On the banks of Shodhganga: analysis of the academic genealogy graph of an Indian ETD repository
- Published: 18 May 2023
- Volume 128 , pages 3879–3914, ( 2023 )
Cite this article
- Dhananjay Kumar 1 ,
- Plaban Kumar Bhowmick 1 ,
- Sumana Dey 2 &
- Debarshi Kumar Sanyal 3
389 Accesses
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Academic genealogy graphs capture information about the lineage of researchers, encode how knowledge flows from advisors to proteges, and shed light on the birth and evolution of disciplines. In this paper, we study the academic genealogy graph/network (AGN) in Shodhganga which is the Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) database. We have disambiguated the names of the researchers in Shodhganga and constructed the Shodhganga-AGN, which we have analyzed with topological metrics proposed in the literature on general graphs as well as that on genealogy networks. The metrics studied have been able to identify the institutes and researchers that have played a significant role in the development of the Indian higher education system. The largest connected component of Shodhganga-AGN consists of 1356 researchers and 1437 advisor–advisee relationships. The component is dominated by researchers from science and is affiliated primarily with three institutions. We have also studied subgraphs in the genealogy network to identify supervision patterns, and found that most of the subgraph instances connect researchers within a single institution or subject. Thus, our study is a detailed insightful analysis of the academic genealogy of researchers indexed in Shodhganga, and captures the decades-old research ecosystem of India, as expressed through the formal advisor–advisee relationships in Indian universities.
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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, 721302, India
Dhananjay Kumar & Plaban Kumar Bhowmick
Mindtree, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700091, India
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700032, India
Debarshi Kumar Sanyal
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Algorithms flowchart
Algorithm 2-In all the above cases, we have imposed the natural constraint that the advisor’s (who is potentially the same person as the advisee) date of thesis submission to be earlier than the advisee’s thesis submission date. In the case where the number of candidates (advisee) to merge with the advisor is greater than one, we further check them across the available attributes to find the best candidate
Algorithm 3-Initially students with same names and having same department and institute are assigned the same index even if they are referring to different individuals. In that scenario, if advisor information (advisor thesis) is available, we are using that to find the most likely student among all the students (with the same name) associated with him/her. After that, group the remaining students by thesis title and assign them with different indices (Assumption: very less likely that two students with the same name and in the same institute and department has different thesis titles associated with same advisor)
Algorithm 4-Applicable if multiple advisors advised the student (multiple records exist, same student name has variation due to human error (check Appendix Table 2 )), or duplicate records exist, or wrongly combined thesis title. The function merges students with similar names (with slight variation) having the same thesis title. If student names are different across the same thesis index (similarity value less than threshold value), then there is a chance that two different thesis indices are merged wrongly. Therefore, we will not change the student indices
Sample of researcher records with few attributes
Top researchers in shodhganga-agn based on different genealogical metrics, institute abbreviation, nirf ranking, and ddc subject code with subject name, extracted subgraphs structures from shodhganga-agn.
Extracted subgraphs instances from Shodhganga-AGN
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About this article
Kumar, D., Bhowmick, P.K., Dey, S. et al. On the banks of Shodhganga: analysis of the academic genealogy graph of an Indian ETD repository. Scientometrics 128 , 3879–3914 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04728-z
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Received : 10 August 2022
Accepted : 24 April 2023
Published : 18 May 2023
Issue Date : July 2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04728-z
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Shodhganga Educational Research : Access Thesis, Research Papers, Dissertations
Engaging in research work takes patience and determination of the research fellow. to ensure a steady ad smooth flow of research mhrd has launched shodhganga which is a phenomenal collection of thesis, research papers from around the world..
About Shodhganga
"Shodhganga" is a digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by INFLIBNET Centre. As the name suggests “Shodh" is a Sanskrit word for research and discovery and "Ganga" is the holiest, largest and longest of all rivers in Indian subcontinent. Shodhganga denotes a huge reservoir of research and discovery (intellectual property) for the academicians maintained by the INFLIBNET Centre.
Shodhganga Important Statistics
A Reservoir of numerous thesis and dissertations contains:
269659 – Full Text thesis
7000 – Synopsis/MRPs/PDFs/Fellowship
428 – Universities Contributing
511 – Universities signed MoU
Purpose of Shodhganga
Who manages shodhganga.
Shodhganga is run and managed by INFLIBNET Centre using an open source digital repository software called DSpace. The DSpace is developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in partnership between Hewlett- Packard (HP). Each research participant who has access to Shodhganga can submit their thesis or research paper on this platform to help others make their research more reliable and unique.
Why ShodhGanga?
Shodhganga is a huge reservoir of Indian Theses and holds ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers.
Shodhganga facilitates ease of navigation which is crucial to save time of the novice researchers.
S everal universities have tie up with this platform, which means that students can actually access the material of a far-flung university while sitting at home.
It would help prevent scope of Plagiarism in the research work. Often students face the issue of plagiarized content and work from their guides. This platform is instrumental in ensuring that there is no repetition of the research topic while undertaking new research work.
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An Analysis on ‘Shodhganga-A Reservoir of India Theses’ with Special Reference to Library and Information Science Theses
International Journal of Library and Information Science Research and Development (IJLISRD), Volume 2, Issue 1, January- June 2013
8 Pages Posted: 8 Jun 2020
Assistant Librarian, Rajiv Gandhi Arts & Science College, Puducherry – 605 007
Date Written: 2013
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET centre provides a platform for Universities and research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Online availability of electronic theses through centrally maintained digital repositories, not only ensure easy access and archiving of Indian doctoral theses but will also help in raising the standard and quality of research. All Universities, who conducts Ph.D./M.Phil. programme are eligible to join Shodhganga by signing MoU with INFLIBNET centre and appointing a University Co-ordinator. UGC may also provide financial assistance to the INFLIBNET centre for subscription to software tools that detect plagiarized portion of theses and dissertations. This paper is administered to study about the Universities who joined with Shodhganga and how much their contribution of Ph.D. theses and in particular the Universities having Ph.D. in Library and Information Science.
Keywords: Shodhganga, ETD, MoU, INFLIBNET, Ph.D. Theses, Research
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
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Sociology Research Topics Making Projects Professional
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Are you enthusiastic about investigating sociological issues and phenomena but every time you are assigned to such an assignment you cannot decide on appropriate sociology topics to research? The list of diverse sociology research topics can address the problem of a constant lack of creative ideas. Boost your inspiration!
Sociological Research Strategies
The choice of sociology research topics proves puzzling since it has a few intricacies you should prioritize. Primarily, it is your passion for a selected subject. Another aspect is your competence. It implies that the chosen sociology research paper topics should meet your academic goals.
The last nuance, which is critical, but learners routinely omit, is a sociological strategy required for investigating selected sociology research topics. Competent top-rated coursework writing service authors distinguish a few major sociological methods that can be employed for revealing sociology research topics thoroughly.
- Information analysis.
While most inexperienced authors use this method as only one in their studies, it is one of the numerous strategies you can take to deep dive into sociology research paper topics.
- Case studies.
Investigating particular cases independently or gleaning ideas from earlier prepared studies is always a viable option.
Concluding on an in-depth representative sample is more sensible than gathering merely theoretical data without practical evidence.
- Interviews.
Savvy specialists are familiar with insights into research topics for sociology and share their expertise in such conversations.
When you have structured details about sociological research methods and are aware of how to employ them in practice, your chances of conveying the main message and revealing sociology topics decently are doubled. Authors familiar with basic methodological techniques no longer face a lack of creative ideas and data while completing research projects.
Interesting Sociology Research Topics
Sociology topics to research comprise questions related to the interaction between diverse cultures, social institutions and their place in people’s socialization, personal identity determination, educational systems and their effect on the economic development of the states, political systems, place of technology in social classes stratification, behavior patterns, and many other sociology research topics you can investigate in your sociology research paper .
Sociology research topics are routinely categorized by aspects they cover within sociology as a science. However, ten interesting sociology research topics on various sociological niches are gathered below to highlight the most pressing issues in the field. Look through the sociology research topics list and glean ideas for custom titles.
- Problems of social mobility and migration processes in the world.
- Sociological interpretation of social self-organization.
- Social stratification measurement criteria.
- Social status: Psychological pressure and biases.
- National mentality influences a country’s brand.
- Traditions and laws are regulators of human behavior.
- Interaction of social and personal values.
- Specificity of social conflicts between individuals of different social statuses.
- Social innovation: Breakthrough in self-acceptance and personal awareness.
- Social process management: Major stakeholders.
Easy sociology research topics
If it is your primary experience of investigating sociology research topics, what about clear-cut but interesting sociology research topics? The straightforward titles do not imply worse results but guarantee sufficient theoretical and empirical information on such subjects. Check a few simple sociology research topics below.
- The social knowledge structure.
- The role of sociology in modern society formation.
- Empirical sociology in the structure of social knowledge.
- Staging of the formation and development of sociology as an independent science.
- Positive and negative aspects of marginalization.
- Social structure transformation trends.
- Socialization’s role in the person’s awareness of their identity.
- Decision management specifics in interpersonal relationships.
- Models of economic behavior in countries with a high development level.
- Effective methods for fostering employee motivation.
Sociology research topics for high school students
Finding good sociology research topics is not as challenging as opting for ideas that meet the project instructions. If your task description gives you freedom of choice, you can look through the following sociology research topics list and opt for a perfect match to your interests.
- Peer pressure influences decision-making.
- Teens’ sociological data processing methodology.
- Factors of young people’s opinion formation.
- Teen’s social adaptation after emigration.
- Symbols of national culture.
- Social space interpretation’s effect on youth’s worldviews.
- Social efficiency of law in less developed countries.
- Manifestations of social maturity in practice.
- Ageism is an obstacle to adaptation in the workplace.
- Social capital in economic relations.
Sociology research topics on mental health
Anxiety, mental disorders, lack of sleep, and energy are critical social issues of the current technological generation. If you opt for such sociology research topics and dive deeper into their investigation, chances of completing a project at a decent score are high. Become familiar with good topics for sociology research paper relevant to a huge audience.
- Impact of social inequalities on mental health.
- Background anxiety is a consequence of excess dopamine.
- Practices of spreading awareness of the healthy sleep cruciality.
- Can health have a valuable dimension in modern society?
- Mainstreaming the mental disorders issue among young people at the state level.
- Impact of mental health care institutes’ policies on citizens’ decision-making patterns.
- Dependence of the population’s psychological development level on the state’s social development.
- Stress resistance is the basis of professional health.
- Mental health is an economic and social good.
- The practice of including mental health services in work insurance plans.
Sociology research topics on family
The gap between young people’s and adults’ perceptions of family is growing so the research focus shifts to innovative sociology marriage and family research topics. As sociology is a multifaceted field, the variety of family sociology topics is immense.
- Family roles: Individual’s self-determination.
- Intergenerational ties and gaps in worldview.
- Key causes of marriage breakdown: Psychological incompatibilities of partners.
- Proven practices of building mutual understanding on issues of raising children as a couple.
- Globalizing systems of marital relations.
- Psychological trauma at an early age affects the future success of an individual.
- The family’s function of emotional satisfaction.
- Living conditions and psycho-emotional state and their relationship with the mental health of family members.
- Legal protection of low-income families creates development opportunities.
- Leadership in the family: Cultural features.
Sociology research topics on gender
Gender identity, equality, rights, inclusion, and related sociology research topics are currently on the agenda. What research topics for sociology on gender do seem more eye-catching?
- Feminine and masculine traits: Foundations of gender profiling.
- Gender socialization in the family.
- The impact of feminism on worldview.
- The place of parental instincts in gender determination.
- Gender social norms: Information pressure.
- Reducing the social distance between people of different genders.
- Women in geopolitics in retrospect.
- Gender identification and stereotypes.
- Staging of the gender formation: Biological and sociological categories.
- Gender polarization issue.
Medical sociology research topics
Healthcare involves many stakeholders and takes a critical place in social life. Interactions between individuals, social phenomena in the medical field, and other sociology topics for research paper are appropriate for in-depth analysis. The issues of society’s perception of chronic and infectious diseases are pressing and may be effective options for sociology topics to research. It is up to you what aspect of healthcare sociology research topics to focus on.
- Pandemics have social phenomena peculiarities.
- Medical assistance and medical care differences in practice.
- Methods of sociological analysis of health care problems.
- The medical care availability’s influence on the mood of the population.
- Social causes and consequences of diseases.
- Spreading the ideas of preventive medicine in society.
- Accelerated trend of infections and viruses spread due to globalization.
- The impact of the aging of the nation on losses in the country’s health care sector.
- Ethics in medical practice.
- The specifics of medical statistics analytics.
Political sociology research paper topics
The scope of political science covers great sociology research topics worthy of discussion in your research project. A vast bulk of surveys, interviews, polls, and statistics are available on the internet and may be potential information material for in-depth study of topics for sociology research paper. Figure out intriguing sociology research topics about politics from the below examples.
- Forecasting the political situation in conditions of instability.
- Political manipulation: Techniques of taking an advantageous position in the international arena.
- Social pressure on political elites in retrospect.
- Political sociology through the prism of philosophy.
- Distribution of power in society.
- The political consciousness phenomenon.
- A striking difference between democratic and totalitarian political institutions.
- Political opposition: Strong advantages and pitfalls.
- Political privileges boost social stratification.
- Political parties’ evolution determines a country’s involved potential.
The diversity of sociology research topics rarely leads to a lack of creativity in opting for appropriate sociology topics for investigation. The above list of sociology research paper topics proves the facts. Nevertheless, learners face the wide selection of sociology research topics as a puzzling challenge having no idea how to finally decide what are genuinely good sociology research topics. Look through expert research topics in sociology and craft authentic social studies topics focusing on your needs and practical experience. Properly formulated sociology research topics are half of success!
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The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET; Shri Khushal Das University; Sociology : [2] Collection home page. Browse Subscribe to this collection to receive daily e-mail notification of new ...
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET; Gulbarga University; Department of Sociology : [104] Collection home page. Browse Subscribe to this collection to receive daily e-mail notification ...
A reservoir of Indian Theses. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers.
Academic genealogy graphs capture information about the lineage of researchers, encode how knowledge flows from advisors to proteges, and shed light on the birth and evolution of disciplines. In this paper, we study the academic genealogy graph/network (AGN) in Shodhganga which is the Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) database. We have disambiguated the names of the researchers ...
This paper highlights the research paradigms in the field of Social Sciences based on the theses available in Shodhganga. The paper attempts to make a content analysis of Shodhganga online theses repository for exploring the coverage of Social Sciences as a subject to identify the research prospects in the field of Social Sciences.
Shodhganga. Social Sciences. Issue Date: Aug-2017. Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre. Abstract: This paper highlights the research paradigms in the field of Social Sciences based on the theses available in Shodhganga. The paper attempts to make a content analysis of Shodhganga online theses repository for exploring the coverage of Social Sciences as ...
Indian ETD (Shodhganga) Shodhganga is a digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Shodhganga stands for the reservoir of Indian intellectual output stored in a repository set-up and maintained by the INFLIBNET Centre.
VDOM DHTML PE html>. Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET.
The 3485 synopses were uploaded in the Shodhganga project. In this paper analysed top ten universities contributing electronic theses, year wise contribution and top viewed theses in the database. ... Shodhganga facilitates the research scholars to collect review studies and helps retrospective view of our research area. There are more than ...
- 255 - GROWTH AND UTILISATION OF SHODHGANGA 2. Objective The main objectives of the paper is as follows - To know the shodhganga uses pattern since its inception. To know what the regions are involved worldwide and within India. To know yearly update of theses and dissertations. Text analysis of the titles to understand the growth of topics, topic modelling of the documents,
The word "Shodh" originates from Sanskrit and stands for "research and discovery". "Gangotri" is one of the largest glaciers in the Himalayas and the source of origination of the Ganges, the holiest, longest, and largest of rivers in India. The Ganges is the symbol of age-long culture, civilization, ever-aging, ever-flowing, ever ...
Global Academy of. Management studies and. Technology, Coimbatore 641. 105. Approaches to Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian. theses. P Sankar, S Sudha, Dr. ES Kavitha. Abstract. India does not ...
Shodhganga is a huge reservoir of Indian Theses and holds ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers ...
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET centre provides a platform for Universities and research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Online availability of electronic theses through centrally maintained digital repositories, not only ensure easy access and archiving of Indian doctoral ...
This paper examines the Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (ETDs) deposited at INFLIBNET Shodhganga project by Indian Universities. It is found that 144444 theses have been deposited on various ...
It is found that 99994 + theses have been deposited on various disciplines by 260 universities. The 3485 synopses were uploaded in the Shodhganga project. In this paper analysed top ten universities contributing electronic theses, year wise contribution and top viewed theses in the database. Download Free PDF.
Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET.
Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET. Shodhganga. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET.
"Shodhganga" is the name coined to denote digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre. The word "Shodh" originates from
Purpose - This paper aims to examine the progress and current status of Shodhganga: a reservoir Indian electronic theses. The paper further discusses the need and importance of a centrally maintained repository in the current age and the role and challenges of universities, libraries and researchers in development of institutional ...
Purpose - This paper aims to examine the progress and current status of Shodhganga: a reservoir Indian electronic theses. The paper further discusses the need and importance of a centrally ...
Political sociology research paper topics. The scope of political science covers great sociology research topics worthy of discussion in your research project. A vast bulk of surveys, interviews, polls, and statistics are available on the internet and may be potential information material for in-depth study of topics for sociology research paper.