Essay on Peace

500 words essay peace.

Peace is the path we take for bringing growth and prosperity to society. If we do not have peace and harmony, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Moreover, before we transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to possess peace within. It is not a certain individual’s responsibility to maintain peace but everyone’s duty. Thus, an essay on peace will throw some light on the same topic.

essay on peace

Importance of Peace

History has been proof of the thousands of war which have taken place in all periods at different levels between nations. Thus, we learned that peace played an important role in ending these wars or even preventing some of them.

In fact, if you take a look at all religious scriptures and ceremonies, you will realize that all of them teach peace. They mostly advocate eliminating war and maintaining harmony. In other words, all of them hold out a sacred commitment to peace.

It is after the thousands of destructive wars that humans realized the importance of peace. Earth needs peace in order to survive. This applies to every angle including wars, pollution , natural disasters and more.

When peace and harmony are maintained, things will continue to run smoothly without any delay. Moreover, it can be a saviour for many who do not wish to engage in any disrupting activities or more.

In other words, while war destroys and disrupts, peace builds and strengthens as well as restores. Moreover, peace is personal which helps us achieve security and tranquillity and avoid anxiety and chaos to make our lives better.

How to Maintain Peace

There are many ways in which we can maintain peace at different levels. To begin with humankind, it is essential to maintain equality, security and justice to maintain the political order of any nation.

Further, we must promote the advancement of technology and science which will ultimately benefit all of humankind and maintain the welfare of people. In addition, introducing a global economic system will help eliminate divergence, mistrust and regional imbalance.

It is also essential to encourage ethics that promote ecological prosperity and incorporate solutions to resolve the environmental crisis. This will in turn share success and fulfil the responsibility of individuals to end historical prejudices.

Similarly, we must also adopt a mental and spiritual ideology that embodies a helpful attitude to spread harmony. We must also recognize diversity and integration for expressing emotion to enhance our friendship with everyone from different cultures.

Finally, it must be everyone’s noble mission to promote peace by expressing its contribution to the long-lasting well-being factor of everyone’s lives. Thus, we must all try our level best to maintain peace and harmony.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Conclusion of the Essay on Peace

To sum it up, peace is essential to control the evils which damage our society. It is obvious that we will keep facing crises on many levels but we can manage them better with the help of peace. Moreover, peace is vital for humankind to survive and strive for a better future.

FAQ of Essay on Peace

Question 1: What is the importance of peace?

Answer 1: Peace is the way that helps us prevent inequity and violence. It is no less than a golden ticket to enter a new and bright future for mankind. Moreover, everyone plays an essential role in this so that everybody can get a more equal and peaceful world.

Question 2: What exactly is peace?

Answer 2: Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in which there is no hostility and violence. In social terms, we use it commonly to refer to a lack of conflict, such as war. Thus, it is freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.

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World Peace Essay: Prompts, How-to Guide, & 200+ Topics

Throughout history, people have dreamed of a world without violence, where harmony and justice reign. This dream of world peace has inspired poets, philosophers, and politicians for centuries. But is it possible to achieve peace globally? Writing a world peace essay will help you find the answer to this question and learn more about the topic.

In this article, our custom writing team will discuss how to write an essay on world peace quickly and effectively. To inspire you even more, we have prepared writing prompts and topics that can come in handy.

  • ✍️ Writing Guide
  • 🦄 Essay Prompts
  • ✔️ World Peace Topics
  • 🌎 Pacifism Topics
  • ✌️ Catchy Essay Titles
  • 🕊️ Research Topics on Peace
  • 💡 War and Peace Topics
  • ☮️ Peace Title Ideas
  • 🌐 Peace Language Topics

🔗 References

✍️ how to achieve world peace essay writing guide.

Stuck with your essay about peace? Here is a step-by-step writing guide with many valuable tips to make your paper well-structured and compelling.

1. Research the Topic

The first step in writing your essay on peace is conducting research. You can look for relevant sources in your university library, encyclopedias, dictionaries, book catalogs, periodical databases, and Internet search engines. Besides, you can use your lecture notes and textbooks for additional information.

Among the variety of sources that could be helpful for a world peace essay, we would especially recommend checking the Global Peace Index report . It presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis of current trends in world peace. It’s a credible report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, so you can cite it as a source in your aper.

Here are some other helpful resources where you can find information for your world peace essay:

  • United Nations Peacekeeping
  • International Peace Institute
  • United States Institute of Peace
  • European Union Institute for Security Studies
  • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

2. Create an Outline

Outlining is an essential aspect of the essay writing process. It helps you plan how you will connect all the facts to support your thesis statement.

To write an outline for your essay about peace, follow these steps:

  • Determine your topic and develop a thesis statement .
  • Choose the main points that will support your thesis and will be covered in your paper.
  • Organize your ideas in a logical order.
  • Think about transitions between paragraphs.

Here is an outline example for a “How to Achieve World Peace” essay. Check it out to get a better idea of how to structure your paper.

  • Definition of world peace.
  • The importance of global peace.
  • Thesis statement: World peace is attainable through combined efforts on individual, societal, and global levels.
  • Practive of non-violent communication.
  • Development of healthy relationships.
  • Promotion of conflict resolution skills.
  • Promotion of democracy and human rights.
  • Support of peacebuilding initiatives.
  • Protection of cultural diversity.
  • Encouragement of arms control and non-proliferation.
  • Promotion of international law and treaties.
  • Support of intercultural dialogue and understanding.
  • Restated thesis.
  • Call to action.

You can also use our free essay outline generator to structure your world peace essay.

3. Write Your World Peace Essay

Now, it’s time to use your outline to write an A+ paper. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start with the introductory paragraph , which states the topic, presents a thesis, and provides a roadmap for your essay. If you need some assistance with this part, try our free introduction generator .
  • Your essay’s main body should contain at least 3 paragraphs. Each of them should provide explanations and evidence to develop your argument.
  • Finally, in your conclusion , you need to restate your thesis and summarize the points you’ve covered in the paper. It’s also a good idea to add a closing sentence reflecting on your topic’s significance or encouraging your audience to take action. Feel free to use our essay conclusion generator to develop a strong ending for your paper.

4. Revise and Proofread

Proofreading is a way to ensure your essay has no typos and grammar mistakes. Here are practical tips for revising your work:

  • Take some time. Leaving your essay for a day or two before revision will give you a chance to look at it from another angle.
  • Read out loud. To catch run-on sentences or unclear ideas in your writing, read it slowly and out loud. You can also use our Read My Essay to Me tool.
  • Make a checklist . Create a list for proofreading to ensure you do not miss any important details, including structure, punctuation, capitalization, and formatting.
  • Ask someone for feedback. It is always a good idea to ask your professor, classmate, or friend to read your essay and give you constructive criticism on the work.
  • Note down the mistakes you usually make. By identifying your weaknesses, you can work on them to become a more confident writer.

🦄 World Peace Essay Writing Prompts

Looking for an interesting idea for your world peace essay? Look no further! Use our writing prompts to get a dose of inspiration.

How to Promote Peace in the Community Essay Prompt

Promoting peace in the world always starts in small communities. If people fight toxic narratives, negative stereotypes, and hate crimes, they will build a strong and united community and set a positive example for others.

In your essay on how to promote peace in the community, you can dwell on the following ideas:

  • Explain the importance of accepting different opinions in establishing peace in your area.
  • Analyze how fighting extremism in all its forms can unite the community and create a peaceful environment.
  • Clarify what peace means in the context of your community and what factors contribute to or hinder it.
  • Investigate the role of dialogue in resolving conflicts and building mutual understanding in the community.

How to Promote Peace as a Student Essay Prompt

Students, as an active part of society, can play a crucial role in promoting peace at various levels. From educational entities to worldwide conferences, they have an opportunity to introduce the idea of peace for different groups of people.

Check out the following fresh ideas for your essay on how to promote peace as a student:

  • Analyze how information campaigns organized by students can raise awareness of peace-related issues.
  • Discuss the impact of education in fostering a culture of peace.
  • Explore how students can use social media to advocate for a peaceful world.
  • Describe your own experience of taking part in peace-promoting campaigns or programs.

How Can We Maintain Peace in Our Society Essay Prompt

Maintaining peace in society is a difficult but achievable task that requires constant attention and effort from all members of society.

We have prepared ideas that can come in handy when writing an essay about how we can maintain peace in our society:

  • Investigate the role of tolerance, understanding of different cultures, and respect for religions in promoting peace in society.
  • Analyze the importance of peacekeeping organizations.
  • Provide real-life examples of how people promote peace.
  • Offer practical suggestions for how individuals and communities can work together to maintain peace.

Youth Creating a Peaceful Future Essay Prompt

Young people are the future of any country, as well as the driving force to create a more peaceful world. Their energy and motivation can aid in finding new methods of coping with global hate and violence.

In your essay, you can use the following ideas to show the role of youth in creating a peaceful world:

  • Analyze the key benefits of youth involvement in peacekeeping.
  • Explain why young people are leading tomorrow’s change today.
  • Identify the main ingredients for building a peaceful generation with the help of young people’s initiatives.
  • Investigate how adolescent girls can be significant agents of positive change in their communities.

Is World Peace Possible Essay Prompt

Whether or not the world can be a peaceful place is one of the most controversial topics. While most people who hear the question “Is a world without war possible?” will probably answer “no,” others still believe in the goodness of humanity.

To discuss in your essay if world peace is possible, use the following ideas:

  • Explain how trade, communication, and technology can promote cooperation and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Analyze the role of international organizations like the United Nations and the European Union in maintaining peace in the world.
  • Investigate how economic inequality poses a severe threat to peace and safety.
  • Dwell on the key individual and national interests that can lead to conflict and competition between countries.

✔️ World Peace Topics for Essays

To help get you started with writing, here’s a list of 200 topics you can use for your future essTo help get you started with writing a world peace essay, we’ve prepared a list of topics you can use:

  • Defining peace
  • Why peace is better: benefits of living in harmony
  • Is world peace attainable? Theory and historical examples
  • Sustainable peace: is peace an intermission of war?
  • Peaceful coexistence: how a society can do without wars
  • Peaceful harmony or war of all against all: what came first?
  • The relationship between economic development and peace
  • Peace and Human Nature: Can Humans Live without Conflicts?
  • Prerequisites for peace: what nations need to refrain from war?
  • Peace as an unnatural phenomenon: why people tend to start a war?
  • Peace as a natural phenomenon: why people avoid starting a war?
  • Is peace the end of the war or its beginning?
  • Hybrid war and hybrid peace
  • What constitutes peace in the modern world
  • Does two countries’ not attacking each other constitute peace?
  • “Cold peace” in the international relations today
  • What world religions say about world peace
  • Defining peacemaking
  • Internationally recognized symbols of peace
  • World peace: a dream or a goal?

🌎 Peace Essay Topics on Pacifism

  • History of pacifism: how the movement started and developed
  • Role of the pacifist movement in the twentieth-century history
  • Basic philosophical principles of pacifism
  • Pacifism as philosophy and as a movement
  • The peace sign: what it means
  • How the pacifist movement began: actual causes
  • The anti-war movements: what did the activists want?
  • The relationship between pacifism and the sexual revolution
  • Early pacifism: examples from ancient times
  • Is pacifism a religion?
  • Should pacifists refrain from any kinds of violence?
  • Is the pacifist movement a threat to the national security?
  • Can a pacifist work in law enforcement authorities?
  • Pacifism and non-violence: comparing and contrasting
  • The pacifist perspective on the concept of self-defense
  • Pacifism in art: examples of pacifistic works of art
  • Should everyone be a pacifist?
  • Pacifism and diet: should every pacifist be a vegetarian?
  • How pacifists respond to oppression
  • The benefits of an active pacifist movement for a country

✌️ Interesting Essay Titles about Peace

  • Can the country that won a war occupy the one that lost?
  • The essential peace treaties in history
  • Should a country that lost a war pay reparations?
  • Peace treaties that caused new, more violent wars
  • Can an aggressor country be deprived of the right to have an army after losing a war?
  • Non-aggression pacts do not prevent wars
  • All the countries should sign non-aggression pacts with one another
  • Peace and truces: differences and similarities
  • Do countries pursue world peace when signing peace treaties?
  • The treaty of Versailles: positive and negative outcomes
  • Ceasefires and surrenders: the world peace perspective
  • When can a country break a peace treaty?
  • Dealing with refugees and prisoners of war under peace treaties
  • Who should resolve international conflicts?
  • The role of the United Nations in enforcing peace treaties
  • Truce envoys’ immunities
  • What does a country do after surrendering unconditionally?
  • A separate peace: the ethical perspective
  • Can a peace treaty be signed in modern-day hybrid wars?
  • Conditions that are unacceptable in a peace treaty

🕊️ Research Topics on Peace and Conflict Resolution

  • Can people be forced to stop fighting?
  • Successful examples of peace restoration through the use of force
  • Failed attempts to restore peace with legitimate violence
  • Conflict resolution vs conflict transformation
  • What powers peacemakers should not have
  • Preemptive peacemaking: can violence be used to prevent more abuse?
  • The status of peacemakers in the international law
  • Peacemaking techniques: Gandhi’s strategies
  • How third parties can reconcile belligerents
  • The role of the pacifist movement in peacemaking
  • The war on wars: appropriate and inappropriate approaches to peacemaking
  • Mistakes that peacemakers often stumble upon
  • The extent of peacemaking : when the peacemakers’ job is done
  • Making peace and sustaining it: how peacemakers prevent future conflicts
  • The origins of peacemaking
  • What to do if peacemaking does not work
  • Staying out: can peacemaking make things worse?
  • A personal reflection on the effectiveness of peacemaking
  • Prospects of peacemaking
  • Personal experience of peacemaking

💡 War and Peace Essay Topics

  • Counties should stop producing new types of firearms
  • Countries should not stop producing new types of weapons
  • Mutual assured destruction as a means of sustaining peace
  • The role of nuclear disarmament in world peace
  • The nuclear war scenario: what will happen to the world?
  • Does military intelligence contribute to sustaining peace?
  • Collateral damage: analyzing the term
  • Can the defenders of peace take up arms?
  • For an armed person, is killing another armed person radically different from killing an unarmed one? Ethical and legal perspectives
  • Should a healthy country have a strong army?
  • Firearms should be banned
  • Every citizen has the right to carry firearms
  • The correlation between gun control and violence rates
  • The second amendment: modern analysis
  • Guns do not kill: people do
  • What weapons a civilian should never be able to buy
  • Biological and chemical weapons
  • Words as a weapon: rhetoric wars
  • Can a pacifist ever use a weapon?
  • Can dropping weapons stop the war?

☮️ Peace Title Ideas for Essays

  • How the nuclear disarmament emblem became the peace sign
  • The symbolism of a dove with an olive branch
  • Native Americans’ traditions of peace declaration
  • The mushroom cloud as a cultural symbol
  • What the world peace awareness ribbon should look like
  • What I would like to be the international peace sign
  • The history of the International Day of Peace
  • The peace sign as an accessory
  • The most famous peace demonstrations
  • Hippies’ contributions to the peace symbolism
  • Anti-war and anti-military symbols
  • How to express pacifism as a political position
  • The rainbow as a symbol of peace
  • Can a white flag be considered a symbol of peace?
  • Examples of the inappropriate use of the peace sign
  • The historical connection between the peace sign and the cannabis leaf sign
  • Peace symbols in different cultures
  • Gods of war and gods of peace: examples from the ancient mythology
  • Peace sign tattoo: pros and cons
  • Should the peace sign be placed on a national flag?

🌐 Essay Topics about Peace Language

  • The origin and historical context of the word “peace”
  • What words foreign languages use to denote “peace”
  • What words, if any, should a pacifist avoid?
  • The pacifist discourse: key themes
  • Disintegration language: “us” vs “them”
  • How to combat war propaganda
  • Does political correctness promote world peace?
  • Can an advocate of peace be harsh in his or her speeches?
  • Effective persuasive techniques in peace communications and negotiations
  • Analyzing the term “world peace”
  • If the word “war” is forbidden, will wars stop?
  • Is “peacemaking” a right term?
  • Talk to the hand: effective and ineffective interpersonal communication techniques that prevent conflicts
  • The many meanings of the word “peace”
  • The pacifists’ language: when pacifists swear, yell, or insult
  • Stressing similarities instead of differences as a tool of peace language
  • The portrayal of pacifists in movies
  • The portrayals of pacifists in fiction
  • Pacifist lyrics: examples from the s’ music
  • Poems that supported peace The power of the written word
  • Peaceful coexistence: theory and practice
  • Under what conditions can humans coexist peacefully?
  • “A man is a wolf to another man”: the modern perspective
  • What factors prevent people from committing a crime?
  • Right for peace vs need for peace
  • Does the toughening of punishment reduce crime?
  • The Stanford prison experiment: implications
  • Is killing natural?
  • The possibility of universal love: does disliking always lead to conflicts?
  • Basic income and the dynamics of thefts
  • Hobbesian Leviathan as the guarantee of peace
  • Is state-concentrated legitimate violence an instrument for reducing violence overall?
  • Factors that undermine peaceful coexistence
  • Living in peace vs living for peace
  • The relationship between otherness and peacefulness
  • World peace and human nature: the issue of attainability
  • The most successful examples of peaceful coexistence
  • Lack of peace as lack of communication
  • Point made: counterculture and pacifism
  • What Woodstock proved to world peace nonbelievers and opponents?
  • Woodstock and peaceful coexistence: challenges and successes
  • Peace, economics, and quality of life
  • Are counties living in peace wealthier? Statistics and reasons
  • Profits of peace and profits of war: comparison of benefits and losses
  • Can a war improve the economy? Discussing examples
  • What is more important for people: having appropriate living conditions or winning a war?
  • How wars can improve national economies: the perspective of aggressors and defenders
  • Peace obstructers: examples of interest groups that sustained wars and prevented peace
  • Can democracies be at war with one another?
  • Does the democratic rule in a country provide it with an advantage at war?
  • Why wars destroy economies: examples, discussion, and counterarguments
  • How world peace would improve everyone’s quality of life
  • Peace and war today
  • Are we getting closer to world peace? Violence rates, values change, and historical comparison
  • The peaceful tomorrow: how conflicts will be resolved in the future if there are no wars
  • Redefining war: what specific characteristics today’s wars have that make them different from previous centuries’ wars
  • Why wars start today: comparing and contrasting the reasons for wars in the modern world to historical examples
  • Subtle wars: how two countries can be at war with each other without having their armies collide in the battlefield
  • Cyber peace: how cyberwars can be stopped
  • Information as a weapon: how information today lands harder blows than bombs and missiles
  • Information wars: how the abundance of information and public access to it have not, nonetheless, eliminated propaganda
  • Peace through defeating: how ISIS is different from other states, and how can its violence be stopped
  • Is world peace a popular idea? Do modern people mostly want peace or mainly wish to fight against other people and win?
  • Personal contributions to world peace
  • What can I do for attaining world peace? Personal reflection
  • Respect as a means of attaining peace: why respecting people is essential not only on the level of interpersonal communications but also on the level of social good
  • Peacefulness as an attitude: how one’s worldview can prevent conflicts
  • Why a person engages in insulting and offending: analysis of psychological causes and a personal perspective
  • A smile as an agent of peace: how simple smiling to people around you contributes to peacefulness
  • Appreciating otherness: how one can learn to value diversity and avoid xenophobia
  • Peace and love: how the two are inherently interconnected in everyone’s life
  • A micro-level peacemaker: my experiences of resolving conflicts and bringing peace
  • Forgiveness for the sake of peace: does forgiving other people contribute to peaceful coexistence or promote further conflicts?
  • Noble lies: is it acceptable for a person to lie to avoid conflicts and preserve peace?
  • What should a victim do? Violent and non-violent responses to violence
  • Standing up for the weak : is it always right to take the side of the weakest?
  • Self-defense, overwhelming emotions, and witnessing horrible violence: could I ever shoot another person?
  • Are there “fair” wars, and should every war be opposed?
  • Protecting peace: could I take up arms to prevent a devastating war?
  • Reporting violence: would I participate in sending a criminal to prison?
  • The acceptability of violence against perpetrators: personal opinion
  • Nonviolent individual resistance to injustice
  • Peace is worth it: why I think wars are never justified
  • How I sustain peace in my everyday life

Learn more on this topic:

  • If I Could Change the World Essay: Examples and Writing Guide
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions
  • Choosing and Narrowing a Topic to Write About
  • Introduction to Research
  • How the U.S. Can Help Humanity Achieve World Peace
  • Ten Steps to World Peace
  • How World Peace is Possible
  • World Peace Books and Articles
  • World Peace and Nonviolence
  • The Leader of World Peace Essay
  • UNO and World Peace Essay
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A very, very good paragraph. thanks

Peace and conflict studies actually is good field because is dealing on how to manage the conflict among the two state or country.

Keep it up. Our world earnestly needs peace

A very, very good paragraph.

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World Peace Essay Examples

World Peace - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

World peace is a state of global harmony where nations and individuals coexist peacefully without the threat of violence, conflict, or war. It is a utopian concept that aims to promote international cooperation, mutual respect, and understanding among people of all races, cultures, and religions. Achieving world peace requires an ongoing effort to resolve disputes, promote tolerance, and embrace diversity. It is a vision that inspires us to work towards a better future for all people and ensure a peaceful world for generations to come.

  • 📘 Free essay examples for your ideas about World Peace
  • 🏆 Best Essay Topics on World Peace
  • ⚡ Simple & World Peace Easy Topics
  • 🎓 Good Research Topics about World Peace
  • ❓ Questions and Answers

Essay examples

Essay topic.

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  • The Principle Teachings About Peace in Judaism and Christianity
  • World Peace: Freedom and Happiness
  • Realism and Liberalism
  • How Tourism Promote Culture of Peace?
  • Everyone Wants World Peace
  • Peace On Earth
  • Is Global Solidarity Possible?
  • An Analysis of Jane Addams’ Newer Ideals of Peace
  • How Peace Can be Achieved?
  • Is War an Inevitable Element of Human Existence?
  • World Peace: the United Nations
  • America vs Peace in the World
  • World Peace
  • About role of the United Nations in the changing World
  • The Cause of World War II
  • World War II – Just War Theory
  • The Perfect World
  • We are living in the fastpaced world where everyone wants to win
  • The Multifaceted Problem Of World Justice
  • Divirgent’s World
  • Powhatan, “Speech to Captain John Smith,” The World Turned Upside Down. Boston: Bedford, 1994
  • How Did WW1 Change The World?
  • The Causes Of World War 2 History
  • Martin Luther King’s Influence on Today’s World
  • The fast-moving world
  • World after 50 years
  • World War II: The Road to War
  • Ace Hardware Store Entering Bahrain Market
  • Future world
  • The Separation of Powers in the US Government in Today’s World
  • Our Crazy World – Technology, Iraq and Hiv/AIDS
  • Finding A Sustainable Solution to End World Hunger

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Speech: World Peace

Hi everyone, I hope you are all fine. I am happy and excited to welcome you to my session. Over the years, witnessed conflicts in our local and international communities. You have also observed the severity of the conflicts, especially in international communities, through social media, television, and other media platforms. Therefore, it is upon us to take responsibility in the journey of maintaining world peace and resolving disputes to control the severity of conflicts. In this session, I will highlight factors that cause and exacerbate conflicts and proven interventions that help resolve conflicts.

In an influential article by Shah (2023, p.1), world peace is usually under threat due to economic inequality, climate change and agriculture/energy. He mentions that economic inequality is the key source of conflicts, especially across nations such as Ukraine and Russia, which have been competing for scarce resources in Crimea. Inequality in the economy also generates grievances amongst individual nations with poorly established economies. In the 21 st  century, the majority of the grievances, especially against Western countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, date back to the colonial period. Poorly established nations believe Western countries are responsible for depriving their resources (Shah, 2023, p.1).

Technological innovation is also an aspect of great consideration when discussing about world peace. Many countries, such as North Korea and the United States, have leveraged their technological expertise to develop nuclear weapons, among other destructive armories. As a result, other nations, including Russia, are in the race to outdo countries such as the United States in terms of nuclear capabilities (Robinson, 2024, p.1). Therefore, with many nations competing to develop or acquire such weapons, misuse may arise as they deter aggression, causing threats to global peace.

Additionally, besides technological innovation, climate change has a detrimental effect on global peace. Common climate change effects include landslides, flooding, aggravated erosion, salinization, and a decline in organic matter (Conciliation Resources, 2022, p.1). Communities facing these climatic challenges are forced to relocate to neighboring communities, where they create conflicts with the community as they compete for fertile land and fresh water.

Having discussed some of the factors with the highest probability of causing disturbance to global peace, what proven interventions are effective in resolving conflicts and maintaining global peace? In another influential article by the United Nations, preventive diplomacy and mediation are key interventions with positive impacts on international peace and security (United Nations, 2024, p.1). Preventive diplomacy involves the use of diplomacy and peacebuilding offices to emphasize peace among conflicting nations (United Nations, 2024, p.1). Mediation requires a mediator who helps two or three conflicting parties resolve their issues jointly.

Humanitarian interventions are other key interventions with proven impact on resolving international disputes and maintaining world peace. Humanitarian interventions involve the use of military, diplomats, and economic measures to protect civilians, alleviate suffering, and promote human rights in the conflict zones (Saaideh, 2023, p.1). Saaideh reiterates that humanitarian interventions also incorporate international organizations, states, and regional bodies, which work together to address conflicts on a global scale.

Lastly, I believe you and I have a sole responsibility to promote world peace through advocacy groups and social media channels. We should champion peace at any moment, especially on social media platforms, when commenting about conflicts in different nations. I believe we have the potential. Thank you for your patience throughout the session. With your support, we can create a world with infinite peace.

Conciliation Resources . (2022, May 1).  Explainer: How is the Climate Crisis Impacting Conflict and Peace? . Explainer: How is the climate crisis impacting conflict and peace? | Conciliation Resources.,tensions%20and%20create%20further%20conflict.

Saaideh, M. (2023). The Effectiveness of International Humanitarian Intervention in Conflict Zones.

Shah, Dr. V. (2023, October 19).  Global conflict: Causes and solutions for peace.  Thought Economics.,the%20structure%20of%20a%20society.

The Elders. (2024).  Nuclear weapons are still the greatest threat to world peace. NATO must take action now to protect humanity .

United Nations . (2024).  Maintain international peace and security . United Nations.,political%20missions%20in%20the%20field.

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Beyond Intractability

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The Hyper-Polarization Challenge to the Conflict Resolution Field We invite you to participate in an online exploration of what those with conflict and peacebuilding expertise can do to help defend liberal democracies and encourage them live up to their ideals.

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By Michelle Maiese

September 2003  

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What it Means to Build a Lasting Peace

It should be noted at the outset that there are two distinct ways to understand peacebuilding. According the United Nations (UN) document An Agenda for Peace [1], peacebuilding consists of a wide range of activities associated with capacity building, reconciliation , and societal transformation . Peacebuilding is a long-term process that occurs after violent conflict has slowed down or come to a halt. Thus, it is the phase of the peace process that takes place after peacemaking and peacekeeping.

Many non-governmental organizations (NGOs), on the other hand, understand peacebuilding as an umbrella concept that encompasses not only long-term transformative efforts, but also peacemaking and peacekeeping . In this view, peacebuilding includes early warning and response efforts, violence prevention , advocacy work, civilian and military peacekeeping , military intervention , humanitarian assistance , ceasefire agreements , and the establishment of peace zones.

In the interests of keeping these essays a reasonable length, this essay primarily focuses on the narrower use of the term "peacebuilding."  For more information about other phases of the peace process, readers should refer to the knowledge base essays about violence prevention , peacemaking and peacekeeping , as well as the essay on peace processes  which is what we use as our "umbrella" term.

In this narrower sense, peacebuilding is a process that facilitates the establishment of durable peace and tries to prevent the recurrence of violence by addressing root causes and effects of conflict through reconciliation , institution building, and political as well as economic transformation.[1] This consists of a set of physical, social, and structural initiatives that are often an integral part of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation.

It is generally agreed that the central task of peacebuilding is to create positive peace, a "stable social equilibrium in which the surfacing of new disputes does not escalate into violence and war."[2] Sustainable peace is characterized by the absence of physical and structural violence , the elimination of discrimination, and self-sustainability.[3] Moving towards this sort of environment goes beyond problem solving or conflict management. Peacebuilding initiatives try to fix the core problems that underlie the conflict and change the patterns of interaction of the involved parties.[4] They aim to move a given population from a condition of extreme vulnerability and dependency to one of self-sufficiency and well-being.[5]

To further understand the notion of peacebuilding, many contrast it with the more traditional strategies of peacemaking and peacekeeping. Peacemaking is the diplomatic effort to end the violence between the conflicting parties, move them towards nonviolent dialogue, and eventually reach a peace agreement. Peacekeeping , on the other hand, is a third-party intervention (often, but not always done by military forces) to assist parties in transitioning from violent conflict to peace by separating the fighting parties and keeping them apart. These peacekeeping operations not only provide security, but also facilitate other non-military initiatives.[6]

Some draw a distinction between post-conflict peacebuilding and long-term peacebuilding. Post-conflict peacebuilding is connected to peacekeeping, and often involves demobilization and reintegration programs, as well as immediate reconstruction needs.[7] Meeting immediate needs and handling crises is no doubt crucial. But while peacemaking and peacekeeping processes are an important part of peace transitions, they are not enough in and of themselves to meet longer-term needs and build a lasting peace.

Long-term peacebuilding techniques are designed to fill this gap, and to address the underlying substantive issues that brought about conflict. Various transformation techniques aim to move parties away from confrontation and violence, and towards political and economic participation, peaceful relationships, and social harmony.[8]

This longer-term perspective is crucial to future violence prevention and the promotion of a more peaceful future. Thinking about the future involves articulating desirable structural, systemic, and relationship goals. These might include sustainable economic development, self-sufficiency, equitable social structures that meet human needs, and building positive relationships.[9]

Peacebuilding measures also aim to prevent conflict from reemerging. Through the creation of mechanisms that enhance cooperation and dialogue among different identity groups , these measures can help parties manage their conflict of interests through peaceful means. This might include building institutions that provide procedures and mechanisms for effectively handling and resolving conflict.[10] For example, societies can build fair courts, capacities for labor negotiation, systems of civil society reconciliation, and a stable electoral process.[11] Such designing of new dispute resolution systems is an important part of creating a lasting peace.

In short, parties must replace the spiral of violence and destruction with a spiral of peace and development, and create an environment conducive to self-sustaining and durable peace.[12] The creation of such an environment has three central dimensions: addressing the underlying causes of conflict, repairing damaged relationships and dealing with psychological trauma at the individual level. Each of these dimensions relies on different strategies and techniques.

The Structural Dimension: Addressing Root Causes

The structural dimension of peacebuilding focuses on the social conditions that foster violent conflict. Many note that stable peace must be built on social, economic, and political foundations that serve the needs of the populace.[13] In many cases, crises arise out of systemic roots. These root causes are typically complex, but include skewed land distribution, environmental degradation, and unequal political representation.[14] If these social problems are not addressed, there can be no lasting peace.

Thus, in order to establish durable peace, parties must analyze the structural causes of the conflict and initiate social structural change. The promotion of substantive and procedural justice through structural means typically involves institution building and the strengthening of civil society .

Avenues of political and economic transformation include social structural change to remedy political or economic injustice, reconstruction programs designed to help communities ravaged by conflict revitalize their economies, and the institution of effective and legitimate restorative justice systems.[15] Peacebuilding initiatives aim to promote nonviolent mechanisms that eliminate violence, foster structures that meet basic human needs , and maximize public participation .[16]

To provide fundamental services to its citizens, a state needs strong executive, legislative, and judicial institutions.[17] Many point to democratization as a key way to create these sorts of peace-enhancing structures. Democratization seeks to establish legitimate and stable political institutions and civil liberties that allow for meaningful competition for political power and broad participation in the selection of leaders and policies.[18] It is important for governments to adhere to principles of transparency and predictability, and for laws to be adopted through an open and public process.[19] For the purpose of post-conflict peacebuilding, the democratization process should be part of a comprehensive project to rebuild society's institutions.

Political structural changes focus on political development, state building , and the establishment of effective government institutions. This often involves election reform, judicial reform, power-sharing initiatives, and constitutional reform. It also includes building political parties, creating institutions that provide procedures and mechanisms for effectively handling and resolving conflict, and establishing mechanisms to monitor and protect human rights . Such institution building and infrastructure development typically requires the dismantling, strengthening, or reformation of old institutions in order to make them more effective.

It is crucial to establish and maintain rule of law, and to implement rules and procedures that constrain the powers of all parties and hold them accountable for their actions.[20] This can help to ease tension, create stability, and lessen the likelihood of further conflict. For example, an independent judiciary can serve as a forum for the peaceful resolution of disputes and post-war grievances.[21]

In addition, societies need a system of criminal justice that deters and punishes banditry and acts of violence.[22] Fair police mechanisms must be established and government officials and members of the police force must be trained to observe basic rights in the execution of their duties.[23] In addition, legislation protecting minorities and laws securing gender equality should be advanced. Courts and police forces must be free of corruption and discrimination.

But structural change can also be economic. Many note that economic development is integral to preventing future conflict and avoiding a relapse into violence.[24] Economic factors that put societies at risk include lack of employment opportunities, food scarcity, and lack of access to natural resources or land. A variety of social structural changes aim to eliminate the structural violence that arises out of a society's economic system. These economic and social reforms include economic development programs, health care assistance, land reform, social safety nets, and programs to promote agricultural productivity.[25]

Economic peacebuilding targets both the micro- and macro-level and aims to create economic opportunities and ensure that the basic needs of the population are met. On the microeconomic level, societies should establish micro-credit institutions to increase economic activity and investment at the local level, promote inter-communal trade and an equitable distribution of land, and expand school enrollment and job training.[26] On the macroeconomic level, the post-conflict government should be assisted in its efforts to secure the economic foundations and infrastructure necessary for a transition to peace.[27]

The Relational Dimension

A second integral part of building peace is reducing the effects of war-related hostility through the repair and transformation of damaged relationships. The relational dimension of peacebuilding centers on reconciliation , forgiveness , trust building , and future imagining . It seeks to minimize poorly functioning communication and maximize mutual understanding.[28]

Many believe that reconciliation is one of the most effective and durable ways to transform relationships and prevent destructive conflicts.[29] The essence of reconciliation is the voluntary initiative of the conflicting parties to acknowledge their responsibility and guilt. Parties reflect upon their own role and behavior in the conflict, and acknowledge and accept responsibility for the part they have played. As parties share their experiences, they learn new perspectives and change their perception of their "enemies." There is recognition of the difficulties faced by the opposing side and of their legitimate grievances, and a sense of empathy begins to develop. Each side expresses sincere regret and remorse, and is prepared to apologize for what has transpired. The parties make a commitment to let go of anger , and to refrain from repeating the injury. Finally, there is a sincere effort to redress past grievances and compensate for the damage done. This process often relies on interactive negotiation and allows the parties to enter into a new mutually enriching relationship.[30]

One of the essential requirements for the transformation of conflicts is effective communication and negotiation at both the elite and grassroots levels . Through both high- and community-level dialogues , parties can increase their awareness of their own role in the conflict and develop a more accurate perception of both their own and the other group's identity .[31] As each group shares its unique history, traditions, and culture, the parties may come to understand each other better. International exchange programs and problem-solving workshops are two techniques that can help to change perceptions, build trust , open communication , and increase empathy .[32] For example, over the course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the main antagonists have sometimes been able to build trust through meeting outside their areas , not for formal negotiations, but simply to better understand each other.[33]

If these sorts of bridge-building communication systems are in place, relations between the parties can improve and any peace agreements they reach will more likely be self-sustaining.[34] (The Israeli-Palestinian situation illustrates that there are no guarantees, however.) Various mass communication and education measures, such as peace radio and TV , peace-education projects , and conflict-resolution training , can help parties to reach such agreements.[35] And dialogue between people of various ethnicities or opposing groups can lead to deepened understanding and help to change the demonic image of the enemy group.[36] It can also help parties to overcome grief, fear, and mistrust and enhance their sense of security.

A crucial component of such dialogue is future imaging , whereby parties form a vision of the commonly shared future they are trying to build. Conflicting parties often have more in common in terms of their visions of the future than they do in terms of their shared and violent past.[37] The thought is that if they know where they are trying to go, it will be easier to get there.

Another way for the parties to build a future together is to pursue joint projects that are unrelated to the conflict's core issues and center on shared interests. This can benefit the parties' relationship. Leaders who project a clear and hopeful vision of the future and the ways and means to get there can play a crucial role here.

But in addition to looking towards the future, parties must deal with their painful past. Reconciliation not only envisions a common, connected future, but also recognizes the need to redress past wrongdoing.[38] If the parties are to renew their relationship and build an interdependent future, what has happened must be exposed and then forgiven .

Indeed, a crucial part of peacebuilding is addressing past wrongdoing while at the same time promoting healing and rule of law.[39] Part of repairing damaged relationships is responding to past human rights violations and genocide through the establishment of truth commissions , fact-finding missions, and war crimes tribunals .[40] These processes attempt to deal with the complex legal and emotional issues associated with human rights abuses and ensure that justice is served. It is commonly thought that past injustice must be recognized, and the perpetrators punished if parties wish to achieve reconciliation.

However, many note that the retributive justice advanced by Western legal systems often ignores the needs of victims and exacerbates wounds.[41] Many note that to advance healing between the conflicting parties, justice must be more reparative in focus. Central to restorative justice is its future-orientation and its emphasis on the relationship between victims and offenders. It seeks to engage both victims and offenders in dialogue and make things right by identifying their needs and obligations.[42] Having community-based restorative justice processes in place can help to build a sustainable peace.

The Personal Dimension

The personal dimension of peacebuilding centers on desired changes at the individual level. If individuals are not able to undergo a process of healing, there will be broader social, political, and economic repercussions.[43] The destructive effects of social conflict must be minimized, and its potential for personal growth must be maximized.[44] Reconstruction and peacebuilding efforts must prioritize treating mental health problems and integrate these efforts into peace plans and rehabilitation efforts.

In traumatic situations, a person is rendered powerless and faces the threat of death and injury. Traumatic events might include a serious threat or harm to one's family or friends, sudden destruction of one's home or community, and a threat to one's own physical being.[45] Such events overwhelm an individual's coping resources, making it difficult for the individual to function effectively in society.[46] Typical emotional effects include depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. After prolonged and extensive trauma, a person is often left with intense feelings that negatively influence his/her psychological well-being. After an experience of violence, an individual is likely to feel vulnerable, helpless, and out of control in a world that is unpredictable.[47]

Building peace requires attention to these psychological and emotional layers of the conflict. The social fabric that has been destroyed by war must be repaired, and trauma must be dealt with on the national, community, and individual levels.[48] At the national level, parties can accomplish widespread personal healing through truth and reconciliation commissions that seek to uncover the truth and deal with perpetrators. At the community level, parties can pay tribute to the suffering of the past through various rituals or ceremonies, or build memorials to commemorate the pain and suffering that has been endured.[49] Strong family units that can rebuild community structures and moral environments are also crucial.

At the individual level, one-on-one counseling has obvious limitations when large numbers of people have been traumatized and there are insufficient resources to address their needs. Peacebuilding initiatives must therefore provide support for mental health infrastructure and ensure that mental health professionals receive adequate training. Mental health programs should be adapted to suit the local context, and draw from traditional and communal practice and customs wherever possible.[50] Participating in counseling and dialogue can help individuals to develop coping mechanisms and to rebuild their trust in others.[51]

If it is taken that psychology drives individuals' attitudes and behaviors, then new emphasis must be placed on understanding the social psychology of conflict and its consequences. If ignored, certain victims of past violence are at risk for becoming perpetrators of future violence.[52] Victim empowerment and support can help to break this cycle.

Peacebuilding Agents

Peacebuilding measures should integrate civil society in all efforts and include all levels of society in the post-conflict strategy. All society members, from those in elite leadership positions, to religious leaders, to those at the grassroots level, have a role to play in building a lasting peace. Many apply John Paul Lederach's model of hierarchical intervention levels to make sense of the various levels at which peacebuilding efforts occur.[53]

Because peace-building measures involve all levels of society and target all aspects of the state structure, they require a wide variety of agents for their implementation. These agents advance peace-building efforts by addressing functional and emotional dimensions in specified target areas, including civil society and legal institutions.[54] While external agents can facilitate and support peacebuilding, ultimately it must be driven by internal forces. It cannot be imposed from the outside.

Various internal actors play an integral role in peacebuilding and reconstruction efforts. The government of the affected country is not only the object of peacebuilding, but also the subject. While peacebuilding aims to transform various government structures, the government typically oversees and engages in this reconstruction process. A variety of the community specialists, including lawyers, economists, scholars, educators, and teachers, contribute their expertise to help carry out peacebuilding projects. Finally, a society's religious networks can play an important role in establishing social and moral norms.[55]

Nevertheless, outside parties typically play a crucial role in advancing such peacebuilding efforts. Few peacebuilding plans work unless regional neighbors and other significant international actors support peace through economic development aid and humanitarian relief .[56] At the request of the affected country, international organizations can intervene at the government level to transform established structures.[57] They not only provide monetary support to post-conflict governments, but also assist in the restoration of financial and political institutions. Because their efforts carry the legitimacy of the international community, they can be quite effective.

Various institutions provide the necessary funding for peacebuilding projects. While international institutions are the largest donors, private foundations contribute a great deal through project-based financing.[58] In addition, regional organizations often help to both fund and implement peacebuilding strategies. Finally, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) often carry out small-scale projects to strengthen countries at the grassroots level. Not only traditional NGOs but also the business and academic community and various grassroots organizations work to further these peace-building efforts. All of the groups help to address "the limits imposed on governmental action by limited resources, lack of consensus, or insufficient political will."[59]

Some suggest that governments, NGOs, and intergovernmental agencies need to create categories of funding related to conflict transformation and peacebuilding.[60] Funds are often difficult to secure when they are intended to finance preventive action. And middle-range initiatives, infrastructure building, and grassroots projects do not typically attract significant funding, even though these sorts of projects may have the greatest potential to sustain long-term conflict transformation.[61] Those providing resources for peacebuilding initiatives must look to fill these gaps. In addition, external actors must think through the broader ramifications of their programs.[62] They must ensure that funds are used to advance genuine peacebuilding initiatives rather than be swallowed up by corrupt leaders or channeled into armed conflict.

But as already noted, higher-order peace, connected to improving local capacities, is not possible simply through third-party intervention.[63] And while top-down approaches are important, peace must also be built from the bottom up. Many top-down agreements collapse because the ground below has not been prepared. Top-down approaches must therefore be buttressed, and relationships built.

Thus, an important task in sustaining peace is to build a peace constituency within the conflict setting. Middle-range actors form the core of a peace constituency. They are more flexible than top-level leaders, and less vulnerable in terms of daily survival than those at the grassroots level.[64] Middle-range actors who strive to build bridges to their counterparts across the lines of conflict are the ones best positioned to sustain conflict transformation. This is because they have an understanding of the nuances of the conflict setting, as well as access to the elite leadership .

Many believe that the greatest resource for sustaining peace in the long term is always rooted in the local people and their culture.[65] Parties should strive to understand the cultural dimension of conflict, and identify the mechanisms for handling conflict that exist within that cultural setting. Building on cultural resources and utilizing local mechanisms for handling disputes can be quite effective in resolving conflicts and transforming relationships. Initiatives that incorporate citizen-based peacebuilding include community peace projects in schools and villages, local peace commissions and problem-solving workshops , and a variety of other grassroots initiatives .

Effective peacebuilding also requires public-private partnerships in addressing conflict and greater coordination among the various actors.[66] International governmental organizations, national governments, bilateral donors, and international and local NGOs need to coordinate to ensure that every dollar invested in peacebuilding is spent wisely.[67] To accomplish this, advanced planning and intervention coordination is needed.

There are various ways to attempt to coordinate peace-building efforts. One way is to develop a peace inventory to keep track of which agents are doing various peace-building activities. A second is to develop clearer channels of communication and more points of contact between the elite and middle ranges. In addition, a coordination committee should be instituted so that agreements reached at the top level are actually capable of being implemented.[68] A third way to better coordinate peace-building efforts is to create peace-donor conferences that bring together representatives from humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and the concerned governments. It is often noted that "peacebuilding would greatly benefit from cross-fertilization of ideas and expertise and the bringing together of people working in relief, development, conflict resolution, arms control, diplomacy, and peacekeeping."[69] Lastly, there should be efforts to link internal and external actors. Any external initiatives must also enhance the capacity of internal resources to build peace-enhancing structures that support reconciliation efforts throughout a society.[70] In other words, the international role must be designed to fit each case.

[1] Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. An Agenda for Peace. New York: United Nations 1995 .

[1a] SAIS, "The Conflict Management Toolkit: Approaches," The Conflict Management Program, Johns Hopkins University [available at:

[2] Henning Haugerudbraaten, "Peacebuilding: Six Dimensions and Two Concepts," Institute For Security Studies. [available at: ]

[3] Luc Reychler, "From Conflict to Sustainable Peacebuilding: Concepts and Analytical Tools," in Peacebuilding: A Field Guide , Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, eds. (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2001), 12.

[4] Reychler, 12.

[5] John Paul Lederach, Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies . (Washington, D.C., United States Institute of Peace, 1997), 75.

[6] SAIS, [available at: ]

[7] Michael Doyle and Nicholas Sambanis. "Building Peace: Challenges and Strategies After Civil War," The World Bank Group. [available at: ] 3.

[8] Doyle and Sambanis, 2

[9] Lederach, 77.

[11] Doyle and Sambanis, 5.

[13] Haugerudbraaten

[14] Haugerudbraaten

[16] Lederach, 83.

[19] Neil J. Kritz, "The Rule of Law in the Post-Conflict Phase: Building a Stable Peace," in Managing Global Chaos: Sources or and Responses to International Conflict , eds. Chester A. Crocker and Fen Osler Hampson with Pamela Aall. (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1996), 593.

[20] Kritz, 588.

[21] Kritz, 591.

[22] Kritz, 591.

[25] Michael Lund, "A Toolbox for Responding to Conflicts and Building Peace," In Peacebuilding: A Field Guide , Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, eds. (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers, Inc., 2001), 18.

[27] These issues are discussed in detail in the set of essays on development in this knowledge base.

[28] Lederach, 82.

[29] Hizkias Assefa, "Reconciliation," in Peacebuilding: A Field Guide , Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, eds. (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers, Inc., 2001), 342.

[30] Assefa, 340.

[33] Kathleen Stephens, "Building Peace in Deeply Rooted Conflicts: Exploring New Ideas to Shape the Future" INCORE, 1997.

[34] Reychler, 13.

[35] Lund, 18.

[37] Lederach, 77.

[38] Lederach, 31.

[39] Howard Zehr, "Restorative Justice," In Peacebuilding: A Field Guide , Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, eds. (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers, Inc., 2001), 330.

[41] Zehr, 330.

[42] Zehr, 331.

[44] Lederach, 82.

[45] Hugo van der Merwe and Tracy Vienings, "Coping with Trauma," in Peacebuilding: A Field Guide, Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, eds. (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner Publishers, Inc., 2001), 343.

[46] van der Merwe, 343.

[47] van der Merwe, 345.

[48] van der Merwe, 343.

[49] van der Merwe, 344.

[51] van der Merwe, 347.

[52] van der Merwe, 344.

[53] John Paul Lederach, Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies, Chapter 4.

[56] Doyle and Sambanis, 18.

[59] Stephens.

[60] Lederach, 89.

[61] Lederach, 92.

[62] Lederach, 91.

[63] Doyle and Sambanis, 25.

[64] Lederach, 94.

[65] Lederach, 94.

[66] Stephens.

[67] Doyle and Sambanis, 23.

[68] Lederach, 100.

[69] Lederach, 101.

[70] Lederach, 103.

Use the following to cite this article: Maiese, Michelle. "Peacebuilding." Beyond Intractability . Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: September 2003 < >.

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February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Peace and Harmony: To bring growth and prosperity in a society, the path that wiser people take is of peace and harmony. Without peace and harmony in a nation, it is impossible to achieve political strength, economic stability, or cultural growth. Before transmitting the notion of peace and harmony, among others, an individual needs to possess peace within them while their body and mind should be in balance. Even one person can transmit the notion of peace and harmony, among others, and it is everyone individual’s responsibility to maintain that peace and harmony in society. However, peace and harmony in society are disrupted with the increase in violence and chaos.

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Long and Short Essay on Peace and Harmony for Students and Kids in English

Below mentioned are Long and Short Essays on Peace and Harmony of 500-600 words and 200-300 words, respectively. The students can refer to these speeches when required and grace the occasion by their words. Read on to find more about Peace and Harmony Essay.

Long Essay on Peace and Harmony 500 Words in English

Peace and Harmony Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Science and technology were supposed to make our life comfortable. In contrast, people find alternative ways to use good inventions for an immoral purpose and eventually harm the ways of other’s living with peace and harmony. As the saying goes that with immense power so comes the tremendous responsibility is not at all a lie, for the government of each nation should invest on education, healthcare, and productive means to resolve economic issues rather than initiating war or destructiveness. If destructive ways among nation are promoted, then peach and harmony will not exist, and poverty will remain to be an everlasting problem.

The root to most of our troubles is the disruption of peace and harmony between one aspect of our life to another. Earlier people knew how to live in peace and harmony with nature and other animals, but with the realization of power and greed, it was us who harmed their harmonized relation with the environment. This change in the way of living is not at all desirable because the effects of ruining the harmony and peace in the ecosystem will have to be faced by us. Hence, people must always realize that a little kindness, compassion and self-perseverance can restore the sense of humanity in one and resolve all issues regarding peace and harmony in our life.

What is ‘peace and harmony’?

Peace and harmony is the fundamental prerequisite of our life and an ideal path to follow. Many ideas contribute to the logic of peace and harmony such as dealing with disputes, staying calm and focused, resolving conflicts, adjusting, adapting, neutralization, following the ‘middle way’ principle, etc. With globalization we are not anymore divided into our concentrated area of state or nation; instead, the world has united with the unprecedented extent of bond regardless of borders and resulting into the formation of a great and happy global community. And to maintain the well being of every individual of this global community, ultimately everyone has to implement the means of peace and harmony into the way of our living.

Ideas to maintain peace and harmony

  • The integral and compressive part of humankind should be peace and harmony. And to maintain peace and harmony, the following six ideas should be adapted:
  • To maintain equality, security, justice, and mutual trust, a word-wide political order must be introduced that embodies all of these.
  • To promote the advancement of technology and science aspects that will provide benefit to humankind by maintaining everyone’s welfare.
  • A global economic system should be introduced that embodies elimination of divergence, mutual benefit, removal of regional imbalance.
  • Ethics that promote ecological prosperity and incorporates solutions for resolving the environmental crisis, acts toward shared success, actively fulfils individual responsibility, and ways to end historical prejudices.
  • A mental state and spiritual ideology that embodies helpful attitude, physical and mental ease, and spreading of happiness and harmony through traditional wisdom.
  • The code of conduct by recognizing diversity and integration along with conduction of dialogues to express emotion and enhance friendship and brotherhood must be achieved by developing a global cultural atmosphere.
  • And it is a noble mission to promote peace and harmony by expressing how it will contribute to the long-lasting wellbeing factor of our lives.

Short Essay on Peace and Harmony 200 Words in English

Peace and Harmony Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Factors affecting peace and harmony: Many powerful and influential people understood the importance of peace and harmony. As the famous saying of Lao Tzu’s goes like – “If you want to establish peace in the world, there also must be peace among and in the nations. If one wants there to be peace in the nations, then there should be peace in the regions of the nation. If one wishes for peace in the cities, then there also must exist peace between neighbors. And all this begins with the peace of mind” Particular aspects disrupt peace and harmony of a system, and people must be aware of the reasons as to why one should avoid those factors. A list of some of those disruptions is:

  • Gender discrimination and oppression
  • Religion and caste discrimination
  • Poverty and unemployment
  • Toxic traits like jealousy, greed, lies and hatred
  • Exploitation of resources

10 Lines on Peace and Harmony Essay in English

  • Peaceful dialogues are comparatively more helpful during dispute resolving and negotiations.
  • The word peace is derived from the Anglo-French term ‘pes’ which means agreement, peace, silence or reconciliation.
  • Harmony is a term that is derived from an old Greek word ‘Harmonia’ meaning the joint agreement or concord.
  • The US Anti-Vietnam War movement was also called the peace movement that lasted from 1964 to 1973.
  • Secularism is a concept for treating all religions equally, and this practice promotes peace and harmony among us.
  • Peace and harmony are hampered when people fight in the name of faith which eventually results in the spread of communalism,
  • The rise in the prices of necessary commodities is called inflation, and it is one of the significant disruption causing factor in the concept of peace and harmony.
  • Peace and harmony improve aspects of business and economy which also ultimately results in the elimination of unemployment.
  • A peace activist in a person who chooses non-violent methods to end affairs like violent conflicts or non-democratic rule.
  • Gerald Holtom is the person behind the design of the modern peace symbol.

FAQ’s on Peace and Harmony Essay

Question 1. Explain with an example, the benefit of living with peace and harmony?

Answer: An excellent example of how peace and harmony are beneficial is the existence of the ‘Harmony Culture’ which is a Chinese tradition that has lasted for over thousand years now and has also made a massive contribution in the matter of coexistence of various ethnic groups that too with peace and harmony. Eventually, from those original ethnic groups, some fusion religions and groups also came into existence.

Question 2. How can we describe the concept of ‘peace and harmony’ very concisely?

Answer: The concept of living with peace and harmony can be described very concisely as the calm and happy state of life without disturbances like conflicts and revolts.

Question 3. Who guards peace and harmony in a country?

Answer: Anyone can contribute to maintaining the peace and harmony of a system, but there are also people who are given the task by the nations’ jurisdiction to look over law and order. Those particular jobs are called civil services for the work solely focuses on maintaining peace and harmony in the society by acting against any disobedience that disrupts the proper state of life.

Question 4. Are there different types of peace?

Answer: Peace can be classified into internal or inner peace and external peace. The inner peace is the calm, sane, tranquil, and undisturbed state of our mind. And the outer peace is interrelated to inner peace because unless there is peace in the mind one cannot perform peaceful actions.

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Essays on Global Peace

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Is World Peace Possible?

Peace may be closer than we think..

Posted December 24, 2020 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

Robert Atkinson

Peace is a timeless and universal vision belonging to all, and it has forever been a multidisciplinary interest. The great ideals and perennial values of the world’s religions serve not only as beacons to better times, when all will live together in harmony and good will, but they are also designed, when put into practice and lived by, to represent a promise of what humanity is capable of, maybe even created for.

The Golden Rule can be seen as a foundation for a principle of justice that, when extended from the individual to the global level, becomes the basis for the fulfillment of the promise of peace on earth.

At the end of the 18th century, philosopher Immanuel Kant proposed in his essay Perpetual Peace a program to be implemented by governments that would abolish standing armies, eliminate interference of one state with another, and prevent national funds from being used to create friction with other nations. These steps and more, including the rights of all people, as citizens of the world, to experience universal hospitality, would be the foundation on which to build a lasting peace. This essay influenced not only European thought and political practice but was also well represented in the formation of the United Nations.

The founder of experimental psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, who also founded folk psychology— what became cultural psychology—wrote in 1912 of how the psychological and cultural development of humanity has evolved through stages toward a consciousness of “mankind as a unity,” when national affiliations give way to world-wide humanistic concerns. This evolutionary stage can now be seen as where we are headed, and as a prerequisite to world peace.

World unity seems to be where the evolutionary flow is heading, favoring cooperation over competition . But is world peace a promise to be fulfilled, or one that will never be kept? Is it possible that world peace is an inevitable outcome of our collective evolution?

As Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith makes clear in his chapter “Is World Peace Possible?” in Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future , “peace isn’t something that only a group of world leaders will achieve, no matter how good their intentions. When peace erupts on Earth, it will come from individuals everywhere who have entered a new state of consciousness.”

He believes peace is inherent in our species, that it is now exerting itself on an increasingly global scale, and that it is the people who know they are facing a daunting task and work at it anyway who are making a significant difference. This is the way it has always been. When faced with a problem that seems intractable, people find a way around it instead of resigning themselves to it. People have always brought about change in this way, whether it was fighting the challenges of seemingly incurable diseases or achieving civil rights. Those who have won against great odds have pioneered paradigm shifts. This is what makes global peace possible.

It helps a great deal to know what peace really means. It’s not just an absence of conflict. Beckwith says, “peace is the dynamic of harmonizing good. It is a quality within us.” This understanding opens up so many options, not only to be a peace-builder, but also to live peace from within in everything one does in life. As an inner quality, peace becomes something others can pick up on, notice on an energy level, and emulate in their own actions. This way, peace becomes contagious.

As Beckwith puts it, being able to really see “something from another’s point of view leads to the birth of compassion. With compassion, there is understanding; from understanding comes dialogue. When dialogue emerges, then a way out of no way emerges. With empathy, compassion, understanding, and dialogue, people can see a solution that wasn’t there before; a shift in consciousness happens to enable a new insight.”

War is part of our dysfunction; it’s not a reflection of who we are in our highest form. There are many encouraging signs of a new paradigm emerging, of green markets, solar markets, holistic medicine markets, and more, leading a transformation toward a peaceful world.

As Beckwith reminds us, “peace is in the journey, with every step we take. We carry it with us, and its impact is felt on a much wider scale. We all have to find our own neighborhood, in our own community, where we’re willing to share our gift. Many people don’t realize that small groups of people around the world doing things with compassion have an impact on the mental and emotional atmosphere of the entire world. By having peace within, we build peace all around us.”

The promise of world peace has been there for millennia; it is up to us—now—to bring it into reality.

Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, "Is World Peace Possible?" in Atkinson, R., Johnson, K., and Moldow, D. (eds.) (2020). Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future. New York: Atria Books. 33-38.

Robert Atkinson Ph.D.

Robert Atkinson, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at the University of Southern Maine and Nautilus Book Award-winning author of The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness.

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Global Peace Careers

What is Peace? Types, Examples, Learning Opportunities

Pursuing peace is one of the few values we share across cultural, political, and linguistic divides. The challenge, however, comes in understanding what ‘peace’ really means and how we are able to pursue it.

In summary, peace is… the feeling and experience of developing your capacity for maintaining social cohesion, positive interactions, and justice, free from the experience or fear of negative conflict and harm.

This definition merges a number of peace and conflict related concepts. Each of these concepts can help us understand the nuance of peace better. It can show why groups who all say they are seeking peace may come into conflict in doing so. It also shows us how peace can be understood as a feeling, experience, and also an outcome, all at the same time.

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5 Different Types of Peace

Going phrase-by-phrase of the above definition, we can explore 5 different types or aspects of peace. Each of these help us understand peace – and by extension global conflicts – better.

#1 Peace as an ongoing process

Peace is the process of   developing your capacity for peace.

Regardless of how stable a given region may appear, the potential for peace to be disrupted is constant. As such, our capacity to protect and maintain peace in the face of conflict is essential, leading to the idea that peace is a process. While peace may never be a destination we arrive at completely, by becoming competent at maintaining peace, a community can consistently reduce the likelihood of violent conflict.

e.g. If a conflict falls along religious lines, the existence of each religion and their differing values will always be present in that society. This has the potential to cause friction and small scale conflict every day. Viewing peace as something we constantly work towards, therefore, would help this society prevent these conflicts from developing and becoming violent.

#2 Positive peace

Peace is the ability to maintain social cohesion and have positive interactions.

Positive peace is the presence of attitudes, institutions, and social structures that are able to sustain peace and reduce harmful conflict. This type of peace is essential, as it acts as the buffer protecting negative peace. Without a strong positive peace, any number of challenges can arise that may produce fear of harm and the experience of harm. Positive peace is a way of putting peace as a process into practice.

e.g. The presence of strong democratic values are a form of positive peace, as they mean that the peaceful transition of power is likely to occur in a society that votes for new leadership.

#3 Structural peace (justice)

Peace is having justice. 

Structural peace is the systemic way that an individual or group’s access to essential needs and freedom from violence are kept equitable. In a society where a particular group has reduced access to social services or individual rights, for instance, their relative structural peace or justice is reduced. They may not experience physical violence directly, but their perceived or experienced lack of justice will result in reduced peace.

e.g., After years of activism, racial tensions in a particular region may have been radically reduced. However, their government may still have active laws that entrench racial discrimination. Until these are dismantled, it can be harder for racialized groups to achieve structural peace. This is can be true even with the public support and a lack of physical violence.

#4 Negative peace

Peace is being free from the experience or fear of negative conflict and harm.

Negative peace refers to the absence of war and violent conflict. This version of peace is commonly cited in public discussions as it is the most obvious when it is missing. However, “violence” in this case is another nuanced word. It is defined by the World Health Organization as the intentional use or threat of force that is able to result in harm (physical, mental, or otherwise) of a person or group of people. This type of violence can be direct (e.g., a physical act of violence). It can be structural (e.g., taking away someone’s access to education and healthcare). Or, it

can be cultural (e.g., acceptance of a racist ideology among a given community). When an act of violence like this occurs, it is clear that the level of peace has been reduced.

e.g. When government security forces consistently use excessive force on the general public, negative peace has been lost.

#5 Peace as a feeling, experience, and outcome

Peace is   a feeling, experience, and an outcome. 

Considering the types of peace discussed above, we can see how peace is simultaneously a feeling, experience, and outcome. Peace can be a feeling if someone feels that their historical mistreatment has not been fully reconciled. Or that the truth of a conflict has not been established. Peace can be an experience when someone cannot fully participate in society, even without experiencing physical violence or threat of harm. Peace can be an outcome if after a period of violent conflict a ceasefire is agreed to and respected. In each case an example of peace has been found, but a more complete peace may not have been achieved.

Understanding that peace can be seen as a feeling as well as an actual experience or destination is important. This difference can explain why a seemingly stable region may actually have deep unrest under the surface. If a population feels they are experiencing a harm or injustice, this must be addressed. When a population is experiencing limited access to social services and freedoms, this must be addressed. If a population has been experiencing violent conflict, this must be addressed.

Examples of Peace Seeking in Political Conflicts

Case study #1: israel-palestine.

A 2020 study on Israelis and Palestinians highlighted differing perceptions of peace between high-power and low-power groups. Jewish-Israelis, seen as high-power, were more likely to view peace as connected to harmonious relationships ( positive peace ), while Palestinians, considered low-power, were more likely prioritize justice ( structural peace ). Both groups agreeing on peace as the absence of war and violence ( negative peace ). However, their view of what long lasting peace would involve also influenced their preferences for conflict resolution methods. It also shaped whether they favoured a Two-State Solution or One-State Solution.

Case Study #2: Bosnia and Herzegovina

A 2009 analysis of post-conflict peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) argues that there had been no reconciliation or restoration of relationships ( positive peace ) in BiH, only the absence of violence ( negative peace ). For this negative peace to turn into positive peace, there needs to be greater contact between the interethnic groups, as well as agreement on the core truths behind the conflict.

How to Understand Peace and Conflict

To understand global conflicts, ask the following questions:

  • What versions of peace are being disrupted?
  • What kinds of peace is being pursued?
  • What kinds of tools or changes could be made to manage the conflict that is disrupting peace?

For example, following the ongoing conflict in Israel-Gaza, what kinds of peace are the populations of each side calling for? Is the focus an immediate ceasefire? Are they looking for institutional reform? Has there been a call for intergroup dialogues and cooperative programs?

To understand how your own experience with conflicts, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is peace understood by those around me? How might I be supporting/disrupting other people’s peace?
  • What political values do I hold that might support/disrupt peace in my community?
  • How does this definition of peace relate to your lived experience in places like work or school?
  • How can you produce peace for those you come into contact with on a day-to-day basis?

Where To Learn More About Peace

Learn more about peace and ways of pursuing peace with these resources:

  • Video breakdown of Johan Galtung’s formative work on negative and positive peace
  • The Council of Europe’s article on conceptions of peace and violence
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies article on how strategic peacebuilding can develop different kinds of peace
  • Written article on the different philosophical approaches to understanding peace
  • The United States Institute of Peace blog has many breakdowns of ongoing conflicts and how peace is being pursued within them

International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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International terrorism as a global challenge, discussion and conclusion.

The damaging effect of terrorism on modern society was brought to the world’s attention following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in September 2001. This acts by the Al-Qaeda terror network demonstrated that international terrorism has the power to disrupt social life even in the world’s super power.

Since then, a wide-ranging debate has developed about the level of threat that international terrorism poses to the global community. While some people regard international terrorism as a marginal threat, others see it as an existential threat to society.

This paper will argue that international terrorism is the main challenge facing the world in the context of international security and therefore, measures should be taken to address this issue and safeguard global security.

International terrorism has become the greatest danger to world security, overtaking the threats of military confrontations from rival great powers. Stewart (2006) observes that the international security threat posed by military confrontations between rival great powers has reduced dramatically since the Second World War.

Most Western nations have formed alliances such as NATO, which makes it almost impossible for them to engage in aggressive military confrontation against each other. The possession of nuclear weapons by the major powers such as Russia and China acts as a deterrence from any major confrontation (Lutz & Brenda 2004).

Nations are therefore more likely to resort to diplomacy instead of risk military confrontation with each other. However, international terrorists attack nations without fear of retaliation since they do not have a well established base or economic resources that they hope to protect.

The activities of international terrorist organization have made the world unsafe. Terror activities have not been limited to US targets and the rest of the world has suffered from the actions of terrorists. The international terror organization, Al Qaeda did not limit its attacks to US targets and on March 11, 2004, it carried out the Madrid train bombings.

London also experienced terrorist attacks in July 2005 when the London Underground was bombed by Islamist extremists (UK Defence and Security Report 2010). Indonesia experienced terrorist attacks in 2002 that killed 202 people while a hotel in Jakarta was bombed in 2003 killing 12 people.

Thieux (2004) asserts that these attacks prove that international terrorism is a serious and potential threat not only for the United States but also for EU member states and the rest of the world.

International terrorism presents the most significant risk to global nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Presently, all functioning Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) including nuclear weapons are in the hands of legitimate governments.

However, intelligence reports indicate that terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda have made efforts to obtain WMDs especially from weak states such as Pakistan. Bowen and Cottee (2012) state that if international terrorists obtain WMDs, they will be able to inflict major damages to targets all over the world.

International terrorism has increased the vulnerability of nations to attacks from their own citizens. Thieux (2004) documents that in addition to the Islamic radicals who joined the Al Qaeda network in the past, this terror organization now attracts members who are well integrated in the society.

International terrorist organizations are able to radicalize citizens of a country leading to the development of home-grown terrorists. For example, individuals can access jihadi websites and obtain information on suicide bombing (The UK Defence & Security Report 2010). Tackling this threat has proved to be a major challenge for most nations.

Thieux (2004) notes that international terrorism has led to a blurring between foreign and domestic affairs as nations have to deal with issues such as home-grown terrorists and sleeper cells. The difficulty of identifying terrorists increases the risk that these elements pose to the global community.

International terrorists are spread all over the world and it is difficult for law enforcement agencies to correctly identify all potential suspects. Stewart (2006) notes that unlike in a conventional war where the enemy combatants are easy to identify, the diverse pool of individuals involved in international terrorism makes the threat hard to identify.

International terrorism presents a major challenge since these actors do not follow any international laws of combat. There are well-established rules that can be used by nations when dealing with traditional security threats. These laws include rules of engagement that forbid soldiers from attacking unarmed civilians.

Diplomacy can also be used to resolve the differences between nations without resorting to armed confrontation. With international terrorism, there are no rules of engagement and terror organizations target civilians in order to spread fear (Engene 2004). The traditional tools of military deterrence and diplomacy are not effective in dealing with the threat of international terrorism.

International terrorism has led to the development of poor relationships between Western countries and the Arab world. Since most international terrorist organizations are operated by radical Islamists, the policies adopted by countries such as the US to counter them focus on these radical elements. The fight against terrorism has therefore focused on tackling the issue of Islamic extremism (Victoroff 2005).

This has proved to be problematic since terrorism organizations are not disparate and therefore cannot be handled using a uniform policy response. Hammond (2008) asserts that the overemphasis on Islamic extremism has led to the strengthening of the misperception especially in the Middle East that “the anti-terror campaign is actually a war on Islam” (p.220).

This situation has threatened to divide the world on religious basis. Hammond (2008) suggests that the division based on religious differences fostered by international terrorism is proving to be the greatest threat to international unity since the cold war.

International terrorism has contributed to the unpopularity of the US in many countries all over the world and the subsequent inclination of terrorists to attack US targets. Meyer (2009) states that terrorism threatens global security by disrupting the “peace of mind” of citizens and prompting aggressive retaliation by individual states.

Hammond (2008) reveals that following the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration engaged in controversial security policies and effectively declared that America was at war with international terrorists. Due to the Bush policies, the US carried out military activities against terrorists and their affiliates and used economic means to influence the behaviours or interests of nations that harbour terrorists.

Terrorism threatens to disrupt international relations among traditional allies. Due to globalization, the movement of people from country to country has increased. Many international companies have established themselves in foreign countries and global trade is at a high level. International terrorists target Western citizens in foreign countries leading to immense political and psychological impact.

Tan (2007) documents that in 2002, the Al Qaeda affiliated network in South East Asia, Jemmah Islamiah, planned to carry out a terror attack against American targets in Singapore. If this attack had succeeded, it would have deteriorated the good relationship between the US and Singapore and greatly contributed to the growth of insecurity in the region.

The relationship between Pakistan and the UK has suffered due to international terrorism. The UK has accused Pakistan of not doing enough to prevent terrorism. In 2009, the UK arrested 12 Pakistani students in UK on suspicion of involvement in terrorism (UK Defence and Security Report 2010).

International terrorism undermines the good relationships between nations, and without this amicable relationship, global peace and security cannot be achieved.

The global community considers terrorism to be a significant threat to international peace. Following the events of 9/11, most nations, led by the US, have made a public declaration of war against international terrorism. The potential damages that international terrorists can cause, especially if they acquire WMD has led to arguments that terrorism is an “existential threat” for modern society (Meyer 2009).

With this realization, Western nations have tried to come up with a common and coordinated way of dealing with the threat of international terrorism. However, Thieux (2004) notes that the efforts have not been adequate and terrorism is still a major international threat.

This paper set out to demonstrate that international terrorism is the greatest threat to international security that the global community faces today. It begun by nothing that the global security threat posed by conventional military confrontations between nations is very low. However, the threat presented by international terrorism to global security is on the rise.

This threat has led to the deterioration of relationships especially between the West and Arab countries. The influence of terrorists has spread into many countries all over the world and various attacks have been carried out. For this reason, many countries view international terrorism as a threat to their security. Fighting global terrorism should therefore be a key priority for all nations.

Bowen, W & Cottee, M 2012, ‘Multilateral cooperation and the prevention of nuclear terrorism: pragmatism over idealism’, International Affairs , vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 349–368.

Engene, O 2004, Terrorism in Western Europe: Explaining The Trends Since 1950, Edward Elgar Publishing, NY.

Hammond, A 2008, ‘Two countries divided by a common threat? International perceptions of US and UK counter-terrorism and homeland security responses to the post-September 2001 threat environment’, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy , vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 218–239.

Lutz, J & Brenda, J 2004, Global Terrorism , Routledge, NY. Print.

Meyer, C 2009, ‘International terrorism as a force of homogenization? A constructivist approach to understanding cross-national threat perceptions and responses’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs , vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 647-666.

Stewart, P 2006, ‘Weak States and Global Threats: Fact or Fiction?’, Washington Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 27-53.

Tan, A 2007, ‘Singapore’s Cooperation with the Trilateral Security Dialogue Partners in the War Against Global Terrorism’, Defence Studies , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 193-207.

Thieux, L 2004, ‘European Security and Global Terrorism: the Strategic Aftermath of the Madrid Bombing’, Central European Review of International Affairs , vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 59-74.

UK Defence and Security Report 2010, Domestic Security Overview , Business Monitor International Ltd, London.

Victoroff, J 2005, ‘The Mind of the Terrorist: A Review and Critique of Psychological Approaches’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution vol. 49, no.1, pp. 3-42.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 3). International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security.

"International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." IvyPanda , 3 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security'. 3 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019.


IvyPanda . "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019.

essay on world peace

essay on world peace

Category:  Essays and Paragraphs On November 22, 2018 By Mary

World peace

World peace can be referred to as the state of people from all countries in the world being happy and living harmoniously with each other.

World peace creates one international community that can concentrate on greater issues that are affecting the planet like climate change.

When countries work together, they benefit their citizens since they can freely move from one country to another for employment, education or tourism.

Importance of world peace

  • World peace leads to  increased globalization . Globalization is the act where people from different countries are able to interact freely with each other in various aspects.
  • World peace also leads to the  promotion of tourism . With peace, people are freer to tour any country of their choice without fear of violence.
  • World peace also contributes to  cultural exchanges . People are able to interact freely with each other and they can learn different cultures from other people.
  • World peace also contributes to  more   developed economies . This is because people are able to carry out both domestic and foreign investments without fear of the risk of future violence.
  • World peace also contributes to the  unification of people to fight unfair vices.  People are able to speak with one voice to get rid of vices like racism, religious discrimination and gender inequality.
  • World peace also contributes to the  reduction of wars . Warring countries or internal nation conflicts can be reduced if world peace existed. War is the main cause of human suffering in the world.
  • With world peace, you are also assured of  increased freedom of people . People get more freedom whether they are from different religions, race or country. This promotes global cohesion.

How to achieve world peace

  • We can achieve world peace through having  international bodies  that will ensure that every nation upholds world peace. Such a body is United Nations and other world organizations that ensure every country has the responsibility of promoting peace.
  • We can also achieve world peace through  upholding democracy . The main cause of world violence is dictatorship. When countries have the freedom to vote, they are able to choose the right leaders who are peace friendly.
  • World peace is also achieved through  globalization . When globalization is encouraged, countries will uphold peace since they will avoid going into war with countries that have economic ties with them.
  • We achieve world peace when there is  equal representation of nations in international bodies.  This will ensure that no nation is oppressed and no nation is left behind. When some nations are not represented, it creates inequality which may stir violence.
  • World peace can also be achieved by  raising awareness  of the importance of world peace. Nations can create awareness to their citizens by teaching them on the benefits that they will get when they have peaceful coexistence with other nations.
  • World peace can also be achieved by  sharing the country’s wealth equally . This is by giving equal opportunities to all and not overtaxing the poor. This will reduce the cases of rebel movements.

World peace is very important in the growth and prosperity of the entire global community. This is because with world peace, we are able to have more social cohesion and interactions that are beneficial to everyone.

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