When you are about to begin, writing a thesis seems a long, difficult task. That is because it is a long, difficult task. Fortunately, it will seem less daunting once you have a couple of chapters done. Towards the end, you will even find yourself enjoying it – an enjoyment based on satisfaction in the achievement, pleasure in the improvement in your technical writing, and of course the approaching end. Like many tasks, thesis writing usually seems worst before you begin, so let us look at how you should make a start.

First make up a thesis outline: several pages containing chapter headings, sub-headings, some figure titles (to indicate which results go where) and perhaps some other notes and comments. There is a section on chapter order and thesis structure at the end of this text. Once you have a list of chapters and, under each chapter heading, a reasonably complete list of things to be reported or explained, you have struck a great blow against writer's block. When you sit down to type, your aim is no longer a thesis – a daunting goal – but something simpler. Your new aim is just to write a paragraph or section about one of your subheadings. It helps to start with an easy one: this gets you into the habit of writing and gives you self-confidence. In an experimental thesis, the Materials and Methods chapter is often the easiest to write – just write down what you did; carefully, formally and in a logical order.

How do you make an outline of a chapter? For most of them, you might try the method that I use for writing papers, and which I learned from my thesis adviser (Stjepan Marcelja): Assemble all the figures that you will use in it and put them in the order that you would use if you were going to explain to someone what they all meant. You might as well rehearse explaining it to someone else – after all you will probably give several talks based on your thesis work. Once you have found the most logical order, note down the key words of your explanation. These key words provide a skeleton for much of your chapter outline.

Once you have an outline, discuss it with your adviser. This step is important: s/he will have useful suggestions, but it also serves notice that s/he can expect a steady flow of chapter drafts that will make high priority demands on his/her time. Once you and your adviser have agreed on a logical structure, s/he will need a copy of this outline for reference when reading the chapters which you will probably present out of order. If you have a co-adviser, discuss the outline with him/her as well, and present all chapters to both advisers for comments.

It is encouraging and helpful to start a filing system. Open a word-processor file for each chapter You can put notes in these files, as well as text. While doing something for Chapter n, you will think "Oh I must refer back to/discuss this in Chapter m" and so you put a note to do so in the file for Chapter m. Or you may think of something interesting or relevant for that chapter. When you come to work on Chapter m, the more such notes you have accumulated, the easier it will be to write.

(depending on the reliability of your computer and the age of your memory). Do not keep a back-up drive close to the computer in case the hypothetical thief who fancies your computer decides that s/he could use the drive as well.

If you thesis file is not too large, a simple way of making a remote back-up is to send it as an email attachment to a consenting email correspondent; you could also send it to yourself. In either case, be careful to dispose of superseded versions so that you don't waste disk space, especially if you have bitmap images or other large files. Or you could use a drop-box or other more sophisticated system.

You should also have a physical filing system: a collection of folders with chapter numbers on them. This will make you feel good about getting started and also help clean up your desk. Your files will contain not just the plots of results and pages of calculations, but all sorts of old notes, references, calibration curves, suppliers' addresses, specifications, speculations, notes from colleagues etc., which will suddenly strike you as relevant to one chapter or other. Stick them in that folder. Then put all the folders in a box or a filing cabinet. As you write bits and pieces of text, place the hard copy, the figures etc in these folders as well. Touch them and feel their thickness from time to time – ah, the thesis is taking shape.

If any of your data exist only on paper, copy them and keep the copy in a different location. Consider making a copy of your lab book. This has another purpose beyond security: usually the lab book stays in the lab, but you may want a copy for your own future use. Further, scientific ethics require you to keep lab books and original data for at least ten years, and a copy is more likely to be found if two copies exist.

If you haven't already done so, you should archive your electronic data, in an appropriate format. Spreadsheet and word processor files are not suitable for long term storage. by Joseph Slater is a good guide.

While you are getting organised, you should deal with any university paperwork. Examiners have to be nominated and they have to agree to serve. Various forms are required by your department and by the university administration. Make sure that the rate limiting step is your production of the thesis, and not some minor bureaucratic problem.

One of the big FAQs for scientists: is there a word processor, ideally one compatible with MS Word, but which allows you to type mathematical symbols and equations conveniently? One solution is LaTeX, which is powerful, elegant, reliable, fast and from or . The standard equation editor for MS Word is point and click, so extremely slow and awkward. In many versions, Word's equation editor can be reached via hotkey Alt-equals, and takes pseudo latex typed input (eg X_1 converts to X subscript 1) upon the next space or operator. It uses some different formats - eg () rather than the {} of latex to group things and interprets divisions rather than having to use \frac. Here's a link:
It has been useful to know these as it seems biologists and latex don't mix! I strongly recommend sitting down with the adviser and making up a timetable for writing it: a list of dates for when you will give the first and second drafts of each chapter to your adviser(s). This structures your time and provides intermediate targets. If you merely aim "to have the whole thing done by [some distant date]", you can deceive yourself and procrastinate more easily. If you have told your adviser that you will deliver a first draft of chapter 3 on Wednesday, it focuses your attention.

You may want to make your timetable into a chart with items that you can check off as you have finished them. This is particularly useful towards the end of the thesis when you find there will be quite a few loose ends here and there.

Whenever you sit down to write, it is very important to write So write something, even if it is just a set of notes or a few paragraphs of text that you would never show to anyone else. It would be nice if clear, precise prose leapt easily from the keyboard, but it usually does not. Most of us find it easier, however, to improve something that is already written than to produce text from nothing. So put down a draft (as rough as you like) for your own purposes, then clean it up for your adviser to read. Word-processors are wonderful in this regard: in the first draft you do not have to start at the beginning, you can leave gaps, you can put in little notes to yourself, and then you can clean it all up later.

Your adviser will expect to read each chapter in draft form. S/he will then return it to you with suggestions and comments. Your adviser will want your thesis to be as good as possible, because his/her reputation as well as yours is affected. Scientific writing is a difficult art, and it takes a while to learn. As a consequence, there will be many ways in which your first draft can be improved. So take a positive attitude to all the scribbles with which your adviser decorates your text: each comment tells you a way in which you can make your thesis better.

As you write your thesis, your scientific writing is almost certain to improve. Even for native speakers of English who write very well in other styles, one notices an enormous improvement in the first drafts from the first to the last chapter written. The process of writing the thesis is like a course in scientific writing, and in that sense each chapter is like an assignment in which you are taught, but not assessed. Remember, only the final draft is assessed: the more comments your adviser adds to first or second draft, the better.

Before you submit a draft to your adviser, run a spell check so that s/he does not waste time on those. If you have any characteristic grammatical failings, check for them.

Your thesis is a research report. The report concerns a problem or series of problems in your area of research and it should describe what was known about it previously, what you did towards solving it, what you think your results mean, and where or how further progress in the field can be made. Do not carry over your ideas from undergraduate assessment: a thesis is not an answer to an assignment question. One important difference is this: the reader of an assignment is usually the one who has set it. S/he already knows the answer (or one of the answers), not to mention the background, the literature, the assumptions and theories and the strengths and weaknesses of them. The readers of a thesis do not know what the "answer" is. If the thesis is for a PhD, the university requires that it make an original contribution to human knowledge: your research must discover something hitherto unknown.

Obviously your examiners will read the thesis. They will be experts in the general field of your thesis but, on the exact topic of your thesis, you are the world expert. Keep this in mind: you should write to make the topic clear to a reader who has not spent most of the last three years thinking about it.

Your thesis will also be used as a scientific report and consulted by future workers in your laboratory who will want to know, in detail, what you did. Theses are also consulted by people from other institutions, and the library at your university will store a copy as a file on a server. The advantage is that your thesis can be consulted much more easily by researchers around the world. (See e.g. for the digital availability of research theses.) Write with these possibilities in mind.

It is often helpful to have someone other than your adviser(s) read some sections of the thesis, particularly the introduction and conclusion chapters. It may also be appropriate to ask other members of staff to read some sections of the thesis which they may find relevant or of interest, as they may be able to make valuable contributions. In either case, only give them revised versions, so that they do not waste time correcting your grammar, spelling, poor construction or presentation.

The short answer is: rather more than for a scientific paper. Once your thesis has been assessed and your friends have read the first three pages, the only further readers are likely to be people who are seriously doing research in just that area. For example, a future research student might be pursuing the same research and be interested to find out exactly what you did. ("Why doesn't the widget that Bloggs built for her project work any more? Where's the circuit diagram? I'll look up her thesis." "Blow's subroutine doesn't converge in my parameter space! I'll have to look up his thesis." "How did that group in Sydney manage to get that technique to work? I'll look up a copy of the thesis they cited in their paper.") For important parts of apparatus, you should include workshop drawings, circuit diagrams and computer programs, usually as appendices. (By the way, the intelligible annotation of programs is about as frequent as porcine aviation, but it is far more desirable. You wrote that line of code for a reason: at the end of the line explain what the reason is.) You have probably read the theses of previous students in the lab where you are now working, so you probably know the advantages of a clearly explained, explicit thesis and/or the disadvantages of a vague one.

If you use a result, observation or generalisation that is not your own, you must usually state where in the scientific literature that result is reported. The only exceptions are cases where every researcher in the field already knows it: dynamics equations need not be followed by a citation of Newton, circuit analysis does not need a reference to Kirchoff. The importance of this practice in science is that it allows the reader to verify your starting position. Physics in particular is said to be a vertical science: results are built upon results which in turn are built upon results etc. Good referencing allows us to check the foundations of your additions to the structure of knowledge in the discipline, or at least to trace them back to a level which we judge to be reliable. Good referencing also tells the reader which parts of the thesis are descriptions of previous knowledge and which parts are your additions to that knowledge. In a thesis, written for the general reader who has little familiarity with the literature of the field, this should be especially clear. It may seem tempting to leave out a reference in the hope that a reader will think that a nice idea or an nice bit of analysis is yours. I advise against this gamble. The reader will probably think: "What a nice idea – I wonder if it's original?". The reader can probably find out via the net or the library.

If you are writing in the passive voice, you must be more careful about attribution than if you are writing in the active voice. "The sample was prepared by heating yttrium..." does not make it clear whether you did this or whether Acme Yttrium did it. "I prepared the sample..." is clear.

The text must be clear. Good grammar and thoughtful writing will make the thesis easier to read. Scientific writing has to be a little formal – more formal than this text. Native English speakers should remember that scientific English is an international language. Slang and informal writing will be harder for a non-native speaker to understand.

Short, simple phrases and words are often better than long ones. Some politicians use "at this point in time" instead of "now" precisely because it takes longer to convey the same meaning. They do not care about elegance or efficient communication. You should. On the other hand, there will be times when you need a complicated sentence because the idea is complicated. If your primary statement requires several qualifications, each of these may need a subordinate clause: "When [qualification], and where [proviso], and if [condition] then [statement]". Some lengthy technical words will also be necessary in many theses, particularly in fields like biochemistry. Do not sacrifice accuracy for the sake of brevity. "Black is white" is simple and catchy. An advertising copy writer would love it. "Objects of very different albedo may be illuminated differently so as to produce similar reflected spectra" is longer and uses less common words, but, compared to the former example, it has the advantage of being true. The longer example would be fine in a physics thesis because English speaking physicists will not have trouble with the words. (A physicist who did not know all of those words would probably be glad to remedy the lacuna either from the context or by consulting a dictionary.)

Sometimes it is easier to present information and arguments as a series of numbered points, rather than as one or more long and awkward paragraphs. A list of points is usually easier to write. You should be careful not to use this presentation too much: your thesis must be a connected, convincing argument, not just a list of facts and observations.

One important stylistic choice is between the active voice and passive voice. The active voice ("I measured the frequency...") is simpler, and it makes clear what you did and what was done by others. The passive voice ("The frequency was measured...") makes it easier to write ungrammatical or awkward sentences. If you use the passive voice, be especially wary of dangling participles. For example, the sentence "After considering all of these possible materials, plutonium was selected" implicitly attributes consciousness to plutonium. This choice is a question of taste: I prefer the active because it is clearer, more logical and makes attribution simple. The only arguments I have ever heard for avoiding the active voice in a thesis are (i) many theses are written in the passive voice, and (ii) some very polite people find the use of "I" immodest. Use the first person singular, not plural, when reporting work that you did yourself: the editorial 'we' may suggest that you had help beyond that listed in your acknowledgments, or it may suggest that you are trying to share any blame. On the other hand, retain plural verbs for "data": "data" is the plural of "datum", and lots of scientists like to preserve the distinction. Just say to yourself "one datum is ..", "these data are.." several times. An excellent and widely used reference for English grammar and style is by H.W. Fowler.

There is no need for a thesis to be a masterpiece of desk-top publishing. Your time can be more productively spent improving the content than the appearance.

In many cases, a reasonably neat diagram can be drawn by hand faster than with a graphics package, and you can scan it if you want an electronic version. Either is usually satisfactory. A one bit (i.e. black and white), moderate resolution scan of a hand-drawn sketch will be bigger than a line drawing generated on a graphics package, but not huge. While talking about the size of files, we should mention that photographs look pretty but take up a lot of memory. There's another important difference, too. The photographer thought about the camera angle and the focus etc. The person who drew the schematic diagram thought about what components ought to be depicted and the way in which the components of the system interacted with each other. So the numerically small information content of the line drawing may be much more useful information than that in a photograph.

Another note about figures and photographs. In the digital version of your thesis, do not save ordinary photographs or other illustrations as bitmaps, because these take up a lot of memory and are therefore very slow to transfer. Nearly all graphics packages allow you to save in compressed format as .jpg (for photos) or .gif (for diagrams) files. Further, you can save space/speed things up by reducing the number of colours. In vector graphics (as used for drawings), compression is usually unnecessary.

In general, students spend too much time on diagrams – time that could have been spent on examining the arguments, making the explanations clearer, thinking more about the significance and checking for errors in the algebra. The reason, of course, is that drawing is easier than thinking.

I do not think that there is a strong correlation (either way) between length and quality. There is no need to leave big gaps to make the thesis thicker. Readers will not appreciate large amounts of vague or unnecessary text.

A deadline is very useful in some ways. You must hand in the thesis, even if you think that you need one more draft of that chapter, or someone else's comments on this section, or some other refinement. If you do not have a deadline, or if you are thinking about postponing it, please take note of this: . There will inevitably be things in it that you could have done better. There will be inevitably be some typos. Indeed, by some law related to Murphy's, you will discover one when you first flip open the bound copy. No matter how much you reflect and how many times you proof read it, there will be some things that could be improved. There is no point hoping that the examiners will not notice: many examiners feel obliged to find some examples of improvements (if not outright errors) just to show how thoroughly they have read it. So set yourself a deadline and stick to it. Make it as good as you can in that time, and then hand it in! (In retrospect, there was an advantage in writing a thesis in the days before word processors, spelling checkers and typing programs. Students often paid a typist to produce the final draft and could only afford to do that once.) Talk to your adviser about this. As well as those for the examiners, the university libraries and yourself, you should make some distribution copies. These copies should be sent to other researchers who are working in your field so that:

Whatever the University's policy on single or double-sided copies, the distribution copies could be double-sided paper, or digital, so that forests and postage accounts are not excessively depleted by the exercise. Your adviser could help you to make up a list of interested and/or potentially useful people for such a mailing list. Your adviser might also help by funding the copies and postage if they are not covered by your scholarship. A CD with your thesis will be cheaper than a paper copy. You don't have to burn them all yourself: companies make multiple copies for several dollars a copy.

The following comment comes from Marilyn Ball of the Australian National University in Canberra: "When I finished writing my thesis, a postdoc wisely told me to give a copy to my parents. I would never have thought of doing that as I just couldn't imagine what they would do with it. I'm very glad to have taken that advice as my parents really appreciated receiving a copy and proudly displayed it for years. (My mother never finished high school and my father worked with trucks - he fixed 'em, built 'em, drove 'em, sold 'em and junked 'em. Nevertheless, they enjoyed having a copy of my thesis.)"

In the ideal situation, you will be able to spend a large part – perhaps a majority – of your time writing your thesis. This may be bad for your physical and mental health.

Keep going – you're nearly there! Most PhDs will admit that there were times when we thought about reasons for not finishing. But it would be crazy to give up at the writing stage, after years of work on the research, and it would be something to regret for a long time.

Writing a thesis is tough work. One anonymous post doctoral researcher told me: "You should tell everyone that it's going to be unpleasant, that it will mess up their lives, that they will have to give up their friends and their social lives for a while. It's a tough period for almost every student." She's right: it is certainly hard work, it will probably be stressful and you will have to adapt your rhythm to it. It is also an important rite of passage and the satisfaction you will feel afterwards is wonderful. On behalf of scholars everywhere, I wish you good luck!

The list of contents and chapter headings below is appropriate for some theses. In some cases, one or two of them may be irrelevant. Results and Discussion are usually combined in several chapters of a thesis. Think about the plan of chapters and decide what is best to report your work. Then make a list, in point form, of what will go in each chapter. Try to make this rather detailed, so that you end up with a list of points that corresponds to subsections or even to the paragraphs of your thesis. At this stage, think hard about the logic of the presentation: within chapters, it is often possible to present the ideas in different order, and not all arrangements will be equally easy to follow. If you make a plan of each chapter and section before you sit down to write, the result will probably be clearer and easier to read. It will also be easier to write.

an introduction. It is a résumé of your thesis.

The introduction should be interesting. If you bore the reader here, then you are unlikely to revive his/her interest in the materials and methods section. For the first paragraph or two, tradition permits prose that is less dry than the scientific norm. If want to wax lyrical about your topic, here is the place to do it. Try to make the reader want to read the heavy bundle that has arrived uninvited on his/her desk. Go to the library and read several thesis introductions. Did any make you want to read on? Which ones were boring?

This section might go through several drafts to make it read well and logically, while keeping it short. For this section, I think that it is a good idea to ask someone who is not a specialist to read it and to comment. Is it an adequate introduction? Is it easy to follow? There is an argument for writing this section – or least making a major revision of it – towards the end of the thesis writing. Your introduction should tell where the thesis is going, and this may become clearer during the writing.

How many papers? How relevant do they have to be before you include them? Well, that is a matter of judgement. On the order of a hundred is reasonable, but it will depend on the field. You are the world expert on the (narrow) topic of your thesis: you must demonstrate this.

A political point: make sure that you do not omit relevant papers by researchers who are like to be your examiners, or by potential employers to whom you might be sending the thesis in the next year or two.

Another disadvantage is that your journal articles may have some common material in the introduction and the "Materials and Methods" sections.

The exact structure in the middle chapters will vary among theses. In some theses, it is necessary to establish some theory, to describe the experimental techniques, then to report what was done on several different problems or different stages of the problem, and then finally to present a model or a new theory based on the new work. For such a thesis, the chapter headings might be: Theory, Materials and Methods, {first problem}, {second problem}, {third problem}, {proposed theory/model} and then the conclusion chapter. For other theses, it might be appropriate to discuss different techniques in different chapters, rather than to have a single Materials and Methods chapter.

Here follow some comments on the elements Materials and Methods, Theory, Results and discussion which may or may not correspond to thesis chapters.

but you should not reproduce two pages of algebra that the reader could find in a standard text. Do not include theory that you are not going to relate to the work you have done.

When writing this section, concentrate at least as much on the physical arguments as on the equations. What do the equations mean? What are the important cases?

When you are reporting your own theoretical work, you must include rather more detail, but you should consider moving lengthy derivations to appendices. Think too about the order and style of presentation: the order in which you did the work may not be the clearest presentation.

Suspense is not necessary in reporting science: you should tell the reader where you are going before you start.

Take care plotting graphs. The origin and intercepts are often important so, unless the ranges of your data make it impractical, the zeros of one or both scales should usually appear on the graph. You should show error bars on the data, unless the errors are very small. For single measurements, the bars should be your best estimate of the experimental errors in each coordinate. For multiple measurements these should include the standard error in the data. The errors in different data are often different, so, where this is the case, regressions and fits should be weighted (i.e. they should minimize the sum of squares of the differences weighted inversely as the size of the errors.) (A common failing in many simple software packages that draw graphs and do regressions is that they do not treat errors adequately. UNSW student Mike Johnston has written a that plots data with error bars and performs weighted least square regressions. It is at http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/3rdyearlab/graphing/graph.html). You can just 'paste' your data into the input and it generates a .ps file of the graph.

In most cases, your results need discussion. What do they mean? How do they fit into the existing body of knowledge? Are they consistent with current theories? Do they give new insights? Do they suggest new theories or mechanisms?

Try to distance yourself from your usual perspective and look at your work. Do not just ask yourself what it means in terms of the orthodoxy of your own research group, but also how other people in the field might see it. Does it have any implications that do not relate to the questions that you set out to answer?

This chapter should usually be reasonably short – a few pages perhaps. As with the introduction, I think that it is a good idea to ask someone who is not a specialist to read this section and to comment.

, it may be appropriate to cite web sites. (Be cautious, and don't overuse such citations. In particular, don't use a web citation where you could reasonably use a "hard" citation. Remember that your examiners are likely to be older and more conservative.) You should give the URL and also the date you downloaded it. If there is a date on the site itself (last updated on .....) you should included that, too.

If you have found these documents useful, please feel free to pass the address or a hard copy to any other thesis writers or graduate student organisations. Please do not sell them, or use any of the contents without acknowledgement.

This document will be updated occasionally. If you have suggestions for inclusions, amendments or other improvements, please send them. Do so after you have submitted the thesis – I thank Marilyn Ball, Gary Bryant, Bill Whiten and J. Douglas, whose suggestions have been incorporated in this version. Substantial contributions will be acknowledged in future versions. I also take this opportunity to thank my own thesis advisers, Stjepan Marcelja and Jacob Israelachvili, for their help and friendship, and to thank the graduate students to whom I have had the pleasure to be an adviser, a colleague and a friend. Opinions expressed in these notes are mine and do not necessarily reflect the policy of the University of New South Wales or of the School of Physics.

Why and how did I write this document? The need for it was evident so, as one of my PhD students approached the end of his project, I made notes of everything that I said to him about thesis writing. These notes became the plan for the first draft of this document, which has been extended several times since then. I am surprised that it has hundreds of readers each day. However, this is an important message about the web. It takes time and thought to make a good resource but, if you do, it can benefit a lot of people. When this document was first posted, the web was relatively new and feedback showed that people were often surprised to find what they sought. Now there is a tendency to take the web for granted: one is almost disappointed not to find what one is seeking. However, the web is only as good as the collective effort of all of us. The readers of this document will be scholars, experts and educators: among the many contributions you will make to knowledge and your communities, there may be contributions that should be made freely available, all over the world. Keep this observation about the web in the back of your mind for when you are not writing a thesis.

School of Physics , University of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia.

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Membranes: homeostasis and regulation of area and tension

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It explains the key ideas in a short multimedia presentation, which is supported by links to broader and deeper explanations.

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  • A candidate for the degree shall have been awarded an appropriate degree of Bachelor with Honours from the University of New South Wales or a qualification considered equivalent from another university or tertiary institution at a level acceptable to the Research Committee of the appropriate Faculty.
  • Candidates may be admitted to the PhD program after one year's full-time enrolment in a Masters by Research program, with the approval of the Faculty Postgraduate Affairs Committee.
  • In exceptional cases an applicant who submits evidence of such other academic and professional qualifications as may be approved by the Committee may be permitted to enrol for the degree.

© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.


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Finding UNSW theses

UNSW PhD or Masters by Research theses can be located via  UNSWorks . For honours theses, contact the UNSW faculty, school or the author directly.

For more information on rights of use and removing material in UNSWorks see  Copyright - UNSWorks .

Finding Australian and international theses

Australian theses.

Library collection To find UNSW Library’s collection of Australian and international theses in print, search Library collection for a title or keywords. Refine your results by selecting Refine my results > Resource types > Dissertations  in the column on the left.

Trove - Australian print and digital theses Trove includes theses at all levels, including PhD, masters and honours. To limit your search to Australian theses only, use Trove - Research & Reports  search. Tick the Australian content box. Next to format select Thesis from the drop-down list.

International theses

BASE BASE academic search engine provides access to the repositories of 8,000 institutions. 60% of the full-text documents are open access.

CORE CORE aggregates open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide.

DART-Europe e-theses portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia working to improve global access to European research theses.

EBSCO open dissertations Includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations in addition to theses and dissertations from around the world. Coverage from 1955.

Open access theses and dissertations OATD provides access to open access graduate theses from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. This index is limited to records of graduate-level theses that are freely available online.

Theses Canada Theses and dissertations in the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) collection.

NZ Research.org.nz Gathers information about documents stored in research repositories from around New Zealand and assembles them in one database. Search open access research documents produced at universities, polytechnics and other institutions in New Zealand at this site. Select Thesis from the Browse by Type menu on the search page. Includes doctoral and masters theses.

Web of Science - ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The Web of Science ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index is a curated collection of multi-disciplinary, international dissertations and theses, including over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities. To search for thesis citations, change the search from Web of Science Core Collection to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index .

Note: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses can be searched at no cost. Researchers can purchase individual theses using a credit card. Beware of paying for theses that are available for free electronically.

Worldcat An international database of library collections. When searching, select the Thesis/Dissertation option form the format list.

Obtaining theses

Many non-UNSW theses are available to download via the open access institutional repositories listed above. Beware of paying for theses that are available for free electronically.

  • Some print copies are available for loan and can be accessed via the interlibrary loan service .
  • Theses held in closed collections of other libraries and not available for download or loan cannot be accessed via the interlibrary loan service.
  • Conditions of access to a thesis are determined by the author and holding library, and are outside the control of UNSW Library.
  • Contact the owning library or institution directly to enquire about purchasing a thesis.

Related links


Your Thesis

The goal of all higher degree research (HDR) programs is to write a thesis that demonstrates how you have made an original contribution to knowledge. While the task of writing a thesis can be daunting, there are several things you can do to stay on track and complete your thesis on time while producing your best work.  

The Graduate Research School (GRS) runs two seminars that will help you prepare for your thesis submission:

Thesis Submission Seminar   Outlines the submission and examination process

Using Publications in Your Thesis Seminar Examines how publications may be incorporated into your thesis, including how authorship is determined, and when to seek permission to use published work

The GRS also offers a weekly HDR writing group and a Thesis Writing Boot Camp to help you build a regular writing practice. For information on the seminars and events available, please visit this page .  

Can’t make it to a Seminar or event? Watch a recording of the last session and download a copy of the slides here . 

Additional Resources

UNSW Resources Thesis Submission and Examination Applying for Restricted Access   iThenticate  Thesis Format Guide Thesis Examination Procedure

Finding other HDR theses in your field UNSW digital thesis collection Trove – Australian print and digital theses ProQuest dissertations and theses global (UNSW sign in required for access) EThOS e-theses online service

Writing Your Thesis The Writing Center - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10 Tips for writing a PhD thesis – Times Higher Education  How to write 10,000 words a day – The Thesis Whisperer

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Graduate Research School, Level 2, Rupert Myers Building (South Wing), UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone +61 2 93855500 Dean of Graduate Research, Professor Jonathan Morris. UNSW CRICOS   Provider Code:  00098G  TEQSA Provider ID : PRV12055  ABN:  57 195 873 179

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Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses

Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses

Twenty-eight UNSW PhD candidates have been awarded a Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses.

The Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses recognises high quality PhD theses produced at UNSW. 

To receive this award, candidates must produce a thesis that requires only minimal corrections, received outstanding and/or excellent levels of achievement for all examination criteria, and in the opinion of both examiners is in the top ten percent of PhD theses they have examined.  Examiners are external to the University and are leaders in their fields.

“UNSW’s PhD candidates are a vital part of our research efforts and these awards recognise the outstanding theses examined in the last year,” said Professor Jonathan Morris, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training & Entrepreneurship and Dean of Graduate Research.

“Given the challenges of the past two years, these graduates should be commended for their achievements.”

The awards are listed below by Faculty. Further details about this award have been published on the  HDR Hub .

Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture

Elena Cama

Navigating safety and sexual harms in the context of dating and hookup platform use among adult Australians

Giselle Newton

Everyday belongings: Exploring Australian donor-conceived adults’ social, linguistic and digital practices across private and public domains

Sylvester Okeke

BBVs/STIs risk and protective practices before and during the COVID-19 era: A mixed-methods study among East Asian and sub-Saharan African international students in Sydney 

Wendy Osmond

The Making of Midnight Oil: Exhibition design and the translation of rock music from stage to museum

UNSW Business School

Viet Dao

Efficient Bayesian Inference for Evidence Accumulation Models

Alan Xian

Understanding and predicting large time series with Markov-modulated non-homogeneous Poisson processes

Faculty of Engineering

William Hadinata Lie

Prussian blue analogue thin-films for electroreforming of biomass-derived alcohols

Peter Judzewitsch

Using Photopolymerisation for Streamlining the Discovery and Production of Antibacterial Polymers

Xie Li 

Mesoscale Numerical Modelling and Failure Prediction of Automated Fibre Placement Composites

Ahmed Musleh

Data-Driven Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grids

Chulaluck Pratthana

Alanates at the nanoscale: synthesis, stabilisation, and hydrogen storage

Muhammad Yazid Bin Zulkifli

Phase Control and Transformation of Azole-Based Metal Organic Framework Composites

Faculty of Law & Justice

Tristan Harley

Beyond Storytelling: Refugee Participation in Decision-Making Processes

Faculty of Medicine & Health

Shovon Bhattacharjee

Development of Next-Generation Protective Clothing and High-Performing Face Masks

Ngozi Chidi-Egboka

The ocular surface and blinking in children

Louise Geddes

An investigation of the health-related harms associated with illicit opioid injection

Yunhe Huang

Pathways, predictors, and impact of receiving an autism spectrum diagnosis in Australia

Alex Richmond

Surviving to Thrive: An Examination of Sustainability and Social Enterprise in Sport for Development and Social Change Organizations (S4SC)

Clara Young

"Rogue" B cells: An investigation into B cells that break tolerance in autoimmune disease

Faculty of Science

Tara Bartolec-Criss

Large Scale Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry as the Missing Link in the Systems Biology Toolbox

Yvonne Chan

Associative change to cues conditioned in compound

Zhiyu Chen

Chasing Neutrinos In the Sky: From Early Universe Decay to the Formation of Cosmic Large-Scale Structure 

Shreedhar Gautam

Electrochemical biosensor for detection of microRNAs in extracellular vesicles

Zihao Li

Multivalent peptide-polymer therapeutics by combinatorial design

Garston Liang

Hey Siri, should I keep this title. How algorithms support (my) decision-making under uncertainty

Oliver Paull

Physical properties of epitaxial BFO thin film heterostructures on high-index oxide substrates

Katarina Stuart

A genetic perspective on rapid adaptation in the globally invasive European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

Francesca Wong

How do the perirhinal cortex and basolateral amygdala complex integrate different types of associations? A study of sensory preconditioning in rats.

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Postgraduate Program Transfer

Easily transfer between postgraduate programs at UNSW.

UNSW postgraduate students

Change your postgraduate program

You can apply to transfer from one approved UNSW postgraduate coursework program to another.

Please note to transfer postgraduate programs, you must have undertaken a minimum of one semester/term of study in your current program and be in good academic standing .

International student visa holders, please note:

  • If your program transfer request is successful, you will require a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) which will be issued to you by the International Student Experience Unit . The new CoE will be sent to your student email account.
  • You may not be eligible for full transfer credit from your existing program. If this occurs, your total length of study may be extended. Check the date on your new CoE.
  • If your new CoE is longer, check your student visa expiry date on VEVO . If you need a new student visa, apply to the Department of Home Affairs .
  • ADFA Students only: Students studying under a Defence Cooperation Scholarship need permission from Defence and IDP before changing programs.

Sponsored international students can only apply for internal program transfer (IPT) at UNSW if they have sponsor approval. If you don't have sponsor approval for the program transfer, or if you can't submit the appropriate forms on time, you may be liable for your tuition fee costs.

Australia Awards Scholarship students should contact the Sponsored Student Contact Officer via email at [email protected]

All other international sponsored students should submit a new International Sponsored Student Agreement Form (PDF, 65 KB) and a new Financial Guarantee Letter before the census date of the first term of your new program.

If you want to transfer from one full fee-paying program to another full fee-paying program, then you should complete the online Postgraduate Program Transfer Form .

Applications are open from: 

Monday, Week 9 of the previous term or Monday, week 3 of the previous hexamester. 

Until 12pm Wednesday O week of application term.  

Until 12pm Friday week 7 of the previous hexamester.

Make sure you provide all the required information before submitting your application. Your application will be assessed by the Program Authority . 

If you’re a full fee-paying student and you want to transfer to a program that offers Commonwealth Supported Places, then you must submit an application via Apply Online or UAC (whichever is applicable).

If you have a Commonwealth Supported Place in your current program and want to transfer to a program in a different School (either within the same Faculty or in a different Faculty), then you must submit an application via Apply Online or UAC (whichever is applicable).

If you have a Commonwealth Supported place in your current program and want to transfer to a related program, i.e. a Graduate Diploma/Masters within the same specialisation, check the program you want to transfer to offers Commonwealth Supported Places . Then complete the online Postgraduate Program Transfer Form .

If you have a Commonwealth Supported Place in your current program and want to transfer to a program within the same School in your Faculty, check the program you want to transfer to offers Commonwealth Supported Places . Then complete the online Postgraduate Program Transfer Form .

Open from Monday, Week 9 of the previous term or Monday, week 3 of the previous hexamester. 

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  1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    The minimum requirement for admission to a PhD is: A UNSW Bachelor degree with first or upper second class Honours from UNSW; or. a completed Master by Research from UNSW with a substantial research component and demonstrated capacity for timely completion of a high quality research thesis; or. an equivalent qualification from a tertiary ...

  2. Thesis Structure

    Thesis Structure. This page outlines the stages of an honours thesis and provides links to other pages that will give you more information and some examples from past theses. Abstract: Write this last. It is an overview of your whole thesis, and is between 200-300 words.

  3. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    The minimum length of candidature is 3-years and the maximum length is 4-years. Candidates are required to submit a thesis for examination not exceeding 100,000 words in length. Research areas. We offer supervision in a wide range of subject and research areas that contribute to the faculty's research strengths.

  4. How to Write a PhD Thesis

    How to Write a PhD Thesis. ... (UNSW does). In any case, this standard page gives the university library the right to publish the work, possibly by microfilm or other medium. (At UNSW, the Postgraduate Student Office will give you a thesis pack with various guide-lines and rules about thesis format. ... This is sensible because of the length of ...

  5. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at UNSW Engineering requires completion of a piece of research that demonstrates a significant and original contribution to knowledge in the field of study. Our candidates acquire advanced specialist research training and produce a thesis that summarises the research and provides evidence ...

  6. Information about research theses

    The UNSW rules governing the physical format of the thesis for either the PhD or MSc degree can be found in the UNSW Postgraduate Research Handbook provided by The Graduate Research School. This guide contains information regarding the submission and examination of research degree theses.

  7. PDF Purpose

    format, number of copies and length of the thesis appropriate for the degree. All required documents must be included in all submitted copies of the candidate's thesis, and all required approvals must be provided before the candidate's thesis can be examined. 5.1. Format and number of copies 5.1.1.


    A PhD degree requires three to four years full-time study and completion of a written thesis. The length of a doctoral thesis is normally around 100,000 words. The thesis is reviewed by members of the Australian and international scientific academic community. In the course of their research, PhD students must

  9. Handbook

    The UNSW Handbook is your comprehensive online guide to degree programs, specialisations and courses offered at the University of New South Wales, Australia. ... PhD Research Thesis Education Full-Time. EDST6901. 12 Units of Credit. info. sms_failed. There is a more recent version of this academic item available. ...

  10. UNSW Handbook Program

    The length of a doctoral thesis normally should not exceed 100,000 words of text and should be submitted for examination within 4 years of full-time study. ... If you are considering applying for a PhD at UNSW you will need to make contact with the relevant School or Faculty. This is necessary in order to establish that your research interests ...

  11. Theses

    Trove - Australian print and digital theses. Trove includes theses at all levels, including PhD, masters and honours. To limit your search to Australian theses only, use Trove - Research & Reports search. Tick the Australian content box. Next to format select Thesis from the drop-down list.


    Length of Thesis: The aim should be to produce a clearly written, properly documented and thoroughly organised thesis that occupies 30-50 pages. Theses exceeding 50 pages are not welcomed and over elaborate presentation of diagrams etc., is not necessary. Typically, thesis content beyond page 50 of the thesis will not be examined. 10.

  13. PDF Notes for Examiners: Doctor of Philosophy (Practice-based PhD)

    the Practice-based PhD Thesis. While the Dissertation in isolation need not make the same level of contribution to knowledge and original thought expected of a traditional PhD dissertation, the Dissertation and Project together should achieve this. 1.3.2 The expected length of the Dissertation is not less than 40,000 and not more than 50,000 words.

  14. Your Thesis

    EThOS e-theses online service. Writing Your Thesis The Writing Center - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10 Tips for writing a PhD thesis - Times Higher Education How to write 10,000 words a day - The Thesis Whisperer. Thesis Plans Free Thesis Plan templates - iThinkwell Sample Thesis Plan - The University of Edinburgh

  15. Guide for Writing Research Proposals

    If you are a PhD candidate, your research proposal will normally be submitted as part of your Confirmation of Candidature Review. ... Thesis proposals Expand menu for Thesis proposals. Structuring the proposal; Literature review; See also. Academic study skills. ... UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia | Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student ...

  16. Structuring Your Thesis Proposal

    Timelines and milestones are important tools for planning your research project effectively and completing your thesis on time. Milestones are the steps you need to take to meet your goals. Timelines help you plan out when your key goals and milestones will be completed. Your timeline can be formatted as a table or a list.

  17. PDF A&D Writing a Research Proposal Guidelines

    Word length: PhD: approx. 2000-3000 words (excluding references) Masters by Research: approx. 1000-2000 words (excluding references) NB. Throughout this document the term thesis refers to both practical and written components of your PhD or Masters by Research. PhD

  18. UNSW Handbook Program

    The length of a doctoral thesis normally should not exceed 100,000 words of text. Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree encourages initiative and originality in research.

  19. Literature Review

    Unless your School specifies the length, you can use the following as a rough guide: Around 15-30% of the whole thesis (see FAQs) OR. Your thesis is expected to be 60% your own work. If your literature review is more than 40% of your thesis, it's probably too long.

  20. FAQs

    UNSW Home. UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia | Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience. UNSW CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G | TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12055 (Australian University) | ABN: 57 195 873 179. Page last updated: Friday 25 March 2022.

  21. Postgraduate thesis

    UNSW School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering. If you are an 8338 postgraduate student, you can take either option for Thesis. Postgraduate students in 8621 are required to take Research Thesis part of their program of study. If taking a Practice Thesis (group project), you must enrol in Thesis A (MMAN9001) and Thesis B (MMAN9002).

  22. Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Theses

    25 Jan 2023. Academic Excellence. Edition 1 2023. Twenty-eight UNSW PhD candidates have been awarded a Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Theses. The Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Theses recognises high quality PhD theses produced at UNSW. To receive this award, candidates must produce a thesis that requires only minimal corrections ...

  23. PDF Expression of Interest in Research Higher Degree Candidature

    PHD. Field of proposed study ... thesis/ project)? Yes or No. Mark for research thesis or project . e.g. 85% HD . Normal Full-time length of Degree . e.g. 3 yrs. From . e.g.2006 To . e.g. 2008. 4. Research Record Publications *If you have more than two publications, please attach a list of publications separately (EOIs without attached ...

  24. Postgraduate program transfer

    You may not be eligible for full transfer credit from your existing program. If this occurs, your total length of study may be extended. Check the date on your new CoE. If your new CoE is longer, check your student visa expiry date on VEVO. If you need a new student visa, apply to the Department of Home Affairs.