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Interesting Places

Nusa ceningan.

  • Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Penida

  • Blue Point Beach
  • Bratan Lake
  • Besakih Temple
  • Candidasa Beach
  • Jimbaran Beach
  • Legian Beach
  • Lovina Beach
  • Mount Agung
  • Padang Padang Beach
  • Sanur Beach
  • Tampak Siring
  • Tanjung Benoa
  • Tanah Lot Temple
  • Timbis Hill
  • Uluwatu Temple

descriptive essay about kuta beach

Once a lonely little village on the road from Denpasar to Bukit Peninsula, Kuta is now the tourist Mecca of Bali, popular mainly among the young and adventurous. Kuta beach is one of the first favorite beaches discovered by tourist. Coconut trees line the sand beach as far as the eyes can see towards the north stopped by the runway of Denpasar's airport far in the west. The sunset in Kuta is most breathtaking. On the south, the beach is fenced by the airport's runway, which gives the visitors a breathtaking landing experience. Kuta Beach bustles with tourists' vendors and locals. It's the most popular beach in Bali and the island's number one party zone. The beach stretches as far north as the eyes can see. As short walk away north, the waves will invite to surfing. Rapid development and an influx of visitors haven't kept the surfers away and Kuta still remains one of Bali's best surfing beaches and a great place to enjoy a beach lifestyle.

While the surfers are still part of the Kuta scene, it's the shopping, nightlife and party vibes that attracts thousands of visitors. There's a huge choice of accommodation, restaurants and entertainment. The accommodation in Kuta range from a modest home stay for a few dollars a night to luxurious, five star, international hotels costing several hundred to several thousand dollars a night. Legian Street, situated directly behind the row of hotels that face the beach, is lined with shops of all varieties. We can find any Balinese handicrafts here, from the least expensive to the most exquisite; or unique stores such as the leather store staffed by two young Balinese men that will perfectly sculpt a leather jacket. (They are all extremely talented artists). _At night, Kuta is alive with night life. Western influences create discotheques, dance clubs, and pubs. Gastronomical demands inspire a multitude of restaurants, serving traditional Indonesian and Balinese food to various ethnic meals from Japan, Switzerland, etc. As if these were not enough, various Balinese dance performances are staged in Kuta every night. One of the best Kecak performances is found in Kuta.

Indonesia Tourism

Writing Beginner

How to Describe a Beach in Writing (21 Best Tips & Examples)

The gentle ebb and flow of waves, the warmth of golden sands, and the melodies of seagulls overhead – beaches captivate the senses.

I’ve described beaches many times in my own short stories and novels.

Here’s how to describe a beach in writing :

Describe a beach in writing by focusing on its unique size, climate, sand color, and location. Explore sensory details such as the sound of waves, the scent of saltwater, and the feel of the sand. Highlight cultural elements, marine life, vegetation, seasonal shifts, and local activities.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to describe a beach in writing.

1. Unearth the Sands of Time

How to Describe a Beach in Writing

Table of Contents

Every beach tells a story.

Some are age-old resting spots for local fishermen, while others have seen shipwrecks, invasions, or have been silent witnesses to lovers’ tales.

Before diving into descriptions, research the history of the beach you’re writing about.

This will not only add depth to your narrative but also connect readers to a bygone era.

Plus, if you love beaches as much as I do, then this will be pure heaven for you.

While some beaches have preserved their old-world charm with untouched landscapes, others boast modern-day beach shacks, surfing schools, or yoga retreats.

Distinguishing between the ancient sands and modernized coasts can set the mood for your description.

2. Palette of the Sands

Not all beaches are golden.

Some have white, powdery sands, while others flaunt a rare black, pink, or even green hue.

The color of the sand can significantly influence the ambiance of the beach.

Dive into the specifics – is the sand fine or coarse? Is it cool to the touch or sun-baked and warm?

Often, the sand isn’t just sand. It’s interspersed with shells, pebbles, seaweed, and sometimes even fragments of corals. Highlight these unique elements as they add character to the beach and provide sensory details for readers.

3. Dance of the Tides

Some beaches are known for their calm, lapping waves, making them ideal for relaxation.

In contrast, others are marked by powerful, crashing waves perfect for adventurous activities like surfing.

Describe the rhythm, sound, and sight of the waves to convey the beach’s spirit.

Understanding the tidal patterns can greatly enhance your description.

Low tides might expose hidden tidal pools, while high tides might bring with them a sense of mystery and anticipation.

This also affects the beach’s width and appearance at different times.

4. Symphony of the Shore

The beach isn’t silent.

From the cries of the seagulls to the whispers of the winds and the rhythmic sound of waves, nature creates a symphony.

Use auditory descriptions to transport readers to the shore.

On popular beaches, the sound of children’s laughter, chatter from nearby cafes, or tunes from a distant radio can add layers to the auditory experience.

Decide whether your beach is serene and untouched or bustling with activity.

5. Coastal Climate Chronicles

Is the beach sun-drenched, making it ideal for sunbathing? Or is it frequently cloaked in mist, giving it a mysterious aura?

The weather plays a crucial role in setting the scene and can influence activities, moods, and narratives.

Beaches transform with seasons.

While summer brings in crowds and vibrant energy, winter might render the beach desolate, with only the bravest souls venturing out.

Describe these shifts to add depth to your narrative.

6. Sunlit Spectacles

The magic of a beach often unfolds during the golden hours.

Narrate the transformation of the horizon as the sun rises, casting a delicate pink and gold hue, or as it sets, engulfing the world in fiery reds and deep purples.

The changing colors reflect not only in the sky but also in the water and sand.

While sunrise and sunset are dramatic, the midday sun brings out the vibrancy of beach activities, and nighttime might unveil a sky full of stars or even bioluminescent waves on certain beaches.

7. Flora’s Flourish

Many beaches are lined with specific vegetation, from towering palm trees to delicate dune flowers.

Describe the flora’s color, shape, and how it dances in the breeze, adding life to the coastal landscape.

Floral aromas mixed with the salty sea air can create a heady combination.

Bring out the varied fragrances one might encounter while taking a leisurely stroll.

8. Fauna Features

Tidal pools might house starfish, crabs, or tiny fishes.

Coral beaches might be teeming with colorful marine life. Delve into the beauty of the creatures that call the beach their home.

From seagulls to pelicans and sandpipers, the avian world adds movement and sound to the beach.

Their behaviors, from hunting for fish to playful chases, can be delightful to describe.

9. Activity Avenues

Be it children building sandcastles, surfers riding waves, or yoga enthusiasts greeting the sun, beaches often become hubs of activities.

Depicting these can give readers a sense of the beach’s energy.

Not all beachgoers seek company.

Some look for solitude – a quiet corner to read, meditate, or just gaze at the horizon.

Highlighting these moments adds depth and contrast.

10. Textures and Touch

Beyond visuals, the feel of the beach is vital.

Is the sand powdery soft, or is it grainy and rough? Does the water feel icy cold or pleasantly warm?

Engaging the sense of touch can make descriptions palpable.

How does the beach make one feel? Tranquil, exhilarated, nostalgic?

Tapping into emotions can resonate deeply with readers.

11. Tastes of the Tides

A trip to the beach is incomplete without the taste of salt on your lips from the sea spray.

For many beaches, nearby stalls serve fresh seafood.

Describing the tantalizing flavors of the ocean’s bounty can make readers’ mouths water.

Beach destinations often have signature beverages – from coconut water to adult drinks.

Highlighting these drinks can set the tone and mood of the beach scene.

12. Auditory Adventures

Every beach has its unique sound of waves – from gentle lapping to roaring surfs.

These sounds are soothing and rhythmic, making them integral to a beach description.

Include the distant laughter of beachgoers, the chirping of coastal birds, or the playful shout of children.

Such sounds breathe life into the scene.

13. Historical Hints

Many beaches have rich histories, from pirate tales to ancient civilizations.

Weaving in some historical elements can give depth to the beach’s narrative.

Statues, forts, or old lighthouses can stand as silent witnesses to the past. Mentioning these can make a beach scene more vivid and layered.

14. Moods of the Sea

The mood of the sea changes with weather and tides.

While a calm sea can be serene and inviting, a stormy sea can be wild and dramatic. Depicting these moods can influence the story’s atmosphere.

Low tide might reveal hidden treasures like shells or ancient shipwrecks, while high tide brings in waves and fresh mysteries.

The ebb and flow of tides can be metaphorical and descriptive.

15. Colorful Canvases

Describing the varying shades of blues, greens, and golds of the sea, sky, and sand can paint a vivid picture.

Sunlight plays a role in these changing hues, so consider the time of day.

Beaches at night transform into a world of silvery moonlight, shadows, and possibly bioluminescent creatures.

Using a palette of darker shades can set a contrasting and mystical scene.

16. Human Imprints

From lone footprints in the sand to majestic sandcastles, human touch is evident on many beaches.

Describing these imprints can suggest recent activity or age-old legacies.

Sadly, not all human imprints are poetic (or positive).

Describing signs of pollution, like plastic waste, can serve as a stark reminder and add an environmental angle to your narrative.

17. Unique Underwater Worlds

Many beaches are gateways to underwater paradises.

Vividly describing the diverse, colorful corals can transport readers into a magical realm.

Each coral formation has its own charm, from brain corals’ intricate patterns to the elegant sway of sea fans.

Beaches often harbor rich marine ecosystems.

Describing encounters with playful dolphins, curious turtles, or schools of shimmering fish can add depth and wonder to your narrative.

18. Local Life and Culture

Many coastal communities have age-old traditions linked to the sea.

Highlighting local festivals, rituals, or even daily activities like fish markets can provide readers with a cultural immersion.

Local handicrafts or special beachside dishes can offer a sensory feast.

Be it a description of intricate seashell jewelry or the tantalizing aroma of grilled seafood, integrating local flavors can enrich your beach description.

19. Dynamic Dunes and Vegetation

Sand dunes, shaped by the wind, can change forms and create mesmerizing patterns.

Describing these dynamic landscapes can add an element of nature’s artistry to your narrative.

Coastal vegetation, from tall palm trees to dense mangroves, not only adds to the beach’s visual appeal but also plays a crucial role in maintaining coastal ecology.

Diving into descriptions of these can add both beauty and educational value.

20. Seasonal Shifts

While summer might bring in sunbathers, winter could wrap the beach in misty allure. Capturing these seasonal nuances can create varied and engaging settings.

Monsoon or hurricane seasons can drastically change beach atmospheres.

Describing the sheer power of nature during such times can infuse drama and tension into your story.

21. Adventure and Activities

From surfing monstrous waves to peaceful kayaking sessions, beaches offer numerous adventure opportunities.

Describing the thrill and challenges of these activities can inject action into your beach scenes.

Leisurely activities like beachcombing can be therapeutic and rewarding.

Detailed descriptions of discovering seashells, driftwood, or even messages in bottles can add mystery and intrigue.

Here is my video that I made about how to describe a beach in writing:

30 Best Words to Describe a Beach in Writing

I’ve collected some of the best words to describe beaches.

Feel free to use these words to bring beaches to life in your own stories:

  • Sun-drenched
  • Crystal-clear
  • Picturesque

30 Best Phrases to Describe a Beach in Writing

Consider using these phrases to describe the beaches in your stories:

  • Waves lapping at the shore
  • Blanket of golden sands
  • Palm trees swaying gently
  • Horizon stretching endlessly
  • Colors of the setting sun
  • Children building sandcastles
  • Echo of distant seagulls
  • Soft whisper of the ocean breeze
  • Shells scattered like treasures
  • Footprints washed away
  • Secrets of the deep blue
  • Calm before the storm
  • A dance of playful dolphins
  • Reflection of a crimson sky
  • Nature’s perfect canvas
  • Dunes shaped by the wind
  • Taste of salt on the lips
  • Shadows growing longer
  • Aromas of beachside grills
  • Moonlit silver waters
  • Mystery of tidal patterns
  • Laughter and beach games
  • Sway of coastal grasses
  • Rhythms of the coastal life
  • Stories the tide brings in
  • Gentle embrace of the sea
  • Paradise found and lost
  • Hideaway for dreamers
  • Dance of light on waves
  • Sands of time standing still

3 Examples of How to Describe a Beach

Let’s look at three imaginative depictions of beaches, each resonating with the unique essence of its respective genre.

  • Romance : The serene beach under the moon’s embrace seemed to whisper tales of ageless romances. The moonlight cast a silvery glow on the quiet beach, where waves serenaded the shores. The sands, cool beneath their feet, became their dance floor. Their hearts resonated with the rhythm of the waves, as they lost themselves in each other’s embrace, amidst the vastness of the ocean.
  • Mystery/Thriller : A heavy atmosphere weighed down on the beach, with secrets buried as deep as its oceanic abyss. The beach was eerily silent, save for the relentless pounding of the waves. A thick fog hung low, concealing much of the shore. As Detective Adams approached, the beam from his flashlight revealed a set of footprints, leading into the mysterious abyss of the night.
  • Fantasy : To the common eye, it’s a beach. But for those with the sight, The Golden Sands of Elaria were gateways to otherworldly adventures. As dawn broke, the sands sparkled with magic. Mermaids emerged from the turquoise depths, dragons soared above the azure skies, and ancient runes appeared, guiding brave adventurers to hidden realms beneath.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Beach in Writing

Describing beaches is truly an ocean of opportunities.

Dive into more treasures by exploring other articles on our site – you never know what pearls of wisdom you’ll unearth!

Read This Next:

  • How to Describe a Bed in Writing (10+ Tips and Examples)
  • How to Describe a Train in Writing (30+ Words & Examples)
  • How to Describe Flying in Writing (21 Best Tips + Examples)
  • How to Write Traveling Scenes Readers Love (21 Best Tips)

Kuta Bali: Example of Descriptive Text about Place with Generic Structure

English Amin learning English text types. We are giving you  an example of descriptive text with the generic structure . One of the most powerful writing style is descriptive. It portrays the image which the writers catch and is transferred to the readers.

Descriptive writing gives detail explanation on how the specific thing, person, or place looks like. Now let’s see the sample below!

The Beautiful Kuta Bali

Generic structure oaf descriptive text about place

Kuta is the exciting tourist area on the southern part of Bali.  Most tourists visiting Bali do not forget to spend their time in Kuta

It is located in southwestern Bali, just minutes from the airport.

Kuta is one of the world’s most famous beaches. It first attracted Western surfers with its world renowned surf break followed closely behind by sun worshipers and party goers attracted to its wide stretches of white sandy beach.

Kuta is the center of night life activities. Kuta has a shopping mecca, with its lines of shops, boutiques, and galleries. Restaurants line up the streets as well as the beachfront hotels, ranging from a small, inexpensive homestay to a luxurious resort

There are many night clubs along Jalan Legian and Jalan Pantai Kuta. The busiest time for all night clubs are around from 22:00 and will close until down.

The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text about Kuta Bali Beach Every descriptive text should contain the generic structure of specific identification and some detail explanation of the identified object. Here is the sample structure! 1. Identification : Showing what specific participant which will be described in the text. In sample It is about the Kuta Bali beach. Kuta beach and not the other beaches 2. Descriptions : Showing the image of the participant. In this sample, Kuta bali beach is described as a location in Southern Bali which is just minute from the airport. It also described as the place of beautiful place for surfers. Kuta Bali beach is also described as the  center of night life activities.

This short example of descriptive text about Kuta Bali beach is arranged from: Photo is credited to

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descriptive essay about kuta beach

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7 Best Beaches in Kuta, Lombok You Must Visit

Are you looking for the best beaches in Kuta, Lombok? One of the best things to do in Kuta is to visit the beautiful beaches.

Kuta is a popular beach destination in Lombok, with beautiful white sandy beaches, crystal clear turquoise waters, and many surf spots.

Most beaches in Kuta are free to visit, so another great reason to add Lombok to your bucket list.

We’ve put together a list of the most beautiful beaches in Kuta, Lombok.

Use the map at the bottom of this post  to find the best beaches in Kuta, Lombok.

Disclosure: This post contains a few affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through our link. This is a free way to support us and allow us to continue to create inspiring adventure travel guides.

Best hotels in Kuta, Lombok

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descriptive essay about kuta beach

When is the Best Time to Visit Kuta, Lombok Beaches?

Indonesia has two seasons: a dry season and a rainy season.

Lombok is a popular destination all year round!  But the best time to visit Kuta Lombok beaches is during the dry season, from May to October.

August is the driest month! The weather is sunny and dry during these months, perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and exploring the Lombok Island.

Kuta has a tropical climate with high humidity, and the average temperature is 29°C all year round.

The busiest time to visit Kuta is between July and August.

It’s good to know that during the rainy season (from November to April)  or when the sea conditions are bad, the boat schedules can change and be delayed a lot, so plan your trip to Lombok!

TIP In high season, we strongly recommend booking accommodation, ferry tickets, and tours in advance!

Recommended post →   Ultimate Lombok Itinerary

Kuta Lombok beach

How to Get to Kuta, Lombok

Important note There are two Kuta in Indonesia, one in Bali and the other in Lombok!

You can easily get to Lombok by public ferry, fast boat, and plane. Book your ferry tickets to Lombok with 12Go. Most people come to Kuta from the Gili Islands, Bali or Senggigi.

Unfortunately, there is no airport in Kuta.

The nearest airport is in Lombok, the Lombok International Airport (airport code LOP).

The distance between Lombok Airport and Kuta is 20 km, and the travel time is approximately 25 minutes.

You can fly from Bali, the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (airport code DPS), to Lombok and then take a taxi, Damri bus, or private transfer to Kuta.

The flight takes just 40 minutes, and tickets start from 65 USD (without luggage) per person for one way.

TIP Use Skyscanner to find cheap flights to Lombok, Indonesia.

We have a detailed post on  how to get from Bali to Lombok  with all the information you need.

Best beaches in Kuta, Lombok

How to Get from the Gili Islands to Kuta, Lombok

From the Gili Islands, boats run regularly to Bangsal Harbour, Lombok.

The journey takes approximately  1 hour from Gili Trawangan to Bangsal Port , and boat tickets start from 10 USD per person.

We traveled by boat from  Gili Air  to Lombok, and the journey took 20 minutes to Bangsal Harbour.

The boat ticket starts from 6 USD per person.

You can easily buy boat tickets at any port, but we recommend booking online with 12Go!

Good to know The boats don’t usually leave at the exact departure time, as they leave when they are full, so you should arrive at least 30 minutes before departure!

The distance between Kuta and Bangsal Port is 75 km, about 2 hours. In the Bangsal Harbour area, you can rent a motorbike, catch a taxi, or hire a private driver to Kuta.

If you are already in Senggigi, you can easily get to Kuta by motorbike. The journey takes about 1.5 hours.

Recommended post →   Things to Do in Gili Air

descriptive essay about kuta beach

How to Get Around Kuta

Wondering how to visit the best beaches in Kuta, Lombok? It’s easy to get around Kuta.

Unlike  Nusa Penida , Lombok has good paved roads!

The best ways to get around Kuta are to rent a scooter or hire a private driver.

We rented a motorbike and explored the beaches of Kuta at our own pace. Always wear a helmet and avoid driving at night!

Scooter rental starts from 65,000 IDR (4,35 USD) per day,  but we don’t recommend paying more than 75,000 IDR (5 USD). If you rent a scooter for several days, ask for a discount!

Are you looking for affordable travel insurance for your upcoming holiday or for digital nomads? We always choose  SafetyWing  for our travels, which covers people all over the world while they are away from home.

Getting around Kuta, Lombok

Best Beaches in Kuta, Lombok

1. kuta beach lombok.

Pantai Kuta is the most popular beach in Lombok! But in our opinion, it’s very overrated, and there are much better beaches in Kuta. Although it’s still worth a short visit.

You can easily reach Kuta Beach, just a 15-30 minute walk, depending on where your accommodation is. There are many local shops and restaurants, so it’s worth a stroll along the beach.

On our visit, the beach was very littered, so we wouldn’t recommend swimming here.

Kuta Beach Lombok is ideal for watching the sunset or if you are looking for nightlife in the town.

The parking fee for Kuta Beach is 10,000 IDR (0,65 USD).

From Kuta Beach, you can easily walk to the beautiful Mandalika Beach and take photos of the colorful boats and the Mandalika sign.

Good to know There are two Kuta beaches in Indonesia, one in Bali and the other in Lombok!

Keep reading → Things to Do in Kuta

Kuta Beach, Lombok

2. Mawun Beach

Lombok has many beautiful beaches, but in our opinion, the most beautiful beach in Kuta is Mawun Beach. On our visit in May, we were lucky as there were no tourists and only a few locals around the beach.

Mawun Beach is just 20 minutes drive from Kuta.

The untouched white sands with breathtaking scenery and crystal clear turquoise waters make it the perfect place for beach lovers.

The entrance fee to Mawun Beach is 5,000 IDR (0,35 USD) per person, and parking is free.

Spend a few relaxing hours at Pantai Mawun, swimming, relaxing on the sun loungers, and strolling along the beach. There are some great warungs by the beach where you can eat delicious local food.

Combine your visit with two beautiful beaches, Tampah Beach and Lancing Beach are just a short drive away.

TIP If you have a drone, bring it with you because the views from above are stunningly beautiful.

See also → Best Things to Do in Lombok

Mawun Beach, Lombok

3. Seger Beach

Are you looking for more beaches in Kuta, Lombok? Pantai Seger is a small beach located 15 minutes drive from Kuta.

The parking fee is 10,000 IDR (0,65 USD).

If you’re looking for the best views in Kuta, don’t miss Bukit Seger and Bukit Merese (popular sunset viewpoint).

You can enjoy incredible views from Bukit Seger, located on the other side of the bamboo bridge. There are many local vendors, so if you want to buy a delicious coconut, it’s the perfect place.

The entrance fee to Bukit Seger is only 5,000 IDR (0,35 USD) per person.

TIP Combine your visit with two stunning beaches, Mandalika Beach and Kuta Beach, just a short drive away.

More beaches in Indonesia →   Nusa Penida

Bukit Seger, Kuta

4. Tanjung Aan Beach

Are you looking for less crowded beaches in Kuta, Lombok? One of the hidden gems is Pantai Tanjung Aan, which most people skip during their visit.

It is a spacious beach with crystal clear waters and untouched sand. You can easily spend a relaxing day here swimming, surfing, and lounging on the sunbeds.

There is no entrance fee, and parking is free!

In fact, it was our favorite beach in Kuta , and we visited it twice.

Hungry? We recommend the Warung Turtle Resto Cafe, where you can eat delicious local food and drink cold beer.

TIP If you have limited time in Kuta, there are two beaches you should not miss: Mawun Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. Trust us, you will not be disappointed by their beauty.

See also →  Best Waterfalls in Lombok

descriptive essay about kuta beach

5. Pink Beach, Lombok

Are you looking for the best beaches near Kuta, Lombok? Although there are many Pink beaches in the world, one of the most popular is near Kuta in Lombok.

It is about a 1.5-2 hour drive from Kuta, but the best way to reach the Pink Beach is to join a day trip. Book Lombok Pink Beach tour through  Viator.

On the guided tour, you can visit Pink Beach 1&2, snorkel at Gili Petelu, swim at Pulau Pasir (sandbar), and enjoy the panoramic views at Tanjung Ringgit.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t visit it, but if you have time, don’t skip it on your Lombok Itinerary.

6. Mawi Beach

Are you a surf lover? Pantai Mawi is one of the best surfing beaches in Kuta, recommended for intermediate and advanced surfers.

You can get to Mawi Beach in approximately 45-60 minutes. If you turn off the main road, the road conditions will be bad (the path is unpaved and very bumpy.)

Mawi Beach is located near Pantai Semeti and Telewas Beach, so plan to take extra time to explore the beaches.

Good to know Mawi Beach is not recommended for swimming due to the large waves.

We’ve put together a list of the  most beautiful beaches in Lombok.

Kuta Lombok Beaches

7. Selong Belanak Beach

Just a 35-minute drive from Kuta, one of the most popular beaches in Lombok is Pantai Selong Belanak. It’s a perfect place for relaxing, swimming, and for beginner surfers.

The parking fee is 5,000 IDR (0,35 USD).

Selong Belanak’s beautiful white sandy beach with lush green hills and passing water buffalos offers fantastic photo opportunities.

You can rent surfboards, take surf lessons, and eat delicious local food in the warungs.

TIP Since this is one of the most visited beaches in Kuta, take care of your valuables.

Read more → Senggigi Guide

Selong Belanak Beach

Where to Stay in Kuta

There are some luxury hotels and beach resorts in Kuta, but accommodation options are available for all budgets. These are our recommendations.

  • Luxury:   Pullman Lombok Merujani Mandalika Beach Resort
  • Mid-Range:   Novotel Lombok Resort & Villas
  • Budget:   JM Hotel

Map of the Best Beaches in Kuta, Lombok

What to pack for visiting kuta beaches, lombok.

  • Quick-dry towel
  • Camera gear
  • GoPro or Waterproof phone bag
  • Local money

Tips for Visiting the Beaches in Kuta, Lombok

  • There is no entrance fee to most of the beaches in Kuta but bring cash.
  • Take plenty of water and snacks.
  • Spend as much time as possible in Lombok and enjoy the best beaches in Kuta.
  • Petty theft often happens on beaches. So always keep an eye on your valuables while swimming!
  • You can easily walk along the beach at low tide, but be careful at high tide!
  • The best way to visit the beaches is to rent a scooter. Alternatively, hire a private driver!
  • Currents around the Lombok can be strong and unpredictable, so be careful when swimming or snorkeling!
  • You can support the locals by buying coconuts near the beaches or eating at a warung (local restaurant)!

Beaches in Kuta, Lombok

We hope you found our guide to the best beaches in Kuta, Lombok, useful and will inspire you to visit some beautiful beaches. If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know in the comments below.

Travel Resources

Hotels – Car Rentals – Discover Cars Flights – Skyscanner Travel Insurance – SafetyWing Tours & Attractions – GetYourGuide Bus/Ferry/Transfer – 12Go


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Kuta Beach Info | Guide to Swimming, PADI Diving & Snorkeling in Bali

Bali is a tropical getaway best known for its white-sand beaches and warm waters. Of all of the beaches that line the island’s coasts, Kuta Beach is easily the most popular. This iconic beach is located in the resort town of Kuta in the Badung regency. It is a hub for beach culture, nightlife, and shopping, with a great mix of both luxury and budget accommodations for all types of travelers. There is no better way to experience the energy and excitement of Bali than with a visit to Kuta Beach . Here’s everything you need to know for your trip to this iconic landmark.

Kuta beach-Bali-Sunset at Kuta Beach

History of Kuta Beach

Until the 1960s, Kuta was just a small fishing village, and Kuta Beach was only home to one small hotel. As tourism investment started coming into Bali in the 1970s, investors saw one of their first big opportunities in the further development of the beach area. They began to build more accommodations, as well as shopping centers, bars, cafes, and restaurants. Kuta Beach soon became popular among the surfing and backpacking crowd. In fact, during the 1980s, it was considered to be one of the three “Ks” on the backpacking trail, the other two being Khao San Road in Bangkok and Kathmandu in Nepal.

Today, Kuta Beach attracts a truly diverse crowd of both international travelers from all over the world and domestic travelers from other parts of Indonesia. It continues to be popular with young surfers and backpackers but is also a top choice among families and couples seeking a romantic vacation. It is one of Bali ‘s main playgrounds for people of all ages.

Kuta beach-Bali-Surfing

Top Kuta Beach activities

Kuta Beach stretches out over three miles along the southwest coast of Bali . The beach is clean and well-maintained, the water is pleasant, and there is plenty of space to track down your own spot of sand even on busy days. No matter what your favorite beach activity is, you can likely do it here at Kuta Beach .

One of the main activities at Kuta Beach is, of course, swimming. It’s a great place to cool off with a dip in the ocean. Just make sure you don’t swim out past the red and yellow flags, which have been set out by lifeguards to mark areas of stronger waves and currents.

Kuta Beach is also a top spot to work on your tan, just take steps to protect yourself from the strong sun, such as wearing sunscreen and not staying under it for too long before seeking some shade. While food vendors are not allowed on the beach, there are many vendors selling drinks you can enjoy while you sit back and relax.

No matter the time or day, there are always surfers out on Kuta Beach . The sandy bottom, lack of dangerous coral, and relatively gentle surf make this a fantastic spot to learn. Surfboards can be rented easily and cheaply at the beach. You can also sign up for surf school or surfing lessons if you’re interested.

Water sports

In addition to surfing, Kuta Beach is a hub for a wide range of other water sports. Some of the most popular activities include parasailing, jet ski, water ski, banana boat, donut boat, and wakeboarding. There are plenty of tour operators around offering multi-sport packages for an action-packed morning or afternoon.

Scuba diving

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to scuba dive, Kuta Beach is the place to do it. You can find many companies offering scuba diving courses and even day trips to world-class diving sites just a short distance away. Divers of all skill levels will find a course or an excursion to suit them.

Watching the sunset

Kuta Beach is one of the best spots in all of Bali to take in the sunset. In fact, it is often known by the name “Sunset Beach.” Its west-facing location provides spectacular views of the sun dipping below the horizon, painting the sky and the water bright orange. The sun typically sets around 6 p.m., and it is recommended that you grab a viewing spot by 5:30 p.m.

Kuta beach-Bali-Tourists on the beach

How to get to Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach is just a 15-minute drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport , making it an ideal first stop on your Bali itinerary. The recommended way to get there, especially if you have luggage, is by taxi. You can catch a taxi by going to the airport taxi stand and paying at the counter. The journey to Kuta Beach from the airport only costs about 100,000 IDR.

Getting around Kuta Beach

Once you are at Kuta Beach , getting around the area to the different restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and hotels is easy and typically done on foot. A one-way street called Jalan Pantai Kuta runs directly parallel to the beach and has everything you could want. If you need to go a little further than walking distance, then it’s always easy and economical to catch a metered taxi. Renting a scooter for a day is also an affordable way to zip around town, and should only cost about 50,000 IDR.

Kuta beach-Bali-Beachwalk Shopping Center

Nearby shopping

If you’ve had your fill of excitement at the beach and would like to do some shopping, you don’t need to go far. Kuta Beach is located right next to some of the town’s main shopping centers, where you can buy a wide variety of clothing and souvenirs. It’s also very convenient if you need some new swim or surf gear.

Beachwalk Shopping Center

Just steps away from the beach, Beachwalk Shopping Center is one of the most popular shopping malls in Bali . It has a relaxing atmosphere, beautiful architecture, and plenty of spaces to relax out of the sun. You’ll find many international brands here selling goods at fantastic prices, as well as a wide variety of local vendors. There is even a movie theater!

Address : Jalan Pantai Kuta, Kuta Hours : Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 a.m., Sunday to Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Discovery Shopping Mall

Discovery Shopping Mall is a large, western-style mall home to popular brands like Top Shop, Guess, and Marks & Spencer, as well as many international fast food restaurants. The entire second level is taken up by the large Centro department store, where you can find anything you need. Cultural events regularly take place at the mall as well.

Address : Jalan Kartika Plaza, Kuta Hours : Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 10p.m.

Kuta Square

Kuta Square is a shopping street lined with fashion outlet stores, including Hurley, Billabong, Quiksilver, and Reebok, as well as local jewelers and beautiful textile stores. This is also where you will find the large Matahari department store, which is known for its wacky T-shirt collection. While you shop, you can cool down with ice cream and fresh juice from local vendors.

Address : Intersection of Jalan Bakung Sari and Jalan Kartika Plaza


Kuta beach-Bali-Indonesian food

Best restaurants near Kuta Beach

When you’ve worked up an appetite swimming, surfing, or shopping, it’s time to head to one of the areas fantastic restaurants to refuel. Take your pick from a plethora of well-rated establishments serving both Indonesian and international cuisine. Here are some suggestions for the top restaurants within walking distance of Kuta Beach .

Samudera Restaurant

For the very best in beachfront dining, head to Samudera Restaurant . Enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner on the alfresco terrace, surrounded by lovely traditional Bali decor. The menu boasts a great variety of Southeast Asian and international cuisine, ensuring that there is something for everyone. There is a fantastic selection of drinks as well, including delicious cocktails and popular local beer.

Address : Grand Istana Rama Hotel Bali, Jalan Pantai Kuta, Kuta Hours : 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily

Teppanyaki Corner

Teppanyaki Corner is a Japanese steakhouse that’s actually located inside of Samudera Restaurant. Come here for lunch, dinner, and drinks until late at night, as well as an exciting culinary show! Teppanyaki is a theatrical and interactive Japanese style of cooking where the chef prepares the meal right in front of you over a hot iron plate.

Address : Grand Istana Rama Hotel Bali, Jalan Pantai Kuta, Kuta Hours : 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. daily

The Naughty Duck

With a great name and even better food, The Naughty Duck serves up a menu of fresh and tasty western foods like sandwiches and burgers, as well as some of the best smoothies and fruit juices in town. This hopping joint is also known for its fantastic selection of coffee to keep you going all day long.

Address : Jalan Benesari Kuta, Kuta Hours : 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. Wednesday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday

Beach Bowl Bali

For a wide array of healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner options, Beach Bowl Bali is a top choice. The menu at this hip cafe is full of vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free dishes to suit anyone’s dietary preferences. It’s also an excellent place for fresh fruits, delicious smoothies, and good coffee.

Address : Jalan Benesari No.Pantai, Kuta Hours : 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily

Benih Café

Relaxed, family-friendly dining near Kuta Beach doesn’t get much better than Benih Café . The chic and rustic decor sets a relaxed ambiance, and the menu offers a selection of Asian and western dishes with many vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Smoothies and coffee are also popular here.

Address : Pertokoan Mekar Jaya, Jl. Benesari No.77, Kuta Hours : 7 a.m. to 10:30 pm daily

Kuta beach-Bali-Nightlife

Best nightlife near Kuta Beach

Every evening after the sun sets, Kuta comes alive for the night. When it’s time to leave the beach, travelers have a range of different bars, pubs, nightclubs, and lounges to choose from, all within walking distance. Whether you want to dance until morning or enjoy a more relaxing night with some drinks on a patio, there’s a nightlife spot for everyone close to Kuta Beach .

Engine Room Bali SUPER CLUB

Established in 2008, Engine Room Bali SUPER CLUB quickly grew into one of the premier night clubs in Bali . The clean and well-maintained club houses a total of four bars, all of which offer fantastic drink deals every night. Talented resident DJs spin a variety of techno, hip-hop, dubstep, R&B, EDM, and top 40 hits to keep you on your feet.

Address : Jalan Legian No.66, Kuta Hours : 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. daily

The Seven Rooftop Bar

The Seven Rooftop Bar is an ideal spot if you want to sit back and relax with a cool drink before you hit the town for the rest of the night. While it’s open for breakfast and lunch, the best time to come is for dinner. Take in the sunset views while you enjoy a delicious meal from a menu of international dishes.

Address : Kutabex Beach Front Hotel Lantai 4, Jalan Pantai Kuta, Kuta Hours : 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily

Bounty Discotheque

For the best party atmosphere in Kuta , head to Bounty Discotheque after your day at the beach. This large nightlife spot consists of both a restaurant and an expansive dance floor. The live entertainment varies nightly and may include drag queen shows, pool competitions, a foam party, and more! The best time to arrive is any time after midnight.

Address : Jalan Legian, Kuta Hours : 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. daily

Paddy’s Pub

Another legendary Kuta nightlife spot, Paddy’s Pub is known for its reasonable prices on drinks and parties that last until the early morning hours. The indoor lounge and dance floor are complemented by an open-air terrace where partygoers can take a breather. Paddy’s Pub is located right next to Bounty Discotheque.

Location : Jalan Legian No. 166, Legian, Kuta Hours : 5 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. daily

Hard Rock Café Bali

Kuta ‘s branch of the world-famous restaurant chain, Hard Rock Café Bali is a mutli-level entertainment complex where something is always going on. There’s a cafe serving an array of American dishes, a gift shop that sells the chain’s official merchandise, and a lower stage area that hosts live musical performances on most nights.

Location : Jalan Pantai Kuta, Banjar Pande Mas No.1, Kuta Hours : 11:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday & Saturday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday to Thursday

Kuta beach-Bali-Legian Beach

Other nearby beaches

Kuta Beach is one section of a shoreline that is actually divided into four different beaches, the others being Legian Beach , Seminyak Beach , and Petitenget Beach . You will hit each one consecutively as you head north from Kuta Beach . If you want to do a bit of sightseeing and enjoy a different atmosphere, you should definitely check them out as well.

Legian Beach

About half as long as Kuta Beach , neighboring Legian Beach offers a similar energetic atmosphere though usually with slightly smaller crowds. It has soft white sand and panoramic views over the ocean, making for magical sunsets. Popular activities here include swimming, sun tanning, and surfing on the perfect waves. It’s a great spot to rent a surfboard or to take surfing lessons.

Seminyak Beach

If you’re looking for an even more secluded beach experience, then head a little further north to Seminyak Beach . This strip of sand is far enough away from the hustle and bustle of Kuta Beach that it has a far more secluded ambiance, though with the same amazing views. The surrounding area is home to some of the most exclusive luxury resorts in Bali .

Petitenget Beach

Further north still lays beautiful Petitenget Beach . As the crowds also tend to be thinner here, it’s a lovely place for taking a romantic sunset stroll. The large waves are great for surfing, and there are some good dining options nearby as well. At the very end of the beach, you will find Petitenget Temple , a cultural landmark.

Check In to a hotel or apartment near Kuta Beach

descriptive essay about kuta beach

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Beach Description Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Looking for simple and beautiful descriptive writing about a beach in summer? The beach description essay below is just what you need! Get inspired for your own creative writing with us.


Description of a beach.

Summer is the perfect time for individuals to visit and enjoy the marvelous scenes along the coast. In addition, the feelings and experiences felt on the beach during the summer are always fantastic. Several sceneries and experiences are seen and felt at the beach during summer. These include; the plantation along the beach and inside the sea, the animals, the waters, and the people found on the beach.

The beach appears to be alive and joyful with the presence of the natural vegetation. There are evergreen plantations both along and inside the beach. Images of buoyant seaweeds can be seen along the shore. Palms trees are seen to stand tall along the beach, dancing to the tune of the breeze emanating from the waters of the sea.

The sea grapes and the sea oats are also observed gathered in clusters in the sea next to the shore. Their colored flowers are splendid and brighten at the shining of the summer sun. The sweet scent of the flower grapes sends a signal to the world about the hope brought by nature.

The atmosphere is fully intensified by the aroma produced by the buoyant sea flowers. In addition, from afar, images of leafless trees are also observed. The perfect combination of the vegetation along the beach and inside the sea displays the beauty of nature to the highest peak.

It mesmerizes the eyes to gaze at the beautiful creatures that hover all over the beach and on the deep-sea waters. There are sights of beautiful birds that fly all over the dry shoreland and over the seawaters. Their colored feathers brightened the sea with a marvelous appearance at their illumination by the sun’s rays.

There are varieties of birds that are in the vicinity. For instance, there are pelicans and seagulls. Pelicans are seen hovering over the sand, singing sweet melodies that make the atmosphere at the beach vibrant. The seagulls are also observed to be flying over the seawater in small groups. Some of the birds are gathered in groups spreading the wings that cloaked a soft shadow on the gentle water ripples.

Next to the shore, there are sea turtles that seem to enjoy the summer heat from the sun. Their eggs are also seen to be exposed on the sand by the children that play on the shoreline. Bees are seen flying from one flower to another over the sea grapes. The humming of the bees as they gather nectar from the sea flowers attracts insect-eating birds.

Large crowds are observed all over the seashore. These people come to enjoy themselves on the beach at this period of the year. In the sea, people of all ages and sexes are seen swimming and playing with the cool seawater. The scorching heat from the summer sun is felt on the forehead of all individuals.

This makes the people chill themselves in the cool waters of the sea. The children are seen playing beach ball on the shoreline. Some children are also seen pelt each other with sand on the shoreline. Besides, young boys are observed climbing tall palm trees to gather fruits.

What is more, several activities take place along and inside the shoreline. Vendors are seen carrying ice creams and soft drinks all over the shoreline. Views of homes, hotels, and other buildings that run along the peak of the beach are also seen. On the sand where children play, pieces of shells are scattered.

In most cases, children collect the shells for fun. In the shades built along the shoreline, people are seen reading books, journals, and magazines. Some are seen idling on the sand, while few adults are observed playing football.

However, there is a disgusting scene of plastic bags, cigarette butts, food wrappers, and beer bottles along the beach. These items seem to pollute the entire shoreline and the seawater.

Anglers are also observed far into the sea casting large nets into the waters to have a bulk catch of their prey. Some of the anglers are also observed perching on the edge of the shore carrying sticks in their hands. Their faces displayed the anticipation that they had for their prey.

The deep waters of the sea produce a marvelous view for anyone who gazes at the sea. The water is seen to be slowly running low on the shore. Small waves are also observed crashing on the shoreline. The surface of the sea is seen to appear blue in color.

However, some portions are also seen to have the spectrum that results from the sun’s refracted rays. Deep inside the sea, there are high waves that lift boats up and down mightily. The shimmering waves of the sea that are clear and blue mirror the rays of the hot sun. The refreshing breeze that emanates from the seawater is enjoyable.

In conclusion, the beach has a perfect view and activities that are delightful to experience during the summer. It is a place that everyone would love to be at all times.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 17). Beach Description Essay.

"Beach Description Essay." IvyPanda , 17 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Beach Description Essay'. 17 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Descriptive text - about kuta beach in bali.

descriptive essay about kuta beach


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Contoh Descriptive Text About Kuta Beach dan Artinya Terbaru

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 30, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 14, 2023.

A descriptive essay gives a vivid, detailed description of something—generally a place or object, but possibly something more abstract like an emotion. This type of essay , like the narrative essay , is more creative than most academic writing .

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Descriptive essay topics, tips for writing descriptively, descriptive essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive essays.

When you are assigned a descriptive essay, you’ll normally be given a specific prompt or choice of prompts. They will often ask you to describe something from your own experience.

  • Describe a place you love to spend time in.
  • Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you’ll have to use your imagination.

  • Describe the experience of a soldier in the trenches of World War I.
  • Describe what it might be like to live on another planet.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to describe something more abstract, like an emotion.

If you’re not given a specific prompt, try to think of something you feel confident describing in detail. Think of objects and places you know well, that provoke specific feelings or sensations, and that you can describe in an interesting way.

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The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find ways of bringing your subject to life for the reader. You’re not limited to providing a literal description as you would be in more formal essay types.

Make use of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable description.

Use figurative language

Figurative language consists of devices like metaphor and simile that use words in non-literal ways to create a memorable effect. This is essential in a descriptive essay; it’s what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique.

Take the following description of a park.

This tells us something about the place, but it’s a bit too literal and not likely to be memorable.

If we want to make the description more likely to stick in the reader’s mind, we can use some figurative language.

Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle.

You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these devices in an original way at various points throughout your essay will keep the reader engaged and convey your unique perspective on your subject.

Use your senses

Another key aspect of descriptive writing is the use of sensory details. This means referring not only to what something looks like, but also to smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Obviously not all senses will apply to every subject, but it’s always a good idea to explore what’s interesting about your subject beyond just what it looks like.

Even when your subject is more abstract, you might find a way to incorporate the senses more metaphorically, as in this descriptive essay about fear.

Choose the right words

Writing descriptively involves choosing your words carefully. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs , verbs , and even nouns.

It’s easy to end up using clichéd phrases—“cold as ice,” “free as a bird”—but try to reflect further and make more precise, original word choices. Clichés provide conventional ways of describing things, but they don’t tell the reader anything about your unique perspective on what you’re describing.

Try looking over your sentences to find places where a different word would convey your impression more precisely or vividly. Using a thesaurus can help you find alternative word choices.

  • My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.
  • My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

However, exercise care in your choices; don’t just look for the most impressive-looking synonym you can find for every word. Overuse of a thesaurus can result in ridiculous sentences like this one:

  • My feline perambulates the allotment proficiently and capers atop the palisade to regard it from aloft.

An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

If you’re not given a specific prompt for your descriptive essay , think about places and objects you know well, that you can think of interesting ways to describe, or that have strong personal significance for you.

The best kind of object for a descriptive essay is one specific enough that you can describe its particular features in detail—don’t choose something too vague or general.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved September 13, 2024, from

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Kuta Beach in Bali, Indonesia

On the Kuta Beach beach, people enjoy parasailing, banana boat trips or swimming. Women offer traditional Indonesian massage on the beach, others are seen plaiting hair.

Before sunset, crowds rush to the beach waiting to watch Kuta’s legendary sunsets. Then as darkness falls, Kuta’s nightlife starts to throb with loud music from bars and restaurants, while shops stay open till late at night. Kuta’s main attraction is that everyone can enjoy the town without any prescribed dress code.

Many famous international bands and celebrities have voluntarily played and sung here enlivening the fun, dance and music scene of Kuta. One poignant reminder, however, of the tragedy that befell Kuta is a monument located next to the present Paddy’s café. The monument is erected in memory of those killed during the fatal October 2002 bomb terrorist blasts. The blasts killed more than 300 people, mostly Australian tourists and Indonesian workers.

Kuta is the ultimate beach resort catering to any taste and budget. You may stay at five star hotels, or at clean “losmen” or home stays. In the hotel complex you will have privacy at the hotel’s own beach front or swimming pool, but when you stroll out you will be met with the hustle and bustle of the town centre.

Moving around Kuta its very fun and simple. You can go around on foot or you can rent a bike or motorcycle.

There are plenty of taxis that can take you to Kuta Beach. You can rent these by the meter or by the hour. Taking your own car is not recommended as parking here is very tight.

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Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

July 22, 2024 • 13 minutes read

contoh descriptive text

Teks deskripsi merupakan bagian dari materi penting dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika kamu mendapatkan tugas untuk menulis contoh descriptive text, di artikel ini terdapat puluhan referensi yang bisa menginspirasimu. Baca, yuk!

Ingin menulis gambaran mengenai sebuah tempat atau hewan favoritmu dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi nggak tau caranya? Berarti sudah saatnya kamu mempelajari materi descriptive text yang merupakan bagian dari jenis-jenis teks bahasa Inggris .

Sebelumnya, materi ini sudah pernah dijelaskan dengan lengkap dalam artikel Descriptive Text: Definisi, Struktur, dan Contohnya.

Tapi, sebelum memasuki puluhan contoh descriptive text , better kalau kita ingat kembali sedikit definisi, unsur kebahasaan, dan juga strukturnya ya. Boleh, kan ? Boleh, dong . Come on !

Apa Itu Descriptive Text?

Descriptive text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara rinci mengenai karakteristik suatu benda, hewan, tempat, orang, atau peristiwa . Contoh descriptive text yaitu my cat , my dog , my house , dan lain-lain.

Tujuan utama dari descriptive text adalah memberikan gambaran mendetail mengenai sebuah objek sehingga pembaca atau pendengar dapat membentuk imajinasi yang baik.

Descriptive text biasanya dirancang menggunakan point of view penulis, inilah yang membedakan teks deskripsi dengan report text . Pasalnya, report text akan ditulis based on fakta, data, atau penglihatan langsung di lapangan.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Apa saja struktur descriptive text ? Ada dua struktur dalam teks deskriptif, yaitu identification dan description .

Dalam identification , kamu dapat menulis pengenalan orang, tempat, atau benda, kemudian beri rincian tentang orang, tempat, dan benda yang dideskripsikan tersebut pada bagian description .

Language Features of Descriptive Text

Seperti jenis teks lainnya, descriptive text pun memiliki aturan tertentu untuk membuat hasil tulisan jadi lebih baik. Perhatikan apa saja kaidah kebahasaan dari descriptive text di bawah ini:

1. Specific noun

Ciri khas dari descriptive text adalah penggunaan noun yang spesifik, contohnya my teacher , my book , atau Rara’s cat .

2. Simple present tense is dominant

Kalimat dalam descriptive text biasanya ditulis menggunakan simple present tense untuk menceritakan fakta dari sebuah objek.

3. Action verb

Jika ingin menggambarkan sebuah objek makhluk hidup, kamu bisa menyisipkan action verb , yaitu kata kerja yang menggambarkan sebuah tindakan. Contohnya sleep, run, walk, etc .

Baca Juga: Verb: Pengertian, Ciri-Ciri, Tipe, Beserta Contohnya

4. Descriptive adjective

Untuk memperjelas noun , jangan lupa gunakan descriptive adjective ya. Contoh noun -nya adalah hair , supaya lebih jelas, maka tambahkan adjective seperti long, white , atau kata sifat lainnya. Maka noun -nya akan jadi long-hair atau white hair .

5. Use linking verbs or relational processes frequently

Terakhir, linking verbs atau relational processes seperti is, are, has, have, belongs to berfungsi untuk membantu membangun deskripsi yang lebih rinci dan menyeluruh tentang objek atau subjek yang dideskripsikan.

30 Contoh Descriptive Text in English

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Contoh Descriptive Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris

1. the enchanting waterfall.

Nestled in the heart of the dense forest is the mesmerizing Crystal Cascade. Crystal Cascade gracefully descends from the rocky cliff, forming a shimmering curtain of water. The crystalline droplets create a refreshing mist, and the lush surroundings resonate with the soothing sounds of nature.

2. The Cozy Coffee Shop

Located on Maple Street, Café Aroma is a beloved neighborhood coffee shop. Café Aroma emanates a warm and inviting atmosphere with its aromatic coffee blends and cozy interior. The rich scent of freshly ground beans wafts through the air, enticing customers to savor a moment of tranquility.

3. The Majestic Oak Tree

Standing proudly in the meadow is the ancient Oak Sentinel. The Oak Sentinel’s branches stretch wide, providing a grand canopy of shade. Its bark, weathered by centuries, displays intricate patterns, and the leaves rustle gently in the breeze, creating a serene symphony.

4. The Playful Dolphin

Meet Splash, a lively dolphin residing in the vibrant coral reef. Splash showcases a sleek, silver-gray body adorned with playful splashes of white. Darting through the water with incredible speed, Splash performs acrobatic flips, showcasing the exuberance of marine life.

5. The Adorned Masquerade Mask

Displayed in the antique shop window is the exquisite Phantom’s Veil masquerade mask. Phantom’s Veil is adorned with intricate lace patterns and delicate feathers. The mask’s opulent design, featuring a burst of deep colors, evokes a sense of mystery and allure, making it a captivating piece of art.

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Orang

6. my friendly neighbor.

In the house next door lives Mrs. Johnson, a friendly neighbor known for her warm demeanor. Mrs. Johnson, with her silver hair neatly tied in a bun, often wears a floral apron. She greets everyone with a genuine smile, radiating kindness that reflects in the sparkle of her bright blue eyes. Mrs. Johnson regularly engages in acts of neighborly kindness, such as tending to a neighbor’s garden or sharing homemade treats.

7. Thoughtful Artist

Meet Alex, a thoughtful artist recognizable by their ever-present sketchbook. Alex, with a cascade of curly hair and expressive hazel eyes, is often seen sketching scenes of daily life. Their hands move gracefully over the paper, capturing intricate details with precision. Alex’s calm and contemplative demeanor adds depth to their art, evoking a sense of introspection in those who view their creations.

8. Ambitious Entrepreneur

Working tirelessly at the local startup is Mark, an ambitious entrepreneur. In his business-casual attire, Mark exudes a determined air with a perpetual focus on innovation. His keen analytical skills are complemented by a genuine enthusiasm for collaboration. Mark’s friendly disposition and willingness to mentor others contribute to a positive work environment that fosters creativity and growth.

9. Roger’s Coach

Coach Rodriguez, coach of my brother, Roger, a respected figure in the community, guides aspiring athletes at the local sports academy. He has a strong physique and an ever-present whistle around his neck, is a picture of discipline. His commanding presence on the field is softened by the approachable twinkle in his eyes. Coach Rodriguez instills values of teamwork and perseverance in his players, fostering a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the game.

10. Compassionate Caregiver

Emily, a compassionate caregiver, brings comfort to residents at the elderly care center. With her gentle demeanor and a comforting smile, she is a beacon of support for those she cares for. Her hands move with grace as she tends to the needs of the elderly, showing remarkable patience and empathy. Emily’s unwavering dedication creates an environment of compassion, making the care center feel like a second home for its residents.

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Hewan

11. my bengal cat.

Milo, a curious Bengal cat owned by the Johnson family, often explores their sunlit living room. Milo, with his sleek spotted coat and large, inquisitive eyes, gracefully prowls around the room. He pauses to bat at sunbeams filtering through the curtains, displaying agile movements. Milo’s playful antics and occasional purring make him a delightful companion for the Johnsons.

12. Snowie, Andersons Gentle Golden Retriever

Snowie resides with the Andersons, spreading warmth in their home. Snowies has fluffy golden fur and a perpetually wagging tail, greets everyone with a friendly demeanor. She often lounges in the backyard, chasing butterflies or lying contentedly in a sunny spot. Snowie’s calm disposition and affectionate nature make her a beloved member of the Anderson family.

13. Rocky, the Loyal German Shepherd

In the quiet suburb, Rocky, a loyal German Shepherd, guards the Thompson family home. Rocky, with his strong build and alert ears, stands sentinel in the yard. His intelligent eyes scan the surroundings, and he patrols with a purposeful gait. Rocky’s protective instincts and unwavering loyalty make him an integral part of ensuring the Thompsons feel secure.

14. Bengal Tiger at Ragunan Zoo

Residing in Ragunan Zoo, Raja, a Bengal tiger, captivates visitors with his regal presence. His fur, a vibrant shade of orange adorned with characteristic dark stripes, is a striking display of beauty. Whether reclining in the shaded area or rising to patrol his territory, Raja’s sleek physique and powerful muscles are always on display. The intensity of his amber eyes and the resonance of his occasional roars leave a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to witness this magnificent creature.

15. The Hippopotamus in Taman Safari Bogor

In the heart of Taman Safari Bogor, there is a hippopotamus, a charismatic resident of the safari. With its massive form, it spends a considerable amount of time submerged, only revealing its eyes, ears, and nostrils above the water’s surface. Its gray, weathered skin, occasionally marked with patches of mud, adds to the distinctive appearance of this remarkable creature. The pond serves not just as a resting place but also as a stage for the hippopotamus’s unique interaction with visitors.

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Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Tempat

16. kuta beach, bali.

Located on Bali’s southwestern coast, Kuta Beach boasts a long stretch of golden sands, spanning approximately 2.5 kilometers. Renowned for its consistent waves, the beach attracts surfers year-round. With an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and a gentle breeze, it provides an ideal setting for sunbathing. Kuta Beach’s strategic location and accessibility contribute to its popularity, attracting millions of visitors annually.

17. Mount Semeru, East Java

Mount Semeru, standing at 3,676 meters (12,060 feet), is the highest peak in Java and an active stratovolcano. The mountain, part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, offers challenging trekking trails. Known for its periodic eruptions, the last notable one occurred in 2020. The ascent typically takes about two days, providing trekkers with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.

18. Panyaweuyan Rice Terraces, Majalengka

Spread across the hills of Majalengka, the Panyaweuyan Rice Terraces cover an area of approximately 150 hectares. Utilizing the subak system, an ancient Balinese water management practice, farmers cultivate rice throughout the year. These terraces not only showcase the beauty of sustainable agriculture but also reflect the community’s commitment to preserving traditional farming methods.

19. Uluwatu Beach, Bali

Uluwatu Beach, situated on the Bukit Peninsula, offers stunning limestone cliffs that rise approximately 70 meters (230 feet) above sea level. Renowned for its world-class surf breaks, it attracts surfers seeking challenging waves. The Uluwatu Temple, perched atop the cliffs, dates back to the 11th century and serves as a cultural and historical landmark.

20. Mount Prau, Central Java

Mount Prau, with an elevation of 2,565 meters (8,415 feet), is a prominent peak in the Dieng Plateau. The mountain provides a panoramic view of neighboring peaks, including Sindoro and Sumbing. A popular trekking destination, the journey to the summit takes around 4-5 hours. The expansive meadows at the top offer a camping site for trekkers to enjoy the sunrise and a unique sea of clouds that often blankets the valleys below.

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Benda

21. my computer.

Positioned on my study desk, my computer is a sleek and modern laptop. With a 15.6-inch display and a slim aluminum chassis, it exudes a contemporary aesthetic. The keyboard, backlit in a soft white glow, offers a comfortable typing experience. Equipped with a high-resolution webcam and an array of USB ports, it serves as an efficient tool for both work and entertainment. The hum of its cooling fan accompanies the rhythmic tap of keys as I navigate the digital realm.

22. My Father’s Car

Parked in our driveway, my father’s car is a reliable sedan with a metallic silver exterior. Its streamlined design and polished finish hint at its well-maintained condition. The interior, adorned with leather seats and a sleek dashboard, provides a comfortable and luxurious driving experience. The hum of its engine signifies readiness for the road, and the scent of leather permeates the air as we embark on journeys together.

23. My Study Desk

My study desk, a sturdy wooden furniture piece, serves as a dedicated space for learning. Its surface, smooth and spacious, accommodates textbooks, notebooks, and a well-organized stationery set. The built-in drawers, housing pens and study materials, contribute to the desk’s functionality. Positioned by the window, natural light enhances the atmosphere, creating an ideal environment for focused studying. The ergonomic chair, accompanying the desk, ensures comfort during prolonged study sessions.

24. Two-Door Refrigerator

In the kitchen, the two-door refrigerator stands as a reliable appliance. With a glossy white exterior and a capacity of 350 liters, it efficiently stores groceries for the entire family. The top freezer compartment, equipped with an ice maker, adds a convenient touch. The crisp hum of the compressor signifies its constant operation, maintaining a cool environment to preserve freshness. Its energy-efficient design aligns with modern sustainability standards.

25. Electric Stove

The electric stove in our kitchen, a compact and efficient appliance, features four burners with responsive heat control. Its sleek glass cooktop, easy to clean and maintain, complements the stainless steel body. The red indicator lights illuminate as each burner springs to life, facilitating quick meal preparation. The gentle hum of the stove accompanies the sizzle of ingredients as they cook to perfection, making it an essential element in our culinary endeavors.

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Diri Sendiri

26. physical appearance.

Standing at 5’7″, I possess a medium build with an athletic physique cultivated through regular exercise. My straight, dark-brown hair frames a face characterized by a square jawline and a pair of hazel eyes that reflect a combination of determination and curiosity. Light freckles across the bridge of my nose add a touch of youthful charm. Dressed in casual attire, comfort and simplicity define my everyday style.

27. Personality Traits

Renowned for my calm and composed demeanor, I approach challenges with a pragmatic mindset. Friends often describe me as reliable and level-headed, qualities that contribute to effective teamwork. I have a penchant for observing details, a trait that complements my analytical thinking. Balancing a reserved nature with a warm and approachable attitude, I navigate social situations with ease.

28. Personality

A delightful and straightforward personality defines me. Approachable and easy to connect with, I prioritize simplicity in my interactions. Known for a genuine and sincere demeanor, my friendships are rooted in authenticity. A sense of humor, lighthearted and inclusive, contributes to fostering a positive and enjoyable atmosphere around me.

Proficient in the art of writing, my skills extend across various genres and styles. With a keen eye for detail and a creative flair, I engage readers through compelling narratives and articulate expressions. Regularly contributing to platforms and publications, I find joy in crafting meaningful content that resonates with diverse audiences.

30. Achievements

A consistent pursuit of academic excellence has earned me the highest GPA, a testament to my commitment to learning. Recognized for outstanding achievements, I received a government scholarship for maintaining the highest academic standing. This recognition not only acknowledges my dedication to education but also opens doors for continued growth and contribution to society.

Baca Juga : Teks Eksposisi dalam Bahasa Inggris : Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh

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How To Write a Descriptive Essay

Lesson introduction.

This lesson teaches how to write a descriptive essay by emphasizing the importance of choosing a meaningful topic and engaging the five senses to create vivid imagery for the reader. It outlines the structure of a well-organized essay, including a captivating introduction, detailed body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion, while also providing additional tips for using vivid language and creativity. By applying these techniques, writers can craft engaging and memorable descriptive essays.

Lesson Article

How to write a descriptive essay.

Are you ready to learn how to write a descriptive essay? This type of essay is all about creating a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Let’s explore some tips to help you write an amazing descriptive essay that will captivate your audience!

Choose a Meaningful Topic

Start by picking a topic that is special or interesting to you. It could be a place you love, a memorable event, or even a person who inspires you. Once you have your topic, think of descriptive words and phrases that can help paint a clear picture for your readers.

Engage the Five Senses

To make your essay come alive, use the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Describe what you see in detail, like colors and shapes. Talk about the sounds you hear, whether they are loud or soft. Describe textures and how things feel when you touch them. Mention any tastes or smells that are part of your topic. This will help your readers feel like they are experiencing the scene themselves.

Organize Your Essay

A well-organized essay is easier to read and understand. Start with a clear introduction that introduces your topic and grabs the reader’s attention. Then, write body paragraphs that focus on specific details. Each paragraph should cover a different aspect of your topic. Finally, wrap up your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

Additional Tips

Here are a few more tips to make your descriptive essay even better:

  • Use vivid language: Choose strong adjectives and verbs to make your descriptions more powerful.
  • Show, don’t tell: Instead of just stating facts, use descriptions to show what you mean.
  • Be creative: Don’t be afraid to use your imagination and add unique details to your essay.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to write a descriptive essay that is both engaging and memorable. Happy writing!

Lesson Vocabulary

Descriptive – Descriptive writing uses detailed observations to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. – The descriptive passage in the book made me feel like I was actually standing in the middle of the bustling city.

Essay – An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject, often expressing the author’s personal viewpoint. – For homework, we had to write an essay about our favorite character from the novel.

Topic – A topic is the subject or main idea that is being discussed or written about. – The topic of my essay is the importance of friendship in the story.

Senses – Senses refer to the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, which are often used in writing to create vivid imagery. – The author used the senses to describe the scene, making it easy to imagine the aroma of fresh bread and the sound of birds chirping.

Organize – To organize means to arrange ideas and information in a clear and logical order. – Before writing my essay, I took time to organize my thoughts into an outline.

Introduction – An introduction is the beginning part of a piece of writing that introduces the main topic and sets the tone. – The introduction of the essay grabbed my attention with an interesting fact about the author.

Paragraphs – Paragraphs are sections of writing that deal with a particular point or idea, usually consisting of several sentences. – Each of the paragraphs in the story developed a different aspect of the main character’s journey.

Language – Language refers to the words and style used in writing to convey meaning and emotion. – The poet’s use of language was so powerful that it evoked strong emotions in the reader.

Creative – Creative writing involves using imagination and originality to express ideas and tell stories. – In our creative writing class, we were encouraged to invent our own endings to the fairy tales.

Details – Details are specific pieces of information that add depth and clarity to writing. – The author included many details about the setting, making it easy to visualize the ancient castle.

Discussion Questions

  • Reflect on a time when you wrote a descriptive essay. What topic did you choose, and how did it impact your writing process?
  • How do you think engaging the five senses can enhance the reader’s experience in a descriptive essay?
  • Consider a memorable place or event in your life. How would you use descriptive language to convey its significance to others?
  • What challenges do you face when trying to organize your thoughts into a well-structured essay, and how do you overcome them?
  • Discuss a piece of writing that captivated you with its vivid descriptions. What techniques did the author use to create such an impact?
  • How can the principle of “show, don’t tell” be applied in other forms of writing or communication?
  • In what ways can creativity and imagination play a role in enhancing the quality of a descriptive essay?
  • Reflect on the importance of choosing a meaningful topic for a descriptive essay. How does it influence the depth and engagement of your writing?

Lesson Activities

Create a sensory map.

Choose a topic for your descriptive essay and create a sensory map. Draw a large circle in the center of a page with your topic written inside. Around the circle, draw five branches labeled with each of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Fill in each branch with descriptive words and phrases related to your topic. This will help you visualize and organize your ideas before you start writing.

Descriptive Word Challenge

Work with a partner to come up with as many descriptive words as possible for a given topic within a set time limit. Choose a common object or place, like a park or a beach, and take turns listing adjectives and verbs that describe it. The goal is to use vivid language that paints a clear picture in the reader’s mind. Share your lists with the class and discuss which words are the most effective.

Peer Review and Feedback

After writing a draft of your descriptive essay, exchange papers with a classmate. Read each other’s essays and provide feedback on how well the five senses are incorporated. Highlight areas where more detail could be added and suggest specific words or phrases that could enhance the description. Use this feedback to revise and improve your essay.

Descriptive Scene Sketch

Choose a scene from your essay and create a sketch that represents it. Use colors and details to bring your scene to life visually. Once your sketch is complete, write a short paragraph describing the scene using the five senses. Compare your written description with your sketch to ensure that your words effectively convey the imagery you intended.

Descriptive Writing Relay

Form small groups and participate in a descriptive writing relay. Each group member will take turns writing one sentence to describe a shared topic, focusing on using vivid language and incorporating the five senses. Pass the paper to the next person after each sentence. Continue until each group member has contributed. Read the completed descriptions aloud and discuss how each sentence adds to the overall picture.

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    deskripsi pantai kuta - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Kuta Beach is a beautiful beach located in south Bali, Indonesia, 9km from Denpasar. It has long, sandy beaches and is known for its good surfing waves and many bars and restaurants. Kuta Beach is popular for watching spectacular sunsets and has become a popular tourist ...

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    Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Tempat 16. Kuta Beach, Bali. Located on Bali's southwestern coast, Kuta Beach boasts a long stretch of golden sands, spanning approximately 2.5 kilometers. Renowned for its consistent waves, the beach attracts surfers year-round.

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    Contoh Descriptive Text About Kuta Beach Dan Artinya Terbaru 2015 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. - Kuta Beach is a beautiful beach located in south Bali, 9km from the capital Denpasar and near Ngurah Rai Airport. It is known internationally for its long sandy beaches, bars, restaurants, and good surfing.

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    Choose a topic for your descriptive essay and create a sensory map. Draw a large circle in the center of a page with your topic written inside. ... Choose a common object or place, like a park or a beach, and take turns listing adjectives and verbs that describe it. The goal is to use vivid language that paints a clear picture in the reader's ...

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    Kuta Beach. Kuta Beach, also known as Indonesia's paradise beach, is a major tourist destination in the eyes of the world and an icon of Bali's exoticism. In the past, Kuta Beach was a trading port that brought together traders from Bali with traders from various regions. From this trader, the news of the beauty of Kuta Beach spreads.

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    Bali Kuta Beach Essay. 721 Words3 Pages. Bali Kuta Beach is situated close to Bali 's Ngurah Rai Airport, just 15 minutes ' drive via auto from the air terminal. It is the most well known shoreline resort on the island. Kuta Beach is the clamoring range with the most vacationers in all over Bali.