321 Interesting Chemistry Topics & Writing Tips

Chemistry studies matter and what it’s made of. It tells us how substances change and what properties they have. Chemistry seeks to answer questions such as: What is the Universe made of? How do elements react with each other?

Read our article to dive deeper into this intricate subject. What is more, we’ve prepared a list of 300 exciting chemistry-related topics. You can choose between organic, nuclear chemistry, biochemistry, and other branches. Our interesting topics in chemistry will make your studies more enjoyable!

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🔝 Top 10 Interesting Chemistry Topics

  • ✅ Branches of Chemistry
  • ✍️ Writing Tips

⭐ Top 10 Chemistry Essay Topics

  • 🔬 General Chemistry Topics
  • 🧑🥼 Chemistry Project Topics
  • 🤔 Advanced Chemistry
  • 🦠 Biochemistry
  • 🧬 Organic Chemistry
  • ♻️ Green Chemistry
  • ⚗️ Inorganic Chemistry
  • ⚛️ Nuclear Chemistry
  • 🧮 Analytical Chemistry
  • 🧪 Physical Chemistry

🔍 References

  • Biochemistry in nursing
  • Crystalloids vs. colloids
  • The purpose of dilutions
  • Principles of electrochemistry
  • Why is stoichiometry so difficult?
  • Are there alternative periodic tables?
  • The polarity of bonds classification
  • How is nuclear chemistry used?
  • The importance of Lewis electron dot structure
  • Endothermic reactions vs. exothermic reactions

✅ Main Branches of Chemistry

Chemistry is a broad subject that uses various methods of study. Because of this, scientists divide it into five main branches. These are organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and biochemistry . Let’s investigate them:

  • Organic chemistry examines life. It seeks to understand the molecular structure and behavior of living beings.
  • Inorganic chemistry focuses on materials rather than living beings. Chemists of this field aim to advance technology.

Chemical elements.

  • Physical chemists examine the atomic level of matter. This branch uses physics to study the processes in chemical systems.
  • Analytical chemists investigate what matter consists of. They look for new analyzing procedures and ways to enhance existing ones.
  • Biochemistry studies the fundamental biological systems. It improves our understanding of essential medical issues.

Now that we’ve sorted out chemistry basics, we can examine how to write about it. Whether you’re in high school or already in college, the following guide will help you compose an excellent chemistry paper!

✍️ Tips on How to Write a Chemistry Paper

Each subject has its own rules when it comes to writing papers. In chemistry, the organization is the key. That’s why the first step is to have your lab notes in order. Keep your notebook neat and tidy, and you will see that writing becomes much more manageable.

On top of that, it’s good to have an idea of what an excellent paper should be like. There are three major points you should keep in mind: objectives, style, and structure.

  • Objectives. Your goal is to identify and convey valuable information. If you want to share it with others, it should be presented as credible scientific work.
  • Introduction. Say what your paper will be about.
  • Methods. Present the methods and materials you use.
  • Results. Describe what you observed during the experiment.
  • Discussion. Analyze the results and summarize the relevance of your study.
  • Style. Grammatically correct writing is a must. Your style should be formal, concise, and clear. Use the right tense: write your methods and results in the past. For general truths, you can switch to the present.

Finally, don’t forget that for any type of writing, the right topic is crucial. For inspiration, check out our excellent chemistry paper topics!

  • The history of neurochemistry
  • Astrochemistry vs. astrophysics
  • Is radiochemistry a dying field?
  • Pros and cons of being a biochemist
  • New concepts of chemical engineering
  • What makes quantum chemistry difficult?
  • The importance of agricultural chemistry
  • The impact of WW2 on computational chemistry
  • Ernest Rutherford’s contribution to nuclear chemistry
  • Computer chemistry vs. computational chemistry

🔬 General Chemistry Topics to Write About

Chemistry surrounds us in our everyday life. Have you ever seen moldy bread or boiling water? That’s chemistry in action. Have a look at these 30 easy topics for an introduction into chemistry:

  • What happens to your body when it lacks vitamins?
  • How does acid rain form?
  • Understanding pheromones: how do they affect humans?
  • Explain what atoms are made of.
  • Ionic and covalent compounds: a comparison.
  • How do you solve stoichiometry problems?
  • Give an overview of the states of matter.
  • A delicate balance: how do chemicals in our brains create moods?
  • Describe the noble gas configuration.
  • Marie Curie and her extraordinary legacy.
  • An introduction into acids and bases.
  • Write about hydrologic cycles.
  • What happens when a substance oxidizes?
  • Explain substitution reactions.
  • Compare the Bohr model with the plum-pudding and the Saturnian models.
  • How does a Geiger counter work?
  • Describe the significance of Rutherford’s gold foil experiment.
  • How Michael Faraday forever changed the scientific landscape.
  • What does Prout’s hypothesis state?
  • The history of european alchemy.
  • What are the periodic trends?
  • Explain how to analyze amino acids using protein hydrolysis.
  • What do catalysts do?
  • Everything about lab safety.
  • The radium craze of the early 20th century.
  • How does substance abuse impact your body?
  • Why is it essential to study chemistry in high school?
  • Reaction rates: how do we define them?
  • Before chemistry: ancient philosophy of things changing. 
  • Examine how radioactive decay occurs.

🧑🥼 Chemistry Projects Topics for Science Fair

Experiments are, without a doubt, the most fun part of chemistry. It’s exciting to watch colorful substances fizzle and bubble. If you need ideas for your next project, look no further. Just make sure to follow safety rules!

  • Discover what determines the color changes when iodine and starch react. 
  • Find out how to make photosynthesis visible.
  • Try to synthesize Aspirin.
  • Develop film and explain how you did it.
  • Fiddle a wire through an ice cube without drilling holes.
  • Assess the quality of water and find out what contaminates it.

Catalysts increase chemical reactions.

  • Extract plant oil and study its properties.
  • Observe what happens if you dye wool with different colors.
  • Learn how to make a solution change color.
  • Determine the amount of caffeine in various sorts of tea.
  • How do you produce biogas or liquid from organic waste?
  • Analyze the contents of your toothpaste. Can you find any health hazards?
  • Make a water filter from scratch.
  • Why does lemon juice stop apples from browning?
  • Make a safe smoke bomb.
  • Document the process of growing crystals.
  • Identify the pollutants in the air around you.
  • What makes a flame change color?
  • Biometric technologies: how do they work? 
  • Study invisible ink. What makes it disappear?
  • Wine: how do its chemical compounds relate to its taste?
  • Emulsions: how to make and break them.
  • Compare the effectiveness of different vegetable oils in biodiesel manufacturing.
  • Assess the residue of pesticides in vegetables from various markets.
  • Measure the density of soft drinks. How does sugar affect it?
  • Conductivity: what types of solutions are the best electrical conduits?
  • Food and science: how much energy do nuts and chips produce when burned?
  • Analyze your hair and check for nutrients.
  • Examine what soap needs to foam properly.
  • Change a penny’s color to gold.

🤔 Advanced Chemistry Topics for an Essay

Once you’ve mastered chemistry’s fundamental concepts, you’re ready for the advanced part. Here, you will explore topics such as kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics. Consult our list for 30 interesting advanced chemistry topics:

  • Polymers: what do we use them for?
  • How do spectroscopes work?
  • What chemical information can we find in meteorites?
  • Spectroscopy and its many applications.
  • SchrĂśdinger’s Cat: what did it reveal about radioactive decay?
  • Examine the properties of imino-disaccharides.
  • The importance of carbohydrate-protein interactions in immunology.
  • CRISPR: how does it work?
  • Compare the types of noncovalent bonding.
  • Investigate how molecular recognition can be produced synthetically.
  • Describe the impact of nanotechnology.
  • How does nanoscience change our lives?
  • What does Le Châtelier’s principle state?
  • CBD: what advantages does it have?
  • What causes a chemical process to result in equilibrium?
  • Compare the types of equilibrium.
  • BPA : how toxic is it?
  • Behavior of ideal vs. non-ideal gases.
  • Magnetism and coordination compounds.
  • The principles of molecular orbital theory.
  • Why do certain compounds not exist?
  • How does water recycling work?
  • Cloud seeding: when is it useful?
  • What causes the weather to change?
  • Why do some plants rely on photosynthesis more than others?
  • Describe the properties of hydrogen.
  • Explain the connection between collision theory and concentration.
  • How do the ab initio methods work?
  • Chemistry and the brain: impact of neurotransmitters. 
  • Examine the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia.

🦠 Biochemistry Topics to Research

Have you ever wondered what chemical processes happen inside living organisms? Here’s an example: when we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Biochemistry combines biology and chemistry to find out how life works on a molecular level. It’s a life science that deals with the cells, proteins, and lipids that form the core of every being. Clinical research highly benefits from biochemical knowledge.

  • Explain enzyme inhibitors and their mechanisms.
  • What are the benefits of epigenetics?
  • Enzyme activity: how can you regulate it?

Peter Atkins quote.

  • Understanding the role of lipase in pathophysiological processes.
  • The chemical processes behind metabolism.
  • Amino acids: industrial applications.
  • Consequences of a protein deficiency.
  • Dietary supplements: help or hazard?
  • How does the Citric Acid Cycle work?
  • Glycolysis : how does it convert glucose?
  • How do solutes move through biological membranes?
  • Explain the sodium-potassium pump.
  • Describe networks and alliances of the biotechnology industry.
  • How does the body react to chlorine exposure?
  • Cells gone rogue: the origins of cancer. 
  • Investigate the functions of hormones.
  • How can we develop new vaccines?
  • Discuss the ethics of stem cell research.
  • The legacy of Dolly the sheep.
  • SCNT: process and applications.
  • What are the chemical compounds of blood? 
  • How do you treat hemophilia?
  • The development of prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes.
  • Discuss the cloning of a DNA fragment and Southern blotting.
  • How does oxidative phosphorylation synthesize ATP?
  • Compare the three types of crystallography.
  • Copying DNA: the principles of PCR.
  • How does recombination repair work?
  • What causes redoximorphic features in various soils?
  • Obtaining protein structures with x-ray crystallography.

🧬 Organic Chemistry Topics for Papers

Organic chemistry serves as the foundation for biochemistry. It is centered on carbon, which is essential to life. Carbon often bonds with other elements as well as itself. That’s what makes it the basis for all organic structures.

  • Describe the properties of a chiral molecule.
  • Atmospheric chemistry: methods and observations.
  • Write about antioxidant potency of polyphenol-rich beverages.
  • Enantiomers and the Fischer projection practice.
  • Investigate possible relationships between stereoisomers.
  • What are the benefits of chemoenzymatic synthesis?
  • Explore the history of vitalism.
  • The production of chemicals using carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions.
  • Hydrocarbon: types and reactions.
  • Examine the four essential types of organic compounds.
  • How do free-radical reactions work?
  • Pathogens: infection cycle and disinfection methods.
  • Give examples of esters in everyday life.
  • How do you turn alcohols into alkyl halides?
  • Mechanisms of aerosol formation.
  • Recent discoveries in molecular tuning.
  • Chemical warfare: the dark side of organic chemistry.
  • What makes a plant poisonous?
  • What makes aromatic compounds unreactive?
  • Phosgene: what makes it toxic?
  • Explain the mechanism of the Diels-Alder Reaction.
  • Alpha carbon reactions: when do aldol condensations occur?
  • How do you identify organic compounds using infrared spectroscopy?
  • Bonds as springs: the mechanical molecular model.
  • Antibiotic resistance: causes and effects.
  • Identify factors that influence proton chemical shifts.
  • What does the electron dot structure show?
  • The properties and reactions of functional groups.
  • What defines a compound as aromatic?
  • How do you name amines?

♻️ Green Chemistry Topics to Write About

If you’re concerned with sustainability, green chemistry is your area of choice. It finds ways to make chemical products less harmful to the environment. Research is done at every stage, from the product’s design to its disposal.

  • How do you prevent pollution?
  • What do you do with toxic waste?
  • Discuss the twelve principles of green chemistry.
  • Source reduction: what are the most effective ways?
  • Biomimicry: is it the best way to sustainability?
  • Eco-friendly packaging and its issues.
  • Compare the effectiveness of various materials used in solar cells.
  • What are the advantages of molar efficiency?
  • Ionic liquids: are they the future of eco-friendly reagents?
  • The U.S. acid rain program: pros and cons. 
  • How can the toxicity of paint be reduced?
  • Innovative ways to avoid pesticides in agriculture.
  • What are the types of bio-based renewable feedstocks?
  • Are bioplastics beneficial for the environment?
  • How do metathesis reactions help reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Computer chips: how do we make them more sustainable?
  • Alternative energies: making fuel from chicken feathers.
  • Is carbon capture effective?
  • Will cultivated meat become a green alternative to traditional farming?
  • How does the Plantrose process work?
  • Discuss the petroleum products problem in the U.S.
  • What are efficient ways to extract and use critical elements more
  • How efficient is artificial photosynthesis?
  • What are the best ways to remove carbon pollution?
  • Electrocatalysis as a way to generate and consume fuels.
  • Discuss the most pressing issues in green chemistry today.
  • How does LCA work?
  • What are efficient ways to extract and use critical elements more sustainably?
  • Recycling and recovery of plastic. 
  • Describe the advantages of Levulinc Acid use.
  • How can we make nuclear energy more viable?

⚗️ Inorganic Chemistry Topics for a Paper

Metals and minerals are parts of inorganic chemistry. Scientists in this field want to understand the behavior and properties of inorganic compounds. Practical uses include the manufacturing of fertilizers, adhesives, and coatings.

Inorganic Chemistry.

  • What are the types of nucleosynthesis?
  • In which ways are chemicals able to bond?
  • How does molecular symmetry predict the chemical properties of a molecule?
  • Vibrational spectroscopy: what is it used for?
  • Discuss the importance of inorganic compounds in biochemistry.
  • The history of atomic theory: an overview.
  • Hematite: matter and mineral. 
  • The peculiarities of hydrogen bonds and polarity.
  • What are the uses of point groups in inorganic chemistry?
  • Determine the factors that impact Brønsted-Lowry acidity.
  • How does HSAB explain reaction mechanisms?
  • What is lattice energy, and how can you measure it?
  • How do you use coordination compounds as catalysts?
  • Red Ferrosols: soil management issues. 
  • Examine the drawbacks of the crystal field theory.
  • Define the selection rules for vibrational transitions.
  • What is the most effective way to grow synthetic diamonds?
  • How do you use the angular overlap model?
  • Explain ligand effects.
  • The magnetic properties of transition metal oxides.
  • Gold: how does it serve medicine?
  • The use of chemistry in jewelry manufacturing.
  • How does the chemical structure of a gemstone determine its color?
  • Alexandrite: what makes it so unique?
  • How do ligand substitution reactions work?
  • Determine the properties of the light types.
  • What are the fundamental laws of photochemistry?
  • What causes phosphorescence?
  • Alloys: what are their benefits?
  • The history of brass and its usage.

⚛️ Nuclear Chemistry Topics for an Essay

You’ve probably been x-rayed before. It means you’ve been exposed to radiation. Nuclear chemistry seeks to understand radioactivity-related processes. One of atomic science’s most critical problems is the disposal of radioactive waste.

  • How do you calculate an element’s half-life?
  • Compare the three different types of radiation.
  • What are the common uses of radioactive elements?
  • How do we know that a nucleus is stable?
  • Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters: a comparison. 
  • How do elements transmute in the process of nuclear fission?
  • Cold fusion: will it ever be possible?
  • Radiation: how does it harm biological systems?
  • Describe the types of decay.
  • Nuclear waste: reprocessing, disposal, and transportation. 
  • How is nuclear chemistry used in medicine?
  • Ways to destroy toxic organic compounds using irradiation.
  • Interactions between water and radioactive elements.
  • How are chemosensors used in radiation chemistry?
  • What are the biological applications of radiochemistry?
  • The nuclear fuel cycle: managing the disposal of nuclear fuel.
  • Discuss reactive hazards in the chemical industry.
  • Compare the efficiency of different extraction methods.
  • Fission products and surfaces: what happens when 9TcO2 gets in contact with steel?
  • Isotopic chemistry: what distinguishes it from nuclear chemistry?
  • Explore the history of NMR.
  • Henri Becquerel and the discovery of radioactivity.
  • The relevance of hydrogen in nuclear fusion.
  • What causes radioactivity?
  • The adverse effects of ionizing vs. non-ionizing radiation.
  • Why are some people skeptical about the term “nuclear?”
  • The Big Bang: how did it create the Universe as we know it?
  • Discuss the unsuccessful efforts in nuclear arms control. 
  • How does radiocarbon dating work?
  • Mass spectrometry: ionization techniques.

🧮 Analytical Chemistry Topics for Essays

The matter comes in all forms and shapes. It can be a compound or a single element. If you want to know how matter is structured, analytical chemistry has the answer. Scientists of this branch ensure that our food and other products are safe to consume.

  • How does activation analysis work?
  • Why is analytical chemistry important for the environment?
  • How do you find iron in a mixture of metals?
  • What are the ways to measure the amount of a specific substance in a compound?


  • Identifying hazardous substances in cheese.
  • A simple way to separate chemical compounds: gas chromatography.
  • Aspirin vs. Ibuprofen: comparing the chemical mechanisms of pain relievers.
  • Genetically modified foods and their impact on human health.
  • Food allergies: where do they come from?
  • The best techniques for quantitative chemical analysis.
  • What are the standard techniques to measure the endpoint of a titration?
  • Mass-based analysis: gravimetric analysis.
  • How do you neutralize WVO?
  • Drug safety approach in administration and nursing. 
  • Describe the three types of electroanalytical methods.
  • How do you measure temperature using a calorimeter?
  • Understanding thermodynamics: the Carnot cycle.
  • The process of analyzing salt.
  • How do you identify the shelf life of a medicine?
  • Ways to find adulterants in drugs.
  • Compare the healthiness of bottled water based on its chemical compounds.
  • How can you test cholesterol in blood samples?
  • Examine how analytical chemistry is used in forensic science.
  • What are the advantages of spectrochemical methods?
  • How do you detect pesticides using immunoassays?
  • Miniaturization: how does it advance analytical chemistry?
  • Capillary Liquid Chromatography: an overview.
  • Immunochemistry: applications in environmental analysis.
  • The development of analytical technology in the past 20 years.
  • Explain how to determine PAH sources in soil.

🧪 Physical Chemistry Topics for Papers

Is chemistry not enough for you? Try combining it with physics! For physical chemists, it is crucial to understand how molecules and atoms act. They use various models to study the structure and behavior of these tiny particles.

  • Explain how to determine an atom’s electron configuration.
  • Describe the structure of an atom.
  • Isotopes: why do they exist?
  • What is the Time-of-Flight principle?
  • How do you calculate the mass of an atom?
  • Define successive ionization energies.
  • What are the gas laws?
  • Equation of state: ideal vs. real gases.
  • Explain why the Earth is considered a closed thermodynamic system.
  • What is the Avogadro constant?
  • The difference between empirical and molecular formulae.
  • Calculating percentage yields: balanced equations.
  • How do intermolecular forces affect the melting point of a substance?
  • What are the four types of crystal structures?
  • Define the types of forces that exist between molecules.
  • Explain how to relate the melting point and conductivity of a substance to their type of structure.
  • What is fire in terms of chemistry and thermodynamics?
  • Reasons why molecules with polar bonds might not have a permanent dipole.
  • How do internal combustion engines work?
  • Endothermic or exothermic? Determining enthalpy change.
  • What are the applications of Hess’s law?
  • Explain the use of mean bond enthalpy.
  • When does a collision not cause a reaction?
  • How does temperature affect the reaction rate?
  • How do catalysts work?
  • Describe what Born-Haber cycles are used for.
  • Explore the history of thermochemistry.
  • Give examples of quasi-static processes.
  • The study of chaos: calculating entropy.
  • When is a reaction reversible?

We hope that you found a topic you like. Now good luck with your essay!

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  • Chemistry: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Different Types of Chemistry: University of Wisconsin
  • General Chemistry Topic Review: Purdue University
  • General Chemistry: University of Tennessee Chattanooga
  • Topics in Advanced Chemistry: University of Otago
  • Biochemistry Topics List and Learning Tools: Vital-IT
  • Organic Chemistry: Khan Academy
  • Basics of Green Chemistry: US EPA
  • Exploring the Role of Green Chemistry at a Research University: Harvard
  • Inorganic Chemistry: American Chemical Society
  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus: Westfield State University
  • Nuclear Chemistry: University of Pennsylvania
  • Analytical Chemistry: American Chemical Society
  • Physical Chemistry: AQA
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Chemistry Extended Essay Topic Ideas and RQs for IB Students

Table of contents

  • Writing Metier

Greetings, future innovators and explorers of the chemical world! As a co-founder of Writing Metier , a platform dedicated to fostering the academic growth of IB students, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to THE LIST of good and the most important – working IB Chemistry extended essay topics. 

The adventure through chemistry is a quest for knowledge, spanning the micro to the macro, from the intricacies of molecular bonds to the grandeur of environmental chemistry. 

Our mission is to light the path for your exploration, offering a rich array of topics that serve as academic pursuits and as gateways to real-world impact. 

Thanks to the help of our IB writers , no I am able to break the list into various categories to cover as many ideas as possible.

Here’s a comprehensive guide that spans various aspects of chemistry, designed to spark curiosity and encourage in-depth exploration.

Organic Chemistry

  • Synthesis of Biofuels : Investigating methods for producing biofuels from organic waste materials.
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Exploring the synthesis and analysis of pharmaceutical compounds.
  • Green Chemistry : Developing sustainable and environmentally friendly synthesis methods.

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Coordination Compounds : Examining the properties and applications of coordination compounds in medicine and industry.
  • Catalysis : Investigating the role of catalysts in speeding up chemical reactions, with a focus on industrial applications.
  • Metal Extraction : Analyzing methods for extracting metals from ores using different chemical processes.

Physical Chemistry

  • Thermodynamics : Exploring the energy changes that occur during chemical reactions.
  • Kinetics : Investigating the factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions.
  • Spectroscopy : Using spectroscopy techniques to identify chemical compounds.

Environmental Chemistry

  • Atmospheric Chemistry : Studying the chemical composition of the atmosphere and its impact on climate change.
  • Water Quality Analysis : Analyzing pollutants in water sources and their effects on the environment.
  • Soil Chemistry : Investigating soil contamination and remediation techniques.

Analytical Chemistry

  • Food Chemistry : Examining the chemical processes involved in food production and preservation.
  • Forensic Chemistry : Using chemical analysis to solve forensic cases.
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis : Determining the composition and purity of pharmaceutical products.

Theoretical Chemistry

  • Quantum Chemistry : Exploring the application of quantum mechanics to chemical problems.
  • Computational Chemistry : Using computer simulations to solve chemical problems and predict the properties of molecules.
  • Molecular Modeling : Designing and modeling new molecules for specific applications.

Materials Chemistry

  • Nanotechnology : Investigating the synthesis and application of nanomaterials.
  • Polymer Chemistry : Studying the synthesis and properties of polymers.
  • Battery Technology : Exploring the chemistry behind battery materials and energy storage solutions.

Whether you’re passionate about creating sustainable solutions or unraveling the complexities of chemical reactions, this guide is designed to spark your imagination and set the stage for a journey of significant discovery.

Before I proceed to the list, I’ll also suggest that everyone who is interested in Chemistry check our article with the awesome IB IA Chemistry topics list. Moreover,you can always get assistance with writing your IB Chemistry extended essay from our experts at Writing Metier.

Each topic you’ll encounter is a step toward not only mastering the principles of chemistry but also applying them in ways that challenge, innovate, and inspire.

Are you ready for the list?

IB Chemistry EE Topic Ideas List

Below is a list of Chemistry Extended essay topics and research questions for each subcategory I’ve mentioned above, designed to align with IB Extended Essay criteria and, most importantly, spark interest in ambitious students who selected IB Diploma Program.

We’re stepping into an arena where the building blocks of life become the playground for our curiosity. 

Here, we explore how everything from the fuels that power our world to the medicines that keep us healthy are crafted. It’s a space where creativity meets science, transforming simple carbon chains into complex life-improving compounds.

Synthesis of Biofuels

  • Research Question: How do varying feedstocks affect the efficiency and sustainability of biofuel production?
  • Research Question: Which method offers a more sustainable and efficient pathway for biodiesel production: enzymatic or chemical?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Research Question: How does the synthesis process affect the purity and effectiveness of aspirin?
  • Research Question: Can specific chemical compounds enhance the effectiveness of existing antibiotics against resistant bacteria?

Green Chemistry

  • Research Question: How do catalysts improve the efficiency and environmental impact of biodegradable plastics synthesis?
  • Research Question: How can the principles of green chemistry be applied to reduce waste in industrial chemical syntheses?

Moving on from the carbon-centric universe of Organic Chemistry, we find ourselves in the diverse and often colorful world of Inorganic Chemistry. 

This is where metals, minerals, and other non-carbon elements take center stage, revealing a spectrum of compounds that influence everything from technology to medicine.

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In Inorganic Chemistry, we venture beyond the realm of carbon to explore the vast array of elements that make up our world. From the coordination compounds that color our fireworks to the metals at the heart of our electronic devices, this field is about the endless possibilities that arise when we combine different elements from the periodic table.

Coordination Compounds

  • Research Question: How does changing ligands in coordination compounds affect their color and absorption spectra?
  • Research Question: How do specific coordination compounds enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic reactions?
  • Research Question: How do heterogeneous catalysts compare in efficiency and selectivity in the production of biofuels?
  • Research Question: Can nano-catalysts significantly improve the decomposition rates of common industrial pollutants?

Metal Extraction

  • Research Question: How do different hydrometallurgical techniques affect the efficiency and purity of copper extraction?
  • Research Question: Is bioleaching a more environmentally friendly method for gold extraction compared to traditional methods?

As we leave the tangible world of compounds and crystals, we approach the more abstract but equally thrilling domain of Physical Chemistry. 

Here, we zoom in even further, examining the very essence of chemical reactions and the energy that powers them.

Welcome to Physical Chemistry, where the micro meets the macro in the most fascinating ways. This is where we get to decode the secrets behind the energy changes in reactions , the speed at which they occur, and the advanced techniques we use to peek into the molecular realm. 

It’s like being a detective, but for molecules, uncovering clues about how and why reactions happen.


  • Research Question: How do temperature changes affect the efficiency and voltage output of electrochemical cells?
  • Research Question: How do energy changes in endothermic and exothermic reactions compare in terms of reaction spontaneity?
  • Research Question: How does the introduction of different catalysts affect the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide?
  • Research Question: How does varying the temperature influence the rate of esterification reactions?


  • Research Question: How effective is UV-Vis spectroscopy in measuring the concentration of specific pollutants in water samples?
  • Research Question: How can infrared spectroscopy be used to identify and distinguish between different organic compounds?

From the microscopic interactions in Physical Chemistry, we broaden our view to the impact of chemicals on our planet in Environmental Chemistry. It’s about understanding how chemical reactions don’t just happen in labs but are ongoing in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil that feeds us.

Environmental Chemistry takes us into the heart of our natural world, examining how chemicals play a role in everything from the air quality in our cities to the health of our oceans. 

This is our chance to see how chemistry directly impacts our environment and what we can do to protect it. It’s a call to action, using our chemical knowledge for the greater good.

Atmospheric Chemistry

  • Research Question: What role do nitrogen oxides play in the formation of urban smog, and how can their impact be mitigated?
  • Research Question: How does the chemical composition of rainwater in industrial areas reflect the presence of atmospheric pollutants?

Water Quality Analysis

  • Research Question: How do agricultural runoff and the presence of nitrates and phosphates affect the quality of water in local waterways?
  • Research Question: What are the sources and potential health impacts of heavy metal contamination in urban drinking water supplies?

Soil Chemistry

  • Research Question: How does acid rain alter soil pH levels and affect the availability of essential nutrients for plant growth?
  • Research Question: What are the most effective chemical remediation techniques for restoring oil-contaminated soils?

After considering the broad environmental impacts, let’s zoom back in on the specifics with Analytical Chemistry. Here, we focus on the tools and techniques that allow us to measure, analyze, and understand the chemical makeup of our world.

In Analytical Chemistry, it’s all about the details. Whether we’re testing food for safety, analyzing forensic evidence, or ensuring the quality of pharmaceuticals, this field equips us with the precision to quantify the chemical components of various substances. 

It combines chemistry and detective work, where accuracy can solve mysteries and save lives.

Food Chemistry

  • Research Question: How can chromatographic techniques be used to detect and quantify adulterants in olive oil?
  • Research Question: How do different cooking methods affect the retention of vitamin C in commonly consumed vegetables?

Forensic Chemistry

  • Research Question: How can chemical analysis of bodily fluids contribute to determining the time of death in forensic investigations?
  • Research Question: How can the composition and distribution of gunshot residue be used to reconstruct crime scenes?

Pharmaceutical Analysis

  • Research Question: How do different storage conditions affect the stability and efficacy of vitamin supplements?
  • Research Question: What methods can be used to evaluate the purity and dosage accuracy of over-the-counter painkillers?

Leaving the hands-on world of analysis, we venture into the theoretical landscapes of Theoretical Chemistry. This is where imagination and mathematics converge , allowing us to predict and model the behaviors of atoms and molecules in ways we can’t always see.

Theoretical Chemistry invites us into a world of possibilities, where we use computers and equations to unlock the mysteries of chemical behavior. 

Here, we’re not just observing what happens; we’re predicting what could happen, exploring everything from the quantum level to complex molecular structures. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what we know and venturing into new territories of understanding.

Quantum Chemistry

  • Research Question: How does quantum chemistry contribute to predicting the interaction between drugs and their target molecules?
  • Research Question: How can quantum mechanics principles be applied to explain the bonding and structure of complex molecules?

Computational Chemistry

  • Research Question: How can computational chemistry techniques be used to predict protein folding and its implications for diseases?
  • Research Question: How accurate are computational methods in estimating the energies of chemical reactions compared to experimental data?

Molecular Modeling

  • Research Question: How can molecular modeling be used to design efficient catalysts for use in green chemistry applications?
  • Research Question: How does molecular modeling aid in the development of new materials for renewable energy sources, such as solar cells?

From the abstract models of Theoretical Chemistry, we transition to the tangible innovations of Materials Chemistry. This field is where theory meets application, leading to the development of new materials that shape the future of technology and society.

Materials Chemistry is where innovation takes form. From the nanomaterials that could revolutionize medical treatments to the polymers that reduce our environmental footprint, this field is about creating the future. 

It’s an exciting intersection of chemistry, engineering, and imagination, driving us towards solutions for some of the world’s biggest challenges.


  • Research Question: How can nanoparticles be engineered to improve the efficiency and targeting of drug delivery systems?
  • Research Question: How do nanomaterials contribute to enhancing the efficiency of solar panels?

Polymer Chemistry

  • Research Question: How do biodegradable polymers decompose, and what is their environmental impact compared to conventional plastics?
  • Research Question: How can conductive polymers be used in the development of flexible electronic devices?

Battery Technology

  • Research Question: What are the key chemical reactions that occur in lithium-ion batteries, and how do they affect battery life and efficiency?
  • Research Question: What are the most promising chemical alternatives to lithium-ion batteries for sustainable energy storage solutions?

These topics and research questions aim to inspire IB Chemistry students to explore the frontiers of chemical science , fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for the subject’s potential to address real-world challenges.

I hope these ideas will help in understanding the fundamental processes that shape our world and how we can harness them to improve our lives and protect our planet.

Select IB Chemistry EE Topic Wisely, My Friend

As I wrap up this guide with an amazing and detailed list of IB Chemistry Extended essay topics, I hope you feel inspired and ready to take on the challenge. 

The journey ahead is one of inquiry and perseverance, where your questions and experiments can lead to insights that resonate far beyond the classroom. At Writing Metier, our commitment to your success is unwavering. 

We’re here to assist you with all the complexities of your research and writing process, ensuring that your Extended Essay stands as a testament to your dedication and intellectual curiosity. 

As you select your topic, remember that your work has the potential to illuminate unknown aspects of chemistry and make a meaningful contribution to the scientific community. 

Need a Dope Paper Written? We've Got Your Back!

With Writing Metier’s chemistry essay writers by your side, your exploration into chemistry is not just an academic requirement; it’s an opportunity to leave your mark on the field. Together, let’s turn curiosity into discovery, transforming the theoretical into the tangible.

Free topic suggestions

Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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How to Write Essay About Chemistry

Chemistry, transcending the bounds of a mere topic, emerges as a comprehensive subject deeply rooted in the STEM field, where its intricate and often abstract concepts can pose substantial challenges to understanding. Students regularly encounter complex chemistry homework assignments that test their grasp of the subject, leading to difficulties that can be overwhelming. Recognizing these academic hurdles, PapersOwl extends its scope beyond the realm of essay writing to provide specialized assistance in chemistry homework . Our service is tailored to demystify the complexities of chemical reactions, molecular structures, and theoretical concepts, offering students the support and guidance they need. By leveraging our expertise, students can navigate the challenging aspects of chemistry with greater ease and confidence, ensuring they not only complete their homework but also deepen their understanding of this fundamental scientific discipline.

Composing an essay on chemistry requires a blend of scientific knowledge, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process of writing a chemistry essay:

Understanding the Essay Topic

Begin by clearly understanding the specific aspect of chemistry you are tasked with exploring. Chemistry is a broad field that encompasses organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and biochemistry. Determine the focus of your essay, whether it's discussing a chemical reaction, exploring a chemical theory, analyzing a laboratory experiment, or examining the impact of a chemical discovery.

Conducting Comprehensive Research

In-depth research forms the backbone of a good chemistry essay. Utilize credible sources such as scientific journals, chemistry textbooks, and authoritative online resources. Pay close attention to recent research findings, experiments, and theoretical developments in the field. Take detailed notes on relevant chemical processes, reactions, formulas, and experiments that align with your topic.

Developing a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should succinctly present the main argument or objective of your essay. In chemistry, this could be an assertion about a chemical principle, the importance of a discovery, or the implications of a particular research finding. Ensure that your thesis is focused, specific, and directly related to the chemistry topic you are discussing.

Planning Your Essay Structure

Organize your essay in a logical and coherent manner. Start with an introduction that sets the context for your topic and presents your thesis statement. In the body, divide your main arguments or points into paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect supported by scientific evidence. Conclude by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis in light of the discussion.

Writing the Essay

Use clear and precise language, and explain chemical terms and concepts for clarity. Chemistry essays often involve detailed descriptions of processes and reactions, so it's important to be accurate and thorough. Present your arguments logically, supported by data, experiments, and theoretical explanations. Be analytical and critical, particularly when discussing the implications or applications of chemical principles.

Incorporating Scientific Data and Examples

Chemistry essays may include scientific data, chemical formulas, and graphical representations. Ensure that all such elements are accurately presented and relevant to your argument. Use examples and case studies to illustrate your points, and explain how they support your thesis.

Citing Your Sources

Proper citation is crucial, especially when referring to experimental data, chemical properties, or theories developed by others. Use an appropriate citation style (like ACS, APA, or MLA) and consistently cite all your sources, including figures and diagrams.

Editing and Proofreading

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and logical flow of ideas. Check for accuracy in your chemical descriptions and ensure that your analysis is thorough. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting issues. It's often helpful to have someone else read your essay, as they might catch errors or unclear sections you missed.

Writing an essay about chemistry involves understanding complex scientific concepts and effectively communicating them in a structured and insightful manner. By thoroughly researching your topic, organizing your essay logically, and presenting your arguments with precision and clarity, you can create a compelling chemistry essay that showcases your understanding and insights into this fascinating field.

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Chemistry Essay Examples and Topics

Activation energy of the oxalic acid/potassium permanganate solution, solubility of potassium nitrate.

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Hydrated Copper (II) Sulphate Experiment

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Potassium Iodide and Iron (III) Chloride Chemical Reaction

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Acids, Bases and Buffers in Real-Life Applications

Buffer solution and determination changes in ph, chemistry application in daily life.

  • Words: 1435

Rate Law for Iodine-Acetone Reaction

Spectrophotometric determination of the pka of an acid-base indicator.

  • Words: 1592

The Synthesis of Aspirin and Determination of Product Purity

  • Words: 1650

Retinol: Physical and Chemical Properties, Sources, Benefits, and Adverse Effects

Functional group identification.

  • Words: 1390

Aldol Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone

  • Words: 1136

Nanofabrication. Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down Method

Concentration as a factor affecting the rate of chemical reactions, methyl salicylate preparation using esterification.

  • Words: 2059

Quantitative Analysis of Aspirin Tablets by Spectrophotometry

Pinacol rearrangement laboratory experiment.

  • Words: 3066

Alkanes and Alkenes: Structure and Reactions

  • Words: 1697

Bomb Calorimetry: Theory and Experiment

  • Words: 1595

Preparation and Recrystallization of Acetanilide

Analysis of lab: heat of fusion of water, lubricating oil extraction methods.

  • Words: 2147

P-Nitroacetanilide: Measurements and Calculations

Contribution of amedeo avogadro to chemistry, fractional distillation lab report, formula of a complex with the slope-ratio method, organic chemistry – contributions and in life, interrelationship of metabolic pathways.

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Production of Acetone from isopropyl alcohol

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Primary Salt Effect in Kinetic of Ionic Reactions

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The Solubility of Potassium Nitrate

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Oxidation and Reduction Process

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Methamphetamine (Meth)

Determination of quinine in tonic water with fluorescence spectroscopy.

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Extraction of Sucrose, Acetylsalicylic Acid, and Acetanilide From Phensuprin

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The Rate and Order of a Chemical Reaction

Chemistry: expansion processes of a perfect gas, titration of a strong and weak acid.

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Thin Layer Chromatography

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Chromatography in the Determination of Amino Acids

Cooper and silver: physical and chemical properties.

  • Words: 1976

Nylons: Production, Characteristics and Applications

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Diffusion in Polymer Solutions

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Oxidation States of Manganese Ion

Liquid crystals: fundamental properties, and the effects of external factors.

  • Words: 2803

Silver Characteristics as a Chemical Element

Lubricants oil production in refineries.

  • Words: 2245

Acetone: Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Words: 2200

Sodium Chloride – Science of Salt

Hydrolysis of tert-butyl chloride: kinetics lab, kht molar solubility experiment.

  • Words: 1322

Food Dye and Bleach Reaction Experiment

  • Words: 1353

Micro Method Determination of Boiling Point of Hydrocarbons

Materials used for ethanol production.

  • Words: 2849

Methyl Salicylate: Carboxylic Acids and Esters

  • Words: 2741

Diffusion and Osmosis Experiments

  • Words: 1745

The Heat of Dissolution and Neutralization Reaction

  • Words: 1152

Electronic Application of Inorganic Polymers

  • Words: 1786

Plastic Impact on Humans and Planet

  • Words: 1079

Waxes and Greases Production and Specifications

  • Words: 3837

Amperometry: Chemical Analysis

  • Words: 3681

The Effect of Acid on Enzyme Activity

Iron: properties, occurrence, and uses, the manufacture of polyethylene.

  • Words: 4148

Hair Care Products: Components and Effects

  • Words: 1383

Chemical Experiment of Reduction of Chromium (VI)

Uv & vis spectroscopy experiment, using solar (pv) energy to generate hydrogen gas for fuel cells, chemical and physical properties of ethane, chemical laser: definition, environment, process, and types.

  • Words: 2769

Aqueous Solution Definition in Chemistry

  • Words: 1760

Effect of pH on Protein Solubility

Substitution reactions of alcohols.

  • Words: 2743

Activation Energy Barrier Definition

The miller-urey experiment and findings, the effect of ph on water holding capacity of chicken, percent composition of calcium in salt: gravimetric analysis.

  • Words: 1126

Atropian Iron: 1st AD Stability Operations Decision Brief

Massive leak of liquified chlorine gas.

  • Words: 2169

Pinacol Rearrangement: Chemical Lab Experiment

  • Words: 1974

PH Balance and Body Reaction to Change

  • Words: 1372

Types of Saturation Indices: Calcium Carbonate

  • Words: 1698

Determination of the Molecular Weight and pKa for an Unknown Weak Acid by Titration

  • Words: 1497

Biogeochemical Cycle: Nitrogen

Nitrite and indole reaction: spectrophotometric study.

  • Words: 2821

The Pinacol Rearrangement as a Dehydration Process

  • Words: 1575

Eggs: The Osmosis Process Investigation

Magnesium atom: formation, characteristics, and application, pinacol rearrangement experiment.

  • Words: 1230

Seawater vs. Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis

Carboxylic acids and esters: preparation of methyl salicylate.

  • Words: 2859

The Experiment on Substitution Reactions of Alcohols

Nucleophilic substitution reactions of alcohols.

  • Words: 2137

Cracking Naphtha to Produce Olefins

  • Words: 4124

The Physical and Chemical Properties of Water

Petroleum refining: hydrotreatment process.

  • Words: 1688

Cement Chemistry Production, Types and Application

  • Words: 1546

Mixtures and Compounds in Chemistry

  • Words: 1284

Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs)

  • Words: 1094

The Solventless Reaction: The Aldol Reaction Condensation

Natural sciences: water expansion during freezing, organic chemistry: combinatorial synthesis of azo dyes, breakdown of the periodic table, the mek lubricant and de-waxing method.

  • Words: 2144

Flammable or Combustible Liquids

  • Words: 3232

The Blatter Radical and Its Synthesis

  • Words: 1550

Water Properties as a Solvent: An Experiment Lab

Conduction phenomena in li-ion batteries.

  • Words: 1669

What Are the Types of Intermolecular Forces That Are Present in Molecules?

  • Words: 1062

Strontium: Physical and Chemical Properties

Plasma discharge and its examples.

  • Words: 2752

Determining the pH and Buffering Capacities of Buffer Solutions

  • Words: 1663

Louis Pasteur: an Outstandimg Chemist and Microbiologist

  • Words: 1475

Preperation of Cyclohexene From Cyclohxanol

Potassium chloride, magnesium sulphate and glucose effects.

  • Words: 1841

Aqueous HCl Solution Preparation

Chemical raising agent in bread in lab experiment.

  • Words: 1703

The Pinacol Rearrangement Organic Reaction

  • Words: 1660

Long Residue Processing in Oil Refineries

  • Words: 1096

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Chemistry Research Topics

Just like when you deal with philosophy or football research topics , creating a good paper on chemistry takes time and effort. But we want to make the process as easy for you as possible by giving you a selection of topics to inspire you. You can use our awesome chemistry research topics to help jumpstart your research and writing that the reps of our research proposal writing service provided. We’ve created various groups of research topics in chemistry to make the selection process easier for you. Read our article below and collect some exciting ideas to catalyse your chemistry research. Or use our college essay title generator to get more ideas for writing. Besides, our ai checker essay is also at your service whether you’re dealing with chemistry, physics, philosophy, or film research paper topics .

Organic chemistry research topics

One of the reasons why students approach research paper writing services like ours is because chemistry is a complex subject with many sub-fields. For example, organic chemistry studies the properties, reactions, and structures of carbon-containing compounds. Below you will get a selection of some of the hottest chemistry research paper topics. When properly researched, they’ll help you create an exciting paper. 

  • The definition of the nucleophiles.
  • Types of isomerism in organic compounds.
  • The negative issues of organic chemistry.
  • The chemical composition of plant poison.
  • What factors influence proton chemical shifts?
  • The chemical composition of painkillers.
  • The chemical composition of vitamins.
  • The mechanism of free-radical reaction.
  • The chemical composition of plastics.
  • Organic acids: properties and examples.
  • The mechanism of chemoenzymatic synthesis.
  • The mechanism of nucleic acid stability.
  • The chemical composition of a chiral molecule.
  • The chemical composition of ethers.
  • The chemical composition of vitamin E.
  • Vanilloids and pain relief.
  • The chemistry of vision.
  • Aldehydes and Ketones.
  • The chemical composition of birth control hormonal medicines.
  • The chemical composition of vitamin A.
  • The mechanism of alcohol poisoning. 
  • The chemical composition of disinfectants.

Inorganic c hemistry research paper topics

Inorganic chemistry investigates the properties and behaviours of inorganic compounds and elements. It is a vital part of chemistry that looks at how things without carbon and hydrogen, like metals and minerals, behave and what they’re like. It’s used in many areas, like industry, technology, and science, and it’s an essential field in chemistry. Taking into account how complex the field is, many students choose to seek research papers for sale because in contrast to food research topics , politics, or environmental research topics , inorganic chemistry issues require profound knowledge and skills.

  • Molecular materials
  • The mechanism of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis
  • Nanostructural materials
  • X-Ray diffraction
  • Molecular materials in inorganic chemistry
  • The mechanism of homogeneous catalysis
  • Bioinorganic chemistry
  • The structure of the solid
  • Understanding transition metal complexes
  •  Exploring main group elements: Boron, Silicon, and Nitrogen Compounds
  • New methods for making inorganic compounds
  • How do inorganic reactions work?
  • Organometallic chemistry: Metals and Carbon Bonds
  • Big molecules without carbon
  • Non-metals and how they bond with metals
  • Inorganic chemistry under light: Photochemical reactions
  • Inorganic chemistry in medicine

Biochemistry research paper topics

Biochemistry is an essential area of study in chemistry that explores the chemistry of life. Studying the chemical processes within living organisms, including enzymes, metabolism, and DNA helps us learn how organisms develop and function. Considering the complexity level of the field, it’s no wonder students choose to buy research papers from us and use topics we offer for free.

  • Understanding how proteins fold and go wrong in diseases
  • How do enzymes work?
  • How cells use sugar: A closer look at glycolysis
  • How do our cells repair genetic mistakes?
  • DNA and proteins
  • RNA: The unsung hero of genetics
  • Using computers to solve biological puzzles
  • Using tiny molecules to study cells
  • How do cells make energy?
  • How do nerves talk to each other?
  • Understanding cancer’s hunger for energy
  • The chemistry of energy in our bodies
  • Discovering DNA: Our genetic code
  • From chemistry to medicine: Finding cures
  • Genes and you: Understanding your DNA
  • Biochemistry and our environment
  • Agriculture and Biochemistry

Medicinal chemistry research paper topics

Medicinal chemistry research is the design and synthesis of pharmaceuticals and drug development. It blends chemistry, biology, and pharmacology to invent new medicines, improving healthcare and pushing medical science forward.

  • Revolutionizing drug discovery
  • Target identification in medicinal chemistry
  • Molecules in 3D: Structure-based drug design techniques
  • Nature’s pharmacy 
  • Designing therapeutic peptides and proteins
  • New Horizons in antibiotics and antimicrobial agents
  • Drug development for neurological disorders
  • Immunotherapy breakthroughs
  • Innovations in antiviral drug development
  • Understanding and preventing adverse drug reactions
  • Personalized medicine’s impact on drug design
  • From traditional medicine to modern science
  • Personalized medicine: Tailoring drug therapies to individual genetic profiles
  • Recent breakthroughs in drug delivery systems
  • Emerging trends in drug repurposing

Chemistry project topics on nanomaterials 

Nanotechnology explores the world of nanomaterials and their applications in various fields. They are making a big difference in many areas. They’re sparking new ideas and helping create better, more efficient, eco-friendly technologies and products. 

  • Improving medicine delivery with nanomaterials
  • Nanotechnology’s role in diagnosis and therapy
  • Pioneering nanoelectronics
  • Nanomaterials powering the future
  • Nanotechnology’s clean water revolution
  • Nanomedicine for personalized healthcare
  • Cleaning the environment, one nanoparticle at a time
  • Nanorobotics in medicine and manufacturing
  • Microscopic revolution
  • Sensors and nanomaterials
  • Nanotechnology’s harvest: Transforming agriculture with nanomaterials
  • Nanosensors for precise detection
  • Nanotechnology: A tiny revolution with a big impact
  • Nanostructured materials in aerospace innovation
  • Nanotechnology in textiles
  • Nanomaterials for water purification
  • The promising future of nanotechnology

Green chemistry research paper topics

Green chemistry investigates sustainable and environmentally friendly approaches to chemical processes and product development. It combines different sciences like chemistry, engineering, and environmental studies. It helps make chemicals and products in a way that’s kinder to the environment, more sustainable, and cost-effective. 

  • A solution to plastic pollution
  • Transforming CO2 into valuable chemicals
  • Green approaches to energy storage
  • Solvent selection for sustainable chemistry
  • Green chemistry’s role in resource recover
  • Green solutions for water purification
  • Environmentally friendly pharmaceutical synthesis
  • Bio-based plastics: Pioneering a sustainable future
  • Packaging for the planet: Sustainable solutions
  • Cleaner chemical reactions
  • Green nanomaterials
  • Eco-Friendly Solvents: A key player in green chemistry
  • Advancing Green Chemistry principles
  • The impact of green chemistry on pharmaceutical development
  • Regulatory frameworks and incentives for Green Chemistry adoption

Chemistry research paper topics on education

In the chemistry education category, we analyze methods for teaching and learning chemistry, curriculum development, and educational technology. It is to help students grasp the basic ideas and key concepts in chemistry. This includes understanding chemical reactions, the periodic table, how atoms are structured, how they stick together, and the different branches of chemistry like organic, inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry.

  • Innovative teaching strategies in enhancing understanding of coordination chemistry
  • Practical educational resources about transition metal chemistry demystified
  • Basis of spectroscopy in chemistry education
  • Journey into advanced chemistry
  • Integrating chemistry into interdisciplinary courses
  • Effective tools for evaluation and improvement of chemistry knowledge
  • Incorporating green chemistry principles into education
  • Chemistry and industry: Preparing students for real-world applications
  • E-learning and online resources about chemistry
  • Chemistry in art and history
  • Revolutionizing chemistry education
  • Flipped classrooms in chemistry
  • Elevating the chemistry laboratory experience: Safety, accessibility, and learning
  • Virtual laboratories for online chemistry education
  • Strategies for diverse chemistry classrooms
  • Problem-based learning: A catalyst for chemistry education
  • Ethical considerations in chemistry education research
  • The evolution of chemistry education from alchemy to modern pedagogy

Exciting chemistry topics for project 

Chemistry involves experimenting and evaluating results.s. Here are several chemistry project research ideas where one could perform an experiment, observe the results, and then write about the findings or one could explore how chemists performed experiments to lead to innovations that have been useful in industries.

  • Why can freezing something make it warmer?
  • The capacities of washing liquids
  • The mechanism of ion exchange
  • The chemical process of fingerprinting in criminal investigations
  • Research on bio petrol
  • The production of hydrogen
  • A comparison of fermentation and rate
  • How does one determine the quantity of casein in milk?
  • How does one determine the amount of caffeine in tea?
  • How does acid effect teeth?
  • Review of studies on artificial silk
  • Review of studies on biodiesel
  • How air balloons rise
  • Using solar power: How chemistry can make clean energy
  • Why food tastes good: The chemistry of flavors
  • Colors in chemistry
  • Fighting chemical weapons: How to detect and stop them
  • Sugar’s secrets: Chemistry in your favorite sweets
  • Solving crimes with chemistry

Tips to choose an interesting chemistry topic

A correctly chosen topic creates a basis for a meaningful and readable paper whether you’re working on a depression research paper or a chemistry project. When selecting chemistry research topics, the first thing is to follow your passions and interests. There is no need to write papers on chemistry topics that do not make you feel excited to research and explore. Here are some tips for choosing chemistry topics to research. Follow these tips to make the process of creating papers easier and boost your productivity:

  • Start with reading the instructions from the teacher and be sure you understand how to follow the guidelines and that you have all the necessary information on your paper. Find the deadline, the parameters of the topic, and any suggested sources for your research. Ask your teacher questions if you need to clarify something. Proceed with your chemistry paper after you understand the requirements.
  • Many teachers require a specific structure for papers. Be sure that yours contains all the obligatory sections. For example, it might require that you include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Most teachers also require a list of references.
  • Be interested in what you are writing. You can get inspired by reviewing essays written by others. Look for exciting cases and high school research topics already explored by other students to find the most attractive areas of chemistry for you. At the same time, when getting inspiration from others’ papers, remember that you shouldn’t plagiarise them, but use them to encourage your own creativity when formulating your study.
  • It would be best if, during your research, you consider a variety of sources including experimental results and research on similar cases. Taking these cases into account when choosing research topics in chemistry will help you see the bigger picture. 
  • The validity of chemistry project topics of course matters. If you examine subjects that many other authors have already investigated, it minimises the chances of you creating an exciting paper.

Request chemistry topics help from us

In addition to our selection of chemistry project topics, you can use the tips we’ve provided to ensure that you create an excellent paper. We hope that now you feel more confident about your upcoming research. If you need more assistance than a selection of chemistry research topics, you can reach out to us and ask our professional authors to create a good chemistry research paper example for you. Asking us for assistance with complicated written tasks means that you get access to a team of qualified professionals. Our experts are well-versed in various subjects in chemistry and can provide you with the unique information they collect from closed paid libraries. Our experts can experiment with specific materials and equipment and remove the burden of complicated practical tasks from your shoulders. When you reach out to ask us for assistance, our team will do our utmost to reduce your stress and make you feel more certain about getting a good grade. Our samples are unique and customised to your needs. Let us know what you need and what kind of paper you are ordering. Fill in the form and let us know the details of your task before you pay for research paper . Set the deadline and provide the information within the fields of the form. We assure you that you won’t regret choosing our service. 

Photo by Fulvio Ciccolo from Unsplash

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Home › University › 600 EPQ Ideas and Examples – The Ultimate List

600 EPQ Ideas and Examples – The Ultimate List

  • Published May 1, 2024

A stack of books and a notebook, representing study materials for an EPQ project.

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) presents a unique opportunity for students studying in sixth form or college. Not only can you earn extra UCAS points to get into university, but you can also develop strong research and writing skills.

The first step is to come up with a great project idea, which is easier said than done. Fortunately, the choice is yours–you can complete your project on whatever topic you want. On the other hand, with so many possibilities, it can be tricky to narrow it down.

Want to better understand EPQ? Read our guide: What is an EPQ.

This article will give you 600 EPQ topic ideas on a range of subjects to help you choose a good question and, more importantly, get an A*.

How to Choose a Good EPQ Idea

Getting a good grade in the EPQ relies on several factors, including meticulous planning, solid time management, and strong essay writing skills . 

Your idea is important, too. Here are some tips for choosing an idea:

  • Pick your passion: Choose a topic you’re genuinely passionate about to maintain motivation.
  • Be specific: You only have 5000-6000 words for your dissertation. This might sound like a lot, but it can be difficult to cram all your ideas into this space. Being specific will help.
  • Push boundaries: Markers like to see topics they haven’t encountered before. If your topic is more popular, try to look at it from a unique angle.

Below are 600 EPQ ideas (including artefact EPQ ideas) organised by subject (in alphabetical order). Some of these ideas are much more vague than you should be for your EPQ; it’s important to put your own spin on these ideas and find an interesting angle. If you’re struggling, your supervisor can help you narrow down a topic.

25 EPQ Ideas for Anthropology

  • How does cultural relativism shape anthropological perspectives on human behaviour?
  • To what extent does language influence cultural identity?
  • In what ways do rituals and ceremonies reflect cultural beliefs and values?
  • How has globalisation impacted indigenous cultures and traditional practices?
  • To what extent can anthropology shed light on the evolution of human social structures?
  • What role does gender play in shaping cultural norms?
  • How do human migration patterns impact cultural exchange and identity?
  • What can the food consumption of a society tell us about its cultural values and social structures?
  • Can anthropology contribute to our understanding of human prehistory?
  • How has technology altered the dynamics of anthropological fieldwork?
  • Can anthropology address issues of cultural appropriation and stereotyping?
  • What impact does climate change have on indigenous knowledge, and vice versa?
  • To what extent can anthropology contribute to conflict resolution?
  • How does the class system in the UK differ from those of other countries?
  • In a post-pandemic world, what role can anthropology play in medicine?
  • Is it important to preserve endangered cultures?
  • What impact does tourism have on local communities?
  • Is it important to respect cultural practices that may harm people?
  • How do kinship systems influence social organisation?
  • How has urbanisation affected the social structure of large human groups?
  • Is it possible to define a singular, homogenous British culture?
  • What can consumption patterns tell us about a particular society?
  • What’s the difference between society and culture?
  • Can language shape the way we view the world?
  • Can online spaces like the Metaverse be considered their own society?

25 EPQ Ideas for Architecture

  • How can architecture foster community engagement?
  • What role does cultural identity play in shaping architectural design?
  • How does sustainable architecture contribute to environmental conversation?
  • In what ways can architectural design mitigate the impact of natural disasters?
  • How does urban planning influence the mental well-being of city dwellers?
  • Can changing architecture serve as a catalyst for economic development in urban areas?
  • How do historic preservation strategies balance tradition and innovation?
  • What factors should architects consider when designing for aging populations?
  • How can architecture promote a healthier lifestyle?
  • What challenges and opportunities does inclusive design present for architects?
  • How does the style of council housing feed into stereotypes about class?
  • How can architects revitalise abandoned urban spaces?
  • How does architecture influence human behaviour in public spaces?
  • What impact does architectural iconography have on the identity of a place?
  • What lessons can architects learn from pandemic responses in designing for health?
  • Was the Grenfell Tower a complete architectural failure?
  • What can architecture tell us about politics?
  • In what ways does minimalist architecture correspond with contemporary societal values?
  • What is the effect of feminism on architecture?
  • How can architects incorporate biophilic design principles into modern urban environments?
  • To what extent is architectural design a form of art?
  • How can technologies such as VR and AR benefit the architectural industry?
  • Were the houses of the past of higher quality?
  • How does architectural lighting impact the perception of spaces?
  • How can architects design for climate resilience in vulnerable regions?

Architecture building

25 EPQ Ideas for Art

  • How does art reflect and influence cultural identity?
  • To what extent does street art challenge traditional notions of public space?
  • How can art be utilised as a form of social and political commentary?
  • In what ways does the digital age impact contemporary art creation and consumption?
  • To what extent can images created by artificial intelligence (AI) be considered art?
  • Can art serve as a therapeutic outlet for mental health expression and recovery?
  • How did impressionism reflect the sociopolitical environment of the late 1800s?
  • What role does public art play in enhancing urban environments?
  • How does art education impact development in children and adolescents?
  • How can art contribute to environmental awareness and sustainability?
  • What impact does public funding have on the accessibility of art institutions?
  • How does art respond to and reflect changing gender norms?
  • How can art museums adapt to the digital age to enhance visitor engagement?
  • In what ways does art challenge or reinforce stereotypes?
  • What role does art play in shaping public memory and commemoration?
  • How has globalisation influenced contemporary artistic trends?
  • Can art bridge the generation gap?
  • Who decides what is defined as ‘art’?
  • Should street artists be allowed to graffiti on walls?
  • What can the vandalism of Barnett Newman’s Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue tell us about the way people view art?
  • Who determines the value of art?
  • Why do humans create art, and why have they done so for thousands of years?
  • Can art be considered a form of language?
  • Who determines the meaning of artwork, the creator or the viewer?
  • Is it worth creating art if nobody sees it?

Paintbrush and paints

25 EPQ Ideas for Biology

  • How do genetics influence self-esteem?
  • How can gene editing technologies revolutionise medicine?
  • How do neurotransmitters contribute to mental health disorders?
  • Can synthetic biology offer solutions to environmental challenges?
  • In what ways does the gut-brain axis influence mental well-being?
  • What is the biology of laughter?
  • To what extent can CRISPR technology be applied ethically and safely in humans?
  • What genes have an influence on human behaviour?
  • What factors contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria?
  • Why do some people use parasites for weight loss, and what are the implications of this?
  • How do circadian rhythms affect human health and performance?
  • Could genetic engineering address environmental pollution?
  • Is addiction a genetic or social issue?
  • Will brain transplants ever be viable?
  • How does the UK’s changing climate affect biodiversity?
  • How can hormones influence behaviour?
  • Can biotechnology address the global food insecurity crisis?
  • Can gut microbiota affect the host’s appetite?
  • To what extent can animal evolutionary traits inspire innovations in technology and engineering?
  • What impact has the grey squirrel had on the distribution of native red squirrels in the UK?
  • Are animals as “smart” as humans?
  • What are the ethical implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply?
  • How does air pollution affect the respiratory health of a given population?
  • What is the role of the immune system in auto-immune diseases?
  • Why do humans living in “Blue Zones” have lower incidences of chronic disease than elsewhere?

25 EPQ Ideas for Business

  • How does corporate social responsibility impact consumer perceptions and purchasing behaviour?
  • To what extent can employee motivation impact organisational performance?
  • Can environmentally sustainable business practices lead to long-term financial success?
  • How do social media marketing strategies influence consumer decision-making?
  • How does leadership style impact employee productivity?
  • In what ways does corporate governance affect organisational success?
  • Can entrepreneurship drive economic development in local communities?
  • What role does emotional intelligence play in effective business leadership?
  • In what ways can businesses effectively manage and leverage diversity?
  • Can AI enhance business operations and efficiency?
  • Should businesses outsourcing to developing countries pay workers the same they would at home?
  • Should businesses pay apprentices more?
  • What has changed for women in the workplace since 1900?
  • To what extent can the government be considered a business?
  • Should there be a salary cap for CEOs?
  • How has e-commerce affected physical retail locations?
  • Will Amazon Go change supermarket shopping forever?
  • Should the government lower the corporate income tax?
  • How has social media changed the landscape of marketing?
  • To what extent can football clubs be considered businesses?
  • How can AI contribute to informed decision-making for business owners?
  • What makes a successful start-up?
  • How ethical are Amazon’s business practices?
  • What responsibility do businesses have to their consumers?
  • To what extent do small businesses rely on digital marketing strategies?

25 EPQ Ideas for Chemistry

  • How can green chemistry principles contribute to sustainable industrial practices?
  • To what extent can nanotechnology revolutionise drug delivery systems?
  • In what ways do catalysts impact reaction rates in chemical processes?
  • Can chemistry provide solutions for efficient energy storage?
  • How did chemistry help us understand the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Can an understanding of chemistry help in the development of anti-aging products?
  • What impact does polymer chemistry have on materials science and engineering?
  • How does fluoride impact the water supply?
  • How does analytical chemistry contribute to forensic science and criminal investigations?
  • How can green solvents impact the environmental sustainability of chemical processes?
  • At what point does a chemical become a hallucinogen?
  • How did optical isomerism impact the drug Thalidomide, which caused fetal abnormalities?
  • To what extent can chemotherapy drugs be targeted using medicinal chemistry techniques?
  • How do organometallic compounds contribute to catalysis in industrial processes?
  • How do metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) contribute to gas storage and separation?
  • Can cheminformatics improve the prediction of chemical properties and toxicity?
  • How can click chemistry be used to improve drug synthesis?
  • How do photovoltaic cells work?
  • Did the discovery of pharmaceutical chemicals change the course of history?
  • Can cannabis use in adolescence cause mental health issues like schizophrenia?
  • What are the benefits of computer-based, fragment-aided drug design?
  • Why doesn’t plastic decompose?
  • What are the chemicals involved in the human conception of love?
  • Project: Make a collection of pleasant-smelling esters.
  • Project: Extract limonene from a range of citrus fruits.

Chemistry flash set

25 EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

  • How can machine learning algorithms improve fraud detection in financial transactions?
  • In what ways does natural language processing contribute to the development of intelligent chatbots?
  • To what extent can blockchain technology enhance data security and integrity?
  • To what extent can explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) improve trust in AI systems?
  • Should we teach children to code in school?
  • Are AI-assessed job applications inevitably biased?
  • Will AI create or diminish the number of jobs available?
  • What impact does cybersecurity have on the reliability of Internet of Things (IoT) devices?
  • To what extent can machine learning predict and prevent cyber attacks?
  • What role does augmented reality (AR) play in enhancing the user experience of mobile apps?
  • How accurately can AI writing assistants (like Grammarly) express human language?
  • Are AI-powered robots responsible for their own actions?
  • The impact of technology on the future of law enforcement and criminal justice?
  • Has technology made our daily lives more or less secure?
  • Has widespread technology led to an increase in crime?
  • How will 5G change our lives?
  • How does parallel computing improve the performance of computational models?
  • In what ways can deep learning algorithms contribute to medical image analysis?
  • What role does computer vision play in image recognition and object detection?
  • How does edge computing address challenges in real-time data processing?
  • Can artificial general intelligence (AGI) be achieved?
  • Can AI models be applied ethically to facilitate sensitive decision-making?
  • How can we improve human-computer interaction to increase accessibility?
  • Is internet access a human right?
  • Project: Create a website and code it yourself.

25 EPQ Ideas for Economics

  • Should the government implement a universal basic income?
  • How does automation impact employment rates and income distribution in developed economies?
  • Is capitalism ethical?
  • Can economic incentives effectively address environmental issues?
  • How has the Russo-Ukrainian war impacted the global trade economy?
  • What would be the economic implications of a country adopting cryptocurrency as its official currency?
  • Should countries prioritise economic growth or environmental sustainability?
  • How does income inequality affect social cohesion?
  • Can the circular economy model contribute to long-term economic sustainability?
  • What economic factors contribute to the success or failure of international development aid programs?
  • To what extent does government intervention influence economic stability during times of crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How does an ageing population impact a country’s economic prospects?
  • Is the concept of a ‘sharing economy’ a viable solution to address times of financial hardship?
  • To what extent does access to education influence economic mobility?
  • What impact did Brexit have on the UK economy?
  • What factors contribute to the success or failure of economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool?
  • How do interest rate changes impact consumer spending?
  • Should governments prioritise economic growth or economic stability during times of crisis?
  • How does income inequality impact access to healthcare and health outcomes?
  • Why is paying taxes important?
  • To what extent does the gig economy contribute to financial insecurity?
  • How often should the minimum wage be reviewed?
  • How does the rise of e-commerce impact brick-and-mortar retail and local economies?
  • Does hosting a global event, such as the FIFA World Cup, benefit a country’s economy?
  • How can the government address the housing crisis?

25 EPQ Ideas for Education

  • How does technology impact student learning outcomes in primary education?
  • To what extent does the quality of early childhood education influence later academic success?
  • How can inclusive education practices benefit students?
  • How does the school environment contribute to student engagement and academic performance?
  • Is project-based learning an effective approach to enhancing critical thinking skills in secondary school students?
  • What role does teacher training play in addressing the challenges of multicultural classrooms?
  • To what extent does standardised testing accurately reflect student abilities?
  • How does the flipped classroom model impact student achievement?
  • Is the education system indoctrinating students?
  • Should school uniforms be enforced?
  • How can the education system better cater to students with high-functioning autism?
  • Does banning mobile phones in school do more harm than good?
  • Should parents have a say in what children are taught at school?
  • Can schools effectively teach mental health and well-being?
  • Do exams unfairly advantage boys, and why?
  • How can schools address the digital divide?
  • To what extent do extracurricular activities impact the development of secondary school students?
  • Can outdoor education programs enhance creativity and problem-solving skills in primary students?
  • Can alternative education models, such as homeschooling or unschooling, provide effective learning environments?
  • What impact does the student-teacher relationship have on learning outcomes?
  • What role does parental involvement play in student success?
  • To what extent does parental socio-economic status influence educational opportunities?
  • How important are creative subjects, like art and music, in secondary school?
  • Should sports be compulsory at secondary school?
  • How can teachers account for different learning preferences?

Classroom of kids with teacher in a lesson

25 EPQ Ideas for Engineering

  • How can sustainable engineering practices be implemented in urban development?
  • To what extent can artificial intelligence enhance predictive maintenance in industrial engineering?
  • How does 3D printing impact traditional manufacturing processes in the aerospace industry?
  • Can engineering solutions effectively address the challenges of renewable energy storage?
  • How can smart materials revolutionise civil engineering?
  • In what ways can engineering design optimise water treatment and purification systems?
  • Should the focus of transportation engineering shift toward autonomous modes of transport like self-driving cars?
  • Why is there a gender imbalance in engineering?
  • What’s the relation between architecture and engineering?
  • Did the Titanic sink due to engineering faults?
  • Can engineering innovation improve accessibility for people with disabilities?
  • Would it be possible to run the UK entirely on energy from wind farms?
  • How can engineering solutions address climate change challenges in coastal areas?
  • In what ways can engineering principles be applied to enhance disaster resilience in infrastructure?
  • What does it mean to be ethical as an engineer?
  • How can a better understanding of robotics enhance efficiency and safety in manufacturing?
  • How does bioengineering contribute to advancements in prosthetics and medical devices?
  • What role does materials engineering play in developing sustainable packaging?
  • What does the future of transport look like?
  • How can advancements in aerodynamics and materials engineering help to create a more energy-efficient Formula 1 race car?
  • What role does geotechnical engineering play in addressing challenges related to soil stability and landslides?
  • Is genetic engineering the future of medicine?
  • Should children be taught engineering in primary school?
  • Project: Build a model plane or boat.
  • Project: Design a modern solution for plastic recycling.

25 EPQ Ideas for English Literature 

  • How does the portrayal of female characters in classic literature reflect changing societal attitudes toward women?
  • To what extent does the use of symbolism contribute to the depth and meaning of Shakespearean tragedies?
  • How does post-colonial literature challenge established perspectives on identity and power?
  • How has the representation of mental health evolved in literature?
  • Is it important to teach media literacy?
  • What role does the unreliable narrator play in shaping the reader’s interpretation of a story?
  • How does magical realism contribute to the themes and messages of contemporary literature?
  • In what ways do graphic novels challenge the traditional notions of literature and storytelling?
  • How has the portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters evolved in literature, and how does this impact societal perceptions?
  • To what extent does the setting contribute to the atmosphere and mood in Gothic literature?
  • How does the use of dialect and language contribute to the authenticity of regional literature?
  • Can a study of literary adaptions for film and television provide insights into changing audience expectations?
  • How does the concept of the ‘Byronic hero’ persist in modern literature and popular culture?
  • To what extent does F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of narrative perspective impact the portrayal of the American Dream in ‘The Great Gatsby’?
  • How does the narrative structure in Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs Dalloway’ enhance the exploration of time and consciousness?
  • Can the analysis of allegory and satire in George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ offer insights into political and societal commentary?
  • What does the popularity of TikTok’s ‘BookTok’ hashtag tell us about changing literary preferences?
  • To what extent does the use of magical realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ contribute to the portrayal of Latin American culture?
  • The author John Green frequently says that “books belong to their readers”. Is this true?
  • How do platforms like Wattpad change what it means to be an author?
  • Can fan fiction be considered a form of literature?
  • Can works of literature oppress their female characters?
  • What books should be taught in schools, and why?
  • What makes a novel ‘great’?
  • How does the portrayal of gender roles in Charlotte BrontĂŤ’s ‘Jane Eyre’ challenge or conform to Victorian societal norms?

Hand holding a literature book, while friend watches

25 EPQ Ideas for Ethics

  • How can we address the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in policing?
  • To what extent does the use of biometric data in surveillance impact individual privacy?
  • How does the ethical framework of medical consent adapt to the challenges posed by telemedicine and remote healthcare?
  • What are the ethical challenges posed by social media algorithms and their impact on information dissemination?
  • Is it ethical to use autonomous drones in warfare and surveillance?
  • Are designer babies ethical?
  • How can we address the implications of deepfake technology?
  • Do businesses have a responsibility to act sustainably?
  • Do humans have a right to explore space?
  • Should embryos have protected rights?
  • Should students be taught ethics in school?
  • Who decides what is ethical?
  • Is it ethical to test for disabilities like Down’s Syndrome in unborn babies?
  • Is cloning ethical?
  • Should people undergo an assessment to vote?
  • Do consumers have an ethical obligation to consider where material goods come from?
  • Can ethical principles guide international cooperation in addressing public health crises?
  • What are the ethical implications of using AI during the hiring process?
  • Should people be able to sue their parents for bringing them into the world?
  • Are morals innate or socially conditioned?
  • Do celebrities have a right to privacy?
  • Do countries have an obligation to take on refugees?
  • Is it ethical to experiment on animals?
  • Can the ends ever justify the means?
  • Can ethics improve the world?

25 EPQ Ideas for Geography

  • How does climate change influence migration patterns?
  • How can GIS technology address urban sprawl and land-use planning?
  • Can sustainable agriculture mitigate the impact of food insecurity?
  • How did the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami affect tourism in Thailand?
  • How does the study of cultural landscapes inform heritage conservation?
  • To what extent can sustainable tourism protect biodiversity in fragile ecosystems?
  • How does water scarcity contribute to geopolitical tensions?
  • Can better urban planning prevent the development of slums?
  • Does the earth belong more to humans or animals?
  • Does the placement of global supply routes inherently cause economic inequality?
  • Is tourism good or bad?
  • Should international borders exist?
  • Can the study of coastal geography inform effective strategies for managing and adapting to sea-level rise?
  • How does climate change influence patterns of disease migration?
  • What are the environmental and social impacts of fracking?
  • How do historical factors shape migration patterns and refugee flows?
  • Can the study of plate tectonics help us predict earthquakes?
  • What role does geopolitics play in shaping global resource distribution?
  • What impact does infrastructure development have on regional economic disparities?
  • What are the challenges presented by aging populations?
  • Does the concept of sustainable development apply to resource extraction industries?
  • Will Antarctica ever be habitable?
  • Can a developing country ever become a developed nation?
  • How does agriculture affect soil health?
  • Should active volcanoes be tourist spots?

Globe of the world

25 EPQ Ideas for History

  • How did the Industrial Revolution transform social structures in 19th-century Britain?
  • How did colonialism shape the cultural, economic, and political development of Tanzania during and after independence?
  • Can the study of historical pandemics offer insights for future action?
  • What role did propaganda play in influencing German public opinion during World War II?
  • To what extent did the women’s suffrage movement contribute to advancements in gender equality?
  • How did the Age of Enlightenment influence the development of political thought and institutions in Europe?
  • How did the Reformation impact religious practices in 16th-century England?
  • How did the Silk Road facilitate cultural exchange and economic development between the East and West?
  • Who was Jack the Ripper?
  • Are school history textbooks biased?
  • How has fashion changed in the UK since the Middle Ages?
  • Are works of fiction and art valid historical sources?
  • How did the Scientific Revolution challenge traditional beliefs?
  • Can the study of historical urbanisation patterns inform contemporary urban planning?
  • What singular invention changed the course of history?
  • Is history important for the future?
  • How did the Cold War impact political ideologies and power dynamics?
  • What can mainstream media tell us about historical political conflicts?
  • To what extent did the Spanish Inquisition contribute to religious intolerance in Europe?
  • How did the intellectual movements of the 1920s shape the character of the Roaring Twenties?
  • How did the Opium Wars influence the socio-economic and political trajectory of 19th-century China?
  • Did historical maritime exploration directly contribute to the establishment of modern global trade networks?
  • Can the study of historical diplomacy offer insights into contemporary geopolitical challenges?
  • How did the Green Revolution impact global agriculture and food production in the mid-20th century?

25 EPQ Ideas for Languages

  • How did modern English come to be?
  • What can cultural differences in ‘baby talk’ tell us about language acquisition?
  • Can languages be considered alive?
  • Is it important to preserve endangered languages?
  • Can language influence our perceptions of time and space?
  • How does bilingualism impact cognitive function?
  • What role does translation play in understanding foreign literature?
  • Is Scots a language or a dialect?
  • How does technology aid in language learning?
  • Should English have a language academy like The French Academy?
  • Why did the Esperanto language policy fail?
  • Is the Latin alphabet a good writing system?
  • Can studying linguistic variation contribute to more effective education approaches?
  • Is body language universal?
  • Should learning sign language be mandatory?
  • Is brail a language?
  • Should we develop a universal lingua franca?
  • How does the evolution of slang reflect societal changes and trends?
  • How do language ideologies shape language policies?
  • Are multilingual people more successful?
  • Can language use reflect your identity?
  • Is there a ‘correct’ way to speak a language?
  • Will AI change the way we translate languages?
  • How far back can we trace languages?
  • Why is English so widespread?

25 EPQ Ideas for Law

  • To what extent do privacy laws adequately protect individuals in the digital age?
  • Who is responsible for implementing and upholding laws in the Metaverse?
  • How has international law addressed the challenges of cyber warfare?
  • How does the concept of corporate personhood impact legal liability in business?
  • Can legal frameworks effectively address challenges in AI, such as algorithmic bias?
  • How effective is international humanitarian law in mitigating humanitarian crises?
  • Is there a legal responsibility to regulate emerging technologies?
  • How do intellectual property laws balance the rights of creators in the digital era?
  • How does the legal concept of self-defense apply to cyber-attacks?
  • What impact do extradition laws have on transnational crime and terrorism?
  • Does the legal system protect individuals’ rights in the context of surveillance technologies and mass data collection?
  • How has the legal definition of marriage evolved and how does this impact society?
  • How can environmental laws address the challenges of biodiversity loss?
  • Should gene editing be legal?
  • How do antitrust laws contribute to maintaining competition and preventing monopolies in the digital age?
  • In what ways do laws regarding data protection and privacy impact the development of smart cities?
  • Do animals deserve legal rights?
  • How can legal frameworks address the challenges of regulating self-driving vehicles?
  • How can the law address racial and ethnic discrimination in the criminal justice system?
  • Are juries inevitably flawed?
  • How does the law help society?
  • How can freedom of speech laws adapt to the challenges presented by social media?
  • What needs to be considered when creating a new law?
  • Who should the law protect?
  • How do laws that address gender-based violence contribute to social attitudes about gender inequality?

chemistry essay topic ideas

25 EPQ Ideas for Maths

  • How can mathematical models predict climate change?
  • To what extent can mathematical models enhance cybersecurity measures?
  • How does the application of mathematical techniques improve supply chain efficiency? 
  • Can mathematical modeling provide insights into the spread and containment of infectious diseases like COVID-19?
  • Should students be forced to take maths at A-Level?
  • How do mathematical concepts influence the development of AI?
  • How can mathematical modelling inform traffic management?
  • How can game theory shape strategic decision-making in business?
  • Can number theory principles be applied to enhance the security of cryptographic systems?
  • What has been the most impactful mathematical discovery to date?
  • How does the study of chaos theory inform our understanding of complex systems in nature?
  • How useful is generative AI for solving mathematical problems?
  • Should maths education focus more on applied mathematics?
  • Has maths always existed?
  • Can mathematical analysis contribute to the optimisation of renewable energy systems?
  • How does graph theory contribute to the optimisation of network design and communications systems?
  • Can mathematical principles guide fair voting systems in democratic processes?
  • What impact does mathematical symmetry have on artistic disciplines?
  • What role does probability theory play in risk management?
  • Is the concept of infinity useful?
  • What was the role of maths in the code-breaking at Bletchley Park?
  • How does maths inform the systems behind cryptocurrencies?
  • To what extent can mathematical analysis contribute to predicting and managing financial market fluctuations?
  • Can mathematical algorithms enhance personalised learning experiences?
  • Should maths be optional in secondary school?

25 EPQ Ideas for Medicine

  • Is personalised medicine the way forward?
  • To what extent can telemedicine improve healthcare accessibility?
  • Can machine learning and AI be effectively used in medical diagnostics?
  • What role do social factors play in health disparities?
  • How can robotics benefit minimally invasive surgical procedures?
  • How can medical professionals balance patient autonomy with ethical considerations in end-of-life care?
  • Is there a place for alternative medicine in Western healthcare?
  • What impact do lifestyle factors have on longevity?
  • Is gene therapy a viable option for managing genetic diseases?
  • Were the public health interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic sufficient?
  • Is nanomedicine the future of targeted drug delivery?
  • Can medical interventions address the rising global prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes?
  • How does medical anthropology contribute to the understanding of healthcare?
  • Could 3D printing technology provide the solution for personalised medical implants and prosthetics?
  • Why are girls underdiagnosed when it comes to autism?
  • Do government health incentives like putting calories on menus affect public health outcomes?
  • Is plastic surgery a solution to body dysmorphic disorder?
  • What is the effect of race and ethnicity on health outcomes during hospital treatment>
  • What are the arguments for legalising medical cannabis?
  • Did the Ancient Egyptians truly understand illness and medicine?
  • Are we treating mental health disorders correctly?
  • How can advancements in neurotechnology contribute to the treatment of brain injuries?
  • Is preventative healthcare more important than treatment?
  • Should healthcare be public?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?

25 EPQ Ideas for Physics

  • How does quantum entanglement challenge our understanding of particle physics?
  • Can string theory provide a unified explanation for the fundamental forces in the universe?
  • Is the study of the universe important?
  • Can advancements in quantum computing revolutionise information processing?
  • Is time linear?
  • Is nuclear power a viable future resource?
  • Can the study of gravitational waves contribute to our understanding of black hole mergers?
  • Can physics prove (or disprove) the existence of God?
  • Could the moon be a tourist destination?
  • How far can humans realistically travel in space?
  • Is physics a male-dominated field and why?
  • What role does physics play in daily life?
  • Are any laws of physics breakable?
  • Do parallel universes exist?
  • What implications do the laws of physics have on free will?
  • How can concepts in physics, like light and colour, influence art?
  • How does physics inform our understanding of the origins of the universe?
  • What was the role of Mileva Meric, Albert Einstein’s wife, in his findings?
  • Should we eliminate nuclear weapons?
  • What is the most important discovery in physics?
  • How can physics be used to prevent climate change?
  • What is the role of physics in medicine?
  • What happens when the Sun dies?
  • Will humans ever live on another planet?
  • Project: Design and build a robot.

25 EPQ Ideas for Politics

  • How does the voting system affect representation in democratic elections?
  • To what extent do political debates influence public opinion?
  • How do local policies impact the daily lives of citizens?
  • Can political cartoons effectively convey complex political issues?
  • What role does diplomacy play in resolving international conflict?
  • How do modern political campaigns leverage social media?
  • How can citizens actively participate in local government decision-making?
  • What impact does the media’s portrayal of political leaders have on public perception?
  • Should politics prioritise the needs of marginalised communities?
  • How does the electoral college system influence presidential elections in the United States?
  • How can governments increase youth participation in politics?
  • Should politics be mandatory in schools?
  • Should businesses be allowed to lobby governments?
  • Should freedom of speech be protected at all costs?
  • Do we need new political systems to govern international cyber-space (e.g. the Metaverse)?
  • Should National Service be mandatory?
  • Is the government’s responsibility to address climate change?
  • Should there always be a separation of church and state?
  • What were the main factors that led to Brexit?
  • Does the government have a right to ban protests?
  • How can the government reduce voter apathy?
  • Is the national government more important than councils?
  • Should Scotland be allowed a second referendum?
  • Is there a fair representation of working-class people in the government?
  • Should there be a global system of governance?

25 EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  • How does the nature vs. nurture debate help us understand human behaviour?
  • How do cultural factors influence mental health?
  • Can cognitive psychology help us understand memory disorders?
  • What makes humans happy?
  • Can psychological research contribute to the prevention of substance abuse and addiction?
  • What impact does sleep have on cognitive function?
  • How does evolutionary psychology explain human mating behaviours and relationship dynamics?
  • Can psychology explain the motivations for bullying and cyberbullying?
  • What were the effects of isolation during COVID-19 lockdowns?
  • Do gender-neutral toys give children less restrictive views of gender?
  • Can education in psychology prevent bullying in schools?
  • Does the media portrayal of mental health issues make it hard for teenagers to seek help?
  • Do ethical constraints on research hinder our understanding of psychology?
  • Can cannabis use cause schizophrenia?
  • Is psychology a science?
  • What effect does bipolar disorder have on the family of the patient?
  • Do our genes or our experiences shape who we are?
  • Do different cultures see mental health in different ways?
  • Can psychology help us break bad habits?
  • Why does the placebo effect happen?
  • Is future criminal behaviour always evident in childhood?
  • Why do people fall in love?
  • How does online behaviour affect mental well-being?
  • Can talking therapy help with anxiety?
  • Is a full state of focus feasible for the human brain?

25 EPQ Ideas for Religious Studies

  • Are science and religion the same?
  • What role do religious rituals have in fostering a sense of community?
  • Do Muslims and Christians share the same God?
  • How do religious beliefs influence moral decision-making?
  • Can religious texts explain cultural values?
  • Is there an afterlife?
  • What impact do religious teachings have on attitudes toward the environment?
  • Is religious teaching the best way to create peace?
  • In what ways do art and architecture reflect religious beliefs?
  • How do religious practices contribute to individual well-being?
  • How does the concept of forgiveness vary across different religions?
  • How do religious leaders contribute to community development?
  • Why is Christianity declining in the United Kingdom?
  • What role does storytelling play in religious traditions?
  • Why do some religions spread while others remain small?
  • Why are certain animals considered sacred?
  • How do holidays and festivals strengthen religious identity?
  • Can the concept of karma influence ethical behaviour?
  • What impact does religious pluralism have on society?
  • How does Catholicism address the concept of suffering?
  • What’s the difference between a cult and a religion?
  • Does religion have a place in politics?
  • How did the history of the church shape today’s society?
  • Why are there different branches in major religions?
  • Can studying religious history prevent future conflicts?

25 EPQ Ideas for Sociology

  • Is the nuclear family structure important?
  • How does education enforce or challenge social inequality?
  • Does social media perpetuate negative perceptions of body image?
  • Would studying sociology prevent bullying in schools?
  • Why does racism exist?
  • Is social media eroding our social skills?
  • Does class really have an impact on access to opportunities?
  • How do gender roles influence career choices?
  • Can studying subcultures provide insights into youth identity?
  • How does migration impact cultural diversity?
  • Why do certain communities experience higher crime rates?
  • How does socialisation contribute to individual identity?
  • Can sociology help us understand voting patterns?
  • Can sociology create positive social change?
  • Does globalisation have a positive or negative impact on local cultures?
  • How do religious beliefs influence social attitudes?
  • Why are certain occupations gender-dominated?
  • Can sociology inform effective public health campaigns?
  • What is the next wave of feminism?
  • Why do certain age groups experience social isolation?
  • Who is to blame for poverty?
  • What effect could polyamorous families have on children?
  • How does technology impact social interactions among different generations?
  • Has sociology neglected the study of emotions?
  • How do social expectations influence individual choices about marriage and family?

25 EPQ Ideas for Sport

  • What role does teamwork play in the success of a sports team?
  • How important are grassroots sports for social inclusion and community engagement?
  • How do sports influence cultural identity and national pride?
  • Why are some sports more popular in specific countries?
  • Why do people engage in recreational sports?
  • Why has women’s football been so slow to develop in the UK compared to men’s football?
  • Do popular sports enforce or challenge gender stereotypes?
  • Should trans athletes be allowed to compete in standard leagues?
  • What can sports rivalries tell us about cultural tensions?
  • Can football ultras be considered a subculture movement?
  • What are the effects of an international event like the Olympics on the host country?
  • How does the accessibility of sports facilities impact participation rates?
  • Should sports be mandatory in secondary schools?
  • Can sports promote cultural exchange between nations?
  • Is Financial Fair Play (FFP) an effective tool for enforcing fairness among football clubs?
  • Do sports contribute to the development of social skills in children?
  • Why do people engage in sports fandom?
  • Why do female footballers experience higher rates of ACL injury than their male counterparts?
  • What can sports history tell us about society at the time?
  • Should sports clubs make more effort to be diverse and inclusive?
  • Who decides what is a sport?
  • Do high-level athletes have a responsibility to be role models?
  • Should professional athletes be paid more than medical professionals?
  • How can we fix the pay gap in sports?
  • What is the impact of genetics on sporting success?

chemistry essay topic ideas

Which EPQ Topic Should You Choose?

The ideas above are just a taster for popular EPQ subjects to inspire you. Remember, you can choose any topic you like. Since you’ll be spending six months researching and writing an essay about your chosen topic, it needs to be something you’re interested in.

Hopefully, these EPQ ideas have helped you figure out how to form an interesting question. By putting your own personal spin on an interesting idea, you can start down your pathway to getting a great EPQ grade.

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Science Essay Topics

Barbara P

Ace Your Science Essay with These Interesting Topics and Tips

17 min read

Published on: May 3, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

science essay topics

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Are you struggling to come up with interesting science essay topics for your next assignment?

As a student, you know that science is an essential subject that plays a crucial role in our lives. However, with so many options, it can be challenging to find the right one that's both engaging and informative. 

Don't worry! 

In this blog, we'll help you find the perfect science essay topic that's both fascinating and relevant. From climate change to artificial intelligence, we'll provide you with a range of ideas to choose from. 

Plus, we'll provide helpful tips to make the writing process more manageable. You can ace your next science essay with ease.

So why wait? Let’s dive into it!

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Science Essay Topics for School Students 

Science is not just a subject, but a way of thinking. It's a process of discovery that involves observation, experimentation, and critical thinking. 

Let’s explore a range of exciting ideas that will help you create a compelling essay.

Science Essay Topics For 5th Graders

  • How do plants grow, and what factors affect their growth?
  • What are the different states of matter, and how do they behave differently?
  • How do animals adapt to their environments?
  • What is the water cycle, and how does it impact our planet?
  • How do magnets work, and what are some everyday uses of magnets?
  • What is photosynthesis, and why is it important for life on Earth?
  • How do earthquakes happen?
  • What is the solar system, and what are some interesting facts about the planets?
  • How do our senses work, and how do they help us understand the world around us?
  • What is sound, and how do we hear it?

Science Essay Topics For Class 6

Here are some science essay topics for 6th graders that are both informative and engaging:

  • How do different types of simple machines work, and what are some examples of each?
  • What is the process of photosynthesis, and how does it help plants make food?
  • How does the circulatory system work, and why is it important for human health?
  • How can energy be transformed from one form to another?
  • How do different types of waves behave differently?
  • What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?
  • How do different types of animals move?
  • What are the different states of matter?
  • How do plants and animals adapt to their environments?
  • What is the process of digestion, and how does it help the body?

Science Essay Topics For Class 7 

  • How do different types of clouds form, and what do they tell us about the weather?
  • What are the different types of rocks, and how are they formed?
  • How do different types of ecosystems function, and what are some examples of each?
  • What are the different types of energy, and how can we conserve them?
  • How do the human body's various systems work together to maintain health?
  • What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, and why is it important to conserve them?
  • How do the Earth's tectonic plates move?
  • What is the scientific method, and how is it used to solve problems in science?
  • What are the different types of cells, and what are their functions?
  • What is the role of DNA in genetics, and how does it determine an organism's traits?

Science Essay Topics For Class 8

  • The importance of photosynthesis in plant growth.
  • Understanding the basics of the human digestive system.
  • How do different types of clouds form and what are their characteristics?
  • Investigating the properties of sound waves and their applications in our daily life.
  • The science behind earthquakes and how to prepare for them.
  • The impact of pollution on our environment and health.
  • The structure and function of the human heart.
  • The role of bacteria in our ecosystem and human body.
  • The science of genetics and heredity.
  • The concept of force and motion and their applications in everyday life.

Science Essay Topics For High School Students 

Writing a science essay can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for high school students. Here is a list of science essay topics that are perfect for high school students.

  • What is climate change, and what are its causes and potential consequences?
  • What are some current research topics in neuroscience?
  • What is genetic engineering, and how is it used in agriculture and medicine?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy?
  • How do different types of viruses and bacteria spread?
  • What is the process of evolution, and what evidence supports the theory of evolution?
  • How do different types of air pollution affect human health?
  • What is the difference between nature and nurture in determining human behavior?
  • What are some ethical considerations surrounding the use of technology in healthcare?
  • How do different types of energy production and consumption impact the environment?

Science Essay Topics For College Students

Check out these perfect topics college students looking to engage with the latest scientific research and discoveries.

  • Role of stem cells in medical research and therapy
  • Current research topics in cancer biology
  • Relationship between nutrition and human health
  • Theories of the origin of the universe and supporting evidence
  • Role of epigenetics in human health and disease
  • Comparison of different types of renewable energy
  • Current state of research on artificial intelligence and its implications
  • Ethical considerations surrounding gene editing technologies such as CRISPR
  • Current state of research on quantum computing and potential applications
  • Development of mental illnesses and current research in neuroscience and psychology

Computer Science Topics

  • Role of artificial intelligence in computer science
  • Importance of cybersecurity in protecting computer systems
  • Evolution of computer programming languages
  • Impact of big data on decision-making in businesses and organizations
  • Working of cloud computing
  • Ethical considerations surrounding autonomous vehicles
  • Role of machine learning in natural language processing
  • Future of quantum computing and potential applications
  • Impact of data analytics on sports performance
  • Impact of social media on society and communication

Political Science Essay Topics 

  • Media's impact on political campaigns and elections
  • Pros and cons of electoral college system in presidential elections
  • Role of political parties in the US political system
  • Globalization's impact on international relations and global politics
  • Lobbying's impact on public policy decisions
  • Supreme Court's role in shaping US politics and policy
  • Voting rights and voter suppression in the US
  • Comparison of different types of governments around the world
  • International organizations' role in promoting global peace and security
  • Social movements' impact on political change and policy reform

Environmental Science Essay Topics 

  • Climate change and its impact on biodiversity
  • Sustainable agriculture practices for food security
  • Human impact on marine ecosystems
  • Pollution and its impact on public health
  • Renewable energy sources and their potential to replace fossil fuels
  • Deforestation and its impact on global warming patterns
  • Water scarcity and management in developing countries
  • Environmental policies and their effectiveness in mitigating environmental degradation
  • Urbanization and its impact on the environment
  • The role of technology in promoting sustainable development

Social Science Essay Topics

  • The effects of social media on mental health
  • Discrimination in the workplace based on race, gender, or sexual orientation
  • The impact of poverty on child development
  • The psychology behind political polarization and tribalism
  • The history and impact of the feminist movement
  • The impact of technology on social interactions and relationships
  • The role of education in promoting social mobility
  • The social and economic implications of immigration policies
  • The impact of social class on opportunities and life outcomes
  • The intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality in modern society

Wonder of Science Essay Topics 

  • The mystery of black holes and their importance in astrophysics
  • The science behind gene editing and its potential ethical implications
  • The potential of artificial intelligence and its impact on society
  • The science of climate change and its potential solutions
  • The role of nanotechnology in modern medicine and healthcare
  • The future of space exploration and colonization
  • The science of aging and the quest for immortality
  • The science of quantum mechanics and its potential impact on computing
  • The science behind renewable energy and its potential for a sustainable future
  • The science of neuroplasticity and its implications for mental health treatment

Natural Science Essay Topics 

  • The role of photosynthesis in the global carbon cycle
  • The science of genetics and the Human Genome Project
  • The impact of human activity on the world's oceans and marine life
  • The science of earthquakes and the search for predictive models
  • The chemistry of the human brain and its role in consciousness
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystem health and resilience
  • The science behind climate change and the search for renewable energy sources
  • The physics of sound and its applications in modern technology
  • The role of hormones in human development and behavior
  • The chemistry of cooking and the science behind food preservation

Sports Science Essay Topics

  • The impact of sports nutrition on performance and recovery
  • The biomechanics of human movement and its implications for sports training
  • The psychology of sports performance and the role of mental training
  • The role of genetics in athletic ability and performance
  • The physiology of exercise and its effects on the human body
  • The role of sports medicine in injury prevention and rehabilitation
  • The science behind sports equipment and its impact on performance
  • The physics of sports and the role of technology in sports analytics
  • The role of sports in promoting physical and mental health
  • The ethics of performance-enhancing drugs in sports

Forensic Science Essay Topics 

  • The use of DNA evidence in criminal investigations and trials
  • The history and evolution of forensic science as a discipline
  • The role of forensic anthropology in identifying human remains
  • The use of forensic entomology in determining time of death
  • The psychology of criminal behavior and the role of forensic psychology in investigations
  • The use of ballistics and firearm analysis in solving crimes
  • The role of computer forensics in investigating cybercrime
  • The use of forensic toxicology in determining cause of death
  • The impact of forensic science on the criminal justice system
  • The challenges and limitations of forensic science in solving crimes

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Animal Science Essay Topics 

  • Animal behavior and its role in animal welfare and management
  • The impact of climate change on animal populations and ecosystems
  • The use of animal models in medical research and drug development
  • The ethics of animal testing and alternatives to animal testing
  • The role of genetics in animal breeding and conservation efforts
  • The science of animal nutrition and its implications for animal health and production
  • The use of biotechnology in animal agriculture and its impact on food production
  • The impact of animal diseases on global health and food security
  • The role of animal-assisted therapy in human health and well-being
  • The impact of animal behavior and welfare on the meat and dairy industry

Science And Technology Topics 

  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and its impact on the job market
  • The development and potential of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power
  • The impact of technology on education and the future of traditional classrooms
  • The history and advancements of 3D printing technology
  • The science behind virtual reality and its potential for therapeutic applications
  • The potential of nanotechnology and its applications in medicine, electronics, and more
  • The impact of social media on our personal and professional lives
  • The history and development of the internet 
  • The science behind space exploration and its potential for future discoveries
  • The potential applications and implications of blockchain technology

Microbiology Science Research Topics

  • Investigating the role of gut microbiota in human health
  • The use of bacteriophages as alternatives to antibiotics
  • Understanding the mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents
  • Developing new approaches for diagnosing and treating viral infections
  • Microbial ecology and its role in biogeochemical cycles
  • The impact of microbial communities on environmental and human health
  • The microbiology of fermented foods and their potential health benefits
  • Investigating the role of probiotics in promoting human health
  • The potential of microbiome engineering for biotechnological applications
  • The impact of microbiology research on public health and policy-making

Physical science topics 

  • The physics of renewable energy sources
  • Investigating the behavior of materials at the nanoscale
  • The physics of time travel and its feasibility
  • Understanding the concept of dark matter and its role in the universe
  • Investigating the properties and potential applications of superconductors
  • Developing new technologies for energy storage and conversion
  • The physics of black holes and their impact on the universe
  • The physics of sound and its role in communication and music
  • Investigating the properties of light and its applications in technology and medicine
  • The physics of earthquakes and how to predict them

Nature Science Topics 

  • The impact of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity
  • The role of genetics in evolution and natural selection
  • The properties and benefits of medicinal plants and herbs
  • The relationship between soil health and plant growth
  • The use of biotechnology in agriculture and food production
  • The physics of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods
  • The properties and behavior of water and its impact on the environment
  • Investigating the properties and benefits of natural fibers and materials
  • The role of microbes in soil health and plant growth
  • The physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and its impact on the environment

Psychology Topics 

  • The impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health.
  • The role of genetics in personality development.
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for treating anxiety disorders.
  • The ethics of using placebos in psychological research and practice.
  • The psychology of attraction and relationships.
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem.
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function.
  • The psychology of addiction and recovery.
  • The relationship between stress and physical health.
  • The psychology of prejudice and discrimination.

Health Science Essay Topics 

  • The benefits and risks of genetically modified foods on human health
  • The impact of air pollution on respiratory health
  • Mental health stigmatization and its impact on healthcare access
  • The role of nutrition in disease prevention and management
  • Health disparities among different racial and ethnic groups
  • The ethics of using animals in medical research
  • The effects of technology on mental health
  • The science behind addiction and recovery
  • The role of public health interventions in preventing infectious diseases
  • The effects of exercise on physical and mental health

Earth Science Essay Topics

  • The impact of climate change on ocean currents
  • The causes and consequences of earthquakes
  • The role of plate tectonics in shaping Earth's surface
  • The relationship between volcanic eruptions and atmospheric chemistry
  • The history of the Earth's atmosphere and its evolution
  • The impact of human activity on soil erosion and land degradation
  • The influence of solar radiation on the Earth's climate
  • The importance of studying rocks and minerals for understanding Earth's history
  • The effects of deforestation on the Earth's carbon cycle
  • The relationship between weather patterns and global air circulation.

Biology Essay Topics 

  • The impact of climate change on plant and animal populations
  • The ethics of genetic engineering in agriculture and medicine
  • The role of microbiomes in human health
  • The effects of pollution on aquatic ecosystems
  • The potential of CRISPR technology in gene editing
  • The evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
  • The biology and conservation of endangered species
  • The role of hormones in human behavior
  • The effects of nutrition on human health
  • The impact of biodiversity loss on ecosystem function.

Easy Science Essay Topics

  • The importance of recycling and its impact on the environment
  • The science behind weather patterns and forecasting
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources
  • The science behind everyday cooking and baking techniques
  • The science of sleep and its impact on human health
  • The basics of human anatomy and physiology
  • The science of sound and the physics of music
  • The process of photosynthesis and its importance in the ecosystem
  • The science behind the human immune system and vaccines
  • The chemistry of cleaning products and their impact on the environment

Interesting Science Essay Topics 

  • The science behind our sense of taste and the impact of food on our brain
  • The impact of social media and technology on our mental health
  • The science of sleepwalking and other sleep disorders
  • The history and science behind the development of the periodic table
  • The science of happiness and the psychology behind positive emotions
  • The potential applications and implications of CRISPR gene editing technology
  • The science behind the formation and evolution of galaxies
  • The relationship between music and the brain, and its potential for therapeutic benefits
  • The science of quantum mechanics and its implications for computing and communication
  • The science of memory and the potential for memory enhancement techniques

Interactive Science Topics

  • The science behind video games and their effects on the brain
  • The role of interactive technologies in education
  • The future of virtual reality and its potential impact on society
  • The science of human-computer interaction
  • The use of interactive technologies in healthcare and medicine
  • The ethical considerations of using interactive technologies in society
  • The science of gamification and its impact on behavior
  • The role of interactive media in shaping public opinion and political discourse
  • The psychology of user engagement in interactive design
  • The potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize interactive technologies.

Title For Science And Technology Essay 

Some updated titles for essays on science includes: 

  • The Intersection of Science and Technology
  • Advancements in Science and Technology
  • The Ethics of Science and Technology in a Changing World
  • From the Printing Press to Artificial Intelligence
  • Innovations in Science and Technology
  • The Role of Science and Technology in Sustainable Development
  • Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Society
  • The Dark Side of Science and Technology
  • The Importance of Science and Technology in Solving Global Challenges
  • The Future of Science and Technology

Tips for Choosing a Science Essay Topic 

Choosing the right science essay topic can be challenging, especially when you're given the freedom to choose your own subject. 

There are countless topics to choose from. Finding one that interests you and is also appropriate for your academic level can be daunting. 

However, with some helpful tips, you can narrow down your options and choose a topic that is both engaging and informative.

  • Identify your interests: Choose a topic that you find interesting and enjoy researching. This will make the writing process more enjoyable and engaging for you.
  • Consider your audience: Keep in mind who your target audience is. Such as your classmates or professor, and choose a topic that will appeal to them.
  • Look for current events: Science is constantly evolving, so try to find a topic that is relevant and timely.
  • Brainstorm: Make a list of topics that interest you and then narrow it down based on relevance and feasibility.
  • Research: Once you have a topic in mind, conduct thorough research. Make sure there is lots of information available to write a comprehensive essay.
  • Stay focused: Choose a specific aspect of the topic to focus on and avoid broad or general topics.

All in all, this blog has provided a wide range of science essay topics for various levels of education and interests. By following the tips provided, students can select a suitable topic to showcase their writing skills.

For those who may find it challenging to write their science essays, our science essay writing service can help.

Our essay writer can provide high-quality, original essays tailored to meet individual requirements. 

Contact us to learn how the best essay writing service can assist you in the field of science.

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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Do you find identifying suitable chemistry research topics difficult? You are not alone! Many students consider it challenging and time-consuming to choose an interesting chemistry topic for a research paper. In this blog post, we will discuss various research topics in chemistry to help simplify your research process. Continue reading to familiarize yourself with ideas from different fields and academic levels. Apart from defining research topics and discussing how to select one, we have provided examples to help kick-start your research project or assignments. Got a deadline approaching fast? Entrust your chemistry research paper to professional writers. Our academic service proceeds all ‘ write my paper for me ’ inquiries quickly and efficiently. Get your paper written now by an expert!

What Are Chemistry Research Topics?

Chemistry is a field of science that covers the structure, composition, and properties of elements and compounds. As a student taking this subject, you will encounter multiple experiments, chemical reactions, and analytical study methods. This branch of science can be subdivided into multiple areas, including organic, inorganic, biochemistry, physical, analytical, and nuclear science, among others. Chemistry research paper topics are talking points related to the branches of science outlined above. To ensure that all learning objectives are met, instructors may require students to work on various topics in chemistry. You would be expected to source your chemistry research topics ideas from all possible branches. In one instance, your topic could be associated with analytical science, in another - with practical discussions, which is an entirely different thing despite both areas being categorized as chemistry subfields.

Characteristics of Good Chemistry Research Topics

Selecting a good research topic for chemistry plays a vital role in determining the probability of success when writing your paper. It is, therefore, important to know the characteristics of good chemistry topics for a research paper. Although you can derive discussions from many sub-areas, these research topic ideas share many common characteristics. A great research topic should be:

  • Precise, meaningful, clear, and straightforward
  • Analytical and researchable using logical methodologies
  • Of theoretical or practical significance
  • Supported by numerous academic evidence and sources.

How to Choose a Chemistry Research Topic?

Chemistry is a broad subject with multiple research areas. If you are not keen enough, you may easily get lost in its variety and fail to select a congenial title. So, how do you deal with this issue? In a nutshell, the process comes down to two aspects – your passion and competence. Below are step-by-step guidelines that you can follow to determine interesting topics about chemistry:

  • Pick chemistry research topics with your knowledge capabilities in mind. Do not choose a topic that is beyond your academic level.
  • Choose something that is interesting to you. If you are fascinated with the selected topic, you will find responding to the research questions to be much simpler.
  • Select a research title that is convenient to work on due to the sufficient amount and availability of existing evidence and references.
  • Ensure that the chosen chemistry topics for research paper are within the subfield you are majoring in and that it meets your instructor’s requirements.

Once you select the most appropriate title, see how to write a research paper like an expert.

Chemistry Research Paper Topics List

There are many research topics for chemistry to choose from. In this section, we have compiled examples of the best topics from various sub-areas. Below is a list of chemistry research topics for papers:

  • Latest developments in DNA technology.
  • Negative effects of using pesticides in food production.
  • Importance and potential drawbacks of using fertilizer in commercial agriculture.
  • Acids and bases: composition, properties, and applications.
  • Industrial chemicals and environmental pollution.
  • Dangers and side effects of using ibuprofen.
  • Acid-base neutralization process.
  • Air pollution implication on global warming and climate change.
  • Ageing and the brain.
  • Catalytic reaction mechanisms.

The chemistry research topics list above is created by drawing ideas from different sub-areas, thus covering a significant part of scholars’ inquiries.

Interesting Topics in Chemistry

In some instances, one may select a research topic because it is just fascinating. There are interesting chemistry topics that can explain intriguing phenomena in your day-to-day life. Alternatively, you can also opt for something related to essential issues in the current society. Here are sample chemistry interesting topics you can research into:

  • Composition and effects of e-cigarettes.
  • Food dye composition.
  • Measuring electrical conductivity in a salt solution.
  • How to change a penny’s color to gold.
  • The scientific explanation of foam formation.
  • Silicon usage in cosmetic surgery.
  • Evidence and application of surface tension in day-to-day life.
  • Examining pesticide residue in farm products from different grocery stores.
  • How does molecule composition affect the physical appearance of things?
  • Sodium metal reaction on water surfaces.
  • How to separate dissolved sugar from water.
  • How to clean up oil spills at sea.
  • Rust formation on metal surfaces.
  • How to chemically remove rust from stainless steel.
  • The science behind turning boiling water into “snow” in a cold winter.

Easy Chemistry Research Topics

The science studied in high schools is way simpler compared to postgraduate one. You can find easy chemistry topics to research if you focus on certain academic levels and sub-areas. For example, physical chemistry has easy chemistry topics to do research paper on. On the other side, inorganic or analytical sub-areas tend to offer scientific research research topics that are more technical. The list below outlines easy topic examples you can pick from:

  • Determining the percentage composition of oxygen in the air.
  • Patterns in the periodic table.
  • Atomic theory: primary principles and applications.
  • Chemical and physical properties of starch.
  • Determining the pH level of various liquids.
  • Properties of acids and bases.
  • Why is glass the preferred material in laboratories?
  • Balancing chemical equations.
  • Analyzing different chemical bonds.
  • Alkali metals and their properties.
  • General characteristics of metals.
  • Noble gasses: properties and reaction characteristics.
  • Water purification methods.
  • The periodic table: its historical background.
  • Alkaline earth metals: properties and reactivity.

Innovative Research Topics in Chemistry

Innovative chemistry topics for research paper relate to new ideas and ways to go about things. Using these ground-breaking topics related to chemistry, you can discuss new materials or methodologies. If you are interested in innovative research topics, here are some examples you can borrow from:

  • Gene modification in medical chemistry .
  • Improved cancer treatment using bacteria-based biohybrid microrobots.
  • New methods used to detect explosive residues.
  • Studying the molecular makeup of particles in space.
  • Substitute for pesticides in farming.
  • Nanophotonics in aeronautics.
  • Nanomaterials production process and techniques.
  • Clean energy alternatives for fossil fuels.
  • Photocatalysis usage in 3D printing technology.
  • Biodegradable polymers as alternatives for plastics.
  • Silicon dioxide usage in solar cells.
  • Chemical reactions in lithium-ion batteries.
  • Self-healing concrete: basic principles.
  • New materials for lightweight planes and vehicles.
  • Polymer analysis in a restricted environment.

Cool Chemistry Research Topics

Sometimes, our title selection might be guided by how cool and fun the study results will be. If you are looking for cool chemistry topics to research on, you are in the right place. We have compiled some cool chemistry topics for you to choose from.

  • How World War II influenced computational chemistry.
  • How do chemicals in our brains create different moods?
  • Composition and properties of laughing gas.
  • European alchemy: historical background and its impact on modern science.
  • Developing a film at home: chemicals required and process.
  • Why lemon juice stops apples from browning.
  • Different flame colors and their scientific explanation.
  • Using a potato to light a bulb.
  • Principles of chromatography.
  • Utilizing cloud seeding in alleviating drought conditions.
  • Finding iron in a mixture of metals.
  • Gas chromatography: how it works and its applications.
  • Application of vibrational spectroscopy.
  • Surface tension and the dish soap experiment.
  • How to make a homemade water filter.

Have you spotted any ideas but can’t get the research process started? Contact our professional writing service where you can pay for research paper and be sure that you will get outstanding results within your deadline. 

Intriguing Chemistry Topics for Research

There are many chemistry topics to write about. However, not all topics are intriguing (and frankly, most are the other way around). Below are topic examples that can instantly draw readers’ attention:

  • Non-existing chemical compounds.
  • Molecular structure of artificial honey as compared to natural honey.
  • Stem cell studies: ethical implications.
  • Principles of polymerase chain reaction and DNA replication.
  • Organic chemistry applications in our daily living.
  • Chemicals as weapons of mass destruction.
  • How does adding sugar to a soft drink affect its density?
  • Synthetic molecules in the pharmaceutical industry .
  • Aerosol formation and its application in body spray manufacture.
  • Analyzing the gasoline production process.
  • Benzene molecular structure and its use in the cosmetic industry.
  • Why are 96,000,000 black balls dumped into the LA reservoir?
  • Water recycling methods.
  • The discovery of oxygen.
  • Importance of esters in our day-to-day living.

If you closely review the research topics for chemistry paper above, you will find them arousing your curiosity much more than the ones in other sections. These topics will challenge your initial line of thinking or introduce you to the concepts that just stand out.

Unique Chemistry Research Topics

There are some chemistry paper topics that are rarely worked on by students. People ignore these topics because they are either complex or lack adequate conclusive information from previous studies. If you are brave enough and wish to have a unique presentation, you can consider the research topics in chemistry below:

  • Organosilicon compounds and their use.
  • Nucleophiles and electrophiles.
  • Molecular structure of Teflon and its industrial application.
  • Sodium azide usage in automobile airbags.
  • Dangers of COVID-19 tests that use sodium azide as the reaction reagent.
  • Chemical composition of steroids and their effects on human beings.
  • Artificial diamond production process.
  • Insulin production biotechnology.
  • Evolution of lethal injection.
  • Effects of chiral class drugs on human health.
  • Chemical residues in livestock.
  • Artificial organs and their potential implication on transplantation.
  • Role of nanoreactors in nanotechnology and biotechnology.
  • Dangers of phosgene to human health.
  • Production of dry ice.

Popular Chemistry Research Paper Topics

Unlike the unique study subjects discussed in the previous section, popular topics relating to chemistry are widely researched. Students favor these topics due to reasons like their simplicity, availability of adequate evidence, and their relevance to current issues. You can pick a hot topic in chemistry from the list below:

  • Metal oxide usage in electronics.
  • Importance of nitrogen to human survival.
  • How do temperature changes affect chemical reactions?
  • Lewis structure for ionic compounds.
  • Analysis of the hydrophobic effect.
  • Hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuel.
  • Application of thermodynamics law in our lives.
  • pH level calculations and analysis.
  • Gas laws and their application.
  • Why is Earth viewed as a closed thermodynamic system?
  • Redox reactions and their industrial applications.
  • Decomposition process of polymers.
  • The anomalous expansion of water.
  • Impact of fluoride ion on dental health .
  • The use of lithium, magnesium, and calcium compounds in clinical medicine.

>> View more: Medical Research Paper Topics

Controversial Chemistry Topics for Papers

Just like in any other subject, there exist chemistry project topics that are controversial in nature. People are understandably more passionate about some subject matters compared to others. Discussions related to, for instance, chemical usage in battlefields and the health effects of using certain chemicals tend to attract heated debates. Below are some controversial topics in chemistry that you can write about:

  • Biochemicals usage in warfare.
  • Impact of fast-food chemicals on the human brain.
  • Gene modification in human embryos.
  • Bioconjugation techniques and how they are used in drug delivery.
  • Synthetic molecules replication techniques.
  • Use of lethal injection in execution of criminals.
  • Ethical justification for euthanasia.
  • Manufacture of chemical poisons.
  • Fritz Haber’s controversial inventions.
  • Artificial organs and their role in healthcare.
  • Electromagnetic energy conversion to chemical energy.
  • Dangers of using fertilizer in farming.
  • Analyzing the water memory effect.
  • Synthesis of food from non-edible items.
  • Bio-inspired molecular machines and their applications.

Chemistry Research Ideas for Students

Students are often required to work on some chemistry project ideas to successfully complete their course. Depending on the sub-area one specializes in, and the academic level, research matters will vary significantly. For instance, chemistry undergraduate research project ideas are incomparable to highschool research titles. Some subject matters are only suitable for professional research. This section sorts the research ideas into their respective academic levels.

Chemistry Research Topics for High School

Chemistry research project ideas for highschool students are relatively easy compared to higher academic levels. The tasks are not very demanding in terms of the research methodologies used and the time required to complete them. At this level, students are introduced to the basic concepts of the subject. Common chemistry topics for high school are outlined in the list below.

  • Acids and bases in the reduction-oxidation reaction.
  • Importance of studying chemicals and chemical processes in high school.
  • Ionization techniques for the mass spectrometry process.
  • Avogadro’s Law: analysis, formulae, and application.
  • Thermochemistry lab experiments.
  • Laboratory safety rules.
  • The hydrolysis analysis.
  • Acids: structural composition, properties, and use.
  • Noble gasses configuration.
  • States of matter and their characteristics.
  • Optimizing indoor plants life through chemistry.
  • Role of enzymes in chemical and biological reactions.
  • Thermal effects of chemical reactions.
  • The law of multiple proportions in chemical reactions.
  • Constant and changing variables in Boyle’s law .

Chemistry Research Topics for College Students

Chemistry project ideas for college often require students to dive deep into a subject. Rather than explaining the basic concepts, you may be instructed to apply them in addressing problems. A college chemistry project will require you to dedicate more time and conduct more research. Below are some of the title ideas for college students and undergraduates:

  • How much energy is produced from burning nuts and chips?
  • Dangers of using radon in construction and potential solutions.
  • Chemical composition of aspirin and its effect on human physiology.
  • Green chemistry application in the food industry.
  • Phosphorescence versus fluorescence.
  • Dihydroxyacetone phosphate conversion.
  • Big data and biocomputing in chemical studies.
  • Thermoelectric properties of materials.
  • Artificial organic tissue development in laboratories.
  • Nuclear fusion: primary concepts and applications.
  • Power production process in lithium nickel batteries.
  • Medico-biological importance of group 3B and 4B elements.
  • Global cycle of biologically active elements.
  • Importance of chemical knowledge in cancer treatment.
  • Inorganic materials usage in the military.

Chemistry Research Topics in Different Fields

Chemistry can be divided into many sub-areas. Each subfield has interesting chemistry topics to research into. To choose a research topic in chemistry, you need to first determine a sub-area you would wish to specialize in. However, even within these fields, there are still many title options to choose from. To help reduce the confusion and simplify the selection process, we have categorized potential research discussions into their respective sub-areas.

Organic Chemistry Research Topics

Organic chemistry mainly involves studying the structure, composition, properties, and reaction of carbon-based compounds. It is among the most commercially applied subfields, which makes organic chemistry research paper topics very common. I am sure you must have encountered products manufactured using organic chemistry principles within your surroundings. If you wish to learn more about these products, you can explore these latest research topics in organic chemistry:

  • Pain relief medicine: chemical structure and composition.
  • Composition, use, and effects of polymers.
  • Retin-A usage in acne treatment.
  • Organic chemistry usage and application in daily life.
  • Types of organic compounds isomerism.
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons as industrial raw materials.
  • Alcohol hydrophilicity in aqueous solutions.
  • Physical and chemical properties of polyhydric alcohols.
  • Synthetic polymer applications: synthetic fiber, Teflon, and isoprene rubber.
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome: types and symptoms.
  • Structure and properties of phenols.
  • The application of organic chemistry in birth control.
  • Nucleic acid stability.
  • Parameters affecting proton chemical shifts.
  • Structure and properties of lipids.

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics

This branch deals with the study of structure, composition, and properties of materials that do not contain carbon. Research paper topics for inorganic chemistry focus on metals, minerals, and inorganic compounds. The list below compiles chemistry projects topics and ideas related to inorganic chemistry.

  • How to create new and improve existing alloys.
  • Implication of inorganic chemistry on the environment.
  • Application of inorganic chemistry in the cosmetic industry.
  • Interaction between sulfuric acid and organic materials.
  • Lattice energy and enthalpy for different ionic bonds.
  • Characteristics of different types of nucleosyntheses.
  • Uniqueness of hydrogen bonds and polarity.
  • Hard and soft acids and bases ( HSAB ) theory.
  • Dalton’s Law: principles and applications.
  • Structure of a gemstone and how it impacts its appearance.
  • Relationship between inorganic and biochemistry.
  • Parameters affecting Bronsted-Lowry acidity.
  • Crystal field theory: analysis and disadvantages.
  • Application of angular overlap model.
  • Primary laws of photochemistry.

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics

The determination of the objects’ primary makeup of objects is the main interest of this branch. Various analytical methods, including spectroscopy, chromatography, and electroanalytical techniques, are often discussed in the subfield. As such, many analytical chemistry research paper topics focus on these or other analysis techniques. Below is a list of research topics on analytical chemistry:

  • Analytical techniques used in forensic science.
  • Examining the electroanalytical techniques.
  • Importance of analytical chemistry to the environment.
  • Miniaturization and its use in analyzing pharmaceutical substances.
  • Evaluating the working principles of activation analysis.
  • Gravimetric analysis principles.
  • GMOs usage and their potential hazards to human health.
  • Potentiometric measurement methods.
  • Liquid and gas chromatography.
  • Spectroscopy methods and their use in detecting and quantifying molecular and structural composition of samples.
  • Dispersive X-ray analysis of tissues.
  • Analytical methods for determining the side effects of ibuprofen usage.
  • Benefits of the isomerism framework.
  • Acid-base titration as a quantitative analysis technique.
  • Application of spectroscopy in medicine.

Environment Chemistry Topics for Research

The apparent global warming and climate change threats have led to the development of a new area of study. This sub-area has project topics in chemistry that explore the impact of human activity on the environment and the potential solutions for slowing down and reversing the climate change process. Common environmental chemistry related topics include:

  • Negative effects of deep-sea mining.
  • Ground water contamination: causes, dangers, and potential solutions.
  • Oil spillage and its effect on marine life.
  • Effect of heat engines on the environment.
  • Safe disposal of toxic waste.
  • Global warming: causes and potential remedies.
  • Potential alternatives to fossil fuels.
  • Innovative methods to minimize pesticide usage in agriculture.
  • Cultivated meat as an alternative to livestock farming.
  • How efficient is artificial photosynthesis.
  • The Chernobyl ecological disaster.
  • Analysis of life-cycle assessment (LCA).
  • Environmental benefits of using energy-saving lamps.
  • Environmental pollution by nano toxins.
  • Potential solutions for global warming.

Need more ideas on the environment? Check our list of the best environmental research topics for students. 

Physical Chemistry Research Topics

Physical chemistry is the study of the behavior of matter. Physical chemistry topics for research papers focus on analyzing the physical and chemical properties of atoms and molecules and how they interact with each other. You can use a project topic on chemistry from the list below:

  • Surface tension and its impact on mixtures.
  • Diffusion of liquid and gasses.
  • Reaction of bromine under UV rays.
  • Pressure effect in chemical reactions.
  • Bonding between atoms and molecules.
  • Analyzing Schrodinger’s equation.
  • Hess’s laws: principles and application.
  • Effects of intermolecular forces on the melting point of a material.
  • Entropy law of thermodynamics.
  • Relationship between quantum mechanics and atomic orbitals.
  • Chemical kinetics in pharmacy.
  • Analyzing the physical and chemical indicators of milk.
  • How to determine atoms’ electron configuration.
  • Why isotopes exist.
  • Determining the group based on its successive ionization energies.

Chemical Engineering Research Topics

In this section, we will discuss research topics of chemistry related to the design and application of chemical processes. Here are some of the chemical research project ideas that will impress your instructor:

  • Chemical engineering concepts in the food production industry.
  • Analyzing wastewater treatment techniques.
  • Conversion of rocket fuel to energy.
  • Analyzing different mixture separation techniques.
  • Industrial application of chemical engineering concepts.
  • Non-reactive mass balances and mass balance with reaction.
  • Binary distillation and its application.
  • Gas absorption usage in the chemical industry.
  • Reaction kinetics in a plug flow reactor.
  • Water splitting for hydrogen production.
  • The application of MIMO theory in the control of chemical process operation.
  • Chemical engineering applications in the healthcare sector.
  • Nanofiltration member usages in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment.
  • General overview of microfluidics.
  • Production of high-quality foam.

Nuclear Chemistry Research Topics

A nuclear chemistry research project deals with radioactivity-related processes. You may encounter this branch of science in nuclear energy production, military applications, and even in the hospital. Some of the researchable topics in chemistry of nuclei transformation include:

  • Computation of an element’s half-life.
  • Radioactive elements in real life and how they are being used.
  • Nuclear fusion: the process and its function.
  • Types of radioactive decay.
  • Effects of radiation on biological systems.
  • Safe radioactive waste disposal.
  • Application of nuclear science in the healthcare sector.
  • Analyzing the three types of radiation.
  • How to destroy toxic organic compounds using irradiation.
  • Is there a possibility of cold fusion ever happening?
  • Biological application of radiochemistry.
  • Dangerous consequences of ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation.
  • Optical chemo sensors: principles and applications.
  • Interaction between water and radioactive materials.
  • Radiation accident cases in human history.

There is a vast assortment of research ideas for your study on our platform. Be it biology research topics or nursing research paper topics , we have all of them here.

Bottom Line on Chemistry Research Topics

In sum, chemistry is a broad subject with multiple sub-areas. Depending on your preference, you can choose interesting chemistry research topics for papers from the many subfields. Apart from selecting a good research subject, also remember that is always mandatory to adhere to proper writing procedures! Besides, select chemistry essay topics that will keep you excited till the end of research, as you wouldn’t want to quit in the middle and switch to another topic. If you combine all provided tips together, you will definitely find it easy to select and work on research in chemistry topics.


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Chemistry Essay for everyone – topics, samples and guade how to write

16 February, 2022

34 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

If you’re a science department student, you will likely have no questions about what a Chemistry essay is. You’re probably well-versed with a variety of academic papers on this subject. But even if you’re new to this field, here we familiarize students with the basics of Chemistry writing and explain the fundamentals of planning and […]

chemistry essay

If you’re a science department student, you will likely have no questions about what a Chemistry essay is. You’re probably well-versed with a variety of academic papers on this subject. But even if you’re new to this field, here we familiarize students with the basics of Chemistry writing and explain the fundamentals of planning and completing an essay. Stay tuned, and you will learn all ins and outs of professional, competent essay composition.

First, let’s clarify what this assignment means. When you receive a task to write on some Chemistry-related topic, it’s most often a task meant to check your comprehension of a scientific principle, topic, or area. So, you’re expected to conduct thorough research, check what other people say on that issue, what positions they argue, and which of those positions or assumptions is closer to you. Once you pick a standpoint, you can write your own academic piece arguing that point and supporting your views with reliable evidence.

If you’ve received such a task and don’t know how to approach it, you may turn to our experts’ help with this subject. You’re guaranteed an individual approach to any assignment entrusted to our experts and top-notch content produced on any Chemistry theme.

Chemistry Essay Format

Completing Chemistry homework is a bit different from writing a Human Resources management essay or a Human Resources school essay. Here, you cannot experiment that much with arguments and theories; you need to stick to the objective facts, formulas, and evidence from your textbook. The Chemistry format typically includes the following parts.


This element of your Chemistry paper should introduce the topic to the readers and communicate what you’re planning to examine. Once you provide those details to your audience, you can rest assured that even laypersons will capture the significance of your subject. Besides, you clarify your stand on the issue, thus helping your readers evaluate the strength and persuasiveness of your arguments. 

The body of your paper typically takes 80-90% of the entire paper’s volume, so you need to include several meaningful paragraphs into it. Dedicate one paragraph to every idea you’re using to argue your stand, and your readers will follow the line of argumentation much easier this way.

This is the last part of your essay, but don’t underestimate its significance for your assignment’s value and correctness. Here, you need to show what you’ve achieved and learned in the process of academic inquiry, thus showing your progress and restating the study’s significance.

Write Chemistry Essay in 5 Steps

Now let’s proceed to the mechanics of writing a paper on Chemistry. It’s pretty simple to compose a great work if you have a tried and tested algorithm at hand and can complete a good-looking, professional paper.

  • Find examples of similar assignments to use their structure and approach. Obviously, you can take a look at some Human Resources school essay examples available online, but keep in mind that a Chemistry report is not a typical Human Resources plan essay. It should be focused on a specific topic, such as, for instance, organic chemistry, acid reactions, etc., and follow a predetermined format.
  • Pick a topic that you know well. It’s easier to compose a paper on Chemistry if you know what you’re talking about and are genuinely interested in learning the subject in more depth.
  • Follow the prompt that your Chemistry professor gave to you. It’s even better if you have a Chemistry example and can reproduce it step by step (though without copy-pasting).
  • Draft the paper and include all evidence you’ve found in the research process. Distribute the evidence and arguments evenly by dedicating one paragraph to every single idea. In this way, the paper will be coherent and readable.
  • Reread your draft to identify typos or flow inconsistencies. By correcting these minor issues, you polish the paper to perfection and prepare it for the final submission.

As you can see, completing such an assignment is not hard at all. Follow these tips and steps to finalize the essay quickly, and you will save lots of time for other priorities and tasks.

Chemistry Topics

Are you unsure about the Chemistry topics to examine? Here is a list of evergreen suggestions that are sure to incite the interest of your readers and win you a high grade.

  • The chemical fundamentals of healthy, correct nutrition.
  • The exciting chemistry of fireworks.
  • The innovative scientific field of computational chemistry.
  • Synthesis and transformation of organic substances.
  • Chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides.
  • The fundamentals of heterocyclic chemistry.
  • Stellar evolution and the spectral classes of stars.
  • How can one predict new chemical elements and compounds?
  • Atomic and physical properties of hydrogen. 
  • Are atomic weights precisely known or still uncertain?
  • Protonic acids and bases.
  • Introduction to the hydrogen bond. 
  • Discovery and isolation of chemical elements.
  • The ionic-bond model.
  • Availability and distribution of chemical elements on the Earth.
  • Availability of rare chemical elements in space.
  • The introduction to hydroxides.
  • The chemical properties of alkali metals.
  • Introduction to the property of chemical reactivity.
  • Oxoacid salts: properties and practical use.
  • Isolation and purification of boron.
  • Bonding and topology of aluminum compounds.
  • Allotropic forms of carbon.
  • Practical application of graphite intercalation compounds.
  • Atomic and physical properties of silicon.
  • Production and uses of germanium.
  • Nitrous acid and nitrites.
  • The industrial use of phosphorus-nitrogen compounds.
  • Chemical reactivity and group trends of arsenic.
  • Physiological activity of arsenicals.
  • Chemical properties of O2.
  • Aqua complexes and solid hydrates: water types.
  • Different methods for classifying oxides.

All of these are argumentative Chemistry topics, which means that you will have enough space and freedom to pick a position and argue it with the help of reliable evidence. Choose any of the recommended themes, and you are guaranteed an excellent grade.

How to Start a Chemistry Essay

Starting a Chemistry paper may turn into a challenge for those new to such types of assignments. But don’t fall into despair. Here are some pro tips to simplify the process:

  • Study the prompt carefully to see what the professor wants to see in the assignment’s text.

Many students make the mistake of hasting to write something as soon as possible. As a result, they end up with off-topic assignments that they cannot submit to the professor. Don’t commit that error; always study the instructions and proceed to research and writing only after you’re 100% sure about the expected essay outcome.

  • Focus on the topic that you already know.

Don’t start something anew if you’re short of time and want to complete an essay quickly. It’s always easier to expand your knowledge on the topic you already know well, thus writing a good-looking essay hassle-free.

  • Use only argumentative topics if you’re given the freedom of choice.

It’s much simpler to compose something interesting and thought-provoking on an argumentative subject than just review what people know about a specific chemical substance or reaction. Today, chemistry is a trendy science, so you may find numerous exciting ideas and suggestions for its practical value for humanity.

We have a large writer team specializing in all kinds of essay writing, Human Resources to Chemistry to Programming to Literature. Thus, you will always have a realm of talented authors at your service, available 24/7 to deliver top-notch papers on demand.

You can always find a capable Chemistry writer in our company, thus entrusting your assignment to professionals and not worrying about the outcomes.

Determination of Potassium and the reactions of Li, Na and K

Introduction and theory.

Chemists are frequently charged with the responsibility of performing assays on different compounds. An assay is defined by two parameters: quality and quantity of a certain substance. In this case, we are provided with KB(Ph)4 to analyze. In the first part, we are to determine the quantity of potassium (K) in his compound and in the second part we are to test various group 1 salts to see their specific reactions. During gravimetric determination of potassium, sodium tetraphenylboron acts as a precipitator for the potassium ions. A definite volume of sodium ions is added to the sample solution and used in determining the concentration. Alkali metals react with many chemical substances and hence have many physical and chemical properties. Their properties differ with the individual elements. For example, lithium burns with a red flame, sodium with a yellow-orange one while potassium burns with a purple one. Their reactivity increases from lithium to potassium and this greatly defines the difference in their reaction patterns.

25cm3 of the K solution was pipetted in a 250cm3 beaker and a few drops of dilute NaOH and bromothymol blue indicator added to it. Any precipate formed at that point was then filtered off. 5% ethanoic acid was added until the colour of the solution changed to yellow. The solution was then diluted to 100 cm3 with H2O and heated to 65ÂşC. 15 cm3 of 2% sodium tetraphenylboron solution was then added to the heated solution while stirring. The solution was then cooled to room temperature; it took 10 minutes to do so. The solution was then filtered through a pre-weighed No. 4 sintered glass crucible into a clean Buchner flask. The filtrate was then tested for complete precipitation with a few drops of the reagent. On further precipitation, the filtrate was transferred into a beaker, a further 10cm3 added and the solution re-filtered. The precipitate was washed with 5% ethanoic acid and dried between 110 ÂşC to 120 ÂşC for 30 minutes. The precipitate was then cooled and weighed as KB(Ph)4 and used to get the concentration f the original solution.

Dilute solutions of Li+, Na+ and K+ were treated as follows: 1. By flame test 2. Addition of excess ammonical ammonium fluoride 3. Addition of dilute ethanoic acid followed by sodium cobaltinitrate (aq) 4. Addition, dropwise and carefully of potassium perchlorate The above processes were carried out in a test tube and observations recorded. Method 2 A mixture of LiCl and KCl (about 0.3g) was shaken with 6 cm3 of absolute ethanol in a closed tube. The residual solid was separated by filtration and the residue washed with 3 1cm3 portions of ethanol. The filtrate and the washings were then combined and evaporated to dryness. The resultant solid was then dissolved in 2cm3 of H2O. Icm3 portions were tested for lithium a) With ammonium fluoride 1cm3 4 mol dm-3 and conc. Ammonia (dropwise). b) Potassium with a solution of sodium cobaltinitrate 1cm3, 0.2 mol dm-3) The original residual solid was separated by filtration and dissolved in 2cm3 H2O and portions tested for lithium and potassium in the same manner.

Weight for empty sample = 39.419g Weight of dry sample =39.930g Difference in weight (Amount of potassium) = 0.511g

test Li Na K 1 Red flame Orange flame Purple flame 2 No observable change No observable change No observable change 3 No observable change No observable change No observable change 4 No observable change No observable change No observable change

In the first part of formation of KB(Ph)4 the reaction is as described by this equation: K+ + NaB(Ph)4 = KB(Ph)4 + Na+ The colour change to yellow is due to excess acid after the achieved end point. For the flame test, all alkali metals burn in presence of oxygen to form oxides and sometimes form peroxides in excess oxygen. They burn with different characteristic colours. 4Li + O2 = 2Li2O Red flame 4Na + O2 = 2Na2O Yellow-orange flame 4K + O2 = 2K2O Purple flame For the ammonical ammonium fluoride, alkali metals displace ammonium ions from their anions to form soluble salts. The reactions are as follows: Li+ + NH4F = LiF + NH4+ K+ + NH4F = KF + NH4+ Na+ + NH4F = NaF + NH4+ Ethanoic acid then sodium cobaltinitrate, displacement reactions occur between the alkali metal ions to form soluble products. The reactions are as follows: CH3COOH + Li = CH3COOLi CH3COOLi+ Na3Co(NO2)6 = CH3COONa + Li3Co(NO2)6 CH3COOH + Na = CH3COONa CH3COONa + Na3Co(NO2)6 = no reaction CH3COOH + K = CH3COOK CH3COOK+ Na3Co(NO2)6 = CH3COONa + K3Co(NO2)6 With potassium perchlorate, displacement reactions occur between the alkali metal ions to form soluble products. The reactions are as follows: CH3COOLi + KClO4 =CH3COOK + Li CLO4 CH3COONa+ KClO4 =CH3COOK + NaCLO4

Lithium, sodium and potassium burn with red, orange and purple flames respectively. Most of the group 1 elements form soluble salts.

Belcher, R. & Wilson, C. L. New methods in analytical chemistry. Chapman and Hall, 1955. Chemical Society, Chemical Society (Great Britain). Inorganic chemistry of the main-group elements. Chemical Society, 1971.


(Author’s name) (Institutional Affiliation)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is becoming a powerful techniques used to determine the molecular structure of organic and inorganic compounds. Its acceptability is mainly due to the several advantages is has such as reproducibility, accuracy and the ability to have mathematical equations (Maniara et al. 1998). A study done to determine the purity of glyphosate using an Uncertainty Budget, by Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (QNMR) confirms these qualities of NMR. The finding from the study was that, a big part in the uncertainties of the methods used, that is 1H and 31P, was the standard deviation of the replicate. The study concluded that an alternative organic phosphate, with similar nOe, may therefore be preferred as a calibrator (Tareq et al. 2004).

NMR, technique, molecular structure, glyphosphate

The discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), as a qualitative technique, has made possible the identification and elucidation of chemical structures in organic and inorganic compounds. According to Maniara et al (1998), quantitative NMR (QNMR) has gained acceptance since it is accurate, precise, no calibrator is needed for the analyte. It can also be described by mathematical equations which can be used at the highest metrological level (Janke, 1998). Advantages of NMR Janke (1998) concluded that NMR is a cost effective analytical method since it not only shows all present soluble substances but also identifies impurities with similar structures. It is a non destructive technique with minimal sample preparations for analytes that contain 19F, 13C, 1H and 31P (Lee et al., 2001). Marina (1998) was able to show that QNMR was reproducible using 1H and 31P. Henderson (1996), using several agricultural weedicide, was able to show that by using coaxial inserts, it would be possible to eliminate sources of error in conventional quantification NMR spectroscopy.

Research on NMR

A study done to determine the purity of glyphosate using an Uncertainty Budget, by Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (QNMR) using 1H and 31P, is an example of the reproducibility of a type A uncertainty combined by other type B effects. Reagents used included Analytes such as glyphosate, certified reference material e.g dimethylsulfone, deuterated NMR Solvents like deuterium oxide D. The results supported all the qualities that are mentioned above about QNMR (Tareq et al. 2004). Another finding from the study was that, a big part in the uncertainties of the methods used, that is 1H and 31P, was the standard deviation of the replicate. A bottom up analysis was attempted to estimate the effects that contributed to this term was able to identify half of the standard deviation measured. Effects from the operator while weighing had the greatest effects. About 0.23% of the remaining uncertainty was assigned to heterogeneity of the contaminations in the sub samples. Since impurities in the solid samples do not distribute homogeneously, no effort was made to grind and mix the samples prior to the analysis (Tareq et al. 2004). The contributions of the uncertainty budget in the standard deviations of the results were standard deviations of the means. The calculated purity from the replicated data was related to the combined standard uncertainty from each determination. The calculation for the uncertainty was 0.82% for 31P NMR and 0.66% for 1H NMR. Despite trisodium phosphate being excellent in purity, water soluble, and chemically stable, its use as a calibrator for 31P NMR can lead to a bias with concomitant uncertainty. This is due to the absence of protons in its electron configuration and so cannot exhibit nOe. The study concluded that an alternative organic phosphate may therefore be preferred as a calibrator (Tareq et al. 2004).


Janke, H. 1998. CCQM/98 98: 1 – 12. Maniara, G., Rajamoorthi, K., Rajan, S. and Stockton, G. W. (1998). Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy Anal. Chem. 70, 4921- 4928. Tareq Saed Al-Deen, D. Brynn, Hibbert, James. M. Hook and Robert J. W. (2004). An uncertainty budget for the determination of the purity of glyphosate by quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (QNMR) spectroscopy. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9, 55-63.

#3 Uncertainty Estimates

Name Institution Lecturer Course Date

Summary of the Article

The article, “Is My Uncertainty Estimate Realistic”, by Analytical Method Committee (2003), is about the realism of uncertainty estimates. The author poses and explicates the issue that uncertainty estimates often quoted by analysts in their results are somewhat low. According to the author, it is practically impossible to incorporate all the factors contributing to uncertainty estimate when determining the standard deviation from repeated results that have been obtained from repeatability conditions. There are various factors that contribute to uncertainty estimate including the difference in the way analysts interpret method protocol in different laboratories, difference in runs for the same method and numerous, systematic errors, such as calibration differences and difference in permitted variations. However, it is quite difficult to avoid such factors that contribute towards method, laboratory and run bias. Therefore, it is paramount to check that the uncertainty estimates used or quoted are realistic to apply the effective corrective measure to unrealistic uncertainty estimates that have been found. The author gives different ways of checking for uncertainty estimates. These include, checking standard uncertainty estimate against collaborative trial statistics, comparing the indicated uncertainty with reproducibility standard deviation that has been estimated from available repeatability precision statistics and examining the proficiency test results. Once uncertainty estimates have been found, the author gives different ways through which such estimates can be corrected. An analyst can eliminate identified causative factors or apply an appropriate correction to the identified causative factor. Other strategies include basing uncertainty estimate on interlaboratory study, increase expansion factor or add an arbitrary term to the uncertainty budget. 1. What is the paper about? The paper is about the realism of uncertainty estimate. It describes uncertainty estimates in laboratory tests, how to check if uncertainty estimates are realistic and how to correct uncertainty estimates that are unrealistic. 2. What are the issues raised? The author indicates that, in many instances, the uncertainty estimates cited by analysts are somewhat low and, therefore, unrealistic. The author clarifies this problem by indicating that if interlaboratory studies results are observed, such as proficiency tests and collaborative trials, one will find that the uncertainty estimates used are unrealistic. The problem of unrealistic uncertainty is so because it is often impractical to avoid and confirm the absence of all errors arising from method, laboratory and run bias. There are various sources of errors that contribute to results dispersion and many analysts often do not take them into account when determining their uncertainty budgets. Accordingly, it is crucial to check if the uncertainty estimates are realistic to apply corrective measures to any unrealistic uncertainty estimate. 3. Does the paper agree with Professor Hibbert’s book? Yes, the paper agrees with the book especially on checking and correcting unrealistic uncertainty estimate. Hibbert, in his book outlines the steps necessary to check and correct uncertainty estimates, which include:

  • Specifying the measurand;
  • Identifying the main sources of uncertainty;
  • Determining the magnitude of the various uncertainty components;
  • Combining the various significant uncertainty components that have been identified;
  • Reviewing the estimates and reporting the measurement uncertainty.

The Analytical Method Committee (2003) has given the same procedure of identifying and correcting uncertainty estimates. Particularly, the article, like in Gilbertt’s book, eliminating uncertainty estimates involves identifying and correcting the main components of uncertainty estimates. 4. How does the topic fit in the overall problem of quality in the laboratory? The topic is extremely helpful in improving quality in laboratory tests, especially in analytical chemistry. Knowing that it is often impossible to avoid and confirm the absence of all errors arising from method, laboratory and run bias, the knowledge on how to check and correct uncertainty estimates helps in improving the quality of laboratory results. For instance, the article has suggested various methods of determining unrealistic uncertainties and correcting them. Therefore, analysts will be able to indicate realistic uncertainties in their results, which will help in improving laboratory results through increased validity and reliability. 5. Are there any other papers or published material on this topic (post a bibliography)? There are other papers and published material on the topic as described in the bibliography. a. A Method to Estimate the Uncertainty of Measurements in a Conglomerate of Instruments/Laboratories by Kallner, Khorovskaya and Pettersson (2005) This is a research article in which the authors address the issues of repeatability and reproducibility of laboratory tests. The authors conclude that variations often arise regarding laboratory results, which may pose a serious threat depending on the application of the test results. Accordingly, the authors provide an applicable approach for measuring and correcting uncertainty estimates in measurements. b. The Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty from Method Validation Studies by Barwick, Ellison, Rafferty and Gill (2000). This is a research paper in which the authors develop a protocol for measuring uncertainty estimates. Calculation of uncertainty estimates is crucial in deciding a corrective measure to ensure that laboratory results are valid and reliable.

Analytical Method Committee (AMC). 2003. AMC Technical Brief: Is my Uncertainty Estimate Realistic? Royal Society of Chemistry. Barwick, V.J, Ellison, L.R, Rafferty, J.Q & Gill, R.S. 2000. “The Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty from Method Validation Studies. Part 2: The Practical Application of a Laboratory Protocol”. Accred Qual Assur, vol 5, pp. 104-113. Kallner, A, Khorovskaya, L, & Pettersson, T. 2005. “A Method to Estimate the Uncertainty of Measurements in a Conglomerate of Instruments/Laboratories”. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, Vol 65, pp. 551-558.

#4 Competence in Measurement

Article 1: What is the paper about? The paper is about accreditation and its ability to ensure competence in measurement. The paper describes accreditation, shows the need for ensuring competence through common understanding of the measurement concepts and how to ensure common understanding of the concepts (Bievre 2008). What are the issues raised? The author posits that accreditation, against an ISO Standard, is a must for measurement laboratories based on the notion that accredited laboratories are competent. However, the author wonders if such accreditation results to real and demonstrated competence, which is crucial in laboratory measurement. Real and demonstrated competence would be possible if assessors were able to understand and explain the key concepts forming the basis of the assessment and accreditation. Therefore, there is a dire need for the assessors and measurement laboratories to understand the various measurement concepts for accreditation to ensure competence in measurements. Professional bodies tasked with ensuring common understanding of the measurement concepts, including IUPAC and ISO, have come up with strategies to ensure common understanding of the concepts. Such strategies include, for example, the International Vocabulary of Metrology-Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms developed and provided by ISO. Does the paper agree with Professor Hibbert’s book? Yes, the paper agrees with Professor Hibbert’s book especially on the importance of a common understanding of the measurement concepts, such as the measurand, in ensuring competence in laboratory measurements. Bievre (2008) has stressed on the same issue, indicating that common understanding of the concepts will ensure consistency of answers when accrediting against international standards. How does the topic fit in the overall problem of quality in the laboratory? The topic contributes towards ensuring quality in the laboratory through competence resulting from accreditation. In other words, accreditation will work towards ensuring competence and eventually quality improvement in the laboratory. If analysts and assessors have a common understanding of the measurement concepts and the terminologies arising from them, accreditation will be meaningful, and it will ensure competence is measurement. Article 2: What is the article about? The article is about the need for competent assessors especially in understanding what they are assessing and performing measurement uncertainty (Bievre 2011). What are the issues raised? Bievre (2011) begins by indicating the need for specifying measurement uncertainty during accreditation considering that measurements have uncertainties (measurement results vary with procedures). Accordingly, the author posits that assessors should not consider measurement methods to have constant measurement uncertainty because measurement uncertainty vary with various parameters, the most crucial being the level of skill, competence, professionalism and accuracy an analyst shows when carrying out measurement procedures. Therefore, an assessor should evaluate the measurement procedure when evaluating and accrediting. In doing so, assessors are able to evaluate the consistency between declared measurement uncertainty and the analyst’s skills and competence. Therefore, assessors should have a clear understanding of what analysts are measuring to assess them effectively. Consequently, assessors should be knowledgeable on establishing metrological traceability and measurement procedures to ensure competence in measurement when assessing and accrediting measurement laboratories. Does the paper agree with Professor Hibbert’s book? Yes, the paper agrees with the book especially on uncertainty. The article outlines the various sources of variance in measurement results including the level of competence and accuracy during measurement, which call for the need for measurement uncertainty in accreditation. Similarly, Professor Hibbert talks about measurement uncertainty, the need to measure and consider it. How does the topic fit in the overall problem of quality in the laboratory? The paper is particularly helpful in improving the quality in laboratory measurements by ensuring that accreditation of laboratory measurements ensure competence in measurement. Competent and knowledgeable assessors will ensure competence in laboratory measurements by assessing the skills and competence of the analysts, which will ensure quality, competence and professionalism in laboratories. In other words, accreditation will help in ensuring competence in laboratories.

Bievre, P. 2008. ‘Does Accreditation Ensure Competence in Measurement?’ Accred Qual Assur, vol. 16, pp. 1-2. Bievre, P. 2011. ‘Does Accreditation Ensure Competence in Measurement?’ Accred Qual Assur, vol. 13, pp. 1-2.

What is supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)? Compare supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) with other column chromatographic methods. Supercritical fluid chromatography is a chemical separation method that uses supercritical forms of gases. The term supercritical is used for highly compressed chemical gases such that they possess both the characteristics of a gas and characteristics of a liquid .In other words, a substance is referred as a supercritical fluid when both its pressures and its temperatures are above its critical pressure and temperature. While a critical temperature is the temperature of a substance above which the liquid phase will not exist, critical pressure is the vapor pressure at the critical temperature of a substance. Density, refractive index, and viscosity are some of the properties of supercritical fluid. These however vary with temperature and pressure. SFH is similar to other column chromatographic methods like HPLC given that they utilize the similar principle. One of the variations is the fact that SFC typically utilizes CO2 as the mobile phase thus the need to pressurize the entire chromatographic flow path. In SFH just like in HPLC, separation is affected by variation of the mobile phase composition. For supercritical fluid chromatography, unlike other column chromatographic methods can be used within a wide range of sensitive detectors. IN GC and HPLC, the type of detector to be used is dominated by the mobile phase whereas SFC utilizes mobile phase, which can either be liquid like or gas like. List some of the advantageous properties of supercritical CO2 as a mobile phase for chromatographic separations. How analytes are usually recovered after an SFC? Often, supercritical CO2 is used in the mobile phase of supercritical fluid chromatography. CO2 remains one of the most useful in this case due to its ready availability .Other advantages of CO2 include low cost, low interference with chromatographic detectors, nontoxicity, low critical temperature ,inflammability and that it can permit aflame ionization detector to be used, with all the benefits in terms of ease of use, linearity and sensitivity. How do instruments for supercritical fluid chromatography differ from those for (a) HPLC and (b) GC? The major difference between the instruments used in supercritical fluid chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography is the number of analytical columns used. In the former, two types of analytical columns areused, that is, Capillary columns of fused silica coated with cross-linked chemically bonded stationary phases and packed columns that are meant for high-performance liquid chromatography .The high-performance liquid chromatography only uses packed analytical columns .Similarly, the gas chromatography method only uses capillary columns of fused silica coat. The columns in all cases are made of stainless steel. List some advantages and important applications of SFC technique Advantages of supercritical fluid chromatography include: 1. It does not require a concentrating procedure or a cleanup procedure before analysis. 2. It is applied for various compounds from different matrixes, including caffeine extraction, tocopherolenrichment, flavors extraction and analysis of pesticide residues 3. SFC is available to use for non-volatile or thermally unstable compounds when combined with FID 4. SFC is advantageous given that supercritical fluids have low viscosity therefore fast in analysis and the use of open tubular columns is feasible. 5. Another advantage of SFC is that it can be used with a wide range of sensitive detectors. 6. With SFC, it is possible to analyse solutes of much higher molecular weight. 7. It is also possible to analyse thermally labile compounds with SFC. Applications of supercritical fluid chromatography; 1. Hypertensive patients’ diagnosis of the kidney fluids. 2. The method is used in the analysis of an aqueous solution of prostaglandins. 3. It has been used in analysis of fossil fuels and hydrocarbons in industries.

List of References

Graves, S.W. & Markides, K.E. 2000. Application of supercritical fluid chromatography to characterize a labile digitalis-like factor. Hypertension 36, pp.1059–1064. King, J.W. & Hill, H.H. 1993. Analytical Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction. Peoria, Illnois: National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research. pp.2-41. Mansoori, G.A. 2001. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Gel Permeation Chromatography for Characterization of Macromolecules. Chicago: University of Illnois, Department of Chemical Engineering. pp.2-30.

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Chemistry Essay Topic Ideas & Titles

🏆 good chemistry essay topic ideas, 🥇 interesting chemistry topic ideas for college, 📍 essay topics to write about chemistry, 📝 list of topics about chemistry.

  • Chemistry and Society This may take the form of a brief written summary or a short synopsis of some topic chosen by you with the approval of the instructor. The paper should be printed in one page with single spacing and the number ...
  • Chemistry Paper XtremePapers.net 3 In the experiment you are about to plan, identify the following.the independent variable.the dependent variable.[2] For Examiner's Use Draw a diagram of the apparatus you would use in the experiment. You may use some or all of the ...
  • Chemistry Lab Critique Essay The percentage error obtained was within a reasonable range, allowing the same procedures to be used to determine the pKa value of the unknown indicator, Indicator of Freedom. To determine the pKa of the indicators, the pH of the solutions ...
  • Chemistry Research Task Chemistry Research Task The Periodic Table of Elements The Periodic Table of Elements is used as a way of displaying all the known chemical elements; it is accepted and used all over the world. The number of an elements outer ...
  • What Chemistry Means to Me The air we breathe, the ground we stand on, the seas we sail, and the variety of living things including our own bodies; all these are made of substances that we call chemicals. Chemistry plays an important role in the ...
  • Chemistry: Study Guide Answer Selected Answer: Cl2O * Question 2 10 out of 10 points According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular shape of SiCl4 isAnswer Selected Answer: tetrahedral.* Question 3 10 out of 10 points According to the VSEPR theory, the shape ...
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  • Chemistry 6eV / nii) the dependence of quatum numbers n upon l is given by the following formulal=n-12=2* niii) n=2 for beryllium, so l=1 and can not be 3d)i) E1=-16*13. 31*10^16 Hz is ultraviolet spectrumiv) the energy of the lowest energy ...
  • Making A Pizza: Chemistry Wise Essay Sample We will be covering the process of making cheese, the process of making pizza sauce, and the process of baking pizza dough. The reason baking pizza dough is a chemical reaction is: Anything that is baked has to be a ...
  • Inorganic Chemistry Essay Sample 8 g of potassium dichromate was added into the mixture in small portions and the funnel was placed on the mouth of conical flask. The mass of the synthesis crystals and percentage yield were determined.
  • Chemistry Syllabus INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Periodicity and Periodic Properties, s,p,d,and f block elements Theories of bonding in metals: Valence bond theory, Explanation of metallic properties and its limitations, Free electron theory, thermal and electrical conductivity of metals, limitations, Band theory, formation of bands, ...
  • Chemistry and Confidential Instructions The syllabus makes it clear, in both the Aims and the Assessment Objectives, that the course should be taught practically and that candidates should have experience of doing experimental work. You should have preparing the examination using the Confidential Instructions, ...
  • Chemistry Of Liquid Crystal Displays Engineering Essay The advantages of a liquid crystal show are:Due to the absence of any big tubing, the LCD is much thinner than a CRT show. Because it requires a beginning of visible radiation and the lightweight LCD shutters, the liquid crystal ...
  • 1. Definition of chemistry The study of the composition of matter 2. Models of the atom a.
  • Organic Chemistry Lab If a saturated hot solution is allowed to cool, the solute is no longer soluble in the solvent and forms crystals of pure compound. 2 Crystallization Appearance of acetanilide sample: white dust.
  • Chemistry the Periodic Table and Bonding It is composed of HORIZONTAL PERIODS and VERTICAL GROUPS which contain the elements arranged: *the order of INCREASING ATOMIC NUMBER *in the relation to the ELECTRON STRUCTURE of the atoms *in the relation to their CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 1. These are ...
  • The History and Progression of Chemistry Essay Sample Lavoisier paid particular attention to the weight of the ingredients involved in chemical reactions and of the products that resulted. He found that the weight of the products of combustion equals that of the original ingredients.
  • Chemistry 105 Practice Test: Answer Key Answer: AWhich of the following elements is NOT a metal? a.Ba b.Mg c.Xe d.Pb e. C8H8O Answer: AWhich of the following is an atomic element? a.Br b.H c.N d.O e.
  • Topic in Environmental Chemistry Due to industrialization and constant dumping of PCBs by the factories surrounding the river, it is accumulated deeply into the sediments found at the bottom, can easily spread though out the river once disturbed and caused bioaccumulation in the food ...
  • Water Chemistry Enthalpy- this is the product of pressure of a system and volume of a system added to the internal energy of a system. Water hardness- This is the measurement of the quantity or level of calcium and magnesiumsalt presence in ...
  • Role of Chemistry in Domestic Activities The elderly have a large risk of malnutrition because of unique complications such as changes in appetite and energy level, and chewing and swallowing problems. What is observed as malnutrition is not only the result of insufficient or inappropriate food, ...
  • Basic Chemistry for investigating living things Other than the control, which test tube contained the least test substance? What is the test substance?
  • Raising Achievement in Science (Physics, Chemistry or Biology) The generic assignment briefing at the top of this page asks you to discuss a particular pupil or group of pupils and how you might have raised, or did raise, their achievement in science, linking aspects of the teaching and ...
  • Chemistry In our Daily Life Anaerobic fermentation is also a great concept which is present in the chemistry of everyday life. It is the multiplication of certain useful bacteria which increase the size of the food and make it more filling and soft.
  • Discuss the value of chemistry in society This is because the threat of chemical and bio-chemical weapons is very real and is a negative aspect of the business. In addition, it is a leader in the important area of vaccines and has a growing range of oncology ...
  • The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 Roughly speaking, this limit states that it is impossible to resolve two elements of a structure that are closer to each other than about half the wavelength in the lateral plane and even further apart in the longitudinal plane. The ...
  • Chemistry Lab Research- How Water Affects Popcorn Essay Sample The main idea of this article is that popcorn pops because of small amounts of air in the popcorn So just how does popcorn pop? Only popcorn kernels can pop, and the secret is water.
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  • General chemistry – Titration Essay Sample Clancy C et al [2] states that the difference between the end point and the equivalence point is that the 'end point is the pH at which the indicator changes colour in a titration while the equivalence point is the ...
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  • Chemistry in Our Lives Without chemistry our lives would not be as easy it is right now but there is a other side to it. Alot of people survive because of chemistry; for example when there is a tsunami alert or any natural disaster, ...
  • Chemistry and Biotechnology Stem cells are cells that have the potential to become specialized into different types of cells within the body. The research going on is to discover how this can be used medically to help cure major diseases out there in ...
  • My Career Achievements And Plans in Chemistry Through further research and wider reading I was able to explore my keenness for Medicinal Chemistry when I was afforded the opportunity to work in the lab of drug discovery company. During my time in the lab we performed several ...
  • Application of chemistry in computer science Application of chemistry in computer science & engineering Computer degrees often have a general science requirement and chemistry can fulfill that requirement. Some colleges offer Joint degrees in computer science and chemistry because of the compatibility of these disciplines.
  • Computer Chemistry It uses the results of theoretical chemistry, incorporated into efficient computer programs, to calculate the structures and properties of molecules and solids. In principle, ABA monition methods eventually converge to the exact solution of the underlying equations as the number ...
  • My Keen Interest in Biology And Chemistry The ability to explore the inter-relationship of natural and biomedical science and having the most prestigious gift of improving quality of life by manufacturing vaccines and medicine, to obliterate disease completely. The threat of the on-going growth of disease is ...
  • The Chemistry Lab Report Biology Essay 10 ml of de ionized water was added to the solid and then 3 drops of 6M sulphuric acid were added to the mixture. A thermometer was placed in the solution and then the mixture heated slowly up to 40 ...
  • Dyes And Their Chemistry Biology Essay Dyes are classified according to their application and chemical structure, and are composed of a group of atoms known as chromophores, responsible for the dye color. The main chemical structural and functional groups of vat dyes are anthraquinone and indigoid.
  • The Chemistry Of Demineralization And Remineralisation Biology Essay The higher the volume of EDTA needed for titration, the more calcium ions present and thus the higher the extent of demineralization. Results showed that the tooth coated with the mixture of casein and fluoride had the lowest percentage mass ...
  • Chemistry Report Example The process is also used in the development of acceptance and performance criteria that find use in the clarification of study objectives, defining of appropriate data type and the specification of potential errors of decisions that are then used as ...
  • Organic chemistry lab report assignment Experiment 1 the effect of pH on a food preservative Introduction: The purpose of the lab was to understand and familiar with the laboratory environment and some fundamental operation such as measuring mass, volume; calculating density and separating solid from ...
  • Chemistry lab report 1 flashcard The magnitude of parallax error indicated on each piece of volumetric glassware is low because volumetric glassware are made to measure volume of liquid very accurately with a given marker. If the mark on the volumetric is exceeded, it is ...
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  • B.sc chemistry, zoology, botany, english, pak.study, islamiate. Amount Graduation Attestation with stamp: ____________________ Name & NIC ___________________________________Signature of the Candidate _________________ Permanent Address Present Address Name: Name: Father's Name: Father's Name Postal Address: ___________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Postal Address: ___________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Application Form ...
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  • Environmental chemistry determining assignment Once the trend-line was obtained the concentration of phosphate can be calculated in the unknown by using the absorbent of the unknown sample. Using the trend line from graph 1 and the absorbent from table 3 the concentration of phosphate ...
  • Chemistry water quality testing flashcard The three water samples of tap, altered and tank water were all relatively close to one another in relation to quality, whereas creek water was moderately distanced from the rest of the samples). The glass test tube was filled with ...
  • Ocr gateway chemistry controlled assessment research flashcard When the user wants to heat the contents of the can, a ring on the can is pulled to break the barrier separating the chemicals In the outer chamber. To heat the contents of the can, the user pushes on ...
  • The chemistry of life flashcard The Chemistry of Life Effects of Acid Rain There are many different types of negative effects acid rain has on the world. One of the effects of acid rain is the loss of fish in lakes and streams.
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NerdySeal. (2022, February 17). Chemistry. Retrieved from https://nerdyseal.com/topics/chemistry-essay-topics/

NerdySeal . 2022. "Chemistry." February 17, 2022. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/chemistry-essay-topics/.

1. NerdySeal . "Chemistry." February 17, 2022. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/chemistry-essay-topics/.


NerdySeal . "Chemistry." February 17, 2022. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/chemistry-essay-topics/.

"Chemistry." NerdySeal , 17 Feb. 2022, nerdyseal.com/topics/chemistry-essay-topics/.

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  • ACS Publications

28 Must-Read Topics in Chemistry

  • Mar 4, 2021
  • 14 min read

Browse 28 of the most important, engaging topics in chemistry with Virtual Collections released by ACS Publications journals in Q4 2020.

chemistry essay topic ideas

ACS Publications regularly produces collections of the most important chemistry research topics. These Virtual Collections of the most important chemistry research topics bring together the most important ideas in the field in a variety of ways, including Special Issues and ACS Selects from across the portfolio journals. These collections reflect the most important chemistry research topics of current scientific interest and are designed for experienced investigators and educators alike.

Browse 28 of the most important, engaging topics in chemistry with Virtual Collections released by ACS Publications journals in Q4 2020:

Crystalline Molecular Materials: From Structure to Function

chemistry essay topic ideas

This Virtual Special Issue focuses on the design and study of materials wherein the target properties arise from, or are enhanced by, the three-dimensional assembly of molecules in a solid phase. The “structure−function” relationship transcends the nature of the individual molecule, and supramolecular organization is a key component in the material’s properties. The goal of this issue is to assemble contributions from a broad community of scientists with similar research interests, as defined by the need to understand and manipulate the bulk assembly of molecules. Placing emphasis on a common interest in supramolecular architecture, this issue showcases work in apparently disparate fields, including molecule-based magnetism, rare zero thermal expansion properties, and catalytic activity.

Read the Issue. ***

Materials for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion

chemistry essay topic ideas

This virtual issue of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and ACS Applied Energy Materials presents cutting edge articles in the field of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. Thermoelectric materials and devices are central for energy conversion and management as they convert waste heat into electricity. Given the ubiquitous nature of heat, thermoelectric materials provide total-package solutions to mitigate environmental crisis and energy needs. The realization of this has caused a surge in the development of high-performance, environmentally benign, robust, and earth-abundant inorganic materials, which can be used in heat to electrical energy generations in power plants, space, automobiles, households, battery technology, and data centers. Interestingly, flexible thermoelectric materials, mainly based on organic/polymer materials, have successfully been integrated into body-worn fabrics and watches, which simply utilize body heat to generate electricity. Furthermore, using the Peltier effect, thermoelectric coolers are developed and are one of the mainstays in the consumer market for refrigeration purposes, especially for portable applications. Hence, thermoelectricity is foreseen as a potential frontrunner in energy management for the near future.

Interfacialscience Developments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences

chemistry essay topic ideas

This virtual issue is a sampling of some of the most recent work from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an emphasis on work from this year (2020) so far. The 46 articles in this virtual issue cover a broad range of research topics, examples of which include Janus particle engineering and interfacial assembly, surface modification of colloid particles, stability of water monolayer in mineral under high pressure, nano-bubbles adsorption on surface, switching of underwater superhydrophilicity and superoleophobicity, nanostructured de-icing surface, lithium ion battery anode binder, bio-inspired smart liquid directional transport control, corrosion resistance of alloys, behavior of polymers at solid/liquid interface, and effect of polymer conformation on protein resistance.

Celebrating 90% Completion of the Human Proteome

chemistry essay topic ideas

Twenty years after the establishment of the international Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) and ten years after its launch of the Human Proteome Project (HPP), researchers have much to celebrate. Today, HUPO will release the draft human proteome at the 19th Human Proteome Organization World Congress, connecting virtually, with this Virtual Issue published in the Journal of Proteome Research.

Read the Issue . ***

Nanomaterials-based Membranes for Chemical Separations

chemistry essay topic ideas

Membranes are a critical area of research in academia and have been used in industrial applications for decades. Membrane-based separations are desired in industry because they can be highly energy efficient and up to an order of magnitude less expensive than other techniques such as distillation. In addition, these separations are easily scaled to industrial levels so that advances in the laboratory can be translated to real applications. The key challenges in this field are how to separate chemicals with similar sizes by having a high flux for only one chemical through a membrane. This difference in flux should translate into a high selectivity for one chemical over one or more other chemicals present in a mixture. An unfortunate trade-off in membrane-based separations is that as the permeation of a chemical increases, the selectivity of the membrane will often decrease. To address these challenges, scientists often use cross-linked polymers with ill-defined pores, hard materials such as zeolites with well-defined pores, 2D materials, coated nanofibers, carbon nanotubes, metal nanoparticles, or other nanomaterials.

Organic Chemistry in China: Synthetic Methodology, Natural Products, and More

During the past 20 years, China has become a powerhouse in chemistry research, now leading globally in submissions of research articles to chemical journals. In recognizing these developments, Organic Letters presents a Virtual Issue that includes a collection of 25 research articles contributed by Chinese chemists during 2019-2020, selected from among the more than 1,000 articles published in the journal from China over this period.

Advances in Microfluidics Research

chemistry essay topic ideas

This Virtual Issue highlights articles published in Analytical Chemistry that showcase advances in microfluidics research over the past several years. The articles below are separated by sub-field and span research on virus detection to cell manipulation to 3D-printing, and are all at the cutting edge of microfluidics technologies. The thirty articles included in this collection were selected by Associate Editor Yoshinobu Baba and include previous winners of the Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS)/ Analytical Chemistry co-sponsored Young Innovator Award.

Chemistry in Korea: IBS and Beyond

chemistry essay topic ideas

This virtual issue of “Chemistry in Korea: IBS and Beyond” highlights the latest contributions from eight IBS centers along with exciting advances from other emerging scientists in South Korea. Topics encompass a wide range of chemistry and its cross-boundary researches from theory and simulations, nanomaterials, molecular synthesis, catalysts, spectroscopy, supramolecular chemistry, soft materials to nanomedicine.

Highlighting Analytical Chemistry 2020 Advisory Board Members

chemistry essay topic ideas

The members of Analytical Chemistry ‘s Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) and Early Career Board (ECB) panels devote substantial voluntary time and energy to support Analytical Chemistry and deserve special recognition for their contributions. In recognition of their service, this new virtual issue is dedicated to the members of both the journal’s EAB and ECB, with each selecting one of their recent Analytical Chemistry articles to highlight.

A Bright New World of Ferroelectrics: Magic of Spontaneous Polarization

chemistry essay topic ideas

Ferroelectric materials featured with spontaneous polarization have experienced a century of vigorous development. The permanent electric dipole moment makes ferroelectric an outstanding multifunctional material for a wide range of applications. Ferroelectrics with unique coupling effects among electric, optical, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic orders, have been developed for a wide range of functional devices and triggered a new world-wide wave of ferroelectric research. This virtual issue highlights some of the key state-of-the-art findings in ferroelectrics published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and ACS Applied Electronic Materials , and the editorial attempts to reflect the rapid development and provide a perspective in this field.

Peter J. Rossky Festschrift

This Virtual Special Issue honors Professor Peter J. Rossky and his contributions to the field of physical chemistry.

Computational and Experimental Advances in Biomembranes

chemistry essay topic ideas

As an integral component of cellular architecture and signalling, cell membranes are central to cell physiology. Comprising a vastly heterogeneous mixture of proteins and lipids, cell membranes are constantly adapting their structural organization to regulate cellular processes. Malfunction at the level of lipid-protein interaction is implicated in numerous diseases, and hence, understanding cell membrane organization at the molecular level is of critical importance. The collection of articles in this Virtual Special Issue from The Journal of Physical Chemistry B provides a survey of the advances in both computational and experimental characterization of the complex processes underlying the behavior of cellular membranes.

Sensors and Industry

chemistry essay topic ideas

In this virtual issue, ACS Sensors and Analytical Chemistry highlight 30 of these outstanding industrial co-authored papers recently published in the two journals. The breadth of the articles in this collection emphasizes the incredible research on diagnostic methods being performed in both universities and industries, and highlights the benefits of collaboration between the two. Read the Issue . ***

Machine Learning in Physical Chemistry

chemistry essay topic ideas

Physical chemistry stands today at an exciting transition state where the integration of machine learning and data science tools into all corners of the field is poised to do nothing short of revolutionizing the discipline. These powerful techniques – when appropriately combined with domain knowledge, tools, and expertise – have led to new physical insights, better understanding, accelerated discovery, rational design, and inverse engineering that transcend traditional approaches to materials, molecular, and chemical science and engineering. This collection of nearly 150 manuscripts from The Journal of Physical Chemistry A / B / C and The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters reflects the relevance and popularity of this topic in physical chemistry by both the depth and breadth of excellent articles in this exciting collection.

Self-Healing Materials

chemistry essay topic ideas

This is a spotlight on applications discusses developments made over the last six years that have enabled the fabrication of increasingly high-performance spray-coated perovskite solar cells. In particular, the various approaches adopted to spray-cast perovskite films (one-step vs two-step processes) ware charted and the development of sophisticated techniques used to control thin-film crystallinity is described. Finally, remaining research challenges are discussed that, once solved, may allow the mass deployment of low-cost solar energy.

Women in Mass Spectrometry

chemistry essay topic ideas

This virtual issue was assembled to feature talented women mass spectrometrists who publish in JASMS as the corresponding author. The articles compiled are among the most highly cited that were published in the journal in the last 5 years, regardless of gender, and are representative of the best mass spectrometry science reported in JASMS .

In Memory of Mario Molina (1943-2020)

chemistry essay topic ideas

Mario Molina was a Mexican chemist who shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry with the late F. Sherwood Rowland of UC Irvine and Paul Crutzen of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz “for their work in atmospheric chemistry particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone.” Molina passed away in his birth city of Mexico City at age 77 on 7 October 2020. A physical chemist at heart, Molina published about 80 papers in The Journal of Physical Chemistry . His mentees remember him by celebrating 30 of them. His indelible legacy lives on through his publications, his collaborators, the scholars that he trained, the innovations in experimental design he made, the thousands who were inspired and informed by his science communication, and the millions whose quality of life improved thanks to his work on stratospheric ozone depletion and air quality in megacities.

Women Scientists at the Forefront of Energy Research: A Virtual Issue, Part 3

chemistry essay topic ideas

This is the third part of a series that recognizes women energy researchers who have published new advances from their laboratories in ACS Energy Letters . The inspirational stories and advice to newcomers in the field contained in this issue should provide motivation to advance the scientific research in energy conversion and storage. Through their personal reflections, these researchers discuss the successful career paths they have taken to become leaders in the scientific community.

Scalable Organic Chemistry: A Virtual Issue to highlight Organic Process Research & Development

chemistry essay topic ideas

From small-scale use in academic research to large-scale application in industrial processes, only select chemistries make the cut to be relevant throughout the scale-up process. This virtual issue showcases a collection of innovative and industrially-relevant papers on key topics from academic and industrial chemists in Organic Process Research & Development .

Virtual Issue in Memoriam of Dr. Alan Poland (1940-2020)

chemistry essay topic ideas

Dr. Alan Poland was a major influence on the development of modern molecular toxicology and the understanding of how chemicals cause cancer. He is most widely known for his groundbreaking work to explain the adverse effects of dioxins, chemicals and related environmental pollutants.

Deep Eutectic Solvents

chemistry essay topic ideas

This virtual issue focuses on scientific and engineering advances related to Deep Eutectic Solvents. It includes papers that have appeared in the last two years in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data , and Journal of Physical Chemistry B and C .

Celebrating ACS Sensors ‘ Editorial Advisory Board

chemistry essay topic ideas

Metal-Organic Frameworks: Fundamental Study and Applications

chemistry essay topic ideas

Exciting developments in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are the focus of this Virtual Issue that is jointly produced by Langmuir and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( ACS AMI ). These two journals publish complementary and ground-breaking work on interfacial science. ACS AMI has a strong focus on practical applications whereas Langmuir encourages reports of both fundamental and applied nature, when rational design is a highlighted feature of the work.

Inorganic Synthesis in Uncommon Reaction Media

chemistry essay topic ideas

Water and organic solvents have long been the most common reaction media for chemical synthesis. Nevertheless, given limits in solubility and the need for extreme temperatures sometimes, especially for inorganic substances, chemists have had a growing interest in moving to “uncommon” reaction media to improve the access to certain compounds or to permit the fundamental study of the behavior of chemicals under unique conditions. In this Virtual Issue, “Inorganic Synthesis in Uncommon Reaction Media,” Guest Editor Julia Chan and Associate Editor Stefanie Dehnen highlight recent reports from Inorganic Chemistry and additionally from Chemistry of Materials and Crystal Growth & Design that feature reactions taking place in currently used uncommon systems: molten metals (metal flux), molten salts (nonmetal flux), ionic liquids (ionothermal if carried out under elevated temperatures), supercritical solvents (solvothermal), and liquefied gases.

The Challenge of Antibacterial Drug Permeation and Current Advances

chemistry essay topic ideas

Recent advances in the area of drug permeation feed the pipeline of antibacterial agents with new and improved activities and keep the ever-changing landscape of antibiotic resistance effectively managed by small molecule therapeutics. The articles included in this Virtual Issue broadly represent three areas of research: 1) new experimental approaches to analyze intracellular accumulation of compounds in whole cells and compound permeation across model membranes; 2) new computational models of drug permeation across the outer membrane and integrated kinetic models of drug permeation across membranes with active efflux; and 3) new antibiotic screening campaigns and exploration of synergistic drug combinations bypassing bacterial permeation barriers.

Organic Chemistry in Japan: A Strong Foundation and Honorable Tradition

Organic chemistry has a strong foundation and honorable tradition in Japan, centering in recent decades predominantly on the development of synthetic methodologies, particularly in an interdisciplinary fashion focusing on cross-coupling and C-H activation and functionalization, the total synthesis of natural products, chemical biology research, supramolecular chemistry, and applications of (opto)electronic materials—all with an eye toward fostering international collaborations. This new Organic Letters Virtual Issue features 25 selected articles form 2019-2020 to highlight these achievements.

chemistry essay topic ideas

This virtual issue in Environmental Science & Technology ( ES&T ) marks the 50-year anniversary of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Recognizing this significant milestone brings an opportunity to reflect on the enormous achievements and impact this federal agency has had on the remediation and protection of the environment, reaching both domestically within the USA and globally since its official beginnings on December 2nd, 1970.

Bioconjugate Chemistry 30th Anniversary Reviews

chemistry essay topic ideas

The breadth and impact of these 30th anniversary reviews demonstrate how the Bioconjugate Chemistry of today continues the forward-looking embrace of new science and systems while maintaining the old-fashioned virtues of scientific rigor and reproducibility.

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Chemistry Essay Topics

Chemistry is the study of chemicals and chemical solutions. It involves calculations, multiple chemical mixtures, and other exciting subjects that will make you happy. It’s the best subject to study if you want to find solutions to different human problems, including how to increase longevity, pollution and its solutions, and more. Students find chemistry a fun-filled subject because they have to explore multiple areas of problems facing humanity and the solutions to such issues.

The biggest of problems students face when writing chemistry essay assignments is to choose a topic that interests them, drives the message home, and motivates readers. Teachers and professors enjoy and love reading chemistry essay titles that contain rare ideas and convey the intended message in the right way.  TopicsBase is the ultimate online destination for the most educative and content-packed essay topics that teachers enjoy reading. The most interesting part about these essay titles is that they are offered free of charge. You can use our extensive range of titles for chemistry essays to write quality essay assignments that your teachers love. Explore the vast variety of library materials and online resources to make your essays content-packed and reader-intent.

  • Understanding Acid Rain and the Effect it Has on Humanity
  • Types of Fuels and The Working Mechanisms
  • Relationship Between Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality
  • Comprehensive Research and Analysis of Carbon Dioxide CO2
  • Application Of Chemistry in The Fight Against Cancer
  • The Composition and Use of Citric Acid
  • Study of The Enthalpies Of Alcohol Combustion
  • A Research Paper on Moles, Atomic Structure and Periodicity
  • Understanding the Chemistry of Glass and Its Chemical Composition
  • The Chemistry of Carbohydrates
  • Synaptic Transmitters and Chemistry
  • The Chemistry and Structure of DNA
  • Synthetic Polymers, Chemistry, and Tissue Engineering
  • Molecular Formulas of Chemical Substances
  • Analysis of the Taste and Smell of Chemical Substances
  • The Molecular Formula of Chemicals and Atomic
  • The Invention of the Microscope and Its Influence on Humanity
  • Reactants Concentration and Its Effect on Reaction
  • Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rates
  • Study of Energy, Mass and the Laws of Conservation
  • The Study and Importance of Cloning
  • Biography of Darwin the Man Behind the Revolution of Chemistry
  • The Relationship Between Modern Chemistry and Diseases
  • The Impact of Advanced Technology on Chemistry
  • The Relationship Between Water and Chemistry
  • The Impact of Explosives and Pyrotechnics on Humanity
  • Analysis and Study of Hybrid Photopolymerization
  • Origin, Growth, and Advancement of Chemistry
  • Understanding Liquid Crystals
  • The Bipolar and Lithium Disorder
  • The Chemistry of Love As It Relates to Emotions, Psychology, and Culture
  • Understanding the Rates of Different Chemical Reactions
  • Metal Chemistry and Experiments
  • How Compounds and Mixtures Differ
  • Chemical Bonding: In-depth Research
  • The Chemistry of Physics
  • A Research Paper on Organic Chemistry
  • Research Paper on Nuclear Chemistry
  • Statement of Purpose In Organic Chemistry
  • Analysis of Reduced Nickel Centers
  • Understanding The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Study of Electrochemical Microscopy Scanning
  • Conservation, Shipwrecks, and Corrosion
  • Stimulant Medication In ADHD Treatment
  • A Social Relevance Report of Caffeine

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science essay topics

Science Essay Topics You Can Easily Use for Your Composition

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Science essays are significant in academic circles as they provide opportunities for students to explore and understand various scientific concepts deeply. The choice of topic plays a crucial role in shaping the learning journey and fostering a deeper appreciation for scientific inquiry. In this article, we've compiled a list where every science essay topic is designed to cater to diverse interests and encourage critical thinking. Whether you're intrigued by the mysteries of the universe, fascinated by the complexities of life sciences, or passionate about environmental issues, there's something here to spark your curiosity and inspire meaningful exploration. Let's embark on this journey of scientific discovery together. If you don’t have time to research a topic and prepare a draft, let an essay writer online do this job for you.

How to Choose a Topic for Science Essay?

Selecting good science essay topics can be both exciting and challenging. Here are some steps to help you choose the perfect topic:

How to Choose a Topic for Science Essay

  • Identify Your Interests

Start by considering the areas of science that genuinely fascinate you. Are you passionate about biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, or another field? Your enthusiasm for the topic will drive your research and writing.

  • Consider Relevance

Think about current scientific issues or developments that interest you. Topics that are relevant and timely not only make for engaging essays but also demonstrate your awareness of contemporary scientific discourse.

  • Narrow Down Your Focus

Once you have a general idea, narrow down your focus to a specific aspect or question within that field. For example, if you're interested in biology, you could explore a particular aspect of genetics, ecology, or microbiology.

  • Research Potential Topics

Conduct preliminary research to explore potential topics further. Look for recent studies, articles, or discussions in scientific journals, news outlets, and reputable websites. This will help you gauge the availability of information and resources on your chosen topic.

  • Evaluate Feasibility

Consider the scope and complexity of each potential topic. Ensure that it is feasible to research and write about within the constraints of your assignment or project. Avoid too broad or too narrow topics, as they may be challenging to explore adequately.

  • Brainstorm Ideas

Take time to brainstorm ideas and jot down any topic that piques your interest. Don't worry about refining them at this stage—focus on generating a list of potential options.

  • Consult with Your Instructor or Peers

If you're unsure about your topic choice, don't hesitate to seek feedback from your instructor or classmates. They can offer valuable insights and suggestions based on their expertise and perspectives.

  • Choose a Topic That Excites You

Ultimately, choose a topic that genuinely excites you and sparks your curiosity. Your passion for the subject will shine through in your writing, making for a compelling and engaging essay. If you need help with subjects beyond science, we’d like to remind you about our political science essay writing service .

chemistry essay topic ideas

The Ultimate List of Science Essay Topics

Please consider these science essay topics for school students, which can help kickstart your creativity and help avoid hours of brainstorming decent subject matter for your composition. Are there any other assignments that request your attention? Remember that our book report writing service is here for you around the clock.

Environmental Science Essay Topics

  • The importance of recycling in reducing waste.
  • Effects of air pollution on human health.
  • How to conserve water in daily life.
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity.
  • Renewable energy sources: Solar power vs. wind power.
  • Plastic pollution: Solutions for a cleaner environment.
  • The role of urban green spaces in mitigating climate change.
  • The effects of climate change on wildlife habitats.
  • Sustainable agriculture: Practices for preserving soil health.
  • Ocean pollution: Causes and solutions.
  • The importance of biodiversity conservation.
  • Ecosystem services: Understanding nature's benefits.
  • The link between human activity and global warming.
  • Environmental justice: Ensuring fair treatment for all communities.
  • The impact of pesticides on ecosystems and human health.
  • Water conservation techniques for homeowners.
  • The role of environmental education in promoting sustainability.
  • The benefits of composting for soil health and waste reduction.
  • The effects of urbanization on natural habitats.
  • Green transportation: Alternatives to reduce carbon emissions.

Science Essay Topics for High School Students

  • The role of genetics in human health.
  • The impact of climate change on local ecosystems.
  • Exploring the properties of chemical reactions.
  • The future of space exploration: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Understanding the brain: Neuroscience and cognitive science.
  • Investigating the effects of pollution on water quality.
  • Renewable energy solutions for a sustainable future.
  • The science behind climate patterns and weather forecasting.
  • The biology of infectious diseases: Prevention and treatment.
  • Exploring alternative methods of food production and agriculture.
  • The physics of motion: Newton's laws and beyond.
  • Genetics and ethics: Debates surrounding genetic engineering.
  • The chemistry of everyday life: From cooking to cleaning.
  • Environmental conservation and biodiversity preservation.
  • The role of STEM education in addressing global challenges.
  • The impact of technology on human health and well-being.
  • Exploring the Universe: Astronomy and Cosmology.
  • The importance of conservation biology in protecting endangered species.
  • Robotics and automation: Innovations shaping the future.
  • Ethical considerations in biomedical research and medicine.

Science Essay Topics for 5th Graders

  • How do plants make food?
  • Exploring the solar system.
  • Why do we see rainbows?
  • The wonders of animal adaptations.
  • What causes earthquakes?
  • Investigating the water cycle.
  • Understanding the power of magnets.
  • The life of a butterfly.
  • What makes the moon shine?
  • The marvels of simple machines.
  • Why do leaves change color?
  • Discovering the world of microorganisms.
  • Exploring sound waves.
  • The importance of recycling.
  • How do birds fly?
  • Investigating the life of bees.
  • Understanding the seasons.
  • Exploring the human body's senses.
  • The mysteries of fossils.
  • Why is the sky blue?

Science Fiction Essay Topics

  • Life on other planets.
  • Time travel possibilities.
  • Artificial intelligence in society.
  • Exploring parallel universes.
  • Genetic engineering ethics.
  • Colonizing Mars.
  • Robots taking over human jobs.
  • The future of space exploration.
  • Virtual reality experiences.
  • Dystopian societies in literature.
  • Cloning humans: Pros and cons.
  • Nanotechnology advancements.
  • The impact of alien contact.
  • Cybernetic enhancements in humans.
  • Interstellar travel challenges.
  • Environmental consequences of advanced technology.
  • The concept of alternate dimensions.
  • Mind uploading and consciousness.
  • Post-apocalyptic survival strategies.
  • The role of robots in everyday life.

Political Science Essay Topics

  • The importance of voting in a democracy.
  • Understanding different political ideologies.
  • The role of media in shaping public opinion.
  • Globalization and its impact on sovereignty.
  • Gender equality in politics.
  • The influence of money in elections.
  • Political polarization in modern society.
  • Human rights violations and international law.
  • The challenges of political leadership.
  • Immigration policies and social cohesion.
  • Environmental policies and sustainability.
  • The role of diplomacy in international relations.
  • Political corruption and its consequences.
  • The impact of social media on political discourse.
  • Power dynamics in international organizations.
  • The rise of populism in contemporary politics.
  • Electoral systems and representation.
  • Political participation among youth.
  • The balance between security and civil liberties.
  • The role of education in fostering informed citizenship.

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Science and Technology Essay Topics

  • The future of renewable energy sources.
  • Artificial intelligence in daily life.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic engineering.
  • Advancements in medical technology.
  • The impact of social media on society.
  • Space exploration and its benefits.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in the digital age.
  • The role of technology in education.
  • Biotechnology and its applications.
  • The potential of 3D printing technology.
  • Climate change mitigation strategies.
  • The internet of things and its implications.
  • Robotics in industry and healthcare.
  • The importance of data privacy.
  • Nanotechnology innovations and risks.
  • Virtual reality entertainment and education.
  • Biometrics and personal identification.
  • The future of transportation technology.
  • Quantum computing possibilities.
  • Bioethics in modern science and technology.

Forensic Science Essay Topics

  • The evolution of forensic science.
  • DNA evidence in criminal investigations.
  • Forensic techniques in solving cold cases.
  • The role of forensic anthropology in identifying human remains.
  • Ballistics analysis and its importance in crime solving.
  • Digital forensics in cybercrime investigations.
  • Forensic entomology: Using insects to solve crimes.
  • The significance of forensic toxicology in determining cause of death.
  • Bloodstain pattern analysis in crime scene reconstruction.
  • Forensic odontology: Identifying individuals through dental records.
  • Forensic psychology and criminal profiling.
  • The use of forensic chemistry in drug analysis.
  • Fire investigation techniques in arson cases.
  • Forensic accounting: Uncovering financial fraud.
  • The application of forensic botany in criminal cases.
  • Gunshot residue analysis and its role in shooting incidents.
  • Forensic document examination: Detecting forgery and fraud.
  • Forensic nursing in cases of abuse and violence.
  • The challenges of forensic science in the courtroom.
  • Emerging technologies in forensic investigation.

Computer Science Essay Topics

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on society.
  • Cybersecurity threats and prevention strategies.
  • The evolution of computer programming languages.
  • The role of cloud computing in modern business.
  • Big data analytics and its applications.
  • The future of quantum computing.
  • Ethical considerations in data mining.
  • Internet of Things: Connecting the world digitally.
  • Virtual reality technology and its implications.
  • The history and development of computer hardware.
  • Machine learning algorithms and their uses.
  • Cryptocurrency: The future of finance?
  • Mobile app development trends.
  • The importance of user interface design.
  • Software engineering methodologies.
  • The impact of social media on computer science.
  • Robotics advancements and automation.
  • Bioinformatics: Merging biology and computer science.
  • Ethical hacking and cybersecurity ethics.
  • The role of computer science in healthcare innovations.

Social Science Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
  • Gender equality in the workplace.
  • The effects of globalization on cultural identity.
  • Poverty alleviation strategies and their effectiveness.
  • The psychology of prejudice and discrimination.
  • Urbanization trends and their consequences.
  • Family structure and its influence on child development.
  • The sociology of crime and deviance.
  • Education reform: Challenges and solutions.
  • Mental health stigma and its societal effects.
  • Environmental conservation and community engagement.
  • The sociology of religion: Trends and shifts.
  • Immigration policies and social integration.
  • The economics of income inequality.
  • Political polarization and its impact on society.
  • Social movements and their role in social change.
  • Aging population: Implications for society.
  • The anthropology of food and culture.
  • Technology addiction and its effects on social behavior.
  • Cultural diversity in multicultural societies.

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Earth Science Essay Topics

  • The formation of mountains and valleys.
  • The water cycle: From rain to rivers.
  • Volcanoes: Nature's powerful eruptions.
  • The impact of earthquakes on land and society.
  • The formation of rocks and minerals.
  • Weathering and erosion: Shaping the Earth's surface.
  • Plate tectonics: The movement of continents.
  • The importance of soil in ecosystems.
  • The role of glaciers in shaping landscapes.
  • The Earth's atmosphere: Layers and composition.
  • The effects of climate change on ecosystems.
  • Ocean currents: Patterns and effects on climate.
  • Natural disasters: Understanding and mitigating risks.
  • The role of rivers in shaping landforms.
  • The Earth's magnetic field: Protection and changes.
  • The science of fossils and paleontology.
  • The impact of human activities on the environment.
  • Exploring caves: Underground wonders.
  • The study of meteorites and their origins.
  • Environmental conservation: Challenges and solutions.

Animal Science Topics for an Essay

  • Animal behavior: Understanding communication.
  • The role of biodiversity in ecosystems.
  • Animal intelligence: Exploring cognitive abilities.
  • The impact of climate change on wildlife habitats.
  • Veterinary medicine advancements and animal health.
  • Endangered species conservation efforts.
  • Animal domestication: History and implications.
  • The role of zoos in education and conservation.
  • Animal ethics: Balancing welfare and research.
  • The science of animal migration patterns.
  • Wildlife conservation and habitat restoration.
  • The importance of pollinators in ecosystems.
  • Animal nutrition: Understanding dietary needs.
  • The effects of human-wildlife conflict.
  • Animal adaptations to survive in different environments.
  • The genetics of animal breeding and selection.
  • Marine biology: Studying life in the oceans.
  • Animal senses: How they perceive the world.
  • The social structure of animal societies.
  • Ethical considerations in animal experimentation.

Life Science Essay Topics

  • Genetics and human health.
  • Stem cell research.
  • Microbial diversity.
  • Climate change impacts.
  • Neurobiology insights.
  • Evolutionary adaptations.
  • Biodiversity conservation.
  • Biotechnology in medicine.
  • Marine ecological interactions.
  • Disease physiology.
  • Gene editing.
  • Invasive species.
  • Nutrition for health.
  • Hormones in development.
  • Ecological succession.
  • Genetic engineering in agriculture.
  • Cellular respiration.
  • Human microbiome.
  • Environmental pollution assessment.
  • Genome secrets unraveling.

Data Science Essay Topics

  • Data analysis in business decision-making.
  • Machine learning applications in healthcare.
  • Predictive analytics for customer behavior.
  • Big data challenges in government sectors.
  • Natural language processing advancements.
  • Data visualization techniques and tools.
  • Ethical considerations in data science.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) data management.
  • Fraud detection using data science methods.
  • Sentiment analysis in social media data.
  • Data-driven approaches to personalized medicine.
  • Recommender systems for e-commerce platforms.
  • Time series forecasting for financial markets.
  • Deep learning for image recognition tasks.
  • Data privacy and security concerns.
  • Text mining for extracting insights.
  • Blockchain technology and data integrity.
  • Optimization algorithms in data science.
  • Social network analysis for community detection.
  • Data science in environmental monitoring.

Health Science Essay Topics

  • Role of exercise in mental health.
  • Public health interventions for obesity.
  • Mental health stigma reduction strategies.
  • Health disparities in underserved communities.
  • Impact of social determinants on health outcomes.
  • Telemedicine's role in healthcare access.
  • Nutrition education for children's health.
  • Preventive measures against infectious diseases.
  • Chronic disease management approaches.
  • Importance of vaccination programs.
  • Psychological effects of chronic pain.
  • Health benefits of mindfulness practices.
  • Role of sleep in overall health.
  • Access to healthcare in rural areas.
  • Effects of pollution on respiratory health.
  • Importance of early childhood screenings.
  • Mental health support in schools.
  • Aging population and healthcare needs.
  • Holistic approaches to wellness.
  • Integrative medicine in patient care.

Here are additional psychology paper topics if you need more sources of inspiration.

Natural Science Essay Topics

  • Climate change impacts on ecosystems.
  • Geology of natural disasters.
  • Solar system exploration missions.
  • Biodiversity conservation strategies.
  • Environmental effects of deforestation.
  • Ocean acidification's impact on marine life.
  • Physics of renewable energy sources.
  • Earth's magnetic field and navigation.
  • Evolutionary adaptations in wildlife.
  • Chemistry of water purification methods.
  • Botanical studies on medicinal plants.
  • Wildlife conservation efforts in urban areas.
  • Atmospheric pollution and its effects.
  • Geographical features shaping ecosystems.
  • Seismic activity prediction techniques.
  • Astronomy discoveries in deep space.
  • Ecological restoration projects' effectiveness.
  • Genetics and biodiversity preservation.
  • Volcanic eruptions' impact on climate.
  • Physics of natural phenomena like lightning.

Consulting essay topics gives students valuable guidelines in writing their essays by providing inspiration, direction, and structure. Students engaging with reference topics can gain insights into various subject areas, identify relevant themes, and explore potential research avenues. These topics often offer a starting point for brainstorming ideas, prompting critical thinking, and encouraging deeper exploration of specific subjects. By examining different topics, students can learn to formulate clear research questions, develop coherent arguments, and organize their thoughts effectively. By the way, are you planning to apply for a study grant? Then, use our scholarship easy writing service to increase your odds.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best topic for science, what are some science essay ideas, how to choose a good science essay topic.

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IB Chemistry Web

chemistry essay topic ideas

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  • Extended essay
  • May 2023 schedule
  • Periodic table
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Extended essay in chemistry

The following is an overview of the extended essay guidelines for chemistry (IBO documents)

An extended essay in chemistry provides students with an opportunity to investigate a particular aspect of the materials of our environment. Such extended essays must be characterized by a particular chemical emphasis within a more general set of research criteria.

The outcome of the research should be a coherent and structured piece of writing that effectively addresses a particular issue or research question and arrives at a particular, and preferably personal, conclusion.

Choice of topic

It is important that the extended essay has a clear chemical emphasis and is not more closely related to another subject. Chemistry is the science that deals with the composition, characterization and transformation of substances. A chemistry extended essay should, therefore, incorporate chemical principles and theory, and emphasize the essential nature of chemistry, relating to the study of matter and of the changes it undergoes.

Although the same assessment criteria apply to all extended essays, for an extended essay submitted in chemistry the topic chosen must allow an approach that distinctly involves chemistry. Where a topic might be approached from different viewpoints, the treatment of the material must be approached from a chemistry perspective. For example, an extended essay in an interdisciplinary area such as biochemistry will, if registered as a chemistry extended essay, be judged on its chemical content, not its biological content.

The scope of the topic and the research associated with it should enable all the criteria to be addressed. A good topic is one where the single research question is sharply focused and can be treated effectively within the word limit. Perhaps the most important factor is the depth of treatment that can be given to the topic by the student. Broad or complex survey topics (for example, investigations into health problems caused by water pollution, chemotherapy for cancer treatment or the use of spectroscopy in chemical analysis) will not permit the student to discuss conflicting ideas and theories, nor to produce an in-depth personal analysis within the word limit.

Some topics may be unsuitable for investigation because of safety issues. For example, experiments involving toxic or dangerous chemicals, carcinogenic substances or radioactive materials should be avoided unless adequate safety apparatus and qualified supervision are available.

Other topics may be unsuitable because the outcome is already well known and documented in standard textbooks, and the student may not be able to show any personal input. An example might be a study of the reactions of the alkali metals with water as this is already covered by the syllabus. However, some care does need to be exercised in deciding whether a topic is suitable or not; for example, previously, the study of the allotropes of carbon might have been thought to be trivial but this would not be the case today.

Example essay titles

The following examples of titles for chemistry extended essays are intended as guidance only. The pairings illustrate that focused topics (indicated by the first title) should be encouraged rather than broad topics (indicated by the second title).

“The ratio of the gases evolved at the positive electrode during the electrolysis of common salt solution” is better than “Electrolysis of solutions”.

“Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of lead in drinking water” is better than “Water analysis”.

“The effects of sugar-free chewing gum on the pH of saliva in the mouth after a meal” is better than “Acid–base chemistry”.

“How can the natural oxidant rutin be extracted and purified from the seed of the Chinese Scholartree?” is better than “Extraction of natural products from plants”.

Moreover, it may help if the student further defines and refines the topic chosen for study in the form of a research question or statement.

The ratio of the gases evolved at the positive electrode during the electrolysis of common salt solution

Research question

Is there a relationship between the concentration of aqueous sodium chloride solution and the ratio of the amounts of oxygen and chlorine gas that are evolved at the positive electrode during electrolysis.

The caffeine content of a cup of tea

Does the time it takes to brew a cup of tea using a specific commercial brand of tea leaves significantly alter the amount of caffeine that is dissolved in the drink?

Analysis of strawberry jellies by paper chromatography

The use of paper chromatography to determine whether strawberry jellies obtained from 24 different countries in 5 different continents all contain the same red dyes.

Treatment of the topic

An extended essay in chemistry may be based on literature, theoretical models or experimental data. Whichever category or combination of categories is chosen, the student should ensure that sufficient data is available for evaluation and that the topic can be researched accurately using locally available resources.

Students who choose to write an extended essay based on literature and/or surveys should ensure that their extended essay clearly shows its chemical basis. Essays written at the level of a newspaper or news magazine article are unlikely to achieve a high mark.

Since chemistry is an experimental science, students are strongly encouraged to undertake experimental work as part of their research, although this is not compulsory. In order to place their research into the appropriate context, students should research the area of the investigation before commencing any experimental work. Where possible, they should consult original research using scientific journals, personal communications and the internet. Textbooks should never be the only source of information.

All essays involving experimental work undertaken by the student should include a clear and concise description of the experimental work. Students should indicate clearly whether they have personally designed the experiment, or give the source of an existing experiment method that they have used and state how they have adapted and improved upon it. All essays must be supervised by a school supervisor.

Many of the best essays are written by students investigating relatively simple phenomena using apparatus and materials that can be found in most school laboratories, and this approach is to be encouraged. If the practical work is carried out in an industrial or university laboratory, the essay should be accompanied by a letter from the external supervisor outlining the nature of the supervision and the level of guidance provided. The school supervisor must be satisfied that the work described in the essay is genuine and essentially that of the student.

Data collected from an experiment designed by the student is of little value unless it is analysed using appropriate scientific techniques, evaluated and perhaps compared with appropriate models.

It is possible to produce an extended essay in chemistry in which the student has used data collected elsewhere as the primary source. In such cases, the element of personal analysis and evaluation is extremely important.

In any chemistry extended essay, students should be able to demonstrate that they understand the theory underlying any experimental work and state any assumptions made. They should show an understanding of the results obtained and be able to interpret them with reference to the research question posed. They should be critical of inadequate experimental design, the limitations of the experimental method and any systematic errors.

Students should be encouraged to consider unresolved questions in their research, and to suggest new questions and areas for further investigation in their conclusion. Throughout the whole of the essay, students should emphasize clearly their own personal contribution.

Interpreting the assessment criteria

Criterion A: research question

Many research questions can be formulated as an actual question or questions. A typical example is: “What gas is evolved when zinc is added to copper (II) sulfate solution and what factors affect its formation?”. However, in chemistry extended essays it is perfectly reasonable to formulate the research question as a statement or as a hypothesis rather than an actual question. “An analysis of the amount of aluminium in three different brands of underarm deodorant by visible spectroscopy” and “The kinetics of oxidation of iodide ions with hydrogen peroxide in acidic solutions” are two such examples where a statement rather than a question is appropriate. Whichever way it is formulated, it should be identified clearly as the research question and set out prominently in the introduction.

Criterion B: introduction

The purpose of the introduction is to set the research question into context, that is, to relate the research question to existing knowledge in chemistry. It is usually appropriate to include also the underlying chemical theory required to understand how the research question has arisen. Some research questions require some background knowledge that is not related to chemistry—for example, “Do the fossils found in different strata of rocks at a particular location contain different amounts of sulfur?” . For the essay to make sense, it would be important to state the ages of the rocks and give some geological background. In such cases, only the essential non-chemistry information should be provided in the introduction, as the essay will be marked on its chemical content. If it is necessary to include more non-chemistry (for example, geological) information, then the appropriate place for it is the appendix.

Criterion C: investigation

The way in which the investigation is undertaken will depend very much on whether or not the essay contains experimental work performed by the student. For non-experimental essays, students should endeavour to show clearly how the data has been selected. They should distinguish between primary sources (original scientific publications, personal communications, interviews) and secondary sources (textbooks, newspaper articles, reviews), and show awareness of how reliable these sources are. For experimental work, sufficient information should be provided so that the work could be repeated if necessary by an independent worker. Students should make it clear which experiments they have designed themselves and which they have altered, adapted or improved from existing methods.

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Students should show that they understand fully the underlying chemistry behind the context of their research question and their subsequent investigation. They are not expected to explain basic chemistry forming part of the Diploma Programme chemistry course, but they are expected to show that they fully understand the relevant principles and ideas and can apply them correctly. They should also demonstrate that they understand the theory behind any techniques or apparatus used.

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Students should be aware of the need to give their essays the backbone of a developing argument. A good argument in chemistry will almost certainly include consideration and comparison of different approaches and methods directly relevant to the research question. Straightforward descriptive or narrative accounts that lack analysis do not usually advance an argument and should be avoided.

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

A thorough understanding of the reliability of all data used to support the argument should be shown. Inadequate experimental design or any systematic errors should be exposed. The magnitude of uncertainties in physical data should be evaluated and discussed. Approximations in models should be accounted for and all assumptions examined thoroughly. Where possible, the quality of sources accessed or data generated should be verified by secondary sources or by direct calculations.

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Correct chemical terminology and nomenclature should be used consistently and effectively throughout the extended essay. Relevant chemical formulas (including structural formulas), balanced equations (including state symbols) and mechanisms should be included. The correct units for physical quantities must always be given and the proper use of significant figures is expected.

Criterion H: conclusion

The conclusion must be consistent with the argument presented and should not merely repeat material in the introduction or introduce new or extraneous points to the argument. In chemistry, it is almost always pertinent to consider unresolved questions and to suggest areas for further investigation.

Criterion I: formal presentation

This criterion relates to the extent to which the essay conforms to academic standards about the way in which research papers should be presented. The presentation of essays that omit a bibliography or that do not give references is deemed unacceptable (level 0). Essays that omit one of the required elements—title page, table of contents, page numbers—are deemed no better than satisfactory (maximum level 2), while essays that omit two of them are deemed poor at best (maximum level 1).

The essay must not exceed 4,000 words of narrative. Graphs, figures, calculations, diagrams, formulas and equations are not included in the word count. For experiments where numerical results are calculated from data obtained by changing one of the variables, it is generally good practice to show one example of the calculation. The remainder can be displayed in tabular or graphical form.

Criterion J: abstract

The abstract is judged on the clarity with which it presents an overview of the research and the essay, not on the quality of the research question itself, nor on the quality of the argument or the conclusions.

Criterion K: holistic judgment

Qualities that are rewarded under this criterion include the following.

Intellectual initiative: Ways of demonstrating this in chemistry essays include the choice of topic and research question, and the use of novel or innovative approaches to address the research question.

Insight and depth of understanding: These are most likely to be demonstrated as a consequence of detailed research and thorough reflection, and by a well-informed and reasoned argument that consistently and effectively addresses the research question.

Originality and creativity: These will be apparent by clear evidence of a personal approach backed up by solid research and reasoning.

The assessment criteria

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — Discover 130 Fascinating Science Topics Perfect for College Students

Discover 130 Fascinating Science Topics Perfect for College Students

interesting science topics

When it comes to engaging discussions, college students and science enthusiasts are always on the hunt for exciting and interesting science topics. Whether you're preparing for a game night, a class presentation, or simply looking to impress with your knowledge, having a repertoire of fascinating scientific themes can be invaluable. This blog post will guide you through 130 intriguing science topics, offering a treasure trove of ideas to spark curiosity and foster engaging conversations.

The Allure of Interesting Science Topics

What makes a science topic captivating.

A captivating science topic is more than just an interesting subject; it’s a doorway to exploring the unknown and challenging the status quo. These topics often:

  • Illuminate New Discoveries : Offer insights into recent advancements or groundbreaking research.
  • Engage Curiosity : Pose questions that provoke thought and encourage further inquiry.
  • Connect to Real Life : Relate scientific principles to everyday experiences and practical applications.

Why Science Topics Matter in Game Nights

Incorporating science topics into game nights can elevate the experience:

  • Stimulate Intellectual Engagement : Keeps participants mentally active and engaged.
  • Encourage Learning : Provides an opportunity to learn in a fun, stress-free environment.
  • Foster Collaboration : Promotes teamwork and collaborative problem-solving.

Science Research Topics to Explore

Finding the right science research topics can be a game-changer for students and enthusiasts alike. Cool science topics not only pique interest but also provide a solid foundation for in-depth exploration. Here are some categories and examples to consider:

Physical Science Topics

Physical science encompasses a range of fascinating subjects. From the laws of physics to the wonders of astronomy, these topics can captivate students and researchers alike. Exploring physical science topics can lead to a deeper understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Science Research Topics for High School Students

High school is a critical time for budding scientists. Engaging with science research topics for high school students can ignite a passion for discovery and innovation. These topics can range from environmental science to cutting-edge technology, offering students a glimpse into the world of scientific research.

Science Research Paper Topics

Writing a research paper requires choosing the right topic. Science research paper topics should be both interesting and manageable, allowing for a thorough investigation. Whether you're delving into biological sciences or exploring the intricacies of chemistry, selecting the right topic is crucial for a successful research paper.

Interesting Science Topics for Students

Students at all levels can benefit from exploring interesting science topics. These topics not only enhance their knowledge but also encourage critical thinking and creativity. From the mysteries of space to the complexities of the human body, there are countless fascinating subjects to explore.

Science Topics for High School

High school students often seek science topics that are both challenging and intriguing. Science topics for high school can include everything from renewable energy sources to the ethical implications of genetic engineering. These topics help students develop a deeper understanding of scientific principles and their applications in the real world.

130 Science Topics Perfect for College Students

  • Climate Change: How Does Climate Change Affect Our Everyday Life.
  • Artificial Intelligence: The Ethical Challenges.
  • CRISPR Technology: The Potential Tool for Curing Huntington’s Disease.
  • Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The mysterious components making up most of our universe.
  • Quantum Computing: Beyond The Limits of Traditional Computers.
  • Nanotechnology: The Industrial Revolution of The 21st Century.
  • The Human Microbiome: The trillions of microbes living in and on our bodies and their impact on health.
  • Stem Cell Research: Most Effective and Beneficial Biological Source.
  • Exoplanets : The search for planets outside our solar system and the potential for extraterrestrial life.
  • Black Holes: The Enigmatic Abyss of the Universe.
  • The Human Genome Sequencing in Health and Mutation.
  • Virtual Reality: Exploring The Pros and Cons.
  • Antibiotic Resistance : The growing threat of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.
  • The Big Bang Theory : The prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe.
  • Biodiversity: The Special Connection Between All Organisms on Our Planet.
  • Bioluminescence: Understanding and Preserving Bioluminescence in Puerto Rico and Florida.
  • Biotechnology: The use of biological processes for industrial and other purposes.
  • Cellular Biology: The study of cells, the basic units of life.
  • Chemical Bonding: The interactions that hold atoms together in molecules.
  • Cloning: The creation of genetically identical copies of an organism.
  • Cognitive Science : The interdisciplinary study of the mind and its processes.
  • Conservation Biology : The science of protecting and restoring biodiversity.
  • Cosmology: The study of the origins and eventual fate of the universe.
  • Cybersecurity : The protection of internet-connected systems from cyberattacks.
  • DNA and RNA: The molecules that carry genetic instructions in organisms.
  • Ecology: The study of the relationships between organisms and their environments.
  • Evolution: The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed.
  • Forensic Science : The application of science to criminal and civil laws.
  • Fusion Power: The process of generating energy by fusing atomic nuclei.
  • Genetic Engineering: The manipulation of an organism's genes using biotechnology.
  • Genetic Testing: The analysis of DNA to identify changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins.
  • Geology: The study of the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change.
  • Global Health: The health of populations in a global context, transcending the perspectives and concerns of individual nations.
  • Gravitational Waves : Ripples in spacetime caused by the acceleration of massive objects.
  • Green Energy: Sustainable energy that is generated from natural resources.
  • Human Evolution: The process of evolution that led to the emergence of modern humans.
  • Immunology: The study of the immune system, which defends the body against infectious diseases.
  • Marine Biology: The study of marine organisms, their behavior, and their interactions with the environment.
  • Microbiology: The study of microscopic organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Neuroscience: The scientific study of the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord.
  • Nuclear Physics: The field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions.
  • Nutritional Science: The study of the relationship between food and a healthy body.
  • Organic Chemistry: The study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds.
  • Paleontology: The scientific study of life that existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene Epoch.
  • Particle Physics: The study of the fundamental particles that make up matter and radiation.
  • Pharmacology: The study of drugs and their interactions with living organisms.
  • Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods.
  • Physical Chemistry: The study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems.
  • Physiology: The scientific study of the functions and mechanisms that work within a living system.
  • Planetary Science: The scientific study of planets, moons, and planetary systems.
  • Plate Tectonics: The scientific theory describing the large-scale motions of Earth's lithosphere.
  • Psychology: The scientific study of the mind and behavior.
  • Quantum Mechanics: The branch of physics dealing with the smallest particles in the universe.
  • Robotics: The interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science dealing with robots.
  • Solar Energy: The energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation.
  • Space Exploration: The investigation of physical conditions in space and on stars, planets, and their moons.
  • Species Extinction: The disappearance of species from Earth.
  • Stem Cells: The cells that have the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body.
  • String Theory: The theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.
  • Superconductivity: The ability of certain materials to conduct electric current with zero resistance.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: The practice of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment.
  • Telemedicine: The remote diagnosis and treatment of patients using telecommunications technology.
  • Tissue Engineering: The use of a combination of cells, engineering materials, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace biological functions.
  • Vaccines: The substances used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases.
  • Volcanology: The study of volcanoes, lava, magma, and related geological, geophysical, and geochemical phenomena.
  • Waste Management: The collection, transport, processing, recycling, or disposal of waste materials.
  • Water Pollution: The contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities.
  • Weather and Climate: The day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere and the long-term averages of these conditions in a place.
  • Wildlife Conservation: The practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats.
  • Wind Energy: The energy derived from the wind through the use of wind turbines.
  • Zoology: The branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals.
  • Astrobiology: The study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.
  • Bioinformatics: The application of computer science and information technology to the field of biology and medicine.
  • Biophysics: The study of biological systems using the methods and theories of physics.
  • Cell Signaling: The complex communication systems that govern basic cellular activities and coordinate cell actions.
  • Circadian Rhythm: The internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.
  • Cryogenics: The production and behavior of materials at very low temperatures.
  • Epigenetics: The study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.
  • Food Science: The discipline that involves the study of physical, microbiological, and chemical makeup of food.
  • Genomics: The study of the genomes of organisms, aiming to decipher the entire DNA sequence and understand its function.
  • Hydrology: The study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets.
  • Materials Science: The study of the properties and characteristics of materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites.
  • Medical Imaging: The techniques and processes used to create images of the human body for clinical purposes.
  • Molecular Biology: The study of the molecular underpinnings of the processes of replication, transcription, and translation of the genetic material.
  • Neuroplasticity: The ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections in response to learning or experience.
  • Optogenetics: The use of light to control cells in living tissue, typically neurons, that have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels.
  • Parasitology: The study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them.
  • Pharmacogenomics: The study of how genes affect a person's response to drugs.
  • Photonics: The physical science of light (photon) generation, detection, and manipulation through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching,
  • amplification, and sensing.
  • Plant Pathology: The scientific study of diseases in plants caused by pathogens and environmental conditions.
  • Quantum Computing Algorithms: The study of algorithms that run on a realistic model of quantum computation.
  • Radiology: The medical discipline that uses medical imaging to diagnose and treat diseases.
  • Regenerative Medicine: The branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair, or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs, and tissues.
  • Renewable Energy: Energy from sources that are naturally replenishing but flow-limited.
  • Systems Biology: The study of the interactions between the components of biological systems and how these interactions give rise to the function and behavior of that system.
  • Synthetic Biology: The design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems and the re-design of existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes.
  • Toxicology: The study of the adverse effects of chemical, physical, or biological agents on living organisms and the ecosystem.
  • Virology: The study of viruses and virus-like agents, including their structure, classification, and replication, and their effects on host organisms.
  • X-ray Crystallography: The experimental science determining the atomic and molecular structure of a crystal, in which the crystalline atom scattering factors and phases are
  • determined by X-ray diffraction.
  • Zoonoses: Infectious diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans.
  • Astronomy: The study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
  • Behavioral Genetics: The study of the genetic and environmental influences on human and animal behavior.
  • Biochemistry: The study of the chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.
  • Carbon Capture: The process of capturing waste carbon dioxide from large point sources, such as fossil fuel power plants.
  • Cellular Immunology: The study of the immune system at the cellular level.
  • Chemical Kinetics: The study of rates of chemical processes.
  • Chronobiology: The study of biological rhythms in living organisms.
  • Computational Chemistry: The use of computer simulation to assist in solving chemical problems.
  • Conservation Ecology: The study of the distribution and abundance of organisms and how these are affected by the environment.
  • Developmental Biology: The study of the process by which organisms grow and develop.
  • Electromagnetism: The study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles.
  • Environmental Chemistry: The study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places.
  • Environmental Toxicology: The study of the effects of man-made and natural chemicals on the environment.
  • Epidemiology: The study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why.
  • Evolutionary Biology: The study of the evolutionary processes that have given rise to biodiversity.
  • Forensic Anthropology: The application of the science of physical anthropology to the legal process.
  • Fractal Geometry: The study of mathematical sets that exhibit a repeating pattern at every scale.
  • Genetic Counseling: The process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, and familial implications of genetic contributions to disease.
  • Geochemistry: The study of the chemical composition of the Earth and other planets.
  • Geomorphology: The study of landforms and the processes that shape them.
  • Glaciology: The study of glaciers, or more generally ice and natural phenomena that involve ice.
  • High-Energy Physics: The branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation.
  • Hydroponics: The method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.
  • Immunotherapy: The treatment of disease by inducing, enhancing, or suppressing an immune response.
  • Marine Ecology : The study of how marine organisms interact with each other and the environment.
  • Microbial Genetics: The study of the genetics of microorganisms, particularly bacteria.
  • Molecular Modeling: The use of computers to model or mimic the behavior of molecules.
  • Nanoscience : The study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular, and macromolecular scales.

Science is a vast and endlessly fascinating realm, offering an abundance of interesting science topics to explore and discuss. Whether you’re a college student looking for inspiration or a science enthusiast eager to delve into new areas, these 130 science topics to research provide a solid foundation for engaging conversations and intellectual exploration.

One of the first steps in diving into the world of science is identifying the most interesting science topics for students. These topics can range from the mysteries of quantum physics to the intricacies of human biology. When selecting science research topics, it’s essential to choose those that not only pique your interest but also challenge your understanding and stimulate your curiosity.

For high school students, finding the right science topics for high school projects can be particularly rewarding. High school is a time when students can explore various subjects and discover their passions. Cool science topics, such as the study of renewable energy sources, the impact of climate change on ecosystems, or the development of new medical technologies, can captivate young minds and inspire future scientific endeavors.

Science research topics for high school students should be both challenging and accessible. These topics should encourage students to think critically and develop their research skills. Some potential science research paper topics for high school students include the effects of plastic pollution on marine life, the role of genetics in disease prevention, and the advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Physical science topics, such as the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces of nature, offer a wealth of opportunities for exploration. These topics can provide a deeper understanding of the natural world and lay the groundwork for more advanced studies in physics, chemistry, and engineering. Interesting science topics in the physical sciences can include the behavior of subatomic particles, the exploration of outer space, and the development of sustainable energy solutions.

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chemistry essay topic ideas

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Chemistry Essay Topics for Happy Students from AcademicHelp.net

If you don’t think you can handle the chemistry essay on your own, here are some offbeat titles for your academic chemistry paper:

  • Analysis of the Chemicals that Cause Particular Food Allergies
  • Plastic Packaging – a Look at Its Effect on the Environment
  • An Understanding of the Diet Soda Chemistry and How They Affect the Bone Structure
  • Deficiency of Vitamins in Human Bodies – a Look at Its Causes and Consequences
  • Analysis of the Use of Sugars for Batteries
  • Acid Rain in Your Neighborhood and Its Effects on the Plans
  • Plastics Packaging and Its Influence on Food
  • An Evaluation of the Chemical Composition of Lava Rocks
  • Understanding the Chemistry Behind Liquid Bandages
  • Pheromones and Their Effect on Humans
  • How Chemistry Brings Alterations to the World
  • Is Chemistry Involved in Generic Medicines?
  • The Chemistry Behind Dental Fillings
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
  • Counter Electrodes Used for Solar Cell Applications
  • Branded Drugs vs. Generic Drugs
  • Different Preservatives Used in Carbonated Drinks
  • Plant Dyes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications
  • What Types of Chemical Compounds Trigger the Majority of Human Allergies?

Chemistry Extended Essay Topics & Original Samples

We can provide you with a sample list of titles for your essay, research paper or dissertation. College students and undergraduates use our service on a daily basis for their writing tasks. Our writers will help you with a custom chemistry project of any difficulty level due to their educational level.

At AcademicHelp.net, we will check the structure of your essay, the thesis idea, and the subject. They will see if your analysis and research, the format, organization, and review meet academic requirements. Got stuck? Use a quick messaging system to get in touch with us 24/7.

If the topic has not been given for your organic or non-organic chemistry research paper, select some subject matter from the list we provided. Every topic on our website gives you a good room to find relevant research material and propose insights that showcase your ability to think critically and analyze. If you can’t do it on your own, we have dedicated writers and editors who can do that for you at a reasonable price.

Our writers know how to apply a scientific format for your paper which is important for creating reference pages and referencing source material. Our experts will help you to find out if the data you gather for your research by using libraries or online resources is genuine. We’ll keep an eye on if you’re writing down all the necessary reference information so as to not plagiarize and attribute everything you use.

Chemistry Essay Topics for High School & College Levels

Your essay may involve formulas and calculations. That is why it’s better to approach our experts, who will make sure you know how to place them in your research paper correctly, how to label them, and how to give necessary comments in your chemistry essay that further them. Your chemistry paper can be designed from your notes into a good outline so that you can build up a well-structured framework. This normally contains an introduction paragraph, main paragraphs that detail every aspect of your thesis, and a fine conclusion that entails a references page. If you’re not sure your structure is strong, our writers can check that with ease.

Once our writers receive your draft, they will place all the chemistry essay parts together, revise, and reread it for some editing. We will check if your grammar, spelling and sentence structure are correct and the body parts are transitioned in a logical manner continuing to connect to your thesis statement.

Writing in the field of chemistry is kind of similar to other disciplines because your chemistry paper should show a clear purpose and explanation why you carry out this research, your thesis statement (or main idea) that identifies a particular problem to resolve, and any other information. Our writers will show you where you have to include the appropriate evidence in your chemistry paper, such as tables, graphs, and figures in order to support your statement. But first and foremost, start with offered chemistry essay topics as you need to pick the most outstanding one and make your whole coursework an unprecedented success.

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Top 100 chemistry topics to research in 2023.

chemistry topics

So, are you looking for the best chemistry topics on the Internet? The good news is that you have arrived at the right place. In this blog post, we will explain why you need to find the best topic in chemistry. You will quickly understand that you have a lot to gain just by writing your next paper on an interesting, unique topic. And the good news doesn’t stop here. You will be thrilled to find a list of 100 topics (including AP chemistry topics) right here. Of course, you can use any of our topics. The list is updated periodically to help as many students as possible with their search for chemistry research paper topics.

Do You Need an Interesting Chemistry Topic?

OK, but why do you need to find the best topics in chemistry? Why can’t you just pick one of the first topics that pop up in Google? The answer to these questions is pretty simple actually. Professors want to see something new. They want to see that you have dedicated at least some time and effort to finding an original topic. Your professors see the same chemistry projects topics over and over again. Frankly, they are bored of reading the same essays every time.

We know that finding good chemistry presentation topics can be a daunting task. This is why we have asked our professional writers to put together a list of topics for you. Feel free to use any of the topics below and nail that A!

Always Choose the Latest Chemistry Paper Topics

There are hundreds of chemistry related topics on the Internet. However, not all topics are created equal. The truth is that your professor will appreciate an original topic that is also about something current. In other words, you should do your best to find topics in current chemistry whenever possible. Just go through some of the latest journals and articles about chemistry. You will quickly find out everything about the latest breakthroughs. Also, fresh topics are excellent to use as interesting chemistry topics for presentation. You’ll awe your professor from the second he sees the title of your essay – guaranteed.

The Benefits of Finding Great Chemistry Topics for Research

Finding great chemistry topics for project or for essays has plenty of benefits. Here are just some of the benefits of writing your next paper on one of our excellent topics:

  • Your professor will have something new to read. The mere sight of the title should make him or her want to read more.
  • You will get bonus points for originality. Professors most often award bonus points to papers that stand out from the rest.
  • You will stand out of the crowd because your essay will be different. Your classmates will most likely write about the same old topics.
  • You can show your professor that you’ve really dedicated a lot of effort to finding a great topic. He or she won’t know that you’ve picked one of our topics.

Read Our List of 100 Chemistry Topics

Best chemistry research topics.

  • Explain photoelectrochemical water oxidation.
  • Are food dyes bad for you?
  • Importance of silicon dioxide for solar energy companies.
  • An in-depth look at Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures.
  • A thorough examination of Electron Dot Models.

General Chemistry Topics

  • How can whisky be diluted?
  • Uses of Small Molecule Accurate Recognition Technology (SMART).
  • Analyze the stability of nucleic acids.
  • What is snow pollution and why is it so dangerous?
  • The various isomerism types.

Organic Chemistry Topics

  • What are nucleophiles?
  • How do globular proteins appear?
  • What are electrophiles?
  • Is phenol an acid or not?
  • Analyze and explain aniline dyes.

High School Chemistry Topics

  • What is Hordenine in beer?
  • Analyze the positive effects of food dyes.
  • The Sun: burning without oxygen.
  • How can air freeze?
  • Describe nanoreactors in chemistry.

Interesting Chemistry Topics

  • What are Lewis Structures?
  • The effect of sulfuric acid on organic materials.
  • The photocatalysis effect in 3D printing.
  • Sodium Azide and its use in airbags.
  • An in-depth look at the Californium element.
  • How does a bomb calorimeter work?

Chemistry IA Topics

  • Enzymatic reactions: Explaining the kinetics behind them
  • How do iodine values change in cooking oils?
  • Is the pH in your mouth affected after brushing your teeth?
  • How can we reduce caffeine in coffee?
  • Calorimetry: Most common sources of error
  • Why are aspirin tablets coated? (hydrolysis of aspirin)

Chemistry Research Topics for High School Students

  • How is alcohol metabolized in our bodies?
  • How are calories in food counted?
  • The dangers of chemical reactions.
  • How are chemical adhesives created?
  • Properly balancing chemical equations.

Cool Chemistry Topics

  • Calculating the concentration of active substance in a medicine.
  • Explain the thermodynamics concept.
  • How to use a spectrometer to determine the speed of a reaction.
  • Using the volume of gas to calculate absolute zero.
  • When does lipase denaturation take place?

Physical Chemistry Topics

You can also check out our physics topics .

  • What is thermochemistry?
  • The importance of spectroscopy.
  • Define solid-state chemistry.
  • What are chemical kinetics?
  • Advantages of photochemistry.

Argumentative Chemistry Topics

  • The best way to cook an egg.
  • Testosterone is men’s drug of choice.
  • Homeopathic treatments and their side effects.
  • Is synthetic better than natural in medicine?
  • Aromatherapy is not useless.

Inorganic Chemistry Topics

  • Antibiotics and they negative effect on your health.
  • Explain covalent bonding.
  • Common inorganic spectroscopic problems.
  • Analyzing ions in solution.
  • What is the molecular orbital theory?

Chemistry Project Topics

  • Analyzing arsenic concentrations in water.
  • Why is cyanogen bromide forbidden in health care centers?
  • Is a pH of 5.5 really neutral?
  • Can we have a fire in space?
  • A thorough analysis of acids.

Controversial Chemistry Topics

  • The effects of alcohol on the human brain.
  • What makes drugs so dangerous?
  • Can a love elixir be made?
  • Describe food fraud.
  • Differences between generic medicine and original medicine.

Chemistry Topics for Presentation

  • The reaction pathways of radicals.
  • Let’s analyze the architecture of matter.
  • What is entropy?
  • Defining aromaticity.
  • How an ion-selective electrode works.

Innovative Chemistry Research Topics

  • Explain gel electrophoresis.
  • What is the fat freezing point?
  • How does biological nitrogen fixation work?
  • Analyzing symmetry in chemistry.
  • NMR spectroscopy and its advantages.

Environmental Chemistry Topics

  • Heavy metals are contaminating our environment.
  • The effects of plastics on the oceans.
  • What causes acid rain?
  • Is organic food actually safe to be consumed?
  • Detecting traces of heavy metals in plants.

Chemistry Regents Topics

  • How do two atoms of fluorine become one molecule?
  • Describe the wave-mechanical model of the atom.
  • What happens when the electron moves from a higher to a lower energy state?
  • Elements with properties similar to cesium.
  • Analyzing the kinetic molecular theory.

Chemical Engineering Topics

  • How is gas artificially colored?
  • How is dry ice obtained?
  • How do batteries work?
  • How do vitamins help the human body?

Chemistry Research Topics for Undergraduates

  • The most dangerous compounds in food dyes.
  • Here is how an allergy develops.
  • Is Ibuprofen really as safe as some claim it to be?
  • An in-depth look at surface tension and its applications.
  • Nanophotonics and their military uses.

Easy Chemistry Topics

  • What are ionic crystals?
  • How are pearls created?
  • Can diamonds be grown in the lab?
  • How does a nanofiltration system work?

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry

  • How do synthetic molecules replicate?
  • What are competition processes in chemistry?
  • Barium toxicity and its effects.
  • The importance of chemistry for the makeup industry.

Whether you’re looking for inorganic chemistry topics, organic chemistry research topics or any other topics, you’ve arrived at the right place. Our seasoned academic writers periodically add new topics to our list. This way, we assure that we always have topics in chemistry high school students will be thrilled to use. And don’t forget: these topics can be used by college students as well. Pick one of our topics right now and write the perfect chemistry essay. Good luck!

environmental science topics


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