Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

  • Divinity School
  • Social Sciences
  • Fall Quarter (September-December)
  • Dissertation Write-Up
  • All but Dissertation (ABD) by Fellowship Deadline
  • No citizenship requirements

Open to Ph.D. candidates in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships support the writing of dissertations which respond to and participate in, deep and meaningful conversations within religion, values, and ethics. The conversation may be from the ancient past, with modern relevance; it may be a unique perspective on a well-known topic; it may revolve around culture, art, societies, or identity.

Annual Deadline

Newcombe Fellows receive $31,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing. (No half-year or partial awards are allowed.)


Eligible applicants for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship must:

  • be candidates for Ph.D. degrees in any field of study in the humanities and social sciences at accredited graduate schools in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., law, Psy.D., Ed.D. and other professional degrees are not eligible.
  • have completed all pre-dissertation requirements fulfilled by the application deadline.
  • be in the writing stage of the dissertation. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun by the time of the award.
  • have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing.
  • be in a humanities or social science department, writing on topics where ethical or religious values are a central concern.

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Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

This fellowship encourages original and scientific study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences.

Sponsor: The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

  • Description

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help PhD candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. Dissertation topics might include:

  • religious studies or ethics (philosophical or religious)
  • ethical implications of foreign policy
  • values influencing political decisions
  • moral codes of other cultures
  • religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature

For complete information about the program, eligibility information, and application, visit the fellowship website .

Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

Now in its fifth decade, the Newcombe Fellowship has become a nationally recognized award that distinguishes recipients within their fields. Fellows receive a $31,000 stipend to complete the writing stage of their dissertation. The Newcombe Fellowships have supported over 1400 graduate students who have written dissertations which respond to and participate in, deep and meaningful conversations within religion, values, and ethics. The conversation may be from the ancient past, with modern relevance; it may be a unique perspective on a well-known topic; it may revolve around culture, art, societies, or identity. Those awarded a Newcombe Fellowship are often at the forefront of creative and original scholarship, proposing new insights and ground-breaking work in the questions and conversations surrounding religion, ethics, and values.

Candidates are evaluated based on scholarly excellence; quality and originality of the project; and commitment to research that advances religious understanding, ethics, and values.            

The purpose of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is to offset living expenses while the dissertation is completed. Fellows must use the award for the final year of writing the dissertation. Fellows’ graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and fees while maintaining health insurance for Newcombe Fellows.

Deadline: Nov. 1, 2024

Applicants must:

  • be candidates for Ph.D. degrees in any field of study in the humanities and social sciences at accredited graduate schools in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., JD, Psy.D., Ed.D. and other professional degrees are not eligible. Students in science, technology, engineering, and math fields may apply provided questions of religious understanding, ethics, or values are central to the dissertation.
  • be ABD, and have completed all pre-dissertation requirements fulfilled by the application deadline, including approval of the dissertation proposal.
  • be in the writing stage of the dissertation. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun by the time of the award.
  • expect to complete the dissertation between April 1 and August 31, the year of the tenure of the award.
  • have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing.

2021:  Nathaniel Berndt  • Duke University, history Descendants of Zabarkan, Citizens of the World: A History of Cosmopolitan Imagination in Decolonizing Niger, 1958-1974

Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships — 11/16/2020

Charlotte Newcombe

The Newcombe Fellowships are provided to Ph.D. candidates at American institutions located in the United States who will complete their dissertations during the academic year 2020–2021.

In the current Newcombe competition, at least 20 non-renewable Fellowships of $25,000 will be awarded for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing; in addition, Fellows’ graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and/or remit some portion of their fees. Successful candidates will be notified, and the public announcement of new Fellows made, in spring 2020.

Applications and further information are available on the Newcombe fellowship website . Application and supporting documents must be received by  November 16, 2020 at 11:59 PM ET.

About the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation The Woodrow Wilson Foundation administers the Newcombe Fellowship competition at the request of and in consultation with the  Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation , a private foundation created under the will of Philadelphia philanthropist Mrs. Newcombe, who died in 1979. In addition to the Newcombe Dissertation Fellowships, the Newcombe Foundation funds three college scholarship programs: for students with disabilities, for returning women students, and by establishing and augmenting Special Scholarship Endowment funds at selected colleges and universities, helping students complete degrees in higher education.

For general program, application, and Fellowship questions: If you have further questions, after reviewing information on this website , including application information , eligibility requirements , and FAQ , please contact [email protected]

For questions when filling out the application or for technical difficulties: If you have registered and/or begun an application and have questions, or if you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact technical support at  [email protected] , with a concise, specific question and a phone number where you can be reached.

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Charlotte W. Newcombe — Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

Note to PIs:   The following program summary is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It does not replace the sponsor’s actual funding opportunity announcement. Always review the most recent version of the sponsor’s full announcement to verify that the deadline has not changed and to identify the most current program requirements.

About the fellowship

The fellowship is designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner.  In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations appropriate to the fellowship competition might explore the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.


Eligible applicants for the 2020 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship must:

  • Be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in an American doctoral program at a graduate school located in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., law, Psy.D., Ed.D. and other professional degrees are  not  eligible.
  • Have all pre-dissertation requirements fulfilled by the application deadline  November 16,  2020 , including approval of the dissertation proposal.
  • Be in the writing stage of the dissertation. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun by the time of the award.
  • Must expect to complete the dissertation between  April 1, 2022 and August 31, 2022 .
  • Have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing. Applicants who have won such awards as the ACLS, AAUW, Ford, Mellon, NAEd/Spencer, or Whiting fellowship are not eligible.
  • Be in a humanities or social science department, writing on topics where ethical or religious values are a central concern.
  • Have never applied for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship before.  Previous  applicants may not apply.

Award amount

$27,500;  in addition, fellows’ graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and/or remit some portion of their fees.

Award period

One (1) year.

Application deadline

November 16, 2020.

Visit .

Last updated:   July 2021.

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Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

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Designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner.

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Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows Named For 2023

Program supports promising scholars completing dissertations related to ethics and religion.

May 11, 2023

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Newcombe Fellows Class of 2023

The Institute for Citizens & Scholars has named 21 Fellows to the 2023 class of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship .

The Newcombe Fellowship, funded by the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, is the largest and most prestigious award for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences addressing questions of ethical and religious values in interesting, original, or significant ways. Fellows receive a 12-month award of $30,000 to support the final year of dissertation writing.

Fellows in this year’s class are working in fields such as anthropology, history, political science, and philosophy. They are exploring diverse topics, including refugeehood, political conflict, surveillance, and urbanism. (See the full list of Fellows, institutions, and dissertation titles below.)

Funding at the dissertation stage remains a vital way to support young scholars. Since its creation in 1981, the Fellowship has supported over 1,300 doctoral candidates with essential time and resources to complete their writing. Newcombe Fellows have gone on to be noted faculty at domestic and foreign institutions, leaders in their fields of study, Pulitzer Prize winners, MacArthur Fellows, and more.

The Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship is a cornerstone of the Citizens & Scholars portfolio in higher education, helping promising scholars generate momentum, strengthening fields of study, and preparing new generations of citizens through their teaching and research. For more information on the Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship, please visit .

2023 Newcombe Fellows

Isabela Muci Barradas | Princeton University, Art & Archaeology The Polyphonic Forest: Photographing the Amazon, 1970-1989

Matthew DeMaio | The George Washington University, Anthropology Made to Move: Placemaking and Accumulated Attachments among Palestinian Refugees from Syria

Tenzin Dorjee | Columbia University, Political Science Religious Routes to Conflict Mitigation: Buddhism, Nationalism, and Radicalization in the Sino-Tibetan Conflict

Margaux Myriam Fitoussi | Columbia University Minor Differences: A Study of Jewishness and Jewish-Muslim Relations in Tunisia

Dustin Gavin | Yale University, Religious Studies and African American Studies If You Buck: The Politics and Poetics of Majorette Dance

Benjamin Hansen | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,              History Between Trepidation and Hope:  Palestinian Christians after the Arab Conquests (c. 650-750 CE)

Kelsey Henry | Yale University, American Studies Racing the Life Course: Anti/Black Epistemes and Ethical Foreclosures in Child Development Science, 1830 – 1980

Nurlan Kabdylkhak | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, History Muslim Institutions and Scholars of the Kazakh Steppe Under the Russian Tsars

Zunaira Komal | University of California, Davis, Anthropology Translating the Symptom: Military Psychiatry, Islamic Cures, and Divine Calamity in Azad Kashmir

Rami Koujah | Princeton University, Near Eastern Studies Islamic Legal Personhood: An Intellectual History

Erica Lally | Georgetown University, History A Grave Menace: The American Protective League, Citizenship, and Surveillance during the First World War

Isabelle Laurenzi | Yale University, Political Science Critical Ambivalence, Intimacy, and The Politics of Transformation

Sam Law | University of Texas at Austin, Anthropology Building a Dignified Life: Urban Autonomy and the Art of Living Otherwise

Aparajita Majumdar | Cornell University, History Planting Recalcitrance: Nature, Knowledge, and Heritage in a South Asian Borderland

Gaurika Mehta | Columbia University, Religion Bearing the Burden of History: Religion and the Minority Ethics of the Indo-Caribbean Madrasi Diaspora

Pedro Monque | The Graduate Center, City University of New York, Philosophy Extractivism and the Defense of Life and Territory: An Account of Latin American Environmental Thought

Ariana Peruzzi Sancio | University of Michigan, Philosophy Theorizing Displacement:  On Involuntary Migration, Refugeehood, and the Right to Remain

Avenel Rolfsen | Indiana University-Bloomington, History We Won’t Wait for the State: Humanitarianism, Solidarity, and Charity in Senegalese History, 1880-1970

Daniela Moraes Traldi | The Graduate Center, City University of New York, History God, Fatherland, Family: Integralismo and the Making of the Far-Right in Twentieth-Century Brazil

William Wical | University of Maryland, College Park, Anthropology The Embodied Emotional Experiences of Black Men Participating in a Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program

Sean Wyer | University of California, Berkeley, Italian Studies Constructing Convivenza: Multicultural Heritage and Cosmopolitan Rhetoric in Contemporary Palermo

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newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

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Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help PhD candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations appropriate to the Newcombe fellowship competition might explore the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature. 

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:.

  • Be a PhD candidate in any field of study in the humanities and social sciences at an accredited graduate school in the United States. Candidates working on DMin, law, PsyD, EdD and other professional degrees are  not  eligible.
  • Be writing on topics where ethical or religious values are a central concern.
  • Have completed all pre-dissertation requirements by the application deadline, including approval of the dissertation proposal.
  • Be in the writing stage of the dissertation.
  • Expect to complete the dissertation within two years.
  • Have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing.

How to Apply

Apply online on the Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellowship website .

Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Doctoral Student Awards and Fellowships

2010 to present,     2017-2018.

Information forthcoming.


History Department Awards

  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Christopher DeLorenzo, Oliver Horn, Michael Polczynski, Patrick Scallen, Jordan Smith, Katrina Yeaw

University Awards

  • 2017 Harold N. Glassman Award in the Humanities – Larisa Veloz, Ph.D. ’15

External Awards

  • Mellon/CLIR Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources, 2016-2017 – Chelsea Berry
  • Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Environmental History/Geography, College of William and Mary, 2016-2018 – Alan Roe, Ph.D. 2016
  • The Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award Foundation, Edwin J. Beinecke, Jr. Scholarship in International Affairs, 2016 – Gregory Brew
  • Bosphorus University, Istanbul,  Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2016-2017 – Selim Güngörürler
  • Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award, 2017 – Douglas McRae
  • Harvard University, Academy for International and Area Studies at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Academy Scholar, 2016-2017 – Chris Gratien, Ph.D. 2015
  • Higher School of Economics (Moscow), International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences, Postdoctoral Fellowship – Jonathan Sicotte
  • Loyola Marymount University, Asian & Asian American Studies Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018 – Fr. Lan Ngo, S.J., Ph.D. 2016
  • ​Jing Brand Fellowship, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge University, Oct. 2016-March 2017 – Yubin Shen


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Elena Abbott, Eric Gettig, Isabelle Kaplan, Graham Pitts, Yelizaveta Raykhlina, Alan Roe
  • ​Dorothy Brown Teaching Award (teaching assistant) – Soha El Achi
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award (teaching an undergraduate seminar or colloquium) – Co-winners: Eric Gettig and Graham Pitts
  • 2016 Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Erin Steward Mauldin, Ph.D. ’14
  • GSAS Doctoral Dissertation Research Travel Grant, Fall 2015 – Laura Goffman, Faisal Husain 
  • GSAS Doctoral Dissertation Research Travel Award, Spring 2016 – Graham Hough-Cornwell, Jeffrey Reger, and Volodymyr Ryzhkovski
  • Academy of American Franciscan History, 2015-16 Dissertation Fellowship – Daniel Cano
  • ​American Society for Environmental History, Leopold-Hidy Prize for Best Article in Environmental History – Faisal Husain
  • Austro-Hungarian Fulbright Research Grant – Robert Mevissen
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Awards, 2016 – Chelsea Berry, Gregory Brew, Kate Dannies, Andrey Gornostaev (Joan Challinor Award for Overall Excellence), John Maurer (Joan Challinor Award for Overall Excellence), Jackson Perry
  • Ernst Mach Worldwide Grant, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research, and Economics
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Robert Mevissen
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Doctoral Fellowship (2015-2019) – James Torres Moreno
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Award, FY15 – Graham Cornwell
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Dissertation Research Grant – Selim Gungorurler & Alex Macartney
  • German Historical Institute, Research Grant – Volodymyr Ryzhkovsky
  • Ibero-Amerikanische Institut Research Fellowship (Ibero-American Institute, Berlin, Germany) – Daniel Cano
  • History of Economics Society, The Warren J. and Sylvia J. Samuels Young Scholars Program Award – Christopher England
  • Hoover Archives Summer Workshop on Political Economy (2016) – Ben Feldman
  • Hoover Institute, Silas Palmer Research Fellowship – Jonathan Sicotte
  • D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia, Dissertation Fellowship – Yubin Shen
  • Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund, Dissertation Fellowship (2015-2017) – Alissa Walter
  • National University of Singapore, Middle East Institute, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015-2017 – Shuang Wen
  • Palestinian American Research Center (PARC), Dissertation Research Fellowship – Jeff Reger
  • Rockefeller Archive Center, Travel Grant – Greg Brew
  • Roosevelt Institute, Research Support Grant-in-Aid – Chad Frazier
  • Roosevelt Library, Travel Grant – Greg Brew
  • Social Sciences Research Council, Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Clark Alejandrino
  • Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Samuel Flagg Bemis Dissertation Research Grant – Chad Frazier
  • Society of Military History, Russel F. Weigley Graduate Student Travel Grant – Greg Brew
  • Watson Institute, Brown University, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015-2017 – Elizabeth Williams, Ph.D. 2015


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – James Benton, Nick Danforth, Geraldine Davies-Lenoble, Yubin Shen, Larisa Veloz, Elizabeth Williams
  • ​John Ruedy General Education Award (teaching a lecture class) – Zackary Gardner, US to 1865
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award (teaching assistant) – Daniel Cano
  • ​Tom Helde Teaching Award (teaching an undergraduate seminar or colloquium) – Larisa Veloz, Women, Gender & Mexican Migration
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Joseph Hower, Ph.D. ’13
  • GSAS Doctoral Dissertation Travel Award – Daniel Cano, Katy Hull, Adrienne Kates, Alissa Walter
  • Georgetown Environment Initiative, Grant-in-Aid – Yubin Shen
  • Georgetown-Japan 2020 Fellow – Alex Macartney
  • The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TAARII), 2015 Research Grant – Alissa Walter
  • Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, 2014 Graduate Paper Prize – Laura Goffman
  • Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), 2015 Research Grant – Graham Cornwell
  • Balassi Institute Hungarian Language and Culture, 2015 Scholarship – Robert Mevissen
  • John Carter Brown Library, 2015-16 Short-Term Research Fellowship – Jordan Smith
  • Center for Chinese Studies, National Central Library of Taiwan, Research Grant for Foreign Scholars – Clark Alejandrino
  • Columbia University, Libraries Research Award, Global Studies Collection and Rare Books and Manuscripts Library – Chad D. Frazier
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Awards, 2015 – Kathy Hull, Yue Shi, Jordan Smith, Elizabeth Williams
  • European Society of Environmental Historians, Travel Award – Graham Cornwell
  • Fulbright Austro-Hungarian Joint Research Grant – Robert Mevissen
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Award, FY14 – Laura Goffman & Michael Polczynski
  • Herbert H. Hoover Presidential Library, Travel Grant – Chad D. Frazier
  • Hoover Institution Library & Archives Research Support Program Grant – Alissa Walter
  • Lapidus-Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Graduate Research in Slavery and Print Culture Fellowship – Jordan Smith
  • Mellon Sawyer Seminar, Pre-doctoral Fellowships – Shuang Wen & Clark Alejandrino
  • NEH Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers – Barry McCarron
  • Jacques Rossi Memorial Research Fellowship – Jonathan Sicotte
  • Smith Richardson Foundation, Pre-doctoral Fellowship International Security Studies, Yale University- Julia Famularo
  • Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Robynne Mellor
  • Social Sciences Research Council, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship – Chelsea Berry
  • Society for Military History, 2015 Edward M. Coffman First Manuscript Award (prize for best dissertation in military history) – Nathan Packard
  • The Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award Foundation, Edwin J. Beinecke, Jr. Scholarship in International Affairs – Douglas McRae
  • University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center & Archives, Grant-in-Aid Travel Award – Barry McCarron


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowships – Maria Amelicheva, Christopher England, Zackary Gardner, Kelly Hammond, Onur Isci, Anita Kondoyanidi
  • ​John Ruedy General Education Award (teaching a lecture class) – Paul Adler, Introduction to US History, 1865 to present
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award (teaching assistant) – Brian Taylor
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award (teaching an undergraduate seminar or colloquium) – Anita Kondoyanidi, History 372, Cultural Cold War
  • American Historical Association, Bernadotte Schmitt Research Grant – Shuang Wen
  • American Institute of Maghrib Studies, Jeanne Jeffers Mrad Graduate Student Travel Award – Graham Hough-Cornwell
  • American Institute of Maghrib Studies, Long-Term Research Grant – Graham Hough-Cornwell & Katrina Yeaw (deferred)
  • American Research in Turkey Fellowship – Michael Polczynski (declined)
  • American Society for Environmental History, Hal Rothman Dissertation Fellowship – Robynne Mellor
  • Association of American Colleges and Universities, K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award – Elena K. Abbott
  • Association for Asian Studies, China Inner Asia Council Research Grant – Kelly Hammond
  • Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Dissertation Fellowship – Shuang Wen
  • Common Ground Publishing, Graduate Scholar Award – Bader Mousa Sulaiman Al-Saif
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2014 – Elena Abbott, Oliver Horn, Graham Hough-Cornwell, Adrienne Kates, and Barry McCarron
  • Foreign Language & Area Studies Grant (FLAS) – Kate Dannies, Robert Mevissen, and Michael Polczynski
  • Fulbright – Garcia-Robles Fellowship for Dissertation Research – Adrienne Kates
  • Fulbright Polska Fellowship – Michael Polczynski
  • Immigration and Ethnic History Society, George E. Pozzetta Dissertation Award – Barry McCarron
  • Institute of Historical Research, Mellon Pre-Dissertation Fellowship – Jordan Smith
  • Huntington Library, Michael J. Connell Foundation Fellow, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship – Barry McCarron
  • Huntington Library, William Keck Foundation Fellowship – Jordan Smith
  • Lehigh University, Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Latin American Studies Program – Javier Puente Valdivia
  • The LBJ Foundation, Moody Research Grant – Oliver Horn
  • Library Company of Philadelphia, Program in Early American Economy and Society – Jordan Smith
  • Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies, Pre-dissertation Summer Travel Grant – Clark L. Alejandrino
  • Massachusetts Historical Society, Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship – Jordan Smith
  • Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship – Christopher Gratien
  • Mellon/CLIR Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources – Michael Polczynski
  • Mellon Sawyer Seminar – Critical Silk Road Studies, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship – Yelizaveta Raykhlina
  • Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies, Graduate Student Research Travel Award – Jordan Smith
  • New England Regional Consortium Grant – Jordan Smith
  • Organization of American Historians, Samuel and Marion Merrill Graduate Student Travel Grant – Zackary W. Gardner
  • Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library Fellowship – Jordan Smith
  • Phi Alpha Theta Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Winning Paper 2014, Graduate Student Division – Ashleigh Corwin
  • Jacques Rossi Memorial Research Fellowship – Carol Dockham & Jonathan Sicotte
  • School of Foreign Service-Qatar Fellowship – Kelly  A. Hammond
  • Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Canada) Doctoral Fellowship – Robynne Mellor
  • Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Diversity-International Outreach Fellowship – Barry McCarron
  • Society One-Month Fellowship – Jordan Smith


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowships – Paul Adler, Michael Hill, Nathan Packard, Fernando Perez Montesinos, April Yoder
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Elena K. Abbott
  • John Ruedy General Education Award
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Frederick W. Gooding Jr.
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Toshihiro Higuchi, Ph.D. ’12
  • American Research Center in Turkey (ARIT), Dissertation Research Fellowship – Elizabeth Williams
  • David L. Boren Dissertation Fellowship, National Security Education Program – Julia Famularo
  • Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Dissertation Fellowship – Shuang Wen
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholar Awards, 2013 – James C. Benton and Eric T. Gettig
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS) – Jeffrey Reger
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY12 – John Gregory, Erina Megowan, & Alan Roe
  • Institute for Turkish Studies, Dissertation Research and Writing Grant – Nick Danforth
  • Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies Pre-dissertation Fellowship – Yubin Shen
  • McNeill Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Pre-Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship – Jessica Simmon Hower
  • Oxford University Press USA Dissertation Prize in International History – Toshihiro Higuchi
  • Rockefeller Archives Center, Grant-in-Aid – Yubin Shen
  • Smith Richardson Foundation World Politics and Statecraft Fellowship – Julia Farmularo
  • Social Sciences Research Council, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship – Jordan Smith & Jonathan Sicotte
  • Social Sciences Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Eric Gettig
  • Social Sciences Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Chris Gratien


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Thomas Apel, Rodolpho Fernandez, Darcy Kerns, Jessica Simmon Hower, Joseph Hower
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – James Benton
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Darcy Kern
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Ben Francis-Fallon
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Andrew R. Robarts, Ph.D. ’11
  • Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Research Fellowship, JFK School of Government, Harvard University – Evelyn Krache Morris
  • Ernest May Fellowship, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, JFK School of Government, Harvard University – Anand Toprani
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Michael Polczynski
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Isabelle Kaplan
  • George C. Marshall Foundation, Baruch Fellowship – Eric Gettig
  • Mellon/ CLIR Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources – Sylvia Mullen
  • Minerva Humanities Center of Tel Aviv University, Pre-doctoral Fellowship – Guy Lurie
  • New Netherland Institute Hendricks Annual Award – Danny Noorlander
  • Smith Richardson Foundation, Pre-doctoral Fellowship, International Security Studies, Yale University – Anand Tropani
  • Southern Historical Association Summer Institute “Does Culture Matter? The Emotions, Senses, and Other New Approaches to the History of US Foreign Relations/International Relations” – Evelyn Krache Morris
  • Innovative Scholar Award, HealthTank, LLC – James Benton


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – John Corcoran, Frederick Gooding, Jr., Evelyn Krache Morris, Marc Landry, Danny Noorlander
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Anita Kondoyanidi, Kelly Hammond
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Darcy Kern
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Frederick Gooding Jr., Seth Rotramel
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Megan Brandow-Faller, Ph.D. ’10
  • ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship – Toshihiro Higuchi
  • Amherst College, Forris Jewett Moore Graduate Fellowship in History – Eric Gettig
  • The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TAARII), Fellowship for Dissertation Research – John Bowlus
  • CASA Fellowship – Graham Pitts
  • Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Maryland – Matthew Bowman
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2011 – Paul Adler, Mariya Amelicheva, Nicholas Danforth, Onur Isci, Graham Pitts (Max and Vera Britton Environmental Science Award), Larisa Veloz
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Siobhan Doucette
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Larisa Veloz & Elizabeth Williams
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY10 – Siobhan Doucette
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Dissertation Writing Fellowship – Marc Landry
  • Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, General Lemuel C. Shepard, Jr. Memorial Dissertation Fellowship – Nate Packard
  • Mellon Foundation Fellowship, The Diploma Programme in Manuscript Studies at the American Academy in Rome – Sylvia Mullins
  • Miriam U. Chrisman Travel Fellowship for Dissertation Research – Amy Rogers Hays
  • NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers – Jessica Simmon Hower
  • Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship – Matthew Bowman
  • Reed Fink Research & Travel Grant in Southern Labor History – James Benton
  • Smith Richardson Foundation, World Politics and Statecraft Pre-doctoral Fellowship – Anand Toprani
  • Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Samuel Flagg Bemis Dissertation Research Grant – Eric Gettig
  • Southern Historical Association Parker Schmitt Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation in European History – Megan Brandow-Faller
  • Truman Good Neighbor Award – Soha El Achi

2000 to 2010


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Megan Brandow-Faller, Benjamin Francis-Fallon, Rita Guenther, Seth Rotramel, Tao Wang
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Jonathan Wyrtzen
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Paul Adler, Joshua Kueh
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Kevin Powers, Veronica Vallejo
  • GSAS Doctoral Dissertation Research Travel Award – John Corcoran, Darcy Kern
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Luis Granados, Ph.D. ’08
  • ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship – Shona Johnston
  • ACLS Dissertation Writing Fellowship in Eastern European Studies – Andrew Robarts
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2010 – Emrah Safa Gurkan, Toshihiro Higuchi,  Joseph E. Hower, and Anand Tropani
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Doctoral Fellowship (2009-2011) – Geraldine Davis
  • Jacob K. Javits Fellowship (2009-2012) – Erina Megowan
  • George C. Marshall Foundation/ Baruch Fellowship – Anand Tropani
  • Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Aurelia Perrier
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship (2009-2013) – Jenn DeVries
  • Mormon History Association, Brooks Award for Best Graduate Student Paper – Matthew Bowman


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Matthew Bowman, Corey Campion, Peter Engelke, Mikail Mamedov, Kevin Powers, Veronica Vallejo, Jonathan Wyrtzen
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Mariya Amelicheva, Mike Hill, Joe Hower
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Matthew Bowmann
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Ben Fulwider
  • Doctoral Dissertation Research Travel Award – Tao Wang
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Meredith Oyen, Ph.D. ’07
  • American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT), Dissertation Research Grant – Andrew Robarts
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2009 – John V. Bowlus and Anita Kondoyanidi
  • Peace History Society, Charles DeBeneditti Prize for best article – Toshihiro Higuchi
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Danny Noorlander
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY08 – Curtis Murphy
  • Institute for Civic Space and Public Policy, Doctoral Research Fellowship, Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland – Felicia Rosu
  • McNeill Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Fellowship – Shona Johnston
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship (2008-2012) – Kelly Hammond
  • Morman History Association, J. Talmage Jones Award for best paper – Matthew Bowman
  • International Seminar on the Historic Atlantic World Research Grant – Danny Noorlander


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Ben Fulwider, Okezi Otovo
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Andy Wackerfuss
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Okezi Otovo
  • Doctoral Dissertation Research Travel Award – Shona Johnston
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Sara Scalenghe, Ph.D. ’06
  • ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowship – Melissa K. Byrnes
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2008 – Megan Brandow-Faller
  • Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship – Okezi T. Otovo
  • Fulbright-Hays International Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship, FY07 – John Corcoran, Rita Guenther, and Daniel Scarborough
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Dissertation Research Grant – Marc Landry
  • Institute for Civic Space and Public Policy, Doctoral Research Fellowship, Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland – Curtis Murphy
  • Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Andrew Robarts
  • Barra Dissertation Fellowship – Shona Johnston
  • Edward Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Inductee – Okezi T. Otovo
  • John Carter Brown Library – Shona Johnston
  • The Library Company of Philadelphia – Shona Johnston
  • Massachusetts Historical Society – Shona Johnston
  • Middle East Studies Association Graduate Student Paper Award – Hoda Yousef
  • Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Doctoral Scholarship – Megan Brandow-Faller
  • Philanthropic Educational Organization Scholarship Award – Megan Brandow-Faller
  • Virginia Historical Society – Shona Johnston


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Melissa Byrnes, Emilio Coral, Haiyun Ma, Felicia Rosu, Ryan Swanson, Xenia Wilkinson
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Ben Francis Fallon, Shona Johnston, Evelyn Krache Morris
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Stefan Zimmers
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Anton Fedyashin
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – George Vrtis, Ph.D. ’05
  • Academia Sinica, Republic of China (Taiwan), Dissertation Fellowship – Catherine Kai-Ping Lin
  • American Council of Learned Societies, Dissertation Writing Fellowship in East European Studies – Mirjana Morosini-Dominick
  • ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship – Melissa K. Byrnes
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2007 – Bjorn Hofmeister
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Evelyn Krache Morris
  • Fulbright-Austria, Austrian-American Educational Commission, Dissertation Fellowship – Megan Marie Brandow-Faller
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Doctoral Fellowship (2006-2008) – Guy Lurie
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY06 –  Catherine McKenna, Elizabeth Shlala, & Jonathan Wyrtzen
  • Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Language Fellowship – Evelyn Krache Morris
  • Neal A. Maxwell Institute of Religious Studies, Brigham Young University, Pre-Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship – Matthew Bowman
  • Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship – Nadya Sbaiti


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Karen Carter, Anton Fedyashin, Luis Granados, Henri Lauziere, Meredith Oyen
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – Tait Keller
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Ben Fulwider, Cathy McKenna, Veronica Vallejo
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Henri Lauziere
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Henriette de Bruyn Kops, Ph.D. ’05
  • Association des Professeurs Francais et Francophones de l’Amerique, Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship – Melissa Brynes
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2006 – Megan Faller and Andrew Robarts
  • Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Dissertation Fellowship – Catherine Kai-ping Lin
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Curtis Murphy
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Jonathan Wyrtzen & Benjamin Fulwider
  • Social Sciences Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Vanesa Casanova-Fernandez


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Paul Du Quenoy, Sean Foley, Aron Palmer, Nadya Sbaiti, Sarah Snyder, Andrew Wackerfuss
  • Dorothy Brown Teaching Award – Karen Carter, Vanesa Casanova Fernandez, Kevin Powers
  • John Ruedy General Education Award – George Vrtis, Stefan Zimmers
  • Tom Helde Teaching Award – Valerie Shearer, Tait Keller
  • Association des Professeurs Francais et Francophones de l’Amerique, Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship – Valerie Shearer
  • David L. Boren Graduate (NSEP) Fellowship – Jonathan Wyrtzen
  • Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship – Sara Scalenghe
  • Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2005 – Nadya Sbaiti and Xenia Wilkinson
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Meredith Oyen
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program, FY04 – Felicia Rosu & Mirjana Morosini-Dominick
  • Institute for Turkish Studies, Dissertation Research & Writing Grant – York A. Norman
  • National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship – Paul du Quenoy
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Catherine McKenna, Christina Petrides, Veronica Vallejo
  • Mellon / CLIR Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources – Vanesa Casanova-Fernandez, Diana Villiers Negroponte
  • Mid-Atlantic Phi Alpha Theta conference “Best Graduate Paper” prize – Jonathan Wyrtzen


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Isaiah Gruber, Tait Keller, Alexander Merrow, Sara Scalenghe, Valerie Shearer, Frederic Vallve
  • Harold N. Glassman Dissertation Award in the Humanities – Jeffrey T. Zalar, Ph.D. ’03
  • Chateaubriand Fellowship, awarded by the Cultural Services Division of the French Embassy in Washington, DC – Karen Carter
  • ​Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2004 – Felicia Rosu and Sara Scalanghe
  • Fulbright – Haruka Matsumoto
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Andrew Wackerfuss
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY03 – Paul de Quenoy & Mikhail Mamedov
  • Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship – Andrew Robarts
  • Mid-Atlantic Phi Alpha Theta conference “Outstanding Graduate Paper” prize – Melissa Byrnes
  • ​Social Sciences Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Mikhail Mamedov


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – Simone Ameskamp, Waskar Chachki Ari, Meriam Belli, Lisa Khachaturian, Michael Rouland
  • American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR), Dissertation Fellowship – Lisa Khachaturian
  • David L. Boren Fellowship – Meredith Oyen
  • Fulbright-Hays International Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship, FY02 – Osama Abi-Mershed, York A. Norman, and Sean E. Foley


  • Royden B. Davis Fellowship – James Class, Lisa E. Davenport, Gillian A. McGillivray, Barbara J. Skinner 
  • American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR), Dissertation Fellowship – Michael Rouland
  • Association des Professeurs Francais et Francophones de l’Amerique, Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship – Mitra Brewer
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Alexander Merrow & Sean E. Foley
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY01 – Isaiah J. Gruber & Kevin W. Martin
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Dissertation Research Grant – Tait Keller
  • International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), IREX Individual Advanced Research Fellow – Isaiah J. Gruber
  • Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship (SSRC/IDRF) – Sara Scalenghe
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship (2000-2004) – Henri Lauziere


  • Association des Professeurs Francais et Francophones de l’Amerique, Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship – Joanna Hamilton
  • David L. Boren Fellowship – Bart Goldyn
  • Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Kevin W. Martin
  • Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, FY00 – Sabrina E. Joseph & Meriam Belli
  • International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) – Michael Rouland

15 Graduate Students Receive Dissertation Fellowships for 2024–25

Each year, the NBER provides dissertation fellowships for a number of doctoral students in economics and finance, in each case after a widely-disseminated call for applications.

Fellowships for dissertation writers in aging and health economics, supported by the National Institute on Aging and the NBER, have been awarded to Michael B. Briskin, of Boston University; Marema Gaye and Graeme P. Peterson of Harvard University; and Theodore L. Caputi, Rebekah A. Dix, Dean Li, Kelsey Moran, and James C. Okun of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Briskin is studying the widespread adoption of private health insurance in the 1940s and 1950s and its effects on physician labor markets and health outcomes in the US. Caputi’s research focuses on behavioral aspects of public health, such as drug use, violence, and crime, and their effects on economic outcomes. Dix is investigating externalities in medical innovation and how interoperability and technological frictions affect patients and healthcare providers. Gaye is studying mental health care and the non-participation of some clinicians in public health insurance. Li is examining the effects of outsourcing, technological change, and consolidation on healthcare labor markets and healthcare delivery. Moran is investigating the determinants of hospital provision of charity care as well as the effects of health information exchange on patients and organizations. Okun’s research analyzes public procurement and the dynamics of buyer groups. Peterson’s dissertation addresses health insurance markets, environmental health, and the causes and consequences of racial disparities in the US healthcare system.

Fellowships for graduate students studying behavioral macroeconomics, sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, have been awarded to Lingxuan Sean Wu of Harvard University, Michael D. Cai of Northwestern University, and Matteo Saccarola of University of California, Berkeley.

Cai is studying the estimation of macroeconomic models that accommodate wide classes of non-rational expectations. Saccarola is analyzing the formation of beliefs about inflation, exchange rates, and prices. Wu is studying the implications of misunderstanding of economic relations for the economic fluctuations and stabilization policy.

Fellowships to support research on consumer financial management, funded by the Institute of Consumer Money Management, have been awarded to Justin Katz of Harvard University and Grace Ortuzar of the University of Notre Dame.

Katz is studying frictions in household debt repayment decisions, with a particular focus on the mortgage and housing sector. Ortuzar is examining the effects of a range of policies that are designed to benefit low-income tenants and reduce homelessness. 

Fellowships for the study of retirement and disability policy research, sponsored by the Social Security Administration, have been awarded to Melissa D. Gentry of Texas A&M University and Sydney Gordon of the University of California, Irvine.

Gentry is studying the role of access to transportation in affecting employment of individuals with disabilities. Gordon is investigating Social Security Administration field office staffing affects benefit enrollment patterns. 

The NBER posts calls for  fellowship applications  each fall. Application closing dates are usually in early December. Those interested in receiving fellowship announcements can sign up to receive notices .

More from NBER

In addition to working papers , the NBER disseminates affiliates’ latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter , the NBER Digest , the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability , the Bulletin on Health , and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship  — as well as online conference reports , video lectures , and interviews .

2024, 16th Annual Feldstein Lecture, Cecilia E. Rouse," Lessons for Economists from the Pandemic" cover slide

© 2023 National Bureau of Economic Research. Periodical content may be reproduced freely with appropriate attribution.

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This is an urgent time for the nation and for democracy. We see a way forward in today’s 42 million 14-24-year-olds, and we recognize that they are particularly poised to strengthen democracy now and for the long haul.

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Youth Civic Solutions Competition: Empowering the Next Generation of Civic Leaders

Just Released – From Polarization to Progress: College Presidents Join Forces

Just Released – From Polarization to Progress: College Presidents Join Forces

Preamble: Baratunde Thurston

Preamble: Baratunde Thurston

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We support scholars, journalists, and policy leaders working to ensure all people and perspectives are included in our democracy’s future, including Gen Z leaders affecting civic change.

We convene ideologically diverse college presidents committed to ensuring young people are effective citizens.

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We accelerate the growth of the civic field through research, measurement tools, and collaboration across divides.

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Productive: They build common ground with others and take an active role in local and national decision-making.

Committed: They are committed to democracy and willing to do the hard work to strengthen it.

Civic learning really speaks to the power of blending information and action. Making sure that we are really well-informed and seeking out the knowledge that we need and then also translating that into action.

Sadie Bograd

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PhD Fellowships

The Jacobs Levy Equity Management Dissertation Fellowship in Quantitative Finance is awarded to doctoral candidates in the dissertation stage in the area of quantitative financial research that is consistent with the mission of the Jacobs Levy Center.

2023-2024 Fellow

Sergey sarkisyan.

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2019-Present University of Pennsylvania, Master of Arts in Finance, 2021 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, 2019

Research Working paper Instant Payment Systems and Competition for Deposits Working paper Local Power, Global Reach: The Influence of Deposit Market Power on International Banking

Awards 2023 Financial Intermediation Research Society PhD Travel Grant 2023 European Finance Association PhD Travel Grant 2023 Northern Finance Association PhD Travel Grant 2022 Jacobs Levy Center Research Grant

Anna-Theresa Helmke

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2018-Present University of Oxford, Master of Science in Financial Economics, 2017 Maastricht University, Bachelor of Science in Economics, 2015

Research Working paper “Are ETFs better than Mutual Funds?” (supported by Jacobs Levy Center research grant ) Working paper “ETFs versus Mutual Funds: Implications for Asset Price Fragility”

Experience International Monetary Fund, Research Fellow, 2022 European Central Bank, Research Fellow, 2019 McKinsey & Co, Consultant, 2017-2018

Awards 2019 Miller, Anderson and Sherrerd Fellowship for top score in the PhD preliminary exam 2017 Vice Chancellor Scholarship, University of Oxford 2017 Dean’s List, University of Oxford 2016-2017 Graduate Scholarship DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Honors Certificate, Maastricht University

James Paron

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2019–Present University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Science in Economics, summa cum laude, with minors in Mathematics and History, 2019

Research Working paper Heterogeneous-Agent Asset Pricing: Timing and Pricing Idiosyncratic Risks Working paper Sovereign Default and the Decline in Interest Rates with Max Miller and Jessica Wachter Working paper Who Hedges Interest-rate Risk? Implications for Wealth Inequality  with Sylvain Catherine, Max Miller, and Natasha Sarin Work in progress “Firm dynamics and asset prices: Trends in valuation, concentration, and innovation” Work in progress “Asset pricing with and without growth” with Jules van Binsbergen Work in progress, “A context-based model of recall and decisions,” with Madison Paron and Michael Kahana

Awards 2022 Irwin Friend Prize for Best Paper

2021-2022 Fellows

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2017-Present Emory University, Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, 2013

Research Relaxing household liquidity constraints through social security with Sylvain Catherine and Natasha Sarin ( Journal of Public Economics , 2020) Mutual Funds: Skill and Performance with Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen ( Journal of Portfolio Management , 2020) Working paper Democratization, Inequality, and Risk Premia Working paper Foreign Influence in US Politics with Marco Grotteria and S.Lakshmi Naaraayanan (supported by Jacobs Levy Center research grant for project “The Insider Value of Political Connections”) Working paper Social Security and Trends in Wealth Inequality with Sylvain Catherine and Natasha Sarin Working paper Sovereign default and the decline in interest rates with James Paron and Jessica Wachter Working paper Who Hedges Interest-rate Risk? Implications for Wealth Inequality with Sylvain Catherine, James Paron, and Natasha Sarin

Awards 2021 Western Finance Association PhD Candidate Award For Outstanding Research 2021 Society for Financial Studies Cavalcade Best Paper in Asset Pricing

Felix Nockher

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2018-Present University of Lausanne, Master of Science in Finance, 2016 University of Mannheim, Bachelor of Science Business Administration, 2014

Research Working paper “Dynamic Strategic Corporate Finance” with Joao Gomes and Ulrich Doraszelski Working paper Pricing public information: The role of trade with Bradford (Lynch) Levy (supported by Jacobs Levy Center research grant for project “Market Efficiency in the 21st Century: Pricing Assets, Fast and Slow”)

Experience Rothschild & Co, Investment Banking Analyst, 2017-2018; Summer Investment Banking Analyst, 2016 Macquarie Capital, Off-Cycle Investment Banking Analyst, 2016 KPMG Corporate Finance, Summer Investment Banking Analyst, 2015 Ebner Stolz, Intern, 2013

Awards 2016 Prix de la Fondation Vaudoise pour la Formation Bancaire (Best Master’s Thesis Award) 2015 KPMG HighQ Scholarship

2020-2021 Fellows

Maria gelrud.

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2017-Present New Economic School and Higher School of Economics, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, 2017 Harvard College, Visiting Student, 2016

Research Interested in climate finance and asset pricing Working paper Discounting Climate Change Mitigating Projects: A Production-Based Model with Disasters

Experience Moscow Exchange, Intern, 2016 McKinsey & Company, Research Assistant, 2015

Awards The George James Doctoral Fellowship, 2017

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2017-present University of Toronto, Bachelor of Science, Economics and Statistics, 2017

Research Interested in asset pricing and financial econometrics Working paper Is The United States A Lucky Survivor: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach with Jules van Binsbergen and Jessica Wachter

Awards University of Toronto Excellence Award, 2017 First Place in Waterfront Quantathon, 2016

newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2017-Present Amherst College, Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Mathematics, 2015

Research Interested in empirical asset pricing Working paper  ‘Superstitious’ Investors  with Jessica Wachter Working paper  Underreaction, Overreaction, and Dynamic Autocorrelation of Stock Returns

Experience Research Associate, Arrowstreet Capital, 2015-2017

Awards Miller, Anderson & Sherrerd Fellowship, 2018


Education University of Pennsylvania, PhD candidate in Finance, 2015-present Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM), Master of Arts in Economic Theory, 2015 ITAM, Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Financial Management, 2014

Research Interested in asset pricing, machine learning, banking, macro finance, and financial frictions Working paper  Risk Factors That Matter: Textual Analysis of Risk Disclosures for the Cross-Section of Returns Working paper  Demand-Driven Risk and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns Knowledge@Wharton  interview

Alexander Belyakov

Education University of Pennsylvania, 2015-present PhD candidate in Finance

New Economic School and Higher School of Economics, 2011-2015 Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Research Paper “Leverage and Financing in Distress” received Best Corporate Finance Paper award at 2017 Australasian Finance and Banking Conference

Experience Intern, Runa Capital, 2015 Intern, S&P Dow Jones Indices, 2013-2014

Education University of Pennsylvania, 2014-present Ph.D. candidate in Finance

The Ohio State University, 2012-2014 M.S. in Statistics

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2008-2012 B.S. in Statistics

Research Interests Investments, Institutional Investors, Asset Pricing

Publications “Absolving Beta of Volatility’s Effects,” Journal of Financial Economics (forthcoming), with Robert Stambaugh and Yu Yuan

Ram Yamarthy

Education New York University, Stern School of Business B.S. in Economics, B.A. in Mathematics, 2011 (magna cum laude)

Research Interests Macro-Finance (Asset Pricing, Dynamic Corporate Finance), Policy-Related Questions, Applied Time Series Econometrics

Experience Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Summer 2014

Honors and Awards American Finance Association Doctoral Travel Grant, 2015 University of Pennsylvania Dean’s Fellowship for Distinguished Merit, 2011-2015 Best Paper, Journal of Undergraduate Research in Finance 2011

Education Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, M.B.A., 2007; B.A. Computer Science, 2004

Experience Research Assistant, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2008-2010 Instructor, Open University of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2008-2010 Software Developer, Israel Defense Forces, 2004-2008

Awards Miller, Anderson & Sherrerd Graduate Fellowship in Finance, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, 2011-2012 University of Pennsylvania Dean’s Fellowship for Distinguished Merit, 2010-2014 Presidential Scholarship for Excellent Annual Achievements in M.B.A studies, Open University of Israel, 2007-2008 Certificate of Appreciation for Personal Contribution to the Winning Project of Israel’s Security Award, IDF Intelligence Corps, 2006

Yasser Boualam

Education Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business, M.S., Computational Finance, 2009 Grenoble Institute of Technology, ENSIMAG, France, Diplome d’lingenieur (B.S., M.S.), Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2008

Research Interests Macro-finance, financial fragility, financial institutions and sovereign debt

Teaching Fellowships FNCE 962 – Macroeconomics and the Global Economic Environment (MBA), Professor Ravi Bansal, (Spring 2012) FNCE 924 – Intertemporal Macro Finance (PhD), Professor Pricila Maziero (Spring 2011), Professor Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel (Spring 2012) FNCE 393/893 – Global Monetary and Financial Institutions: Theory and Practice (UGD/MBA), Professor Zvi Eckstein, Fall 2011

Experience AXA Investment Managers, Financial Engineering, Paris Deutsche Bank, Derivative Strategy and Index Trading, London Society General, CIB, Equity Derivatives Structuring, New York

Awards Irwin Friend Doctoral Fellowship in Finance, 2012 American Finance Association Doctoral Student Travel Grant, 2011 University of Pennsylvania Dean’s Fellowship for Distinguished Merit, 2009-2013 The Spirit of MSCF Award, Tepper School of Business, 2008 MSCF Merit Scholarship, Tepper School of Business, 2007-2008

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Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations appropriate to the Newcombe Fellowship competition might explore the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.

Deadline:  November

Value:  $30,000

Eligibility:  Be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in an American doctoral program at a graduate school located in the United States. Be in the writing stage of the dissertation. Usually, this means that fieldwork or other research is complete and writing has begun by the time of the award. Have never held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing. Applicants who have won such awards as the ACLS, AAUW, Ford, MacArthur, Mellon, Pew, Spencer, or Whiting fellowship are not eligible. Plan to write on topics where ethical or religious values are a central concern.

Major:  Ethics/Religious values

Fellowship Type:  Graduate, Post-Graduate, International Students

Category:  Dissertation

Nomination:  no, but strongly suggested to work with the Fellowships Office

Website:   Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

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College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address: College of Graduate Studies University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017 Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

Email: [email protected]

Postdoc Resources

One of the goals of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) at the University of Idaho is to meet the needs of our postdoctoral researchers. OPA will serve you by preparing the successful entry and advancement in your career path of choice.

International Postdoc Communication Series

In Fall 2023, we launched the International Postdoc Language and Communication Workshops. 

The professional development series was created to support international postdoctoral fellows and research scientists with academic language and communication training in a collaborative, active learning environment; however, all interested in the topics are welcome.

See the calendar for the Fall 2024 topics offered Wednesdays at 12:30PM in IRIC 105 or  ZOOM  

Other popular resources

  • Workshop Schedule
  • Individual Development Plans  (IDP)
  • Versatile PhD

Postdoc Week

Sept. 19-23, 2022

Brunch to recognize our outstanding Postdocs on Sept. 21 at 8:30 - 11 a.m. in the IRIC Atrium.


  1. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows Named For 2023

    newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

  2. Cara Fallon Awarded Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for 2016

    newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

  3. The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships in USA

    newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

  4. The Charlotte W. Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship

    newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

  5. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation International Fellowships, USA

    newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship

  6. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

    newcombe doctoral dissertation fellowship



  2. Arrears of Doctoral Fellowship #ugcjrf #csirjrf #ugcnet #

  3. Alumni Feature: Elias Pirayesh

  4. UCSB News in Review

  5. Post doctoral Fellowship Position

  6. 2022 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Webinar


  1. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

    The purpose of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is to offset living expenses while the dissertation is completed. Fellows must use the award for the final year of writing the dissertation. Fellows' graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and fees while maintaining health insurance for Newcombe Fellows.

  2. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    Eligible applicants for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship must: be candidates for Ph.D. degrees in any field of study in the humanities and social sciences at accredited graduate schools in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., law, Psy.D., Ed.D. and other professional degrees are not eligible.

  3. 2024 Newcombe Fellows

    Twenty-two Fellows have been named to the 2024 class of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, administered by the Institute for Citizens & Scholars. The Newcombe Fellowship, funded by the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, is the largest and most prestigious award for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences addressing questions of ethical and religious ...

  4. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

    The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help PhD candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. Dissertation topics might include:

  5. The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In addition to topics in religious ...

  6. PDF Newcombe Fellowship Policy

    Newcombe Fellowship Policy . The Newcombe Awards . Since 2021, Newcombe Fellows have received $30,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing. (No half- year or partial awards are allowed.) For the 2022-23 selection cycle, 21 non-renewable fellowships will be awarded in the spring of 2022. Graduate schools

  7. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

    The purpose of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is to offset living expenses while the dissertation is completed. Fellows must use the award for the final year of writing the dissertation. Fellows' graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and fees while maintaining health insurance for Newcombe Fellows.

  8. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

    The Newcombe Fellowships are provided to Ph.D. candidates at American institutions located in the United States who will complete their dissertations during the academic year 2020-2021. In the current Newcombe competition, at least 20 non-renewable Fellowships of $25,000 will be awarded for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing; in addition, Fellows' graduate schools will be asked to ...

  9. The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    Brewer Fellowship to Unite America; Higher Education Media Fellowship; Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award; Mellon Foundation Fellowships. Career Enhancement Junior Faculty Fellowship; Career Enhancement Adjunct Faculty Fellowship; Mellon Mays GAP; Dissertation Grants; Travel & Research Grants; The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation ...

  10. Charlotte W. Newcombe

    Eligible applicants for the 2020 Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship must: Be candidates for Ph.D. or Th.D. degrees in an American doctoral program at a graduate school located in the United States. Candidates working on D.Min., law, Psy.D., Ed.D. and other professional degrees are not eligible.

  11. Newcombe FAQ

    Newcombe FAQ: Frequent asked questions about the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in religious and ethical values.

  12. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

    A complete Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship application consists of these required components: • a submitted online application (applications for the 2022 competition will open in fall 2021); • the online submission of the required supplemental items PDF files (See ...

  13. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

    Designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner.

  14. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows Named For 2023

    The Institute for Citizens & Scholars has named 21 Fellows to the 2023 class of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.. The Newcombe Fellowship, funded by the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, is the largest and most prestigious award for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences addressing questions of ethical and religious values in interesting, original, or ...

  15. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help PhD candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In addition to topics in religious ...

  16. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. This fellowship provides a stipend to graduate scholars in the humanities during their final year of dissertation writing. Dissertation projects with a focus on religion or ethics are funded and students from across humanities and related social sciences are eligible to apply.

  17. Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Funding

    The purpose of the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is to offset living expenses while the dissertation is completed. Fellows must use the award for the final year of writing the dissertation. Fellows' graduate schools will be asked to waive tuition and fees while maintaining health insurance for Newcombe Fellows.

  18. Doctoral Student Awards and Fellowships

    Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship - Sara Scalenghe; Cosmos Club Foundation, Cosmos Scholars Award, 2005 - Nadya Sbaiti and Xenia Wilkinson; Fulbright U.S. Student Program - Meredith Oyen; Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program, FY04 - Felicia Rosu & Mirjana Morosini-Dominick

  19. 15 Graduate Students Receive Dissertation Fellowships for 2024-25

    Each year, the NBER provides dissertation fellowships for a number of doctoral students in economics and finance, in each case after a widely-disseminated call for applications. ... Fellowships for graduate students studying behavioral macroeconomics, sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, have been awarded to Lingxuan Sean Wu of Harvard ...

  20. Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

    PRINCETON, NJ (June 2, 2020)—The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has named the 2020 class of Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows. The 23 exceptional scholars in this year's class are each exploring topics of religion and ethics in their dissertation research. Each 2020 Newcombe Fellow receives a 12-month award ...

  21. PhD Fellowships

    The Jacobs Levy Equity Management Dissertation Fellowship in Quantitative Finance is awarded to doctoral candidates in the dissertation stage in the area of quantitative financial research that is consistent with the mission of the Jacobs Levy Center. ... Anderson & Sherrerd Graduate Fellowship in Finance, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton ...

  22. *New* 2025 National Academy of Education

    The Dissertation Fellowship seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. These $27,500 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history ...

  23. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

    The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, and particularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these fields complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious ...

  24. College of Graduate Studies

    PhD Students Awarded Prestigious Fellowships . 2020 NSF Scholarships . Innovation Showcase . ... Calendar-Theses and Dissertation . Resources ... College of Graduate Studies. Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104. Mailing Address:

  25. HSE University Russian Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

    The Russian Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is part of the HSE University mission to promote the development of Russian academia and research. First, the program serves as a platform to develop national intellectual exchange and university collaboration. Secondly, the program furthers the renewal of academia, bringing dynamism to a community ...