Be inspired. It's your career. It's your life.

Job-Search Strategist Resume Writer Keynote Speaker Career Coach

Professional Career Management Since 1983

Jan Melnik, MA, MRW, CCM, CPRW

Welcome to the Absolute Advantage—website of Jan Melnik—where we'll help give you the absolute advantage when it comes to job search, resume and LinkedIn writing, and career management. “You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression.” You've heard it often. And it's essential. Be sure the first impression you make is your best and gives you the absolute advantage in this competitive market! Ready to be inspired? It's your career. It's your life. Let's get started!

The Door Opener: A Distinctive, Branded Resume... A Compelling LinkedIn Profile—You'll Need Both!

Let us help you go to market with a branded resume and LinkedIn profile that present your quantifiable skills, specific qualifications, and detailed accomplishments concisely and effectively. A resume cannot be a career “obituary”—it must sizzle with promise for what you can do to help an organization achieve its objectives. It is your unique story!

A resume should articulate your value proposition. It presents key “predictors of success” and demonstrates “proof of performance,” the value you can deliver. And, to be most effective, it must be uniquely you, be totally authentic and clearly present your distinctive brand. You must display transferable skills and core competencies that speak to the reader and compel him or her to call you and to bring you in for the interview—which is the whole point of a resume and cover letter.

Likewise, your LinkedIn profile must be on-brand and blend cohesively with how you represent yourself, your capabilities, and your attributes on your resume. But it must not simply be your resume pasted verbatim onto LI.

Instead, your LI profile should take full advantage of the headline, summary, and expertise sections—as well as the sections for experience, projects, education, recommendations, associations, and other categories to present a multi-layered picture of who you are.

Unlike a resume, the summary should be written as a compelling and inviting-to-read narrative in the first person (the word “I” is not used in a resume; but it is absolutely appropriate to write in a conversational style and use “I” in the LI summary). Job seekers today can expect prospective employers, hiring managers, and recruiters to Google their names and search for them on the Internet and using social media—especially using LinkedIn and, to a lesser extent, Facebook.

Your digital identity plays a strategic role in how you present as a candidate. For nearly everyone, having a professional presence on LI is important for networking purposes. And, for job seekers, it has become essential to use and leverage LI as a component of an overall job-search campaign.

You Have One Opportunity

Your resume and LI profile must be able to capture the attention of the hiring authority, recruiter, or human resource professional, generally in under 10 seconds. To demonstrate a probable match between your candidacy and the job opportunity at hand, it is essential that your documents be easy to read and understand, accurate, and error-free.

They must provide sufficient information to give a strong picture of your qualifications and what differentiates you as a candidate without overwhelming the reader with detail. And they must present your skills and accomplishments positively, professionally, and with immediate relevancy to potential employers.

Our Capabilities—Your Story

We are equally experienced and comfortable working with clients at all levels—from recent graduates to CEOs. After all, the need for a professional resume (and for a career search to be successful) is no different for someone earning $50K than it is for someone earning in excess of $900K.

We specialize in working with senior executive-level clients, C-suite candidates, managers, and rising professionals and have expertise in numerous disciplines ranging from sales/marketing, high-tech environments, and manufacturing to education, healthcare, and entrepreneurial careers. A subspecialty is helping new graduates successfully launch (and college sophomores/juniors land rewarding internships). We invite prospective clients to reach out for a complimentary proposal and suggested game plan for working together (Please see “ Client Services ”). We can assist anyone who is highly motivated to make a strategic career move.

Be certain that the professional you engage possesses the right credentials and experience to assist you with your career search and understands what today's hiring authorities and decision makers are seeking in qualified candidates. You must have a well-written, accomplishment-driven, and personally branded resume that is results-oriented and clearly demonstrates your transferable skill portfolio.

It must be clean and concise—succinctly written to present your differentiators. Core competencies and distinguishing performance characteristics must be included in a qualifications summary/profile replete with targeted keywords. Be certain that your resume works effectively via email and on the web as well as on paper and on a mobile device.

One of the industry’s top career strategists, Jan Melnik is a Master Resume Writer, Credentialed Career Manager, and Certified Professional Resume Writer. She is President of Absolute Advantage (in practice since initially establishing the company in Durham, CT, in 1983), author of top-selling resume and business start-up books, including “Executive's Pocket Guide to ROI Resumes and Job Search,” and contributor to more than three dozen career and resume books. She works remotely from her office in Sarasota, FL, with clients from all over the US as well as expats.

Jan holds two undergraduate degrees in business, is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Maryland, and earned her Master's degree summa cum laude from Wesleyan University. “Our business is making you look good”—and we want to help you be as successful as possible in developing the right suite of career management tools and collateral documents that will assist you in competing for the right opportunity.

Be inspired. It's your career. It's your life.

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Books and Publications - Jan Melnik

Contact Jan Melnik

Contact Jan Melnik

Be inspired.

It's your career. It's your life.

Resume Writing Services Hartford, CT

Hartford is home to one of the most competitive job markets on the east coast., why hire a professional writing service in hartford, ct.

Hiring managers are busy people. Consider, for example, that the average hiring manager looks at your resume for an average of 4 seconds before deciding – do you go in the small interview pile or into the recycling bin? A professional resume writing service can help you achieve the former.

At Spring Forward Resumes, we know the specific skill sets hiring managers look for – and maximize your chances of making it to that first interview.

Get professional resume writing services in Hartford Connecticut (CT)

Looking for a job in Hartford has its benefits and its difficulties. You’ll be relieved to know, for example, that the median   pay is higher than the national average , at $56,870 (the national average is $48,320). However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that unemployment in Hartford is higher than the national average, though a long range look at unemployment rate shows that it’s decreasing in the metro area, just like the rest of the country.

One reason for the higher unemployment rate could be linked to Hartford, CT’s top employers. Finance and insurance are two of the area’s top industries for employment.  Hartford Financial Services Group has 12,100 employees alone, according to the Hartford Courant.

Health care is another   large sector for employment , with more than 100,000 employees. Hartford Hospital has around 5,000 employees, while St. Francis Medical Center employs another 2,900. Hartford is also home to pharmaceutical company branches for Pfizer and medical device leader Boehringer Ingelheim.

Highest paying jobs in Hartford, CT

Much of Hartford’s employment is centered around health care, finance, and other professional trades. It should come as no surprise, then, that many of the area’s top paying jobs are also in these fields. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top paid professionals in Hartford are physicians, with specialties like anesthesiologists and surgeons claiming seven of the top 10 spots. The remaining spots are dentists, optometrists, and chief executives.

How Professional Resume Writing Helps You Land a Hartford Job

Hartford is a high paying, yet competitive job market. If you want to land a job here, you’ll need help from a professional resume writing service.

We have more than 15 years of experience in professional writing and editing services, which we use to create professional and engaging resumes that highlight your relevant skills and experience. We serve individuals from all occupations, from those seeking entry-level employment to those seeking an industry change after years of experience. We’re constantly learning more about the evolving best practices of resume writing, so your professional documents will stand out from the crowd.

Let Spring Forward Resumes help you land the job of your dreams.

Together, we can put your best foot forward.

Resume writing services will help prospective employees see you in the best possible light. We help you market yourself, get on a recruiter’s radar, and open new professional doors. Check out the possibilities and see for your self by viewing our client testimonials .

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Over 600 (5) Star Reviews Over 1,500 LinkedIn Endorsements Read Our Core Values

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Resumes since 1991.

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  • Resume Writing
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  • Outplacement
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Career Counseling
  • Business Plans
  • Resume Checklist

Local, Caring and Personalized Service


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Spend 5 Minutes with us on the phone before calling another agency or visiting another website. We will assure you that you have come to the right place.


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New Haven, CT:

Hartford, CT:

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Milford, CT:

Trumbull, CT:

White Plains, NY:

Raleigh, NC:

Charlotte, NC:

Hampstead, NC:

Charleston, SC:


Resumes Etc. was selected by the United States Marine corps to instruct retiring Marines on how to transition to the private sector.

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Resume 1

We recognize that every customer is unique. This includes their needs, concerns, fears, goals, aspirations, passions and dreams. They differ on skills, education, salary requirements and more. We take the time to get to know each customer so that our services and solutions are customized to meet their needs. This is a nurturing process, not a cookie cutter approach.

We have been in the Resume Business since 1991

Cover Letters

& More...

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Alfred (Fred) Mariani,MBA  has been a fortune 500 executive, MBA professor, author and designer of over 30 executive leadership programs. His programs have been presented to a diverse audience including corporate executives, NYC school superintendents,  area police chiefs, and many others. He has partnered with universities and created executive leadership programs where attendees received continuing education credits...


Read Our Blog

resume writer in ct

The two worst resumes you can ask for:

Andrea Tholen • Nov 30, 2023

The first is a "basic " resume. When clients ask me for a basic resume and ask them if they want a basic job. Of course the answer is NO. They want a great job. Well, a great job requires a great resume. The second is an AI resume. An algorithm cannot understand you on an emotional level. It doesn't know how to assess your passions and dreams....

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Professional Resume Writing

LinkedIn profiles:

Alfred Mariani • Nov 29, 2023

LinkedIn is arguably one of the top sources of talent for employers and recruiters. Given this fact, we create LinkedIn profiles that are powerful and keyworded. Our profiles bring out all facets of your background. It's a complete 360 view of who you are and what you can bring to an employer. Our profiles are so powerful that our clients are...

resume writer in ct

How to convert job interviews into job offers:

Christopher Mariani • Nov 28, 2023

There is a formula to follow in an interview to land a Job. Most professionals fail at an interview for 2 reasons. 1) their resume lacks enough accomplishments to demonstrate that they are results-driven. 2) When asked to describe in detail how the accomplishments are achieved they fall short with specifics, raising doubts about whether they...

resume writer in ct

Your first job out of college:

Andrea Tholen • Nov 17, 2023

As a young college graduate, your emphasis should be placed on increasing your knowledge base, which in turn, increases your future market value. Do not focus on a job that pays well, but limits the amount of knowledge you will acquire. In the long run, a focus on salary vs knowledge will have negative consequences on your career

resume writer in ct

Andrea Tholen • Nov 16, 2023

Most professionals fail at an interview for 2 reasons. 1) their resume lacks enough accomplishments to demonstrate that they are results-driven. 2) When asked to describe in detail how the accomplishments are achieved they fall short with specifics, raising doubts about whether they actually achieved these

resume writer in ct

Andrea Tholen • Nov 15, 2023

LinkedIn is fast becoming the top source of talent for employers and recruiters. Given this fact, we create LinkedIn profiles that are powerful and keyworded. Our profiles bring out all facets of your background. It's a complete 360 view of who you are and what you can bring to an employer. Our profiles are so powerful that our clients are...

resume writer in ct

At Resumes Etc., Crafting Resumes That Tell Your Story and Market Your Potential

Andrea Tholen • Nov 14, 2023

Welcome to Resumes Etc., where we believe that a resume is more than just a list of jobs and educational qualifications. It's your personal career narrative and your most important marketing tool when seeking new opportunities. Here's how we can help you: Your Story, Professionally Narrated:Our team of expert resume writers at Resumes Etc. is...

resume writer in ct

Attention active military and veterans!!!

Andrea Tholen • Nov 13, 2023

Resumes etc. has been selected by the United States Marine Honor Foundation as a presenter to help military personnel to transition to the private sector. We are also listed as the #1 provider of services to military personnel by Military OneSource, a division of the Department of Defense. We are  very proud of these selections and the...

resume writer in ct

The dangerous trend of consumer debt:

Andrea Tholen • Nov 10, 2023

Americans are swimming in debt and many have depleted savings, Credit card and loan interest rates are soaring and many Americans can't pay their loans. Keep in mind that 67% of GDP is consumer spending, and if consumer spending drops significantly, then all industries outside of government will experience revenue loss. This could lead to...

resume writer in ct

What happens to the job market if the US gets entangled in a war?

Andrea Tholen • Nov 8, 2023

If the USA were to become entangled in a war in the Middle East, the ramifications for the job market would likely be complex and multi-dimensional. The immediate response would involve a ramping up of the defense sector's activities, leading to increased manufacturing of military hardware and a demand for a range of defense-related services....

resume writer in ct

Breaking down resistance to change in the workplace...

Andrea Tholen • Nov 6, 2023

People often resist change because they fear that it will have a negative impact on their jobs. The best way to break down resistance is to get employees involved in the change process. "People support what they help to create". Participation results in shared ownership and accountability for positive outcomes. Another strategy is effectively...

resume writer in ct

A whole new approach to resume writing:

Andrea Tholen • Oct 18, 2023

The average hiring manager spends 1 minute on a resume. 50% of hiring managers stop reading it after the summary/profile or halfway down the page. Here's the reason why. A resume is like a short story. You have to grab the reader's attention at the very start and then hold it through the balance of the resume. In other words, your resume has to...

resume writer in ct

Finding a good remote job:

Andrea Tholen • Oct 17, 2023

We have found many remote job opportunities for our clients. We scour Online Job Boards for our clients. Company Websites, LinkedIn, Freelancing Platforms, and other Networking Platforms.  Let Resumes Etc. Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter: Tailor your application materials to highlight your remote work skills, self-discipline, and ability...

resume writer in ct

Are you looking for a career change?

Andrea Tholen • Oct 16, 2023

At Resumes Etc. we specialize in transitioning our clients to their dream career, and we help them if they are seeking guidance about identifying meaningful career options. A career change coach must possess a variety of skills. He/she must conduct a detailed skills assessment to determine which careers the client's skills are transferable to,...

resume writer in ct

How can you advance your career?

Andrea Tholen • Oct 3, 2023

I have found that there are 2 sets of skills that will ensure steady career progression. First, you must master the art of corporate politics. The goal is to be politically savvy and know how to play the game. We coach our clients on how to master corporate politics and we teach this program at the university level. Second, the key to success is...

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Is the Job Market Strong?

Andrea Tholen • Sep 27, 2023

In today's ever-changing job market, assessing its strength is a critical concern for job seekers. At Resumes Etc, we understand the importance of staying informed about job market conditions. The current landscape is influenced by diverse factors such as economic conditions, industry trends, and location-specific opportunities. Resumes Etc....

resume writer in ct

Paying a professional resume writer to craft your resume can be a valuable investment in your career. Here are five compelling reasons why you should consider hiring a professional:

Andrea Tholen • Sep 26, 2023

Expertise in Resume Writing: Professional resume writers are experts in the field of resume composition. They are well-versed in industry-specific terminology, formatting guidelines, and the latest trends in recruitment. Their experience enables them to present your qualifications and achievements in the most effective way, ensuring that your...

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Human Touch and Emotional Intelligence

Andrea Tholen • Sep 25, 2023

Your resume is more than just a list of qualifications; it's a representation of your professional identity and journey. It should convey your passion for your work, your dedication, and your ability to thrive in a team or leadership role. These qualities are challenging for AI to capture

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Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

Andrea Tholen • Sep 22, 2023

The job market is ever-evolving, and your resume needs to keep pace. Professional resume writers stay updated on industry trends and best practices, ensuring your resume remains relevant and effective. They can provide ongoing support, helping you adapt your resume as your career progresses. AI, on the other hand, may not offer the same level...

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Executive and senior management resumes:

Andrea Tholen • Sep 21, 2023

An executive resume should only be written by a writer who has worked in executive roles, combined with an MBA degree and numerous publications. These competencies must be matched by the ability to create a resume that highlights the unique abilities of each of our clients. We focus on how you structure and reinvent companies, how you...

" I grew up in a poor Italian Family in New York and lived my entire life in Westchester and Connecticut. My parents were members of the greatest generation. They lived their faith, loved their country, and they were totally selfless. Their priorities were their children, their family and their friends. They took little for themselves and gave what they could spare to others. I learned and lived these values my entire life and I incorporate them into our business philosophy. Every customer is a member of our extended family, to the point where many have become close friends. We take the time to know their fears, concerns, passions and dreams. We then align all of our skills and resources with their goals and we never give up until they succeed. It may be old school, but it's a value system that has served us and our customers well. "

Resumes Etc. Core Values

~  Owner - Alfred Mariani

Read Fred Mariani's Profile

Professionally written linkedIn Profiles

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool to reach a large audience and to advance your career through on-line marketing.  However, LinkedIn limits you to 500 words, which equals approximately 1 minute of ...


Written Profiles

  Over 500 (5) Star Reviews


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Get the resume that gets you hired in  Hartford

I’ve developed a process that gets you results - Guaranteed! Amos Tayts , Founder & President --> I’ve developed the Resume Target Method™ that gets you results - Guaranteed! Amos Tayts , Founder & President I’ve developed a process that gets you results - Guaranteed! Amos Tayts Creator of the Resume Target Method™ -->

Choose your career level to get started:

Professional, hartford's #1 professional resume writing service.

Resume Target is Hartford’s top-rated professional resume writing service, supporting job search in the Greater Hartford Area for over 15 years. Our professional Hartford resume writers have proven experience working with all industries and career levels. No matter what your journey looks like, our Hartford resume service will open more opportunities for you to help you achieve your career goals.

Not sure which career level matches your experience? Take 30 seconds to answer just a few easy questions

Our Triple Promise Guarantee

All resume writing services are backed by our industry-first Triple Promise Guarantee to ensure you find interview success.

Hartford’s Top Rated Resume Writing Service

Read Our Testimonials Read Our Google Reviews -->

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The Resume Target Method™

Our proven resume-writing process holds a 98% interview success rate

Proven professional resume writing backed by a caring team and fanatical support

Since 2003 - We have been invested in your success. Our expert team of professional Hartford resume writers will get you in the door while our dedicated support team will take care of you at each step of our structured, step-by-step process.

Resume Target serves clients in and around Hartford

Choose your Resume Service or Talk to Us Now to Learn More

See What Our Hartford Resume Writing Clients Say About Us

Review management by Endorsal

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Resume Target Hartford writes resumes in more than 60 industries


  • Accounting Resume Writing
  • Banking Resume Writing
  • Engineering Resume Writing
  • Finance Resume Writing
  • I.T. Resume Writing
  • Oil & Gas Resume Writing
  • Pharmaceutical Resume Writing
  • Project Management Resume Writing
  • Sales Resume Writing
  • More Industries

Andy Thomas Careers Now

Resume Writing Services

Benefits of professional resume writing:.

  • Includes resume, LinkedIn profile, & cover letter
  • Ensure that the Applicant Tracking System responds well to your resume
  • Increase your earnings
  • Land more interviews
  • Identify your value as a professional
  • Stand out amongst the competition
  • Gain a better understanding of your strengths
  • Boost your confidence

Hire one of our expert resume writers today!

Get a Free Consultation!

Struggling to craft a resume that captures attention?

Professional Resume Writing Services

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Professional Resume Writing Service: Struggling to craft a resume that captures attention? Or perhaps you’ve sent out resumes but haven’t received the responses you hoped for? At Andy Thomas Careers Now, we specialize in creating resumes that make a lasting impression. Our team, led by Chris Adams, Director of Resume Services, is renowned for their expertise in resume writing, cover letters, and LinkedIn profile strategies, ensures you will stand out in a competitive job market.

What sets our resume service apart? It’s designed by Human Resource Managers who know precisely what potential employers seek. Our certified and professionally accredited writers don’t just write resumes; they craft personalized career narratives. Through one-on-one interviews, we tailor each resume to reflect your unique strengths and career journey. Our writers are equipped with the industry knowledge and expertise to handle anything from a CV to a Federal Resume. Need your resume urgently? Our rush service options have got you covered. Let us help you make an immediate, impactful impression with potential employers.

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Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

Get a free consultation.


Hartford, CT

Resume writers, professional resume writing services for hartford.

Welcome to ClearPointHCO, the premier professional resume writing and career coaching service in Hartford, CT. Our dedicated team brings together extensive expertise in operations, recruiting, and human resources, united by a common goal of creating the most impactful career and coaching services in the nation.

Hartford Resume Writers

We are deeply committed to supporting job seekers in Hartford, CT and at ClearPointHCO, our mission is to provide you with the assistance you need on your unique career journey.

Our team of professional resume writers at ClearPointHCO are experts in their respective fields. No matter your career level or industry, we have the skills and knowledge to help you uncover a world of job opportunities that you may have never imagined. In fact, a majority of our clients secure multiple interviews within the first 60 days after sending out their expertly crafted resumes. Let us be your guide as you pursue the career of your dreams. Click here to get started today!

When it comes to your job search, there are numerous advantages to engaging the services of a professional resume writing company in Hartford, CT. Our skilled writers excel at creating a cohesive and compelling narrative that highlights your specific experience, education, and skill set. They can also assist you in tailoring your resume to the particular job you are applying for, emphasizing the qualifications that resonate most with potential employers.

Furthermore, a top-notch professional resume prepared by a reputable writing service can help you stand out from the competition. In today’s fiercely competitive job market, recruiters and employers receive countless online applications, making it challenging for your application to receive the attention it deserves. By availing our services, you gain a competitive edge that distinguishes you and captures the interest of prospective employers.

ClearPointHCO, the leading professional resume writing company in Hartford, CT, is also committed to saving you time and reducing stress throughout your job search process. We understand the complexities of perfecting application documents and offer you a timely and cost-effective solution that caters to your unique needs and preferences. Let us handle the intricacies while you focus on preparing for interviews and securing your dream job.

Hartford, the capital city of Connecticut, has several suburbs that offer a range of living environments.  In addition to Hartford, CT, ClearPointHCO proudly serves the following cities within the Hartford metropolitan area:

  • West Hartford: Located just west of downtown Hartford, West Hartford is a popular suburb known for its lively downtown area, excellent schools, and diverse community. It offers a mix of residential neighborhoods, local shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square are vibrant hubs featuring a variety of dining options, boutiques, and entertainment venues. The suburb has well-maintained parks, recreational facilities, and a strong sense of community.
  • Glastonbury: Situated southeast of Hartford, Glastonbury is a picturesque suburb with a rich history. It offers a blend of colonial charm, rural landscapes, and modern conveniences. Glastonbury boasts scenic views along the Connecticut River, hiking trails, and historic sites. The town center features a mix of local businesses, shops, and restaurants. Glastonbury provides a balance between suburban tranquility and easy access to Hartford’s amenities.
  • Avon: Located to the west of Hartford, Avon is an affluent suburb known for its upscale homes, scenic beauty, and high-quality schools. It offers a mix of suburban and rural environments, with open spaces, parks, and walking trails. Avon boasts a charming town center with boutiques, local eateries, and a community-oriented atmosphere. The suburb provides a desirable combination of natural surroundings and proximity to urban amenities.
  • Farmington: Situated west of Hartford, Farmington is a historic town with a blend of residential areas, farmland, and commercial developments. It is known for its rich colonial heritage and picturesque New England scenery. Farmington features a vibrant downtown area with local shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. The town has several parks, including the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail, which offers opportunities for outdoor recreation. Farmington provides a mix of suburban charm, historic sites, and convenient access to Hartford.
  • Simsbury: Located northwest of Hartford, Simsbury is a scenic suburb known for its natural beauty and New England charm. It offers a mix of historic homes, rural landscapes, and outdoor recreational opportunities. Simsbury features picturesque downtown areas with local shops, restaurants, and a strong sense of community. The town is surrounded by state parks, including Talcott Mountain State Park and the Farmington River, providing opportunities for hiking, biking, and water activities.

By choosing ClearPointHCO, you empower yourself with a professional resume writing company in Hartford, CT that unlocks the potential for an outstanding resume. Impress recruiters and employers, differentiate yourself from the competition, and accelerate your job search success. Take the first step towards a brighter future by contacting ClearPointHCO today!

Resume Bundle Packages

Ready to accelerate your job search, join other professionals that landed more interviews. , to begin, click the “buy now” button., let’s get started.

  • Resume - 3 Business Days
  • 2 Pages Max Resume
  • Resume in Word, PDF, and Text Files
  • Keyword Optimized for ATS
  • No Cookie-Cutter Template-Based Writing
  • Cover Letter Template
  • Follow Up Template

$ 265.00 Buy Now

  • Resume Writing Package Plus:
  • Customized Cover Letter
  • Learn More Here

$ 290.00 Buy Now

  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Phone Consultation (30 Minutes)

$ 320.00 Buy Now

  • Starter Package Plus:

$ 399.00 Buy Now

  • Deluxe Package Plus:
  • Interview Preparation Session
  • LinkedIn Profile Strategy Session
  • 2 Phone Consultations (30 Minutes)
  • 4 Revisions in 7-days
  • Template for requesting a LinkedIn recommendation
  • Whitepaper for top tips to succeed during interviewing

$ 650.00 Buy Now

  • Professional Package Plus:
  • 1 Hour Career Coaching
  • Job Search Strategy Session
  • Professional Branding Tools
  • Collateral Pack

$ 950.00 Buy Now

Part of the process includes: 

  • Access to an order management system. 
  • Client Intake Form to complete to provide direction to the writer on what you would like for the new resume. 
  • To provide feedback to your writer on the draft(s) provided. 
  • 60-day interview guarantee . 
  • Job search tool to track your interviews, offers, and rejections. 

Other packages to review include Entry Level Resume Packages , IT/Technology Resume Packages ,  and  Executive Resume Packages .


Anaba is the best! He helped me craft my resume and I got my dream internship all thanks to him. Could not recommend enough.

Had my resume created and updated with Clearpoint. Since my resume was updated at the end of September, there’s been a steady amount of interest. Multiple good interviews resulted in an excellent job offer today.

I have recommended your service every chance I get. Thank you very much for the service you provide.

I highly recommend this company! Ann and Anaba are the most positive, kind, knowledgeable and helpful professionals to help you land the job of your dreams! They can help with resumes, cover letters, job search advice, profiles and how to interview etc! I now work for Apple thanks to both of them helping me gain my confidence back and help me with I listed above! Don’t wait! Call and make an appointment! You won’t be disappointed!

“Makes getting a new professional resume easy. I received calls from recruiters and companies soon after the resume was completed. Recommend individuals starting here first for the job search.”

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Able Resume Services

Your Career Advancement 

Begins here..

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Professional Resume

& cover letter development/updating.

Able Resume Services offers reasonable rates and quick turnaround.

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Interview   Preparation

We conduct mock interviews with you and offer performance critique to thoroughly prepare you for your interviewing experience.

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Career Counseling

We provide valuable job coaching and career guidance.

Client Testimonials

I highly recommend Able Resume!! I was contacted by a hiring manager from a company that saw my credentials on LinkedIn and I needed a resume and cover letter quickly. Roy did a fantastic job taking my info and creating the documents. I went to the Windsor location as they are no longer in South Windsor. I have been on 2 Interviews with that company and I am expecting an offer. Could not have done it without Able.

Had a resume and cover letter developed by Roy to seek new job opportunities. He took the time to understand my skills, experience and types of jobs I wanted. He created documents that obviously impressed the companies I applied to . I also took advantage of their Interview Preparation services since it had been a while. I got three job offers and I accepted a new position after a short search. Don’t know why I waited so long to do this! Highly recommend!

Michelle D.

I called a couple of online services but I felt like I could do what they were offering. I then called Able Resume and liked what I heard. I met with Roy who obviously has a lot of Human Resource experience. He interviewed me and provided job coaching which I needed. I love my resume. Great job!

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About Able Resume Services

Able Resume Services has been recognized as the  premier  resume writing organization serving clients in Connecticut, Massachusetts and throughout the United States.  We have created thousands of resumes and cover letters spanning all fields and levels.  Our services open company doors and give you an edge to get you the job you want. 

Roy Cowles, President of Able Resume Services is a former Corporate Human Resources Manager and one of the first Certified Professional Resume Writers in Connecticut. He has provided strategic staffing consulting services and Outplacement Programs for corporate downsizings, acquisitions and relocations.  

Most individuals underestimate their skills, experience and accomplishments.  Make a great first impression utilizing the expertise of Able Resume Services.


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  • Resume Services
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  • Professional Documentation
  • Business Plans
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Jaine Roa, Founder, and CEO of J Roa Consulting, is a Connecticut native that has been in the business of Writing for over 10 years. Jaine has had a passion for the English language from an early age. She grew up reading voraciously and always seeking to improve her language abilities both written and orally. Being brought up in a bilingual household, she was lucky enough to become fluent in English and Spanish, both spoken and written. Jaine started her writing career as a  Technical Writer for a very successful child welfare agency named Children First Partners, LLC. She furnished all documents for the start-up company including all of their paper and e-marketing campaigns. Jaine's services offer clear, concise, and professional communications that bridge any gap between consumer and supplier, or employee and employer.

Jaine offers a fresh, modern perspective to the world of technical writing. Jaine also understands the importance of clear,   professional communication and the impact that it has on consumers. In a world that communicates with acronyms,   abbreviations and a character limit, it is not only refreshing but vital, to portray sensibility and professionalism with communications.  Jaine has a passion for English and communications that governs the quality and eloquence of her work.  She is here to help you articulate complex information into easily understood language. Her desire to be the best at what she does makes for pristine work for her clients

Jaine is currently taking on new projects, contact her for more information.

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Connecticut's Top 25 Resume Writing Services

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The resume writing industry in Connecticut is represented by a diverse array of companies offering specialized services. These businesses are primarily focused on supporting job seekers by crafting customized, professional resumes that effectively highlight their skills and experiences. They utilize modern technologies and systems like Applicant Tracking System compatibility checks to increase resume visibility. Some companies offer additional resources, such as career coaching and guidance, job search strategies, LinkedIn profile development, and even leadership coaching. As the job market continues to evolve, these companies are adapting, with a growing emphasis on crafting dynamic, digital-friendly resumes that can stand out in today's competitive landscape.

Top 25 resume writing companies in Connecticut

1. human esources.

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Marlborough, Connecticut, United States
  • Founded: 1997
  • Headcount: 11-50

Human eSources is a platform that provides resume-building solutions for professionals. Users can create and customize job-winning resumes using their MyData™ Portfolio, which securely stores all professional qualifications and experiences. With a guided process, users can quickly start a new resume or import an existing one, make edits, and generate job-specific resumes. The platform ensures resumes pass Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compatibility checks, increasing the chances of being viewed by recruiters and hiring managers.

2. NG Career Strategy

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Stamford, Connecticut, United States
  • Founded: 2013
  • Headcount: 1-10

NG Career Strategy provides top resume writing services, career coaching, and job search solutions to land more job offers. Access our ATS-optimized resumes, cover letter templates, LinkedIn resources, and interview coaching.

3. Resumes Etc

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Monroe, Connecticut, United States

Resumes Etc is a family-owned and operated business providing professional resume writing, LinkedIn profiles, outplacement, leadership coaching, career counseling, and business plans services since 1991 with affordable pricing.

4. Resume Innovators

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Branford, Connecticut, United States
  • Founded: 2000

✪ Resume Innovators is the key to unlocking your career potential and landing your next job. ▶ Let our team of Certified Resume Writers, Certified LinkedIn Experts, and Certified Career Coaches help you... ✅ Influence your outcomes as you field more job offers. ✅ Rank higher with applicant tracking systems when you apply to jobs online. ✅ Enhance your visibility on LinkedIn and optimize visibility with LinkedIn Recruiters. ✅ Build your career, develop your brand, and negotiate a higher salary. ✅ Maximize your networking opportunities and grow your professional network. ✅ Reduce your time to transition to another job. ▶ Signature Services include: ➟ Executive Resume Writing ➟ Professional Resume Writing ➟ LinkedIn Profile Writing ➟ LinkedIn Strategy ➟ Career Coaching ➟ Career Development ➟ Personal Branding ➟ Professional Value Propositions ➟ Job Interview Strategy & Preparation ➟ Mock Interviews ➟ Salary Negotiation ➟ Executive Compensation Strategy ➟ Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) ➟ Cover Letters & eNotes ➟ Follow-up Letters ➟ Executive Biographies

5. Red Inc.

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Connecticut, United States
  • Founded: 2005

Redinc, LLC is a professional resume writing and job search coaching service that provides sensible solutions to job seekers. They offer job search workshops, interview coaching, and recruitment services to their business clients.

6. India Career Portal

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: East Haven, Connecticut, United States

We are a premier technology products and business services company incorporate in 1981. In 2003, Lester Inc merged with Enlink Infotech, a leading Indian outsourced technical support services company. In 2005, Lester Inc acquired Walkers Research a provider of business database solutions for marketing & sales needs. Lester Inc is led by Rajiv Samant & Nikhil Kothari and a team experienced professionals. Rajiv has been active in the IT industry since 1982 and worked in senior management roles in companies such as Intel, McKinsey, IBM (General Manager of AIX Divison), and Disney (Senior Vice President). He is a graduate of Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Nikhil Kothari an entrepreneur since 1992 has experience of a decade in the manufacturing sector (at Jaysynth) and since 1999 in the IT outsourcing services sector. As founder of Enlink he successfully executed technical support contracts with Gateway Computers, MSN and Hotmail. An Engineering graduate from Mumbai University he is also a member of the Entrepreneurs Organization. Lester Inc focus has been on leveraging two key trends in the industry - explosion of content on the Internet (user generated, social media, videos, etc) and convergence of technologies (cloud computing, software-as-a-service, mobile computing, broadband wireless, open-source software). This has thrown open multiple opportunities and innovative ways for us to address needs of our customers. To target this opportunity Lester Inc has developed a vibrant portfolio of services and software offerings targeted at the US and Indian market. For example, Lester's Campus Direct Solution is aimed at helping connect large recruiters with more than 2,000 colleges in tier-2 and tier-3 cities in India. The GuruAid offering is aimed at the need for high-quality, one-stop technical support for home users and small businesses. Lester operates two facilities: located at Branford, Connecticut (CT) in the USA and Mumbai, India. In addition we have a ...

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Norwalk, Connecticut, United States

Melanie has presented to the following groups and associations on multiple occasions. Duke University, Rocky Mountain College, Fairfield University, Women for Hire in Washington DC, Atlanta, New York City, Merrill Lynch Executive Networking Breakfast, YTI Technical Institute, New York University Alumni Association, JETS Schmoozers Group, Darien Professionals, Fairfield Public Library, Ferguson Library, Acton Public Library, Westport Library, Connect to Care, New Canaan CATS, Northern Fairfield Professionals, Russell Library, Cromwell Library, Milford Bank, Temple Beth El, Financial Executives Networking Group (FENG), Business Networking International (BNI) Connecticut. Interested in having me present to your group or sponsoring me to speak to job seekers? Contact me at: [email protected] or 203-866-1606. Would you like a packet of FREE job search tips delivered to your email? Click here: Melanie has 10+ years of experience posting jobs, reading resumes and conducting job interviews. In the back of her mind, she was always thinking, ""Is this a great person, but just hidden behind a bad resume or job interview skills?"" Now she helps people bring out their best selves and address the needs of an employer through resume writing, job interview coaching and job search coaching. She incorporates her improvisational comedy experience into delivering informative and interesting presentations about all aspects of job searching. Go here for more information. For employers, she finds and recommends candidates for open positions whom she would feel comfortable hiring. For more information on her recruiting, click here.

8. Housatonic Valley Crossfit

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Shelton, Connecticut, United States

Unable to extract description from website text

9. Centennial Partners

  • Website:

Centennial Partners LLC is a company that operates in the Information Technology and Services industry. It employs 6-10 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut.

10. Blum Shapiro

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: West Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  • Headcount: 51-200 offers resume review, analysis and matching services to help job seekers find employment that best fits their skills and experience.

11. Able Resume Service

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: South Windsor, Connecticut, United States

Based in Connecticut since 1983, Able Resume Services has been recognized as the ""Premier"" resume writing organization. We have created thousands of resumes and cover letters in all fields and on all levels. Our documents open company doors, give you an edge and get you the job you want. Some of the areas we service include South Windsor/Manchester, Windsor/Enfield, Farmington/West Hartford, Cromwell/Rocky Hill and New Britain/Berlin. We offer our services via personal appointments in one of our convenient Connecticut offices or on-line for customers across the United States. Our highly experienced counselors are former Corporate Human Resource Managers, Certified Professional Resume Writers and Job Coaches. In addition, our counselors provide strategic staff consulting services and outplacement programs to major corporations. Our services include: Professional Resume Development (traditional and scannable) Updating of Documents (new jobs, education/training, accomplishments) Cover Letters/Letters of Intent Interview Thank You Letters Interview Preparation (mock interviews/role playing) Career Counseling/Skills Assessments Comprehensive Job Search Workbook Laser Printed Copies on Linen Paper Documents provided on a CD or Flash Drive Quick Turnaround/Next Day Service Available Reasonable Rates Free Services for Resume Customers: Critique of Existing Resumes Job Coaching Job Search/Placement Services Assistance Life Time Database Storage for Convenient Updating Most individuals underestimate their personal assets/skills. If you care about making your best first impression to prospective employers, you need professionally prepared and carefully worded documents by Able Resume.

12. HireResources

  • Website:
  • Founded: 2002

HireResources is a fast-growing staffing and recruitment platform headquartered in Connecticut. They specialize in helping companies of all sizes secure leading industry talent.

13. My Executive Career Coach, LLC

  • Website:
  • Founded: 2010

My Executive Career Coach offers personalized executive coaching services to help individuals achieve success in their career goals through job search strategies, personal branding, leadership development, and professional guidance.

14. Olon Search and Consulting Group

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Simsbury, Connecticut, United States

Olon Search & Consulting Group LLC is a retained and contingency search firm that recruits sales, service and engineering talent for the building systems & solutions industry.

15. Smarter Career Moves

  • Website:
  • Founded: 2020

Smarter Career Moves is the media brand of career intelligence Resume Writing and Personal Branding. It provides the opportunity to watch, listen, and engage.

16. Technology Management

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Westport, Connecticut, United States

LEAD TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT is a consulting and fulltime placement firm working with IT professionals who design, develop and support todays Web Applications, Platforms and Infrastructures. Our client base consists of many of The Fortune 100 companies located in New York City and its surrounding suburbs. Our recruiters currently have over 15 years experience searching for and identifying quality candidates for our clients. Our company works with some of the most successful financial, manufacturing, publishing, and entertainment corporations to locate the people they seek. Our continued success in executive searches has built trust and respect among our clients making us one of the leaders in the New York Tri-State technology service sector. LEAD TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT also operates the TECH ANGELS program that helps unite people and organizations in need of technology assistance with the appropriate technology professionals. Our offices are located in New York, NY and Westport, CT.

17. First Impressions College Consulting

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Redding, Connecticut, United States

Personal statement and college application essay tutoring, tips, essay review and consulting, plus interview skills for college, grad school, prep school, internship, and job from award-winning communications expert Sharon Epstein and First Impressions College Consulting.

18. Elite Placement Group, LLC

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Wilton, Connecticut, United States

Elite Placement Group (EPG) is a leading executive search firm that specializes in the permanent and temporary job placement of accounting, finance, administrative and human resources professionals.

19. Excel Partners, Inc.

  • Website:
  • Founded: 1995

Excel Partners is a professional staffing agency that specializes in connecting skilled candidates to financial services jobs across all industries. They offer comprehensive sourcing, screening, and training services to deliver top administrative and clerical talent. With over 25 years of experience in finance and accounting staffing, their team comprises some of the most experienced specialists in the industry. They also provide expertise in customer service and call center staffing, matching clients with motivated individuals whose skills and experience will fuel their business initiatives.

20. BestLogic Staffing

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Rocky Hill, Connecticut, United States
  • Founded: 2009

BestLogic Staffing is a professional staffing company that provides solutions for job seekers and employers. They offer services to help with hiring, reducing costs, and connecting with trusted professionals.

21. Albano Systems, Inc.

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: East Windsor, Connecticut, United States

Albano Systems is a professional IT recruitment firm that helps IT professionals advance their careers by providing rewarding opportunities with great companies.

22. Official Court Reporter

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Hartford, Connecticut, United States provides information on how to become a court reporter, including state requirements and programs. They offer resources on court reporting specialties like digital court reporting and voice writing. The website also includes information on the different career paths within court reporting.

23. Lucci Electric Inc

  • Website:
  • Founded: 1897

Lucci Electric provides electrical services to residential and commercial customers. Their focus is on providing high-quality service that simplifies, conserves, connects, and protects your home.

24. Core Career Services

  • Website:
  • Headquarters: Greater Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  • Founded: 2014

CoreCareer is a professional resume writing service that helps job seekers to get their dream job.

25. NEAG - Northeast Executive Advisory Group

  • Website:

Northeast Executive Advisory Group (NEAG) helps connect executives in transition to business opportunities through community and collaboration.

Want to find more resume writing companies?

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ARC Resumes

Resume Service in Fairfield, CT

Are you searching for a resume writing service in Fairfield, Connecticut? My name is Arlen Crawford and I’m the founder of ARC Resumes. Although we are not based in Fairfield, CT we have helped thousands of job seekers in towns and cities just like yours. Thanks to today’s technology we are able to help job seekers just like yourself land their dream job with our unique approach to resume writing and career consulting.

People tend to search for terms like “resume service near me” and look for someone local because they feel more comfortable with a local provider. At ARC Resumes we want you to feel comfortable throughout the process and we want you to get AMAZING results. We’re so confident you’ll get results with ARC Resumes we offer an iron-clad guarantee.

Resume Service in Your Area

Here is why you should pick ARC resumes instead of a local resume writer in Fairfield, CT:

We write resumes that get results..

We have created a unique 6 step process that is proven to get your resume seen by more recruiters and hiring managers. We optimize all our resumes for applicant tracking systems which is a key to getting your resume read by the right decision makers.  Learn more about The ARC Simple 6 Difference .

We get to know you BEFORE any writing starts.

We ask questions about your employment history, your education, your goals and objectives for the resume, and what you want to do going forward. We discuss your core competencies and soft skills and help you determine what you can do if you are unsure. You’ll speak with an expert recruiter over the phone prior to us writing your resume.

We offer an iron-clad guarantee.

We guarantee that you will be getting at least 2x the number of interviews using our resume. If after 60 days you are not receiving at least twice as many callbacks and interview requests, we will rewrite your resume free of charge. If you are still not getting the results you desire after an additional 30 days, we will refund you 100% no questions asked.

We help you with more than just a resume.

Having a great resume is only one part of the process. We are also available to help you with cover letters, thank you letters, LinkedIn profile optimization, salary negotiation, and even interview coaching. Get the help you need today to land your dream job.

  • Andrew H. Took the time to call and get to know me and my goals and helped craft and revise my resume in an incredibly impactful way. Veronica S. Very responsive and professional. In addition to writing a good looking functional resume, he also provided additional tips and suggestions.
  • Christian B. I am very happy with the package that I purchased from ARC Resumes. Arlen's knowledge and understanding of the industry and applicant tracking system is impressive. My LinkedIn profile was also improved and optimized to attract recruiters. Cynthia W. Mr. Arlen's service was expeditious and he was attentive to all of my questions. I am pleased with the final product and the professionalism of his service.
  • Gianna C. Excellent job, very helpful. Extremely informative and offered other helpful advice and I got the job, on my way into a new career. Bob M. Arlen was very knowledgeable in how to craft a resume, update LinkedIn profile as well as prepare for an interview.
  • Chris B. I had a wonderful experience working with Arlen, he was very professional and did a great job! My resume looks great. Carla W. Everything about this experience was easy and efficient. Arlen turned my old resume into a new fresh professional trendy resume with all the key points strategically mentioned and methodically placed accordingly. Answered all questions and provided great tips!
  • Erika B. Arlen was prompt and patient when my timeline needed to be adjusted. He quickly gets back and follows through. The most important piece is his commitment to being there for you moving forward as things change and questions inevitably arise. thanks Arlen! Alex T. Felt personalized and created for a much more robust resume. He listened to additional input over the phone and translated that into what recruiters want to see.
  • Ted S. I do not have enough words to express my gratitude. Arlen had taken an old and out dated resume and brought it into the future. What a great looking resume, cover letter and thank you letter. His turn around time and professionalism are exemplary! Jocelyn M. I liked the fact that Arlen seemed genuinely interested in helping me find the job that suits my needs. There were other offers of very high quality sounding work..but it seemed like their end goal was to write me an excellent resume, not help me find suitable employment.
  • Carrie A. Arlen did a great job on my resume. He also provided me with job search tips, a cover letter, and thank you letter. I recommended him to a friend who also needs help and I would definitely recommend him again. Mary L. Arlen was great to work with. My resume needed an overhaul and he did it for me in two days. I’ve already recommended him to a friend!
  • Debra J. Received additional information related to the whole process of the resume and it’s associated letters. Done to today’s standards. And has a lifetime offer. Not intimidating to work with. Did Four revisions and very satisfied. Nicole A. Updated my resume. Also included a cover letter as well and am very happy with the results. Would highly recommend.
  • Giniva M. The overall experience was great. I saw my resume and was in awe. He did a wonderful job and was very professional and punctual. I am very satisfied and definitely recommend him. Nicholas C. Arlen did a great job updating my resume. He was very helpful throughout the whole process. I would highly recommend him.
  • Kourtney R. Arlen was very personable, incorporated my personal attributes into my resume, organized it in a professional way, and even gave me some career advice with the option to call back at a later date if any questions or problems arose. Very pleased. Claudine E. Arlen did a great job! My husband even used him the day after he saw what Arlen dis for me!

The Two Most Important Functions of Your Resume

  • Successful Applicant Tracking System digital search
  • Creating a positive first impression on a recruiter or hiring authority

Give yourself the maximum advantage for career advancement by choosing our proven processes. Our recruiting and resume-writing history and experience enhances your opportunities for employment. 

We have experience with many and various industries and disciplines.  Some of these include engineering, healthcare, finance, sales/marketing, manufacturing, project management, operations management, administrative, event planning, executive (CFO, COO, CEO).

How does our resume writing process different from a professional resume writer in Fairfield, CT?

The arc simple 6 difference.

Everyone wants their resume to stand out from the competition. You want to ensure that you will get noticed. ARC Resumes uses the ARC SIMPLE 6 Process to design a resume guaranteed to hit your goals.

What’s the ARC Simple 6 Process?  The ARC Simple 6 Process follows six clear guidelines to deliver quality resumes every time.

Clean, concise, and clear format
Length matches your level of experience
Definitive Professional Profile or Summary
Keyword optimization for applicant tracking systems
Thematic use of capitalization, bolding, italics, and underlining
Correct grammar, spelling, and verb tense usage

These guidelines are basic. However, most resumes often violate several of these. The way in which your resume is written creates a first impression. If that impression is negative, your chances of landing an interview significantly decrease, regardless of your qualifications.

Our Packages

Basic package.

  • Initial Phone Consultation
  • Resume (Word & PDF Format)
  • Cover Letter
  • Delivery Phone Call
  • Thank You Letter
  • LinkedIn Profile Assistance
  • Job Searching Assistance
  • Career Counseling
  • Follow Up Letter
  • Salary or Compensation Tips
  • First 30-60-90 Day Job Plans
  • Interview Coaching

Standard Package

Professional package.

Fairfield, Connecticut is a Town in Fairfield County and is in the America/New_York timezone. The area Zip Codes include 06605, 06824, 06825, 06828, 06880, 06890.

Located at the coordinates 41.17594, -73.27205 – Fairfield, CT has a land area of 30 Square Miles and 1 Square Miles of water.

Fairfield, CT has a population of 62045 people among 20365 households. They have a median income of $127,746.00.

Cities Nearby

  • Bridgeport (Town)
  • Westport (CDP)
  • Trumbull (CDP)
  • Stratford (CDP)
  • Norwalk (Town)
  • Shelton (Town)

Breaking News


Announcement of opinions for Friday, June 21 (complete)

resume writer in ct

On Friday, June 21, we were live as the court released five opinions in cases from the current term.

  • In Texas v. New Mexico , the court upholds the U.S.’s objections to a consent decree that would resolve the dispute over each state’s allocation of the waters of the Rio Grande.
  • The court rules 6-3 in Department of State v. Munoz that a citizen does not have a fundamental liberty interest in her noncitizen spouse being admitted to the country.
  • In Erlinger v. United States , the court rules that under the Armed Career Criminal Act, which imposes mandatory prison terms, a judge should use a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard to decide whether the offenses were committed on separate occasions or instead a jury must make those decisions unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • In Smith v. Arizona , the court rules that when an expert conveys an absent lab analyst’s statements in support of the expert’s opinion, and the statements provide that support only if true, then the statements come into evidence for their truth, and thus implicate the Sixth Amendment’s confrontation clause.
  • The Supreme Court rejects the challenge to the constitutionality of a federal law that bans the possession of a gun by someone who has been the subject of a domestic violent restraining order in United States v. Rahimi .

Click  here  for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.

Posted in Featured , Live

Recommended Citation: SCOTUSblog , Announcement of opinions for Friday, June 21 (complete) , SCOTUSblog (Jun. 21, 2024, 8:26 AM),

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Underground tours resume at Minnesota's oldest iron mine


All right. Hopefully, you're not afraid of the dark or of heights because we're about to plunge more than 2,300 feet underground, into Minnesota's oldest iron ore mine. The state provides most of America's iron ore. This mine has been closed for four years, first during the pandemic, then for maintenance. Now it's open again, and Minnesota Public Radio's Dan Kraker tagged along with a fifth-grade class on a recent tour.


SARAH GUY-LEVAR: Alright, let's go. In you go.

DAN KRAKER, BYLINE: Sarah Guy-Levar herds about a dozen kids and several adults into a disconcertingly small steel cage for the descent into the Soudan Underground Mine. It's only 5 feet deep, 6 1/2 feet across. We're squashed like sardines.


GUY-LEVAR: In the days of mining, 18 to 21 full-grown men in this cage.

KRAKER: The cage zooms down through the rock, rattling as it plummets down, down, dropping 1,000 feet per minute to the 27th - and deepest - level of the mine.

KAREL WINKELAAR: Watch your step.

KRAKER: At the bottom, a sign tells us we are 2,341 feet below the surface, 689 feet below sea level.


KRAKER: Then we hop on a train and ride nearly a mile to the last area that was mined.

WINKELAAR: All right, come on over here, guys. Everybody...

KRAKER: Tour guide Karel Winkelaar leads the way into a large cavern dug out of the rock.

WINKELAAR: This was the ore body that we're in right now. You mined all the ore from overhead.

KRAKER: The Soudan Mine opened in 1882. The ore here was prized to make the steel vital to the nation's industrial growth and to fight in World Wars I and II.

WINKELAAR: I want you guys to come in a little closer.

KRAKER: Winkelaar shuts off the lights. It's so dark, no one can see their hands. He lights a small candle, just as miners would have a century ago.

WINKELAAR: This candle happens to be put into what we call a corner sconce, and that corner sconce is designed to be worn in your hard hat like this. You put it on here, and now you can go to work and work hands-free.

KRAKER: Mine workers toiled 12 hours a day, six days a week, and only got paid for the ore they hauled up. Winkelaar tells the students most of them were immigrants from Eastern Europe.

WINKELAAR: The company is going to be taking advantage of you. You guys are immigrants. We're going to give you the jobs that nobody else wants to do.

GUY-LEVAR: All right, we're ready to load.


KRAKER: After the three-minute ride back to daylight, we visit the engine house. Three-thousand-foot-long steel cables unspool on a giant drum to lower the cages down the shaft. Jesse Gornick and Steve Yapel maintain the 100-year-old electric hoist. Both their grandfathers and great-grandfathers worked here. Gornick says they're custodians of history.

JESSE GORNICK: And expressing the knowledge and the importance of mining to others and kind of keeping it alive for future generations to understand why it's important.

KRAKER: This is the 59th summer of tours at the Soudan Mine, since it became a state park in 1965. Sarah Guy-Levar, the park's interpretive supervisor, says crews recently completed a nearly $10 million project to reconstruct part of the mine shaft.

GUY-LEVAR: So we don't have to worry about anything caving in onto the cages, and it is a smooth ride right now. I know it felt really bumpy and shaky to you, but the engineers did a great job.

KRAKER: About 35,000 people tour the mine every year, and Guy-Levar expects pent-up demand to take this deep dive into Minnesota history.

For NPR News, I'm Dan Kraker, in Soudan, Minn.


NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.

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China and the EU are open to talks on plans to hike tariffs on Chinese EVs


FILE - Leapmotor vehicles are parked outside a showroom in Hangzhou in eastern China’s Zhejiang province on May 14, 2024. China and the European Union are open to holding talks on the EU’s recent decision to sharply raise tariffs on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, officials from both sides say. (AP Photo/Caroline Chen, File)


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BANGKOK (AP) — China and the European Union are open to holding talks on the EU’s recent decision to sharply raise tariffs on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, officials from both sides say.

China’s Commerce Ministry and Germany’s economy minister said over the weekend that each side was willing to hold talks on the issue. Meanwhile, Chinese state media said Monday that Beijing is pushing for the EU to give up plans to sharply raise provisional tariffs on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles by July 4.

Escalating a trade dispute over Beijing’s subsidies that Brussels worries are hurting European automakers, the EU plans to impose provisional tariffs of 17.4% to 38.1% on EVs from China for four months starting on July 4. That’s on top of the 10% dutues for all imported EVs. They would apply to vehicles exported to Europe by both Chinese and foreign brands, including Tesla.

The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said preliminary results from an investigation into Chinese EV subsidies showed the country’s battery electric vehicle “value chain” benefits from “unfair subsidization” that hurts EU rivals.


Commerce Minister Wang Wentao held a video conference with European Commission Executive Vice President and Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis, the Chinese Commerce Ministry said in a notice Saturday on its website.

“The two sides agreed to launch consultations on the EU’s anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles,” it said.

“The doors are open for discussions. And I hope that this message was heard,” Germany’s economy and vice chancellor, Robert Habeck, said Sunday while on a visit to China.

In Berlin, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he had pushed hard for the EU to offer China further talks when it made its decision on the tariffs.

“There’s still a bit of time until July 4,” Scholz said in a speech to the main industry lobby group in Germany, which has Europe’s biggest economy. “But it’s clear, of course, that we will also need serious movement and progress from the Chinese side.”

“It’s important that the EU takes its opportunity until the end of the month, but also that the Chinese government takes its opportunity to bring about an agreement,” he said.

“It’s not a small issue for us,” Scholz added, pointing to Germany’s export strength and its auto sales to China. “Our industry is confident in global competition; that’s perhaps the difference between the German business and industrial model and some others, where protectionist measures generate more enthusiasm.”

China’s Commerce Ministry on Thursday accused the EU of making unreasonable demands in its investigation into imports of Chinese electric vehicles before it announced it was raising tariffs by as much as 38%.

Ministry spokesman He Yadong said the European side had demanded excessive amounts of information from Chinese automakers and then unfairly accused the Chinese companies of failing to cooperate.

Beijing said last week that it was opening an anti-dumping investigation into pork exports from Europe. In announcing that, the Commerce Ministry did not mention EV tariffs. But the investigation into various pork products was widely seen as a response to the EU measures on electric cars.

The European side has said it wants to discuss the findings of its investigation with Chinese authorities to find ways to resolve the issues.

Associated Press writer Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this report.


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Amtrak resumes service after disruptions along Northeast corridor amid severe heat wave

By Cara Tabachnick

Updated on: June 20, 2024 / 7:17 PM EDT / CBS News

Amtrak service was disrupted between Philadelphia and New Haven on Thursday due to a brushfire and power loss issues that came amid a severe heat wave, a company spokesperson confirmed to CBS News.

"The issues are a brush fire in Secaucus, N.J ., and a malfunctioning circuit breaker resulting in a loss of power on the tracks between New York and Newark Penn stations," the spokesperson said.

Amtrak said that as of 5:30 p.m. local time, power had been restored and all rail service had resumed between New Haven and Philadelphia. The brush fire east of Newark's Union Station was extinguished by Thursday evening, and the local fire department was clearing the scene to allow operations to resume at restricted speeds, Amtrak said. "Significant residual delays are expected on the Northeast Corridor as we work to restore normal operations," the company warned.

Passengers complained on social media earlier Thursday about being stuck on Amtrak trains in the intense heat. One passenger said they were in "95-degree heat" for about 75 minutes with no water.


Amtrak Northeast posted a number of service disruption updates on social media Thursday afternoon, including one about the Acela, Amtrak's high-speed train, being suspended between Newark and New Rochelle. 

The brush fire in New Jersey also led to delays and cancelations of N.J. Transit service in and out of New York City. By 6 p.m. on Thursday, NJ Transit said that rail service in and out of Penn Station had resumed but was subject to 90-minute delays.

The disruptions come as the Northeast remains under warnings of extreme heat, with  at least 265 million people  expected to experience temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Connecticut
  • Philadelphia

Cara Tabachnick is a news editor at Cara began her career on the crime beat at Newsday. She has written for Marie Claire, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. She reports on justice and human rights issues. Contact her at [email protected]

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