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HSC 4th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

Science, Arts & Commerce 4th week assignment question & sample solution for HSC Candidates 2021. HSC assignment answer 4th week PDF is available on our website. Let’s start to know more information in detail.

On 17 th August 2021, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) published a notice about the HSC assignment 2021. DSHE announced HSC 4 th week assignments of Bundle – 1 and Bundle – 3.

HSC 4th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

In total, there are 14 assignments were announced. In this post, we are going to provide you all of them and if you are tired of finding HSC 4 th week assignment answer 2021 PDF, you can expect them here as well.

Bundle – 1 includes Physics, History, Islamic history, Culture, Business organization & management, Islamic Studies, Child Development, and Laghu Sangeet. On the other hand, Bundle – 3 includes Chemistry, Economics, Civics, Logic, Accounting, Food & Nutrition, and Classical music.

If you are following our posts from earlier, you should receive detailed HSC assignment 2021 updates regularly along with a sample solution.

HSC Assignment Answer 2021 4th week

Every student has to submit a total of 30 assignments for 3 main subjects according to their groups/sections. No need to make any assignments for optional subjects. To clarify, students of the music section have to complete 3 assignments on 1st, 7t and 13th week. However, let’s check out the HSC 4 th -week assignments.

Physics Assignment 

Here is the assignment for the 4 th week for the Physics subject. A compulsory subject for science students. Many students struggle with physics. We will soon update sample answers whenever it’s ready.


Check Sample Answer

Chemistry Assignment

A compulsory subject for the students of science group. Check the 4 th -week assignment for the Chemistry subject provided by DSHE. If you are finding it hard to solve, don’t worry. Our expert tutors are already working on the sample answers. You will find here an update soon.


History Assignment

Here is the assignment for the 4 th week for the History subject. Sample answers are getting prepared by our experts.


Islamic History & Culture Assignment

Here is the assignment for the 4 th week for the Islamic History & Culture subject published by DSHE officials. We are working on the sample answers.


Business Organization & Management Assignment

The 4 th -week assignment of the Business Organization & Management is below. Sample answers are not prepared yet.


Islamic Studies Assignment

Here is the Islamic Studies subject assignment for the 4 th week. We are working on the sample answers.


Child Development Assignment

DSHE published the following 4 th -week assignment for the Child Development subject. We will soon post the answers here.


Laghu Sangeet Assignment

Here is the Laghu Sangeet assignment for the 4 th week. Stay with us for its answers.


Economics Assignment

Here is the Economics assignment for the 4 th week. A compulsory subject for Humanities group students. Very soon we will update sample answers of its assignments on our website.


Civics Assignment

Here is the 4 th -week assignment of the Civics subject. Answers will be updated here soon.


Logic Assignment

The 4 th -week assignment of the Logic subject is below. We are working on the answers.


Accounting Assignment

DSHE published the 4 th -week assignment of the Accounting subject, a compulsory one for students of commerce group. However, lots of students find it hard to complete these assignments. No worries, we are preparing sample answers.


Food & Nutrition Assignment

Check below for the 4 th -week assignment of the Food & Nutrition subject. Answers will be available soon.


Classical Music Assignment

Here is the Classic Music 4 th week assignment below. We are working on preparing sample answers; will be available on our website soon.


Our expert tutors are working on each subject to make sample answers for the students. Keep eyes on our website for HSC 4th week assignment answer 2021 and further updates about HSC assignment 2021.

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HSC 4th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 Question Answer For Class 11

HSC 4th week Assignment 2021 & 2022

HSC 4th week Assignment 2021 & 2022 has been published. HSC 2021, 2022 4th week assignment must be resolved and submitted within seven days. Assignments of HSC 2021 and 2022 students have been published on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education after a long delay. This is 4th week of HSC assignment . Prior to the suspension, Inter First Year and Second Year students were able to submit three assignments.

4th-week assignments are scheduled for a total of 7 (HSC 2022) and 14 (HSC 2021) subjects. However, the issues are not mandatory for everyone. Of the seven subjects, some are for the science department, some are for the humanities, and some are for commerce students. So whoever has the subject has to make the answer of the assignment on that subject. So follow our article for various instructions on the assignment solution of HSC 2021 and HSC 2022 examinees.

এইচএসসি ২০২১ এবং এইচএসসি ২০২২ এর চতুর্থ সপ্তাহের প্রশ্ন এবং সমাধান এখানে রয়েছে। নিচে প্রথমে এইচএসসি ২০২১ এর চতুর্থ সপ্তাহের প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর লিঙ্ক পাবেন এবং আরও নিচে এইচএসসি ২০২২ এর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরের লিঙ্ক পাবেন।

HSC 2021 4th Week Assignment

Assignments have been published as 4th Week questions for 2021 HSC candidates. The 4th Week has a total of 14 subjects for 2021 HSC candidates. However, each group student has to solve three assignments. There is no need to solve optional subject assignments. Do you want to get HSC 4th Week Assignment 2021 PDF? Below is the option to download the HSC 4th Week 2021 Assignment PDF. For those who do not support PDF on their mobile, the question of assignment of each subject is given below in the form of pictures. Each topic has a link to answer the HSC 4th Week Assignment 2021 with questions. The question may take some time to solve so the answer will be updated to the specified link as soon as it is resolved.

Groups 1 and 3 are assigned as assignments for the 4th Week of HSC. Group 1 contains seven topics. Topics are Physics, History, History and Culture of Islam, Business Organization and Management, Islamic Studies, Child Development and Short Music. Group 2 contains seven topics. The subjects are Chemistry, Economics, Politics and Good Governance, Logic, Accounting, Food and Nutrition and Classical Music. You have to answer the HSC 4th Week assignment in the above 14 subjects. In the next step we will answer the assignments of all the subjects separately. So all the students who want to download the PDF of HSC 4th week assignment answer thematically please follow us.

Now we will talk about how to answer the HSC 4th Week assignment. So those of us who are worried about the answer of the 4th Week assignment of 2021 HSC examinees follow us. Today I will give instructions on how to answer in all subjects of HSC 4th Week assignments. I will also provide separate answer sheets for the subjects assigned for the 4th Week assignment of HSC candidates. So all the students who want to answer the assignment of HSC 4th Week visit our website.

HSC Physics 4th Week Assignment 2021

2021 HSC Physics 4th week assignment has been done from 4th chapter. The title of the fourth chapter is Newtonian Mechanics. HSC Physics 4th Week assignment 2021 work has to answer a few questions. There is a lot to learn from the HSC 4th Week physics assignment. Be able to gain a detailed idea of ​​Newton’s dynamics. Will also be able to explain the conceptual concept of the ball. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for HSC 4th Week Physics Assignment. If you can answer the HSC 2021 4th Week physics assignment by following the instructions, it will be possible to achieve very good results.

HSC Physics 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC History 4th Week Assignment 2021

I will now talk about the answers of the 4th Week history assignment of HSC 2021 candidates. Students who have not yet prepared answers to HSC 4th Week History Assignment 2021, please follow us. HSC 4th Week History Assignment 2021 job is to analyze the political situation during British rule. Congress and the Muslim League need to discuss the political situation during British rule. In order to get good results from the HSC 4th Week history assignment, the answer sheet must mention some things. The necessity of partition of Bengal must be properly explained. It is also necessary to evaluate the reaction for and against the partition of Bengal. Lastly, the background of the establishment of the Congress and the Muslim League and their political goals and objectives need to be presented.

HSC History 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Islamic History and Culture 4th Week Assignment 2021

The Islamic History and Culture Assignment of the 4th Week for the 2021 HSC candidates has been published. The task of the assignment is to prepare a report on the problems that have arisen in the propagation of Islam in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Medina and its solutions.

Below are the things you need to know in order to answer the HSC 4th Week Islamic history and culture assignment 2021 correctly. It is necessary to know the importance of the Medina Charter and the formation of an ideal state in Medina. It is necessary to have a detailed knowledge of the causes and consequences of various wars during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Also need to know the event of the conquest of Mecca. All the instructions have to be followed to answer the HSC 2021 4th Week Islam history and culture assignment correctly.

HSC Islamic History and Culture 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Chemistry 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 4th Week chemistry assignment has been published. The 4th Week chemistry assignment of HSC 2021 candidates has been taken from the third chapter. The work of HSC 4th Week chemistry assignment 2021 is to analyze the classification and periodicity of the elements. That is, the elements have to be classified on the basis of electron configuration. It will be possible to learn a lot from the chemistry assignment of the 4th Week of HSC. Students who want to achieve excellent results from HSC 2021 4th week Chemistry Assignment, please follow the assignment guidelines.

HSC Chemistry 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Economics 4th Week Assignment 2021

Economics of HSC candidates is given from the second chapter of the 4th Week assignment. The title of the second chapter is Consumer and Producer Behavior. So it will be possible to gain knowledge about how a speaker and producer should behave from the HSC 2021 4th Week economics assignment. Also knowledge of demand, supply, supply rules, demand rules etc. can be acquired from HSC 4th Week economics assignment 2021. To write the answer of HSC 4th Week economics assignment one has to follow the assignment instructions. If you follow the instructions correctly and answer the HSC 4th Week Economics Assignment, you will be able to achieve very good results.

HSC Economics 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Civics 4th Week Assignment 2021

The 2021 HSC candidates have been selected from the 4th Week of Civics Assignment. The title of the third chapter is Values, Law, Freedom and Equality. The HSC 2021 4th Week will have to do a significance analysis as the work of the Civics Assignment. Values ​​and ethics affect law, freedom and equality. The significance of the above statement needs to be analyzed. From the HSC 4th Week Civics Assignment 2021 we will be able to gain detailed knowledge about law ethics values ​​and. Also all the students who want to get very good results from HSC 4th week Civics assignment please follow the assignment instructions.

HSC Civics 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Logic 4th Week Assignment 2021

The 4th Week logic assignment of HSC 2021 examinees has been published. So the logic is a must for all students to follow our article. Selected from HSC 2021 4th Week Logic Assignment Chapter III. The third is the title element. So details about the material of reasoning can be learned from the logic assignment of the 4th Week of HSC. It is also possible to gain knowledge about various elements of logic if the HSC 4th Week logic assignment 2021 can be completed smoothly. Students who want to achieve excellent results from logic assignments, please follow the assignment instructions correctly. If you write the answer sheet following the instructions of the assignment, it will be possible to get good marks.

HSC Logic 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Accounting 4th Week Assignment 2021

Today we will discuss how to answer the HSC 4th Week accounting assignment 2021. So all the students who have accounting as a must follow us. There is also no need to answer assignments for students whose accounting is optional. As part of the HSC 2021 4th Week accounting assignment, it has been asked to prepare a bank reconciliation statement to ensure transparency of cash. A lot of information has been provided for the work of the assignment. Read the helpful information well and make the answer to the assignment. To properly answer the HSC 4th Week accounting assignment one has to follow the instructions.

HSC Accounting 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Food and Nutrition 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Food and Nutrition 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Business Organization and Management 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 4th Week Business Organization and Management Assignment is taken from Chapter II. The title of the second chapter is Business Environment. So it will be possible to gain knowledge about the business environment from today’s assignment. As a function of business organization and management assignment, business organizations need to analyze the impact of elements of the overall and collective environment of the decision-making process. The business environment chapter needs to be well followed to answer the HSC 4th Week business organization and management assignment. Also all the instructions have to be followed to give the correct answer of HSC 4th Week business organization and management assignment.

HSC Business Organization and Management 4th Week Assignment 2021

Get HSC Business Organization and Management Assignment Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021

The Islamic Studies Assignment for the 4th Week of HSC Examiners 2021 has been taken from Chapter III. The title of the third chapter is Islam and Personal Life. The importance and necessity of the concept of Taqwa should be described as the work of the Islamic Studies Assignment for the 4th Week of HSC. So in order to answer the HSC 4th Week Islam education assignment one has to acquire detailed knowledge about Taqwa. Also, in order to give the correct answer to the Islamic Studies Assignment, you have to write the answer following all the instructions. So all the students who want to get good marks in Islamic Studies, please follow the instructions and write the answer to the assignment.

HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Sishur Bikash 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Sishur Bikash 4th Week Assignment 2021

Get HSC Sishur Bikash Assignment Answer

HSC Laghu Sangeet 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Laghu Sangeet 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Uchanga Sangeet (A) 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Uchanga Sangeet (A) 4th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 2022 4th week Assignment Solution

  We will discuss how to solve the 4th week assignment of HSC 2022 students. So those who are candidates for HSC 2022, please read our article carefully. Because by reading this article you will understand how to solve your 4th week assignment. How to solve the best number you can lift.

There are also many students who are not proficient in assignments. For them we will solve the assignment of HSC 2022 week and provide it on our website. You can download the solution of the 4th week assignment from our website. I will also give you instructions on how to give a completely different and standard answer from the assignment. So for those who are worried about HSC 2022 4th week assignment solution please read our article.

There are seven subjects in the 4th week assignment of HSC 2022. We will try to provide guidance on these seven topics separately. So that you can prepare the right solution for each issue. And maintains appropriate standards of resolution.

HSC 4th week Bangla Assignment 2022 Solution

This is the third assignment for Bangla subjects. Previously, HSC 2022 candidates have given two assignments in Bangla. So they have enough experience in doing Bangla assignments. The Bengali assignment of the 4th week has been given from Vidrohi Kavita. Here the assignment is asked to determine the form of the poem in the light of the rebellious poem. It has also been asked to verify the relevance of the poem at the present time.

HSC 4th week Bangla Assignment Solution

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We know that the purpose of every assignment is to learn something. This assignment is no exception. We can learn a lot through assignments. This poem will play a significant role in expressing the attitude of equality towards all people irrespective of caste, creed, caste, creed and profession.

Some instructions have been given for the candidates of HSC 2022 to solve the 4th week Bangla assignment. We have to find out the form in which the poet Kazi Nazrul Islam has presented himself in rebellious poetry. It is important to mention all the traditions and myths used in the poem while solving the Bengali assignment. The rebellious entities of the poet who speak out against inequality must be identified. Also the relevance of rebellious poetry in the context of the present time needs to be verified. When solving the Bangla assignment of the 4th week of HSC, one must pay attention to the spelling and language style.

HSC 4th week physics assignment 2022 solution

This is the third assignment of Physics in the 4th week of HSC 2022. Previously HSC 2020 candidates have submitted two assignments. Thus students have gained considerable experience in preparing physics assignments. There is nothing new to say about the 4th week physics assignment. Not to mention the work of the assignment and the instructions.

HSC 4th week physics assignment solution

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The 4th week physics assignment is taken from the fourth chapter. The title of the chapter is Newtonian Mechanics. That is, the assignment in question must be based on Newton’s mechanics. Here is an illustration of the work of the assignment. And some short questions have been provided. The main task of the assignment is to answer the questions based on the formula.

There are a few things to keep in mind when completing assignments. Newton’s kinetic formula must be used to solve the assignment of HSC 2022 4th week physics subject. All questions of the assignment have to be answered using Newton’s law of motion. So Newton’s law of motion must be mastered very well.

HSC 4th week Civics Assignment 2022 Solution

Civics is the third assignment. This is a matter of the humanities department. So students in the humanities department should take this issue seriously. Assignments are scheduled from the third chapter. The content and title of the third chapter are Freedom and Equality of Value Law. This chapter discusses human values. There is also a consistent focus on the three issues of freedom of law and equality.

HSC Civics 4th Week Assignment 2022

As an assignment work, we need to discuss how the relationship between freedom of law and equality affects values ​​and ethics. So we need to discuss how the three issues of freedom of law and equality can affect human values ​​and morals. Follow our guidelines to properly address the 4th week of Civics assignments. Also, those who are having trouble doing the assignment please download the HSC 2022 4th week Assignment Solution from our website.

We have a lot to learn from that assignment. If we can do the assignment well, we will know the relationship between law and ethics. I will understand the relationship between freedom and equality. I will also be able to realize that freedom of law and equality are interrelated. Learn about democratic values. Understand the importance of values ​​in establishing good governance. There are a few things to keep in mind when solving. Such as the concept of values ​​and morality, the concept of freedom of law and equality, the interrelationship and importance of freedom and equality.

HSC 4th week Economics Assignment 2022 Solution

We will now discuss the 4th week economics assignment solution for students participating in HSC Exam 2022. This is the third assignment in economics. Economics assignments are taken from the second chapter. Chapter: The title is Consumer and Producer Behavior.

HSC Economics 4th Week Assignment 2022

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The 4th week has been asked to analyze the market balance as an assignment of economics topics. Here the quantity and price of a product in the market is given. The job of the assignment is to analyze the balance of that market. He is interested to buy 15 kg, 20 kg and 25 kg guava from Ramesh Bazar at Rs 80, Rs 70 and Rs 60 per kg respectively. On the other hand, the guava seller wants to supply guava in the market at the price of 25 kg, 20 kg and 15 kg respectively. Guava market equilibrium needs to be analyzed on the basis of the information mentioned.

Students participating in the HSC Exam 2022 have a lot to learn if they can complete the assignments in the 4th week of Economics. Be able to gain detailed knowledge about demand and supply. Can provide supply rules and diagrams. Equilibrate formulas and mathematically determine the price and quantity also.

There are a few things to keep in mind when resolving the 4th week economics assignment. The concept and schedule of demand and supply should be provided with diagrams. Content must be accurate. Consistency must be maintained in the presentation of content. Must acquire skills of problem solving and analysis. Creativity and aesthetics must be maintained in the analysis.

HSC 4th week logic assignment 2022 solution

This is the third assignment on the 4th week logic of HSC 2022 examinees. The 4th week assignment is taken from the third chapter. The title of the third chapter is the element of reasoning. There is a lot to learn from Chapter Three. Be able to gain an idea about the elements of reasoning. Be able to describe the elements of reasoning. Also be able to describe the difference between terms and words. Be able to explain and compare the meaning and meaning of the verse.

HSC Logic 4th Week Assignment 2021

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As a work of assignment, a practical example should be given by comparative analysis of the meaning and meaning of the term as an element of reasoning. Candidates of HSC 2022 have to follow a few guidelines to answer the 4th week assignment. Below are instructions for solving the 4th week logic assignment.

The concepts and differences of terms and words need to be explained. Arguments need to be explained by discussing simple sentences. Explanations of expressions and meanings should be given with examples. It is also necessary to explain the rules of reduction and increase of expressions and meanings with pictures. Must provide examples between all explanations also.

HSC 4th week Accounting Assignment 2022 Solution

This is the fourth assignment for HSC 2022 candidates. The fourth assignment is to create solutions to the subject of accounting science. Now we will discuss how to solve the assignment of sad science accounting. So all students have an accounting subject they please follow us.

HSC Accounting 4th Week Assignment 2022

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This is the third assignment of the accounting wonder. Previously, students in the field of accounting have submitted two assignments. So they have gained enough experience to prepare assignment solutions in accounting science. We have given instructions to solve the assignment on the subject of pre-accounting science.

Here the assignment work is to prepare the bank reconciliation statement by investigating the reasons for the discrepancy quoted in the cash book and bank statement. Some information is provided to prepare the assignment. He has to create the solution of the assignment based on all the information. So there is a lot to learn from completing the 4th week accounting assignment. Learn how to differentiate between cash books and bank account surplus. The bank will also be able to prepare adjustment statements. The result will be able to ensure the transparency of cash.

There are some guidelines for solving HSC 2020 4th week accounting assignments. Bank Debit Money Bank deposits must be reduced. When solving, you have to work according to the conventional hobby. That is to say, it is necessary to use the kind of work that is done through the conventional table. Must be consistent with the results. The reason for the mismatch must be explained. Bank statements need to be prepared in the conventional manner. The presentation of analytical ability must be beautiful also.

HSC 4th week food and nutrition assignment 2022 solution

This is the third assignment of the 4th week on food and nutrition. 4th week food nutrition assignments are taken from Chapter Four. The name and content of the chapter is Calories. The 4th week of HSC 2022 examinees discussed the food and nutrition assignment calories.

HSC Food & Nutrition 4th Week Assignment Answer

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HSC 2022 needs to create a calorie table to solve assignments on food and nutrition in the 4th week. Your family or neighbors or relatives need to attach information to any 5 people. And they need to identify what is causing the difference in their calorie needs. And to calculate the allowable demand to match the caloric needs obtained in the list.

Before completing the assignment of the 4th week of HSC 2022, data of 5 persons must be collected. If you can complete the assignment on food and nutrition, you can gain knowledge on a few things. You can explain calories and calorie needs. Be able to describe calorie needs by age and gender.

Some guidelines need to be followed to resolve assignments regarding food and nutrition in the 4th week. A person’s calorie needs need to be determined differently. It is necessary to mention the reasons for the difference in the calorie needs of the individual by fulfilling the hobby properly. Hobby to present the approved calorie requirements according to age. It is also necessary to compare the daily needs of individuals with the permitted needs. However Textbooks, classroom teachers and the internet can be used as required to prepare HSC Examiner 2022 4th week food and nutrition assignments.

HSC 4th Week Assignment 2021 Answer PDF Download

We will provide answers to all the topics of the HSC 4th Week assignment in PDF format. Students who want to download HSC 4th Week Assignment PDF can follow our website.

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  1. HSC 4th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

    Here is the Economics assignment for the 4thweek. A compulsory subject for Humanities group students. Very soon we will update sample answers of its assignments on our website.…