
100+ Space Research Topics [Updated]

space research topics

Space has always attracted humanity’s imagination. The vastness of the cosmos, with its twinkling stars, mysterious planets, and enigmatic black holes, beckons us to explore its depths. But why do we study space? What are the research topics that drive scientists to reach for the stars? In this blog, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of space research topics, exploring key topics that continue to inspire and challenge researchers around the globe.

Why Do We Study Space?

Table of Contents

Here are some key points explaining why we study space:

  • Understanding our Origins: Space research helps us uncover the origins of the universe, including how galaxies, stars, and planets formed.
  • Advancing Scientific Knowledge: Studying space leads to breakthroughs in physics, astronomy, and other scientific fields, expanding our understanding of the cosmos.
  • Technological Innovation: Space exploration drives the development of new technologies, such as satellite communication and medical imaging, benefiting society as a whole.
  • Exploration and Discovery: Humans are inherently curious, and space offers a vast frontier for exploration, fueling our desire to discover new worlds and phenomena.
  • Earth Observation: Space-based observations provide valuable data on Earth’s climate, weather patterns, and environmental changes, aiding in disaster management and conservation efforts.
  • Search for Life: Investigating other planets and celestial bodies helps us understand the conditions necessary for life, potentially leading to the discovery of extraterrestrial life forms.
  • Inspiration and Education: Space exploration inspires future generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers, fostering innovation and curiosity about the universe.

100+ Space Research Topics: Category Wise

Astronomy and astrophysics.

  • Exoplanet detection methods and recent discoveries
  • The life cycle of stars: from birth to death
  • Supermassive black holes and their role in galaxy formation
  • Gravitational waves: detection and implications
  • Dark matter and dark energy: understanding the mysteries of the universe
  • Supernovae explosions: studying the aftermath of stellar deaths
  • Galactic dynamics: exploring the structure and evolution of galaxies
  • Cosmic microwave background radiation: insights into the early universe
  • Gamma-ray bursts: uncovering the most energetic explosions in the cosmos
  • The search for extrasolar planets with potential habitable conditions

Planetary Science

  • Martian geology and the search for signs of past life
  • Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: dynamics and longevity
  • Saturn’s rings: composition, structure, and origin
  • Lunar exploration: past missions and future prospects
  • Venusian atmosphere: understanding the greenhouse effect and extreme conditions
  • Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto: Jupiter’s diverse moons
  • Titan: Saturn’s moon with an Earth-like atmosphere and hydrocarbon lakes
  • The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud: reservoirs of comets and icy bodies
  • Dwarf planets: Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres
  • Planetary volcanism: processes and consequences on various celestial bodies

Space Technology and Engineering

  • Satellite constellations for global internet coverage
  • CubeSats: miniaturized satellites for scientific research and technology demonstration
  • Space debris mitigation strategies and technologies
  • Ion propulsion systems: efficient propulsion for deep space missions
  • Space telescopes: next-generation observatories for astronomy and astrophysics
  • Space-based solar power: harvesting solar energy in orbit
  • Asteroid mining: extracting resources from near-Earth objects
  • In-situ resource utilization on other planets and moons
  • Additive manufacturing (3D printing) in space exploration
  • Autonomous spacecraft navigation and control for long-duration missions

Astrobiology and the Search for Life

  • Extremophiles: organisms thriving in extreme environments on Earth and their implications for extraterrestrial life
  • Biosignatures: markers of past or present life on other planets
  • Methanogenesis on Mars: potential evidence for subsurface microbial life
  • Europa’s subsurface ocean: exploring the possibility of life beneath the ice
  • Enceladus: hydrothermal vents and the search for life in its subsurface ocean
  • The habitability of exoplanets: assessing conditions for life beyond the solar system
  • Panspermia: the transfer of life between celestial bodies
  • Astrobiology field research in extreme environments on Earth
  • SETI: the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and communication
  • The implications of discovering microbial life on Mars or other celestial bodies

Space Policy and Ethics

  • International collaboration in space exploration and research
  • The Outer Space Treaty: principles governing the use of outer space
  • Space tourism regulations and safety considerations
  • Space law and jurisdiction: legal frameworks for activities in space
  • Military applications of space technology and potential arms race in space
  • Space resource utilization and ownership rights
  • Space environmentalism: advocating for the protection of celestial bodies and their environments
  • Space colonization ethics and implications for human societies
  • Space governance beyond national boundaries
  • Cultural heritage preservation on the Moon and other celestial bodies

Challenges and Future Directions

  • Funding challenges and opportunities in space research and exploration
  • Space radiation hazards and mitigation strategies for astronauts
  • Interplanetary communication and navigation for deep space missions
  • Long-duration spaceflight: physiological and psychological effects on astronauts
  • Terraforming Mars: engineering a habitable environment on the Red Planet
  • Space elevator concept: a revolutionary approach to space access
  • Next-generation space launch vehicles and propulsion technologies
  • Nuclear propulsion for crewed missions to Mars and beyond
  • Space settlement design and infrastructure requirements
  • Advancing artificial intelligence and robotics for autonomous space exploration

Space Weather and Space Environment

  • Solar flares and coronal mass ejections: impacts on Earth’s magnetosphere and technology
  • Space weather forecasting and its applications in satellite operations
  • Magnetospheres of Earth and other planets: comparative studies and dynamics
  • Solar wind interactions with planetary atmospheres and magnetospheres
  • Aurora phenomena on Earth and other planets
  • Radiation belts: understanding and mitigating hazards for spacecraft and astronauts
  • Cosmic rays: sources, composition, and effects on space missions
  • Space climate change: long-term variations in solar activity and their consequences
  • Space weather effects on satellite communications, navigation, and power systems
  • Space weather monitoring and prediction networks

Space Exploration and Missions

  • Mars Sample Return mission: challenges and scientific objectives
  • Artemis program: NASA’s plans for returning astronauts to the Moon
  • Asteroid impact mitigation strategies and planetary defense initiatives
  • The James Webb Space Telescope: capabilities and scientific goals
  • Europa Clipper mission: exploring Jupiter’s icy moon for signs of habitability
  • China’s Chang’e lunar exploration program: past achievements and future missions
  • Commercial crew and cargo transportation to the International Space Station
  • Voyager and Pioneer missions: the farthest human-made objects in space
  • Space missions to study near-Earth objects and potential asteroid mining targets
  • International Mars exploration collaborations and missions

Space Communication and Navigation

  • Deep space communication networks and relay satellites
  • Laser communication technology for high-speed data transmission in space
  • Satellite-based navigation systems: GPS, Galileo, and GLONASS
  • Interplanetary Internet: protocols and architectures for space communications
  • Radio astronomy and interferometry: probing the universe with radio waves
  • Quantum communication in space: secure and ultra-fast communication channels
  • Delay-tolerant networking for deep space missions
  • Autonomous navigation systems for spacecraft and rovers
  • Optical communications for small satellites and CubeSats
  • Space-to-ground communication systems for remote sensing and Earth observation satellites

Space Medicine and Human Spaceflight

  • Microgravity effects on human physiology and health
  • Countermeasures for mitigating bone and muscle loss in space
  • Psychological challenges of long-duration space missions
  • Space food technology: nutrition and sustainability in space
  • Medical emergencies in space: protocols and procedures for astronaut health care
  • Radiation shielding and protection for crewed missions beyond Earth orbit
  • Sleep and circadian rhythms in space: optimizing astronaut performance
  • Artificial gravity concepts for maintaining crew health on long-duration missions
  • Telemedicine applications for space exploration missions
  • Bioastronautics research: advancing human spaceflight capabilities and safety

Space Industry and Commercialization

  • NewSpace companies: the rise of private space exploration ventures
  • Satellite constellation deployments for global internet coverage
  • Space tourism: opportunities, challenges, and market trends
  • Commercial spaceports and launch facilities around the world
  • Space manufacturing and in-space assembly techniques

Tips To Write Space Research Papers

Crafting space research papers can be a thrilling and fulfilling pursuit, yet it demands meticulous planning and implementation to guarantee that your efforts effectively convey your discoveries and make meaningful contributions to the discipline. Here are some tips to help you write space research papers:

  • Choose a Narrow Topic: Space is a vast field with numerous sub-disciplines. Narrow down your topic to something specific and manageable, ensuring that it aligns with your interests and expertise.
  • Conduct Thorough Research: Before you start writing, immerse yourself in the existing literature on your chosen topic. Familiarize yourself with key concepts, theories, and recent discoveries to provide context for your research.
  • Develop a Clear Thesis Statement: Define the central argument or hypothesis of your paper in a concise and focused thesis statement. This statement should guide your writing and serve as the foundation for your research.
  • Outline Your Paper: Create a detailed outline outlining the structure of your paper, including the introduction, literature review, results, and conclusion sections. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your paper flows logically.
  • Write a Compelling Introduction: Begin your paper with a captivating introduction that offers context about your subject, underscores its importance, and delineates the paper’s framework . Grab the reader’s interest and inspire them to delve further into your work.
  • Provide a Comprehensive Literature Review: Synthesize the existing research on your topic in a literature review section. Examine pertinent research, theories, methodologies, and results, pinpointing any disparities or deficiencies in the existing literature that your study seeks to rectify.
  • Detail Your Methodology: Describe the methods you used to conduct your research, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation techniques. Provide enough detail for readers to understand how your study was conducted and to evaluate its validity and reliability.
  • Present Your Results Clearly: Present your research findings in a clear, concise manner, using tables, figures, and charts to illustrate key data points. Interpret your results objectively and discuss their implications in relation to your research question or hypothesis.
  • Engage in Critical Analysis: Analyze your findings in the context of existing literature, discussing their significance, strengths, limitations, and potential implications for future research. Be critical and objective in your evaluation, acknowledging any potential biases or limitations in your study.
  • Craft a Strong Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of your research and reiterate their significance in the conclusion section. Discuss any implications for theory, practice, or policy and suggest avenues for future research.
  • Proofread and Revise: Before submitting your paper, carefully proofread it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Edit your writing to ensure clarity, coherence, and consistency, guaranteeing that your points are adequately backed and logically organized.
  • Follow Formatting Guidelines: Follow the formatting instructions provided by the journal or conference to which you intend to submit your paper. Pay attention to details such as font size, margins, citation style, and reference formatting to ensure that your paper meets the publication requirements.

Space research offers a window into the vastness of the cosmos, revealing the beauty and complexity of the universe we inhabit. From the depths of space to the surfaces of distant planets, scientists are uncovering new wonders and answering age-old questions about our place in the universe. As we look to the stars, let us be inspired by the spirit of exploration and discovery that drives humanity ever onward, towards new horizons and unknown worlds. I hope you find the best space research topics from the above list.

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The 10 biggest space science stories of 2021

The universe revealed more of its secrets this year, and new missions will further explore our solar system and beyond.

An image taken by the Dark Energy Survey shows Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein.

The year 2021 was one of major scientific expansion. Thanks to a variety of exploratory missions and their cutting-edge instruments, astronomers have been able to peer into the cosmos like never before.

Researchers have turned the Earth into a giant telescope to view powerful jets from a black hole. Solar system surveys have revealed new moons and massive comets previously lurking undetected by scientists. The sun has also been a main attraction for research as it reawakens from its recent slumber.

Here's our look back at the 10 biggest space stories of 2021.

1. Discovery of Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein

Two researchers unexpectedly discovered the largest-known comet to date .

Graduate student Pedro Bernardinelli was looking through Dark Energy Survey data to find objects that live beyond Neptune's orbit when he noticed an object significantly farther from the sun than the objects he planned to study. He asked his advisor, cosmologist Gary Bernstein, to have a look. 

They had actually detected a comet that is much larger than any of the ones known so far to science: It may be 10 times wider and 1,000 times more massive than a typical comet.

On top of that, this comet has not swung around the sun since the hominid ancestor Lucy walked on the Earth approximately 3 million years ago. 

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Their finding was officially designated a comet on June 23, 2021 and named Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein after its discoverers.

In a big sweep of scientific luck, astronomers will only have to wait a decade to see this comet approach the sun. Comets come from very far away, originating from one of the outermost regions of the solar system known as the Oort Cloud . Comets journey through our cosmic neighborhood in long elliptical orbits and can take thousands of years to complete one trip around the sun. 

Scientists should be able to get a more accurate reading of Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein's size and composition when the comet makes its closest to Earth in the year 2031, although it will still be beyond Saturn's average orbit when it swings nearby. 

2. Amateur astronomer discovers a new moon around Jupiter

In 1974, NASA's Pioneer 11 spacecraft viewed Jupiter from above its north pole.

A previously-unknown moon has been detected around the largest planet in the solar system.

Jupiter is a giant, so it gravitationally attracts many objects into its vicinity. Earth has one major moon, Mars has two: but Jupiter boasts at least 79 moons, and there may be dozens or hundreds more of them that astronomers have yet to identify.

The latest discovery was made by amateur astronomer Kai Ly, who found evidence of this Jovian moon in a data set from 2003 that had been collected by researchers using the 3.6-meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on Mauna Kea. Ly they confirmed the moon was likely bound to Jupiter's gravity using data from another telescope called Subaru. 

The new moon, called EJc0061, belongs to the Carme group of Jovian moons. They orbit in the opposite direction of Jupiter's rotation at an extreme tilt relative to Jupiter's orbital plane.

3. NASA will return to Venus this decade

Venus is swathed in a thick atmosphere that is difficult for scientists to peer through.

Mars is a popular target for space agencies, but Earth's other neighbor has been garnering more attention recently. 

In 2020, researchers announced that they had detected traces of phosphine in Venus' atmosphere. It is a possible biosignature gas, and the news certainly reawakened interest in the planet. 

In early June 2021, NASA announced it will launch two missions to Venus by 2030. One mission, called DAVINCI+ (short for Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging, Plus) will descend through the planet's atmosphere to learn about how it has changed over time. The other mission, VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy) will attempt to map the planet's terrain from orbit like never before. 

Venus has been visited by robotic probes, but NASA has not launched a dedicated mission to the planet since 1989. 

The interest in Martian exploration may be one reason why Venus has been neglected in recent decades, but the second planet from the sun is also a challenging place to study. Although it may have once been a balmy world with oceans and rivers, a runaway greenhouse effect took hold of Venus around 700 million years ago and now the planet's surface is hot enough to melt lead.

4. The sun is reawakening

An artist's depiction of the sun releasing a coronal mass ejection.

The sun was experiencing a quiet time in its roughly decade-long cycle, but it is now exiting that phase.

The sun has had very little activity in recent years, but the star's surface is now erupting in powerful events that spew out charged particles towards Earth. In early November, for instance, a series of solar outbursts triggered a large geomagnetic storm on our planet. 

This eruption is known as a coronal mass ejection, or CME. It's essentially a billion-ton cloud of solar material with magnetic fields, and when this bubble pops, it blasts a stream of energetic particles out into the solar system. If this material heads in the direction of Earth, it interacts with our planet's own magnetic field and causes disturbances. These can include ethereal displays of auroras near Earth's poles, but can also include satellite disruptions and energy losses.

5. James Webb Space Telescope flies into space

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope separates from its Ariane 5 rocket with the bright blue Earth in the background in this view captured after its launch on Dec. 25, 2021.

A whole new era of space science began on Christmas Day 2021 with the successful launch of the world's next major telescope. 

NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency are collaborating on the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a project more than three decades in the making. Space telescopes take a long time to plan and assemble: The vision for this particular spacecraft began before its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope, had even launched into Earth orbit.

Whereas Hubble orbits a few hundred miles from Earth's surface, JWST is heading to an observational perch located about a million miles from our planet. The telescope began its journey towards this spot, called the Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2 (L2), on Dec. 25, 2021 at 7:20 a.m. EST (1220 GMT) when an Ariane 5 rocket launched the precious payload from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

The telescope will help astronomers answer questions about the evolution of the universe and provide a deeper understanding about the objects found in our very own solar system.

6. Event Horizon Telescope takes high-resolution image of black hole jet

A jet emerging from the black hole at the center of the Centaurus A galaxy photographed by the Event Horizon Telescope.

In July 2021, the novel project behind the world's first photo of a black hole published an image of a powerful jet blasting off from one of these supermassive objects. 

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a global collaboration of eight observatories that work together to create one Earth-sized telescope. The end result is a resolution that is 16 times sharper and an image that is 10 times more accurate than what was possible before. 

Scientists used EHT's incredible abilities to observe a powerful jet being ejected by the supermassive black hole at the center of the Centaurus A galaxy, one of the brightest objects in the night sky. The galaxy's black hole is so large that it has the mass of 55 million suns.

7. Scientists spot the closest-known black hole to Earth

Artist's illustration of the tiny black hole candidate known as "The Unicorn" tugging on its companion, a red giant star.

Just 1,500 light-years from Earth lies the closest-known black hole to Earth, now called " The Unicorn ." 

Tiny black holes are hard to spot, but scientists managed to find this one when they noticed strange behavior from its companion star, a red giant. Researchers observed its light shifting in intensity, which suggested to them that another object was tugging on the star.

This black hole is super-lightweight at just three solar masses. Its location in the constellation Monoceros ("the unicorn") and its rarity have inspired this black hole's name.

8. Earth's second 'moon' flies off into space

An object dropped into Earth's orbit like a second moon, and this year, it made its final close approach of our planet. 

It is classified as a "minimoon," or temporary satellite. But it's no stray space rock — the object, known as 2020 SO, is a leftover fragment of a 1960s rocket booster from the American Surveyor moon missions. 

On Feb. 2, 2021, 2020 SO reached 58% of the way between Earth and the moon, roughly 140,000 miles (220,000 kilometers) from our planet. It was the minimoon's final approach, but not its closest trip to Earth. It achieved its shortest distance to our planet a few months prior, on Dec. 1, 2020. 

It has since drifted off into space and away from Earth's orbit, never to return.

9. Parker Solar Probe travels through the sun's atmosphere

An artist's depiction of NASA's Parker Solar Probe at work observing the sun.

This year, NASA's sun-kissing spacecraft swam within a structure that's only visible during total solar eclipses and was able to measure exactly where the star's "point of no return" is located.

The Parker Solar Probe has been zooming through the inner solar system to make close approaches to the sun for the past three years, and it is designed to help scientists learn about what creates the solar wind, a sea of charged particles that flow out of the sun and can affect Earth in many ways.

The spacecraft stepped into the sun's outer atmosphere, known as the corona , during its eight solar flyby. The April 28 maneuver supplied the data that confirmed the exact location of the Alfvén critical surface: the point where the solar wind flows away from the sun, never to return.

The probe managed to get as low as 15 solar radii, or 8.1 million miles (13 million km) from the sun's surface. It was there that it passed through a huge structure called a pseudostreamer, which can be seen from Earth when the moon blocks the light from the sun's disk during a solar eclipse . In a statement about the discovery, NASA officials described that part of the trip as "flying into the eye of a storm." 

10. Perseverance begins studying rocks on Mars

This wind-carved rock, seen in the first 360-degree panorama taken by the Mastcam-Z instrument on NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover, shows just how much detail is captured by the camera system.

Last but not least, this year marked the arrival of NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars. 

The mission has been working hard to find traces of ancient Martian life since it reached the Red Planet on Feb. 18, 2021. Engineers have equipped Perseverance with powerful cameras to help the mission team decide what rocks are worth investigating. 

One of Perseverance's most charming findings has been " Harbor Seal Rock ," a curiously-shaped feature that was probably carved out by the Martian wind over many years. Perseverance has also obtained several rock samples this year, which will be collected by the space agency for analysis at some point in the future.

Perseverance is taking its observations from the 28-mile-wide (45 kilometers) Jezero Crater, which was home to a river delta and a deep lake billions of years ago. 

Follow Doris Elin Urrutia on Twitter @salazar_elin. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. 

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Doris Elin Urrutia

Doris is a science journalist and contributor. She received a B.A. in Sociology and Communications at Fordham University in New York City. Her first work was published in collaboration with London Mining Network, where her love of science writing was born. Her passion for astronomy started as a kid when she helped her sister build a model solar system in the Bronx. She got her first shot at astronomy writing as a editorial intern and continues to write about all things cosmic for the website. Doris has also written about microscopic plant life for Scientific American’s website and about whale calls for their print magazine. She has also written about ancient humans for Inverse, with stories ranging from how to recreate Pompeii’s cuisine to how to map the Polynesian expansion through genomics. She currently shares her home with two rabbits. Follow her on twitter at @salazar_elin.

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Research topics

Astrophysical magnetism and the interstellar medium.

Astrophysical Magnetism and the Interstellar Medium

What fills the space between the stars? In addition to stars, planets, and dark matter, galaxies are home to vast reservoirs of gas and dust, high-energy particles, and magnetic fields. This is the interstellar medium (ISM): the stuff between the stars. The interstellar medium is the material from which new stars are born.

Black Holes

Visualization of a simulated black hole with jets.  (Visualization: Ralf Kaehler Simulation: Jonathan McKinney, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Roger Blandford.)

Cosmic Microwave Background

A simulation of the period of reionization, when the Universe became transparent to light and let the cosmic microwave background escape. (Visualization: Ralf Kaehler, Marvelo Alvarez, Tom Abel Simulation: Marvelo Alvarez, Tom Abel.)

Dark Energy

Dark Energy

One of the most important and surprising scientific discoveries of the twentieth century is that the expansion of space is not slowing down, but speeding up—contrary to what we expect the gravitational pull of all the matter in the Universe to do. The driver of this accelerating expansion has been labeled "dark energy," but there is much about the phenomenon that researchers don’t understand.

Dark Matter

The Bullet Cluster. (Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC, M. Bradac (University of California, Santa Barbara), and S. Allen (Stanford University).)

First Stars and Galaxies


Roughly 400,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe—bathing in the afterglow of radiation that we see today as the cosmic microwave background—began to enter the cosmic “dark ages,” so named because the luminous stars and galaxies we see today had yet to form.

Galaxy Clusters

Hubble image showing the galaxy cluster RXC J0142.9+4438. (Credit: NASA / ESA / Hubble / RELICS.)

Galaxy Formation

Simulation of a proto-galaxy. (Visualization: Ralf Kaehler, Tom Abel Simulation: John Wise, Tom Abel.)

Gravitational Lensing


Neutron Stars and Pulsars

A composite image of the Crab Nebula showing the X-ray (blue), and optical (red) images superimposed. The size of the X-ray image is smaller because the higher energy X-ray emitting electrons radiate away their energy more quickly than the lower energy optically emitting electrons as they move. (Credit: Optical: NASA/HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. X-Ray: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al.)

Optical Surveys

Artist's rendering of LSST at night. (Credit: LSST Project/NSF/AURA.)

In the traditional model of astronomical observation, individual or small teams of astronomers study a select class of objects in a small region of sky. However, some of the most exciting cosmological and astrophysical results in recent years have required the study of millions of galaxies over thousands of square degrees of sky.

Particle Acceleration

Particle Acceleration

Scientific Visualization and Data Analysis


KIPAC's visualization and data analysis facilities provide hardware and software solutions that help users at KIPAC and SLAC to analyze their large-scale scientific data sets.

Solar Physics

Image of sun in ultraviolet from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. (Credit: SDO.)

Research Topics

Scientists and engineers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian collaborate across a broad variety of scientific disciplines, from astronomy and astrophysics to related areas of physics and geophysics, in advancing humanity’s understanding of the universe. Learn more about the full spectrum of research covered at the CfA.

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Space physics articles from across Nature Portfolio

Space physics is the study of the natural phenomenon that occur in our solar system. Specifically, the sun, the particles and radiation it creates and how these affect the planets. This includes the solar wind and its interaction with the Earth and near-Earth space; so-called space weather.

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Single drop cytometry onboard the International Space Station

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Oxygen production from dissociation of Europa’s water-ice surface

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Scientists have identified a region in the Milky Way capable of accelerating particles to super-high energy levels.

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interesting research topics in space

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Close up image of the Milky Way's central black hole showing magnetic field lines seen in polarized light

A new image reveals magnetic fields around our galaxy’s central black hole

Astronomers have captured polarized light coming from the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, giving insight into its magnetic fields.

Infrared composite image of Titan, Saturn's largest moon. The moon appears blue-green in the image with dark splotches across its surface.

Titan’s dark dunes could be made from comets

Cady Coleman looks through a circular window on the ISS.

‘Space: The Longest Goodbye’ explores astronauts’ mental health

interesting research topics in space

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An image showing enormous numbers of galaxies taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope

Did the James Webb telescope ‘break the universe’? Maybe not

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From a cloud of sand, three giant worms emerge. Their circular mouths are open displaying rows of long teeth that curve into their throats. At least two dozen people dressed in dark full-body suits flee toward the camera across an open expanse of sand from the giant worms. The people seem nearly as small as insects in comparison with the huge worms.

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This false-color composite space image shows a bright ring of swirling dust and gas around a bright blue spot, both remnants of the supernova explosion dubbed 1987A. The blue spot marks an area of highly ionized atoms, as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope, suggesting the explosion left behind some kind of neutron star.

JWST spies hints of a neutron star left behind by supernova 1987A

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A composite photo showing the different phases of the moon

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Astrophysics & Space Sciences

Astrophysics and space science research efforts at JPL primarily study the physics and origins of our galaxy, and ultimately the universe. Research focuses on, among other things, developing new techniques to observe gravitational waves, observing magnetic fields and plasmas, theoretical modeling of star and planet formation, and the measuring of atomic collisions in a laboratory setting.

'habitable zone' planet

Using telescopes and advanced modeling techniques, JPL researchers are actively investigating exoplanets and their origins.

This artist's concept depicts the current record holder for the most luminous galaxy in the universe.

Interstellar and heliospheric physics researchers at JPL study the interstellar medium, the Sun, the heliosphere, and planetary magnetospheres.

A festive portrait of our Milky Way galaxy

Cosmology researchers at JPL are investigating the origins and composition of the universe, beginning with its inflationary era.

Andromeda galaxy

Research on the Structure of the Universe covers a wide array of topics including understanding the evolution of the universe beginning with the formation of the first galaxies until the present.

Articles on Space

Displaying 1 - 20 of 730 articles.

interesting research topics in space

The April 8 eclipse provides a rare opportunity to witness the sun’s superhot corona

Martin Connors , Athabasca University

interesting research topics in space

The total solar eclipse in North America could help shed light on a persistent puzzle about the Sun

Huw Morgan , Aberystwyth University

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Floating crystals slow stellar aging — for some stars, this can delay death by billions of years

Simon Blouin , University of Victoria

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Total solar eclipses provide an opportunity to engage with science, culture and history

Nikhil Arora , Queen's University, Ontario and Mark Richardson , Queen's University, Ontario

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Solar eclipses result from a fantastic celestial coincidence of scale and distance

Christopher Palma , Penn State

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NASA’s search for life on Mars: a rocky road for its rovers, a long slog for scientists – and back on Earth, a battle of the budget

Amy J. Williams , University of Florida

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Archeoastronomy uses the rare times and places of previous total solar eclipses to help us measure history

Sarah Sadavoy , Queen's University, Ontario

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April’s eclipse will mean interruptions in solar power generation, which could strain electrical grids

Vahe Peroomian , USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

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We’re working out how to solve crimes in space – the final frontier of forensic science

Graham Williams , University of Hull and Zack Kowalske , Staffordshire University

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Spacesuits need a major upgrade for the next phase of exploration

Yang Gao , King's College London

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A black hole discovery could force us to rethink how galaxies came to be

Robin Smith , Sheffield Hallam University

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A Nasa mission that collided with an asteroid didn’t just leave a dent – it reshaped the space rock

Ian Whittaker , Nottingham Trent University

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Satellites are burning up in the upper atmosphere – and we still don’t know what impact this will have on the Earth’s climate

Fionagh Thomson , Durham University

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The brightest object ever observed in the night sky is a black hole that’s growing by the equivalent of one Sun a day

Philip Wiseman , University of Southampton

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I’ve been studying astronaut psychology since Apollo − a long voyage to Mars in a confined space could raise stress levels and make the journey more challenging

Nick Kanas , University of California, San Francisco

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Cybersecurity for satellites is a growing challenge, as threats to space-based infrastructure grow

Sylvester Kaczmarek , Imperial College London

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Russia’s space weapon: anti-satellite systems are indiscriminate, posing a risk to everyone’s spacecraft

Matthew Powell , University of Portsmouth and Dafydd Townley , University of Portsmouth

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Is Russia looking to put nukes in space? Doing so would undermine global stability and ignite an anti-satellite arms race

Spenser A. Warren , University of California, San Diego

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Newborn gas planets may be surprisingly flat – new research

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An astronomer’s lament: Satellite megaconstellations are ruining space exploration

Samantha Lawler , University of Regina

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Top contributors

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Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences, The Open University

interesting research topics in space

University Distinguished Professor of Astronomy, University of Arizona

interesting research topics in space

Associate Professor in Archaeology and Space Studies, Flinders University

interesting research topics in space

Professor (Astrophysics), University of Southern Queensland

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Professor of Strategy and Security Studies, Air University

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Emeritus Professor of International Law, Western Sydney University

interesting research topics in space

Associate Professor in Astronomy, Monash University

interesting research topics in space

Senior Lecturer in Physics, Nottingham Trent University

interesting research topics in space

Sterrenkenner, History & Philosophy of Science, The University of Melbourne

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Reader in Astrophysics, Keele University

interesting research topics in space

Director, Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research; Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney

interesting research topics in space

Space Plasma Physicist, Imperial College London

interesting research topics in space

Lecturer in Astronomy, Nottingham Trent University

interesting research topics in space

Associate Professor of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology

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Professor of Hypersonic Aerodynamics, The University of Queensland

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154 hot astronomy research topics for a-grade papers.

astronomy research topics

Do you have a college astronomy paper or essay and have been wondering how to get the best topic? You might also be stuck with the paper, wondering how to go about it.

The truth about astronomy is that getting interesting space topics is never easy, but how do you address the challenge? There is no need to worry anymore because we are here to help.

In this post, we list 154 astronomy paper topics and further highlight the traits of a great research paper. Why get content with standard or low-quality paper when you can get the best in your class by checking out the guide and topics, as well as getting lab report help ?

What Is Astronomy?

Before looking at the leading space science topics for your university assignment, let’s start with the definition. Astronomy is the study concerned with researching and understanding everything that takes place beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Although the advances in technology, especially on telescopes, satellites, and manned space vehicles, have helped people to peep deeper into space, this is just a scratch on the surface. There is a lot more waiting to be explored, including the controversial question, “Is there life on other planets?”

Characteristics Of A Good Astronomy Research Paper

From the definition of astronomy, it is clear that you can have a long list of astronomy project topics or ideas. Once you have picked the preferred option from our research topics in cosmology, the next step is preparing your paper. Here are the main characteristics of a good school research paper in astronomy:

  • Systematic: This means that your research paper should be structured per clearly defined rules. So, students should start by reviewing requirements by their professors or teachers and think creatively of how to make their papers professional.
  • Logical: This implies that the student carefully reasons all the points to ensure they support the selected topic. Although there is so much one can write on a specific topic, you must narrow it down to those points that are current and that support your topic.
  • Comprehensive: Your paper also needs to be as comprehensive as possible. So, you must exhaustively identify the core points in a selected topic. It should also fit well in the current literature on the same topic, helping to advance the discipline.
  • Plagiarism-Free: All universities out there have very strict rules on plagiarism. Therefore, your work must be 100% original.
  • Clearly flowing points and free from errors: Finally, your paper should be arranged well to ensure that all the points flow logically from the start to the end. Again, it should be proofread to ensure it is free from errors.

Best Astronomy Essay Topics

Now that we have looked at the main characteristics of a high quality astronomy paper or essay, it is time to dig deeper into the main topics. Check out our list of the leading astronomy research topics for top grades.

Top Astronomy Research Topics

  • What is the future of space exploration?
  • A closer review of the big bang theory.
  • Compare two theories that explain the origin of the universe.
  • Stephen Hawking theories.
  • Space Challenger disaster: What are the sociological impacts?
  • A review of the recent space exploration breakthroughs.
  • The moon landing.
  • The Mars landing of space rovers.
  • A deeper look at the history of astronomy.
  • Reviewing the heliocentric model of the galaxy.
  • Analyzing the lifecycle of a star.
  • What impact does the moon have on the earth?
  • Space debris and its impact on the solar system.
  • What impact do humans have on the solar system?
  • The rise of space tourism: What impact will it have on space exploration?
  • Is space tourism a good thing?
  • What could go wrong with space tourism?
  • Space manufacturing: Is it a good thing?
  • The mythologies associated with heavenly bodies.
  • What impact do the stars have on earth?

Unique Astronomy Research Paper Topics

  • A review of the Hubble telescope.
  • A closer look at the Haley’s comet.
  • Through the mind of early astronomers: Galileo Aristotle, and Ptolemy.
  • What are the advantages of exploring space?
  • The race to explore space and the cold war.
  • Reviewing the first astronauts to visit the moon.
  • What lessons did NASA learn from its first mission to the moon?
  • Can life exist on the moon?
  • What is the biggest difference between earth and moon?
  • Explaining the earth’s outlook as viewed from space.
  • The design of space vehicles: Are the modern models riskier compared to those used in the 20th century?
  • What impact will private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have in astronomy?
  • If we have a space station where scientists travel often, is the idea of space hotels far-fetched? A closer look at Blue Origin’s idea of a space hotel.
  • Looking beyond the Milky Way.
  • A review of Pluto: How does it compare to other planets?
  • How does earth compare to Jupiter?
  • Explain the sun’s source of heat and light for millions of years.
  • Analyzing the rings of Saturn.
  • A review of astronauts physical and health preparedness before setting off for space exploration.
  • What effects does long stay in space have on the human body?
  • What can astronauts do to reduce the danger of muscle atrophy?
  • Zero gravity in space.

Awesome Astronomy Topics To Write About

  • What are wormholes?
  • A review of the evolution of space exploration changes in history.
  • Speed of light travel: what are the implications?
  • A closer look at time travel: Theory versus fiction.
  • Zero gravity: What impact does it have on astronauts’ health over time?
  • The interdisciplinary perspectives of space.
  • Astrophysics: A review of the main controversies.
  • Explore the possibility of having life on other planets.
  • What implications would life on other planets have on planet earth?
  • Think of yourself as an astronaut: What would be your reaction upon encounter with aliens?
  • Stars and how people use them for navigation.
  • Comparing different theories that explain the origin of life on planet earth.
  • Space weather.
  • How does space weather compare to the earth’s weather?
  • Global warming: An astronaut’s view.
  • The sun and its relationship with the earth.
  • Comparing the sun’s relationship with Saturn and Pluto.
  • Robotic space exploration: Is it a good idea?
  • Constellations: A review of human interpretations.
  • A review of emerging business opportunities in space.
  • Space travel for non-astronauts: Is it a good idea?
  • Comparing space travelling scientists to tourists: What is the difference?

Engaging Space Research Paper Topics

  • What is the difference between planets and asteroids?
  • How did the “northern lights” come about?
  • Capture hypothesis: A review.
  • What caused the Challenger to explode after take-off?
  • The challenger shuttle disaster: A review of the preparations.
  • What lessons did we learn from the challenger disaster?
  • Was the Challenger the greatest failure in NASA’s history?
  • Analyzing President Ronald Reagan’s speech after the Challenger disaster.
  • Space Challenger disaster analysis: Why we are on the blink of another bigger and deadlier disaster.
  • Are the current space policies ample to guide the new era of space travel?
  • Dennis Tito: Looking at the experience of the first space tourists.
  • Space politics: Is competition a good thing when it comes to space exploration?
  • Reimagining the space: What would happen if we suddenly discovered that it was possible to inhabit the moon?
  • Space will form the next generation combat zone for superpowers in competition for new resources.
  • Factoring the distance and other logistics: Would mining in space be viable?

Great Space Exploration Topics

  • A review of three biggest planets that orbit outside the solar system.
  • Comparing the characteristics of gas planets to terrestrial planets.
  • Fission Hypothesis by George Darwin.
  • A review of the Giant Impact Theory.
  • Exploring the theories that explain the origin of the moon.
  • How long does it take for a new planet to form?
  • Imagining a Marxist society living on Mars.
  • Exploring the process of formation of the biggest stars in the cosmos.
  • Is it possible for light to escape from the black hole?
  • Determining the moon’s diameter: How accurate is the method used for calculation?
  • Is the Big Bang Theory the best explanation of the origin of the universe?
  • Reviewing the fate of the universe.
  • Gravitational waves: Why their discovery is so important.
  • Monitoring the State of the Environment using Ecologically Clean devices.
  • Reviewing the doctrine of Noosphere.
  • The legends of Starry Sky.
  • The importance of mathematics in space explorations.

Astrophysics Research Topics For Debate

  • Relativity theory and gravity.
  • What is a variable star?
  • Gravity and eclipse.
  • Venus: Reviewing its formation.
  • The mass of matter and nebulae.
  • The Big Bang Theory.
  • Brown Dwarf.
  • Space manufacturing: What materials and products are manufactured in space?
  • What happens during a solar eclipse?
  • Celestial mechanics.
  • Manned space shuttles.

Discussion Topics In Astronomy

  • A thematic review of the heliocentric theory.
  • The conflicting theories on the origin of the earth: science versus religion.
  • Expecting the worst: What could go wrong with space missions?
  • Is the cost and effort for space exploration worth it?
  • Beyond the visible universe: What should we expect?
  • How does the lunar cycle function?
  • The dimensions of light in space: How does it differ after entering the earth’s atmosphere?
  • What is astrophysics?
  • Nonlinear, slow mode, and fast mode effects.
  • Grand unification theories.
  • What impact does the moon have on the oceans?
  • The longitudes and latitudes of the earth.
  • What are the different types of stars?
  • The formation and destruction of clouds in the Galaxies.
  • Meridian and transit circles: What are they?
  • The galaxy cluster growth.
  • A review of the molecular cloud.

Investigative Astrophysics Research Topics

  • How long does it take to travel to space?
  • Which is the most prominent of all planets? Is it earth?
  • Survival on other planets? How to make it possible.
  • Pluto should not be considered another planet: Discuss.
  • Journey to Mars: Should we open it to all?
  • Comparing the journeys to the International Space Station (ISS) and the Moon.
  • Space keeps expanding: Explain.
  • The best defense against killer asteroids.
  • How to relate interplanetary matter with space activities.
  • The 2012 transit of Venus: A detailed review.
  • What do astronauts eat when travelling to space?

Controversial Astronomy Topics For Research Paper

  • Militarization of space: Is it avoidable?
  • Asteroid mining: Is it a good idea?
  • A review of space exploration issues and connection to women.
  • State exploration is very important: Approve or disapprove this statement.
  • Colonizing other planets: Is it ethical?
  • Terraforming on Mars.
  • The security challenges of space explorations.
  • Space exploration: Does it have any impacts on planet earth.
  • Using VR and AR should replace humans for space explorations.

Other Cool Astronomy Topics

  • The impact of the sun on water bodies.
  • Interstellar extinction: What is the cause?
  • What is the deep impact mission?
  • Essential requirements for space travel.
  • Preparing for space travel.
  • Is there an earth-like planet that is habitable?
  • Solar systems with two stars: How do they operate?
  • Comparing the preparation for space tourists and astronauts.
  • Where do asteroids come from?
  • What is antimatter?

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Now that we have listed the characteristics of a great research paper, are you ready to write the assignment? If you find it challenging, know that you are not alone. A lot of students find it tough because the topics are very broad and require a lot of research. “I need a paper written for me” is a thought of many, not just you. Well, no matter the reason why preparing the paper is challenging, you should seek help from online expert writers.

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80 Space Research Paper Topics: Ideas for Astronomical Grades!

space topics

Why space research? The universe is replete with worlds apart from the planet earth. From our historical ancestors discovering fire to modern man exploring space, inquisitiveness has been vital to the innovation and exploration of our universe, and the survival and advancement of the human species. Space science has become increasingly popular over the years. With the study of outer space and space discoveries piling up by the day, it is essential to be able to write an essay on space. Writing on any topic about space will require that you are abreast of the latest space discoveries.

Writing a space essay would require that you have a working knowledge of other types of essays that we have described in our previous posts. For example, knowing how to write a descriptive essay will help in an article on the study of objects in space, while knowledge of how to write an argumentative essay will come in handy when writing an essay on controversial space topics. If you’re not sure you can do all this on your own, get college thesis writing help .

Coming Up With Great Space Topics

Space race topics, space research topics, space exploration topics, space topics for presentation, controversial space topics, earth and space science topics, astronomy research paper topics, astronomy essay topics, space arguable research topics, space science investigative essay topics.

Before writing an article on space study, you need to choose the right space topic. Choosing appropriate space topics is critical to the success of your space essay as the right topic will give you the luxury of a better flow of ideas. For this reason, we have crafted 80 topics about space that will make writing a space essay easy. You can never get bored while working on these interesting space topics because you will learn to explore and study space as you’ve never done before. These 80 cool space topics will come in handy in any space essay you plan to write.

Writing a space race essay is an excellent place to start if you want to explore the events that lead to the explosive growth of the space industry. The space race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to attain the capability of space flight from the period of 1955 to 1975. If you’re interested in going back in time to tell these space stories uniquely, these space race topics will surely land you on the moon!

  • The 1955 Space Race: Its Pros and Cons on the Rival Countries.
  • The 1955 Space Race: Its Enduring Impact on Modern Space Technology and Travel.
  • The 1955 Space Race: A Battle for Supremacy.
  • How the Space Race Transformed America.
  • The 1955 Space Race: The reason the Soviet Union lost to the USA.

Space research has become popular over the last decades. It is an extensive research field that seeks to study outer space scientifically. Research topics about space are relatively easy to find considering the broad research areas, which include: Earth observations, Geodesy, Atmospheric Sciences, Space physics, Planetology, Astronomy, Materials sciences, Life sciences, and Physics. Space research paper topics must stimulate and birth inquiry and answer compelling questions. Are you ready to get on the space shuttle? Here are some space research topics to help you!

  • 2000 – 2010: A successful Decade in Astronomy?
  • The Theory of Relativity in Space.
  • UFOs and Extraterrestrials: Fact or Fiction?
  • Space Colonization: Reasons, Goals, and Methods.
  • Big Bang Theory: The Birth of the Universe?

Space exploration is the investigation of outer space with the use of space technology and astronomy. While the study of space is carried out mainly by astronomers with telescopes, its physical exploration is carried out by both robotic space probes and human spaceflight. Writing a space exploration essay opens your imagination to the wonders of outer space. You sure need to be ready for the unexpected! Here are some space exploration topics to whet your adventurous appetite!

  • The Need for Continuous Space Exploration.
  • Space Exploration: Differences between the then and now.
  • Space Exploration: Its Importance to the Knowledge of the Earth and Universe.
  • Space Exploration: Operations and Future Exploration Plans.
  • The Importance of Unmanned Space Exploration.

Giving a presentation or seminar on space could be quite dicey. It requires that you can make complex phenomena appeal to the mind of your listeners. To be able to do this, you need to have a considerable amount of knowledge in any of the space science topics that you choose. A tip will be to choose topics that your audience will easily relate to, prepare adequately, and remember that you’re communicating with earthlings. Here are some space topics for a presentation that will earn you the respect of the extraterrestrials!

  • The Earth and Universe.
  • Getting the Big Picture from the Study of Dwarf Galaxies.
  • History of Astronomy: A scientific Overview.
  • What Exists in Space beyond our Solar Neighborhood.
  • Future Space Missions: A look into what they should be.

Something as big as space study does not come without its controversies. Space exploration and travel are not without their risks and benefits. Many believe that robots, instead of humans, should man shuttles for space travel because of the risk space travel poses to humans. Many people also see space study as a sheer waste of time and resources and think it better to channel these vast amounts of money to more critical areas like health and education. All these different views and more, are what make space study a controversial topic. Here are some controversial space topics that will give you a hang of what to discuss in a space-related debate. Some of these topics could also be helpful in a space travel essay.

  • Space Travel: At the Expense of our Health, Earth, and Future?
  • Space Travel: A thing for Robots or Humans?
  • Space Research: A Pointless Adventure and Waste of Resources?
  • Earth and the Search for Other Habitable Planets.
  • Science Versus Religion: The Big Bang?

Earth and Space Science or ESS, for short, connects systems by exploring the interrelationships between the land, atmosphere, ocean, and life on Earth. These include the water cycle, carbon cycle, rock cycle, and other materials that continually influence, shape, and sustain the earth. Here are some new earth and space science topics just for you!

  • The Interactions between Weather and Climate.
  • The Process of Rock Formation and Erosion.
  • Plate Tectonics: An In-depth Exploration.
  • Natural Catastrophes: Its consequence on the Ecosystem.
  • The Moon and Sun: Effects on Ocean Tides.

There are two fields of study in carrying out astronomical research – the observational and theoretical fields of astronomy. Observation primarily deals with the study and monitoring of actual celestial objects in space like stars, planets, moons, and asteroids.

Theoretical dwells more on creating and studying models of astronomy that cannot be observed and haven’t been properly seen. Some astronomy research paper topics include;

  • What happens during a solar eclipse?
  • What are the major factors responsible for the solar eclipse?
  • What should you expect during a lunar eclipse
  • What lies beyond our visible universe
  • Light and its dimension in space
  • The lunar cycle – how does it function?
  • Understanding solar system, sun, and the planets
  • What is astrophysics?
  • What are the different grand unification theories?
  • The latitude and longitude of the earth.
  • Fast mode, slow mode, and nonlinear effects

Celestial bodies like the sun, moon, other planets, and relatively closer objects in space are examined and comprehensively written upon under astronomy. Examples of astronomy essay topics include;

  • How our planet came to exist
  • How solar flares occur
  • Our solar system, in broad view
  • The effect of the moon on our oceans
  • How stars are born
  • What are the different types of stars in existence?
  • Understanding molecular cloud
  • How does the universe accelerate?
  • Understanding cosmic acceleration and galaxy cluster growth
  • Hubble constant and dark energy theories
  • Formation, evolution, and destruction of clouds in galaxies
  • What is the meridian and transit circle?

The mystery of what occurs inside a black hole is still up for debate, and so are other astronomical events. These form the bulk of space arguable research topics, which discuss things yet to be fully understood. Some space arguable research topics include;

  • What is truly beyond the Milky Way?
  • What is antimatter?
  • Why does space keep expanding?
  • How long does it take to travel the space?
  • The physics behind a black hole.
  • Is earth the most prominent of all the planets?
  • How do people who live on other planets survive?
  • Is Pluto an official planet or not?
  • Should the journey to Mars be opened to everyone?
  • What do astronauts eat while in space?
  • Is Pluto a dwarf planet?
  • A detailed analysis of the 2012 transit of Venus
  • What are the best defenses against killer asteroids?
  • Interplanetary matter and how to relate it to space activities.

Space is so vast and mysterious that there’s a lot to uncover with events to monitor and investigate. Creating agencies like NASA and the first mission to the moon was born out of curiosity about our place in this vast universe. Some space science investigative essay topics you could present include;

  • How does the sun affect our water bodies?
  • Where do asteroids come from?
  • Molecular Cloud: Molecules, Properties, and Distribution
  • How do solar systems with two stars operate?
  • Is there an earth-like planet in the nearest solar system?
  • Would we ever discover aliens?
  • Conducting exoplanet research
  • What is interstellar extinction?
  • What are the essentials needed for space travel?
  • Beyond this realm – understanding extraterrestrial life.
  • What is a deep impact mission?
  • Understanding the structure of the solar chromosphere.
  • An analysis of the Wilson-Bappu effect
  • What is a color index?

So here we are! 80 awesome space topics absolutely for free! Hopefully, you’ve got the perfect topic for your assignment or project. Keep shining like the star that you are! If you need more ideas, please check the following graduate project ideas .

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Research Topics

Reach for the stars: research topics on space exploration.

interesting research topics in space

With recent advances in commercial space exploration, we have curated a list of our best Research Topics on outer space. Explore collections edited by experts from NASA, The Goddard Space Flight Center, Space Science Institute, German Aerospace Center, Canadian Space Agency, National Space Science Center, European Space Agency, International Space University, and many more.

Research Topics:


Optimization of Exercise Countermeasures for Human Space Flight – Lessons from Terrestrial Physiology and Operational Implementation


Biology in Space: Challenges and Opportunities


Microbiology of Extreme and Human-Made Confined Environments (Spacecraft, Space Stations, Cleanrooms, and Analogous Sites)


Geospace Observation of Natural Hazards


Astrobiology of Mars, Europa, Titan and Enceladus - Most Likely Places for Alien Life


Imagining the Future of Astronomy and Space Science


Brains in Space: Effects of Spaceflight on the Human Brain and Behavior


Creative Performance in Extreme Human Environments: Astronauts and Space


Space Traffic Management: a new era in Earth orbit


Wound Management and Healing in Space


Robotic Manipulation and Capture in Space


A Multidisciplinary Approach to designing Sensorimotor Adaptation countermeasures for space exploration missions


Active Experiments in Space: Past, Present, and Future


On-orbit Manufacturing and Assembly Technologies for Future Space Activities


Current and Future Instrumentation for the Detection and Identification of Signatures of Life on Mars and Beyond


On-Orbit Servicing and Active Debris Removal: Enabling a Paradigm Shift in Spaceflight


Space Weather with Small Satellites


AI in the Space Sciences


Higher Plants, Algae and Cyanobacteria in Space Environments

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October 11, 2021

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Post categories, space sciences and astronomy, related subjects, research topics, related content.

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Life from Earth could temporarily survive on Mars

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Meet a team of scientists working to prevent interplanetary pollution that could pose a threat to life on Earth and other planets

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NASA space data can cut disaster response times, costs

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Scientists discover how caterpillars can stop their bleeding in seconds

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Italians’ and Swedes’ gestures vary when they tell stories, which may show cultures think differently about narratives

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Swedish consortium Bibsam and Frontiers sign national transformed agreement - momentum is building

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Why scientists are making space data into sounds

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Space and Astronomy

Nasa is recruiting a new class of astronauts.

Victor Glover, a nine-year veteran of the astronaut corps who will fly around the moon in 2025, said the search for excellence and diversity were not mutually exclusive.

  By Kenneth Chang and Emma Goldberg

Victor Glover, the pilot of NASA’s Artemis II mission to the moon next year, discussed his experience of applying to be an astronaut during a recent interview.

Life After Asteroid Bennu

Dante Lauretta, the planetary scientist who led the OSIRIS-REx mission to retrieve a handful of space dust, discusses his next final frontier.

  By Katrina Miller

“Phosphorus has a special place in my heart,” said Dante Lauretta, who leads the Arizona Astrobiology Center.

A Rock Fell From Space Into Sweden. Who Owns It on Earth?

Sweden’s courts have been debating claims to a meteorite that fell north of Stockholm, including whether the right to move around in nature, including on private property, extends to claiming a meteorite.

  By Christina Anderson

The iron meteorite that fell on private property in Sweden in November 2020. Its recovery has led to a court battle over who owns the rock.

Why Taiwan Is Building a Satellite Network Without Elon Musk

The island democracy urgently needs an internet backup. Mr. Musk’s total control over his Starlink service, which dominates the market, left Taiwan wary.

  By Meaghan Tobin and John Liu

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying Starlink internet satellites blasting off in Cape Canaveral, Fla., in 2022. Starlink has such a grip on the market that it has launched satellites for competitors.

Thomas Stafford, 93, Commander of First U.S.-Soviet Space Mission, Dies

The Apollo-Soyuz mission, amid the Cold War, broke new ground in space cooperation when an American capsule docked with a Soviet craft 140 miles above the earth.

  By Richard Goldstein

Thomas P. Stafford in 1965. “I’m sure we have opened up a new era in the history of man,” he said upon completing the 1975 mission.

Highlights From SpaceX’s Starship Test Flight

The powerful rocket, a version of which will carry astronauts to the moon for NASA, launched for the third time on Thursday morning. It achieved a number of milestones before losing contact with the ground.

An image from SpaceX’s live feed of a camera on Starship showed plasma forming around the spacecraft during its re-entry.

The Night Sky Will Soon Get ‘a New Star.’ Here’s How to See It.

A nova named T Coronae Borealis lit up the night about 80 years ago, and astronomers say it’s expected to put on another show in the coming months.

  By Robin George Andrews

interesting research topics in space

Pentagon Review Finds No Evidence of Alien Cover-Up

But the new report suggests that the public’s belief that the government is hiding what it knows will probably continue.

  By Julian E. Barnes

A new document is the most sweeping rebuttal the Pentagon has issued in recent years to counter claims it has information on extraterrestrial visits or technology.

Atom Bombs in Space Are Back to Scare Us Again

Russian President Vladimir V. Putin may find that a nuclear weapon in orbit is less useful for war than intimidation.

  By William J. Broad

Operation Fishbowl, Starfish Prime in 1962. Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States.

Why It’s So Challenging to Land Upright on the Moon

Two spacecraft have ended up askew on the lunar surface this year. It is easier to tip over in the weaker gravity on the moon than you may imagine.

  By Kenneth Chang

The tilted Odysseus lander on the moon, one of the last images it transmitted before shutting down on Thursday.

Jeff Bezos’ Big Rocket Moves Into View and Closer to Launch

Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket rolled to the launchpad for a series of tests in preparation for its flight debut later this year.

Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket rolling out to the launchpad at Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Wednesday.

When Eyes in the Sky Start Looking Right at You

New satellites that orbit the Earth at very low altitudes may result in a world where nothing is really off limits.

interesting research topics in space

Ingenuity, the NASA Helicopter Flying Over Mars, Ends Its Mission

The robot flew 72 times, serving as a scouting partner to the Perseverance rover, aiding in the search for evidence that there was once life on the red planet.

interesting research topics in space

Sync Your Calendar With the Solar System

Never miss an eclipse, a meteor shower, a rocket launch or any other astronomical and space event that’s out of this world.

interesting research topics in space


Total Solar Eclipse 2024

Maps of the April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

On April 8, the moon will cast a shadow across much of North America.

  By Jonathan Corum

interesting research topics in space

A Total Solar Eclipse Is Coming. Here’s What You Need to Know.

These are answers to common questions about the April 8 eclipse, and we’re offering you a place to pose more of them.

interesting research topics in space

A Dark Day Is Coming for Buffalo. It Can’t Wait.

A total eclipse will pass directly over the city next month, and as many as a million visitors are expected to visit.

  By Sarah Maslin Nir

interesting research topics in space

A Quiet Maine County Braces for the Eclipse. ‘Where Are 20,000 People Going to Pee?’

Businesses and planning committees are eager for visitors, but some in remote Aroostook County are not sure how they feel about lying smack in the path of totality.

  By Jenna Russell and Greta Rybus

Volunteers Kathy and Peter Chase pack up eclipse merchandise like glasses, stickers, space blankets, and magnets at the Southern Aroostook Development Corporation.

What’s the Cloud Outlook for Eclipse Day? See if History Is on Your Side.

April 8 could be your best opportunity to see a total solar eclipse for decades. But if clouds fill the sky, your shot at seeing the spectacle could be lost.

  By Josh Katz ,  K.K. Rebecca Lai and William B. Davis

interesting research topics in space

Cosmic Forecast: Blurry With a Chance of Orbital Chaos

Astronomers have gotten better at tracking the motions of stars just beyond the solar system. But that’s made it harder to predict Earth’s future and reconstruct its past.

  By Dennis Overbye

Researchers discovered that a sunlike star named HD 7977, found 247 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia, could have passed close enough to the sun about 2.8 million years ago to alter the orbits of the Earth and other planets.

Good News and Bad News for Astronomers’ Biggest Dream

The National Science Foundation takes a step (just one) toward an “extremely large telescope.”

One of the two proposals for an “extremely large telescope” could involve construction on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

A Voracious Black Hole at the Dawn of Time?

Scientists debate whether this object is the brightest in the visible universe, as a new study suggests.

An artist’s concept of the quasar J0529-4351. Astronomers studying the supermassive black hole said it grew in mass by the equivalent of a star a day, although others questioned the claims it was the brightest.

The Doomsday Clock Keeps Ticking

Are humans the only beings in the universe confronting global self-destruction? Or just the last ones standing?

interesting research topics in space

What Do You Call a Galaxy Without Stars?

To dark matter and dark energy, add dark galaxies — collections of stars so sparse and faint that they are all but invisible.

An artist’s depiction of hydrogen gas observed in the galaxy J0613+52, with the colors indicating the likely rotation of the gas relative to the observer, red indicating motion away, blue indicating motion toward.

A Lunar Eclipse Warms Up the Moon for April’s Solar Eclipse

The subtle event, known as a penumbral eclipse, can be observed by everyone on Earth’s nightside.

By Katrina Miller

interesting research topics in space

Eclipses Injured Their Eyes, and the World Never Looked the Same

A number of case studies published after recent total solar eclipses highlight the importance of safe viewing.

By Gina Kolata

interesting research topics in space

SpaceX Blazes Forward With Latest Starship Launch

The third test flight of the most powerful rocket ever built achieved a series of milestones before the spacecraft was lost as it re-entered Earth’s atmosphere.

By Kenneth Chang

SpaceX Launches Starship for Third Time

The rocket, a version of which will eventually carry NASA astronauts to the moon, traveled almost halfway around the Earth before it was lost as it re-entered the atmosphere.

interesting research topics in space

SpaceX Launch’s Rare Sight: The Bright Orange Glow of Re-Entry

Seeing plasma build up beneath a spacecraft in near-real time is uncommon.

By Kenneth Chang and Michael Roston

interesting research topics in space

Jeff Bezos’s rocket company could race SpaceX to the moon.

While SpaceX has a major head start on the way to orbit, Blue Origin has a plan to put an uncrewed spacecraft on the moon in 12-16 months.

interesting research topics in space

What Is SpaceX’s Starship? It’s Really a Mars Ship.

Bigger than the Statue of Liberty, the SpaceX vehicle is central to NASA’s plans to get to the moon and Elon Musk’s dreams of the red planet.

interesting research topics in space

Space One Rocket Explodes Seconds After Launch in Japan

The Japanese company hoped to become the country’s first private business to put a satellite into orbit. The failed launch was its inaugural flight.

By Hisako Ueno and Yan Zhuang

interesting research topics in space

Elon Musk Has a Giant Charity. Its Money Stays Close to Home.

After making billions in tax-deductible donations to his philanthropy, the owner of Tesla and SpaceX gave away far less than required in some years — and what he did give often supported his own interests.

By David A. Fahrenthold and Ryan Mac

interesting research topics in space

Richard Truly, 86, Dies; Shuttle Astronaut Who Went On to Lead NASA

In 1983, he commanded a Challenger shuttle flight. After the 1986 disaster, he was charged with leading NASA’s return to space.

By Richard Sandomir

201 Astronomy Research Topics To Take You To The Stars

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Are you looking for the best astronomy research topics for 2023? It would be best if you looked no more. This article has 200 of them. After offering years of  paper writing services , we have the best research paper topics for you.

Table of Contents

Astronomy Research Topics: Solar System, Dark Matter & More

No matter your theme for astronomy research topics, we are here with aid if you’re  writing a research paper .

Astronomy Research Topics About Solar System

astronomy research topics about solar system 1

Here are some excellent astronomy research paper topics about the solar system.

  • A brief overview of the chemistry of the solar system
  • Solar System Physics – What You Need to Know
  • An image of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and a turbulent atmosphere in the southern hemisphere
  • Solar System Study in Ancient Times: A History of the Solar System
  • A comparison between ancient astronomy and modern astronomy 
  • Why Roman Astronomy differs from the Astronomy of the Middle Ages in several ways
  • The Life of an Astronomer in the Middle Ages
  • A brief description of the motivations and purposes behind the study of the solar system
  • Models based on heliocentric versus models based on geocentricity
  • The contribution of Kepler to the understanding of the solar system
  • A contribution made by Galileo to the understanding of the solar system
  • What makes the solar system different from other planetary systems?
  • Mercury’s temperature and the possible implications of it
  • What was the reason for Pluto’s extermination from the solar system?
  • Does Mars have the potential to be habitable? Are there any reasons why this is or is not the case?
  • What are the feasibility and realistic outlook for Elon Musk’s Mars terraforming project?
  • NASA’s role in exploring the solar system and discovering new things about it
  • The contributions of SpaceX to the discovery and exploration of the solar system
  • A study of gas giants or the planets of the Jovian system
  • Helium and hydrogen form Jupiter’s atmosphere
  • Studying the atmosphere and planetary conditions of Jupiter.
  • Great Red Spot on Jupiter, research, and study
  • Instruments used by space probes and telescopes
  • The role of computerized imagery in accelerating discoveries in astronomy
  • Role of artificial intelligence in astronomical development
  • Planets and the gravitational force on the objects orbiting them
  • Dwarf planets in the Solar System
  • Discoveries made with the help of the Galileo space probe

Astronomy Research Topics: Dark Matter

astronomy research topics dark matter 1

Dark matter is one of the most remarkable scientific discoveries made to that date. Here are some excellent astronomy research paper topics for you about dark matter.

  • Dark Matter and High Energy Cosmic Phenomena: An Analysis of the Phenomena
  • Dark matter with a long history that needs to be understood to understand its origins
  • An investigation of the Universe’s structure on all scales
  • Creating plantlets out of dust from interstellar space
  • The structure and properties of dark matter and antimatter: A comparison
  • A study of the early formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies
  • The laboratory studies star formation and interstellar phenomena such as dark energy and matter.
  • Dark Matter: A study of its creation and study
  • Discovery of Dark Matter
  • The effects of dark matter on the Universe as a whole
  • Dark energy, dark matter, antimatter: The four horsemen of the universal structure
  • Facts and myths about dark matter
  • The portrayal of dark matter in movies, between accuracy and fallacy
  • Black holes, relativistic jets, energy, and interactions
  • Can black holes be the source of dark matter?
  • Dark matter vs. Dark energy: A comparative study
  • What are the chances of there being dark matter on Earth? Is it possible or not?
  • An examination of the dark matter hypothesis, its authenticity, and the truth behind it
  • How do dark matter and antimatter differ from one another? What is the difference between them?
  • Observing dark matter in deep space as a means of studying it
  • The role of dark energy in the spread of the Universe

Astronomy Research Topics About Planets

astronomy research topics about planets 1

Some great astronomy research paper topics about planets can make your day.

  • A tour of the solar system through the nine planets
  • Neptune’s Moons – Overview of the Moons of Neptune 
  • As far as the solar system is concerned, what qualifies as a planet?
  • A brief explanation of how the Sun plays an instrumental role in the chemistry and atmosphere of the planets
  • All the planets in our solar system
  • The rocky planets of the solar system
  • Solar heat transfer between the poles and the equator
  • The discovered planets that could be habitable
  • Discovered planets outside the solar system
  • An overview of the atmosphere of Saturn
  • Importance of Earth In Our Solar System
  • The gaseous planets of the solar system
  • Astrophysics of Jupiter and the physical chemistry of the moon
  • Physical chemistry of Mars: A research study
  • A research analysis of Neptune’s atmospheric chemistry
  • An overview of the planetary sciences
  • The distribution of solar energy on Earth
  • The old classic relationship between astronomy and quantum physics
  • Structure of celestial bodies: planets, stars, and other cosmological objects
  • Our moon and the moons of other planets in the solar system, a comparison.
  • Atmosphere and density of planet Earth compared to other planets of the solar system
  • The solar system is a planetary system
  • What are the main characteristics of our planet?
  • The Universe and the origin of the Solar System
  • What is the solar system made of?

Astronomy Research Topics For Students

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Living on the high school team and suddenly needing astronomy research paper topics to inspire the best paper? Or are you looking for some astronomy essay topics?? We got your back. Here are some great topics for school and college students for the next astronomy breakthrough.

  • In the solar system, what is the composition of the atoms?
  • A classification system for planets based on specific criteria
  • What is the importance of astronomy to humankind?
  • Star searches present many difficulties. What are they?
  • Importance and need for space exploration
  • What is the significance of the six-pointed star?
  • What is the importance of rockets in space research?
  • We see the Sun and the Moon as nearly the same size, yet their sizes differ enormously.
  • Why Pluto is no longer a planet in the solar system
  • What are the subjects and issues that astronomy seeks to address?
  • An explanation is given of the history of the planets in the solar system
  • Do we still have a planet named Pluto in our solar system? Is there a reason or not?
  • Exploration of space and the history of astronomy
  • Taking the first steps on the moon by man
  • In what sense is the North Star defined? The concept in literature viewed from a scientific perspective
  • Expectations from astronomy in 2023
  • The development of new instruments for the discovery of astronomical phenomena
  • How to properly observe the stars in the sky?
  • What are astronomy’s significant discoveries, and how do they help us improve lives?
  • Why should developing countries invest more in exploration? astronomy
  • Importance and significance of Dark energy in the Universe
  • Supermassive black holes discovered by American scientists
  • A brief history of young planets discovered in the 2000s
  • How have we determined the age of the Universe? A thorough analysis
  • What is the speed difference of the planets around the Sun?

Find more science research topics:  146 Best Science Research Topics .

Astrophysics Research Topics

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Here are some exciting astronomy topics for you if you are an astrophysics student.

  • Characterization of the different materials, as well as the astrochemistry of these materials
  • Cosmic rays and ice structure: the influence of cosmic rays
  • Analogous ultraviolet spectroscopy of Astro compounds
  • Breakthroughs in astrophysics made with robotic space exploration and experimentations on space debris
  • Teaching students regarding the idea to explore space and other planets
  • An introduction to the theory and topology of fields in astrophysics
  • Detailed studies of exact solutions and black holes are carried out
  • Space near blackholes is filled with energetic processes that are taking place
  • An analysis of geometric quantization
  • Solar system origins and the evolution of the planets around it
  • The detection of gravitational waves in the laboratory
  • An introduction to string theories and instantons
  • Galactic sources produce cosmic rays
  • Role of astrophysicists in the space exploration
  • DarkMirage Energy: A mysterious energy that exists in space
  • Developments in the physics of modern astrophysics
  • The creation of the Universe was in part due to the contribution of hydrogen
  • A detailed physical analysis of the exoplanets discovered to date
  • An analysis of the solar atmosphere’s temperature profile
  • Analysis of soluble macromolecular components in astrophysics
  • Solar planets and the interaction between their silicate surfaces and their gaseous atmospheres
  • The link between reflection and extraterrestrial matter in the solar system
  • The formulation of the problem in a model based on astrophysics
  • Working with General Relativity in the field of astrophysics
  • An application of field theory in the field of space sciences
  • Advances in astrophysics in the last few years
  • An analysis of how astrophysics differs from astrochemistry, with a detailed breakdown

Astronomy Research Topics For University

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Being a university student and writing a research paper could be challenging when studying astronomy. It gets easier when you have exciting astronomy topics like these:

  • Could the Earth’s motion be affected if the Sun disappeared from the sky? Would the Earth’s motion be altered as a result?
  • An overview of Hipparchus’ contributions to astronomy
  • Gravitational Law based on Newton’s Principle
  • An overview of European astronomy’s history
  • Astronomy essay on dark energy
  • Scientists to explain star clusters and heavenly bodies
  • Learning to survive zero gravity and space weather for the upcoming space race
  • Using astronomical concepts in modern science is essential.
  • Observing a lunar eclipse by observing its phases
  • A brief history of the heliocentric theory
  • Exploring the Sun’s effect with the scientific method
  • The primary idea of Kepler’s Laws
  • Astronomy essay on space travel
  • In what ways did ancient civilizations contribute to the study of astronomy?
  • New habitats are found through extraterrestrial activities.
  • Research paper on space shuttle challenger disaster
  • An overview of Galileo’s contributions to astronomy
  • Outer space: Human interpretation vs. human mythology
  • Early astronomers among human beings to discover dark matter
  • Space exploration for all! Is Elon Musk’s idea going to work?
  • Discoveries and contributions of Einstein to astronomy
  • Writing science fiction about terrestrial planets inhabited by ancient humans.
  • The gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Sun
  • Planetary atmosphere differences
  • The difference between a space probe and a spacecraft
  • Egyptian astronomy in the ancient world
  • Indian astronomy in the ancient world
  • An ancient Greek view of astronomy
  • Discovery of big bang theory
  • How Kepler contributed to modern astronomy’s greatness
  • A scientific approach to astronomy that applies to everyday life
  • The discovery of gravitational waves
  • An experimental study of thermal and soft matter physics in astronomy

Looking for research topics in general: 402  Best Research Paper Topics

High School Astronomy Research Topics

high school astronomy research topics 1

If you are a high school student looking for exciting astronomy topics, Santa just came early this year!

  • Astronomy revolutionized by gravitational wave discovery
  • String theory versus gravitational waves: an eternal debate
  • Milky Way galaxy: the galaxy that is home to our Solar System 
  • The physics of complex systems and statistical mechanics in astronomy
  • The importance of nuclear physics and quantum physics in astronomy
  • Mathematical and theoretical physics are used in astronomy
  • An overview of Big Bang Theory history
  • Stars with helium as their main component
  • Exciting supernova stars in distant galaxies
  • A sub-millimeter study of interstellar turbulence and magnetism
  • Astrophysics achievements in recent years
  • Milestones achieved related to space exploration in recent days
  • The relationship between plasma physics and astrophysics
  • Space around the celestial sphere
  • Writing a paper with your work in research related to black holes in the Milky Way galaxy
  • Astronomy experiments with other methods
  • Science of astronomy: theoretical developments
  • Research on the dark matter based on collected data
  • An experimental protocol for astronomy
  • A review of recent advancements in astrochemistry
  • The formulation of a hypothesis for space probes
  • An analysis of the importance of link modeling in astronomy
  • Brown dwarf spectra are affected by Earth’s atmosphere
  • Motion catalog for the statistical study of white dwarf stars

Astronomy Research Topics For Thesis

astronomy research topics for thesis 1

Writing a thesis could be the biggest challenge of your life. We know the feeling. Some interesting astronomy topics can make this challenge easier for you. 

  • Modeling the solar activity cycle using a hybrid approach
  • An observation of a galaxy cluster by radio
  • Black holes are at the heart of galaxy clusters in the Universe
  • Confirmation of  Heisenberg’s Astrophysics Prediction  and its impact on modern astronomy
  • The central supermassive black hole’s influence on the galaxy cluster
  • Solar cycle and magnetic network evolution
  • Spectral solar irradiance and its applications to terrestrial stratospheric chemistry
  • A study of galaxies and clusters of galaxies using observations and machine learning
  • The magnetic flux in the photospheric environment and the internal dynamo
  • Cycles of stellar activity modeled using a dynamo
  • White dwarf stars: harnessing their seismic potential
  • Cold white dwarfs with high-density photospheres
  • Stars with heavy elements that are magnetic white dwarfs
  • Imaging exoplanets and their characterization in high contrast
  • An analysis of white dwarfs with hydrogen-rich surfaces
  • The Gaia sample and the white dwarf
  • How does the mars rover work differently from space vehicles?
  • The reflection of light from exoplanets
  • A model of anelastic convection and a method of assimilation of data
  • The motion of the plasma in an active region of the Sun
  • Identifying and analyzing young low-mass stars around the Sun
  • Stars with a low mass and significant separation of their exoplanets

Astronomy Research Topics For Research Paper

astronomy research topics for research paper 1

If you are writing a research paper or doing an astronomy project, these astronomy project topics could play a significant role in igniting a spark of inspiration.

  • White dwarfs with chemical stratification and their analysis
  • Stars in our neighborhood that are young and low-mass
  • A description of how lunar eclipses are calculated and plotted
  • Literature and astronomy in the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the solar neighborhood
  • Observatory and telescopes for optical observations
  • Variable stars: How to observe them
  • Gravitational waves across the milky way: What it means for the human race?
  • Observation of space objects using artificial intelligence
  • What can secondary schools do to address astronomy’s pedagogical challenges?
  • An introduction to astronomy for the general public and scientists
  • An astronomy project material kit for preparing the practical work
  • Astrophysics projects involve analyzing objects and tasks
  • An observational astronomy project at a university
  • The telescopes available to universities and the ideal targets for them
  • The construction of a laboratory for the study of astronomy at a secondary school
  • Study of celestial objects throughout history
  • In the world of digital art and astronomy
  • Developing new technologies to aid in astronomy
  • Astronomy to be revolutionized by artificial intelligence
  • Constellation-related astronomical research

We are confident that you have enough ideas to ace your astronomy research paper by now. If you still face challenges and need academic writing help,  contact us  at Paper Perk, and we’ll help you.

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Top 50 Astronomy Topics for Students

astronomy topics

Let’s face it: astronomy topics are not easy to come by these days. And even when you find some, there is a very big chance they have been already taken by some of your classmates. Even finding some different simple topics to talk about in astronomy can prove to be a challenge. You definitely don’t want to write an essay on a topic that has been beaten to death already.

You want your topic to be of interest. You want it to be relevant and stand out from all the others. This is precisely why you need our list of excellent astronomy topics. We have 50 right here, and you can use them for free. Periodically, our thesis writers are updating the list to introduce new topics as frequently as possible.

Why Pick Only the Best Astronomy Research Topics?

OK, but why would you need to find the best astronomy research topics? The truth is that finding some excellent astronomy paper topics is one of the easiest ways to get a top grade. Here are some of the benefits of picking an idea from our astronomy topics list:

Your astronomy paper will be unique because nobody will probably think about the topic you choose. This means that your paper will stand out from the rest instantly. Professors love interesting astronomy ideas. In other words, they will read your paper from start to finish. Pique the interest of your professor and you will surely keep him reading. You can get bonus points on your astronomy research paper if the topic is original and highly interesting. Professors award students who demonstrate originality. Picking one of our astronomy topics to write about saves you a lot of time and effort. Why spend hours doing research when you can pick a topic and start writing right now?

One more thing you need to keep in mind though is that even the best of astronomy research topics can’t save you from a low grade if you don’t write the paper the right way. The topic can earn you some bonus points, but your professor will look for many other things in your essay. Make sure you know how to write a proper essay or, if you don’t, get some quick help from our degree-holding ENL writers.

Where to Search for Topics in Astronomy

There are several places where you can find astronomy essay topics, of course. One can try the library and read astronomy journals and papers until he or she finds a good idea. Another interesting choice would be to ask around on forums and social media. Maybe somebody will help you. Of course, you can also search for astronomy project topics online, but your classmates have probably beaten you to the best ones out there.

Our list of topics of astronomy is updated periodically, so there is a very big chance your peers have missed at least some of the topics. Our academic writers have extensive experience writing astronomy essays, so our supply of topics is virtually endless.

Most Interesting Astronomy Topics

If you want to write an excellent essay, you need only the most interesting astronomy topics. Check out these great topics:

  • Methods used to detect exoplanets today.
  • What lies beyond our Milky Way?
  • What happens during a Sun eclipse?
  • The full history of manned space flight.

Astronomy Topics for Research Projects

Are you looking for astronomy topics for research projects? We have the best solution for you. Pick one of our topics below:

  • Determining the angular diameter of the Moon (experiment).
  • How does the Sun affect our water bodies?
  • Latest space tech and breakthroughs.
  • Why are Musk’s Startlink satellites important?

Fresh Astronomy Paper Topics

Even though all our astronomy topics are updated for 2020, here are some new, fresh astronomy paper topics for you:

  • Listening to the echoes of a solar storm.
  • Legends that involve the start in the sky.
  • How did our planet came to be?
  • What causes a star to go supernova?
  • Latest developments in NASA’s Shuttle Program.

Cool Astronomy Topics

Do you want your astronomy essay to stand out from the rest? Pick one of our cool astronomy topics:

  • Here is how the universe is constantly expanding.
  • Can we discover a way to travel in time?
  • How do the Mars rovers work?
  • Problems with satellite communications.

Astrophysics Essay Topics

Astrophysics is a very difficult field, we know. You need the best topics possible for a top grade. Here are some astrophysics essay topics for you:

  • What is dark matter and where can it be found?
  • Why are moons orbiting planets?
  • The light spectrum of stars in distant galaxies.
  • Can physics find what we call the multiverse?

Complex Astronomy Project Ideas

If you want to write a complex paper that will earn you a very good grade, you need to see our amazing list of astronomy topics for projects:

  • The ins and outs of robotic space exploration.
  • The future of space exploration.
  • Making business in space.
  • Define and explain star clusters.
  • What does the Mars colonization mean for the human race?

Easy Astronomy Science Project Ideas

Maybe you don’t want to spend a few days writing the astronomy essay. Here are some easy astronomy science project ideas that will help you write it faster:

  • How is a star born?
  • Proof that supports the Big Bang theory.
  • Searching for life on other planets.
  • The effects of the Sun on our planet.
  • Satellites and 5G wireless data transfer.

Best Astronomy Topics for Presentation

Our writers have selected the absolute best astronomy topics for presentation. Pick any of them and use it for free:

  • This is how the Universe was born.
  • Top 3 reasons we need to explore our solar system.
  • Why is Pluto not a planet?
  • Kepler’s contribution to astronomy.

Astronomy Topics for College Students

Our astronomy topics for college students are a bit more difficult, but are still relatively easy to research and write. Pick one now:

  • The process of planet melting.
  • Calculating the mass and density of our solar system.
  • Why time-travel is impossible to discover.
  • How did ancient humans see the most important constellations?
  • What is an exoplanet?

Excellent Astronomy Research Paper Topics

If you need to write a research paper on astronomy, you definitely need to take a look at our list of excellent astronomy research paper topics:

  • The slow process of black hole birth.
  • What does it take for humans to survive on Mars?
  • Did we really land on the Moon?
  • The life of an unremarkable star.
  • Is light-speed travel possible in the near future?

Astronomy Topics for High Schools Students

If you are in high school, we have some easier topics for you. Pick one of our astronomy topics for high schools students and start writing:

  • What causes light pollution?
  • Why are some of the galaxies “active”?
  • Copernicus’s heliocentric model.
  • What is dark energy?

If you didn’t find the topics in astronomy you were looking for on this page, explore more academic topics . You can also return to the blog post later because we update the topics frequently. However, your best option would be to get in touch with us directly. Our academic writers can make a list of 100% original topics for you in no time. And the best part is that these people know exactly what your professor wants. Order a fresh list of interesting astronomy topics and get a top grade on your next essay!

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109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best space exploration topic ideas & essay examples, 📑 good research topics about space exploration, ⭐ simple & easy space exploration essay titles, 💡 interesting topics to write about space exploration, ❓ research questions about space exploration.

  • The Future of Space Exploration The attitude of the researchers in this field is rather ambivalent; the main beneficial and negative points of space exploration would be covered in the next parts to make the argumentative and clear statement.
  • A Trip to Mars: Mass Facts Mars is one of the eight major planets that form the solar system together with the sun. The atmosphere of Mars is estimated to be less than 1% of that of the earth. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts 808 writers online Learn More
  • India’s Mission to Mars The writer of this paper argues that India’s mission to Mars indicates a lack of prioritization by the national government and therefore, a waste of resources.
  • The Importance of Space Exploration It is evident in the study that spaceflight was the most instrumental element that acted as the driving force and backbone of the exploration processes to the orbital surface.
  • The Planet Mars Information The bigger portion of the planet is covered with Borealis Basin that is one of the remarkable features on the surface of Mars.
  • Space Exploration Problems On the other hand, people have an opportunity to study the processes which could be useful for understanding the origins of planets, galaxies and the universe in general. BNSC reflected on the plans that UK […]
  • India’s Space Exploration Affairs Space exploration has become a key area of concern for modern scientists and this is evident from the many attempts being undertaken in the world today to explore every bit of the outer space.
  • Planet Jupiter Facts and Information In terms of size, it is the largest of all the planets and it is number five from the sun.”The diameter of Jupiter is 142984 kilometers and its density is 1.
  • A Mars Rover’s Risk Management The risk of a high obstacle, dictated by the motor’s power, can put the rover into an endless loop of attempts to climb to the surface, as a result of which fuel resources may run […]
  • Mars: The Exploration of the Red Planet Mars, the fourth planet in order of increasing distance from the sun and the first beyond the earth’s orbit. Following several crewless flybys and orbiters launched by the United States and by the Soviet Union, […]
  • Space Exploration: Attitude & Recent Breakthrough It created the basis for the development of natural science and technologies. Moreover, from the social perspective, overcoming the challenges of surviving in space requires cooperation and the development of communities.
  • Landed Missions to Mars: The Perseverance Rover According to Farley et al, the mission of the Perseverance rover lies “in the deep search for evidence of life in a habitable extraterrestrial environment, and the return of Martian samples to Earth for analysis […]
  • Use of Nanotechnology for Electric-Power Production on Mars This paper explores the possible options of electric-power production sources and attempts to gain insight into the benefits of the application of the most recent scientific developments, such as nanotechnology, for enhancing and expanding the […]
  • Space Exploration Mission: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter The historical development of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is anchored on the dual mission which was targeted for in the 2003 Mars launch window; nonetheless, within the course of the drafting the proposal the MRO was […]
  • Space Exploration History and Prospects The exploration of space assists in addressing the central questions about humanity’s place in the history of the universe and the solar system. Scientists are working day and night to reveal ways of mitigating the […]
  • Space Exploration: The Venus Observation Mission However, the implementation of the new machinery will be further needed to collect and transfer data from Venus to the Earth.
  • Venus: The Object for Research and Space Missions The current offer is unique in that it is planned to launch modules on the surface of Venus and keep them active for a long time.
  • Liquid Lake on Mars As a matter of fact, it is also an interesting article because it revolves around the probability of having a new form of life in the Solar System outside the Earth.
  • Mars Reconnaissance Orbital Some challenges were encountered with two of the devices mounted on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in November. The HiRISE installed in the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has shown over time that, it is of great importance […]
  • Humanities: Galileo and Four Moons of Jupiter Galileo would have value to the Medicis only insofar as he was seen to be a great discoverer of new things and a brilliant philosopher, the doyen of his profession.
  • Technology Uncertainty in Space Exploration Hence, learning the complexity of the project to be undertaken takes the largest part of the entire process. In an environment where projects have to be undertaken, organizations cannot elude the dire need of integrating […]
  • The Contributions of Dwight Eisenhower to America’s Success in Their Space Exploration Efforts When he took over the presidency he saw the importance of incorporating space technology in the country’s defense mechanism and in this respect he directed that the construction of ballistic missiles and also the construction […]
  • “Mars the Abode of Life” by Percival Lowell The main arguments of the book revolve around the genesis of the world, the evolution of life, the dominance of the sun, Mars and the future of the earth, the canals and oases of Mars […]
  • General Features of Jupiter 86 years to complete one orbit The distance of Jupiter from the earth taken on 4th June 2013 at 0655 hours GMT is 4.6 AU. The distance of Jupiter from the sun as of now […]
  • Mars Curiosity Mission’s Astronomical Research In addition, the age of the samples coincides with the date where the water was present on the planet, according to the current understanding.
  • Gifts of Mars: Warfare and Europe’s Early Rise to Riches The article “Gifts of Mars: Warfare and Europe’s early rise to riches” by Nico Voigtlander and Hans-Joachim Voth illustrate how the political situation in Europe had shaped the economic development of the continent in the […]
  • Jupiter: From a Wandering Star to the King of the Planets In spite of the fact that Jupiter is more distant than Mars to the Earth, it is usually brighter, and it shines during the whole year around.
  • Inner Space Exploration Vehicles There are three common types of underwater vehicles such as autonomous underwater vehicle, human occupied vehicles, and remotely operated vehicles. In addition, there are some human occupied vehicles that are simply used to visit life […]
  • Space Exploration Aviation Safety: Challenger and Columbia Among the variety of accidents that take human lives in the sphere of aviation, the cases of Challenger and Columbia remain to be one of the most significant and influential.
  • Space Exploration Accidents: Challenger and Columbia The failure in the joint of the elements of the rocket motor caused the Challenger catastrophe. The analysis of the accidents led to the development of a number of recommendations.
  • The Main Reasons for Space Exploration In 1957, the Soviet successfully launched the first satellite into space that marked the beginning of space exploration. After the success of the Soviet’s satellite, the U.S.invested more into space exploration.
  • A Trip to Mars: Approximate Time, Attaining Synchrony & Parking Orbit 9 years and in essence one can draw this logical induction that the elliptical orbit through which an astronomer moves from the Earth to Mars is relatively shorter than the elliptical orbit of Mars and […]
  • Mars: Water and the Martian Landscape According to McSween, scientists and astronomers find the study of the environment of Mars and the existence of flowing of water on the surface of the planet of special interest.
  • Astronomy Issues: Life on Mars Indeed, the absence of living microorganisms in the soil is a clear indication of the absence of water on the red planet.
  • Market Based Approaches for Controlling Space Mission Costs This has however been addressed and there has been a recommendation that in any future missions using the same system, a mechanism has to be put in place that combines the development and operational phases […]
  • Prospects of finding life in Mars Astronomers have found that the length of a typical day in Mars is similar to that of the Earth. This means that there is no water existed on the surface of Mars.
  • Mercury Exploration and Space Missions The density of this planet is almost the same to that of the earth and this explains why the winds carried the eroded soils.
  • Is there evidence of life on martian meteorites? Until then, researchers need to do the hard work of verifying or refuting existing theories and counterchecking any new evidence that could be contained in the Martian meteorites According to Buseck et al, Nanocrystals of […]
  • International Space Exploration: Improving Human Life Advances in space exploration, particularly the creation of the International Space Station, has enhanced the observation of the globe to provide better comprehension and solutions to environmental matters on earth.
  • Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter The objectives include the search for past and/or present life on the planet, assess the presence and nature of the resources available in the planet for human exploration as well as understanding the climate and […]
  • Why the Water Bears are the Most Appropriate Animals to Send to Mars for Human Research The water bears are the first animals known to be able to endure the insensitive atmospheric combination of low pressure and extreme radiation found in space.
  • MAVEN Mission on Mars Factors related to the degree of radiation, the temperature of the planet, the level of ion dispersion within the atmosphere and the ability of solar wind to affect the Martian surface are all factors that […]
  • Missions to Mars: Past, Present, and Future In this dual mission to Mars, Mariner 6 and 7 enabled the scientists to analyze the surface of Mars and the Martian atmosphere through the remote sensors in the spacecrafts besides the Mariners taking and […]
  • Development of New Space Vehicles: Manned Flight to the Moon and Mars The Apollo 11 landing on the surface of the Moon represents the highest point yet in the conquest of the cosmos by man.
  • Should America Spend More Money on Space Exploration?
  • India’s Steps into Space Exploration
  • Public Money Should Cut Down Expenses for Space Exploration
  • Visionary Vintage Children’s Book Celebrates Gender Equality, Ethnic Diversity, and Space Exploration
  • Immune System Dysregulation During Spaceflight: Potential Countermeasures for Deep Space Exploration Missions
  • The Significance and Value of Exposing Students to Space Exploration
  • Apollo 13: Space Exploration and the Traits and Cooperativeness of Explorers
  • Isaac Asimov’s Wise and Witty Response to Those Who Question the Value of Investing in Space Exploration
  • Why Ocean Exploration Should Be Funded at the Same Rate as Space Exploration?
  • Practical Spin-Offs Resulting From Astronomy and Space Exploration
  • The Explorer Traits and Cooperativeness in Space Exploration in Apollo 13 by Ron Howard
  • Nuclear Power Sources for Space Exploration
  • Space Exploration and Technology and the Pros and Cons Arguments
  • Modern Societies Doom Without Space Exploration
  • The Space Exploration Program: We Are on a Path of Decay
  • Funding for Space Exploration Philosophy
  • The Current State Regarding the U.S Space Exploration
  • Sustainability and Discredit Arguments for Space Exploration
  • Technological Advances Associated With Space Exploration
  • Future of Human Space Exploration and Operations
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration
  • The Three Astronauts: Umberto Eco’s Book About the Role of Space Exploration in World Peace
  • Space Exploration and Tourism During the Cold War of 1947
  • Let’s Spend Our Resources on Solving Social Problems Not Space Exploration
  • The Link Between Space Exploration and Advancements in Science and Military Defense
  • Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration
  • Radiation Measurements Performed With Active Detectors Relevant to Human Space Exploration
  • Space Exploration Beyond Low Earth Orbit
  • Space Exploration and Its Impact on Earth
  • Column Generation Based Heuristics for a Generalized Location Routing Problem With Profits Arising in Space Exploration
  • Ethical Principles and Practices in Space Exploration
  • Why Space Exploration and Innovation Is Important for the Human Race?
  • Specific Immunologic Countermeasure Protocol for Deep-Space Exploration Missions
  • The Early History, Present, and Future of American Space Exploration
  • The Economic, Health, and International Agreement Issues of Space Exploration
  • Dynamic Modeling, Simulation, and Velocity Control of Rocker-Bogie Rover for Space Exploration
  • Humanity’s Quest for Space Exploration Throughout History
  • The Early Life, Space Exploration and Political Service of Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Can the High Costs of Space Exploration Be Justified?
  • The Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Powered Early Space Exploration
  • What Is the Purpose of Space Exploration?
  • What Is the Most Famous Space Exploration?
  • How Did Space Exploration Begin?
  • What Are the Risks of Space Exploration?
  • How Does Space Exploration Benefit Us?
  • Which Country Has the Most Space Exploration?
  • Which Country Got to Space Exploration First?
  • Is Space Exploration Very Important?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration?
  • How Space Exploration Affected People’s Lives?
  • How Has Space Exploration Improved Life on Earth?
  • How Can We Improve Space Exploration?
  • What Does the Future of Space Exploration Look Like?
  • What Is the Best Space Exploration Technology?
  • What Have We Gained From Space Exploration?
  • Why Is Space Exploration So Slow?
  • What Makes Space Exploration Travel Difficult?
  • Why Is Space Exploration Expensive?
  • What Is the Biggest Problem With Space Exploration?
  • Who Controls Space Exploration?
  • What Is the Most Interesting Fact About Space Exploration?
  • Why Did Space Exploration Stop?
  • What Challenges Do Space Explorers Face?
  • How Many Space Explorations Have Failed?
  • How Does Space Exploration Affect the Economy?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

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The Ten Most Significant Science Stories of 2021

Thrilling discoveries, hurdles in the fight against Covid and advancements in space exploration defined the past year

Associate Editor, Science

Top ten science stories illustration

Covid-19 dominated science coverage again in 2021, and deservedly so. The disease garnered two entries on this list of our picks for the most important science stories of the year. But other key discoveries and achievements marked the year in science too, and they deserve more attention. NASA and private companies notched firsts in space. Scientists discovered more about the existence of early humans. And researchers documented how climate change has impacted everything from coral reefs to birds. Covid-19 will continue to garner even more attention next year as scientists work to deal with new variants and develop medical advances to battle the virus. But before you let stories about those topics dominate your reading in 2022, it’s worth it to take a look back at the biggest discoveries and accomplishments of this past year. To that end, here are our picks for the most important science stories of 2021.

The Covid Vaccine Rollout Encounters Hurdles

Covid Vaccine Being Administered

Last year the biggest science story of the year was that scientists developed two mRNA Covid vaccines in record time. This year the biggest Covid story is that the rollout of those vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna, and one other by Johnson and Johnson, haven’t made their way into a large proportion of the United States population and a significant portion of the world. As of this writing on December 21 , roughly 73 percent of the U.S. population has received one dose, and roughly 61 percent of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated. An incomplete rollout allowed for a deadly summer surge, driven by the highly contagious Delta variant . Experts pointed out that vaccination rates lagged due to widespread disinformation and misinformation campaigns . It didn’t help that some popular public figures —like Packers’ quarterback Aaron Rodgers , musician Nick Minaj , podcast host Joe Rogan and rapper Ice Cube —chose not to get vaccinated. Luckily, by November, U.S. health officials had approved the Pfizer vaccine for children as young as five, providing another barrier against the deadly disease’s spread, and Covid rates declined. But while the wall against the disease in the U.S. is growing, it is not finished. As cases surge as the Omicron variant spreads around the country, building that wall and reinforcing it with booster shots is critically important. In much of the rest of the world, the wall is severely lacking where populations haven’t been given decent access to the vaccine. Only 8 percent of individuals in low-income countries have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and a WHO Africa report from this fall said that on that continent, less than 10 percent of countries would hit the goal of vaccinating at least 40 percent of their citizens by the end of the year. Globally, less than 60 percent of the population has been vaccinated. The holes in vaccination coverage will allow the virus to continue to kill a large number of individuals, and allow an environment where possibly other dangerous variants can emerge.

Perseverance Notches Firsts on Mars

Illustration of Perseverance Rover of Mars

NASA took a huge step forward in exploring the Red Planet after the rover Perseverance landed safely on Mars in February. Scientists outfitted the vehicle with an ultralight helicopter that successfully flew in the thin Martian atmosphere , a toaster-sized device called MOXIE that successfully converted carbon dioxide to oxygen , and sampling elements that successfully collected rocks from the planet’s floor. All of the achievements will lend themselves to a better understanding of Mars, and how to investigate it in the future. The flight success will give scientists clues on how to build larger helicopters, the oxygen creation will help scientists come up with grander plans for conversion devices, and the rocks will make their way back to Earth for analysis when they are picked up on a future mission. In addition to the rover’s triumphs, other countries notched major firsts too. The United Arab Emirates Hope space probe successfully entered orbit around the planet and is studying the Martian atmosphere and weather. China’s Zhurong rover landed on Mars in May and is exploring the planet’s geology and looking for signs of water. With these ongoing missions, scientists around the world are learning more and more about what the planet is like and how we might better explore it, maybe one day in person.

Is “Dragon Man” a New Species of Human?

Dragon Man Recreation

The backstory of the skull that scientists used to suggest there was a new species of later Pleistocene human—to join Homo sapiens and Neanderthals—garnered a lot of ink. After the fossil was discovered at a construction site in China nearly 90 years ago, a family hid it until a farmer gave it to a university museum in 2018. Since then, scientists in China pored over the skull—analyzing its features, conducting uranium series dating, and using X-ray fluorescence to compare it to other fossils—before declaring it a new species of archaic human. They dubbed the discovery Homo longi , or “Dragon Man.” The skull had a large cranium capable of holding a big brain, a thick brow and almost square eye sockets—details scientists used to differentiate it from other Homo species. Some scientists questioned whether the find warranted designation as a new species. “It’s exciting because it is a really interesting cranium, and it does have some things to say about human evolution and what’s going on in Asia. But it’s also disappointing that it’s 90 years out from discovery, and it is just an isolated cranium, and you’re not quite sure exactly how old it is or where it fits,” Michael Petraglia of the Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Initiative told Smithsonian magazine back in June. Other scientists supported the new species designation, and so the debate continues, and likely will until more fossils are discovered that help to fill in the holes of human history.

Climate Change Wreaks Havoc on Coral Reefs

Bleached Coral Reef

Increasing natural disasters—forest fires, droughts and heat waves—may be the most noticeable events spurred by climate change; a warming Earth has helped drive a five-fold uptick in such weather-related events over the last 50 years according the a 2021 report by the World Meteorological Organization . But one of the biggest impacts wrought by climate change over the past decade has occurred underwater. Warming temps cause coral reefs to discard the symbiotic algae that help them survive, and they bleach and die. This year a major report from the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network announced that the oceans lost about 14 percent of their reefs in the decade after 2009, mostly because of climate change. In November, new research showed that less than 2 percent of the coral reefs on the Great Barrier Reef—the world’s largest such feature—escaped bleaching since 1998. That news came just two months after a different study stated that half of coral reefs have been lost since the 1950s , in part due to climate change. The reef declines impact fisheries, local economies based on tourism and coastal developments—which lose the offshore buffer zone from storms the living structures provide. Scientists say if temperatures continue to rise, coral reefs are in serious danger. But not all hope is lost—if humans reduce carbon emissions rapidly now, more reefs will have a better chance of surviving .

The Space Tourism Race Heats Up

Blue Origen Rocket

This year the famous billionaires behind the space tourism race completed successful missions that boosted more than just their egos. They put a host of civilians in space. Early in July, billionaire Richard Branson and his employees flew just above the boundary of space—a suborbital flight—in Virgin Galactic’s first fully crewed trip. (But Virgin Galactic did delay commercial missions until at least late next year.) Just over a week after Branson’s mission, the world’s richest person, Jeff Bezos, completed Blue Origin’s first crewed suborbital flight with the youngest and oldest travelers to reach space. In October, his company Blue Origin repeated the feat when it took Star Trek actor William Shatner up. A month before that, a crew of four became the first all-civilian crew to circle the Earth from space in Elon Musk’s SpaceX Dragon capsule Resilience. More ambitious firsts for civilians are in the works. In 2022, SpaceX plans to send a retired astronaut and three paying passengers to the International Space Station. And beyond that, Bezos announced Blue Origin hopes to deploy a private space station fit for ten—called “Orbital Reef”—sometime between 2025 and 2030.

WHO Approves First Vaccine Against Malaria

Malaria Vaccine Being Administered

In October, the World Health Organization approved the first vaccine against malaria. The approval was not only a first for that disease, but also for any parasitic disease. The moment was 30 years in the making, as Mosquirix—the brand name of the drug— cost more than $750 million since 1987 to develop and test. Malaria kills nearly a half million individuals a year, including 260,000 children under the age of five. Most of these victims live in sub-Saharan Africa. The new vaccine fights the deadliest of five malaria pathogens and the most prevalent in Africa, and is administered to children under five in a series of four injections. The vaccine is not a silver bullet; it prevents only about 30 percent of severe malaria cases. But one modeling study showed that still could prevent 5.4 million cases and 23,000 deaths in children under five each year. Experts say the vaccine is a valuable tool that should be used in conjunction with existing methods—such as drug combination treatments and insecticide-treated bed nets—to combat the deadly disease.

Discoveries Move Key Dates Back for Humans in the Americas

Fossilized Human Footprints at White Sands

Two very different papers in two of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals documented key moments of human habitation in the Americas. In September, a study in Science dated footprints found at White Sands National Park to between 21,000 and 23,000 years ago. Researchers estimated the age of the dried tracks known as “ghost prints” using radiocarbon dating of dried ditchgrass seeds found above and below the impressions. Previously, many archaeologists placed the start of human life in the Americas at around 13,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, based on tools found in New Mexico. The new paper, whose results have been debated , suggests humans actually lived on the continent at the height of the Ice Age. A month after that surprising find, a study in Nature published evidence showing that Vikings lived on North America earlier than previously thought. Researchers examined cut wood left by the explorers at a site in Newfoundland and found evidence in the samples of a cosmic ray event that happened in 993 C.E. The scientists then counted the rings out from that mark and discovered the wood had been cut in 1021 C.E. The find means that the Norse explorers completed the first known crossing of the Atlantic from Europe to the Americas.

Humans Are Affecting the Evolution of Animals

Bird in the Amazon

New research published this year shows that humans have both directly and indirectly affected how animals evolve. In probably the starkest example of humans impacting animal evolution, a Science study found a sharp increase in tuskless African elephants after years of poaching. During the Mozambican Civil War from 1977 to 1992, poachers killed so many of the giant mammals with tusks that those females without the long ivory teeth were more likely to pass on their genes. Before the war, 20 percent were tuskless. Now, roughly half of the female elephants are tuskless. Males who have the genetic make-up for tusklessness die , likely before they are born. And killing animals isn’t the only way humans are impacting evolution. A large study in Trends in Ecology and Evolution found that animals are changing shape to deal with rising temps. For example, over various time periods bats grew bigger wings and rabbits sprouted longer ears—both likely to dissipate more heat into the surrounding air. More evidence along those lines was published later in the year in Science Advances . A 40-year-study of birds in a remote, intact patch of Amazon rainforest showed 77 species weighed less on average, and many had longer wings, than they used to. Scientists said the changes likely occurred due to rising temperatures and changes in rainfall.

Antiviral Pills That Fight Covid Show Promising Results


Almost a year after scientists released tests showing the success of mRNA vaccines in fighting Covid, Merck released promising interim test results from a Phase III trial of an antiviral pill. On October 1, the pharmaceutical giant presented data that suggested molnupiravir could cut hospitalizations in half. Ten days later, the company submitted results to the FDA in hopes of gaining emergency use. In mid-November, the U.K. jumped ahead of the U.S. and granted approval for the treatment. By late November, advisers to the FDA recommended emergency authorization of the pill, though it was shown by this time to reduce death or disease by 30—not 50—percent. The drug should be taken —four pills a day for five days—starting within five days of the appearance of symptoms. It works by disrupting SARS-CoV-2’s ability to replicate effectively inside a human cell.

Molnupiravir isn’t the only viral drug with positive results. In November, Pfizer announced its antiviral pill, Paxlovid, was effective against severe Covid. By December, the pharmaceutical giant shared final results that it reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 88 percent in a key group. News about both pills was welcome , as they are expected to work against all versions of the virus, including Omicron. Though the drugs aren’t as big of a breakthrough as the vaccines, a doctor writing for the New Yorker called them “the most important pharmacologic advance of the pandemic.” Many wealthy countries have already agreed to contracts for molnupiravir, and the Gates Foundation pledged $120 million to help get the pill to poor countries. If approved and distributed fast enough, the oral antivirals can be prescribed in places, like Africa, where vaccines have been lacking. The pills represent another crucial tool, in addition to masks and vaccines, in the fight against Covid.

The James Webb Space Telescope May Finally Launch

James Webb Space Telescope

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Joe Spring | READ MORE

Joe Spring is the associate digital science editor for Smithsonian magazine.


Heat to blame for space pebble demise

Pebbles are destroyed proportional to the peak temperature they reach along their orbit.

The dust of comets fills the space between the planets, collectively called the zodiacal cloud. Still, severe breakdown has reduced that dust in size so much that it now scatters sunlight efficiently, causing the faint glow in the night sky known as the "zodiacal light."

It was long thought that high-speed collisions pulverized the comet ejecta, but now a 45-member team of researchers reports, in a paper published online in the journal Icarus this week, that heat is to blame.

"Comets eject most debris as large sand-grain to pebble-sized particles, called meteoroids, that move in meteoroid streams and cause the visible meteors in our meteor showers," says Dr. Peter Jenniskens, meteor astronomer at the SETI Institute. "In contrast, the zodiacal cloud is mostly composed of particles the size of tobacco smoke that even radars have difficulty detecting as meteors."

Why do pebbles pulverize after they leave the comet?

"Meteor showers show us this loss of pebbles over time, because older showers tend to contain fewer bright meteors than young showers," said Jenniskens. "We set out to investigate what is responsible."

Jenniskens leads a NASA-sponsored global network called "CAMS" that monitors the night sky for meteors with low-light video security cameras. Most co-authors on the paper are the researchers and citizen scientists who built and operate the 15 CAMS camera networks in ten countries.

"We developed software that detects meteors in videos recorded from different locations and then triangulates their trajectory in the atmosphere," said detection specialist Peter S. Gural. "Meteors arriving from the same direction each day belong to a meteor shower."

Nightly maps showing from what direction those meteors arrive at Earth are at the website:

After 13 years of observations, the combined maps were recently published as a book, "Atlas of Earth's Meteor Showers," an encyclopedia of information on each known meteor shower.

"As part of this work, we determined the age of meteor showers from how much they had dispersed," says Stuart Pilorz of the SETI Institute, "and then examined how rapidly they were losing their large meteoroids compared to the smaller ones."

To investigate what is responsible, the team examined of how close those streams came to the Sun. If collisions were to blame, then the pebbles were expected to be destroyed faster directly proportionally to their proximity to the Sun.

"Because there is more comet dust closer to the Sun, we had expected collisions there would pulverize the pebbles that much faster," says Jenniskens. "Instead, we found that the pebbles survived better than expected."

The research team concluded that, instead, the pebbles are destroyed proportional to the peak temperature they reach along their orbit. Thermal stresses are likely to blame for breaking up the large meteoroids near Earth, and all the way to the orbit of Mercury, while deep inside the orbit of Mercury the particles are heated so much that they fall apart from losing material.

"Here at Earth, we sometimes see that process in action when in a short time of say 10 seconds we detect ten or twenty meteors in part of the sky, a meteor cluster, the result of a meteoroid having fallen apart by thermal stresses just before entering Earth's atmosphere," says Jenniskens.

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Materials provided by SETI Institute . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Peter Jenniskens, Stuart Pilorz, Peter S. Gural, Dave Samuels, Steve Rau, Timothy M.C. Abbott, Jim Albers, Scott Austin, Dan Avner, Jack W. Baggaley, Tim Beck, Solvay Blomquist, Mustafa Boyukata, Martin Breukers, Walt Cooney, Tim Cooper, Marcelo De Cicco, Hadrien Devillepoix, Eric Egland, Elize Fahl, Megan Gialluca, Bryant Grigsby, Toni Hanke, Barbara Harris, Steve Heathcote, Samantha Hemmelgarn, Andy Howell, Emmanuel Jehin, Carl Johannink, Luke Juneau, Erika Kisvarsanyi, Philip Mey, Nick Moskovitz, Mohammad Odeh, Brian Rachford, David Rollinson, James M. Scott, Martin C. Towner, Ozan Unsalan, Rynault van Wyk, Jeff Wood, James D. Wray, Jérémie Vaubaillon, Dante S. Lauretta. Lifetime of cm-sized zodiacal dust from the physical and dynamical evolution of meteoroid streams . Icarus , 2024; 415: 116034 DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116034

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VIDEO (March 21, 2024 – 1:00-5:30 pm ET)

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