one is graspable and rememberable. (p. 43)

is bounded." What does the symbol "f" contribute to the clarity of that statement?... A showy way to say "use no superfluous letters" is to say "use no letter only once". (p. 41) is sufficiently large, then | | < e, where e is a preassigned positive number"; both disease and cure are clear. "Equivalent" is logical nonsense. (By "theorem" I mean a mathematical truth, something that has been proved. A meaningful statement can be false, but a theorem cannot; "a false theorem" is self-contradictory). As for "if...then...if...then", that is just a frequent stylistic bobble committed by quick writers and rued by slow readers. "If , then if , then ." Logically, all is well, but psychologically it is just another pebble to stumble over, unnecessarily. Usually all that is needed to avoid it is to recast the sentence, but no universally good recasting exists; what is best depends on what is important in the case at hand. It could be "If and then ", or "In the presence of , the hypothesis implies the conclusion ", or many other versions."" (p. 38-39)

how to do a math research paper

  • About the Editors

A roundup of advice for writing about mathematics

April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month , a time for increasing the understanding and appreciation of those fields. One way to communicate the joy and importance of math and stats? Through our writing.

Just last month, the Early Career Section of the  Notices of the AMS published several articles on the theme of writing, including “Outward-Facing Mathematics: A Pitch” by Jordan Ellenberg, “To Write or Not to Write… a Book, and When?” by Joseph H. Silverman, “Preparing Your Results for Publication” by Julia Hartmann, “The Art of Writing Introductions” by John Etnyre and “Writing, and Reading, Referee Reports” by Arend Bayer.

“There’s really only one form of outward-facing math I personally know well: writing about math for general-audience publications, which I’ve been doing for more than twenty years now. And I meet a lot of graduate students and early-career mathematicians who are interested in doing it too. So let me tell you some of the lessons I’ve learned,” wrote Ellenberg. He gave this advice on getting started:

“Social media drives attention, but no one has yet figured out a great way to tweet or Snap about math. That’s why blogging is still alive for mathematicians, even as blogs have withered somewhat on the whole. I think best practice for getting started is to blog on a platform like Medium or WordPress, then use social media to bring readers to your writing. When you want to pitch a piece to a more formal publication, they’ll want to see what your writing looks like: with the blog, you’ll have something to show them.”

Etnyre’s piece focuses on writing introductions to mathematics research papers, but much of his advice is relevant for anyone who wishes to write well about mathematics.

“A common problem writers have, especially early in their career, is to overestimate what everyone will know about their work and how it fits into the research world,” Etnyre wrote. (I think this common problem often also occurs when mathematicians write about mathematics outside of the realm of their own research.) He added this advice:

“Assuming that everyone will understand the context of your work, and why it is really interesting, is not a good idea. Most work is focused on some part of a bigger program or problem, and even experts in a field might not, in any given moment, recall the subtleties and details to every interesting problem in their field. So tell them, and all the other readers who will have no chance of appreciating the context without some help from you. Explain the big picture.”

Hartmann’s piece is also intended for folks who are writing research papers but contains advice that’s useful for anyone considering writing about mathematics.

“Decide what the story is you’d like to tell. There is usually more than one way to present a result and the work that leads to it…Talk about your work to other people. Consider giving a talk at your home institution. This will force you to come up with a way to “pitch” your story. You might also receive helpful feedback on your results and comments on connections to other existing work. During the process of writing, you may find that your conception of the story has changed, and this may change the idea of how to best present it,” she wrote.

The “On writing” section for Terence Tao’s blog includes links to many pieces (written by him and others). Many of these are geared toward people who are writing research papers, but some of this advice could be helpful to folks who want their mathematics writing to take the form of blog posts, news articles and more.

Francis Su’s 2015  MAA Focus piece “Some Guidelines for Good Mathematical Writing” shares both basics and advice “toward elegance.” While the piece is written at a level that’s accessible to students, it also contains gems that will serve even experienced math writers. For instance, he advises that writers “Decide what’s important to say. Writing well does not necessarily mean writing more” and “Observe the culture. Good communication is inseparable from the culture in which it takes place.”

In “Mathematics for Human Flourishing,” Su discussed the importance of valuing public writing about mathematics:

“I would like to encourage institutions to start valuing the public writing of its faculty.    More people will read these pieces than will ever read any of our research papers.    Public writing is scholarly activity: it involves rigorous arguments, is subject to review process by editors, and to borrow the NSF phrase, it has broader impacts, and that impact can be measured in the digital age,” he noted.

1 Response to A roundup of advice for writing about mathematics

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nice read, thank you!

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How do mathematicians conduct research?

I am curious as to how mathematicians conduct research. I hope some of you can help me solve this little mystery.

To me, mathematics is a branch where you either get it or you don't. If you see the solution, then you've solved the problem, otherwise you will have to tackle it bit by bit. Exactly how this is done is elusive to me.

Unlike physicists, chemists, engineers or even sociologists, I can't see where a mathematician (other than statisticians) gather their data from. Also, unlike the other professions mentioned above, it is not apparent that mathematicians perform any experiments.

Additionally, a huge amount of work has already been laid down by other mathematicians, I wonder if there is a lot of "copy and pasting" as we see in software engineering (think of using other people's code)

So my question is, where do mathematicians get their research topics from and how do they go about conducting research? What is considered acceptable progress in mathematics?

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Fraïssé's user avatar

  • 29 I like the question just fine, but: you do realize that mathematics as an academic field is not uniquely characterized by a lack of data and experiments, right? In other words, you correctly point out that theoretical mathematics is not a science . There are other non-sciences too... –  Pete L. Clark Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 6:14
  • 28 ff524: The NSF disagrees with me on the science thing, sometimes to the extent of putting money in my pocket. Nevertheless I think that everyone agrees that there is a sense in which (traditional, theoretical) mathematics is not a science: deductive versus inductive reasoning and all that. My point is that the OP seems to express wonderment about an academic field which lies largely outside of the scientific method. I agree and say: more amazing still, there are multiple fields like that. –  Pete L. Clark Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 6:27
  • 12 I have the opposite problem: I don't understand how you can call collecting some numbers from nowhere and deducing some non-sense from them without giving proper evidence (proof) as conducting research :D </sarcasm> –  yo' Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 7:57
  • 21 Legend has it that mathematics research consists of the following iterations coffee -> think -> coffee -> theorem -> coffee -> paper . Rinse and repeat. There may be more coffee steps involved but the general idea boils down to this (pun intended). –  Marc Claesen Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 11:21
  • 14 You can find a video clip on YouTube of two characters from the show "The Big Bang Theory" acting like they are "doing research", set to the song "Eye of the Tiger". The characters are playing physicists, but the clip is frighteningly accurate for what much mathematical research looks like. –  Oswald Veblen Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 23:46

4 Answers 4

As far as pure mathematics, you are quite right: there are neither data nor experiments.

Drastically oversimplified, a mathematics research project goes like this:

Develop, or select from the existing literature, a mathematical statement ("conjecture") that you think will be of interest to other mathematicians, and whose truth or falsity is not known. (For example, "There are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2.") This is your problem .

Construct a mathematical proof (or disproof) of this statement. See below. This is the solution of the problem.

Write a paper explaining your proof, and submit it to a journal. Peer reviewers will decide whether your problem is interesting and whether your solution is logically correct. If so, it can be published, and the conjecture is now a theorem.

The following discussion will make much more sense to anyone who has tried to write mathematical proofs at any level, but I'll try an analogy. A mathematical proof is often described as a chain of logical deductions, starting from something that is known (or generally agreed) to be true, and ending with the statement you are trying to prove. Each link must be a logical consequence of the one before it.

For a very simple problem, a proof might have only one link: in that case one can often see the solution immediately. This would normally not be interesting enough to publish on its own, though mathematics papers typically contain several such results ("lemmas") used as intermediate steps on the way to something more interesting.

So one is left to, as you say, "tackle it bit by bit". You construct the chain a link at a time. Maybe you start at the beginning (something that is already known to be true) and try to build toward the statement you want to prove. Maybe you go the other way: from the desired statement, work backward toward something that is known. Maybe you try to build free-standing lengths of chain in the middle and hope that you will later manage to link them together. You need a certain amount of experience and intuition to guess which direction you should direct your chain to eventually get it where it needs to go. There are generally lots of false starts and dead ends before you complete the chain. (If, indeed, you ever do. Maybe you just get completely stuck, abandon the project, and find a new one to work on. I suspect this happens to the vast majority of mathematics research projects that are ever started.)

Of course, you want to take advantage of work already done by other people: using their theorems to justify steps in your proof. In an abstract sense, you are taking their chain and splicing it into your own. But in mathematics, as in software design, copy-and-paste is a poor methodology for code reuse. You don't repeat their proof; you just cite their paper and use their theorem. In the software analogy, you link your program against their library.

You might also find a published theorem that doesn't prove exactly the piece you need, but whose proof can be adapted. So this sometimes turns into the equivalent of copying and pasting someone else's code (giving them due credit, of course) but changing a few lines where needed. More often the changes are more extensive and your version ends up looking like a reimplementation from scratch, which now supports the necessary extra features.

"Acceptable progress" is quite subjective and usually based on how interesting or useful your theorem is, compared to the existing body of knowledge. In some cases, a theorem that looks like a very slight improvement on something previously known can be a huge breakthrough. In other cases, a theorem could have all sorts of new results, but maybe they are not useful for proving further theorems that anyone finds interesting, and so nobody cares.

Now, through this whole process, here is what an outside observer actually sees you doing:

Search for books and papers.

Stare into space for a while.

Scribble inscrutable symbols on a chalkboard. (The symbols themselves are usually meaningful to other mathematicians, but at any given moment, the context in which they make sense may exist only in your head.)

Scribble similar inscrutable symbols on paper.

Use LaTeX to produce beautifully-typeset inscrutable symbols interspersed with incomprehensible technical terms, connected by lots of "therefore"s and "hence"s.

Loop until done.

Submit said beautifully-typeset gibberish to a journal.

Apply for funding.

Attend a conference, where you speak unintelligibly about your gibberish, and listen to others do the same about theirs.

Loop until emeritus, or perhaps until dead ( in the sense of Erdős ).

David Richerby's user avatar

  • 6 What's interesting is that sometimes in the course of proving something, you might invent an entirely new kind of mathematics, which in turn winds up being useful for other purposes. This is very loosely analogous to inventing new programming languages for the purpose of more efficiently expressing your intention and hence developing things more quickly. Many of the names of our everyday mathematical abstractions come from the names of the living, breathing people who spent their lives constructing and refining them. –  Dan Bryant Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 16:21
  • 15 In my own experience, it's not that common to begin with a specific problem. More often, I begin with a feeling that something I've read or heard about could be done more elegantly or more clearly. My initial goal is then just to understand better what someone else has done, but if I can really achieve a better understanding, then that often suggests improvements or generalizations of that work. Indeed, it sometimes makes such improvements obvious. If the improvement is big enough, it can constitute a paper; if not, it can sometimes become part of a paper, or of a talk. –  Andreas Blass Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 21:23
  • 4 Rather than starting with a conjecture (although I sometimes do that), I more often start with an idea: some specific thing that I'd like to understand. This is based on my intuition about what problems seem likely to have interesting results. As I work through the thing I am studying, I come up with specific conjectures and theorems. But the beginning of the project rarely has specific conjectures, just goals. –  Oswald Veblen Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 23:31
  • 6 You forgot "meet with a colleague, stare at a blackboard together and argue passionately on which definition looks the most beautiful". Pretty accurate nevertheless. –  Federico Poloni Commented Dec 13, 2014 at 17:04
  • 2 @Jack: The goal of pure mathematics research at any level is as I described: to be able to prove or disprove statements whose truth or falsity was not previously known. At the undergraduate level, it often begins with computations (by hand or computer) to try to evaluate whether a conjecture is plausible, and sometimes it doesn't get any further than that. There will also be a lot more interaction with an advisor. –  Nate Eldredge Commented Apr 4, 2015 at 15:10

Actually, even in pure mathematics, it very often is possible to do experiments of a sort.

It's very common to come up with a hypothesis that seems plausible but you're not sure if it's true or not. If it's true, proving that is probably quite a lot of work; if it's false, proving that could be quite a lot of work, too. But, if it's true, trying to prove that it's false is a huge amount of work! Before you invest a lot of effort into trying to prove the wrong direction, it's good to gain some intuition about the situation and whether the statement seems more likely to be true or to be false. Computers can be very useful for this kind of thing: you can generate lots of examples and see if they satisfy your hypothesis. If they do, you might try to prove your hypothesis is true; if they don't, you might try to refine your hypothesis by adding more conditions to it.

See also Oswald Veblen's answer which talks about doing similar "experiments" by hand.

Community's user avatar

  • 8 I "do experiments" by working out conjectures in the context of specific examples. If the conjecture works out in several examples, that makes me more confident that it may be true in general. –  Oswald Veblen Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 23:42

I "gather data" and perform experiments" by working out my conjectures in the context of specific examples. If the conjecture works out in several examples, that makes me more confident that it may be true in general.

For example, suppose that I think that every topological space of a certain form has a particular property. I will start by looking at some "simple" spaces, like the real line, and see if they have the property. If they do, I may look at some more complicated space. Often, when I look at what specific attributes of the examples were necessary to show they had the property in question, it tells me what hypotheses I need to add to make my conjecture into a theorem.

This is not the same as scientific experimentation, nor the same as computer experimentation, which is also important in various areas of mathematics. But it is its own form of experimentation, nevertheless.

Oswald Veblen's user avatar

  • 15 I think this is an important answer (especially in light of my comments above). From a philosophy of science standpoint, one must be clear that theoretical mathematics does not follow the scientific method. However, an important part of what mathematicians do in practice bears a lot of similarity to scientific experimentation. As a result, mathematical research has a similar flavor to scientific research in many respects. (There are other academic fields in which one really doesn't do experiments in any sense: philosophy, literature, law...) –  Pete L. Clark Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 3:40

One point to note is that, for some questions, it is possible to do experiments to get data. Certain questions are things we now have computer programs to generate, and previously they could have been done on a far more limited scale by hand. So in some cases mathematicians do work more like experimental scientists. On the other hand, once they've found what seems to be a pattern, they change approach. Gathering further examples isn't much use (unless you then find a counter-example, but it can be encouraging) - you need to find an actual proof.

More generally, nearly every big result will come from some 'experiments': you try special cases, cases with more hypotheses, extreme cases that might result in failures...

On the 'copy-and-paste' point, mathematicians do use a lot of what other people have done (generally they must), but whereas you might copy someone's code to use it, when you cite a theorem you don't need to copy out the proof. So in terms of written space in a paper, the 'copied' section is very small. There are (fairly large) exceptions to this: fairly often a proof someone has given is very close to what you need, but not quite good enough, because you want to use it for something different to what they did. So you may end up writing out something very similar, but with your own subtle tweaks. I guess you could see this as like adjusting someone else's machine (we call things machines too, but here I mean a physical one). The difference is that generally in order to do this sort of thing you must completely understand what the machine does. Another big reason for 'copying' is that you may need (for actual theoretical reasons or for expositional ones) to build on the actual workings of the machine, not just on the output it gives.

More to the point of the question: As a mathematician, you generally read, and aim to understand, what other people have done. That gives you a bank of tools you can use - results (which you may or may or may not be completely able to prove yourself), and methods that have worked in the past. You build up an idea of things that tend to work, and how to adapt things slightly to work in similar situations. You do a fair amount of trial and error - you try something, but realise you get stuck at some point. Then you try and understand why you are stuck, and if there's a way round. You try proving the opposite to what you want, and see where you get stuck (or don't!).

Once you have a working proof, you see whether there are closely related things you can/can't prove. What happens if you remove/change a hypothesis? Also, does the reverse statement hold? If not entirely, are there some cases in which it does? Can you give examples to show your result is as good as possible? Can you combine it with other things you know about?

Another source of questions is what other people are interested in. Sometimes you know how to do something they want doing, but you didn't think of it until they asked.

One more point I'd like to make in the 'methods of proof category' is that, for me at least, there's a degree to which I work by 'feel'. You know those puzzles where all the pieces seem to be jammed in place but you're meant to take them apart (and put them back together again)? You sort of play around until you feel a bit that's looser than the rest, right? Sometimes proofs are a bit like that. When you understand something well, you can 'feel' where things are wedged tight and where they are looser.

Sometimes you also hope that lightning (inspiration) will strike. Occasionally it does.

(All of this may not exactly answer the question, but hopefully it gives some insight.)

Jessica B's user avatar

  • 3 "whereas you might copy someone's code to use it, when you cite a theorem you don't need to copy out the proof" - and when you call someone else's function, you don't need to copy the source. If you're copying the source, that's a bad sign. –  user2357112 Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 8:57
  • 2 @user2357112 or a sign that they don't provide a library, just an integrated implementation; or that the full library has too many requirements, or does not compile on your system. Seriously, in academic code you can usually find truly horrific things, and just copying the body of a function is one of the least abhorrent things. –  Davidmh Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 9:34

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how to do a math research paper

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What is mathematical research like?

I'm planning on applying for a math research program over the summer, but I'm slightly nervous about it just because the name math research sounds strange to me. What does math research entail exactly? For other research like in economics, or biology one collects data and analyzes it and draws conclusions. But what do you do in math? It seems like you would sit at a desk and then just think about things that have never been thought about before. I appologize if this isn't the correct website for this question, but I think the best answers will come from here.

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Caleb Stanford's user avatar

  • 7 $\begingroup$ Gromov said when he was young he could work on problems from early morning to midnight. $\endgroup$ –  alancalvitti Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 3:19
  • 5 $\begingroup$ This question has several good answers on Quora here . $\endgroup$ –  David Robinson Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 8:02
  • 2 $\begingroup$ You should read Théorème Vivant (Alive Theorem) by Cédric Villani, as soon as it gets translated to English (or right now if you can read French). It tells the story of a research that led to the Fields Medal, and it's fascinating. $\endgroup$ –  Laurent Couvidou Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 9:48
  • $\begingroup$ @LaurentCouvidou That sounds extremely fascinating, is there another book that tells a similar story? $\endgroup$ –  TheHopefulActuary Commented Feb 14, 2013 at 4:51
  • $\begingroup$ @Kyle Not to my knowledge. Which doesn't cover lots of math ;) $\endgroup$ –  Laurent Couvidou Commented Feb 14, 2013 at 8:42

9 Answers 9

Largely (very largely, so please take everything here with a grain of salt), there are two types of mathematical research, commonly referred to as 'theorem proving/problem solving' vs. 'theory building'. Typical characteristics of theorem proving/problem solving type research is to try and tackle a famous open problem, usually stated in the form of a conjecture as to the validity of a statement or the specification of a problem. Quite often this will entail spending a lot of time learning the relevant material, analyzing particular attempts at solutions, trying to figure out why they don't work, and hopefully come up with some improvement to an existing attempt, or a whole new attempt, that has a good change of working. Very famous open-standing questions include: The Riemann hypothesis and $P\ne NP$ (which are examples of theorem proving) and the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (an example of problem solving), all three are in the Clay's Institute millennium problems list.

Theory building is a somewhat different activity that involves the creation of new structures, or the extension of existing structures. Usually, the motivation behind the study of these new structures is coming from a desire to generalize (in order to gain better insight or be able to apply particular techniques of one area to a broader class of problems) or there might be a need to these new structures to exist, due to some application in mind. Typical activities would include a lot of reading on relevant structures, understanding their global role, figuring out what generalizations or new structures would make sense, what the aim of the new theory will be, and then a long process of proving basic structure theorems for the new structures that will necessitate tweaking the axioms. A striking example of this kind of research is Grothendieck's reformalization of modern algebraic geometry. Cantor's initial work on set theory can also be said to fall into this kind of research, and there are many other examples.

Of course, quite often a combination of the two approaches is required.

Today, research can be assisted by a computer (experimentally, computationally, and exploratory). Any mathematics research will require extensive amount of learning (both of results and of techniques) and will certainly include long hours of thinking. I find the entire process extremely creative.

I hope this helps. As should be clear, this is a rather subjective answer and I don't intend any of what I said to be taken to be said with any kind of mathematical rigor.

Ittay Weiss's user avatar

  • 6 $\begingroup$ Very helpful and relevant to the question! +1 $\endgroup$ –  LarsH Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 16:09

"A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there." Attributed to Darwin (but I'm not convinced).

EDIT: A friend of mine found a discussion of this quote at wikiquote . It says (among other things),

The attribution to Darwin is incorrect,

In a publication of 1911 it was attributed to Lord Bowen (who died in 1894), but it was about "equity", not about mathematicians, and it was a hat instead of a cat,

It was published in 1898 as being about metaphysicians and hats,

William James, 1911, had it about philosophers,

The first reference to mathematicians seems to be in a 1948 collection of essays edited by William Schaaf.

EDIT 30 August 2016: Expanding on the last point. The collection is Mathematics, Our Great Heritage, edited by William Leonard Schaaf, published by Harper in 1948. An essay by Tomlinson Fort, Mathematics and the Sciences, appears on pages 161 to 172. A footnote states, "Address delivered at the dinner of the Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Athens, Ga., March 29, 1940. Reprinted, by permission, from the American Mathematical Monthly, November, 1940, vol. 47, pp. 605-612." On page 163, Fort writes,

I have heard it said that Charles Darwin gave the following. (He probably never did.) "A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black hat which isn't there."

Gerry Myerson's user avatar

  • 3 $\begingroup$ And in the world of this quote, what is the blind man's goal? To find out (and prove) whether the cat is there? I'm having a hard time applying the quote to mathematics in a meaningful way, but maybe it's not meant to be very meaningful. $\endgroup$ –  LarsH Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 16:03
  • 2 $\begingroup$ I think it's meant to be funny. I don't think it stands up to a rigorous analysis. $\endgroup$ –  Gerry Myerson Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 23:10
  • $\begingroup$ @LarsH If anyone has a hope of finding the black cat in such a dark room, it is the Mathematician who isn't inhibited by such darkness. The main point is that the mathematician will often need to prove that something isn't the case, which is often as hopeless as trying to find said non-existent cat. If the blind man walks to every spot in the room, the cat may have simply just moved. Even if absolute confidence is reached, it may not necessarily be the case. $\endgroup$ –  Display Name Commented May 27, 2014 at 0:41
  • $\begingroup$ @DisplayName, can you explain why the mathematician has hope of finding the cat? As opposed to, say, a physicist, an engineer, or an animal trainer. I'm not seeing it. The mathematician is well-versed in logic and proofs, but this won't help find the cat in the complete absence of empirical data. I think we're straying from the original point, but since I don't understand the original point it's hard to get back there. Maybe the search for the meaning of this quote is like a search for a cat that doesn't exist. $\endgroup$ –  LarsH Commented May 27, 2014 at 21:20
  • 1 $\begingroup$ Of possible interest: (which indicates the attribution to Darwin is first found in Tomlinson's essay). $\endgroup$ –  Barry Cipra Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 1:53

I guess its something like what you said, but not so much euphemic :) Mostly, researchers are dealing with problems in which there are several people working at it at the same time, so there's some kind of communication as they often work in groups. They also have to attend to conferences to get to know what's new on research world. Sometimes they are trying to "mix" different branches of mathematics in order to develop some new techniques to solve the problems.

I used to have an advisor who once explained that its contributions as a researcher involved solving problems that appeared in engineering & physics literatures but that the authors didn't had the tools and/or time and/or interest to work them out.

Marra's user avatar

Take a look at for topics near your interests. I happen to know that these are not all the REU programs coming up. there is also and likely others not listed. Oh, I get it, that one is already full. Anyway, these are pretty well organized. Faculty give an overall picture, students do research projects and write up both group and individual reports. Programs in other countries may or may not be this well organized.

Right, the individual sites listed should give lots of information about past year summer programs, sometimes the reports by the students.

Will Jagy's user avatar

Found this description of mathematical research at :

At one point, writes [Elizabeth] Scott, [Julia] Robinson was required to submit a description of what she did each day to Berkeley's personnel office. So she did: "Monday--tried to prove theorem, Tuesday--tried to prove theorem, Wednesday--tried to prove theorem, Thursday--tried to prove theorem; Friday--theorem false."

I can recommend that you read Richard Hamming's book The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn . It gives many examples about research work.

Martin Peters's user avatar

I think the ultimate goal of mathematical research is to discover all possibilities. The way to do so is to think all possible thoughts, discover all possible rules, and find out all possible objects which follow the rules.

akhil999in's user avatar

  • 1 $\begingroup$ Velcome to the site! $\endgroup$ –  kjetil b halvorsen Commented May 19, 2014 at 10:30

For me as an independent mathematical researcher, it includes:

1) Trying to find new, more efficient algorithms. 2) Studying data sets as projected visually through different means to see if new patterns can be made visible, and how to describe them mathematically. 3) Developing new mathematical language and improving on existing language.

It is not so different from how you describe biological or economical research, only that you try to find patterns linked to mathematical laws rather than biological or economical laws.

Alpha_Pi's user avatar

We know that mathematics is the subject which is not invented it's just found out from nature and as we all know that research means doing a work which is already been searched or done just to get the more accurate results and minimise some how the approximate errors .mathematics research means some how researching the nature so that we are able to do any work more logically and get the most accurate results related to anything with the help of our previous knowledge in mathematics..

farhin anjum's user avatar

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how to do a math research paper

> > Presenting Your Research

After you have finished doing your mathematics research, you will need to present your findings to others. There are three main ways to do this:

The following sections provide information about each of these presentation strategies.

Writing Up Your Research

Your project write-up is a chance to synthesize what you have learned about your mathematics research problem and to share it with others. Most people find that when they complete their write-up it gives them quite a bit of satisfaction. The process of writing up research forces you to clarify your own thinking and to make sure you really have rigorous arguments. You may be surprised to discover how much more you will learn by summarizing your research experience!

If you have ever looked at a mathematics journal to see how mathematicians write up new results, you may have found that everything seemed neat and polished. The author often poses a question and then presents a proof that leads neatly, and sometimes elegantly, to his or her solution. Mathematicians rarely talk about the dead ends they met along the way in these formal presentations. Your write-up will be different. We hope that you will tell your reader about your thought process. How did you start? What did you discover? Where did that lead you? What were your conjectures? Did you disprove any of them? How did you prove the ones that were true? By answering these questions, you will provide a detailed map that will take the reader through your research experience.

This guide will give you a brief overview of the parts of a mathematics research paper. Following the guide is a sample write up so you can see how one person wrote about her research experience and shared her results.

A formal mathematics research paper includes a number of sections. These will be appropriate for your write-up as well. The sections of the report are linked so that you can see an example of each part in the sample write-up that follows. Note that not all mathematical research reports contain all of the sections. For example, you might not have any appendices to include or you may not do a literature review. However, your write-up should definitely contain parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.



they have finished writing the body of the report because it summarizes what they wrote, not what they plan to write.


In the literature review section you may answer questions such as “What kind of research has been done before?” “What kind of relevant studies or techniques needed to be mastered to do your project?” “How have others gone about trying to solve your problem, and how does your approach differ?”



as your guide, start with your initial explorations and conjectures. Explain any definitions and notation that you developed. Tell the reader what you discovered as you learned more about the problem. Provide any numeric, geometric or symbolic examples that guided you toward your conjectures. Show your results. Explain how you proved your conjectures.

The body of your report should be a mix of English narrative and more abstract representations. Be sure to include lots of examples to help your reader understand your reasoning. If your paper is very long, you can divide the body of your report into sections so that it easier to tackle the various aspects of your work.



Book with one author

(English edition). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.

Book with two authors

. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Edited book

. New York: Copernicus.

Book, edition other than first

. (2 ed.) Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Essay or chapter in a collection or anthology

. (pp. 257-269). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Journal Article

. 506-511.

Article in a magazine

, p. 96.

Daily newspaper article (note multiple pages)

, pp. E1, E6.

Abstract on CD-ROM

, 38 (1), 23-25. Abstract from SilverPlatter File: Psyclit Item 80-25636

Article posted on a web site

. Bridgewater, MA: Clement C. Maxwell Library. Retrieved February 12, 2002, from the World Wide Web:

8. Appendices

In the appendices you should include any data or material that supported your research but that was too long to include in the body of your paper. Materials in an appendix should be referenced at some point in the body of the report.

Some examples:

• If you wrote a computer program to generate more data than you could produce by hand, you should include the code and some sample output.

• If you collected statistical data using a survey, include a copy of the survey.

• If you have lengthy tables of numbers that you do not want to include in the body of your report, you can put them in an appendix.

Sample Write-Up

Seating unfriendly customers, a combinatorics problem.

By Lisa Honeyman February 12, 2002

The Problem

In a certain coffee shop, the customers are grouchy in the early morning and none of them wishes to sit next to another at the counter.

1. Suppose there are ten seats at the counter. How many different ways can three early morning customers sit at the counter so that no one sits next to anyone else?

2. What if there are n seats at the counter?

3. What if we change the number of customers?

4. What if, instead of a counter, there was a round table and people refused to sit next to each other?


I am assuming that the order in which the people sit matters. So, if three people occupy the first, third and fifth seats, there are actually 6 (3!) different ways they can do this. I will explain more thoroughly in the body of my report.

Body of the Report

At first there are 10 seats available for the 3 people to sit in. But once the first person sits down, that limits where the second person can sit. Not only can’t he sit in the now-occupied seat, he can’t sit next to it either. What confused me at first was that if the first person sat at one of the ends, then there were 8 seats left for the second person to chose from. But if the 1 st person sat somewhere else, there were only 7 remaining seats available for the second person. I decided to look for patterns. By starting with a smaller number of seats, I was able to count the possibilities more easily. I was hoping to find a pattern so I could predict how many ways the 10 people could sit without actually trying to count them all. I realized that the smallest number of seats I could have would be 5. Anything less wouldn’t work because people would have to sit next to each other. So, I started with 5 seats. I called the customers A, B, and C.

With 5 seats there is only one configuration that works.











As I said in my assumptions section, I thought that the order in which the people sit is important. Maybe one person prefers to sit near the coffee maker or by the door. These would be different, so I decided to take into account the different possible ways these 3 people could occupy the 3 seats shown above. I know that ABC can be arranged in 3! = 6 ways. (ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA). So there are 6 ways to arrange 3 people in 5 seats with spaces between them. But, there is only one configuration of seats that can be used. (The 1 st , 3 rd , and 5 th ).

Next, I tried 6 seats. I used a systematic approach to show that there are 4 possible arrangements of seats. This is how my systematic approach works:

Assign person A to the 1 st seat. Put person B in the 3 rd seat, because he can’t sit next to person A. Now, person C can sit in either the 5 th or 6 th positions. (see the top two rows in the chart, below.) Next suppose that person B sits in the 4 th seat (the next possible one to the right.) That leaves only the 6 th seat free for person C. (see row 3, below.) These are all the possible ways for the people to sit if the 1 st seat is used. Now put person A in the 2 nd seat and person B in the 4 th . There is only one place where person C can sit, and that’s in the 6 th position. (see row 4, below.) There are no other ways to seat the three people if person A sits in the 2 nd seat. So, now we try putting person A in the 3 rd seat. If we do that, there are only 4 seats that can be used, but we know that we need at least 5, so there are no more possibilities.








row 1







row 2







row 3







row 4







Possible seats 3 people could occupy if there are 6 seats

Once again, the order the people sit in could be ABC, BAC, etc. so there are 4 * 6 = 24 ways for the 3 customers to sit in 6 seats with spaces between them.

I continued doing this, counting how many different groups of seats could be occupied by the three people using the systematic method I explained. Then I multiplied that number by 6 to account for the possible permutations of people in those seats. I created the following table of what I found.

Total # of seats

( )

# of groups of 3 possible

# ways 3 people can sit in seats













Next I tried to come up with a formula. I decided to look for a formula using combinations or permutations. Since we are looking at 3 people, I decided to start by seeing what numbers I would get if I used n C 3 and n P 3 .

3 C 3 = 1   4 C 3 = 4   5 C 3 = 10   6 C 3 = 20

3 P 3 = 6   4 P 3 = 24   5 P 3 = 60   6 P 3 = 120

Surprisingly enough, these numbers matched the numbers I found in my table. However, the n in n P r and n C r seemed to be two less than the total # of seats I was investigating. 

Conjecture 1:

Given n seats at a lunch counter, there are n -2 C 3 ways to select the three seats in which the customers will sit such that no customer sits next to another one. There are n -2 P 3 ways to seat the 3 customers in such a way than none sits next to another.

After I found a pattern, I tried to figure out why n -2 C 3 works. (If the formula worked when order didn’t matter it could be easily extended to when the order did, but the numbers are smaller and easier to work with when looking at combinations rather than permutations.)

In order to prove Conjecture 1 convincingly, I need to show two things:

(1) Each n – 2 seat choice leads to a legal n seat configuration.

(2) Each n seat choice resulted from a unique n – 2 seat configuration.

To prove these two things I will show

And then conclude that these two procedures are both functions and therefore 1—1.

Claim (1): Each ( n – 2) -seat choice leads to a legal n seat configuration.

Suppose there were only n – 2 seats to begin with. First we pick three of them in which to put people, without regard to whether or not they sit next to each other. But, in order to guarantee that they don’t end up next to another person, we introduce an empty chair to the right of each of the first two people. It would look like this:

We don’t need a third “new” seat because once the person who is farthest to the right sits down, there are no more customers to seat. So, we started with n – 2 chairs but added two for a total of n chairs. Anyone entering the restaurant after this procedure had been completed wouldn’t know that there had been fewer chairs before these people arrived and would just see three customers sitting at a counter with n chairs. This procedure guarantees that two people will not end up next to each other. Thus, each ( n – 2)-seat choice leads to a unique, legal n seat configuration.

Therefore, positions s 1 ' s 2 ', and s 3 ' are all separated by at least one vacant seat.

This is a function that maps each combination of 3 seats selected from n – 2 seats onto a unique arrangement of n seats with 3 separated customers. Therefore, it is invertible.

Claim (2): Each 10-seat choice has a unique 8-seat configuration.

Given a legal 10-seat configuration, each of the two left-most diners must have an open seat to his/her right. Remove it and you get a unique 8-seat arrangement. If, in the 10-seat setting, we have q 1 > q 2 , q 3 ; q 3 – 1 > q 2 , and q 2 – 1 > q 1 , then the 8 seat positions are q 1 ' = q 2 , q 2 ' = q 2 – 1, and q 3 ' = q 3 – 2. Combining these equations with the conditions we have

q 2 ' = q 2 – 1 which implies q 2 ' > q 1 = q 1 '

q 3 ' = q 3 – 2 which implies q 3 ' > q 2 – 1 = q 2 '

Since q 3 ' > q 2 ' > q 1 ', these seats are distinct. If the diners are seated in locations q 1 , q 2 , and q 3 (where q 3 – 1 > q 2 and q 2 – 1 > q 1 ) and we remove the two seats to the right of q 1 and q 2 , then we can see that the diners came from q 1 , q 2 – 1, and q 3 – 2. This is a function that maps a legal 10-seat configuration to a unique 8-seat configuration.

The size of a set can be abbreviated s ( ). I will use the abbreviation S to stand for n separated seats and N to stand for the n – 2 non-separated seats.

therefore s ( N ) = s ( S ).

Because the sets are the same size, these functions are 1—1.

Using the technique of taking away and adding empty chairs, I can extend the problem to include any number of customers. For example, if there were 4 customers and 10 seats there would be 7 C 4 = 35 different combinations of chairs to use and 7 P 4 = 840 ways for the customers to sit (including the fact that order matters). You can imagine that three of the ten seats would be introduced by three of the customers. So, there would only be 7 to start with.

In general, given n seats and c customers, we remove c- 1 chairs and select the seats for the c customers. This leads to the formula n -( c -1) C c = n - c +1 C c for the number of arrangements.

Once the number of combinations of seats is found, it is necessary to multiply by c ! to find the number of permutations. Looking at the situation of 3 customers and using a little algebraic manipulation, we get the n P 3 formula shown below.

This same algebraic manipulation works if you have c people rather than 3, resulting in n - c +1 P c

Answers to Questions

  • With 10 seats there are 8 P 3 = 336 ways to seat the 3 people.
  • My formula for n seats and 3 customers is: n -2 P 3 .
  • My general formula for n seats and c customers, is: n -( c -1) P c = n - c +1 P c

_________________________________________________________________ _

After I finished looking at this question as it applied to people sitting in a row of chairs at a counter, I considered the last question, which asked would happen if there were a round table with people sitting, as before, always with at least one chair between them.

I went back to my original idea about each person dragging in an extra chair that she places to her right, barring anyone else from sitting there. There is no end seat, so even the last person needs to bring an extra chair because he might sit to the left of someone who has already been seated. So, if there were 3 people there would be 7 seats for them to choose from and 3 extra chairs that no one would be allowed to sit in. By this reasoning, there would be 7 C 3 = 35 possible configurations of chairs to choose and 7 P 3 = 840 ways for 3 unfriendly people to sit at a round table.

Conjecture 2: Given 3 customers and n seats there are n -3 C 3 possible groups of 3 chairs which can be used to seat these customers around a circular table in such a way that no one sits next to anyone else.

My first attempt at a proof: To test this conjecture I started by listing the first few numbers generated by my formula:

When n = 6    6-3 C 3 = 3 C 3 = 1

When n = 7    7-3 C 3 = 4 C 3 = 4

When n = 8    8-3 C 3 = 5 C 3 = 10

When n = 9    9-3 C 3 = 6 C 3 = 20

Then I started to systematically count the first few numbers of groups of possible seats. I got the numbers shown in the following table. The numbers do not agree, so something is wrong — probably my conjecture!

Total # of seats ( )

# of groups of 3 possible

# of possible configurations













I looked at a circular table with 8 people and tried to figure out the reason this formula doesn’t work. If we remove 3 seats (leaving 5) there are 10 ways to select 3 of the 5 remaining chairs. ( 5 C 3 ).

The circular table at the left in the figure below shows the n – 3 (in this case 5) possible chairs from which 3 will be randomly chosen. The arrows point to where the person who selects that chair could end up. For example, if chair A is selected, that person will definitely end up in seat #1 at the table with 8 seats. If chair B is selected but chair A is not, then seat 2 will end up occupied. However, if chair A and B are selected, then the person who chose chair B will end up in seat 3 . The arrows show all the possible seats in which a person who chose a particular chair could end. Notice that it is impossible for seat #8 to be occupied. This is why the formula 5 C 3 doesn’t work. It does not allow all seats at the table of 8 to be chosen.

The difference is that in the row-of-chairs-at-a-counter problem there is a definite “starting point” and “ending point.” The first chair can be identified as the one farthest to the left, and the last one as the one farthest to the right. These seats are unique because the “starting point” has no seat to the left of it and the “ending point” has no seat to its right. In a circle, it is not so easy.

Using finite differences I was able to find a formula that generates the correct numbers:

Total # of seats ( )

# of groups of 3 possible

# of possible configurations







Proof: We need to establish a “starting point.” This could be any of the n seats. So, we select one and seat person A in that seat. Person B cannot sit on this person’s left (as he faces the table), so we must eliminate that as a possibility. Also, remove any 2 other chairs, leaving ( n – 4) possible seats where the second person can sit. Select another seat and put person B in it. Now, select any other seat from the ( n – 5) remaining seats and put person C in that. Finally, take the two seats that were previously removed and put one to the left of B and one to the left of C.

The following diagram should help make this procedure clear.

In a manner similar to the method I used in the row-of-chairs-at-a-counter problem, this could be proven more rigorously.

An Idea for Further Research:

Consider a grid of chairs in a classroom and a group of 3 very smelly people. No one wants to sit adjacent to anyone else. (There would be 9 empty seats around each person.) Suppose there are 16 chairs in a room with 4 rows and 4 columns. How many different ways could 3 people sit? What if there was a room with n rows and n columns? What if it had n rows and m columns?


Abrams, Joshua. Education Development Center, Newton, MA. December 2001 - February 2002. Conversations with my mathematics mentor.

Brown, Richard G. 1994. Advanced Mathematics . Evanston, Illinois. McDougal Littell Inc. pp. 578-591

The Oral Presentation

Giving an oral presentation about your mathematics research can be very exciting! You have the opportunity to share what you have learned, answer questions about your project, and engage others in the topic you have been studying. After you finish doing your mathematics research, you may have the opportunity to present your work to a group of people such as your classmates, judges at a science fair or other type of contest, or educators at a conference. With some advance preparation, you can give a thoughtful, engaging talk that will leave your audience informed and excited about what you have done.

Planning for Your Oral Presentation

In most situations, you will have a time limit of between 10 and 30 minutes in which to give your presentation. Based upon that limit, you must decide what to include in your talk. Come up with some good examples that will keep your audience engaged. Think about what vocabulary, explanations, and proofs are really necessary in order for people to understand your work. It is important to keep the information as simple as possible while accurately representing what you’ve done. It can be difficult for people to understand a lot of technical language or to follow a long proof during a talk. As you begin to plan, you may find it helpful to create an outline of the points you want to include. Then you can decide how best to make those points clear to your audience.

You must also consider who your audience is and where the presentation will take place. If you are going to give your presentation to a single judge while standing next to your project display, your presentation will be considerably different than if you are going to speak from the stage in an auditorium full of people! Consider the background of your audience as well. Is this a group of people that knows something about your topic area? Or, do you need to start with some very basic information in order for people to understand your work? If you can tailor your presentation to your audience, it will be much more satisfying for them and for you.

No matter where you are presenting your speech and for whom, the structure of your presentation is very important. There is an old bit of advice about public speaking that goes something like this: “Tell em what you’re gonna tell ’em. Tell ’em. Then tell ’em what you told ’em.” If you use this advice, your audience will find it very easy to follow your presentation. Get the attention of the audience and tell them what you are going to talk about, explain your research, and then following it up with a re-cap in the conclusion.

Writing Your Introduction

Your introduction sets the stage for your entire presentation. The first 30 seconds of your speech will either capture the attention of your audience or let them know that a short nap is in order. You want to capture their attention. There are many different ways to start your speech. Some people like to tell a joke, some quote famous people, and others tell stories.

Here are a few examples of different types of openers.

You can use a quote from a famous person that is engaging and relevant to your topic. For example:

• Benjamin Disraeli once said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Even though I am going to show you some statistics this morning, I promise I am not going to lie to you! Instead, . . .

• The famous mathematician, Paul Erdös, said, “A Mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.” Today I’m here to show you a great theorem that I discovered and proved during my mathematics research experience. And yes, I did drink a lot of coffee during the project!

• According to Stephen Hawking, “Equations are just the boring part of mathematics.” With all due respect to Dr. Hawking, I am here to convince you that he is wrong. Today I’m going to show you one equation that is not boring at all!

Some people like to tell a short story that leads into their discussion.

“Last summer I worked at a diner during the breakfast shift. There were 3 regular customers who came in between 6:00 and 6:15 every morning. If I tell you that you didn’t want to talk to these folks before they’ve had their first cup of coffee, you’ll get the idea of what they were like. In fact, these people never sat next to each other. That’s how grouchy they were! Well, their anti-social behavior led me to wonder, how many different ways could these three grouchy customers sit at the breakfast counter without sitting next to each other? Amazingly enough, my summer job serving coffee and eggs to grouchy folks in Boston led me to an interesting combinatorics problem that I am going to talk to you about today.”

A short joke related to your topic can be an engaging way to start your speech.

It has been said that there are three kinds of mathematicians: those who can count and those who can’t.

All joking aside, my mathematics research project involves counting. I have spent the past 8 weeks working on a combinatorics problem.. . .

To find quotes to use in introductions and conclusions try:

To find some mathematical quotes, consult the Mathematical Quotation Server:

To find some mathematical jokes, you can look at the “Profession Jokes” web site:

There is a collection of math jokes compiled by the Canadian Mathematical Society at

After you have the attention of your audience, you must introduce your research more formally. You might start with a statement of the problem that you investigated and what lead you to choose that topic. Then you might say something like this,

“Today I will demonstrate how I came to the conclusion that there are n ( n  – 4)( n  – 5) ways to seat 3 people at a circular table with n seats in such a way that no two people sit next to each other. In order to do this I will first explain how I came up with this formula and then I will show you how I proved it works. Finally, I will extend this result to tables with more than 3 people sitting at them.”

By providing a brief outline of your talk at the beginning and reminding people where you are in the speech while you are talking, you will be more effective in keeping the attention of your audience. It will also make it much easier for you to remember where you are in your speech as you are giving it.

The Middle of Your Presentation

Because you only have a limited amount of time to present your work, you need to plan carefully. Decide what is most important about your project and what you want people to know when you are finished. Outline the steps that people need to follow in order to understand your research and then think carefully about how you will lead them through those steps. It may help to write your entire speech out in advance. Even if you choose not to memorize it and present it word for word, the act of writing will help you clarify your ideas. Some speakers like to display an outline of their talk throughout their entire presentation. That way, the audience always knows where they are in the presentation and the speaker can glance at it to remind him or herself what comes next.

An oral presentation must be structured differently than a written one because people can’t go back and “re-read” a complicated section when they are at a talk. You have to be extremely clear so that they can understand what you are saying the first time you say it. There is an acronym that some presenters like to remember as they prepare a talk: “KISS.” It means, “Keep It Simple, Student.” It may sound silly, but it is good advice. Keep your sentences short and try not to use too many complicated words. If you need to use technical language, be sure to define it carefully. If you feel that it is important to present a proof, remember that you need to keep things easy to understand. Rather than going through every step, discuss the main points and the conclusion. If you like, you can write out the entire proof and include it in a handout so that folks who are interested in the details can look at them later. Give lots of examples! Not only will examples make your talk more interesting, but they will also make it much easier for people to follow what you are saying.

It is useful to remember that when people have something to look at, it helps to hold their attention and makes it easier for them to understand what you are saying. Therefore, use lots of graphs and other visual materials to support your work. You can do this using posters, overhead transparencies, models, or anything else that helps make your explanations clear.

Using Materials

As you plan for your presentation, consider what equipment or other materials you might want use. Find out what is available in advance so you don’t spend valuable time creating materials that you will not be able to use. Common equipment used in talks include an over-head projector, VCR, computer, or graphing calculator. Be sure you know how to operate any equipment that you plan to use. On the day of your talk, make sure everything is ready to go (software loaded, tape at the right starting point etc.) so that you don’t have “technical difficulties.”

Visual aides can be very useful in a presentation. (See Displaying Your Results for details about poster design.) If you are going to introduce new vocabulary, consider making a poster with the words and their meanings to display throughout your talk. If people forget what a term means while you are speaking, they can refer to the poster you have provided. (You could also write the words and meanings on a black/white board in advance.) If there are important equations that you would like to show, you can present them on an overhead transparency that you prepare prior to the talk. Minimize the amount you write on the board or on an overhead transparency during your presentation. It is not very engaging for the audience to sit watching while you write things down. Prepare all equations and materials in advance. If you don’t want to reveal all of what you have written on your transparency at once, you can cover up sections of your overhead with a piece of paper and slide it down the page as you move along in your talk. If you decide to use overhead transparencies, be sure to make the lettering large enough for your audience to read. It also helps to limit how much you put on your transparencies so they are not cluttered. Lastly, note that you can only project approximately half of a standard 8.5" by 11" page at any one time, so limit your information to displays of that size.

Presenters often create handouts to give to members of the audience. Handouts may include more information about the topic than the presenter has time to discuss, allowing listeners to learn more if they are interested. Handouts may also include exercises that you would like audience members to try, copies of complicated diagrams that you will display, and a list of resources where folks might find more information about your topic. Give your audience the handout before you begin to speak so you don’t have to stop in the middle of the talk to distribute it. In a handout you might include:

• A proof you would like to share, but you don’t have time to present entirely.

• Copies of important overhead transparencies that you use in your talk.

• Diagrams that you will display, but which may be too complicated for someone to copy down accurately.

• Resources that you think your audience members might find useful if they are interested in learning more about your topic.

The Conclusion

Ending your speech is also very important. Your conclusion should leave the audience feeling satisfied that the presentation was complete. One effective way to conclude a speech is to review what you presented and then to tie back to your introduction. If you used the Disraeli quote in your introduction, you might end by saying something like,

I hope that my presentation today has convinced you that . . . Statistical analysis backs up the claims that I have made, but more importantly, . . . . And that’s no lie!

Getting Ready

After you have written your speech and prepared your visuals, there is still work to be done.

  • Prepare your notes on cards rather than full-size sheets of paper. Note cards will be less likely to block your face when you read from them. (They don’t flop around either.) Use a large font that is easy for you to read. Write notes to yourself on your notes. Remind yourself to smile or to look up. Mark when to show a particular slide, etc.
  • Practice! Be sure you know your speech well enough that you can look up from your notes and make eye contact with your audience. Practice for other people and listen to their feedback.
  • Time your speech in advance so that you are sure it is the right length. If necessary, cut or add some material and time yourself again until your speech meets the time requirements. Do not go over time!
  • Anticipate questions and be sure you are prepared to answer them.
  • Make a list of all materials that you will need so that you are sure you won’t forget anything.
  • If you are planning to provide a handout, make a few extras.
  • If you are going to write on a whiteboard or a blackboard, do it before starting your talk.

The Delivery

How you deliver your speech is almost as important as what you say. If you are enthusiastic about your presentation, it is far more likely that your audience will be engaged. Never apologize for yourself. If you start out by saying that your presentation isn’t very good, why would anyone want to listen to it? Everything about how you present yourself will contribute to how well your presentation is received. Dress professionally. And don’t forget to smile!

Here are a few tips about delivery that you might find helpful.

  • Make direct eye contact with members of your audience. Pick a person and speak an entire phrase before shifting your gaze to another person. Don’t just “scan” the audience. Try not to look over their heads or at the floor. Be sure to look at all parts of the room at some point during the speech so everyone feels included.
  • Speak loudly enough for people to hear and slowly enough for them to follow what you are saying.
  • Do not read your speech directly from your note cards or your paper. Be sure you know your speech well enough to make eye contact with your audience. Similarly, don’t read your talk directly off of transparencies.
  • Avoid using distracting or repetitive hand gestures. Be careful not to wave your manuscript around as you speak.
  • Move around the front of the room if possible. On the other hand, don’t pace around so much that it becomes distracting. (If you are speaking at a podium, you may not be able to move.)
  • Keep technical language to a minimum. Explain any new vocabulary carefully and provide a visual aide for people to use as a reference if necessary.
  • Be careful to avoid repetitive space-fillers and slang such as “umm”, “er”, “you know”, etc. If you need to pause to collect your thoughts, it is okay just to be silent for a moment. (You should ask your practice audiences to monitor this habit and let you know how you did).
  • Leave time at the end of your speech so that the audience can ask questions.

Displaying Your Results

When you create a visual display of your work, it is important to capture and retain the attention of your audience. Entice people to come over and look at your work. Once they are there, make them want to stay to learn about what you have to tell them. There are a number of different formats you may use in creating your visual display, but the underlying principle is always the same: your work should be neat, well-organized, informative, and easy to read.

It is unlikely that you will be able to present your entire project on a single poster or display board. So, you will need to decide which are the most important parts to include. Don’t try to cram too much onto the poster. If you do, it may look crowded and be hard to read! The display should summarize your most important points and conclusions and allow the reader to come away with a good understanding of what you have done.

A good display board will have a catchy title that is easy to read from a distance. Each section of your display should be easily identifiable. You can create posters such as this by using headings and also by separating parts visually. Titles and headings can be carefully hand-lettered or created using a computer. It is very important to include lots of examples on your display. It speeds up people’s understanding and makes your presentation much more effective. The use of diagrams, charts, and graphs also makes your presentation much more interesting to view. Every diagram or chart should be clearly labeled. If you include photographs or drawings, be sure to write captions that explain what the reader is looking at.

In order to make your presentation look more appealing, you will probably want to use some color. However, you must be careful that the color does not become distracting. Avoid florescent colors, and avoid using so many different colors that your display looks like a patch-work quilt. You want your presentation to be eye-catching, but you also want it to look professional.

People should be able to read your work easily, so use a reasonably large font for your text. (14 point is a recommended minimum.) Avoid writing in all-capitals because that is much harder to read than regular text. It is also a good idea to limit the number of different fonts you use on your display. Too many different fonts can make your poster look disorganized.

Notice how each section on the sample poster is defined by the use of a heading and how the various parts of the presentation are displayed on white rectangles. (Some of the rectangles are blank, but they would also have text or graphics on them in a real presentation.) Section titles were made with pale green paper mounted on red paper to create a boarder. Color was used in the diagrams to make them more eye-catching. This poster would be suitable for hanging on a bulletin board.

If you are planning to use a poster, such as this, as a visual aid during an oral presentation, you might consider backing your poster with foam-core board or corrugated cardboard. A strong board will not flop around while you are trying to show it to your audience. You can also stand a stiff board on an easel or the tray of a classroom blackboard or whiteboard so that your hands will be free during your talk. If you use a poster as a display during an oral presentation, you will need to make the text visible for your audience. You can create a hand-out or you can make overhead transparencies of the important parts. If you use overhead transparencies, be sure to use lettering that is large enough to be read at a distance when the text is projected.

If you are preparing your display for a science fair, you will probably want to use a presentation board that can be set up on a table. You can buy a pre-made presentation board at an office supply or art store or you can create one yourself using foam-core board. With a presentation board, you can often use the space created by the sides of the board by placing a copy of your report or other objects that you would like people to be able to look at there. In the illustration, a black trapezoid was cut out of foam-core board and placed on the table to make the entire display look more unified. Although the text is not shown in the various rectangles in this example, you will present your information in spaces such as these.

Don’t forget to put your name on your poster or display board. And, don’t forget to carefully proof-read your work. There should be no spelling, grammatical or typing mistakes on your project. If your display is not put together well, it may make people wonder about the quality of the work you did on the rest of your project.

For more information about creating posters for science fair competitions, see , ,

Robert Gerver’s book, Writing Math Research Papers , (published by Key Curriculum Press) has an excellent section about doing oral presentations and making posters, complete with many examples.

References Used

American Psychological Association . Electronic reference formats recommended by the American Psychological Association . (2000, August 22). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Retrieved October 6, 2000, from the World Wide Web:

Bridgewater State College. (1998, August 5 ). APA Style: Sample Bibliographic Entries (4th ed) . Bridgewater, MA: Clement C. Maxwell Library. Retrieved December 20, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Crannell, Annalisa. (1994). A Guide to Writing in Mathematics Classes . Franklin & Marshall College. Retrieved January 2, 2002, from the World Wide Web:

Gerver, Robert. 1997. Writing Math Research Papers . Berkeley, CA: Key Curriculum Press.

Moncur, Michael. (1994-2002 ). The Quotations Page . Retrieved April 9, 2002, from the World Wide Web:

Public Speaking -- Be the Best You Can Be . (2002). Landover, Hills, MD: Advanced Public Speaking Institute. Retrieved April 9, 2002, from the World Wide Web:

Recreational Mathematics. (1988) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Mathematical Society. Retrieved April 9, 2002, from the World Wide Web:

Shay, David. (1996). Profession Jokes — Mathematicians. Retrieved April 5, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Sieman’s Foundation. (2001). Judging Guidelines — Poster . Retrieved April 9, 2002, from the World Wide Web: ,

VanCleave, Janice. (1997). Science Fair Handbook. Retrieved April 9, 2002, from the World Wide Web: ,

Woodward, Mark. (2000) . The Mathematical Quotations Server . Furman University. Greenville, SC. Retrieved April 9, 2002, from the World Wide Web:

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[Discussion] How to understand Maths in research papers and how to read more papers?

I'm an undergraduate and currently doing a deep learning research projects on GANs. Understanding mathematical equations in papers is disappointing me. What can I do to understand maths?

And also any tips to read more research papers?

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Research shows the best ways to learn math.

New Stanford paper says speed drills and timed testing in math can be damaging for students. (Cherries/Shutterstock)

Students learn math best when they approach the subject as something they enjoy. Speed pressure, timed testing and blind memorization pose high hurdles in the pursuit of math, according to Jo Boaler, professor of mathematics education  at Stanford Graduate School of Education and lead author on a new working paper called "Fluency Without Fear."

"There is a common and damaging misconception in mathematics – the idea that strong math students are fast math students," said Boaler, also cofounder of YouCubed at Stanford, which aims to inspire and empower math educators by making accessible in the most practical way the latest research on math learning.

Fortunately, said Boaler , the new national curriculum standards known as the Common Core Standards for K-12 schools de-emphasize the rote memorization of math facts. Maths facts are fundamental assumptions about math, such as the times tables (2 x 2 = 4), for example. Still, the expectation of rote memorization continues in classrooms and households across the United States.

While research shows that knowledge of math facts is important, Boaler said the best way for students to know math facts is by using them regularly and developing understanding of numerical relations. Memorization, speed and test pressure can be damaging, she added.

Number sense is critical

On the other hand, people with "number sense" are those who can use numbers flexibly, she said. For example, when asked to solve the problem of 7 x 8, someone with number sense may have memorized 56, but they would also be able to use a strategy such as working out 10 x 7 and subtracting two 7s (70-14).

"They would not have to rely on a distant memory," Boaler wrote in the paper.

In fact, in one research project the investigators found that the high-achieving students actually used number sense, rather than rote memory, and the low-achieving students did not.

The conclusion was that the low achievers are often low achievers not because they know less but because they don't use numbers flexibly.

"They have been set on the wrong path, often from an early age, of trying to memorize methods instead of interacting with numbers flexibly," she wrote. Number sense is the foundation for all higher-level mathematics, she noted.

Role of the brain

Boaler said that some students will be slower when memorizing, but still possess exceptional mathematics potential.

"Math facts are a very small part of mathematics, but unfortunately students who don't memorize math facts well often come to believe that they can never be successful with math and turn away from the subject," she said.

Prior research found that students who memorized more easily were not higher achieving – in fact, they did not have what the researchers described as more "math ability" or higher IQ scores. Using an MRI scanner, the only brain differences the researchers found were in a brain region called the hippocampus, which is the area in the brain responsible for memorizing facts – the working memory section.

But according to Boaler, when students are stressed – such as when they are solving math questions under time pressure – the working memory becomes blocked and the students cannot as easily recall the math facts they had previously studied. This particularly occurs among higher achieving students and female students, she said.

Some estimates suggest that at least a third of students experience extreme stress or "math anxiety" when they take a timed test, no matter their level of achievement. "When we put students through this anxiety-provoking experience, we lose students from mathematics," she said.

Math treated differently

Boaler contrasts the common approach to teaching math with that of teaching English. In English, a student reads and understands novels or poetry, without needing to memorize the meanings of words through testing. They learn words by using them in many different situations – talking, reading and writing.

"No English student would say or think that learning about English is about the fast memorization and fast recall of words," she added.

Strategies, activities

In the paper, coauthored by Cathy Williams, cofounder of YouCubed, and Amanda Confer, a Stanford graduate student in education, the scholars provide activities for teachers and parents that help students learn math facts at the same time as developing number sense. These include number talks, addition and multiplication activities, and math cards.

Importantly, Boaler said, these activities include a focus on the visual representation of number facts. When students connect visual and symbolic representations of numbers, they are using different pathways in the brain, which deepens their learning, as shown by recent brain research.

"Math fluency" is often misinterpreted, with an over-emphasis on speed and memorization, she said. "I work with a lot of mathematicians, and one thing I notice about them is that they are not particularly fast with numbers; in fact some of them are rather slow. This is not a bad thing; they are slow because they think deeply and carefully about mathematics."

She quotes the famous French mathematician, Laurent Schwartz. He wrote in his autobiography that he often felt stupid in school, as he was one of the slowest math thinkers in class.

Math anxiety and fear play a big role in students dropping out of mathematics, said Boaler.

"When we emphasize memorization and testing in the name of fluency we are harming children, we are risking the future of our ever-quantitative society and we are threatening the discipline of mathematics," she said. "We have the research knowledge we need to change this and to enable all children to be powerful mathematics learners. Now is the time to use it."

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  2. PDF A Guide to Writing Mathematics

    Mathematics papers adhere to the same standards as papers written for other classes. While it is a good idea to type your paper, you may have to leave out the formulas and insert them by hand later. It is perfectly acceptable to write formulas by hand in a math paper. Just make sure that your mathematical notation is legible.

  3. soft question

    9. Having just refereed my first paper, I'll try to say a few of meaningful things. (1) Don't obfuscate with formally correct notation where a general idea -- simply expressible in English with perhaps a few mathematical symbols -- will suffice. (2) Be consistent with notations/conventions.


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  5. PDF Writing Math Research Papers: A Guide for High School Students and

    Chapter 9: Components of Your Research Paper. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 introduce you to writing mathematics, and Chapters 6, 7, and 8 instruct you in how to conduct your research in a logical fashion. Chapter 9 helps you pull it all together for the formal paper. The parts of the research paper are discussed.

  6. PDF Ten Simple Rules for Mathematical Writing

    2-3-4 rule: Consider splitting every sentence of more than 2 lines, every sentence with more than 3 verbs, and every paragraph with more than 4 "long" sentences. Mathspeak should be readable. BAD: Let k>0 be an integer. GOOD: Let k be a positive integer or Consider an integer k>0. BAD: Let x Î Rn be a vector.

  7. Writing

    A central goal of the course is to teach students how to write effective, journal-style mathematics papers. Papers are a key way in which mathematicians share research findings and learn about others' work. For each research project, each student group writes and revises a paper in the style of a professional mathematics journal paper.

  8. PDF Be clear!

    In this note we explain the importance of clarity and give other tips for mathematical writing. Some of it is mildly opinionated, but most is just common sense and experience. 1. Be clear! This is the golden rule, really. It's absolutely paramount. Let me explain. 1.1.

  9. Writing a Research Paper in Mathematics

    The selection of notation is a critical part of writing a research paper. In effect, you are inventing a language which your readers must learn in order to understand your paper. Good notation firstly allows the reader to forget that he is learning a new language, and secondly provides a framework in which the essentials of your proof are ...

  10. A roundup of advice for writing about mathematics

    Francis Su's 2015 MAA Focus piece "Some Guidelines for Good Mathematical Writing" shares both basics and advice "toward elegance.". While the piece is written at a level that's accessible to students, it also contains gems that will serve even experienced math writers. For instance, he advises that writers "Decide what's ...

  11. mathematics

    Drastically oversimplified, a mathematics research project goes like this: Develop, or select from the existing literature, a mathematical statement ("conjecture") that you think will be of interest to other mathematicians, and whose truth or falsity is not known. (For example, "There are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2.")

  12. How to Do Mathematical Research

    The are four general rules that must be respected: (1) zero, i.e. the vector whose coordinates are all 0, must be in the group; (2) if any element (i.e. vector) is in the group, then its negative must also be in the group; (3) if an element is in the group, then any multiple of it must also be in the group. (This applies to integer multiples ...

  13. Making Mathematics: Mathematics Research Teacher Handbook

    Mathematics research influences student learning in a number of ways: Research provides students with an understanding of what it means to do mathematics and of mathematics as a living, growing field. Writing mathematics and problem-solving become central to student's learning. Students develop mastery of mathematics topics.

  14. Citations in Math Papers

    The standard for citation in mathematics papers is very different than in (say) humanities. The AMS Ethical Guidelines say. The correct attribution of mathematical results is essential, both because it encourages creativity, by benefiting the creator whose career may depend on the recognition of the work and because it informs the community of when, where, and sometimes how original ideas ...

  15. What is mathematical research like?

    1. I think the ultimate goal of mathematical research is to discover all possibilities. The way to do so is to think all possible thoughts, discover all possible rules, and find out all possible objects which follow the rules. Share.

  16. Making Mathematics: Mathematics Research Teacher Handbook

    This guide will give you a brief overview of the parts of a mathematics research paper. Following the guide is a sample write up so you can see how one person wrote about her research experience and shared her results. A formal mathematics research paper includes a number of sections. These will be appropriate for your write-up as well.

  17. PDF Read and Understand a Paper

    on how to go about reading mathematics papers and gaining understanding from them. The advice is particularly aimed at inexperienced readers. A professional mathematician may read from tens to hundreds of papers every year, including pub-lished papers, manuscripts sent for refereeing by jour-nals, and draft papers written by students and col ...

  18. Research

    In applied mathematics, we look for important connections with other disciplines that may inspire interesting and useful mathematics, and where innovative mathematical reasoning may lead to new insights and applications. Combinatorics. Computational Biology. Physical Applied Mathematics. Computational Science & Numerical Analysis.

  19. How to do you write a mathematical research paper? : r/askmath

    Math papers usually don't have methodology sections and sometimes not even conclusions, unless you're doing applied math and running simulations or something. After the introduction, sometimes it's just theorem proof theorem proof etc.

  20. [Discussion] How to understand Maths in research papers and ...

    In my experience, ML papers tend to have relatively poorly explained (and sometimes flimsy) math formulations, so don't be frustrated if you do not understand absolutely every equation. Most of the times in those papers what matters is the engineering/heuristic argument, and math is just the language used to describe it.

  21. Research shows the best ways to learn math

    While research shows that knowledge of math facts is important, Boaler said the best way for students to know math facts is by using them regularly and developing understanding of numerical relations. Memorization, speed and test pressure can be damaging, she added. Number sense is critical.