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A Full Guide to Employee Training and Development (Examples)

employee training example topics

Michał Kowalewski

“I hate my job.”

How many times have you heard people say that?

In the world of business, the status quo is to grow and make lots of money. And sometimes that comes at the expense of your employees.

Focusing only on the bottom line often leaves employees feeling exhausted and aimless. 

Why even bother working?

But what if there was a way to make money and make your employees say, “I love my job!”

Well, there is. 

Businesses who focus on employee training and development are finding that putting the employee first is a win-win situation. 

They get to keep growing and making money. And employees feel like what they’re doing is meaningful.

That’s because most of us actually want to contribute to something through work. And most of us want to develop ourselves along the way. 

That’s why this article will go in-depth on topics like:

  • Why employee training and development is important.
  • How to choose the right employee training program. 
  • What the most popular training methods are and how to track them.

Are you interested in taking your employee training ideas to the next level? You may want to consider a custom Learning Management System (LMS). At Iterators, we design, build, and maintain custom software for startups and enterprise businesses.

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Schedule a free consultation with Iterators today. We’d be happy to help you find the right software solution to fit the learning and development needs of your company.

What is Employee Training and Development?

Everybody and their mama have a pretty good idea of what employee training is. 

It’s self-explanatory. 

Dwight is the new Assistant to the Regional Manager. You need to train Dwight. 

His employee training checklist might include: 

  • Company Infrastructure
  • Writing Reports
  • Products & Services 
  • Company Policy
  • Employee Compliance Training

Boom. Dwight is trained and you never have to think about it again? Right? 

Not quite. 

The main problem most companies face with employee training is forgetting that it’s a small part of a bigger picture known as employee development. 

So what exactly is employee development? How is it different from employee training?

Just to be sure, let’s clarify:

What is employee training?  

Employee training is an educational program run by an employer. There are several types of employee training. Yet, the purpose is always the same – to provide knowledge and the necessary job skills. Doesn’t matter if it’s for a new hire or an experienced employee. 

What is employee development?

Employee development is a complex and ongoing process. While employee training is often a one-off event, employee development can span over the course of many years. It comprises all employee trainings and learning situations. You can look at it as the journey your employee must make to reach their full potential. 

Okay, so let’s go back to our example of Dwight. What would his development as an employee look like? 

Over the course of his employment, Dwight takes advantage of the following opportunities:

  • Coaching/ Mentoring Program
  • Time Management Training
  • Leadership Training
  • Cross-departmental Training
  • Personal Development Program
  • Employee Ethics Training

All of the above expand his skillset and contribute to his growth as a professional. His increased qualifications maximize his chances of getting a promotion and becoming Assistant Regional Manager or even Regional Manager. 

That makes Dwight happy. 

And a happy employee is far less likely to leave your company. But we’ll get to that.

What you need to remember is that:

It takes many hours of different types of employee training to add up to employee development. But with the opportunity to learn things that go beyond day-to-day duties, employees can expand their skill sets and become an even greater asset for the company.

type of employee training and development

How do you hire talented employees in the first place? If you’re a nontechnical person, it’s especially difficult to hire programmers and provide effective employee training. 

So, how do you hire a technical employee? Read our article to find out: How to Hire a Programmer for a Startup in 6 Easy Steps

Why Should You Invest in Employee Training and Development?

Okay, so we know the difference between employee training and development. The next question is – why would you want to spend any money investing in it?

First, let’s just say employee training is not some luxurious extravaganza only big, rich companies can afford.

It’s a necessity. 

Whether you like it or not, you have to do employee training. 

And you can do it one of two ways: 

  • You can train Dwight in his immediate duties and leave it at that. 
  • You can invest in Dwight’s overall employee development by training him over the course of his career. 

So the real question is why should you invest in Dwight instead of just training him once?

To answer that, let’s take a look at a list. Employee training best practices can influence:

  • Morale  

Employees care about the job that cares about them. The more chances they have for development, the better they will feel about working for you. 

It’s easier to be engaged at work when you know what you’re doing. Employee training provides that confidence.

Effective employee training provides opportunities to learn and grow. Employees who have that are more likely to develop a sense of attachment and loyalty.

A good coaching session can put even the most mundane job into perspective. It’s important to show your employees a career path and encourage ambition. That way you can be sure employees who stay in your company are dedicated to the cause.

  • Productivity

The link between effective employee training and high productivity is obvious. The better, more thorough the training, the higher the productivity.

  • Quality of Work

Low quality of work is often caused by lack of basic employee training. A solid soft skill/ technical training can help your employees get back on track.

  • Learning Capacity

Providing regular stimulation in the form of an employee training program can expand the learning capacity of your workers. The more we learn the better we are at absorbing new knowledge. The best part is that it applies to all sorts of learning situations. Not only the ones we face at work.

  • Supervision Needed  

Well trained employees are more likely to find solutions themselves. They become more independent, thus freeing up their supervisors to do other tasks.

  • Risk Management 

Making a large group of people get along is not always easy. That’s why investing in things like communication training could possibly spare you difficult HR issues.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, there’s more.

One of the most important benefits that you can get out of implementing employee training and development is increasing your employee retention . 

For a long time, employers overlooked the importance of employee retention. The general consensus was that employee turnover is bad for business, but no one really cared to calculate exactly how bad. 

Well, now we know.

In the 2019 Retention Report published by the Work Institute, we can find staggering employee training statistics.

  • The cost of losing a worker in the US is estimated at $15,000.
  • In 2018, US employers have lost $616 billion to voluntary turnover.
  • Since 2010, the costs of high employee turnover have nearly doubled from $331 billion to $617 billion. 

The good news is most of these costs are controllable. The study shows that 76.8% of all turnover can be minimized by implementing the right employee retention strategies. That means that you can save a lot of money if you know how to keep your employees.

How do you do that? To answer that question, let’s look at why employees leave their jobs:

employee burnout employee training statistics

As you can see, career development, manager behavior, and well-being are among the most common reasons that make employees leave their workplace.

All of those things could be significantly reduced with effective employee training programs. 

The bottom line here is: 

Investing in employee retention is absolutely crucial if you want to have a competitive edge and save a lot of money. 

How much money are we talking about?

Work Institute estimates:

For every 100 employees who move their company ratings from fair or poor to excellent, 37 fewer employees would leave in the next year, amounting to $555,000 in savings.

The numbers speak for themselves. 

But if you’re still not convinced you should invest in your employee training and development, let’s take a look at what the future of work is going to look like.

With the current state of development in the field of technology, the way we approach work is changing. 

The most powerful future workplace trends will be AI implementation, robotics, and automation. These innovations will likely render some current jobs obsolete. Here are a couple of interesting numbers:

employee training statistics and future of work

What does that mean for us humans? Will machines replace us?

Yes. But don’t be afraid. It will only happen to a degree.

The future workplace will be a merging point for human creativity and machine reliability. 

Automation and technology will take over repetitive and mundane tasks. This will allow us to perform more ‘human’ and imaginative roles. 

It is clear that getting ahead of the curve involves investing in revolutionary technologies. But it’s not only about that.  AI, automation, and robotics still need to be implemented, monitored, and supervised by employees who are trained in using them.

The main point here is that technological innovation and growing skills instability will require employees to learn new things and adapt to new working conditions on a scale much larger than ever before. 

That’s why it is imperative for any company of the future, to invest in a solid employee training plan. A learning and development infrastructure that will enable:

  • Effective Employee Training and Onboarding 
  • Retraining and Upskilling
  • Lifelong Development of Workers 

Don’t like the idea of hiring someone like Dwight as an Assistant to the Regional Manager? Perhaps you should abandon the idea of human assistance altogether! Check out the article: 4 Amazing Ways AI Personal Assistants Can Impact Your Business

How to Choose the Right Employee Training Program

So, you decided that it’s time to get serious about your employee training and development programs. 

You want to invest. 

But where do you start? 

How do you know which method will suit your business best?

Who should you involve in that process?

Unfortunately, there are no simple answers. There are many factors that come into play when you’re deciding the future of employee development for your company. 

Methods are many and the possibilities are endless. There are, however, guidelines that will help you make the right choice. 

Here is a list of three things you need to consider before you decide on a particular employee training plan:

1. Determine Your Training Needs

Identifying your training needs is where you want to start. 

To pick the right employee training method, you have to determine what skills and knowledge are missing from your company. 

That might not always be as easy as it sounds. Plus, you don’t want to act on a hunch here. 

Fortunately, there are things you can do to narrow it down:

  • Talk to Your Managers/ HR Department

Depending on the size and organization of your company, you should work with either your HR department, your managers, or both. 

They are the ones that have the most information regarding your employees’ current qualifications and skills. 

Most of the time, they should already have a pretty good idea about what types of employee training would be beneficial for your company. If that’s not the case, don’t worry. 

There are plenty of methods to figure that out.

  • Perform a Skill Gap Analysis

A skill gap analysis is a powerful tool that will help you determine the discrepancies in your employees’ skill set. It allows you to assess what types of employee training should focus on and where you need improvements. 

You can perform a skill gap analysis both on an individual and team/ company level. 

Here is what you need to do to carry out an effective skill gap analysis:

  • Identify the required skill set. 
  • Recognize the importance of particular skills.
  • Measure current skills. 
  • Act on the data.

employee training and development skill gap

Let’s revisit Dwight for a moment. After a few years of hard work, Dwight is promoted to the Regional Manager position. 

Good for Dwight!

Dwight’s first order of business is creating a dedicated employee training and development program for the sales team. 

Here is an example of a skill gap analysis he decided to perform to find out what can be done to improve the functioning of that department.

employee training and development skill gap chart

Now, how exactly do you measure the skills? 

Well, there are a few ways of doing that:

  • Employee Survey
  • Employee Interview
  • Performance Review
  • Employee Performance Software – e.g., Trakstar or Skills DB Pro

Pro Tip : Employee performance software is a system that monitors and stimulates employee productivity and engagement by setting goals and providing continuous feedback. It’s also useful because it measures and harvests data regarding employee performance.

  • Conduct an Employee Survey

Another way to find out what your training needs are is to simply ask your employees. 

You can do this using employee training surveys. 

Remember that to be effective, surveys need to be anonymous. Some of your employees might hesitate to answer truthfully otherwise.

Although this method works well for smaller businesses, startups, or agencies that don’t have a dedicated HR department, employee training surveys have many applications in bigger companies as well.

Employee surveys are a valuable source of information about:

  • How employees feel about their work. 
  • How they see their future development.
  • What they feel is missing from their skill set.

Here is an example of an employee survey that provides data regarding employee satisfaction. That information can be used to create an employee development program that stimulates engagement and improves employee retention:

employee training survey

Pro tip: Creating a customized employee survey is really easy. But if you don’t want to do it yourself, there are many online solutions offering employee survey creation as a service. Here are three examples to check out – Typeform , Officevibe , and Survs . 

2. Find Out More About Your Employees

Another thing to keep in mind when creating an employee training and development plan is your audience. Take a good hard look at who you’re training. 

Are your trainees old or young? Does that make a difference? Can you use a generalized approach or do you need to make adjustments for different groups?

Regardless, you’ll want to pinpoint defining characteristics of your target training group. That way you can better assess what methods to use.

Tailoring an employee training program to the target group’s capabilities allows you to maximize the efficiency of their learning experience.

For example:

Older employees might respond better to traditional training methods like the classroom or practical training. Younger employees, on the other hand, might have a much easier time learning through an online course or by watching an employee training video.

Personal development programs will have a different focus when directed toward a group of executives as opposed to entry-level employees.

If your employees travel a lot, organizing a classroom-style training will be pointless. Instead, you should consider implementing an online training program.

So, let’s say your company is big and you don’t know all of your employees. 

How do you access that information?

An employee survey, yet again. 

Here are a few things you might want to find out about your employees: 

  • Position in the Company
  • Work Experience
  • Current Responsibilities
  • Scope of Interests Outside of Work

Again, remember to make sure the survey is anonymous. You don’t want your employees to feel discriminated against for things like their age or activities outside of work.

3. Figure Out Your Limitations

Finally, the least favorite part. The limitations.

When it boils down to the will itself, surely all employers would like to provide their workers with the best employee training programs out there.

Unfortunately, in real life, there are other factors that verify what can be done and what is out of reach.

Let’s take a look at what elements shapes those constraints:

  • Budget 

Global spending on learning and development stays high. 

According to the latest Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn, talent developers are consequently facing fewer challenges in terms of securing enough money for the training and development of their employees.

effective employee training cost

That’s great news! 

However, it’s not possible to evade the fact that a tight budget can seriously limit your ability to implement the right employee training and development program. 

What you want to do before you get your heart set on a particular employee training schedule is to make sure it’s within your financial means. 

Remember that some of the training methods require:

  • Hiring a professional instructor.
  • Renting a dedicated space.
  • Investing in building an LMS system.
  • Investing in creating a specific training module within your LMS system. 

That’s why it’s important to plan everything out in advance. Be aware of all the necessary employee training costs. Expenditures associated with the training method of your choosing can vary significantly.

The average training cost per employee in the US is $986.

  • Available Resources

When the money is tight, you should make sure that you’re using all the employee training resources you have in-house. 

Practical, hands-on training, classroom training, even interactive training to a point, can be carried out using your higher-ranked workers, managers, and supervisors.

  • Time and Space Constraints

Effective learning requires dedicated space and time. You can’t train your employees in a crowded, noisy open-space. Nor can you squeeze 30 people into a mid-sized room and expect them to focus on the training.

You need to make sure that you provide your employees with an appropriate learning environment and enough time to cover the topic of training. 

A dedicated training space should have:

  • Comfortable Seats
  • Bearable Temperature
  • Low Noise Level
  • Space to Move Around
  • Necessary Equipment

As you can see, all of the above matters when you’re trying to figure out what training method is best for you. 

Once you’re done getting all that information, the next move is finding out more about different employee training methods. 

Pro tip: Discourage the use of social networks during the breaks. Experts state that constant engagement with social media reduces the student’s ability to focus and learn effectively.

The 4 Most Fundamental Types of Employee Training Methods

When it comes to choosing employee training methods, there are a couple of things to consider. 

First, there are different types of employee training methods. 

Second, every training method lends itself better to a certain kind of topic. 

  • Traditional classroom/ lecture training isn’t going to work well if you use it to train people on how to make pizza in your restaurant. In a scenario like that, hands-on, practical training is going to render much better results.
  • An e-learning module training employees on the subject of communication will not have the same practical benefits as a classroom-style training in the form of a discussion.

It’s important to assess your needs so that you can choose the right methods of employee training for various learning situations. 

Here are the most fundamental employee training methods:

  • Classroom Training
  • Interactive Training
  • Practical Training

Classroom Employee Training

classroom employee training plan template

We are all too familiar with this style of learning. We all went to school or university at some point. It is a solid and proven method that’s been around for ages. 

Even though it might not always be the most effective, it is still the most popular.

Here are a few hallmarks of classroom training:

  • Takes place in a classroom (duh).
  • Transfer of knowledge happens between the instructor and a group of trainees.
  • Typically takes the form of a presentation, talk, or lecture.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of that employee training method:

  • Enables interaction with the instructor and other trainees.
  • Employees can ask questions and discuss some of their more problematic issues.
  • A better understanding of the studied material.
  • Provides a safe environment that allows the employee to ease into his job without the stress of being thrown into the deep end straight away.
  • Classes can cover a wide array of different topics.
  • Fairly cheap and easy to organize. 
  • Hard to make it interesting and engaging over extended periods of time.
  • Low level of knowledge absorption. 
  • Talented employees have to learn at the same pace as the rest of the group, which means wasted potential.
  • It’s one-dimensional.
  • The theory-based nature of classroom training means it’s not the best environment to learn practical skills.
  • Capacity limit – you can only fit so many people in one classroom. So, if you need to train a whole company on a certain topic, it might not be the most time-effective method.

How to set it up:

  • Smaller Groups 
  • Qualified Instructor
  • Theoretical Subjects
  • Condensed Knowledge – e.g., max a few hours of lecture time.

Examples of employee training topics that go well with this method: 

  • Employee Compliance Training 
  • Time Management

Interactive Employee Training

interactive employee training method plan

Bears some similarities to Classroom Training, but is a lot more effective. This employee training method uses techniques that inspire real interactions and put the trainees in a more proactive mindset. 

That means that skills and knowledge are being developed more naturally, through participation in: 

  • Role-playing Scenarios 
  • Games 
  • Quizzes 
  • Discussions 
  • Simulations
  • VR Training
  • It’s highly effective.
  • It’s pleasant and engaging.
  • High level of knowledge absorption.
  • Interaction between the participants inspires a multi-dimensional learning experience.
  • Helps to build good relations between your employees.
  • It can be treated both as training on a specific subject and a team-building exercise.
  • It inspires creativity.
  • It has a wide application.
  • It’s time-consuming.
  • It can be hard to develop and maintain. 
  • It needs a highly skilled moderator.
  • It’s only effective in smaller groups.
  • Shy employees can have a hard time with this method.

How to set it up : 

  • Smaller groups.
  • Highly qualified moderator/ instructor.
  • Depending on the topic choose the form of interaction.
  • Implement when employee training  requires:
  • Team Effort
  • Memorizing Large Portions of Material
  • Client Interaction or Audience Training
  • Leadership Skills
  • Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Employee Sensitivity Training
  • Employee Engagement Training
  • Employee Customer Service Training

Practical Employee Training

employee training video

This method is the usual hands-on, on-the-job training. Employees receive direct instructions and dive right into their work under the supervision of their experienced colleagues. 

It’s the go-to method for most companies because it reduces employee training costs. All thanks to using the resources that are already available in-house. 

Here are a few hallmarks of practical training:

  • It takes place on the job site.
  • The transfer of knowledge happens directly between the manager/ supervisor and the trainee.
  • It typically takes the form of a one-on-one training session.
  • Individual Approach 
  • Easy to Organize
  • Cost-effective
  • Time-efficient
  • No External Resources
  • Employees can get familiar with their working environment straight away.
  • As much as you trust your managers and supervisors, the know-how they pass on during hands-on training may differ slightly from trainer to trainer.
  • Depending on the nature of the job, trainers can only teach one person at a time. In some cases, it can be smaller groups, but this method will not be effective if you need to train your whole company on a specific topic.
  • Asking your higher-ranking employees to train newcomers takes up the time they could spend doing their tasks, which are usually pretty important.
  • Choose a supervisor, manager, or an experienced employee who will dedicate his time to train the new employee.
  • Implement when employee training requires:
  • Technical Skills 
  • Practical Knowledge 
  • Contact with Established Clients
  • Working with In-house Resources
  • Account Management
  • Content Writing
  • Social Media Management
  • Programming

Side Note: 

Coaching/ mentoring is a specific variant of practical training. It involves a higher-ranked, experienced employee or a mentoring expert coaching an employee and giving them practical knowledge.

This method is inspirational and will help to motivate your employees by showing them what they can achieve if they keep growing.

E-learning Employee Training

employee training and development e-learning

It’s safe to say e-learning is the learning method of the future. As an employee training method, e-learning is predominant in big to mid-sized companies who need to train large numbers of people.

E-learning consists of providing an online employee training experience. Typically through some kind employee training software. The industry refers to it as a Learning Management System (LMS). 

It has been widely adopted in corporations and medium-sized companies. It allows extreme flexibility and provides a uniform learning experience for anyone who has access to it.

Here are a few hallmarks of E-learning:

  • Computer-based
  • Available Online
  • Transfer of knowledge happens through LMS.
  • Widely adopted in corporations and medium-sized modern companies.
  • Provides a uniform learning experience for anyone who has access to it.
  • Access to training from anywhere in the world.
  • The exact same learning experience for everybody.
  • Extremely flexible knowledge source that can be expanded, changed, and updated. 
  • Every employee can use it at their own pace.
  • Very efficient in training large groups of people.
  • Can be very engaging and interactive.
  • Requires equipment and a robust informational infrastructure. 
  • Building it from the ground up can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • The lack of human contact can be disengaging for the trainees.
  • Only applicable with certain topics.

How to set it up: 

  • Large Employee Groups
  • Uniform Learning Experience
  • Theory-based and Technical Topics
  • Providing knowledge to employees working remotely.
  • Interactive Learning Methods

Examples of employee training topics that go well with this method:

  • Virtually any topic of training that doesn’t require human interaction.

Video training is a big part of the e-learning experience and a method that is quickly becoming an employee favorite. According to Forrester Research , employees are 75% more likely to watch an employee training video than to read documents, emails, or web articles. 

Employee training video is a perfect match for trainings like:

  • Health and Safety
  • Onboarding 
  • Legal 
  • In-house University Programs

Measuring the Results of Your Employee Training Program

The last step in the employee training process is measuring the results.  

Results are frequently overlooked because employers often assume that organizing the training itself is enough. 

Unfortunately, that is not the case.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, employee training is a part of a bigger picture called employee development. You should look at it as an ongoing process that you need to optimize to generate the full benefit.

An important part of that optimization is figuring out if your employee training works.

How do you do that?

The best ways to measure the results of an employee training plan are:

  • Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are an important part of an employee’s evaluation. It’s also how you assess if the employee training you implemented is working. 

Encourage feedback. 

Ask your employees if they feel like the training they received helped them with their work.

  • Online Tests

Online tests can measure whether or not your employees understood and absorbed the training knowledge. 

It’s a quick and simple solution that provides solid and measurable data regarding training efficiency. 

If you already have an established LMS system, online tests are even easier to implement.

  • Employee Training Surveys

Once again, employee surveys come to the rescue. 

Surveys are a simple tool that have the benefit of anonymity. You might not always get an honest answer during a performance review.  

Surveys, on the other hand, allow your employees to speak freely about how they feel towards your employee training programs. 

  • Progress Tracking Software

Progress tracking software is a ready-made solution that enables you to measure your employees growth with great detail. It can provide all sorts of information and has benefits that go beyond just measuring your employee training efficiency. 

Check out: Wrike or GigaTrak .

Pro tip: Track employee training long term. Your employees are most likely going to go through a number of trainings during the time they work for you. So, it’s a good idea to keep an employee training record and track the history of their development. 

cross training employee training and development

Any way you look at it, employee training is very important for ensuring your company’s growth. A well-executed employee training plan is a powerful tool that can put you ahead of the competition. 

That’s because an increase in employee training will be necessary in the future as jobs and work change. Getting ahead of the game is a smart move and a sound investment in the future of your company.

Finally, it’s important to remember that employees are not only interested in getting paid. They are looking to develop deeper connections with their work. We all have the inherent desire to work toward a greater purpose. That is why providing employees with opportunities to grow and develop should be among the top priorities of every company.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the article. Now, let’s start the discussion!

1. What is your preferred method of learning at work?

2. Does your company provide you with learning and development opportunities? What are they?

3. How do you think the future of employee training and development is going to look?

As always, we’d love to know what you think! Just leave us a comment. Also, let us know if you have any questions. We are more than happy to answer them for you!

Wow so nice! Thank you very much!

You are very welcome, glad we could help!

I can understand how a business could really benefit from having the right training and make sure that employees can be more effective and have the best management. Getting some help from a professional could be really useful and allow them to do a lot better and make sure that their employees understand how things work. It was interesting to learn about how training takes place on the job site and a one-on-one training session can be more effective in terms of cost, and time.

Thanks Adam, glad you found the article interesting 🙂

Wow this blog is awesome. Would love to see more of this. Thanks for sharing!

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Growing Skills with Development Assignments

Last Updated on October 24, 2021 – 6:40 pm

Every modern company prefers to attract employees with the proper skills and experience to work for them. However, hiring managers often face a different reality: searching for this kind of employee is like scouring the haystack for a tiny needle. As companies increase their spend toward employee development and training, they also go beyond a few traditional learning opportunities to create effective employee development programs. Training and Development Assignments are one way by which they can achieve this.

Employee development focuses on collaborating with employees to enable them to acquire, develop, improve, and hone existing skills. It aims to build a talent pool to bolster the company’s mission while creating highly engaged employees.

Skills themselves refer to the mix of abilities, experiences, and qualities one may use to get stuff done. Skills may include interpersonal, leadership, and organization skills – so-called  soft skills . Other skills such as accounting, application development, research, and writing are technical skills.

Deliberately improving skills can help employees achieve personal career goals, including earning a promotion or becoming more proficient in specific areas. An employee’s skill set may be necessary to advance in one career or pivot to another. Let’s now turn our attention to how employees can grow skills through development assignments.

Defining Development Assignments

Development or developmental assignments allow employees to take on tasks outside the purview of their primary work assignments. However, their tasks remain well within their functional area.

The idea behind developmental assignments is to grow a workforce adequately qualified to perform current and future career functions with equal skill. Leaders advance more through challenging assignments than by exercising routine competency.

There are plenty of opportunities that emerge when participants take on novel tasks of significant complexity. These developmental tasks can include any of the following:

  • unfamiliar responsibilities,
  • establishing a new program,  and
  • developing solutions to complex multi-factor problems.

Interestingly, developmental assignments may not count much towards a promotion. But, they are critical in increasing skills, knowledge, and experience, which ultimately play a big role in career advancement.

Who Benefits Most from Developmental Assignment Programs?

While the employee seems to be the obvious beneficiary of developmental tasks, the employer stands to gain a lot down the road.

The new skills and experiences that employees garner in seeing out the stretch assignments primarily benefit the employer. These tasks typically last between 3 to 6 months before the employee returns to their primary assignment. During this time, the employee will be stepping outside their comfort zone but on mutually beneficial terms with the company.

As the worker grows professionally, the company can pursue projects using resources that would otherwise not be available.

Developing Developmental Job Assignments

Developmental job assignments should primarily proceed from an employee’s Performance and Development Plan (PDP). However, it should not stop them or the organization from seeking assignments external to this.

It’s important for developmental assignments to be flexible but within a readily identifiable framework of guidelines:

  • Clear documentation and approval of the developmental job assignment by hiring and supervising managers and other stakeholders before advertising the assignment.
  • Establishment and documentation of learning goals before the employee commences the assignment.
  • The form of the developmental assignment may be full-time or part-time.
  • The employee doesn’t need to possess all the necessary skills to perform the tasks or project independently. Nevertheless, they need to have an unmistakable aptitude, ability, and copious ambition to conclude the assignment with ample oversight.
  • Assignments need to transcend the employee’s current skill level while supporting their growth and  career development . There needs to be a healthy tension between entry-level training and development and the development task in question, for instance.
  • The salary of an employee assuming a development assignment remains the same.
  • Clear communication that there are no guarantees of future pay increase, promotion, or job change due to this assignment.
  • The developmental task may not evolve into a permanent position without competitive recruitment.
  • Employees should return to their previous position after the assignment.
  • Employees need to wait a specified period (usually six months) before accepting another developmental assignment.
  • The line manager and employee should complete a detailed evaluation of the learning experience upon the conclusion of the developmental assignment. This evaluation should go into the employee’s personnel file.
  • Development assignments are not official transfers.
  • There have to be mutually agreeable reasons for ending a developmental assignment earlier than planned.

A developmental assignment task may end early for various reasons, including an unexpected end to the project, poor attendance, performance issues, or an unreliable employee.

Organizations need to carry the mindset that assignments are development opportunities. They must first understand that they can optimize the ROI from development assignments. It’s feasible if their operating principles include understanding the value proposition of development assignments, establishing effective career path strategies, and understanding the proper use of global mobility.

Employees and employers need to be keen on developmental opportunities if they will both be relevant in an increasingly dynamic age.

If you want to learn more about employee development, you can check out our blog posts  here .

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About the author: andrea pejoska.

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Employee Training and Development: The Benefits of Upskilling or Reskilling Your Team

 Employee training and development is depicted with three employees sit at a desk in front of a computer to learn a new program together

Developing ,  Employee Experience ,  Retention Strategies ,  Talent Management ,  Training & Development

Employee training and development isn’t just about teaching employees to do their jobs. It’s about showing employees they are valued and that upward movement in the organization is possible. When employees don’t see opportunity, they don’t bring their best selves to work.

“Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.”

It’s a proverb we all know — so common it’s become cliché. But clichés come from truth. Amid the busyness of running a business, it can be easy to forget the importance of good training. How often have you said, “I’ll do it myself” because teaching someone else seemed too time-consuming? But how often are you frustrated the next time that same task comes around and you have to do it yourself again?

Of course, employee training isn’t just about delegating or making things easier for management. A solid and unique training and development program can give employees a sense of ownership in their role and a future vision with the organization. And when companies don’t invest in learning and development and create paths for growth (beyond pay bumps), employees will start looking for jobs elsewhere.

In fact, in a 2021 Pew Research Study , 63% of respondents said no opportunities for advancement is what pushed them out the door. Lack of growth opportunities was the top reason for leaving – above pay, benefits, and workplace flexibility.   A recent Great Place to Work LinkedIn poll also shed light on the critical importance of training and developing employees for retention. According to the poll, 43% of people called out a lack of growth opportunities as the top reason they quit their last job.

63% of employees cite no opportunities for advancement as the top reason they quit. 

“Employees view it as a way of support,” says Julian Lute, senior manager and strategic advisor with Great Place To Work®. “You’re assisting them in doing their jobs. But if you go one level deeper, you’re also supporting this very human need for growth. When people don’t see themselves growing, you don’t get the best out of them.”

What is an employee training and development program?

An employee training and development program is a series of educational activities designed to improve employees’ knowledge and skills.

The most obvious type of employee training is technical training — teaching them their job duties, the company’s processes and systems, and the organization’s overarching mission and mandate. But training can also cover soft skills such as people management or upskilling beyond an employee’s current role to prepare them for a promotion.

Revolutionizing Employee Retention Report

Employee training can take many different forms, such as group workshops, one-on-one sessions, formal education (e.g., college or university), job shadowing, mentorship, seminars, or job sharing.

The 4 approaches to employee development

While the types of employee training and development programs can be as varied as your employees themselves, all training plans will typically fall into one of four categories:

  • Formal education — The formal training and practical requirements for a given role, such as a specific degree, licence, or certification.
  • Assessment — The employee performance reviews, one-on-ones, and any other efforts used to measure strengths and weaknesses and find ways for employees to improve.
  • Job experience — The day-to-day, hands-on learning employees do as they master their role, take on new challenges, and grow within the organization.
  • Interpersonal relationships — The coaching, mentorships, and any soft skills or interpersonal training employees may complete, such as customer service training, diversity and inclusion training, mental health education, or conflict resolution training.

Why it’s important to train and develop your employees

Employee training and development is important for ensuring that staff are prepared for their role; that they feel supported, valued, and capable; and that they have upward movement. Training and development can have a direct impact on employee engagement and retention and should be an integral part of your talent management strategy .

Engaged employees want to grow, and they want to be challenged. They aren’t looking to simply work at a job; they are looking to further their careers.

Learning and development is at the core of Panda Restaurant Group’s employer value proposition (EVP) . On Panda’s careers website , learning and development is front and center:

Founders Andrew and Peggy Cherng are deeply committed to being the world leader in people development, providing growth opportunities for associates professionally and personally at every level.

Panda’s commitment to opportunities for advancement is strongly linked to their employees’ intent to stay. When asked what makes the company a great place to work, employees at Panda frequently mentioned the words “growth,” “grow” and “development.”

“Compared to other companies I have worked with, Panda truly exemplifies what it means to care about people. I feel like my team always has my growth and development in mind and challenges me to be better. They offer so many resources to develop myself personally and professionally. I really feel like part of the Panda family and look forward to staying for many more years. It really is a great place to work.” 

— Employee at Panda Restaurant Group

Employee training and development is both present- and future-focused. Employee learning programs support your people in meeting the challenges of the business, today. And employee learning programs create a pipeline of leaders to meet the societal and technological challenges of tomorrow.  

Julian says employee training also ensures people feel valued, and feel that their employer sees them playing a role in the long term. This feeds into the overall company culture . In fact, in our survey of employees at the 2023 Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® , 87% said they often or always feel like they are offered training and resources to develop professionally.

“This is the way that people feel valued in the business,” Julian explains. “If you’re training me, you’re telling me that you want me to be prepared for the future of the organization.”

The difference between training and development

While employee training and development are commonly lumped together, and both serve a critical role in the employee experience , there is an important distinction between the two.

  • Training is job-specific. It is ensuring an employee has the correct tools and learns the correct skills to complete their tasks. It is immediate and measured in short-term results.
  • Development is about employee growth. It is long-term and more behavioral-focused.

“Development is much more of a conversation than training,” says Julian. “Where do you want to grow? How do we need you to grow? It requires a bit more vulnerability. Training assumes you have a skill gap or knowledge gap, whereas with development, you must be willing to lean into it to fully realize the benefits.”

For example, Mastercard has a company philosophy of “Owning Your Career” with ongoing conversations between employees and their managers about career development opportunities. Objectives are set, goals are agreed upon, and there are dedicated discussions about career growth and progression.

Similarly, American Express has a Career & Development Plan template for employees to map out their career journey, thinking through where they’ve been, how they want to grow, and what sort of support they might need along the way.

Both employers demonstrate how employee development is a two-way conversation, not a one-way, top-down instruction. This kind of approach to employee development can have a huge impact on employee engagement, especially among younger demographics.

Development is a two-way conversation, not a one-way, top-down instruction.

At Panda Restaurant Group, for example, retention among millennial employees is particularly high, thanks in part to its mentorship approach and its University of Panda program, which helps employees to earn certifications and continue their career growth outside of the workplace.

Training fuels recruitment

Given the basic human desire for growth that Julian mentioned, companies that are seeking top talent would be wise to promote their training and development efforts. Featuring opportunities for growth and development as major benefits in its EVP demonstrates an employer’s commitment.

Use your career site to highlight your company’s opportunities for professional growth and development — whether it be challenging work assignments, a strong investment in training and development programs, frequent opportunities to work closely with senior leaders, or a commitment to promoting from within.

“Even if you don’t know where people want to be in their life or what’s important to them, I guarantee you there is something at the end of the rainbow for them,” says Julian. “And training and development is the way that people feel valued.”

Developing by building an internal talent marketplace

Some organizations are helping employee advance with an internal talent marketplace . An internal talent marketplace is a platform or system within an organization that facilitates identifying, developing, and retaining top talent by providing employees with opportunities for growth and career advancement. This marketplace enables employees to explore different roles, projects, or positions within the company, promoting internal mobility, skill development, and cross-functional collaboration. By creating an internal talent marketplace, organizations can better retain talent, improve employee satisfaction, and enhance their overall agility while reducing the need for external hiring.

Examples of unique employee training and development programs

Employee training programs at the Best Workplaces™ go beyond the day-to-day of employees’ jobs — they feature everything from professional development courses for future promotions, to emotional intelligence training, to wellness workshops.

For example, the benefits team at Panda offers a monthly series of educational webinars covering topics such as healthy habits, nutrition, sleep, finance, and self-care. They also work directly with regional and department leaders to curate programs specific to their teams and provide free wellness coaches to teams in need.

At The Cheesecake Factory , for example, managers are trained in de-escalating emotionally charged situations and given tools for understanding how to connect with others and find commonality amid diversity. They are also provided with resources for protecting employees’ mental health.

Similarly, industrial services distributor Grainger has a mandatory e-learning course on unconscious bias. The one-hour course outlines what unconscious bias is, explores how it may emerge in day-to-day work, and offers effective behaviors for managing it.

The Best Workplaces also offer training programs that are ongoing, beginning on an employee’s first day and carrying through their entire life cycle with the company. They know that training is applicable to all levels of staff, from frontline workers to the C-suite, with a focus on forward momentum for all.

At HubSpot , for example, learning and development starts on day one, with a robust orientation and onboarding experience. No matter the role, team, or level, all new hires undergo one week of new employee training together to learn about HubSpot’s culture, missions, values, and operating model. The company also offers a global mentorship program to help employees of every tenure reach their full potential.

5 steps to building a successful training plan

For an employee training and development plan to be successful, you need to ensure it’s focused on the right things, suitable to the audience, and measurable. And you need to be willing to revise as needed, based on both results and stakeholder feedback.

Here are five steps to ensure you roll out an employee training and development plan efficiently and successfully:

1. Assess what’s needed

Before any plan takes shape, assess what is needed — both by the organization and by the employee. This applies to both company-wide training and personal development plans. Which areas should you focus on? What is the organizational strategy and how does this fit into an employee’s own role and personal goals?

“You really have to incorporate it into the workflow,” says Julian. “Ascertain what people need and directly deliver to that.”

For example, your company could be rolling out a new software program that’s going to change how your sales team tracks leads. It will be a critical change for the business and the initial plan may be to train only those who will use the new program day-to-day. What about the employees whose personal goal is to join the sales team? Learning such a program could help them make that move.

“Get feedback using employee surveys ,” says Julian. “People will tell you what they need help with or training on. Sometimes leaders think that because we got this new thing, or because some consultant tells you, ‘You need this, it’ll make you more efficient.’ Start with what you know employees need and what they’re telling you they need.”

2. Set clear objectives

What does the organization and the employee each hope to gain? It could be something job-specific like learning a new program or process, or something more behavioral-based like diversity and inclusion training. Determine what you hope to achieve and how you’ll measure success.

It’s also important that employees understand the objectives just as well as management does, and why a particular training or development plan is important. This is especially the case when it’s long-term, behavioral-based programs like diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) training.

“Employee training is most effective when leaders are demonstrative,” says Julian. “When communicating new learning programs, talk about it through the lens of company values. For example, ‘We’re doing this in service of our customers and that’s one of our values.’… Be very clear about what this is supposed to change. Help people understand the impact and why you’re training people.”

3. Design and develop

Once needs and objectives are set, it’s time to create a program or plan that considers the following:

  • What content or materials are needed?
  • How will the training be delivered?
  • Who will lead the training?
  • How often will training sessions take place?
  • Where will the training happen?
  • For group trainings, what size will the groups be?
  • What are the participants’ learning styles?

Julian recommends that participants be given the chance to talk through the training, to understand what fits and wrestle with problems, rather than running passive sessions where the trainer talks and participants sit and listen.

He also notes that bite-sized lessons and trickling the training down from large groups to small groups to the individual level, like a waterfall, tends to work best.

Trickling the training down from large groups to small groups to the individual level, like a waterfall, tends to work best.

“I would not expect to put people in a room for 90 minutes at one time and expect they get all the information they need,” he says. “A big group is a way to get people on the same page. Then move people into smaller groups so that people can really engage with the learning content. A group of eight or fewer is ideal for getting more granular. And then find ways for people to individually test their knowledge.”

4. Implement

Once the training plan is developed, it’s time to roll it out —strategically. A pilot program with a small group of employees can help you to refine a plan and ensure it’s hitting all the right notes, both for the organization’s objectives and employees’ expectations.

“Don’t try to boil the ocean,” warns Julian. “Figure out who the test people are and pilot this with a small group of people. Take feedback. Make sure it’s really aligned with the business need.”

Only after you’ve piloted the program and adjusted as needed, is it ready to roll out to the wider organization.

5. Evaluate and revise

Finally, don’t file the training plan away once it’s completed. Solicit feedback from both employees and managers using employee surveys to identify both successes and weaknesses. Use the measurements you set early on to check whether the training achieved its objectives.

Providing employee training and development opportunities can enhance job satisfaction, boost productivity, and improve employee retention. Equipping employees with new skills and knowledge increases their potential for advancement within the company. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Are your learning and development programs hitting the mark?

One way you can measure and track the success of your training and development programs, as well as other areas of company culture, is by pursuing Great Place To Work Certification . The results of our research-backed Trust Index ™ survey can show you exactly where to put your culture resources.

Learn how to create the kind of culture that makes people excited to come to work.

Claire Hastwell

As the Content Program Manager at Great Place To Work, Claire helps decode the psychology behind high-trust workplaces using Great Place To Work's extensive data repository on employee experience. Claire has co-authored noted reports such as "Women in the Workplace" and “The Power of Purpose at Work,” and contributed to Fortune with her profiles of the Best Workplaces™. Her latest report on employee retention strategies  draws on the experience of 1.3 million employees to give leaders strategic guidance on retaining their top people. 

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assignment for training and development

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Training and development programs typically involve educational activities that advance a worker’s knowledge and instill greater motivation to enhance job performance. These initiatives help employees learn and acquire new skill sets, as well as gain the professional knowledge that is required to progress their careers.

Training programs can be created independently or with a learning administration system, with the goal of employee long-term development. Common training practices include orientations, classroom lectures, case studies, role playing, simulations and computer-based training, including e-learning.

Sometimes referred to as Human Resource Development (HRD), most employee training and development efforts are driven by an organization’s HRD function. These efforts are roughly divided into two types of programs:

Employee Training and Development A strategic tool for improving business outcomes by implementing internal educational programs that advance employee growth and retention.

Management Training and Development The practice of growing employees into managers and managers into effective leaders by the ongoing enhancement of certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.

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Successful businesses understand that it’s more beneficial and cost-effective to develop their existing employees instead of seeking out new talent.

The top ten benefits of employee training and development programs include:

  • Increased productivity : When employees stay current with new procedures and technologies, they can increase their overall output.
  • Reduced micromanagement : If workers feel empowered to perform a task, they typically require less oversight and work more independently. 1
  • Train future leaders : Organizations must have a solid pipeline of well-trained and innovative potential leaders to grow and adapt over time.
  • Increased job satisfaction and retention : Well-trained employees gain confidence in their abilities, leading to greater job satisfaction, a reduction in absenteeism and overall employee retention.
  • Attract highly skilled employees : Top recruits are attracted to firms with an identifiable career path based on consistent training and development.  
  • Increased consistency : Well-organized training ensures that tasks are performed uniformly, resulting in tight quality control that end users can trust.
  • Increased camaraderie : Training and development helps create a sense of teamwork and collaboration.
  • Bolstered safety : Continuous training and development helps ensure that employees have the knowledge and skills to perform a task safely.
  • Ability to cross-train : Providing consistent training creates a knowledgeable team overall where employees can help train or assist each other as needed.
  • Added innovation : Consistently trained employees can help develop new strategies and products, contributing to the company’s bottom line and continued success.

The corporate marketplace is quickly changing, and businesses must be flexible and easily adapt to change. Technology is one of the key drivers in this rapid change, with automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in the forefront.

Here are four key trends impacting how organizations must rethink training and development.

Today’s corporations have discovered that it’s no longer just about what employees need to know, but also when, where and how the development experience enables performance. With the advancements in mobile technology , companies are relying more on mobile workforces . Training is migrating to mobile devices where apps provide “just-in-time” information and recommendations to workers across industries.

AI systems can process unstructured information in a similar way to humans. These systems understand language patterns and sensory inputs including text, pictures, and auditory cues. AI-based software can customize how training content is delivered to a learner, based on their learning style, suggest content based on a learner’s past performance and predict what information is most important for them to learn next.

Agile learning is a process that encourages employees to learn by doing and iterate often, inspiring organizational change and buy-in. For example, IBM® has introduced  IBM Garage™ , a tool for executing, scaling, and managing an organization’s multiple transformation initiatives. Companies like Ford Motor Company and Travelport are using IBM Garages around the world to create cultures of open collaboration and continuous learning. learning. https://www.ibm.com/garage

While distance learning has been around for a long time, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for companies to have resilient, flexible, mobile workforce management. Organizations have learned that remote workforces need to be productive, engaged, and continually working toward learning and improvement.

Recent articles and industry surveys suggest that much corporate training may be ineffective. Most training won’t be fully retained by learners. Businesses must build a culture of ongoing self-directed, self-motivated learning with focused distance learning programs and mobile "just-in-time" training.

Organizations also must rethink the larger framework of what skills will be needed in the near future. A  recent meta-level IBM study  predicts that more than 120 million workers in the world’s twelve largest economies may need to be retrained in the next three years because of AI-enabled automation.

Several insights from the study include:

  • Skilled humans fuel the global economy: Digital skills remain vital, but soft skills have become more important.
  • Skills availability and quality are in jeopardy: The half-life of skills continues to shrink, while the time it takes to close a skills gap has ballooned, forcing organizations to find ways to stay ahead of skills relevancy.
  • Intelligent automation is an economic game changer: Millions of workers will likely require retraining and learning new skills, and most companies and countries are ill-prepared for the task.
  • Organizational cultures are shifting: The digital era has introduced the need for a new business model, new ways of working and a flexible culture that fosters the development of critical new skills.

The study concludes that traditional hiring and training are no longer as effective, and that different strategies and tactics can have a strong impact on closing the skills gap. Several strategies and tactics include:

  • Make it personal: Tailor career skills, and learning development experience uniquely to your employees' goals and interests.
  • Improve transparency: Place skills at the center of the training strategy and aim for deep visibility into the skills position across the organization.
  • Look inside and out: Adopt an open technology architecture and a set of partners able to take advantage of the latest advancements.

Enhance employee engagement and productivity, reskill your workforce faster, and reimagine ways of working to become an adaptive, skills-based, and AI-powered organization.

Maintaining a competitive edge in a dynamic economy demands faster innovation. Your challenge is having the right people with the right skills and tools to drive digital transformation.

The IBM training and certifications offer you the ability to earn credentials to demonstrate your expertise. It is designed to validate your skills and capability to perform role-related tasks and activities at a specified level of competence.

With recent market changes and disruptions, organizations need a workforce with digital skills and innovative processes to respond to both customers’ and employees’ evolving needs.

Key areas of focus will ensure that your workforce is empowered to be productive today, while strengthening your business resiliency strategy to aid in re-entry to the new normal.

The enormous opportunities and benefits artificial intelligence can bring to an organization require skills development programs designed to ensure consistency and intentional outcomes.

Discover a new approach to training and development based on partnership networks, user experiences and emerging technologies.

Find out how to close the skills gap with a modern three-pronged workforce strategy to quickly reskill an organization’s workforce.

Discover how training and development fits into the larger scope of next-generation enterprise transformation.

IBM HR and talent transformation consulting partners work with our clients to address each company's unique talent goals and challenges, dig deep to understand their workforce realities and create strategies that unlock new levels of performance inside their business. Together, we reimagine HR with AI at the core.

1 The 6 key secrets to increasing empowerment in your team  (link resides outside ibm.com). Joe Folkman. Forbes article. March 2017. 

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Training and Development In HRM: 10 Types And Stages [+Best Practices]

Updated on: 18 th Apr 2024

8 mins read

Training and Development in HRM

Over the last decade, workplaces have undergone a rapid transformation for various reasons. An increasingly competitive business environment, together with the digital revolution, is radically altering the composition of the workforce.

Also, a multi-generational workforce and the rapid shifts in competency requirements have necessitated a renewed focus on reskilling and upskilling. The large-scale adoption of digital tools in the workplace makes the need for a suitably skilled workforce paramount. These evolving trends are driving organizations to invest in employee training and development programs. 

assignment for training and development

  • Definition: Training and development in HRM
  • Purpose of training and development in HRM
  • Role of HR in training and development
  • Types of training and development in HRM
  • 5 stages of training and development in HRM
  • 5 best practices for training and development in HRM
  • Final words

Definition: Training and Development in HRM?

Training and development in human resource management are educational and skill-building activities intended to improve the knowledge and skills of employees. Training and development activities aim to sharpen your employees’ existing skills and impart new knowledge. An effective training and development program is designed based on an analysis of an organization’s training needs to improve employee performance. 

Relation Between Training and Development

Training involves the process of enhancing the knowledge, skill levels, and competence of employees. Development focuses on improving and honing the existing skills and the overall growth of employees. Both initiatives are undertaken to ensure that your employees develop skills to improve their performance at work. 

Purpose of Training and Development in HRM

Why Training and Development

Investing in employee training and development serves five key purposes:

  • Boosts Employee Retention High-performing employees look for training and development opportunities to grow professionally. Learning and development initiatives signal to the employees that the organization values its employees and is willing to invest in their professional growth. It boosts loyalty among employees, which reduces turnover and enhances retention.
  • Builds a Leadership Pipeline Training and development offer a suitable means for identifying and imparting the necessary skills to future organizational leaders. According to an SHRM research report , leadership development programs help organizations secure future business goals by developing a leadership pipeline. 
  • Empowers Employees at Workplace Informed leaders are better equipped to motivate employees. Motivated employees experience greater autonomy and feel empowered to fulfill their responsibilities. Empowered employees display greater initiative and are more innovative, contributing to more significant overall organizational growth.
  • Enhances Workplace Engagement Training and development activities to help check feelings of dissatisfaction among employees. Employee engagement software can be used to boost workplace morale and drive mutual growth. Satisfied employees are more engaged and consistently deliver superior performance at work.
  • Increases Workplace Collaboration Participating in training and development activities improves team bonding. During these activities, employees work together to learn new skills and tackle new challenges. According to a Forbes study, team bonding improves workplace collaboration, which brings about synergies in operations and improves workplace efficiency. 

Role of HR in Training and Development

The HR personnel have a critical role in delivering effective human resource development activities. The role of HR in training and development includes:

  • Connecting with employees and understanding their training needs.
  • Designing effective training programs.
  • Motivating employees to participate in learning and development programs.
  • Working with department heads and ensuring that training and development is an ongoing process and not a one-off activity
  • Ensuring the delivery of quality training content. 

Types of Training and Development in HRM

There are several types of training and development activities undertaken to either upskill or reskill employees. The various types of training and development include:

  • Technical Training Depending on the role and the industry, training on a specific technological aspect might be required. For example, in the retail industry, technical training could entail training on CRM systems. Likewise, in the hospitality industry, a restaurant executive might need training on the use of software tools to take customer orders. Technical training could be provided with in-house resources or with external trainers.
  • Quality Training Quality training involves educating employees on the measures to detect, prevent and eliminate causes for the poor quality of products or services. This often includes training employees on ISO standards that measure quality based on defined metrics. Training employees on quality standards improve organizational performance, provides cost savings, and confers the organization with a competitive edge.
  • Skills Training This type of training is conducted to impart specific skills for the employees to perform their job. Skills training is typically conducted using in-house resources and could include training on operating production machinery, being a better salesman, etc.
  • Soft Skills Training Soft skills training is concerned with the overall development of employees by improving their personality, communication skills, ethics training, etc. It helps produce employees who present themselves as better citizens who can perform better at work.
  • Safety Training . Safety training equips employees with the skills and knowledge to adopt safe work practices and protect themselves and their colleagues from work-related injuries. Safety training also helps employees detect and report hazards at work. An integral part of safety training is fire drills, administering first aid, construction safety, Hazmat safety, etc. Safety training is vital for employee protection and preventing workflow interruption due to worker injury. 

5 Stages of Training and Development in HRM

Stages of Training and Development

The five stages of training and development are:

  • Training Needs Assessment The starting point of the training and development process is assessing the training requirements of employees. The analysis should consider the long-term goals of the organization and the organization’s expectations from its employees. A mismatch between the goals and the current skill levels indicates that there is a need for training. 
  • Define Training Objective Having determined that there is a training need, the next step is to define the training objective. The training objective becomes the basis for the training initiative and directs the training and development program.
  • Design Training Program The design of the training program will depend on the type of trainer, the employees to be trained, and the training method to be used. The training content must be aligned with the needs identified. 
  • Conduct Training Program In this step, the designed training plan is put into action. Care should be taken to create a conducive environment for learning. For greater effectiveness, the training should encourage a participative approach to increase the involvement of the trainees in the training program.
  • Evaluate and Follow-Up Training evaluation is essential to verify if the goals of the training program have been achieved. Feedback obtained from the participants on the effectiveness of the training and the relevance of the content is valuable input for the evaluation process. Follow-up includes asking the supervisors if the participants apply the acquired skills effectively in their daily activities.

5 Best Practices For Training and Development in HRM 

The best practices in the implementation of training and development programs include:

  • Obtain management buy-in Management buy-in into the training program enhances the program’s chances of success. 

Management backing for training programs helps training initiatives become a part of the company’s culture and ensures employees take the programs seriously. If the management team can actively participate in the delivery of the programs, it reinforces their support and commitment to the programs.  

  • Create a formal program Design and promulgate a formal training program. 

It ensures that everyone gains from regular training. Training is not a one-time activity, so a plan that caters for continuous training increases training effectiveness. A formal program compels people to set training goals, provide training resources, and review progress and effectiveness. 

  • Define metrics The resistance to investments in training comes from the perception that training is expensive and that it is difficult to see the benefits. Defining metrics helps compare results to the metrics and allows people to see the extent of benefits. The common metrics used are course completion rate, effect on work outcomes, cost of training, etc.
  • Measure trainee satisfaction For training to be effective, the employees need to engage in the training.

The learning outcomes will be poor if there is no engagement. Engagement and satisfaction can be assessed by looking at metrics such as course completion, repeat visits for training, etc. Employee surveys can also be used to assess satisfaction levels, obtain feedback on shortcomings in the training process and make suggestions for improvement in delivery and content.

  • Offer different modes of training Different people have different training preferences. 

Tailor the types of training to the varied needs of the employees. Training could be classroom based, through video recordings, on-the-job training, games, quizzes, simulations, etc.

Bottom Line

The hallmarks of the modern workplace are innovation, technology, globalization, and the constant evolution of technologies. It is, therefore, incumbent on organizations to continuously enhance the capabilities of their employees and foster a culture of continuous learning. Such an approach is vital if the organization is to remain competitive. These imperatives make having an effective learning-and-development function an inescapable necessity for all organizations.

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Global Assignments Enhance Employee Development

For the first time in years, building international management experience has appeared as one of the top two reasons for sending employees on international assignments, Brookfield Global Relocation Services (GRS) discovered, based on responses from global mobility professionals representing 143 companies worldwide. Brookfield GRS provides employee relocation, assignment management and mobility-consulting services for multinational organizations.

This finding is borne out in the experience of Joy Hill, global mobility manager at Brown-Forman, the spirits company that produces Jack Daniels and many other well-known brands. Developing high-potential employees and meeting business needs are the top two reasons employees at Brown-Forman are sent on international assignments, she said.

Brookfield’s 2015 Global Mobility Trends Survey report found that the need to move talent internationally is not diminishing (88 percent of respondents expect their expatriate population to either increase or stay the same this year) and that dealing with cost pressures, compliance mandates, measuring return on investment (ROI) and assignees’ spousal needs have become top priorities.

“All of the data suggests that talent will be in short supply in the next five to 10 years and that the mobility of the talent that is available will be important in order to address the talent shortage,” said Gill Aldred, director of consulting services at Brookfield GRS. “Mobility has a role by partnering with talent management in a formal way so that the identification and preparation of good candidates for international assignments is approached with more structure and is supported by the resources it needs to be effective.”

Seventy-seven percent of respondents believe that having international assignment experience has real value. Respondents reported that international assignees are promoted faster (43 percent), achieve higher performance ratings (19 percent) and receive more frequent compensation increases (17 percent) than those without such experience.

Hill found these metrics to ring true at Brown-Forman. “Given that most of our expats are high potentials, I would agree, but I believe it comes down to the organization’s objectives for the expat assignment,” she said. For example, those sent on assignment to fill an immediate business need may not necessarily be in line for a faster promotion or increased compensation, as that action can be viewed as a normal course of business, she added.

International assignments also represent value to the organization, Aldred said. “There are clear advantages to assignees, and by extension to the company, in completing a successful international assignment. Companies can target retention efforts towards those who have gained valuable international experience, which supports a company’s overall strategy to retain high-performing and highly invested-in employees.”

Organizations can also brand themselves as employers of choice for Millennials who actively seek international opportunities, Aldred said.

More Work to Do

While the value of international experience is recognized, only half (49 percent) of mobility practitioners indicated they have an active link to talent management in their organization, and a majority of respondents said they lack talent-based tools related to mobility, such as preassignment candidate assessments and repatriation programs.

More than three-quarters (78 percent) of respondents do not utilize any type of candidate assessment for selecting individuals to go on international assignments. “In terms of ensuring that the company’s high-stakes, high-investment assignments start off with the best possible chance for success, a candidate assessment makes sense,” Aldred said. “For a key strategic leadership role, an employee’s technical skills and experience may be paramount for success, but assessing the employee for the right mix of adaptability and global communication skills is also critical,” she added.

A large majority of respondents said that they have not identified a candidate pool of high-potential, ready, willing and able candidates for international assignments (81 percent); don’t have a formal career-management process in place for assignees (82 percent); and don’t have repatriation programs linked to retaining international assignees (86 percent). Nearly one-quarter (22 percent) reported having no initiatives at all in place to reduce international assignee attrition rates.

“Respondents that reported a formal reporting relationship between mobility and talent rather than only a strong link between the functions also reported a number of positive practices, including more often having formal career-management processes in place and better outcomes in the areas of reduced assignment failure and assignee attrition,” Aldred said.

Cost Pressures, ROI Challenges

When asked about the single biggest mobility challenge that their companies face, 23 percent of respondents cited assignment cost, 22 percent said compliance with host-country laws and 11 percent said career management while on assignment.

Three-quarters (74 percent) indicated that they had been required to reduce international assignment costs within the last year in response to economic pressures.

Even with the mounting pressure to reduce assignment costs, the survey results reveal that many companies lack basic cost-management practices. Only 62 percent of respondents indicated that they track costs during an assignment, and less than half (46 percent) said that a preassignment cost-benefit analysis is required.

Despite the high cost associated with international assignments, a staggering 95 percent of companies don’t measure international assignment ROI, according to the survey. The top reason cited for this oversight by 53 percent of respondents is that they are “not sure how to achieve this.”

The anxiety around calculating the ROI of international assignments has to do with inhibitors such as the lack of data collection and governance processes, Aldred said. Starting ROI evaluation requires strategy and data, and Aldred advised companies to remediate inadequate data collection, tracking and interpretation strategies, and amend governance so that defining, communicating and evaluating assignment objectives is a requirement.

“ROI for international assignments could represent a valuable scorecard metric for the mobility function and one that might be used to arrive at a more nuanced and strategy-friendly balance between the cost and the value of mobility,” she said.

Family Concerns Top Reason for Assignment Refusal, Early Return

Family concerns (38 percent) was the single most cited reason for assignment refusal and for early assignment return. It was also the third most commonly noted reason for assignment failure, after assignees leaving to work for another company and poor job performance. Spousal and partner career issues is another growing concern. Spousal career concerns came in as the second most noted reason for assignment refusal, and just over one-third (35 percent) of respondents indicated that spousal and partner career concerns were having an impact on their ability to attract employees for international assignments.

Emerging Markets in Challenging Locations

International assignments are growing in the same locations that respondents say are the most challenging for assignees and program managers.

The top emerging markets for international assignments—Brazil, China, India—also present the greatest problems, according to respondents, whether it’s immigration, cultural adaptation, and specifically, security in Brazil, environmental health concerns in China and government regulations in India.

Assignees moving to what may be considered a challenging location should be carefully selected and supported, Aldred said. Additional strategies she recommended include:

  • Providing mandatory intercultural training.
  • Carefully setting expectations for the quality of housing, availability of good schooling and the immigration process.
  • Providing high-quality destination support through in-country support partners.
  • Including spouses and partners in the preassignment training process.

Roy Maurer is an online editor/manager for SHRM. Follow him @SHRMRoy

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Apr 16, 2024; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Cleveland Guardians relief pitcher Tyler Beede (46) delivers a pitch during the sixth inning against the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park. Mandatory Credit: Paul Rutherford-USA TODAY Sports

© Paul Rutherford-USA TODAY Sports

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Beede made 13 appearances for the Guardians through the first month of the season and posted an 8.36 ERA and 1.79 WHIP over 14.0 innings pitched.

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Apr 16, 2024; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Cleveland Guardians relief pitcher Tyler Beede (46) delivers a pitch during the sixth inning against the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park. Mandatory Credit: Paul Rutherford-USA TODAY Sports

Paul Rutherford-USA TODAY Sports

Peter Strzelecki Recalled From Triple-A

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Amazon Q, a generative AI-powered assistant for businesses and developers, is now generally available

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An image with the Amazon Q logo and the AWS logo.

AWS has announced the general availability of Amazon Q, the most capable generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered assistant for accelerating software development and leveraging companies’ internal data.

An image of Swami Sivasubramanian speaking at an event.

Amazon Q not only generates highly accurate code, it also tests, debugs, and has multi-step planning and reasoning capabilities that can transform and implement new code generated from developer requests. Amazon Q also makes it easier for employees to get answers to questions across business data such as company policies, product information, business results, code base, employees, and many other topics by connecting to enterprise data repositories to summarize the data logically, analyze trends, and engage in dialog about the data.

“ Amazon Q is the most capable generative AI-powered assistant available today with industry-leading accuracy, advanced agents capabilities, and best-in-class security that helps developers become more productive and helps business users to accelerate decision making,” said Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian, vice president of Artificial Intelligence and Data at AWS. “Since we announced the service at re:Invent , we have been amazed at the productivity gains developers and business users have seen. Early indications signal Amazon Q could help our customers’ employees become more than 80% more productive at their jobs; and with the new features we’re planning on introducing in the future, we think this will only continue to grow.”

Today’s announcement includes the general availability of Amazon Q Developer and Amazon Q Business, as well as the new Amazon Q Apps capability (in preview). Here’s a quick look at what they can do:

Amazon Q Developer allows developers to spend more time coding and less time on maintenance

An image of a photo of  Banjo Obayomi, senior developer advocate, AWS, helping at a developer workshop.

Today, developers estimate that only 30% (or less) of their time is spent on coding, while the rest is spent performing tedious and repetitive tasks. Developers also have to manage infrastructure and resources, troubleshoot and resolve errors, and understand operating costs. When they switch projects, they have to spend time learning the existing code base to understand its programming logic. Finally, there is all the work of testing and refactoring code, upgrading applications, debugging and optimization, and ensuring security by having to carry out vulnerability scanning and applying appropriate security fixes in a timely fashion. Companies want to empower their developers to spend less time on this coding muck and more time on creating unique experiences for their end users, while being able to deploy faster.

Q assists developers and IT professionals (IT pros) with all of their tasks—from coding, testing, and upgrading applications, to troubleshooting, performing security scanning and fixes, and optimizing AWS resources.

Amazon Q Business empowers employees to be more data-driven, and make better decisions using company data

Organizations possess vast amounts of data spread across multiple documents, systems, and applications. Employees across every organization and department spend hours every week searching internal sources for information, piecing together analyses, writing reports, building presentations, gathering insights from dashboards, and adapting content for different audiences.

Amazon Q Business is a generative AI–powered assistant that can answer questions, provide summaries, generate content, and securely complete tasks based on data and information in enterprise systems. It empowers employees to be more creative, data-driven, efficient, prepared, and productive.

An image of a prompt in Amazon Q in QuickSight. The user is asking Q to change a chart to a table.

Amazon Q also brings its advanced generative AI technology to Amazon QuickSight, AWS’s unified Business Intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud. With Amazon Q in QuickSight , customers get a generative BI assistant that allows business analysts to use natural language to build BI dashboards in minutes and easily create visualizations and complex calculations.

Amazon Q Apps enables employees to use natural language to securely build their own generative AI applications

A new capability of Amazon Q Business, Amazon Q Apps lets employees build generative AI-powered apps from their company’s data, without any prior coding experience. Employees simply describe the type of app they want, in natural language, and Q Apps will quickly generate an app that accomplishes their desired task, helping them streamline and automate their daily work with ease and efficiency.

a screenshot of Amazon Q apps creator

Free skills training to take advantage of Amazon Q

A photo taken behind a person sitting at a desk working on a laptop device, which shows AWS Skill Builder on the screen.

As part of Amazon’s “AI Ready” initiative to provide free AI skills training to 2 million people globally by 2025, AWS has launched two free, self-paced digital courses to help the current and future workforce take advantage of Amazon Q. Amazon Q Introduction provides a high-level overview of Amazon Q, including use cases and benefits, while Amazon Q Business Getting Started introduces developers and technical audiences to Amazon Q Business’ features and use cases, and explains how to build a chatbot using Amazon Q.

Discover more about ways you can use Amazon Q —dive deeper in the AWS News blog and AWS Machine Learning blog :

  • Amazon Q Business, now generally available, helps boost workforce productivity with generative AI
  • Accelerate software development and leverage your business data with generative AI assistance from Amazon Q by Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian, vice president of Artificial Intelligence and Data at AWS
  • Amazon Q Developer, now generally available, includes new capabilities to reimagine developer experience

Sign up for Amazon Q Introduction and Amazon Q Business Getting Started to start making productivity gains, and to help you be more effective in your job.

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  11. Employee Training and Development: The Benefits of Upskilling or

    Employee training and development programs aren't just about teaching employees to do their jobs. It's about showing employees they are valued and that upward movement in the organization is possible. ... to highlight your company's opportunities for professional growth and development — whether it be challenging work assignments, a ...

  12. What is Training and Development?

    Management Training and Development. The practice of growing employees into managers and managers into effective leaders by the ongoing enhancement of certain knowledge, skills, and abilities. Guide Put AI to work for HR and talent transformation. Find out how HR leaders are leading the way and applying AI to drive HR and talent transformation.

  13. Employee Training and Development

    Employee training and development refers to the continued efforts of a company to boost the performance of its employees. Companies aim to train and develop employees by using an array of educational methods and programs. In the past few years, training and development have emerged as a crucial element of strategy.


    Employee training and development is essential for ever y organization's success as it ensure that. skills, abilities and knowledge levels of the employee are being According to Blain (2009 ...

  15. Assignment On Training & Development

    Assignment on Training & Development - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Training & Development in HR Department

  16. Training & Development In HRM: 10 Types, Stages [+best Practices]

    Investing in employee training and development serves five key purposes:. Boosts Employee Retention High-performing employees look for training and development opportunities to grow professionally. Learning and development initiatives signal to the employees that the organization values its employees and is willing to invest in their professional growth.

  17. Assignment 1 unit 21

    Unit 21 - Training and Development Assignment 1 J Wetherspoon Phoebe Bond Assess the reasons for training, "in why train" Introduction. This assignment will outline, in detail, the process that the business conducts to be able to train their employees, with an employee answered questionnaire, for their feedback on the way that they have been trained within their time in the company.

  18. HRM 635 Benchmark assignment

    Objectives for the Training • The goal of training and development is to ensure that newly hired employees receive consistent information regarding organization's policies, procedures, regulation, and proper documentation to support practice. • Adapt patient centered care that fits the organizational culture and values to promote health, integrity, improved patient satisfaction, and ...


    See Full PDFDownload PDF. HR ASSIGNMENT TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ASLAM NALIR NAMAD31 fNAMAD31 E ecutive Summar The role of a Human Resource Management has revolutionized the modern business, with more organizations consider HRM as a key factor in achieving organizational success and attaining Competitive edge.

  20. Global Assignments Enhance Employee Development

    Global Assignments Enhance Employee Development. More companies are sending employees abroad to help them grow needed skills, recent research finds. For the first time in years, building ...

  21. Training and development assignment.pdf

    Training 5 supply is determined by the availability, quality, and relevance of training development programs and by policy interventions that affect their management, governance, and financing. Matching demand and supply is critical for an effective training development system and depends on close coordination between government, the private ...

  22. Tyler Beede Designated For Assignment, Guardians Roster Moves

    Beede was originally signed to a minor league deal over the offseason. He put together a number of impressive performances during spring training earning him a spot on the opening day roster. It ...

  23. Small Businesses Invited to the 2024 Training and Matchmaker Event

    Small Business Professional Training (SBP) for primes and government (Buyers) will also be offered. A networking reception will be held at the end of the first day, May 15th, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. This event will offer a chance for procurement professionals and small businesses to get an early start on introductions before the matchmaking ...

  24. AWS announces general availability of Amazon Q, generative AI-powered

    AWS has announced the general availability of Amazon Q, the most capable generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered assistant for accelerating software development and leveraging companies' internal data. Why this AWS VP believes generative AI has the potential to transform our lives. And for those of us who aren't data scientists, how ...

  25. United Health Foundation and The Arc partner to expand mental health

    The details. Over three years, the United Health Foundation grant will help train 2,000 caregivers, health care professionals, first responders, educators and family members to recognize mental health needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and decrease the number of mental health crisis incidents experienced by this population.

  26. EOI

    The services to be provided under the assignment is to conduct a detailed feasibility study on the status of the creative industry in Rwanda to date, exploring in depth the economic opportunity that the industry represents for the country. Building on recent consultations and studies aimed to understand the opportunity that lies in the country's creative industry, the consulting firm is ...

  27. Request for Comments on Draft Documents Responsive to NIST's

    Start Preamble AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Commerce. ACTION: Notice; request for comments. SUMMARY: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requests comments on four draft documents responsive to NIST assignment under Executive Order 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) issued on October ...