What to Say When You Didn't Do Your Homework

23 March 2023

12 minutes to read

A person sits in a booth with their open laptop in front of them, holding their head in their hand and looking dejected.

  • 01. The Dog Ate It
  • 02. I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework
  • 03. I Thought it Was in My Bag
  • 04. I Didn’t Understand the Homework
  • 05. My Computer Crashed
  • 06. Too Much Homework from Another Class
  • 07. I was Absent When the Homework was Assigned
  • 08. Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering
  • 09. I Was So Sick!
  • 10. Tell the Truth
  • 11. Bonus Excuses
  • 12. Excuses for Not Going to Work

Have you ever stumbled to class, filled with dread and wondering how you're going to explain why you don't have any work to turn in? Surely most - if not all students have handed in a homework assignment late, at least a few times (or more!). Equally likely: just about every learner had no assignments ready to turn it, late or otherwise. When that happens, so as not to get into trouble, pupils cook up excuses why they couldn’t complete their homework when scheduled or at all.

If these assertions leave you feeling like we're speaking directly to you... we are. Your parents, professors, teachers and, yes, even your Superprofs were once pupils, too. We know how school life is and how, sometimes, learners have no desire to do homework. Or, in some cases, how any of that work should be done.

A Superprof homework help tutor would render all of those points moot. With such a mentor, you would have no trouble understanding  your study materials or what is expected of you. You would not need any excuses because your work would get done on time, every time. But if you did need a good excuse, this article delivers:

  • time-tested untruths with a proven track record
  • updated stories to keep up with the times
  • a few completely novel tales you can tailor to your needs

Maybe you don't have a Superprof tutor (yet). Maybe, for you, excuses remain the order of the day. Here again, your Superprof rides to the rescue by providing you with a list of excuses. And be sure to read to the end, where you'll find some handy excuses to get out of work - because it's not just students who sometimes aren't prepared for the day's challenges.

The number one excuse for not doing your homework is "my computer crashed" or similar, tech-related issues. A teacher may still be annoyed with you, but we all know that technology can be unreliable and most of us have fallen foul to this at some point. You may get a sympathetic teacher.

If not, the following methods may work:


The Dog Ate It

A puppy with black fur being held by someone wearing a red and grey knit jumper.

The go-to excuse for not doing homework has to be the one about the dog laying waste to students' carefully penned essays. Or carefully calculated equations. Even those whose school days are far behind them likely remember invoking this mythical beast, on occasion.

Who hasn't heard about that homework-hating dog that must eat every assignment? Or maybe it's a homework-loving dog who craves the taste of graphite and ink. Did you know this excuse is grounded in fact? The original dog who ate homework was allegedly Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise's pet fox.

The legend, written by Forrest Wickman, recounts that, back in the 6th Century, the saint's tame fox was tasked with taking Ciarán's writings to the monastery Master. These papers were bound in a leather strap. One day, the fox chewed through the strap, allowing the papers to fly away with the wind.

Over the centuries, dogs have been accused of eating everything. Including, in one story published in 1808, a playing card that would have lost its master the high-stakes game he was playing.

Bringing the narrative full-circle is the tale of an Anglican priest whose sermons tended to go on and on. Reportedly, he had to cut his preaching short one Sunday because a dog had gotten into his study and had eaten several pages of the sermon. As the story goes, the worshippers were delighted at spending less time in the pews.

The bottom line: despite its lengthy history, perhaps this is not the most subtle or workable of excuses. However, should you, in all actuality, have a dog… If all else fails, you could bring a few chewed-on pages as proof.

I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework

Oh, no! You forgot to write your assignment into your work planner and now, you have nothing to turn in! Forgetting to write down your assignments doesn't ranks among the best excuses but you can still make it work if you have decent acting chops.

A person wearing a deep red top and black fingernail polish sits at a table holding a pen in their right hand, preparing to write something in the open notebook in front of them.

The trouble with you supposedly having a Swiss cheese memory about homework assignments is today's technology. Upon any claim of faulty memory on your part, your teacher will certainly ask if you checked with your mates. Even direr for you: what if your homework was assigned online , through your school's online learning portal? And you logged in, clearly indicating you knew there was work to be done?

On the other hand, if your teacher uses no web-based learning platforms ... You probably DO remember getting your homework, but s/he can't be sure of that, right? This particular excuse would work best if the whole class - or, at least a majority of your classmates proclaimed the same. Just don't use this excuse while waiting for exam results because your teacher will know that you're fibbing.

I Thought it Was in My Bag

A person wearing a burnt copper coloured jumper with the sleeves rolled up, with a light brown leather satchel slung over their shoulder, stands in tall grass with a blurry tree line in the background.

Leaving your assignment on your desk at home is one of the more believable excuses for not having any work to turn in. Or maybe you had to change bags at the last minute because the other satchel's strap broke. How unfortunate that you didn't check all of the compartments!

This particular excuse works for just about anything, from the money you owe a friend to the book you promised to return. And, of course, for not doing homework. It is particularly effective if you first dig into your backpack as you normally would. Nothing to see here, Teacher, just a diligent pupil, whipping out last night's work...

And then, more frantically, your fingers scrabble and scour every pocket, even as you cast panicked glances around the room. If you could work up an embarrassed flush, that would be the icing on the cake. This one is a great excuse, it’s worked for students everywhere, especially those who can work up a sweat or a few tears on demand.

I Didn’t Understand the Homework

Confusion is always a good excuse for not doing homework. Even the best students need clarification on particularly tough assignments sometimes. So saying you didn't do your homework because you didn't understand it is perfectly reasonable.

A man wearing a grey and white shirt stands against a royal blue background, holding his hands palms-up with a confused expression on his face.

Admittedly, this excuse works better for science, maths or questions-based homework rather than essays. That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length, though. You might simply explain how you didn't quite get the idea of what you were supposed to write about.

This excuse hits two birds with one stone when you combine it with 'could you explain it to me?' . You'll get help with your homework and a deadline extension. That would be particularly helpful if you genuinely didn’t understand the homework assignment.

Beware of this pitfall: Teacher might ask if you talked with any of your classmates to see if they could explain what you were supposed to do. You might say that you asked your parents or an older sibling for help. But avoid mentioning any mate your teacher might know, just in case s/he tries to verify your story.

My Computer Crashed

A woman wearing a dark top sits at a wooden table with her head in her hands, seemingly in despair, in front of an open laptop. Her glasses and phone lay nearby.

If you were looking for excuses for not doing homework, you could hardly do better than a computer crash. Since COVID, more schools have continued the trend of using web-based platforms to assign and turn in homework.

Thus, a whole new spectrum of excuses has opened up to the desperate, homework-lacking learner. Besides computer crashes, you might invoke pets and/or younger siblings breaking your laptop. Hackers, power failures and even that your printer ran out of ink could also serve you well.

Of course, that last will be the least effective excuse, especially if you are a serial homework offender . Your teacher may contend that you could have loaded your work onto a USB drive and taken it to a print shop. Beware too that, if no other student suffered a power outage , invoking that reason may force to veer into the 'parents didn't pay the bill' territory. That would be the only other reason that only you had no electricity to power your devices.

Too Much Homework from Another Class

Doing homework assigned in every class can be an hours-long proposition. So it's understandable that you might cut corners, particularly in assignments for classes you don't like. This lays the groundwork for one of the best homework excuses.

A student with long blonde hair wearing blue-framed glasses holds a pencil in her right hand and works geometry problems on a maths worksheet.

This excuse would work best for college and university students. Primary and secondary school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign. And, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check. They may start by asking your classmates; those worthies' responses might prove embarrassing for you.

Even if you lay out everything you did for that supposed other class, this story puts you and your teacher in a difficult position. On one hand, they might think: "Poor you, clearly you’ve been given far too much homework!". On the other hand, they may well contend that other teachers' assignments aren't their concern. They might not even care if you're preparing for your exams .

They might clap back by saying that you're a college/university student so you should manage your schedule and workload more efficiently. Still, this excuse might work if your professor is too inexperienced to know better or a bit on the negligent side. Best to not underestimate them, though. Keep this one in reserve for when you truly have nothing else to offer.

I was Absent When the Homework was Assigned

A large classroom seen from the back row of students, with the teacher a blurry figure far in the front of the room.

Classroom overcrowding is a huge problem in the UK. But it lays the groundwork for one of the best excuses for not doing homework. Does your teacher waste precious class time calling the roll? If so, how do they know it's really you who answered?

Despite your attendance tick in the register, this story could still fly if you could convince your teacher you were in the loo when the assignment was announced. It would work particularly well if you are, indeed, a frequent visitor to the loo during class. And if you don't routinely excuse yourself from class, you may try to convince your teacher that s/he marked you present by mistake on that day.

Here again, your classmates would have to vouch for you. Failing that, you might rope your parents into providing a note explaining that, of course, you were absent on that day. You had to do something far more important than attending class.

Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering

If you want to polish your civic image , saying you couldn't do any homework because you were helping others would be a sure bet. Especially in these post-COVID times! If you're too busy helping out in your local clinic to solve equations, you will be a star in your teacher's eyes.

Two women wearing green aprons sit at a table covered with a green tablecloth, each with a white soup bowl with blue trim in front of them. The wall behind them is bright yellow.

You might even use this excuse if you're late to school but you might find less favour if you claim team sports or group activities as your extracurricular activity. Even rowing, playing chess and singing in the church choir would be suspect. Choose the reason you're too busy for homework wisely. If volunteering is your excuse, it would be best to actually volunteer because if you get found out, your fall from grace would be twice as far.

I Was So Sick!

A woman wearing glasses and a blue hospital gown lies in a hospital bed with the covers pulled up to her chest.

Not so long ago, in the halcyon, pre-COVID days, being sick was a classic excuse for not doing homework . One could claim a 24-hour bug, food poisoning or come to class looking convincingly wan and plead a fever the night before.

 Not only would you be excused from turning in your assignments but you might have garnered a bit of sympathy. To say nothing of a handy extension on your deadline for turning work in. These days, if you claim you've been bedridden, feverish and unable to distinguish your cat from your sheet of homework... You're likely to land yourself in quarantine, missing out on classes and leisure activities alike.

If pleading illness is your go-to move to excuse yourself from turning in assignments on time, you would do best to stick with food poisoning. And even that claim is no guarantee you won't be sent home posthaste, driven by the worry that you're suffering from something far graver than a revisit of the pizza you had last night.

Tell the Truth

If you typically dole out excuses for not doing your homework, perhaps it’s time to pull out your ace in the hole – the truth. Honesty is still the best policy. Your teacher will appreciate the refreshing change from the usual bombardment of excuses.

A woman wearing glasses and a purple shirt, with purple tones in her hair, sits in a classroom where students work, gazing sceptically at the camera

Use truth-telling when you’re feeling especially sincere (and desperate). Or, the best yet: tell the truth all the time. Of course, you wouldn't have to worry about recycling excuses if you knocked your homework out like the champ you are. And you wouldn't have to worry about failing exams , either.

Bonus Excuses

In case the all-time best excuses listed above don't suit you or you've used them all at least once this school year, here are a few extra excuses to try that might save you from the wrath of Teacher :

  • I left it at home
  • I dropped it in the sewer on the way to school
  • I left it in my other satchel/bookbag/binder/notebook
  • I was looking it over and left it on the bus
  • I let (insert name of classmate) borrow it and s/he didn't give it back  you may even claim that the treacherous friend turned your work in as theirs
  • My little brother/sister drew all over it (or used it to make a paper aeroplane, a boat, a nest for their guinea pig...)
  • My mother/father accidentally shredded it, along with other important documents
  • My parents were looking it over and forgot to give it back
  • My tutor accidentally packed it away with his papers
  • I spilled (insert name of a document-ruining food or beverage) all over it

Admittedly, for all that they are plausible, these are funny excuses for not doing homework. Your teacher may give you props for your inventiveness and, if the assignment wasn't critical, might give you a pass... this time. But if chronic homework neglect is your study style, be careful not to use the same excuse too many times. Otherwise, your teacher may not be sympathetic towards you should there ever be a legitimate reason for not doing your homework.

We hope these excuses for no homework have been helpful - or, at least, entertaining. Just remember that the more you use them, the more unbelievable they’ll become to your teacher. In fact, it may just be more advantageous (and easier) for you to do your homework and hand it in on time. But before you go, you might also need a few good excuses to get out of doing PE .

Excuses for Not Going to Work

A barista wearing dark-framed glasses and a denim apron over a checked shirt stands behind a coffee bar which is laden with three small glass coffee pots that have white filter holders on top of them.

Finally, we get to the best excuses to miss work. As our excuses for no homework show, everyone needs a day off sometimes, even students. But then, students may also have jobs so they need believable excuses for missing work, too.

Whether that's the spot you're in or your school days are long past, it's always a good idea to have few good excuses to miss work at the ready. Obviously, being sick is the best excuse to miss work. COVID changed everyone's mind about flu-like symptoms so if you call in to tell your boss that's how you'll feel, you'll likely not catch any flack. Everyone wants you to stay away if, indeed, you are incubating that pesky virus.

You might also cite a family emergency as your excuse not to go to work. Here, too, pandemic echoes make the excuse believable. But if you worry about jinxing your family, say you have a home emergency, instead. Warm weather will make a burst waterpipe less believable but you could squeak by with a broken window or door that you can't leave unattended.

Does your workplace offer mental health days? If so, needing a mental health break is the best excuse for not going to work, provided you don't take half the week off. If your job doesn't offer that perk, citing your mental health could be just the thing for your boss to make mental health days a thing.

Transportation troubles is a good excuse for missing work but not if you live in an area with public transportation or if you live close enough to bike or walk to work. However, if you say you had some sort of accident on the way to work... Not that anyone got injured, thank goodness, but you have to take your ride in for an estimate. And if you do bike to work, you could say your bike was stolen.

If these perfectly reasonable excuses for not going to work are out of step with your character, you might need a few outrageous reasons for not going to work. Did a goose or duck bite you? Did pigeons use you for target practice on the way to work? Or you might have been in a hurry to start your shift but your uniform was still wet so you put it in the microwave and it caught on fire.

It's easier to understand needing an excuse for not going to work than one for not doing homework for school. Still, as you can see, the range of excuses is limited only by your imagination and, of course, how willing your teacher or boss is to believe them. So use your stock of excuses wisely so they'll have maximum effect.

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5 sure to impress excuses for not handing in your homework

Joseph is a French and Spanish to English translator, language enthusiast, and blogger.

Frequently asked questions

How do i get out of doing homework.

Tell your parents you’ll study at your mate’s house. Take your bookbag with you!

But then, you can go anywhere you want. If you do go to your mates’, you can play games or anything other than doing homework.

Is not doing homework illegal?

There is no law that says you have to do homework. However, you could get into trouble if you never do any because the school might decide to lower your marks for lack of participation.

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Thanks! My teacher totally got pranked! ⛔ 📝🤩

you are going to get in trouble and fail school if you use these


good ones I wood love some more good ones

I forgot do my science project and these helped a lot 😁

Thank my deputy head who is a geography teacher actually believed these

thats goooooooooooooood

Thanks ill defo try some! tell me it if works people in the comment sections pls!

I didn’t attempt my tests during online classes due to COVID. Now colleges are going to be open. What reason should I give to the teacher for not attempting tests. I am very scared.😓

maybe say you got covid?

Computer crashed, wouldn’t load or your having internet problems. If ur still doing it..

Funny excuses you find in comics… deffo gotta try them tho

I used it for my English assignment it really helped me!😁

I tried the “tell the truth” excuse and my teacher caned me! In future I will be informing her of the death of my late hamster. Rip Hammy. I will also try my own excuse, my pen decided to be transgender and for that reason I couldn’t touch it in case of sexual assault claims. Thank you Penina

😂😂that pen one is brilliant

I love this, it will work so good these days :)


Great to hear that, thank you!

Nice bro Thx

most of them will probably still get me a detention in my school, but i think the shredder and the bus one is good

it is good excuse but it did not work . and by the way Allah will not forgive me that i lie

You should just tell the truth never lie

Just do your H/W on the date it is given.

it aint that easy, i wish it was tho

yea so um i have tis HUGE assignment due tm but its lik 11 pm i need to go to sleep on top of that i have an exem tomorrow and lost my locker keys so im just gonna say “i did it but i left it at home i will bring it tomorow” but the problem is that i have to do it tomarow

Nice for every time excuse bro

Thanks so much to this website. It has been AMAZING!!! 😁😁😁

There’s one if you have a sibling I thought up if you don’t do your hw and it’s bin two days, my (brother/sister) accidentally put it in (his/her) rucksack. The next day you can say, when you get to school tell your teacher my (brother/sister) binned it. If it was printed say your printer broke.

thank my teacher didnt understand

Or you could say that you were working on it in your room or at your house and that you forgot to bring it (worked for me several times)

Daniel Wong

11 Excuses for Not Doing Homework (And How to Stop Making Them)

July 5, 2022 By Daniel Wong 6 Comments

young man doing homework in his room

If you’re like many students, you’d rather take a nap, talk to your friends online, or play video games.

As you already know, finding reasons not to do your homework will prevent you from succeeding in school .

I’m sure you want to do well in school, and homework is definitely a part of that process.

In this article, I’ll go over 11 of the most common excuses for not doing homework and offer solutions to ensure that you stay engaged in school.

But first, make sure to download your free quick action guide…


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Excuse #1: You lack the required knowledge

Let your parents and teacher know if you’re taking a class and feel as if you lack the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the homework.

Ask your teacher for extra guidance so you don’t fall too far behind. See if your parents can find the time to help you, or you can look for a tutor.

Your teachers are there to help you develop the skills you need to do well in their classes.

You’re not alone in feeling that you lack the necessary skills, so don’t be too embarrassed to ask for assistance. You might even find some great study buddies who feel the same way.

Excuse #2: You lack confidence

Many students compare themselves to their peers, which can lead to a lack of confidence. When that happens, it’s easy to make excuses for not doing the homework.

But here’s what you need to know…

Everyone lacks confidence about something.

You might be good at math but need extra help with English. Perhaps you excel at geography but find biology confusing.

Give yourself a break.

If you lack confidence in your ability to learn a particular subject, get the support you need. Your teachers, parents, and even friends will help you out and give you a needed morale boost.

Excuse #3: Your home life is too hectic

The excuses for submitting assignments late are numerous, but one that I hear often is that it’s too busy or noisy at home to focus.

Finding a quiet space and using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can help reduce distractions. This will make it easier for you to finish your homework.

If that doesn’t work, try finding an alternative location to do your work, like the library or a friend’s house.

You can also talk to your parents about it. They might not even be aware of all the interruptions that are preventing you from completing your schoolwork.

Excuse #4: You don’t know where to start

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed are often the main reasons that cause students to not know where to start on their homework.

If you ever feel this way, here’s what I suggest you do:

  • Take a deep breath.
  • Create a space where you can get organised.
  • Make a list of all your assignments and deadlines.
  • Work on one assignment at a time.
  • Start with an easy assignment to get a quick win, or tackle the most challenging assignment to get it out of the way.

Excuse #5: You have poor study habits

Many students develop bad study habits over their years in school.

Not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace. As such, every student will have different study habits. If what you’re doing isn’t working, try a different approach.

If you’re trying to do your homework as soon as you get home from school but can’t focus, try having a snack and taking a power nap before getting to work instead.

If you’re staying up too late studying, set a rule for yourself that you’ll start doing your homework within one hour of getting home.

Establish a routine where you do your work at roughly the same time each day. Developing routines like this will improve your study habits , which will make you a more effective student.

Excuse #6: School isn’t important to you

A common misconception is that school isn’t important, that what you learn won’t be relevant once you leave school.

This isn’t completely true.

Of course, the education system can be improved. But the knowledge you acquire in school will help you to understand and appreciate the world better.

And the process of becoming a more effective student will lead you to develop traits like self-discipline and responsibility. These are the types of traits you’ll need in order to find success at any stage of life!

Excuse #7: You’re overloaded with after-school activities

I know it can be tough to balance schoolwork and extracurricular activities.

Maybe you’re on a sports team or you spend several hours each week volunteering.

Finding the right balance to ensure you have enough time for homework can be challenging.

When too many afterschool activities get in the way of completing your assignments on time, it’s time to review your schedule. Decide how you can prioritise the activities that are the most important.

You may need to put some activities on hold until you’re consistently staying on top of your schoolwork.

Speak with your coach, teachers, or parents about the ideas they have to help you manage your schedule more effectively.

Excuse #8: Studying is boring for you

If you find that doing your homework is uninteresting, it may be time for you to change your point of view.

I always encourage students to cultivate a growth mindset . This is a mindset where you focus more on the learning process instead of on getting good grades.

Rather than seeing a particular subject as boring, develop a sense of wonder. Decide that you’re going to be intellectually curious, and you’ll discover that we live in a fascinating world.

And while you’re on that journey, remember that the students who succeed in school find ways to get the work done even when they find the subject boring.

For example, if you don’t like math, consider that it isn’t just about numbers – it’s a way of thinking.

Reframing how you think about a subject will enable you to see it as more interesting. In turn, you’ll become a better student over time.

Excuse #9: Your teachers assign too much homework

Sometimes, it may seem like your teachers assign more homework than you can keep up with. You might even believe that what you’re required to do is unreasonable.

If you find yourself in this situation, take a moment to think about everything else you’re doing.

Are you managing your time well?

Are you struggling with a particular class?

Do you use memory techniques to enable you to learn faster ?

Instead of allowing homework to overwhelm you, try talking to your teacher, tutor, or parents to figure out the best way forward for you.

Excuse #10: You already have so much overdue homework

Procrastinating on your homework can lead to a significant pile-up of assignments. This will affect your confidence in being able to complete them.

What’s more, once you get a set of new assignments, you probably won’t know how to do them because you didn’t do the previous assignments.

This creates a vicious cycle where you tell yourself that there’s no point in completing your newly assigned homework because you still have the old ones to do.

When this happens, the likelihood of completing any of the work decreases.

If you’re in this situation, set a reasonable goal of keeping up with all the newly assigned homework while completing, say, one overdue assignment a day, or one overdue assignment every two days.

Excuse #11: You don’t believe you can get good grades

If you hate school, there’s a chance that it’s because you feel the pressure to be a straight-A student .

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to be perfect. After all, there’s no such thing as a perfect student.

But you do have to put in the effort and get the work done. The rest will then fall into place.

If you’re doing your best, you’re doing great! Celebrate your progress and keep moving forward.

Take it one step at a time, and don’t worry too much about what grades you’re getting at the moment.

In closing…

There are many possible reasons for you not to finish your homework.

No matter what those reasons are, it’s important to know that the people around you want to help you succeed.

From teachers to parents to coaches, you have a support network to provide solutions to almost any obstacle you face.

Identify the excuses listed in this article that are relevant to your situation, and apply the suggested solutions.

If you do that, you’ll become a better and happier student who makes far fewer excuses related to homework!

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July 7, 2022 at 12:13 pm

Thank you so much for this article. These were the problems I was struggling with. Now that i know the solutions to it ,I’m sure I’ll do better than before.

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July 7, 2022 at 1:05 pm

You’re very welcome.

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July 7, 2022 at 6:20 pm

I pray that may Almighty God grant you long life, more knowledge, sound health, rest of mind, wealth and happiness, so that you can witness your good impact in this World 🌍. GOD has made you a useful tool for every students and parents that is actually seeking success.

July 7, 2022 at 7:42 pm

Thank you, God bless you too!

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July 27, 2022 at 9:29 pm

Thank you so much for this. I have found a couple of solutions for excuses I’ve made in the past. I needed this.

July 27, 2022 at 9:42 pm

You’re welcome.

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