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Cambridge IELTS 16 Sample Answer [Driverless Vehicles]

Posted by David S. Wills | Oct 11, 2021 | Model Essays | 0

Cambridge IELTS 16 Sample Answer [Driverless Vehicles]

When practising for IELTS writing task 2, it is very useful to use past exam questions. Unfortunately, as I discussed here , most IELTS questions that you find online are actually fake, but luckily you can find real ones in the Cambridge IELTS book series. The latest in this series is Cambridge IELTS 16 .

cambridge ielts 16 essays

Today, I am going to give you a sample band 9 answer to one of the writing questions in this book, which is about driverless vehicles. As you can imagine, it’s a quite interesting topic to cover.

Cambridge IELTS 16 – Task 2

First of all, let’s examine the question. It says:

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

I don’t think this is very hard to analyse. It is an advantages vs disadvantages question and essentially you are talking about the advantages and disadvantages of driverless vehicles .

A few things to remember:

  • Don’t get distracted by the examples in the question. You don’t need to keep repeating “cars, buses, and trucks” all through your essay. You are just talking about driverless vehicles in general and you won’t be penalised for ignoring any of these.
  • Whilst the first statement talks about the future and gets into a definition of “driverless,” you don’t really need to talk about these. The question only says “Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?” It is in the present tense and you are thus required to talk about them generally .
  • Don’t forget the issue of “outweighing”! It is easy to discuss one or both sides of issue but you must make it clear that ones side “outweighs” the other (or clearly state that neither does).
  • In this sort of question, it is really important that you don’t fall into the trap of just mindlessly paraphrasing the statement . This will lead you to write all sorts of weird ideas. Instead, strive to produce a first sentence that generally introduces the topic.

Driverless Car Vocabulary

When it comes to the topic of driverless cars, you don’t need to be an expert in order to produce a great essay (although it certainly would help!). Instead, you should have some language to talk about the following areas:

  • The environment

It really depends on what you want to say. Certainly, a decent range of vocabulary about computer systems and other technological ideas would come in useful. If you do want to focus on them as the future, you would also need a grasp of the future tenses .

When it comes to learning topic-specific language, I often recommend Wikipedia, and indeed they have an English-language page on driverless cars (which they call “self-driving cars” – a great synonym!). You can take a look and try noting down some new words.

Here, you can see I have highlighted some useful phrases:

driverless vehicle vocabulary

You will also find that Wikipedia pages introduce you to ideas that might be worth discussing in your essays, and on this page we can see people talking about issues related to safety, which are of course fundamental to this topic.

One of the biggest issues in the field of driverless vehicles is that of ethics. This is a vast area to think about, but one that is fascinating and you might appreciate this TED Talk from 2016:

Structuring your Answer

When it comes to questions that ask you to say whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or not, you need to think carefully about your structure . What you write will depend on your initial position. Do you want to provide balance? You don’t have to , in spite of what some people think.

In my essay, I will say that the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages, but I will mention the latter. While it is possible to write a good answer that focuses completely on one or the other, I think in this case it will give my argument some nuance.

My answer will thus look like this:

You can see, then, that the reason I have provided balance is in order to argue not just to explain the advantages but to argue against the disadvantages.

Below, I will give you my sample band 9 answer, but remember that there is more than one way to write an amazing essay. This video explains the limitations of sample answers:

Sample Band 9 Answer

Recently, there have been great strides made in the technology required to transition to a system of driverless cars and it has been suggested that one day all vehicles will be automated, with humans merely passengers. This essay will argue that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The primary reason for adopting driverless cars is the improvement in safety that would inevitably come. At present, cars are immensely dangerous and yet humans continue to drive them. The vast majority of accidents are caused by human error, but this would be totally eliminated in a system whereby all vehicles are automatically updated on the presence of other vehicles. Accidents would be reduced, thereby saving millions of lives per year. Beyond that, the system on which these cars function would ensure that they optimise their routes to avoid traffic, which would not only save people time but reduce the amount of emissions produced by idling engines.

Of course, there are some disadvantages, but these are comparatively minor. One thing that worries most people is the loss of freedom that will come from driverless car systems. At present, in most western countries, the road is viewed as a symbol of freedom and people enjoy getting behind the wheel to move around. In a driverless car, this small pleasure would be diminished. However, this is of course trivial in comparison to the safety and environmental benefits of the proposed driverless system.

In conclusion, the advantages of driverless vehicles vastly outweigh the disadvantages. Although there are a few negatives, the fact that so many lives would be saved makes this future comparatively bright.

Notes on the Answer

I started quite generally and, within that same sentence, brought the topic from “great strides made in technology” to the idea of driverless cars. Then, I stated my opinion. Whilst you don’t have to come down strongly on one side or another, you do need to be consistent throughout.

Paragraph two talked about the advantages of driverless cars. I emphasised the dangers of traditional cars in order to convince my reader that driverless ones are superior. Then I gave an example, which went into the system that these vehicles use. I learned this from a podcast interview with Elon Musk (the CEO of Tesla) that I heard last year. It was very interesting! Anyway, this idea was rounded off with a mini conclusion before I gave my second point.

Paragraph three talked about the loss of freedom that may come, with a good explanation, followed by my dismissal of this idea. I said it “is trivial in comparison to the safety and environmental benefits,” which is hard to deny.

In terms of language, I have used no fancy vocabulary. As I always say, it is better to be straightforward and use real English rather than pluck words at random from a dictionary. However, my language was topic-specific as you can see:

  • all vehicles will be automated
  • adopting driverless cars
  • automatically updated on the presence of other vehicles
  • optimise their routes to avoid traffic
  • idling engines
  • a symbol of freedom
  • getting behind the wheel

None of these is considered specialist but all of them are pretty specific to this topic. They are worth learning if you want to be able to talk about vehicles, technology, and the future.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Model Essay: Driverless Vehicles

This week’s IELTS model essay is on the topic of driverless vehicles . It’s a 2-part, or IELTS direct question essay from the General Training Test. It is taken from Cambridge IELTS Academic Book 16 .

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages? Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic Test 4

This is on the topic of transport. Specifically, it’s about driverless cars, buses and trucks. In other words, vehicles that do not have a human driver; instead, they are driven by computer. You may have read in the news about companies like Google developing driverless cars . It’s a controversial topic!

driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts

I must admit, this is not a topic I’ve thought about much, so I had to think hard to get some good ideas. Overall, I think there are advantages to driverless vehicles because they should be safer than human drivers, but it will also lead to job losses.

Recent years have seen the emergence of technologies to develop vehicles that can effectively drive themselves, and this may eventually render human drivers redundant. On the whole, I think that the benefits of this development will outweigh any drawbacks.

Automated vehicles have the potential to massively improve road safety because they could massively reduce accidents caused by human error. People are prone to making mistakes, often caused by getting tired or distracted while driving, leading to serious accidents. Computers which control vehicles don’t suffer from these weaknesses, and so as long as they are programmed correctly, errors like these should be eliminated. For instance, cars can be made to brake automatically in emergencies or if the distance from the car ahead is too small. Admittedly, we occasionally hear of fatalities caused by driverless vehicles being tested, but these are statistically insignificant when compared to deaths caused by human error both now and in the future.

An additional benefit to driverless vehicles would be a reduction in transport and haulage costs since there is no driver to pay. This would make food and other goods cheaper. For example, a major factor in food prices in supermarkets is the wages paid to delivery drivers.

However, there is a downside to this since drivers would lose their jobs. In modern economies, tens of thousands of people are employed as HGV drivers, as well as drivers of taxis and delivery vans, so the widespread adoption of automated vehicles would have a major impact on job opportunities. Nevertheless, this problem can be mitigated against with investment in training and job creation in other areas.

In conclusion, I do feel that despite the job losses it will entail, the benefits in terms of cost and road safety makes driverless vehicles something to welcome.

(297 words)

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driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts

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Cars, Buses and Trucks will be Driverless, Travelling Inside These Vehicles will be Only Passengers

Write about the following topic:

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample based on the question prompt "In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?"

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Sample Essay 1

The advent of autonomous vehicles heralds a transformative era in transportation, envisaging a future where cars, buses, and trucks navigate without human intervention. This essay contends that the benefits of driverless vehicles, particularly in enhancing safety and optimizing traffic flow, substantially outweigh their potential drawbacks. The ensuing discussion will delve into the implications for road safety and traffic efficiency.

Primarily, the integration of driverless technology promises a significant reduction in traffic accidents, which are predominantly caused by human error. Autonomous vehicles, equipped with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence, can react to hazards more swiftly than a human driver, thereby mitigating the risk of collisions. For instance, Google's autonomous car project has demonstrated an exemplary safety record in trial phases, underscoring the potential for such technology to save lives. Moreover, driverless vehicles can communicate with each other to maintain optimal speed and distance, effectively reducing the incidences of traffic congestion and enhancing the overall flow on roadways.

Furthermore, the advent of autonomous transport systems offers the prospect of optimizing traffic management, leading to more efficient use of infrastructure and reduced environmental impact. Driverless vehicles can operate closer together and at higher speeds in a coordinated manner, maximizing road capacity and significantly curtailing traffic jams. This coordination could lead to smoother traffic patterns and lower emissions due to decreased idle times. Additionally, the increased efficiency and predictability in transportation networks can bolster economic productivity by reducing the time wasted in traffic, showcasing a profound impact beyond mere convenience.

In summary, despite challenges such as technological reliability and legal hurdles, the merits of driverless vehicles, notably in enhancing safety and improving traffic flow, are persuasive. They offer a significant reduction in road fatalities and the promise of transforming urban mobility into more efficient, less congested systems. Thus, the advantages of adopting autonomous vehicles decidedly eclipse the drawbacks, heralding a major leap towards a safer, more streamlined future in transportation.

Sample Essay 2

The horizon of transportation is on the brink of a revolution with the advent of driverless technology, promising a landscape where vehicles operate without human drivers, ferrying passengers alone. This essay posits that the advantages, particularly in revolutionizing urban mobility and reducing environmental impact, significantly outshine the drawbacks. The focus will be on the transformation of urban spaces and the environmental benefits.

Driverless vehicles stand to redefine urban landscapes significantly by liberating vast tracts of land currently consumed by parking lots and garages. With these vehicles in constant use rather than sitting idle, cities can repurpose these areas to facilitate the creation of lush green spaces and vibrant pedestrian zones, thus markedly enhancing the quality of urban life. For example, Singapore's ambitious Smart Nation initiative aims to reduce the need for private vehicle ownership, envisioning a future city enriched with more green spaces and communal areas, made possible through the adoption of autonomous vehicles. This visionary approach exemplifies how driverless technology could transform urban environments, making them more livable and sustainable.

Furthermore, the environmental advantages of driverless cars are both profound and wide-reaching. By utilizing advanced algorithms to optimize routes, these vehicles can significantly reduce traffic congestion, thereby lowering emissions. Additionally, autonomous vehicles can accelerate the shift towards electric cars, as their efficient operation aligns perfectly with the charging requirements of electric batteries. In pioneering cities like Los Angeles, where pilot programs for autonomous, electric fleets are already making strides, early data suggests a potential reduction in carbon emissions by up to an impressive 60% with a full transition to these cleaner, more efficient fleets. This underscores the critical role driverless technology can play in achieving environmental sustainability goals and reducing our carbon footprint on a global scale.

In conclusion, despite potential cybersecurity and ethical challenges, the benefits of driverless vehicles - transforming urban spaces and enhancing environmental sustainability—are clear. They promise a future of efficient, eco-friendly transport, leading to more livable, greener cities. Thus, embracing driverless technology is a key step forward in solving today's urban and environmental issues.

Sample Essay 3

While transportation revolution, driven by the relentless evolution of artificial intelligence, might introduce new concerns such as technological reliability and job displacement, the potential of these vehicles to significantly enhance road safety and boost productivity, coupled with the emergence of new job opportunities in sectors related to autonomous technology, solidifies my belief that the advantages of this transportation revolution outweigh the associated drawbacks.

Delving into the potential pitfalls first, one major apprehension is the reliability of this advanced technology. For instance, a glitch in the machine learning algorithms or sensor systems that guide these autonomous vehicles could have catastrophic implications for passenger safety and broader traffic flow. In addition, the transition towards driverless vehicles could significantly impact the livelihood of those employed in the transportation industry, from taxi drivers to truck operators. This abrupt shift could exacerbate unemployment rates and subsequently stir social unrest. Nonetheless, juxtaposing these challenges with the benefits offered by autonomous vehicles offers a brighter outlook.

Technological concerns, while valid, are mitigated by the fact that meticulously maintained machines are less error-prone than humans, who often cause accidents due to driving under the influence, fatigue, or distraction. Thus, autonomous vehicles could contribute markedly to road safety enhancement. Additionally, self-driving vehicles could revolutionize productivity. Freed from the necessity to drive, professionals could utilize travel time for work tasks. A recent McKinsey study predicts productivity gains equivalent to 50 minutes per person per day with widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles. In addition, the technological shift causing job displacement is undoubtedly a pressing concern. However, history shows that when certain jobs become obsolete, new opportunities arise. The autonomous vehicle industry could create jobs in areas like data analysis, vehicle servicing, and software development.

In conclusion, despite apprehensions regarding technology reliability and job losses, I maintain that, with prudent regulation, autonomous vehicles hold the potential to significantly improve road safety and productivity. Therefore, while cars, buses and trucks will be driverless, the transition to this phase will promise a safer and more efficient journey in the future.

Sample Essay 4

As we witness the relentless march of technology, the prophecy of fully autonomous vehicles becoming the norm rather than an exception looms on the horizon. Despite the plausible challenges that this transition might present, I am firmly convinced that the potential benefits engendered by driverless vehicles profoundly outweigh the attendant disadvantages.

One of the fundamental challenges of this evolution pertains to the reliability of artificial intelligence. A slight malfunction in the system, such as a flaw in the navigation algorithms or sensor technology, could have dire implications for passenger safety and could disrupt the harmony of traffic flow. Furthermore, the tidal wave of automation threatens to engulf countless jobs in the transportation industry, potentially triggering spikes in unemployment and consequent social instability.

Nevertheless, these prospective impediments should be assessed in the context of the transformative advantages offered by autonomous vehicles. Technological worries, albeit valid, can be alleviated by the reality that machine errors, assuming regular maintenance and software updates, are substantially less frequent than human-induced accidents. Current traffic mishaps primarily stem from human fallibility, such as impaired or distracted driving. Autonomous vehicles, devoid of these frailties, could significantly elevate road safety standards.

Moreover, the dawn of self-driving vehicles could herald an era of unparalleled productivity. Liberated from the reins of the steering wheel, individuals could effectively utilise travel time for personal or professional purposes. A study by Stanford University suggests that the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles could potentially save billions of productive hours annually. Furthermore, the challenge of job displacement, while significant, could trigger the emergence of new, unforeseen employment sectors, such as advanced vehicle maintenance, autonomous vehicle route management, and data analysis related to autonomous transport.

In conclusion, although the advent of autonomous vehicles presents genuine concerns pertaining to technological reliability and job loss, the potential for significant enhancements in road safety and productivity, coupled with the emergence of new employment sectors, tips the balance in favour of this technological revolution.

Sample Essay 5

There is a belief that some land vehicles such as cars, buses and lorries will serve without any drivers in the coming years. So, people in these machines will just be passengers. This situation may result in a lack of job opportunity  and immediate intervention. In contrast, transferring drivers’ salaries into other areas and decreasing traffic accidents are essential benefits. In my opinion, considering these positive effects the advantages of non-driver vehicles outweigh the disadvantages.

Firstly, driverless vehicles mean to lose job for some people. In this case, it will hard to learn a new skill to afford living costs and it cannot be achieved in a short term. To be more precise, most drivers non-university graduates and they do not have any option to work except their current jobs. Secondly, there may not be any individuals to take action in an emergency such as heart attack in order to not only do first-aid, but also take to the hospital as soon as possible.

On the other hand, it is an advantage to invest in other areas such as proper vehicle maintenance and purchasing environment-friendly ones. Thus, it will be more beneficial for society in the long term. These investments will be possible because there will not be any drivers who must be paid wages. Additionally, the most important benefit of this attempt is the possibility of less traffic accidents. According to a survey which was done globally by Allianz,  being sleepy and exhausted are mostly the reasons for car crashes. The rate of accidents can be decreased by eliminating drivers from the traffic.

In conclusion, there is  an increasing trend to release into the market driverless vehicles. Although there are drawbacks such as less job positions and a lack of expert in emergent cases in vehicles, advantages, namely decreased traffic accidents and increased investments, outweigh disadvantages. 

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Driverless - IELTS Cambridge 16

In the future all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles would be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Technological advancements are paving the way for a future where all vehicles are fully automated, devoid of human drivers. In my opinion, the benefits of this transformation far surpass any drawbacks.

The primary advantage lies in the realm of safety. With the absence of human drivers, the potential for human error can be entirely eradicated. This means that car accidents stemming from lapses in concentration or flawed decision-making during vehicle operation can be eliminated. For instance, the issue of intoxicated drivers jeopardizing their own lives and endangering others on the road would no longer exist.

Furthermore, the experience of traveling in a vehicle would become more enjoyable for all occupants, as no one would be burdened with the task of driving. Former drivers can now relax and unwind during their journeys. They can watch movies or engage with friends on social media while being transported. Moreover, the stress associated with long drives can be mitigated, enabling travelers to arrive at their destinations in a more serene state.

Nevertheless, it is plausible that cybercriminals may exploit this situation for their own gain. Hackers might attempt to take control of these automated vehicles, utilizing them for nefarious purposes. For instance, they could deploy an automated vehicle as a getaway car or manipulate traffic flow to evade law enforcement. Even more troubling, hackers could infiltrate police vehicles, rendering them inoperable during pursuits.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the advantages of this phenomenon far outweigh any potential negatives. The enhanced safety and improved travel experience outweigh the threats posed by cybercriminals. Consequently, it is imperative to embrace this emerging technology.


  • Driverless Vehicles


driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words about the following topic:

In the coming times, all cars, buses, and trucks are envisioned to be autonomous, with no human drivers. Only passengers will travel inside these vehicles. Do you believe that the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the drawbacks?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

  • Paraphrase: In the future, all cars, buses, and trucks are envisioned to be fully autonomous, with no human drivers, and only passengers inside.
  • Main opinion/idea: I believe that the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the drawbacks due to their potential to revolutionize transportation, improve road safety, and enhance traffic efficiency.
  • Supporting sentence: Driverless vehicles promise to transform transportation, offering passengers convenience and productivity during travel.
  • Supporting sentence: The improved road safety through advanced sensor systems and reduced human errors is a significant advantage of autonomous vehicles.
  • Summarize: The benefits of driverless vehicles, such as improved road safety and traffic efficiency, are too significant to overlook.
  • Restate main opinion/idea: Despite concerns about job displacement, addressing challenges through support and transition strategies is crucial for a smooth autonomous future.

The future holds the vision of fully autonomous vehicles, with no human drivers, where passengers will travel safely inside. In my opinion, the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the drawbacks, as they promise to revolutionize transportation, improve road safety, and enhance overall efficiency.

Firstly, driverless vehicles have the potential to transform transportation as we know it. With self-driving cars, buses, and trucks, commuting will become more convenient and accessible. Passengers can make productive use of their travel time, as they no longer need to focus on driving. This will lead to increased productivity and less stress during daily commutes.

Secondly, one of the most significant advantages of autonomous vehicles is the potential to improve road safety. Human errors are a leading cause of accidents, but self-driving vehicles can reduce the likelihood of collisions. Their advanced sensor systems and artificial intelligence enable them to detect obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles, making roads safer for everyone.

Furthermore, driverless vehicles can enhance overall traffic efficiency. Through advanced algorithms and communication systems, they can optimize routes, reduce congestion, and minimize travel time. This will result in reduced fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing positively to environmental sustainability.

However, it is essential to address certain concerns about driverless vehicles. One major drawback is the potential job displacement of professional drivers. The widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles could lead to job losses in the transportation sector, necessitating measures to support affected workers through reskilling and retraining programs.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the drawbacks. The potential to revolutionize transportation, improve road safety, and enhance traffic efficiency is too significant to overlook. Nevertheless, it is crucial for society and policymakers to address the challenges posed by job displacement and implement strategies to ensure a smooth transition into this autonomous future.

In the near future, a vision of fully autonomous vehicles, free from human drivers, where only passengers will travel inside, has emerged. From my perspective, the benefits of driverless vehicles undoubtedly outweigh the drawbacks, as they offer enhanced safety, efficiency, and accessibility.

Firstly, the primary advantage of driverless vehicles is the potential to revolutionize road safety. Human errors, such as distractions and fatigue, contribute significantly to accidents. Autonomous vehicles, equipped with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence, can minimize the chances of collisions by accurately detecting and responding to potential hazards on the road.

Secondly, driverless vehicles have the potential to improve overall traffic efficiency. With their sophisticated algorithms and real-time communication capabilities, they can optimize routes and reduce congestion. This will lead to smoother traffic flow, shorter travel times, and less fuel consumption, benefiting both individuals and the environment.

Additionally, autonomous vehicles hold the promise of increased accessibility for various demographics. For instance, the elderly and people with disabilities, who may face challenges in traditional driving, can regain their independence through the convenience of self-driving cars. Furthermore, the concept of shared autonomous vehicles can lead to a reduction in the number of vehicles on the road, alleviating traffic and parking issues in urban areas.

However, some concerns need addressing, particularly regarding the integration of autonomous vehicles with existing transportation systems. The transition phase may require simultaneous operation with traditional vehicles, leading to potential coordination challenges and safety concerns.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the benefits of driverless vehicles far outweigh the drawbacks. The potential to revolutionize road safety, enhance traffic efficiency, and increase accessibility for various groups is invaluable. Addressing the transition challenges will be crucial to fully harness the benefits of this transformative technology, paving the way for a safer, more efficient, and accessible future.

As we look into the future, a vision of fully autonomous vehicles, devoid of human drivers, where only passengers will travel inside, looms large. From my perspective, the benefits of driverless vehicles far outweigh the drawbacks, as they promise enhanced safety, efficiency, and environmental impact.

Firstly, one of the most significant advantages of driverless vehicles is the potential to revolutionize road safety. Human errors, including distractions and fatigue, are leading causes of accidents. By eliminating the human factor, autonomous vehicles equipped with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence can greatly reduce the likelihood of collisions and make our roads safer for all users.

Secondly, driverless vehicles offer the potential to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion. Through sophisticated algorithms and real-time communication, these vehicles can coordinate and adapt to traffic conditions, leading to smoother and more efficient transportation. This, in turn, will result in shorter travel times and reduced fuel consumption, contributing positively to environmental sustainability.

Moreover, driverless vehicles have the capacity to increase accessibility and mobility for various segments of the population. The elderly and individuals with disabilities, who may face challenges in traditional driving, will gain independence and freedom of movement. Furthermore, autonomous shared vehicles can reduce the need for personal car ownership, leading to fewer vehicles on the road and a potential decrease in traffic-related problems.

Despite the numerous benefits, there are some concerns to address, particularly regarding the potential job displacement of professional drivers. Widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles may lead to job losses in the transportation sector, necessitating measures to support affected workers through retraining and reskilling programs.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the drawbacks. The potential to revolutionize road safety, improve traffic efficiency, and increase accessibility holds great promise for the future of transportation. While challenges exist, addressing these concerns through careful planning and support initiatives will ensure a smoother transition into the era of autonomous vehicles.


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In the future, all cars, buses, and trucks will move driverless. Passengers will be the only people in these vehicles. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


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154. Cambridge IELTS 16 | Do the Advantages of Driverless Vehicles Outweigh the Disadvantages?

Aug 3, 2021

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

self-driving cars

autonomous cars

employment losses

delivery couriers

be made redundant

to reduce operating expenses

to cut costs 

the logistics company UPS

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Updated on 09 February, 2024

Akansha Semwal

Akansha Semwal

Study abroad expert.

Akansha Semwal


The concept of driverless cars, once a fixture of science fiction, has rapidly evolved into a tangible reality. As autonomous vehicles begin to cruise our streets, they promise to revolutionize the way we commute. For IELTS learners, understanding this cutting-edge technology is not only crucial for staying informed but also serves as excellent practice material for the reading section of the exam.

Table of Contents

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The advent of driverless cars, or autonomous vehicles (AVs), marks a significant milestone in automotive technology. These sophisticated machines, equipped with an array of sensors, cameras, and advanced algorithms, are designed to navigate roads with little or no human intervention. The development of AVs could redefine transportation, offering increased efficiency, safety, and convenience.

Leading the charge in the AV revolution are companies like Waymo, Tesla, and several traditional automotive manufacturers, each investing heavily in the technology necessary to make self-driving cars a common sight. The premise of AV technology is not just about removing the driver but creating a connected network where vehicles communicate with each other and with the traffic infrastructure to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion.

One of the core components of driverless technology is the use of Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) systems, which create high-resolution maps of the car's surroundings. This mapping is crucial as it allows the vehicle to understand its position relative to other objects and navigate safely. Another key element is the use of machine learning algorithms that enable the car to make decisions in real-time, such as when to brake or maneuver around an obstacle.

Despite the optimism surrounding AVs, there are challenges and concerns. The technology's safety is at the forefront, with questions about how these vehicles will respond in unpredictable situations. Additionally, the integration of AVs into existing traffic systems poses logistical and legal challenges that are yet to be fully resolved.

As we stand on the brink of this automotive revolution, it is clear that driverless cars are not just a new type of vehicle but a catalyst for change in the very fabric of urban life. They have the potential to transform our cities, our laws, and our environmental footprint, signaling a shift towards a more technologically integrated future.

Q1: What is Lidar used for in autonomous vehicles?

A. Communication between vehicles

B. Detecting and ranging light

C. Creating high-resolution maps of the car's surroundings

D. Learning traffic patterns

Q2: Which of these companies is not mentioned as a leader in AV technology?

D. Traditional automotive manufacturers

Q3: True or False: Machine learning algorithms allow a driverless car to adapt its functions over time.

Q4: Fill in the blank: Driverless cars are equipped with an array of _______, cameras, and advanced algorithms.

Q5: What is the main promise of autonomous vehicle technology?

A. To make human driving skills obsolete

B. To provide increased efficiency, safety, and convenience

C. To reduce the cost of vehicles

D. To improve car design

Q6: True or False: Autonomous vehicles can operate without any human intervention.

Q7: Fill in the blank: The integration of AVs poses _______ and legal challenges.

Q8: True or False: Autonomous vehicles primarily communicate through visual signals.

Q9: What does AV stand for?

A. Audio-Visual

B. Autonomous Vehicles

C. Advanced Vehicles

D. Automated Ventures

Q10: True or False: The current traffic systems are fully equipped to integrate driverless cars.

A1: C. Creating high-resolution maps of the car's surroundings

Explanation: Lidar systems are fundamental in autonomous vehicles for generating detailed maps that help the car understand its environment and navigate safely.

A2: C. Google

Explanation: While Google has invested in autonomous driving technology, it is not mentioned in the passage. Waymo, which began as a project within Google, is now a separate entity and is listed.

Explanation: Machine learning algorithms are designed to enable AVs to make real-time decisions and improve their driving patterns based on accumulated data.

A4: Sensors

Explanation: The passage specifies that autonomous vehicles are equipped with sensors, which, along with cameras and algorithms, are critical for navigation.

A5: B. To provide increased efficiency, safety, and convenience

Explanation: The primary aim of AV technology, as mentioned in the passage, is to enhance the overall transportation experience by making it more efficient, safe, and convenient.

Explanation: The passage indicates that AVs can navigate roads with little to no human intervention, showcasing the level of autonomy these vehicles possess.

A7: Logistical

Explanation: Alongside legal challenges, logistical challenges are also a significant concern in integrating AVs into the current traffic systems, as stated in the passage.

Explanation: AVs primarily rely on sensors, cameras, and Lidar systems for navigation, not visual signals.

A9: B. Autonomous Vehicles

Explanation: AV stands for Autonomous Vehicles, as outlined in the introduction of the passage.

Explanation: The passage suggests that integrating AVs into existing traffic systems is a challenge yet to be fully resolved, indicating that current systems are not fully prepared for this integration.

Tip 1: Familiarize yourself with technical vocabulary related to the topic, such as 'autonomous vehicles', 'Lidar', and 'machine learning algorithms'.

Tip 2: Practice skimming and scanning techniques to quickly locate information about innovations and challenges associated with driverless cars in the text.

Tip 3: Pay attention to detail, especially when questions involve true/false or fill-in-the-blank formats, as they require precise knowledge from the passage.

Tip 4: Develop the skill of identifying the writer’s perspective on new technologies to better understand and answer questions about the implications of these advancements.

Tip 5: Stay updated on current affairs and technological trends, as IELTS reading passages often reflect contemporary issues and innovations.


Akansha Semwal is a content marketer at upGrad and has also worked as a social media marketer & sub-editor. Experienced in creating impressive Statement of Purpose, Essays, and LOR, she knows how to captivate the attention of Admissions Committee. Her research-driven;study-abroad articles helps aspirants to make the prudent decision. She holds a bachelor's & master's degree in Literature from the University of Delhi.

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Driverless Cars: Reading Answers & PDF

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IELTS Academic Test – Passage 02: Driverless Cars reading with answers explanation, location and pdf. This reading paragraph has been taken from our huge collection of Academic & General Training (GT) Reading practice test PDF’s.

Driverless Cars reading answers pdf

Driverless Cars

The automotive sector is well used to adapting to automation in manufacturing. The implementation of robotic car manufacture from the 1970s onwards led to significant cost savings and improvements in the reliability and flexibility of vehicle mass production. A new challenge to vehicle production is now on the horizon and, again, it comes from automation. However, this time it is not to do with the manufacturing process, but with the vehicles themselves.

Research projects on vehicle automation are not new. Vehicles with limited self-driving capabilities have been around for more than 50 years, resulting in significant contributions towards driver assistance systems. But since Google announced in 2010 that it had been trialling self-driving cars on the streets of California, progress in this field has quickly gathered pace.

There are many reasons why technology is advancing so fast. One frequently cited motive is safety; indeed, research at the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory has demonstrated that more than 90 percent of road collisions involve human error as a contributory factor, and it is the primary cause in the vast majority. Automation may help to reduce the incidence of this.

Another aim is to free the time people spend driving for other purposes. If the vehicle can do some or all of the driving, it may be possible to be productive, to socialise or simply to relax while automation systems have responsibility for safe control of the vehicle. If the vehicle can do the driving, those who are challenged by existing mobility models – such as older or disabled travellers – may be able to enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy.

Beyond these direct benefits, we can consider the wider implications for transport and society, and how manufacturing processes might need to respond as a result. At present, the average car spends more than 90 percent of its life parked. Automation means that initiatives for car-sharing become much more viable, particularly in urban areas with significant travel demand. If a significant proportion of the population choose to use shared automated vehicles, mobility demand can be met by far fewer vehicles.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology investigated automated mobility in Singapore, finding that fewer than 30 percent of the vehicles currently used would be required if fully automated car sharing could be implemented. If this is the case, it might mean that we need to manufacture far fewer vehicles to meet demand. However, the number of trips being taken would probably increase, partly because empty vehicles would have to be moved from one customer to the next.

Modelling work by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute suggests automated vehicles might reduce vehicle ownership by 43 percent, but that vehicles’ average annual mileage double as a result. As a consequence, each vehicle would be used more intensively, and might need replacing sooner. This faster rate of turnover may mean that vehicle production will not necessarily decrease

Automation may prompt other changes in vehicle manufacture. If we move to a model where consumers are tending not to own a single vehicle but to purchase access to a range of vehicle through a mobility provider, drivers will have the freedom to select one that best suits their needs for a particular journey, rather than making a compromise across all their requirements.

Since, for most of the time, most of the seats in most cars are unoccupied, this may boost production of a smaller, more efficient range of vehicles that suit the needs of individuals. Specialised vehicles may then be available for exceptional journeys, such as going on a family camping trip or helping a son or daughter move to university.

There are a number of hurdles to overcome in delivering automated vehicles to our roads. These include the technical difficulties in ensuring that the vehicle works reliably in the infinite range of traffic, weather and road situations it might encounter; the regulatory challenges in understanding how liability and enforcement might change when drivers are no longer essential for vehicle operation; and the societal changes that may be required for communities to trust and accept automated vehicles as being a valuable part of the mobility landscape.

It’s clear that there are many challenges that need to be addressed but, through robust and targeted research, these can most probably be conquered within the next 10 years. Mobility will change in such potentially significant ways and in association with so many other technological developments, such as telepresence and virtual reality, that it is hard to make concrete predictions about the future. However, one thing is certain: change is coming, and the need to be flexible in response to this will be vital for those involved in manufacturing the vehicles that will deliver future mobility.

Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs,  A-G .

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter,  A-G , in boxes  14-18  on your answer sheet.

14 .   reference to the amount of time when a car is not in use

15 .   mention of several advantages of driverless vehicles for individual road-users

16 .   reference to the opportunity of choosing the most appropriate vehicle for each trip

17 .   an estimate of how long it will take to overcome a number of problems

18 .   a suggestion that the use of driverless cars may have no effect on the number of vehicles manufactured

Questions 19-22

Complete the summary below.

Choose  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes  19-22  on your answer sheet.

The impact of driverless cars

Figures from the Transport Research Laboratory indicate that most motor accidents are partly due to  19 ……………………., so the introduction of driverless vehicles will result in greater safety. In addition to the direct benefits of automation, it may bring other advantages. For example, schemes for  20 ………………………. will be more workable, especially in towns and cities, resulting in fewer cars on the road.

According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, there could be a 43 percent drop in  21 …………………….. of cars. However, this would mean that the yearly  22 …………………….. of each car would, on average, be twice as high as it currently is. this would lead to a higher turnover of vehicles, and therefore no reduction in automotive manufacturing.

Questions 23 and 24

Choose  TWO  letters,  A-E .

Write the correct letters in boxes  23  and  24  on your answer sheet.

Which TWO benefits of automated vehicles does the writer mention?

A )   Car travellers could enjoy considerable cost savings.

B )   It would be easier to find parking spaces in urban areas.

C )   Travellers could spend journeys doing something other than driving.

D )   People who find driving physically difficult could travel independently.

E )  A reduction in the number of cars would mean a reduction in pollution.

Questions 25 and 26

Write the correct letters in boxes  25  and  26  on your answer sheet.

Which TWO challenges to automated vehicle development does the writer mention?

A )   making sure the general public has confidence in automated vehicles

B )   managing the pace of transition from conventional to automated vehicles

C )   deciding how to compensate professional drivers who become redundant

D )   setting up the infrastructure to make roads suitable for automated vehicles

E )   getting automated vehicles to adapt to various different driving conditions







Answers with Explanation

Check out Driverless Cars reading answers below with explanations and locations given in the text.

19. human error

20. car (-) sharing

21. ownership

22. mileage

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driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts


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Have fun writing and stay hungry for knowledge !

I have been writing consistently at least 2 essays a week for the past 3 and a half years. Much as I enjoy writing, I love showing my work to the world. And I don’t just write for the sake of Writing. I, instead, write strictly TIMED essays you will most likely expect in the IELTS. Bare in mind that the TIMER is your true friend, and this makes time abundance your foe. Always time yourself 1 hour for a FULL test or 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2. Remember to tackle the question(s) without any pre-reading since this element of surprise of having a random question thrown right into your face is what IELTS Writing is all about. These under-exam-condition essays, no matter how shitty they turn out to be, are indicative of your TRUE level of English, of what you could reasonably do in a real test, and also a foundation on which you can build up and keep refining your skills. And finally, you can take advice from me as someone who has, countless times, pulled off an 8.0 in Writing. Have fun reading and stay hungry for knowledge. Ngoc.

driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts

Driverless Vehicles

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In the future, all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

The future will likely see all cars, buses, and trucks automated, while passengers will be the only ones travelling inside these vehicles. Despite marginal socio-economic drawbacks, I would argue that this development is on the whole a positive in terms of users’ safety and comfort. 

Critics of this trend cite numerous downsides of a paradigm shift towards self-driving vehicles. For society at large, there would be surging unemployment rates due to drivers being made redundant .  The reason for this is that drivers will likely be, at least partially, replaced by sophisticated algorithms incorporated in self-driving vehicles. Another compelling reason is the exorbitant   cost of owning and maintaining autonomous vehicles. Cars, buses, and trucks operated by artificial intelligence are likely costlier compared to their human-controlled counterparts due to a variety of underlying expenses, such as regular software updates, potentially greater power consumption, and more intricate battery maintenance.

Nonetheless, I believe that driverless technology is overall advantageous. The primary reason is that autopilot vehicles are designed with safety at their core to eliminate human-caused accidents. Most computer-driven vehicles, with their sophisticated built-in technologies, are capable of analysing road conditions to avoid obstacles and, therefore, reduce the likelihood of human errors prompted by bad behaviours, such as driving while intoxicated .  Furthermore, the convenience of commuters brought about by autonomous automobiles is self-evident. With such technology at their disposal, passengers can commute to work and visit various places without having to worry about obtaining a driver’s license or recruiting a personal driver.

In conclusion, I believe that the convenience and safety of driverless vehicles surpass the disadvantages related to costs and job losses. Therefore, it is advisable for governments, businesses, and individuals to embrace this innovation.

Essay Breakdown


[1] The future will likely see all cars, buses, and trucks automated, while passengers will be the only ones travelling inside these vehicles. [2] Despite marginal socio-economic drawbacks [2.1], I would argue that this development is on the whole a positive in terms of users’ safety and comfort [2.2].

1. Write a general statement to rephrase the topic. 

2. Write a clear statement showing your opinion

2.1 Clearly state the drawbacks of the given topic 

2.2 Assert a clear personal opinion to explain why you support the positive side of this statement.

Paragraph 1

[1] Critics of this trend cite numerous downsides of a paradigm shift towards self-driving vehicles. [2] For society at large, there would be surging unemployment rates due to drivers being made redundant .  [3] The reason for this is that drivers will likely be, at least partially, replaced by sophisticated algorithms incorporated in self-driving vehicles. [4] Another compelling reason is the  exorbitant  cost of owning and maintaining autonomous vehicles. [5] Cars, buses, and trucks  operated by  artificial intelligence are likely costlier compared to their human-controlled counterparts due to a variety of underlying expenses, such as regular software updates, potentially greater power consumption, and more intricate battery maintenance.

1. Write a clear topic sentence citing the main idea – the downsides of a paradigm shift towards self-driving cars . 

2. Display the first downside regarding the social aspect with a particular hypothetical circumstance.

3. Develop the mentioned idea with a supporting point. 

4. Display the second downside regarding the exorbitant cost of owning and maintaining autonomous vehicles. 

5. Give a clear example to support the second-mentioned idea.

Paragraph 2

[1] Nonetheless, I believe that driverless technology is overall advantageous. [2] The primary reason is that autopilot vehicles are designed with safety at their core to eliminate human-caused accidents. [3] Most computer-driven vehicles, with their sophisticated built-in technologies, are capable of analysing road conditions to avoid obstacles and reduce the likelihood of human errors prompted by bad behaviours, such as driving while intoxicated .  [4] Furthermore, the convenience of commuters brought about by autonomous automobiles is self-evident. [5] With such technology at their disposal, passengers can commute to work and visit various places without having to worry about obtaining a driver’s license or recruiting a personal driver. 

1. Write a new topic sentence with your own main opinion – driverless technology is overall advantageous. 

2. Explain your new main idea with a clear viewpoint 🡪 autopilot vehicles are safer 🡪 they help to reduce car accidents. 

3. Develop the mentioned idea with specific details or examples

4. Display your second idea related to the advantages of driverless technology 

5. Conclude with specific details or examples (this example is related to the first subject) 

[1] In conclusion, I believe that the convenience and safety of driverless vehicles surpass the disadvantages related to costs and job losses. [2] Therefore, it is advisable for governments, businesses, and individuals to embrace this innovation.

1. Conclude and state personal opinions one more time.

2. Extend the viewpoints and link them with relative social phenomena.

The future will likely see all cars, buses, and trucks automated, while passengers will be the only ones travelling inside these vehicles. Despite marginal socio-economic drawbacks , I would argue that this development is on the whole a positive in terms of users’ safety and comfort. 

Critics of this trend cite numerous downsides of a  paradigm   shift towards self-driving vehicles. For society at large , there would be surging unemployment rates due to drivers being made   redundant.  The reason for this is that drivers will likely be, at least partially , replaced by  sophisticated algorithms incorporated in self-driving vehicles. Another compelling reason is the  exorbitant cost of owning and maintaining autonomous vehicles. Cars, buses, and trucks  operated by  artificial intelligence are likely costlier compared to their human-controlled counterparts due to a variety of underlying expenses, such as regular software updates, potentially greater power consumption, and more intricate battery maintenance.

Nonetheless, I believe that driverless technology is overall advantageous . The primary reason is that autopilot vehicles are designed with safety at their core to eliminate human-caused accidents. Most computer-driven vehicles, with their sophisticated built-in technologies, are capable of analysing road conditions to avoid obstacles and, therefore, reduce the likelihood of human errors  prompted   by bad behaviours, such as driving while   intoxicated.  Furthermore, the convenience of commuters brought about by autonomous automobiles is self-evident . With such technology at their disposal , passengers can commute to work and visit various places without having to worry about obtaining a driver’s license or recruiting a personal driver. 

In conclusion, I believe that the convenience and safety of driverless vehicles surpass the disadvantages related to costs and job losses. Therefore, it is advisable for governments, businesses, and individuals to  embrace  this innovation .

  • socio-economic drawbacks: disadvantages relating to society and economics 
  • on the whole: in general 
  • cite (v): to mention something as a reason or an example, or in order to support what you are saying
  • downside (n): the disadvantages 
  • a paradigm   shift: a fundamental change 
  • society at large: society on the whole
  • to be made redundant: without a job because there is no more work available for you in a company
  • at least partially: partly
  • sophisticated (adj): (of a machine, system, etc.) clever and complicated in the way that it works or is presented
  • incorporate   in: to include in 
  • exorbitant cost: high cost/ expensive cost 
  • costlier (adj): more expensive than 
  • human-controlled (adj): controlled by humans
  • overall advantageous (adj): on the whole beneficial 
  • eliminate (v): to remove 
  • prompt   by: to cause something to happen
  • (driving while) intoxicated (adjective): ( driving while) under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • self-evident (adj): obvious and needing no further proof or explanation
  • at your/somebody’s disposal: available for use as you prefer/somebody prefers 
  • surpass (v): to do or be better than somebody/something
  • advisable (adj): sensible and a good idea in order to achieve something
  • to embrace (v): to accept 

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Writing Task 2: In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless

Write about the following topic:

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least  250  words. 

Sample Answer 1: [View: Advantages outweigh the disadvantages]

With the rapid technological development, driverless vehicles are becoming a reality, and within a couple of decades, all cars will run without the intervention of a human driver. I personally believe that driverless cars will bring far more benefits than the possible drawbacks they have.

To begin with the drawbacks, driverless cars pose some risks, including accidents and casualties, should the technology malfunction. Since the vehicles would be run and controlled by software and technology, the risk of devastating accidents due to bugs or hacking could not be eliminated. It will make us more susceptible to hackers and software glitches. An accident, in which a woman died, caused by a driverless car while still in beta mode, caused a great uproar a few years ago. Moreover, not all roads, especially those in poor nations with ditches, holes and insufficient road signals, are suitable for those automated cars to run smoothly.

However, technology-made mistakes are astronomically fewer than man-made blunders when it comes to road safety and casualties, and this is where driverless automobiles can make a significant improvement. Though we point out a single accident made by a driverless car, human drivers are responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of casualties each day all around the world. With the introduction of automated cars, accidents would reduce remarkably making roads safer for all. On top of that, millions of hours could be saved each day since we would no longer need to sit behind the wheel. It will increase our productivity and boost the national economy. 

In conclusion, driverless vehicles have many great benefits including road safety and economic benefits, and it is expected that we could eliminate the software related issues to reap the maximum benefits of this marvellous technology.

Sample Answer 2:[View: Advantages do not outweigh the disadvantages]

Driverless cars, thanks to the phenomenal development of technology, are no longer fiction, but a reality, and it is expected that most vehicles will be autonomous in the future. Despite both benefits and demerits, the writer of this essay does think that the advantages of driverless vehicles do not outweigh the disadvantages. 

One of the major advantages of driverless vehicles is that they reduce the number of accidents on the road. Such cars provide better traffic efficiency since the driverless vehicles can travel efficiently at an optimized and safe distance from each other by communicating among themselves in real-time, on the road, and by telling which routes to take. It reduces accidents and casualties to a great extent.

However, the systems or the technologies, used to operate driverless vehicles, can malfunction or stop working at any time, without any prior notice. And, if that happens, an autonomous vehicle could actually put the passengers in more danger than if a human driver was driving it. Besides, self-driving cars lack the ability to make judgments among multiple unfavourable scenarios and outcomes. For example, let’s say that a self-driving car had to face a situation with only two possible options: one is to veer to the left and strike a pedestrian, and the other one is to turn to the right and hit a tree, potentially injuring the passengers inside the vehicle. Now, since both options are undesirable, which option would the driverless car choose? The Moral Machine, developed by a group at MIT in the USA, is seeking to address this critical issue by collecting data on real-life people’s decisions, but the data collected, so far, shows broad differences amongst different groups of people, making it very difficult to programme any definitive answer for autonomous cars. Thus autonomous cars are good to have but are not great to ride in!

So, based on the discussion above, we can fairly conclude that the shortcomings of driverless automobiles outweigh their possible benefits.

  • writing task 2

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driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts

Driverless Cars Reading Ielts Answers and Questions

The Blog post contains the following IELTS Reading Questions :

  • IELTS Reading Locating Information
  • IELTS Reading True/False/Not Given
  • IELTS Reading Summary Completion

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IELTS Reading passage 3 –  Driverless Cars

driverless car advantages and disadvantages essay ielts

Driverless Cars

The automotive industry is very used to adapting to automating manufacturing. From the 1970s the implementation of robotic car manufacture brought significant cost savings and improvements in the reliability and flexibility of mass production of vehicles. There is a new challenge to vehicle production on the horizon again and it comes from automation. But, this time it has nothing to do with the process of manufacturing, but with the vehicles themselves.

Vehicle automation research is not new. For more than 50 years, vehicles with limited self-driving capabilities have been around, which contributed significantly towards driver assistance systems. Progress in this field has quickly gathered pace since Google announced that it had been trialling self-driving cars on the streets of California in 2010. 

Technology is advancing so fast due to many reasons. The biggest reason is safety. UK’s Transport Research Laboratory’s Research has shown that more than 90% of road collisions occur due to human error, and it is the biggest cause of road accidents. Automating driving may help to reduce the occurrence of this.

Another reason is to reduce the time people use for driving and make use of it for other purposes. It may be possible to socialise, be productive or relax if the vehicle can do some or all of the driving, while automation systems have all the responsibility for your safety. Those who are old or disabled may be able to travel alone if the vehicle can do the driving.

We can look at the wider implications for transport and society apart from these direct benefits, and how manufacturing processes might need to change as a result. At present, the average car spends its life parked for more than 90% of its life. Initiatives for car-sharing become more possible through automation, especially in cities with more demand for vehicles. Mobility demand can be met by far fewer vehicles if a significant proportion of the population chooses to use shared automated vehicles.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology investigated automated mobility in Singapore, and found that less than 30% of the vehicles used presently would be needed if automated car-sharing could be fully implemented. In that case, it can mean that we may need to produce far lesser vehicles to meet the demand. The number of trips being taken may increase, because empty vehicles would have to be moved from one customer to the next.

Modelling work at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute indicates that automated vehicles might reduce ownership of vehicles by 43%, but as a result the average annual mileage of vehicles doubles. As a result, the vehicles would be used more frequently and will require  replacement sooner. Due to this fast turnover the vehicle production may not necessarily decrease.

Automation may bring some other modifications in the manufacture of vehicles. If we move to a model where consumers don’t own any vehicles but will get access to different vehicles through a mobility provider, drivers will choose to select the vehicle that best suits their needs for a particular journey, rather than compromising on all their requirements.

Since, most of the seats in most cars are unoccupied most of the time, it can increase the development of smaller and efficient vehicles that match the needs of individuals. For going on exceptional journeys like a family trip or to help children move to a university specialised vehicles may be made available. 

We should overcome many obstacles before delivering automated vehicles to our roads. These include the technical difficulties in making sure that the vehicle are reliable in traffic, different climate, and multiple road situations it might experience; the regulatory challenges in understanding how liability and enforcement might need to change when drivers are not needed; and the societal changes that is to be brought in communities to accept and trust automated vehicles as being a valuable part of the mobility landscape.

There is no doubt that many challenges need to be taken care of but, through targeted and robust research, these problems can be solved in the next 10 years. In the coming years mobility will change in many ways and will be associated with so many other technological developments, such as telepresence and virtual reality, which is difficult to make proper predictions. However, one thing is clear: change is for sure, and the flexibility to respond to this will be essential for those involved in manufacturing the vehicles that will implement future mobility. 

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Driverless Cars IELTS Reading questions

Questions 1-5

This reading passage has eleven paragraphs, A–K.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A – K, as your answer to each question.

1. Google announced that it had been trialling self-driving cars on the streets of California in 2010. 

2. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute indicates that automated vehicles might reduce ownership of vehicles by 43%.

3. Automation can increase the development of smaller and efficient vehicles that match the needs of individuals.

4. Those who are old or disabled may be able to travel alone if the vehicle can do the driving.

5.  Vehicles would be used more frequently and will require replacement sooner resulting in fast turnover the vehicle production may not necessarily decrease.

Questions 6-9

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

TRUE                if the statement agrees with the informationF

ALSE               if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN     if there is no information on this in the passage

6. Safety is the biggest reason for driverless car technology advancement.

7. The average car spends its life parked for more than 90% of its life. 

8. Modelling work at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute indicates that automated vehicles might increase ownership of vehicles.

9.  The flexibility to respond to this will be essential for those involved in manufacturing the vehicles that will implement future mobility. 

Enhance your skills in identifying information as True, False, or Not Given . Click here to discover expert strategies and techniques for mastering this question type in the IELTS Reading section.

Questions 10-14

Complete the summary below.

Write the answer in  NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS  for each answer.

From the 1970s the implementation of 10_______ manufacture brought significant cost savings and improvements in the reliability and flexibility of mass production of vehicles.For more than 50 years, vehicles with limited 11________ capabilities have been around, which contributed significantly towards driver assistance systems. More than 90% of road collisions occur due to human error, and it is the biggest cause of 12________. Automating driving may help to reduce the occurrence of this. One thing is clear: change is for sure, and the 13______ to respond to this will be essential for those involved in manufacturing the vehicles that will implement future mobility. There is no doubt that many challenges need to be taken care of but, through targeted and 14________, these problems can be solved in the next 10 years. 

Driverless Cars Reading Answers

1. Paragraph B

2. Paragraph G

3. Paragraph I

4. Paragraph D

5. Paragraph G

10. robotic car

11. Self-driving

12. road accidents

13. flexibility

14. robust research

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It will be better if driverless cars are widely used IELTS Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

It will be better for society and individuals if driverless cars are widely used. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

It is argued that the widespread use of autonomous vehicles is a boon for the community and people. This essay totally agrees with this statement because self-driving cars improve safety and productivity, facilitate leisure pursuits, decrease traffic jams and harmful emissions as well.

Adopting autonomous vehicles will enhance safety to a great extent. At present, the substantial majority of accidents are taken place by human error; but this would be entirely eliminated because these vehicles use laser radar, infrared radar, as well as cameras, sophisticated motion sensors, extremely accurate GPS (global positioning system), and complex algorithms in a system whereby all automobiles are automatically updated on the presence of other automobiles. This will mean that incidents like the destruction of drunk driving, impaired driving, unbelted vehicle occupants, distraction and speeding become a matter of the past, thus saving hundreds of thousands of lives every year. Elon Musk of Tesla Motors, for example, makes a formal announcement that its ‘Auto Pilot’ system has logged over 20 million miles with just one accident. ielts-essay.com

Apart from safety, driver-less automated cars will offer more spare time, improved productivity. In simple words, without the need to drive, individuals will be able to be more productive while travelling by car in lieu of keeping their eyes on the street all the time. For instance, the ability to do tasks in the car on the way to work can enhance personal productivity. Or, they will be able to unwind in the car after work instead of waiting to get home to do it. Besides, the technology these vehicles use would make certain that they optimize their routes to avoid traffic congestion, which would not just save time for the working population but cut emissions caused by idling engines. According to a study conducted by Mckinsey, for example, when driverless vehicles take over the roads, people around the world will save a combined one billion hours to do with as they want.

In conclusion, automated vehicles will obviously be a real blessing for both society and individuals because they guarantee better safety, offer more leisure time, enhance productivity as well as reduce traffic congestion and toxic emissions. IELTS- essay.com

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    Writing Task 2: In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. 389. By IELTS Resource. Write about the following topic: In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

  18. In the future all cars will be driverless

    In the future all cars will be driverless - Band 6.5 IELTS model essay. All public transportation systems, including vehicles, buses, and trucks, will be driverless in the future, when passengers will be able to ride as passengers. In my perspective, the advantages of automated cars may exceed their disadvantages.

  19. IELTS essay Advantages and disadvantages of driverless vehicle

    has both advantages and disadvantages. This is our point of view how we will accept it. Driverless. sound like an impossible thing to us. we can assume if this happens it will be the greatest achievement of science. A driverless. will save our time. The accident rate will be lower as the. and safe to travel.

  20. Driverless Cars Reading Ielts Answers and Questions

    6. Safety is the biggest reason for driverless car technology advancement. 7. The average car spends its life parked for more than 90% of its life. 8. Modelling work at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute indicates that automated vehicles might increase ownership of vehicles. 9.

  21. PDF Driverless cars: Academic Reading Passage 2

    Driverless cars: Academic Reading Passage 2 direct benefits of automation, it may bring other advantages. For example, schemes for2 0 . ca r-s h a r i n g will be more workable, especially in towns and cities, resulting in fewer cars on the road. According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, there could be a 43 percent

  22. Better if driverless cars are widely used IELTS Essay

    Model Answer: It is argued that the widespread use of autonomous vehicles is a boon for the community and people. This essay totally agrees with this statement because self-driving cars improve safety and productivity, facilitate leisure pursuits, decrease traffic jams and harmful emissions as well. Adopting autonomous vehicles will enhance ...

  23. IELTS Essay # 1227

    Model Answer 1: (Advantages outweigh the Disadvantages) The growing number of cars on the roads and reckless driving are the major causes of increasing road accidents these days. Therefore, many people, as well as some politicians, express their view that repetitive driving tests, and not just one test to get and renew the licence, should be in place.