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How to Cite a Song in MLA | Format & Examples

Published on December 3, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on March 5, 2024.

The format for citing a song in MLA depends on the medium in which you listened to it.

To cite a song accessed through an online streaming service, list the performer (or group) as author, the song title in quotation marks, the name of the site in italics, and the URL where the song can be found. Omit “the” from a band name, e.g. “Beatles,” not “the Beatles.”

If relevant, use a timestamp to indicate a specific part of the song in the in-text citation.

MLA format Performer last name, First name. “Song Title.” . URL.
Dylan, Bob. “Blowin’ in the Wind.” .
(Dylan 1:14)

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Citing songs in physical formats, quoting lyrics, optional details to include in an mla song citation, frequently asked questions about mla citations.

To cite a song you accessed in a physical format (e.g. CD, vinyl), include details about the album (or single, EP, etc.) it appears on: the title, distributor, year, and, optionally, the format (e.g. “CD”).

This format also applies to songs you downloaded and accessed through a media player (e.g. iTunes).

MLA format Author Last name, First name. “Song Title.” . Distributor, Year. Format.
Lamar, Kendrick. “Fear.” . Top Dawg Entertainment, 2017. CD.
(Lamar 3:55)

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how do you cite a song in an essay

Quote lyrics from a song in a similar format to poetry : separate lines with a slash symbol, and format four or more lines quoted at once as a block quote .

If you’re quoting these lyrics from a transcript included alongside the song (e.g. in the description on YouTube, in the accompanying booklet to a CD), then you should clarify this at the end of the Works Cited entry.

MLA’s citation style is flexible; some details are not mandatory in a song citation but can be included when relevant.

For example, if your discussion focuses on the work of a particular musician, you can list them in the author position instead of the main artist, along with a description of their role. The main artist should still be listed later in the contributor slot.

MLA format Musician last name, First name, role. “Song Title.” , by Main artist first name Last name. Distributor, Year. Format.
Fripp, Robert, guitarist. “St. Elmo’s Fire.” , by Brian Eno. Island Records, 1975.
(Fripp 1:21–45)

Especially with classical music, it may be more relevant to cite the composer rather than the performer in the author position. You can then list the particular performer(s) and/or conductor after the title. If the particular performance is irrelevant, you might omit this information entirely.

MLA format Composer last name, First name. . Performance by Performer(s), conducted by Conductor, Distributor, Year.
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Performance by the Cleveland Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by Christoph von Dohnányi, Telarc, 1985.

When citing a song in MLA style , the author is usually the main artist or group that released the song.

However, if your discussion focuses on the contributions of a specific performer, e.g. a guitarist or singer, you may list them as author, even if they are not the main artist. If you’re discussing the lyrics or composition, you may cite the songwriter or composer rather than a performer.

In an MLA song citation , you need to give some sort of container to indicate how you accessed the song. If this is a physical or downloaded album, the Works Cited entry should list the album name, distributor, year, and format.

However, if you listened to the song on a streaming service, you can just list the site as a container, including a URL. In this case, including the album details is optional; you may add this information if it is relevant to your discussion or if it will help the reader access the song.

If a source has no author, start the MLA Works Cited entry with the source title . Use a shortened version of the title in your MLA in-text citation .

If a source has no page numbers, you can use an alternative locator (e.g. a chapter number, or a timestamp for a video or audio source) to identify the relevant passage in your in-text citation. If the source has no numbered divisions, cite only the author’s name (or the title).

If you already named the author or title in your sentence, and there is no locator available, you don’t need a parenthetical citation:

  • Rajaram  argues that representations of migration are shaped by “cultural, political, and ideological interests.”
  • The homepage of The Correspondent describes it as “a movement for radically different news.”

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Caulfield, J. (2024, March 05). How to Cite a Song in MLA | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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American Psychological Association

How to cite a single song or track reference

Ayanna Adams

Concert season is in full swing, and music artists seem to be dropping a new single every week. If you want to write about the audial gems you listen to in your day-to-day, you have come to the right place.

It doesn’t matter if you are grooving to a jazz-inspired track on William Shatner’s latest album Bill or still trying to recover from the myriad of emotions evoked by the 27 tracks on Ye’s (the artist formerly known as Kanye West) Donda , APA Style can help you cite the melodic works you love in your paper or manuscript. In this post, you will learn how to cite a single song or track reference.

In general, each APA Style reference has an author element, date element, title element, and source element . For a song or track reference, the author of the work is usually the recording artist, which may be an individual or group. If a music artist prefers to use their first name and surname, then follow the APA guideline to invert the author’s name as “Surname, First Initial” in your reference (e.g., “Smith, S.” for singer and songwriter “Sam Smith”).

If the music artist chooses to go by only one name (e.g., “Beyoncé”), a group name (e.g., “Franz Ferdinand”), an inseparable multipart name (e.g., “Lady Gaga”), an initialism (e.g., “MNEK”), or some other name variation, write their name as shown on the work. If the work you are citing features another artist, place the featured artist’s name (again, formatted as “Surname, First Initial” or exactly as their name is spelled on the work) in parentheses after the main artist’s name, preceded by the word “featuring,” as shown in the BTS and Megan Thee Stallion reference example later in this post.

Therefore, in your song or track reference, write the name of the recording artist in the author element (if it’s a classical work, write the name of the composer), and place the date the work was published in parentheses in the date element. Include the title of the work in sentence case and standard nonitalic type, and describe the type of audio work in square brackets—for example, “[Song]”—in the title element of the reference.

After the title of the work, its bracketed description, and the ending period, write the word “On” in standard nonitalic type, followed by the title of the associated album in italic sentence case. In the source element of the reference, provide the name(s) of the artist’s music label(s), separating multiple music labels with semicolons—as shown in the following example.

Song with an associated album, with multiple music labels

Coldplay & BTS. (2021). My universe [Song]. On Music of the spheres . Parlophone; Atlantic.

  • Parenthetical citation: (Coldplay & BTS, 2021)
  • Narrative citation: Coldplay and BTS (2021)

If the song or track has no associated album, omit that part of the reference, as shown in the next example. If the song or track is a remix of the original version, place the word “Remix” in parentheses after the title but before the bracketed description—also shown in the next example.

Song without an associated album

BTS (featuring Megan Thee Stallion). (2021). Butter (Remix) [Song]. BigHit Music.

  • Parenthetical citation: (BTS, 2021) 
  • Narrative citation: BTS (2021)

What if you want to cite a song or track that has been rerecorded by another artist?

Because song references provide information about the recording artist, who is not always the same person or people who wrote the lyrics and/or the melody, you don’t need to research the history of a song in order to cite it; just cite the version you heard. Thus, there is no need to include the date the original work was published or the name of the original recording artist in your reference.

For example:

Song or track recorded by an artist other than the original artist

Smith, A. (2015). I put a spell on you [Song]. On Nina revisited: A tribute to Nina Simone. Legacy.

  • Parenthetical citation: (Smith, 2015) 
  • Narrative citation: Smith (2015)

One exception to this guideline is classical music, where the work’s original author is usually well-documented. For classical music, credit the original source by providing the year the work was originally published at the end of the reference in parentheses, preceded by the words “Original work published.” Both the original publication date and the date of the rerecorded work appear in the in-text citations, with the earlier year first, separated with a slash. These guidelines are shown in the following reference and in-text citations.

Classical song or track

Beethoven, L. van. (2012). Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major [Song recorded by Staatskapelle Dresden]. On Beethoven: Complete symphonies. Brilliant Classics. (Original work published 1804)

  • Parenthetical citation: (Beethoven, 1804/2012)
  • Narrative citation: Beethoven (1804/2012)

Include a URL in your reference if that location is the only means of retrieval of the song or track (e.g., for artists who provide music in only one location, such as SoundCloud or on their website).

More information on references for audio works can be found in Section 10.13 in the Publication Manual and Section 10.11 in the Concise Guide to APA Style .

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How to Quote a Song in a Paper (with Formatting & Examples)

Last Updated: April 29, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Marissa Levis and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Marissa Levis is an English Teacher in the Morris County Vocational School District. She previously worked as an English director at a tutoring center that caters to students in elementary and middle school. She is an expert in creating a curriculum that helps students advance their skills in secondary-level English, focusing on MLA formatting, reading comprehension, writing skills, editing and proofreading, literary analysis, standardized test preparation, and journalism topics. Marissa received her Master of Arts in Teaching from Fairleigh Dickinson University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 321,190 times.

Depending on the type of paper you're writing, you may need to use a song as a reference – either a specific recording, or the composition of the song itself. The format of your citation will be somewhat different depending on whether you are using Modern Language Association (MLA) style, American Psychological Association (APA) style, or the format in the Chicago Manual of Style. You'll also need a brief, in-text citation to point the reader to the more complete citation at the end of your work. [1] X Research source

Step 1 Use the name of the performer to cite recordings.

  • The performer could be a single individual or a band. If you're using the name of a single person, use "last name, first name" format.
  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé.

Step 2 Use the name of the composer for compositions.

  • If there are multiple writers, list them all in the order they appear in the copyright information for the song. If the song has lyrics, there may be both a composer and a lyricist.
  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé and James Blake.

Step 3 Provide the name of the song.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé and James Blake. "Freedom."

Step 4 Include publication or recording information.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé and James Blake. "Freedom." Lemonade , Parkwood Entertainment, 2016.

Step 5 List the format and method of access.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé and James Blake. "Freedom." Lemonade , Parkwood Entertainment, 2016. Online,, accessed January 9, 2017.

Step 6 Provide the name of the artist or composer for in-text citations.

  • Use the name you used in your full citation. Just use the first or primary name if there is more than one artist in the full citation. Include the title or a title phrase if you're citing more than one work by that artist.
  • For example: (Knowles-Carter, "Freedom")

Step 1 Start with the name of the songwriter or composer.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, B., & Blake, J.
  • If there are multiple writers and their roles are identified, you can put these in parentheses after their names. For example: Knowles-Carter, B. (Lyricist), & Blake, J. (Composer).

Step 2 Add the copyright year.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, B., & Blake, J. (2016).

Step 3 List the title of the song.

  • You also may want to include the name of the performing artist if they are known by a stage name or are otherwise not immediately identifiable by their last name.
  • For example: Knowles-Carter, B., & Blake, J. (2016). Freedom [Recorded by Beyoncé].

Step 4 Provide the name of the album and medium.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, B., & Blake, J. (2016). Freedom. On Lemonade [CD].

Step 5 List publication or recording information.

  • Include state or country information if the city is not well-known. Otherwise, simply include the name of the city.
  • For example: Knowles-Carter, B., & Blake, J. (2016). Freedom. On Lemonade [CD]. New York City: Parkwood Entertainment (2016).

Step 6 Use the songwriter, copyright year, and track number for in-text citations.

  • For example: (Knowles-Carter & Blake, 2016, track 10)

Using Chicago Style

Step 1 Start with the name of the songwriter or composer.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé, and James Blake.

Step 2 List the title of the song.

  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé, and James Blake. Freedom .
  • If the performer of the song is someone different from the songwriters, include this information immediately after the title of the song or album by listing their first name and last name.
  • If the performer is more important than the songwriter or composer, you may want to list their name first. Use your best judgment depending on the focus of your paper.

Step 3 Provide publication or recording information.

  • If you can't find the recording number on the physical copy of the recording itself, look on Make sure you have the listing for the same recording as the one you're referencing.
  • For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé, and James Blake. Freedom . On Lemonade . Parkwood Entertainment, 88985336822, 2016. [11] X Research source

Step 4 List the format and access information.

  • For example: For example: Knowles-Carter, Beyoncé, and James Blake. Freedom . On Lemonade . Parkwood Entertainment, 88985336822, 2016, CD.

Step 5 Use author-date style for parenthetical citations.

  • For example: (Knowles-Carter 2016).
  • To provide a pinpoint citation to a specific song, include the track number. For example: (Knowles-Carter 2016, track 10).

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you're using Chicago style, list audio recordings separately in a discography that is separate from your main bibliography. [14] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • When you access music online, you may have difficulty finding the information you need for your citation. Try looking up the song on a website such as, which will have publication information. [15] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how do you cite a song in an essay

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Marissa Levis

To cite a song using APA, start by putting the last name of the songwriter or composer, followed by their initials. Then, add the copyright year in parenthesis, and the title of the song. Next, start a new sentence with the word “on,” followed by the italicized name of the album and the medium you heard it on. End the citation with the location, the name of the recording company, and the recording year. For more information on citing songs, including in-text citations for MLA and Chicago style, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Cite a Song or Album in MLA Referencing

How to Cite a Song or Album in MLA Referencing

  • 3-minute read
  • 7th April 2021

If you write about music in your work, you might have to cite a recording. But how do you cite a song or album in MLA referencing ? This post will explain the basics.

To cite a song or album in MLA referencing , simply give the artist’s last name or the band’s name in brackets in the relevant part of the text:

Her latest album has a strong environmental theme (Sturgeon).

“Wildlife in America” (Shearwater) comments on US culture.

And to cite a specific part of a song, you can add a timestamp :

The middle eight in “Air and Light” (Sturgeon 2:14–2:29) is truly haunting.

In the above citation, for example, we are citing a section that runs from 2 minutes 14 seconds to 2 minutes 29 seconds into the song.

Musical Recordings in an MLA Works Cited List

All references contain certain core elements in MLA style. And for a musical recording, each entry should include some or all of the following:

  • Artist or band name – For individual artists, give their surname first, followed by their first name (e.g., Young, Neil). For artists who don’t follow this naming convention (e.g., U2 or Lady Gaga), just use the full name they are known by.
  • Song title – If you are citing a specific song, give the title in quotation marks.
  • Album title – Give the name of the album you are citing (or that the song you are citing comes from) in italics.
  • Version – If relevant, include information on the version of the song next (e.g., if there are different versions of a song on different albums).
  • Publication details – The name of the publisher (i.e., the record label that released the album or song) and the year the recording was released.
  • URL – If you accessed the recording online, include the URL. For songs accessed via a streaming platform, give the platform name in italics.
  • Format – If it is relevant to your work, you can optionally add the format of the recording at the end of your reference (e.g., CD, vinyl, MP3).

You won’t always need all of this! For many references, the artist’s name, song and/or album title, the publisher, and the year of publication will be enough. But whatever you cite, make sure to include enough information in the Works Cited list to guide readers to the exact version of the recording you have used.

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Example References

Below, you can see example references for an album, a song on an album, an album accessed via a streaming platform, and a single song accessed online:

Talk Talk. The Colour of Spring , EMI, 1986.

Song on an Album

Shearwater. “Animals in America.” Jet Plane and Oxbow , Subpop, 2016.

Album on a Streaming Service

Sturgeon, Jenny. The Living Mountain , Hudson Records, 2020. Spotify ,

Single Song Online

Benin City. “Freaking You Out.” Bandcamp ,

Make sure to add a hanging indent for each line after the first in all references.

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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / MLA Format / How to Cite a Song in MLA

How to Cite a Song in MLA

Citing a song / musical recording.

Musical Recording – Any track or album from a compact disc, MP3 recording, MIDI, cassette, or vinyl recording.

MLA Album Citation Structure:

Group Name or Performer’s Last Name, First Name. Title of the Album. Edition if applicable, Publisher, Year of publication.

MLA Album Citation Examples:

BTS. Map of the Soul: 7.  Bighit Entertainment, 2020.

King, Carole. Tapestry. Remastered ed., Sony Legacy, 1999.

MLA Online Song Citation Structure:

Group Name or Performer’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Song.” Title of the Album , edition if applicable, Publisher, Year of publication. URL or App Name app.

MLA Online Song Citation Examples:

BTS. “Inner Child.” Map of the Soul: 7, Bighit Entertainment, 2020.  Spotify app.

Grannis, Kina. “When Will I Learn.” In the Waiting , KG Records, 2018,

MLA Song Citation Structure (for CD/MP3/MIDI/Cassette/Vinyl):

Last, First M. “Track Name.” Album Name , written/performed/conducted by First Name Last Name, album’s ed. (if applicable), Publisher, year of publication, track number. CD/MP3/MIDI/Cassette/Vinyl.

Note: There will not always be a separate writer, conductor, orchestra, or performer. If citing the entire album, do not fill out the track name.

Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 5.00.07 PM

MLA Song Citation Example:

Beethoven, Ludwig van. “Allegro Con Brio.” Piano Concertos Complete, performance by Friederich Gulda and Wiener Philharmoniker, conducted by Horst Stein, Decca Music Group, 1970, track 2. CD.

MLA Song In-text Citation Structure:

(Group Name or Performer’s Last Name)

MLA Song In-text Citation Example:


Other music citation examples:

  • Citing a musical play
  • Citing sheet music

Updated June 19, 2021.

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How to cite a song in MLA

MLA song citation

Here are two forms to cite a song depending on where you accessed it. The first one is for songs on CDs, vinyls, cassettes, etc. Variant B is for songs available on streaming platforms or online.

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To cite a song in a reference entry in MLA style 9th edition include the following elements:

  • Artist(s) name: Give the name of the artist, or band name in full.
  • Title of the song: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize.
  • Name of the album: Container titles are italicized and followed by a comma.
  • Publisher: If the name of an academic press contains the words University and Press, use UP e.g. Oxford UP instead of Oxford University Press. If the word "University" doesn't appear, spell out the Press e.g. MIT Press.
  • year of release: Give the year of publication as presented in the source.
  • Song format: Describe the song format, e.g: CD, Vinyl, etc.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a song in MLA style 9th edition:

Artist(s) name . " Title of the song ." Name of the album , Publisher , year of release . Song format .

Song accessed online:

  • Music platform: Give the title of the music platform, e.g. Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.
  • Publisher: Give the name of the publishing company if available
  • Year of release: Give the year of publication as presented in the source.
  • URL: Copy URL in full from your browser, include http:// or https:// and do not list URLs created by shortening services.

Artist(s) name . " Title of the song ." Music platform , Publisher , Year of release , URL .

Take a look at our works cited examples that demonstrate the MLA style guidelines in action:

A song by a band retrieved from a CD

Florence + the Machine . " Hunger ." High as Hope , Virgin EMI , 2018 . CD .

A song by a band retrieved from a streaming platform

Beyoncé . " Pretty Hurts ." Beyoncé , Parkwood Entertainment , 2013 , .

MLA in-text citation of a song

Audio-visual material uses the specific time of the audio/video for in-text citations.

(Last name time) or (Short form of title time) .

The chorus of the song shows characteristic tunes of indie music (Florence 00:01:43-00:2:20) .

mla cover page

This citation style guide is based on the MLA Handbook (9 th edition).

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  • MLA Works Cited: Other Common Sources
  • Citation Help for MLA, 8th Edition: Music Albums & Songs

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Works-Cited-List Entries

How to cite a song, recording, or performance .

To create a basic works-cited-list entry for a song, list the creator of the song, the title of the song, and the name of the album containing the song. In the Publisher element, list the name of the record company, followed by the release date. You may need to include other elements depending on how you accessed the song. For example, if you accessed the song on a website, you’ll need to list the name of the website instead of the name of the album and provide a URL as the location. Below are sample entries for songs along with links to posts containing many other examples, including lyrics, lectures, performances, and the like.

Song from an Album

Snail Mail. “Thinning.” Habit , Sister Polygon Records, 2016. Vinyl EP. 

Song on a website

Snail Mail. “Thinning.” Bandcamp ,

Concert Attended in Person

Beyoncé. The “Formation” World Tour. 14 May 2016, Rose Bowl, Los Angeles.

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Musical Works


Songs and Lyrics

Sound Recordings

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  3. The 6 Best Ways to Cite a Song

    how do you cite a song in an essay

  4. How To Cite A Song

    how do you cite a song in an essay

  5. How to cite a song in APA 7th edition

    how do you cite a song in an essay

  6. How to cite a song in an essay From Skilled Writers

    how do you cite a song in an essay


  1. How to Cite a Song in MLA | Format & Examples - Scribbr

    The format for citing a song in MLA depends on the medium in which you listened to it. To cite a song accessed through an online streaming service, list the performer (or group) as author, the song title in quotation marks, the name of the site in italics, and the URL where the song can be found.

  2. How to cite a single song or track reference - APA Style

    APA Style can help you cite the melodic works you love in your paper or manuscript. In this post, you will learn how to cite a single song or track reference.

  3. How to Cite a Song in MLA, APA & Chicago Style - wikiHow

    The basic MLA citation starts with the name of the author. In the case of a song, if you're referencing a particular recording, the performer is the author. The performer could be a single individual or a band. If you're using the name of a single person, use "last name, first name" format.

  4. How to Cite a Song in APA, MLA or Chicago | EasyBib

    To cite a song or music in MLA, it is helpful to know information including the song title, contributor names, and production details. The templates and examples below are based on the MLA Handbook , 9th edition.

  5. How to Cite a Song in APA | EasyBib Citations

    To cite lyrics in APA format, you need to have basic information including the name of the composer, title of the song, company name, date, and URL. The templates for in-text citation and reference list entry of lyrics, along with examples, are given below:

  6. How to Cite a Song or Album in MLA Referencing | Proofed

    To cite a song or album in MLA referencing, simply give the artists last name or the band’s name in brackets in the relevant part of the text: Her latest album has a strong environmental theme (Sturgeon).

  7. How to Cite a Song in MLA | EasyBib Citations

    MLA Online Song Citation Structure: Group Name or Performer’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Song.”. Title of the Album, edition if applicable, Publisher, Year of publication. URL or App Name app.

  8. How do I cite a song? | MLA Style Center

    How you cite a song depends on how you accessed it. If you listened to the song on physical media like a vinyl album or CD, follow the MLA format template. List the performer or band as the author and then the title of the song.

  9. MLA: how to cite a song [Update 2023] - BibGuru Guides

    To cite a song in a reference entry in MLA style 9th edition include the following elements: Artist (s) name: Give the name of the artist, or band name in full. Title of the song: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize.

  10. How to Cite a Song, Recording, or Performance - MLA Style Center

    How to Cite a Song, Recording, or Performance. To create a basic works-cited-list entry for a song, list the creator of the song, the title of the song, and the name of the album containing the song. In the Publisher element, list the name of the record company, followed by the release date.